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Fermat Prize

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The Fermat prize of mathematical research bi-annually rewards research works in elds where the contributions of Pierre de Fermat have been
Statements of variational principles
Foundations of probability and analytic geometry
Number theory.
The spirit of the prize is focused on rewarding the results of researches accessible to the greatest number of professional mathematicians within these
elds. The Fermat prize was created in 1989 and is awarded once every two years in Toulouse by the Institut de Mathmatiques de Toulouse. The
amount of the Fermat prize has been xed at 20,000 Euros for the twelfth edition (2011).


Previous prize winners

Junior Fermat Prize
External links

Previous prize winners

1989 Awarded jointly to Abbas Bahri for the introduction of new methods in the calculus of variations and to Kenneth Ribet for his contribution
to number theory and Fermat's Last Theorem.
1991 Awarded to Jean-Louis Colliot-Thlne for his work on number theory and rational manifolds the research for which was undertaken to a
large extent with Jean-Jacques Sansuc.
1993 Awarded to Jean-Michel Coron for his contributions to the study of variational problems and control theory.
1995 Awarded to Andrew Wiles for his works on the ShimuraTaniyamaWeil conjecture which resulted in the demonstration of the proof of
Fermat's Last Theorem.
1997 Awarded to Michel Talagrand for his fundamental contributions in various domains of probability.
1999 Awarded jointly to Fabrice Bthuel and Frdric Hlein for several important contributions to the theory of variational calculus, which

have consequences in Physics and Geometry.

2001 Awarded jointly to Richard Taylor for his various contributions to the study of links between Galois representations and automorphic forms
and to Wendelin Werner for his works on the intersection exponents of Brownian motion and their impact in theoretical Physics.
2003 Awarded to Luigi Ambrosio for his impressive contributions to the calculus of variations and geometric measure theory, and their link with
partial differential equations.
2005 Awarded jointly to Pierre Colmez for his contributions to the study of L-functions and p-adic Galois representations and to Jean-Franois
Le Gall for his contributions to the ne analysis of planar Brownian motions, his invention of the Brownian snake and its applications to the study
of non-linear partial differential equations.
2007 Awarded to Chandrashekhar Khare for his proof (with Jean-Pierre Wintenberger) of the Serre modularity conjecture in number theory.
2009 Awarded jointly to Elon Lindenstrauss for his contributions to ergodic theory and their applications in number theory; and to Cdric
Villani for his contributions to the theory of optimal transport and his studies of non-linear evolution equations.
2011 Awarded jointly to Manjul Bhargava for his work on various generalizations of the Davenport-Heilbronn estimates and for his recent
startling results (with Arul Shankar) on the average rank of elliptic curves; and to Igor Rodnianski for his fundamental contributions to the
studies of the equations of general relativity and to the propagation of the light on the space-time curves (in collaboration with Mihalis Dafermos,
Sergiu Klainerman, and Hans Lindblad).
2013 Awarded jointly to Camillo De Lellis for his fundamental contributions (in collaboration with Lszl Szkelyhidi) to the conjecture of
Onsager about dissipative solutions of the Euler-equations and for his work to the regularity of minimal surfaces; and to Martin Hairer for his
contributions to the analysis of stochastic partial differential equations, especially for the regularity of their solutions and convergence to the
2015 Awarded jointly to Laure Saint-Raymond for the development of asymptotic theories of partial differential equations, including the uid
limits of rareed ows, multiscale analysis in plasma physics equations and ocean modeling, and the derivation of the Boltzmann equation from
interacting particle systems; and to Peter Scholze for his invention of perfectoid spaces and their application to fundamental problems in algebraic
geometry and in the theory of automorphic forms.[1]

Junior Fermat Prize

The Junior Fermat Prize is a mathematical prize, awarded every two years to a student in the rst four years of university for a contribution to
mathematics. The amount of the prize is 2000 Euros.

1. Fermat Prize 2015 (

External links
Fermat Prize ofcial web site (
Junior Fermat Prize ofcial web site (
Annales de la facult des sciences de Toulouse (
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Categories: Mathematics awards Awards established in 1989 Variational principles Number theory
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