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SONA 2015

For the sixth and final time, President Benigno "PNoy" Aquino III delivered a State of the Nation
Address on Monday, July 25, 2015, at Batasan Complex, Quezon City, in front of senators,
congressmen, his Cabinet, members of the press, business leaders, diplomats and other very
The President's final SONA, which marked the opening of the Congress, started at exactly
4:00PM and ended after 2 hours. It earned several rounds of applause from an audience
composed lawmakers, government officials, local and international media, dignitaries and other
important personalites.
President Aquino started his Sixth SONA by issuing an apology that the traditional processional
walks was not made because he was not feeling well during this time. The President then
acknowledge the presence of his fellow politicians and members of the congress and the
diplomatic corps including the past presidents.
Blaming the Previous Administration:
President Aquino once again blamed the previous administration of former President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo mentioning the problems he inherited during his earlier days as President
such as the NBN ZTE Deal, Hello Garci controversy, questionable bank accounts of Jose Pidal,
Maguindanao Massacre, MWSS Bonuses and the NFA anomalies.
Highlighting the Achievement of His Cabinet Members:
The President applauded the members of his Cabinet for an excellent jobs as members of his
Daang Matuwid program. He showcased the achievements of his administration in transportation
and communications, tax/revenue, labor and wages, international relations, education, budget
and finance, peace, social welfare, justice, calamity and disaster preparedness, national security,
economy, infrastructure, governance and reform.
Pres. Aquino lauded Commissioner Kim Henares for her tax reforms mentioning the 380 cases
filed against tax evaders. The collections of the BIR also went up to P1.3 trillion and this year
2015, the BIR collection went up to P1.5 trillion.
Manufacturing & Unemployment:
Pres. Aquino stated that theres a 3% average growth in the manufacturing sector from 20012009 but under his administration from 2010 to 2014, the manufacturing sector grew by 8%. The
unemployment rate of the Philippines also dropped to 6.8% last year and considered as the
lowest ever recorded in a decade.
4Ps and the Education Sector:
Pres. Aquino highlighted the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4Ps which now have 4.4
million beneficiaries from 786,523 in 2010. In 2008, there were 2.9 million out of school youth
in the country. In 2013, only 1.2 million out of school youth remained.
On education sector, PNoy said that Alternative Learning System helped to ensure that even
indigenous peoples and street children are not left behind. The requirements for the K to 12
programs backlogs of 66,800 classrooms, 145,827 teachers, 73.9 million textbooks already
For TESDA program of the government, studies show that 71.9% [of TESDA graduates] found
employment right away, compared to the 28.5% recorded before.
Health and Social Welfare:
Around 89.4 million Filipinos are already member of the Philhealth program of the national
government and beginning in 2014, the poorest 40 percent of the population were treated in
public hospitals for free.
In social welfare, PNoy said that in the Sitio Electrification program, 25,257 sitios out of 32,441
were served.
Aviation & Transportation Sector:

In aviation, ICAO lifted the safety concerns it imposed to the Philippines in 2013. The EU Air
Safety Committee lifted the travel ban in all local carriers.
For the unresolved problem on Metro Rail Transit (MRT), Aquino said plans of purchasing of
new MRT train coaches.
Armed Forces of the Philippines:
In the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) modernization, the government has plan to buy 2
more C-130. There will be additional 6 landing craft utilities and 3 C-295 medium lift transport.
President Aquino mentioned the PNPs project such as their Capability Enhancement Program of
which 2,523 patrol jeeps and 577 utility vehicles were purchased.
Important Bills and Legislations:
Pres. PNoy wish to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law and his interest on the controversial AntiDynasty Law which received the loudest applause from SONA expectators.
When he mentioned his interest on Anti-Dynasty Law, it received the loudest applause from
SONA expectators. Panahon na para ipasa ang isang Anti-Dynasty Law.
PNoy also thanked Congress and Senate for other bills and acts such as Philippine Competition
Law, Sin Tax Reform Act and Responsible Parenthood Act.
The president also thanked officials of the government for their contributions, sacrifice and
wellspring of inspiration to the nation. He lauded Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar
Roxas for his contributions to Daang Matuwid.
At the end of his speech, the President went into valedictory mode as he thanked almost
everybody, including PSGs, members of his Cabinet, Congress, anonymous bloggers, members
Zooming in at presidential candidates VP Binay, Senator Grace Poe and Interior Secretary Mar
Roxas, the President urged that the gains of country under his administration must be continued
and sustained by the next head of the country.
In my opinion, President PNoy rightly delivered a fitting summary of what his administration has
done to the country. He had to use previous administration's scandals so that the blunders it
incurred will not be repeated.
It's also commendable that he admitted his shortcomings, courageously taking a swipe at the
Vice President, and putting priority in the Anti-Dynasty bill
I feel bad, however, that he skipped some of the most important things that needs to be tackled
such as the Freedom of Information bill, the botch Mamasapano operation, MRT problems and
even defending Secretary Jun Abaya about it.
It is hoped that in his final year, President PNoy Aquino will end his presidency on a high note
by fulfilling things he had promised, and really doing his best in listening and taking care of the
needs of the masses, and not just use it to promote his candidate for the next election.

Drug addiction is a problem that has been increasing immensely among our society today. Drug
addictions can only hinder or restrain us from accomplishing goals or dreams in life. People
sometimes feel they are too bright, too powerful, too much in control to become addictive.
Addiction can trap anyone. It can lead to harming ones body, causing problems in family
structure, and contribute to the delinquency in society. The sooner people seek help for drug
addiction problems, the more chances they have of gaining control of their life once again.
However, abstinence is the safest way to live a longer and healthier life.

We are greatly influenced by the people around us. Today one of the number one reasons of
teenage drug usage is peer pressure. Peer pressure represents social influences that affect us. It
can have a positive or a negative effect, depending on what path one follows. There is direct and
indirect pressure that might influence a persons decision in using drugs. Direct pressure might
be when a person is offered to try drugs. Indirect pressure might be when a person is around
people using drugs and sees that there is nothing wrong with using drugs. Adolescents who use
drugs seek out peers who also use and, in turn, are influenced by those peers (Berndt, 1992). A
person might also try drugs just to fit in a social group, even if the person had no intentions of
using drugs. Adolescents can try out different roles and observe the reactions of their friends to
their behavior and their appearance (Berndt, 1992). One might do it just to be considered cool
by the group.
There are also other reasons why people might turn to using drugs. Emotional distress, such as
personal or family problems, having low self-esteem, like loosing a close one, loosing a job, or
having no friends, and environmental stress are all possible factors to causing one to use drugs.
Drug addiction is a deadly disease. It is a progressive illness whose ends are always the same,
jails, institutions and death. There is no cure for addiction, if an addict stops using drugs the
disease can arrested and recovery is then possible. While many people associate recovery from
drug addiction with the personal failure of drug addiction, it is true that recovery from drug
addiction is a success because it provides spiritual growth to spiritually bankrupt addicts, invokes
the use spiritual principles in society, it provides tools for healthy relationships. Recovery is
experienced through a twelve step program that produces a spiritual awakening. Drug addicts in
active addiction in a state of existence associated with an impending feeling of doom, covering
lies with more lies and spending enormous amounts of energy looking for ways and means to get
more drugs. This renders an addict spiritually bankrupt. Spiritually bankrupt addicts act out on
behaviors such as stealing and lying and often they commit suicide. Twelve step program gives
spiritual growth by helping the addict recognize the unmanageability of their life due to their
drug use, coming to believe that a power greater then themselves could restore them to sanity,
and making decision to turn their will over to that higher power. Writing a fearless moral
inventory, admitting the nature of their wrongs, raising their conscience of these defects gives the
addict an honest and thorough look at themselves. Asking the higher power to remove these
defects, becoming ready and willing to make amends where needed, making amends unless it
would cause damage to others or themselves is where the healing from spiritual bankruptcy
happens. Taking a personal inventory and admitting their wrongs on a daily bases, seeking their
higher powers will for their life, and spreading the message of hope and practicing the spiritual
principals learned in all their affairs is how their lives remain manageable. Recovery invokes
spiritual principles in society by being implemented in an addicts everyday life. Spiritual
principles such as honesty and willingness are the foundation of recovery and can also greatly
affect the dynamics of a society. Addicts not in recovery live a life full of unmanageability and
self-destructive character defects. As an act of gratitude, a wonderful spiritual principle, many
recovering addicts do service work in the form of H&I, where they take panels into institutions
where people cant get outside to here the message of hope, or hear about the freedom from
active addiction that recovery provides. When an addict stops using drugs and starts the recovery
process of working the twelve steps, the addict learns not to act out on character defects and selfcenteredness, and starts to act on spiritual principles that make life enriching and fulfilling, then
healthy relationships are a possibility. Addicts in recovery start to build healthy relationships
through doing their step work with a sponsor. As they seek and receive guidance, they start to
build a friendship, which is based on trust, a spiritual principle that is necessary on some degree
fro any kind of relationship. Addicts in recovery also start to build a relationship with themselves
based on honesty and open mindedness. All through out the recovery an addicts view of
themselves changes, through daily inventory of ones self to sharing your story with others,
spiritual principles such as humility and honesty give you a healthy concept of yourself. While
many people may associate recovery with the personal failure of becoming a drug addict it is a

success. The personal role of recovery from drug addiction is a success because we learn how to
become spiritually fulfilled by growing and learning how to use the spiritual principles in all
matters of life, large or small. We have found purpose in the meaningful and healthy
relationships we engage in today, and no longer suffer from the pains of being spiritually
bankrupt. Today life has meaning for millions of people just like me and I am truly grateful!
Historically, alcohol and drug dependency was viewed as a sin or a disease. In recent decades, it
has been thought to be a maladaptive behavior patterns (Thombs, 1999). I believe that its a
combination of three things: A disease in which people learn to act in immoral ways (Thombs,
1999). A drug is any chemical agent that affects biological function (Thombs, 1999). Some act in
the brain, others in organs, and some in several parts of the body at the same time. A
psychotropic drug is one that acts in the brain to alter mood, thought process, or behavior.
Addictive drugs are defined by the fact that they are self-administered, without medical
prescription: repeatedly, compulsively, and even self-destructively (Cohen 1989). Drugs have
been classified into seven different families and each affects a different part of the brain. In the
past, drug addiction was viewed as a morally reprehensive behavior that addicts could control if
only they made the effort. Today, it is argued that drug addictions are in many ways like
infectious diseases; some people are infected, but not everyone ( There are
differing degrees of immunity. Susceptibility depends typically on a complex set of genetic and
environmental factors, ethnicity, degree of crowding / lack of sanitation, and primarily new users
transmit the behavior to their peers. What is Addiction? Millions of Americans have been trapped
by a vicious, biologic phenomenon called addiction. No sane person ever started out intending to
become an addict, yet millions of our neighbors are either addicted to chemicals today or may
have spent years trying to free themselves from this insidious cycle. Addiction is neither bad
nor good.
Many people do not understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. It can be
wrongfully assumed that drug abusers lack moral principles or willpower and that they could
stop using drugs simply by choosing to change their behavior. In reality, drug addiction is a
complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions. In fact, because drugs change the
brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse, quitting is difficult, even for those who are
ready to do so. Through scientific advances, we know more about how drugs work in the brain
than ever, and we also know that drug addiction can be successfully treated to help people stop
abusing drugs and lead productive lives. Today, thanks to science, our views and responses to
drug abuse has changed dramatically. Groundbreaking discoveries about the brain have
revolutionized our understanding of drug addiction, enabling us to respond effectively to the
problem, (Volkow). Addiction is a developmental disease that begins in infancy and
adolescence and is influenced by a combination of factors involving genes, environment, and an
individuals age at first drug use. The genes that people are born with in combination
environmental influences of their addiction defenselessness. To addition that, gender, ethnicity,
and the mental disorders may influence risk for drug abuse and addiction. Scientists estimate
that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 percent of a persons vulnerability to
addiction, including the effects of environment on gene expression and function. Adolescents and
individuals with mental disorders are at greater risk of drug abuse and addiction than the general
population, (Volkow). Few weakness genes have been found for alcohol dependence and
nicotine addiction.

Bagyong Egay
No casualties reported as of 8AM.
A total of four (4) landslide incidents in Palawan, Benguet, and Apayao and eight
(8) flooding incidents in La Union, Palawan and Apayao were reported due to STS
As of 9:00 PM, 05 July 2015, a total of 508 passengers, 58 vessels, and 31 motor
bancas are still stranded in ports in Regions II, IV-A, IV-B, V, and VII , due to rough sea
conditions caused by STS EGAY.
A total of eighteen (18)road sections and one (1) bridge are closed to traffic due to
landslide, rockslide, flashflood, and overflowing of river in the provinces of La Union,
Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Benguet, Kalinga, and Apayao.
At 10:00AM, 05 July 2015, Power interruption is experienced in the municipalities of
Bacnotan, San Gabriel, Santol, Luna, Bangar, Sudipen, San Juan, all in La Union and in
some parts of Sugpon, lIocos Sur.
At 3:07 PM, 05 July 2015, power outage is also experienced in the municipalities of
Labrador, SuaI, Alaminos, Mabini, Burgos, Dasol, Infanta, Agno, Bani, Anda, and
Bolinao, all in Pangasinan.
A total of forty-one (41) areas in Benguet and almost half of Baguio City are
experiencing power interruption as of 05 July 2015, 3:00 PM
A total of twenty (20) domestic flights were cancelled due TS EGAY.
As of 06 July 2015,6:00 AM, classes in the following areas of Regions I, IV-A, NCR,
and CAR are suspended due to the effects of STS EGAY:
o Pateros
o Malabon City
o San Fernando, La Union
o Bauang, La Union
o Ilocos Sur
o Alaminos, Pangasinan
o Cavite
o Calatagan, Batangas
o Abra
o Benguet including Baguio City
Preparedness Measures and Disaster Response
Alert status at the NDRRMC Operations Center was raised to Blue Alert Status effective
03 July 2015, 6:00 PM, to continuously monitor and ensure dissemination of Weather
Advisories, 24-hour Public Weather Forecasts, Gale Warnings, and General Flood
Advisories to all RDRRMCs/OCDRCs through SMS, facsimile, and websites for further
dissemination to their respective Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Councils (LDRRMCs) from the provincial down to the municipal levels.
Directed Regions I, II, II I, IV-B, VI, VII, and CAR to intensify their monitoring
activities, preparedness measures, and precautionary initiatives to ensure safety of

communities from the forecasted enhanced rains and threats brought about the tropical
Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Meeting was conducted on 03 July 2015, 12:00
NN, presided by the NDRRMC Executive Director and Office of Civil Defense (OCD)
Administrator together with the PDRA Core Group at the NDRRMC Operations Center,
Camp General Aguinaldo, Quezon City.
Sent message to Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National
Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to
send Detailed Duty Officers to render duty at the NDRRMC Operations Center effective
03 July 2015, 6:00 PM.
Continuously monitors the situation and disseminates Weather Bulletins, Gale Warnings,
General Flood Advisories, and 24-hour Public Weather Forecast.
Continuous monitoring of installed Automatic Rain Gauges (ARGs), Water Level
Monitoring Stations (WLMS) and Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) to ensure that
they send data every 10-15 minutes.
On Code Red Alert to directly coordinate with RDRRMC I in monitoring TS
EGAY related incidents.
Activated four (4) provincial DOH offices Operations Center to directly coordinate
with concerned local DRRMCs and local units for needed assistance.
Alerted Cluster Heads of DOH RO I Public Health Team ready for deployment and
provis ion of technical assistance and logistics.
Prepositioned a total of P 461,512.71 worth of assorted drugs and medicines to
Provincial DOH offices (PDOHOs):
o llocos Sur P 102,955.77
o llocos Norte P 128,106 .42
o Pangasinan P 102,714.92
o La Union P 127,735.60
Activated their operations center and prepositioned drugs and medicines to the five (5)
Provincial DOH Offices (PDOHOs) amounting to P100,000.00 each.
Placed development management officers on standby
Notified retained hospitals in anticipation for any eventualities
Coordinated with RDRRMCs line agencies
Conducted inventory and preparation of drugs, medicines, and supplies amounting to
P8,081 ,029.62.
Continuously coordinates and actively monitors all PDOHOs and Health Emergency
Management Staff (HEMS) focal persons for any untoward incident.
Prepositioned assorted drugs and medicines in PDOHOs.
Ongoing inventory of medical supplies.
Alerted all LGUs along path of Severe Tropical Storm EGAY. As of 11 AM, 5 July, 5
provinces are under CHARLIE in regions I, II and CAR; 4 provinces under BRAVO in
regions II and CAR; and 6 provinces under ALPHA in regions I, II, III and CAR.

Advised concerned LGUs to activate pre-disaster monitoring and directed LCEs to

comply with disaster preparedness protocols.
Disseminated information to concerned field offices and LGUs on the list of areas with
100 mm rain and are likely to experience floods and landslides.
Provided constant updates on weather alert/advisories and projected track to concerned
field offices.
As of 2PM, 5 July 2015, C/MLGOOs informed 623 LGUs of the weather alert with proof
of service in regions I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B, VI, NCR and CAR.
Issued a memorandum circular to Local Chief Executives (LCEs) including punong
barangays regarding the dissemination of weather bulletins and activation of their
respective LDRRMC operations center.
Issued directive to provincial directors and City/Municipal Local Government Operations
Officers (C/MLGOOs) to closely coordinate with their respective LCEs, fire marshals,
and police regarding situation in their AOR.
Alerted all DILG field officers.
Attended the PDRA meeting and sent a memorandum to all LDRRMCs/ Local
Government Units (LGUs) to raise their alert status and enforce their preparedness
Installed warning signs on affected road sections and waiting for floodwater to
Deployed equipment and personnel for clearing operation.
Activated all District Offices
Activated their MVUC (Motor Vehicle User Charge) workers and maintenance crew of
the Districts DRRM Teams to monitor the condition of national roads and bridges and
other infrastructure facilities.
Placed DRRM Team on alert.
Prepositioned road clearing equipment with manpower at critical areas.
Placed their operations center on alert.
Attended the PDRA meeting.
Alerted all District Engineering Offices (DEOs) and Disaster Task Groups.
As of 05 July 2015, the total standby funds in Regions I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI, NCR,
and CAR amounted to P32,826,244.01.
Stockpile of 288,540 family packs amounting to P99,373,388.27 and Food and NFls
amounting to Php171,513,975.15 in field offices in Regions I, II, III, IV-A, IV-B, V, VI,
NCR, CAR, and National Relief Operations Center (NROC) is available as of 05 July
Alerted the Quick Response Teams (QUARTs) and the Provincial Operations for
continuous monitoring and to closely coordinate with OCD Regional Office and
Provincial, City, and Municipal DRRMCs.
Prepositioned 13,500 family food packs (FFPs) on different satellite warehouses.

Placed the field offices Disaster Management and Reduction Teams (DMRTs), Social
Welfare and Development (SWAD) Team, and City/ Municipal Action Teams (C/MATs)
on standby.
Ensured the availability of one (1) heavy duty and seven (7) portable generators.
Prepositioned the food items in the Province of Batanes: 340 sacks of NFA rice, 55 boxes
of sardines, 95 boxes of meat loaf, 95 boxes of sausages, and 91 boxes of corned beef.
Prepositioned Family Food Packs in the following provinces:
1. Cagayan 3,840
2. Isabela 6,245
3. Quirino 2,600
4. Nueva Vizcaya 3,900
Alerted all SWAD Team staff and Quick Response Teams (QRTs) in their respective
Prepositioned relief goods to selected geographically isolated depressed areas in
Occidental and Oriental Mindoro, Palawan, Romblon, and Marinduque.
Placed their operations center on alert.
Prepositioned 24,398 family packs at the DSWO-CAR regional office.
Prepositioned 14,200 family food packs in othe provinces of CAR.
Alerted 18 Quick Action Response Teams (QUARTs) at the field office and in the
Advised all DRRM coordinators to closely monitor schools in flood and landslide
prone areas and advise to exercise appropriate precautionary measures.
Instructed all DRRM coordinators to immediately report any related hazards
experienced by schools.
Ensured the availability of buffer stock of planting material to replace damage crops in
OA Provincial Offices.
The Chief of Staff directed the Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM), Southern Luzon
Command (SOLCOM), and Joint Task Force NCR (JTF-NCR) to monitor the flood and
landslide prone areas for possible Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response
(HADR) operations.
Directed the th lnfantry Division (10) and 5 10 of the Philippine Army (PA), Naval
Forces Northern Luzon (NFNL) of the Philippine Navy (PN), and 1st Air Division (AD)
of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) to coordinate with the Regional and Local DRRMCs
for the preparation and other pre-emptive measures to be undertaken and alert the
Barangay Patro l T eam (BPT) and deploy HADR units and other humanitarian support
5th ID, 503rd IB, PA
Prepositioned resources to provincial disaster operations center.
Placed rescue teams and disaster response units on alert.
Issued warning order to all their units to be prepared.
Alerted the 5th Division Emergency Response team for possilble deployment.
5th ID 502nd IB, PA
OPLAN Lifeguard-Alpha is in affect.
Naval Force Northen Luzon (NFNL)
Upgraded to Red Alert.

Dispatched Philippine Navy DRRT Team 1 to Brgy. San Vicente, San Fernando
City, La Union.
Dispatched DRRT Team 1 to Manna Mall, San Fernando City, La Union to rescue 7
stranded families.
Dispatched DRRT Team 2 to Bacnotan, La Union.
56th Infantry Battalion (Baler, Aurora)
Placed four (4) platoons on standby alert for possible deployment.
Coordinated with R/LDRRMCs for the preparation and other preemptive measures
to be undertaken.
548 Engineering Combat Brigade
Deployed ORO Team at Bacnotan, La Union for Search, Rescue and Retrieval
Activated the Implementing Plan SAKLOLO 2014.
Activated Disaster Incident Management Task Group for possible deployment.
Prepositioned SRR equipment. All personnel and units in the affected areas were
deployed for rescue operations.
RPSB 1 SAR teams were deployed to La Union PDRRMC for rescue operations.
Issued a memorandum to all provincial and city directors and city/municipal police
offices to closely monitor their respective AORs and to advise residents in the low-lying
areas to be alert.
Prepositioned their disaster response teams particularly in the disaster-prone and lowlying areas in coordination with PDRRMCs.
Placed all PPOs and SCPO on standby.
Advised fishing boats and other small seacrafts not to venture out into the
Conducted clearing of drainage canal and cutting-off tree branches along municipal road
of Divilican, Isabela.
Alerted all PROs down to the lower units and continuously monitors their Area of
Responsibility (AOR).
Placed Search and Rescue (SAR) Team on standby alert for possible deployment.
PRO Cordilera
Placed their operations center on alert.
Placed SAR equipment and personnel at Police Provincial Offices (PPOs) on standby.
Attended the PDRA meeting and alerted all PPOs.
Alerted all Provincial and Municipal Police Stations to monitor all areas in the region
frequently visited by tourists.
Set-up communications systems (back-up) for continuous communication within the
Closely monitors their AOR and advised all operating units to be on heightened alert.
Ensured the availability of rescue equipment and fire trucks for possible rescue and
Encouraged all units to have close coordination with partner agencies and to conduct
information drive in their respective AOR.
Encouraged all fire stations to conduct pruning of trees along major roads.
Conducted inventory of rescue equipment.

Placed all personnel on standby alert for possible augmentation.
Advised all PCG units to ensure strict implementation of Headquarters PCG
Memorandum Circular Numbers 02-03 (Guidelines on Movement of Vessels during
Heavy Weather).
Coast Guard District Northwestern Luzon
Activated all district operations in AOR.
All Water. Search and Rescue (WASAR) Teams in AOR are alerted for possible response
Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog (CGDST) and Palawan (CGD Palawan)
Disseminated weather bulletin and gale warning to their respective stations and
Advised all coast guard stations and substations to ensure strict implementation of
Guidelines on the Movement of vessel during heavy weather.
Prohibited small seacraft from venturing out of the sea.
Even if there were no casualties, still many of areas affected had struggle especially with
baha and landslide. Massive implementation of better irrigation and programs of tree
planting is indeed important. Prevention is better than cure so better start something than wait
for another calamity and loses.

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