The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - Annotations

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Annotations

Chapter 1

Siblings Lucy, Susan, Edmund, and Peter sent out of London to

stay safe in WWII

They go to live with Professor and housekeeper Mrs. Macready
It rains and the children play around the house
After exploring many rooms they come to a room with nothing

but a wardrobe
Susan, Edmund, and Peter leave the room out of disinterest and

Lucy stays
She gets in the wardrobe to feel the fur coats and goes further
until she finds herself in a snowy land behind the wardrobe with

a lamppost in front of her

A faun sees her, he gets scared and drops everything and runs

Chapter 2

The fauns name is Mr. Tumnus and he asks Lucy if shes a

The land theyre in is Narnia and it goes from the lamp post all

the way to Cair Paravel on the east

Its been winter in Narnia for very long and Lucy wants to go back
Mr. Tumnus tells Lucy the way Narnia used to be and plays her a

She almost falls asleep and when she startles herself awake Mr.
Tumnus cries

He tells her that he is supposed to capture human kids and take

them to the White Witch if he ever sees them

Mr. Tumnus feels guilty and both agree he cant go through with

He takes Lucy back to the lamppost so she can go back in the

Chapter 3

Lucy runs out and assures them that shes back

The others don't believe her when she tells them what happens
She tries to show them the wardrobe but it seems to be an

ordinary wardrobe
Edmund makes fun of Lucy for the idea and he follows her into

the wardrobe to tease her more

Edmund is in Narnia and calls out Lucys name but she cant hear

He hears bells and reindeers come up to him with a pale woman

and she asks him what he is

The woman gets mad because he doesn't know who she is

Chapter 4

The queen asks if Edmund is a human and he says yes

She gets mad but then offers to have him sit with her
The queen gives Edmund a drink and Turkish delight while he

answers questions
Once Edmund finished the Turkish delight she promises him more

once he brings his siblings to her castle

The candy is enchanted

She also promises to raise her as her prince and eventually make

him king
Edmund has to trick his family into coming to the castle
Lucy and Edmund meet in Narnia and she tells them about the

white witch but he doesn't believe her

Lucy and Edmund go home but Edmund doesn't want to admit
he was wrong about the wardrobe

Chapter 5

Lucy tries to tell Peter and Susan her story was true but Edmund

denies it
Peter and Susan think Lucy is going crazy
They go to the professor about Lucy and he says shes either

lying, going crazy, or telling the truth

Lucy never lies, shes not crazy, so they have to assume shes

speaking truth
The kids arent supposed to be playing while Mrs. Macready is

giving tours of the house

One day shes giving a tour and the kids run to hide from her
The only room open is the one with the wardrobe so they hide in

Chapter 6

They go into Narnia

Peter and Susan find out that Edmund has been to Narnia before

and are disgusted with him

They all decide to see Mr. Tumnus

They get to his cave and its wrecked and abandoned with a

paper on the door stating his warrant for arrest

They all decide to stay and help rescue Mr. Tumnus
They follow a robin which is taking them to something
Edmund asks Peter why they should trust the robin and Mr.
Tumnus and if the White Witch is actually bad

Chapter 7

The kids come across a beaver and Lucy trusts it immediately

The beaver tells them they arent safe and takes them to a

hidden place and tells them to speak softly

The beaver shows them the handkerchief Lucy gave Mr. Tumnus

as a sign of trust
As they are on their way to have dinner Edmund notices the

location of where the White Witches castle is

They get to the beavers dam and eat dinner

Chapter 8

Mr. Beaver tells them that Mr. Tumnus was arrested and turned

into a statue
The kids find out who Aslan is and that hes back
They want to meet Aslan and they will at the Stone Table

They learn about the 2 sons and daughters of Adam and Eve

Edmund left to the white witch to betray them
They discover hes under the witches spell and are determined to

go to Aslan
They all leave right away

Chapter 9

Right after they talked about the stone table Edmund left
Edmund is greedy and wants more candy and to be prince
He chooses to believe that the White Witch isnt evil
He comes up to the courtyard of her castle and sees a lion turned
into stone and mistakes it for Aslan assuming shes already

defeated him
A wolf pounces him and demands to know who he is
Edmund tells him hes the son of adam and met the queen

The wolf if Fenris Ulf, the captain of the police and tells the

queen the news that his siblings are at the dam

The witch is furious that Edmund came without his siblings
He tells her where his siblings are and about Aslans Stone Table
She orders a sleigh to go spy on the kids

Chapter 10

The beavers and children walk all night long

Falling asleep they go to a secret cave so they can sleep for a

They awake hearing bells and are scared the witch has found

They walk out of the cave to see Father Christmas standing in

front of them
He gives everyone presents
Lucy gets a dagger and a bottle with magic potion that can cure

any illness/injury
Susan gets a bow and arrow set that almost never misses and a
horn that summons help from anywhere

Peter gets a sword and shield

Father Christmas tells them that these are only for defense
He gives all of them tea and milk and sugar and leaves

Chapter 11

Edmund didn't get anything he was promised from the Witch and

when he asks about it she orders him some bread

She orders Fenris Ulf to go kill anyone at the Beavers house
The witch stops on the journey bc of a Fox with other critters

having a feast
They tell her it was s gift from Father Christmas and she rages
They all turn to stone
Edmund feels bad
The snow in Narnia is melting and the sledge is stuck so they

The dwarf announces that Aslan is back and the Witch threatens
to kill him

Chapter 12

The children realize the witches power is getting weaker

They reach the stone table with a pavilion around it
They meet Aslan and are astounded
They ask how they can save Edmund and Aslan says it will be

Aslan shows Peter Cair Paravel and tells him that he will be High

King of it
Susan blows her horn and they run over to find a wolf attacking

Peter attacks the wolf with his sword and kills it
Aslan uses Peters sword to dub him as a knight

Chapter 13

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