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Radiation Oncology
L. W. Brady, Philadelphia
H.-P. Heilmann, Hamburg
M. Molls, Munich





Branislav Jeremic (Ed.)

Advances in
Radiation Oncology
in Lung Cancer
With Contributions by
N. K. Aaronson K. S. Albain M. Anscher L. Arbea J. Aristu M. Bamberg P. V. Barber
C. P. Belani A. W. Blackstock J. A. Bonner P. A. Burt D. Bush F. A. Calvo F. Casas
M. Chaltin J. Chang Y. Chen L. C. Cho H. Choy J. D. Cox A. Dagovic W. De Gersem
W. De Neve M. Fujino S. M. Galbraith S. P. Gangadharan Y. Garces A. L. Grosu
S. M. Hahn M. Hara J. C. Haynes R. J. Hicks B. Jeremic M. D. Jeter R. Komaki P. A. Kvale
F. J. Lagerwaard H. Langendijk C. Le Pchoux J. Lester Z. Liao P. A. Linden
F. R. Macbeth M. Machtay M. P. MacManus L. B. Marks M. K. Martel N. E. Martin
K. A. Mason W. G. McKenna K. P. McMullen L. Milas K. Miller N. Mirkovic M. Molls
C. Nieder R. Onimaru H. Onishi R. Prosnitz S. Ramalingam T. E. Schultheiss
S. Senan T. D. Shafman W. Shi Y. Shibamoto H. Shirato D. W. Siemann M. J. Simoff
R. Stephens R. Stout D. J. Sugarbaker T. G. Sutedja E. Thompson K. Vandecasteele
N. Vin
olas Z. Vujaskovic M. Werner-Wasik X. Yu F. B. Zimmermann
Foreword by

L. W. Brady, H.-P. Heilmann, and M. Molls

With 89 Figures in 133 Separate Illustrations, 50 in Color and 85 Tables




Branislav Jeremic, MD, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 226
81657 Mnchen

Medical Radiology Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Series Editors: A. L. Baert L. W. Brady H.-P. Heilmann M. Molls K. Sartor
Continuation of Handbuch der medizinischen Radiologie
Encyclopedia of Medical Radiology
Library of Congress Control Number: 2004106356

ISBN 3-540-00522-6 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York

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This book is dedicated

To the memory of my late mother, Olga,
for initiating the spirit
To my father, Budimir,
for following a path of expression
To my wife, Aleksandra,
for endless love and sacrice
To my daughter, Marta,
for making everything worthwhile






The volume prepared by Dr. B. Jeremic represents a composite and detailed review of the
advances in the management of patients with cancer of the lung. Cancer of the lung is
one of the most common primary invasive malignancies seen in oncology practice. In the
United States in 2004, 173,770 new cases are anticipated, which represents about 12% of all
invasive cancers diagnosed during this time period. The advances in diagnostic technology
have more truly identied local versus regional versus distant presentations with more cases
being identied and diagnosed as having metastatic disease.
The advances in treatment regimens have had an important impact on survival, but there
has been no major or dramatic improvement in long-term survival in cancer of the lung over
the last 20 years in spite of more innovative treatment programs in radiation oncology, more
innovative treatment programs in medical oncology, the development of new drugs, as well
as the renement of surgical techniques in terms of management.
This volume clearly emphasizes the molecular biology and genetics of lung cancer, the
impact of angiogenesis in lung cancer, as well as contemporary issues in staging of lung
cancer. Basic treatment considerations are developed with regards to lung cancer surgery,
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, as well as combinations of surgery, radiation therapy, and
chemotherapy. Strategies in non-small cell cancer are discussed in great length including
radiation therapy alone, postoperative radiation therapy, as well as the potential for photodynamic therapy. In locally advanced non-small cell cancers of the lung, the impact of multimodal management is explored in detail and the case made for intraoperative electron beam
radiotherapy. The indications for intraluminal brachytherapy programs are also discussed.
The treatment of small cell lung cancer is dealt with emphasis on limited disease as well as
on the role of prophylactic cranial irradiation.
The volume covers the management of recurrent lung cancer, management in elderly
patients, and the advances in supportive and palliative care for lung cancer patients while
also considering the toxicities of the various treatment regimens being employed. Future
strategies in the management of lung cancer are dealt with in detail, pointing the way toward
new and innovative programs in practical management. The volume represents a hallmark
statement of the present status of the management of lung cancer.

Luther W. Brady
Hans-Peter Heilmann
Michael Molls






If you look at the map of the world and check the incidence rates of cancer, you will nd
lung cancer as one of the major health problems worldwide. This is irrespective of sex and
age, health care systems and current media reports. It is simply a fact that we sometimes
forget, but it always comes again as a reminder with every new patient worldwide. This
burden is present for decades and although there seems to be stagnation in males, plateau is
not reached in females yet. Even then, we would still have to deal with thousands of patients
suffering from the deadly disease.
And we deal with it with radiation therapy, a treatment modality being now older than
one-hundred years. During that period we have learnt how to fractionate the dose and
observe the effects both on tumors and normal tissues. We have also learnt how to combine
radiation therapy with other treatment modalities. With the time, we became increasingly
capable of documenting dose distribution and to build on computerised-driven technologies to image, verify and record. We also became capable of concentrating on progressively
smaller and smaller constituents; from the whole body to organs and tissues and from them
to cells and molecules. We use radiation biology and molecular oncology to provide necessary framework for the science of radiation oncology in lung cancer.
And this book is about it; what had been done and what is going on. But much more than
that, it is a book of what we have learnt from the past and how successfully we should incorporate it in our future endeavours, all having the same aim, better radiation oncology of lung
cancer patients.
I feel privileged of having a distinguished faculty joining me on this task. My dear colleagues who have devoted their professional lives to the ght of lung cancer have made substantial contribution to this eld in recent decades. Jointly we have built and steamed towards
the same: better understanding of biology and technology in radiation oncology of lung
cancer, ultimately ending up in a combination of these two which would lead us towards
better treatment for our patients.
I also feel I should thank all of my former and current colleagues with whom I have collaborated during last two decades in sometimes distant, but beautiful places. Their dedication to the cause and timeless efforts made my professional life interesting and rewarding,
always opening up new doors of cancer research.
I would also like to express my thanks to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn
for support since 1998 as well as to Bund deer Freunde of the Technical University Munich,
Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich for support in the year 2002-2003. Special thanks to Ms.
Ursula Davis, Mr. Kurt Teichmann and Ms. Chrstine Schaeffer for their kind and patient, yet
effective management of the whole process of preparing the book, without whom this book
would not have such fate, I am sure.

Branislav Jeremic






1 Pretreatment Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

Neil E. Martin, Stephen M. Hahn, and W. Gillies McKenna . . . . . . . . .

Angiogenesis in Lung Cancer

Dietmar W. Siemann, Susan M. Galbraith, and Wenyin Shi. . . . . . . . . .


Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

Frank B. Zimmermann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 Basic Treatment Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Lung Cancer Surgery

Sidhu P. Gangadharan, Philip A. Linden, and David J. Sugarbaker. . .


Radiation Therapy
2.2.1 Radiobiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours
Yuta Shibamoto and Masaki Hara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2.2 Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionation in the Treatment of

Lung Cancer
Melenda Jeter, Ritsuko Komaki, and James D. Cox . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2.3 Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

Mary K. Martel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2.4 Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Frank J. Lagerwaard and Suresh Senan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2.5 Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Yolanda Garces and James A. Bonner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
2.2.6 Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of
Lung Cancer
Ritsuko Komaki, Joe Chang, Zhongxing Liao, James D. Cox,
K.A. Mason, and Luka Milas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists

Suresh Ramalingam and Chandra P. Belani. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135


Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Fundamentals and Preclinical Data

A. William Blackstock and Kevin P. McMullen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155



3 Current Treatment Strategies in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167


Early Stage in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

3.1.1 Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Branislav Jeremic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
3.1.2 Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
Jeffrey C. Haynes and Mitchell Machtay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
3.1.3 Photodynamic Therapy
Tom G. Sutedja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

3.2.1 Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Branislav Jeremic and Aleksandar Dagovic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
3.2.2 Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by
Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Nena Mirkovic and Kathy S. Albain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
3.2.3 Palliative External Beam Thoracic Radiotherapy
Jason Lester and Fergus R. Macbeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
3.2.4 Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer
Javier Aristu, Leire Arbea and Felipe A. Calvo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
3.2.5 Intraluminal Radiotherapy
Ron Stout, Paul A. Burt, and Philip V. Barber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

4 Treatment of Small-Cell Lung Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275


Limited Disease of Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Branislav Jeremic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277


Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Ccile Le Pchoux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

5 Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer

Branislav Jeremic and Michael Bamberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6 Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient
Branislav Jeremic and Michael Molls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
7 Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients
Michael J. Simoff and Paul A. Kvale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
8 Treatment-Related Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Hematological Toxicity in Lung Cancer

Francesc Casas and Nria Violas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339




Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

Timothy D. Shafman, Xiaoli Yu, Zjelko Vujaskovic, Mitchell
Anscher, Keith Miller, Robert Prosnitz, and Lawrence B. Marks . . 351


Spinal Cord
Timothy E. Schultheiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367


Radiation Therapyy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus

Maria Werner-Wasik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373


Brain Toxicity
Carsten Nieder and Anca Ligia Grosu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

9 Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

Hans Langendijk and Neil K. Aaronson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
10 Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer
Frank B. Zimmermann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
11 Future Strategies in Lung Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer

Wilfried De Neve, Marie Chaltin, K. Vandecasteele,
and Werner De Gersem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423


Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy

Hiroki Shirato, Rikiya Onimaru, Masaharu Fujino,
and Hiroki Onishi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435


Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for

Radiation Oncologists
L. Chinsoo Cho and Hak Choy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447


PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment of

Lung Cancer
Michael P. Mac Manus and Rodney J. Hicks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461


Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer

David Bush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473


Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

Yuhchyau Chen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481

12 Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials

Richard Stephens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
13. New Directions in the Evaluation and Presentation of Clinical Research
in Lung Cancer
Elinor Thompson and Fergus Macbeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
List of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517



Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

Pretreatment Considerations


Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

1.1 Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

Neil E. Martin, Stephen M. Hahn, and W. Gillies McKenna


Introduction 3
Basics of Genetics and Molecular Biology
Self-Sufcient Growth Signaling 5
Insensitivity to Antigrowth Signals 6
Evasion of Programmed Cell Death 7
Limitless Replicative Potential 8
Sustained Angiogenesis 8
Tissue Invasion and Metastasis 9
Genetic Alterations in the
Progression of Lung Cancer 9
1.1.10 Therapeutic Targets 9
1.1.11 Conclusion 10
References 10

Lung cancer has come to be known as a genetic disease characterized by numerous molecular abnormalities occurring in a stepwise fashion. While a full
understanding of these molecular changes and their
interactions remains a formidable challenge, extensive research has produced a useful foundation upon
which to build knowledge of both the disease and
potential therapies. A framework has been proposed
by Hanahan and Weinberg (2000) that functionally
categorizes the molecular defects into the following
hallmarks of cancer: (a) self-sufciency in growth
signals, (b) insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals,

N. E. Martin, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine, 3400 Spruce Street, 2 Donner, Philadelphia,
PA 19104, USA
S. M. Hahn, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 3400 Spruce
St., 2 Donner, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
W. G. McKenna, MD, PhD
Chairman and Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 3400 Spruce
St., 2 Donner, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

(c) evasion of programmed cell death, (d) limitless

replicative potential, (e) sustained angiogenesis, and
(f) tissue invasion and metastasis. This framework
will be used to organize the material presented in
this chapter.

Basics of Genetics and Molecular Biology
Understanding oncology requires an integrated
knowledge of the basics of molecular biology and
genetics. While a general overview is provided here,
more detailed descriptions should be sought in genetics textbooks. The central dogma of molecular
biology holds that cellular genetic information ows
from DNA which undergoes replication, to RNA by
the process of transcription and nally to proteins
by the process of translation (Crick 1958). All of
these steps are highly coordinated into a sequence
of events known as the cell cycle. Of importance
in lung cancer are alterations in the structure and
transcription of DNA and subsequent disruption of
critical processes associated with the cell cycle.
DNA is a linear polymer of the four bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T)
which dene the genetic code. These bases, which
differ in their ring structure, are attached to an invariant backbone of deoxyribose sugars connected
by phosphodiester bonds. Two strands of DNA hybridize to form a double helix through hydrogen
bonding between bases, A to T and G to C (Watson
and Crick 1953). The double stranded DNA associates with accessory proteins such as histones which
package the long polymer into a stable form called
chromatin (Laskey and Earnshaw 1980). For the
processes of replication and transcription to take
place, the DNA must rst be uncoiled from the histones to allow the appropriate molecular machinery
to bind.
Genes, the most basic unit of inheritance, are coded
by DNA. The linear sequence of the bases, in sets of

three, dene each amino acid to be translated and

hence, the structure of proteins. While there are over
three billion base pairs in the human genome, only
approximately 1%2% are coding, resulting in an
estimated 30,00040,000 genes (Lander et al. 2001).
The structure of genes can be simplied conceptually
into two components, a coding region and a promoter
region. The promoter is a section of DNA upstream
of the coding region which, in concert with other enhancer and silencing regions of DNA and numerous
associated proteins, controls gene transcription. This
regulation depends on a number of factors including
cell type, extracellular signals, and stresses.
A particularly important method by which gene
transcription is regulated in cancer is methylation
of the promoter region leading to gene silencing
(Herman and Baylin 2003). In this process, termed
epigenetics, a cytosine that precedes a guanosine
(CpG dinucleotide) in the DNA sequence is methylated. While this can be a normal process utilized by
the cell to inhibit transcription, abnormal levels of
methyl cytosines have been observed in lung cancer
cells. This aberrant transcriptional inhibition appears to play a signicant role in disruption of tumor suppressor genes and can act as one or both hits
in Knudsons (1971) two-hit hypothesis. The actual
inhibition of transcription occurs as a result of the
complex interplay of histones and proteins binding
the methyl cytosines.
Another mechanism of gene alteration is inherited or de novo mutations in the DNA code. DNA

N. E. Martin et al.

is damaged from a variety of sources including inherent instability, exposure to environmental and
toxic stresses, and a natural limit to its replicative
accuracy, necessitating repair mechanisms to maintain genetic integrity. The responsible DNA repair
genes can be altered early in carcinogenesis leading to a greater propensity for mutations (Ronen
and Glickman 2001). Chromosomal rearrangements also alter genes and are frequently seen in
lung cancers. This process involves the exchange of
DNA from one chromosome to another and can lead
to abnormal gene activation or aberrant coding regions.
A target of many of the genetic changes noted
in lung cancer is the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the
discrete states through which cells must pass for
replication and is normally tightly regulated from
external and internal signaling. Lung cancer cells
frequently acquire genetic changes which disrupt
the normal balance of positive and negative signals
resulting in a variety of growth abnormalities. This
deregulation represents a fundamental change from
normal cells.
The Hanahan and Weinberg framework is helpful
in understanding how the current body of knowledge
regarding the molecular biology and genetics of lung
cancer t into the observed disease process. Many
of the abnormalities described below are outlined
in Fig. 1.1.1 and a summary of the different expression levels between lung cancer types is provided in
Table 1.1.1.

Fig. 1.1.1. Schematic model of the

molecular abnormalities in lung

Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

Table 1.1.1. Molecular Abnormalities in Lung Cancer

Frequency of
Abnormality (%)a


Growth Signals



Tumor Suppressor Genes

p16(INK4A) inactivation
3p deletions
FHIT inactivation
RASSF1A silencing






Replicative Potential





not reported

N-CAM, non-adhesive
Laminin-5 inactivation

not reported


See text for selected references

Self-Sucient Growth Signaling
In cancer, the tight growth control of normal cells is
lost, allowing for continuous proliferation. The regular
homeostasis is disrupted as cells acquire the ability to
both produce their own growth factors and increase
their sensitivity to exogenous ones. Key factors in
these paracrine and autocrine loops are encoded by
proto-oncogenes, many of which are activated in lung
cancer. Proto-oncogenes encode proteins important
for normal cell growth and are called oncogenes only
after becoming abnormally activated. This activation,
usually a result of point mutations or chromosomal
translocations, leads to gain-of-function effects for
the cell. Several well studied families of oncogenes
have been identied in lung cancer including RAS,
MYC, and ERB-B.
Ras: The RAS family of oncogenes, including H-,
K-, and N-RAS, encode a 21-kDa protein acting at the

cytoplasmic cell membrane as a guanosine-associated switch. The protein is associated with receptor
tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and plays a pivotal role in
transducing extracellular signals to numerous growth
signaling pathways. Ras is activated by binding guanosine triphosphate (GTP), a process accomplished
by associated proteins; hydrolysis of this GTP to guanosine diphosphate inactivates Ras. Once active, Ras
activates multiple effector molecules including components of the following pathways: Raf-MAPK, PI3KAkt, and Rac-Rho (Shields et al. 2000).
K-RAS is mutated in 25% of non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC), with rates highest in adenocarcinoma at 30%50%, and lowest in squamous cell at
0%5% (Graziano et al. 1999). The mutations in
K-RAS are usually in codons 12, 13, and 61 and have
been associated with frequent G-T transformations
linked to polycyclic hydrocarbons found in cigarette
smoke (Rodenhuis and Slebos 1992). While a common occurrence in NSCLC, mutations in RAS are not
seen in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) (Wistuba et
al. 2001). Although results have been mixed, K-RAS
mutational status appears to be related to prognosis
in NSCLC. Early studies found shortened diseasefree- and overall survival for patients with K-RAS
point mutations (Slebos et al. 1990). Subsequent
studies did not consistently nd this relationship but
on meta-analysis an increased risk of worsened 2year survival was noted (Huncharek et al. 1999). A
possible explanation for this relationship is that mutated RAS appears to confer treatment resistance to
cancer cells. Its role in chemotherapeutic resistance
is unclear but there is a growing body of evidence
showing the importance of the Ras pathway in radiation resistance. In vitro studies have demonstrated
increased radiation resistance in cell lines expressing
mutant RAS (Sklar 1988). Therapeutics have been
developed which inhibit the activation of Ras and
lead to reversal of radiation resistance in studies in
vivo (Cohen-Jonathan et al. 2000). The mechanism
for the radiation resistance is still unclear but may
relate to activation of signals downstream of Ras
such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) or Rho
(Lebowitz and Prendergast 1998).
Akt: Akt is a protein kinase downstream of PI3K
in a growth signaling pathway. It is activated by many
growth signals including insulin-like growth factor
(IGF) and Ras activation. Once activated, Akt plays
a role in progression through the cell cycle and cell
survival. Akt is inactivated by PTEN, a protein frequently mutated or epigenetically inhibited in lung
cancer (Soria et al. 2002). Akt is constitutively activated at high rates in both NSCLC (70%90%) and

SCLC (65%) and is associated with chemotherapeutic

and radiation resistance in SCLC cell lines (Kraus et
al. 2002).
Myc: The MYC oncogenes, c-, N-, and L-, encode
DNA-binding proteins associated with transcriptional regulation. The activity of the Myc protein is
regulated through homo- and heterodimerization
(Henriksson and Luscher 1996). When Myc is
bound to the protein Max for example, it activates
transcription of cell cycle checkpoint proteins such
as Cdc25A which promote cell replication (SantoniRugiu et al. 2000). Similarly, inhibition of Myc occurs through heterodimerization with proteins such
as Mad.
MYC activation occurs through dysregulated expression of the normal gene (Krystal et al. 1988).
Overexpression is seen in approximately 20%60%
of NSCLC and 30% of SCLC (Gazzeri et al. 1994).
In SCLC, Myc overexpression has been linked to cell
lines treated with chemotherapeutics suggesting a
response mechanism. Additionally, overexpression of
MYC is associated with worsened prognosis in SCLC
but not NSCLC. In vitro studies indicate that while vMyc expression alone does not affect radiation resistance, when coexpressed with H-Ras, there is synergistically increased radioresistance compared to Ras
expression alone (McKenna et al. 1990).
Receptor tyrosine kinases: The ERB-B family of
transmembrane RTKs include epidermal growth
factor receptor (EGFR or ERB-B1) and HER2/neu
(ERB-B2). When bound to ligands, these proteins
homo- or heterodimerize, becoming activated. The
downstream effectors of the receptors include Ras
and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) leading to various processes including cell growth and
proliferation. Ligands are produced exogenously as
well as from the cancer cells themselves, creating selfactivating loops.
Overexpression of EGFR is seen in 50% of NSCLC,
with the highest rate (80%) noted in squamous cell.
Higher expression appears to predict a slightly worsened survival for those with NSCLC (Meert et al.
2002). Increased expression of HER2/neu is seen in
30% of both NSCLC and SCLC and appears in both
cases to predict worsened survival (Meert et al. 2003;
Potti et al. 2002). The worsened prognosis may be a
result of chemotherapeutic resistance but this is still
unclear. EGFR is known to be an upstream regulator of the PI3K-Akt pathway, possibly through Ras,
and thus may play a role in radioresistance (Gupta
et al. 2002). Similarly, cells overexpressing HER2/neu
have been shown to be radioresistant (Pietras et al.

N. E. Martin et al.

Another RTK highly expressed (50%) in SCLC is

c-Kit. This receptor is frequently coexpressed with its
ligand, stem cell factor, leading to stimulated growth.
As with EGFR and HER2/neu, c-Kit represents a potential target for therapy.
Other factors: Neuropeptides act as both neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and
as endocrine factors in non-neurologic tissue. The
family of bombesin-like peptides includes gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and neuromedin B
(NMB). SCLC cells have been shown to synthesize
and secrete these factors which function in a complex system of neuropeptide induced cell growth
(Heasley 2001). Other growth factors such as IGF,
found to be elevated in ~90% of NSCLC and SCLC,
have been shown to play a role in carcinogenesis
and are associated with an increased risk of acquiring lung cancer (Yu et al. 1999). Interestingly,
overexpression of the IGF receptor has been shown
to induce radiation resistance in vitro (Macaulay
et al. 2001).

Insensitivity to Antigrowth Signals
The growth of normal cells is kept in check by antigrowth signals, many of which are encoded by tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). The loss of one allele
either through inheritance or damage and the second
through damage from mutation or epigenetics, leads
to complete loss of function of these factors. When
intact, many of the proteins encoded by these genes
exert their control through regulation of the cell cycle. The ability to evade the inherent checkpoints of
this system gives the cell the capacity to grow without inhibition. While important antigrowth pathways
such as p16(INK4A)-RB have been studied in lung
cancer, other TSGs and their roles are just beginning
to be evaluated.
RB: The RB1 gene located on chromosome
13q14.11 was identied initially in retinoblastoma
but has been subsequently identied in many human
cancers including lung. The RB protein plays a pivotal
role in inhibiting G1/S transition via the E2F family
of transcription factors. RB inhibits transcriptional
activation by binding E2F. As the cell progresses from
G1 to the S phase, RB becomes increasingly hyperphosphorylated in which state it disassociates from
the E2F. Once unbound, the E2F can induce transcription of genes necessary for normal DNA synthesis. Cyclin D-dependent kinases (Cdks) control

Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

phosphorylation of RB and are regulated by multiple

factors including Myc and E2F (Beier et al. 2000).
RB1 was one of the rst TSGs recognized in lung
cancer and loss of RB function allows dysregulated
advancement through the G1/S checkpoint. RB1 is
expressed abnormally in 15%30% of NSCLC and
>90% of SCLC but has not been associated with
prognosis (Shimizu et al. 1994). The loss of function
of this important factor can occur through chromosomal abnormalities, mutations, or inhibition of the
required disassociation from E2F.
p16(INK4A): The protein p16(INK4A), encoded by
the CDKN2A gene at 9p21, inhibits the Cdk4/6:cyclin
D complex essential in RB phosphorylation. When
inactivated, p16(INK4A) fails to inhibit E2F-induced
transcription in cells with wild-type RB function. Its
role in other cell cycle pathways, important when RB
is absent, shows similar inhibitory functions (Kaye
2002). Absent p16(INK4A) expression has been found
in 50%70% of NSCLC but less frequently in SCLC
(20%). The mechanisms for inactivation include
mutations and hypermethylation of the promoter.
When the data from RB1 and p16(INK4A) are taken
together, they suggests that RB inactivation occurs
in both types of lung cancer, through genetic loss in
SCLC and through p16(INK4A) loss in NSCLC. While
studies have not found that RB plays a signicant role
in radiation resistance, expression of p16(INK4A) in
vitro increased radiosensitivity in lung cancer cells
(Gao et al. 2001).
3p deletions: For TSGs to play a role in carcinogenesis, both alleles must be disrupted. Identication of
areas where one allele is already abnormal, termed
loss of heterozygosity (LOH), is a technique used to
identify potential TSGs. Detailed studies have identied the short arm of chromosome 3 (3p) as a frequent site of LOH in both SCLC (90%) and NSCLC
(70%) (Wistuba et al. 2000).
The fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene is located
at 3p14.2 and may be a TSG important in lung cancer.
While its exact role is still unclear, the FHIT protein
appears to bind diadenosine nucleotides and dimerize to form an active complex. In a large study, 73%
of NSCLC tumors were FHIT negative with highest
rates in squamous cell. Similarly high rates of SCLC
have FHIT mRNA abnormalities (Sozzi et al. 1996).
Lack of FHIT expression is twice as likely in smokers
compared to non-smokers and independently predicts worsened survival in NSCLC.
Another gene showing LOH on 3p is RASSF1A
which encodes a Ras binding protein. It is epigenetically silenced in 90% of SCLS and 50% of NSCLC. In
vitro studies have demonstrated that RASSF1A sup-

presses lung tumor growth and mutations in the gene

reverse this suppression (Protopopov et al. 2002).
Hypermethylation of CpG islands in the RASSF1A
gene has been associated with decreased survival in
the presence of mutated RAS. In addition to its possible role in Ras signaling pathways, RASSF1A has
been shown to cause cell cycle arrest through the RB
Other genes suggested to be TSGs through LOH
studies on 3p include: BLU, FOXP1, DDR1, and the
HYAL family (Zabarovsky et al. 2002). The specic
roles of many of these genes are still unclear but they
may represent potential future targets of therapy.

Evasion of Programmed Cell Death
The process of programmed cell death, apoptosis,
occurs in cells throughout the body in response to
various signals. This stereotyped process involves a
cascade of signals from cell surface receptors and
internal monitoring processes to effector proteins
which act on the mitochondria and nucleus to kill the
cell. Signals that induce apoptosis include activation
of oncogenes, DNA damage, absence of stromacell
and cellcell interactions, and hypoxia. Apoptosis
is important in cancer because the tumors rate of
growth is determined not only by the constituent
cells ability to replicate but also the attrition rate of
those same cells. In addition, the end result of many
cancer therapies is apoptosis and treatment resistant
cells have frequently developed mechanisms to evade
this fate.
p53: p53 is a central factor in the cellular response to
internal and external stresses in lung cancer (Robles
et al. 2002). It exerts its effects through several mechanisms including transcriptional activation, interaction with other signaling pathways and DNA repair.
The protein HDM2, which is under p53 transcriptional control, regulates p53 activity through degradation, creating an autoregulatory loop. Inhibition
of HDM2 occurs via the phosphorylation of p53 by
stress kinases or the binding of HDM2 by p14(ARF), a
protein upregulated by oncogenes such as MYC, RAS,
and E2F. The stress kinases respond to DNA damage
from ionizing radiation and other carcinogens. Once
activated, p53 homotetramerizes, allowing transcriptional activation of genes involved in apoptosis, cell
cycle arrest, and DNA repair. In addition to inducing
apoptosis through activation of genes such as BAX,
p53 can interact directly with DNA binding proteins

N. E. Martin et al.

which themselves induce cell death. DNA repair is

similarly controlled by expression of several genes,
GADD45 and p48(DDB2) among others, or direct
interaction with existing proteins. Finally, cell cycle
arrest at G1 occurs as a result of p53 inducing transcription of the p21(ARF) gene which encodes a cyclin inhibitory protein. Through these interrelated
pathways, TP53 acts as a TSG responding appropriately to various signals by repair, halting replication,
or apoptosis.
TP53 is mutated in both SCLS and NSCLC. The
majority of mutations are missense in the DNAbinding region of the protein. Because many of the
mutations are G-T transformations which have been
linked to tobacco smoke, smoking is believed to play
a causative role. The fact that the more smoking-related cancers, squamous cell carcinoma and SCLC,
have a signicantly higher rate of TP53 mutation,
50% and 60%75%, respectively, compared to adenocarcinoma (35%), supports this hypothesis (Olivier
et al. 2002). p53 overexpression or mutation has been
associated with worsened survival in NSCLC patients
(Mitsudomi et al. 2000). The mechanism for this remains unclear as p53s role in chemo- and radioresistance is still being evaluated. In vitro studies of lung
cancer cells have shown that mutations in specic regions of p53 can lead to radioresistance, but results of
similar studies have varied (Bergqvist et al. 2003).
BCL-2: The BCL-2 family of genes includes both
pro- and antiapoptotic factors. Bcl-2 itself inhibits
apoptosis and prolongs cell survival while Bax, Bad,
and Bak among others, enhance the death signals.
The exact mechanism of their action remains unknown but regulation occurs through homo- and
heterodimerization of family members. The ratio
of proapoptotic to antiapoptotic signals determines
how the cell responds to apoptotic signals. Bcl-2 has
been localized to the membranes of several cell organelles including mitochondria where it is believed
to play its regulatory role in apoptosis (Kroemer
The BCL-2 gene is overexpressed in the majority of SCLCs (71%) and to a lesser extent in NSCLC
(35%). The rate of upregulation varies from 32% in
squamous cell carcinoma to 61% in adenocarcinoma
(Martin et al. 2003). The role of Bcl-2 overexpression
in prognosis for lung cancer is unclear but meta-analysis has found an association with worsened survival
in NSCLC but no association in SCLC (Martin et al.
2003). Resistance to both chemo- and radiotherapy
has been noted in cells overexpressing Bcl-2, an observation which is believed to be a result of decreased
apoptotic response to the given therapy.

Limitless Replicative Potential
Normal cells are preprogrammed to be limited to a
nite number of possible replicative cycles independent of the intricate signaling pathways controlling
growth and apoptosis. The loss of 50100 bp of DNA
from the chromosomal ends, the telomere, during
each replication, is the mechanism for this barrier.
Progressive replications lead eventually to the loss
of protective segments of telomeric DNA causing genetic instability and cell death (Wong and Collins
2003). Malignant cells have almost invariantly become immortalized through mechanisms which add
DNA to the telomeric regions either with overexpression of the enzyme telomerase or increased chromosomal exchange to this region.
Between 80% and 100% of both SCLC and NSCLC
express telomerase (Hiyama et al. 1995). Although a
frequent occurrence in lung cancer, telomerase expression does not appear to independently predict prognosis. Inhibition of the enzyme activity has been associated with enhanced chemotherapy-induced apoptosis
in lung cancer cell lines (Misawa et al. 2002).

Sustained Angiogenesis
While this topic is covered in depth in Chap. 1.2,
a brief overview will be presented here. Most cells
require the presence of a capillary within 100 m
for requisite oxygen and nutritional support. The
normally tightly regulated process of angiogenesis
is necessarily disrupted in lung cancer allowing for
unfettered growth of tumors. This occurs by mechanisms including overexpression of angiogenic stimuli such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), as well as matrix
breakdown enzymes including the metalloproteinases (MMPs). VEGF is expressed in greater than 75%
of both SCLC and NSCLC and appears to portend a
worsened survival in both (Lantuejoul et al. 1998;
Lucchi et al. 2002). COX-2 is overexpressed in over
70% of NSCLC but not in SCLC (Wolff et al. 1998).
Inhibition of angiogenesis in vitro has been shown
to decrease hypoxia, and lead to radiation sensitivity
of lung cancer cells (Gorski et al. 1999).

Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lung Cancer

Tissue Invasion and Metastasis
The majority of cancer deaths are caused by metastases. The process of metastasis requires a variety of
steps from angiogenesis to invasion, embolization,
adherence, extravasation, and nally to proliferation
and further angiogenesis. Each of these steps requires
its own acquired traits. Due to the complexity of the
mechanisms underlying these numerous steps, the intricacies of the processes are only now beginning to be
elucidated. Under normal growth conditions, cells interact with their environment through either cellcell
adhesion molecules (CAMs) or laminins linking cells
to the extracellular matrix. Abnormalities in these
interactions have been found in lung cancer cells. NCAM, for example, is switched from an adhesive form
to a repulsive form in over 90% of SCLC (Lantuejoul
et al. 1998). This may help to explain the highly metastatic phenotype of SCLCs. The role of laminin expression is less clear. Laminins are proteins in the
basement membrane and disruption of their function
could lead to increased metastasis. Laminin-5 gene expression has been found to be reduced in both NSCLC
(20%60%) and SCLC (65%85%) as a result of frequent epigenetic inactivation (Sathyanarayana et
al. 2003). Other studies have found laminin-5 overexpression in NSCLC which was associated with shorter
patient survival (Moriya et al. 2001). Finally, some
of the alterations described in Sects. have
been shown to play a role in metastasis. Increased
c-Myc expression, for example, has been observed in
statistically signicantly higher numbers of NSCLC
patients with metastases as compared to those without (Volm et al. 1993). Akt also appears to play a role
as constitutive activation is associated with decreased
cell adhesion (Kraus et al. 2002).

Genetic Alterations in the Progression of
Lung Cancer
As Hanahan and Weinberg (2000) describe, the
actual order of molecular and genetic abnormalities that cancer cells accumulate to achieve the described hallmarks is likely highly variable. Accepting
this, lung cancer is somewhat unique among cancers
in that a signicant portion of the patients have a
well established carcinogenic exposure in the form
of tobacco smoke. Efforts have been made to try to
identify the relative appearance of the molecular ab-

normalities and to relate these to smoking (Osada

and Takahashi 2002).
The various 3p lesions described in Sect. 1.1.4 are
among the earliest abnormalities seen in the lung
cancer development of smokers. Loss of the gene encoding p16(INK4A) and p14(ARF) on 9p21, and gain
of telomerase expression are also noted early in lung
cancer (Yashima et al. 1997). Mutations in the RAS
gene may also be present in early lesions (Westra
et al. 1996). Enhanced angiogenesis is thought to be
a trait gained somewhat later in the cancer progression. As these characteristics accumulate, the tumor
cells obtain the often lethal ability to invade and metastasize.

Therapeutic Targets
The role of many of these molecular abnormalities as
targets for radiosensitization will be discussed in detail in Chap. 2.2.6, but their function as general therapeutic targets deserves mention. Inhibitors of the
ERB-B family of receptors including cetuximab and
getinib (EGFR) and trastuzumab (HER2/neu) have
been developed and tested in lung cancer. Clinical
studies in NSCLC have shown efcacy of cetuximab
when combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy but the
same has not been found with trastuzumab (Sridhar
et al. 2003). Getinib used as a single agent has shown
efcacy in patients with NSCLC who failed cisplatin
based therapy, but showed no benet in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy (Kris et al. 2002).
Imatinib was developed as an inhibitor of the c-Kit
receptor, but has not proven to be an effective therapy in a population of SCLC patients unscreened for
receptor expression (Johnson et al. 2003). Several
drugs that inhibit Ras activation, known as farnesyltransferase inhibitors, have been developed and
tested (Brunner et al. 2003). One of the more widely
tested, tipifarnib, has failed to demonstrate activity in
NSCLC as mono-therapy (Adjei et al. 2003). A drug,
avopiridol, has been developed which inhibits Cdk
activity and thus cell cycle progression. While no responses were observed using avopiridol in NSCLC
patients, disease stabilization was noted (Shapiro et
al. 2001). Inducement of apoptosis in lung cancer has
been attempted through several mechanisms including gene therapy replacing wild-type TP53, where
trials have shown only limited response in NSCLC
patients, and oligonucleotide inactivation of Bcl-2
showing disease stabilizing effects in SCLC. Finally,


angiogenesis remains a major target of antineoplastic

agents. Trials using VEGF inhibitors have suggested
an increase in survival in NSCLC (Johnson et al.
2001). This diverse and multifaceted eld of targeted
therapies, only supercially addressed here, continues to develop and expand.

The highly integrated and complex circuitry of cellular signaling taking place in lung cancer remains only
partially understood. Successful therapy will likely
require not only a global understanding of each of the
characteristics outlined here but also their interrelations. As a comprehensive view of these pathways is
developed, several signicant advances will likely be
realized: (a) the development of molecular signatures
for individual cancers that will guide therapeutic decision-making; (b) the continued discovery of molecular targets leading to the development of further
targeted therapies and; (c) potential cancer prevention through identication and treatment of abnormalities seen early in the carcinogenic process.

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Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer


1.2 Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer

Dietmar W. Siemann, Susan M. Galbraith, and Wenyin Shi


Introduction 13
Angiogenesis 13
Angiogenesis in Lung Cancer 14
Anti-angiogenic Therapy 18
Drugs That Block Angiogenic Factors 18
Inhibitors of VEGF and Its Receptors 18
Non-specic Agents 20
Drugs That Inhibit Endothelial Cell Function 21
Drugs That Block Breakdown
of Extracellular Matrix 21
Drugs That Target Survival Factors
of Neovessels 22
Vascular Disrupting Therapies 22
Conclusions 23
References 23

Lung cancer is a signicant public health problem
in the US and the world. It ranks as the second most
common cancer among both men and women in the
US, where an estimated 171,900 new cases of lung
cancer were diagnosed in 2003; a number representing approximately 13% of all new cancers diagnosed.
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancerrelated deaths, accounting for 157,200 deaths in 2003
(American Cancer Society 2003). Although the
incidence of lung cancer is now declining in men, the
incidence in women continues to increase (Weir et
al. 2003), probably due to changing smoking habits.
According to World Health Organization histologic classication schemes (World Health
D. W. Siemann, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Shands Cancer Center,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
S. M. Galbraith, MB BChir PhD
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Clinical Discovery,
Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA
W. Shi, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Shands Cancer Center,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA

Organization 1979), there are four primary pathological types of lung cancer: small-cell carcinoma,
squamous-cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and
large-cell carcinoma. However, for therapeutic purposes, lung cancer is generally divided into small-cell
lung cancer (SCLC) or non-small-cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). About 80% of patients present with NSCLC
(Weir et al. 2003).
Although prevention and early detection are critical to improving treatment outcomes, these have
proven difcult in lung cancer. A major reason is that
only approximately 15% of lung cancers are discovered while still localized. Local treatment for early
stage disease, particularly surgical interventions, can
improve patient survival, yet less than 50% of patients
are cured, principally due to the presence of undetected occult local or metastatic disease (Mountain
and Hermes 2003; Downey 1999). Radiotherapy and
chemotherapy typically are applied in more advanced
disease. Still, survival in patients with lung cancer
remains poor. The 5-year survival rate for all stages
combined is only 5%15% (Comis 2003; Richards
et al. 2000). The majority of patients die from disease
progression locally, at distant sites, or both.
Pathologic staging, which incorporates factors
such as tumor size and grade, nodal status, and presence or absence of distant metastases, provides the
best prediction of treatment outcome (Beadsmoore
and Screaton 2003; Mountain 2000). However, because the growth of primary tumors and metastases
is angiogenesis dependent (Folkman 1971, 2002), a
great deal of attention has recently been paid to the
role of this process not only in lung cancer formation,
progression, and prognosis, but also in the development of novel therapeutic strategies for this disease.

Angiogenesis is a process that allows the development and formation of new blood vessels from a pre-

D. W. Siemann et al.


existing vascular network. This process is complex

and involves multiple sequential, interactive steps
as well as a variety of cells, soluble factors and the
extracellular matrix. The sequential steps include:
degradation of basement membranes, migration and
proliferation of endothelial cells, lumen formation,
and stabilization of neovessels. Under physiological
circumstances, angiogenesis is a rare event in adults,
occurring almost exclusively in the female reproduction system (Folkman 1995; Risau 1997). It is
normally suppressed and observed only transiently.
However, angiogenesis can be activated in response
to tissue damage, and it is associated with a variety of
pathological conditions including cancer (Folkman
2002). While angiogenesis in itself is not sufcient for
continued tumor growth, its absence severely compromises or halts the expansion of a tumor cell population. Indeed, it is believed that tumors can not grow
to a size larger than a few cubic mm without initiating
the angiogenic process (Folkman 1971, 1975, 2002).
Furthermore, there is evidence that angiogenesis may
be present in pre-malignant lesions such as epithelial
dysplasia even prior to development of invasive cancer (Keith et al. 2000; Fontanini et al. 1999).
A balance of pro- and anti-angiogenic factors carefully regulates the angiogenic potential of endothelial
cells. While tightly controlled under normal physiological conditions, this rigid control is absent in
angiogenesis associated with tumors. Indeed, alterations of the expression and/or function of pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic molecules that disrupt the
normal balance appear to be responsible for tumor
angiogenesis. The regulatory factors involved may
mediate any one of a cascade of steps in the process
of angiogenesis. As a consequence, the characteristics of endothelial cells and associated perivascular
structures (pericytes, vascular smooth muscle cells)
can be dramatically altered.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the
most potent and specic growth factor for endothelial
cells.VEGF can increase vascular permeability, induce
endothelial cell proliferation and migration, activate
proteases for extra-cellular matrix degradation, and
inhibit apoptosis of endothelial cells (Senger et al.
1983; Connolly et al. 1989; Watanabe and Dvorak
1997; Ferrara 2002). VEGF is comprised of a family of ve isoforms which bind with high afnity to
tyrosine kinase associated receptors that are present
on endothelial cells (Ferrara et al. 2003). Another
class of endothelial cell specic molecules is the angiopoietin family. It includes at least four members
(angiopoietins 14) of which Ang-1 and Ang-2 are
best understood. Ang-1 binds to the specic recep-

tor Tie-2 and acts as an agonist that stimulates endothelial cell differentiation, stabilization, and vascular
remodeling (Papapetropoulos et al. 1999), whereas
Ang-2 binds to Tie-2 and blocks the binding of Ang-1
(Holash et al. 1999).
In addition, there are numerous nonspecic angiogenic growth factors that can also affect endothelial cells. These include platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF), basic broblast growth factor (bFGF/
FGF-2), acidic broblast growth factor (aFGF/FGF1), broblast growth factor-3 (FGF-3/int-2), broblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4/hst/K-FGF), hepatocyte
growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), transforming
growth factor- (TGF-), transforming growth factor- (TGF-), tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-),
granulocyte colony stimulating factor, interleukin8, pleiotropin and angiogenin, to name just a few
(Moore et al. 1998).
A growing number of endogenous anti-angiogenic factors have also been discovered. To date,
these include endostatin, angiostatin, vasostatin, interferon-,,, METH-1 and METH-2, antithrombin
III, and VEGF inhibitor (Kerbel 2000). These factors
possess great structural diversity and activity. Some
of the most notable, endostatin and angiostatin, are
cleavage fragments of proteins that normally lack
anti-angiogenic activity (OReilly et al. 1994, 1997).
Table 1.2.1 lists endogenous factors that stimulate
and inhibit angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis in Lung Cancer
The lungs are highly vascularized and highly dependent on intact vasculature for efcient function.
Endothelial cells lining the lumen surfaces of blood
vessels are not only a mechanical barrier but also
play an essential role in the regulation of blood ow,
vascular permeability, angiogenesis, and metastasis
(Tuder et al. 2001; Paku 1998). Endothelial cells from
normal and tumor tissues not only differ phenotypically but also in their gene expression proles (St.
Croix et al. 2000). Moreover, signicantly different
expression proles of angiogenic proteins have been
observed between different lung cancer types (Wong
et al. 2000; Yamashita et al. 1999).
Typically, angiogenesis in tumors has been assessed indirectly by determining intratumoral microvessel density (MVD). Blood vessels are usually
immunostained with a pan-endothelial marker, such
as factor VIII-related antigen, and counted (Guidi et

Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer


Table 1.2.1. Endogenous regulatory factors involved in angiogenesis

Pro-angiogenic factors

Anti-angiogenic factors

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A, B, C, D, E)

Placental growth factor
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)
Basic broblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF-2)
Acidic broblast growth factor (aFGF/FGF-1)
Fibroblast growth factor-3 (FGF-3/int-2)
Fibroblast growth factor-4 (FGF-4/hst/K-FGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor / Scatter factor (HGF/SF)
Transforming growth factor- (TGF-)
Transforming growth factor- (TGF-)
Tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-)
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
Prostaglandin E1 and E2
Thymidine phosphorylase (TP)-Platelet-derived endothelial
cell growth factor (PD-ECGF)

Thrombospondin-1 and internal fragment
Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor
Fragment of platelet factor-4
Derivative of prolactin
Proliferin-related protein
SPARC cleavage product
Osteopontin cleavage product
Interferon-, Interferon-
Antithrombin III fragment
Interferon-inducible protein-10
Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs)
Interleukin 1, 6, 12
VEGF soluble receptor

al. 1994). More recently, markers with an increased

ability to highlight the entire tumor vasculature
(CD31, CD34) have replaced factor VIII-related antigen as the most commonly used pan-endothelial
markers (Miettinen 1993; Hasan et al. 2002). An
international consensus on the methodology and
criteria for evaluation of MVD has been put forth
(Vermeulen et al. 1996). MVD is a measure of one
feature of the tumor vasculature, the density of blood
vessels in the regions of tumor with the highest concentration of blood vessels, referred to as hot spots.
While there is evidence, accumulated over the past
10 years, that correlates this parameter with angiogenic growth factor expression, tumor growth and
the occurrence of distant metastases (Weidner et al.
1993; Takahashi et al. 1995; Mattern et al. 1996;
McCulloch et al. 1995), there are important aspects
of the process of angiogenesis that MVD does not reect. For example, it does not measure the degree of
vascular heterogeneity across the tumor, or the functions of the microvasculature such as blood ow or
extent of tumor hypoxia.
Results from a number of clinical investigations
now have indicated that increased MVD is associated
with a poor prognosis. Indeed, MVD has been shown
to be an independent prognostic factor in a variety
of tumor types, including breast, bladder, ovarian,
prostatic, pancreatic, melanoma, colorectal, and gastric carcinoma (Toi et al. 1993; Dickinson et al. 1994;
Gadducci et al. 2003; Bono et al. 2002; Khan et al.

2002; Lee et al. 2002; Massi et al. 2002; Papamichael

2001; Tanigawa et al. 1996). Many studies also have
associated the peak vessel density as measured by
MVD with a poor prognosis in NSCLC (Macchiarini
et al. 1992; Yamazaki et al. 1994; Fontanini et al.
1995; Angeletti et al. 1996; Giatromanolaki
et al. 1996; Harpole et al. 1996; Kawaguchi et al.
1997; Fontanini et al. 1997; Matsuyama et al. 1998;
Duarte et al. 1998; Yuan et al. 2000; Cox et al. 2000;
OByrne et al. 2000; Dazzi et al. 1999). In addition,
the incidence of node involvement increased with
MVD, and MVD was an independent variable associated with lymph node metastasis (Fontanini et al.
1995). The role of MVD as a prognostic factor in locally advanced, completely resected NSCLC treated
with postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy
has also been reported (Angeletti et al. 1996). Since
SCLC is rarely treated by surgery, this disease has not
been as well studied. Still, despite the paucity of information in this class of tumors, it should be noted that
available data suggest a similar correlation between
MVD and prognosis for SCLC as has been reported in
NSCLC (Lucchi et al. 2002; Fontanini et al. 2002).
However, not all lung cancer investigations have
demonstrated relationships between vessel density
and outcome. For example, in several recent studies
MVD failed to be a predictor for survival in NSCLC
(Pastorino et al. 1997; Apolinario et al. 1997;
Chandrachud et al. 1997; Decaussin et al. 1999;
Macluskey et al. 2000). These apparently contradic-


tory results may arise from differences in staining

methods, tumor heterogeneity, and inter-observer
variability. Interestingly, in tumors with an alveolar
pattern, where there is little parenchymal destruction and alveolar septa are present, prognosis is worse
than in tumors showing an angiogenic pattern
(Pezzella et al. 1997). This suggests that some lung
cancers may be capable of utilizing the existing vascular bed and relying less on new vessel formation. In
this circumstance, MVD is unlikely to be of prognostic utility. Also, while in general MVD is an important
prognostic indicator, it has not yet been shown to be
a useful measure for assessment of anti-angiogenic
treatments (Hlatky et al. 2002). There are a number
of potential reasons for this. Firstly, determination of
treatment effect, rather than prediction of prognosis,
requires serial measurement. Generally, only small
samples of tumor can be obtained in a serial manner. Since MVD by denition measures the peak vessel density, use of small samples may affect accuracy
and it is technically difcult to sample similar areas
of tumor repeatedly. Secondly, while MVD reects
some aspects of the angiogenic process, it may not be
a measure of the relative dependence of a particular
tumor on angiogenesis, and changes in MVD do not
necessarily correlate with changes in tumor growth
The expression level of angiogenic factors, either
quantied within tumor tissue or after secretion into
body uids, provides another indirect measure of tumor angiogenesis. The latter approach is particularly
appealing as it provides a noninvasive means of investigating tumor angiogenic activity with potential
diagnostic and prognostic implications. A number
of such studies have been reported for lung cancer
In NSCLC a signicant role of increased VEGF and
a correlation of VEGF expression with poor prognosis were found (Mattern et al. 1996, 1997; Volm et
al. 1997a). VEGF receptor (KDR) expression by endothelial cells has also been associated with poor prognosis in NSCLC (Koukourakis et al. 2000). A similar
association between VEGF expression and poor prognosis also was reported in SCLC (Salven et al. 1998;
Ohta et al. 1996). In addition to determining tissue
and tumor VEGF protein and mRNA expression, it
is also possible to measure VEGF concentrations in
body uids. When this was done in lung cancer patients, serum or plasma VEGF levels were observed to
increase with tumor stage progression (Matsuyama
et al. 2000; Tamura et al. 2002; Takigawa et al. 1998).
Also, patients with elevated serum or plasma VEGF
levels at diagnosis had a poorer response to therapy

D. W. Siemann et al.

and worse survival (Salven et al. 1998; Tamura et

al. 2001). When measured in bronchoalveolar lavage uid, raised VEGF levels were noted in patients
with advanced NSCLC before and during treatment
(Beinert et al. 1999; Ohta et al. 2002). However, other
studies failed to nd a relationship between NSCLC
prognosis and serum VEGF level (Brattstrom et al.
1998). This is perhaps not surprising since there are
pitfalls in the measurement of circulating VEGF levels. For example, platelets contain a large amount of
VEGF, and depending on how samples are handled,
varying amounts of platelet associated VEGF may
be released. Consequently the use of plasma rather
than serum samples for measurement of VEGF has
been recommended (Webb et al. 1998). Since VEGF is
one of the most potent and specic factors of tumor
angiogenesis, the clinical possibilities of utilizing
VEGF associated measurements as markers of tumor
growth and/or response to therapy remains an area
of intense interest, particularly for those therapies
that target the VEGF pathway (Drevs 2003).
Basic FGF is another potent stimulator of angiogenesis that is often over-expressed in lung cancer
patients (Berger et al. 1999). Indeed, high serum
bFGF levels have been correlated with poorer prognosis (Strizzi et al. 2001; Ruotsalainen et al. 2002;
Ueno et al. 2001; Brattstrom et al. 1998). However,
there are also several conicting ndings regarding bFGF. These include the absence of a relationship between bFGF level and MVD (Strizzi et al.
2001; Ruotsalainen et al. 2002; Ueno et al. 2001;
Brattstrom et al. 1998) and the lack of correlation between bFGF expression and survival (Volm
et al. 1997b). Also, in NSCLC patients, serum bFGF
did not differ between clinical stages (Ueno et al.
2001; Cherrington et al. 2000). Finally, one study
has reported that elevated levels of serum bFGF in
NSCLC patients were related to a better outcome
(Brattstrom et al. 1998). In light of these observations it would appear that the value of bFGF as a surrogate marker for tumor angiogenesis in lung cancer
remains uncertain.
Several other angiogenic molecules, such as matrix metalloproteinases, epidermal growth factor
receptor, angiopoietin-2, thymidine phosphorylase
and hepatocyte growth factor also have been investigated in NSCLC patients. In some of these studies
these factors were found to be inversely correlated
with prognosis (Brown et al. 1993; Fontanini et al.
1998; Tanaka et al. 2002; Koukourakis et al. 1997;
Siegfried et al. 1998).
The measurement of circulating endothelial cells
has also been investigated as a noninvasive method

Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer

for the assessment of angiogenesis. Some endothelial cells in tumors are recruited from circulating endothelial progenitors (CEP) originating in the bone
marrow. Vascular trauma for instance, induces rapid
but transient mobilization of VEGFR2+CD34+cells
which also express AC133, a hemopoietic stem cell
marker associated with a rise in plasma VEGF (Gill
et al. 2001). Acute elevation of plasma VEGF in mice
elicited similar mobilization of CEP. AC133 becomes
downregulated as endothelial cells differentiate and
mature. Bone marrow derived CEP are rapidly incorporated into tumor vasculature in proliferating
tumors (Lyden et al. 2001), although the number of
endothelial cells derived from CEP is tumor type dependent. Mancuso et al. (2001) have described an
increase in circulating endothelial cells (CEC) in patients with cancer compared with healthy controls. In
a mouse model of lymphoma, decreases in CEC were
measured following continuous infusion of an angiogenesis inhibitor (Capillo et al. 2003). Therefore,
there is considerable interest in CEC measurement
as a potential marker of angiogenesis that may be
applicable for serial assessment of anti-angiogenic
therapy. However, additional data in a variety of
cancers are needed to conrm the reproducibility of
the methodology. In addition, the correlation of this
parameter with clinical outcome needs to be determined to establish its utility.
Finally, a range of noninvasive imaging technologies including ultrasound, positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), and
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are available, or under development, that have the potential
to measure various aspects of tumor vasculature, angiogenesis, and their relation to tumor metabolism,
proliferation, and growth.
CT can be performed with contrast medium to
measure vascular characteristics including blood ow,
blood volume, mean uid transit time and capillary
permeability (Miles et al. 2000). However, sensitivity
to physiological motion and radiation dose from serial scans remain disadvantages to the use of CT.
A variety of MRI methodologies have been used
to investigate tumor vasculature. These include the
use of gadolinium (Gd-DTPA) in dynamic contrast
enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) (Tofts et al. 1999), high
molecular weight contrast agents to measure vessel
permeability and blood volume, gradient-recalled
echo sequences to measure a combination of blood
oxygenation and blood ow (BOLD) (Grifths et al.
1997; Robinson et al. 1995), and the change in BOLD
signal seen while breathing high oxygen content
gases to assess vessel maturity (Neeman et al. 2001).


However, high molecular weight contrast agents are

not yet clinically available so this technique has only
been used in pre-clinical models, and the BOLD contrast method is dependent on the eld gradient used,
making both comparisons between measurements
made on different MR machines and serial measurements difcult. DCE-MRI using Gd-DTPA is becoming increasingly widespread in microcirculation
research (Hawighorst et al. 1999) and assessment
of changes in microcirculation following treatment
intervention (Jayson et al. 2002b; Beauregard et al.
1998; Morgan et al. 2003; Galbraith et al. 2003). Yet
this method too has limitations. These are primarily the consequence of the inherent characteristics of
Gd-DTPA, which result in the measured parameters
reecting a combination of blood ow, vessel permeability and surface area, rather than being able to discriminate these individual physiological parameters
(Tofts et al. 1999). Finally, commonly used methods
lack a directly measured arterial input function which
affects accuracy and reproducibility of the technique
(Galbraith et al. 2002).
The use of PET imaging in oncology is becoming widespread, principally using the uptake of 18F
labeled uorodeoxy glucose (FDG) as a measure of
tumor metabolism. This is proving to be useful in
the assessment of tumor response to therapies, as
changes in FDG uptake can be detected earlier than
traditional assessment by CT (Kostakoglu and
Goldsmith 2003). In NSCLC, PET has advantages
over conventional imaging techniques in its ability to
discriminate mediastinal lymphadenopathy, particularly for assessment of response following radiation
therapy (Erdi et al. 2000).
PET methodologies useful for more direct assessment of tumor vasculature include 15O labeled water for measurement of blood ow, and 11C labeled
carbon monoxide for measurement of blood volume
(Hoekstra et al. 2002). Although the resolution obtained with PET is poorer compared with DCE-MRI
or CT, it has the advantage that absolute blood ow
measurements can be obtained. However, the very
short half life of 15O makes this technique feasible
only where a cyclotron is on site. This method has
been used for the assessment of response to treatment with agents that directly damage tumor vasculature (Anderson et al. 2003).
Collingridge et al. (2002) have used an 124I iodinated monoclonal antibody VG67e which binds to
human VEGF-A for assessment of tumor VEGF levels
non-invasively. Similarly HuMV833, a fully human
antibody to VEGF-A labeled with 124I, allows imaging
of VEGF distribution in tumors (Jayson et al. 2002a).

D. W. Siemann et al.


However, there has not been any comparison of tumor uptake by these methods with measurement of
VEGF levels in tumor by alternative methods, and it
is likely that the uptake of the imaging probe into tumor tissue is affected by the pharmacokinetic distribution of the probe in addition to the level of VEGF
in tumor tissue.
Color Doppler ultrasonography can be used
to measure ow velocity in tumor blood vessels.
Parameters obtained include vascularity index, peak
ow velocity and ow resistance index. These parameters have been used to improve discrimination
between benign and malignant tumors (Strobel
et al. 2000), to give prognostic information, and to
monitor the changes in tumor vascularity after treatment (van der Woude et al. 1995). Alternatively,
ultrasound techniques using microbubble contrast
agents have also been developed for measurement
of blood ow, and have potential utility in both preclinical and clinical settings (Leong-Poi et al. 2003;
Kim et al. 2002). Still, the resolution of ultrasound,
and the reduced blood velocity in smaller arterioles
and capillaries mean that ow in these vessels is not
measured by this technique. In addition, bulk tissue
movements that produce artifacts can be a problem
in some organs such as lung (Eriksson et al. 1991).
Imaging tumors that are surrounded by aerated lung
is also technically difcult. Finally, poor accessibility
to anatomical areas for deep seated tumors, and operator dependence remain challenges for use of these
ultrasound methodologies.
In several studies the potential correlation between the imaging parameters discussed above and
MVD has been examined. While some studies demonstrate such a correlation (Peters-Engl et al. 1998;
Hawighorst et al. 1997), others do not (Su et al.
2003). This is likely to be due to different aspects of
the tumor vasculature being measured, some functional, some anatomical, rather than a reection of
the relative utility of the parameter concerned. Even
when both are related to vascular structure such as
blood volume and MVD they differ in the measurement method; MVD measures peak vascular density
whereas blood volume measured by PET reects a
whole tumor assessment. Therefore, it is important
to use each technique in an appropriate manner with
an understanding of its inherent limitations. MVD is
an anatomical technique that is clearly established
as a useful prognostic tool. The noninvasive imaging
techniques measure aspects of tumor vascular function, can be performed repeatedly, and sample a larger
proportion of an individual tumor or several tumors
within the same patient, so have potential for serial

assessment of anti-angiogenic therapy. Conrmation

of their utility in this regard will await completion
of trials with effective anti-angiogenic therapies that
produce improvements in patients time to progression and overall survival and where changes in such
endpoints are correlated with changes in the imaging
parameters. In addition, more data are required to
establish the reproducibility of each technique when
used in a variety of settings in order to determine
the signicance of any changes measured following
a therapeutic intervention.

Anti-angiogenic Therapy
The complex process of tumor angiogenesis offers
many possible targets for anti-angiogenic strategies.
Strategies vary from regulation of angiogenic factor expression in tumors, to endogenous inhibitors
of angiogenesis. There are currently over 80 clinical
trials employing such strategies (http://cancertrials. Based on their biological activities,
these strategies can be categorized into several broad
classes. One class of agents specically targets angiogenic growth factors. It includes tyrosine kinase
inhibitors of VEGF/bFGF, as well as antibodies or antisense oligonucleotides directed against pro-angiogenic growth factors or their receptors. A second class
of agents includes those designed to inhibit endothelial cell function, such as thalidomide and endostatin.
A third class consists of matrix metalloproteinase
inhibitors, compounds that block the degradation of
the basement membrane. Agents that target survival
factors of neovascular blood supply, such as integrin
antagonists, comprise yet another class.
Drugs That Block Angiogenic Factors
Inhibitors of VEGF and Its Receptors

The central role of VEGF and its receptor system

in tumor angiogenesis has made it a promising target of anti-angiogenic therapies. Strategies include
the use of: (a) specic VEGF antibodies to neutralize circulating VEGF, (b) antisense oligonucleotides
or RNA to disrupt VEGF expression, and (c) VEGF
receptor antibodies, or receptor associated tyrosine
kinase inhibitors, to block VEGF signaling (Kim et

Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer

al. 1993; Shi and Siemann 2002; Witte et al. 1998;

Solorzano et al. 2001).
Bevacizumab (Avastin), a recombinant humanized
monoclonal antibody to VEGF, is the rst anti-angiogenic therapy to have demonstrated a survival advantage when given to patients with cancer (Hurwitz et
al. 2003). It is currently being investigated in a number of tumor types, including NSCLC. In Phase I studies, bevacizumab was generally well tolerated. Two
patients had severe adverse events related to intratumoral bleeding and minor hemoptyses were also
reported in other patients with pulmonary metastases. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures in patients
treated at the 3- and 10-mg/kg dose levels increased
by an average of more than 10 mm Hg at some point
during therapy (Gordon et al. 2001).
The results of a Phase III trial of bevacizumab in
combination with chemotherapy in patients with no
prior therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer were
recently reported. Patients treated with irinotecan,
5- uorouracil, and leucovorin plus bevacizumab had
a median overall survival of 20.3 months compared
with 15.6 months for those receiving chemotherapy
alone. Time to progression and response rate were
also signicantly improved in the combination arm
(Hurwitz et al. 2003). In addition, bevacizumab as a
single agent prolonged time to progression compared
to placebo in patients with metastatic renal cancer, a
tumor type which may have particular dependence
on the VEGF pathway (Yang et al. 2003). Treatment
was well tolerated in the renal cancer trial, with hypertension and asymptomatic proteinuria seen as the
predominating adverse effects. No major bleeding
episodes were seen, although 21% of patients in the
10-mg/kg q 2-week arm had grade 1 or 2 epistaxis,
and 13% had grade 1 or 2 hematuria.
In a randomized Phase II study in NSCLC, patients with Stage IIIB or IV disease were randomized
to standard therapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel
alone or to the same chemotherapy plus bevacizumab
7.5 mg/kg or 15 mg/kg every 3 weeks (DeVore et al.
2000). The control group was allowed to cross over
to the high dose arm following disease progression.
Patients in the high dose arm had higher response
rates and there was a trend to prolongation of time
to progression and median survival. An unusual and
unexpected toxicity was the development of lifethreatening hemoptysis in six patients, resulting in
four deaths, mainly in patients with central tumors
and squamous cell histology. Such tumors are prone
to central necrosis and cavitation even in the absence
of treatment. The combination of their location close
to major blood vessels and the propensity to central


necrosis may explain why bleeding episodes, seen

as a mild toxicity with bevacizumab in other tumor
types, can be life threatening in this setting.
A Phase III trial of bevacizumab in advanced
NSCLC is now ongoing through the Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Patients with
a history of hemoptysis or with squamous cell histology are excluded from study in view of the toxicity
described in the Phase II study. The study randomizes patients between bevacizumab 15 mg/kg every
3 weeks or placebo with paclitaxel and carboplatin.
Crossover of patients on the placebo arm is not allowed. Interim analysis for toxicity has shown no signicant difference in fatal hemoptysis between the
two arms although this was seen in the active treatment arm and the trial continues with further regular safety analyses planned (Shepherd and Sridhar
2003). A Phase II study of neoadjuvant bevacizumab,
paclitaxel, and carboplatin in patients with stage IB,
II, or IIIA resectable NSCLC is also currently recruiting and another ECOG Phase II pilot trial of cisplatin,
etoposide and bevacizumab15 mg/kg is open in patients with advanced SCLC.
An alternative approach to interrupt VEGF activity that has received a great deal of attention is the
use of small molecule compounds to inhibit VEGF receptor associated tyrosine kinases. SU5416 was one
of the earliest to enter clinical trials. It inhibits VEGF
receptor 2 as well as c-kit and has been shown in preclinical studies to inhibit VEGF-stimulated proliferation of human endothelial cells as well as the growth
of primary and metastatic tumors in various models (Fong et al. 1999). Phase I studies showed that
dose-limiting toxicity occurred at 190 mg/m2 and
consisted of headache, nausea, and vomiting. SU5416
was administered intravenously on a weekly schedule
and had a short plasma terminal half-life of approximately 1 h. This is not ideal for an anti-angiogenic
agent and is in contrast to the antibody bevacizumab,
which has a prolonged half-life of 21 days. In addition,
in a Phase II study in combination with gemcitabine
and cisplatin signicant vascular toxicities were observed with eight of 19 patients experiencing severe
thromboembolic events. Analysis of variables of the
coagulation cascade and of vessel wall activation was
performed in three patients and showed signicant
increases in thrombin generation and endothelial cell
perturbation in a treatment cycle-dependent manner. These toxicities led to the discontinuation of this
trial and no further development of this compound
is planned.
Several other VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
have entered clinical trials. All of these are oral agents

D. W. Siemann et al.


with improved pharmacokinetic proles compared

with that of SU5416. Two are now in Phase III trials,
vatalanib (PTK787/ZK 222584) and SU11248. These
tyrosine kinase inhibitors have additional inhibitory
activity on other kinase targets, some of which also
inuence angiogenesis. This may, in theory, be an
advantage in improving efcacy over more specic
therapies such as bevacizumab, but also potentially
increases toxicity. It is not yet clear which specic toxicities are related to particular kinase inhibition, and
multiple kinase inhibitors may well have other cellular targets as yet unknown, which are not mechanism
related, but may result in toxicity. SU1148 is at the
less specic end of the spectrum of kinase inhibitors,
with inhibitory activity at low nanomolar concentrations against VEGFR2, FGF receptor 1, Flt-3, c kit, and
PDGF receptor. In Phase I trials this compound has
produced a number of objective tumor responses as
a single agent, but also a range of toxicities including
reversible yellow discoloration of the skin and urine,
as well as depigmentation of hair (Raymond et al.
2002). In addition, some evidence of vascular toxicity was seen, with subungual splinter hemorrhages,
thrombocytopenia felt to be due to microangiopathy
and hypertension. Several patients had mucositis and
erythema multiforme. The dose limiting toxicity was
a debilitating asthenia which led to an intermittent
regimen of 4 weeks on daily therapy followed by a
2-week break. Plasma concentration trough levels
of 50100 ng/ml were achieved at doses at or above
50 mg daily. These levels were associated with activity
in pre-clinical models. The plasma half life was 40 h,
and an active metabolite was produced with a half
life of 80 h. A range of Phase II trials has been initiated, and SU11248 is now in Phase III in patients with
gastrointestinal stromal tumors resistant to imatinib
(Gleevec), as well as in renal cancer.
Vatalanib inhibits VEGFR1 in addition to VEGR2
at concentrations in the submicromolar range. It also
inhibits other class III kinases but at higher concentrations (Wood et al. 2000). In Phase I trials it was
well tolerated, with a dose-limiting toxicity of hypertension (Drevs 2003). This adverse event has now
been reported with a number of therapies targeting
the VEGF pathway, and is often seen more commonly
in patients with higher baseline blood pressure. It
generally appears to be controllable with standard
anti-hypertensive medication. Another dose limiting
toxicity seen was reversible ataxia. The peak plasma
concentration at 1200 mg daily was 30 +M which is
close to the IC50 reported in vitro (Morgan et al.
2003). As part of the Phase I trial, assessment of antiangiogenic effects was performed using DCE-MRI.

Signicant reductions in DCE-MRI parameters including Ki (the rate constant for the inow of contrast
agent into the tissue) were seen in several patients.
There was a signicant negative correlation between
the change in Ki and increase in dose and exposure.
Patients with a best response of stable disease had
a signicantly greater reduction in Ki at both day 2
and at the end of cycle 1 compared with progressors.
Similar ndings have also been reported in a trial of
vatalanib in renal cancer (de Bazelaire et al. 2003).
While the data are preliminary, these studies do suggest that DCE-MRI may be a useful biomarker for use
in dose and schedule selection with inhibitors of the
VEGF pathway. Vatalanib is now in Phase III trials in
colorectal cancer.
VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also under
investigation in lung cancer ZD6474 is currently
in Phase II clinical trials in this setting. In addition
to VEGFR2, this compound inhibits the epidermal
growth factor receptor (EGFR), although to a lesser
extent, and, consistent with this activity, the dose limiting toxicities in Phase I included rash and diarrhea,
as well as thrombocytopenia (Hurwitz et al. 2002).
Randomized Phase II trials of ZD6474 are open in
combination with docetaxel and as a single agent
compared to getinib in platinum refractory NSCLC.
A randomized Phase II trial examining ZD6474 in
SCLC patients with limited or extensive disease who
have achieved remission after induction chemotherapy and radiotherapy is also under development
by the National Cancer Institute of Canada and will
open shortly (Shepherd and Sridhar 2003).
Finally, ribozyme constructs that target VEGF receptor mRNA are also under development. Preclinical
studies with these constructs induced inhibition of
growth in both primary and metastatic Lewis lung
carcinoma (Pavco et al. 2000; Oshika et al. 2000).
Phase I trial of anti-Flt-1 ribozymes were carried out
in patients with advanced cancer. Minor clinical responses were observed with 14 of 20 patients maintaining stable disease for 16 months (Fabbro and
Manley 2001).
Non-specic Agents

Thalidomide has recently been shown to inhibit angiogenesis, though the mechanism of action is poorly
understood. It may be mediated through inhibition
of TNF- VEGF, and bFGF expression by tumor cells,
cell surface receptors to inhibition, and/or effects on
the immune system (DAmato et al. 1994; Li et al.
2003). Currently thalidomide is under evaluation in a

Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer

number of SCLC and NSCLC Phase II trials in which

it is primarily used as maintenance therapy to arrest
tumor growth and delay the onset of tumor relapse.
Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), an enzyme that is involved in prostaglandin synthesis, is frequently upregulated in NSCLC, and may be a marker of worse
prognosis (Altorki et al. 2002). It also may promote
angiogenesis, prevent apoptosis, and induce resistance to radiation therapy. Inhibitors of COX2 have
been widely used for inammatory conditions, and
their anti-cancer activity has only recently begun to
be explored. In pre-clinical models, celecoxib slowed
the growth of NSCLC tumors (Gridelli et al. 2002).
A Phase II study in combination with preoperative
paclitaxel and carboplatin in patients with Stage IIIIA NSCLC (Altorki et al. 2002) had encouraging
response rates, but denitive demonstration of the
potential benet of such combinations awaits randomized trials.
Drugs That Inhibit Endothelial Cell Function
Endostatin, a 20-kDa C-terminal proteolytic fragment of collagen XVIII, has been identied as a
potent endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis. In
murine models, the growth of Lewis lung tumors
was markedly suppressed by systemic endostatin
therapy. At a dose of 20 mg/kg once daily, there was
almost complete regression of established primary
tumors (OReilly et al. 1997). However, in patients,
no clinical responses have been observed (Thomas
et al. 2003). A few patients did demonstrate changes
in their dynamic CT scans suggestive of a decline in
microvessel density, but overall no consistent effect
of endostatin on tumor vasculature was seen. Other
studies have noted measurable effects of endostatin
on tumor blood ow and metabolism and the induction of tumor and endothelial cell apoptosis, but
again these occurred in the absence of demonstrable
antitumor effects (Herbst et al. 2002a,c).
TNP-470, a synthetic analog of fumagillin, is an
angiogenesis inhibitor that blocks the growth of new
blood vessels by inhibiting methionine aminopeptidase, an enzyme critically important for endothelial
cell proliferation (Sin et al. 1997). Preclinical studies, utilizing TNP-470 alone or in combination with
chemotherapy, have resulted in tumor regressions,
slowed tumor growth, and improved survival times
(Teicher et al. 1994). In the clinic, partial responses
were observed in 6 out of 16 NSCLC patients treated
with TNP470 (Herbst et al. 2002b) suggesting that


further evaluation of TNP-470, particularly in combination with chemotherapy, may be warranted.

Squalamine, an antiangiogenic aminosterol derivative originally isolated from the tissues of the dogsh
shark, has been shown to inhibit mitogen-induced
proliferation and migration of endothelial cells in vitro and cause inhibition of angiogenesis in vivo (Sills
et al. 1998). Mechanistic studies have revealed that
squalamine inhibits the sodium-hydrogen exchanger
(isoform NHE3), causing changes in intracellular pH
that lead to alterations in the shape and volume of endothelial cells (Akhter et al. 1999). In vivo, squalamine slowed the establishment of human lung cancer
xenografts and enhanced the antitumor effects of systemic chemotherapy (Schiller and Bittner 1999).
Tumor growth retardation and enhancement of antitumor effects by chemotherapeutic agents also were
noted in the murine Lewis lung cancer model when
treated with squalamine (Teicher et al. 1998). On
the basis of the positive preclinical results obtained
when combining this agent with cytotoxic agents and
the demonstration of human safety (Bhargava et al.
2001), clinical trials have been initiated with squalamine in combination with chemotherapy in patients
with late stage lung and ovarian cancer.
Drugs That Block Breakdown of Extracellular
To form new blood vessels, endothelial cells of existing blood vessels must degrade the underlying
basement membrane and invade the stroma of the
neighboring tissue. These processes of endothelial
cell invasion and migration require the cooperative
activity of plasminogen activators and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). The MMPs are a family of
structurally related zinc-dependent endopeptidases
collectively capable of degrading extracellular matrix. Their activities are controlled at different levels
(Liekens et al. 2001): (a) their expression is up-regulated by angiogenic growth factors (Giuliani et al.
1999), (b) they need to be activated proteolytically
(Murphy et al. 1999), and (c) their activities are
negatively impacted by their inhibitors [tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs)] (Blavier et
al. 1999). Ultimately, an imbalance between MMPs
and TIMPs is responsible for an invasive phenotype
(Kossakowska et al. 1996; Gohji et al. 1996a,b). The
inhibition of MMPs therefore has been extensively
studied as an approach to inhibit the growth and
invasion of neoplastic cells (Vihinen and Kahari

D. W. Siemann et al.


2002). Still, clinical outcomes with these agents have

by and large been very disappointing.
Marimastat was the rst orally-administrated synthetic MMP inhibitor and was the rst to be evaluated in SCLC. It is relatively nonspecic, inhibiting
the activity of MMP-1, 2, 3, 7, and 9. The principle
toxicity of marimastat observed in several Phase I-II
clinical studies was the appearance of a dose-limiting inammatory polyarthritis that consisted of joint
stiffness and pain (Steward 1999). Marimastat was
tested in two Phase III SCLC studies in which patients
were treated with chemotherapy with or without thoracic radiotherapy. After completing the cytotoxic
therapy, patients were randomized to receive placebo
or marimastat. The results showed no signicant difference in survival of patients treated with placebo
versus marimastat (Shepherd and Sridhar 2003).
Similarly, Prinomastat (AG3340), a more selective
MMP inhibitor with activity against MMP-2, 3, 9,
and 14 failed to demonstrate efcacy in stage IIB/IV
NSCLC patients (Smylie et al. 2001). A Phase I study
with CGS 27023A (MMI270), an MMP inhibitor with
activity against MMP-1, 2, 3, 9, and 13, that was carried out in patients with solid tumors, including lung
cancer patients (Levitt et al. 2001), also resulted in
no positive tumor responses. Finally, when BAY129566, an inhibitor of MMP-2 and 9 was evaluated in
SCLC and stage III NSCLC patients, both trials were
closed before reaching their accrual goal because the
results showed a detrimental effect on patient survival (Hidalgo and Eckhardt 2001).
Studies with two other MMP inhibitors are ongoing. Neovastat (AE-941) is a naturally-occurring
MMP inhibitor derived from shark cartilage extract
that has shown antitumor/antimetastatic properties
in animal models and few side effects in more than
800 patients (Gingras et al. 2003). Currently, a Phase
III randomized study of induction platinum-based
chemotherapy and radiotherapy with or without
neovastat in patients with unresectable stage IIIA
or IIIB NSCLC is in progress. BMS-275291 inhibits a
broad range of MMPs known to be associated with
the growth and spread of tumors (Poulaki 2002).
BMS-275291 is in Phase II/III trials, as an adjunct to
standard chemotherapy, in advanced or metastatic
NSCLC patients.
Drugs That Target Survival Factors of Neovessels
A number of factors inuence endothelial cell survival with VEGF being perhaps the most notable.

Indeed, it is now recognized that anti-VEGF therapeutic approaches, in addition to their other actions
(see Sect., may directly affect endothelial
cell survival (Gerber et al. 1998; Meeson et al. 1999;
Bruns et al. 2000).
Another approach that also aims to affect endothelial cell survival targets integrins. Integrins are
heterodimeric transmembrane proteins consisting of
and subunits with large ectodomains and short
cytoplasmic tails. They control cell motility, differentiation, and proliferation via interactions with extracellular matrix molecules. Integrins v3 and v5
are up-regulated on proliferating endothelial cells in
angiogenic blood vessels (Brooks et al. 1995). The
v3 integrin, an adhesion receptor for extracellular
matrix components with an exposed RGD sequence,
is an attractive target for anti-angiogenic therapy because it is almost exclusively present on the cell surface of activated endothelial cells. It is considered a
survival factor for angiogenic vessels (Eliceiri and
Cheresh 1999). Antibodies against v3 have been
shown to inhibit adhesion-dependent signal transduction by angiogenic factors, leading to apoptosis
of activated endothelial cells. Consequently, these
agents block endothelial tube formation and angiogenesis in tumors (Brooks et al. 1994, 1995). Clinical
studies with Vitaxin, a humanized monoclonal antibody against v3 integrin, have begun (Gutheil et
al. 2000).

Vascular Disrupting Therapies
An alternative to targeting tumor blood vessels on
the basis of interfering with the process of tumor
cell induced new vessel formation (i.e. anti-angiogenic therapies) is to develop agents that specically
compromise the function of existing vasculature in
solid tumors. Such approaches aim to cause direct
damage to the established tumor endothelium and
thus lead to extensive secondary neoplastic cell death
(Denekamp 1990; Siemann and Shi 2003). These
vascular disrupting agents and their therapeutic application may be broadly divided into two categories,
biological agents and small molecule drugs.
Biological approaches include targeted gene therapy, antibodies to neovascular antigens, and fusion
proteins targeting specic endothelial cell receptors.
Although investigations utilizing these approaches
have, to date, been conned to preclinical investigations, encouraging results have been reported. For

Angiogenesis and Lung Cancer

example, endothelial cell specic promoter elements

and vectors with restricted cellular tropisms have
been examined (Trepel et al. 2000). The strategy
of linking antibodies or peptides that recognize tumor-associated vasculature to toxins or pro-coagulant/pro-apoptotic effector molecules that can induce endothelial cell damage also has been explored.
The utility of such ligand-directed targeting is supported by recent in situ studies in preclinical tumor
models that demonstrated not only the localization
of the therapeutic moiety to tumor vessels but also
the induction of thrombi formation and the selective destruction of vasculature (Nilsson et al. 2001;
Veenendaal et al. 2002).
In the category of small molecule drugs, two
classes of agents that selectively disrupt the tumor
vessel network have entered clinical trials. The rst
includes avone acetic acid (FAA) and its potent analog 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA)
(Baguley 2003; Rewcastle et al. 1991). The mechanism of action of these agents appears to be largely
indirect, through the induction of cytokines, particularly TNF- (Ching et al. 1994; Philpott et al. 1995).
The second class includes a group of tubulin-binding
agents, most notably combretastatin A4 disodium
phosphate (CA4DP) and the phosphate prodrug of
N-acetyl-colchinol (ZD6126). The principal mechanism of action of this class of drugs is believed to be
the selective disruption of the cytoskeleton of proliferating endothelial cells that leads to thrombus formation and a secondary ischemic tumor cell death
(Kanthou and Tozer 2002; Galbraith et al. 2001).
Preclinical evaluations with vascular disrupting
agents in rodent or human lung cancer models have
been encouraging. Administration of CA4DP to animals bearing NSCLC signicantly delayed the growth
of the xenograft tumors and resulted in a survival
benet (Boehle et al. 2001). Other studies showed
that this agent could inhibit the metastatic potential
of the rodent Lewis lung cancer model (Griggs et al.
2001). Similarly AVE8062, a combretastatin analog,
enhanced efcacy of cisplatin in the treatment of murine lung cancer (Morinaga et al. 2003) and ZD6126
treatment demonstrated efcacy in animals bearing
primary human NSCLC xenografts as well as their
metastases (Goto et al. 2002). On the basis of promising preclinical investigations, the lead vascular disrupting agents (DMXAA, CA4DP, ZD6126, AVE8062)
have entered Phase I/II trials (http://cancertrials.nci.
Optimal treatment strategies with agents that
damage the existing tumor vessel network will ultimately likely combine such therapeutics with con-


ventional therapies including radiotherapy and chemotherapy for maximum treatment effect (Siemann
et al. 2002; Siemann and Shi 2003). In addition, preclinical investigations suggest that vascular disrupting approaches are likely to be complimentary to,
rather than to duplicate anti-angiogenic strategies.
Evidence suggests that anti-angiogenic agents may
be especially well suited for micrometastatic disease
or early stage cancer (Yoon et al. 1999; Lozonschi
et al. 1999), whereas vascular disrupting agents may
be particularly effective against large bulky and late
stage tumors (Landuyt et al. 2001; Siemann and
Shi 2003). Indeed, data are beginning to emerge that
combining these two strategies may provide particularly benecial therapeutic effects.

Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the progression and prognosis of lung cancer. Although still in
early stages of development, therapeutic strategies
directed against the tumor blood vessel network represents a promising advance in the management of
lung cancer patients. The recent demonstration of
improvement in survival in colorectal cancer with bevacizumab treatment is the rst clinical validation of
anti-angiogenic therapy, providing hope that similar
benets may be seen in other tumor types, including
lung cancer. Ultimately, such endeavors are likely to
incorporate both anti-angiogenic and vascular disrupting strategies in combination with conventional
anti-cancer therapies.
This work was supported by PHS grants CA84408
and CA89655.

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Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer


1.3 Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

Frank B. Zimmermann


Introduction 31
Anamnesis and Clinical Examination 31
Non-invasive Imaging in Lung Cancer 32
Chest Radiographs 32
Computed Tomography of the Thorax 32
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Thorax 34
Imaging for Extrathoracic Metastases
Including Cervical Lymph Node Staging 35
Invasive Imaging in Lung Cancer 35
Bronchoscopy and Transbronchial Biopsies (TBNA) 36
Transthoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA) 36
Transesophageal and Transtracheal Endoscopic
Ultrasound and Needle Aspiration 37
Mediastinoscopy 37
Aortopulmonary Window (APW)
Lymph Node Assessment 38
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy (VATS) 38
Diagnostic Thoracotomy 39
Other Staging Procedures 39
Molecular Staging 40
General Recommendations 40
References 41

The prognosis of affected patients and the treatment
concepts in lung cancer both depend on tumour histology and stage. The current TNM system adapted by the
American Joint Committee for Cancer Staging in 1997
describes the anatomical spread of cancer by considering the tumour size and invasion, extent of lymphatic
spread, and presence of metastatic disease (Mountain
1997). This anatomical basis has inuenced current
strategies for clinical and surgical staging procedures.
Resectability of NSCLC is greatly determined by an accurate preoperative clinical staging and has important
impacts on patients survival (Park et al. 2000).
The choice of non-invasive, such as imaging, and
invasive, such as surgical biopsy, diagnostic and stagF. B. Zimmermann, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technical University Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 22, 81675
Munich, Germany

ing investigations for detection of cytological and

histological spread should be based on objective and
subjective criteria describing patients condition and,
therefore, feasible treatment options with high sensitivity and specicity. On the other hand, ideal diagnostic methods have to follow economic aspects as well.
They should be easy to perform without discomfort
and morbidity in order to alter the patients quality of
life as little as possible (Grondin and Liptay 2002).
Therefore, noninvasive imaging, the least invasive approach, typically forms the rst line of investigation.
The staging of lung carcinoma is still progressing,
with technology advances improving prognostic accuracy and changing pre-operative investigation algorithms. Noninvasive staging is based on spiral computer
tomography (CT) with contrast enhancement, whereas
mediastinoscopy and video-assisted thoracotomy have
already been established as essential, minimally invasive diagnostic tools for invasive histological staging.
In very early stages, diagnostics should give an accurate
cytology and/or histology. Since cure can be obtained
only in stages up to IIIA (5-year survival rate of 9%
13%) and some IIIB (T 4 N01) (5-year survival rate of
3%8%) contralateral mediastinal lymph node staging
is as essential as the clarication of pleural effusion and
cardiac inltration in locally more advanced tumours
(Mountain 1997; Abner 1995).
Not only treatment concepts but also staging procedures should be determined in an interdisciplinary context, particularly when multimodal treatment
strategies may be reasonable. Accurate preoperative
imaging staging for stage III disease could avoid
unnecessary surgical interventions, with NSCLC
T4 or N3 having no benet from surgical resection
(Montin 1997; Park et al. 2000; Deslauries and
Gregoire 2000; Quint and Francis 1999).

Anamnesis and Clinical Examination
Family history, profession (i.e. asbestos or Eternit exposure), and personal behaviour (smoking, former


malignant disease) can give essential information on

tumour type and may direct staging procedures and
treatment policy. Disease-related symptoms can point
to locoregional (hoarseness, haemoptysis, dysphagia)
or systemic (paralysis, epilepsia) extent of disease,
and might have prognostic and therapeutic relevance.
Concomitant morbidity can limit therapeutic options
and should be known before starting diagnostic procedures, since they may be reduced to a minimum due
to restricted therapeutic applicability.
All lung cancer patients should undergo a complete physical examination, with special focus on
all thoracic organs (pleural effusion, cardiac insufciency, inltration of supraclavicular or axillary lymph nodes, paralysis of nervus recurrens or
phrenicus, Horners syndrome) and on paraneoplastic syndromes (Lambert-Eaton syndrome, dermatomyositis, syndrome of inappropriate ADH-secretion,
thrombosis). Symptoms and signs may identify up to
95% of NSCLC patients with advanced, inoperable
disease (Grondin and Liptay 2002; Cromartie et
al. 1980; Hyde and Hyde 1974). Laboratory evaluation should include basis blood account, coagulation
factors, function of liver and kidney. LDH and AP can
indicate an increased cell turnover or bone inltration
(Silvestri et al. 1995). Abnormal results in physical
and laboratory evaluation are associated with an approximate 50% incidence of abnormal ndings on
subsequent imaging (Silvestri et al. 1995). On the
other hand, without abnormal ndings on clinical
evaluation, there is little evidence supporting the use
of routine imaging to detect extrathoracic metastases
(Toloza et al. 2003a).
Tumour markers (CYFRA 21-1, CEA, NSE,
proGRP) can be used to evaluate treatment response,
but should not be ascertained before the malignancy
has been cytologically or histologically determined.

F. B. Zimmermann

or exclude centralized tumours like para- or retrocardial or mediastinal cancer and chest wall inltration (MacDonald and Hansell 2003; Strauss and
Dominioni 1999). The actual guidelines from the
American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) recommend further assessment (namely, CT of the chest) in
virtually all lung cancer patients if it has therapeutic relevance (Silvestri et al. 2003). Therefore, CT
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the most
commonly applied imaging tools for preoperative
staging of NSCLC (Park et al. 2000; Pugatch 1995;
Hanson and Armstrong 1997; Ratto et al. 1991;
Deslauriers and Gregoire 2000).
Computed Tomography of the Thorax
Despite recently available new imaging techniques
like FDG-PET and MRI, CT of the chest is still the
most popular and widely applied staging investiga-

Non-invasive Imaging in Lung Cancer
Chest Radiographs
Chest radiograph in two planes (125140 kV) is the
basis of radiological investigations. It is usually performed in patients with symptoms or as part of a general check-up, and can detect lesions of at least 10 mm
in diameter including lung metastasis, describe pleural or pericardial effusion and atelectasis (Fig. 1.3.1).
Above all, it is too insensitive and unreliable to detect

Fig. 1.3.1. Conventional chest radiography: tumor of the upper lobe

Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer


tion for lung cancer patients. New spiral multislice

or helical CT scan can dene the location, size, and
anatomical characteristics of a tumour much better
than a chest radiograph or older non-helical scans
even in very small nodules of less than 5 mm in diameter (Fig. 1.3.2). Multiplanar reconstructed CT
can give more information regarding the areas of
superior sulcus, tracheo-bronchial tree, aorto-pulmonary window, and subcarinal and peri-diaphragm
region (Touliopoulos and Costello 1995; Brink
et al. 1994; Kuriyama et al. 1994). CT is useful for
delineating the local extent and invasion of a lung
tumour, lung atelectasis and pneumonitis. It can detect invasion into the chest wall or mediastinum, and

Fig. 1.3.3. Transthoracic CT-guided puncture of an area suspected to primary lung cancer

Fig. 1.3.2. CT-thorax: lung cancer with a diameter of 2.8 cm

(T1-tumor) but suspected infrabifurcal lymph node inltration, that could be excluded by PET and transesophageal ultrasound

permits 3-D reconstruction for better realizing the

tumour morphology and for virtual bronchoscopy
(Hollings and Shaw 2002). Nevertheless, it can not
replace real bronchoscopy for locoregional staging,
since mucosal abnormalities can not be detected, and
histology or cytology are typically conrmed by real
bronchoscopy. CT might not be reliable in distinguishing between T3 and T4 lesions with regard to
mediastinal involvement, and has limited predictive
value distinguishing between T2 and T3 lesions concerning pleural/chest wall invasion, with a sensitivity
of between 38% and 87% and a specicity of only
40%89% (Ratto et al. 1991; Glazer et al. 1985;
Pennes et al. 1985). A certain criterion of invasion
might be rib destruction by tumour mass extending
into the chest wall (Glazer et al. 1985; Pearlberg et
al. 1987; Haramati and White 2000). Nevertheless,
large tumours can cause destruction just by pres-

sure without proven inltration, and, therefore, the

accuracy was different in clinical studies (Pennes et
al. 1985). Loss of extrapleural fat, length of pleural
contact, and a tumour diameter of more than 9 mm
seem to increase be predictive value of chest wall
inltration with a specicity beyond 80% and a sensitivity beyond 83% (Ratto et al. 1991). Pure pleural or
chest wall thickening are not reliable indicators, nor
is extrapleural soft tissue, which can be produced just
by local inammation or brosis, with an accuracy
below 70% (Fig. 1.3.4) (Ratto et al. 1991; Glazer et
al. 1985; Pennes et al. 1985; Pearlberg et al. 1987).

Fig. 1.3.4. CT-thorax: locally advanced lung tumor, with inltration into the thoracic aorta and the thoracic wall suspected.


Some authors demand a cine-CT scan during respiration, to measure the tumours mobility in comparison
to those of the lungs and thoracic wall (Watanabe
et al. 1991; Murata et al. 1994; Shirakawa et al.
Invasion into the mediastinum and mediastinal
organs (aorta, heart) can be suspected on CT with
high specicity (close to 100%) but very low sensitivity (around 40%) by thickened mediastinal pleura
or pericardium, clouded fat tissue, circumferential
contact of more than 90 of the mediastinal vessels, and deformation of a vascular outline (Glazer
et al. 1989; Herman et al. 1994; White et al. 1994).
Whether routine use of intravenous contrast medium
supports the delineation of mediastinal lymph nodes
and tumour inltration into vascular structures is
not yet conrmed in clinical trials (Patz et al. 1999).
It is recommended but should be well-balanced with
the risk of severe adverse reactions (Patz et al. 1999;
Cascade et al. 1998). Sometimes, hypodense tumour
mass can be discerned from contrast enhanced atelectasis. Nevertheless, even with optimal performance,
CT has a sensitivity of only 52%, a specicity of only
86%, and an accuracy of only 71% in the specication
of tumour status (Venuta et al. 1992). Therefore, a
denite differentiation of T-stage with chest wall or
mediastinal invasion is likely only possible by surgical intervention.
Although metastatic disease to hilar lymph nodes
(LN) does decrease overall survival, it does not affect resectability. However, bulky mediastinal disease
(N2 or N3) indeed inuences the treatment concept,
decisive being the most frequently used criterion dening resectability, and leading this large group of
patients (21%50% of NSCLC patients) (Martini
et al. 1980; Dillemans et al. 1994; Nakanishi and
Yasumoto 1996) over to neoadjuvant protocols
(Mountain 1997; Park et al. 2000; Silvestri et al.
2003). Unfortunately, the only suspicious CT sign
of mediastinal metastasis is LN enlargement with a
short-axis diameter >1 cm on transverse CT scan,
which is used by the majority of clinicians allowing
the highest accuracy. Unfortunately, increased LN can
occur in otherwise healthy people or patients with
former infections as reactive hyperplasia (Mountain
1997; Deslauriers and Gregoire 2000; Martini
et al. 1985; Choe et al. 1998; Murray et al. 1995;
Martini et al. 1980; Gdeedo et al. 1997; Medina
Gallardo et al. 1992). On the other hand, even up to
64% of LN normal in size can contain tumour in lung
cancer patients (Hanson and Armstrong 1997;
Deslauriers and Gregoire 2000; Webb et al. 1991;
Arita et al. 1996). Therefore, with nodal size as the

F. B. Zimmermann

only criterion used, CT has a sensitivity of only 61%

(41%95%), a specicity of only 79% (25%99), resulting in an accuracy of 53%99%, and positive and
negative predictive values of only 56% (14%95)%
and 83% (79%96%) in mediastinal N2 nodal staging, respectively (Verschakelen et al. 2002; Gould
et al. 2003; Toloza et al. 2003a), resulting in exclusion
of more than 40% of patients from potentially curative resection. Thus, CT serves as a guide for further
histological conrmation of critical LN in the mediastinum by other staging modalities before surgery,
like transbronchial or transesophageal biopsy, mediastinoscopy and diagnostic thoracoscopy (Silvestri
et al. 2003). Many recent studies including a metaanalysis have shown with strong evidence the superior accuracy of PET over CT for mediastinal staging
with positive and negative predictive values of 79%
and 93%, and the high accuracy of combined CT and
PET with a sensitivity of 78%93% and a specicity
of 82%95%, respectively (Toloza et al. 2003a; van
Tinteren et al. 2002).
Standard CT protocols should include the upper
liver and adrenal glands. By this means metastasis in
these organs can be detected in 3%10% of patients
free of symptoms (Grondin and Liptay 2002).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Thorax
Despite recent advantages in MRI techniques for
imaging of the chest, the relevance of MRI in staging of lung cancer is restricted. Given disappointing
sensitivity (52%65%) and specicity (48%79%)
(Kernstine et al. 1999) without superiority to CT
scan, clinicians do not routinely apply MRI in lung
cancer staging. Scant experience with MRI and problems of motion artefacts and patient claustrophobia
(LeBlanc et al. 2003), as well as cost, do not support
broad application. Exceptional use may be considered in patients who are allergic to the intravenous
contrast medium used for CT, have reduced renal
function, or no peripheral venous access, since MRI
can eliminate the need for contrast.
Another indication is given in superior sulcus
tumour according to ACCP guidelines, for investigating possible neural or bone invasion (Silvestri
et al. 2003). MRI with thin-section (5 mm) and multiplanar acquisition (coronal and sagittal images)
is recommended due to its superior accuracy to CT
(94% versus 63%) to detect tumour invasion of the
vertebral body, brachial plexus, and spinal canal,
thus precluding the necessity for surgery (Heelan

Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

et al. 1989). There is no general use in mediastinal

staging (Silvestri et al. 2003), though MRI might
be more accurate than CT in diagnosing mediastinal invasion (Webb et al. 1991). The detection rate of
mediastinal nodal metastasis by MRI is similar to CT
(Webb et al. 1991; Martini et al. 1985; Thompson
and Stanford 2000; Boiselle 2000), and MRI can
guide histological conrmation of suspicious areas
by invasive staging procedures in the subcarinal
and aortopulmonary regions, which are difcult to
assess in axial plane (Haramati and White 2000;
Thompson and Stanford 2000; Levitt et al. 1985;
Boiselle 2000).
Due to coronal and sagittal views MRI allows better assessment of the anatomical relationships in the
apex, aortopulmonary window, and subcarinal region
(Haramati and White 2000; Martini et al. 1985;
Thompson and Stanford 2000). Therefore, MRI is
better than conventional CT in realizing the extent of
apical (Pancoasts tumour) and mediastinal tumours
in this region (Thompson and Stanford 2000).
Furthermore, MRI seems superior to CT in detecting
tumour invasion of heart chambers, vena cava, and
great pulmonary vessels (Fig. 1.3.5) (Haramati and
White 2000; Thompson and Stanford 2000; Lloyd
and Silvestri 2001). In contrast, MRI has restricted
power to differentiate reactive inammatory changes
secondary to tumour extension and the true tumour
invasion into the chest wall and mediastinum (Glazer
et al. 1985; Stiglbauer et al. 1991), whereas it is sensitive in detecting pleural effusion (Deslauriers and
Gregoire 2000; Stiglbauer et al. 1991). Nevertheless,
pleural effusion can be benign or malignant, and,
therefore, should be claried by cytologic analysis before treatment (Quint and Francis 1999; Decker et
al. 1978). Multislice contrast-enhanced CT, dynamic
enhanced MRI (Hasegawa et al. 2003), MR angio-


and lymphography (Bellin et al. 2000) for evaluating suspicious LN and vascular inltration might be
promising, but need further intensive clinical surgical
controlled studies (Mountain 1997; Haramati and
White 2000; Thompson and Stanford 2000; Macis
et al. 2000; Ohno et al. 2002). Although it has various
advantages over CT, MRI is and will be restricted to
these specic rare clinical situations.
Imaging for Extrathoracic Metastases Including
Cervical Lymph Node Staging
Typical sites for metastasis from lung carcinoma are
the brain, lung, liver, adrenal glands, and bone. The
current investigations for metastases at these sites are
CT or MRI scan of the brain, the lung including the
liver and adrenal gland areas, ultrasound imaging of
the upper abdomen, and radionucleotide bone scanning (Hyde and Hyde 1974). More recently, wholebody PET has been used increasingly with some good
detection rate of extrathoracic metastasis (Bury et al.
1997; Valk et al. 1995).
By clinical and full radiological staging the number of unnecessary aggressive but noncurative
thoracotomies or multimodal treatments might be
reduced. Unfortunately, with extensive staging procedures (scanning of brain, liver, and adrenal glands),
in contrast to pure routine chest CT and mediastinoscopy alone, it was found that in patients with
previous normal clinical evaluation for distant metastasis the probability to nd distant tumour spread
is beyond 10% (Silvestri et al. 1995; Toloza et al.
2003a). This low prevalence of metastases in asymptomatic patients, and the relatively poor accuracy of
the investigations moderate the demand of extensive
staging (Grondin and Liptay 2002). Based on these
results, the ACCP guidelines recommend a complete
clinical evaluation for all lung cancer patients, and
further extrathoracic diagnostic procedures appropriate to those with abnormal results (Silvestri et
al. 2003). However, before excluding patients from
curative treatment options, the suspicion should be
conrmed by other more accurate means.

Invasive Imaging in Lung Cancer
Fig. 1.3.5. MRI of the thorax: locally advanced lung tumor, but
exclusion of an inltration into the thoracic aorta.

Invasive staging procedures are often necessary for

histological or cytological tissue conrmation of the


diagnosis, or to ensure the assumed stage where the

clinical staging is often inaccurate (LeBlanc et al.
2003). The former situation requires an approach
with a low false-negative rate, the latter a measure
with a high sensitivity.
There is a variety of more or less invasive staging
methods: bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, anterior
mediastinoscopy (Chamberlain procedure), thoracoscopy (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery),
transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA), transthoracic needle aspiration of the mediastinum or the
primary tumour (TTNA), and endoscopic oesophageal or endobronchial ultrasound with ne needle aspiration (EUS-NA). Some of those means are only appropriate in specic situations that will be described
in detail, with anticipated sensitivity, specicity, and
particular risks.
Bronchoscopy and Transbronchial Biopsies
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy has a central role in staging
of lung carcinoma, and is not exchangeable in obtaining the pathological diagnosis in suspected lung
cancer by histological tissue from biopsy, forceps, or
transbronchial needle biopsy. For cytological specication bronchoalveolar lavage, brushing, and endobronchial or transbronchial needle aspiration can be
used. Bronchoscopy is safe, reliable, and widely accessible. In central lung tumours it allows direct visualization. Using forceps biopsies with sampling techniques bronchoscopy has a high sensitivity of about
80% (Mazzone et al. 2002), and is especially useful
to distinguish centralized tumour by evaluating the
proximity of the tumour to the carina, describing
resectability in locally advanced cancer (T3) more reliably than with CT, and excluding curative resection
in tumours inltrating the carina. Bronchial brushing
is frequently used, too, indicated in inltrative or stenotic neoplasms, and gives a sensitivity of about 80%,
slightly lower than with direct biopsy (Mazzone et
al. 2002). In addition, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) using a Wang needle is frequently used
to detect central cancer, and to assess mediastinal
lymphadenopathy, most frequently of subcarinal
nodes as also suggested on CT scan (Govert et al.
1999; Wang 1995; Harrow and Wang 1996). The
needle catheter is passed via the working channel of
the bronchoscope, directed and progressed to the tracheobronchial area overlying the suspect lymph node
to aspirate cells of the node. The feasibility of get-

F. B. Zimmermann

ting adequate specimens via TBNA is reported to be

approximately 90% (Fritscher-Ravens et al. 2000;
Savides et al. 2000; Wallace et al. 2001b), given a
sensitivity of 80% in detecting the primary tumour
and, by a meta-analysis, a sensitivity to detect lymph
node metastasis of 76% and a specicity of 96% have
been described (Mazzone et al. 2002; Toloza et al.
2003). Due to the insignicant morbidity it causes,
TBNA can be done as an outpatient procedure. It can
access even subcarinal nodes. The low sensitivity is
caused by the blind procedure directed by previous
CT scan alone. This problem might be solved with
guidance by real-time imaging (CT, uoroscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, or virtual CT-reconstructed
bronchoscopy) (Rong and Cui 1998; Garpestad et
al. 2001). The results coming from studies with a very
high prevalence of N2 and N3 involvement can not
be transferred to very early stages without extensive
mediastinal involvement. In these situations the sensitivity is much lower, omitting TBNA from initial
staging procedures, but reserving its primary role to
conrm highly suspicious mediastinal involvement
based on previous CT scan.
Transthoracic Needle Aspiration (TTNA)
Percutaneous transthoracic needle aspiration (TTNA)
is an alternative to TBNA both for diagnosis and
staging of the mediastinum, and allows the physician to assess nearly all mediastinal lymph nodes.
It is regularly performed under CT or uoroscopic
guidance and does not need general anaesthesia.
The procedure is well tolerated by most patients and
relatively safe, but involves the risk of pneumothorax
with rates of 10%30% of patients requiring placement of a catheter for evacuation (Hyde and Hyde
1974; Fritscher-Ravens et al. 2001), an event which
can be fatal in lung cancer patients also suffering
from chronic airway disease and who are smokers or
ex-smokers. A meta-analysis has demonstrated a sensitivity of 91% in mediastinal nodal staging (Toloza
et al. 2003b). However, the FN rate is 20%50%, and
many lymph node stations may be inaccessible to
TTNA because of their proximity to the heart or major thoracic vessels. Therefore, a non-cancer result
cannot be counted on. TTNA remains a less-favoured
staging investigation compared with procedures such
as mediastinoscopy (Detterbeck et al. 2003), and
should be reserved to conrm diagnosis by puncture
of enlarged, suspected lymph nodes rather than to
conrm the stage.

Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

TTNA is used to conrm suspected interlobar

pulmonary metastases, pleural metastases, and malignant pleural effusions by aspiration cytology. It
is less invasive than video-assisted thoracic surgery
and generally well tolerated. Nevertheless, there is
still a risk of pneumothorax, and conclusive results
are scarce compared with video-assisted thoracic
surgery with diagnostic information on malignant
spread in only 50%65% of attempts in suspicious
pleural effusions (DeCamp et al. 1997).
Transesophageal and Transtracheal Endoscopic
Ultrasound and Needle Aspiration
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) based on a real-time
ultrasound transducer on a beroptic oesophagoscope is a diagnostic procedure introduced in staging of oesophageal cancer, but increasingly used for
staging of mediastinal lymph nodes also in other
malignancies. It has an unlikely risk of severe complications, with negligible risk of infection or bleeding
(<1%) (Wiersema et al. 2001; Fritscher-Ravens et
al. 2000a; Schwartz et al. 2002; Patelli et al. 2002;
Harrow et al. 2000). This technique offers almost
exclusively but excellent access to the subcarinal,
posterior mediastinal, retroperitoneal, and celiac
axis lymph nodes. It offers a sensitivity of 78% and
a specicity of 71% for qualitative assessment of
mediastinal nodal status only (Toloza et al. 2003b),
because even criteria such as echogenicity, size, and
homogeneous or heterogeneous appearance are not
proof of malignancy (Silvestri et al. 2003; White
et al. 1994; Fritscher-Ravens et al. 2003). In clinical
studies, EUS alone was superior to CT (84% vs. 49%)
in the detection of metastatic lymph nodes (Gress
et al. 1997), and even to PET (94% vs. 73%), but the
specicity was higher in PET scanning (83% vs. 71%)
(Fritscher-Ravens et al. 2003).
To date, there is no evidence regarding the feasibility of endoscopic ultrasound-guided transesophageal ne needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). The
reported sensitivity is between 89% and 100%
(Fritscher-Ravens et al. 1999, 2000b, 2003; Gress
et al. 1997; Savides et al. 2000; Wallace et al. 2001b;
Wiersema et al. 2001), and the false negative rate
about 23% when an EUS-based needle aspiration is
performed (Toloza et al. 2003b), though the majority of examined patients within clinical trials had
clearly enlarged lymph nodes easy to puncture. Few
denite available data on specicity show up to 100%,
and it has been shown that severe toxicity is rare


(Detterbeck et al. 2003; Fritscher-Ravens et al.

2000a,b; Harrow et al. 2000). Overall, the accuracy
of EUS-FNA achieved results of 94%100% in published series (Fritscher-Ravens et al. 1999, 2000a,
2003; Gress et al. 1997; Savides et al. 2000; Wallace
et al. 2001b; Wiersema et al. 2001), being superior to
CT and PET alone (Fritscher-Ravens et al. 2003;
Gress et al. 1997; Wiersema et al. 2001), as well as
the combination of both PET and CT (FritscherRavens et al. 2003).
In treatment planning, EUS-FNA allows tissue conrmation in those patients, in whom bronchoscopy
and associated methods could not conrm the disease (Fritscher-Ravens et al. 1999, 2000; Savides
et al. 2000), and supplies the diagnostic staging of
lung cancer with implications for further therapeutic
management (Gress et al. 1997; Savides et al 2000;
Wallace et al. 2001a; Wiersema et al. 2001). It makes
an ideal adjunct to conrm lymph nodes suspicious
on CT and/or PET.
The former blind nature of transbronchial and
transtracheal biopsy with a moderate overall sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy (about 70%) may be
improved by guidance with CT uoroscopy or transbronchial ultrasound (Patelli et al. 2002; Harrow
et al. 2000). Lymph nodes are localized by a 20-MHz
miniature ultrasound probe placed in the trachea or
central bronchus. After withdrawal of the ultrasound
probe, a blind puncture follows. Real-time endobronchial ultrasound to control puncture directly
is not yet available. There is access only to the pre-,
para-tracheal, subcarinal lymph nodes, and partially
the aortopulmonary window. Accuracy of EUS-FNA
is 92% for the diagnosis of malignant mediastinal
lymph nodes, while accuracy is 73% (Wiersema et
al. 2002). Unfortunately, only small probes can be assessed, accounting for the relatively high false rate in
lymph nodes carrying only small foci of malignancy.
This problem might be solved in part by molecular
techniques in combination with EUS-FNA (Wallace
et al. 2003).
Mediastinoscopy performed under general anaesthesia is still the gold standard of invasive staging
procedures for mediastinal staging of lymph node
metastases and mediastinal inltration (Barker and
Silvestri 2002; Cybulsky and Bennett 1994). All
of the pre- and left and right paratracheal (stations
1, 2R, 2L, 3, 4R, 4L) and the anterior subcarinal (sta-


tion 7) are accessible via suprasternal approach, and

at least ve nodal stations (stations 2R, 4R, 7, 4L, 2L)
should be examined in principal, with no less than
one node sampled from each station. It is considered
minimally invasive and safe with low rates of morbidity and mortality (together about 2% and 0.7%,
respectively: pneumothorax, left recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, bleeding, airway and oesophageal
trauma, and infection) so that most patients can be
discharged within 1 day of the procedure (LeBlanc
et al. 2003; Cybulsky and Bennett 1994).
Areas that cannot be explored with this technique are the posterior subcarinal (station 7), inferior mediastinal (stations 8, 9), and aortopulmonary window and anterior mediastinal (stations 5,
6) nodes. Therefore, the sensitivity of conventional
mediastinoscopy to ascertain tumour inltration of
mediastinal nodes was only 81% in a meta-analysis
of 14 studies (Toloza et al. 2003), and the average
false negative rate is about 10% mainly due to inaccessible nodes, in particular the posterior subcarinal, aortopulmonary window, and anterior and
inferior mediastinal stations (Gdeedo et al. 1997;
Hammoud et al. 1999; Kiernan et al. 2002; von
Haag et al. 2002). Despite these problems, however,
mediastinoscopy remains the standard approach
for mediastinal staging with proven value in lung
cancer. Mediastinoscopy is indicated in patients
with pathological CT ndings of mediastinal lymph
nodes and otherwise eligible for surgery, with large
or centrally located tumours inltrating the mediastinum, and with histologically proven adenocarcinoma (Detterbeck et al. 2003; Canadian Lung
Oncology Group 1995; Sugerbaker and Strauss
Aortopulmonary Window (APW) Lymph Node
Nodes in the aortopulmonary window (APW) (station 5) are typically inltrated in locally advanced
carcinoma of the left upper lobe, and represent the
most important group of N2 nodes inaccessible by
standard cervical mediastinoscopy. EUS-FNA is one
method to evaluate these nodes, but it is restricted
by a high false-negative rate. Other techniques are an
extended cervical mediastinoscopy technique passing more laterally over the aortic arch (Ginsberg
et al. 1987) also using a suprasternal incision, or an
anterior mediastinotomy via the second or third intercostal space just to the left of the sternum, known

F. B. Zimmermann

as a Chamberlain procedure (Best et al. 1987). The

extended cervical mediastinoscopy carries a small
risk of bleeding and embolic stroke, but has the
advantage of being able to perform a standard mediastinoscopy in the same sitting. The extended cervical mediastinoscopy has a reported sensitivity of
about 50% and a negative predictive value of about
70%, increased in combination with standard cervical mediastinoscopy to 69%76% and 82%89%,
respectively (Ginsberg et al. 1987; Freixinet et al.
2000). The Chamberlain procedure carries a lower
risk of embolic stroke but needs an extra incision,
may produce pleural injury and pneumothorax, and
can hurt the left internal mammary artery (Toloza
et al. 2003). Pure anterior mediastinotomy presents
a sensitivity of 63%86% to ascertain N2 invasion,
and can be improved by a simultaneous standard
cervical mediastinoscopy to 87% (Best et al. 1987;
Deneffe et al. 1983). The Chamberlain or Ginsberg
approaches are recommended by the ACCP guidelines in primary NSCLC tumours of the left upper
lobe a soon as a standard cervical mediastinoscopy
is required (Detterbeck et al. 2003), although the
reliability of this procedure has not been extensively
documented. It can also be used to assess local respectability.
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy (VATS)
Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) delivers a
safe and reliable histological staging in lung cancer
patients by visual evaluation of the extent of locoregional involvement including mediastinal organs,
although it is in principle limited to only one side
of the mediastinum (DeCamp et al. 1995; Roviaro
et al. 1995; Loscertales et al. 2002), and is further
improved by physical manipulation and digital palpation via instrument ports. VATS can be used to detect chest wall invasion, pleural effusion, and pleural
tumour deposits, to dene their extent, and to conduct drainage or even pleurodesis (Roviaro et al.
1995). All lymph node stations on the ipsilateral side
down to the pulmonary ligament and paraesophageal stations, as well as the total pleural space, can
be visualized and prepared for biopsy. The biopsy
specimens allow a high quality of histological analysis, and result in diagnostic accuracy rates of VATS
of 92%100% (Sihoe and Yim 2003; Nakanishi
et al. 1994; Ishida et al. 1996; Ghosn et al. 1994),
comparable to those acquired with lymph node dissection via thoracotomy (Sagawa et al. 2002). VATS

Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

might be useful in evaluating the response rates after neoadjuvant therapy in patients after previous
mediastinoscopy, where repeated mediastinoscopy
is difcult (Sonett and Krasna 2000), and in exploration for intrathoracic metastasis. There are no
guidelines on the use of VATS. Nevertheless, due to
the high precision in describing locoregional resectability, not only by pure visual inspection but
also digital or instrument palpation, VATS is often
recommended immediately before thoracotomy
for lung cancer resection (Detterbeck et al. 2003;
Sihoe and Yim 2003; Asamura et al. 1997; Roviaro
et al. 1996; Yim 1996), which can spare a more radical
approach in unresectable situations not detectable
by non-invasive staging procedures and give some
information on the optimum level for the thoracotomy (DeCamp et al. 1995).
Diagnostic Thoracotomy
Traditionally, the resection of the tumour and lymph
nodes by thoracotomy for achieving a complete and
accurate pathological staging has been recommended.
Nevertheless, it is still debatable whether the extent
of lymph node clearance should be as radical as
possible to achieve an accurate staging and reduced
remainder of malignant cells in the mediastinum,
or just systematic to spare morbidity and perioperative disturbances of the immune system (Passlick
et al. 2002; Izdicki et al. 1994; Grondin and Liptay
2002). An alternative may be the concept of sentinel
node mapping within a video-assisted thoracoscopic
procedure. The theory of sentinel node biopsy is supported by modern immunohistochemical staining
techniques presenting micrometastases in more than
20% of lymph nodes previously thought to be benign
(Kubuschock et al. 1999; Riquet et al. 1999), and the
20%30% incidence of skip metastases in N2 nodes
although the N1 nodes were free of malignant cells
(Yoshino et al. 1996). Sentinel node mapping is performed by injecting a dye or radioisotope marker into
the tumour during thoracotomy (Little et al. 1999;
Liptay et al. 2000). The positive sentinel nodes
carrying the marker are dissected. One initial study
demonstrated feasibility in 82% of the patients and
accuracy of 94% Micrometastases were found in 8%
of patients, and skip metastases were found in 22%
(Liptay et al. 2000). To date, this procedure can not
be recommend outside of clinical studies, although
this technique holds promise for the future.


Comprehensive, pure thoracoscopy is the standard invasive approach to evaluate pulmonary nodules and pleural effusions if less invasive procedures
failed, and an adjuvant in the staging of ipsilateral
mediastinal lymph nodes.
Other Staging Procedures
In patients with advanced disease, other than the
previously explained invasive diagnostic procedures
other than those previously explained might be indicated: needle aspiration of a supraclavicular lymph
node, thoracentesis or thoracoscopy of a pleural effusion, or needle aspiration or biopsy of a metastatic
site such as an enlarged adrenal or hepatic mass.
Often these represent the easiest way to conrm the
diagnosis of lung cancer. On the other hand, the policy to examine these sites of advanced disease takes
into account that they are of imposing prognostic relevance both for life expectancy and quality of life.
An enlarged supraclavicular lymph node or a
pleural effusion is probably carrying tumour cells: it
has been estimated that up to 75% of NSCLC patients
may have N3 nodal metastases at the time of presentation (Miller and Taylor 1965). A recent study
reported that one-third of patients with mediastinal metastases on mediastinoscopy were also found
to have occult cervical lymph node metastases (Lee
and Ginsberg 1996). These scalene, supraclavicular,
and cervical lymph nodes are easily accessible and,
therefore, needle aspiration or surgical biopsy to diagnose an enlarged supraclavicular node are used
either to conrm the diagnosis or to dene the stage,
although data on sensitivity, specicity, and false negative and false positive puncture rates are missing.
Nevertheless, this approach is an attractive means
of excluding patients from unnecessary surgery
and risky invasive biopsy of the mediastinal nodes.
Simple percutaneous FNA provides reliable biopsy
results from palpable lymph nodes (Rohwedder
et al. 1990), and guided by PET or ultrasound (using
altered shape, internal architecture, vascular pattern,
and echogenicity as criteria) even biopsy of impalpable cervical nodes can detect occult cervical node
metastases in 8%31% of lung cancer patients (Fultz
et al. 2002; Sihoe and Yim 2003). On the other hand,
routine open exploration of the supraclavicular areas
is relatively invasive but can be done by extending of
a routine cervical mediastinoscopy with subsequent
exploration of the aortopulmonal window (Lee and
Ginsberg 1996).

F. B. Zimmermann


In patients with a suspected distant spread to liver,

bone, or adrenal region an invasive procedure is indicated to accurately dene the stage. The procedures
used to assess possible distant sites are dictated primarily by technical and anatomic factors specic to
the particular patient, in most cases CT-guided puncture, sometimes open resection. No data are available
on the reliability of these staging procedures in patients with lung cancer. In general, procedures that
can be performed on an outpatient basis and that
carry a low risk of complications should be preferred,
but they should also have a reasonable specicity.
Molecular Staging
Insight at the molecular level by means of molecular
analysis in terms of carcinogenic process, mechanisms for growth, and evading apoptosis of lung
cancer is increasing, and offers promise to nding
molecular indicators of a tumours particular virulence (Naruke et al. 2001; Jernal et al. 2002). At
least one current preliminary study has proposed
the prognostic value of molecular markers as being
of even higher relevance than lymph node involvement (DAmico et al. 2000). Tumour biology has
been studied extensively, including carcinogenesis
(oncogenes, tumour-suppressor genes, cell growthregulating proteins), angiogenic factors, factors affecting tumour invasion (extracellular matrix metalloproteases), and markers of micrometastases.
There is now increasing evidence that the synergy
and interactions of the various molecular mechanisms represented may be at least as important
as the individual prognostic signicance of each
molecular marker. The molecular markers among
the multiple molecular, demographic, surgical, and
pathological factors predicting local recurrence
were K-ras mutation, positive p53 expression, and
absent H-ras expression (Kwaitkowski et al. 1998).
Five markers were found to be signicant predictors
of survival (erbB-2, Rb, p53, factor VIII, and CD-44),
but the cumulative number of individual markers
present could further stratify patients into different
risk categories (DAmico et al. 1999). Testing for an
array of molecular markers may give more precise
information on prognosis. Nevertheless, molecular
staging still has to make an impact on clinical practice, because much of the evidence as yet falls short
of the demands for clinical use, caused by problems
within the research project published so far (nonstandardized techniques, small and even contradict-

ing studies) (Kwaitkowski et al. 1998; Iyengar and

Tsao 2002; Lee et al. 1995). Despite these problems,
however, molecular staging holds great promise for
the future (Putnam 2001; DAmico 2002). The prospects for accurately substaging patients may allow
for highly individual prognoses and, accordingly,
the determination of individualized therapy. The
incorporation of molecular techniques into routine
clinical practice will revolutionize lung cancer management.

General Recommendations
There are only a few guidelines in diagnostic evaluation of suspected lung cancer patients. The strategy
depends on factors related to the patient (clinical
presentation, co-morbidities, functional operability,
compliance), to the tumour (localization and extent
of the tumour, histology, and others), to the available
facilities, and to the cost of procedures. Accurate
denition of the diagnosis and stage allows the optimal treatment to be selected and is therefore recommended as precisely as possible. Diagnosis usually
starts with the assessment of clinical presentation,
risk factors, and radiographic appearance.
After initial investigation of the thoracic organs
by chest radiograph and suspicion on lung cancer,
exible bronchoscopy and CT play a major role in
the diagnosis of lung cancer bronchoscopy: they
are applied initially to establish a tissue diagnosis
with biopsy, brushings and/or washings, to localize the tumour and endobronchial extent, and to
give an overview on suspicious locoregional lymph
node inltration. The overall output of bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of lung cancer varies from
30% to 90%. This mainly depends on the location of
the tumour, with centralized tumours being histopathologically conrmed in close to 100% (Park et
al. 2000; Pugatch 1995; Hanson and Armstrong
1997). Deep inltrating tumours not specied by
pure bronchoscopy will be dened further by bronchoalveolar lavage, brushing, endobronchial or
transbronchial needle aspiration, or transbronchial
biopsy when conrmation of the diagnosis is the
primary aim. Lymph nodes can also be explored by
these techniques. With CT, the size of the tumour,
possible mediastinal involvement, and lymph node
inltration can be evaluated. The diagnostic approach can be extended to mediastinoscopy, trans-

Contemporary Issues in Staging of Lung Cancer

esophageal ultrasound-based biopsy, or even thoracoscopy, if tumour is otherwise not conrmed.

Mediastinoscopy is preferred due to its low false
negative rate (approximately 10%), if mediastinal
involvement of lymph nodes or inltration of the
primary into the mediastinum should be claried for further treatment planning, in particular
if resection or a multidisciplinary approach are
planned and offer a realistic cure. Mediastinoscopy
is also recommended if the PET scan is positive in
the mediastinum, or discrete enlarged lymph nodes
exist. Transbronchial, transthoracic, or ultrasoundguided transesophageal approaches, as well as
Chamberlain procedures or thoracoscopy, may be
recommended under particular circumstances, for
example if only lymph nodes of the paraesophageal
region or aortopulmonary window seem to be involved. Transesophageal ultrasound can evaluate the
posterior mediastinum including the infracarinal
area with high precision, and allows tissue sampling
by transesophageal puncture with high sensitivity
(about 90%).
The optimal technique depends on expertise and
should be chosen following multidisciplinary discussion.
When extensive inltration of the mediastinum is
documented already after radiological examination,
meaning stage is clearly dened and bronchoscopy
is unable to obtain tissue for histology or cytology,
transbronchial, transtracheal, or transesophageal
puncture should be preferred to mediastinoscopy,
because they are less invasive and have a high sensitivity (about 90%) and low morbidity.

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Lung Cancer Surgery


Basic Treatment Considerations


Lung Cancer Surgery


2.1 Lung Cancer Surgery

Sidhu P. Gangadharan, Philip A. Linden, and David J. Sugarbaker


Introduction 47
Preoperative Assessment 47
Diagnosis 47
Staging 48
T Stage 48
N Stage 49
M Stage 50
Preoperative Fitness 51
Operative Strategy 51
Nomenclature and Anatomy 51
Extent of Resection 52
Technique of Resection 53
Postoperative Course 53
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery 54
Radiation Therapy for Patients Undergoing
Lung Resection T3 Tumors 55
References 55

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world,
with an incidence of 1.2 million cases and 1.1 million deaths in the year 2000 (Parkin et al. 2001).
In the United States alone an estimated 171,000 new
cases and 157,000 deaths from lung cancer occurred
in 2003 (Jemal et al. 2003). It is estimated that lung
cancer accounts for nearly 13% of cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) worldwide, comprising 18% of new cancers for men and 7% for women
S. P. Gangadharan, MD
Chief Resident in Thoracic Surgery, Brigham and Womens
Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115-6195, USA
P. A. Linden, MD
Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, and Associate
Surgeon, Brigham and Womens Hospital, 75 Francis Street,
Boston, MA 02115-6195, USA
David J. Sugarbaker, MD
The Richard E. Wilson Professor of Surgical Oncology Harvard
Medical School and Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery,
Brigham and Womens Hospital,75 Francis Street, Boston,
MA 02115-6195, USA and Phillip E. Lowe Senior Surgeon
Chief, Department of Surgical Services Dana Farber Cancer

(Parkin et al. 1999). The United States has seen a

modest improvement in 5-year survival to approximately 15% over the interval between 1974 and 1998,
although death from lung cancer still exceeds that
from all other cancers (Jemal et al. 2003).
The World Health Organization has classied the
histologic subtypes of lung cancer (Brambilla et al.
2001). Surgical resection represents the best chance
for cure of epithelial non-small-cell lung cancers.
However, perhaps up to three-quarters of patients
presenting with lung cancer have lesions that are
unresectable because of locally advanced tumor or
systemic spread (Anonymous 1995; Ginsberg et
al. 1997). This chapter provides an overview of the
important surgical aspects of lung cancer therapy,
including preoperative assessment of resectability,
operative strategy, adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy,
and challenging lung cancers, such as tumors invading the mediastinum or chest apex (superior sulcus

Preoperative Assessment

Patients presenting with lung cancer are usually

symptomatic, describing a history of cough, weight
loss, or dyspnea in 60%75% of cases (Beckles et
al. 2003a). Hemoptysis, chest or bone pain, fever, or
weakness occur somewhat less frequently (Beckles
et al. 2003a). Physical examination may elicit signs
of advanced disease including the following: lymphadenopathy in the supraclavicular or cervical regions,
percussion dullness from an effusion, and neck vein
distension from superior vena cava obstruction. After
radiologic conrmation of the presence of tumor, a
pathological diagnosis may be obtained by means
of sputum cytology, bronchial washings or brushings, or ne needle aspiration. Bayesian theory has
been applied to the undiagnosed pulmonary nodule

S. P. Gangadharan et al.


to estimate likelihood of malignancy (Gurney et al.

1993; Gurney 1993; Cummings et al. 1986). This approach considers the resulting pre-test probability of
malignancy, in conjunction with the patients operative risk, and straties the patient into one of three
categories: observation, further non-resectional diagnostic testing (e.g., sputum cytology, bronchial washings or brushings, ne needle aspiration, PET scan),
or surgical resection (Ost et al. 2003). The patients
pre-test probability is highly dependent upon age,
smoking history, and CT scan characteristics of the
lesion (i.e., size greater than 2 cm, spiculations, and
recent lesion growth).

advanced Stage III tumors are potential candidates

for surgery, depending on the specic aspects of local
invasion (e.g., tumor inltration into the chest wall or
carina versus involvement of great vessels or heart)
or level of nodal metastasis. Stage IV cancers exhibiting extensive metastatic spread are generally outside
the realm of the thoracic surgeon, except for palliative measures, although solitary metastases may
not preclude a potentially curative lung resection.
Patients whose poor medical condition precludes a
pulmonary resection may still benet from interventions to restore and maintain airway patency through
bronchoscopic debridement of tumor, photodynamic
therapy, airway stenting, or brachytherapy.

T Stage

Once the diagnosis of pulmonary malignancy has

been made or, conversely, the pre-test probability
is sufcient to warrant resection without preoperative tissue diagnosis, the patient undergoes a staging
work-up to assign prognosis and determine the most
appropriate therapy. The staging system for nonsmall cell lung cancer is based on TNM classication
(Table 2.1.1) (Mountain 1997). Verication of stage
is accomplished both invasively (i.e., ne needle biopsy, resection) and non-invasively (i.e., CT scan, PET
scan). Stages I and II non-small cell lung cancers are
treated with surgical resection. Patients with locally

T1 tumors are less than 3 cm in diameter and exhibit

invasion no more proximal than a lobar bronchus.
These lesions are completely surrounded by lung
parenchyma. T2 tumors are greater than 3 cm in diameter or exhibit invasion into the visceral, but not
parietal, pleura. The extent of proximal invasion may
be as far as a main stem bronchus, but no closer than
within 2 cm of the carina. Atelectasis or pneumonitis
resulting from T2 tumors may extend to the hilum,
but not involve an entire lung.
T3 tumors are locally invasive and involve the
parietal pleura, chest wall, diaphragm, mediastinal
pleura, parietal pericardium, or a main stem bronchus less than 2 cm from the carina. There may be
atelectasis or pneumonitis involving an entire lung.
T4 tumors exhibit invasion of the carina, trachea,
mediastinum, great vessels, heart, or esophagus. A
malignant pericardial or pleural effusion conveys T4
status. In addition, satellite tumor nodules within the
same lobe as the primary tumor are considered T4
lesions. There are two important points regarding
resectability of T3/T4 tumors. First, it is essential to
realize that an ipsilateral effusion termed T4 may not
be a pathologic T4 tumor. Thoracoscopy with pleural biopsy often demonstrates a benign effusion secondary to lobar collapse. Second, clinical T4 tumors
from a secondary nodule in the same lobe have a better prognosis (3-year survival of 66.5%) than other
pathologic T4 tumors, and patients should be offered
resection (Battafarano et al. 2002).
CT scanning has been considered a mainstay of
tumor staging, but may incompletely distinguish the
T1/T2 from T3/T4 tumors, a distinction that may affect the extent of surgical resection (Webb et al. 1991).
Recent studies show that CT alone may incorrectly

Table 2.1.1. Non-small cell lung cancer


TNM subset














Any T, any N, M1

Lung Cancer Surgery


stage tumors up to one-quarter of the time (Antoch

et al. 2003; Lardinois et al. 2003). Integrated PET-CT
scan may prove more accurate, yielding 98% correct
tumor staging when compared to the nal histopathological staging (Lardinois et al. 2003). In terms of
airway invasion, although radiologic reconstruction
of the bronchi and trachea are useful adjuncts to
operative planning, our policy is to always perform
bronchoscopy to assess the airway before any consideration of surgical resection. Determination of the
proximal extent of endobronchial tumor invasion
(i.e., distance from carina) may be accomplished, in
addition to assessment for anatomic abnormalities, which might inuence the surgical resection.
Intraoperatively, frozen section analysis may be useful to determine extrapulmonary tumor involvement
versus inammation or adhesion in some cases (i.e.,
conrm T3 or T4 status).
N Stage

The lymph node drainage of the lung has been described previously (Asamura et al. 1999; Naruke
et al. 1978). In 1997, a revised lymph node map was
agreed upon by the American Joint Committee on
Cancer (AJCC) and the Union Internationale Contre le
Cancer (UICC) (Fig. 2.1.1) (Mountain and Dresler
1997). N0 cancers have no demonstrable metastases
to regional lymph nodes. N1 represents metastasis
to the ipsilateral peribronchial lymph nodes, ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes, or both, and intrapulmonary
nodes involved by direct extension of the primary
tumor (lymph nodes with double-digit numbering).
N2 lymph nodes are metastases to ipsilateral mediastinal lymph nodes, subcarinal lymph nodes (singledigit lymph nodes), or both. N3 designates lymph

Superior Mediastinal Nodes

(innominate) a.

1 Highest Mediastinal

2 Upper Paratracheal
3 Pre-vascular and Retrotracheal


Azygos v.

4 Lower Paratracheal
(including Azygos Nodes)


N2 = single digit, ipsilateral

N3 = single digit contralateral or supraciavicular




5 Subaortic (A-P window)


Aortic Nodes

Inf. pulm. ligt.

6 Para-aortic (ascending
aorta or phrenic)
Inferior Mediastinal Nodes
7 Subcarinal


8 Paraesophageal
(below carina)
9 Pulmonary Ligament

L. pulmonary a.
Phrenic n.

N1 Nodes
10 Hilar


11 Interlobar
12 Lobar
13 Segmental
14 Subsegmental

Fig. 2.1.1. Regional lymph node staging system

for non-small cell lung cancer. [Reproduced
with permission from Mountain CF and Dresler
CM (1977) Regional lymph node classication
for lung cancer staging Chest June 111(6):1718
1723, Figure 1, p. 1719]

S. P. Gangadharan et al.


node metastasis to contralateral mediastinal or hilar

lymph nodes, or ipsi- or contralateral scalene or supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Non-invasive lymph node staging can be performed using CT scan, PET scan, MRI, or endoscopic
ultrasound (EUS). A meta-analysis of studies utilizing
these various modalities revealed a pooled sensitivity
of 57% for CT, 84% for PET, 100% for MRI, and 78%
for EUS. Specicities were 89% for CT, 82%95% for
PET, 91% for MRI, and 71% for EUS. Further study of
MRI is warranted, however, as the results were drawn
from a single report of only 20 patients (Toloza et
al. 2003). Currently, MRI would not be considered the
standard imaging modality for evaluation of lymph
nodes in lung cancer. The accuracy of CT or PET scan
with regard to lymph node staging may be enhanced
by the integration of these two technologies, although
combined CT-PET scanners are not currently available in all facilities (Lardinois et al. 2003; Weng et
al. 2000).
Invasive lymph node staging can be accomplished
by transthoracic needle biopsy, EUS needle biopsy,
mediastinoscopy, or thoracoscopy. Meta-analysis of
the rst four techniques reveals that cervical mediastinoscopy yields the best performance prole, with
a sensitivity of 81% and negative predictive value of
91% (Toloza et al. 2003). Half of the nodes missed
were not accessible through cervical mediastinoscopy, because this technique only permits evaluation
of the paratracheal and subcarinal lymph node stations. Further enhancement of sensitivity may be accomplished with the addition of extended cervical or
anterior mediastinotomy techniques (Ginsberg et al.
1987; McNeill and Chamberlain 1966). Therefore,
mediastinoscopy is the recommended nodal staging
technique except in the instance of extensive tumor
inltration into the mediastinum, where radiologic
staging may sufce and needle aspiration or bronchoscopy may be enough to obtain pathologic conrmation of diagnosis (Kramer and Groen 2003;
Detterbeck et al. 2003). The utility of thoracoscopic
lymph node staging has not been fully elucidated
(Gossot et al. 1996; Landreneau et al. 1993).
We use cervical mediastinoscopy as the last preoperative staging step before planned surgical resection.
To minimize the likelihood that lymph nodes will
read as falsely negative for tumor metastasis, we send
the specimens for permanent section analysis by pathology, instead of relying on frozen section analysis.
Thus, the planned pulmonary resection is deferred to
a second operative setting. The surgical approach to
cervical mediastinoscopy and lymph node sampling
commences with a small incision above the sternal

notch, followed by dissection between the strap muscles until the pre-tracheal fascia may be breached.
Blunt dissection is then used to enter the mediastinum, and the paratracheal and subcarinal lymph
nodes are exposed and removed with a biopsy forceps
under direct vision (Reed and Sugarbaker 1996).
The morbidity of the procedure is minimal (Park et
al. 2003; Luke et al. 1986). Determination of IIIB disease (contralateral mediastinal lymph node involvement, N3) would preclude surgical resection. Our algorithm for positive N2 nodes involves preoperative
chemoradiation or chemotherapy alone, followed by
re-staging imaging to ascertain response. If there is
no progression of disease, we recommend pulmonary resection with radical lymphadenectomy.
M Stage

M0 connotes no distant metastasis; M1 reports the

presence of distant metastasis. A patient who is
deemed to have M1 disease by virtue of a nodule
in a separate lobe should be diagnosed by limited
resection. The patient may be a candidate for curative
resection, as these patients have a better prognosis
than patients with distant M1 disease. In one study,
the 3-year survival of T1-T2/N0/M1 resected tumors
was 63.6% (Battafarano et al. 2002). The absence
of clinical ndings may preclude the need to extensively scan the asymptomatic early-stage lung cancer
patient, as neither survival nor recurrence rates are
affected (Tanaka et al. 1999; Ichinose et al. 1989).
Some authors have recommended radiologic investigation for extrathoracic disease (e.g., bone scan, head
CT, abdominal CT) only if it is warranted by clinical
evaluation or in the case of advanced disease (stage
IIIA or IIIB) (Silvestri et al. 2003). Unnecessary
thoracotomy, however, may be prevented by routine
extensive extrathoracic workup (Anonymous 2001).
In addition to head CT, we have also started using
whole body integrated PET-CT scanning to further
clarify the presence of metastatic disease, and the
effect of this new technology on survival and recurrence is yet to be prospectively determined.
Patients with either solitary brain metastases
(Patchell et al. 1990; Burt et al. 1992; Magilligan
et al. 1986) or solitary adrenal metastases (Luketich
and Burt 1996; Porte et al. 2001) may benet from
surgical resection of the primary lung tumor in addition to the metastatic lesion. Our strategy is to combine a metastatic workup with cervical mediastinoscopy. If contralateral nodal disease is not found, then
the patient may undergo resection of the solitary

Lung Cancer Surgery

brain or adrenal metastasis, followed by pulmonary

resection as above.

Preoperative Fitness
Once a patient is determined to be resectable, it is
imperative to assess overall tness to undergo surgery. In addition to a careful history and physical that
might reveal the presence of heart failure, coronary
insufciency, or other co-morbidities, all patients
considered for surgical resection at our institution
undergo pulmonary function testing (PFT) and determination of the diffusing capacity of the lung
for carbon monoxide (DLCO). In addition, a modied stair-climbing test is sometimes used to assess
a patients suitability for surgery (Brunelli et al.
2002, 2004).
A preoperative forced expiratory volume
(FEV1) >2L (60% predicted) and DLCO >60% predicted value suggest that the patient will tolerate
pulmonary resection, including pneumonectomy.
The threshold to tolerate a lesser resection is commensurately reduced: FEV1 >1L for lobectomy and
FEV1 >0.6L for wedge resection (Miller et al. 1981).
At our institution we rely heavily on the percent of
predicted values, as these account for individual variability in age or size. Despite some variance in the
literature regarding the efcacy of FEV1 or DLCO in
predicting outcome after lung surgery (Stephan et
al. 2000; Ferguson et al. 1988), further testing to
stratify postoperative risk should be undertaken if
the FEV1 or DLCO is less than the thresholds cited
above (Datta and Lahiri 2003).
Calculation of a predicted postoperative FEV1
(ppoFEV1) may be accomplished either by estimation,
using the formula of Juhl and Frost [ppoFEV1 = preoperative FEV1 (1-[S5.26]/100); S: number of
segments to be resected] (Juhl and Frost 1975), or
by quantitative VQ scanning modied after Wernly
and colleagues (1980) [ppoFEV1 = preoperative
FEV1 (1-[% perfusion contributed by affected
lung/100 S/total number of segments in affected
lung])]. A ppoFEV1 >40% predicted and DLCO >40%
predicted have been suggested as threshold values
(Datta and Lahiri 2003; Beckles et al. 2003b). Our
group has recently demonstrated that by using a variety of minimally invasive techniques, limited resections, and concomitant lung volume reduction, with
advanced anesthetic and perioperative care, curative
resections can be performed in patients with preoperative FEV1 <35% predicted with a mortality of 1%


and serious morbidity under 5% (Linden et al. 2004).

The determination of operability should be made by a
thoracic surgeon skilled in these techniques. Exercise
testing and calculation of VO2max represents the next
level of testing should the predicted postoperative
values be below threshold values. VO2max >20 ml/
kg/min designates an acceptable risk group for surgery. VO2max <10 ml/kg/min confers signicantly increased risk for postoperative death or cardiopulmonary complications following lung surgery (Datta
and Lahiri 2003; Beckles et al. 2003b).
In patients who are scheduled to undergo pneumonectomy or who may present with cardiac comorbidity, we obtain a preoperative echocardiogram to
evaluate ventricular and valvular function, as well as
to investigate any pre-existing pulmonary hypertension. Occasionally, right heart catheterization and
pulmonary artery balloon occlusion are used to determine further a patients physiologic response to
lung resection.

Operative Strategy
Nomenclature and Anatomy

The scope of surgical resection ranges from wedge

resection to pneumonectomy. The wedge resection
represents a non-anatomic resection of the target lesion, with a variable margin of lung parenchyma. The
terminology non-anatomic refers to the lack of dissection of any of the branches of the three bronchopulmonary structures pulmonary vein, pulmonary
artery or bronchus or the attendant draining lymphatics or lymph nodes. Segmentectomy describes
an anatomic resection of the bronchopulmonary segment (Fig. 2.1.2). The right upper lobe is comprised
of apical, anterior, and posterior segments; the right
middle lobe is comprised of the lateral and medial
segments; and the right lower lobe is comprised of
the superior segment, as well as the medial, anterior,
lateral, and posterior basal segments. The left upper
lobe is divided into the upper division comprising
the apicoposterior and anterior segments, and the
lingula, which contains a superior and inferior segment. The left lower lobe is comprised of the superior
segment, and the anteromedial, lateral, and posterior
basal segments. Lobectomy entails removal of an entire lobe and its lobar pulmonary artery, pulmonary
vein, and bronchus, with attendant lymphatic basin.

S. P. Gangadharan et al.


Right lat.

Right ant.

1 Apical
upper lobe
2 Posterior
3 Anterior
4 Lateral
middle lobe
5 Medial
6 Superior
7 Medial (basal) RLL
8 Anterior basal
9 Lateral basal
10 Posterior basal

Left ant.

lower lobe

1 2
7, 8

Apical posterior
Superior of lingula
Inferior of lingula
Anterior-medial basal
Lateral basal
Posterior basal

Left lat.

upper lobe

lower lobe

Fig. 2.1.2. Surgical anatomy of the lung. [Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Science, Inc, JB Putnam Lung (including
pulmonary embolism and thoracic outlet syndrome) In: Townsend CM (ed) Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 16th edition, Chapter
55, 2001. Figure 1]

Bilobectomy involves resection of two lobes from

the same lung. Sleeve resection denotes the removal
of a circumferential portion of the airway in conjunction with the parenchymal resection. The remaining
lung requires a bronchial anastomosis in order to
re-establish airway continuity. A sleeve resection can
also be performed on the pulmonary artery, should it
be necessary to resect a circumferential portion of the
vessel with the specimen. Similarly, bronchoplasty or
arterioplasty in conjunction with a pulmonary resection describe the techniques by which the bronchus
or pulmonary artery is reconstructed after removal
of a non-circumferential portion of the structure
during resection. Pneumonectomy can be intrapericardial or extrapericardial, in reference to the site
of division of the pulmonary vessels. Extrapleural
pneumonectomy or pleuropneumonectomy refer to
the en bloc removal of the parietal pleura with the
entire lung. En bloc chest wall resection describes
the removal of a portion of the parietal pleura, ribs,
and intercostal musculature attached to the primary
specimen of resected lung.
Extent of Resection

The rst lobectomy for lung cancer using a technique of individual ligation of the hilar structures
was performed by Davies in 1912 (Davies 1913).
Churchill rened lung resection with the introduction of the technique of individual ligation of the

bronchopulmonary structures (Churchill and

Belsey 1939). Graham reported the rst successful
pneumonectomy for lung cancer in 1933 (Graham
and Singer 1933). Pneumonectomy remained the
operation of choice for lung cancer until Churchills
report in 1950, which detailed long-term survival
following lobectomy (Churchill et al. 1950). The
issue of whether sub-lobar or non-anatomic resection might similarly sufce was raised by Jensik and
colleagues in 1973. Subsequent investigators have
concluded that a lesser resection in the setting of
impaired cardiopulmonary reserve or advanced age
might be justied (Landreneau et al. 1997; Errett
et al. 1985). One argument against applying a strategy
of limited resection more broadly to any patient with
early stage lung cancer has been that it may understage cancers by virtue of inadequate lymph node
sampling. Takizawa and colleagues (1998) found a
17% incidence of metastases to N1 and N2 lymph
nodes with radical lymphadenectomy after resection
of small (1.1-2.0 cm) peripheral lung adenocarcinomas, suggesting that an adequate assessment of the
draining lymph node basin may be important even
in these distal T1 tumors. The other area of contention is whether limited resection could effect a local
and systemic cure. A randomized trial of lobectomy
versus segmentectomy or wedge resection for T1 N0
non-small cell lung cancers was reported by the Lung
Cancer Study Group in 1995. Although no statistically signicant difference in survival was found, investigators did nd that the overall recurrence rate

Lung Cancer Surgery

was increased 75% in the limited resection group,

and that the locoregional recurrence was increased
three-fold (Ginsberg and Rubinstein 1995). This
increased recurrence after sub-lobar resection
echoed the ndings of Warren and Faber (1994).
Landreneau and colleagues (1997) examined the
outcomes of lobectomy and wedge resection, both
video-assisted and via open thoracotomy, and found
a signicant improvement in 5-year survival curves
after lobectomy, although this was explicable by an
excess of non-cancer-related deaths in the limited
resection group.
At our institution, we reserve pneumonectomy for
cases in which tumors are too central to fully resect
with lobectomy, and where bronchoplasty or sleeve
resection still would not allow an adequate margin
with parenchymal sparing. Similarly, extensive involvement of the pulmonary vessels may necessitate
pneumonectomy, if arterioplasty is not feasible. Also,
in cases where the cancer crosses the ssure on the
left or crosses the major ssure, involving the upper
and lower lobes on the right, pneumonectomy is considered in patients with suitable reserve.
Conversely, limited resection for lung cancer is reserved at our institution for patients with marginal
medical status, advanced age, poor pulmonary reserve, or in some instances of second primary lung
cancer. In all cases, the tumor stage is T1. Every effort
is made to adequately stratify risk preoperatively, to
ensure that all potential candidates for anatomic resection are identied.

Technique of Resection
We have previously described in detail the steps for
the major pulmonary resections (Sugarbaker et al.
2001). In brief, after the induction of general anesthesia, bronchoscopy is performed to assess the airway for unexpected tumor progression or anatomic
abnormality that would alter the planned resection.
Subcutaneous heparin and prophylactic antibiotics
are administered. Single-lung ventilation is then accomplished using a double-lumen endotracheal tube
or single-lumen tube with a bronchial blocker. The
patient is positioned in thoracotomy position a lateral decubitus position with the operative side up.
A number of incisions may be used to access the
pleural space. For most anatomic resections, we utilize a posterolateral thoracotomy incision which begins at a point midway between the lower half of the
scapula and the spine, and extends to the anterior


border of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The serratus

muscle is usually spared, the latissimus muscle is usually divided. The fth intercostal space is entered at
the superior border of the sixth rib. Occasionally the
sixth space is used, or a rib may be removed partially
or entirely in order to widen the access to the chest.
An anterolateral thoracotomy, usually in the fourth
intercostal space, is another alternative. Sufcient
analgesia for these incisions is achieved with longacting local anesthetic plus narcotic via a thoracic
epidural catheter placed preoperatively.
The hilar structures are individually dissected and
divided. Our preference is to divide both vessels and
bronchi using a stapler. Smaller pulmonary arterial
branches are doubly ligated if they are not amenable
to stapler division. Incomplete ssures are also divided using a stapling device. Lymphadenectomy is
The margins are inspected by a pathologist upon
removal of the specimen to assure a negative bronchial margin. The integrity of the bronchial stump is
checked by testing the stump with ventilatory pressure up to 30 cm of H2O. When the patient has received neoadjuvant radiation or may receive postoperative radiation, it is our preference to buttress the
bronchial stump with an intercostal muscle pedicle,
a pericardial or pleural ap, or a thymic fat pad. We
also buttress after pneumonectomy or bilobectomy.
Postoperative Course

Mortality for lung cancer surgery ranges from 2%

to 4% in modern series, with postoperative morbidity occurring approximately 15%30% of the time
(Deslauriers et al. 1989; Ginsberg et al. 1983;
Knott-Craig et al. 1997; Myrdal et al. 2001; Yano
et al. 1997). Myrdal and colleagues (2001) reviewed
their experience of 616 patients undergoing lung cancer surgery and found an overall 30-day postoperative
mortality rate of 2.9%, with pneumonectomy conferring a higher risk (5.7%) than lobectomy (0.6%). The
rate of major complication (dened as postoperative
bleeding leading to exploration, respiratory failure,
bronchopleural stula, myocardial infarction, stroke,
heart failure, or renal failure) was 8.8%, with a higher
rate seen after pneumonectomy (18.5%) than lobectomy (5.7%). Minor events occurred in 22%, with
supraventricular arrhythmias accounting for half of
these complications (Myrdal et al. 2001). The mortality and complication rates after bilobectomy have
been previously reported to be comparable to that of
pneumonectomy (Deneuville et al. 1992). However,


more recent series do not report excess mortality or morbidity after bilobectomy (Damhuis and
Schutte 1996; Cerfolio et al. 2000; Carbognani
et al. 2001).
At the Brigham and Womens Hospital we use postoperative clinical pathways to standardize care after
pulmonary resection and to reduce length of stay.
Implementation of patient care pathways for lobectomy has been reported to reduce both length of stay
and hospital cost (Cerfolio et al. 2001; Wright et
al. 1997). Although 1-day stays after lobectomy have
been reported (Tovar et al. 1998), a length of stay in
the 5- to 7-day range is more common (Tschernko
et al. 1996; Kirby et al. 1995). At our institution all
patients are transferred to a specialized thoracic surgery intermediate care unit after lobectomy or lesser
resection. After 13 days in this setting, to permit invasive hemodynamic monitoring, continuous oxygen
monitoring, and frequent pulmonary toilet/ambulation, patients are transferred to a regular oor bed on
the thoracic surgical unit, which provides continued
specialized nursing care. After pneumonectomy, our
patients are recovered rst in a specialized thoracic
intensive care unit, which allows even more extensive
monitoring such as pulmonary artery catheterization, if indicated. Both hospital and surgeon-specic
experience inuence postoperative mortality for lobectomy and pneumonectomy, with higher volume
correlating with better outcomes in several large
studies (Birkmeyer et al. 2002, 2003; Hannan et al.
The 5-year survival for non-small cell lung cancer was reported by Mountain in 1997. For Stage I
tumors the 5-year survival is 67% (T1N0) and 57%
(T2N0). Stage II tumors are 55% (T1N1), 39% (T2N1),
and 38% (T3N0). In Stage IIIA, the 5-year survival is
38% (T3N1) and 23% (T1-3N2). The rate drops in
Stage IIIB to 3% (T1-3N3) and 6% (T4AnyN). M1
disease confers an overall 5-year survival of 1%.

Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) utilizes
small port accesses to the chest and a videoscope
for visualization, thereby avoiding a full thoracotomy incision. The ability to perform pulmonary resections with VATS techniques has provided a less
invasive method to safely diagnose and treat lung
cancers (DeCamp et al. 1995). Initial videoscopic
thoracic surgery was diagnostic or limited to treatment of pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or other be-

S. P. Gangadharan et al.

nign conditions (Kopp et al. 1979; Oldenburg and

Newhouse 1979; Rodgers et al. 1979; Kapsenberg
1981; Boutin et al. 1982; Fritsch et al. 1975). VATS
lobectomies for lung cancer were rst reported in
1993 (Walker et al. 1993; Kirby and Rice 1993).
We have described our technique of VATS lobectomy in detail elsewhere (Sugarbaker et al. 2001).
A small incision in the anterior seventh interspace is
used to place a port for a 5- or 10-mm videoscope.
The entirety of the pleural space and lung may be inspected for unexpected local or metastatic spread. For
wedge resections, second and third ports are placed
so that a triangulation is achieved over the tumor,
and instruments can be introduced to retract, dissect,
and staple the lung. For formal lobectomies or segmentectomies we use a 4- to 6-cm fourth interspace
accessory incision in the anterior axillary line which
allows access to the hilar structures. In addition, we
employ one posterior port near the tip of the scapula
for retraction. Dissection and division of the pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, and bronchial structures are accomplished with endoscopic staplers in
a similar manner to our open lobectomy. Mediastinal
lymphadenectomy is also performed. The specimen
is removed via an endoscopic bag to avoid seeding
the port sites with shed tumor cells.
The operative mortality for wedge resection
for lung cancer has been reported to be negligible
(Landreneau et al. 1997; Kodama et al. 1997). For
elderly patients undergoing VATS wedge resection,
we have previously shown that the mortality is <1%,
with a morbidity of 9%. VATS lobectomy also has been
accomplished with minimal mortality and morbidity
(Gharagozloo et al. 2003; Tatsumi and Ueda 2003;
Morgan et al. 2003; Lewise et al. 1999; McKenna
1998). A recent representative report by Morgan and
colleagues (2003) describes their experience with 158
patients undergoing VATS lobectomy. They report an
11% rate of conversion to open thoracotomy, secondary to extent of disease and bleeding in most cases.
The in-hospital mortality rate was 0.6%, with an
overall 30-day mortality rate of 1.8%.
The oncologic validity of VATS lobectomy has not
been addressed in a randomized prospective trial,
but retrospective studies report 5-year survival rates
for Stage I and II non-small cell lung cancers ranging
from 60% to 90%, and locoregional recurrence rates
around 5% (Tatsumi and Ueda 2003; Walker et al.
2003; Sugi et al. 2000; McKenna et al. 1998). Freedom
from cancer-related or associated death has been reported to be 78% for Stage I cancers, 51% for Stage
II, and 29% for Stage III (Walker et al. 2003). An
adequate lymph node dissection appears to be pos-

Lung Cancer Surgery

sible during VATS lobectomy (Asamura et al. 1999;

Morikawa et al. 1998).
An initial randomized trial of VATS versus open
lobectomy did not demonstrate a statistically signicant difference in length of stay (Kirby et al.
1995). A subsequent randomized trial and several
non-randomized trials, however, were able to show a
reduction in length of stay with the minimally invasive technique (Tschernko et al. 1996; Demmy and
Curtis 1999; Ohbuchi et al. 1998). These same trials
have also reported a signicant difference in the level
of pain associated with VATS lobectomy (Tschernko
et al. 1996; Morikawa et al. 1998; Demmy and Curtis
1999; Landreneau et al. 1993). Walker and associates (1996) have shown that the incidence of chronic
pain following VATS lobectomy is 1.2%.

Radiation Therapy for Patients
Undergoing Lung Resection T3 Tumors
Adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or
without radiation has been studied extensively
for stage IIIA (N2) and stage IIIB (N3) disease.
Radiation therapy, without chemotherapy, does
little to help these patients. For locally invasive, T3,
tumors, radiation therapy alone may make the difference between clear margins and positive margins. In general, T3 tumors invading the chest wall
are treated with surgical excision with wide margins alone, without the need for radiation therapy.
Several retrospective trials have shown either no
benet, or a detriment to adding preoperative radiation therapy to patients with simple chest wall
invasion (Piehler et al. 1982; Albertucci et al.
1992). Exceptions to this nding are tumors abutting or involving the vertebral bodies. If the tumor
is close to the vertebral body, the surgeon may consider preoperative radiation in order to shrink the
tumor and lessen the chance that resection of the
vertebral body will be required.
Superior sulcus tumors (Pancoast tumors) represent a unique subset of tumors which invade the
chest apex. The tumor may involve vertebral bodies,
subclavian vessels, or the brachial plexus. Pancoast
tumors are preoperatively staged by CT, and sometimes MRI, as T3 or T4 depending on the level of invasion. Lymph node staging and metastatic workup
are undertaken as for other non-small cell lung cancers. Positive N2 and N3 nodes are associated with a
5-year survival of less than 10% (Detterbeck 1997;
Deslauriers et al. 1994).


Treatment of Pancoast tumors begins with neoadjuvant therapy. These tumors were initially approached with preoperative radiotherapy alone
(Shaw et al. 1961). Recently, however, retrospective
studies (Wright et al. 2002; Attar et al. 1998) as
well as a prospective randomized trial (Martin et al.
2001) have shown potential benet to combining chemotherapy with preoperative radiation for superior
sulcus tumors.
Surgical approaches to superior sulcus tumors
include extended posterolateral thoracotomy and
anterior cervicothoracic incisions (Shaw et al. 1961;
Dartevelle et al. 1993). Resection usually comprises
the following steps: (1) resection of the chest wall including rst rib and, at times, portions of involved
vertebral bodies; (2) resection of involved nerve
roots, up to the rst thoracic nerve root; (3) resection
of the thoracic sympathetic chain; (4) resection of
upper lobe or wedge of involved lung; and (5) lymph
node dissection. Incomplete resection yields a survival rate which is comparable to that of no resection
(Rusch et al. 2000; Detterbeck 1997).
T3 tumors involving the mediastinum are very
difcult to cure. Burt and colleagues (1987) reviewed 225 patients accrued over an 11-year period
at Memorial Sloan Kettering. The 5-year survival for
patients with T3N2 disease was 8%, which is similar
to survival of patients with lower T stage tumors and
N2 disease. Patients with T3N0 tumors invading the
mediastinum fared no better, with 5-year survival of
10%. Although prospective trials do not exist, this
subset of patients may very well benet from neoadjuvant radiation or chemoradiation.

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Radibiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours



Radiation Therapy

2.2.1 Radiobiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours

Yuta Shibamoto and Masaki Hara

CONTENTS Introduction 59 Biology of Irradiated Normal Lung Tissues 59 Radiosensitivity and Proliferative Activity Testing
of Primary Lung Cancers 60 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission
Tomography Findings of Primary Lung Cancers 63 RadGenomics Project 64
References 64
Radiation biology has a history dating back almost
100 years. It began soon after Roentgen discovered
X rays in 1895. In the early 1900s, Bergonie and
Tribondeau formulated the famous rule that radiosensitivity of cells or tissues is correlated with the
frequency of mitoses which they undergo and that
poorly-differentiated and fast-proliferating tissues
are more radiosensitive than well-differentiated and
slow-proliferating tissues, from experiments using
the testis of rats. Since then, biological studies have
been carried out mostly using animals. In the 1950s,
Puck and Marcus (1956) devised a colony formation
method with which survival of cells became measurable in vitro. This facilitated tremendous progress
in radiation biology at the cellular level. Most of the
important biological phenomena at the cellular and
animal levels appeared to have been claried by 1980.
More recently, advances in molecular biology have
brought us much new knowledge on radiobiology

Y. Shibamoto, MD, DMSc, Professor and Chairman,

Department of Radiology, Nagoya City University Graduate
School of Medical Sciences, 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuhoku, Nagoya, 467-8601, Japan
M. Hara, MD, PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of Radiology, Nagoya City University Graduate
School of Medical Sciences, 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuhoku, Nagoya, 467-8601, Japan

of various normal tissues and tumours. Although

molecular mechanisms for normal tissue reaction
and tumour cell killing are not completely claried
yet, many cytokines have been identied that are
involved in the pathogenesis of normal tissue reaction including radiation pneumonitis. Some of the
more recent research efforts aim at identifying single
nucleotide polymorphism of genes and oncogene expression that are possibly related to increased normal
tissue reaction and radiosensitivity of tumours. In
this article, we introduce recent investigations including our own on radiobiology of normal lung tissue
and lung tumours.
Biology of Irradiated Normal Lung Tissues
Previously, clonogenic death of target cells had been
considered a major cause of normal tissue injury
by irradiation. Regarding lung injury caused by irradiation, for example, the type II pneumocyte has
been considered one of the most important target
cells. The type II pneumocyte exhibited the earliest response to radiation and a decrease in lamellar bodies and a corresponding increase in alveolar surfactant were reported shortly after radiation
(Penny et al. 1982). By 1863 weeks, several type II
cells underwent degeneration and sloughing into alveolar spaces. This would remain true, but recent researches have revealed that inammatory cytokines
are also involved in the pathogenesis of radiation
pneumonitis. Rubin et al. (1995) demonstrated early
and persistent elevation of cytokine production and
gene expression following pulmonary irradiation in
mice. Among these cytokines and genes are interleukin-1/, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-),
platelet-derived growth factor, and collagen and bronectin genes. The expression started shortly after
irradiation and continued cascade-like for several
months. They advocated that there is no latent period in a biologic sense for development of delayed


radiation pneumonitis. Anscher et al. (1994) reported that plasma TGF-1 levels measured during
radiation therapy for lung cancer may be useful in
identifying patients who will or will not go on to
develop symptomatic radiation pneumonitis. A subsequent study by the group suggested that changes
in plasma TGF-1 levels during radiotherapy may
be a useful means by which to identify patients at
risk for the development of symptomatic radiation
pneumonitis, particularly in the subset of patients
whose pre-treatment TGF- levels are over 7.5 ng/ml
(Anscher et al. 1997).
Chen et al. (2002) measured changes in plasma
levels of IL-1, IL-6, monocyte chemotactic protein
1, E-selectin, L-selectin, TGF-1, and basic broblast
growth factor in patients undergoing thoracic radiotherapy. They found that both IL-1 and IL-6 levels
were signicantly higher before, during, and after
radiotherapy for those who had radiation pneumonitis. None of the other cytokines appeared to denitely correlate with radiation pneumonitis. Their
results are different from those reported by other investigators (Rubin et al. 1995; Anscher et al. 1997),
and further investigations with a larger number of
patients are encouraged to determine cytokines
most closely related to the development of radiation
As a therapeutic approach, Rabbani et al. (2003)
investigated soluble TGF- type II receptor gene
therapy to ameliorate acute pulmonary radiation injury in rats. They administered recombinant human
adenoviral vector carrying this gene before 30 Gy of
hemithoracic irradiation with an expectation that it
might reduce availability of active TGF-1 and thereby
protect the lung. They observed a signicant increase
in the plasma level of TGF-1 type II receptor after
injection of the vector, and a signicant reduction
in respiratory rates at 4 weeks after treatment. These
ndings were supported by histological analyses of
the irradiated lung tissue. Their study showed the
ability of gene therapy to induce an increase in circulating levels of soluble receptors, to reduce the tissue
level of active TGF-1, and consequently to ameliorate acute radiation-induced lung injury.
Molecular aspects of radiation injury of the lung,
including the role of respective cytokines and genes,
are still to be claried. Fruitful application of the
molecular biology to therapeutic approaches may
be expected in future. In the pathogenesis of radiation injury of normal tissues other than the lung,
various cytokines have been reported to be involved
(Chiang et al. 1997; Richter et al. 1997). Also, radiation-induced cellular senescence may be related to

Y. Shibamoto and M. Hara

the development of late radiation morbidity (Peters

1996). In the near future, it is hoped that the relationship between clonogenic death of target cells, cytokine induction, and radiation-induced senescence is
claried at the molecular level.
Radiosensitivity and Proliferative Activity
Testing of Primary Lung Cancers
The necessity for tailor-made cancer treatment based
on the biological characteristics of each tumour has
been advocated recently. For this purpose, prediction of tumour and/or normal tissue sensitivity to
treatment is necessary. To estimate radiosensitivity
of tumour cells, several types of predictive assays
have been proposed. Among them, the SF-2 assay
in which the surviving fraction of tumour cells at
2 Gy of in vitro irradiation is measured using colony
formation or colorimetric methods has been most
intensively investigated. The reliability of the SF-2
assay to predict radiosensitivity has remained rather
controversial, but West et al. (1997), who made the
greatest contribution to establishment of the SF-2
assay, reported a clear correlation between the SF-2
and the prognosis after radiation therapy in uterine
cervical cancers; patients with tumours showing SF2 values below the median had a better prognosis
than those with tumours showing SF-2 values above
the median. However, the use of the SF-2 assay for
radiosensitivity prediction has not become a commonly used tool in clinics. One of the reasons for
this may be the long waiting time before obtaining
assay results.
We have tried to establish a more rapid assay of
radiosensitivity using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus (MN) test. MN formation represents chromosomal damage and the MN frequency increases
with radiation dose. Using this assay, we devised a
method of simultaneously estimating radiosensitivity and proliferative activity of human tumours
(Shibamoto et al. 1994, 1998). Estimation of tumour
proliferative activity is also important in radiotherapy, since rapid growing tumours are considered to
be resistant to protracted conventional radiotherapy.
One of the important parameters of proliferative activity is the potential doubling time (Tpot). The Tpot,
which is a doubling time in the absence of cell loss,
is considered to represent repopulation rates during
and after radiotherapy better than the volume doubling time. The assay involves determination of MN

Radibiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours

per cell, and the average number of micronuclei per

single BNC (= MN frequency) were calculated. The
DF (= maximal MNC percentage) and Tpot were estimated from the unirradiated group of cultures. The
Tpot obtained with this assay was the extrapolated
time for the nuclear ratio (the average number of
nuclei per tumour cell) to reach 2.0. When the MN
frequencies at different culture times (after day 3)
were not signicantly different from each other, these
values were averaged for both unirradiated and irradiated cells.
Figure shows a representative assay result
for a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. As shown,
three sets of data, i.e. DF, Tpot and MN frequency,
were obtained with this assay. The proportion of
MNC appeared to reach a plateau within 46 days
in all tumour cells investigated, and the DF was dened as the mean of the percent MNC at the plateau.
The Tpot was obtained by tting the initial part (for
days 13) of the nuclear ratio curve to an exponential
curve and extrapolating from it, when necessary. This
extrapolation was necessary in nearly all tumours in
which the nuclear ratio did not reach 2.0. In many
tumours like the squamous cell carcinoma shown in
Fig., MN frequency at 4 Gy did not increase
signicantly as compared to that at 2 Gy. This phenomenon has already been reported in established
murine and human cell lines by Abend et al. (1995),
who attributed it to the development of apoptosis at
higher doses.

Lung SCC







frequency after radiation, the fraction of tumour cells

undergoing mitosis in vitro (the dividing fraction,
DF), and the extrapolated time for tumour cell nuclei
to double in culture (in vitro Tpot).
After establishing the method in xenografted
human and murine tumours (Shibamoto and
Streffer 1991; Shibamoto et al. 1991), we have used
this assay for primary human tumours. All the specimens were obtained at operation and not by biopsy.
A total of 133 specimens of various human tumours
were obtained from patients receiving no preoperative radiation or chemotherapy. The average weight
of tumour specimens obtained was 2.0 g. The tumour
tissues were minced with scissors and treated at 37C
for 2 h with 1 mg/ml collagenase/dispase solution.
After ltering and centrifuging the tumour cell suspension, the cells were plated onto multiple collagencoated dishes (20 cm2). Whenever the cell yield was
sufcient, 36105 cells per dish were plated onto
ten dishes. The culture medium used was Ham F12
supplemented with 20% foetal bovine serum and
0.2 mg/ml gentamicin sulphate. Within 1 h after plating, 2 or 4 Gy of irradiation was given to some of the
dishes (usually two dishes per dose). Then, cytochalasin B dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide was added to
all dishes at the concentration of 1.5 g/ml. This concentration of cytochalasin B appeared to be optimal
in all of the human tumour cells tested in the previous study (Shibamoto et al. 1994). Cultures were terminated at various intervals, and the cells were xed
with 1% glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer, treated
with 5 N hydrochloric acid for 20 min and stained in
the dark with Schiff s reagent for 1 h. Usually, unirradiated cells were xed on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. By
monitoring the increase in the number of binucleate
cells (BNC) in the unirradiated dishes, the optimal
days for xing the irradiated cells were determined;
these were usually days 46.
Tumour cells were distinguished from normal cells
on the basis of morphological criteria such as nuclear
irregularity, dense nuclear staining and a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio, and only those judged as tumour
cells were scored. The cells with different numbers of
nuclei (mononucleate, binucleate, trinucleate, etc.)
and the micronuclei in the BNC were counted under
a microscope at a magnication of 1000. At least 100
(250300 whenever possible) cells were assessed per
dish, and at least 50 (100150 whenever possible)
BNC were assessed to determine the MN frequency.
BNC with three or more micronuclei were occasionally found, but all micronuclei were scored. Then, the
percentage of multinucleate cells (MNC, cells with
two or more nuclei), the average number of nuclei



Duration of culture (days)

Dose (Gy)

Fig. Assay of a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.

Left, the percentage of multinucleate cells (MNC) and the average number of nuclei per cell as a function of culture duration.
In the latter, an exponential curve was tted to the three points
obtained on days 13. Right, the average number of micronuclei (MN) per binucleate cell (BNC) as a function of the
radiation dose

Y. Shibamoto and M. Hara


Table Median values of the dividing fraction (DF) and

potential doubling time (Tpot) and mean micronucleus frequency at 2 Gy of irradiation (after subtraction of the 0 Gy
value) of various tumours

Lung adenocarcinoma

(%) (days) (2Gy-0Gy)

41 23



Lung squamous cell carcinoma 14 25



Lung large cell carcinoma




Lung small cell carcinoma




Pancreatic cancer (metastasis)




Breast cancer (metastasis)




Bladder cancer




Malignant glioma




Osteosarcoma (lung metastasis) 4








To investigate whether there is any correlation between the DF/Tpot and clinical outcome, the patients
with non-small cell lung cancer at each disease stage
were divided into two groups according to the DF value
(above or below median of each stage). Figure



DF < median (N = 28)

% Relapse-free

Of the 133 tumours tested so far, the DF and Tpot

were obtained in 104 (78%) and the MN frequency
could be evaluated in 93 (70%). Table shows
the assay data for lung cancers and other tumours.
Among these tumours, metastases of pancreatic cancer had the highest DF and shortest Tpot values, while
meningiomas had the lowest DF and longest Tpot.
Among malignant tumours, bladder cancer appeared
to have the lowest proliferative activity. Thus, the DF
and Tpot values appear to reect the degree of malignancy of each histological type of tumours. With
regard to MN frequency, there was no great difference
among these tumours. Especially, there was no difference in the MN frequency between adenocarcinoma
and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. This nding
agrees with the data on uterine cancer showing similar values for the surviving fraction at 2 Gy in the two
types of carcinomas (West et al. 1995). Small cell lung
carcinomas are more radiosensitive than non-small
cell carcinomas, but in this study, although the number of small cell carcinomas was small, the MN frequency after radiation for these tumours was similar
to or only slightly higher than that for non-small cell
carcinomas. Small cell carcinomas appear to die more
often by apoptosis (Ohmori et al. 1993), and apoptosis and MN-related death are different events (Abend
et al. 1995). This may explain our observation.

DF > median (N = 28)



Fig. Relapse-free survival curves according to the dividing fraction (> or < median for each stage) for patients with
Stage IIIIB non-small cell lung cancer. The stage distribution
(I/II/IIIA/IIIB) was 15/4/6/3 for both groups. p=0.0077

shows postoperative relapse-free survival curves for

the patients with Stage IIIIB non-small cell cancer
according to the DF value. The 28 patients with DF
above median for each stage had signicantly poorer
relapse-free survival rate than the 28 patients with
DF below the median (p=0.0077). Therefore, the DF
seems to be a useful indicator of tumour proliferative
activity and patient prognosis. The relationship between the DF and the growth fractions as determined
by proliferation markers should be investigated, because the DF values obtained in our study do not differ signicantly from the Ki-67 or proliferating cell
nuclear antigen positivity rates reported for various
types of tumours.
A total of 21 patients with Stage IIIIB non-small
cell lung cancer who underwent macroscopic curative surgery developed recurrence. In these patients,
a correlation was found between the time to recurrence and their Tpot value (Fig. Although
we are not sure whether the regrowth rate of tumours after surgery is related to the Tpot, the Tpot
obtained with this assay may also be useful in predicting the postoperative period at high risk for recurrence. The ow cytometry method is now being
widely used to estimate the Tpot, but several methodological problems that make the obtained Tpot
value inaccurate have been pointed out, including
the inuence of normal cell counts in diploid tumours and interlaboratory variations (Begg 1993).
As an alternative, our method appears to be attracting attention recently.

Radibiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours

Time to recurrence (month)





Potential doubling time (days)

Fig. Correlation between the potential doubling time

(Tpot) and time to recurrence in 21 patients with Stage IIIIB
lung cancer. R=0.70, p=0.00044

Only some of the patients underwent postoperative radiation therapy, but in 18 patients, including
those who had cancer other than that of the lung, the
clinical response of the primary or metastatic lesions
could be evaluated. Figure shows the correlation between the tumour response to radiotherapy
and the MN frequency at 2 Gy of in vitro irradiation
(after subtraction of the value at 0 Gy). The tumour
response was classied as complete response (CR),
partial response (PR, > 50% regression in maximal
tumour area), minor response (MR, < 50 > 25% regression) or no response (NR, < 25% regression).
The MN frequency tended to be higher in tumours
showing CR or PR than in those showing MR or NR.

MN/BNC (2Gy 0Gy)






Response to radiation


Fig. Tumour response to radiotherapy and micronucleus frequency at 2 Gy after subtraction of that at 0 Gy. MN/
BNC, mean number of micronuclei per binucleate cell; NR, no
response; MR, minor response; PR, partial response; CR, complete response. Bars represent the mean for each group


In particular, tumours producing many micronuclei tended to show good response to radiotherapy.
However, tumours producing few micronuclei varied
in their response and were not necessarily radioresistant. Whether the MN frequency after radiation
represents the radiosensitivity is a matter of controversy in laboratory studies. Some authors indicated a
good correlation between the MN frequency and cell
survival (Shibamoto et al. 1991; Mariya et al. 1997),
while others found no such correlation (Bush and
McMillan 1993; Villa et al. 1994). Since cell survival is not necessarily an absolute measure of radiosensitivity, such clinical studies as ours comparing
the MN frequency with actual tumour response are
necessary. Since it seems possible to evaluate apoptotic cells simultaneously, it may also be worthwhile
to modify the method to include scoring of both micronucleated cells and apoptotic cells.
In summary, the cytokinesis-block assay is feasible
in human tumour cells in primary culture. This assay
provides three sets of data on the DF, Tpot, and MN
frequency in approximately 1 week. The DF appears
to be an index of tumour proliferative activity, and
the Tpot obtained with this method was correlated
with the time until recurrence. Whether or not the
MN frequency after 2 Gy irradiation represents clinical radiosensitivity of the tumour is a topic of future
18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission
Tomography Findings
of Primary Lung Cancers
Positron emission tomography (PET) using 18F-uorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is a useful tool to detect tumours with increased glucose metabolism. Although
FDG uptake is observed in non-malignant lesions
(Shreve et al. 1999), FDG-PET can detect small tumours of approximately 1 cm in the abdomen. We
have used FDG-PET in patients with a lung nodule
or suspected tumour. The majority of patients had
lung cancers, but other patients with a lesion showing
FDG uptake underwent surgery without preoperative histological conrmation and proved to have benign diseases. We have tried to characterise FDG-PET
ndings in these patients.
FDG-PET was performed using a GE Advance scanner (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, Wis., USA). The
Advance unit produced 4.25-mm thick image planes
(18 direct planes and 17 cross planes) with an image

Y. Shibamoto and M. Hara


matrix of 128128. The resolution of the scanner at

full width at half maximum was 5.5 mm and the longitudinal eld view was 14.5 cm. All patients fasted
for at least 6 h before imaging. A 3-min transmission
scan was obtained before a 2-min emission scan by
using a rotating germanium-68 pin source. Seven
scans were usually performed to cover from head to
thigh. Scans were started 60 min after administration
of 185170 MBq FDG.
Table shows the standardised uptake value
(SUV) of FDG and mass size in pulmonary adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, and tuberculoma. There was a trend whereby
squamous cell carcinomas had a higher uptake than
adenocarcinomas. This appeared to be partly related
to the fact that adenocarcinomas are more frequently
well-differentiated than squamous cell carcinomas. In
adenocarcinomas, FDG uptake was higher in poorlydifferentiated tumours than in well-differentiated
ones, but this trend was not observed in squamous
cell carcinomas. At present, we have no explanation
for this discrepancy, and we will investigate further if
there is any correlation between degree of histological differentiation and FDG uptake with larger numbers of patients. The SUV for small cell carcinomas
were comparable to those for squamous cell carcinomas and poorly-differentiated adenocarcinomas.
Benign granulomatous diseases also showed increased FDG uptake. In our seven tuberculomas, the
mean SUV was 2.5, which was comparable to that
for well-differentiated and moderately-differentiated adenocarcinomas. Other benign lesions also
had a moderate degree of FDG uptake, but 90% of
their SUVs were below 3.0. Our results would suggest
Table Standardised uptake ratio (SUR) of FDG in lung
cancers and tuberculoma

Mean SD

Mean SD











Moderately differentiated 4





Poorly differentiated





Squamous cell carcinoma






Well differentiated

Well differentiated





Moderately differentiated 8





Poorly differentiated





Small cell carcinoma










that a lesion with an SUV of 3.0 or higher is likely to

be malignant. However, an SUV below 3.0 does not
necessarily indicate that the lesion is benign. It appears difcult to differentiate benign nodules from
well-differentiated adenocarcinomas on the basis of
SUV for FDG.
RadGenomics Project
The RadGenomics project started in April 2001 at
the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in
Japan (Iwakawa et al. 2002). This project promotes
analysis of genes that are expressed in response to
irradiation, identication of their allelic variants in
the human population, development of an effective
procedure for quantitating individual radiosensitivity, and analysis of the relationship between genetic
heterogeneity and susceptibility to irradiation. Major
groups of genes investigated in the project include
DNA repair genes, genes for programmed cell death,
genes for signal transduction, and genes for oxidative processes.
The outcome of the RadGenomics project should
lead to improved protocols for individualised radiotherapy and reduction of adverse effects of treatment.
The project will contribute to future research on the
molecular mechanisms of radiosensitivity in humans
and stimulate development of new high-throughput
technology for a wider application of the biological
and medical sciences. Identication of functionally
important polymorphisms in the radiation response
genes may determine individual differences in sensitivity to radiation exposure or radiotherapy.
We have initiated co-operative research with the
National Institute of Radiological Sciences to investigate whether there is any correlation between specic
single nucleotide polymorphism and normal tissue
reaction to radiation therapy. Radiation pneumonitis
is one of the major normal tissue reactions investigated in this collaboration. We will also investigate
oncogene expression that is possibly related to radiosensitivity in lung cancers using a microarray.

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Radibiology of Normal Lung Tissue and Lung Tumours

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Ohmori T, Podack Er, Nishio K, Takahashi M, Miyahara Y,
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by some anti-cancer agents (MMC, CPT-11, ADM) is inhibited by bcl-2. Biochem Biophy Res Commun 192:30-36
Penney DP, Siemann DW, Rubin P, Shapiro DL, Finkelstein
J, Cooper RA Jr (1982) Morphologic changes reecting
early and late effects of irradiation of the distal lung of the
mouse: a review. Scan Electron Microsc Pt 1:413-425
Peters LJ (1996) Radiation therapy tolerance limits. For one or
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Puck TT, Marcus PI (1956) Action of X-rays on mammalian
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Rabbani ZN, Anscher MS, Zhang X, Chen L, Samulski TV, Li
CY, Vujaskovic Z (2003) Soluble TGF Type II receptor gene
therapy ameliorates acute radiation-induced pulmonary
injury in rats. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57:563-572
Richter KK, Langberg CW, Sung CC, Hauer-Jensen M (1997)
Increased transforming growth factor (TGF-) immunoreactivity is independently associated with chronic injury
in both consequential and primary radiation enteropathy.
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Shibamoto Y, Streffer C (1991) Estimation of the dividing fraction and potential doubling time of tumors using cytochalasin B. Cancer Res 51:5134-5138
Shibamoto Y, Streffer C, Fuhrmann C, Budach V (1991) Tumor
radiosensitivity prediction by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. Radiat Res 128:293-300
Shibamoto Y, Shibata T, Miyatake S, Oda Y, Manabe T, Ohshio
G, Yagi K, Streffer C, Takahashi M, Abe M (1994) Assessment of the proliferative activity and radiosensitivity of
human tumours using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus
assay. Br J Cancer 70:67-71
Shibamoto Y, Ike O, Mizuno H, Fukuse T, Hitomi H, Takahashi
M (1998) Proliferative activity and micronucleus frequency
after radiation of lung cancer cells as assessed by the cytokinesis-block method and their relationship to clinical outcome. Clin Cancer Res 4:677-682
Shreve PD, Anzai Y, Wahl RL (1999) Pitfalls in oncologic diagnosis with FDG PET imaging: physiologic and benign variants. Radiographics 19:61-77
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factor for patient response to radiotherapy of carcinoma of
the cervix. Br J Cancer 76:1184-1190


Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionating in the Treatment of Lung Cancer


2.2.2 Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionation

in the Treatment of Lung Cancer
Melenda D. Jeter, Ritsuko Komaki, and James D. Cox


Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 67

Dose Escalation with
Standard Fractionation 68
Large-Dose Fractionation 68
Dose Escalation with
Hyperfractionation 68
Accelerated Fractionation 69
Reducing the Target Volume with
Three-Dimensional Conformal
Radiation Therapy 69
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
Accounting for Tumor Motion 70
Proton Therapy 70
Concurrent Chemotherapy 70
Small Cell Lung Cancer 71
Use of Combined Chemotherapy
and Thoracic Radiation Therapy 71
Concurrent Therapy 71
Radiation Dose to the Thorax 73
References 74


Radiation therapy has been an important component of potentially curative treatment of lung cancer for four decades. The radiosensitivity of normal
tissues in the thorax, especially normal lung and
esophagus, has led investigators to seek ways of enhancing the biological antitumor effects of radiation
while reducing its acute and late effects on normal
tissues. The focus in this chapter is on medically
inoperable or locally advanced unresectable disease,
specically non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
classied as stage IIIB (T4 or N3) or stage IIIA that
is unresectable because of bulky tumors or xed
N2 disease (according to the 1997 American Joint

M. D. Jeter, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor

R. Komaki, MD, Professor
J. D. Cox, MD, Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard,
Houston, TX 77030, USA

Committee on Cancer staging system) and small

cell lung cancer (SCLC) conned to one hemithorax and the ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Whether radiation therapy can be judged successful or unsuccessful depends on the endpoints used.
The traditional assumption has been that distant
metastasis is the major cause of death from lung
cancer; however, that cause is actually uncontrolled
tumor in the chest. Improvements in thoracic computed tomography (CT) scanning and beroptic
bronchoscopy that allow better visualization of lung
tumors led to the recognition that lack of local control is the main cause of treatment failure in lung
cancer (Arriagada et al. 1991, 1997). Two independent randomized trials showed that improving
local control, obtained by two different approaches,
can affect overall survival rates in both SCLC and
NSCLC (Saunders et al. 1997; Schaake-Koning
et al. 1992).
The therapeutic ratio of radiation for the treatment of carcinoma of the lung can be improved by increasing the biological dose to maintain local control
while protecting normal tissues. One way of doing so,
and our emphasis in this chapter, is through the use
of fractionation, i.e., manipulating the time interval
and dose of irradiation to optimize the therapeutic
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Local control of NSCLC, like that of SCLC, is directly related to survival. The ability to maintain
local control of NSCLC has been far from satisfactory, and hence several attempts have been made
to manipulate fractionation dose and schedule to
escalate the biologically effective dose to the tumor
and thus to improve outcome. Table gives
some definitions that are useful in reviewing the
literature on time, dose, and fractionation in lung

M. D. Jeter et al.

Table Fractionation denitions for lung cancera

Dose per

Number of
per week

Intervals between

Total number
of fractions

Duration of

Total dose


> 3.0
> 2.5




NC or ?
(?) NC

NC or ?
NC (B)

a Numbers

or symbols given assume a dose-rate of 2.06.0 Gy/min.

longer than 168 h constitute a split course.
? or B indicate decreases or increases relative to values given for standard fractionation schedule.
b Intervals
Dose Escalation with Standard Fractionation
The single most inuential study of dose escalation
with standard fractionation was conducted by the
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) (Perez
et al. 1988). Patients were randomly assigned to one
of four treatment groups. Three of these treatments
involved standard fractionation (2.0 Gy per day
given 5 days per week) to total doses of 40 Gy (in
20 fractions), 50 Gy (in 25 fractions), and 60 Gy (in
30 fractions); the fourth treatment used large-dose
fractionation given in a split course (4 Gy per day
for 5 days, followed by a 3-week interruption, and a
second course of 4 Gy per day for 5 days) to a total
dose of 40 Gy (in ten fractions over 5 weeks). The
higher total radiation dose led to improved survival
rates, but this effect came at the cost of some increase
in toxicity. The RTOG investigators conclusion that
60 Gy in 30 fractions was the most effective treatment
became a standard for the RTOG, for other cooperative groups, and for radiation oncologists throughout
the United States.
Large-Dose Fractionation
Advocates of large-dose fractionation emphasize the
usefulness of this form of treatment (also called hypofractionation) in lessening the overall number of
treatments and the corresponding burden on health
care facilities, decreasing the stress on patients to adhere to a schedule of ve visits per week over a period
of 6 weeks, and possibly in increasing the biological antitumor effect. Thames and colleagues (1983)
documented in the early 1980s that use of large dose
fractions was associated with increased late effects in

normal tissues; a comprehensive review of large-dose

fractionation published 2 years later by Cox (1985)
conrmed the increase in late effects but also drew
attention to the possibility that this practice also had
adverse effects on tumor control because it allowed
repopulation of tumor cells between fractions.
In a subsequent study involving large-dose fractionation, Uematso and others (2001) used CTguided frameless stereotactic radiation therapy to
treat 50 patients with stage I NSCLC. Most of the
patients in this study were given 5060 Gy in 510
fractions for 12 weeks, and 18 patients had also undergone conventional radiation therapy (4060 Gy in
2033 fractions) before the stereotactic procedure. At
a median follow-up of 36 months, 47 patients (94%)
showed no evidence of local progression on followup CT scans, and the 3-year overall survival rate was
66%. No adverse effects denitively related to the
stereotactic radiation therapy were noted except for
minor bone fractures (two patients) and temporary
pleural pain (six patients). On the basis of these results, the RTOG proposed a phase II trial (RTOG L0236) of extracranial stereotactic radioablation for
medically inoperable stage I NSCLC. The proposed
dose is 60 Gy, to be given in three 20-Gy fractions
with no more than two fractions per week.
Dose Escalation with Hyperfractionation
The potential for hyperfractionation to improve
the therapeutic ratio for radiation in many malignant tumors was recognized in part from the
failure of large-dose fractionation to improve local control and in part from the observation that
use of smaller fractions was associated with fewer
late effects in normal tissues. The RTOG conducted

Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionating in the Treatment of Lung Cancer

a series of trials of hyperfractionated radiation

therapy in which 1.2 Gy fractions were given twice
daily and total doses were escalated (Diener-West
et al. 1991). For cancer of the lung, the total doses
ranged from 60 Gy (in 50 fractions over 5 weeks) to
79.2 Gy (in 66 fractions over 6.5 weeks). Improved
survival rates were noted at a total dose of 69.6 Gy,
given in 58 fractions, with no further improvement
at higher doses. This dose fractionation regimen
was subsequently investigated in a prospective trial
in comparison with groups given either standard
fractionation or induction chemotherapy followed
by standard fractionation (Sause et al. 1995). In this
trial, use of induction chemotherapy was associated
with improved short-term survival but use of the
hyperfractionated regimen was not.
Accelerated Fractionation
With its twice-daily doses of 1.2 Gy, the protocol in
the RTOG study cited above (Diener-West et al.
1991) did involve some acceleration of treatment;
however, the most thorough investigation of a markedly accelerated course of radiation therapy was
conducted at Mount Vernon Hospital in the United
Kingdom by Saunders and colleagues (Saunders
et al. 1997; Saunders 2000). Their investigation of
continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation
therapy (CHART) involved use of three 1.5-Gy fractions per day for a total of 12 consecutive treatment
days, with no interruptions for weekends. The total
dose for this regimen was 54 Gy, given in 36 fractions
over 12 days.
After CHART was found to be promising in comparison with the historical experience at Mount
Vernon Hospital, a prospective randomized trial
was undertaken to compare CHART (total dose
of 54 Gy given in 36 fractions over 12 consecutive
days) to standard fractionation (total dose of 60 Gy
in 30 fractions, 5 days per week, for 6 weeks). The
observed improvement in survival in the CHART
group was considered to result largely from improved intrathoracic tumor control. A derivative
benet of this local tumor control from CHART
was the lesser incidence of distant metastasis in the
CHART group than in the standard-fractionation
group (Saunders 2000). This nding suggests that
metastasis from locally advanced lung cancer, like
that at other cancer sites, may arise through secondary dissemination from residual local-regional tumor (Arriagada et al. 1995).

Reducing the Target Volume with ThreeDimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy
Some evidence exists to suggest that very high radiation
doses (i.e., in excess of 70 Gy) for medically inoperable stage I disease have shown acceptable results in
terms of local control and survival (Qiao et al. 2003).
Such patients with small but inoperable tumors may
be candidates for three-dimensional conformational
radiation therapy, which can allow dose escalation if
the high-dose radiation volume conforms closely to the
size and shape of the tumor. The relationship between
pulmonary toxicity, especially symptomatic toxicity,
and the volume of irradiated lung is well established.
With regard to maximum tolerated doses, studies of
fractionated irradiation delivered either to both lungs
or to one lung at a time (Cox et al. 1972) suggested that
the limit was approximately 20 Gy at 1.5 Gy per fraction.
With regard to the volume of lung subjected to radiation, Graham et al. (1995) used dose-volume histogram
analysis to show that the percentage of normal lung
volume receiving a total dose of 20 Gy (V20) or more, in
standard daily fractions was strongly related to the risk
of severe or life-threatening pulmonary toxicity.
That same group (Graham et al. 1995), among others (Bradley et al. 2003), led a prospective trial (RTOG
9311) of dose escalation with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy in patients with inoperable
NSCLC (Bradley et al. 2003). The trial was designed to
escalate doses given on a standard fractionation schedule based on V20; patients with V20 of less than 25%
were given doses of 70.9 Gy in 33 fractions, 77.4 Gy in
36 fractions, 83.8 Gy in 39 fractions, or 90.3 Gy in 42
fractions. Toxic effects that occurred or persisted for
more than 90 days after the start of radiation therapy
were considered late effects. Estimated rates of grade 3
or higher late lung toxicity (according to the National
Cancer Institutes Common Toxicity Criteria; Cancer
Therapy Evaluation Program 1998) at 18 months
for the four dose levels were 7%, 16%, 0%, and 13%, respectively. Details on esophageal toxicity were not available, although a fatal trachea-esophageal stula was reported in the 90.3-Gy group (Bradley et al. 2003).
A second group of patients in this study, those with
a V20 of 25% to 37%, were given doses of 70.9 Gy in 33
fractions or 77.4 Gy in 36 fractions. Estimated rates of
grade 3 pulmonary toxicity at 18 months for these patients were 15% for both dose levels. Given these relatively high late toxicity rates (16% at 77.4 Gy for V20
<25% and a 15% at 70.9 Gy for V20 = 25%37%), further
dose escalation does not seem warranted, even with the
use of three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy.

M. D. Jeter et al.


Other groups have attempted to reduce the volume to be irradiated by avoiding elective nodal irradiation, even for patients with T3 tumors (Emami
1998; Belderbos et al. 2003). By avoiding elective
nodal irradiation for locally advanced lung cancer,
some investigators have been able to increase the radiation dose to the tumor above 80 Gy (Belderbos
et al. 2003). Another approach to decreasing target
volumes is to use simultaneous positron emission
tomography and CT scanning to more precisely delineate tumor volume, position, and size. One such
approach, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, is
discussed further in the following paragraphs.
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
Development of sophisticated software programs,
combined with improvements in diagnostic imaging
and image reconstruction, have allowed tumors to be
visualized and delineated more precisely, improving
the delivery of three-dimensional radiation therapy
and opening the door for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Two sources of error in IMRT
that could prevent successful delivery of optimal conformal treatment result from movementmovement
of the patient, which can be addressed by careful
immobilization, and the internal motion of thoracic
tumors caused by respiration and heartbeat. Indeed,
the main challenge in IMRT is to avoid increasing the
integral dose to organs that lie in the path of the multiple elds that are focused on the target volume. In
practice, the question in treating for thoracic tumors
is whether IMRT can reduce the V20 (the percentage
of lung receiving 20 Gy or more). Preliminary ndings from Liu and colleagues (in press) suggest that
IMRT is feasible but comes at the cost of exposing
a much larger proportion of the lung to doses of
10 Gy or less. Furthermore, treatment with curative
intent for thoracic tumors often involves concurrent
chemotherapy, which can further increase the risk
of normal tissue toxicity, especially pneumonitis, if
large volumes of normal lung are exposed to low
radiation doses.
Accounting for Tumor Motion
That intrathoracic tumors move in concert with respiratory and cardiac cycles has always been known,
but the importance of accounting for this movement

has been magnied with the advent of conformal

and intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Lung
tumors can move up to 15 mm in the inferior-superior directions with each breath (Seppenwoolde
et al. 2002; Stevens et al. 2002). Motion in the anterior and posterior directions can also be as great
as that in the superior-inferior plane. Moreover, the
location and size of the tumor can change over the
course of radiation therapy that lasts several weeks.
The importance of recognizing and accounting for
tumor motion over the course of radiation therapy
is becoming increasingly apparent. Respiration-induced tumor motion changes during a course of
radiation therapy can be more than 1 cm (Forster
et al. 2003). Therefore, frequent monitoring of tumor motion and location may be required in order
to insure that tumors remain within the high dose
region throughout treatment.
Proton Therapy
At present, the best way of increasing the dose delivered to tumors in the thorax without increasing the
dose to critical normal tissues seems to be proton
therapy. Treatment planning methods are being developed that account for passive scattering (Moyers
et al. 2001), and work has begun on the use of pencil beam scanning. Preliminary results suggest that
good local control of small tumors can be achieved
with little risk of acute or late toxicity (Shioyama et
al. 2003). Clinical experience with proton beam irradiation is limited, particularly with regard to large
tumors with lymph node involvement that would
require high doses for control. Fractionation studies in the context of proton therapy are currently in
their infancy.
Concurrent Chemotherapy
The use of concurrent weekly or daily cisplatin with
radiation therapy has been mainly based on the results of a large randomized trial by the European
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
(Schaake-Koning et al. 1992) that showed improved
local control and overall survival from the use of
concurrent chemotherapy and radiation. However,
this trial was based on a fractionation scheme that
may have been less than optimal in that 3-Gy fractions were given daily for 10 days, followed by an

Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionating in the Treatment of Lung Cancer

interruption of 4 weeks and then daily 2.5-Gy fractions for 10 days. Randomized studies of fractionated radiation for locally advanced carcinomas of
the upper respiratory and digestive tract (Fu et al.
2000) suggest that interruptions such as this quite
likely permit proliferation of surviving clonogens,
not only in normal tissues but also in the tumor.
Also, a recent meta-analysis based on individual
patient data raised some doubts about the magnitude of benet, if any (Auperin and Le Pechoux
2003), from concurrent chemotherapy and radiation
therapy and suggested that more randomized evidence was needed to support use of the combined
The most extensive experience with altered fractionation with concurrent chemotherapy for NSCLC
comes from work at the M. D. Anderson Cancer
Center and the RTOG. Results from randomized
phase II trials of a fractionation scheme developed
by the RTOG (58 twice-daily 1.2-Gy fractions for a
total dose of 69.6 Gy) used with concurrent chemotherapy seemed promising (Komaki et al. 1997).
However, the most favorable outcomes seemed to be
associated with a learning curve; specically, institutions at which 5 or more patients received concurrent chemotherapy and twice-daily irradiation
showed signicantly better survival rates than institutions with less experience in this form of treatment (Lee et al. 2002). At M. D. Anderson, long-term
follow-up of patients given 1.2 Gy twice a day with
concurrent cisplatin and etoposide showed the most
favorable 5-year survival rates reported to date, 26%
(Liao et al. 2002).
Small Cell Lung Cancer
The current treatment strategy for limited-stage
SCLC involves the use of chemotherapy, thoracic
radiation therapy (Turrisi et al. 1999), and, for
those who achieve a complete response, prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) (Auperin et al. 1999).
Comparisons of chemotherapy plus thoracic radiation therapy with chemotherapy alone have shown
that use of combination therapy improves survival
rates; other trials have shown that concurrent chemotherapy and thoracic radiation therapy is superior to sequential or alternating chemotherapy
and thoracic radiation therapy with regard to local-regional control and survival in limited-stage

Use of Combined Chemotherapy
and Thoracic Radiation Therapy
Because even initially localized SCLC tends to metastasize early in the course of the disease, chemotherapy is an essential component of the treatment regimen; intrathoracic failure becomes more important
after distant metastases are controlled. Two separate
meta-analyses have conrmed the value of adding
thoracic radiation therapy to chemotherapy for SCLC
in terms of decreasing the rate of local recurrence
and improving survival. Warde and Payne (1992)
analyzed results from 11 prospective randomized
trials of chemotherapy with or without thoracic radiation therapy for patients with limited-stage SCLC
and found that the addition of thoracic radiation
therapy conferred an absolute increase of 5.4% in
overall survival rate at 2 years (from 15% to 20.4%)
and an absolute increase of 25% in local control rate
at 2 years (from 15% to 40%). Pignon and colleagues
(1992), in their analysis of data from 2,140 patients in
13 randomized trials of chemotherapy alone versus
chemotherapy plus thoracic radiation therapy, found
an absolute increase of 5.4% in overall survival rate
at 3 years.
Concurrent Therapy
Potential advantages of delivering chemotherapy
and radiation therapy concurrently are the ability
to apply both modalities early in the course of treatment; the possible induction of synergistic effects;
the enhanced accuracy of treatment planning owing to the absence of induction chemotherapy that
might obscure the original tumor volume; and the
short overall treatment time (high dose intensity),
which prevents proliferation of clonogens. Potential
disadvantages of concurrent therapy are enhanced
toxicity to normal tissues, which could necessitate
dose modication or treatment breaks; the inability
to assess response to either modality; and possibly
sensitization of normal tissues.
In 1990, McCracken and colleagues reported the
results of a phase II trial of the Southwest Oncology
Group in which two courses of cisplatin, etoposide,
and vincristine were given concurrently with radiation therapy consisting of once-daily 1.8-Gy fractions given 5 days per week to a total dose of 45 Gy.
The concurrent therapy was followed by additional
chemotherapy with vincristine, methotrexate, and

M. D. Jeter et al.


etoposide alternating with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide for 12 weeks. This study evaluated
154 patients. With a minimum observation period
of 3 years, the 2-year survival rate was 42% and the
4-year survival rate was 30%. An updated analysis
(Janaki et al. 1994) after a longer observation period
showed a 5-year survival rate of 26%.
In 1999, the RTOG and the Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group (ECOG) (Turrisi et al. 1999) reported the results of a US nationwide randomized
study of limited-stage SCLC treated with concurrent
chemotherapy (etoposide and cisplatin) and thoracic
radiation therapy (45 Gy given in twice-daily 1.5-Gy
fractions or once-daily 1.8-Gy fractions); radiation
was started on the rst day of the chemotherapy cycle. The 2-year survival rate for the entire group was
44%. The 5-year survival rate was 16% for those given
once-daily radiation and 26% for those given twicedaily radiation a remarkable improvement over
previously reported 5-year survival rates.
The Japanese Clinical Oncology Group (Goto et al.
1999) conducted a phase III study of concurrent versus sequential thoracic radiotherapy, given in combination with cisplatin and etoposide chemotherapy,
for patients with limited-stage SCLC. Chemotherapy
was given in either a 28-day cycle (the concurrent
group) or a 21-day cycle (the sequential group).
Thoracic radiation therapy was begun either on day
2 of the rst cycle of chemotherapy in the concurrent
group or after the fourth cycle of chemotherapy in
the sequential group. The radiation therapy consisted
of 45 Gy delivered to the thorax in twice-daily 1.5Gy fractions over 3 weeks. PCI was given to patients
who showed a complete or a near-complete response;
the PCI consisted of 24 Gy given in twice-daily 1.5-Gy
fractions given 5 days a week. The incidence of grade
3 or 4 leukopenia was signicantly higher in the concurrent-therapy group (86.8% vs. 51.3%, p< 0.001),
but the incidence of non-hematologic side effects
was no different in the two groups. The 2- and 3-year
survival rates in the sequential-therapy group were
35.4% and 20.7%, respectively, as compared with
55.3% and 30.9% in the concurrent-therapy group.
Overall survival seemed to be superior in the concurrent group but this apparent trend was not statistically signicant.
Arriagada and colleagues (1991) reported the
results of two protocols involving 72 consecutive patients with limited-stage SCLC. Patients were given
two cycles of induction chemotherapy followed by
three 2-week cycles of thoracic radiation therapy that
included chemotherapy with the same regimen as
that used for the induction. Cisplatin and etoposide

were used in the rst trial, and cisplatin, etoposide,

cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin were used in the
second trial. The results of this trial are among the
most favorable reported in terms of long-term survival. The complete response rate was 87% and the
overall survival rate was 26% at 3 years; the overall
survival of patients who showed a complete response
to the interdigitated therapy was 26% at 5 years.
Whether thoracic radiation therapy should be
delivered early or late in the treatment course remains controversial. The National Cancer Institute
of Canada Clinical Trials Group studied this issue
in a randomized trial (Murray et al. 1993). In that
trial, 308 patients were given six cycles of chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and
vincristine alternating with etoposide and cisplatin.
Patients were randomly assigned to receive thoracic
radiation therapy (40 Gy to the primary tumor site
in 15 fractions over 3 weeks given concurrently with
etoposide and cisplatin) beginning either at week 3
(the early group) or at week 15 (the late group). Those
who showed a complete response were then given
PCI (25 Gy in ten fractions over 2 weeks) after the
completion of all chemotherapy and thoracic irradiation. Although the complete response rates were no
different in the two groups, progression-free survival
(p=0.036) and overall survival (p=0.008) were significantly better in the early-radiation group. Patients
in the late-radiation group also had a signicantly
higher rate of brain metastasis (p=0.006). This study
indicated that early use of thoracic radiation therapy
with concurrent chemotherapy improved survival,
possibly by eliminating the clonogens in the primary

The Intergroup study 0096 (Turrisi et al. 1999),

conducted with the ECOG and RTOG, compared
once-daily versus twice-daily radiation therapy in
combination with concurrent cisplatin and etoposide. All patients received four 21-day cycles of
chemotherapy. The once-daily fractionation group
received a single 1.8-Gy fraction each day, to a total
dose of 45 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks. The
twice-daily fractionation group received two 1.5Gy fractions each day, with a 4- to 6-h interval between fractions, to a total dose of 45 Gy in 30 fractions over 3 weeks. Irradiation began during the
first chemotherapy cycle. Patients who achieved
a complete response then were offered PCI (ten
2.5-Gy fractions). Although accelerating the radiation improved median survival time (19 months

Radiation Time, Dose, and Fractionating in the Treatment of Lung Cancer

for the standard fractionation group to 23 months

for the twice-daily group) and 2-year survival rates
(41% vs. 47%), a statistically significant difference
in survival was not apparent until 5 years (16% vs.
26%; p=0.04). The accelerated regimen also produced acute grade 3 esophagitis in 27% of cases
as compared with 11% of those in the once-daily
fractionation group.
The Japanese Clinical Oncology Group (Ariyoshi
et al. 1994) reported a multicenter phase II trial of
concurrent cisplatinetoposide chemotherapy and
thoracic radiation therapy for limited-stage SCLC.
Thoracic irradiation was given in a split course,
with 20 Gy given in ten 2-Gy fractions on days 212
of the first chemotherapy cycle and 30 Gy given in
15 2-Gy fractions delivered on days 2947 of the
second chemotherapy cycle. Some patients were
then given a 10-Gy boost, bringing the total doses
to 4050 Gy over 7 weeks. PCI was given to those
who showed a complete response. The split-course
radiation therapy used in this study was not as effective as that used in Intergroup 0096; the median
response duration was 8.7 months, the median
survival time was 14.8 months, and the 2-year survival rate was 20%. The complete response rate was
Radiation Dose to the Thorax
Arriagada and colleagues (1990) at the Institut
Gustave-Roussy conducted three consecutive trials of 173 patients with limited SCLC treated with
different thoracic radiation doses. All thoracic radiation was given in split courses alternating with
chemotherapy; the total doses given were 45 Gy (i.e.,
doses split 15-15-15), 55 Gy (20-20-15), and 65 Gy
(20-20-25). The corresponding 3-year local control
rates were 66% for the group given 45 Gy and 70%
for the two higher-dose groups; the 5-year survival
rates were 16% for the 45-Gy group, 16% for the
55-Gy group, and 20% for the 65-Gy group. None
of these apparent differences were statistically signicant among the three groups. The overall incidence of lethal toxicity was 10%, and this rate was
no different among any of the three radiation dose
Choi and colleagues (1998) conducted a phase
I study to determine the maximum tolerated dose
of radiation in standard daily fractionation and
hyperfractionated-accelerated twice-daily radiation schedules with concurrent chemotherapy for


Table Intergroup Study 0096 versus RTOG 9712

Intergroup Intergroup RTOG 9712
Group 1
Group 2
Thoracic radiation dose 45 Gy

45 Gy

61.2 Gy

Duration of radiation

5 weeks

3 weeks

5 weeks

Median survival time

19 months 23 months

Survival rates
1 year



2 years



5 years



Local failure rate



Incidence of grade 3




a Signicantly

different from Group 1 (p=0.01).

limited-stage SCLC. The maximum tolerated dose

of hyperfractionated radiation therapy was 45 Gy
given in 30 fractions over 19 days. However, in daily
fractionation, the maximum tolerated dose was not
reached at 66 Gy given in 33 fractions over 45 days,
and thus patients were accrued for a third group to
receive 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 47 days. The tumor response rates varied from 78% to 100%, and
no difference was found among dose levels. Doses
above 40 Gy did not signicantly improve the local
control rate. Esophagitis and granulocytopenia of
grade 3 or higher were more common among patients given hyperfractionated and accelerated-fractionation treatments.
To clarify the maximum tolerated dose of thoracic
radiation (in terms of acute esophagitis and pneumonitis) that could be given in combination with
cisplatin and etoposide chemotherapy for patients
with limited-stage SCLC, the RTOG conducted trial
9712 (Table (Komaki et al. 2003). The ndings of this phase I trial indicated that doses could
be escalated to 61.2 Gy over 5 weeks through the use
of a concomitant boost technique without more than
40% of patients developing esophagitis of grade 3 or
higher. This total dose was given as follows. Eleven
1.8-Gy fractions were given to large elds once daily
for 5 days a week, followed by 4 days of twice-daily
radiation therapy in which one 1.8-Gy fraction was
given in the morning to large elds and another 1.8Gy fraction was delivered to boost elds 6 h later;
for the nal 5 days, twice-daily 1.8-Gy fractions
were given to the boost elds.
Acknowledgment: Supported in part by National
Cancer Institute grants CA 16672 and 06294 and the
Texas Tobacco Settlement.


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Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy


2.2.3 Treatment Planning and Conformal

Mary K. Martel


Introduction 77
Treatment Planning Process 78
Introduction 78
Immobilization and Simulation 78
Planning Target Volume (PTV) 79

ICRU Guidelines 79
Use of CT for Gross Tumor
Volume Delineation 80
Addition of PET Scans 80
Microscopic Margin 82
Setup Uncertainties 82
Sources of Error 82
Accounting for Respiratory Motion 82
Radiation Beam Design and Delivery 84
Standard Beam Arrangements 84
Advanced Treatment Techniques 86
Normal Tissue Tolerance and
Treatment Planning Objectives 88
Dose Calculation Issues 90
Effects of Lung Density 90
Calculation Algorithms 90
Conclusion 93
References 93
The goal of radiotherapy is to deliver therapeutic
dose in a precise and accurate manner to the target volume while minimizing dose to surrounding
normal tissue. Advancement in technology over the
past several decades brings highly developed means
to achieve this objective. Planning and delivery of
radiation therapy has evolved to a multi-step process
which is individualized for each patient. This process
includes anatomy denition (including tumor and
important normal structures), radiation beam deM. K. Martel, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Department
of Radiation and Cellular Oncology, University of Chicago
Medical Center, 5758 C South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL
60637, USA

sign, delivery of the treatment plan, and verication

of delivery. The complexity of the treatment process
depends on many factors; of paramount importance
is the level of dose prescription and whether the ultimate clinical intent is curative.
For treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC), standard radiation therapy (RT) dose prescriptions range from 60 to 70 Gy at 1.82 Gy per fraction. However, it appears from clinical data that 70 Gy
may translate to a tumor control probability (or local progression-free survival) of approximately 30%
(Martel et al. 1999; Hazuka et al. 1993). Supporting
this outcome data are results from other single institution trials (using standard doses) which show overall
survival rates of 33%43% (Armstrong et al. 1995;
Graham et al. 1995; Sibley et al. 1995). In addition,
however, several of these trials, along with the multiinstitutional RTOG 8301 altered fractionation trial
(Cox et al. 1990), saw an elevated incidence of high
grade pneumonitis. These modest local control and
survival rates coupled with undesired normal lung
toxicity led to a rethinking of the radiotherapy treatment approach. Interest in RT dose escalation beyond
70 Gy launched a series of phase I trials aimed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (Robertson
et al. 1997; Armstrong et al. 1997; Rosenzweig et
al. 2000; Belderbos et al. 2003), with secondary endpoints to determine impact on local control and survival. However, given the dose-volume relationship
for normal lung with toxicity (Martel et al. 1994;
Oetzel et al. 1995; Graham et al. 1999; Marks et
al. 1997; Kwa et al. 1998; Seppenwoolde et al. 2003),
a novel dose escalation scheme (Ten Haken et al.
1993) was designed so that the prescribed dose would
depend on the amount of normal lung volume irradiated, rather than escalate in the standard fashion.
A normal tissue complication probability (NTCP)
model for the calculation of risk of pneumonitis was
used to set the dose levels so that, as the dose was
escalated, the risk of toxicity increased in a predictable manner. Using this design, doses were escalated
well above standard doses, achieving 84 to 102.9 Gy
for many patients (Hayman et al. 2001) without the

M. K. Martel


development of pneumonitis. For the subgroup of patients receiving doses greater than 92.4 Gy (Narayan
et al. 2004b), survival rates improved. However, local
control remained problematic, with progression occurring for many of the patients.
It has been hypothesized that one source of failure
of high doses to control all tumors is due to the possible accelerated repopulation late in the treatment
course of 810 weeks needed to deliver doses in excess of 80 Gy. Estimates predict a 1.6% loss of survival rate per day for treatment prolongation beyond
6 weeks (Fowler and Chappell 2000). Accordingly,
dose escalation schemes that limit overall treatment
time to 6 weeks or less provide a potential radiobiological avenue to explore for improvement of outcome. Several trials are already underway (Mehta
et al. 2001; Belderbos et al. 2003; Timmerman et
al. 2003). The subject of time, dose, and fractionation of radiation therapy is explored in depth (see
Chap. 2.2.2) elsewhere in this book.
Another major source of failure is geographic miss
of the tumor target volume by the planned radiation
elds. This is mainly due to effects related to the anatomical site of the tumor in the lung, namely, respiration effects causing tumor movement, and the uncertainties of the radiation dose calculation due to the
lower density of the lung. In addition, the treatment
planning phase is highly dependent on how target volumes are determined for a given patient. Inadequate
tumor denition from imaging studies leads to a target volume that does not cover the full extent of the
disease, and geographic miss will occur. The solutions
to eliminate geographic miss are technological in nature and will be discussed in this chapter. The basic
and advanced technical aspects of treatment planning
for radiation therapy will be covered, which will serve
as an introduction to later chapters that describe target volume denition, normal tissue toxicity, respiration control, and advanced delivery techniques such
as stereotactic radiotherapy and intensity modulated
radiation therapy in greater detail.
Treatment Planning Process
In simple terms, radiotherapy treatment planning
can be dened as the process of arrangement of
beams to irradiate a dened target volume to the

prescribed dose. The accuracy of beam targeting improved in the 1980s with the advent of computerized
image-based treatment planning which allowed the
widespread use of dose calculations in three dimensions (3D) based on patient-specic 3D anatomy. For
the anatomical site of the thorax, treatment planning
is complicated by the number of normal organs (spinal cord, normal lung, esophagus and heart) located
close to the tumor, which have limited tolerance to
radiation. However, 3D technology has allowed reduced irradiation of normal tissues by design of eld
shapes with the beams eye view and arrangement
of multiple non-coplanar, non-axial beam angles
with 3D visualization tools (McShan et al. 1990). This
allows dose to conform to the tumor/target volume
while maximizing sparing of dose to surrounding
normal tissue; this technique is called conformal
therapy. Dose distributions calculated in 3D can be
evaluated throughout the 3D patient volume, allowing for detailed analysis to facilitate achievement of
the optimal plan. The intricacies of the treatment
planning process for both standard and conformal
radiotherapy techniques for lung cancer will be reviewed here. In addition, Senan et al. (2004) have
an excellent review of literature-based recommendations for treatment planning for the lung.
Immobilization and Simulation
3D planning begins with the acquisition of an imaging volume data set with the patient in the treatment
position. First, the patient is placed on a support table
in a position that can be easily reproduced during
treatment setup. For patients with lung cancer, the
arms are positioned above their head so as not to
restrict selection of beam angles and prevent treatment through the arms. A positioning (otherwise
known as immobilization) device is used to help
duplicate the same position for each day of treatment. It is now common to make custom devices
to t individual patients. Custom foam cradles are
used for immobilization of the thorax region. A foam
mixture lls the space between a Styrofoam form and
the patient, forming to the body shape, which is then
attached with pegs to the treatment table. Well-made
immobilization devices will reduce the magnitude of
daily set-up uncertainty.
Localization of patient anatomy is performed using imaging studies. The simplest method is the use
of a machine called a simulator that has the same
geometrical features of a linear accelerator (identi-

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

cal isocentric gantry design and position of treatment table), but has a diagnostic X-ray generator in
the head of the machine. It produces radiographs in
two dimensional planes that visualize the intended
anatomic area of treatment, but often using bony
landmarks to approximate the location of soft tissue target volumes. Computed tomography (CT)
scan information supplements, and, now more commonly, replaces the simulator X-rays for soft tissue
volume delineation. Axial images are acquired with
thin slices (35 mm) through the target area and
adjacent normal structures, usually from vertebral
bodies C4 to L1 at a minimum, and to include the entire volume of both lungs. A coordinate system must
be established between the imaging studies and the
treatment machine. This is accomplished through the
use of an alignment system common to the simulator, CT scanner, and treatment rooms. Wall-mounted
lasers project lines in three planes (axial, sagittal, and
coronal) and intersect at the isocenter, dened as the
focal point of the treatment linear accelerators rotation at a point in space. In an X-ray simulator or
CT simulator (a CT scanner with a laser system and
localization software), the patient is aligned so that
the approximate center of the tumor is positioned
at the isocenter. An example of the placement of the
isocenter during the CT simulation process is given
in Figure The eld center and border can be
display by the simulation software and the isocenter
can be placed via software tools to the center of the
tumor, using the coronal (left) and axial (right) reconstructed CT images as guidance. Since the lasers


are aligned to point to the isocenter, the intersection

of the lasers with the patients skin surface is then
marked in the simulator. These reference marks are
used to re-align the patients at the time of daily treatment at the linear accelerator.
Planning Target Volume (PTV)
ICRU Guidelines

The imaging studies are used to construct a target

volume, the rst crucial step in the planning process.
To promote systematic target volume denition, the
International Commission on Radiation Units and
Measurements (ICRU) has published nomenclature
and guidelines (ICRU 1993, 1999). For target volume delineation, several concentric volumes are described. First, the extant of malignant cells visible
on imaging studies, including any involved nodes, is
called the gross tumor volume (GTV). Next, a margin
around the GTV is added to account for potential
local-regional subclinical extension, and is called the
clinical target volume (CTV). The GTV and the CTV
are based solely on anatomic and biological considerations. The nal volume is the planning target volume (PTV). This volumetric expansion accounts for
the uncertainties of the geographic position of the
CTV from day-to-day. Specically, a margin is added
to compensate for physiologic changes in the size,

Fig. Coronal digital reconstructed radiograph (DRR) (left) showing placement of an anterior eld isocenter; and an axial
CT slice with placement of the isocenter at depth in the patient

M. K. Martel


shape, and position of internal anatomy. Additional

margins are added to account for patient movement
(e.g., breathing) and differences in patient positioning from day to day (set-up uncertainty). The construction of the PTV is discussed below. In addition,
target volume denition is discussed in Chaps. 2.2.4,
and in the work of Armstrong (1998).
Use of CT for Gross Tumor Volume Delineation

CT imaging is the most common modality used for

treatment planning. However, distinguishing tumor
from surrounding normal lung and soft tissue is often not straightforward, even with the use of contrast,
and there can be large variations in contoured volumes among clinicians and institutions (Senan et
al. 1999; Bowden et al. 2002). Bowden et al. (2002)
found that despite input from radiologists, signicant variation up to 42% (on average 20%) occurred
in the delineation of the 3D gross tumor volumes
of NSCLC among oncologists. The authors propose
standardization of the approach and give guidelines,
which when followed, resulted in a reduction in the
variation to 7%22% (average 13%). Reduction of the
contouring variation on CT is important since studies
often relate clinical outcome to tumor size or volume.
The recommended guidelines are given below, and
are adapted from the procedure for the measurement
of the volume of the primary tumor and involved
lymph nodes from the TROG 99-05 study (Bowden
et al. 2002): Preparation: Volume measurements
will be based on planning CT images, which should
be contrast-enhanced. If the planning image does
not have contrast, a recent (within 2 weeks of planning) diagnostic contrast-enhanced CT scan should
be available for viewing alongside the planning CT
scan. The planning CT scan should include all known
tumor and all enlarged intrathoracic lymph nodes.
Steps: (1) Identication of tumor and nodes: The contour should therefore closely hug the surface of the
tumor and should not include a margin for suspected
or microscopic spread. Opacities thought unlikely to
represent tumor, but that a prudent radiation oncologist might include in the CTV because of lack of absolute certainty, should be excluded. The tumor, plus all
hilar and mediastinal nodes with a diameter >1 cm,
should be identied and outlined with a ne-tip felt
pen by a diagnostic radiologist on the hard copy.
(2) Initially the volume is contoured using mediastinal window (MW) settings (width 400 HU and level
+20 HU). Because the density scale on commercial
planning systems does not always correspond with

Hounseld units, it is recommended that the window

settings be standardized for each individual department and that the same settings be used on every
occasion. It is suggested that a diagnostic radiologist
be asked to establish which settings most closely correspond with the range of Hounseld units for both
MWs and lung window (LW), as described in the
report by Harris et al. (1993). For disease involving the mediastinum, the tumor/node edge should
be dened by the interface between the tumor/node
and fat or contrast-enhanced vessel using MW settings. (3) In practice, it is easiest to determine the
tumor volume using the MW settings and then to
enlarge this volume as required after changing to
the LW settings. The LW should most closely correspond with a level of 750 HU and a window width
of 850 HU. With these settings, the volume can only
be contoured at the lungtumor interface, because all
mediastinal denition is lost. The maximal cross-sectional dimension of the tumor should be measured
and recorded using the LW window image. Special
situations: (1) Spicules: Only the solid portion of the
tumor should be contoured. Fine spicules radiating
into the surrounding lung should not be included, because the interpretation of their size and signicance
varies considerably among observers. (2) Cavitating
tumor: If the tumor is cavitating, its volume will be
taken to be that volume if no cavitation were present. (3) Atelectasis: Patients with adjoining atelectasis
represent a special case. Sometimes the radiologist
is able to distinguish atelectatic lung from tumor,
especially if liver window settings are used (window
width 150 HU, level 50 HU).
Addition of PET Scans

18-FDG-positron emission tomography (PET) has

had a large impact on the delineation of the gross
tumor volume for lung cancer because it images metabolically active tumor cells. In particular, PET has
several advantages over CT in distinguishing tumor
from collapsed lung or mediastinal structures, and
benign from malignant lymph node enlargement.
The merit of PET vs. CT in the denition of nodal
involvement is reviewed by Gould et al. (2003). Data
from 39 published studies showed that the sensitivity
of PET vs. CT is 85% vs. 61%, and a specicity of 90%
vs. 79%. A detailed discussion on the use of PET in
lung cancer is given in Chap. 11.4..
A number of studies have evaluated the addition
of PET to CT-based treatment planning, with results
that suggest PET provides important additional in-

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

formation for treatment planning. The most common endpoints of the studies have been an analysis of the number of patients with volume changes
based on the PET information, and the change in
the margin or area of the treatment portals (Kiffer
et al. 1998; Munley et al. 1999; Nestle et al. 1999;
Vanuytsel et al. 2000; Mah et al. 2002; Erdi et al.
2002). For example, Kiffer et al. (1998) found with
a qualitative assessment that PET activity was present in areas regarded as normal by CT and would
have inuenced the treatment eld margin for four
of 15 patients. Mah et al. (2002) found that in seven
of 30 cases, PET information changed management
strategy from radical to palliative treatment. In ve
of the remaining 23 cases, new nodes found on PET
which were within 5 cm of the primary tumor were
included in the PTV. The PTV that was dened using
fused CT/PET would have been poorly covered by the
CT-based treatment plan in up to 29% of the cases.
The effect of FDG-PET on target denition varied
with the physician, but led to a reduction in PTV in
up to 70% of the cases and an increase in up to 76%
of the cases. The relative change in PTV ranged from
0.40 to 1.86. It is clear from these studies that PET has
signicantly changed the treatment management of
NSCLC patients, and is considered to be state-of-theart for radiation treatment planning.
Issues remain with the use of PET in treatment
planning, some of which were discussed in a recent
journal editorial (Paulino and Johnstone 2004).
For example, the determination of the edges of the
tumor in the metabolically active area on PET is
not straightforward. Most of the studies mentioned
above used an arbitrary threshold value of the maximum intensity (30%50%) in the PET-avid area or
a standardized uptake value (ranging from 2 to 5).
Figure illustrates several problems with the


lack of a unied approach to contouring on PET. On

the left, the PET volume dened at the 50% threshold value is not contained within the CT dened volume, and may be due to respiration, motion issues,
image registration, or other undetermined factors
arising during PET acquisition that are not present
during the CT scanning. On the right in Fig.,
the choice of threshold value will yield ever-increasing volumes of the tumor. Several phantom studies
have been published to determine optimal threshold
values, with differing results. From Erdi et al. (1997),
phantom data analysis for a set of spheres with volumes ranging from 0.4 to 5.5 ml was lled with F-18
activity (23 Ci/ml) showed that image segmentation converged to a xed threshold value (from 36%
to 44%) for sphere volumes larger than 4 ml, but
with the exact value depending on the source/background ratios. When applied to patient scans, the use
of optimum threshold schema demonstrated a good
correlation between the initial volume from CT and
the nal volume derived from the 18FDG-PET scan.
The mean difference for those volumes was 8.4%.
Researchers from Beaumont Hospital (Black et al.
2004) performed a series of sphere phantom studies to determine an accurate and uniformly applicable method for dening a GTV with FDG-PET.
They found a strong linear relationship between
the threshold standardized uptake value (SUV) and
the mean target SUV. The linear regressive function
derived was: threshold SUV = 0.307(mean target
SUV) + 0.588. The background concentration and
target volume indirectly affected the threshold SUV
by way of their inuence on the mean target SUV. The
linear regressive function, as well as a xed image intensity threshold (42% of maximum intensity) was
applied to the sphere phantoms and 15 patients with
NSCLC. The results indicated that a much smaller de-

Fig. The location and size of the

PET tumor volume at the 50% (of maximum intensity) threshold (displayed in
solid white) vs. the CT-dened tumor
volume in red (left). PET volumes at various threshold values ranging from 30%
to 60% of the maximum intensity value
(right). (Image courtesy of Dr. Samir
Narayan, University of Michigan)

M. K. Martel


viation occurred when the threshold SUV regressive

function was utilized to estimate the phantom volume as compared to a xed intensity threshold. The
average absolute difference between the two methods
was 21% with respect to the true phantom volume.
The deviation became even more pronounced when
applied to true patient GTV volumes, with a mean
difference between the two methods of 67%. This was
largely due to a greater degree of heterogeneity in the
SUV of tumors over phantoms.
The PET (or other image datasets, such as MRI) information needs to be correlated to CT scans through
the use of image registration software. Image data in
the PET transmission/emission or PET/CT dataset
can be aligned with the CT set by transforming the
PET coordinate system to match the planning CT.
Several types of algorithms exist to achieve this transformation (Pelizzari 1998). For example, one of the
simplest techniques is to identify anatomical landmarks in each dataset and tie the two image sets
together. A more complex registration method uses
the entire volume of image data (i.e., intensities of the
image voxels) for matching of mutual information.
Once the different image series are registered, image
fusion software is used to display the two modalities
Microscopic Margin

Generally, the size of margin added to the GTV to

account for microscopic extent (ME) has been somewhat arbitrary (i.e., 5 mm), or not used at all. However,
Giraud et al. (2000)examined NSCLC surgical specimens with adenocarcinoma (ADC) and squamous
cell carcinoma (SCC) histology. The mean value of
ME was 2.69 mm for ADC and 1.48 mm for SCC. The
usual 5-mm margin covers 80% of the ME for ADC
and 91% for SCC. To have 95% condence that all
tumor is included in the clinical target volume, a
margin of 8 mm and 6 mm must be chosen for ADC
and SCC, respectively.
Setup Uncertainties
Sources of Error

Patient orientation at treatment may be different

from the planned position. This is due in large part
to random variation, but some systematic effects are
present. Some sources of error are given below. For
one, the location of the lasers used to indicate the

isocenter may differ between the simulation and

treatment room. Also, the patient may not be marked
on the setup points in an exact manner in the CT
simulation room. The patient may be imaged on the
treatment machine before radiation is applied, which
quanties setup error, but there are limitations in
the ability to visually read the portal image, as opposed to utilizing computer-aided graphic alignment
tools. Also, based on the portal image, it is common
to correct the position of the patient only when the
needed shift exceeds 5 mm or greater. Furthermore,
there may be limitations in the ability to make the
proper shift in patient position. Finally, the patient
may move on the table after imaging but before treatment commences.
Studies to measure patient setup errors should be
carried out to estimate the margin to be used for the
planning target volume denition. Study results will
be dependent on the immobilization, simulation, and
treatment techniques used at each individual institution. One such recent study (Schewe et al. 1996)
measured overall setup errors in several anatomical
sites, including the chest. Port lms taken over the entire treatment course were compared to simulation
lms, using a curve matching graphical interface.
In general, the average translations in patient position in the chest were: 1.3 mm7.1 mm right-left,
3.3 mm6.7 mm anterior-posterior, 2.1 mm8.3 mm
superior-inferior. This data is displayed on a patientby-patient basis in Fig. It is interesting to note
some patients show much larger movement or setup
error than others. Also, mean translations that differ
from zero indicate systematic errors in setup. This
study would indicate that if a population-based standard margin was to be used for each patient, at least
1 cm should be added to the CTV. However, such a
margin would be too large for most patients in the
study and would unnecessarily encompass too much
normal tissue, but too small for the outliers, leading to
geographic miss of the PTV. Portal imaging everyday
(instead of the current once-per-week) will certainly
decrease the setup uncertainty. An alternative method
would be to image every day during the rst week of
treatment to determine an individualized margin for
use during the remainder of the treatment. However,
it is clear that regular observation and correction for
patient setup is a necessity.
Accounting for Respiratory Motion

Tumor motion due to respiration must be included

in the planning target volume denition, and can
be determined at the time of imaging. Simulator X-

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy


Fig. Chest patient mean translations and standard deviations (Schewe et al. 1996)

ray lms or planning CTs represent a snapshot of

a point in time during the respiration cycle, which
may not be at the same point under treatment conditions. On a conventional simulator, the tumor
motion and/or diaphragm motion can be observed
with uoroscopy. Ekberg et al. (1998) observed
tumor motion with uoroscopy for a group of 20
patients. With quiet respiration, they observed maximum movements in the medio-lateral and dorsoventral direction of 5 mm, and in the cranio-caudal
direction of 12 mm. A recent study by Sixel et al.
(2003) used digital uoroscopy to record a movie
loop over several respiration cycles. The movie loop
was registered with the simulation eld lms, and
the maximum extent of the tumor motion was observed. The results showed movement ranging from
0 to 12.8 mm in the superior-inferior direction, 0
3.2 mm in the lateral direction and 04.4 mm in the
anterior-posterior direction. Large variation in GTV
motion from patient to patient was observed, especially in the superior-inferior direction, for which
interpatient variability was >10 mm. Furthermore,
the motion variability and magnitude were much
larger in this dimension than in either the lateral or
AP direction. There did not seem to be a relationship or pattern between the tumor location within
the lung and the magnitude of motion. The authors
reached the conclusion that the observed variabil-

ity indicates the need for motion margins that are

unique for each patient and in each dimension. A
standard uniform PTV margin of 15 mm, as conventionally applied in the authors clinic, was found
to be inappropriate.
There are several drawbacks to the use of uoroscopy for estimation of the PTV margin for motion.
For example, the tumor can be difcult to see with
uoroscopy X-rays, the diaphragm motion may not
correlate with tumor movement, and translation not
shape change is measured. The use of CT simulators
is now commonplace, and CT images may be acquired
during different phases of the respiratory cycle.
Allen et al. (2004) dened a composite GTV using a
CT scan taken at deep inspiration and one at exhalation, representing the extremes of motion that may
be expected during free-breathing at treatment time.
Maximum excursion of the tumor averaged over all
patients was: superior-inferior motion of 2.0 cm, lateral motion of 1.5 cm, and anterior-posterior motion
of 1.7 cm. In addition, many of the tumors demonstrated shape deformation. An important conclusion
reached was that a large variation in tumor movement
about each axis was observed, and that motion could
not be quantied as a class solution, or as a standard
uniform (or non-uniform) margin.
Incorporation of a margin for motion will increase
the planning target volume and, consequently, in-


crease the amount of normal lung that is irradiated.

Alternatively, respiration can be suspended during the planning CT and treatment, as described by
Wong et al. (1999), through the use of a device called
active breathing control (ABC). This eliminates the
PTV margin for motion since the GTV need only be
dened at one point during respiration. A question
remains, however, as to whether ABC will be tolerated by some patients with compromised lung function. Along similar lines to ABC, another emerging
technology is respiratory gated therapy (Kubo et al.
2000), where radiation is delivered only at a certain
phase of the respiration cycle when the target is in a
known position. Gated therapy is discussed in detail
in Chap. 11.2.
Radiation Beam Design and Delivery
Standard Beam Arrangements

After imaging data is complete for a given patient,

the target volumes and normal anatomic structures must be dened. Each structure is circled or

M. K. Martel

contoured on individual axial images, using image display workstations. The contouring process
segments the image data into separate structures,
each uniquely identied. Semi-automated and automated algorithms are available that will contour
structures having the same density, allowing rapid
denition of an entire 3D region. For example,
lungs have one-third of the density of soft tissue
and can be easily differentiated from surrounding
tissue. Surfaces for each structure are generated
from the segmented contours, and can be viewed
in any plane that is generated through the surface.
In Fig., the planning target volume in green
and the spinal cord volume in yellow are displayed
as overlays on several reconstructed CT plans, such
as the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes in the left
panels. This type of display is useful during treatment beam design.
The next step in the planning process is the
design of radiation beam eld or aperture. In the
treatment of lung cancer, relatively simple beam
arrangements have been traditionally used. This is
due in large part to the prophylactic treatment of
hilar, mediastinal and in some cases, supraclavicular lymph nodes which may be at risk for harboring microscopic disease, which is called elective

Fig. Gross tumor volume

(GTV) contours shown in green and
spinal cord contours in yellow are
overlaid on the coronal DRR (upper right), and on axial, sagittal, and
coronal CT slices. The projection of
the eld borders on the patient is
shown in yellow in each panel

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

nodal irradiation (ENI). Though the ENI volume

is determined by anatomical landmarks located on
simulator X-ray images or reconstructed coronal
CT planes, it is rarely (if ever) contoured by the radiation oncologist as a separate structure. It is common to treat the approximated ENI volume, along
with the contoured primary GTV/PTV, in large
elds aimed from the anterior and posterior (AP/
PA) direction of the patient in parallel-opposed
fashion (see Fig. Since the spinal cord is
irradiated by the AP/PA elds, this beam arrangement can only be used until the tolerance dose of
the cord is reached, generally 4550 Gy at 1.82 Gy/
fraction. Fields are then arranged off-cord to treat
only the primary PTV. An example design of offcord elds is shown in Fig. Here, beam apertures are planned using 3D treatment planning
software, called virtual simulation. Initially, the
radiation eld borders are set in a rectangular fashion. Then, beam directions are selected by the use
of the beams eye view (BEV) tool. Target and normal structures are viewed from different directions
in planes perpendicular to the beams central axis
using BEV (see Figs and Structures
are distinguished from each other by use of different colors. In Fig., the beam direction is
angled away from the normal structure to separate
the PTV structure from the spinal cord. The beam
shape is then modied by designing a block that
will allow full dose to the PTV but minimize dose
to surrounding normal tissue. The block shape is
represented by the outermost shape in the BEV in
Fig. Blocks consist of heavy metallic material mounted on a tray which is placed in the head
of the machine, or a block substitute called a multi-


leaf collimator (MLC). The MLC consists of a number of small leaves that move independent of each
other to form the planned shape (displayed in the
BEV in Fig.
Once beam angles and shapes are designed, dose
calculations are performed. Since it is not possible
or practical to measure a 3D dose distribution for
each patient situation, a general dose calculation
system must be used to predict the dose in the
patient. These calculations incorporate basic data
that characterize the radiation beam energy and
geometry, such as depth dose curves and isodose
information for standard eld sizes. The deposition
of dose from photon irradiation results from the
generation of secondary electrons. In the case of
photon energies in the therapeutic range, electrons
are primarily set in forward motion by Compton
interactions (in which energy is both absorbed and
scattered), which then penetrate deeper into tissue.
Energy is deposited into tissue as these electrons
slow down. Computerized algorithms have been
developed to combine the dose distributions generated by combinations of beams, using individual
patient information such as depth of the point of
calculation, external body contour, and various
densities of anatomical structures. Dose distributions are displayed with concentric curves for chosen dose levels (isodoses) which are displayed as
overlays on anatomic structures. These curves are
normalized to a reference dose, either at isocenter
or to the lowest isodose curve that encompasses
the PTV. Ideally, the 95% isodose curve will cover
the planning target volume, or adjustments will be
made in the eld angles after evaluation of the dose

Fig. To avoid delivering dose to the spinal cord (yellow contours) with the anterior eld (left), the head of the machine
must be rotated until the virtual simulation software shows separation of the cord from the tumor volume (outlined in blue;
middle). Blocks to shield normal tissue are then drawn (outside blue line; right)


M. K. Martel

Fig. Beams eye view planning with non-coplanar and non-axial beams to avoid normal structures for an upper lobe
tumor. (University of Michigan UMPlan)
Advanced Treatment Techniques

The fundamental rule of treatment planning is the

use of multiple beams to concentrate the high isodose
region at the isocenter and in the PTV. Two opposed
beams, such as the AP/PA elds described above, will
produce a more uniform dose distribution throughout the volume when compared to the use of a single
beam. However, when more than two beams are used,
the dose is further concentrated in the PTV and dose
to normal tissues can be further reduced. An ideal
treatment plan is both conformal (high dose wraps
closely around the PTV with rapid fall-off to low
doses) and homogeneous (5% variability of dose
within the PTV). Two example cases of conformal
beam arrangements are given below. The rst case
is a tumor of the upper lobe, in Fig. Normal
tissue structures such as lungs, heart, esophagus, and
spinal cord are contoured on CT, and are displayed as
solid surfaces in 3D in a variety of BEV displays. The

PTV, in red, is targeted by beams directed from ve

different machine gantry angles, and several different
couch angles. These angles were chosen so that each
normal structure is irradiated by only several, but
not all, of the beams. For example, the spinal cord, in
green, is contained within two of the six BEV elds.
If the dose distribution for the PTV is not homogeneous, segments of elds may be placed to boost
the dose; one such segment is shown in the lower
right of Fig.
The treatment plan can be evaluated as to whether
it meets objectives of PTV coverage and normal tissue avoidance. A set of criteria for normal tissue tolerances (discussed in the next section) must be given
to guide the treatment planner. Dose distributions for
3D volumes can be displayed and analyzed graphically with dose-volume histograms (DVH), generated
for each structure. The cumulative form of the DVH
is a plot of the volume of a given structure receiving a
certain dose or higher as a function of dose. DVHs for
the beam arrangement in Fig. are displayed in

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy




Volume (%)

Fig. The dose-volume histogram for normal

lung is the addition of the dose distributions of both
lungs but minus the dose distribution in the GTV. The
GTV is selected instead of the PTV, since the PTV
contains normal lung receiving high dose which inuences the normal tissue toxicity rate.
The second case is shown in Fig. The tumor
is centrally located and in the lower lobe. Though the
PTV is located near the spinal cord, dose to the cord is
kept below tolerance by shielding the structure in two
of the four elds. However, the PTV is also blocked,
and the dose is boosted by adding a eld segment,
shown in the lower left panel. The dose volume histograms are shown in Fig. Discussion of the
analysis of the DVHs for both cases is given in the
next section.
If the treatment plan does not meet the given dosevolume objectives, beam arrangements or other parameters are adjusted. This can include a change of
beam energy, beam angle, or adjustment of the beam










50 60
Dose (Gy)



90 100

Fig. Dose volume histograms for treatment plan shown

in Fig.

Fig. Beams eye

view planning with noncoplanar and non-axial
beams to avoid normal
structures for a lower
lobe tumor. (University of
Michigan UMPlan)

M. K. Martel


Once the nal beams are designed, X-ray images

in the form of digitally reconstructed radiographs
(DRRs) are generated from the treatment planning
CT to enhance the bony anatomy with high contrast,
and are in the BEV plane. An example of a DRR of the
lung is shown in Fig. DRRs are used to compare to portal images taken before treatment, which
are either lms placed in the beam exiting the patient
or with an electronic portal device. Verication of the
radiation beam placement vis--vis the patient is carried out pre-treatment so that patient position can
be adjusted accordingly. Beam delivery is carried out
with the use of beam modiers such as blocks, multileaf collimators, wedges, compensators, or IMRT.



Volume (%)














Fig. Dose volume histograms for treatment plan shown

in Fig.
Normal Tissue Tolerance and Treatment Planning Objectives

intensity. For forward-planned conformal therapy,

these adjustments are carried out manually, with
changes made in an iterative fashion by the treatment planner. Normally, the beam intensity is uniform across the beam width and length. The simplest
modication of the intensity is a wedged shape lter
placed in the machine head. A more complex method
is to break the eld aperture into segments with varying beam-on times. Currently the most intricate form
of intensity modulation achieves a checkerboard pattern with each square of a varying intensity. The delivery of this type of pattern is with a compensator or
with a device called a multileaf collimator, which can
move under computer control to shape segments of
the eld to deliver the intensity pattern. This is called
intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and
with this technique, there is potentially a high degree
of control over the shaping of the dose distribution.
Because the intensity pattern is so complex, a different type of computerized treatment planning is used,
called inverse planning. The treatment planner denes the dose to be delivered to a target volume and
the limiting dose to the surrounding normal tissues,
and beam angles. The computer determines the corresponding intensity proles to achieve the desired
dose distribution. IMRT for lung cancer has recently
being explored. There have been several theoretical
treatment planning studies published, with ndings
that higher levels of tumor dose can be achieved while
maintaining the same normal lung dose-volume indices (Derycke et al. 1998; van Sornsen de Koste et
al. 2001; Grills et al. 2003; Marnitz 2002). IMRT for
treatment of lung cancer is described in Chap. 11.1.

3D conformal therapy is now a mature technology in

widespread use. However, it is still difcult to design
the best plan, dened as a balance of achieving high
dose delivery to the tumor with a low rate of normal
tissue toxicity. A set of criteria for normal tissue tolerances should be established from published studies
and adapted for local clinical use. A good starting
point is the report by a National Cancer Institutesponsored task force which carried out an extensive
literature search and presented updated information
on tolerance of normal tissues, with emphasis on
partial volume effects (Emami et al. 1991). For uniform irradiation of normal lung, tolerance doses for
a 5% chance of pneumonitis occurring within 5 years
for uniform irradiation of 1/3 of the lung was 45 Gy,
2/3 was 30 Gy, and whole lung was 17.5 Gy. For
the esophagus, the corresponding doses are: 60 Gy
(1/3), 58 Gy (2/3) and 55 Gy (whole) for an endpoint
of clinical stricture/perforation. For the heart: 60 Gy
(1/3), 45 Gy (2/3), and 40 Gy (whole) for the endpoint
of pericarditis. The 50% chance of a complication
occurring in 5 years was also given for each organ.
These tolerance data show that the complication
probability may be a function of irradiated volume
and dose. Preferably, biological models that use 3D
dose and volume information (and often, fractionation effects) could be employed within the framework of the treatment planning system to predict
normal tissue complications and tumor control rates.
Parameters for these models are determined by ts to
clinical data. The model can then be interpolated or
extrapolated beyond the range of the data and is useful during design of 3D treatment plans to estimate

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

sis of pooled data of 540 patients from ve institutions

of the previously listed studies. Increasing mean lung
dose correlated well with increasing pneumonitis rate.
Figure illustrates this relationship and can be
used to reliably predict the risk of pneumonitis when
mean lung dose is evaluated from a treatment plan
DVH. A more thorough investigation of a variety of
dosimetric parameters (Seppenwoolde et al. 2003)
conrmed that the underlying local doseeffect relation for radiation pneumonitis was linear (mean
lung dose), rather than a step function (V20, V30,
etc.). Each of these studies provides dosimetric parameters (Veff, V30, V20, MLD) that can be extracted
from the 3D dose distribution to give the clinician a
guide for safe treatment. Treatment-related toxicity
is discussed in detail in Chaps. 8.28.4. It should be
noted that current toxicity data does not include the
effect of concurrent chemotherapy.
Lymph/Breast (AI)
Lung (5)
Pneumonitis incidence

and help limit normal lung toxicity. For example,

an empirical methodology was developed (Lyman
1985) to parameterize normal tissue complication
probability (NTCP) under conditions of uniform irradiation to whole or partial organs. The relationship
among these three variables (NTCP, partial volume,
and dose) was modeled. Tolerance data was used by
Burman et al. (1991) to provide best-t estimates
of those parameters. Subsequently, the parameterization can be used to estimate the complication probability as a function of any dose and fractional volume
for the uniform irradiation of a partial organ volume.
With the Lyman model, a single number for fractional volume must be determined. The DVH, which
summarizes the non-uniform distribution of dose
for a particular treatment plan throughout an organ,
can be reduced to a one-step DVH that represents
uniform dose to a partial volume. The assumption is
that, when plugged into the Burman-Lyman NTCP
parameterization, the transformed DVH would predict the same NTCP as the original DVH. The Kutcher
(Kutcher et al. 1991) reduction method gives a nal
histogram with a single effective volume (Veff) for
irradiation of a single reference dose.
The Emami tolerance data summary was one of
the early efforts towards the use of objective criteria
in evaluating treatment plans. However, the tolerance
doses given were based on limited volumetric dose
data publications and on guesstimates based on
clinical experience. As 3D dose distributions for normal lung became available, dosimetric parameters
could be correlated with complication data. Martel
et al. (1994) reviewed the 3D dose volume histograms
for lung for patients with Hodgkins disease or lung
cancer vs. the development of acute pneumonitis. A
reasonable prediction was found for low versus high
risk of pneumonitis when examining risk groups
stratied according to the effective volume parameter for lung (Veff). There were also differences in
the mean lung dose (MLD) between patients with
complications (MLD of 1821 Gy) versus no complications (2426.1 Gy). Oetzel et al. (1995) demonstrated good correlation for the pneumonitis risk
with observed complication rates for ipsilateral lung
DVHs. Mean lung dose varied for patients with and
without complications (23.8 Gy vs. 20.1 Gy). Marks
et al. (1997) found the volume of normal lung receiving greater than 30 Gy (V30) was a strong predictor
of pneumonitis. Graham et al. (1999) reported the
best predictor of acute pneumonitis was the volume
of total lung receiving >20 Gy (V20). Kwa et al. (1998)
found a relationship between the incidence of radiation pneumonitis and the mean lung dose in an analy-













Mean Normalized Total Dose, NTDmean (Gy)

Fig. The incidence of radiation pneumonitis as a

function of the mean normalized total dose (NTDmean), representing mean lung dose (Kwa et al. 1998)

Complication data such as those discussed above

has helped in the design of several dose escalation
trials. As discussed in the introduction, one of the
rst trials in the 3D treatment planning era used a
novel dose escalation scheme (Ten Haken et al. 1993;
Hayman et al. 2001) at the University of Michigan.
Because of the observed dosevolume relationship
for normal lung with toxicity, the prescribed dose depended on the volume of lung (Veff) irradiated by the
plan, rather than escalated in the standard fashion
with all patients regardless of the amount of lung irradiated receiving the same level of dose. The normal
tissue complication probability (NTCP) model from

M. K. Martel


Lyman was used to set the dose levels so that, as the

dose was escalated, the risk of pneumonitis increased
in a predictable manner. The Netherlands Cancer
Institute (Belderbos et al. 2003) has a similar approach but uses mean lung dose to stratify patients
into dose groups. The Radiation Therapy Oncology
Groups (RTOG) trial (RTOG 1993) has three levels of
stratication according to V20. The use of 3D conformal therapy is a requirement for these studies.
The University of Michigan trial set constraints for
dose to normal tissue. All doses were corrected for
the effects of lung density. For example, the maximum
dose to the spinal cord is 50 Gy. The Veff computed
for the esophagus with a normalization dose of 80 Gy
must be less than 33%. The Veff for the heart with a
normalization dose of 40 Gy and 65 Gy must be less
than 100% and 33%, respectively. The Veff computed
for both lungs minus the GTV for the prescription
dose must be less than 40%. This means that, for the
esophagus and heart, the probability of a complication must be no greater than the risk associated with
uniform irradiation of one third of the esophagus, one
third of the heart, and the whole heart to 80, 65, and
40 Gy, respectively. These dose levels were adapted
from the Emami et al. (1991) data. The two patient
cases given in Figs. and were entered on
the trial. The rst case has a GTV of 169 cc and a PTV
of 429 cc. With sophisticated beam arrangements, the
normal lung (both lungs minus GTV) Veff was 13%,
with a prescription dose of 92.4 Gy, achieving a dose
much higher than standard fractionation. All normal
tissue doses were well within constraints with the spinal cord maximum dose of 49 Gy, and the esophagus
and heart Veffs of less than 5%. The second case had
a smaller GTV of 105 cc and PTV of 308 cc. However,
because of the central location, the normal lung Veff
was 37% with a prescription dose of 69.3 Gy.
Dose Calculation Issues
Eects of Lung Density

It is still common that most clinics, and many clinical

trials, have not taken the effects of lung density into
account when prescribing dose to the PTV. In computer calculations, lungs are assigned a density of 1,
which is equivalent to water, instead of approximately
0.20.4 that is reality. This means that the attenuation
of photons per unit length is lower in low density lung
tissue compared with unit density water-equivalent

tissue. Orton et al. (1998) mentions several reasons

for the lack of use of density corrections: the inability
of treatment-planning computers to make adequate
calculations of density-corrected doses; the lack of
consensus as to which density-correction algorithms
were best, or at least acceptable; the lack of evidence
that corrections for lung density were necessary in
clinical trials; and, probably most importantly, the realization that because all clinical experience so far had
been with uncorrected doses, to start making density
corrections would require that prescription doses be
increased by an unknown amount so that past and
future protocols could be compared. When dose was
measured in a benchmark test phantom to a point in
between two lungs, there was increased dose ranging
from 5%14% relative to a phantom of unit density
(Table The effect decreases as the photon enTable Lung density correction factors measured in the
benchmark problem phantom at energies ranging from 60Co
(1.25 MeV) up to 24 MV. [From Orton et al. (1998)]
Photon energy


AP/PA elds


4 MV
6 MV
10 MV
15 MV
18 MV
24 MV




ergy increases. The use of high energy beams could be

used to minimize the dose correction discrepancies.
However, studies (Mackie et al. 1985; Rice et al. 1988)
have shown that higher energy beams tend to spare
the surface of the tumor when traversing through
the lung. Also, higher energies will have an increased
range of secondary electrons in lung tissue, which
further spreads out the low isodoses relative to a water-equivalent tissue (Ekstrand and Barnes 1990).
When a clinically relevant phantom study was performed (Klein et al. 1997), dose delivered to the PTV
with 6 MV was within 5% of predicted, but low by 11%
with use of 18 MV. It is generally recommended to use
density corrections and low energy photon beam for
treatment planning of lung cancer.
Calculation Algorithms

Current treatment-planning computer systems have

the capability of incorporating the effect of lower lung
density into the dose calculation, and there are several
density-correction algorithms. However, because of
the variety of treatment situations for lung cancer, it is

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy


et al. 2003). The patients original plan using EPL shows

that the 95% isodose line is enclosing the PTV (left
panels). Recalculation of the dose distributions with
the CS model shows that the 95% isodose line constricts into the PTV, causing a reduction of dose particularly in the region of the PTV that is embedded
in lung, due to the penumbra broadening in the lowdensity lung tissue. This effect is less at the mediastinal
boundary with the PTV. Overall, the mean lung dose
as determined by the CS and EPL algorithms differed
on average by 17%, and the V20 differed on average by
12% (Fig. (de Jaeger et al. 2003).
Model-based calculation techniques, such as the
convolution-superposition and more recently, Monte
Carlo methods, offers a physics-based approach found
to be more accurate than correction-based methods

difcult to take into account all effects, such the buildup and scattering of secondary electrons. Such effects
depend on, for example, how much lung is traversed,
beam energy, and beam eld size. Correction-based
algorithms such as the equivalent path length (EPL)
model, the generalized Batho, and equivalent-tissueair ratio (ETAR) methods are available commercially.
The limitation of these algorithms is that the increased
lateral electron scatter in lung tissue is not accounted
for. Calculation algorithms have become more sophisticated in the past decade and practical to use with the
increase in computer calculation power. For example,
the convolution-superposition (CS) method can predict the lack of lateral electron transport in the calculation. The effect of the more accurate CS algorithm vs.
the EPL algorithm is shown in Fig. (de Jaeger

Fig. Isodose distributions in

transverse and coronal views through
the dose specication point of a veeld treatment plan for a right hilar
NSCLC, computed using the EPL algorithm (left) and the CS algorithm
(right). The isodose levels displayed
are: blue, 95%; pink, 90%; yellow, 80%;
green, 50%; white, 20%. The color
washes in red and blue represent the
GTV and the PTV, respectively. Note
the difference in the computations of
the 95% isodose line in the PTV (de
Jaeger et al. 2003)



V20 CS (%)

Mean lung dose CS (Gy)


y = 0.64 x 1.10
r2 = 0.99


Mean lung dose EPL (Gy)


y = 0.73 x 1.06
r2 = 0.99






V20 EPL (%)



Fig. The mean lung dose computed with the CS and EPL algorithm (a). Each triangle represents data of an individual
patient. The dashed line indicates the line of identity. Also shown is a t of the data using a power-law relationship. Similarly,
(b) represents the comparison between CS and EPL calculations of V20. The data were also tted using a power-law relation
(de Jaeger et al. 2003)

M. K. Martel


for calculating the dose in inhomogeneous media. The

Monte Carlo method is the only method that explicitly transports photons and electrons within a material and is therefore likely to provide more accurate
results at material interfaces and within lower density material (Chetty et al. 2003). A wide range of experiments have been conducted in both unit density

and low density geometries to validate user-specic

Monte Carlo codes developed for clinical treatment
planning. Results of one such validation experiment
is given in Fig. (Chetty et al. 2003). Depth
dose curves are shown for unit density material in the
two upper left panels, for small eld sizes where the
calculation is the least accurate for other algorithms,
6 cm lungequivalent slab



10x10 cm2

Relative Dose

Relative Dose

3x3 cm

2x2 cm


10x10 cm2





3x3 cm2
2x2 cm2






Depth (cm)






Depth (cm)


6 cm lungequivalent slab


3x3 cm2
2x2 cm2

10x10 cm2

Relative Dose

10x10 cm2




3x3 cm2


2x2 cm2













Depth (cm)

Depth (cm)

Correction factors (CF)

6 cm lungequivalent slab


10x10 cm2
3x3 cm2
2x2 cm2


Depth (cm)







6 cm lungequivalent slab
10x10 cm2

3x3 cm2
2x2 cm2



Depth (cm)



Fig. Relative central axis depth dose for 6 MV (upper left) and 15 MV (middle left) photons in a water phantom. Relative
central axis depth dose for 6 MV (upper left) and 15 MV (middle right) photons in the inhomogeneous solid-water/lung/solidwater phantom. Depth dose curves have been normalized to the doses, for the respective eld sizes, at 10 cm depth in the
homogeneous phantom. Correction factors (CF) as a function of depth for 6 MV (lower left) and 15 MV (lower right) photons.
The CF is dened as the ratio of dose in the inhomogeneous phantom to that in the homogeneous water phantom, at a given
eld size and depth (Chetty et al. 2003)

Treatment Planning and Conformal Radiotherapy

and for two energies of 6 MV and 18 MV. The Monte

Carlo calculation, represented as a line in the two upper right panels, is in very good agreement with the
measurement points when lung material is placed in
the beam. Note the decrease of dose within the lung,
relative to the unit density curve, and the re-buildup
of the dose in the unit density material (solid tumor)
located past the lung. Though this effect is difcult
to model, the Monte Carlo method prediction is accurate. The correction factors as a function of depth
for (lower left) 6 MV and (lower right) 15 MV photons are also given. When Monte Carlo was used to
recalculate patient cases (Wang et al. 2002), the calculated dose distributions were again characterized
by reduced penetration and increased penumbra due
to larger secondary electron range in the low-density
media, not as accurately accounted for in the pencil
beam algorithm compared to Monte Carlo. It was
concluded that it would be optimal to either use a
Monte Carlo once fast algorithms are developed.
Technological advances have become commercially
available in the past decade. In particular, 3D conformal therapy has become the rst step in improving
the targeting of dose to the tumor while sparing dose
to normal tissue, and has facilitated radiation dose
escalation. Though local control and survival has not
yet dramatically improved with recent dose escalation trials, this may possibly be due to geographical
misses because of poor target denition, movement of
the tumor due to respiration, and dose/fractionation
levels. Improved construction of the planning target
volume is an important rst step in improving the
treatment planning process. Further improvements
can be gained by sophisticated beam arrangement
planning, made possible with an intelligent choice
of clinically relevant normal tissue tolerance criteria.
Finally, algorithms to account for the effects of lower
lung density have become available and will facilitate
the accurate and realistic calculation of dose to the
PTV and the lung. The next step in the coming decade is to determine the impact of new technology
on treatment outcome.


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Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


2.2.4 Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Frank Lagerwaard and Suresh Senan


Introduction 97
Dening the GTV of Primary Tumors 98
Dening the GTV for Nodal Disease 100
Dening CTVs for the Primary Tumor 100
CTV for Nodal Disease:
Is Elective Nodal Irradiation Required? 101
Incorporating Tumor Mobility 102
Full Characterization and
Incorporation of Internal Mobility 102
Minimizing Respiratory Motion 104
Respiratory Gating 104
Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy 105
Deriving Margins for Mobility of
Mediastinal Nodes 105
Dening Target Volumes for
Postoperative Radiotherapy 105
Target Volumes After an Incomplete Excision 105
PORT in Patients Undergoing a Complete
Surgical Excision 106
Conclusion 106
References 106
Only the use of three-dimensional (3D) treatment
planning is appropriate for high-dose radiotherapy
in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) as major errors in target coverage have been reported in more
than 15% of patients planned using two-dimensional
(2D) techniques (Rosenman et al. 2002). However,
even with 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) techniques, local control and overall survival are suboptimal in both early-stage and locally-advanced NSCLC
F. J. Lagerwaard, MD PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Center, de Boelelaan, 1117, 1007
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Center, de Boelelaan, 1117, 1007

VU University Medical
MB Amsterdam, The

VU University Medical
MB Amsterdam, The

(Lagerwaard et al. 2002a; Qiao et al. 2003; Senan

et al. 2002a). Trials evaluating more intensive radiotherapy schemes (Saunders et al. 1997) and combined chemo-radiotherapy (Schaake-Koning et al.
1992; Furuse et al. 1999; Curran et al. 2003) have all
shown improved survival, but at the cost of increased
normal tissue toxicity. By improving the sparing of
normal tissues, 3DCRT enables a reduction in treatment-related toxicity, but its clinical use in lung cancer
remains disappointingly low (Movsas et al. 2003). In
order to facilitate the use of 3DCRT in lung cancer,
literature-based recommendations have now been developed by the European Organization for Research
and Treatment of Cancer (Senan et al. 2004).
In order to standardize the use of target volumes
for radiotherapy, the International Commission on
Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) reports 50
(ICRU 1993) and 62 (ICRU 1999) have recommended
specic denitions for delineation of the gross tumor
volume (GTV), the clinical target volume (CTV), the
internal target volume (ITV) and planning target volume (PTV), respectively (Table However, application of the ICRU criteria is not always clear-cut
in lung cancer. Traditionally, both the GTVs and CTVs
Table Recommendations on target volume description from the International Commission on Radiation Units
and Measurements (ICRU) Reports 50 and 62
Gross tumor
volume (GTV)

The clinically macroscopic disease, including that which is visible on imaging


Clinical target
volume (CTV)

An expansion of the GTV in order to

account for the spread of sub-clinical disease

Planning target A 3D expansion of the CTV to account

volume (PTV) for motion of the target volume, external
setup variability and other uncertainties,
and which denes the nal volume to be
Internal target
volume (ITV)

An expansion of the CTV in order to specically incorporate tumor movement into

target denition


are derived from a single planning CT scan performed

during quiet respiration. Standard population-based
margins are subsequently added in order to account
for mobility in the generation of ITVs. However, the
need to use separate margins for internal movement
and external setup uncertainty, as proposed by the
ICRU 62, has been questioned as the use of such margins could complicate the treatment planning process.
It has therefore been proposed that ITVs should only
be used where this clearly benets the treatment planning for a particular situation (Craig et al. 2001). As
the different causes of geometric uncertainties should
be added in quadrature rather than in a linear fashion,
it may be more straightforward to derive the PTV directly from the CTV. In fact, several models have been
described that allow the calculation of CTV to PTV
margins based on the requirement that, e.g. 99% of
the CTV is on average irradiated to 95% of the dose
(Stroom et al. 1999; van Herk et al. 2000).
In 3DCRT, radiation dose distributions generally
tightly conform to the tumor volume, making the accurate delineation of target volumes crucial for preventing geographical misses. As intra-fractional mobility
is an important problem in the thorax, non-standard
imaging techniques are required for optimal denition of target volumes for NSCLC. Treatment planning
based upon the use of a single CT scan performed
during quiet respiration is a suboptimal method for
dening the GTV for lung tumors (van Sornsen de
Koste et al. 2001; Shimizu et al. 2000). Recent work indicates that the only the use of individualized (i.e. patient-based) margins is appropriate for radiotherapy
of lung tumors rather than population-based CTV
to PTV margins (Stevens et al. 2001; van Sornsen
de Koste et al. 2003a; Sixel et al. 2003). Several approaches which directly allow for the determination
of ITVs, including the use of slow CT scans, multiple
planning CT scans, or planning scans performed in
different phases of respiration, have been introduced
into clinical practice (Stevens et al. 2001; Yamada et
al. 2002; van Sornsen de Koste et al. 2003b).
This chapter will highlight potential clinical pitfalls
in dening the target volumes for NSCLC, and evaluate
the newer clinical approaches used for individualized
determination of target mobility.
Dening the GTV of Primary Tumors
CT scans for treatment planning should ideally be
performed under identical conditions as for the ac-

F. Lagerwaard and S. Senan

tual treatment delivery. In contrast to diagnostic CT

scans which are obtained during breath-hold, radiotherapy planning scans are commonly performed
during quiet respiration. If recent diagnostic CT
scans are available, use of intravenous contrast is
not necessarily indicated for treatment planning CT
scans unless, for example, a primary tumor is adjacent to the mediastinum or hilus. It is essential to
realize the CT scanning procedure inherently introduces errors in the visualization of location, size, and
shape of mobile tumors and normal organs (Booth
and Zavgorodni 2001). An extreme example of such
imaging-induced errors in tumor visualization is illustrated in a patient with a highly mobile lung tumor in the right lung (Fig. The different approaches for addressing tumor mobility are reviewed
in greater detail below.
A literature review found that the inter-clinician variability in contouring the GTV is a major
contributing factor responsible for the uncertainty
in treatment planning for lung cancer (Weiss and
Hess 2003). Appropriate training in radiology, clear
instructions for target contouring, the use of optimal imaging techniques, and a close liaison with
experienced radiologists have all been proposed as
measures to ensure a more accurate and consistent
denition of target volumes (Senan et al. 1999). As
the size of the GTV within the lung parenchyma or
the mediastinum is highly dependent on the window
width and level chosen to analyze CT slices (Harris
et al. 1993), standard window-level parameter settings should be specied in contouring protocols. It
is recommended that these settings be preset in treatment planning workstations in order to improve the
consistency in target contouring.
Although some reports suggest that the use of
uorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron-emission tomography (PET) scans could improve the denition
of the GTV when atelectasis is present (Caldwell
et al. 2001; Nestle et al. 1999), further studies are required before PET scans are used for this purpose.
Inammation or infection can also increase 18FDG
uptake (Bakheet et al. 2000), and hypoxic or necrotic tumor regions may show decreased 18FDG
uptake. As such, a correlation of PET ndings with
pathology is needed in order to establish the threshold of detection for microscopic tumor deposits. This
contrasts to the large body of data showing the negative predictive value of PET in excluding metastases
to mediastinal lymph nodes. As the spatial resolution
of 18FDG PET scans is modest, and image registration
of CT and PET investigations remains cumbersome,
use of integrated CT-PET scanners, preferably with

Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Fig. a Distorted image of a peripheral lung tumor captured on a spiral CT scan (1 s/slice). b Tumor movements during
scan acquisition account for the missing tumor volume in intermediate slices


Post-chemo scan

Fig.,b. Target contouring on co-registered pre- (a) and post-chemotherapy (b) CT scans. The pink contour represents
the GTV (tumor and hilar nodes) contour using 3D image registration. The green contour represents the contour drawn by a
clinician, using non-matched hard copies of the pre-chemotherapy CT scans

respiration-gated acquisition protocols, may prove

to be more advantageous for primary lung tumors
(Nehmeh et al. 2002; Goerres et al. 2003; Beyer et
al. 2003).
When radiotherapy is preceded by induction chemotherapy, the question of the correct target volume

to be irradiated is unclear, although many centers have

opted to irradiate the pre-chemotherapy GTV. The
latter can generally be accurately reconstructed only
by using coregistration of pre- and post-chemotherapy CT scans (Rosenman et al. 1998; Lagerwaard
et al. 2002a) (Fig.

Dening the GTV for Nodal Disease
Identifying metastases to the hilar and/or mediastinal lymph nodes is critical for radiotherapy planning
as these sites must receive full tumoricidal doses in
order to ensure local control. As the presence of nodal
metastases in localized NSCLC implies a need for
systemic therapy, there has been major interest in
accurate pre-operative staging of the mediastinum.
Increasingly, patients who are referred for chemoradiotherapy, both as a denitive procedure and as
pre-operative induction treatment, have already undergone histological staging of their mediastinum.
The modied Naruke/ATS-LCSG nodal map
(Mountain and Dresler 1997), which is routinely
used by surgeons, pathologists, and radiologists, is
also recommended for radiotherapy planning. The
use of intravenous contrast may not be required for
identifying enlarged lymph nodes if a recent contrast-enhanced diagnostic CT scan is also available
(Cascade et al. 1998; Patz et al. 1999). Planning CT
scans with a slice thickness of less than 5 mm are
recommended as these enable better recognition of
nodal structures. A short-axis diameter of 10 mm on
CT scans is commonly used to dene the upper limit
of normal nodes, and the short transverse plane is
preferred as this shows a smaller variation than the
mean long transverse diameter (Glazer et al. 1985;
Kiyono et al. 1988). For subcarinal (N7) nodes, however, a short-axis diameter of 12 mm can be normal
(Kiyono et al. 1988). However, anatomic criteria do
not correlate well with metastatic involvement (de
Leyn et al. 1997; Arita et al. 1996). In patients who
did not receive prior induction therapy, up to 44%
of nodes found to contain metastases were less than
10 mm (Prenzel et al. 2003).Conversely, 18% of patients with pathologically-conrmed N2 disease had
no nodes >10 mm.
A cervical mediastinoscopy is generally considered
to be the standard procedure for excluding mediastinal nodal metastases. However, only the anterior
mediastinum including pre-tracheal, para-tracheal,
and anterior subcarinal nodal regions are accessible
to cervical mediastinoscopy. In addition to the risks
associated with a general anesthetic, a complication
rate of up to 5% has been reported (Hujala et al.
2001), which includes pneumothorax, hemorrhage,
and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (Coughlin et
al. 1985).
The resolution of modern FDG-PET scanners allows
for the detection of tumor in nodes of less than 1 cm
in size (Gupta et al. 2000). FDG-PET is signicantly

F. Lagerwaard and S. Senan

more accurate than CT alone in the detection of metastases to the lymph nodes, with a mean sensitivity
of 0.79 for PET scans versus 0.60 for CT scans, and
a mean specicity of 0.91 versus 0.77 for PET and
CT, respectively (Dwamena et al. 1999). The negative
predictive value was 93% and 85%, respectively, for
PET and CT scans. The high negative predictive value
of PET in excluding mediastinal N2 or N3 disease has
led to the omission of mediastinoscopy in surgical
candidates who have negative mediastinal PET images (Vansteenkiste et al. 1997; Gupta et al. 2001).
False negative nodes on PET scans are usually found
in the proximity of the primary tumor, and generally
show only minimal lymph node invasion, i.e., intracapsular disease in only one nodal level (Vanuytsel
et al. 2000). Conversely, up to 24% of PET scans may
be falsely positive in detecting mediastinal lymph
node metastases (Roberts et al. 2000), and histological verication is a requirement in surgical trials.
However, the lack of anatomical landmarks, and the
limited spatial resolution of PET images, makes correlation with CT images necessary for localizing abnormalities (Osman et al. 2003). Clinically signicant
inaccuracies in locating lesions were reported to be
uncommon in a study in which visual correlation of
CTs and PET scans were performed (Vansteenkiste
et al. 1998). However, in a prospective study with histopathologic correlation, integrated CT-PET systems
provided additional information on 41% of patients
with lung cancer, over that provided by conventional
visual correlation of both studies (Lardinois et al.
2003). This suggests that integrated CT-PET systems
should be preferred for radiotherapy planning, as
high spatial resolution is crucial in curative radiotherapy.
Dening CTVs for the Primary Tumor
Pathologic examination of surgical specimens can
reveal the margins that have to be added for subclinical tumor extension. A detailed histologic study of 70
surgical specimens reported a mean microscopic tumor extension of 2.69 mm in adenocarcinomas, and
1.48 mm in squamous cell carcinomas (Giraud et al.
2000). However, in order to ensure incorporation of
95% of all microscopic tumor extent, the authors recommend the use of margins of 8 mm for adenocarcinomas, and 6 mm for squamous cell carcinomas.
Giraud et al. (2000) also correlated the pathological ndings with pre-operative CT scans, and they de-

Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

scribed a signicant correlation between radiological

and histological sizes for only macroscopic tumor,
but not for microscopic extension. The latter may be
related to the fact that CT measurements were made
in soft tissue (mediastinal) setting, and not using lung
settings (Giraud 2000). However, even measurements
on CT scans in the appropriate lung parenchyma settings can underestimate the microscopic extension
in lung parenchyma. In a study where a diagnosis of
T1N0 NSCLC was made in 47 lesions on the basis of
CT scans, pathologic upstaging to T2 disease was observed in 13 cases (Shennib et al. 2000).
In summary, the available evidence suggests that it
is reasonable to use margins of between 5 and 8 mm
in order to account for subclinical tumor extension.
The use of software tools to generate these 3D margins around contoured GTVs or CTVs is preferred as
this has been shown to reduce inter-clinician variations in contouring (Senan et al. 1999).
CTV for Nodal Disease:
Is Elective Nodal Irradiation Required?
Traditional radiotherapy elds have encompassed the
radiologically normal mediastinum, and sometimes
also the supraclavicular region, in order to treat potential subclinical disease. This approach is referred
to as elective or prophylactic nodal irradiation (ENI).
However, advances in the non-surgical assessment
of the mediastinal involvement, together with analyses of recurrence patterns following involved-eld
radiotherapy (IFRT), have questioned the need for
routine ENI. A recent analysis of 1705 patients from
four RTOG trials for the adequacy of coverage of elective nodal regions at different radiation doses, found
that neither in-eld progression nor the 2-year survival were affected by the adequacy of nodal coverage
of the mediastinum, ipsilateral supraclavicular area
and, contralateral hilum (Emami et al. 2003).
In stage I NSCLC, omitting ENI has resulted in a
remarkably low incidence of regional recurrences
(Slotman et al. 1996; Krol et al. 1996; Lagerwaard
et al. 2002b). The low incidence of isolated mediastinal recurrences contrasts with the nearly 23% incidence of occult mediastinal nodal metastases seen
in patients with clinical stage I tumors after a lymph
node dissection (Oda et al. 1998), a nding that may
partly be explained by the suboptimal local control
and the high incidence of non-cancer mortality in
patients who are unt for surgery. In the absence of


evidence to support ENI, recent reviews have recommended using only involved-elds when irradiating
stage I NSCLC (Sibley 1998; Qiao et al. 2003).
In stage III NSCLC, prospective data from clinical
trials in which ENI has been omitted show that isolated nodal failures outside the PTV occur in less than
6% of patients (Hayman et al. 2001; Rosenzweig et
al. 2001; Senan et al. 2002; Belderbos et al. 2003),
despite the fact that only one of these trials used
information from FDG-PET scans for radiotherapy
planning. As pathological complete responses were
obtained in less than 20% of patients with locally
advanced NSCLC after high-dose radiotherapy alone
(Le Chevalier et al. 1992), treatment intensication
to the GTV should remain the priority. With the advent of 3DCRT and better understanding of dosimetric parameters that inuence lung toxicity (Graham
et al. 1999; Tsujino et al. 2003), it has become evident
that the delivery of higher radiation doses to the GTV
is not feasible if the regional lymph nodes are to receive prophylactic radiation (Williams et al. 2000;
Grills et al. 2003).
In stage III NSCLC, omitting ENI results in a signicant sparing of the esophagus, e.g., a reduction in
the mean esophageal dose, the volume encompassed
by the 50 Gy isodose, and the NTCP of between 38%-74% (Grills et al. 2003). Reducing the dose to the
esophagus is crucial for reducing the toxicity of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (Hirota et al. 2001).
Similarly, performing ENI will signicantly increase
the dose to pulmonary tissue (McGibney et al. 1999;
Jenkins et al. 2003; Grills et al. 2003). Treating only
involved mediastinal nodes resulted in relative reductions in the lung V20, mean dose, and NTCP of
30%, 30%, and 60%, respectively, when compared
to plans incorporating ENI (Grills et al. 2003). The
incorporation of PET scans into radiotherapy planning greatly improves the ability to accurately stage
the regional nodes, and further reduces the risks of
geographic miss with involved elds.
Proponents of the use of ENI point out that occult metastases are found in more than 50% of hilar
and mediastinal nodes in patient with NSCLC, i.e.,
metastases missed by conventional histopathologic
techniques but which were identied using immunohistochemistry (Chen et al. 1993; Passlick et
al. 1996; Maruyama et al. 2000). This, they argue,
indicates that ENI could contribute to the cure of
some patients. However, the presence of these occult nodal metastases correlates with an increase in
both local regional and distant metastases in most
(but not all) reports, indicating a need for effective
systemic chemotherapy. Proponents of ENI suggest


that the presence of any proven or suspected mediastinal node metastasis is an indication for elective
irradiation of the entire mediastinum, but not the
uninvolved contralateral hilar or any supraclavicular
nodes (Kiricuta 2001). Although some authors have
attempted to reconstruct the doses to elective nodal
regions after the use of involved-elds (Rosenzweig
et al. 2001), there is little data available to suggest
how elective nodal volumes should be dened in 3D
for radiotherapy planning. Two recent articles have
suggested approaches for 3D eld-denition for ENI
(Slanina and Laubenberger 2002; Kiricuta 2001),
partly using data derived from systematic nodal dissections in early-stage NSCLC (Naruke et al. 1999).
In the absence of clinical data from prospective
clinical trials to indicate a survival benet for ENI,
the increased toxicity associated with elective nodal
irradiation indicates that this approach should not
be used unless additional data is forthcoming from
randomized clinical trials.
Incorporating Tumor Mobility
No clear correlation exists between the extent of
tumor mobility and the anatomical location in the
lung (van Sornsen de Koste et al. 2003; Sixel et al.
2003). Therefore, an individualized determination of
the margins needed to incorporate mobility is more
appropriate for high-dose radiotherapy than is the
application of standard population-based margins.
Several alternative approaches have been used clinically to derive individualized mobility margins, including those discussed in the following sections.
Full Characterization and Incorporation
of Internal Mobility
Characterizing and incorporating all intra-fractional
tumor mobility is a commonly used approach. An
obvious disadvantage of this method is that target
volumes may be unnecessarily large, particularly if
the extremes of mobility (deep inspiration and deep
expiration) are incorporated. Fluoroscopy only allows for a limited assessment of mobility to be obtained (if at all) on superior-inferior and medio-lateral movements (Halperin et al. 2002; Stevens et
al. 2001), and is not an optimal method for characterizing mobility in high precision radiotherapy. An

F. Lagerwaard and S. Senan

even more important drawback of uoroscopy is that

the observed mobility cannot be accurately linked to
the geometry of planning CT scans.
The fusion of target volumes generated on twophase CT scans, obtained at either deep or quiet inspiration and expiration, has also been used to characterize internal mobility (Aruga et al. 2000; Onimaru et
al. 2003; Stevens et al. 2001; Yamada et al. 2002). It has
been suggested that use of two-phase treatment planning, instead of using unnecessary large populationderived mobility margins, allows for a reduction in
the irradiation of normal tissue, and also improves the
reliability of patient data for DVH modeling (Yamada
et al. 2002). However, the summation of target volumes
generated at deep inspiration and deep expiration may
lead to an overestimation of the actual target volume
(Senan et al. 2002b). Furthermore, the reproducibility
of such target volumes is questionable (Ozhasoglu
and Murphy 2002).
Another method for obtaining individualized
ITVs is by summation of target volumes captured on
multiple random planning CT scans. Figure
illustrates an example of ITV generation by the summation of six GTVs for a highly mobile tumor of
the right lower lobe. The exact number of CT scans
needed for generating optimal ITVs is unclear.
Another approach used for peripheral lung tumors
is the generation of slow GTVs from CT scans, performed with a prolonged revolution time of 4 s/slice
(Lagerwaard et al. 2001; van Sornsen de Koste et
al. 2001). Target volumes derived from slow CT scans
are located in a central position relative to target volumes that were derived from six random planning
CT scans during quiet respiration. Being centrally located, GTVs generated using a single slow CT scan will
encompass the six-scan volume if a symmetrical 3D
margin of 5 mm is applied (van Sornsen de Koste
et al. 2003b). A full breathing cycle has been reported
to range from between 1.5--3.5 s and 3.60.85 s in patients with lung cancer (Seppenwoolde et al. 2002;
Chen et al. 2001), and the need for an additional margin (of 5 mm) to account for mobility may reect factors such as variations between respiratory cycles.
Respiration-correlated (or 4D) CT scans represent
a major recent breakthrough in imaging as it generates both spatial and temporal information on organ
mobility (Ford et al. 2003; Vedam et al. 2003; Keall et
al. 2003). In this technique, the respiratory waveform
is synchronously recorded with CT acquisition, and
multiple CT slices are acquired at each table position
for at least the duration of one full respiratory cycle.
This yields CT datasets for up to 20 phases of the respiratory cycle (Fig. Multi-slice CT scanners

Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Fig. A technique for generating an ITV (green line) for a lung tumor the summation of all GTVs (yellow contours) from
six consecutive rapid scans. The resulting PTV is shown in pink

CT Image Sorting Program

Full respiratory cycle
4 sec







Fig. Processing of 4D

CT datasets: Oversampling at
each couch position generates multiple images, which
are sorted into up to 20 bins
or phases of the co-registered
respiratory cycle

F. Lagerwaard and S. Senan


equipped with respiratory gating hardware, and 4D

imaging software are now commercially available.
Preliminary studies indicate that a single 4D CT scan
is sufcient to replace the use of six rapid CT scans
for generating the ITV of mobile peripheral lung tumors (Fig.
Minimizing Respiratory Motion
Patient breath-holding, usually at end-inspiration, has
been used as a method for minimizing the mobility of
lung tumors (Murphy et al. 2002; ODell et al. 2002).
Although theoretically attractive, the drawbacks of
this approach include the fact that patients have to
be coached in order to generate reproducible results,
and that an individualized assessment is required
for each patient. In addition, a considerable number
of patients with medically inoperable lung cancer
cannot tolerate breath-holding (Murphy et al. 2002;
Hara et al. 2002; Barnes et al. 2001). When performing breath-hold, some residual mobility persists due
to variations in breath-holding and cardiac action,

and drifts in tumor position have been reported during breath-hold (Murphy et al. 2003). The use of
active breathing control has been shown to achieve
reproducible lung volumes and diaphragmatic positions (Wong et al. 1999), but residual tumor mobility
may not permit signicant reductions in margins for
the mobility of lung tumors (Cheung et al. 2003).
An approach using a patient self-breath-holding system, which is based on the control of the radiation
beam by patients themselves, has also been described
(Onishi et al. 2003). When planning CT scans were
repeated three times during self-breath-holding, the
target volumes obtained were reproducible within
2 mms distance.
Respiratory Gating
The use of respiratory gating has many advantages
over breath-holding techniques, but advanced gating
equipment at both the CT scan and linear accelerator are mandatory. The generation of target volumes
using prospective gating, i.e. performing respira-

Fig. a A comparison of GTVs derived using six rapid CT scans (yellow contours) and all ten bins from a 4D CT scan (pink
contours) in a highly mobile tumor. b Corresponding ITVs from six scans (yellow) and a 4D CT (green contour).

Target Volumes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

tion-triggered CT scans for radiotherapy planning,

has major limitations (Ford et al. 2002). CT sessions
will be time-consuming as only a single CT slice is
acquired at each table position per breathing cycle.
In addition, the respiratory phase at which the scan
is to be performed has to be predetermined before
image acquisition, or alternatively, multiple CT scans
of similar duration would be required if many respiratory phases are to be imaged. The long image acquisition time for each CT set increases the likelihood
of patient movement during the scanning process.
However, respiration-gated radiotherapy will be simplied with the availability of 4D CT scans derived
using a multi-slice CT scan, which permits evaluation
of all bins of the 4D dataset for retrospective gating
(Vedam et al. 2003).
Tumor-Tracking Radiotherapy
An advanced approach for solving the problem
of mobility is real-time tumor-tracking radiation
therapy (RTRT) (Murphy 2002; Shirato et al.
2000, 2003). The technique requires bronchoscopic
insertion of radio-opaque markers in (or near) the
tumor, and robustness of treatment planning is
dependent upon a constant relationship between
the fiducial markers and tumor position. Using
fluoroscopic tumor tracking, the system triggers
the linear accelerator to irradiate only when the
marker(s) are located within a predetermined coordinate range. The use of RTRT has a number of
limitations, including difficulty in accurate insertion of fiducial markers in tumors. Bronchoscopic
implantation of markers in centrally-located lung
tumors is often unsuccessful due to problems with
early displacement, and the insertion of markers
is restricted to small peripheral bronchi in or adjacent to the tumor (Shirato et al. 2003; Harada
et al. 2002). One report found that it was only possible to insert markers in the proximity of tumors
in five (of seven) patients with T1 lung tumors
(Seppenwoolde et al. 2002). Transthoracic insertion of markers for lung lesions is associated with
a substantial risk for pneumothorax (Whyte et al.
2003), a complication that may be life-threatening
in patients with compromised pulmonary function. Ideally, four fiducial markers are required
in order to accurately detect tumor rotation and
volumetric changes during treatment (Murphy et
al. 2002), and this is not feasible in the majority of
patients with lung cancer.

Deriving Margins for Mobility of
Mediastinal Nodes
The addition of a margin of 5 mm to individual
mediastinal nodes is necessary in order to account
for variations in both contouring and mobility (van
Sornsen de Koste et al. 2002).
Dening Target Volumes for
Postoperative Radiotherapy
Since the topic of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT)
is the subject of another chapter (see Chap. 3.1.2),
only some aspects of target volume denition in resected NSCLC will be briey considered here. PORT
has been considered in the following situations: (1)
after a microscopic or macroscopic incomplete excision, (2) when carcinoma in situ is present at the
bronchial resection margins, and (3) for completely
excised stage II and III disease. As no data is available from prospective randomized clinical trials to
support the use of PORT in most of these situations,
the proposals contained below on appropriate target
volumes are not uniformly accepted.
Target Volumes After an Incomplete Excision
Microscopic tumor at the proximal bronchial extension has been reported to correlate with poorer survival, and also was found to correlate with lymph
node metastases (Kara et al. 2000). In addition, peribronchial tumor extension occurs more frequently
than mucosal or submucosal tumor extension, and
only the former has been reported to correlate with
poor survival (Massard et al. 2000; Snijder et al.
1998; Soorae and Stevenson 1979). Furthermore,
the risk of tumor recurrence at the bronchial margin
was reported to correlate with the distance to the
proximal tumor (Verleden et al. 1990). Given the
effectiveness of PORT in reducing local recurrence
at tumor sites, e.g., for head, neck, and breast cancer, radiotherapy to only the bronchus stump may
be justied.
The appropriate management of carcinoma in situ in
a patient who has recently undergone a major pulmonary resection for NSCLC is unclear. Carcinoma
in situ may be multifocal, and it is not an uncommon

F. Lagerwaard and S. Senan


nding in patients who have coexisting tumors of

the head and neck, and lung. Spontaneous regressions have been reported (Massard et al. 2000),
although other reports suggest that progression to
invasive cancer develops in the majority of patients
with carcinoma in situ (Venmans et al. 2000). Given
the competing causes of mortality in these patients,
follow-up using autouorescence bronchoscopy, CT
scans, and possibly PET scans may be preferred to
immediate PORT.
PORT in Patients Undergoing a Complete
Surgical Excision
The PORT meta-analysis found a deleterious effect
for PORT in N0-1 disease, and a lack of survival benet for resected N2 disease (PORT Meta-Analysis
Group 1998). These ndings were criticized by the
proponents of PORT and readers are referred to a
comprehensive response to the criticisms in a recent
paper (Arriagada et al. 2003). It is noteworthy that
complete mediastinal lymph node dissections have
also not been shown to improve survival in patients
with NSCLC (Keller 2002), and the following issues
must be kept in mind when designing future studies
to evaluate adjuvant treatment in this setting:
Limited reductions in local control after PORT: In
the relatively recent GETCB trial, only a 29% reduction in local recurrences was achieved with PORT
(Dautzenberg et al. 1999). The ECOG 3590 trial
reported in-eld recurrence rates of 12%--13% after PORT, with or without chemotherapy (Keller et
al. 2000). Such tumor recurrences may be related to
the inadequacy of mediastinal target coverage when
standard off-cord radiotherapy techniques are used,
as these have be shown to result in inadequate coverage of the contralateral mediastinum, and in some
cases, the subcarinal region (DiBiase et al. 2000).
Surprisingly, such off-cord techniques are still considered by some to be compatible with modern radiotherapy.
Field denitions: It is not clear whether inclusion of
the entire mediastinum in the target volume is required (e.g. Machtay et al. 2001). A need to fully
treat contralateral mediastinal nodes implies that
clinically signicant damage to the adjacent lung
will result. Similarly, treating stations N8--9 will
increase cardiac irradiation, even when CT-based
planning is used. Many patients are currently staged

using a combination of CT and PET scans, EUS and

intra-operative sampling, or nodal dissection. It is
questionable whether nodal stations showing no
evidence of metastases after such evaluation should
still be irradiated. Future protocols should provide
a clear justication for the choice of elds and also
dene target volumes using the Naruke-ATS scheme
(Mountain and Dresler 1997). Careful follow-up
of patients treated in adjuvant trials, both with and
without radiotherapy, will reveal useful information
about the adequacy of local elds.
The denition of target volumes for NSCLC remains
a controversial topic as tradition-based approaches
of the past are being critically evaluated in the light
of the use of 3DCRT approaches, by awareness of the
poor local control achieved using current treatment
elds and radiation doses, and by the major improvement in non-invasive staging that enable GTVs to be
established with greater accuracy. Implementation of
these renewed concepts may allow for the therapeutic
ratio of concurrent chemo-radiotherapy in NSCLC to
be improved signicantly.

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Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer


2.2.5 Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Yolanda I. Garces and James A. Bonner


Introduction 111
Tumor Volume Denitions 111
Case Example 112
Prechemotherapy vs.
Postchemotherapy Volumes 115 Randomized Study 115 Retrospective Studies 116
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Prechemotherapy and
Postchemotherapy Treatment Volumes 118
Our Treatment Model 118
Factors for a Radiation Oncologist to Consider 119
Conclusions 120
References 120
Advances have been made in the last 30 years in
the treatment of limited-stage small cell lung cancer (LSSCLC). Cisplatin-based chemotherapy, the
integration of radiotherapy concurrent with chemotherapy, and the incorporation of prophylactic
cranial irradiation into the curative treatment of
this group of patients have been responsible for
these advances. However, key issues related to planning and delivery of radiotherapy remain unsettled.
These interwoven issues include radiobiology, timing, dose, fractionation, and the volume of disease
treated with radiotherapy. The focus of this chapter
is on the evolution of treatment volumes over time
Y. I. Garces, MD
Consultant, Division of Radiation Oncology, Mayo Clinic;
Assistant Professor in Oncology, Mayo Clinic College of
Medicine; Charlton Building, 200 1st Street, S.W., Rochester,
MN 55905, USA
J. A. Bonner, MD
Merle M. Salter Professorship, Chair Department of Radiation
Oncology; Department of Radiation Oncology, University of
Alabama at Birmingham; Wallace Tumor Institute Suite 105,
1824 6th Avenue, South, Birmingham, AL, 35233, USA

and the controversies surrounding radiation target

volumes for patients with LSSCLC. The possible
considerations for radiation oncologists wanting to
encompass appropriate treatment volumes for patients with LSSCLC are reviewed.
Initially, radiation was the treatment of choice for
LSSCLC. However, systemic recurrences of disease
were commonplace, and eventually the pendulum
swung to chemotherapy as the main treatment. In the
1970s and early 1980s, it was noted that the addition
of radiotherapy to chemotherapy improved overall
survival and local control in the chest, and this was
conrmed by meta-analyses reported in the early
1990s (Pignon et al. 1992; Warde and Payne 1992).
More recently, radiation in the form of prophylactic
cranial irradiation has also been shown to improve
survival (Auprin et al. 1999); thus, both radiotherapy and chemotherapy are integral components
in the successful treatment of LSSCLC. Thoracic radiation was typically directed at the primary tumor,
ipsilateral hilum, entire mediastinum, and supraclavicular fossae bilaterally. This was the treatment
for LSSCLC as long as radiation was delivered to a
tolerable radiation eld. Elective nodal irradiation
for LSSCLC has not been the subject of clinical trials
or retrospective studies except possibly when treating the supraclavicular areas. Therefore, the focus
of this chapter is on radiotherapy tumor volumes,
specically prechemotherapy versus postchemotherapy volumes in the treatment of LSSCLC.
Tumor Volume Denitions
First, to discuss radiotherapy treatment volumes
adequately, some standard denitions have to be reviewed. Report number 62 (a supplement to report
number 50) of the International Commission
on Radiation Units (ICRU) and Measurements
(1999) provides guidance and makes recommendations for the use of radiotherapy. The report provides


radiation oncologists, physicists, and dosimetrists

with a common language and standard denitions
so that radiation doses conform to uniform guidelines from study to study. The gross tumor volume
(GTV) can consist of the primary tumor, the nodal
volumes, or metastatic disease that is grossly evident on clinical examination or the Tumor Node
Metastasis American Joint Committee on Cancer
(TNM AJCC)-approved imaging modalities used
for staging (Greene et al. 2002). The clinical target
volume (CTV) contains the GTV or any microscopic
or subclinical extension (or both) and is the volume
that must be treated for radical therapy. The CTV
can encompass the entire GTV, whereby the GTV is
within the CTV. Alternatively, the CTV can be separate from the primary GTV. This could occur, for
example, in a patient who has a lung tumor in the
right lower lobe (GTV) and an elective nodal site
(mediastinal nodes), which would be called CTV
II; therefore, the two volumes may not be contiguous [GTV (or CTV I) and CTV II]. However, the lymphatics that drain the peribronchial lymph nodes
may also be at risk and may need to be included as
an additional intervening CTV. The planning target
volume (PTV) includes the GTV and CTV volumes
as well as margins to allow for physiologic movement
(internal margin) and set-up errors (set-up margin).
It is a geometric concept used by physicists and dosimetrists. This volume becomes the volume that
allows one to select the beam angles and energies
needed to deliver the appropriate dose to the CTV.
These denitions are relatively recent and are currently being incorporated into the standard treatment of LSSCLC. They should be used for newly designed trials as well as for studies of dose escalation
so that comparisons can be made between studies
that likely use widely different treatment planning
techniques and three-dimensional conformal radiation elds. Certainly, these denitions have not been
used in most of the studies that have been reported
on LSSCLC. Therefore, in the rest of this chapter,
we will review the eld design with respect to gross
disease within lung parenchyma as well as nodal regions intended to be included within the radiation
eld and will not focus on GTV, CTV, or PTV.
Case Example
An example of a case is given in Figs.
This is the case of a 61-year-old man who stopped

Y. I. Garces and J.A. Bonner

smoking 18 years earlier. He presented with cough,

left scapular pain, and mild shortness of breath. He
was otherwise healthy and had not lost weight. The
Karnofsky performance score was 90. The ndings
on physical examination, including a detailed examination of the lungs and lymph nodes, were entirely
normal. Computed tomography (CT) showed a large
left upper lobe mass (Fig.,b). Pulmonary
function studies demonstrated a forced expiratory
volume in 1 s of 3.24 (81% of predicted); the diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide was
35.5 (122% of predicted). Bronchoscopy disclosed
erythema and mucosal nodularity in the distal left
main bronchus and complete obstruction of the apical posterior segment of the left upper lobe by an
extrinsic process. Brushings from the bronchial tree
and biopsy specimens from the precarinal region
and left upper lobe bronchus were positive for small
cell carcinoma. The staging work-up was completed
and was negative. The diagnosis was LSSCLC.
Physicians in radiation and medical oncology
were consulted and treatment options discussed.
The patient elected to participate in an ongoing
North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG)
study. He received two cycles of chemotherapy
(topotecan and paclitaxel) and was reevaluated
1 month later (Fig.,d). He had a partial response to chemotherapy. Next, he received concurrent chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide) and
radiotherapy. The radiotherapy was given, according to protocol, to the postchemotherapy volume.
However, for illustrative purposes, we fused the prechemotherapy CT scan with the radiation-planning
scan. The prechemotherapy volume was outlined.
Next, we used the postchemotherapy CT data set
(radiation-planning scan) and planned a treatment
for the prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy
volumes. This enabled us to use the same CT data for
the lung volumes. This is how one typically would
treat the prechemotherapy volume. Figure
shows a digitally reconstructed radiograph with the
prechemotherapy volume outlined in red and the
postchemotherapy volume indicated with a wire
frame in green. No eld borders are shown on these
digitally reconstructed radiographs; the elds included the superior mediastinum, GTV, ipsilateral
hilum, and subcarinal region. A 1.5-cm margin was
used for gross disease and a 1.0-cm margin for the
lymph node regions. Inferiorly, the eld edge was
5 cm below the carina. For this study, the supraclavicular fossae were not included in either treatment plan; whether they should be is a matter of
controversy. Both plans were designed to treat with

Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

a total dose of 54 Gy. Figure shows the two

plans just above the level of the carina, with one
treatment plan based on the prechemotherapy volume (Fig. and the other based on the postchemotherapy volume (Fig. The dose volume histograms for treatment of prechemotherapy
volumes and postchemotherapy volumes are shown
in Fig. The lung V20 was calculated by dividing the volume of lung receiving 20 Gy or more by
the total volume of the lung.


This case demonstrates that the difference in V20

would be signicant if one were to treat the prechemotherapy volume and the postchemotherapy volume with a V20 of 36% and 28.6%, respectively. It is
also possible that if non-coplanar beams had been
chosen and a CTV had been used, the V20 would have
been even lower. Non-coplanar beams were not allowed for the study in which this patient participated.
Concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy began
6 weeks after two cycles of induction chemotherapy.

Fig. Prechemotherapy CT at the level of (a) the carina and (b) the hilum. Postchemotherapy CT scan (6 weeks) at
the level of (c) the carina and (d) the hilum


Y. I. Garces and J.A. Bonner

Fig.,b. Digitally reconstructed

radiograph (DRR) demonstrating the
prechemotherapy volume (red outline)
and postchemotherapy volume (green
wire-frame outlines) on an anterior-posterior simulation DRR (a) and oblique
DRR (b)

Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Prechemotherapy vs. Postchemotherapy
The treatment volumes of radiotherapy for LSSCLC
have not been studied extensively. This topic needs
further thought and should be incorporated into
clinical trials. Only one randomized study has addressed this issue, and few retrospective studies have
focused on it. In the following sections, the randomized study, the retrospective studies, and some observations about this issue are reviewed, including the
advantages and disadvantages of treating the prechemotherapy or postchemotherapy volumes.
Randomized Study

Fig.,b. Isodose curves demonstrating a radiotherapy
plan both to 5,400 cGy: one plan is based on the prechemotherapy volume (a, red) and the other is based on the postchemotherapy volume (b, green)

Fig. Dose volume histogram of the left and right lungs.
The vertical line represents lung volume

In a Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) study, all patients were treated initially with vincristine, methotrexate, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide for 6 weeks
(Kies et al. 1987). After chemotherapy, the disease was
restaged to determine if the patient had a complete
response, partial response (a decrease in tumor mass
by 50% in the largest cross-sectional diameter), stable
disease (less than a partial response, but no progressive disease), or progressive disease. Patients with a
complete response were assigned randomly to splitcourse thoracic radiation (48 Gy) or to continuation
of chemotherapy without thoracic radiation. Patients
with a partial response or stable disease were given
the same split-course radiation as those with a complete response, but the randomization was based on
prechemotherapy or postchemotherapy volumes as
determined from chest radiography. This study showed
that among the eligible patients with a partial response
or stable disease (n=191), there were no differences in
failure or survival patterns between those randomly
assigned to the prechemotherapy volume and those
randomly assigned to the postchemotherapy volume.
Toxicity, specically the risk of radiation pneumonitis,
was also similar for the two groups. The frequency of
life-threatening or fatal leukopenia was slightly higher
in the prechemotherapy volume group (17 of 93 patients) than in the postchemotherapy volume group (8
of 98 patients). The amount of lung tissue spared by the
use of postchemotherapy volumes was not quantied.
Although the SWOG study failed to show differences in outcomes for those in the prechemotherapy
and postchemotherapy volume groups, the conclusions should be viewed circumspectly. The chemotherapy was not cisplatin-based, and it was not given


concurrently with radiotherapy. The recurrence of

disease was dened as intrathoracic or systemic.
The authors stated that the port lms and followup chest radiographs were reviewed again in only
a small proportion of cases and may not reect ineld radiation failures (Kies et al. 1987). The imaging studies and treatment planning were crude by
current standards. Chest radiographs were required
and lung tomograms were optional for initial staging.
These chest radiographs were used to establish the
prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy radiation
volumes. Because the study was conducted before
CT fusion could be accomplished, there possibly was
underdosing of prechemotherapy volumes or inaccurate eld designs (or both). We have some evidence
that even with CT fusion for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) the interobserver differences in
treatment volumes can be large (Lagerwaard et al.
2002). Also, the patients who had a complete response
were randomly assigned to different treatments from
those who had a partial response or stable disease,
thus leading to questions about the exact volumes
that were used for the patients with a complete response. Despite these limitations, this study was important and warrants further consideration in the design of future studies (Wagner 1997). In the future,
patterns of disease recurrences need to be collected
prospectively and correlated with the radiation volumes so that marginal recurrences and intrathoracic
recurrences (in and out of the radiation eld) can be
described and reported.
Retrospective Studies
Several retrospective studies have focused on treatment volumes and patterns of recurrences. They all
have the limitations of retrospective studies, but the
information they provide is valuable and contributes
to the small body of literature on this subject.
Liengswangwong and colleagues (1994) reviewed the cases of 67 consecutive patients. Of these
patients, adequate information was available for 59,
who were not treated according to any research protocol at Mayo Clinic from 1982 through 1990. Most of
these patients received two or three cycles of induction cyclophosphamide-based chemotherapy before
thoracic radiotherapy, which was given concurrently
with chemotherapy to 55 of the 59 patients. Treatment
of the prechemotherapy or the postchemotherapy
volume was at the discretion of the treating radiation
oncologist, and all treatment planning was based on

Y. I. Garces and J.A. Bonner

CT scans. A double split course of radiotherapy was

used for 51 patients, with two 3-week intervals separating the 15 Gy in ve fractions, for a total dose of
45 Gy in 15 fractions. The local recurrences were reviewed retrospectively and categorized as in-eld,
marginal (1 cm out of the margin of the eld), or
outside the eld of radiation.
The two comparison groups consisted of 31 patients in whom the prechemotherapy volume was
treated and 28 patients in whom the postchemotherapy volume was treated. On average, the postchemotherapy volumes were about 2.5 cm smaller than the
prechemotherapy volumes (range, 0.55.0 cm). As
rst site of recurrence, ten of the 31 patients in the
prechemotherapy group had in-eld failures compared with nine of the 28 patients in the postchemotherapy group. The 14 patients who were assigned to
the prechemotherapy group because they did not have
a response to chemotherapy may have had a worse
prognosis; these patients were analyzed separately.
There were no differences in outcomes between the
14 patients in the prechemotherapy group who had
no response and the 14 who had a complete and/or
partial response. Furthermore, there were no differences in disease-specic or overall survival among
the three groups. However, the study had some limitations: (1) The chemotherapy was not cisplatin-based;
(2) split-course radiotherapy was used however, it
was used uniformly in the majority of patients; (3)
the study was small, resulting in even smaller subgroups. Despite these limitations, the study suggested
that treating the postchemotherapy volume does not
lead to marginal recurrences.
A large multicenter randomized clinical trial was
conducted by the NCCTG. Building on the off-study
experience of Liengswangwong and colleagues
(1994), the NCCTG study used postchemotherapy volumes in a prospective manner (Bonner et al. 1999).
This trial compared split-course hyperfractionated radiotherapy with once-a-day radiotherapy for LSSCLC,
in which all patients had the postchemotherapy volume treated following three cycles of chemotherapy.
The authors retrospectively evaluated in-eld and
out-of-eld recurrences. Among 90 patients who had
local progression of disease as a component of their
initial progression, only seven had out-of-eld recurrences. Two of these recurrences were less than 2 cm
from the eld edge and would have been included had
prechemotherapy volumes been treated. Thus, this
study strongly suggested that postchemotherapy volumes were appropriate and safe for treating LSSCLC,
minimizing the amount of normal lung volume irradiated without compromising disease control.

Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Brodin and colleagues (1990) retrospectively reviewed the cases of 53 of their patients who received
cyclophosphamide-based chemotherapy followed
by a continuous course of radiation (40 Gy in 2-Gy
fractions). The radiation was delivered only to the
primary tumor with a 1.5-cm margin and included
only the adjacent mediastinum. No effort was made
to treat all the nodal areas or the supraclavicular
fossa unless they were involved. Two of the authors
reviewed the radiation simulation lms and the prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy chest radiographs. They determined if the prechemotherapy or
postchemotherapy volume was covered or if neither
volume was covered (protocol violation). The authors
reported cure rates and local control rates for patients with limited-stage disease (n=23). Among the
13 patients who had the prechemotherapy volume
treated, seven were cured locally, six had in-eld recurrences, and none had marginal or out-of-eld intrathoracic recurrences. Among the six patients who
had the postchemotherapy volume treated, one was
cured locally, four had in-eld recurrences, none had
marginal recurrence, and one had an intrathoracic
recurrence outside the radiation eld. Among the
four patients in the protocol violation group in whom
neither the prechemotherapy nor postchemotherapy
volume was covered adequately, two were cured locally, one had in-eld recurrence, none had marginal
recurrence, and one had intrathoracic out-of-eld recurrence. The unique feature of this study was that an
autopsy was performed on 76% of the subjects, providing reliable data about treatment failure. However,
the authors acknowledged it occasionally was difcult to distinguish between recurrent tumor and radiation brosis; also, the total dose of radiation was
low, which could have led to the increased number of
in-eld recurrences.
In contrast to the report of Brodin and colleagues
(1990), Mira and Livingston (1980) showed that
the majority of intrathoracic recurrences in their
study originated outside the radiation eld. These authors reviewed the cases of 45 patients treated at their
institution over a 2-year period, including the years
1976 and 1977. This retrospective review included 34
patients who had chemotherapy and radiotherapy
as well as follow-up notes and chest radiographs
adequate for focusing on the patterns of failure. In
total, 17 of the patients had limited-stage disease.
Chemotherapy was administered rst, followed by
radiation to the primary tumor, mediastinum, and
both supraclavicular fossae with a 1- to 2-cm margin.
The radiation dose varied, but most patients received
3 Gy per day to a total dose of 3045 Gy (with a split


course for the latter). Nine patients died of chest complications, seven of whom had recurrent tumor in the
chest. The majority of the recurrences were intrathoracic but outside the radiation eld. Similar to the
other retrospective studies, the study of Mira and
Livingston (1980) was limited by the small number
of patients, the limited imaging modalities, the radiation techniques used, and the lack of cisplatin-based
Arriagada and colleagues (1991) reviewed their
experience at Institut Gustave-Roussy with two phase
II trials that evaluated induction chemotherapy followed by thoracic radiotherapy and additional maintenance chemotherapy between 1980 and 1983. In both
studies, thoracic radiotherapy was delivered as a split
course. In one study, 15 Gy was given in six fractions
over 10 days (three sessions every 4 weeks, for a total
dose of 45 Gy); in the other study, a higher total dose
(55 Gy) was given. In all, 62 patients with complete remission were included in the review for in-eld and
marginal recurrences. Twenty-two local recurrences
were observed: 16 in-eld and six marginal. The authors also reviewed the elds to determine if it was
evident whether coverage of the initial tumor volume
was adequate (safety margin of at least 1 cm) or inadequate (initial tumor area not included in the radiation eld). Of the 62 patients with complete remission,
50 had inadequate coverage, which was attributed to
the reluctance of the radiation oncologist to treat the
prechemotherapy volume after signicant shrinkage
had occurred with induction chemotherapy. There
was no difference in outcomes between the patients
who had adequate coverage and those who had inadequate coverage, which can be considered to represent
prechemotherapy or postchemotherapy volumes, respectively. The study of Arriagada and colleagues
(1991) had many of the same limitations as the other
studies with regard to the difculty with assessing
volumes retrospectively, the lack of cisplatin-based
chemotherapy, the small number of patients, and the
split-course radiotherapy.
Perez and colleagues (1981) reported on a randomized trial of patients with LSSCLC in a Southeastern
Cancer Study Group trial of chemotherapy followed
by radiotherapy versus radiotherapy followed by
chemotherapy at the time of progression. In contrast
to the studies mentioned above, Perez et al. (1981)
found, in retrospect, that patients who had inadequate coverage of the radiation volume had an intrathoracic recurrence rate of 69% (9/13 patients) compared with 33% (13/50 patients) for those who had
adequate coverage (p=0.026). Inadequate coverage
was not dened clearly, but the authors stated that

Y. I. Garces and J.A. Bonner


this was primarily because of the lack of inclusion of

the contralateral hilum or mediastinum. These ndings are consistent with those of Liengswangwong
and colleagues (1994), because most failures occurred centrally. It is not clear whether these regions
were the initial sites of disease, elective nodal areas,
or areas that were not treated initially in the radiation
eld. Nonetheless, the study of Perez and colleagues
(1981) stressed the importance of adequate coverage
of disease. The patients were treated with posterior
spinal cord blocks, which can lead to underdosing of
the midline mediastinal structures; this would not be
done with contemporary radiation planning.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Prechemotherapy and
Postchemotherapy Treatment Volumes
Treatment of either the prechemotherapy or postchemotherapy volume has potential advantages and
disadvantages. An advantage of treating the prechemotherapy volume is that all sites initially involved
by disease would be included because it could be hypothesized that microscopic disease may remain in all
areas of initial gross disease and, hence, may benet
from radiotherapy. However, when postchemotherapy volumes have been used after the initial therapy
was chemotherapy alone, no signicant increase in
marginal recurrences has been found. The majority of the retrospective studies discussed above have
shown that patients in the postchemotherapy volume
group tend to have a preponderance of central recurrences. Therefore, the above hypothesis would be
correct only if it is assumed that in previous studies
marginal recurrences had gone undetected.
Furthermore, some authors have suggested that
the radiation should be administered early in the
course of treatment because there may be a survival
advantage with early radiotherapy (Murray 1998;
Williams and Turrisi 1997). By necessity, the prechemotherapy volume must be included when radiotherapy is given with the rst cycle of chemotherapy.
In this case, the tumor volume will be evident on
the radiation-planning CT scan. However, prechemotherapy volume radiotherapy has possible disadvantages if the initial treatment is chemotherapy
alone. If radiotherapy is started after the second or
third cycle of chemotherapy, it could be difcult to
delineate the prechemotherapy target volume on the
treatment-planning CT scan. This would require ad-

ditional time for the radiation oncologist to fuse the

initial study or to transpose the prechemotherapy
volume onto the planning CT, which could lead to
errors (Lagerwaard et al. 2002). Another disadvantage is that normal structures, including the lung and
possibly the heart or esophagus, may receive additional treatment that could exceed tolerance levels;
however, there is no evidence, other than theoretical concerns, that this additional treatment volume
is necessary. In some centers, the radiation-planning
CT scan is performed at the same time as the rst
cycle of chemotherapy, and radiotherapy is initiated
with the second cycle of chemotherapy. Thus, the prechemotherapy volumes are treated; however, if the
tumor has shrunk, then a substantial volume of normal lung and other healthy structures may be treated,
possibly leading to untoward toxicity. The patients
V20 may appear to be lower than it actually is had
the radiation oncologist scanned the patient again
and planned with the prechemotherapy volumes on
a postchemotherapy planning CT scan.
Possible advantages of treating the postchemotherapy volume have been alluded to above. We favor
this approach if the initial treatment has been chemotherapy. The advantages of treating the postchemotherapy volume include minimized toxicity, the possibility for dose escalation of smaller volume disease,
and, because radiotherapy has not been given with
the initial chemotherapy cycles, the medical oncologist will know whether the patient has a response to a
particular chemotherapeutic agent.
Possible disadvantages of treating the postchemotherapy volume include underdosing of microscopically involved areas, which could lead to marginal recurrences. Although this has not been demonstrated
in the studies described above, they were mainly retrospective and included a small number of patients.
Another disadvantage could be the possible decrease
in efcacy if the radiation is delivered too late after
the start of treatment. The question How late is too
late? has not been answered, as evidenced by a discussion of presentations at the 10th World Conference
on Lung Cancer (Bonner et al. 2003; Fried et al. 2003;
James et al. 2003; Komaki et al. 2003; Kubota et al.
2003; Schild et al. 2003).
Our Treatment Model
Our treatment strategy for LSSCLC is complex. All
eligible patients are invited to participate in a clinical

Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

trial. If they are not interested in participating and

have small-volume disease, medially located tumors,
or disease in which toxicity of normal tissue is not
a concern because the radiation elds would likely
not change substantially even after chemotherapy,
we favor early treatment. We typically would use the
Intergroup regimen of 45 Gy twice daily (Turrisi
et al. 1999). The volume consists of the prechemotherapy volume and includes the primary tumor,
ipsilateral hilum, and mediastinum. We do not treat
the supraclavicular fossae unless they are involved.
However, the ipsilateral supraclavicular fossa should
be considered in the target volume for upper lobe
lesions or for patients with high mediastinal nodal
involvement. If the patient has large-volume disease
that may possibly shrink with chemotherapy, allowing for signicantly less irradiation of healthy tissue, we favor treating with between two and three
cycles of induction chemotherapy, after which we
offer once-daily radiotherapy to 50.454 Gy to the
postchemotherapy volume with concurrent chemotherapy. Usually, the postchemotherapy volume is the
target. The NCCTG multicenter trial showed only two
out-of-eld failures that could have been in-eld if a
prechemotherapy volume had been treated. However,
these two cases were complicated by atelectasis and
scarring and the postchemotherapy volume was difcult to discern (reviewed by J.A.B.) (Bonner et al.
1999). Thus, for patients who have not had a response,
the prechemotherapy volume is the target. We offer
once-a-day radiation as a viable alternative to twicedaily radiation because a prospective multicenter
NCCTG study with once-daily treatments achieved
results similar to those of the Intergroup trial, with
results reported out to 8 years (Schild et al. 2003).
Factors for a Radiation Oncologist
to Consider
The following is a list of possible factors that a radiation oncologist should consider when making decisions about prechemotherapy volume or postchemotherapy volume radiation:
1. The volume of gross disease at diagnosis and the
volume of normal structures that would be treated
to cover the volume of disease adequately. If the
volume of disease is small and the elds are not
likely to change signicantly with chemotherapy, early radiotherapy to the prechemotherapy
volume should be considered. If the volume of


disease is large and chemotherapy will shrink the

tumor volume signicantly, allowing for less of a
radiation dose to normal structures, then one to
three cycles of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy to the postchemotherapy volume should
be considered.
2. Elective nodal irradiation. Elective nodal irradiation involves the treatment of nodal stations that
have a high risk of harboring microscopic disease.
Historically, the eld design for LSSCLC included
comprehensive treatment of bilateral supraclavicular regions (the inferior mediastinum, superior
mediastinum, and ipsilateral hilar and subcarinal
regions). Recently, the trend has been to exclude
the supraclavicular regions bilaterally unless they
have been shown radiographically or histologically to be involved. Some investigators have even
suggested that a viable option may be not to treat
elective sites, as in NSCLC, to allow for dose escalation studies (Williams and Turrisi 1997).
3. Current lung function and overall functional status.
If the patient has poor lung function or poor performance status, chemotherapy alone may be
considered as the initial therapy. This choice may
allow patients the opportunity to participate in
a lung rehabilitation program and to stop smoking if they currently are cigarette smokers. Most
aggressive combined modality studies have been
performed primarily with patients who had good
performance scores, and this should be considered when making treatment decisions.
4. Any urgent need for radiation or impending need
for early radiation. If there is an urgent or impending need for early radiation, radiation should be
5. Referral pattern. A radiation oncologist needs to
be involved as early as possible so that multidisciplinary decisions about treatment management
can be made in order to plan for optimal integration of various treatments. With all the recent
studies on LSSCLC and NSCLC favoring the use
of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it
is mandatory that the radiation oncologist review
the patients case before treatment is initiated.
Management is complex and requires a fully functional multidisciplinary team.
6. Disease location. It is important to consider sites
of initial involvement and to ensure that those
sites are included in your initial elds and boost
volume so that you do not underdose areas that
have experienced a complete response. Using the
AJCC staging manuals lymph node map as a guide
to treat the entire nodal station is helpful when


outlining nodal areas that have had a complete

response (Greene et al. 2002). For example, if the
pleura appears to be involved initially, the radiation oncologist needs to ensure good coverage of
this area because microscopic disease will likely
remain even if the patient has had a complete
response. However, if a lymph node station group
initially projected into the lung tissue and the
patient has a partial response after chemotherapy,
we believe it is reasonable to target the smaller
mass or the nodal region and not overexpose the
lung unnecessarily. Another unsettled issue concerning disease location is complete response of
a peripheral tumor nodule. In this situation, we
are inclined to treat the prechemotherapy volume
if the patients lung function studies suggest that
this treatment is feasible.
Tumor volumes for LSSCLC are an evolving eld that
requires future study. The topic is neither straightforward nor simple. The clinical situations vary greatly
from patient to patient. With limited class I evidence
to guide treatment decisions, whether the prechemotherapy or postchemotherapy volume should be the
target volume still depends on the radiation oncologists best judgment.
We would like to thank Pamela R. Lemish for her
radiation planning skills and providing the prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy plans for our
comparison. We also would like to thank Jessica A.
Gardner for her assistance with manuscript preparation and Dr. Paul D. Brown for his review and comments about the manuscript.

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Target Volumes in Small Cell Lung Cancer

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Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of Lung Cancer


2.2.6 Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors

in the Management of Lung Cancer
Ritsuko Komaki, Joe Chang, Zhongxing Liao, James D. Cox,
K. A. Mason, and Luka Milas


Introduction 123
Thiols as Radioprotective Agents 124
Amifostine: Preclinical Findings 124
Amifostine: Clinical Studies 126
Prostanoids, COX-2, and COX-2 Inhibitors
Growth Factors and Cytokines 129
Pentoxifylline 130


Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)

Inhibitors 130
Radioprotective Gene Therapy: Superoxide
Dismutase (SOD) 131
Concluding Remarks 131
References 132
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in most
developed countries. Almost one million new cases of
lung cancer occur worldwide each year (Jemal et al.
2004), and the prognosis remains poor with an overall
survival at 5 years of only 15% (Jemal et al. 2004).
Between 70% and 85% of all cases are histologically
classied as non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC),
comprised of squamous cell, adenocarcinoma, large
cell, or undifferentiated histology, while the remaining
belong to small cell histology (Jemal et al. 2004). At
the time of diagnosis the majority of patients present
with locally advanced disease and many of them have
overt metastatic dissemination. Radiation therapy has
traditionally been the treatment of choice for locally
advanced disease but has provided limited benets
both in terms of local tumor control and patient survival, with 2- to 5-year survival commonly not exceeding 10% (National Cancer Institute Cancer
R. Komaki, MD, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Gloria
Lupton Tennison Endowed Professor for Lung Cancer Research
J. Chang, MD, PhD; Z. Liao, MD; J. D. Cox; MD, K. A. Mason,
MSc; L. Milas, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas,
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard,
Houston, TX 77030, USA

Gov 2002). However, adding cytotoxic drugs to radiotherapy considerably improves treatment outcome,
so that the combination of chemotherapy with radiotherapy has currently become a common practice in
the treatment of advanced lung cancer. The addition
of chemotherapy to radiotherapy has two principal
objectives, to increase the chance of local tumor control and to eliminate metastatic disease outside of the
radiation eld. The former can be achieved by reducing cell burden in tumors undergoing radiotherapy
or by interfering with tumor cell radioresistance factors, thereby rendering tumor cells more susceptible
to destruction by radiation. Factors which contribute
to tumor radioresistance include the failure of tumor
cells to undergo cell death after radiation, the cells
ability to efciently repair DNA damage, continued cell
proliferation during the course of radiotherapy, cell
radioresistance secondary to hypoxia that commonly
develops in solid tumors, and the presence in tumor
cells of various abnormal molecular structures or dysregulated processes linked to cellular radioresistance
(Milas et al. 2003a).
Addition of induction (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy
to radiotherapy results in an increase in median survival time by approximately 4 months, and the overall
survival rates at 2 years range from 10% to 15% (NCI
2002; Milas et al. 2003a,b; Dillman et al. 1990;
LeChevalier et al. 1991). These therapeutic gains
have been improved by using concurrent chemoradiotherapy, i.e., by administering cytotoxic drugs during
the course of radiation treatment (NCI 2002; Milas
et al. 2003a; Komaki et al. 2002a,b; Schaake-Koning
et al. 1992; Curran et al. 2003). This combined treatment approach results in median survival times of
1314 months, and in survival rates at 5 years as high as
15%20%. These improvements have been achieved by
using standard chemotherapeutic agents, primarily cisplatin-based drug combinations. Since direct comparison trials between induction and concurrent chemoradiotherapy have clearly demonstrated therapeutic
superiority of the latter approach (Schaake-Koning et
al. 1992; Curran et al. 2003), concurrent chemoradiotherapy can be regarded as the current standard of care

R. Komaki et al.


for local-regionally advanced lung cancer. Still, the poor

overall survival of lung cancer patients necessitates the
introduction of treatment strategies that would further
improve local tumor control, patient survival rate, and
quality of life.
Many factors, known and unknown, limit therapeutic success of radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy
for lung cancer, with one major factor being the level
of tolerance of normal tissues to the damage by these
agents. Toxicities associated with chemotherapy and
radiotherapy may limit the dose and duration of the
treatment, adversely affect both short and long-term
patient quality of life, be life-threatening, and increase
costs of patient care. Normal tissue toxicities are more
common and more serious after chemoradiotherapy
than radiotherapy alone, and may be particularly excessive in concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Because of
the increased toxicity, the dose of chemotherapeutic
agents in the setting of concurrent chemoradiotherapy
is signicantly reduced, which may lower drugs ability
to exert their effects on both local-regional tumor and
disseminated disease.
Because normal tissue toxicity is a major barrier to
radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy of lung cancer, every effort must be taken to avert or minimize the injury
to critical normal tissues or other side effects of these
treatments. Improvements are being sought primarily
through better delivery of radiation therapy or the use of
chemical or biological radio- or chemoprotective agents.
Technical improvements in radiotherapy include threedimensional treatment planning, conformational radiotherapy, or the use of protons. These normal tissue sparing strategies may allow administration of higher doses
of radiation, chemotherapeutic drugs, or both, directed
towards achieving superior treatment outcome.
This chapter overviews a selection of relevant preclinical ndings and limited clinical data on the use
of radio- and chemo-protective agents to prevent or
reduce injury to normal tissues that limit radiotherapy of lung cancer. We particularly focused our discussion on protection with amifostine, and presented
the results of our recent clinical trial. Additional information can be found in other reviews on this topic
(Murray and McBride 1996; Nieder et al. 2003).
Thiols as Radioprotective Agents
Both preclinical and clinical investigations on chemical protectors in radiotherapy have been dominated
by thiols. The most effective compounds have those

with a sulfhydryl, SH, group at one terminus and a

strong basic function, an amino group, at the other
terminus. Some of the important radioprotective thiols are listed in Table The general structure of
these aminothiols is H2 N(CH2) x NH(CH2) y SH, and
among them, phosphorothioates (such as WR 2721,
WR-3689, WR-151327) are the most effective and
least toxic (Murray and McBride 1996). Various
mechanisms have been proposed for the thiol-mediated radiation protection of normal tissues. Thiols
(RSH) and their anions (RS-) rapidly bind to free
radicals such as OH and prevent them from reacting
with cellular DNA. This type of protection from DNA
damage by scavenging free radicals is oxygen dependent (Travis 1984). Another mode of protection occurs via H-atom donation (the xation-repair model).
Thiols compete with oxygen for radiation-induced
DNA radicals. DNA radicals are xed (not repaired)
by reacting with oxygen and potentially harmful hydroxyperoxides may be generated. However, DNA
radicals can be chemically repaired when they react
with thiols by donation of hydrogen (Durand 1983).
Furthermore, intracellular oxygen can be depleted
as a result of thiol oxidation (Durand and Olive
1989) that would decrease the rate of oxygen-mediated DNA damage xation. Finally, thiols induce
DNA packaging that may decrease accessibility of
DNA sites to radiolytic attack. This mechanism may
be oxygen independent and may explain the protection from densely ionizing radiation such as neutrons
(Savoye et al. 1997).
Amifostine: Preclinical Findings
Amifostine (Ethyol) is a thiol-containing compound
that has long been recognized for its strong radioprotective properties and has already been used in clinical trials (Brizel 2003). Amifostine does not readily cross the
cell membrane because of its hydrophilicity. The drug is
rapidly dephosphorylated to its active metabolite WR1065 and cleared from plasma with a half-life of 13 min
following iv administration (Shaw et al. 1999a). In contrast to its brief systemic half-life, there is prolonged
retention of the drug in normal tissues (Yuhas 1980). In
the rst 30 min following administration, drug uptake
into normal tissues such as salivary gland, liver, kidney,
heart, and bone marrow has been demonstrated to be
up to 100-fold greater than in tumor tissues (Yuhas
1980). Bio-distribution studies show that the highest
tissue levels of amifostine and its metabolites are found
in salivary glands (Rasey et al. 1986).

Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of Lung Cancer


Table Radioprotective thiols and phosphorothioates. [Reprinted from Kirk-Othmer (1996),
with permission]


Dithiothreitol (DTT)
2-Mercaptoethanol (WR-15504)
Cysteamine (MEA, WR-347)

CAS Register








WR, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

During the 1970s and 1980s extensive animal studies explored the ability of amifostine to protect a variety of normal tissues against acute and late radiation
injury and whether the drug improves therapeutic
ratio of radiotherapy. A radioprotective effect was observed for acute injury of the bone marrow, esophagus, jejunum, colon, hair follicles, testis, and immune
system (Murray and McBride 1996; Milas et al.
1988). Amifostine was also a potent radioprotector of late responding tissues such as lung and subcutaneous tissues (Milas et al. 1988; Travis et al.
1985; Vujaskovic et al. 2002a,b; Lockhart 1990;
Hunter and Milas 1983). Protection of the lung
was achieved against both single and fractionated
radiation, and was assessed by biochemical testing
such as reduction in hydroxyproline content of lung
tissue and functional assays such as breathing frequency (Travis et al. 1985; Vujaskovic et al. 2002a).
Amifostine treatment was associated with reduction
in accumulation of macrophages in irradiated lung
and probrogenic cytokine activity (Vujaskovic et
al. 2002b). Interestingly, while systemic application
of amifostine was radioprotective for the lung tissue
(Travis et al. 1985; Vujaskovic et al. 2002a,b), inhaled amifostine was ineffective (Lockhart 1990).
In contrast to the near universal protection of acutely
responding tissues and lung, amifostine was not effective in protecting brain from radiation injury,
which was attributed to the inability of the hydrophyllic drug to cross the bloodbrain barrier (Utley
et al. 1984). Wide variation in the degree of radioprotection existed among various tissues, with protection factors for murine normal tissues ranging from
1.2 for hair follicles to greater than 2 for jejunum and

bone marrow (Murray and McBride 1996; Milas

et al. 1988). The degree of radioprotection was dependent on the drug dose and time of administration
in relation to radiation exposure. In general, higher
doses of amifostine produced better protection up to
a maximum dose of about 400 mg/kg (Murray and
McBride 1996; Milas et al. 1982, 1988) Maximum
radioprotection was achieved when amifostine was
given 1030 min before radiotherapy (Murray and
McBride 1996; Milas et al. 1982, 1988). In addition to normal tissue radioprotection, a number of
studies have examined whether amifostine protects
tumors as well. Although some studies documented
a small degree of tumor radioprotection, primarily of
microscopic tumor foci, most studies showed no tumor protection (Murray and McBride 1996; Milas
et al. 1982, 1988; Wasserman et al. 1981). Therefore,
preclinical studies support the notion of selective or
preferential normal tissue protection resulting in increased therapeutic gain of radiotherapy.
The mechanism of amifostines selective or preferential protection of normal tissues is related to
several factors. Amifostine undergoes preferential
rapid uptake into normal tissues but negligible or
slower uptake into tumor tissues. While normal tissues actively concentrate amifostine against the concentration gradient, solid tumors generally absorb
amifostine passively (Yuhas 1980). This selectivity
results, in part, from differences in pH and alkaline
phosphatase at the level of the capillary endothelium,
both being higher in normal tissues compared to tumors (Yuhas 1980; Rasey et al. 1985, 1986). The
acidic tumor microenvironment inhibits alkaline
phosphatase necessary for uptake and conversion


of amifostine to the active protective thiol, WR-1065

(Calabro-Jones et al. 1985), a condition absent in
normal tissues. Once inside the cell, WR-1065 acts as
a scavenger of oxygen free radicals (Ohnishi et al.
1992), which is reduced under hypoxic conditions
commonly present in solid tumors. In addition, amifostine may be less available to tumors because of
their defective vascular network.
Overall, a large body of preclinical data shows that
amifostine preferentially protects the majority of
normal tissues, including the lung, from the effects
of DNA damaging agents, such as radiation. In addition to interaction with radiation, amifostine has
been shown to exert independent antimetastatic
and antiangiogenic activity (Grdina et al. 2002;
Giannopoulou and Papadimitriou 2003). Thus,
these preclinical data provide a strong rationale for
the clinical development of combined modality cancer treatment with amifostine and radiotherapy.
Amifostine: Clinical Studies
Clinical trials with amifostine began in the 1980s and
showed that the drug is generally well tolerated. Its administration is associated with a number of transient
side effects including nausea, vomiting, sneezing, mild
somnolence, hypotension, a metallic taste during infusion, and occasional allergic reactions (Kligerman et
al. 1988; Schuchter and Glick 1993). Hypotension
appeared to be the most clinically signicant side effect that could curtail treatment. A number of trials
showed that amifostine reduces the severity of toxicity
of radiotherapy or chemotherapy (Kligerman et al.
1988; Brizel et al. 2000; Kemp et al. 1996). Brizel
et al. (2000) reported a randomized trial showing that
amifostine reduces both severity and duration of xerostomia in head and neck cancer patients treated with
radiotherapy. This study led to FDA approval of amifostine for this clinical indication.
A number of clinical trials have been performed
using amifostine in combination with chemoradiotherapy for lung cancer (Koukourakis et al. 2000;
Antonadou et al. 2001, 2003; Movsas et al. 2003;
Senzer 2002; Leong et al. 2003), including one at
the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
(MDACC) (Komaki et al. 2002a,b, 2004). Antonadou
et al. (2001, 2003) conducted a randomized phase III
trial of concurrent chemotherapy (either paclitaxel or
carboplatin) and radiation treatment plus/minus daily
amifostine given iv at 300 mg/m2 1520 min before
each fraction of radiotherapy and before chemother-

R. Komaki et al.

apy in patients with locally advanced lung cancer. The

results showed that amifostine signicantly reduced
radiation-induced pneumonitis (>= grade 3 from
56.3% to 19.4%, p<0.002), and esophagitis (>= grade 3
from 84.4% to 38.9%, p<0.001) without compromising
antitumor efcacy (Antonadou et al. 2003). Movsas
et al. (2003) recently reported preliminary results of a
phase III RTOG 98-01 trial in which 243 patients with
stage II-IIIA/B NSCLC were treated with induction
chemotherapy (paclitaxel and carboplatin) followed
by concurrent chemotherapy and hyperfractionated
radiotherapy (69.6 Gy with 1.2 Gy/fraction, BID).
Patients were randomized to receive amifostine i.v.
500 mg four times/week between the BID radiotherapy or no amifostine treatment. Although amifostine
did not signicantly reduce grade 3 or higher esophagitis, both weight loss from baseline and swallowing
dysfunction were lower in the amifostine group.
At MDACC we investigated the ability of amifostine
to reduce the severity and/or incidence of acute toxicities of concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy for NSCLC (Komaki et al. 2002a, 2004). A total of
64 patients with inoperable stage II or III NSCLC were
treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Both
groups received thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) with
1.2 Gy/fraction, 2 fractions per day, 5 days per week for
a total dose 69.6 Gy. All patients received oral etoposide
(VP-16), 50 mg Bid, 30 min before TRT beginning day 1
for 10 days, repeated on day 29, and cisplatin 50 mg/m2
iv on days 1, 8, 29, and 36. Patients in the study group
received amifostine, 500 mg iv, twice weekly before
chemoradiation (arm 1); patients in the control group
received chemoradiation without amifostine (arm 2).
Patient and tumor characteristics were distributed
equally in both groups. Of the 64 patients enrolled, 62
were evaluable (31 in arm 1, 31 in arm 2) with a minimum follow-up of 24 months. Important ndings from
this study on the incidence and severity of a number
of chemoradiotherapy-induced toxicities are shown
in Figs. and As shown in Fig.,
amifostine treatment increased the incidence of mild
esophageal toxicity from 23% to 48%, but conversely it
markedly reduced the incidence of severe esophageal
toxicity from 35% to 16% (p=0.021). The reasons for
this divergent effect of amifostine on mild and severe
toxicity are not yet understood. Amifostine signicantly reduced the incidence of constipation, pneumonitis, and neutropenic fever (Fig. Of important
note, severe, grade 3, pneumonitis occurred in 16% of
patients treated with chemoradiotherapy alone but
in no patients that received amifostine in addition to
chemoradiotherapy. The most signicant side effect of
amifostine was hypotension occurring in 65% of pa-

Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of Lung Cancer

Fig. Effect of amifostine on esophageal toxicity induced

by chemoradiotherapy in patients with NSCLC. [Modied
from Komaki et al. (2004) with permission]

tients, consistent with ndings from other similar clinical studies. Figure shows that amifostine had
no signicant effect on tumor response to chemoradiotherapy, as determined by percent of local regional
control, percent of distant metastases free survival and
overall patient survival. We concluded that amifostine reduced the severity and incidence of the acute
esophageal, pulmonary, and hematologic toxicity resulting from concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiotherapy, but had no apparent effect on tumor response
to therapy. Another study from MDACC showed that
amifostine can partially reverse the reduction of lung
diffusion capacity caused by chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy (Gopal et al. 2002), further documenting
amifostine-induced radioprotection of normal tissues
during thoracic radiotherapy. The results of randomized clinical trials with iv amifostine in lung cancer are
summarized in Table
Although the iv route of amifostine administration
has been most commonly used in clinical trials, the
practical advantages of sc administration have led to
a clinical trial directly comparing routs of administration. A study comparing the relative bioavailability
of amifostine administered sc and iv was conducted
in normal male volunteers. Amifostine was given either iv at a dose of 200 mg/m2 or sc at a xed dose
of 500 mg. The sc dose resulted in an area under the
concentrationtime curve for the bound form of WR1065 of 68% compared to that after iv administration.
There was greater inter-patient variability in drug
concentration following sc administration (Shaw et
al. 1999b; Bonner and Shaw 2002).
Koukourakis et al. (2000) conducted a randomized Phase II study in 140 patients receiving radiotherapy to assess the feasibility, tolerance, and cytoprotective efcacy of sc amifostine. Patients (n=70)


Fig. Effect of amifostine on constipation, pneumonitis,

and neutropenic fever caused by chemoradiotherapy in patients with NSCLC. [Modied from Komaki et al. (2004) with

Fig. Kaplan-Meier survival curves showing the effect of
amifostine on (a) overall survival rate, (b) locoregional (LR)
tumor control, and (c) distant-metastasis (DM)-free survival
after chemoradiotherapy in patients with NSCLC. [Modied
from Komaki et al. (2004) with permission]

received 500 mg of amifostine as a single sc injection 20 min prior to each radiotherapy fraction. The
regimen was well tolerated, effectively reduced early
toxicity of radiotherapy, and prevented treatment-induced delays. Patients reported a reduction in hypotension and nausea as compared with the iv administration. A phase III multi-center randomized trial to
compare iv vs sc amifostine vs no amifostine in pa-

R. Komaki et al.

Table Randomized trials with amifostine in lung cancer. [From Komaki et al. (2004) with permission]

Radiation dose


Amifostine dose


et al. 2003

69.6 Gy @ 1.2 Gy
b.i.d. day 43

Induction P+Cx2;
concurrent weekly C

500 mg IV 4x/week
between b.i.d.
RT fractions

No difference by NCI-CTC esophagitis

Swallowing diaries
(p=0.03) & weight loss
(p=0.05) favor amifostine
(Median survival, 15.6 and 15.8 months)

et al. 2003

6066 Gy @ 2.0 Gy Induction P+Cx2;

q.d. day 43
concurrent weekly P

740 mg/m2 with each

chemo (d 1, 22, 43, 50,
57, 64, 71, 78)

Esophagitis grade 23:

43% in amifostine, 70%
in control (not signicant)
(median survival, 12.5 and 14.5 months)

et al. 2002

64.8 Gy @ 1.8 Gy
q.d. day 1

et al. 2001

55-60 Gy @ 2.0 Gy None


340 mg/m2 daily

before RT

(no survival data)

et al. 2003

55-60 Gy @ 2.0 Gy Concurrent weekly

P or C

300 mg/m2 daily

before Chemo/RT
and RT

esophagitis (p<0.001)
pneumonitis (p=0.009)
(no survival data)

et al. 2004

69.6 Gy @1.2 Gy
b.i.d. day 1

500 mg IV 1st, 2nd

day each wk before
chemo &
1st RT fraction

degree of esophagitis,
neutropenic fever
812, 2933, 3640
(median survival, 19 and 20 months)

Concurrent P+C q wk 500 mg IV before

x 7; gemcitabine &
weekly chemo; 200 mg
cisplatin x 3 after
IV daily before RT

Concurrent cisplatin
IV d 1, 8, 29, 36
Etoposide p.o. d 1-5

No difference in toxicity,
no survival data
(ongoing trial)

P, paclitaxel; C, carboplatin; RT, radiation therapy; NCI-CTC, NCI common toxicity criteria.

tients with locally advanced NSCLC receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy is ongoing. A phase II study
of the efcacy of s.c. administration of amifostine in
surgically resected NSCLC patients treated with postoperative radiotherapy is ongoing at MDACC.
Prostanoids, COX-2, and COX-2 Inhibitors
In response to physiological signals, stress or injury
including radiation injury, cells produce prostanoids
[prostaglandins (PGs) and thromboxanes (TBX)], a
family of diverse, highly biologically active lipids derived from enzymatic metabolism of arachidonic acid
by COX-1 or COX-2 enzymes. COX-1 is ubiquitous and
responsible for prostanoid production in normal tissues where prostanoids exert numerous homeostatic
physiological functions. In contrast, COX-2 is an inducible enzyme involved in prostaglandin production
in pathologic states, particularly in inammatory processes and cancer. COX-2 is induced by various factors
including inammatory cytokines (such as TNF-, IL1, and platelet activity factors), oncogenes, growth

factors, and hypoxia. Prostanoids play a role in the

pathogenesis of various pathological states including inammation, where PGE2, a potent vasodilator
and an immunosuppressive substance, is the major
prostaglandin involved. PGE2, produced in abundance
by pro-inammatory mononuclear cells such as macrophages, mediates the typical symptoms of inammation due to its vasodilatory action. This augments
edema formation caused by substances that increase
vascular permeability such as histamine. PGE2 is also
involved in the development of erythema and heat
at the site of inammation. Since radiation-induced
lung injury is characterized by inammatory tissue
reactions, PGE2 and other PGs, as well as pro-inammatory cytokines, are produced in injured tissue in
abundance. Because different prostanoids have complementary or antagonistic activities, the nal biological effect on tissues depends on the balance of similar
and opposing actions of the prostanoids involved.
Production of PGE2 and other pro-inammatory
prostanoids can be suppressed by non-steroidal antiinammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which inhibit both isoforms of COX enzyme, or by selective COX-2 inhibitors.
Since selective COX-2 inhibitors do not inhibit prostanoid production in normal tissues, they are less toxic

Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of Lung Cancer

than commonly used NSAIDs. Interestingly, both prostanoids and their inhibitors have been reported to exert
radioprotective actions on normal tissues. Exogenous
administration of PGE2, other PGs, or PG analogs prior
to irradiation of mice was shown to protect a variety of
tissues including hematopoietic tissue, jejunal mucosa,
dermis, and testis (reviewed in Hanson 1998; Milas
and Hanson 1995). PGs vary widely in their radioprotective ability; however, the PG analog misoprostol was
amongst the most effective. Paradoxically, inhibiting
PGs by NSAIDs has also been shown to protect many
tissues, including the lung, against radiation injury
(Milas and Hanson 1995; Michalowski 1994). For
example, Milas et al. (1992) reported that the NSAID
indomethacin can protect mouse lung from radiation
damage, but the protection was limited to the early
pneumonitis phase of injury. Preliminary investigations
in our laboratory using the selective COX-2 inhibitor
SC-236 did not demonstrate signicant protection from
radiation-induced pneumonitis when the drug was
administered a few days before and after lung irradiation. Subsequent experiments, using a different COX-2
inhibitor, celecoxib, provided suggestive evidence that
giving the inhibitor during the development phase of
acute pneumonitis may reduce either the latency or severity of lung injury. It should be emphasized that even
in the absence of lung radioprotection by COX-2 inhibitors, therapeutic gain is still improved by their administration because of their potent enhancement of tumor
radioresponse. The ability of COX-2 inhibitors to selectively enhance tumor radioresponse has been reviewed
in detail elsewhere (Milas 2001; Milas et al. 2003b;
Choy and Milas 2003).
Corticosteroids are highly potent anti-inammatory drugs used for symptomatic treatment of radiation-induced pneumonitis. They inhibit production
of all prostanoids because, in addition to their ability to inhibit COX enzymes, they prevent release of
arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids by
stimulating the generation and secretion of lipocortins. Ward et al. (1992a) showed that steroid administration to rats at the time of radiation delivery protected rats from lung interstitial edema, delayed or
suppressed radiation-induced alveolitis, but did not
affect development of pulmonary brosis.
Growth Factors and Cytokines
Growth factors and cytokines play a critical role in
pathogenesis of radiation injury, including that to


the lung. Radiation alters the magnitude and dynamic activity of factors already present in affected
tissues. Response to radiation occurs within minutes
or hours after irradiation and can persist for days and
months, inuencing the pathogenesis of both early
and late radiation damage. The principal action of
growth factors and cytokines is on cell and tissue proliferation, as well as cell loss. Hence, growth factors
affect all of the major determinants of cell and tissue
radioresponse: total number of clonogenic cells, cell
cycle redistribution, cell repopulation, cellular repair
mechanisms, and tissue microenvironment such as
tumor hypoxia and acidity. Many growth factors may
be affected upon tissue irradiation, those that have
cytotoxic actions and those that have cytoprotective
ability, so that the extent of tissue damage depends
on the interaction of cytokines with similar or opposing activities. Involvement of growth factors and
cytokines in pathogenesis of lung radiation damage
is discussed in more detail in Chap. 11.6.
Since some growth factors and cytokines may act
protectively, attempts have been made to protect tissues that are at risk from lung cancer radiotherapy.
Basic broblast growth factor (b-FGF) was found to
protect endothelial cells both in vitro (HaimovitzFriedman et al. 1991) and in vivo (HaimovitzFriedman et al. 1991; Fuks et al. 1994) from radiation. To confer radiation resistance in vitro, b-FGF had
to be present at the time of radiation exposure and/or
within several hours after irradiation. This protective
effect was abolished by treatment with anti-b-FGF antibodies. The radioprotective effect of b-FGF was attributed to its ability to increase cellular repair. A subsequent study by the same group (Fuks et al. 1994)
showed that mice could be protected from lethal doses
of whole lung irradiation if given iv b-FGF immediately before or within 2 h after irradiation. The effect
was attributed to the protection of endothelial cells
against radiation-induced apoptosis. Histology of irradiated lung tissue, but not of lungs exposed to both
b-FGF and radiation, showed apoptotic changes in the
endothelial cell lining of the pulmonary microvasculature within 68 h after radiation exposure. Also, histological features of radiation-induced pneumonitis
were absent in mice treated with b-FGF. These results
were not conrmed in a subsequent study by Tee and
Travis (1995) that assessed the radioprotective action of b-FGF in two strains of mice having different
susceptibilities to radiation-induced lung injury. The
reasons for the discrepancy are unclear, but some differences in experimental conditions such as radiation
dose, eld size of radiation, and mouse strain could
have accounted for this disparity.


Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is another cell

growth factor that has been investigated for its ability to protect against radiation-induced lung damage.
Although a member of the FGF family (FGF-7), KGFs
cell growth stimulatory activity is conned to epithelial cells (Rubin et al. 1989; Miki et al. 1992). KGF was
shown to be a good stimulator of proliferation of type
II pneumocytes in vitro and in vivo (Panos et al. 1993;
Ulich et al. 1994), a type of cells considered to play an
important role in repair of injured lung tissue. Yi et al.
(1996) showed that intratracheal administration of KGF
to rats 2 or 3 days before exposure of rats to 18 Gy bilateral thoracic irradiation reduced severity of radiationinduced pneumonitis and brosis observed histologically. However, there was no signicant improvement
in rat survival. In contrast, KGF was highly effective
both in preventing development of bleomycin-induced
brosis and in improving the survival of treated animals. Signicant protection was also rendered against
the damage inicted by the combined bleomycin plus
radiation treatment. A more recent study (Terry et al.
2004) showed that a single intratracheal administration
of rHuKGF to normal mice increased proliferation of
alveolar epithelial cells 37 days later. This treatment
afforded signicant protection against lethality from
radiation-induced pneumonitis when the mice were irradiated at day 7 after administration of rHuKGF.
Regarding radioprotective abilities of cytokines, it
is worth mentioning that sc administration of recombinant IL-11 (rIL-11) rendered signicant protection
to mice from fatal thoracic irradiation (Redlich et
al. 1996). The observed radioprotection was attributed to the rIL-11-induced inhibition of radiationinduced expression of TNF mRNA as well as TNF
production by macrophages.
Pentoxifylline (Trental), a methylxanthine derivative, is
hemorheologic agent capable of reducing or ameliorating late radiation sequelae. In humans, pentoxifylline is
used to treat persistent soft tissue ulcerations and necrosis. It has a variety of physiological activities including inhibition of platelet aggregation, regulation of tissue damaging cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor
alpha (TNF_), and enhances blood ow in injured microvasculature. The drug may increase radioresponse
of solid tumors by increasing tumor oxygenation (Lee
et al. 2000), and as such was tested in a clinical phase
III trial in NSCLC in combination with radiotherapy

R. Komaki et al.

(Kwon et al. 2000). This study showed that pentoxifylline was modestly effective, increasing median time to
relapse by 2 months and median survival time from 7
to 18 months. Though pentoxifylline has been shown
to modestly improve tumor radioresponse, it has most
often been used to reduce normal tissue radiation injury. Preclinical studies in experimental animals have,
in general, shown pentoxifylline to be radioprotective
but the degree of protection was highly variable. As
an illustration, Lefaix et al. (1999) reported striking
regression of subcutaneous brosis induced by radiation to the skin surface of pigs using a combination of
pentoxifylline and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). On
the other hand, pentoxifylline has also been shown to
have little or no effect on acute skin or lung injuries
(Dion et al. 1989; Koh et al. 1995; Rube et al. 2002;
Ward et al. 1992b). With respect to lung injury, pentoxifylline inhibited the radiation-induced increase in
TNF_ mRNA during the acute phase of radiation injury, pneumonitis, but the impact of this biochemical
change on lung injury was unclear (Rube et al. 2002). In
another study (Ward et al. 1992b), pentoxifylline was
found to further increase radiation-induced production of prostanoids (PGI2 and TXA2), while decreasing
endothelial dysfunction accompanied by increases in
lung wet weight, protein, and hydroxyproline content in
the irradiated lung. A recent randomized clinical trial,
however, using prophylactic pentoxifylline showed a
signicant reduction in both early and late radiationinduced lung toxicities in patients with breast and lung
cancer (Ozturk et al. 2004).
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II, which is a potent vasoconstrictor and hypertensive factor. Captopril is
an inhibitor of ACE that has been shown to protect
against radiation injury of a number of tissues including the lung. In addition to inhibition of ACE, captopril is a free radical scavenger (Chopra et al. 1989)
and exhibits superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity
(Roberts and Robinson 1995). Captopril reduces radiation-induced pulmonary endothelial dysfunction
(Ward et al. 1988), pulmonary brosis (Ward et al.
1990a, 1992c), and delays radiation-induced pulmonary arterial hypoperfusion in rats (Graham et al.
1988). Moreover, ACE inhibitor prophylaxis in rats
receiving whole lung radiation was found to reduce
radiation-induced activation of ACE, plasminogen ac-

Radioprotectors and Chemoprotectors in the Management of Lung Cancer

tivator, and production of prostaglandins, and thromboxane (Ward et al. 1988). When added to the feed
after irradiation, captopril reduced early lung reaction
in rats receiving fractionated hemithoracic irradiation
(Ward et al. 1993). In addition to pulmonary protection, ACE inhibition also protects against radiation
injury of other tissues including kidney (Moulder et
al. 1993), skin (Ward et al. 1990b), jejunum (Yoon et
al. 1994), and heart (Yarom et al. 1993). With respect
to the heart, Yarom et al. (1993) showed that captopril ameliorated the decrease in capillary function, increase in mast cells, brosis, number of atrial granules,
and changes in nerve terminals, but it failed to prevent
the progressive functional deterioration of the heart
following irradiation. Mechanisms of captopril-mediated radioprotection are not fully understood, but are
at least partially related to its antihypertensive activity
and its thiol-like function.
Based on promising preclinical observations on
radioprotection by ACE inhibitors, several clinical
studies were performed. Wang et al. (2000) reported
a retrospective clinical study of ACE inhibitors given
for the management of hypertension in patients with
lung cancer treated with denitive radiotherapy. The
study showed ACE inhibitors given at a dose within
the range used to treat hypertension did not decrease
the incidence or delay the onset of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis. Currently, a phase II RTOG randomized clinical trial using captopril is ongoing. The
primary goal of this study is to test whether captopril
given after completion of radiotherapy can reduce
the incidence or severity of pulmonary damage after
aggressive denitive chemoradiotherapy.
Radioprotective Gene Therapy:
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)
The manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) located within the mitochondria is one of natures most
efcient catalysts. The enzyme protects redox machinery within the mitochondria from the superoxide
radical produced during normal respiration. In many
pathological conditions, such as inammation caused
by radiation-induced free radical damage, superoxide
is abundantly produced and may overwhelm the cells
ability to efciently remove thus leading to tissue injury.
Via its antioxidant activity, MnSOD inactivates superoxide and hence has potential to protect against free-radical induced injury. Early studies showed that systemic
administration of SOD can prevent radiation injury


(Petkau 1987) and can even reduce preexisting radiation-induced brosis (Delanian et al. 1994). When
given prior to radiation the activity of SOD has generally been attributed to its radical scavenging effects,
whereas when given after radiation the effects are most
likely related to its anti-inammatory and or immunostimulatory properties (Murray and McBride 1996).
Another SOD, recombinant CuZnSOD was shown to
protect the lung of hamsters from radiation-induced
damage as evidenced by the absence of severe histopathologic tissue changes 416 weeks after irradiation
and the prevention of elevation of total protein content
in bronchoalveolar lavage (Breuer et al. 2000).
More recently, a novel approach has been advanced
for radioprotective gene therapy using the antioxidant
manganese superoxide dismutase delivered to specic target organs such as lung and esophagus by gene
transfer vectors including plasmid/liposomes (PL)
and adenovirus (Greenberger et al. 2003). Radiation
protection by MnSOD transgene overexpression at the
cellular level has been demonstrated to be localized to
the mitochondrial membrane. Intraesophageal administration of MnSOD-PL prior to irradiation induces
transgene expression for 4872 h, and an associated decrease in radiation-induced expression of inammatory
cytokine mRNA and protein and esophagitis (Epperly
et al. 2001, 2003). Intratracheal injection of adenovirus
containing MnSOD protected against radiation-induced
organizing alveolitis in mice (Epperly et al. 1999). In addition, intratracheal MnSOD-PL gene therapy reduced
radiation induced inammatory cytokines without rendering protection to orthotopic Lewis lung cancer (Guo
et al. 2003). Preclinical animal studies suggested that
radioprotective gene therapy reduces the radiation toxicities and may facilitate dose escalation protocols to improve the therapeutic ratio of lung cancer radiotherapy.
However, the efcacy and specicity of this approach
need further investigation. Application of MnSOD-PL
gene therapy in the setting of fractionated chemo-radiotherapy is being tested in clinical trials for prevention of
esophagitis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
The gene therapy approach to specically deliver agents
to targeted tissues is not limited to MnSOD but has high
potential for delivery of a wide array of agents including
both cytotoxic and radioprotective agents.
Concluding Remarks
Normal tissue damage remains a major limiting factor in cancer radiotherapy, and chemoradiotherapy


where the improvement in tumor control and survival of patients is accompanied by increased rate and
severity of treatment related toxicity. For many years
scientists have explored various approaches to minimize damage to tissues, including the use of chemical
and biological radioprotective agents. As elaborated
in this chapter, many of these agents exert signicant
radioprotection and chemoprotection in experimental animal models and some of them have been tested
in clinical trials. Amifostine has undergone the most
extensive investigation, both preclinical and clinical.
A number of clinical trials, including a recent one
from MDACC described in Sect., provided
encouraging results both with respect to reduction
of the incidence and/or severity of esophagitis and
pneumonitis. Agents discussed have complex mechanisms of action, and affect a variety of radiation-induced tissue reactions both directly and indirectly.
Radiation elicits the release of many substances, such
as growth factors, cytokines and prostanoids, which
can have both radioprotective and radioenhancing
properties. Since the nal outcome of treatment critically depends on the balance between these competing processes, the use of radioprotective agents may
act on only some of the many factors involved. This is
likely one of the reasons for the inconsistency in the
literature on radioprotection. Rapid achievements in
recombinant technology and genetic engineering are
opening possibilities to upregulate or downregulate
cellular expressions of diverse factors involved in
tissue responses to radiation and to select appropriate factors to achieve a predetermined response.
For example, redirecting the actions or optimizing
the concentrations of a given response factor may
become useful in increasing the therapeutic ratio of
radiotherapy by enhancing tumor radioresponse, or
by reducing damage of normal tissues with radioprotectors.

Antonadou D, Coliarakis N, Synodinou M et al (2001) Randomized phase III trial of radiation treatment plus/minus amifostine in patients with advanced stage lung cancer. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phy 51:915-922
Antonadou D, Throuvalas N, Petridis A et al (2003) Effect of
amifostine on toxicities associated with radiochemotherapy
in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57:402-408
Bonner HS, Shaw LM (2002) New dosing regimens for amifostine:
a pilot study to compare the relative bioavailability of oral
and subcutaneous administration with intravenous infusion.
J Clin Pharmacol 42:166-174
Breuer R, Tochner Z, Conner MW et al (2000) Superoxide dis-

R. Komaki et al.
mutase inhibits radiation-induced lung injury in hamsters.
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Brizel DM (2003) Does amifostine have a role in chemoradiation
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Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists


2.3 Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for

Radiation Oncologists
Suresh Ramalingam and Chandra P. Belani


dence in recent years. Sensitivity to chemotherapy was

initially noted in SCLC, with reports of complete responses in patients treated with combination chemotherapy (Maurer et al. 1980; Ettinger and Lagakos
1982). Subsequently, several studies conducted over
the past two decades have demonstrated improved
outcome from systemic chemotherapy for both SCLC
and NSCLC (Schiller et al. 2002; Fossella et al.
2003; Wozniak et al. 1998; Sandler et al. 2000; Roth
et al. 1992; Fukuoka et al. 1991; Belani et al. 1998).
In addition to the benets from chemotherapy for patients with advanced lung cancer, recent evidence supports the use of chemotherapy even in patients with
earlier stages of disease (LeChevalier 2003; Kato
et al. 2003). More recently, several novel chemotherapeutic agents have contributed to the development
of combination regimens that have favorable toxicity
proles and have paved the way for incorporation
into multi-modality treatment of lung cancer. In addition, improvements in both quality of life and survival
have also been demonstrated with chemotherapy in
lung cancer, but the benets are modest in magnitude
(Schiller et al. 2002; Fossella et al. 2003). As we
move forward into the twenty-rst century, the main
focus will be on early detection, continued optimization of systemic therapy, development of novel molecularly-targeted agents, and identication of patient
selection methods to individualize treatments.

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for

80%85% of all cases of lung cancer (Jemal et al.
2003). The remainder of patients have small cell lung
cancer (SCLC), which appears to be declining in inci-

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

S. Ramalingam, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, UPMC Cancer Pavilion, 5150 Center
Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
C. P. Belani, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Co-Director, Lung & Thoracic Cancer Program,
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 5150 Center Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA

Approximately 35%40% of all patients with NSCLC

have advanced or metastatic disease at the time of
diagnosis (Jemal et al. 2003). Such patients are not
candidates for surgical resection or denitive combined chemoradiotherapy. Systemic chemotherapy
is the mainstay of treatment for advanced NSCLC.
The advent of the platinum compounds opened the
doors to effective chemotherapeutic intervention for
advanced NSCLC.


Introduction 135
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 135
Platinum Compounds 136
Combination Chemotherapy 136
Comparison of Platinum-Based
Combination Regimens 137
Two-Drug Combinations Versus
Single-Agent Therapy 139
Two-Drug Versus Three-Drug Combinations 139
Non-Platinum Regimens 140
Duration of Chemotherapy 141
Second-Line Chemotherapy 141
Management of Elderly NSCLC Patients 143
Management of NSCLC Patients With Poor PS 143
Molecularly Targeted Therapy for NSCLC 144
Chemotherapy for Early Stage NSCLC 145
Treatment of NSCLC: Conclusions 147
Small Cell Lung Cancer 147
Platinum-Based Combinations 147
Cisplatin Versus Carboplatin 148
Dose-Intensive Chemotherapy 149
Maintenance Chemotherapy 149
Second-Line Chemotherapy 149
Future Directions in SCLC Therapy 150
References 150

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani

Platinum Compounds
Cisplatin and carboplatin are the two commonly used
platinum compounds for the treatment of NSCLC.
Though both these drugs exert anti-cancer activity by similar mechanisms, they have distinctly different toxicity proles. Cisplatin is associated with
high emetogenicity and also causes nephrotoxicity,
ototoxicity, and neurotoxicity. Carboplatin, a better
tolerated platinum compound, has the dose-limiting
toxicity of myelosuppression, especially thrombocytopenia. The platinum compounds have single agent
response rates of 10%20% in patients with untreated
advanced NSCLC (Woziak et al. 1998; von Pawel et
al. 2000; Gatzemeier et al. 2000; Bonomi et al. 1989).
However, when combined with a novel third generation chemotherapeutic agent (taxanes, gemcitabine,
vinorelbine, irinotecan), they result in response rates
of 30%40% (Woziak et al. 1998; Lilenbaum et al.
2002; Sederholm 2002; Negoro et al. 2003).
Initial randomized trials compared the efcacy of
cisplatin-based combination regimens against best
supportive care alone (Rapp et al. 1988). A metaanalysis (NSCLC Collaborative Group 1995) of 52
randomized trials in lung cancer demonstrated a 10%
improvement in 1-year survival rates and a 27% reduction in the risk of death for patients with advanced
NSCLC treated with cisplatin-based combinations
when compared to supportive care alone (NSCLC
Collaborative Group 1995). The improved response rates and survival noted in such studies led
to the adoption of cisplatin-based regimens as the
cornerstone of therapy for advanced NSCLC. Though
cisplatin and carboplatin have not been directly compared against each other as single agents, randomized trials have evaluated the efcacy of combination regimens consisting of cisplatin and carboplatin
(Schiller et al. 2002; Fossella et al. 2003; Rosell
et al. 2002). Klastersky et al. (1990) compared the
efcacy of cisplatin-etoposide combination against
carboplatin-etoposide for patients with untreated,
advanced NSCLC. Though the response rate was
higher on the cisplatin arm (27% vs 16%, P = 0.07),
the overall survival was comparable between the two
regimens. The carboplatin-etoposide arm was associated with a more favorable toxicity prole. In another
study, Rosell et al. (2002) compared cisplatin-paclitaxel combination against carboplatin-paclitaxel regimen in advanced NSCLC. The study was designed to
demonstrate non-inferiority for the carboplatin arm.
Response rate, which was the primary endpoint, was
25% in the carboplatin arm and 28% in the cisplatin

arm (p=0.45). The median survival, a secondary endpoint, favored the cisplatin arm, which led the investigators to conclude that cisplatin-based regimen was
more efcacious for the treatment of advanced NSCLC.
However, 34% of the patients randomized to the carboplatin arm received a carboplatin dose of AUC = 4.9
mg/ml.min as opposed to the planned dose of AUC
= 6 mg/ml.min, due to miscalculation of the dose. A
study by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
demonstrated comparable efcacy between cisplatinpaclitaxel and carboplatin-paclitaxel (Schiller et al.
2002). However, paclitaxel was administered as a 24-h
infusion in the cisplatin arm and as a 3-h infusion in
the carboplatin arm. Thus, there is continued controversy regarding the superiority for one over the other
platinum compound. The favorable toxicity prole
of carboplatin supports the use of carboplatin-based
regimen for the treatment of advanced NSCLC, where
the primary goal of therapy is palliation.
Attempts to improve the efcacy of cisplatin-based
combinations by using higher doses of cisplatin have
not been successful. Though a study by Gralla et
al. (1981) demonstrated improved survival with high
dose cisplatin (120 mg/m2/cycle) when combined with
vindesine, a subsequent prospective, large randomized trial (Klastersky et al. 1986) failed to show an
advantage with high-dose cisplatin. The South West
Oncology Group compared a dose intense schedule of
cisplatin (100 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 of each cycle)
for four cycles versus conventional dose of cisplatin
(50 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 of each cycle) for eight
cycles (Gandara et al. 1993). Both schedules were associated with similar efcacy, thus documenting the
lack of dose-response effect with cisplatin in the treatment of advanced NSCLC.
Combination Chemotherapy
The combination of a platinum compound with a
third generation chemotherapeutic agent such as the
taxanes (paclitaxel, docetaxel), gemcitabine, vinorelbine and irinotecan has become the current standard of care for the treatment of advanced NSCLC
(Bunn 2002). The third generation agents demonstrated response rates of 20%40% when used as single-agents in previously untreated NSCLC patients
(Ramalingam and Belani 2003). Subsequent studies have evaluated combination regimens consisting
of one of the newer agents with in combination with
a platinum compound (Table 2.3.1).

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists


Table 2.3.1. Cisplatin vs. cisplatin-based doublet combination for NSCLC

(number of patients)





Wozniak et al. (1998)









Cisplatin (high dose)






















Gatzemeier et al. (2000)

Von Pawel et al. (2000)
Sandler et al. (2000)
a Indicates

differences that are statistically signicant.

A randomized study compared the combination

of cisplatin and vinorelbine versus cisplatin alone
for the treatment of advanced NSCLC (Wozniak
et al. 1998). Improvements in response rate, time
to progression and overall survival were noted
with the combination arm. Similarly, cisplatinpaclitaxel combination was compared to treatment with high-dose cisplatin alone in a study by
Gatzemeier et al. (2000). Patients in the combination arm experienced a superior response rate and
time to progression, though the overall survival
was comparable between the two arms. The lack of
survival benefit with combination chemotherapy
arm could be explained by the fact that a higher
proportion of patients in the cisplatin alone arm
received subsequent salvage chemotherapy. The
combination of cisplatin and gemcitabine was
compared against cisplatin alone in a randomized
clinical trial (n=522 patients) for patients with
advanced NSCLC (Sandler et al. 2000). Though
hematological toxicity occurred at a higher frequency, all the efficacy parameters were superior
with the combination arm. In another study designed along similar lines, therapy with cisplatin
alone was compared with the combination of cisplatin and tirapazamine in advanced NSCLC (n=446
patients) (von Pawel et al. 2000). This study also
demonstrated superior efficacy with the combination. The above randomized studies demonstrated
that combination regimens consisting of cisplatin
were superior to therapy with cisplatin alone. Thus
cisplatin alone is not recommended for first-line
treatment of advanced NSCLC.
Comparison of Platinum-Based Combination
Initial chemotherapy combinations for NSCLC included alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide), mitotic spindle toxins (vindesine, vinblastine), topoisomerase inhibitors (etoposide) and
anti-tumor antibiotics (doxorubicin) with a platinum
compound. In recent years, various platinum-based
combinations have been compared to identify the optimal regimen for the treatment of advanced NSCLC
(Table 2.3.2).
The Eastern cooperative oncology group (ECOG)
conducted a three-arm randomized clinical trial for
patients with advanced NSCLC (n=599 patients)
(Bonomi et al. 2000). Patients in the control arm
received chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide. The two experimental arms were: cisplatin
and paclitaxel (135 mg/m2 of paclitaxel); cisplatin
and paclitaxel (250 mg/m2). Growth factor support
was utilized for patients in the high dose paclitaxel
arm. Paclitaxel was administered as a 24-h infusion
in both the arms. The study demonstrated higher
objective response rate and 1-year survival rate for
patients treated with the paclitaxel regimens as
compared to cisplatin-etoposide. There was no difference in efcacy between the two paclitaxel arms,
though the high-dose paclitaxel arm was associated
with increased myalgias, neurotoxicity, and, possibly,
increased treatment-related cardiac events. Belani
and colleagues (1998) compared the regimen of
carboplatin and paclitaxel to cisplatin and etopo-

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani

Table 2.3.2. Comparison of doublet combinations in advanced NSCLC
(number of patients)


Belani et al. (1998)



Schiller et al. (2002)

ECOG 1594


Fossella et al. (2003)



Kelly et al. (2001)

SWOG 9509


Niho et al. (1999)













































side for the treatment of patients with advanced

NSCLC. Carboplatin was administered at a dose of
AUC = 6 mg/ml.min and paclitaxel was given at 225
mg/m2 (3-h infusion). The study included 369 patients with advanced NSCLC who had not received
prior chemotherapy. Though the response rate was
superior with carboplatin-paclitaxel combination
22% vs 14%, (p=0.059), the overall survival was
similar between the two arms of the study. However,
there was a lower incidence of vomiting (3.7% vs
10%, p=0.021), febrile neutropenia (3.7% vs 8.4%,
p=0.077) and diarrhea with the carboplatin-paclitaxel combination.
Four different chemotherapy combinations were
compared in a study by the ECOG (ECOG 1594) in an
attempt to identify the optimal regimen for the treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC (Schiller
et al. 2002). The control arm consisted of treatment
with cisplatin and paclitaxel (24-h infusion). The
three experimental arms were: cisplatin-docetaxel,
cisplatin-gemcitabine and carboplatin-paclitaxel (3h infusion). An interim analysis suggested a higher
incidence of toxicity for patients with ECOG performance status of 2 in all four arms (Sweeney et

al. 2001). The study was subsequently amended to

exclude participation of patients with ECOG performance status of 2. The overall response rate for
the 1155 eligible patients was 19% with a 1-year survival rate of 33%. There were no differences between
the four arms in response rate or overall survival.
Distinct differences in toxicity were noted between
the treatment regimens. The occurrence of grade 3/4
nausea and vomiting was lower in the carboplatinpaclitaxel arm, while alopecia was lower in the cisplatin-gemcitabine arm.
The carboplatin-paclitaxel regimen has also been
compared with the approved regimen of cisplatinvinorelbine in a randomized trial by the SouthWest
Oncology Group (SWOG) for patients with advanced
NSCLC (Kelly et al. 2001). Both regimens were associated with a similar efcacy with response rates
of 28% and 25% for the cisplatin-vinorelbine and
carboplatin-paclitaxel arms, respectively. The median survival was 8 months for patients on both the
arms of the study. There were no differences in quality of life scores between patients in the two groups,
though there were differences in toxicity proles with
the two regimens.

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists


The efcacy of docetaxel in the rst-line treatment of advanced NSCLC was demonstrated by a
large randomized three-arm clinical trial (Fossella
et al. 2003). The three arms of the study were: cisplatin-vinorelbine, cisplatin-docetaxel and carboplatindocetaxel. The efcacy of the cisplatin-docetaxel arm
was superior, whereas carboplatin-docetaxel was
similar to the control arm of cisplatin-vinorelbine.
Platinum-docetaxel regimens are also reasonable
rst-line regimens for advanced NSCLC. Thus, all
of the above studies have established the efcacy of
platinum-based two-drug combinations for the rstline treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC. The
comparable efcacy of all the regimens evaluated
thus far allows for selection of therapy for patients
based on toxicity prole, frequency of administration
and cost.

were included in the study derived a higher degree

of benet from the two-drug combination compared
to single agent therapy. Studies that were conducted
along similar lines have also established the superiority of carboplatin-gemcitabine combination over
gemcitabine alone and cisplatin-docetaxel combination over docetaxel therapy alone (Sederholm 2002;
Georgoulias et al. 2003). In a randomized study
conducted in Japan, the combination of cisplatinirinotecan has also demonstrated higher efcacy over
therapy with irinotecan alone (Negoro et al. 2003).
The improvement in survival and response rate with
the addition of a platinum compound to the third
generation agent was consistent across these trials.
Thus, single agent therapy cannot be recommended
for rst-line use in patients with good performance
Two-Drug Combinations Versus Single-Agent
Two-Drug Versus Three-Drug Combinations

The addition of a platinum compound (cisplatin

or carboplatin) to a third generation chemotherapeutic agent has repeatedly been shown to improve
outcome as compared to the same agent administered alone (Table 2.3.3). The Cancer and Leukemia
Group B (CALGB) compared carboplatin-paclitaxel
combination against therapy with paclitaxel alone
for patients with advanced NSCLC (Lilenbaum et
al. 2002). Though the toxicity prole favored the
single agent arm, both the response rate and median survival were higher with the combination. Even
patients with ECOG performance status of 2 who

Efforts to improve the outcome of two-drug combinations by the addition of a third cytotoxic agent
have not met with much success. The Spanish Lung
Cancer Group randomized patients with advanced
NSCLC to one of the following three arms: Arm A,
cisplatin-gemcitabine; Arm B, cisplatin-gemcitabinevinorelbine; Arm C, sequential therapy with three
cycles each of vinorelbine-gemcitabine followed
by ifosfamide-vinorelbine (Alberola et al. 2003).
There was no signicant difference in response rates
or survival between the three arms. The incidence
of grades 3/4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and
febrile neutropenia were higher in the three-drug

Table 2.3.3. Single agent vs. doublet combination therapy in advanced NSCLC
(number of patients)





Lilenbaum et al. (2002)









Sederholm (2002)








Georgoulias et al. (2003)









Masuda et al. (2003)









a p=0.003.

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani


combination arm. Similar results were noted with

another trial that compared a doublet regimen with
a triplet combination (Rudd et al. 2002). The doublet
combination of carboplatin-gemcitabine was compared to a cisplatin-ifosfamide-mitomycin regimen
in a randomized study that included 422 patients.
While the response rates were similar between the
two arms, 1-year survival and median survival were
superior with the carboplatin-gemcitabine combination. The incidence of nausea, vomiting, alopecia, and
constipation were higher with the three-drug combination, while thrombocytopenia was more common
with the carboplatin-gemcitabine doublet. Based on
these studies, it is apparent that the therapeutic index of doublet combinations is superior to triplet
chemotherapy combinations. Hence the combination
of three cytotoxic agents should not be used in the
routine care of patients with advanced NSCLC.
Non-Platinum Regimens
Combination regimens without a platinum compound have been studied with the objective of improving the toxicity prole (Table 2.3.4). This notion
was supported by initial phase II clinical trials that
demonstrated comparable efcacy and lesser toxicity with non-platinum regimens (Isla et al. 2001;
Iaffaioli et al. 2000; Kakolyris et al. 2001). In a
randomized phase II clinical trial, Georgoulias and

colleagues (2001) compared the efcacy of cisplatindocetaxel combination with a non-platinum regimen
consisting of gemcitabine and docetaxel. This study
demonstrated comparable efcacy between the two
regimens. However, important differences were noted
between the two arms in terms of toxicity. The nonplatinum arm was associated with a lower incidence
of grades 3/4 nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a trend
towards lower occurrence of asthenia and neurotoxicity. Another interesting observation from the study
was related to differences in efcacy of non-platinum regimen based on tumor histology. The nonplatinum combination was associated with better
efcacy in patients with adenocarcinoma where as
patients with non-adenocarcinoma histology derived
greater benet from platinumdocetaxel regimen.
Since the analysis to delineate differences between
the various histological sub-types were not prospectively planned as part of the study, this observation
has to be conrmed in prospective randomized trials. Kosmidis and colleagues (2002) demonstrated
comparable efcacy between carboplatin-paclitaxel
combination and a non-platinum doublet of gemcitabinepaclitaxel in a randomized study for patients with previously untreated NSCLC. No major
differences in toxicity were noted between the two
arms. The cost of therapy was also similar between
the two arms of the study. The enthusiasm to utilize
non-platinum regimens for patients with advanced
NSCLC was, however, diminished by the results of
the three-arm randomized EORTC trial for patients

Table 2.3.4. Non-platinum combinations in the treatment of advanced NSCLC

(number of patients)


Smit et al. (2003)



Georgoulias et al. (2001)



Gridelli et al. (2002)



Kosmidis et al. (2002)



a Control































arm consisted of therapy with cisplatin-vinorelbine or cisplatin-gemcitabine.

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists

with advanced NSCLC (Smit et al. 2003). The experimental arms were cisplatin-gemcitabine and a nonplatinum arm consisting of paclitaxel-gemcitabine.
The control arm consisted of therapy with cisplatin-paclitaxel. Though the overall survival was not
statistically different between the three arms, there
was a trend towards inferior efcacy with the nonplatinum regimen of paclitaxel-gemcitabine. It is to
be noted that the dose of paclitaxel used in this study
(175 mg/m2) was lower than the dose used in other
randomized studies that evaluated a paclitaxel-containing regimen. Surprisingly, no major differences
in toxicity was noted between the three arms besides
Lack of differences in toxicity between platinumbased doublet and non-platinum regimens can be
attributed to improved supportive care measures
and better patient selection for combination chemotherapy. A large, randomized clinical trial conducted
in the US by the coalition of cooperative groups will
hopefully answer this important question regarding
the role of non-platinum regimens in the treatment of
advanced NSCLC (Treat et al. 2003). The three arms
of this ongoing study include carboplatin-paclitaxel,
carboplatin-gemcitabine, and paclitaxel-gemcitabine.
Projected accrual for this study is approximately 1100
patients. Interim results of the study demonstrated
comparable efcacy between the three arms.
Duration of Chemotherapy
Until recently, there were no established guidelines
regarding the duration of chemotherapy for patients
with advanced NSCLC. Most oncologists have used six
courses of chemotherapy for patients who achieved
an initial response or disease stabilization with chemotherapy. However, randomized trials conducted
recently have demonstrated that administration of
chemotherapy beyond three to four cycles does not
add to the benet (Socinski et al. 2002; Smith et
al. 2001). In a randomized study by Smith and colleagues (2001), patients with advanced NSCLC were
randomized to treatment with either three or six
courses of chemotherapy with mitomycin C, vinblastine and cisplatin. Of the 155 patients randomized to three courses, 72% of patients completed
the chemotherapy according to plan. However, only
31% of patients randomized to six courses received
the planned therapy. There were no differences between the two groups in overall survival, response
rate and time to progression. However, there was a


signicant increase in the incidence of fatigue and a

trend toward increase in nausea and vomiting with
continued chemotherapy beyond the third course,
among patients randomized to six courses of treatment. Responses were most likely to occur during
the rst three courses and there was no signicant
increase in response rate beyond the third course.
Similar results were noted in a study that evaluated
a modern doublet regimen consisting of carboplatin
and paclitaxel by Socinski and colleagues (2002). As
part of their study, patients with advanced NSCLC
were randomized to four courses of chemotherapy
(arm A) or continuation of chemotherapy beyond
four courses until progression of disease (arm B).
The response rate and overall survival were similar between the two arms of the study. Interestingly,
the median number of courses of chemotherapy
that was administered to patients in arm B was also
four. There was an increase in the incidence of neuropathy with continuation of chemotherapy beyond
four courses. The results of these two randomized
clinical trials have demonstrated lack of sufcient
therapeutic benet to offset the increased cost, toxicity and patient inconvenience beyond three to four
courses of chemotherapy with both cisplatin-based
and carboplatin-based regimens for patients with
advanced NSCLC. Continuation of chemotherapy
beyond four courses is appropriate for patients who
have an ongoing response at the end of four courses
of chemotherapy. The role of maintenance chemotherapy continues to evolve and at present is not
well established.
Second-Line Chemotherapy
It is estimated that approximately 50% of the patients
with advanced NSCLC will be eligible for second-line
chemotherapy. Though a variety of cytotoxic agents
with activity against lung cancer have been developed,
few randomized trials have been conducted to evaluate
their efcacy in the second-line setting (Table 2.3.5).
Docetaxel is the only approved second-line therapeutic option for advanced NSCLC in the US. The efcacy
of docetaxel as second-line therapy was demonstrated
in two randomized clinical trials (Shepherd et al.
2000; Fossella et al. 2000). Shepherd and colleagues
(2000) randomized patients with advanced NSCLC
who had progressed following prior platinum-based
chemotherapy to treatment with docetaxel or supportive care alone. Patients who had received a taxane in the rst-line setting were excluded from the

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani

Table 2.3.5. Second-line therapy for advanced NSCLC
(number of patients)





Fossella et al. (2000)


ocetaxel 100 mg/m2

ocetaxel 75 mg/m2
Vinorelbine or







Shepherd et al. (2000)


Docetaxel 100 mg/m2

Docetaxel 75 mg/m2
Best supportive care




Hanna et al. (2003)


Docetaxel 75 mg/m2




study. Two different doses of docetaxel (75 mg/m2

and 100 mg/m2) were evaluated as part of the study.
Therapy with docetaxel was associated with improvements in overall survival and time to progression,
despite the fact that the response rate was only 7%.
Stabilization of disease was noted in 43% of the patients treated with docetaxel. The survival benet
with docetaxel was more pronounced in the 75 mg/m2
dose level due to more favorable therapeutic index
when compared to the 100 mg/m2 dose. Eleven patients developed febrile neutropenia (24%) with the
higher dose of docetaxel compared to only 1 patient
(1.8%) at the lower dose. Benet from docetaxel for
patients with platinum-refractory NSCLC was also
demonstrated by a randomized trial by Fossella
and colleagues (2000). In their study, 363 patients
who were either refractory to or relapsed following
platinum-based chemotherapy were randomized to
one of the three following treatment arms: docetaxel
100 mg/m2, docetaxel 75 mg/m2, or treatment with
vinorelbine or ifosfamide. Unlike the Shepherd study,
patients who had received prior therapy with paclitaxel were included in this study. The response rates in
the three treatment arms were 10.8%, 6.7%, and 0.8%,
respectively. The 1-year survival rate was superior in
the docetaxel arm that utilized 75 mg/m2 compared
to the control arm of vinorelbine or ifosfamide (32%
vs 19%, p=0.025). Disease stabilization was noted
in approximately 35% of the patients treated with
docetaxel. Prior therapy with paclitaxel did not impact the efcacy of docetaxel. The survival advantage
noted in these two studies with docetaxel, despite the
low response rates can primarily be attributed to stabilization of disease that occurred in 35%45% of the
patients. Thus, achievement of disease stabilization
is a meaningful therapeutic outcome with secondline therapy for patients with advanced NSCLC. The
results of these two studies led to the approval of

docetaxel by the Food and Drug Administration for

second-line therapy of patients with advanced NSCLC
in the United States. Because of the higher incidence of
toxicity with the 100 mg/m2 dose, the recommended
dose of docetaxel for second-line therapy is 75 mg/m2
administered every 3 weeks.
Pemetrexed, a multi-targeted antifolate agent, has
also recently shown to be effective in second-line
therapy of advanced NSCLC. A randomized clinical trial compared pemetrexed with docetaxel in the
second-line treatment of advanced NSCLC (Hanna
et al. 2003). Patients with an ECOG performance status of <2 were eligible for the study. Approximately
25% of the patients had received prior therapy with
a taxane. All patients randomized to the pemetrexed
arm received vitamin B12 and folic acid supplementation, an intervention that reduces toxicity
of pemetrexed. The efcacy was similar between
docetaxel and pemetrexed for the 571 patients enrolled to the study. The 1-year survival was 30% for
patients on both arms of the study. However, there
were some differences in the hematological toxicity
proles of both agents. The incidence of febrile neutropenia was lesser with pemetrexed (1.9% vs 12.7%,
p<0.001). Hospitalizations due to febrile neutropenia occurred less frequently with pemetrexed. Based
on the results of this study, pemetrexed represents
another second-line treatment option for patients
with advanced NSCLC and it will likely get FDA
approval for use in this setting. Studies that have
evaluated two-drug combinations in the second-line
setting have demonstrated a higher incidence of toxicity without an appreciable increase in the efcacy
of the regimen. Thus, single agent chemotherapy
with docetaxel, and more recently pemetrexed, constitutes standard therapy for patients with advanced
NSCLC who have progressed following platinumbased chemotherapy.

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists
Management of Elderly NSCLC Patients
Approximately 40% of patients with advanced NSCLC
are above the age of 70 years at the time of diagnosis
(Langer et al. 2002). Co-morbid illnesses that tend
to be common among elderly patients, could impact
the choice of chemotherapy. Physiological changes
that occur with aging, such as alterations in renal
function, may also pose challenges to administration
of recommended doses of chemotherapy. Such factors have resulted in under-representation of elderly
patients in clinical trials, thus limiting the ability to
extend the data from clinical trials to making treatment decisions for elderly patients. During recent
years, clinical trials have been conducted exclusively
for elderly NSCLC patients to evaluate various chemotherapeutic agents. The ELVIS trial (Elderly Lung
Cancer Vinorelbine Italian Study) randomized elderly NSCLC (age >70 years) to treatment with best
supportive care alone versus single agent chemotherapy with vinorelbine and supportive care (Elderly
Lung Cancer Vinorelbine Italian Study Group
1999). Though the study was closed early due to slow
accrual, patients in the chemotherapy arm experienced improved survival and lung cancer symptomsrelated quality of life. The response rate and median
survival with chemotherapy were 19% and 27 weeks,
respectively. In another study conducted for elderly
patients, patients were randomized to treatment with
vinorelbine alone, gemcitabine alone or the combination of vinorelbine and gemcitabine (Gridelli et al.
2003). This large (n=698) study demonstrated comparable efcacy between all three arms of the study.
However, the combination arm was associated with
a higher degree of toxicity. These two studies have
demonstrated that elderly patients with a good performance status tolerate single agent chemotherapy
without excessive toxicities.
The role of platinum-based chemotherapy has undergone limited evaluation in elderly patients with
NSCLC. Lilenbaum et al. (2002) conducted a randomized clinical trial (CALGB 9730) that compared
treatment with paclitaxel alone versus treatment
with carboplatin and paclitaxel for patients with advanced NSCLC. The study was designed to include
age as a stratication factor. Approximately 26% of
the patients enrolled to the study were above the age
of 70 years. No signicant differences were noted in
the efcacy of chemotherapy between patients who
were above the age of 70 years versus younger patients (<70 years) in both arms of the study. Elderly
patients tolerated the carboplatin-paclitaxel combi-


nation as well and the survival benet with doublet

therapy was maintained. A retrospective analysis of
the ECOG 1594 trial that evaluated the outcome in
elderly patients also substantiated the ndings of
the CALGB 9730 trial (Langer et al. 2003a). In this
analysis, the outcome for elderly patients were similar to that of the younger patients in all four arms of
the study. A slight increase in the incidence of grades
3 and 4 hematological toxicity was noted in the elderly sub-group. From the above studies it is clear
that elderly patients with a good performance status
(ECOG < 2) benet from platinum-based combinations as much as younger patients without any major
increase in toxicity.
Management of NSCLC Patients With Poor PS
Several studies have documented poor performance
status as a negative prognostic factor for advanced
NSCLC (Albain et al. 1990). A study conducted
by the ECOG demonstrated a median survival of
10 weeks for NSCLC patients with poor PS and a
toxic death rate of 10% upon treatment with one of
four different combination chemotherapy regimens
(Ruckdeschel et al. 1986). The ECOG 1594 trial initially included patients with PS 2. However, the study
was closed to this sub-group of patients after 68 patients with PS 2 were enrolled due to a high incidence
of toxicity. Of the 64 evaluable patients with PS 2,
the response rate was 14% with a median survival of
4.1 months, which are inferior compared to that seen
in patients with a good PS (Sweeney et al. 2001). The
overall toxicity rate was not different in patients with
poor PS compared to patients with PS<2. The results
of this study led to a prospective trial for NSCLC
patients with poor PS, the only one of its kind so far
(Langer et al. 2003b). The study randomized patients to treatment with cisplatin-gemcitabine versus
carboplatin-paclitaxel. These two arms were chosen
based on the results from ECOG 1594, which demonstrated more favorable toxicity prole with carboplatin-paclitaxel arm and better efcacy with the
cisplatin-gemcitabine arm for patients with PS 2. The
doses of paclitaxel, gemcitabine, and cisplatin were
reduced in an attempt to decrease the toxicities associated with these regimens. The median survival for
patients in both arms was approximately 6 months.
No differences in efcacy were noted between the two
regimens. The worst grade 3/4 toxicity occurred in
80% of the patients on both arms of the study. This
study documented the feasibility of administering

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani


platinum-based combination at attenuated doses to

patients with PS 2.
Thus the treatment of NSCLC patients with a poor
PS continues to be a subject of debate. The survival
duration of these patients is poor, despite treatment
with combination chemotherapy. Novel approaches
such as incorporating molecularly targeted agents
with appropriate single agent chemotherapy may in
fact prove to be optimal for the treatment of NSCLC
patients with poor PS. Furthermore, differences in the
reasons contributing to the poor PS, such as cancerrelated versus non-cancer related factors may also be
important determinants of outcome.
Molecularly Targeted Therapy for NSCLC
The ability to interrupt cell-signaling pathways with
agents that are selective against specic molecular
targets represents an important advance in the treatment of cancer. Increasingly, new molecular targets
and novel agents that selectively modulate these targets are being developed for several malignancies.
Some of the treatment modalities currently under
study in NSCLC are: Inhibitors of signal transduction
pathway such as epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR), HER-2/Neu, protein kinase C; anti-angiogenic agents such as monoclonal antibodies against
the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors (MMPI); novel retinoids; gene therapy and vaccines such as p53, GVAX;
and agents with multi-pronged effects such as the
cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors.
Getinib, an inhibitor of the EGFR tyrosine kinase
has recently been approved for the treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC who are refractory to
chemotherapy. Two randomized trials documented
the anti-tumor activity of getinib in advanced
NSCLC (Table 2.3.6) (Fukuoka et al. 2003; Kris et
al. 2003). In the Iressa Dose Evaluation in Advanced

Lung Cancer I (IDEAL 1) trial, patients with advanced NSCLC who had received prior therapy
with a platinum-based regimen were randomized
to therapy with two different dose levels of getinib
(250 mg or 500 mg administered orally on a daily basis) (Fukuoka et al. 2003). The study demonstrated
a response rate of 18% and median survival of
7.6 months. Improvement in symptoms were noted
in approximately 40% of the patients. There were no
differences in efcacy between the two dose levels of
getinib. However, the incidence of grade 3 diarrhea
and skin rash, the principal toxicities associated with
the use of getinib, were higher at the 500 mg dose
level. In a similar study conducted in the US (IDEAL
II), Kris and colleagues (2003) included NSCLC patients who had received prior rst- and second-line
chemotherapy. Patients were randomized to the two
dose levels of getinib as in IDEAL 1. The study documented a response rate of 11% with a symptom improvement rate of 40%. Based on available data, no
clear correlation between the EGFR expression status and response to therapy with getinib has been
established. Though getinib is effective as a single
agent in advanced NSCLC, randomized clinical trials that compared the combination of getinib with
chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in chemotherapy-naive NSCLC patients failed to demonstrate
an advantage to the getinib combination (Herbst
et al. 2003). Erlotinib, which is another orally administered inhibitor of the EGFR also has single agent activity in advanced NSCLC (Perez-Soler et al. 2001).
In a phase II study for patients who progressed with
rst-line chemotherapy, treatment with erlotinib resulted in a response rate of 11%. The study included
patients whose tumors overexpressed EGFR (>1+ by
immunohistochemistry). An interesting observation
from the study was that the median survival was better for patients who experienced skin rash as an adverse event. However, combination of chemotherapy
with erlotinib also failed to improve outcome compared to chemotherapy alone (Tarceva press release,

Table 2.3.6. EGFR inhibitors for recurrent NSCLC

(number of patients)




control rate

Fukuoka et al. (2003)


Getinib 250mg
Getinib 500mg




Kris et al. (2003)


Getinib 250mg
Getinib 500mg




Perez-Soler et al. (2001)


Erlotinib 150 mg




Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists

2003). Identication of predictive factors of response

to therapy with getinib will lead to optimal utilization of getinib for the treatment of advanced NSCLC
patients. Initial observations have included improved
efcacy with EGFR inhibitors in female patients, adenocarcinoma histology, lifetime non-smokers and
patients who experience a skin rash upon initiation
of therapy (Perez-Soler et al. 2001; Shah et al.
2003). Two prospective clinical trials have evaluated
the efcacy of EGFR inhibitors for the treatment of
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC). It is estimated
that approximately 3%4% of patients with NSCLC
have BAC histology. Initial studies with getinib demonstrated objective responses in patients with BAC
histology. Subsequently SWOG conducted a phase
II study of getinib for patients with BAC histology.
Approximately two-thirds of the patients enrolled to
the study (n=145) were chemotherapy-naive (West
2003). The study reported response rate of 22% in previously untreated patients and about 14% in patients
who had received prior chemotherapy. In another
study by Miller et al. (2003), erlotinib was evaluated
for the treatment of BAC. Preliminary results from
the study demonstrated objective responses in 26%
of the patients (n=50). The mechanisms that underlie the increased efcacy of EGFR inhibitors in BAC
are unclear at present. It also appears that NSCLC
patients who have never smoked cigarettes during
their lifetime have a higher likelihood of responding to therapy with getinib (Shah et al. 2003). Thus
emerging evidence suggest that efcacy of EGFR inhibitors can be improved with appropriate patient
selection. Studies to determine specic genetic and
proteomic proles of tumors that predict response to
therapy are underway and will hopefully lead to improved patient selection methods for treatment with
selective agents such as EGFR inhibitors.
Chemotherapy for Early Stage NSCLC
Approximately 25% of the patients present with early
stage NSCLC that is amenable to surgical resection
(Harpole et al. 1995; Smythe 2001). In addition to
the stage of disease, feasibility of surgical resection
is also determined by co-morbid illnesses and extent
of pulmonary function. The 5-year survival rates following surgery are 61%, 38%, 34%, 24%, and 9%, respectively, for patients with clinical stages IA, IB, IIA,
IIB and IIIA NSCLC (Mountain and Dresler 1997).
Presence of micrometastatic disease appears to be an
important determinant of outcome following surgical


resection (Passlick et al. 1999; Pantel et al. 1993).

Therefore, eradication of micrometastatic disease is
an important therapeutic goal for the treatment of
patients for patients with early stage NSCLC.
Systemic chemotherapy has been evaluated by several clinical trials as adjuvant therapy following surgical resection of early stage NSCLC (Feld et al. 1993;
Wada et al. 1999; Keller et al. 2000; Dautzenberg
et al. 1995). Initial clinical trials that evaluated platinum-based chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment
yielded disappointing results. Many such studies were
underpowered to detect a modest benet from chemotherapy. Furthermore, delivery of planned doses of
chemotherapy in the postoperative setting was limited in part due to toxicity. In fact, in several studies,
only 60%70% of the planned doses of chemotherapy
was administered postoperatively. A meta-analysis of
several randomized clinical trials in the adjuvant setting demonstrated a 5% improvement in 5-year survival rate and a 13% decrease in relative risk of death
with platinum-based chemotherapy for patients with
early stage NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Collaborative Group 1995).
The Intergroup-ECOG conducted a randomized clinical trial for patients with stage II and IIIA
NSCLC who underwent surgical resection (ECOG
3590) (Keller et al. 2000). Patients (n=488) were
randomized to treatment with four cycles of cisplatin
and etoposide administered concurrently with radiation (50.4 Gy) or radiotherapy alone. There were no
differences in overall survival between the two arms
of the study. The incidence of both local and distant
recurrence of cancer was also similar between the
two groups. Only 69% of the patients assigned to the
chemoradiotherapy arm completed the planned four
cycles of chemotherapy. Toxicity was higher for patients treated with chemoradiation. Since patients in
both arms of the study received postoperative radiotherapy, the ability to make conclusions regarding the
true impact of chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment
was limited in this study.
Two Japanese clinical trials have demonstrated
survival advantage with UFT following surgical resection for patients with stage I NSCLC. Wada and
colleagues (1996) randomized patients with resected
stage I, II and IIIA NSCLC to observation, treatment
with cisplatin, vindesine and UFT, or UFT alone
(400 mg daily for 1 year). The 5-year survival rates
for the three groups were 49%, 61%, and 64%, respectively. Multivariate analysis of the study demonstrated
higher efcacy with UFT in patients with adenocarcinoma histology compared to patients with squamous
cell carcinoma. Subsequently Kato et al. (2003) con-


ducted a randomized study for patients with resected

stage I adenocarcinoma. Patients (n=979) were randomized to observation versus UFT (250 mg daily
for 2 years). Approximately 50% of the patients completed the prescribed 2-year course of treatment. The
5-year survival rate favored the UFT arm (87.9% for
UFT arm vs 85.4% for observation arm, p=0.035). The
absolute improvement in survival was 10% higher for
patients with stage T2N0, where as the benet was not
present for patients with T1N0 stage.
The Adjuvant Lung Project Italy (ALPI) study evaluated the role of adjuvant chemotherapy (mitomycin,
vindesine and cisplatin) for patients with resected
stages I, II and IIIA NSCLC (Scagliotti et al. 2003).
Patients were randomized to observation alone or
treatment with three cycles of systemic chemotherapy (n=1209). Postoperative radiotherapy (5054 Gy)
was administered at the discretion of the participating
center. The median overall survival was 55.2 months
and 48 months for the chemotherapy arm and control arm, respectively. However, this difference was
not statistically signicant. The progression-free survival, which also favored the chemotherapy arm, did
not reach a level of statistical signicance. Only 69%
of the patients assigned to chemotherapy completed
the three cycles of planned treatment. This could in
part have been due to excessive toxicity from the
use of a three-drug chemotherapy combination. The
International Adjuvant Lung Trial (IALT) evaluated
a platinum-based two-drug combination as adjuvant
therapy for resected NSCLC (LeChevalier 2003).
Patients (n=1867) with stages I, II, and IIIA NSCLC
were randomized to three to four cycles of chemotherapy or observation following surgical resection.
Cisplatin was administered in combination with one
of the following four drugs: etoposide, vinorelbine,
vinblastine, or vindesine. Approximately 30% of patients in both experimental and control arms received
adjuvant radiotherapy. Treatment was tolerated well
overall with grade 4 toxicities being reported in approximately 23% of the patients (neutropenia, 17%;
thrombocytopenia, 3%; vomiting, 3%). With a median follow up of 56 months, the 5-year survival was
superior (44.5% vs 40.4%, p<0.03) for patients in
the chemotherapy arm. Approximately 74% of the
patients in the chemotherapy arm received a cumulative dose of cisplatin of >240 mg/m2. The IALT is
the rst randomized study to demonstrate survival
advantage with postoperative cisplatin-based chemotherapy for patients with resected NSCLC. While
the survival advantage noted in this study is relatively
modest, it provides the foundation on which further
improvements can be made. The use of third genera-

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani

tion chemotherapeutic agents in combination with

platinum may result in improved treatment tolerance
and a greater ability to deliver the planned doses of
chemotherapy in the postoperative setting.
Another approach to eradication of micro-metastatic disease involves the use of pre-operative chemotherapy for patients with resectable NSCLC. Two
randomized clinical trials demonstrated survival advantage with pre-operative chemotherapy for patients
with stages IIIA NSCLC (Roth et al. 1994; Rosell et
al. 1994). Both studies included approximately 60 patients and were closed prematurely based on the
superior survival noted with pre-operative chemotherapy. The French Thoracic Oncology Group conducted a randomized study of pre-operative chemotherapy for patients with stages I, II, and IIIA NSCLC.
Patients were randomized to therapy with two cycles
of chemotherapy (mitomycin, ifosfamide and cisplatin) followed by surgery versus surgical resection
alone (Depierre et al. 2002). The response rate to
chemotherapy was 64%. The median survival for the
pre-operative chemotherapy and surgery alone arms
were 37 months and 26 months respectively (p=0.15).
A multivariate analysis demonstrated that the benet
from pre-operative chemotherapy was restricted to
patients with a nodal status of N0 or N1 (relative risk
0.68, p=0.027). There was a signicant reduction in
distant recurrence of cancer in patients treated with
pre-operative chemotherapy.
Benet with pre-operative chemotherapy has also
been noted in a phase II study conducted in the US.
The Bimodality Lung Oncology Team (BLOT) conducted a study for patients (n=134) with stages I, II,
and IIIA (N2 negative) NSCLC (Pisters et al. 2000).
Patients received a total of ve cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel peri-operatively, with at least two
cycles delivered in the pre-operative period. The response rate to chemotherapy was approximately 56%
and 94% of the patients underwent planned surgery.
There was no evidence of excessive operative mortality attributable to administration of pre-operative
chemotherapy. The 5-year survival rate was 46% for
the 94 patients who received two cycles of pre-operative chemotherapy. Based on the results of this study,
a randomized clinical trial is being conducted by the
SouthWest Oncology Group (SWOG 9900). Patients
with stages I, II, and IIIA (N2 negative) will receive
three cycles of chemotherapy with carboplatin and
paclitaxel followed by surgery or undergo surgical
resection alone. The results of this ongoing study will
hopefully provide denitive answers regarding the
role of pre-operative chemotherapy in the treatment
of early stage NSCLC.

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists

The results of the studies with pre-operative chemotherapy have demonstrated the following: (1) improved ability to deliver planned doses of chemotherapeutic agents in the pre-operative setting; (2) tumor
and nodal downstaging can be achieved; (3) pre-operative chemotherapy provides an in vivo assessment
of the effects of chemotherapeutic agents; (4) identication of patients with rapidly progressive disease,
who may not benet from aggressive surgery.
Systemic chemotherapy should be considered for
patients with early stage NSCLC based on the results
of the studies mentioned above. Research efforts
should focus on development of predictive methods
to identify patients at risk of relapse following surgery. Improvements are also necessary to enhance
the efcacy of systemic therapy in the peri-operative setting. This includes the evaluation of novel
chemotherapeutic agents and molecularly targeted
approaches. Comparative studies to evaluate the differences between preoperative and postoperative
chemotherapy are also warranted.
Treatment of NSCLC: Conclusions
Systemic chemotherapy improves both survival and
quality of life for NSCLC patients with a good performance status. The benets from chemotherapy also
extend to t elderly patients. Though several novel
chemotherapeutic agents have become available in
recent years, it appears that a chemotherapy efcacyplateau has been reached. For patients with locally
advanced unresectable disease, chemotherapy has
been successfully integrated with radiation therapy
resulting in improved outcome. Management of early
NSCLC calls for a multi-disciplinary approach and
incorporation of systemic therapy in the treatment
of all stages of this disease. Development of molecularly targeted agents and methods to incorporate
them into existing treatment paradigms represents
the next major advance and challenge for the treatment of NSCLC.

Small Cell Lung Cancer
Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for approximately 15%20% of all lung cancers (Osterlind
et al. 1983). As is the case with non-small cell lung
cancer, the majority of patients with SCLC present


with extensive stage disease at the time of diagnosis

(Aisner 1996). SCLC follows an aggressive course
with median survival of approximately 6 weeks for
patients with untreated extensive stage SCLC (SCLCED). The role for chemotherapy was identied in the
1970s when responses were noted with chemotherapeutic agents such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, vincristine, and procarbazine. A few small
randomized trials compared chemotherapy with
placebo for patients SCLC-ED (Agra et al. 2003).
In one study, patients were treated with either ifosfamide or placebo. In the second study, the three
treatment arms were placebo, ifosfamide alone, and
ifosfamide in combination with CCNU. Both studies documented improvement in survival with chemotherapy. Another study compared treatment with
cyclophosphamide versus placebo for SCLC (Green
et al. 1969). This study demonstrated a doubling of
the median survival for patients treated with cyclophosphamide. Such observations led to the evaluation of combination chemotherapy regimens for
the treatment of SCLC. Initial trials evaluated cyclophosphamide-based combination regimens (Hong
et al. 1989; Messeih et al. 1987). The emergence of
the platinum compounds led to the development of
platinum-based combinations that were studied in
several randomized trials in the 1980s. Combination
chemotherapy results in response rates of 60%80%,
and a median survival of 810 months (Hanna and
Einhorn 2002). The following section will focus on
the treatment of SCLC-ED. Detailed discussion on
incorporating local therapy with systemic treatment
for SCLC-ED will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
Platinum-Based Combinations
The combination of cisplatin and etoposide was chosen for evaluation based on reports of pre-clinical
synergy between the two drugs (Schabel et al. 1979).
In addition, studies with cyclophosphamide-based
regimens performed earlier had demonstrated improved response rates when etoposide was added to
the combination (Messeih et al. 1987). Phase II studies that evaluated the combination of cisplatin and
etoposide demonstrated response rates of >80% for
patients with SCLC-ED (Boni et al. 1989; Evans et al.
1985). Hence the combination of cisplatin and etoposide was evaluated extensively in randomized clinical
trials (Table 2.3.7). Fukuoka and colleagues (1991)
conducted a randomized study that compared the

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani

Table 2.3.7. Chemotherapy for SCLC-ED
(number of patients)




Fukuokaa et al. (1991)





Roth et al. (1992)





Noda et al. (2002)





Skarlosa et al. (1994)





EP, etoposide/cisplatin; CAV, cyclophosphamide/adriamycin/vincristine; ECb, etoposide/carboplatin; EP, irinotecan/

Study included patients with SCLC-ED and SCLC-LD.
b Response rate in SCLC-ED.

combination of cisplatin and etoposide (EP) to cyclophosphamide, adriamycin and vincristine (CAV).
A third arm in this study included alternating courses
of CAV and EP. Treatment cycles were repeated every 34 weeks. The response rates were superior for
the two treatment arms that included EP (78%, 76%
vs 55%). The median survival for the CAV, EP and
CAV/EP arms was 8.7, 8.3, and 9 months, respectively, for patients with SCLC-ED. The toxicity proles
were comparable between the three arms with no
signicant differences. Roth and colleagues (1992)
conducted a study of similar design for patients with
ED-SCLC. The three treatment arms of the study were
EP, CAV, or alternating cycles of CAV and EP. The
response rates for patients in this study were 61%,
51%, and 59% for EP, CAV and CAV/EP respectively.
The median survival was 8.6 months, 8.3 months, and
8.1 months, respectively, for the three arms. In both of
these studies, patients who failed to respond to initial
CAV chemotherapy demonstrated modest responses
when they crossed over to treatment with EP. There
was a trend towards more favorable hematological
toxicity prole for patients with EP in both studies.
The higher response rates and the favorable hematological toxicity prole were the important factors
that led to the adoption of EP as the commonly used
regimen for SCLC-ED.
Recently, the Japanese Cooperative Oncology
Group conducted a randomized clinical trial to compare the efcacy of cisplatin and irinotecan (IP) with
EP for patients with SCLC-ED (Noda et al. 2002).
Patients with SCLC-ED were randomized to treatment with IP (irinotecan 60 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, and

15; cisplatin 60 mg/m2 on days 1; cycles repeated every 4 weeks) or EP (etoposide 100 mg/m2 on days 1, 2,
and 3; cisplatin 80 mg/m2, day 1; cycles repeated every
3 weeks).The study was closed early as a statistically
signicant improvement in survival for patients in the
IP arm was noted during an interim analysis. The median survival for patients in the IP and EP arms were
12.8 months and 9.4 months, respectively (p=0.002).
The 2-year survival rate for the two arms were 19%
and 5%, respectively. Diarrhea was the principal toxicity associated with the IP regimen. The provocative
results of this study led to a conrmatory trial in the
US to test the efcacy of the IP regimen for SCLC-ED
that is currently underway. Another study that compared a slightly modied regimen of IP (Irinotecan
65 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8; cisplatin 30 mg/m2 on days
1 and 8; cycles repeated every 3 weeks) with EP for
SCLC-ED has completed accrual and the results are
awaited. It is possible that IP will replace EP as the
new standard of care for SCLC-ED.
Cisplatin Versus Carboplatin
The favorable non-hematological toxicity prole associated with the use of carboplatin in comparison
with cisplatin led to the evaluation of the carboplatin-etoposide (ECb) combination for the treatment of SCLC-ED. Phase II studies that evaluated
ECb demonstrated response rates of 50%85% for
patients with untreated SCLC-ED (Ellis et al. 1995;
Katakami et al. 1996; Pfeiffer et al. 1995). Based on
the encouraging efcacy of ECb regimen, the Hellenic
Cooperative Oncology Group conducted a randomized clinical trial to compare EP with ECb for patients
with untreated SCLC (Skarlos et al. 1994). This small
study included 30 and 31 patients with SCLC-ED on
the two treatment arms, respectively. No signicant
differences were noted in response rate or median
survival for patients with SCLC-ED in the two arms.
However, leukopenia, neutropenic infections, nausea,
vomiting and neurotoxicity were more frequent and/
or severe in the EP group. No other randomized trial
has compared the efcacy of EP with ECb. Another
randomized clinical trial compared the combination
of teniposide and vincristine with either cisplatin or
carboplatin (Lassen et al. 1996). The study noted no
signicant differences between the cisplatin-based
and carboplatin-based regimens in efcacy. Thus,
the favorable toxicity prole of ECb makes this an
acceptable rst-line regimen for patients with SCLCED in whom palliation is the primary goal. The ECb

Lung Cancer Chemotherapy for Radiation Oncologists

regimen is also well suited for elderly patients with

SCLC-ED (Byrne and Carney 1994). However, for
patients with limited stage SCLC in whom treatment
is administered with a curative intent, EP still remains the standard regimen.
Dose-Intensive Chemotherapy
Randomized clinical trials have evaluated dose-intense chemotherapy regimens to improve the efcacy
of combination chemotherapy for the treatment of
SCLC-ED (Ihde et al. 1994; Pujol et al. 1997; Johnson
et al. 1987). Johnson and colleagues (1987) compared
treatment with conventional doses of CAV with a
dose-intense regimen of CAV. After the rst three cycles of therapy, all patients received standard doses of
CAV. Though the occurrence of complete responses
were more frequent in the high dose arm (22% vs
12%), the overall response rate and median survival
were comparable between the two arms. However, the
incidence of life-threatening neutropenia and infections were signicantly higher in the high dose chemotherapy arm. Murray and colleagues (1999) conducted a study for patients with SCLC-ED to increase
overall relative dose-intensity by delivering four
drugs at standard intensity rather than increasing the
delivery of two or three drugs within a combination
above standard intensity. Patients were randomized
to treatment with cisplatin, vincristine, doxorubicin,
and etoposide (CODE) or alternating cycles of CAV
and EP. Though the response rate was higher with
CODE (87% vs 70%, P=0.006), the overall survival
was similar between the two arms. The incidence of
deaths during chemotherapy was higher with CODE
(8.2% vs 0.9%). Furuse and colleagues (1998) administered CODE with growth factor support for patients
with SCLD-ED in another randomized trial. Patients
in the control arm received alternating cycles of
CAV and EP. Overall response rates were 77% for the
CAV/PE arm and 84% for the CODE arm, respectively
(15% complete response in both arms). The median
survival times were 10.9 months with CAV/PE and
11.6 months with CODE (p=0.1). The achieved doseintensity for CODE was approximately twice that for
CAV/PE for those drugs common to both arms. The
incidence of leukopenia did not differ between the
two arms, but anemia and thrombocytopenia were
more frequent in the CODE arm. Four treatmentrelated deaths from neutropenic fever occurred in
the CODE arm. Several other randomized trials have
also evaluated the utility of dose-intense regimens for


the treatment of SCLC-ED. From the results of these

studies, it is clear that there is no enhancement of efcacy with dose-intense chemotherapy for SCLC-ED,
though the toxicity is higher.
Maintenance Chemotherapy
Prolonged administration of chemotherapy has
been evaluated as a strategy to maintain responses
for SCLC-ED patients following response to initial
chemotherapy. Randomized trials evaluated continuation of the same chemotherapeutic regimen following initial induction treatment, whereas other trials
evaluated the use of a different chemotherapeutic
agent(s) for maintenance therapy (Giaccone et al.
1993; Spiro et al. 1989; Lebeau et al. 1992). There
was no consistent benet with maintenance chemotherapy in a majority of these studies. The Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group recently evaluated the
utility of topotecan as maintenance chemotherapy
following initial treatment with EP (Schiller et al.
2001). In their study, patients with SCLC-ED were
treated with four cycles of EP as induction therapy.
Patients with an objective response or stable disease were randomized to observation alone versus
four cycles of therapy with topotecan. A total of 213
patients were randomized to maintenance therapy.
The progression-free survival was signicantly better
in the maintenance therapy arm (3.6 months vs 2.3
months, p<0.001). However, there was no difference
in overall survival between the two arms (9.3 months
vs 8.9 months, p=0.43). Therefore maintenance chemotherapy cannot be recommended for patients with
Second-Line Chemotherapy
Despite initial response to chemotherapy, nearly all
patients with SCLC-ED will develop recurrent disease.
Patients who develop progression at least 90 days
after completion of rst-line chemotherapy (sensitive relapse) are more responsive to salvage therapies
compared to patients who relapsed within 90 days
of initial therapy or those who did not experience
objective response with initial treatment (refractory
patients) (Hanna and Einhorn 2002). Phase II clinical studies have evaluated several chemotherapeutic agents as salvage treatment of recurrent SCLC
(Einhorn et al. 1990; Masuda et al. 1992; Ardizzoni

S. Ramalingam and C. P. Belani


et al. 1997). The drugs that have been evaluated in this

setting include etoposide, topotecan, gemcitabine,
paclitaxel, docetaxel, and vinorelbine (Kelly 2001;
Shihabi and Belani 2001; Chiappori and RochaLima 2003; Thatcher et al. 2003). Topotecan is approved for second-line treatment of SCLC in the US.
The efcacy of topotecan was studied by a phase III
clinical trial that randomized patients with recurrent, but sensitive SCLC to treatment with topotecan
or CAV (von Pawel et al. 1999). Patients who had
relapsed after at least 60 days of initial chemotherapy
were eligible for the study. The response rate for patients in the topotecan and CAV arms were 24% and
18%, respectively (p=0.285) Median times to progression and survival were similar for patients in both
the groups. However, the proportion of patients who
experienced symptom improvement was greater in
the topotecan group than in the CAV group for four
of eight symptoms evaluated, including dyspnea, anorexia, hoarseness, and fatigue, as well as interference
with daily activity (p<0.043). The improvement in
symptoms noted with topotecan for patients with
relapsed SCLC was the principal reason behind its
approval for second-line treatment.
Future Directions in SCLC Therapy
Treatment of SCLC remains a major challenge despite the remarkable initial efcacy of chemotherapy.
Various strategies such as dose-intense regimens,
dose-dense therapy, maintenance therapy, alternating
chemotherapy and newer, more aggressive combination regimens have all failed to improve the outcome
for SCLC-ED. Imatinib, an inhibitor of the C-Kit tyrosine kinase enzyme was evaluated in a phase II clinical trial for patients with SCLC-ED (Johnson et al.
2003) based on the rationale that C-Kit is expressed in
approximately 70% of SCLC tumors. However, no objective responses were noted for the 19 patients who
were enrolled to the study. A recent study that evaluated G3139, an antisense oligonucleotide against the
BCL-2, demonstrated encouraging activity in combination with chemotherapy for patients with SCLC
(Rudin et al. 2003). Other targeted approaches that
are under evaluation for the treatment of SCLC include anti-angiogenic agents, proteasome inhibition,
inhibitors of the mTOR (mammalian target for rapamycin) pathway and vaccines (Bunn et al. 2003). With
continued evaluation of novel strategies and efforts
to enroll patients in clinical trials, hopefully the treatment of SCLC will move to the next level.

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Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data


2.4 Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy

Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data
A. William Blackstock and Kevin P. McMullen


Introduction 155
Basic Principles of Chemoradiation 156
Biologic Interactions Cell Cycle Effects 157
Biologic Interactions DNA Damage
and Repair 158
2.4.5 Biologic Interactions Apoptosis 158
2.4.6 Biologic Interactions Tumor Hypoxia 159
2.4.7 Important Clinical Translational Principles 160
2.4.8 Biologic Interactions Molecular
Targeted Therapies 161 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 161 Biologic Interactions Vascular Endothelial
Growth Factor (VEGF) 162 Biologic Interactions Cyclooxygenase
Enzyme II (COX-II) 162
2.4.9 Summary 163
References 163

Beginning with the original work of Mcgrath and
Williams (1966), we have known ionizing radiation
produces a myriad of lesions in the deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA). Considerable evidence indicates that
ionization energy deposited in the nucleus results
in DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and clusters
of damaged bases (Ward 1994), both of which are
probably the most important lesions in the cell responsible for cell lethality resulting from chromosomal aberrations. With the chromosomal aberrations comes the loss of genetic material after the
cells divide and mitotic-linked cell death. The serious investigation of chemotherapy for malignancy
started with the observation of unusual reactions in
A. W. Blackstock, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology/Radiation Biology,
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University,
Winston Salem, NC 27157, USA
K. P. McMullen, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Comprehensive Cancer
Center of Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC 27157,

soldiers exposed to chemicals used in World War II.

Among the unexpected results from this observation
was the development of the highly toxic, but therapeutically useful, mustard gas derivative, nitrogen
mustard [methyl bis(betachloroethyl) amine]. This
compound was the rst modern anti-tumor drug to
regularly produce responses in malignant diseases
in humans. Since that time a plethora of drugs with
a variety of mechanisms of action to disrupt cellular
function have been developed and investigated.
There are three major approaches to sequencing
radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of lung
cancer: (a) sequential, in which one modality is completed prior to the start of the other; (b) concurrent,
where radiation and chemotherapy are given on the
same days, and (c) alternating, in which courses of radiation and chemotherapy are alternated so that administration of the two modalities is completed over
the same overall time period without their concurrent administration. Recent studies have attempted
to combine agents sequentially and concurrently,
whether it is induction chemotherapy followed by
concurrent chemo-radiation or chemo-radiation followed by consolidative/maintenance chemotherapy.
This chapter will focus on a review of the fundamentals of combined modality therapy with an emphasis on concurrent chemo-radiation. It will attempt to
discuss the rationale along with the inherent difculties of achieving a therapeutic benet when combining a local modality (radiation) and a systemic
therapy (chemotherapy) concurrently. While the
initial attempts to combine traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy with radiation were rather empirical, we
will illustrate the importance of understanding the
mechanism of the interaction as we develop future
chemo-radiation strategies. This work will highlight
the progress made in our pre-clinical understanding
of the often complex interactions between ionizing
radiation and chemotherapy and the need for continued investigations and understandings from the
laboratory. And nally, a discussion of how we are
integrating recently developed compounds against
specic cellular targets (targeted therapies) with

A. W. Blackstock and K. P. McMullen


traditionally cytotoxic agents in to our current and

evolving combined modality treatment regimens.

Basic Principles of Chemoradiation
When radiation and chemotherapy are administered
together, one essential element of this strategy is to
achieve a therapeutic gain (Fig. 2.4.1). Regardless of
whether the radiation is enhancing the effects of the
chemotherapy or vice versa, one hopes to see the
tumor control curve move to the left while not affecting the normal tissue complication curve. This would
then result in a differential effect between tumor and
normal tissue; an increase in the tumor control probability without an unacceptable increase in normal
tissue damage.
Expanding on this concept are the theoretical
types of interaction between radiation and chemotherapy postulated by Steel and Peckam. Spatial cooperation in this discussion proposes the delivery of
optimal radiation and optimal systemic chemotherapy, with an assumption that there is no interaction
between the two modalities. Most chemotherapeutic
agents active in lung cancer, however, tend to interact
with radiation, making spatial cooperation often difcult to achieve. Toxicity independence allows for
administration of both treatment modalities at the
maximally tolerated dose not compromised by dose
reductions necessitated by increased toxicity. Given
that radiation and a number of chemotherapeutic
agents possess overlapping toxicities, this concept is
also difcult to apply in lung cancer. Protection of
normal tissues postulates that an agent would protect normal tissues (and not the tumor) from the effects of radiotherapy or chemotherapy, resulting in

Tumor Control (%)


Normal Tissue

Se ns it i ze d C u r e


an ability to deliver higher doses of radiotherapy or

administer more aggressive chemotherapy regimens.
With a few limited exceptions (Amifostine), establishing this concept in our management of lung cancer
has been unsuccessful. While growth factors are not
protecting in nature, but stimulate the bone marrow,
the expanded use of growth factors in lung cancer
has been successful in allowing more aggressive chemotherapeutic regimens to be studied in conjunction
with radiation. And nally and most related to this
review, a direct interaction between radiation and
chemotherapy within the radiation eld will increase
the local efcacy of the treatment. This enhancement
of the effect or response may be additive, infra-additive, or supra-additive (synergistic). Table 2.4.1
outlines the denitions for these possible interactions and provides examples. In terms of a quantitative assessment of these effects, the isobologram,
introduced by Loewe (1953, 1957) and later utilized
and described by Gessner and Cabana (1970) has
been employed to demonstrate among combinations
of agents tested in different xed ratios, some were
additive, some were subadditive, and others were superadditive (Fig. 2.4.2). The isobologram, when accompanied by an appropriate statistical analysis, is
the method most clearly tied to the classical denition of additivity and has been described as the gold
standard for evaluating drugdrug (Tallarida et
al. 1989) or drugradiation interactions.
A subset of a supra-additive effect would include
sensitization or potentiation, meaning when two
agents are combined with one having no effect other
Table 2.4.1.
Synergistic or The effect of two independent 2 + 1 = 4
superadditive agents results in a greater effect
than each agent individually,
or the sum of the individual
effects. The presence of one
therapy en-hances the effects
of the second

The effect is one in which the

effect of two independent
agents is the sum of the effects
that they would have if acting



The effect of two independent

agents results in a lesser effect
than each agent individually,
or the sum of the individual
effects. The presence of one
therapy diminishes the effects
of the second

2 + 1 = 2.5


Radiation Dose
Fig 2.4.1. Adapted from a concept from Ged Adams/Elaine

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data

Fig 2.4.2. Isobologram (illustration) for some particular effect

(e.g., 50% of the maximum) in which the dose of drug A alone
is A = 20 and drug B alone is B = 100. The straight line connecting these intercept points (additivity line) is the locus of
all dose pairs that, based on these potencies, should give the
same effect. An actual dose pair such as point Q attains this
effect with lesser quantities and is superadditive (synergistic),
while the dose pair denoted by point R means greater quantities are required and is therefore subadditive. A point such as P
that appears below the line would probably be simply additive.
A suitable statistical analysis is required to demonstrate the
nature of the interaction. From Tallarida (2001)

than to increase the effect of the other. One of the best

examples of an attempt to exploit differences between
normal organ physiology and tumor physiology is the
existence of tumor hypoxia, to be discussed later, and
the acceptance that hypoxic tumor cells are more resistant to DNA damage by ionizing radiation than are
oxic cells (Hall 1988). This has led to the development of hypoxic cell sensitizers and cytotoxins such
as Tirapazamine, a bioreductive drug that exhibits
greatly enhanced cytotoxicity in hypoxic tumor cells
and RSR-13, (2-[4-[2-[(3,5-dimethylphenyl)amino]2-oxoethyl]phenoxy]-2-methylpropanoic acid monosodium salt), a compound that allosterically modies
hemoglobin to increase tumor pO(2).

Biologic Interactions Cell Cycle Eects
When combining radiation and conventional chemotherapy, optimizing the interaction between the
agents is critical for the desired effect. Terasima and
Tolmach (1963) showed for the rst time that there
is a very large variation in radiosensitivity during the
cell cycle. The organization of the growth and division phases of cells in a population, so that all cells
divide at the same time, refers to cell synchronization. The synchronization of tumor cells may subsequently increase the efcacy of one specic agent by


placing cells into either a chemotherapy sensitive or

radiation sensitive portion of the cell cycle.
There are a variety of anti-chemotherapeutic
agents used in the treatment of lung cancer that likely
interact with radiation through cell cycle perturbations. The taxanes act by stabilizing microtubules,
thereby causing a G2-M cell cycle arrest. Unlike other
known mitotic spindle inhibitors (Vinca alkaloids,
colchicine, and podophyllotoxin) that inhibit tubulin
polymerization, taxanes markedly enhance microtubule assembly and disrupt the transition of a cell
through mitosis. Two well established agents used in
the treatment of lung cancer today include paclitaxel
and docetaxel. Both chemotherapeutic agents have
been studied as radiosensitizers because of the arrest of cells at G2-M, which is a particularly radiation sensitive phase of the cell cycle (Choy et al. 1993;
Geard et al. 1993) Vinorelbine a semisynthetic vinca
alkaloid that binds to tubulin and is a potent inhibitor
of mitotic microtubule polymerization has also been
shown to possess radiation sensitizing properties in
a NSCLC cell line (Edelstein et al. 1996). Like the
taxanes, the mechanism is at least in part, through the
Vinorelbine-induced block at the G2/M point of the
cell cycle (Zhang et al. 2004).
While it is clear that Gemcitabine has signicant
radiation sensitizing properties, the importance of
cell cycle effects to this end has been inconsistent
(Tolis et al. 1999; Bandala et al. 2001; Cappella
et al. 2001). Merlin et al. (1998) observed that low
concentrations (IC50 values) of gemcitabine caused
an arrest in early S phase of the cell cycle. In contrast,
higher concentrations of gemcitabine caused an arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Pauwels et al.
(2003) observed a clear S-phase block, and increasing
concentrations of gemcitabine resulted in a shift of
this arrest to early S phase and nally a blockade of
cells at the G1/S border.
DNA damaging agents such as cisplatin and carboplatin have also been shown to perturb cell cycle
progression at either G1, S, or G2 phase, although the
G1 arrest is only seen in cells expressing the wildtype p53 tumor suppressor protein. The signicance
of cell cycle arrest/cell synchronization and radiation
sensitization with platinum compounds is likely less
important than other mechanisms to be discussed.
Perhaps less well studied, but equally important,
are the chemo-sensitizing effects of ionizing radiation as it relates to the cell cycle. When cells are exposed to ionizing radiation, they initiate a complex
response that includes the arrest of cell cycle progression in G1 and G2 (Maity et al. 1994). As reported by
Giocanti et al. (1993) cells arrested in G2 following


radiation proved hypersensitive to the cytotoxic effects of Etoposide, an agent important in the treatment of NSCLC and SCLC.

Biologic Interactions DNA Damage and
During the past 75 years, concepts of radiation damage to cells have evolved from target theory (Blau
and Altenburger 1922; Dessauer 1922; Lea 1955)
to indirect action from free radicals, and then to a
modied target theory that includes both ionization clusters directly in critical targets (DNA double
strand breaks) within the cell. The rejoining kinetics
for radiation-induced total DNA strand breaks varies among mammalian cell lines, but can occur over
the course of minutes to hours. The phenomenon
of split-dose recovery relative to cell killing, later
attributed to sublethal damage repair, was rst described in 1957 (Jacobson 1957). While the molecular basis for sublethal damage repair is still not fully
understood, it refers to a kind of damage that was not
initially lethal by itself (rst insult), but was present
and could interact with a second additional insult
such that together, the damage becomes lethal. If a
signicant time interval (several hours), is allowed
to elapse before the second insult, survival increases
because the cells are able to repair themselves during
this period of quiescence.
Carboplatin and cisplatin, drugs active in lung
cancer, have both been shown to interact in this
fashion with radiation. As reported by Dolling, cells
treated with cisplatin prior to radiation experienced
a subsequent inhibition of DNA double strand break
rejoining (repair) (Dolling et al. 1998). The authors
suggest this phenomenon may indicate cisplatin-radiation induced double strand breaks may be more
difcult to process because the excision repair machinery processing the cisplatin adduct may block
access of double strand break repair proteins to the
nascent double strand break. What is clear, platinum
appears to reduce the sparing effect of split-dose radiation exposures and inhibits the repair of potentially lethal damage (Amorino et al. 2000).
Our group and others previously explored the
use of gemcitabine, a nucleoside analog, either alone
or in combination with radiation (Shewach and
Lawrence 1996; Lawrence et al. 1997, 1999, 2001;

A. W. Blackstock and K. P. McMullen

Blackstock et al. 2001). The rationale for such studies was the observation that nucleoside analogs, as
inhibitors of DNA replication and DNA chain termination (Tseng et al. 1982; Huang et al. 1990; Yang et
al. 1992; Catapano et al. 1993) would poison DNA
repair in radioresistant tumor cells. Studies from
Huang et al. have demonstrated that gemcitabine
effectively inhibits chromosome repair after irradiation, thus increasing the frequency of residual chromosome breaks (Huang and Hittelman 1995).
CPT-11 is a semi-synthesized derivative of camptothecin that is active both in NSCLC and SCLC and
is under investigation in conjunction with thoracic
radiation. SN-38 is the active metabolite of CPT-11,
and plays a key role in the action of the pro-drug.
Omura et al. (1997) have investigated the role of
potential lethal damage repair in spheroids treated
with SN-38. Spheroids were incubated in conditioned
medium in the absence and presence of SN-38 after
irradiation. The survival of spheroids exposed to radiation increased 2.5-fold during the 24-h incubation
but decreased in the presence of SN-38. Suggesting to
the investigators that SN-38 not only inhibits potential lethal damage repair, but also xes the potential
lethal damage when the culture conditions are favorable for repair.
While the reports are more limited, radiation has
been shown to augment the activity of a variety of
platinum analogs. Yang et al. (1995 ) has shown that
intracellular carboplatin concentrations increased
linearly with radiation dose under both hypoxic and
oxic irradiation conditions and that irradiation signicantly increased the binding of carboplatin to
double strand DNA under hypoxic conditions (Yang
et al. 1995). Data from Richmond and Mahtani
(1991) would suggest the chemosensitizing interaction between cisplatin and radiation is at least, in
part, mediated through enhanced formation of toxic
platinum intermediates in the presence of radiation
induced free-radicals.

Biologic Interactions Apoptosis
In addition to the type of cell killing referred to
prior as mitotic-linked death that can be delayed
and is caused principally by chromosome fragment
loss, there has been an intense interest over the past
decade in the process known as apoptosis and in
the extent to which the induction of this important
process is relevant for ionizing radiation-induced cell

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data

death (Kerr et al. 1972; Dewey et al. 1995). Evidence

has been presented that radiation-induced apoptosis
can occur through p53-dependent and independent
mechanisms (Strasser et al. 1994) from damage
in either the nucleus or the cytoplasm/membrane
(Guo et al. 1997; Haimovitz-Friedman 1998). This
damage results in cells undergoing apoptosis during interphase either without attempting division, or
several hours after they have divided one or more
times or during an aberrant mitosis (Vidair et al.
1996; Forrester et al. 1999; Endlich et al. 2000).
From the viewpoint of radiation oncology, alterations
in radiation-induced apoptosis must be evaluated
quantitatively in terms of concomitant alterations in
reproductive cell death.
The importance of apoptosis in radiation-chemotherapy interactions has also been studied but is
less clear. Flavopiridol, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor currently under development by the National
Cancer Institute, signicantly enhanced the induction of apoptosis by irradiation in both the human
colon HCT-116 cell line and the MKN-74 gastric cell
line as measured by quantitative uorescent microscopy, caspase-3 activation, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, and cytochrome C release (Jung
et al. 2003). Dey et al. (2003) also observed that lowdose fractionated radiation (<1 Gy) used in combination with Paclitaxel, overcame the anti-apoptotic
effects of BCL-2 and nuclear factor kappa B. In contrast, Chen et al. (2000) compared the cytotoxic and
radiosensitizing effects of gemcitabine in colon cancer cells which differed in their p53 status. In terms
of the effect of dFdCyd on radiation sensitivity, the
investigators found that both minimally cytotoxic
concentrations dFdCyd failed to radiosensitize either
RKO-P cells containing wild-type p53 and in RKO-E6
cells possessing a disruption of p53 function, whereas
at cytotoxic concentrations equal sensitization was
produced. These results do not support an important
role for p53 in apoptosis mediated radiosensitization
with gemcitabine.

Biologic Interactions Tumor Hypoxia
Tissue hypoxia results from an inadequate supply of
oxygen (O2) that compromises biologic functions.
Hypoxia in tumors is primarily a pathophysiologic
consequence of structurally and functionally disturbed microcirculation and the deterioration of
diffusion conditions. Tumor hypoxia appears to be


strongly associated with tumor propagation, malignant progression, and resistance to therapy, and
it has thus become a central issue in tumor physiology and cancer treatment (Hockel and Vaupel
2001). Although it had been appreciated for several
years that lowering the oxygenation of tissues made
them more resistant to damage by ionizing radiation
(Crabtree and Cramer 1933), it was the pioneering studies of Gray and colleagues (1953) soon after
World War II that established the universality of the
radiation resistance conferred by hypoxia as well as
providing early insight into the mechanism of action.
The difference in radiation sensitivity between the
aerobic and hypoxic cells, which is known as the oxygen enhancement ratio and is dened as the ratio of
doses to produce the same level of cell kill under hypoxic to aerobic conditions, is normally in the range
2.53 for mammalian cells. The reason for the universality of this effect is that oxygen reacts chemically
with the fundamental biological lesion produced by
ionizing radiation, a radical in DNA. Oxygen, being
the most electron-afnic molecule in the cell, reacts
extremely rapidly with the free electron of the free
radical, thereby xing the damage. In the absence
of oxygen, much of the radical damage can be restored to its undamaged form by hydrogen donation
from nonprotein sulfhydryls in the cells. For a more
expanded discussion, see recent reviews by Hockel
and Vaupel (2001) and Brown (1999).
While hypoxic cells in vitro are resistant to ionizing radiation, this is not universally true for conventional chemotherapy (Tannock and Guttman
1981; Teicher et al. 1990). Exceptions are bleomycin and neocarzinostatin, which, like radiation, are
more toxic toward oxygenated cells, and bioreductive drugs that are more toxic toward hypoxic cells.
As observed in a variety of solid tumor models, a
number of factors associated either directly or indirectly with tumor hypoxia contribute to resistance to
chemotherapy. Hypoxia (and associated deciencies
in nutrients) causes cells to stop or slow their rate of
progression through the cell cycle (Pallavicini et
al. 1979; Amellem and Pettersen 1991). This effect
is not the result of a generalized decrease in ATP or
energy status of the cell but is likely to be caused by
specic proteins induced under hypoxic conditions
(Sciandra et al. 1984; Heacock and Sutherland
1986; Price and Calderwood 1992; Graeber et al.
1994). Most chemotherapeutic agents are more effective against rapidly proliferating cells than slowly
or nonproliferating cells, this slowing of cell proliferation with increasing distance from the vasculature
likely leads to decreased cell killing at these increased


distances. Second, the concentration of anticancer

drugs will be higher closer to blood vessels than further away. This is a consequence not only of the geometry, in which the drug being provided by a central
vessel has to diffuse out over a much greater volume
at the periphery of the cord, but also of the fact that
many chemotherapeutic agents, because of their reactivity, will be limited in their diffusion from the
blood vessel. This is particularly true for agents that
physically bind to DNA, such as intercalators (Kerr
and Kaye 1987; Durand 1989).
There are a number of related ways in which hypoxia might contribute to drug resistance: ampli cation of genes conferring drug resistance (Rice et al.
1986), induction of various hypoxic stress proteins
that appear to be responsible for resistance to etoposide (Hughes et al. 1989) and cisplatin (Murphy et
al. 1994).
There are additional compelling evidence for the
importance of oxygenation and chemotherapy activity. Teicher et al. (1997) have investigated whether
the administration of PEG-hemoglobin could enhance the efcacy of a variety of chemotherapeutic
agents in a solid tumor model. The investigators
were able to demonstrate that the administration of
PEG-hemoglobin was effective in decreasing hypoxia
in the 13762 mammary carcinoma and further, that
PEG-hemoglobin given prior to each dose of chemotherapy increased the tumor growth delay produced
by the panel of agents, including paclitaxel. In related
studies, Kovacs et al. (1999) evaluated tirapazamine,
an agent that is activated specically at the low oxygen levels and exhibits preferential cytotoxicity towards hypoxic cells in combination with cisplatin.
Combining the compounds under hypoxic conditions resulted in an increase in cisplatin-induced
DNA interstrand cross-links with kinetics suggesting tirapazamine inhibited or delayed the repair of
the DNA cross-links. The investigators postulate the
mechanism may be through a potentiation of cisplatin-induced DNA interstrand cross-linking.
Viewed in its whole, the combination of conventional cytotoxics with radiation clearly represents
a very complex process that involves a multitude of

Important Clinical Translational Principles
Almost by denition, the goals of a phase I chemoradiation trial in lung cancer are to identify the toxici-

A. W. Blackstock and K. P. McMullen

ties associated with combining thoracic radiation with

a particular chemotherapeutic/targeted agent, and to
dene a safe regimen for phase II testing. In the context
of a phase I trial investigating a concurrent chemotherapy and radiation strategy, the recommended phase
II regimen is dened as the doses and schedules of
both the systemic therapy and local radiation therapy.
This recommended phase II dose is not necessarily
equivalent to the maximally tolerated dose of the systemic agent alone plus a standard dose and schedule of
radiation. The schedule used when the systemic agent
is combined with radiation may be substantially different from that of the systemic agent by itself or when it
is used with other systemic agents.
In addition, if an agents purported mechanism
of action and toxicity depend on metabolism of that
agent in the hypoxic region or overexpression of a
unique cellular receptor, determination of the recommended phase II dose may require that eligibility for
the phase I trial be restricted to patients with appropriately hypoxic tumors or tumors that overexpress
that receptor to adequately dene the relevant toxicity, and further, to dene early efcacy.
Radiation toxicity is incrementally cumulative
over the duration of the treatment, therefore toxicity
assessment for each dose level should include evaluation during the entire radiation period rather than
only during the rst course or cycle of combined
therapy. The window of evaluation should be specically dened, e.g., up to 30 days after completion of
radiation. Subsequent cohorts generally should not
be treated until that evaluation window is closed.
Collection of late toxicity data should be prospectively included in the trial design, despite the fact
that it is impractical to use late toxicities to dene
the maximum tolerated dose. Under certain circumstances, these data may provide a rationale for choosing a recommended phase II dose other than that dened by the acute maximum tolerated dose.
The denition of dose-limiting toxicities (i.e., type,
grade, and duration of adverse event) for chemoradiation trials will necessarily be different than those
for chemotherapy trials. Patients are not typically exposed to recurring risks in chemotherapy plus radiation trials because therapy is not cyclical; the doselimiting toxicity is often organ- and site-conned
as determined by the port of radiation, and phase I
chemoradiation trials are often performed in a potentially curative, rather than palliative, setting.

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data

Biologic Interactions
Molecular Targeted Therapies
As recently discussed by Lawrence et al. (1997, 1999,
2001), the discovery that cancers result from genetic
changes such as the activation of an oncogene or
the loss of a tumor suppressor gene has offered new
opportunities for targeting. More specically, the
nding that overexpression of growth factor signal
transduction pathways can drive uncontrolled tumor
cell growth presents the opportunity to target specic
genetic alterations that produced and support the
growth of that cancer. This discovery has led to generation of antibodies and small molecules aimed at
inhibiting aberrant growth factor receptor activation.
It is reasonable to expect that these therapies will
be selective for malignant cells compared to normal
cells given that the expression of these targets is not
usually increased in normal tissues. As implied from
the data below, the impact of these novel therapies
may be greatest in the multimodality treatment of
lung cancer.
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) autocrine pathway contributes to a number of processes
important to cancer development and progression,
including cell proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis,
and metastatic spread. The critical role this receptor
plays in cancer has led to an extensive search for
selective inhibitors of the EGFR signaling pathway.
The results of a large body of preclinical studies and
the early clinical trials thus far conducted suggest
that targeting the EGFR could represent a signicant
contribution to cancer therapy. A variety of differ-


ent approaches are currently being used to target

the EGFR; monoclonal antibodies to prevent ligand
binding and small molecule inhibitors of the tyrosine
kinase enzymatic activity to inhibit autophosphorylation and downstream intracellular signaling.
Studies in lung cancer have indicated EGFR is expressed in 81% to 93% of patients; overexpression (as
measured by 20% of cells staining positive for the receptor) was found in 45%70%, and was more common in squamous cell carcinoma (57%92%) than
in non-squamous cell tumors (36%58%) (Rusch
et al. 1993; Fontanini et al. 1995; Rusch et al. 1997)
Inhibition of EGFR with EGFR monoclonal antibodies or agents that inhibit tyrosine kinase, a key component of the EGFR signaling pathway, is believed to
result in inhibition of cell-cycle progression, angiogenesis, DNA repair after chemotherapy or radiation,
and increased apoptosis.
In addition to effects on cell proliferation and the
cell cycle, EGFR activation likely inuences the cells
sensitivity to ionizing radiation. The pre-clinical data
for ZD 1839 as a radiation sensitizer are limited but
compelling. In data recently reported by Huang et
al. (2002), human squamous carcinoma cell lines
exposed to ZD 1839 before radiation signicantly
reduced cell survival compared with control radiation only treated cells. Williams et al. (2002) in
a human colorectal tumor model observed that the
tumors in animals treated with 100 mg kg ZD 1839
for 14 days combined with fractionated radiation,
showed a signicantly better response to treatment
than those treated with radiation or drug alone. As
recently reviewed by Raben et al. (2002), the data indicating ZD 1839 has signicant radiation sensitizing
properties continues to accumulate.
Given these compelling pre-clinical data, two representative clinical trials currently underway evaluating concurrent radiation, conventional chemotherapy
and ZD 1839 are shown in Table 2.4.2 .

Table 2.4.2.




Paclitaxel, carboplatin q 21 days,

daily Iressa

Weekly paclitaxel, weekly

carboplatin, daily Iressa,
66 Gy thoracic radiation

Daily Iressa until


Wake Forest University /

Research Base

Weekly docetaxel, daily

Iressa, 70 Gy thoracic

Docetaxel q 21 days,
daily Iressa

Daily Iressa for 1

year or until

RTOG 0213

Daily celecoxib, 66 Gy
thoracic radiation

Cancer and Leukemia

Group B 30106

Biologic Interactions Vascular Endothelial
Growth Factor (VEGF)
VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) stimulates vascular endothelial cell growth, survival, and
proliferation. It plays a central role in the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and the
survival of immature blood vessels (vascular maintenance). Tumor expression of VEGF leads to the development and maintenance of a vascular network,
which promotes tumor growth and metastasis. VEGF
expression correlates with poor prognosis in many
tumor types including lung cancer. VEGF exerts its
effects by binding to and activating two structurally
related membrane receptor tyrosine kinases, VEGF
receptor-1 (VEGFR-1 or t-1) and VEGFR-2 (k-1 or
KDR), which are expressed by endothelial cells within
the blood vessel wall. VEGF also interacts with the
structurally distinct receptor neuropilin-1. Strategies
to inhibit VEGF have successfully controlled tumor
growth, dissemination, and distant metastasis by a
variety of VEGF agents such as neutralizing antiVEGF antibodies, anti-sense VEGF, cDNA, and soluble VEGF receptors.
To evaluate the potential radiation sensitizing effects of anti-VEGF therapy, Kozin et al. (2001) treated
mice bearing two different human tumor xenografts
with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 antibody (DC101) and fractionated radiation.
DC101 signicantly decreased the dose of radiation
necessary to control 50% of tumors locally. The decrease was 1.7- and 1.3-fold for the moderately radiosensitive small cell lung carcinoma 54A and the
highly radioresistant glioblastoma multiforme U87,
respectively. In conjunction with the observation,
was no signicant decrease of tumor oxygenation
by the 12 doses of DC101, despite the anti-vascular effect of the antibody (Prewett et al. 1999;
Hansen-Algenstaedt et al. 2000; Klement et al.
2000). As discussed in the manuscript, a comparison of these ndings with those using TNP-470 suggests that different antiangiogenic agents may have
different effects on tumor oxygenation (Murata et
al. 1997). Thus, inhibitors of the VEGF pathway that
either block VEGFR2 (as described in this study) or
neutralize VEGF may be preferable to angiogenesis
inhibitors such as TNP-470 in this respect (Lee et
al. 2000). However, the changes in oxygenation may
also depend on tumor type as well as duration and
dose fractionation of both antiangiogenic and radiation treatments (Hansen-Algenstaedt et al.
2000; Lee et al. 2000). The investigators suggest that

A. W. Blackstock and K. P. McMullen

tumor cell apoptosis by DC101 could be one possible mechanism contributing to the improved tumor
response seen with combined DC101 and radiation
(Carmeliet and Jain 2000; Klement et al. 2000).
These ndings support the notion that different antiangiogenic agents should be evaluated in combination with radiation if we are to proceed with rationale strategies that are likely to be successful in
future clinical trials.
Biologic Interactions
Cyclooxygenase Enzyme II (COX-II)
Cyclooxygenase (COX) is a key enzyme that catalyzes
the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins
and other prostanoids. Two isoforms of COX have
been identied. COX-1 is expressed constitutively in a
number of cell types and is involved in the homeostasis of various physiological functions, whereas COX-2
is an inducible enzyme of which the expression is
regulated by a variety of factors, including cytokines,
growth factors, and tumor promoters (Herschman
1991; Williams et al. 1999). Selective COX-2 inhibitors have been reported to prevent carcinogenesis
and reduce the growth rate of tumor cells grown in
vitro and in vivo (Elder et al. 1997; Sheng et al. 1997;
Liu et al. 1998; Taketo 1998).
As reviewed and discussed by Pyo et al. (2001) the
underlying mechanism responsible for the antitumor
effect of COX-2 inhibitors has not been clearly dened,
although several possibilities have been proposed, including regulation of angiogenesis, alteration in cell
cycle progression, and inhibition of PG-induced immunosuppressive activity (Furuta et al. 1988; Milas
et al. 1990, 1999; Milas 2003). In addition, induction
of apoptosis is one of the most widely investigated
and consistently supported potential mechanisms for
the antineoplastic effect of COX-2 inhibitors.
Studies conducted at Vanderbilt to investigate the
radiosensitizing effect of the selective COX-2 inhibitor, NS-398 were performed in NCI-H460 human lung
cancer cells, which express COX-2 constitutively, and
HCT-116 human colon cancer cells, which lack COX-2
expression (Pyo et al. 2001). NS-398 enhanced radiosensitivity in the H460 human lung cancer cells with
a dose enhancement ratio of 1.8 but protected HCT116 cells from the effects of radiation. Radiation-induced apoptosis was also enhanced by NS-398 in the
H460 cells but not in the HCT-116 cells. NS-398 enhanced the effect of radiation on H460 tumors in vivo
by an enhancement factor of 2.5; however, it did not

Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Fundamentals and Pre-clinical Data

enhance the radiosensitivity of HCT-116 tumors. The

group suggests these data would indicate the sensitizing effect may be attributable to enhancement of radiation-induced apoptosis and that selective COX-2
inhibitors may have potential as radiosensitizers for
the treatment of human cancers. As reected in table
2, an RTOG trial is underway evaluating celecoxib in
conjunction with radiation in patients with stage III

Clearly the management of lung cancer, particular
as it relates to combing radiation with conventional
chemotherapy or recently developed targeted therapies, requires a understanding of the interaction
in the laboratory. Mason et al. (1999), suggested
from normal tissue studies performed in a mouse
model, that while gemcitabine was a potent radiation sensitizer, it also potentiated the radiation effects
in surrounding normal tissues. It would appear this
observation is relevant to a number of clinical trials
in lung cancer demonstrating increased pulmonary
toxicity with the addition of gemcitabine to a course
of thoracic radiation. Clearly these data should not
deter the effort to continue to investigate this combination in lung cancer, but that we as investigators
remain mindful of the therapeutic index, and that
the strategy incorporating future novel conventional
chemotherapy agents and radiation should result in
an increase in efcacy with an acceptable increase
in toxicity.
Data from MacRae et al. (2002) in a review of
115 patients with locally advanced NSCLC receiving
concurrent paclitaxel carboplatin and radiation
therapy, observed that a decline in hemoglobin during chemoradiation correlated with an overall worse
survival. These data support the work reported by
Nabid et al. (2002), in which the synthetic allosteric
hemoglobin modier RSR13, which reduces hemoglobin oxygen binding afnity and increases tumor
oxygenation, was combined with a standard regimen
of chemoradiation. The investigators observed an
encouraging response rate of 89%, and 1- and 2-year
survival rates of 67% and 40%, respectively. While
strategies attempting to minimize tumor hypoxia
during combined modality therapy clearly warrant
further exploration, the recent reports of erythropoietin given during radiotherapy in an effort to this end,
resulted in worse local control and survival, reecting


the need for a better understanding of this process

and continued, well-designed clinical trials.
The recent introduction of molecularly targeted
therapies into conventional chemotherapy and concurrent radiation trials in lung cancer are evolving
and potentially exciting. These studies, for the most
part, have been built on solid pre-clinical rationale
and have incorporated the translational aspect of
clinical trial design needed in lung cancer research.
Integrating the basic principles of chemo-radiation
discussed in this chapter with our better understanding of the interactions between the active agents in
lung cancer will likely result in improved therapies in
the near future for patients with lung cancer.

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Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Current Treatment Strategies in

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer



Early Stage in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

3.1.1 Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell

Lung Cancer
Branislav Jeremic


Introduction 169
Overall Results of Radiation Therapy
Tumour Dose 173
Tumour Stage and Size 174
Treatment Volume 174
Prognostic Factors 178
Toxicity 179
Quality of Life 181
Novel Approaches 182
Conclusions 182
References 183

There is a world-wide standard policy to offer surgery to patients with early stage (I/II) non-small cell
lung cancer. This treatment modality offers the best
results and has not changed substantially in the past
two decades. In the international staging system classication (Mountain 1986), the 5-year survival rates
for pathological stage I/II were 68.5% for T1N0, 59%
for T2N0, 54.1% for T1N1 and 40.0% for T2N1. When
clinical staging is used, however, these results become
inferior: 61.9 % for T1N0, 35.8% for T2N0, 33.6% for
T1N1 and 22.7% for T2N1 tumours. A similar analysis
was carried out in the mid-1990s for the purposes
of second staging classication (Mountain 1997).
Since the patients in T3N0 subgroup had very similar
outcomes (pathological stage: 5-year survival, 38%;
clinical stage: 5-year survival, 22%) to that of T2N1
patients, they were from stage IIIA to stage IIB. Stage
I has now been subdivided into IA (T1N0) and IB
(T2N0), while the stage II also has two subdivisions,
IIA (T1N1) and IIB (T2N1 and T3N0).

B. Jeremic, MD, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Ismaninger Strasse 226,
81675 Munich, Germany

The pathological staging is considered an ultimate one because it gives the best correlation with
outcome and therefore represents the best indication
of what adequate surgical candidates could be offered. However, there are also data from surgical series on patients with early stage non-small cell lung
cancer when clinical staging is used (Mountain
1986; Naruke et al. 1988). Although comparison of
treatment outcome based on pathological and clinical data has not been so frequently observed in recent years, there is still a subset of patients in whom
clinical staging is used. These patients, although
technically resectable, do not undergo surgery for
various reasons. The vast majority of these patients
are medically inoperable due to pre-existing comorbidity, mostly cardiopulmonary. This comorbidity
prohibits surgery due to presumed high peri- and
post-operative risk. Another group of patients not
undergoing surgery are elderly, and are not surgical
candidates due to restricted cardiopulmonary reserve, which can be expected to occur even without
overt cardiopulmonary disease. Finally, the smallest
group of patients not undergoing surgery, and possibly the group of patients for whom radiation oncology is most important, are the patients who refuse
surgery, regardless of grounds, mostly stated to be
anticipated morbidity and peri-operative mortality,
as well as a substantial decrease in quality of life of
potential long-term survivors. This may nowadays
range from as low as nil to as high as >20% in elderly
patients treated with pneumonectomy (Whittle et
al. 1991; Au et al. 1994; Mizushima et al. 1997). These
three groups of patients are those mostly offered
radiation therapy alone, being frequently considered standard treatment approach in this setting.
Unfortunately, the patients who undergo radiation
therapy alone for early stage non-small cell lung cancer mostly constitute negative selection, materialised
in their serious concomitant diseases. Additional disadvantages are the use of not pathological staging but
rather clinical staging, as well as insufcient staging.
It is, therefore, quite clear that the results of radiation
therapy in this population cannot be meaningfully


compared to those of surgery, even when one uses the

results from the surgical series using clinical staging.
Additional reasons for the observed bias in reporting radiation therapy versus surgical series include
institutional/investigator bias and the different process of decision-making (patients versus physicians),
the latter one materialised in great variance across
the studies with respect to the proportion of patients
refusing surgery.
There are no prospective randomised studies comparing radiation therapy alone with other treatment
modalities in patients with early stage non-small cell
lung caner, including observation (no treatment).
While one recent report (McGarry et al. 2002)
showed no advantage for radiation therapy over observation-only, serious aws in that particular report,
both methodological and statistical, led to increased
concern (Jeremic et al. 2002) that observation alone
should not be practised in any case with early stage
non-small cell lung cancer today. In addition, indirect
evidence supporting active treatment came from the
recent study (Henschke et al. 2003) which showed
that even the smallest tumours (i.e. stage I) measuring 615 mm, 1625 mm, and 2630 mm, when untreated, had an 8-year fatality rate of 87%, 94% and
88%, respectively. Although that study focused on the
role of surgery versus observation, it is not unrealistic
to expect the same or similar from radiation therapy
alone in this disease. This chapter, therefore, summarises achievements of radiation therapy alone in
early stage NSCLC, highlights its advantages and underlines its disadvantages, and aims to enable better
insight in a number of pre-treatment and treatment
characteristics in this setting, especially focusing on
curative radiation therapy. This is the main intention
of this chapter because radiation therapy alone is the
treatment of choice in technically operable but medically inoperable patients with early stage non-small
cell lung cancer, including elderly and those who refuse surgery.
Overall Results of Radiation Therapy
Numerous studies unequivocally documented the
outcome of patients with operable non-small cell
lung cancer in the last four decades, including mostly
patients with early (I/II) stage disease. It seems
that the history of radiation therapy in early stage
non-small cell lung cancer starts with the report of
Morrison et al. (1963) who obtained the overall sur-

B. Jeremic

vival of 7% at 5 years in 28 patients with operable

lung cancer treated with 45 Gy. This should come
as no surprise due to the lack of modern diagnostic and planning tools (computerised tomography).
Similarly, Coy and Kennelly (1980) provided similar results (5-year survival of 10%) in 141 patients
with T1-3 NX tumours using doses of 5057.5 Gy,
although Smart (1966) indicated great potential for
radiation therapy alone in this disease obtaining a
5-year survival of 22% and a median survival of approximately 24 months with 4055 Gy in 40 patients.
Of the studies that followed later on (Morrison
et al. 1963; Smart 1966; Coy and Kennelly 1980;
Cooper et al. 1985; Haffty et al. 1988; Noordijk
et al. 1988; Zhang et al. 1989; Talton et al. 1990;
Sandler et al. 1990; Ono et al. 1991; Dosertz et al.
1992; Kupelian et al. 1996; Cheung et al. 2000) some
enrolled patients without specifying results according to the tumour stage, while others also enrolled a
proportion of patients in stage III NSCLC (Cooper
et al. 1980; Zhang et al. 1989; Talton et al. 1990;
Dosoretz et al. 1992; Kupelian et al. 1996; Cheung
et al. 2000). There was a substantial variation in the
diagnostic tools used over the time and in the rst
reports computerised tomography scanning for diagnostic and therapeutic (planning) purposes was
not used. It is, therefore, quite clear that those studies covering longer periods of time were likely to
include a number of patients with more (locoregionally) advanced disease (Morrison et al. 1963; Smart
1966; Coy and Kennelly 1980; Cooper et al. 1985;
Haffty et al. 1988; Noordijk et al. 1988; Zhang et
al. 1989; Talton et al. 1990; Sandler et al. 1990; Ono
et al. 1991; Dosoretz et al. 1992; Kupelian et al.
1996; Cheung et al. 2000). To further extend this, of
those cited above, even some of the reports published
in the 1980s and 1990s suffered from the very same
drawback, frequently explained by the long time periods covering the study report (Cooper et al. 1980;
Zhang et al. 1989; Talton et al. 1990; Haffty et al.
1988; Noordijk et al. 1988; Sandler et al. 1990; Ono
et al. 1991). This may be one of the crucial issues in
interpretation of the overall results, since Sandler
et al. (1990) documented an improvement in survival in patients with excellent staging (chest CT
scan, including the liver, and bone scan) when compared to those having good staging (conventional
tomography, liver-spleen scan and a bone scan), and
particularly to those being staged less vigorously.
This issue should not present a problem nowadays,
but is still a good reminder to those adopting a nihilistic approach in this patient population, which
frequently results in inadequate treatment decision-

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

making based on insufcient staging, particularly in

among elderly patients. The characteristics of patients enrolled into contemporary studies, as well as
the outcome of studies, are given in Table
Radiation therapy characteristics have also varied greatly with time. Doses as low as 18 Gy were
sometimes given, but went up to 80 Gy, while all
fractionation regimens were used: standard (1.8
2.0 Gy per fraction), hypofractionated (up to 4 Gy
per fraction), split-course (1 or 2 weeks split), or
hyperfractionated (1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation).
Equipment used to deliver irradiation included
a range of machines from orthovoltage X-rays
through cobalt-60 to either low- or high-megavoltage X-rays of linear accelerators; treatment prescription/dose specification, patients positioning,
number of irradiated treatment fields per day, etc.,
also varied significantly.


Whatever the differences and variances in the

aforementioned studies and the interpretation of
their respective results may have led to, radiation
therapy alone has been capable of producing a median survival time of up to >30 months (>40 months
in T1N0) since the mid-1980s. with 5-year survival
rates of up to 30% in stage I non-small cell lung cancer (40% in T1N0) and up to 25% in stage II nonsmall cell lung cancer.
Besides the differences in radiation therapy characteristics in the aforementioned studies, these results were also achieved in a cohort of substantially
differing patient populations (Table An
important underlying issue, namely, the reason for
not undergoing surgery, was considerably different
across the studies, particularly when one considers
patient refusal which only recently started to gain
more attention. While the percentage of such patients

Table Patient and treatment characteristics and outcome of contemporary studies


Median age Stage


Chest CT





Haffty et al. (1988)

Noordijk et al. (1988)
Zhang et al. (1989)
Talton et al. (1990)
Sandler et al. (1990)
Ono et al. (1991)
Dosoretz et al. (1992)
Hayakawa et al. (1992)
Rosenthal et al. (1992)
Kaskowitz et al. (1993)
Slotman and Karim (1994)
Graham et al. (1995)
Gauden et al. (1995)
Krol et al. (1996)
Slotman et al. (1996)
Kupelian et al. (1996)
Morita et al. (1997)
Jeremic et al. (1997)
Sibley et al. (1998)
Hayakawa et al. (1999)
Jeremic et al. (1999)
Cheung et al. (2000)
Zierhut et al. (2001)
Hayakawa et al. (2001)
Cheung et al. (2000)








Lagerwaard et al. (2002)

Firat et al. (2002)








CT, computerised tomography; MST, median survival time; OS, overall survival; CSS, cause-specic survival.
from the available survival curve; b median dose, 60 Gy; c one patient irradiated with 48 Gy.

a Estimated


B. Jeremic

Table Reasons for not undergoing surgery

Number of patients
Morbidity Age
(median age in years)

Refusal Other Intercurrent MST

(months) (5-year)


Coy and
Kennelly (1980)
Cooper et al.
Haffty et al.
Noordijk et al.
Zhang et al.
Sandler et al.
Ono et al.
Dosoretz et al.
Kaskowitz et al.
Slotman and
Karim (1994)
Graham et al.
Gauden et al.
Krol et al.
Slotman et al.
Kupelian et al.
Morita et al.
Jeremic et al.
Sibley et al.
Hayakawa et al.
Jeremic et al.
Cheung et al.


























Lagerwaard et al.








































































































































MST, median survival time; OS, overall survival; CSS, cause-specic survival.
from survival curve; b at 3 years.

a Estimated

was usually around 10%, there are also several studies

in which it was >20% (Zhang et al. 1989; Morita et
al. 1997; Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999). Interestingly, the
highest median survival times (up to 33 months) were
observed in these particular studies. This was coupled
with the highest 5-year survival rates (up to 32%). It
became widely accepted opinion that these patients

represent the population which seems to be the one

most likely to give true insight in the effectiveness of
radiation therapy in this disease, simply because they
are those resembling surgical candidates the most.
In this patient population, using overall survival as
an endpoint is more meaningful, because there are
less cancer-unrelated events. In other patient popula-

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

tions, the use of cancer-specic survival or diseasespecic survivals must be mandatory to correct for
events other than cancer-related. Indeed, when 5-year
cancer-specic or disease-free survival rates were reported (Sandler et al. 1990; Kaskowitz et al. 1993;
Slotman and Karim 1994; Krol et al. 1996; Sibley et
al. 1998; Cheung et al. 2000), they were usually twice
as high as those of overall survival, as presented in
the same studies, the difference being approximately
10%20% in favour of the former. Additionally, it is
a well recognised fact that patients refusal inversely
correlates with the incidence of intercurrent deaths
(6%16%) (Zhang et al. 1989; Sandler et al. 1990;
Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999).The incidence of intercurrent deaths, on the other hand, are directly dependent on increasing age and pre-existing comorbidity
(21%43%) (Noordijk et al. 1988; Kaskowitz et al.
1993; Slotman and Karim 1994; Morita et al. 1997;
Sibley et al. 1998). These several important facts play
a complicated framework which has largely been underestimated in the past. Contemporary studies must
take these facts into account and adapt the study designs and data presentation to enable better insight
into the effectiveness of radiation therapy in this
disease and to enable easier comparison across the
Tumour Dose
A good starting point for properly addressing the
question of effectiveness of radiation therapy in
early stage non-small cell lung cancer, is the radiation therapy dose itself. In the previous section it was
already mentioned that tumour doses used during
the radiation therapy course ranged from as low as
18 Gy to as high as 80 Gy. This wide range of tumour
doses should somehow make it possible to obtain
information regarding the anticipated dose-response
(effect) issue in this setting. This issue, however, cannot articially be detached from the issue of tumour
stage/size, since one of the long-lasting biological
premises in radiation oncology is that larger tumour
volumes (presumably higher stage) require higher
tumour doses.
Impact of tumour dose was evaluated by a number of investigators. It has usually been observed that
higher doses carry favourable outcome. Some studies
used somewhat lower cut-off values (e.g. 40 or 50 Gy)
which enabled comparison of palliative versus curative treatments (Cooper et al. 1985; Sandler et


al. 1990; Kupelian et al. 1996). It was Cooper et al.

(1985) who rst noted improved survival with the
higher dose (>40 Gy compared to <40 Gy). Haffty
et al. (1988) noted an advantage of continuous course
(59 Gy) over split course (54 Gy) regimen, not only regarding overall survival, but local control as well. The
dose effect upon survival was also evaluated in the
study of Zhang et al. (1989) who found that higher
doses (6970 Gy) were more efcient that the lower
ones (5561 Gy). However, Sandler et al. (1990)
could not conrm this, presumably due to a somewhat narrow dose range in their study. Hayakawa et
al. (1992) and Dosoretz et al. (1992) also conrmed
importance of higher doses on overall survival and
disease-specic survival, but warned of the use of very
high doses (>80 Gy) when conventional tools were
used for treatment planning/delivery (Hayakawa et
al. 1992) due to increased risk of treatment related
toxicity and mortality. Slotman and Karim (1994)
did not nd an impact of the higher (4856 Gy) versus lower (3240 Gy) doses of radiation therapy on
either overall survival or disease-specic survival in
stage I non-small cell lung cancer. Kaskowitz et al.
(1993) and Sibley et al. (1998) both observed better
overall survival, though not statistically signicant,
for higher doses (>65 Gy and >64 Gy, respectively).
Graham et al. (1995) used tumour/dose/fractionation calculations as a measure of the effectiveness of
radiation therapy to document better outcome with
increasing tumour/dose/fractionation values in multivariate analysis. Also, Kupelian et al. (1996) and
Morita et al. (1997) showed impact of the dose on
local response/control, which was not always translated into a better survival (Morita et al. 1997). Stage
I/II non-small cell lung cancer should represent tumours with the smallest burden of tumour cells, although imprecise staging currently used allows that
even small-volume tumours are placed in the higher
staging category (e.g. stage III) when invading certain
intrathoracic/mediastinal structures. Also, although
analyses from the available data sometimes favoured
even lower doses of radiation therapy, it would still be
preferable to recommend/use the doses traditionally
considered as curative, being in the order of >65
70 Gy with standard fractionation or its equivalent
when altered fractionation is used. This suggestion
should be even more valid nowadays when threedimensional treatment planning and delivery is becoming a new standard of treatment planning and
delivery in radiation oncology world-wide, because it
should enable better therapeutic benet when compared to two-dimensionally planned and executed
radiation therapy used in the past.

B. Jeremic

Tumour Stage and Size
A number of studies have evaluated the impact of
tumour stage and/or size on treatment outcome.
It was mostly observed that smaller tumours and/
or lower stage of disease carry an improvement in
survival (Table Cut-off sizes mostly used
in the studies were <3 cm or <4 cm and these tumours were frequently compared to larger ones as
was T1 stage versus T2 stage with regard to overall
survival, disease-specic survival and local control.
To strengthen possible ndings, multivariate analyses were also used to investigate if there was an
independent inuence of T stage, frequently documenting that T stage was the only prognosticator
of the treatment outcome (Kaskowitz et al. 1993;
Graham et al. 1995; Gauden et al. 1995; Jeremic et
al. 1997). Additionally, better outcome for T1 versus
T2 or for tumour size <3 cm versus >3 cm (Morita
et al. 1997; Slotman et al. 1996; Sibley et al. 1998)
was observed, although without statistical signicance. Contrary to these, there are also studies that
evaluated both T stage and particular tumour size,
with conicting results. In the study of Kupelian
et al. (1996), T stage did not inuence either overall
survival or disease-specic survival or local control.
Interestingly, however, when tumour size was used
as a variable, it was found that tumours <5 cm had
better disease-specic survival and those <4 cm had
better local control, conrmed in both cases using
multivariate analysis. While it is reasonable to expect impact of tumour stage/size on the outcome,
this should happen rst at local/regional level, and
then on the overall survival, providing causal relationship between local control and overall survival. It
seems, therefore, that local/regional-recurrence free
survival or disease-specic survival must be included
in the analysis as important initial endpoints, as well
as the distant metastasis-free survival, to provide better insight into the events other than those occurring
locoregionally. The patterns of failure (detailed later
in Sect. were shown to heavily depend on local/regional tumour control in this disease.
Important obstacles for clear and precise denition of the role of tumour stage/size are staging systems widely used in the last 20 years (Mountain
1986, 1997). As briey mentioned in the preceding
section, these surgical systems do not relate only to
a tumour size, but also to a particular tumour location, leading to confusion when this (surgical) staging system is applied to a non-surgical setting, having
different biological premises. A practical example of

such a problem is as follows: a tumour of 1 cm would

be, by virtue of its size, placed into T1 category, but
if it involves main bronchus at >2 cm distal to the carina, it would be designated as T2. This may be even
more so in the case of a tumour of the same size invading chest wall, being automatically placed into the
T3 category. This issue may be an important one owing to the log-cell kill nature of anticancer action of
radiation therapy. There are requests for continuous
revision of the current international staging system,
which should make both T and N staging more specic/detailed and, therefore, easier to interpret/compare.
Treatment Volume
Another issue which must be considered in this context is the optimal treatment volume. Unfortunately,
as with preceding issues, shortcomings in the literature also apply here. Nevertheless, it seems that the
issue focuses on the question of elective nodal irradiation. This would mean elective radiation therapy
of hilum with or without a part or whole of the mediastinum in cases of stage I, or a part or whole of the
mediastinum in stage II non-small cell lung cancer.
To properly address this issue, one must consider it
together with the irradiation dose used for elective
treatment. Some studies used doses of 40 Gy in 20
daily fractions (Zhang et al. 1989; Talton et al. 1990;
Hayakawa et al. 1992, 1999; Slotman et al. 1996;
Morita et al. 1997) which can not be considered as
adequate to treat microscopic disease. While some
were using 45 Gy in 2022 fractions (Morrison et
al. 1963; Haffty et al. 1988; Kupelian et al. 1996),
which can be considered standard practice, it is of
unproven efcacy in lung cancer. Furthermore, if we
extrapolate the data from squamous cell carcinoma
of the head and neck, then one would need 50 Gy
given with 2.0 Gy standard fractionation to treat microscopic disease successfully. Close to this level were
doses used by Kaskowitz et al. (1993), by Morita
et al. (1997) in part of their patients, and by Jeremic
et al. (1997, 1999), with hyperfractionated radiation
therapy dose of 50.40 Gy using 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation applied by the latter. Finally, because of the fear
that there may be an increased risk of subclinical
nodal spread in some lymph node regions, others
have also adapted otherwise strict institutional policy and included some nodes at risk into the limited
eld RT, giving it, therefore, a form of electively-lim-

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Effect of tumour stage/tumour size


Number of




Coy and Kennelly (1980)

Noodijk et al. (1988)


T1-3 N2
T1-2 N0


<3 cm better than other sizes (OS)

)4 cm better than >4 cm and T1 better than T2 (OS)

Zhang et al. (1989)


T1-2 N0-2

T1 N0 better than T2 N0 (OS)

Sandler et al. (1990)


T1-2 N0

)3 cm better OS and DSS, but not LRFS

Rosenthal et al.(1992)


T1-2 N1

T1 vs T2, better, but not signicantly (OS)

Dosoretz et al. (1992)


T1-3 N0, 1

T1 better than T2 (DFS)

<3 cm better than other sizes in locally uncontrolled
<3 cm better DMFS in locally controlled tumours

Kaskowitz et al. (1993)


T1-2 N0

T1 better than T2 (OS) (only prognostic factor)

Slotman and Karim (1994) 47

T1-2 N0

Smaller size better DSS (<0.001) and OS (0.08) (multivariate analysis)

Gauden et al. (1995)


T1-2 N0

T1 better than T2 (only prognostic factor) (OS)

Graham et al. (1995)


T1-2 N0-1

T stage independent prognosticator (multivariate

analysis) (OS)

Slotman et al. (1996)


T1-2 N0

T1 vs T2 (not signicant) (OS)

Krol et al. (1996)


T1-2 N0

<4 cm better OS, CSS and CR

Kupelian et al. (1996)


T1-4 N0

T stage for OS, DSS and LC

<5 cm better DSS; <4 cm better LC (multivariate

Morita et al. (1997)


T1-2 N0

T1 better than T2, but not signicantly (OS)

<4 cm better than >4 cm (OS and CR)

Jeremic et al. (1997)


T1-2 N0

T1 better than T2 (OS and RFS), but not on multivariate analysis

Sibley et al. (1998)


T1-2 N0

)3 cm better than >3 cm (OS, CSS, PFS), but not


Jeremic et al. (1999)


T1-2 N1

T1 better than T2 (multivariate analysis) (OS)

Cheung et al. (2000)


T1-3 N0-1

Tumour volumes ()10, 1150, and )50 cm) not signicant for RFS

Lagerwaard et al. (2002)


T1-2 N0

Firat et al. (2002)


T1-2 N0

T2 adverse prognosticator of CSS and DMFS, but not

(multivariate analysis)
T size <4 cm and T1 vs T2 both not signicant on OS

OS, overall survival; DSS, disease-specic survival; LRFS, local recurrence-free survival; DFS, disease-free survival; DMFS,
distant metastasis-free survival; LC, local control; CR, complete response; RFS, relapse-free survival; PFS, progression-free

ited RT, usually based on primary tumour location

(central tumour location or tumour adjacent to the
mediastinum (Senan et al. 2002; Lagerwaard et
al. 2002).
Unfortunately, the choice and number of treatment elds, as well as the dose prescription, were
not always clearly specied, leaving some room for
less precise interpretation of the data. This relates in
particular to the second part of the radiation therapy course, which, by using various combinations of
radiation therapy elds to treat visible tumour only
(mostly obliques and/or laterals), provides an unin-

tentional treatment contribution to the nodal areas

at risk. This contribution for a particular radiation
therapy plan is not documented at all and is therefore
unknown. However, Martel et al. (1999) showed
that three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy
used to deliver starting doses of 69.384 Gy to gross
tumour volume resulted in 100% of the ipsilateral hilum, 59% of the low paratracheal region, 57% of the
aortopulmonary region, 97% of the subcarinal region
and 57% of the contralateral hilum receiving >50 Gy.
Another report from the same institution (Hayman
et al. 2001) showed no isolated elective nodal fail-


ures when three-dimensional conformal radiation

therapy was used in patients with non-small cell lung
cancer, although there were three (6%) failures in the
lymph nodes outside the planning target volume.
Rosenzweig et al. (2001) also used similar threedimensional conformal radiotherapy (range, 50.4
81 Gy; median, 68.4 Gy) without elective nodal RT to
observe 2-year rate of elective nodal control in 88%
patients with tumours locally controlled. With unintentional nodal radiation therapy, a dose of >40 Gy
was delivered to the ipsilateral superior mediastinum
in 34% patients, to the inferior mediastinum in 63%
patients and to the subcarinal region in 41% patients.
It is, therefore, obvious that not just conventional
radiation therapy but also three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (using limited radiation
therapy elds, e.g. those covering only macroscopically/radiographically visible tumour) frequently
result in higher dose to the nodal regions that one
may initially assume. If one intends to document the
necessity of elective nodal radiation therapy in this
setting, a policy of clear documentation of the dose
to the regions presumably harbouring microscopic
spread must be mandatory. Unfortunately, even the
most recent publications on the use of three-dimensionally conformal radiation therapy in inoperable
non-small cell lung cancer, including cases of early
stage non-small cell lung cancer, do not document
incidental nodal irradiation, yet claiming that no
elective irradiation was performed (Belderbos et al.
2003; Bradley et al. 2003; Lagerwaard et al. 2002).
In some studies institutional policy regarding elective nodal irradiation did not change over
time (Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999], while some studies
(Sandler et al. 1990; Graham et al. 1995) did not
provide results according to radiation therapy volume. While Dosoretz et al. (1992) found no impact of
elective nodal irradiation on the treatment outcome,
Kupelian et al. (1996) and Sibley et al. (1998) found
better overall survival, disease-specic survival and
local control in patients undergoing elective nodal
irradiation, though insignicant, probably due to a
small number of events. Morita et al. (1997), however,
clearly documented superior complete response rates
and overall survival in patients undergoing elective
nodal irradiation and a lower distant metastasis rate
in patients undergoing elective nodal irradiation.
The issue of elective nodal irradiation must be
considered together with the incidence of occult
lymph node (hilar and/or mediastinal) metastasis.
If the initial clinical staging based on computerised
tomography scanning is ultimately veried during operation, the incidence of nodal metastases in

B. Jeremic

stage I non-small cell lung cancer may be as high as

26% (Glazer et al. 1984; Heavey et al. 1986; Black
et al. 1988; Conces et al. 1989), supporting, thus, a
consistent nding over the decades that surgical/
pathological upstaging is seen in approximately 25%
of cases of T1N0 and approximately 35% of cases of
T2N0 cases (Martini and Beattie 1977; Naruke et
al. 1988; Ginsberg and Rubinstein 1995). Recent
surgical data also showed similar incidence of unsuspected lymph node metastasis when T1 stage
was broken by tumour size, 18% in T1a (<2 cm) and
23% in T1b (23 cm) tumours (Koike et al. 1998).
They effectively support the ndings of earlier surgical studies in early stage non-small cell lung cancer
which provided the evidence that incidence of lymphatic invasion/metastasis rises with increasing size
of the tumour (<1.0 cm, 1.12.0 cm and >2.0 cm had
approximately 0%, 17% and 38% of such incidence,
respectively) (Ishida et al. 1991). When immunohistochemical staining was used in patients with peripheral adenocarcinoma of <2.0 cm, occult nodal (hilar
and/or mediastinal) (micro)metastases were detected
in 20% of patients (Wu et al. 2001). On multivariate
analysis, nodal micrometastasis was an independent
prognosticator of survival, which was in agreement
with previous studies (Chen et al. 1993; Passlick et
al. 1996; Dobashi et al. 1997; Maruyama et al. 1997).
Also, occult nodal metastases were signicantly
more frequent in poorly differentiated tumours, conrming previous ndings (Takizawa et al. 1998).
Although direct comparison between surgery and
radiation therapy regarding this issue is not likely to
be performed, nevertheless, adopting exact philosophy of the surgical approach suggested as preferred/
mandatory treatment for T1N0 patients (i.e. lobectomy) would include systematic removal of all hilar
and mediastinal lymph node content (Ishida et al.
1991; Ginsberg and Rubinstein 1995), equivalence
of which would be larger radiation therapy elds instituted to treat some, if not all, lymph node regions
(hilar and/or mediastinal).
Contrary to that suggestion, recent review of the
data on the patterns of recurrence after radical radiation therapy in early stage non-small cell lung cancer
available in the literature (Jeremic et al. 2002) showed
that the predominant type of failure remains local,
being reported as either isolated or initial in approximately 11%55% cases (ultimately up to 75%). An
isolated/initial regional failure was reported to occur
in only 0%7% cases (ultimately up to 15% cases),
while the distant metastasis mostly lies between these
two (isolated/initial in 3%33% cases and ultimately
in up to 36% cases) (Table These ndings

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Pattern of failure










Initial/ Ultiisolated mate

Initial/ Ultiisolated mate

Initial/ UltiIsolated mate






Cooper et al.


T1-3 N0-1



Noodijk et al.


T1-2 N0



Haffty et al.


T1-2 N0-1




Zhang et al.


T1-2 N0-2




Sandler et al. 77

T1-2 N0






Dosoretz et al. 152


T1-3 N0-1






Rosenthal et
al. (1992)


T1-2 N1



Kaskowitz et
al. (1993)


T1-2 N0






Slotman and
Karim (1994)


T1-2 N0






Slotman et al. 31

T1-2 N0





















Krol et al.


T1-2 N0


Jeremic et al.


T1-2 N0


Sibley et al.


T1-2 N0










Hayakawa et
al. (1999)


T1-2 N0










Jeremic et al.


T1-2 N1








Cheung et al.


T1-3 N0-1











Median dose, 60 Gy; b one patient irradiated with 48 Gy.

could support the use of more localised elds, because it was stressed that the major concern should
be the gross tumour burden and not a microscopic
one (Williams et al. 2000). Recent use of positron
emission tomography scanning in lung cancer has
shown that it may be successful not just in detecting
subclinical distant spread (MacManus et al. 2001)
but also in detecting a subclinical regional spread.
Farrell et al. (2000) investigated 84 patients without hilar or mediastinal lymph node enlargement on
computed tomography. Histopathological N0 disease

was conrmed in 73 patients, 63 of whom had no hilar

or mediastinal activity on uorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography scan (86%) while hilar or
mediastinal lymph node activity and distant metastases were found in 3, 6 and 1 patient, respectively.
Thus positron emission tomography rather overestimated more advanced disease in 12% of the patients
as compared to chest tomography with false negative
ndings in 11 patients (13%). In a series by Marom
et al. (1999) nodal staging by computerised tomography, positron emission tomography and histopatho-

B. Jeremic


logical analysis disclosed N0 status in 42, 29 and 32

patients, respectively. However, with regards to hilar
lymph node involvement, both computerised tomography and positron emission tomography were positive in six patients, three of which were conrmed by
pathological analysis. Hence, the rates of false negative staging by computerised tomography and false
positive staging by positron emission tomography
were due to differences in mediastinal lymph node
assessment which is of particular importance when
assessing the role of positron emission tomography
in stage I/II lung cancer. These ndings are supported
by a study by M. Saunders et al. (1999). They assessed the rate of N2 and N3 mediastinal lymph node
involvement by positron emission tomography and
computerised tomography in a series of 97 patients
under consideration for surgery. True negative ndings were observed in 65 and 62 patients for positron
emission tomography and computerised tomography, respectively. However, the rate of false negative
ndings differed substantially with ve patients by
positron emission tomography and 12 patients by
computerised tomography. Thus positron emission
tomography apparently offers particular advantages
of computerised tomography imaging with regards
to exclusion of mediastinal lymph node involvement while assessment of hilar nodal disease may be
equally difcult by computerised tomography and
positron emission tomography. It is, therefore, expected that positron emission tomography may help
better delineate the tumour itself, exclude possible
areas of regional/distant spread, and enable dose-escalation which seems to be possible in the cases with
limited lung volume included in the radiation therapy
elds. An additional advantage of positron emission
tomography is that it can be used for the purpose of
treatment planning, owing to increased capability of
image fusion (with computerised tomography).
However, more information on the biological properties and differences between various subgroups of
patients/tumours (e.g. histology, tumour grade), must
be gathered before one can embark on investigation
of various radiotherapeutic issues in this disease. One
such attempt has been recently published by Sawyer
et al. (1999) using data obtainable from 346 patients
undergoing complete resection of early clinical stage
(I/II) non-small cell lung cancer to identify predictors
of subclinical nodal involvement. By using ndings
of preoperative bronchoscopy, tumour size, tumour
grade and histology to create risk groups for N1/N2/
local/regional recurrence, they have found that the
risk of subclinical nodal involvement was at least
15.6% in the best (low risk) subgroup (n=32), while all

other patients (n=295) had at least 35% of such a risk.

Increasing risk correlated with increasing size and
grade of tumour, accompanied with positive ndings
of bronchoscopy. Suzuki et al. (2001) used a similar
approach to determine predictors of lymph node and
intrapulmonary metastasis in 389 patients with clinical
stage IA non-small cell lung cancer undergoing major
lung resection and complete mediastinal lymph node
dissection. In total, 88 patients (23%) had pathological
lymph node involvement or intrapulmonary metastases. Signicant predictors of local or regional spread
included grade of differentiation and pleural involvement. With both risk factors present, more than 40%
of clinical stage IA non-small cell lung cancer patients
had pathologic involvement of lymph nodes or intrapulmonary metastases. The same group (Suzuki et
al. 1999) previously investigated clinical predictors of
N2 disease in 379 patients with clinical N0N1. There
were 68 (17.9%) patients with pathologic N2 stage.
Multivariate analysis showed that tumour size, high
serum CEA level and adenocarcinoma histology were
signicant predictors of N2 disease.
Owing to somewhat conicting results, no reliable
recommendations can be made concerning elective
nodal irradiation. There seems to be a subgroup of
patients with increased risk of developing nodal metastasis, identication of which must be one of the
priorities of research in this eld. Contrary to that,
it is reasonable to assume that small, peripheral,
low-grade tumours would be the best candidates for
limited radiation therapy treatment elds (omitting
elective nodal irradiation), due to lowest incidence
of occult nodal metastasis. However, more information regarding biology of these tumours is needed
because identication of potential factors contributing to higher incidence of subclinical regional lymph
node metastasis would help optimise radiation therapy elds and enable successful dose-escalation at
the primary tumour level.
Prognostic Factors
In previous sections some of the radiation therapyrelated factors have been discussed in detail. In addition to these, there were also attempts to investigate
the inuence of various pre-treatment, both patientand tumour-related, prognostic factors on either
overall survival or cause-specic survival/diseasespecic survival. Gender seems not to play a major
role in the outcome of patients (Coy and Kennelly

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

1980; Sandler et al. 1990; Hayakawa et al. 1992;

Rosenthal et al. 1992; Slotman and Karim 1994;
Gauden et al. 1995; Morita et al. 1997; Jeremic et
al. 1997, 1999; Lagerwaard et al. 2002).
Similarly, most of the reports observed no inuence
of age on treatment outcome (Morrison et al. 1963;
Noordijk et al. 1988; Sandler et al. 1990; Kaskowitz
et al. 1993; Krol et al. 1996; Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999;
Hayakawa et al. 1992; Slotman and Karin 1994;
Slotman et al. 1996; Gauden et al. 1995; Rosenthal
et al. 1992). In contrast, Morita et al. (1997) found a
detrimental effect of age of >80 years on overall survival, though not providing data on other endpoints
such as cause-specic survival. Sibley et al. (1998),
however, used both uni- and multivariate analysis
to show that younger age positively correlated with
overall survival and cause-specic survival. Both
studies, however, provide no explanation at all, nor
even a hypothesis, for such a nding. The same holds
true for the report of Lagerwaard et al. (2002) who
found a detrimental effect of increasing age (patients were grouped as aged <70 years, 7075 years,
and >75 years) on overall survival, but not on causespecic survival or local and distant tumour control.
Similar ndings were observed by Firat et al. (2002)
in a univariate analysis, but these were not conrmed
by the multivariate analysis. Recent analyses focusing
on elderly with early stage non-small cell lung cancer
(Furuta et al. 1996; Hayakawa et al. 2001; Gauden
and Tripcony 2001) showed similar outcome for
this patient population when treated with radiation
therapy alone, which may go as high as 36% when 5year cause-specic survival was used as an endpoint
(Furuta et al. 1996).
An investigation of the inuence of performance
status on treatment outcome is controversial. While
Dosoretz et al. (1992), Slotman and Karim (1994),
Kaskowitz et al. (1993) and Gauden et al. (1995)
found no inuence of performance status on either overall survival or disease-specic survival,
Rosenthal et al. (1992), Hayakawa et al. (1992),
Kupelian et al. (1996), and Jeremic et al. (1997,
1999) did note its effect on either overall survival
and/or disease-specic survival/relapse-free survival
as well. In the study by Lagerwaard et al. (2002), the
World Health Organization performance status score
was an independent prognosticator of OS, and the
same was observed in the study of Firat et al. (2002)
using the Karnofsky performance status score in an
univariate analysis. Likewise, conicting results are
seen with weight loss.
Regarding histology, only Sibley et al. (1998) found
an improvement in cause-specic survival for squa-


mous histology, while Gauden et al. (1995) observed

the same for mixed (adenocarcinoma/squamous cell
carcinoma) histology using both overall survival and
relapse-free survival as endpoints. Lagerwaard et
al. (2002), meanwhile, observed an independent and
favourable inuence of unknown histology (versus
squamous cell histology and non-squamous cell histology) on overall survival. All other studies observed
no such effect (Sandler et al. 1990; Dosoretz et al.
1992, 1993; Hayakawa et al. 1992; Rosenthal et al.
1992; Slotman and Karim 1994; Slotman et al.
1996; Jeremic et al. 1997; Firat et al. 2002). Finally,
only Hayakawa et al. (1992) observed inuence of
tumour location (better for tumours located in the
upper lobes or the superior segment of the lower
lobes) on outcome of these patients, all other studies
excluding its possible effect when comparing central
versus peripheral location (Ono et al. 1991; Slotman
and Karim 1994; Slotman et al. 1996; Jeremic et al.
1997; Cheung et al. 2000; Lagerwaard et al. 2002).
Besides clinical prognostic factors, a number of biological and molecular characteristics of lung cancer
may inuence treatment outcome. While these have
been investigated in surgical patients (Slebos et al.
1990; Tateishi et al. 1991; Fontanini et al. 1992;
Pastorino et al. 1997), these data are basically lacking in medically inoperable early stage non-small cell
lung cancer patients treated with radiation therapy
Although one case of oesophageal haemorrhage after dilatation and one case of pulmonary brosis (2;
7%) leading to treatment-related deaths have already
been documented in one of the rst reports on radiation therapy in early stage non-small cell lung cancer
(Morrison et al. 1963) after 45 Gy given in 20 daily
fractions over 4 weeks, this issue has not been systematically addressed over the years. Authors often
did not provide information on toxicity at all (Coy
and Kennelly 1980; Cooper et al. 1985; Zhang et
al. 1989; Rosenthal et al. 1992; Krol et al. 1996),
while others only mentioned either absence or rarity
of, mostly serious, toxicity (Noordijk et al. 1988;
Sandler et al. 1990; Dosoretz et al. 1992; Gauden
et al. 1995; Slotman et al. 1996; Morita et al. 1997;
Hayakawa et al. 1999). When data were provided
without specifying the toxicity criteria, there was
usually no reporting on high-grade (>3) toxicity.


Mild to moderate (corresponding to grades 1 and

2) esophagitis was seen in up to two-thirds of patients, while mild to moderate pneumonitis was seen
in approximately one-fth of patients. These results
were obtained regardless of tumour/dose fractionation pattern or whether elective nodal radiation
therapy was used or not. However, Hayakawa et al.
(1992) described four out of 13 (31%) patients dying
of pulmonary insufciency due to bronchial stenotic
changes after receiving >80 Gy in 2-Gy daily fractions
at the proximal bronchi.
There were only ve studies that reported on toxicity using grading systems. Graham et al. (1995)
reported on mild to moderate acute toxicity in 103
patients with early stage non-small cell lung cancer treated with 18-60 Gy (median primary dose,
60 Gy in 30 fractions), of whom 80% received elective nodal radiation therapy. One patient-developed
grade 3 pneumonitis according to the European
Organization for the Research and Treatment of
Cancer/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (Cox et
al. 1995), and there were also only three cases of late
grade 2 lung toxicity. Jeremic et al. (1997) treated 49
patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer with
hyperfractionated radiation therapy doses of 69.6 Gy
via 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation, of whom 33 were
older than 60 years. They have also used Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group toxicity criteria (Cox et
al. 1995) to show only 2 (6%) grade 3 acute toxicities (bronchopulmonary and oesophageal) and three
(9%) grade 3 late toxicities (bronchopulmonary, oesophageal and osseous), although the ipsilateral hilum was electively treated to a 50.40-Gy dose with the
same fractionation. Jeremic et al. (1999) again used
Radiation Therapy Oncology group (Cox et al. 1995)
toxicity criteria to report on the same hyperfractionated radiation therapy regimen (69.6 Gy using
1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation) in 67 stage II non-small
cell lung cancer patients, of whom 40 were >60 years
old. Although elective mediastinal irradiation was
used in all cases, there were only two bronchopulmonary and two oesophageal acute grade 3 toxicities (total n=4; 6%) and only one bronchopulmonary
and two oesophageal late grade 3 toxicities (total
n=3; 4%). Sibley et al. (1998) observed two (1.5%)
grade >3 complications, one being fatal pneumonitis 2 months after the completion of 66 Gy in 2 Gy
fractions, the other being severe oxygen-dependent
pneumonitis unresponsive to steroids after 64 Gy
in 2 Gy fractions. Both patients had their mediastinum region encompassed. However, no information
on grading system used in that study was provided.
Finally, Lagerwaard et al. (2002) observed grade

B. Jeremic

12 esophagitis according to the Radiation Therapy

Oncology Group in 16% patients with no symptoms
consistent with late oesophageal toxicity. Grade 2 or
higher on the Southwest Oncology Group scale was
observed in 6% patients. In the latter group of reports (Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999; Graham et al. 1995;
Sibley et al. 1998), high-grade (>3) acute esophagitis and pneumonitis were documented in up to 3% of
cases, and the same applies to the high-grade late toxicity, with no apparent differences between various
radiation therapy regimens, although Lagerwaard
et al. (2002) used multivariate analysis to document
the detrimental effect of radiation dose of 70 Gy or
more on the incidence of acute esophagitis.
In none of these series was it reported that these
toxic events may have happened in elderly patients.
When, however, the study population was conned
to elderly with early stage non-small cell lung cancer only, it was observed that no signicant radiation
therapy-related complications were found and that
incidence of both acute and late high-grade (3 and 4)
toxicity was similar among all age groups (Gauden
et al. 1995; Gauden and Tripcony 2001). When radiation therapy-related deaths occurred (Hayakawa
et al. 2001), again, there was no difference between elderly (5%) treated with the highest dose levels (80 Gy)
and their non-elderly counterparts (4%) treated the
same way.
A substantial problem with all these reports is a
great variety of both pre-treatment and radiation
therapy-related factors, such as the total dose, fractionation or treatment elds, not just between the institutions, but intra-institutionally, too. This greatly
obscures the overall picture and prohibits rm conclusions. While it is a well established premise that
higher total dose, higher dose per fraction and larger
volume of the lung irradiated should lead to more
toxicity (Moss et al. 1960; Holsti and Vuorinen
1967; Rubin and Casarett 1968; Mah et al. 1987;
McDonald et al. 1995), both acute and late, it is unknown to what extent other, radiation therapy-unrelated factors such as pre-existing comorbidity, infections, or simply natural processes such as sclerosis
present in elderly patients, may add to the occurrence
of toxicity (Rubin and Casarett 1968; Braun et al.
1975; Prasad 1978; Garipaoglu et al. 1999). Some,
however, have observed that concomitant chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease did not increase the
risk of radiation pneumonitis (Prasad 1978). Acute
high-grade toxicity may also be interesting from the
standpoint of treatment interruptions which may adversely inuence treatment outcome (Cox et al. 1993;
Chen et al. 2000; Jeremic et al. 2003b).

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

In the rst-ever analysis devoted to this issue exclusively in early stage non-small cell lung cancer
(Jeremic et al. 2003a), of 116 patients treated with
total tumour doses of 69.6 Gy, 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation, 44 patients refused surgery while 72 patients
were medically inoperable due to existing co-morbid
states. Patients who were medically inoperable had
worse KPS (p=0.0059) and more pronounced weight
loss (p=0.0005). Among them, 12 patients experienced
high-grade toxicity and 11 of them with either acute
(n=6) or consequential late (n=5) high-grade toxicity requested interruption in the hyperfractionated radiation therapy course (range, 1225 days; median, 17
days). Superior survival was observed in patients who
refused surgery when compared to those who were
medically inoperable (p=0.0041), as well as superior
local recurrence-free survival (p=0.011), but no difference was observed in distant metastasis-free survival (p=0.14). Cause-specic survival also favoured
patients who refused surgery (p=0.004). Multivariate
analysis showed independent inuence of the reason for not undergoing surgery on overall survival
(p=0.035), but not on local recurrence-free survival
(p=0.084) or cause-specic survival (p=0.068). Patients
who refused surgery did not experience high-grade
toxicity (0/44), whereas 11 of 72 patients with medical inoperability and co-morbid states experienced
high-grade toxicity and had treatment interruptions
to manage toxicity (p=0.0064). Patients without treatment interruptions had signicantly better overall
survival (p=0.00000), local recurrence-free survival
(p=0.00000) and cause-specic survival (p=0.00000)
than those with treatment interruptions. When corrected for treatment interruptions, the reason for not
undergoing surgery independently inuenced overall
survival (p=0.040), but not local recurrence-free survival (p=0.092) or cause-specic survival (p=0.068).
In contrast to this, treatment interruption was an independent prognosticator of all three endpoints used
(p=0.00031, p=0.0075 and p=0.00033, respectively).
When 11 patients with treatment interruptions were
excluded, the reason for not undergoing surgery still
affected overall survival (p=0.037) and cause-specic survival (p=0.039) but not local recurrence-free
survival (p=0.11). Multivariate analyses using overall
survival, cause-specic survival and local recurrencefree survival showed that the reason for not undergoing surgery affected overall survival (p=0.0436), but
neither cause-specic survival (p=0.083) nor local
recurrence-free survival (p=0.080). Late high-grade
toxicity becomes also interesting from the standpoint
of prolonged survival of these patients. Prolonged follow-up is, therefore, necessary. It may also be advan-


tageous in terms of detecting second cancers, both

lung and non-lung, that occur in long-term survivors
after the rst radiation therapy (Jeremic et al. 2001).
If diagnosed at an early stage, these patients may experience similar outcome as with the rst radiation
Reporting of toxicity poses an additional problem,
because only rarely scoring systems have been used.
Additionally, such reporting was almost always done
on an actual (crude) basis, and not on the actuarial
one. While the former method may be acceptable, although not preferable, for acute toxicity, it should be
strongly discouraged as totally inappropriate for late
With the wide introduction of computerised threedimensional treatment planning in recent years, it is
now widely possible to tailor the dose to tumour and
spare surrounding healthy tissues. In particular, the
use of dose-volume histograms enabled a preliminary
step in quantitative assessment of competitive treatment plans and a screening tool to select the best
available plan (Drzymala et al. 1991), usually coupled with other quantitative indices such as normal
tissue complication probability and tumour control
probability (Kutcher and Burman 1987; Lyman
and Wolbarst 1987; Burman et al. 1991). These may
enable an increase in the dose delivered to tumour,
necessary for better tumour control (Armstrong et
al. 1993; Robertson et al. 1997). They can also give
useful data for characterisation of the dose-volume
relationship and the development of pneumonitis
(Martel et al. 1994; Oetzel et al. 1995; Kwa et al.
1998; Graham et al. 1999) and reduced dose to not
just lung (Graham et al. 1994), but other critical normal tissues as well (Maguire et al. 1999; Bahri et al.
Quality of Life
The quality of life in patients treated with radiation
therapy becomes an increasingly important issue in
lung cancer, but no clear data exist in early nonsmall cell lung cancer treated by radiation therapy
alone. Movsas et al. (1999) recently used a quality-adjusted survival time model which takes into
account survival as well as toxicity by weighting the
time spent with a specic toxicity as well as local or
distant tumour progression. Each of the number of
toxicities was weighted with increasing severity as
the toxicity increased in grade. A total of 979 patients

B. Jeremic


with stage II-IIIB (vast majority with stage III; no

stage I) inoperable non-small cell lung cancer were
enrolled on six prospective phase II and III studies
that ranged from standard radiation therapy (60 Gy),
hyperfractionated radiation therapy (69.6 Gy), induction chemotherapy followed by standard radiation
therapy, induction chemotherapy and concurrent
radiochemotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy
and hyperfractionated radiation therapy. Patients
aged <60 years old had improved survival with more
aggressive therapy (with chemotherapy added to
radiation therapy), while those aged >70 years old
achieved the best quality-adjusted survival time with
standard radiation therapy alone. The same authors
used the quality-adjusted time without symptoms (QTwist) in the same group of patients enrolled during
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group studies in locally
advanced non-small cell lung cancer, a minority of
whom were stage II (Movsas et al. 2000). A qualityadjusted survival analysis subtracted from survival
time spent with toxicity and/or relapse. While an
overall benet in Q-Twist was seen with the addition
of chemotherapy to radiation therapy, the advantage
of more aggressive therapy was limited to patients
aged <70 years old. In patients aged >70 years, no
radiation therapy/chemotherapy regimen had a superior Q-Twist than radiation therapy alone. None of
these analyses provided separate analysis for patients
with early stage non-small cell lung cancer.
A study by Langendijk et al. (2000) on the pretreatment quality of life in inoperable non-small
cell lung cancer (stage I, 21%; stage II, 1%) disclosed
that World Health Organization performance status,
weight loss and age were all signicantly associated
with quality of life. Among the different respiratory
symptoms assessed by the European Organization
for the Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of
life questionnaire-C30 score, dyspnea was the only
item signicantly correlated with global quality of
life. Furthermore, changes of dyspnea subsequent
to treatment were also signicantly associated with
global quality of life. Unfortunately, neither analysis
of treatment-related toxicity and quality of life was
included in this study nor was there a separate analysis relating to early stage non-small cell lung cancer.
Novel Approaches
High precision radiation therapy in the form of
stereotactic radiosurgery was successfully used in

cases of brain metastasis, including those originating from primary lung cancer (Sturm et al. 1987;
Flickinger et al. 1994; Alexander et al. 1995). It
had also been shown that stereotactic fractionated
radiation therapy is an effective treatment approach
for both malignant and non-malignant neoplasms
because it combines the accurate focal dose delivery
of stereotactic radiosurgery with the biological advantages of fractionated radiation therapy (Dunbar
et al. 1994; Kooy et al. 1994; Varlotto et al. 1996).
It was also indicated that stereotactic fractionated
radiation therapy can be advantageous over stereotactic radiosurgery in tumours >3 cm or those located in the vicinity of critical organs (Dunbar et
al. 1994; Varlotto et al. 1996). This experience led
to application of stereotactic techniques in numerous extracranial tumour sites, including that of lung
(Blomgren et al. 1995; Umeatsu et al. 1998, 2001;
Fukumoto et al. 2002; Nagata et al. 2002; Hara
et al. 2002; Hof et al. 2003; Onimaru et al. 2003;
Whyte et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2003; Timmerman et
al. 2003). While initial studies included patients with
lung metastasis and those with early stage non-small
cell lung cancer, more recent reports concentrated
exclusively on the latter. What these studies provided
is new impetus for radiation therapy in early stage
non-small cell lung cancer using one or more highdose fractions with different planning and execution
systems, mostly used alone, i.e. without additional
external beam radiotherapy in, mostly again, unfavourable patient populations, sometimes being worse
that that usually seen in similar studies with external
beam radiation therapy alone. Initial results are indeed impressive. Local tumour control was obtained
in at least 85% of patients, while 2- to 3-year survivals went up to 60%70%, all accompanied with very
low toxicity. These results await longer follow-up and
possible comparison with traditional, external beam
radiation therapy, before wide clinical application.
Early stage non-small cell lung cancer undergoes radiation therapy alone for several reasons. Although
this patient population must be considered unfavourable, radiation therapy alone appears to be an efcient treatment method in these patients which are
frequently named as technically operable, medically
inoperable early stage non-small cell lung cancer patients. Although survival gures are still lower than

Radiotherapy in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

those obtainable with surgical candidates, even when

clinically staged, with high-dose radiation therapy
the median survival times of up to 30 months and
5-year survival of up to 30% have been obtained.
These gures are even better when cause-specic
survival is used. Various radiation therapy characteristics are examined showing that there seems to
be a favourable effect of high doses on outcome, as
well as there seem to be favourable effects of smaller
size/lower stage. While there is no general agreement
on the use of elective nodal irradiation, some tumours (e.g. small, peripheral lesions) seem the most
suitable for limited radiation therapy. Unfortunately,
discrepancies between surgical and radiotherapeutic
series regarding the staging procedures, treatment
procedures in this disease as well as the documentation of the pattern of failure make any conclusion
unreliable. However, they call for more cooperation
between technology and biology in order to more
selectively apply one or other approach. Suggesting
that limited eld radiation therapy must be used for
the sake of dose escalation (leading to better tumour
control and/or less toxicity) would inevitably lead to
misuse of these technologies and false interpretation
of the results. The pattern of failure after radiation
therapy alone clearly identied local component as
predominant, while observed rare isolated nodal relapses are in contrast with surgical ndings in the
same disease. Of a number of pre-treatment patient
and tumour characteristics occasionally examined
gender and age probably do not inuence survival.
Performance status and weight loss may exert its inuence on survival, but possible effects of tumour location and histology remain controversial. Reported
toxicity of radiation therapy is conned to mild to
moderate bronchopulmonary and oesophageal toxicity. Although it is reported as a rare event, except in
cases with very high doses when given after conventional planning, its reporting needs to be substantially improved and systematically addressed. Quality
of life is an issue completely underrepresented and
needs to be focused upon, especially with expected
increase in the long-term survivors with the use of
sophisticated tools for treatment planning and delivery which will enable further dose escalation in
this disease.
Some, if not all, of the issues discussed above could
have been settled in the case of existing prospective
randomised studies. Unfortunately, they are lacking,
although patients with early stage non-small cell lung
cancer were sometimes included in prospective studies evaluating the effect of various altered fractionated regimens, alone or with concurrent chemother-


apy, mostly, however, without specifying its outcome.

Pure hyperfractionated radiation therapy alone or
with either induction or concurrent chemotherapy
(Cox et al. 1990; Sause et al. 1995; Lee et al. 1996;
Komaki et al. 1997), accelerated radiation therapy via
concomitant boost (Byhardt et al. 1993) were used,
but without specifying the outcome in this patient
population. When accelerated hyperfractionated radiation therapy using concomitant boost was used
with doses as high as 73.680 Gy, the median survival time for patients with stage I/II was 34 months
and the median local progression-free survival was
23 months (Maguire et al. 2001). In an Australian
study (Ball et al. 1999), patients randomised to concurrent carboplatin versus conventionally fractionated radical radiation therapy (60 Gy) alone achieved
the median survival time of 41.6 months versus
19.5 months and an estimated 2-year survival of 77%
versus 27%, p=0.042), although stage was not an independent prognosticator in that study involving a majority of stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients.
In a recent subset analysis (Bentzen et al. 2000) of
169 patients with stage IIIA non-small cell lung
cancer initially enrolled in the continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy study (Saunders
et al. 1999) there was a benet of 13% at 2 years (37%
vs. 24%) and 6% at 4 years (18% vs. 12%), for continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy
(54 Gy) over conventionally fractionated radical radiation therapy (60 Gy), respectively. It showed again
that the community of radiation oncologists dealing
with lung cancer must use prospective randomised
trials to ask simple and meaningful questions and to
obtain answers which may be used instantly in the
clinic, a task of major importance in this disease.

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Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Lung Carcinoma


3.1.2 Postoperative Radiotherapy for

Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
Jeffrey C. Haynes and Mitchell Machtay


Patterns of Failure Following Surgery Alone 189

Results of PORT in Patients
with Pathologic Stage I NSCLC 189
Results of PORT in Stage II and III
(Node-Positive) NSCLC 190
Non-Randomized Studies 190
Randomized Controlled Trials 190
The PORT Meta-analysis 191
Subacute/Late Toxicity of PORT 192
Proper Radiotherapy Techniques for PORT 193
Fields 193
Radiotherapy Dose 194
Time Interval Between Surgery
and Radiotherapy 194
Follow-Up/Supportive Care 195
PORT Special Cases 195
Sublobar Resection 195
Positive Margin 195
Chest Wall Invasion 195
Postoperative Radiotherapy in the
Era of Chemotherapy 196
Summary/Future Directions 196
References 197
Patterns of Failure Following Surgery Alone
While lung cancer is considered a systemic disease,
local recurrences after denitive surgery are not uncommon. In one series of stage I patients, 39% of rst
failures were intrathoracic (26% ipsilateral) (Feld
et al. 1984). A series from the Mayo Clinic found
that 19% of rst recurrences in stage I NSCLC were
local failures (Pairolero et al. 1984). Immerman
et al. (1981) found that local failure only occurred
J. C. Haynes, BA, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of
Pennsylvania Medical Center, 3400 Spruce Street, 2 Donner,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4174, USA
M. Machtay, MD
Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Radiation
Oncology, Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University
Hospital, 111 Sourn 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, US

in 12% of patients with stage I disease, but 41% of

patients with stage II disease. A cooperative group
experience (the Ludwig Lung Cancer Study group)
found that 41% of rst failures were intrathoracic,
while 34% were extrathoracic (Anonymous 1987).
The most common intrathoracic site was the bronchial resection line (16% of all patients), followed by
the ipsilateral nodal region (13%), the contralateral
intrapulmonary region (12%), and the ipsilateral intrapulmonary region (11%).
These studies suggest that local failure is a considerable problem among patients with resected nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and that local failure
often occurs as the rst site of failure. These data
imply that postoperative radiation therapy (PORT)
might improve local-regional control and therefore
could lengthen the survival of patients with lung
cancer, particularly among stage II+ patients. The
patterns of failure data have served as the primary
rationale for the use of PORT over several decades of
radiation oncology.
Results of PORT in Patients with Pathologic
Patients with completely resected stage I NSCLC
have a relatively favorable prognosis with surgery
alone, and postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) has
not proven benecial. Only one randomized study in
the literature has demonstrated a signicant survival
benet (Trodella et al. 2002). A randomized study
published in 1980 demonstrated that survival among
stage I (pN0) patients is shortened by PORT (24% vs.
43% at 5 years) (van Houtte et al. 1980). A second
randomized study published more recently (1996)
showed no benet to PORT and potential detriment
among the subset of stage I patients with T2N0 disease (Latte et al. 1996). One more recent small randomized study, however, does show a signicant local-regional control and survival advantage to the use

J. C. Haynes and M. Machtay


of PORT in a highly selected population (Trodella

et al. 2002).
These mixed results are not extremely surprising,
since (as noted above), historical series have shown
that local-regional recurrences are relatively uncommon after denitive surgery. Since distant metastatic
failure is substantially more likely than local-regional
failure, the addition of a local modality such as postoperative radiotherapy can not be expected to improve survival.
Results of PORT in Stage II and III (Node-Positive) NSCLC
Non-Randomized Studies
Sawyer et al.s (1997) retrospective review of the
Mayo clinic experience showed a dramatic benet to
PORT among N2 patients. Patients receiving PORT
had an actuarial 4-year survival of 43% versus 20%
for the surgery-alone group. The two groups were
well balanced with respect to gender, age, histology,
tumor grade, involved N1 lymph node number, and
number of mediastinal lymph node stations dissected or involved. These results appear to conrm

the data from other retrospective reports published

in the 1980s (Choi et al. 1980; Chung et al. 1982;
Kirsh et al. 1976). However, these papers can be
criticized as falling short of the high level of evidence demanded by modern evaluators of medical
Randomized Controlled Trials
The results of major randomized trials of postoperative radiotherapy for NSCLC are described in
Table The best known of these studies is
probably the Lung Cancer Study Group (LCSG) Trial,
published in 1986 (Weisenburger et al. 1986). This
trial found that PORT had no impact on survival
but dramatically reduced the rate of local recurrence.
Patients with pathologic N2 disease had a reduction
in the overall rate of recurrence as well. Importantly,
only selected N2 patients were eligible for the LCSG
trial; the most superior mediastinal node had to be
proven negative after a thorough mediastinal lymph
node dissection. In community practice many surgeons sample only a few mediastinal lymph nodes
and thus many patients may have occult N2 disease.
Therefore, the LCSG nding that PORT is of little
benet for N1 patients may perhaps not be generalized to all communities.

Table Results of selected randomized trials of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) for NSCLC

of patients


XRT dose

with XRT

without XRT

with XRT without XRT

(van Houtte et al. 1980)








(Weisenburger et al. 1986)








CAMS (Feng et al. 2000)








Lille (Latte et al. 1996)







(Stephens et al. 1996)







(Mayer et al. 1997)








(Dautzenberg et al. 1999)








(Debevec et al. 1996)






(Trodella et al. 2002)







Statistically signicant difference (p<0.05)

Data not available.

Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Lung Carcinoma

Several other randomized controlled trials (RCTs)

demonstrated an improvement in local control but
never more than a trend towards improved survival.
The MRC Lung Cancer Working Party trial found
an increase in the time to denite local recurrence
(Stephens et al. 1996). Mayer et al. (1997) found
that PORT offered a signicant improvement in local
control and almost twice the recurrence-free survival
(p=0.07 for the latter).
The outcome of one RCT stands in stark contrast to
those of the others. The trial by Dautzenberg et al.
(1999) not only failed to show any signicant benets
to PORT; it showed a dramatically inferior 5-year
survival rate in the PORT arm (30% vs. 43%, p=0.002).
This study was not limited to patients with nodepositive disease; approximately 30% of the patients
in the trial had pN0 disease, and the study did not
stratify by stage or nodal status. In addition, many of
the deaths in the trial likely resulted from suboptimal
radiation technique. Patients were treated to 60 Gy, a
high dose usually reserved for gross disease, in daily
fractions as large at 2.5 Gy. Given the association
between fraction size and toxicity to the heart and
lungs (Stewart et al. 1995; Movsas 1995), it is not
surprising that non-cancer-related deaths in this
study were noted to occur at a higher rate in those
patients treated with >2 Gy per fraction (26% vs.
16%18%) (Dautzenberg et al. 1999). Furthermore,
the authors note that an additional dose of 20 Gy was
delivered by lateral and/or oblique elds. As noted
later in this chapter, lateral elds may increase serious pulmonary complications. The results of the
Dautzenberg trial can probably not be generalized to
modern radiotherapy for stage II and III patients.
The PORT Meta-analysis
In response to the lack of statistical power of the existing RCTs, the PORT Meta-analysis Trialists Group
attempted to bring together all the existing randomized data in an effort to settle the question of PORT
in NSCLC (PORT 1998). It should be noted that the
Dautzenberg trial (described in the meta-analysis as
being two trials) weighs heavily in the meta-analysis,
accounting for 728 of the 2128 patients considered.
The meta-analysis found that PORT had a signicant
adverse effect on survival, with a hazard ratio of 1.21
(95% CI 1.081.34) (PORT 1998). This result translates into a 7% decrease in absolute survival, from
55% to 48%. Subgroup analysis reveals that the sur-


vival disadvantage is concentrated in the N0 and N1

patients. Among patients with pathologic N2 disease,
a statistically insignicant trend toward better survival with PORT was observed (hazard ratio=0.96).
There are a number of problems with the design and interpretation of the PORT meta-analysis;
these shortcomings have been detailed elsewhere
(Machtay et al. 1999). Briey, these problems include the following:
Inappropriate lumping (including patients with
pathologic stage I disease along with node-positive disease in the same meta-analysis).
Unexplained exclusion of at least one randomized trial that appeared to demonstrate a trend
toward improved outcome with PORT (Mayer et
al. 1997).
Limited information to conrm that patients in
the randomized trials included in the meta-analysis met the usual medical criteria to safely receive
Limited information regarding the surgical techniques used in the randomized trials included in
the meta-analysis; as shown in Table, an
unusually large number of patients underwent
Fifth and most importantly, the studies in the
meta-analysis probably utilized radiotherapy
techniques that would today be considered outdated and unsafe. These include the use of lateral
radiation elds, Cobalt-60 source radiotherapy,
large daily radiation fraction size, and high total
PORT doses.
All of these biases conspire to efface any possible
survival benet of PORT for NSCLC in the meta-analysis. Even apart from the question of bias, a metaanalysis should not be regarded as the nal word on
a subject. The history of meta-analysis makes clear
the fallibility of the process (LeLorier et al. 1997).
The meta-analysis of PORT for breast cancer found
that postmastectomy irradiation for breast cancer
worsened survival (Cuzick et al. 1987). Subsequent
well-designed randomized trials have subsequently
demonstrated a survival benet when patients are
appropriately selected and treated with modern techniques (Ragaz et al. 1997; Overgaard et al. 1997).
The postmastectomy example is not unique. In the
treatment of lung cancer with chemotherapy, a summary of studies using suboptimal chemotherapy (i.e.
alkylator agents alone) showed a decremental effect
on survival, while treatment with modern (cisplatinbased) chemotherapy shows an advantage (Stewart

J. C. Haynes and M. Machtay


Table Type of surgery used in selected randomized trials of postoperative radiotherapy (PORT) for NSCLC

Surgical procedure (%)

Radical hilar/mediastinal lymph node dissection?


Less than





(Weisenburger et al. 1986)


Yes; most cephalad node removed must be negative

Lille (Latte et al. 1996)




(Stephens et al. 1996)




(Dautzenberg et al. 1999)




(van Houtte et al. 1980)





(Mayer et al. 1997)







Finally, even though no randomized study shows

a clear survival advantage to PORT for patients with
stage II and III disease, PORT may provide benets that can not be measured in a meta-analysis.
Specically, the prevention of local-regional relapse
may be an important component of quality of life for
patients with cancer. Mediastinal relapse can cause
airway obstruction, hemoptysis, dysphagia, and/or
chest pain and is rarely controllable.

Second, careful examination of the survival curves

in the meta-analysis reveals that the survival curves
begin to separate at 3 months following treatment and
continue to widen until the 1-year mark, after which
they remain parallel. Death between 3 and 12 months
following radiotherapy is consistent with radiation
pneumonopathy (see Fig. and perhaps the
development of radiation cardiac injury.
Subacute/Late Toxicity of PORT
While the acute toxicity of PORT is relatively modest
(Keller et al. 2000), the potential for subacute and/or
late toxicity (cardiopulmonary) appears to be signicant. Despite all of the problems with the PORT metaanalysis described above, the data strongly suggest an
unrecognized, important potential for severe toxicity
with PORT. In the meta-analysis, 19% of 548 coded
deaths in the PORT group were due to causes other
than lung cancer (PORT 1998). In contrast, in the nonPORT group, only 11% of 522 coded deaths were due
to causes other than lung cancer. The Dautzenberg trial
reported that at 5 years, the rate of death from intercurrent disease (DID) was 32% for PORT vs. 8% (surgery
alone control group) (Dautzenberg et al. 1999). It is
plausible that some cases of serious radiation pneumonopathy were mistaken for bronchopneumonia or
other forms of cardiorespiratory failure.

Fig. This patient was treated to 60 Gy postoperatively

after lobectomy revealed pathologic stage T3N1M0 disease
with a positive resection margin. Several months after completing PORT, he began having progressive respiratory insufciency, culminating in severe respiratory distress. The
thoracic CT scan shown here demonstrates severe radiation
pneumonitis and evolving brosis of the ipsilateral lung and
a contralateral pneumothorax. The patient was treated with
corticosteroids, antibiotics, and contralateral chest tube placement and recovered satisfactorily after hospitalization

Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Lung Carcinoma

These data strongly suggest that potential benets of PORT (reduction of local recurrence and improved lung cancer-specic survival) have been offset by life-threatening toxicity, particularly in stage I
and II NSCLC. This pattern was also observed in early
randomized studies of postmastectomy chest irradiation for breast cancer (Cuzick et al. 1987; Marks
and Prosnitz 2000).
If severe toxicities from postoperative radiotherapy can be prevented, it is possible that the oncologic
benets of PORT may be better realized. Non-randomized data suggest that with the use of modern
radiotherapy techniques, the risk of intercurrent
deaths after PORT is comparable to that seen in an
age-matched population (Machtay et al. 2001).

Proper Radiotherapy Techniques for PORT
The currently accepted eld arrangement delivers approximately 40 Gy in opposed AP/PA elds and then
spares the spinal cord by delivering the remaining dose
with opposed oblique elds offset 2035 from midline (see Fig. Linear accelerator based therapy
is utilized; retrospective data suggest that the use of Co60 source radiotherapy is associated with a higher rate
of death from non-cancer cause (Philips et al. 1993),
perhaps related to increased scatter to normal lung

Fig. These images depict radiotherapy

dosimetry for typical postoperative treatment to
54 Gy. a Treatment with 40 Gy via AP-PA technique, followed by an opposed-oblique boost to
54 Gy, all treatment administered via 6-MV photons from a linear accelerator. b The identical
treatment plan administered via Co-60 photons;
note the increased radiation dose scatter into uninvolved lung parenchyma, despite less satisfactory clinical target volume coverage as determined
by dose volume histogram analysis. c The use of
a lateral radiotherapy beam as part of the boost
eld is shown; although target volume coverage is
adequate, excessive uninvolved lung parenchyma
is exposed


J. C. Haynes and M. Machtay

tissue. Field arrangements should not include lateral

elds. Lateral elds dramatically increase the volume
of irradiated lung tissue, which is generally considered
the pivotal factor in the prediction of radiation pneumonopathy (Graham et al. 1999; Marks et al. 1997).
Graham et al. (1999) strongly recommend that the V20
(the volume of lung irradiated to 20 Gy or above) be kept
<25% to maintain a low risk of radiation pneumonopathy and warns that when the V20 exceeds 35%, the risk
of life-threatening pneumonopathy rises exponentially.
These criteria are likely to be particularly relevant to the
postoperative patient, who already has impaired pulmonary reserve due to the rigors of surgery, missing lung
tissue, and probable underlying chronic lung disease.
In order to minimize the volume of lung irradiated,
the clinical target volume (CTV) for PORT should not
include large portions of the lung parenchyma but instead focus on the bronchial stump, the ipsilateral hilum, and mediastinum. These correspond to the sites
most at risk for local recurrence, particularly the most
highly symptomatic and unsalvageable types of local
More controversial is the question of whether or
not to irradiate the ipsilateral supraclavicular fossa.
Supraclavicular nodal involvement is not uncommon when rigorously assessed by imaging (Fultz
et al. 2002) and is strongly related to the presence
of positive mediastinal nodes. An autopsy study of
203 patients with NSCLC who died within 1 month
after denitive surgery showed that 5% harbored occult supraclavicular disease (Matthews et al. 1973).
However, most studies have been unable to conclude
a benet to elective supraclavicular irradiation. In a
retrospective study of over 1000 patients with inoperable NSCLC treated with radiotherapy on RTOG
protocols, Emami et al. (2003) showed that the failure to adequately irradiate the supraclavicular fossa
rarely resulted in clinical supraclavicular recurrence
(2%). In the Chinese randomized trial of PORT, the
rate of supraclavicular nodal failure was the same in
the irradiated versus unirradiated groups (13.4% vs.
11.7%) (Feng et al. 2000). In that study, supraclavicular irradiation was used in the PORT arm only if the
very high (level 1--2) mediastinal nodes were positive. The decision on whether or not to include the supraclavicular fossa should be highly individualized.

PORT is to minimize cardiopulmonary complications. Higher doses to the heart have been clearly
associated with cardiac mortality amongst Hodgkins
disease patients (Hancock et al. 1993; Zinzani et al.
1996). In canine models radiation damage to myocardial connective tissue increases signicantly above a
threshold dose of 62 Gy in 2-Gy fractions and heart
failure ensues (McChesney et al. 1992). As noted
above, radiation pneumonopathy is closely related to
radiotherapy dose-volume relationships (Graham et
al. 1999). Table shows that the randomized trials that showed statistically signicant detrimental
effect of PORT used the highest radiotherapy doses
(60 Gy).
A study at the University of Pennsylvania suggested that while overall there was no signicantly
increased risk of death from intercurrent disease
(DID) after PORT (compared with the expected rate
for age-matched controls), there was a trend toward
more DID in patients treated to higher cumulative
radiotherapy doses. The crude risk of death by intercurrent disease was 2% among patients treated
to <54 Gy but 17% among those treated to >=54 Gy,
which bordered on signicance (p=0.06) (Machtay
et al. 2001).
In the Penn experience, there was no noticeable
relationship between the rate of local-regional control and radiotherapy dose. In another retrospective
series, Emami et al. (1987) found a trend toward better local-regional control with 60+ Gy, but the results
were not statistically signicant (p=0.53).
We currently recommend a dose of approximately
50 Gy in standard fractionation for most patients
treated with PORT. The LCSG randomized trial utilized this dose and had excellent local-regional control (Weisenburger et al. 1986). This dose was also
used in the recent Intergroup randomized trial and
demonstrated a high rate of local-regional control
(Keller et al. 2000). Selected patients felt to be at particularly high risk for local-regional recurrence may
be considered for additional boost radiotherapy dose
if carefully given via highly conformal techniques.
Radiotherapy Dose

Hypothetically, a longer interval between surgery and

radiotherapy is detrimental. The tumor cells would
have a greater opportunity to repopulate, and radiation is less effective against a larger mass of tumor
cells. Data from sites other than the lung suggest a

Because many patients would not suffer local recurrence even if no radiotherapy were given, a goal in
Time Interval Between Surgery and

Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Lung Carcinoma

detrimental effect from a long interval; a review of

the literature by Huang et al. (2003) found that there
was strong evidence of a decrease in local control
with long intervals in radiation in breast cancer or
head and neck cancer (Huang et al. 2003).
However, the only study to examine the question
in NSCLC found that a longer delay (>36 days versus
<36 days) after surgery resulted in a higher probability of local-regional control and lung cancer-specic
survival (Wurschmidt et al. 1997). This study was
retrospective, and it is possible that selection bias accounted for patients with more negative prognostic
factors being referred to start PORT more rapidly.
Follow-Up/Supportive Care
Close follow-up is probably important after PORT
for NSCLC. Prompt recognition and treatment of radiation pneumonopathy could reduce morbidity and
mortality. A patient who presents with pulmonary
symptoms greater than grade 1 after recent thoracic
irradiation should undergo an intense diagnostic
workup to identify pulmonary infection, pulmonary
embolism, or recurrent cancer. This may include
high-resolution CT scan, bronchoscopy, and/or PET
scan. If grade 2 or greater radiation pneumonitis is diagnosed, corticosteroids should be started promptly
and the patient referred to a pulmonologist for help
in management (Movsas et al. 1995; Machtay
2004). Particular attention and prophylactic medications should be used to prevent steroid-related complications including infection, diabetes, gastritis, and
PORT Special Cases


feasible, it was felt that the amount of lung irradiated in order to cover the operative bed (staple line
and surrounding tissue) was excessive for this fragile
patient population and further prospective studies of
this design are not planned (Bogart et al. 2000).
Several studies have attempted intraoperative
brachytherapy to improve local control following
sublobar resection. Lee et al. (2003) implanted iodine-125 seeds along the resection margin after limited resection in 33 stage I patients who were not
candidates for lobectomy or pneumonectomy. After a
median follow-up of 51 months, the authors observed
a 5-year survival of 67% for T1N0 patients and 39%
for T2N0 patients, with two local recurrences in the
group. Encouraging results with sublobar resection
plus brachytherapy were also reported by Chen et
al. (1999), and the American College of Surgeons
Oncology Group (ACOSOG) is developing a phase II
multicenter randomized trial to rigorously assess this
Positive Margin
There are very little data analyzing the role of PORT
for patients who underwent resection with a positive resection margin(s). While common sense would
dictate that PORT should be mandatory after incomplete resection, results have been inconsistent (Law
et al. 1982; Kaiser et al. 1989; Gebitekin et al. 1994).
Techniques similar to that described above would
seem appropriate, with boost to as small a radiotherapy eld as possible to approximately 59.4 Gy
in standard fractionation. A retrospective review of
the University of Pennsylvania experience suggested
no signicant differences in outcomes between patients irradiated for positive versus negative margins
(Machtay et al. 1998).
Sublobar Resection
Chest Wall Invasion

Some patients are medically unable to undergo a lobectomy and thus undergo sublobar resection such as
wedge resection or segmentectomy. Attempts at these
lesser resections have been associated with high rates
of local recurrence, as documented in a randomized
trial by the LCSG (Ginsberg and Rubinstein 1995).
A prospective non-randomized trial by the CALGB
investigated the use of PORT (Bogart et al. 2000).
While the postoperative radiotherapy treatment was

Patients with chest wall invasion but negative nodes

(T3N0) are still candidates for aggressive resection,
but they do not appear to gain signicant benet from
external beam radiotherapy. A small retrospective
study of 35 patients with chest wall invasion found
that those receiving radiation had a higher survival
than those treated with surgery alone (56% vs. 38%,
no p value published) (Patterson et al. 1982). While
patients were not randomly assigned to radiation,


the radiated patients were more likely to have residual disease or mediastinal node involvement. In
the Sloan-Kettering series of 69 patients with chest
wall invasion from Pancoast tumors, the addition of
brachytherapy resulted in a trend towards improved
survival following complete resection (35% vs. 54%
at 5 years, p=0.15) (Ginsberg et al. 1994).
Postoperative Radiotherapy in the Era of
Until the 1990s, NSCLC was considered highly chemoresistant and the role of chemotherapy was primarily
for palliation of visceral metastatic disease. However,
the role of chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy for inoperable stage III disease has been
unequivocally conrmed (Marino et al. 1995), and
data suggest that preoperative chemo or chemoradiation for resectable stage III disease improves survival
over local therapy alone (Rosell et al. 1994).
The data have been more controversial in the
postoperative setting. Several trials have investigated postoperative chemoradiation versus PORT
alone in NSCLC. These studies, including a metaanalysis (Stewart 1995) and a subsequent large US
Intergroup randomized trial (Keller et al. 2000), have
shown no signicant benets to postoperative combined modality therapy over PORT alone. Subgroup
analysis of a randomized European trial comparing
pre-PORT multiagent chemotherapy to PORT alone
suggested improved disease-free survival among 137
patients with pathologic N2 disease (Dautzenberg
et al. 1995).
In 2003, results became available from the largest
randomized study ever done comparing adjuvant
chemotherapy versus control for resected NSCLC
(LeChevalier 2003). This study, the International
Adjuvant Lung Trial (IALT) did not specify the use
or non-use of PORT but did stratify appropriately for
its use in its statistical design. The IALT showed a statistically signicant improvement in overall survival
with adjuvant chemotherapy, with an absolute benet
of approximately 4.5% at 5 years. All stages of disease
appeared to have similar gains; most patients with
pathologic N2 disease received PORT in this study.
Further clinical trials of chemotherapy with PORT
are ongoing. The RTOG recently completed a phase
II trial combining PORT (50.4 Gy) with concurrent
and consolidation carboplatin/paclitaxel for stage II
and IIIA resected NSCLC (Graham et al. 2003). The

J. C. Haynes and M. Machtay

3-year actuarial survival was 61%, which compares

quite favorably with the results from the previous US
Intergroup study (Keller et al. 2000) (52%) and the
IALT study (LeChevalier 2003) (45%).
As an alternative to delivering therapy after surgery, some centers aggressively try to identify patients
with resectable stage IIIA/N2 disease preoperatively
and offer them induction therapy. This induction
or neoadjuvant therapy may include chemoradiotherapy (Albain et al. 1997, 2003) or chemotherapy
alone (Rosell and Felip 2001; Roth et al. 1998). If
chemotherapy alone is used preoperatively, the question remains whether or not to utilize postoperative
radiotherapy. A retrospective study at M. D. Anderson
considered PORT in combination with preoperative
chemotherapy and showed that PORT improved local-regional control (81% vs. 54% at 5 years, p =0.07)
(Taylor et al. 2003). However, survival was not improved, and was actually numerically lower in the
PORT group, perhaps reecting adverse selection
bias (patients with a large amount of residual cancer
after preoperative chemotherapy/surgery were more
likely to be offered PORT).
Summary/Future Directions
The outcomes of currently published randomized trials of PORT could probably be improved upon simply
by using modern treatment and planning equipment
and adhering to the techniques outlined in this chapter. However, there remains a severe lack of high-level
medical evidence to demonstrate an improvement in
survival by adding PORT to complete surgical resection for NSCLC, particularly for early stage disease.
Available data strongly suggest that PORT is contraindicated after complete resection of pathologic stage
I NSCLC. Outside of the clinical trials settings, the use
of PORT should probably be limited to patients with
pathologic N2 disease or N1 disease characterized
by one or more high risk factors for local recurrence
such as the absence of a complete mediastinal lymph
node dissection. Additional prospective trials studying PORT, perhaps postoperative chemoradiotherapy
versus chemotherapy alone for selected patients, are
Future trials investigating PORT, in combination
with systemic therapy, are clearly indicated but must
utilize meticulous radiotherapy techniques. Gains in
PORT could be obtained by reducing the potential
for cardiopulmonary toxicity by strictly minimizing

Postoperative Radiotherapy for Non-Small Lung Carcinoma

the volume of heart and lung irradiated. This might

be achieved by using improved radiotherapy planning techniques (e.g. multield 3-D and/or intensity
modulated radiation therapy) and/or improvements
in radiotherapy delivery (e.g. respiratory gating technology). These technological advances must be combined with better means of predicting which patients
harbor the greatest risk of local-regional recurrence,
as identied via conventional and/or molecular prognostic markers.

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Haemoatologica 81:132-137

Photodynamic Therapy


3.1.3 Photodynamic Therapy

Tom G. Sutedja


Clinical Background 199

Photodynamic Therapy 200
Alternatives to PDT 201
Summary 203
References 203
Clinical Background
The cure rate among lung cancer patients has remained dismal at 513% due to the advanced disease
stage at which the majority are diagnosed (Beneld
1991; Weir 2003). Cure will not be possible and the
presence of either detected or unforeseen nodal or
distant metastasis will ultimately cause morbidity
and lead to cancer death. Advances of staging procedures, e.g. positron emission tomography (PET) scan
have led to better pre-treatment assessment leading
to a more tailored approach (van Tinteren et al.
2002). Because patients cohorts are more properly
identied regarding their disease status, improvements of outcome in the various early stage cohorts
only reect stage migration, since the majority of
patients still have advanced disease at presentation.
Advanced stage lung cancer poses a serious threat
to quality of life, due both to local problems and distant metastasis. Central airway obstruction may lead
to imminent suffocation and requires immediate
intervention (Bollinger 2002; Dumon et al. 1984;
Sutedja and Postmus 1994). Techniques that can
achieve immediate results to restore airways passage
are therefore appropriate. Obstruction may be caused
by intraluminal tumor growth, extraluminal tumor
compression or a combination of both. Coagulation
to prevent bleeding followed by tumor debulking in
combination with stent placement in the case of sigG. Sutedja, MD PhD
Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Vrije Universiteit Medical
Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

nicant (residual) airway compression are key issues

for interventional pulmonologists. There is agreement among experts with regard to several aspects of
interventional pulmonology for both palliation and
treatment with curative intent for early stage lung
cancer (Sutedja and Postmus 1994; Bolliger et al.
2002; Colt and Dumon 1995; Mathur et al. 2003;
Furuse et al. 1993; van Boxem et al. 1999; Mathur
2003). Treatment plans must be diligently considered to offer the optimal therapy. Patients referred
to interventional pulmonologists are at risk because
end-stage recurrences have usually failed chemo-radiotherapy. In addition imminent and poor physical
condition reduce ventilation capacity much further,
while one still has to solve the problems of central
airways obstruction (Dumon et al. 1984; Sutedja
and Postmus 1994; Bolliger et al. 2002; Colt and
Dumon 1995).
For operable patients, surgery and lymph node
dissection are considered the standard approach.
However, the risk of developing subsequent primaries
(eld cancerization) and the fact that many individuals may have limited pulmonary capacity (e.g. COPD),
justify considering less invasive and morbid interventional strategies (Mathur et al. 2003; Furuse et
al. 1993; van Boxem et al. 1998, 1999). Early detection
may lead to a signicant stage shift by nding more
subjects with N0 lung cancer (Petty 2000; Lam et al.
1993). The integration of early diagnosis with minimally invasive procedures to preserve quality of life
with optimal cost effectiveness are keys for success
(Hayata 1996; Kato 1999). Diligent work-up is necessary, as currently the exact pathological TN status
can be frequently only be determined retrospectively
(Nagamoto et al. 1989; Usuda et al. 1993; Sutedja
2001). However, new staging and imaging procedures
hold great promise for accurate assessment prior to
intervention (Sutedja et al. 1996, 2001; Miyazu et
al. 2002; Herder et al. 2001). Based on previous surgical and pathological data (Nagamoto et al. 1989;
Usuda et al. 1993; Endo et al. 1998), certain patients
cohorts with favorable prognosis can be identied,
in whom a less aggressive intervention is warranted.


Medically inoperable early stage lung cancers can be

treated successfully with bronchoscopic therapy such
as PDT (Hayata 1996; Sutedja et al. 1994; Vonk
Noordegraaf et al. 2003), and non-lung cancer related morbidities and death remain important factors
to be taken into account (Marcus 2000). The choice
for a tailored approach for each particular patient is
a valid one (Furuse 1993; Kato 1985; 2003). The role
and limitations of photodynamic therapy (PDT), also
in comparison with alternative bronchoscopic techniques, will be discussed.
Photodynamic Therapy
The concept of phototherapy was rediscovered by
Western civilization at the beginning of the twentieth century through the Dane Niels Finsen and the
Germans Oscar Raab and Herman von Tappeiner
(Daniell and Hill 1991). This concept has raised
much interest regarding selective approach of target tissues such as in malignancies. Dougherty et
al. (1985) was the great initiator for research in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and Hayata et al. (1996)
were the rst to apply PDT in the treatment of lung
cancer, especially with regard to centrally located
After administration of photosensitizers and allowing the sensitizer molecules to accumulate in
the target tissue, illumination with light of the appropriate wavelength induces a photochemical reaction (Sutedja and Postmus 1996). The formation of
toxic radicals, e.g., singlet oxygens, leads to immediate vascular thrombosis in the vascular bed, causing
secondary hypoxia and tissue necrosis (Gomer et al.
1989; Nelson et al. 1988). The use of photosensitizers in correspondence with light in the infrared region for deeper penetration is desirable for treating
bulky tumor mass (Braichotte et al. 1996). In contrast, early cancer consists of several cell layers thick
only, justifying the use of a different wavelength in
the case of using Photofrin II for achieving supercial necrosis to prevent deep eschar formation, as
clinical data failed to show that selective uptake of
photosensitizers is clinically relevant (Kawaguchi
et al. 1998; van Boxem et al. 2001; Grosjean et al.
1996; Wagnieres et al. 1998). Indeed, even with the
use of new photosensitizer molecules, the issue of selective damage remains rather obscure. Local illumination is therefore the most probable reason for selective local damage of the target tissue, even with

G. Sutedja

the use of new generation photosensitizers (Borle

et al. 2003).
Many studies have used Photofrin II (di-hematoporphyrin ether) for lung cancer treatment (Sutedja
and Postmus 1996). Hematoporphyrin derivatives
such as Photofrin II are mixtures of poorly dened
active components with moderate phototoxicity
(Gomer et al. 1989). Sensitizer molecules are retained in the skin causing all patients to be potentially
skin photosensitive for several weeks (Dougherty
Although new sensitizers have been developed to
increase efcacy and reduce skin toxicity, there are
still limitations for PDT in clinical practice. The twostep approach of injecting the sensitizers rst and
performing light illumination afterwards, precludes
intervention for emergency cases such as in patients
threatened with imminent suffocation. Late necrosis
after PDT requires an additional bronchoscopic procedure for tissue debulking and prolonged skin toxicity limits patient mobility. PDT is therefore difcult to
justify for treating end-stage cancers with limited life
expectancy and is not the treatment method for imminent suffocation (Bolliger et al. 2002). Currently,
many bronchoscopic techniques are available which
can achieve immediate benet. Therefore, the necessity for PDT should be carefully considered in each
particular case.
Based on these factors, PDT can be compared with
techniques such as cryotherapy and brachytherapy,
in which the stepwise approach can be applied for
non-emergency cases for treating symptomatic obstruction. Several studies in which PDT is compared
to or used as an adjunct, have shown prolonged responses (Barber et al. 2002; Diaz-Jimenez et al.
1999). However, cost-effectiveness studies are lacking
in which the skin-toxicity issue has been taken into
account (Kato 1999). It is therefore understandable
that immediate coagulation (Nd-YAG laser, electrocautery, and argon plasma coagulation) combined
with mechanical tumor debulking, are the most applied techniques in many institutions. For treating
extraluminal obstruction, stent placement is the
only choice (Bolliger et al. 2002; Colt and Dumon
Several studies have shown the efcacy of PDT
for treating early stage lung cancer (Edell 1992;
Furuse 1993; Sutedja et al. 1994; Hayata et al. 1996;
Sutedja and Postmus 2001; Grosjean et al. 1996;
Awadh et al. 1997; Kato 2003). Many patients were
treated because of medical inoperability (e.g., poor
lung function, cardiac status). Surgery requires relatively wasteful removal of healthy lung parenchyma

Photodynamic Therapy

because many centrally located cancers involve the

bronchial spurs. The strategy in using PDT prior
to surgical exploration, to enable less extensive resection, is based on the same principle (Edell and
Cortese 1992; Cortese et al. 1997; Kato et al. 1985).
Many data have shown the efcacy of PDT for treating early stage lung cancers, mainly in using hematoporphyrin derivatives, e.g., Photofrin II, as sensitizers (Sutedja and Postmus 1996, 2001). Recently
mono-L-aspartyl chlorine e6 or NPE6 by Kato and
co-workers seemed to achieve similar efcacy with
less skin toxicity (Kato et al. 2003). Maier et al.
(2002) in comparing 5-ALA 5-amine levulinic acid
which is converted by the tumor tissue itself to active sensitizers of photo-porphyrin IX for treating
more advanced cancers in comparison to hematoporphyrin derivatives, obtained less satisfactory
results. In contrast, the results obtained by Awadh
et al. (1997) in using 5-ALA in a limited number of
early cancer patients seem quite promising. This
underscores the basic principles of PDT and the
exploitation of light-tissue physics to optimize efcacy (Braichotte et al. 1996). Clinical data using
tetra(m-hydroxyphenyl)chlorine (m-THPC) and 5ALA are scanty (Grosjean et al. 1996; Awadh et al.
1997; Kato et al. 2003; Maier et al 2002). Again the
vascular effects of PDT may be the most important
reason for achieving more profound tumor necrosis
considering the use of systemic injection of photosensitizers in contrast to local application only. This
may suggest the important aspect of angiogenesis
in (pre-)neoplastic tissues regarding carcinogenesis
(Keith et al. 2000).
Other bronchoscopic techniques have become increasingly popular with the recognition that accurate
staging rather than technique per se is the most important determinant for cure (van Boxem et al. 1999,
2001). Supported by surgical and pathological databases showing the correlation between smaller tumor size and higher response rates (Nagamoto et al.
1989; Usuda et al. 1993; Endo et al. 1998) also with
regard to PDT data (Hayata et al. 1996) combined
with better staging methods, e.g., autouorescence
bronchoscopy, HRCT, endobronchial ultrasonography, and PET scan (Sutedja et al. 2001; Miyazu et
al. 2002; Herder et al. 2001), the choice of a more
tailored treatment without overkill will become the
optimal strategy.
The curative potential of PDT for early stage cancer has been tested in a prospective study to dene its
role as an alternative for surgical resection (Edell and
Cortese 1992; Cortese et al. 1997). PDT proved to
be an effective modality, in which 43% of the patients


were spared surgery and considered cured. However,

as mentioned previously, phase II data using alternative bronchoscopic techniques seem equally promising (Mathur et al. 2003; van Boxem et al. 1999).
Alternatives to PDT
Several alternatives for treating intraluminal tumor
are currently available based on arguments discussed
above for obtaining immediate palliation and for
treatment with curative intent. Lasers (Nd-YAG laser, Argon, CO2), electrocautery, argon plasma coagulation, cryotherapy, and brachytherapy are feasible
and details of these techniques have been extensively
reviewed (Sutedja and Postmus 1994; Bolliger
et al. 2002; Mathur et al. 2003; van Boxem et al.
1999; Ono 1995; Deygas 2001). Generally speaking
again from the clinical perspective of dealing with
imminent suffocation one can obtain immediate
symptomatic relief by tumor coagulation followed
by debulking quicker than applying techniques that
obtain secondary or late effects (cryotherapy, PDT,
and brachytherapy). All these techniques have been
shown to be effective in achieving palliation, i.e., restoring airway passage with symptomatic relief of
dyspnea, hemoptysis, and obstructive pneumonia
(Sutedja and Postmus 1994; Bolliger et al. 2002).
The effectiveness of stenting also for end-stage terminal cancers has been shown (Bolliger et al. 2002;
Colt and Dumon 1995).
Arguments have been raised that the limited number of patients with occult cancer treated in the various bronchoscopic studies does not justify the role
of local bronchoscopic treatments for treatment
with curative intent. However, less extensive surgical
resection, e.g., segmentectomy and surgical bronchoplasty for patients considered high risk surgical candidates is considered legitimate (Kato 1985;
Endo et al. 1998; Fujimura 2000). As early cancers in
the central airways are only several cell layers thick
(Auerbach 1961), the use of a beroptic bronchoscope under local anesthesia is an attractive and cost
effective alternative to local intraluminal treatment
for supercial early stage lung cancer in comparison
to the more morbid surgical intervention (Pasic et
al. 2004). The potential of various bronchoscopic
techniques has been reviewed and guidelines have
been published (Mathur et al. 2003; van Boxem et
al. 1999). Early cancer is often diagnosed incidentally
and many are missed during routine bronchoscopy

G. Sutedja


(Sato et al. 1998). Even in cases with positive sputum

cytology, the extreme burden of repeat bronchoscopies is necessary to localize the lesions, while the
average delay of almost 2 years before proper treatment can be given is also counterproductive for stage
shift efforts. However, new strategies such as sputum
examinations, autouorescence bronchoscopy, high
resolution CT scan, and endobronchial ultrasonography have increased the detection rate and accuracy
in staging (Sutedja 2001, 2003; Miyazu 2002). New
techniques also seem better in predicting the likelihood of malignant development than the conventional morphology classications of pre-neoplastic
lesions (Jeanmart et al. 2003; Pasic et al. 2003).
So far, inoperable patients with early stage cancer
were the main candidates for bronchoscopic treatment. However, any bronchoscopic modality is potentially curative (Table, as long as occult
N0 cancers have been staged properly (van Boxem
et al. 1999, 2001; Sutedja et al. 2001; Miyazu et
al. 2002). This is quite obvious, as true occult cancers are only several cell layers thick (3-mm range)
(Auerbach 1961). Local treatment cannot achieve
cure when regional lymph nodes already contain
metastasis. Bronchoscopic treatment, be it PDT or
other techniques, can only be successful for accessible cancer dened as 51-cm2 surface area, )3-mm
thickness and with distinct borders (Nagamoto et

al. 1989; Usuda et al. 1993; Hayata et al. 1996; Edell

and Cortese 1992; Corese et al. 1997; Fujimura et
al. 2000). In retrospect, PDT data already indicated
the limitations of bronchoscopic treatment as response rates were strongly correlated to tumor dimension (Sutedja et al. 1994; Hayata et al. 1996).
Tumor growth in the deeper layers of the bronchial
mucosa and nodal disease are limitations for any
kind of local therapy. Therefore, there is no theoretical argument why intraluminal bronchoscopic treatment is not justiable in carefully selected cases.
The cutting edge of the scalpel will be combined
with the cutting edge capacities of bronchoscopic
treatment with clearly less morbidity and better
outcome in terms of quality of life (Endo et al. 1998;
Nakamura et al. 2001). New imaging facilities beyond the visible threshold of our eyes are currently
being investigated in early clinical trials (Sutedja
2003). Recent studies using autouorescence bronchoscopy, high resolution CT scan, and endobronchial ultrasound showed that bronchoscopic treatment with curative intent is a justiable strategy in a
carefully selected patient population (Sutedja et al.
1996, 2001; Miyazu et al. 2002; Herder et al. 2001).
Extension proximal to the maximally feasible resection plane can be initially treated bronchoscopically
to allow less extensive surgical removal (Kato et al.

Table Early stage lung cancer in the central airways treated with curative intent using photodynamic therapy and other
bronchoscopic treatment methods

Methods and
number of patients



Hayata et al. (1996)

PDT (HpD) 123 lesions

CR 93% if <1 cm!

CR 45% if >1 cm!


Cortese et al. (1997)

PDT (Photofrin II) 21 patients

with 23 resectable lesions

Nine patients (43%)

spared surgery!


Grosjean et al. (1996)

12 patients

CR 13/16 (81%)


Awadh et al. (1997)

Six patients

CR 5/6 (83%)

Ono et al. 1995

HDR brachytherapy
34 patients

CR 30/34 (88%)


Deygas et al. (2001)


CR 32/35 (91%)

20% failure >4 years

Vonk Noordegraaf et
al. (2003)


CR 31/32 (97%)

Median 5 years (210


van Boxem et al. (1998)

13 patients, 15 lesions

CR 80%: 10 patients
12 lesions


PDT, photodynamic therapy; HDR, high dose rate; CR, complete response = radiographically occult cancers with negative
histology/cytology at follow-up.

Photodynamic Therapy
With the introduction of managed care, the cost-effectiveness issue has rightfully become important
in the management of lung cancer. Photodynamic
therapy has catalyzed research activities in minimally invasive bronchoscopic techniques and proved
that local treatment for a more cost-effective palliation and treatment with curative intent are valid
principles (Sutedja and Postmus 1994; Kato 1999;
Pasic 2004). Some bronchoscopic treatment methods
are relatively cheap. Lasers and brachytherapy are
more elaborate and only available in large institutions. Especially when the success rate is also determined by other factors such as accurate staging
and costs, the integrated use of simple procedures
such as electrocautery, argon plasma coagulation,
and cryotherapy is inevitable. Implementation into
daily clinical practice is much easier if techniques
are simple additions to standard facilities without
requiring complex logistics.
Therefore, both in the management of imminent
suffocation and central early stage lung cancer, several cost-effective alternatives are available. One
should not forget that screening programs are offered
only to those considered surgically resectable (van
Klaveren et al. 2002). Availability of minimally invasive techniques may not only justify early intervention for the medically inoperable individuals, but can
provide an acceptable local treatment alternative with
curative intent for those not considered surgical candidates (Vonk Noordegraaf et al. 2003). Treatment
at the earliest stage such as in patients with carcinoma
in situ is warranted (Venmans et al. 2000). The emergence of minimally invasive techniques provides us
with cost-effective alternatives, rather than having to
rigidly rely on conventional strategies as standard
strategies. The way is clear to implementing early
treatment intervention in a cost-effective manner.
Especially because in lung cancer due to eld cancerization, individuals remain at risk to develop subsequent primaries (Woolner 1984). The challenge is
now to prove that screening and early detection can
obtain signicant stage shift and will remain cost-effective in reducing lung cancer mortality despite the
issue of overdiagnosis (Black 2000).


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Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer



Locally Advanced Non-Small Lung Cancer

3.2.1 Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Branislav Jeremic and Aleksandar Dagovic


Introduction 207
Radiation Therapy Alone 208
Neoadjuvant (Induction) Chemotherapy
Followed by Radiation Therapy 209
Concurrent Radiochemotherapy 211
Neoadjuvant (Induction) Chemotherapy
Followed by Radiation Therapy Versus Concurrent
Radiochemotherapy 213
Optimisation of Concurrent
Radiochemotherapy 214
New Approaches in Radiation Therapy and
Chemotherapy of Locally Advanced
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 216
Conclusions 217
References 218
Locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (LANSCLC) represents a heterogeneous group of patients. According to the two staging systems widely
adopted in the community of thoracic oncologists
(Mountain 1986, 1997), this is synonymous to stage
III, although numerous, mostly non-surgical reports,
included also a proportion of patients with stage II
disease into this group of patients. It should be noted
that these staging systems are surgical, i.e. the major
principle is surgical extirpation of the tumour and
lymph nodes. The only issues which matter in these
systems are the size of the tumour (e.g. 3 cm or 5 cm
in largest diameter), its location (e.g. 2 cm or more
from the carina), and extent of invasion into neighbouring structures (e.g. chest wall or heart). These
systems do not take tumour volumes into account
B. Jeremic, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Ismaninger Strasse 226,
81675 Munich, Germany
A. Dagovic, MD, MSc
Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Zmaj Jovina 30,
34000 Kragujevac, Serbia

at all! That said, one major principle of anticancer

action of both radiation therapy and chemotherapy,
log-cell kill, is not considered to any extent. This is
an extremely important issue, especially in a number
of tumours which could have similar tumour volume, but which could have been assigned a different
stage in the case of a different location or invasion of
neighbouring structures. This has necessitated a revision of current staging systems, in order to take also
tumour volume into account, as well as other factors
such as presence or absence of pleural effusion, etc.
Another problem is that surgical systems used in
the last two decades have grouped a number of T and
N designations into the same stage. Even with a subdivision (to IIIA and IIIB), made in the rst system used
(Mountain 1986), there were still a number of various T and N designations. After moving T3No to stage
IIB, in the recent staging system revision (Mountain
1997), there is still a total of 11 different designations;
four in stage IIIA (T3N1, T3N2, T1N2, and T2N2) and
seven in stage IIIB (T4N0, T4N1, T4N2, T4N3, T1N3,
T2N3, and T3N3)! However, there has been no full investigation, even in cases of big multi-institutional,
cooperative group trials, into outcome results of these
various T and N substaging designations, i.e. there is
no data on whether, e.g. T1N3 is better than T4N1, or
indeed whether they were similar in outcome. This
applies for all other staging designations in both surgical and non-surgical studies. We are, therefore, left
without crucial information: what is the real impact
of increasing T and N substage and is there a tradeoff when the adverse effect of increasing T stage is,
perhaps, levelled-off with decreasing N stage, or perhaps which one of these two substaging designations
may be more important than the other one and if so,
then when exactly? As a result of not solving these
crucial questions, a community of thoracic oncologists continues to use surgical system in the design,
performance and reporting of clinical studies. The
change of staging system currently used and its better denition, followed by proven validity and utility,
must be one of the priorities of future clinical work.
Hopefully, this will provide more details regarding


impact of a particular T and N substaging designation and lead to more precise evaluation of the outcome of both non-surgical treatment modalities.
LA-NSCLC has been the major battleground for investigating various treatment options. While surgery
(e.g. in very selected T4N0), radiation therapy (altered fractionation regimens with curative intention
in stage III or palliative hypofractionated regimens
in mostly stage IIIB patients) and chemotherapy (in
stage IIIB in numerous clinical studies investigating
effect of various chemotherapeutic agents) can all be
used alone in this disease, this is not such frequent
practice nowadays in the majority of patients who
can tolerate more intensive (combined) treatment
approaches owing to the mounting evidence that the
vast majority of patients should be treated with such a
combined modality approach. In practice this means,
a bimodality (radiochemotherapy) or a trimodality
approach, the latter being detailed in Chap. 3.2.2.
Radiation Therapy Alone
Traditionally, LA-NSCLC has been managed by radiation therapy alone. Because radiation therapy was relatively well tolerated and offered good palliation, and
because there have been few alternatives, there have
been only a few studies validating its efcacy. The
Veterans Affairs group reported on a study where radiation therapy had been compared to best supportive care for LA-NSCLC. There was an improvement
in the median survival time with radiation therapy,
although no 2-year survivors were seen in either arm
(Roswit et al. 1968). It should be clearly stated that
at the time of this study staging procedures were
rather primitive and it is likely that many patients in
both arms probably had Stage IV disease (if modern
imaging had been used). Also, radiation therapy techniques used in this study should also be considered
outdated. More recently, similar results were obtained
in a randomised study. The 2-year survival was 18%
with radiation therapy dose of 50 Gy versus 0% for
observation with palliative radiotherapy when severe
local symptoms developed (Reinfuss et al. 1999). In
another randomised cooperative group study from
the US, patients were randomised to radiation therapy versus single agent vindesine (Johnson et al.
1990), while the third arm comprised both modalities. The study showed no survival advantage for radiation therapy. Again, however, it should be stressed
that there was a substantial crossover in this trial,

B. Jeremic and A. Dagovic

with many patients in the vindesine arm ultimately

receiving thoracic radiotherapy. This study suggested
no survival advantage to early radiation therapy but
this should not be interpreted to imply no advantage
at all for radiation therapy.
In spite of the shortcomings of these studies, radiation therapy has been considered as the mainstay of
therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. In the benchmark trial, continuous-course RT of
50- to 60-Gy doses has been shown to be superior to
the 40-Gy split-course or continuous-course schedule
(Perez et al. 1986) Consequently, the 60-Gy continuous-course schedule has been adopted as the standard
radiation therapy in many radiotherapeutic centres
all over the world, especially in the US. However, the
results obtained with radiation therapy alone are unsatisfactory for locally advanced non-small-cell lung
cancer, since the median survival time was approximately 910 months and the overall 5-year survival
rate was only 3%6% in prospective randomised trials (Holsti and Mattson 1980; Petrowich et al.
1981; Perez et al. 1987). Various retrospective and
prospective randomised studies have revealed that
both local and systemic failure play an important role
in the poor survival of these patients (Petrowich et
al. 1977; Cox et al. 1979; Perez et al. 1986). Thus, various means of increasing the likelihood of both local
and systemic control were sought.
Various altered fractionation RT regimens have
been used in order to improve local control (Cox et
al. 1993; Saunders and Dische 1990; Byhardt et al.
1993). The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (Cox
et al. 1990) has investigated hyperfractionated radiation therapy with 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractions and reported
improved survival in a subgroup of patients with favourable prognostic factors treated with hyperfractionated radiation therapy with doses >69.6 Gy compared to that obtained with the standard treatment
(60 Gy/30 fractions over 6 weeks). Continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy was tested
against standard fractionation radiation therapy in
inoperable non-small cell lung cancer, including a proportion of stage I/II patients and it is shown to carry
some benet (Saunders et al. 1999). Unfortunately,
this treatment design was extremely complicated for
daily clinical practice which has prevented it from
widespread use, even in the UK. Current attempts to
modify it include the omission of weekend days or
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, both of which effectively
destroy its underlying principle, namely, accelerated
fractionated radiation therapy to combat accelerated
tumour clonogenic proliferation. Attempts have been
seen in recent years to combine acceleration and hy-

Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

perfractionation in a less demanding regimen, such

as hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy
which also proved to be effective in this setting. More
data, however, are needed before widely accepting it
in clinical practice.
What these altered fractionated regimens conrmed is the duality of failure patterns, with both local and distant failure playing an important role in
ultimate outcome of patients treated with radiation
therapy alone. These facts were recognised several
decades ago and, coupled with poor survival gures,
they stressed the need for inclusion of chemotherapy
to better control this disease. The reason for adding chemotherapy to radical radiation therapy was
to improve local/regional control while, at the same
time, addressing the issue of possible distant spread,
not addressed by radiation therapy. Unfortunately,
the results were not encouraging and not different
from that obtained with radiation therapy alone.
Chemotherapy was usually given as an adjuvant
(i.e. post-radiation therapy) and it consisted of nonplatinum based drugs (Reynolds and ODell 1978;
White et al. 1982). Failure of these studies was usually explained by radiation therapy-induced brotic
changes in lungs that prevented successful blood/
drug perfusion and, therefore, drug supply to the
tumour-bearing area, and/or relative inefciency of
drugs available at that time, mostly non-platinum
based chemotherapy (Reynolds and ODell 1978;
White et al. 1982).
Regardless of this, radiation therapy and chemotherapy, mostly platinum-based, were considered as
necessary components of successful treatment. And
they have been increasingly practised around the
world in the last two decades. A number of possible
combinations have arisen, largely exploiting different
aspects of such combinations, and frequently focusing
on the issue of scheduling. Induction (neo-adjuvant)
chemotherapy followed by radical radiation therapy
(Dillman et al. 1990; Sause et al. 1995), sandwich
chemotherapy and radiation therapy (LeChevalier
et al. 1992), as well as concurrent radiochemotherapy
(Schaake-Koning et al. 1992; Jeremic et al. 1995,
1996, 1998) have all gained widespread use, sometimes with very similar results obtained with these
different approaches. To further obscure the overall
picture, both radiation therapy and chemotherapy
have evolved over the years. A number of different
time/dose/fractionation radiation therapy regimens
have been used (Cox et al. 1990; Byhardt et al. 1993;
Saunders and Dische 1990). They paralleled the introduction of the third generation of drugs, namely
paclitaxel (Johnson et al. 1996; Herscher et al. 1998),


docetaxel (Millward et al. 1996; Mauer et al. 1998),

vinorelbine (LeChevalier et al. 1994; Masters bet
al. 1998), gemcitabine (Manegold et al. 1997; Vokes
et al. 1998), irinotecan (Fukuoka et al. 1992; Oshita
et al. 1997) and topotecan (Lynch et al. 1994; PerezSoler et al. 1996).
Neoadjuvant (Induction) Chemotherapy
Followed by Radiation Therapy
As stated many times, the major aim of this type
of radiochemotherapy is to decrease tumour burden
and to combat micrometastatic disease, believed to
be present from the outset. When radiation therapy follows induction chemotherapy, the effects of
chemotherapy may permit delivery of radiation to
a reduced tumour volume. Increased drug delivery
with less overall toxicity is also possible compared to
concurrent administration. Potential disadvantages
of induction treatment include a prolonged overall
treatment time, excessive toxicity due to chemotherapy preventing or delaying the delivery of radiation
and chemotherapy-induced tumour cell resistance
resulting in reduced radiation efcacy, as well as
accelerated tumour clonogenic repopulation, also
expected to occur during the chemotherapy phase
of the combined treatment (Byhardt et al. 1998;
Byhardt 1999). There have been many phase II trials
designed to evaluate whether or not survival is improved with the addition of induction chemotherapy
to radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer versus radiation therapy
alone. Although these trials have had conicting results, several phase III trials (Table and three
meta-analyses have demonstrated a survival benet,
conrmed with recent updates providing long-term
In North America, the Cancer and Leukemia
Group B (CALGB) 8433 trial is the landmark study of
sequential radiochemotherapy versus radiation therapy alone for the treatment of locally advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer (Dillman et al. 1990). Between
1984 and 1987, 155 patients with clinical or surgical
T3 or N2 and M0 non-small cell lung cancer were
randomised to induction chemotherapy followed by
radiation therapy or radiation therapy alone. All patients had a good performance status and minimal
weight loss prior to study entry. Induction chemotherapy consisted of cisplatin (100 mg/m2, days 1 and
29) and vinblastine (5 mg/m2, days 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29).

B. Jeremic and A. Dagovic


Table Randomised trials of induction chemotherapy followed by radiation

therapy versus radiation therapy alone


RT dose

p Value


Dillman et al. (1990)






Sause et al. (1995)














LeChevalier et al. (1991) VCPC

Cullen et al. (1997)


CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B; MRC, Medical Research council; CT, chemotherapy; RT, radiation therapy; MST, medians survival time; VP, vinblastine, cisplatin; VCPC, vindesine, cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, lomustine; MIC, mitomycin,
ifosfamide, cisplatin; NR, not reported.
a 2-Year survival; b median radiation therapy dose.

Radiation therapy to a total dose of 60 Gy in 30 fractions was the same in both arms and began on day 50
in the combined-modality arm. The addition of chemotherapy did not impair the ability to deliver radiation therapy, with 88% of patients in the combinedmodality arm and 87% of patients on the radiation
therapy alone arm completing radiation therapy per
protocol. Although there were no treatment-related
deaths on either arm, the addition of chemotherapy
increased the number of hospital admissions for
vomiting (5% vs. 0%) and infection (7% vs. 3%). In
the initial report, induction chemotherapy improved
median survival (13.8 vs. 9.7 months, p=0.0066) and
doubled the number of long term survivors with 23%
of patients treated with radiochemotherapy surviving 3 years compared to 11% of those treated with
radiation alone, prompting early closure of the study.
Long-term 7-year follow-up conrmed that induction chemotherapy improves long-term and median
survival (13.7 vs. 9.6 months, p=0.012) compared to
radiation therapy alone (Dillman et al. 1996). Three
other modern cisplatin-based trials have conrmed
the CALGB experience.
The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group trial randomised 458
eligible patients with good performance status, minimal weight loss and locally advanced non-small cell
lung cancer to receive once-daily radiation therapy
to 60 Gy in 2-Gy fractions with or without induction
cisplatin and vinblastine (Sause et al. 1995). Patients
randomised to a third arm received radiation therapy
twice daily to a total dose of 69.6 Gy. Median survival
was statistically superior (p=0.03) for the combined
modality arm (13.8 months) versus either the standard radiation therapy arm (11.4 months), or the

twice daily radiation therapy arm (12.3 months).

Final results of this study conrmed an improvement
in median survival for combined-modality therapy,
but 5-year survival rates remained poor at less than
10% (Sause et al. 2000).
French experience with induction chemotherapy
followed by radiation therapy was provided in a trial
with radiation alone versus combined chemoradiation (LeChevalier et al. 1991). In this phase III
trial, 353 patients with unresectable locally advanced
squamous cell or large cell lung carcinoma were randomised to receive either radiation therapy alone
(65 Gy in 2.5-Gy fractions) or three monthly cycles of
cisplatin-based chemotherapy followed by the same
radiation therapy regimen. There was a signicant
decrease in distant metastases for the combined-modality arm and the median (12.0 vs. 10.0 months) and
2-year survival rates (21% vs. 14%, p=0.02) were also
improved (LeChevalier et al. 1992). Re-analysis revealed that only 8% of patients had continued local
control at 5 years (Arriagada et al. 1997). Five-year
survival rates remained poor at 6% and 3%, likely secondary to the high rate of local failure on both arms.
The Medical Research Council randomised 447
eligible patients with good performance status and
localised, inoperable non-small cell lung cancer to
receive radiation therapy alone or cisplatin-based induction chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy
(Cullen et al. 1997). On both arms, the median radiation therapy dose was low at 50 Gy. Median survival
was improved with the addition of chemotherapy
(13.0 vs. 9.9 months, p=0.056), although this difference was of borderline signicance.
As demonstrated by the above randomised trials, the addition of platinum-based induction che-

Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

motherapy to radiation therapy results in improved

survival versus radiation therapy alone. This is particularly true for short-term survival, but modest
improvements in long-term survival have also been
observed. Several smaller randomised trials have
failed to conrm a survival benet for the addition
of induction chemotherapy, but these trials may
have lacked the power to detect small differences in
survival (Mattson et al. 1988; Morton et al. 1991;
Crino et al. 1993; Planting et al. 1996). Three large
meta-analyses have demonstrated a small but consistent survival benet for the addition of induction chemotherapy to radiation therapy for locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer (Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer Collaborative Group 1995; Marino et
al. 1995; Pritchard and Anthony 1996).
Since it was recognised that this type of combined
radiation therapy and chemotherapy may bring an
increase in the locoregional failures, attempts were
made to include a more intensive latter (radiation
therapy) part of the treatment. In such an attempt,
Clamon et al. (1999) compared induction chemotherapy consisting of cisplatin/vinblastine followed
by standard radiation therapy (60 Gy in 30 daily fractions) with or without concurrent 100 mg/m2/week of
carboplatin. There was no difference between the radiosensitized and non-radiosensitized groups regarding overall survival (the median survival time: 13.4 vs.
13.5 months; 4-year survival: 13% vs. 10%; p=0.74).
These results showed a more sobering picture about
induction cisplatin/vinblastine followed by standard
radiation therapy that does not necessarily obtain
good and lasting results, being inferior in the study of
Clamon et al. (1999) to that expected from previous
two studies (Dillman et al. 1990; Sause et al. 1995).
They showed that even when sensitised by carboplatin, standard fraction radiation therapy can not compensate for accelerated proliferation of surviving tumour clonogenics which occurs during the induction
(chemotherapy) phase of treatment. Furthermore, the
results of the study by Clamon et al. (1999) do not differ from those obtained by hyperfractionated radiation therapy alone in the Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group/Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study
(Sause et al. 1995) or the same hyperfractionated radiation therapy (69.6 Gy using 1.2 Gy twice-daily) in
the study of Jeremic et al. (1996).
More recently, in an attempt to further intensify
the second part (radiation therapy) of the combined
treatment, Vokes et al. (2002) reported on a randomised phase II study by the Cancer and Leukemia
Group B (9431) which used two cycles of induction
chemotherapy (cisplatin/gemcitabine or cisplatin/


paclitaxel or cisplatin/vinorelbine) followed by two

cycles of the same chemotherapy concurrently with
conventionally fractionated radical radiation therapy (66 Gy) in 175 patients with unresectable stage
III non-small cell lung cancer. Response rates were
74%, 67% and 73% for the three arms, respectively.
While the median survival time for all patients was
17 months, 3-year survival rates for the three groups
were 28%, 19% and 23%, respectively. Authors concluded that the use of concurrent radiochemotherapy
could have led to the improvement in outcome when
compared to previous Cancer and Leukemia Group B
experience with induction treatments (Dillman et
al. 1990, 1996; Clamon et al. 1999).
Concurrent Radiochemotherapy
This combined modality approach denotes the administration of both modalities at the same time, meaning that chemotherapy is given during the radiation
therapy course. A number of variations exist, including chemotherapy being administered on a 3-weekly
basis, bi-weekly, weekly, or daily, although concurrent radiochemotherapy employing third generation
drugs (e.g. paclitaxel) also involved administration of
the drug twice or thrice weekly. Whatever the design
of concurrent radiochemotherapy, its main aim is to
address the issue of locoregional and distant disease
at the same time, from the outset of the treatment
as intensively as possible. This, unfortunately, may
lead to increased toxicity (mostly acute) which may
require dose reductions or treatment interruptions,
both adversely inuencing treatment outcome. On
the other hand, with this approach three radiobiological premises, namely spatial cooperation, independent cell kill and synergistic action, as postulated
by Steel and Peckham (1979), can be exploited.
The initial question regarding the effectiveness
of concurrent radiochemotherapy was whether it
is more effective than radiation therapy alone. In a
number of studies radiation therapy alone was tested
against concurrent radiochemotherapy, the latter
aiming mostly on an improvement at local tumour
control. Prospective randomised phase III studies
investigating this issue are outlined in Table
(Soresi et al. 1988; Schaake-Koning et al. 1992;
Trovo et al. 1992; Blanke et al. 1995; Jeremic et
al. 1995, 1996; Bonner et al. 1998; Ball et al. 1999;
Groen et al. 2004). Some of the negative studies may
be criticised because of a relatively low total radiation

B. Jeremic and A. Dagovic

Table Randomised studies of RT versus RT and concurrent platinum-based CHT



2-year 3-year

Soresi et al.

50.4 Gy in 28 fx

P, 15 mg/m2, weekly


Schaake-Koning et al.

55 Gy split course

P, 30 mg/m2, weekly
P, 6 mg/m2, daily



Trovo et al.

45 Gy in 15 fx

P, 6 mg/m2, daily



Blanke et al.

6065 Gy in 3033 fx

P, 70 mg/m2, day 1, 22,

and 43



Jeremic et al.

64.8 Gy (1.2 Gy b.i.d.)


C, 100 mg, day 1,2; E,

100 mg, E, day 13; weekly
C, 200 mg, day 1,2; E, 100
mg, day 1-5; weeks 1, 3, 5











Jeremic et al.

69.6 Gy (1.2 Gy b.i.d.)


C/E, each 50 mg, daily


Bonner et al.

60 Gy in 30 fx
60 Gy in 40 fx
split +/- CHT

P, 30 mg/sqm; E, 100 mg/

sqm, day 13 and 2830


Ball et al.

60 Gy in 6 weeks

C, 70 mg/m2 x 5 days,
weeks 1 and 5
C, 70 mg/m2 x 5 days,
week 1







60 Gy in 3 weeks
Groen et al.

60 Gy in 30 fx

C, 840 mg/m2, CI, 6 weeks


Cakir and Egehan


64 Gy in 32 fx

P, 20 mg/m2 x 5days,
weeks 1 and 6




RT, radiotherapy; CHT, chemotherapy; MST, median survival time; P, cisplatin; C, carboplatin; E, etoposide; fx,
a Includes patients with early stage; b estimated from the available survival curve.

therapy dose (Soresi et al. 1988; Trovo et al. 1992)

and chemotherapy being given in an insufcient total dose (Soresi et al. 1988). All three positive studies used protracted chemotherapy dosing. While an
European Organization for Research and Treatment
of Cancer study (Schaake-Koning et al. 1992) tested
both daily and weekly cisplatin with split-course radiation therapy, showing superior outcome for daily
cisplatin/radiation therapy, Jeremic et al. rst used
bi-weekly, and weekly (Jeremic et al. 1995), and then
daily (Jeremic et al. 1996) carboplatin/etoposide
with hyperfractionated radiation therapy doses of
64.8 (Jeremic et al. 1995) and then 69.6 Gy (Jeremic
et al. 1996). In these two consecutive studies, the best
results were obtained with low-dose daily chemotherapy given during the hyperfractionated radiation

therapy course, with very encouraging 4- to 5-year

survival rates being approximately 20% (Jeremic et
al. 1995, 1996). As a rule, survival advantage in these
three studies was a consequence of an advantage at
local tumour level. Obviously, low-dose daily chemotherapy acted synergistically with radiation therapy,
and enhanced its effects on local tumour level. As
expected, no inuence on distant metastasis control
was noted. Recently, Cakir and Egehan (2004) provided additional evidence that concurrent radiation
therapy (64 Gy in 32 daily fractions) and cisplatin
(20 mg/m2, days 15, weeks 2 and 6) offers survival
advantage over the same radiation therapy alone. At
3 years, 10% patients survived in the combined group
while only 2% survived in the radiation therapy lone
group. The combined treatment approach also of-

Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

fered better locoregional control (p=0.0001) and disease-free survival (p=0.0006), conrming previous
observations of superiority of combined radiation
therapy and platinum chemotherapy over radiation
therapy alone.
Additionally, those studies/arms which used highdose chemotherapy concurrently with radiation
therapy observed no impact either on distant metastasis control, or on a local level. Another advantage of
low-dose concurrent chemotherapy over high-dose
chemotherapy and concurrent radiation therapy is
that the former type of concurrent radiochemotherapy leads to less high-grade acute toxicity and, consequently, better treatment compliance, less treatment
interruptions, which inuence treatment outcome
(Cox et al. 1993).
Neoadjuvant (Induction) Chemotherapy
Followed by Radiation Therapy Versus
Concurrent Radiochemotherapy
The induction chemotherapy studies showed a survival advantage for the combined approach owing to
the improvement in the distant metastasis control, a
nding in contrast to that of the concurrent approach
studies, which unequivocally showed improvement
in survival owing to the improvement in locoregional
tumour control. Putting these data into the perspective of exploitable mechanisms of combined radiation and chemotherapy (Steel and Peckham 1979),
one must identify the induction regimens as those
enabling the therapeutic benet due to spatial cooperation only. No independent cell kill can be noted
because there was no signicant difference in locoregional tumour control, as one may expect if such
independent cell kill would have happened. Also,
no enhancement of tumour response can be noted
for the same reason. Contrary to these ndings, in
concurrent studies, spatial cooperation did not work,
while both independent cell kill and enhancement of
tumour response may have occurred. In the low-dose
(daily) chemotherapy arms of the concurrent studies,
however, it seems unlikely that independent cell kill
occurred (and if so, then to a much lesser degree),
thus leaving enhancement of tumour response as the
only viable alternative.
Conrmation of these premises was recently provided by El Sharouni et al. (2003) who investigated
the inuence of waiting times for radiotherapy after
induction chemotherapy by comparing CT scans


done at the end of induction chemotherapy and those

done for the purpose of radiotherapy planning. In
41% of potentially curable tumours they turned into
incurable ones, with the median potential tumour
doubling time being 29 days, much less than previously thought.
Since both of these approaches proved to be feasible and effective in practice, the next logical step,
therefore, was to compare induction chemotherapy
followed by radical radiation therapy with concurrent radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Currently,
there are only two prospective randomised phase
III studies evaluating concurrent versus induction
chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Furuse et
al. (1999, 2000) were the rst to compare mitomycin, cisplatin, and vindesine chemotherapy given
as either induction followed by radiation therapy
(56 Gy) and the same mitomycin, cisplatin, and vindesine given concurrently with radiation therapy.
Their rst publication showed superior median survival time and 5-year survival (the median survival
time, 16.5 vs. 13.3 months; 5-year survival, 16% vs.
9%; p=0.039) for concurrent regimen (Furuse et al.
1999). Subsequent data analysis, focusing on patterns of failure, identied an improvement in local
tumour control (median time, 10.6 vs. 8.0 months;
5-year, 34% vs. 20%; p=0.0462) as a reason for an improvement in survival (Furuse et al. 2000). More recently, Curran et al. (2000) and Komaki et al. (2000)
reported on the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
study 9410 which evaluated the same induction chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy as used by
the Cancer and Leukemia group B 8433 (Dillman
et al. 1990) and the Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group 8808/Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
4508 (Sause et al. 1995). It was compared with either standard fraction radiation therapy (60 Gy)
and cisplatin/etoposide or hyperfractionated radiation therapy (69.6 Gy) and cisplatin/etoposide.
Both the standard radiochemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiochemotherapy arms had better
median survival times than the induction arm (17.0
vs. 16.0 vs. 14.6 months), although only standard
radiochemotherapy was statistically signicantly
better than induction chemotherapy (Curran et
al. 2000). Pattern of failure analysis showed that the
best local control was in the hyperfractionated radiochemotherapy arm, conrming indirectly the
observations of Jeremic et al. (1995, 1996) that
high-dose hyperfractionated radiation therapy is an
advantageous approach. Furthermore, and contrary
to studies using low-dose chemotherapy concurrent
with high-dose radiation therapy, it was shown once


again that high-dose chemotherapy bears a risk of

exceptional acute toxicity when given with highdose standard or hyperfractionated radiation therapy. This nding is not just limited to the Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group 9410 but was also seen in
similar studies (Byhardt et al. 1995; Lee et al. 1996;
Komaki et al. 1997). Conrmation of more frequent
high-grade toxicity recently came from preliminary
results from the recent Canadian meta-analysis
(Rakowitch et al. 2004). In that analysis, radiation
therapy and concurrent low-dose, daily chemotherapy carried somewhat lower risk of acute toxicity,
including high-grade neutropenia when compared
to that observed with radiation therapy and concurrent high-dose chemotherapy, another advantage of
radiation therapy and concurrent low-dose, daily
Optimisation of Concurrent
These two large prospective randomised trials solved
the question of the standard treatment option in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Additional
evidence that concurrent radiochemotherapy should
be the standard of care in locally advanced non-small
cell lung cancer comes from the recent Southwest
Oncology Group phase II study by Albain et al.
(2002) which used two cycles of cisplatin/etoposide
concurrently with conventionally fractionated 45 Gy
in pathologic Stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer.
In the absence of progressive disease, an additional
16 Gy was administered with two additional cycles of
cisplatin/etoposide. The median survival time was 15
months and 5-year survival was 15%. However, grade
4 neutropenia was observed in 32% patients, grade
34 anaemia in 28% patients and grade 34 esophagitis in 20% patients.
Recent attempts to rene concurrent radiation
therapy and platinum-based chemotherapy include
reports by Jeremic et al. (1998, 2001) and Lau et al.
(2001) who both tried to address the issue of somewhat poorer distant metastasis control by increasing the dose of chemotherapy. While Jeremic et al.
(1998) tested the addition of weekend carboplatin/
etoposide to concurrent hyperfractionated radiation
therapy (69.6 Gy) and low-dose daily carboplatin/etoposide in phase II study leading to a promising median survival time of 29 months and 5-year survival
in 25%, the results of their subsequent prospective

B. Jeremic and A. Dagovic

randomised trial showed no advantage for weekend

chemotherapy when compared to no weekend chemotherapy (MST, 22 vs. 20 months; 5-year survival,
23% vs. 20%; p=0.57) (Jeremic et al. 2001). Lau et
al. (2001) used concurrent radiation therapy (61 Gy)
and chemotherapy consisting of twice weekly paclitaxel for 6 weeks and once weekly carboplatin for
6 weeks. Two cycles of consolidation paclitaxel and
carboplatin were offered to patients who achieved
a complete response, partial response, or stable disease. The median survival time was 17 months and
2-year actuarial survival rate was 40%. More recently,
and quite encouragingly, the South West Oncology
Group reported a trial in which concurrent cisplatin/
etoposide/radiation therapy was followed by three
cycles of adjuvant high-dose docetaxel (Gandara et
al. 2003). The median survival in this phase II study
was an extremely impressive 26 months, and this has
become the basis for ongoing South West Oncology
phase III studies. Most recently, Sakai et al. (2004) reported on a phase II study which employed bi-weekly
docetaxel and carboplatin with concurrent radiation
therapy (60 Gy in 30 daily fractions) followed by consolidation chemotherapy with docetaxel plus carboplatin in patients with stage III unresectable NSCLC.
Among 32 evaluable patients, an impressive response
rate of 91% was obtained. The median survival time
was 27 months and a 2-year survival was 61%. Highgrade toxicity was low.
It is likely that we will witness more similar
studies in the future and for that reason we believe
more emphasis should be placed on the patterns of
failure during such treatments, especially because
these treatment approaches would need further
conrmation in prospective randomised fashion.
By virtue of their intervention, they all have two
parts, a concurrent one and a consolidation one,
with the same or different drugs being administered during the latter part of combined treatment.
Regardless of the underlying principle for such an
intervention, these studies nicely outlined overall
results, relapse-free survivals and clearly documented toxicity. The latter was divided between
the concurrent and the consolidation part and we
have all been able to learn more about the exact
toxicity which the rst or the second parts of the
treatment were leading to. Unfortunately, this did
not happen with the patterns of failure. While these
studies presented very detailed patterns of failure
in general, this was done for the whole time period
of the study (treatment plus follow-up). This way
we only learned about the total patterns of failure
and not about which type of failure was observed

Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

when, i.e. after concurrent or after consolidation

part, and more particularly in which patients after
the concurrent part, although some studies mandated consolidation chemotherapy in non-progressing patients.
Why is an exact pattern of failure important? It is
important from several standpoints, some of which
are briey outlined here. Firstly, there are several
types of patients after the initial (concurrent) part
of radiochemotherapy and they can easily be separated regarding the response. While it is extremely
unlikely that those achieving a stable disease (SD)
would benet from the consolidation chemotherapy, those with either a complete response (CR)
or a partial response (PR) seem likely candidates
(although not all of them) to benet from the consolidation chemotherapy. Separation, therefore, of
pattern of failure occurring in likely (CR and PR)
and unlikely (SD) candidates could be used for further studies of similar design with respect to, e.g.
eligibility criteria. Secondly, and more importantly,
among likely candidates (CR and PR) to benet
from consolidation chemotherapy, a distinction
should be made between those achieving CR and
those achieving PR after concurrent radiochemotherapy. This is so since different mechanisms
(precisely, different location) of action of consolidation chemotherapy would be expected. In the CR
patients, consolidation chemotherapy would target
microscopic disease both intrathoracically and extrathoracically, while in the PR patients, it would
have to deal with clinically overt intrathoracic disease and a microscopic one extrathoracically. It is
obvious that pattern of failure in these two distinct
groups of patients would then clearly show how
and where consolidation chemotherapy is actually acting and to what extent (clinical versus subclinical). Of additional importance is that with a
clear pattern of failure, we would be able to open
the door to investigating the determinants of treatment outcome such as cross-resistance between
drugs or drugs and radiotherapy. This would also
lead to investigating more of the inherent nature
of these treatment modalities such as total dose
or fractionation (for radiotherapy) or one or more
drug(s) combination(s) (e.g. the same or different
drugs in the concurrent and the consolidation part
of the treatment), especially important due to the
forthcoming generation of drugs waiting to enter
wide clinical practice.
Although identifying patterns of failure in patients achieving different responses after concurrent
radiochemotherapy may require some additional


measures and likely place additional burden on investigators and hospitals, this effort would ultimately
be rewarding. This way we would be able to discriminate between different patients and different options
and to proceed (or not) with a consolidation therapy
in one or more patient subsets, an approach which
would ultimately lead to a better patient-tailored
treatment sequence, a must for any clinical research
into lung cancer in the future.
One of the unsolved question on optimisation of
concurrent radiochemotherapy, particularly from the
standpoint of radiation oncology, is the type of fractionation; conventional, once daily or altered fractionation, employing multiple fractions per day (hyperfractionation). The Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group 8311 study (Cox et al. 1990) showed a possible
advantage only for a hyperfractionated radiation
therapy dose of 69.6 Gy, 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation (but
not beyond it) over standard 60 Gy given in 30 daily
fractions in a favourable subset of locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer. The Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group study 9410, while not statistically designed to directly compare standard vs. altered fractionation, appeared to show no survival difference between conventional, once daily and hyperfractionated
radiation therapy when both given with concurrent
chemotherapy. Interestingly, when compared to conventionally fractionated radiation therapy, hyperfractionated radiochemotherapy offered better local control in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9410,
but this did not translate into a difference in survival.
Another study came to the same conclusion, albeit of
somewhat different treatment approach. In the North
Central Cancer Treatment Group/Mayo Clinic phase
III study (Schild et al. 2002) conventionally fractionated radiation therapy (60 Gy) was compared to
split-course hyperfractionated radiation therapy using 30 Gy given in 20 fractions on 10 treatment days
for 2 weeks with a 2-week break after which another
30 Gy were given using the same fractionation. Both
conventionally fractionated and hyperfractionated
radiation therapy groups received concurrent cisplatin/etoposide. No difference in toxicity was seen and
no statistically signicant difference in treatment outcome, although hyperfractionated radiation therapy
offered numerically slightly better survival, and local
More recently, the Eastern Cooperative Oncology
Group completed a randomised trial comparing
standard fractionation radiation therapy versus hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy. All
patients in both arms received induction chemotherapy with carboplatin/paclitaxel, though concur-


rent chemotherapy was not used. Unfortunately, the

study did not meet its accrual goals and was closed
early; nonetheless 111 patients were analysed and
the results suggest a slight though statistically insignicant advantage to hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy (median survival and 2- and
3-year actuarial survival: 22.2 months, 48% and 20%
vs. 13.7 months, 33% and 15%, respectively) (Belani
et al. 2003).
Further attempts to optimise the treatment approach in this disease include radiation therapy
given concurrently with third generation drugs.
While all third generation drugs have been tested
in this setting, prospective randomised phase III
studies are lacking. Nevertheless, it seems that paclitaxel/carboplatin combination has similar efcacy
and likely less toxicity than either cisplatin- or other
multiagent-based chemotherapy (Kelly et al. 2001;
Schiller et al. 2002). A number of phase II studies
tested this combination (Choy et al. 1998, 2000; Lau
et al. 2001) with promising results. The rst prospective study comparing radiation therapy/paclitaxel
versus radiation therapy alone showed an advantage for radiation therapy/paclitaxel (the median
survival time, 15.2 vs. 12 months; p=0.027) (Ulutin
and Pak 2003). Testing paclitaxel/carboplatin combination and standard-fraction radiation therapy
(63 Gy) in three schedules, Choy et al. (2002) used
either pre-radiation therapy chemotherapy followed
by radiation therapy (arm 1), pre-radiation therapy
and concurrent radiochemotherapy (arm 2) and
concurrent radiochemotherapy and post-radiation
therapy chemotherapy (arm 3). Although this phase
II randomised study was not designed to statistically compare treatment arms, the best results were
nevertheless achieved in arm 3 (the median survival
time, 16.1 months; 2-year survival, 33%). Also, in
arm 2 there was suboptimal compliance with concurrent radiochemotherapy after induction chemotherapy. It is expected that a number of ongoing or
recently completed studies bring new insight into
the issue of optimisation of radiation therapy and
chemotherapy in this disease.
New Approaches in Radiation Therapy and
Chemotherapy of Locally Advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer
Some of the newer approaches regarding chemotherapy have been mentioned above. It is also expected

B. Jeremic and A. Dagovic

that additional new drugs will become more readily

available in the future and that the process of their
initial clinical testing (phase IIII) will include testing
for their radioenhancing potentials which would go
parallel to their testing for anticancer chemotherapy
purposes. In this way, we would be able to learn about
drug properties earlier, both alone or in combination
with radiation therapy and to address important issues of optimal sequencing radiation therapy and
chemotherapy in locally advanced disease.
Regarding radiation therapy, wide application of
powerful computers has made a substantial impact on
treatment planning and delivery. Three-dimensional
conformal radiation therapy is now increasingly being practised world-wide. With radiation therapy
elds tailored to include only detectable tumour, more
focused and escalated radiation therapy doses can be
given. Phase I/II studies have shown that radiation
therapy doses to the order of >80 Gy are frequently
being used with acceptable toxicity (Armstrong et
al. 1993, 1997; Robertson et al. 1997), and that the
radiation therapy concept of the necessity of elective nodal irradiation may be challenged. It should,
however, be mentioned that even with limited eld
radiation therapy in three-dimensional conformal
radiation therapy, some incidental elective nodal irradiation always occurs, and may approach 4550 Gy,
considered as the radiation therapy dose necessary for
elective treatment (Martel et al. 1999; Rosenzweig
et al. 2001). In addition to increasing target coverage
and allowing radiation dose escalation, the use of
three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy also
allows more accurate prediction of toxicity of a given
course of radiation therapy (Graham 1997; Kwa et
al. 1998).
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy has also been
used in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
and potential advantages of intensity-modulated radiation therapy become evident when one compares
the three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy
and intensity-modulated radiation therapy plans
(Yorke 2001). With intensity-modulated radiation
therapy, the prescription dose could be increased
in the majority of cases. This was coupled with the
decreased lung dose and improved planning target
volume uniformity, as well as signicantly reducing
cumulative radiation therapy dose to the oesophagus, while maintaining the same or higher dose to
gross disease (Giraud et al. 2001). While extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic fractionated radiation therapy were initially used only
for small (early stage) (Uematsu et al. 1998; Hara
et al. 2002; Fukumoto et al. 2002; Nagata et al. 2002;

Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Whyte et al. 2003; Hof et al. 2003; Timmerman et al.

2003; Onimaru et al. 2003) tumours, its application
is slowly extending to tumours classied as locally
advanced. It is not unrealistic to expect that extracranial stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic fractionated radiation therapy will play an important role
in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, particularly
in cases with favourable characteristics (response to
chemotherapy, single metastatic lesion, small primary tumours, etc.). However, it should be clearly
emphasised that proper selection of patients remains
a prerequisite for the use of these new technologies
in locally advanced and/or metastatic non-small cell
lung cancer.
Although hardly termed a new approach, the use
of radioprotectors attracted renewed clinical interest
in the protection of radiation therapy-induced toxicity.
Several studies reported on the use of amifostine during radiation therapy and chemotherapy in lung cancer. Antonodou et al. (2001) performed a randomised
phase III trial of radiation therapy with or without daily
amifostine in patients with advanced stage lung cancer. The incidence of pneumonitis >2 was signicantly
lower in the amifostine group as well as incidence of
esophagitis >grade 2, and the protective effect of amifostine also produced lower incidence of late damage,
with no effect on treatment outcome. Further evidence
came from Komaki et al. (2002) who administered
amifostine twice weekly before treatment in patients
with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer treated
with concurrent radiochemotherapy. They observed
that Morphine intake to reduce severe esophagitis was
signicantly lower in the amifostine arm, as well as was
the incidence of acute pneumonitis in the treatment
arm. Finally, a randomised double-blind study (Leong
et al. 2003) showed a trend for fewer patients showing
toxicity in the amifostine group. The Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group has just reported preliminary results
of the study Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 9801, which randomised patients to intensive chemoradiation (induction carboplatin/paclitaxel followed by
hyperfractionated radiation therapy to 69.6 Gy with
concurrent weekly carboplatin/paclitaxel) with or
without amifostine four times per week during radiation therapy. Although there was no difference in the
rate of grade 3 esophagitis, patient-reported area-under-the-curve swallowing dysfunction scores were signicantly lower in the amifostine group (Movsas et al.
2003). It is expected that more studies addressing the issue of optimal protection with amifostine will provide
more data on further optimisation before becoming a
standard adjunct to radiation therapy or radiochemotherapy treatments in the future.

Locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer is one
of the major targets for clinical research in lung cancer. While it has to date accounted for approximately
40% of all cases, it is expected that widespread use
of positron emission tomography (leading to more
precise staging of patients) will likely decrease the
number of patients falling into stage III non-small cell
lung cancer. This is because patients clinically or even
pathologically staged as IIIB and a minority of those
staged as IIIA will actually have metastatic burden
from the outset, undiagnosed with current diagnostic
tools. This is supported by simple observation of the
natural history of this disease, regardless of the treatment: there are always some patients who fail distantly
several months or a year after the diagnosis. These patients are likely to be ones who would be upstaged by
the use of positron emission tomography and moved
to stage IV (metastatic disease). On the other hand,
it is expected that a proportion of patients with early
stages (I and II) non-small cell lung cancer will also
be upstaged, and will likely increase the number of
patients actually having stage III (locally advanced)
disease. Whatever predominates, locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer will remain one of the major focuses of clinical research in lung cancer simply
because major improvements occurred here and they
have occurred owing to optimised combined modality treatments, notably combined radiation therapy
and chemotherapy. His is even more so since it had
been shown that patients with clinical stage IIIA nonsmall cell lung cancer treated with concurrent radiochemotherapy have equivalent outcome when compared to those treated with induction chemotherapy
followed by surgical resection (Taylor et al. 2004).
These results largely conrmed the Integroup trial
0139 preliminary data presented during ASCO 2003
(Albain et al. 2003) in which both approaches (induction treatment included radiotherapy as well!) were
deemed as feasible. The surgical arm achieved superior progression-free survival but this was achieved at
the expense of an increase in treatment-related deaths
in this group. The latter fact accompanied with the
substantial effects of radiation therapy added to preoperative chemotherapy, led authors to suggest that
longer follow-up is necessary to give better insight
into this issue. Nevertheless, radiation therapy and
chemotherapy will further evolve in the near future
and will bring us to the exiting era of more successful
clinical research, leading ultimately to better outcome
in this disease.


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Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


3.2.2 Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed

by Surgical Resection
for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Nena Mirkovic and Kathy S. Albain


Radiotherapy as Sole Induction Modality 224

First-Generation Induction Trials
Incorporating Chemotherapy 224 Second-Generation Phase II Induction Trials 225 Chemotherapy as the Sole Induction Modality 225 Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
as Induction Modalities 227 Long-Term Survival in the Second-Generation
Induction Trials 228 Third-Generation Phase II Studies of
Induction Chemotherapy plus Concurrent
Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy 229 Predictors of Favorable Outcome in Secondand Third-Generation Phase II Studies 231 The Stage IIIB Subset in Induction Trials 232 Patterns of Failure in Second- and
Third-Generation Phase II Induction Trials 233 Randomized Trials of Surgery Alone Vs
Induction Therapy Followed by Surgery
in Resectable IIIA NSCLC 233 Radiotherapy as a Component of the
Induction Regimen 235 Phase III Trials of Chemoradiotherapy
With or Without Surgery 236 Induction Chemotherapy Followed by
Surgery vs Radiotherapy Alone 236 Induction Chemotherapy vs Induction
Radiotherapy 237 Induction ChemoRT Followed by Surgery
vs Denitive ChemoRT Alone 237 Phase II Trials of Induction Regimens
That Incorporated Third-Generation
Chemotherapy Agents 238 Treatment-Related Morbidity and Mortality in
Trials of Induction Therapy Followed by Surgery 240 Strategies to Reduce Radiotherapy-Related
Morbidity in Trimodality Treatment of
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 241 Ongoing and Planned Phase III Trials Worldwide 242 Conclusions 242
References 243
N. Mirkovic, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Stritch School of Medicine,
Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL 60153, USA
K. S. Albain, MD
Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology,
Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University Chicago,
Maywood, IL 60153, USA

The integration of chemotherapy with or without

radiotherapy together with surgery in a combinedmodality approach for non-metastatic non-small cell
lung cancer has been the focus of intense clinical
research over the past two decades. Many questions
are debated, including whether preoperative therapy
should be used at all in early stage disease or whether
a surgical resection should ever be performed after combined-modality treatment of more advanced
stage III cancers. If the answer to either of these is
yes, then questions remain regarding which patient
population should be treated and with what specic
induction regimen.
Induction therapy followed by surgery is discussed for two distinct patient populations with different rationales and expectations. The rst group
involves patients with stages I, II and selected early
stage III NSCLC. The standard of care in this group
of patients has been surgical resection. However, despite complete resection of all known disease, many
of these patients remain at high risk for relapse and
death. Distant metastases are the most common site
of relapse in this patient population. The addition
of systemic therapy prior to surgery in this patient
population has the aim of decreasing the rate of
distant spread and thus improving their survival.
Radiation therapy plays limited role in this group
of patients.
The second large group for which a combinedmodality treatment plan that incorporates surgery
may be benecial includes patients with locally
advanced disease, for whom the current standard
of care is concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy (chemoRT). Cure rates produced with this
chemoRT alone are modest, with long-term survival
in reported randomized phase III trials between
8%15% (Sause et al. 2000; Dillman et al. 1996).
Both local and distant failure rates are very high.
The rate of persistent local disease was reported
to be as high as 83% after treatment with chemotherapy and full-dose radiotherapy (Arriagada et
al. 1991). Persistent locoregional disease is a major
problem, not only because of the local effects of the


uncontrolled tumor but also as a potential source

of metastatic seeding. Persistence of local disease
after completion of treatment portends especially
poor prognosis (Andre et al. 2001). It is hypothesized that surgical removal of residual disease
should render a proportion of these patients disease-free.
The optimal sequence of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery is uncertain. Compliance with
induction therapy (same as older term neoadjuvant) is generally higher than with adjuvant treatments (either chemotherapy or RT), due to poor
tolerance of therapy in patients recovering from
thoracotomy. Other potential advantages of early
administration of systemic therapy include improved respectability, organ sparing (less frequent
need for pneumonectomy) and the opportunity for
in vivo chemosensitivity testing. Perhaps the most
important, yet not fully validated, advantage of the
induction therapy option is the delivery of systemic
therapy in the moment of the lowest micrometastatic burden. The disadvantages to a neoadjuvant
strategy include compromised nutritional and immunological status prior to major surgery, complications arising from the induction regimen causing
a delay of denitive surgery, early tumor progression, technically challenging surgery (especially if
RT is incorporated in the induction program), and
poor postoperative healing.
In this chapter we review the development and
current status of combined-modality treatment
programs that include surgical resection. A large
number of phase II trials and several phase III trials involving bimodality or trimodality treatment
have been completed, and a few more are ongoing. Direct comparison of these studies is impossible due to differences in methodology and patient
population entered in these trials. Some of the studies enrolled advanced stage patients with the dual
aims of decreasing systemic spread while improving the resection rate. Other trials enrolled patients
with lower volume disease technically amenable to
upfront resection. Pathological staging of the mediastinum was not uniformly mandated across trials,
and the induction regimens varied greatly regarding specic chemotherapy and RT prescriptions.
Criteria proceeding to a post-induction resection
were also not uniform. Eligibility for thoracotomy
was in some studies reserved only for patients
with a response while other studies required resection of stable disease as well. Data regarding
local and distant relapse, postoperative morbidity
and mortality, late causes of death and predictors

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

of favorable outcome were not always reported.

Nevertheless, much can be learned from the trials
conducted to date.
as Sole Induction Modality
Early induction trials focused on preoperative radiotherapy alone because effective chemotherapy did
not exist. A large randomized study published in 1975
found no difference in overall survival (Warram
1975). Patients enrolled were initially considered to
be operable, and were assigned to either preoperative
radiotherapy or immediate surgery. Even though 27%
of the patients had no tumor in the resected specimen, resectability rates were not improved and overall survival was identical. The last randomized trial
that used radiotherapy alone as induction treatment
was CALGB 9134 (Elias et al. 2002). This trial closed
early due to poor accrual and long-term results were
not encouraging. Given the propensity of NSCLC for
distant spread, the induction strategy consisting only
of local treatment is no longer considered appropriate and induction radiotherapy alone has been
largely abandoned.
First-Generation Induction Trials
Incorporating Chemotherapy
The initial set of small pilot studies was conducted
in the 1980s. These trials were primarily aimed to
dene the feasibility and safety of pre-surgery induction treatment. Patients enrolled had stage III disease,
mostly based on clinical staging, and pathologic conformation of mediastinal disease was not universally
required. Some trials enrolled patients with highvolume disease, while the others enrolled only lowburden disease. The designs of the trials are reviewed
in Table (Skarin et al. 1989; Eagan et al. 1987;
Bitran et al. 1986; Elias et al. 1994; Darwish et al.
1994). Radiotherapy varied from preoperative, postoperative, or both, and in most cases was sequenced
after the chemotherapy.
The outcomes of these trials, reviewed in
Table, were highly variable but in general
demonstrated safety and feasibility of combinedmodality treatment in conjunction with surgery.

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Designs of rst-generation phase II induction trials for NSCLC


Stage subsets/
tumor volume

Treatment program

of patients

N2/N3 disease

Dana Farber I
(Skarin et al. 1989)

T3 or low-volume stage

CAP 2 RT surgery RT



LCSG 831
(Eagan et al. 1987)

T3 or low-volume stage

CAP 3 with split RT surgery



University of Chicago
(Bitran et al.1986)

High-volume T3 or
T4N2 or N3

VdEP 2 surgery RT



Dana Farber II
(Elias et al. 1994)

T1-3N2 (mixed low

and high volume)



(Darwish et al. 1994)

T1-3N2 (clinically
high tumor volume)


CAP 4 + RT surgery RT
EP 23 surgery variable RT

LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group; C, cyclophosphamide: A, doxorubicin; P, cisplatin; RT, radiotherapy: Vd, vindesine; E, etoposide; RT, radiotherapy.

Table Results from rst-generation phase II induction trials for NSCLC


Response rate

Resection rate
(% original n)

Median survival


Dana Farber I (Skarin et al. 1989)




31%, 3-year

LCSG 831 (Eagan et al. 1987)




8%, 2-year

University of Chicago (Bitran et al. 1986)



34%, 1-year

Dana Farber II (Elias et al. 1994)




22%, 5-year

Perugia (Darwish et al. 1994)




24%, 3-year

LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group.
Second-Generation Phase II Induction Trials
Chemotherapy as the Sole Induction Modality
Induction trials conducted following the rst-generation efforts were larger and designed with better staging and in more homogenous patient populations.
Studies in which the induction regimen consisted
of chemotherapy alone are outlined in Table
All of these required pathological conrmation of
N2 disease, but the disease burden or tumor volume
varied. Three of the studies used the MVP regimen
(mitomycin-C, vinblastine, cisplatin), one incorporated vinblastine plus cisplatin and the last trial
tested continuous infusion cisplatin and 5-uoro-

uracil with leucovorin rescue (Wagner et al. 1994;

Martini et al. 1993; Burkes et al. 1992; Elias et al.
1997; Sugarbaker et al. 1995). Postoperative RT was
a part of the treatment plan in all except the LCSG
and Toronto trials. In the Dana-Farber and CALGB
trials, the postoperative RT dose was 54 Gy for completely resected patients and 60 Gy after an incomplete resection. In the Memorial study, postoperative
RT was recommended, but not mandated, for patients
with persistent mediastinal nodal disease at the time
of surgery. In that study, some of the patients with
incompletely resected tumors received radioactive
iodine seed implant.
The outcomes of these studies are summarized in
Table The LCSG 881 trial was a two-arm phase
II randomized trial, in which one arm was assigned
preoperative chemotherapy and the other received

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain


Table Design of second-generation trials of induction chemotherapy for pathologic stage IIIA (N2) NSCLC

of patients

Local disease

Treatment schema

LCSG 881
(Wagner et al. 1994)


High volume

MVP x 2 Surgery or 44 Gy Surgery

(Martini et al. 1993)


Mixed volume

MVP x 23 Surgery Radiotherapy for persistent N2

(Burkes et al. 1992)


Mixed volume

MVP x 2 Surgery MVP x 2 for responders

Dana Farber III

(Elias et al. 1997)


Mixed volume

PFL (continuous infusion) x 3 Surgery Radiotherapy

CALGB 8935
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995)


High volume

VP x 2 Surgery VP x 2 Radiotherapy

LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group; CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B; M, mitomycin-C; V, vinblastine; P, cisplatin; F, 5uorouracil: L, leucovorin.
Table Results of second-generation trials of induction chemotherapy for pathologic stage IIIA(N2) NSCLC

rates (%)a

rates (%)a




pCRb in


LCSG 881
(Wagner et al. 1994)





Not stated


(Martini et al. 1993)






(Burkes et al. 1992)




Not stated


Dana Farber III

(Elias et al. 1997)






CALGB 8935
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995)





Not stated


LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group; CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B.
Percent of all enrolled patients.
Pathological complete response.
c Percent of patients subjected to surgery.
d Includes stable disease.

preoperative radiotherapy. The results were reported

for the entire group of patients and not separately
for each treatment arm. Resection rates (of the entire denominator) were 51%68%. Pathological
complete response rates ranged from 0% to 15%.
Postoperative mortality ranged from 0% to 18%. The
causes of death were predominantly pulmonary or
cardiopulmonary. Postoperative radiotherapy did
not provide additional benet in the Memorial study
(p=0.24), however the selection of patients receiving
radiotherapy was based on unfavorable response to
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, not by randomized assignment. Pulmonary complications attributable to

mitomycin-C in the Memorial study, including the

three lethal ones, all occurred after the cumulative
dose of 24 mg/m2. The studies that did not use mitomycin-C had lower perioperative death rates. In
the Dana-Farber study, all mediastinal downstaging
to N0 or N1 occurred in patients with low-volume
disease. The CALGB study noted that there was no
correlation between radiographic response to the
induction regimen and pathological downstaging at
the time of surgery.
Survival outcomes were highly variable, with median survival ranging from 12 to 21 months, due to
differences in the study eligibility and design, as re-

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

viewed above. In the Dana Farber study and CALGB

trial 8935, 15% and 41% of rst relapses occurred in
the brain, respectively.
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy as Induction
Another group of second-generation trials conducted
during a similar time period used chemotherapy given
concurrently with radiotherapy (chemoRT), such that
radiotherapy commenced on day 1 of chemotherapy
(Albain et al. 1995; Weiden and Piantadosi 1992;
Faber et al. 1989; Strauss et al. 1992; Vora et al.
2000). The designs of these studies are presented
in Table Patients eligible for these trials had
stage III disease, and the proportion of pathologic
N2-positive disease was 38%87%. All of the trials
used cisplatin-based induction chemotherapy, with
the addition of etoposide, 5-uorouracil, vinblastine,
or a combination of these drugs. Radiotherapy was
delivered in continuous fashion in all trials, except
in the Rush Presbyterian study, in which 40 Gy were
delivered over 7 weeks (split course). In the LCSG
852 trial, only the patients with a clinical response
were eligible for thoracotomy, but some of the nonresponders underwent surgery off the protocol.
Postoperative treatment was variable. In the SWOG
8805 trial, patients with positive node, positive surgical margins, or unresectable tumors received two
more cycles of chemotherapy with an additional
14 Gy. The Tufts University study gave postoperative


chemotherapy with either cisplatin/etoposide or carboplatin/paclitaxel. The CALGB study mandated one
more cycle of chemotherapy concurrent with 30 Gy
of thoracic radiotherapy for all patients.
All the trials except the CALGB study allowed the
inclusion of the IIIB subset, and the proportion varied from 6% to 53% of patients per trial. The SWOG
8805 and LCSG 852 trials were specically designed
for patients with a high-volume disease burden,
whereas the others included a mix of high and low
burden presentations.
The outcomes of these studies are summarized
in Table Clinical response or response plus
stable (in one study) rates ranged from 56% to
92%. Complete resection rates ranged from 52% to
79% and pathologic complete response rates (pCR)
ranged from 9% to 21% of the initial number of patients entered on the studies. In the SWOG 8805 trial,
there were 30 patients who had stable disease at the
time of presurgical evaluation, and 26 of those underwent a complete resection. Of those 26 patients, 45%
had pCR or only rare microscopic foci. The RushPresbyterian trial also found discrepancies between
the clinical response to the induction therapy and
pathological ndings at the time of surgery. Thus,
a substantial proportion of patients with a residual
mass and/or nodal enlargement on the post-induction CT scan has, in fact, a major response, and surgical exploration should not be withheld from them
just on the basis of lack of response on the CT scan.
The operative mortality rates in these trials were
0%15%. The majority of the events were pulmonary,
similar to chemotherapy-alone induction trials. The

Table Design of second-generation trials of concurrent induction chemoradiotherapy (standard fractionation) in

of patients burden

IIIA(N2) T3N0-1/T4 Biopsy of Treatment schema

or N3
N2 or T4

SWOG 8805
(Albain et al. 1995)






EP 2 + 45 Gy Surgery EP 2 + 14 Gy
if persistent N2/incomplete resection

LCSG 852
(Weiden et al. 1992)






PF 2 + 30 Gy Surgery

(Faber et al. 1989)






PF or PEF + 40 Gy (split course)


(Strauss et al. 1992)






PVF 2 + 30 Gy Surgery PVF 1

+ 30 Gy

(Vora et al. 2000)






EP 2 + 59.4 Gy surgery PE 4
or Carbo T 4

SWOG, Southwest Oncology Group; LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group; CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B; E, etoposide; P,
cisplatin; F, 5-uorouracil; V, vinblastine; Carbo, carboplatin; T, paclitaxel; Gy, gray.

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

Table Results of second-generation trials of induction chemoradiotherapy in NSCLC


rate (%)a

mortality (%)a



in N2


SWOG 8805
(Albain et al. 1995)







LCSG 852
(Weiden and Piantadosi 1992)



Not stated


(Faber et al. 1989)







(Strauss et al. 1992)






Not stated


(Vora et al. 2000)






SWOG, Southwest Oncology Group; LCSG, Lung Cancer Study Group; CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B.
Percentage of the original number.
Percentage of patients subjected to surgery.
c Includes stable disease.

cause of death often resembled the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The Tufts study was
unique in that the ARDS was not observed, despite the
high preoperative radiation dose. These investigators
used a rigid protocol to limit uids intraoperatively
and postoperatively, and had the patients ventilated
for at least 48 h.
Median survivals for the second-generation
studies of concurrent chemoRT ranged from 13 to
26 months. Studies that limited enrollment to patients with high-burden disease reported shorter
median survivals than those that enrolled mixedburden disease.
A common observation in many of these trials
was a high incidence of brain relapse. In Tufts university study, the brain was the rst site of failure in
50% of recurrences, and the only site of recurrence
in 36% of patients. The LCSG investigators noted that
in patients who had complete resection, 28% of rst
recurrence sites were in the brain, in contrast to only
7% in patients who did not undergo surgery. In patients who experienced a recurrence in the brain, in
almost one third that was the sole site of recurrence.
Similar ndings were noted by the SWOG 8805 study.
The CALGB protocol called for prophylactic cranial
irradiation (PCI) in patients with non-squamous histologies who completed all the treatment, but about
a third of eligible patients did not receive it. None of
13 patients who received PCI developed brain metastases, compared to one out of seven who were eligible but did not receive it. In SWOG 8805, PCI was
optional, and there was no signicant difference in

rates of brain recurrence in the irradiated subset, although numbers were too small to reach a denitive
conclusion about this issues.
The Tufts trial utilized a higher dose of preoperative RT, a prescription similar to those used for standard concurrent chemoRT without surgery. Thus
most of the allowable dose of RT was given upfront
without a break. In the other trials, truncation of
the RT occurred at around 4550 Gy to plan for the
surgery. Thus, patients with residual disease or unresectable disease could only receive full dose RT via
an interruption of several to many weeks, depending
on time to recovery from surgery. However, a high
dose of RT in the preoperative setting results in increased brosis that may increase the risk of surgical
complications (as will be discussed later), so it cannot be universally recommended without additional
prospective study.
Long-Term Survival in the Second-Generation
Induction Trials
Long-term outcomes of selected second-generation
studies with a minimum of three years of follow-up
are summarized in Table The direct comparison of outcomes between those studies is impossible due to differences in methodology and patient
populations entered on these trials. Nevertheless, the
long-term outcomes were encouraging and provided
support for subsequent phase III trials.

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Long-term survival in selected second-generation phase II induction trials in NSCLC


Biopsy proof Selected stage Long-term survival
T3N0 or N1? of N2 status IIIB included?

(Martini et al. 1993)





28%, 3-year;
17%, 5-year

(Burkes et al. 1992)





26%, 3-year

SWOG 8805
(Albain et al. 1995, 1999) volume




27%, 3-year, 20%, 6-year, stage IIIA (N2);

24%, 3-year, 22%, 6-year, stage IIIB

(Strauss et al. 1992)





28%, 3-year
22%, 7(+)-year

CALGB 8935
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995)





23%, 3-year

(Faber et al. 1989)





40%, 3-year

(Vora et al. 2000)





37% 5-year

CR, complete response; SWOG, Southwest Oncology Group: CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B.
Third-Generation Phase II Studies of
Induction Chemotherapy plus Concurrent
Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy
Three phase II trials were conducted with an induction regimen that consisted of platinum-based chemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiotherapy. In
one of these trials, the radiation schedule included

a planned break, while in the other two, the radiation was intensied by delivering it in an accelerated
fashion. The designs of the trials are summarized in
the Table The MGH study enrolled 42 patients
to a preoperative regimen consisting of split course,
hyperfractionated radiotherapy concurrent with chemotherapy (Choi et al. 1997). All patients had N2
disease conrmed histologically prior to treatment.
Thirty three percent of patients enrolled on this study

Table Third-generation phase II trials of concurrent induction chemoradiotherapy with hyperfractionation in NSCLC

Stage subset(s)/number of




(Choi et al. 1997)

Biopsy-proven stage
IIIA(N2), n=42


PVF 2 concurrent
with RT
surgery PVF
1 concurrent with RT

42 Gy split (1.5 bid

7 10 day rest
1.5 bid 7); postoperative 1218 Gy 1.5 bid)

West German
Cancer Center (WGCC)
(Eberhardt et al. 1998)

Mediastinoscopy required:
6, advanced T3 N0/1;
46, 2 or more N2 nodes;
42, IIIB (T4) or
contralateral N3)
Total n = 94


EP 3 reduced
dose EP 1 with RT

45 Gy (1.5 Gy bid over

3 weeks); PCI later
in trial


ICE x 2 PVd 1 +
RT surgery

45 Gy (1.5 Gy bid over

3 weeks)

German Lung Cancer

N2, 25; (all
Cooperative Group (GLCCG)
(Thomas et al. 1999)
T4 or N3, 29;
Total n=54

MGH, Massachusetts General Hospital; n, number of patients; P, cisplatin: V, vinblastine; F, 5-uorouracil; E, etoposide; I,
ifosfamide, C, carboplatin; Vd, vindesine; Gy, gray; PCI, prophylactic cranial irradiation.

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain


3 weeks starting 1 day after the last chemotherapy

The German Lung Cancer Cooperative Group trial
accrued 54 patients to a regimen that consisted of 2
cycles of induction chemotherapy, followed by hyperfractionated accelerated RT concurrent with chemotherapy, followed by resection (Thomas et al. 1999).
Eligibility criteria included either biopsy-proven N2
disease or clinical T4 or N3 disease. Patients who had
a tumor response or stable disease were eligible for
surgery. Patients who did not have complete resection received additional 16 Gy of radiotherapy.
The results of these trials are presented in the
Table Treatment-related mortality was 7%,
6% and 9% and postoperative mortality 5%, 7% and
8% (of patients who underwent thoracotomy) in the
MGH, WGCC and GLCCG trials, respectively. The main
perioperative complication seen in both WGCC and
GLCCG trials was bronchial stump insufciency, most
often after right-sided resections. Both groups started
reinforcing bronchial stumps with tissue later in each
trial, reducing the incidence of this problem to zero.
A complete resection with negative margins was
accomplished in 81% of all patients in the MGH trial.
The median survival was 25 months and overall survival was 66%, 37% and 37% at 2, 3 and 5 years, respectively. The preoperative size of mediastinal nodes
(<= 1 cm vs >1 cm) did not inuence the survival,

had mediastinal lymph nodes smaller than 1 cm on

a pretreatment CT, and in 19 % the lymph nodes
were greater than 2 cm. The volume of mediastinal
disease was thus mixed in this study. Twelve Gy of
postoperative RT was given for either complete response or microscopic disease only, and 18 Gy for
residual disease or positive margins, concurrent with
The West German Cancer Center study used 3
cycles of induction chemotherapy, followed by continuous hyperfractionated accelerated RT concurrent
with chemotherapy (Eberhardt et al. 1998). Patients
eligible for enrollment had to have either surgically
unresectable disease, or more than 1 ipsilateral mediastinal lymph node involved, or positive contralateral
mediastinal lymph nodes. This study mandated repeat mediastinoscopy at the completion of induction
treatment. Only those patients whose mediastinal tumor burden was downstaged (dened as a negative
mediastinal biopsy or only one positive lymph node)
were offered surgical resection. Thus, all patients with
stable disease were not mandated to proceed to thoracotomy. Patients who did not undergo resection of
residual disease were given additional RT to a total of
60 Gy. These investigators reported a high incidence
of isolated brain relapse and introduced prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) in the third year of the
study. The PCI dose was 30 Gy in 2 Gy fractions over

Table Results from third-generation trials of induction chemoradiotherapy with hyperfractionation in NSCLC

Number Resection
patients (%)a

Treatment Postoperative Survival

deaths (%)b
deaths (%)a

Predictors of favorable outcome

(Choi et al. 1997)


37%, 5-year

Downstaging to N0
(79% 5-year survival)
Complete resection

West German
Cancer Center (WGCC)
(Eberhardt et al. 1998)

(60% IIIA,
45% (IIIB)

28%, 4-year
(31% IIIA
26% IIIB)

4-year survival from registration:

complete resectionc 46% vs 11%,
N2/3 N0
38% vs 15%, p=0.11
240 or not 37% vs 0%,
PCI Decrease in rst brain
metastases, p=0.005

German Lung Cancer

Cooperative Group
(Thomas et al. 1999)

63% (R0)

30%, 3-year

> 90% histological regression

(3-year survival 48% vs. 9%,
Complete resection (p=0.009)



MGH, Massachusetts General Hospital; CR, complete response; p, pathologic; PCI, prophylactic cranial irradiation.
of the original number of patients.
b Percentage of patients subjected to surgery.
c Resection not mandated if persistent T4 or N2/N3 disease.
a Percentage

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

but the sample size was very small. Four patients had
pCR, three of whom showed only a partial response
on postinduction CT. Five-year survival was 79% if
the nodes were downstaged to N0.
Of patients entered on the West German Cancer
Center study, 64% were eligible for surgery after
the induction regimen and 53% had complete resection with negative margins. Twenty-four (26%)
had complete pathological response. Among 29 patients with radiographically stable disease after the
induction treatment, about a third was completely
resected and three had pathological complete response. Median survival was 20 and 18 months and
3-year survival were 36% and 31 % for stages IIIA
and IIIB, respectively (no statistical difference).
No differences were observed for the different
TNM categories and T (T1/2 vs. T3/4) and N (N0/1
vs. N2/3) subgroups. The complete resection rates
were 60% for IIIA and 45% for IIIB. Of 8 patients
with T4N0-1, 6 were able to have a complete resection. Prophylactic cranial irradiation markedly
reduced the incidence of brain relapse, but the difference in median survival (26 months with PCI
and 20 months without) did not reach statistical
significance, possibly because the follow-up period
for the first group was shorter.
A complete resection with negative margins was
achieved in 63% of patients enrolled on the GLCCG
trial. Over a half of these exhibited a major histological response, dened as necrosis or brosis of more
than 90 % of tumor cells. Seven (13%) had pathological complete response. Preoperative assessment of
response (complete/partial) did not correlate with
the degree of tumor regression. Approximately 25%
of patients who relapsed had only a local recurrence,
whereas 35% had a distant-only relapse. The median
survival for the whole group was 20 months, with
2- and 3-year survival 40% and 30%, respectively.
Median survivals for stages IIIA and IIIB (25 vs. 17
months) showed no statistical signicance, as did 2and 3-year survivals (52% and 35% vs. 30 and 26%).
The MGH study had higher resection rate and
overall survival than the two German studies but
also enrolled patients with less advanced disease. The
two German trials had similar patient populations,
treatment and outcome. The authors of those studies
credit the accelerated radiation schedule for the fact
that many of their patients with advanced, high-volume disease were able to undergo resection. However,
second-generation trials with concurrent chemoRT
in patients with high-volume tumor burdens (described above, e.g., SWOG 8805) also achieved high
resection rates.

Predictors of Favorable Outcome in Secondand Third-Generation Phase II Studies
Several of the phase II studies discussed above also
reported prognostic factors, although many of the
studies were underpowered for robust statistical analyses. These trials are summarized in Table
Favorable factors included postinduction pathological complete response, complete resection, T3N0 and
T3N1 disease, T4N0 or T4N1 disease and pathological
clearance of the initial mediastinal nodal involvement. Not all of these factors were assessed in each
The only factor predictive of intermediate survival
(2-3 years) in the SWOG 8805 trial was pathological clearance of nodal disease (Albain et al. 1995).
Complete resection rate, pathological complete response and multiple other factors did not reach statistical signicance. However, complete resection
later emerged as a predictor of long-term (six-year)
survival, along with nodal pathological clearance
(Albain et al. 1999). The six -year survival was 33%
in patients with pathological complete response in
the nodes, compared to 11% for those who did not
have the pathological nodal clearance. The 6-year
survival for complete resection yes vs no was 29%
and 0%, respectively. The Tufts, MGH and WGCC
trials also found mediastinal downstaging to be of
prognostic importance. SWOG 8805 was the only
second-generation induction study that assessed the
nodal downstaging in a multivariate model.
Clinical response to neoadjuvant therapy in most
of the trials did not correlate with the degree of tumor regression on pathology. However, clinical response to treatment was a favorable outcome predictor in the Memorial and WGCC trials. Pathological
complete response or major regression (only microscopic residual disease) was an important predictor
for survival in the Memorial, Tufts and GLCCG trials.
In the WGCC study, tumor persistence in the resected
specimen was not associated with adverse prognosis,
but all patients with stable disease did not undergo a
resection in this trial.
Metastatic disease remains the most difcult therapeutic problem in NSCLC, so it is critical to identify predictors of which patients will benet from a
surgical resection. Mediastinal downstaging may be
a marker of chemosensitivity of the metastatic clones
of tumor cells. This theory may explain why mediastinal downstaging, but not pathological complete
response in the primary tumor, carries a prognostic
signicance. Conversely, the presence of persistent

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

Table Predictors of favorable outcome in trials of induction therapy
Study Group

Favorable outcome predictors

(Martini et al. 1993)

Major response to chemotherapy (5-year OS 19% vs. 7%)

Complete resection (5-year OS 27% vs. 12%)
Complete pathological response (5-year survival 61%)

SWOG 8805
(Albain et al. 1995, 1999)

Pathological mediastinal clearance (3-year survival 44% vs. 18%, p=0.05)

Complete resection

CALGB 8935
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995; Kumar et al. 1996)

Complete resection (3-year survival 46% for complete resection vs. 23%
for incomplete resection vs. 0 for non-resected)

(Vora et al. 2000)

Complete resection
Complete pathological response
Mediastinal clearance

(Faber et al. 1989; Reddy et al. 1992)

Resection (3-year OS 47% vs. 17%, p=0.0001)

Pathological complete response

(Choi et al. 1997)

Pathological nodal clearance (p=0.04)

Complete resection (p=0.02)

(Eberhardt et al. 1998)

Clinical response
Complete resection (median survival 42 vs. 13 months, p=0.0001)
Pathological nodal downstaging

(Thomas et al. 1999)

Pathological tumor regression >90% (3-year survival, 56% vs. 9%,

Complete resection (p=0.009)

OS, overall survival.

disease in the mediastinum may indicate unresponsive distant disease. Whether this marker can be reliably assessed without major morbidity, and if so, can
it be used in selecting patients who might derive the
most benet from surgical resection is uncertain.
Second look mediastinoscopy is technically difcult.
Molecular markers, such as p53 or K-ras, as well as
more recently-described gene expression proles, on
specimens obtained pre-and post-induction treatment, are being studied as ancillary projects within
several of these trials and other ongoing studies. Also,
investigations regarding the role of PET scan response in the mediastinal nodes are underway on a
large and prospective scale, based upon encouraging
results in small pilot studies. However, PET scanning
may not be sensitive enough to detect residual nodal
microscopic disease.
The Stage IIIB Subset in Induction Trials
Although several of the second-generation trials
(LCSG 852 and the Rush Presbyterian study) allowed
the inclusion of the IIIB subset, the sample sizes were
too small to allow for independent statistical analysis.
The SWOG 8805 study was designed to include a

sufcient sample of the stage IIIB subgroup to allow

independent assessment of outcome (Albain et al.
1995). Six-year survival for T4N0-1 was 49% versus
20% for the IIIA(N2) subset and 18% for T4N2 or
TanyN3 (Albain et al. 1999). These long-term survival data are a major improvement over results from
trials of chemoRT without surgery in any stage III
subset. Another intriguing stage IIIB subset result
from SWOG 8805 pertained to N3 disease. Among
patients with contralateral mediastinal (N3) involvement no one survived 2 years, whereas 35% of patients with N3 disease due to supraclavicular involvement survived at least 2 years.
The Tufts University trial also reported IIIB group
separately, but unlike SWOG 8805, pathological determination of IIIB status was not required (Vora et al.
2000). Nevertheless, the Tufts investigators also noted
excellent survival among patients with resected T4N0
tumors at initial staging, with a median survival of
51 months. The resection rates were 76% and 76%
for stage IIIA, and 63% and 50% for stage IIIB in the
Tufts and SWOG trials, respectively.
The two- and three-year survivals in the SWOG
8805 trial were identical for stage IIIA(N2) and IIIB
subsets (Albain et al. 1995, 1999). Similar observations were made in the West German Cancer Center
and the German Lung Cancer Cooperative Group
studies (Eberhardt et al. 1998; Thomas et al. 1999).

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

In the WGCC trial, 4-year survival was 31% and 26%

in stages IIIA and IIIB, respectively (p=0.59). In the
GLCCG, 3-year survival was 35% and 26%, for stages
IIIA and IIIB (p=0.33).
Grunenwald et al. (2001) prospectively studied
40 patients with IIIB disease, of whom 30 had T4 disease and 18, N3. Five patients had T4N0 tumors and
one had T4N1. Eligible patients had disease judged
to be potentially resectable after a course of preoperative therapy. All patients underwent pretreatment
surgical staging. Induction treatment consisted of 5FU, cisplatin and vinblastine for 2 cycles. A total of 42
Gy of external radiotherapy was given split in two 21
Gy courses, 1.5 Gy BID, with 10 days of rest between
the courses. Radiotherapy began on the rst day of
chemotherapy. Response was assessed a month after
completion of all therapy. Patients who responded
to the induction regimen underwent thoracotomy. A
clinical response was obtained in 73% of patients and
in 60% resection was performed. The resection was
complete in all but one patient who underwent thoracotomy. Four patients (10%) had complete pathological response. Of the patients with N2 or N3 disease,
30% had complete mediastinal clearance. There were
5 treatment-related deaths and 7 additional patients
suffered serious morbidity. Median survival was 15
months and ve-year overall survival was 19%. Thirty
percent of overall patient number had locoregional
relapse and 50% had distant relapse. Pathological mediastinal nodal downstaging was the only signicant
favorable prognostic factor in a multivariate analysis
(5-year survival 42% for post-induction N0/1 vs. 12
% for postinduction N2/3 for resected patients). All
long-term survivors had persistent viable tumor cells
in the primary tumor but 6 of 7 were postinduction
Pitz et al. (2002) treated patients with stage IIIB
NSCLC with neoadjuvant gemcitabine and cisplatin,
followed by surgery in responding patients. No preoperative RT was given. Twelve of the patients had
T4N0 tumors, 21 had T1-3N3 and the remaining had
T4N2 disease. Patients with supraclavicular lymph
node involvement were excluded from the protocol. A
repeat mediastinoscopy was required however it was
possible to complete in only a fraction of patients, and
was falsely negative in some. Patients received postoperative radiotherapy for persistent nodal involvement, positive margins or incomplete resection. The
investigators reported a response rate of 66%, resection rate of 44% and perioperative mortality of 2.4%.
Median survival for all patients was 15.1 months and
3-year survival was 15%. The investigators found no
difference in outcome between T4N0 and N2/N3 sub-


sets. However, only patients with a response after induction chemotherapy were considered for surgical
Collectively, these trials support the feasibility of
induction therapy in stage IIIB NSCLC, and underscore the potential importance of resection of both
responding and stable disease. They highlight the
T4N0/1 substage as a group that does particularly
well with trimodality therapy.
Patterns of Failure in Second- and
Third-Generation Phase II Induction Trials
Patterns of failure were reported in most trials, either
as a percentage of the entire number of patients or
as a percentage of patients with resected disease, as
summarized in Table The preponderance of
relapses is distant, especially among patients who underwent resection, however the number of locoregional relapses is not insignicant.
All patients who experienced a local-only failure
in the Memorial study had an incomplete resection.
The patterns of failure in the Rush-Presbyterian and
SWOG trials were unaffected by nodal downstaging. In studies that analyzed the patterns of failure
between patients with resected and unresected disease separately, locoregional failures occurred less
frequently in those patients who had a complete resection.
A high incidence of brain relapse was noted universally across these trials. For many patients, this
was the only site of relapse. In the Dana Farber and
CALGB 8935 studies, 15 % and 41% of rst relapses
occurred in the brain, respectively. In LCSG 852 trial,
28% of initial recurrences among patients with a
complete resection occurred in the brain, compared
with 7% among patients with no or incomplete resection.
Randomized Trials of Surgery Alone
Vs Induction Therapy Followed by Surgery
in Resectable IIIA NSCLC
The trials included in this section generally involved
patients with low bulk or minimal N2 disease. The
control arm in these studies was surgery alone. The
experimental arm used induction chemotherapy

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

Table Patterns of failure in second- and third-generation phase II trials

Disease burden

Local or
only failure (%)

local-and distant
failure (%)

Distant-only Denominator
failure (%)

Dana-Farber III
(Elias et al. 1997)

Mixed volume




All patients

(Strauss et al. 1992)

Mixed volume




All patients

(Choi et al. 1997)

Mixed volume




All patients

SWOG 8805
(Albain et al. 1995)

High volume




All patients

(Thomas et al. 1999)

High volume




All patients

(Faber et al. 1989;
Reddy et al. 1992)

Mixed volume




All patients

(Burkes et al. 1992)

Mixed volume




Resected patients only

(Martini et al. 1993)

Mixed volume



Resected patients only

LCSG 852a
(Weiden et al. 1992)

High volume




All patients
Resected patients only

CALGB 8935
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995;
Kumar et al. 1996)

High volume




All patients
Resected patients only

(Eberhardt et al. 1998)

High volume




All patients
Resected patients only

a Does

not include four cases of second primary tumor.

with or without RT. The design of these studies is

presented in Table
Patients with a higher-volume disease burden
were enrolled in the NCI (multiple N2 nodes on mediastinoscopy) and the Japanese (clinically bulky)
trials. (Pass et al. 1992; Yoneda et al. 1995) The NCI
study had the most homogenous population since
it required histological documentation of N2 disease and excluded N3 disease. However, only 28 patients were accrued and the trial closed prematurely.
Radiotherapy (54-60 Gy) was given postoperatively
in non-chemotherapy arm, but not in chemotherapy
arm. The pattern of failure in the surgery-RT arm
was predominantly distant (>90%), while in chemotherapy-surgery arm was about 67% locoregional
and 33% distant. The results of this very small trial
were nevertheless provocative regarding the potential benet of induction chemotherapy in resectable
Two frequently discussed trials of preoperative
chemotherapy in patients with early stage III dis-

ease were conducted by the investigators from the

MD Anderson Cancer Center and Spain (Roth et al.
1994, 1998; Rosell et al. 1994). The accrual to each
of these trials was a halted at 60 patients per trial
because of early emergence of increased survival in
the induction chemotherapy arm. The Spanish trial
was critiqued because of the very poor survival in
the control group (8 months median survival, with
no patient surviving 2 years), more consistent with
that of stage IV patients treated with chemotherapy.
The MD Anderson trial was updated in 1998 (Roth et
al. 1998). The advantage of the perioperative chemotherapy arm was maintained, although the statistical
signicance became borderline (p=0.056, log-rank
test; p=0.048, Breslow-Gehan-Wilcoxon test).
The French Thoracic Cooperative Group Trial enrolled patient with stage IB to IIIA disease (Depierre
et al. 2002). All patients were judged to have resectable
disease before any induction treatment. Staging was
clinical (radiographic) and pre-surgery mediastinoscopy was not required. An excess of patients with N2

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Reported phase III trials of surgery with or without induction therapy in resectable NSCLC
23 Year survival

Stage subset(s)




Patient No

p Value

(Pass et al. 1992)

IIIA(N2) by biopsy


EP 2 cycles preop Postoperative

EP 4 cycles postop in no-ChT arm
only (5460 Gy)


21% 46%


(Yoneda et al.

Clinical IIIA
and IIIB


VdP preoperative

with CT


40% 37%


M.D. Anderson
(Roth et al.
1994, 1998)

IIIA(N2) not required; Low

node biopsy not
required; some IIIB

CEP pre- and


only if
residual disease


15% 56%


(Rosell et al.

IIIA(N2) not required; Low

node biopsy not

PIM preoperative

for both arms




MIP 2 preoperative; also

postoperative, if
objective response

to 60 Gy, if
pT3 or pN2
for both arms


41%a 52%a p = 0.15b

French Thoracic
Clinical T2N0, II, IIIA
Cooperative Group
et al. 2002)



E, etoposide; P, cisplatin; V, vinblastine; I, ifosfamide; Vd, vindesine; M, mitomycin, C; C, cyclophosphamide; NS, not signicant; NCI, National Cancer Institute; ChT, chemotherapy.
a In N0-1 disease p=0.027, in N2 disease p=0.85.
b 3-Year survival.

disease was accrued to the chemotherapy arm (12%),

but the difference was not statistically signicant
(p=0.065). Complete resection rate was 92% in the induction chemotherapy arm, and 86% in surgery alone
arm. Postoperative radiotherapy to 60 Gy was delivered for pathologic T3 or N2 status, or if the resection
was incomplete. Forty-one percent of patients in surgery alone arm and 23% in induction chemotherapy
arm received postoperative RT. The 1-, 2-, 3- and 4year survivals were 77%, 71%, 59% and 44%, respectively, in the induction chemotherapy arm and 73%,
52%, 41% and 35% in the surgery alone arm. The difference did not reach statistical signicance (p=0.15).
Stage-adjusted relative risk of death was 0.80 in the
chemotherapy arm (p=0.089). In a subset analysis,
there was a benet to induction for patients with N01 disease (RR 0.68, p=0.027), but not for patients with
N2 (RR 1.04, p=0.85). There was excess risk of deaths
within the rst 5 months after the surgery in the induction chemotherapy arm (RR 1.32, p=0.37), but the
curves crossed at 5 months and the RR in the induction chemotherapy arm decreased to 0.74 after these
rst 5 months. There was a non-signicant excess of
mortality (10% vs. 5%) in the induction chemotherapy arm, consisting of pneumonia, empyema, stula
and pulmonary embolism. Induction chemotherapy
reduced the risk of distant relapse (RR=0.54, p=0.01).

Locoregional relapses were not signicantly different

between the treatment arms.
The MD Anderson and Spanish studies are often quoted in support of induction chemotherapy
in early, low-volume stage III NSCLC. Their results
are indeed provocative, but both of these studies
had very small numbers of patients so that even a
minor imbalance in prognostic factors between the
two arms could have resulted in a major difference
on the outcome. There was an excess of tumors with
K-ras mutation and aneuploidy in the control arm of
the Spanish study, a factor associated with an adverse
prognosis. In the MD Anderson trial, there were more
T4 tumors in the surgery alone arm, although this
difference was not statistically different. Thus, the
encouraging results of these trials must be conrmed
in larger phase III trials conducted in homogenously
staged and treated patient populations.
Radiotherapy as a Component of the
Induction Regimen
Radiotherapy hypothetically plays an important role
in patients with locally advanced tumors in increasing


rates of downstaging and resectability. Radiotherapy

may also be benecial, either preoperatively or postoperatively, in sterilizing microscopic mediastinal
disease that cannot be completely removed during
the surgery. In patients with microscopic N2 disease
who have disease that is resectable upfront, the role
of RT is much less certain.
Despite this, the utility of RT in neoadjuvant regimens in high-volume disease has been questioned.
The only randomized trial to date that addressed the
necessity of radiotherapy in the induction regimen was
that of Fleck et al., conducted in Brazil and reported
only in abstract format (Fleck et al. 1994). The investigators randomized 96 patients between induction
MVP therapy followed by surgery or to cisplatin/5-FU
concurrent with RT followed by surgery. Patients entered on the trial had largely advanced, high volume
stage III NSCLC. The 5-year survival was improved in
chemoradiotherapy arm, 31% vs. 15%, p=0.05. While
the MVP regimen was commonly used at the time the
study was conducted, mitomycin-C has been avoided
in more recent trials due to its association with high
rates of pulmonary complications. The 5-year survival
in the MVP-surgery arm was very similar to the results obtained with induction chemotherapy followed
by denitive radiotherapy (Dillman et al. 1996).
A radiotherapy dose prescription of 40-45 Gy is
favored in most induction regimens because it is
efcacious but does not result in excessive perioperative and postoperative morbidity. Trials that used
higher doses of RT had greater rates of postoperative
complications, especially in association with pneumonectomy (Fowler et al. 1993; Yashar et al. 1992;
Deutsch et al. 1994). One exception is the Tufts
study that did not report any deaths after a neoadjuvant regimen that included 59.4 Gy of radiotherapy
(Vora et al. 2000).
The optimal sequence of radiotherapy relative
to surgery is also an unresolved issue. In patients
with large, locally-advanced tumors, preoperative
radiotherapy will likely improve respectability and
may synergize with chemotherapy. Also, there is
more certainty that the patient will receive the entire
planned dose when the RT is given within the induction treatment plan. The advantage of postoperative
radiotherapy is that it can be given to a higher dose,
which may be important in patients for whom a complete resection is not possible. One of the shortcomings of most induction chemoRT protocols is that
eligibility for surgical resection practically must be
determined before brosis sets in, usually 3-4 weeks
after the completion of the induction with lowerdose RT. Those patients who cannot have surgery but

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

still have localized disease are then usually treated

with additional RT after the protocol-induced break.
This may prevent achievement of the optimal benet
from RT, since treatment breaks during radiotherapy
have been associated with decrease in survival (Cox
et al. 1993; Jeremic et al. 2003). However, postoperative RT programs often report poor compliance and
many patients do not receive the planned therapy
(Sugarbaker et al. 1995).
The schedule of radiotherapy in trimodality programs also remains undened. The hyperfractionated
accelerated schedule intensies the effect of RT, which
may be important in locally advanced tumors. This
schedule was tolerated well and was not associated with
excessive rate of perioperative complications in 3 prospective phase II trials (Choi et al. 1997; Eberhardt
et al. 1998; Thomas et al. 1999). A recently completed
phase III German trial built upon the phase II results
and when completely analyzed, it will shed light on the
role of RT in the induction versus postoperative RT
(Thomas et al. 2004). This trial randomized patients
with stage IIIA disease to preoperative induction chemotherapy followed by hyperfractionated accelerated
RT plus chemotherapy, then surgery versus preoperative chemotherapy followed by surgery followed by
standard fractionation postoperative RT. Since both of
the arms included RT, this trial does not test whether
RT is necessary for improved survival. However, it will
provide important information on the impact of RT
on the pathologic response rate, nodal downstaging,
morbidity and resectability. It will address the question of whether nodal downstaging is in and of itself
an important predictor of long-term survival.
Phase III Trials of Chemoradiotherapy
With or Without Surgery
Several prospective, randomized trials involving trimodality therapy were conducted in stage III NSCLC.
These trials asked different questions, and all but one
closed early without reaching the planned accrual
target. They are summarized in Table
Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Surgery
vs Radiotherapy Alone
A small NCI Canada study randomized 31 patients to
RT alone versus induction cisplatin and vinblastine

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table Reported phase III induction trials for NSCLC

Investigators Stage subset


Study design

Outcome comment
of patients

NCI Canada Biopsy-proven

(Shepherd state IIIA(N2)
et al. 1998)

Postinduction PV Surgery
surgery vs RT? vs


Closed early due to radiotherapy

alone arm; survival curves
superimposed at 2 years

RTOG 89-01 Biopsy-proven

(Johnstone stage IIIA(N2)
et al. 2002)

Postinduction MVP or VP
surgery vs RT?
Surgery vs RT


Closed early due to slow accrual;

p=0.62 for overall survival;
4-year: 22% for surgery vs
22% for RT


Closed early due to slow accrual;

median survival 24 months
(RT/S/RT) and 18 months
(CT/S/CT) (p=0.4)

et al. 2002)

stage IIIA(N2)

Induction RT
or chemo?

RT Surgery RT
PV Surgery PV RT

INT 0139
et al. 2003)


vs. chemo
RT alone?

PE/RT Surgery PE


Preliminary results:


3-year OS 38%
Med OS
22 mo.

21 mo.

3-year PFS 29%

Med PFS 14 mo.

12 mo.

P, cisplatin; F, 5-uorouracil; M, mitomycin-C; V, vinblastine; E, Etoposide; RTOG, Radiation Therapy Oncology Group;
CALGB, Cancer and Leukemia Group B.

chemotherapy followed by and surgery (Shepherd

et al. 1998). The study was halted after a CALGB randomized trial showed the superiority of combined
chemoRT over RT alone as denitive treatment of
stage III NSCLC (Dillman et al. 1996). The RT-alone
alone arm was no longer appropriate (suboptimal
therapy). In the analysis of patients accrued up to
that point, there was no difference in median survival (16.2 vs. 18.7 months) or long-term survival
(Shepherd et al. 1998).
Induction Chemotherapy vs
Induction Radiotherapy
A CALGB trial randomized 57 patients with pathologically documented N2 disease to induction RT to
40 Gy followed by surgery, followed by 14-20 Gy of
additional RT vs. induction of 2 cycles of platinum/
vinblastine (PV) followed by surgery, followed by 2
more cycles of PV followed by RT to 54-60 Gy (Elias
et al. 2002). There were only 2 pathological complete
responses in the induction chemotherapy arm and
none in the induction RT arm. Patients in the induction radiotherapy arm experienced better local control (76% vs. 50%, p=0.014). Less than half of patients

were able to complete the adjuvant portion of the

chemotherapy. The trial was closed early due to poor
accrual. There was no difference in survival between
the arms (median 24 months in RT induction vs. 18
months in chemotherapy induction, p=0.46).
Induction ChemoRT Followed by Surgery vs
Denitive ChemoRT Alone
Two studies have been conducted to date, one of
which was terminated early and the other was completed and recently reported.
The RTOG 8901 study accrued 73 patients to two
treatment arms: induction chemotherapy with cisplatin, vinblastine, and mitomycin-C followed by
surgical resection, versus the same chemotherapy
followed by RT to 64 Gy (Johnstone et al. 2002).
Patients in both arms received consolidation cisplatin and vinblastine chemotherapy. The original accrual goal was 244 patients, but the trial closed early
due to poor accrual even though the protocol was
amended to omit mitomycin-C after the rst 16 patients. Pathologic documentation of N2 disease was
required and the patients were stratied by volume
of disease. In all, 29 patients were randomized to sur-


gery and 33 patients to RT. There was no difference in

median survival (19.4 vs. 17.4 months) or in 1-, 2- or
4-year survival (70% vs. 66%, 48% vs. 34%, 22% vs.
22%, respectively).
The largest phase III trial to date that addresses
the potential worth of surgery in stage IIIA(N2)
NSCLC is the Intergroup 0139 trial, chaired by RTOG
(Albain et al. 2003). The entry criteria for this study
included T1-3 primary tumor, pathologically conrmed N2 disease, feasible resection from a surgical
standpoint and medical ability to undergo resection.
Patients were stratied by performance status, T12
vs. T3, and whether contralateral mediastinal nodes
required biopsy or not (mandated if nodes were visible on CT scan), and randomized between the trimodality versus the bimodality arm. The induction
regimen was identical in both arms: 45 Gy of external
radiotherapy given in a once daily fraction, concurrent with day 1 of induction chemotherapy, which
was cisplatin, 50 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, 29, 36 and etoposide, 50 mg/m2 days 15 and 2933. Patients were
reevaluated by a CT scan 24 weeks after completion
of the induction regimen in the surgical arm, and in
the RT arm, a week before completion of treatment.
Those patients with no progression proceeded with
their assigned treatment. In the surgical arm, the
treatment consisted of resection of all known disease
and mediastinal nodal sampling. In the RT arm, the
radiotherapy continued to 61 Gy without a break. In
both arms, consolidation chemotherapy (two cycles
of cisplatin and etoposide) was given to all patients.
The study initially was designed to accrue 510 patients, but the Data Safety and Monitoring Board recommended closure with 429 accrued patients due to
sufcient events based on the slower than anticipated
The rst interim results were recently presented
(Albain et al. 2003). At a median follow-up of 69
months, 392 patients were analyzable. Induction
treatment was delivered as per the protocol equally
in both arms. In the surgical arm, a thoracotomy was
performed in 96% and a complete resection was accomplished in 88% of patients for whom the data
were available. There were 18% pathologic complete
responses (T0N0) and 46% with pathologic nodal
clearance. The chemoRT toxicity was similar in both
arms, with the exception of esophagitis which was
more common in the chemoRT arm. Consolidation
chemotherapy was not administered to 42% of patients undergoing surgery and 21% of those not
having undergone surgery (p<0.001). Conversely,
RT was delivered according to protocol in 81% on
the chemoRT arm versus 97% on the surgery arm

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

(p=0.002). Three patients (1.6%) in chemoRT arm and

14 (7%) patients in chemoRT-surgery arm died from
treatment-related toxicity. In the latter group, ten of
these deaths were caused by postoperative complications. Most of the deaths occurred in patients who
underwent pneumonectomy (especially right-sided),
and the most frequent cause of death was acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Median progression-free survival was 14.0 months
and 11.7 months in the chemoRT-surgery arm and
chemoRT arm, respectively. Three-year progression
free survival was 29% in the chemoRT-surgery arm
vs. 19% in chemoRT arm (log rank p=0.02). The median overall survival was 22.1 months versus. 21.7
months and the 3-year survival was 38% vs. 33% in
the chemoRT-surgery and ChemoRT arms, respectively (log rank p=0.51). The overall survival curves
cross over and begin to separate at 22 months. By
3 years, there was a 5% absolute survival benet in
the surgical arm, but the condence intervals are
wide and overlap. More patients died of treatment
complications in the surgical arm, but more are alive
without progression in the same treatment arm. Sites
of relapse were also analyzed: 13% of patients in the
chemoRT-surgery arm had locoregional relapse only
versus 21% in the chemoRT arm (p=0.07). Relapse
in the primary site was three times more common
in the non-surgical arm. Brain was a common site of
rst relapse in both arms (10% versus 18 % in the
chemoRT and chemoRT-surgery arm, respectively,
Pretreatment factors predictive of favorable outcome were lower T stage, less than 5% weight loss
and younger age. Female sex and normal LDH did
not reach statistical signicance. After the induction
treatment, patients who achieved complete response
in the mediastinal nodes had median survival of
36.7 months and 3-year survival of about 50%, regardless of the response in the primary tumor.
Phase II Trials of Induction Regimens
That Incorporated Third-Generation
Chemotherapy Agents
Recent investigations tested third-generation chemotherapy agents within the induction therapy prescription. Selected studies with larger numbers of
patients are presented below (see Table One
of the trials included patients with stages IB, II and
early IIIA, three studies enrolled patients with N2

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

biopsy-positive but resectable stage IIIA disease, and

the last one included high-volume, advanced unresectable stage IIIA and IIIB disease. The diversity
of patients prevents comparisons among studies as
well as conclusions regarding an improvement over
second-generation induction programs.
Preoperative carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy was tested by the BLOT group (Bi-modality Lung Oncology Team) in 90 patients with stages
IB, II, and selected IIIA NSCLC (Pisters et al. 2000).
Initially, 94 patients with stages IB through IIA (no
N2) were administered two cycles (paclitaxel 225 mg/
m2 and carboplatin AUC 6) preoperatively and three
postoperatively. The major response rate was 56%.
At the time of thoracotomy, 86% of the original number of patients was able to undergo complete resection. There were two deaths related to surgery and
one related to induction therapy, for a total mortality
of 3%. Pathologic complete response was observed
in six patients (6%). Only 43% were able to receive
the planned postoperative chemotherapy. After this
initial analysis, the protocol was amended to three
preoperative cycles of the same chemotherapy and
40 additional patients were accrued. The results were
presented recently (Pisters et al. 2003). Five yearsurvival for the cohort receiving two cycles of preoperative chemotherapy was 46%. The patients who
received three cycles of preoperative therapy had


48% 3-year survival, but the follow-up was shorter.

The diversity of stages included in this trial precludes
comparing the outcome of this trial to other studies.
It is uncertain whether these results represent a survival improvement over second-generation induction chemotherapy, but tolerance to treatment was
extremely good.
The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research
(SAKK) enrolled patients with stage IIIA disease
due to biopsy-proven ipsilateral mediastinal nodal
involvement that were considered potentially operable (Betticher et al. 2003). The induction regimen
consisted of cisplatin 40 mg/m2 on days 12 plus
docetaxel 85 mg/m2 on day 1 for three cycles. All
patients except those with progressive disease underwent thoracotomy. Postoperative RT to 60 Gy was
administered for a positive resection margin and/or
involvement of the uppermost mediastinal lymph
node. Postoperative chemotherapy was not given. A
total of 90 patients were enrolled, 18% of whom did
not have mediastinal nodal enlargement on CT scan.
The protocol was later amended to increase the cisplatin dose to 100 mg/m2 per cycle.
The overall clinical response was 66%. Complete
resection was accomplished in only 48% of the entire patient group. An additional 43% underwent
incomplete resection with positive margins and/or
positive highest mediastinal lymph node. It is of note

Table Design and results of completed phase II trials using third-generation chemotherapy drugs within the induction


Study design

Patients Response Resection pCR Survival

rate (R0)a

(Pisters et al.
2000, 2003)

(no N2)

TC 2 Surgery TC x3
TC 3 Surgery TC x3





et al. 2003)

IIIA (pN2),
mixed bulk

PD 3 Surgery variable RT 90



16% 3-Year 33%

De Marinis
et al. (2003)

IIIA (pN2),

GTP 3 Surgery variable RT 49



16% Median
23 months

et al. 2003)

GP 4 Surgery variable RT 129
(clin) bulky




19 months

(Splinter et al. 2000;
van Zandwijk et al.
2000; OBrien et al.

IIIA (pN2),





GC Surgery
TC Surgery


T, paclitaxel; C, carboplatin; P, cisplatin; D, docetaxel; G, gemcitabine; NR, not reported.

the original number of patients.

a Of

3-Year 63%,
5-year 46%
3-year 48 %


that the median overall cisplatin dose-intensity in

patients with negative resection margins was higher
than in patients with positive resection margins (96
vs. 80 mg/m2/cycle, p=0.034). There were two treatment-related deaths (3%). About a third of patients
received postoperative radiotherapy. There were 14
patients (16%) with a complete pathologic response,
and 45 (60%) had pathologic nodal clearance. The
median survival was 27.6 months and 3-year survival
33%. Among treatment-related variables tested in
multivariate analysis, mediastinal downstaging was
the most powerful independent favorable prognostic
factor (p=0.0003). Patients with mediastinal downstaging had a 3-year survival rate of 61% compared
to 11% for those who did not. Complete resection was
also predictive of favorable outcome (p=0.006).
De Marinis et al. (2003) enrolled 49 patients biopsy-documented N2 disease in an induction protocol consisting of 1000 mg/m2 gemcitabine, 125 mg/
m2 paclitaxel, and 50 mg/m2 cisplatin given on days
1 and 8 for three cycles (De Marinis et al. 2003). All
the patients enrolled had multiple enlarged nodes on
chest CT scan. Patients with at least stable disease after the induction regimen underwent attempted surgical resection. Postoperative RT was given to 59.4 Gy
for patients with persistent N2 disease or incomplete
resection. Patients whose disease did not respond received RT alone, and the patients whose disease responded but did not undergo thoracotomy received
three more cycles of the same chemotherapy followed
by RT. The response rate was 73.5 % based on radiographic criteria. The complete resection rate was
55%. Mediastinal nodal disease clearance occurred in
35% of cases, and complete pathological response in
16%. There was one death during the induction. After
a short median follow-up of 16 months, median survival and progression-free survival were 23 months
and 18 months, respectively. The brain was the most
common metastatic site (16%). Postoperative complications were not detailed.
The EORTC is conducting a phase III trial (EORTC
08941) of induction chemotherapy followed by either
radiotherapy or surgery for those patients with at
least partial clinical response to induction (Splinter
et al. 2000). The trial design allows a menu of induction combination chemotherapy as long as it includes
cisplatin at 100 mg/m2 or carboplatin at 400 mg/m2.
Two reports of feasibility and toxicity have been
published to date of induction approaches, while the
phase II trial is ongoing (van Zandwijk et al. 2000;
OBrien et al. 2003). The rst pilot study was reported by van Zandwijk et al. (2000) in which gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and cisplatin 100 mg/m2 were

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain

used. The dose of gemcitabine had to be reduced or

omitted in more than half of the patients, mainly
due to thrombocytopenia. Responses were observed
in 70%. OBrien et al. (2003) reported the use of induction paclitaxel, 200 mg/m2, and carboplatin, AUC
of 6. Over 90% of patients were able to complete all
induction treatment per protocol. The response rate
was 64%. One patient died of postoperative complications. In the two studies, resection rates of 71% and
80%, respectively, were reported.
The Italian Lung Cancer Project completed a phase
II trial in unresectable, locally advanced stage IIIA
and IIIB NSCLC (Cappuzzo et al. 2003). The induction regimen consisted of four cycles of gemcitabine
1000 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8, and cisplatin 70 mg/m2
on day 2. The trial accrued 129 patients. The response
rate was 80%, but the resectability rate was only 29%.
Postoperative RT to 4446 Gy was given for positive mediastinal lymph nodes and was continued to
60 Gy if the disease was unresectable. There was no
perioperative mortality and minimal morbidity. The
median progression-free survival was 11 months and
median survival was 20 months.
Treatment-Related Morbidity and
Mortality in Trials of Induction Therapy
Followed by Surgery
The toxicity of combined-modality therapy that includes surgery is not insignicant. Each modality
carries its own set of toxicities, which interact with
each other so that it is often difcult to attribute a
particular toxicity to just one modality. It is important to note that the patients enrolled in clinical trials had to have good performance status, reasonable
pulmonary function, and little comorbidity. This is
frequently not the case with general patient populations diagnosed with lung cancer. The extent of
morbidity and mortality reported in the literature
is likely to be an underestimate when applied to the
general population.
Treatment-related mortality reported in the second-generation phase II trials ranged from 0% to
18%, and perioperative mortality in most trials was
between 5% and 10%. Mitomycin-C, an agent with
recognized pulmonary toxicity, was commonly used
in some of the earlier induction regimens and likely
contributed to some of the deaths. In three out of ve
phase II trials using third-generation chemotherapy
regimens, there were no perioperative deaths re-

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

ported and 1%2% mortality related to the induction

therapy (de Marinis et al. 2003; van Zandwijk et al.
2000; Cappuzzo et al. 2003). The randomized phase III
Intergroup 0139 trial had 5% perioperative mortality
in the surgical arm. Without the induction therapy,
the mortality risk for a lobectomy is about 1%2%
and for a pneumonectomy 3%6% (Harpole et al.
1996; Ginsberg et al. 1983; Mitsudomi et al. 1996).
Taken together, these data indicate that the surgical
risk is probably slightly increased after the induction
Treatment-related toxicity noted during the induction part of the treatment mainly consists of
myelosuppression, which was short-lived and rarely
life-threatening. Other acute toxicities include
nausea/emesis, mucositis, diarrhea, and malaise.
Moderate esophagitis was quite common in trials using a hyperfractionated accelerated schedule, occurring in about 40% of patients, with severe esophagitis in up to 14% (Choi et al. 1997; Eberhardt et al.
1998; Thomas et al. 1999). In regimens using single
daily RT fractions, the incidence of severe esophagitis was in general below 10%. Radiation pneumonitis
usually occurs after the completion of RT and can
interfere with postoperative recovery and delivery of
additional chemotherapy.
Surgical issues in association with neoadjuvant
therapy were recently reviewed (Liptay and Fry
1999). It is generally agreed that post-induction resections usually pose a greater technical challenge
and require more vigilance in postoperative care.
Patients going into surgery after completing an induction regimen may have compromised immunological and nutritional status and decreased renal
reserve. Fibrotic reaction from radiotherapy may
obliterate resection planes. Reactive changes may be
indistinguishable from the tumor and result in inappropriately extensive resection. To minimize the effect of brotic reaction, surgery should be performed
within 46 weeks after completion of induction regimen. Right pneumonectomy carries the highest morbidity and mortality risk, attributed to greater alveolar content of the right lung.
Preoperative radiation therapy is known to increase the risk of bronchial stump insufciency and
tissue coverage of bronchial stumps in all patients
receiving neoadjuvant therapy is advocated (Faber
and Piccione 2000). The major impact of the experience of the multidisciplinary medical team that cares
for these patients is exemplied by the two studies
which noted several cases of bronchial stump insufciency after an induction regimen that included
hyperfractionated radiotherapy occurring early in


the study course (Eberhardt et al. 1998; Thomas

et al. 1999). This problem was eliminated when the
surgeons incorporated a bronchial stump protection
protocol for all future patients.
ARDS was reported in many studies, and was responsible for the majority of perioperative deaths
in the Intergroup 0139 trial. The incidence of this
complication in the absence of induction therapy appears to be lower, and studies regarding its pathogenesis and prevention are needed (Deslauriers et al.
The adequacy of postoperative pulmonary reserve
should be tested not only by standard pulmonary
function tests but also by assessing exercise tolerance and functional level. Postoperative predicted
DLCO greater than 50% is usually recommended as
a guideline. Specic recommendations for patients
undergoing post-induction resection include restriction of intravenous uids perioperatively, reinforcing
bronchial stumps with tissue, pain control via epidural/paravertebral catheter, early use of broad spectrum antibiotics, aggressive pulmonary toilet, and
monitoring/prevention of supraventricular tachycardia (Liptay and Fry 1999).
Strategies to Reduce Radiotherapy-Related
Morbidity in Trimodality Treatment
of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Induction RT likely helps improve resection rates,
especially in locally advanced tumors, but at the same
time contributes to surgical morbidity and mortality.
Two well recognized morbid effects of RT are radiation pneumonitis (usually occurring within 6 months
from completion of radiation) and late brosis. These
complications are likely to be more devastating in patients who undergo a lobectomy or pneumonectomy.
The occurrence of clinical radiation pneumonitis has
been correlated with the volume of lung receiving
over 20 Gy (V20) (Graham et al. 1999). However, impairment of diffusion capacity and perfusion can and
do occur at lower doses (Gopal et al. 2003; Marks et
al. 1997; Seppenwoolde et al. 2000). By tting patient
data into a mathematical model, Gopal et al. suggested a sharp loss in local DLCO occurring with radiation doses above 13 Gy (Gopal et al. 2003). These
data suggest that it is prudent to limit the volume of
lung receiving even low-dose radiation.
There are several strategies that can be used to
limit the radiation effect on the normal lung; how-

N. Mirkovic and K. S. Albain


ever, none have been studied in the context of a trimodality approach. Three-dimensional conformal
radiotherapy technique can ensure adequate radiation dose to the tumor and areas of risk, and limit
the irradiation of the healthy tissue. Limiting the
mediastinal target volume to only those areas positive on positron emission tomography (PET) scan
will reduce the volume of irradiated lung and should
be considered for future studies. Irradiation of contralateral uninvolved lung should be avoided to the
maximum extent possible, especially in patients who
are likely to require pneumonectomy. Ideally, the
irradiated volume should include as little lung outside the area destined to be resected as possible. The
chemical protector amifostine was reported to protect from radiation-induced decrease in pulmonary
diffusion capacity as well as to decrease the risk of
radiation pneumonitis and could be studied in trimodality settings (Gopal et al. 2001; Antonadou et
al. 2003).
Ongoing and Planned Phase III
Trials Worldwide
Several phase III trials investigating combined-modality therapy are ongoing at this time. For example, three major trials address the role of surgery.
The EORTC has just completed accrual to a phase
III trial (EORTC 08941) of induction chemotherapy
followed by either radiotherapy or surgery (EORTC
08941) (Splinter et al. 2000). The trial enrolled stage
IIIA(N2) NSCLC patients, considered unresectable
pre-treatment with positive N2 nodal biopsy or ipsilateral vocal cord or diaphragm paralysis. Patients are
given any combination chemotherapy regimen that
contains cisplatin at 100 mg/m2, or carboplatin at
400 mg/m2. Upon completion, patients are reassessed
for response, and those achieving either complete or
partial response are randomized to either radical RT
or surgical resection. Postoperative RT is given either
for positive surgical margins of persistent N2 disease
at surgery. This trial was opened in 1994 and rst
survival results are anticipated soon.
The German/French consortium has opened a
new phase III trial based on encouraging pilot data of
a novel trimodality regimen (W. Eberhardt, 2004, personal communication). Patients with advanced stage
III disease (two or more N2 levels involved, largevolume N2 disease, selected IIIB subsets) are treated
with induction cisplatin plus paclitaxel followed by

(if no progression) hyperfractionated RT plus concurrent cisplatin plus vinorelbine. Upon restaging,
patients with operable disease are randomized to
either surgical resection or to a boost chemoRT program of cisplatin plus vinorelbine plus single daily
fraction RT to 75 Gy.
A phase III Nordic trial is ongoing for patients
with biopsy-proven N2 disease. The randomization
is to either carboplatin plus paclitaxel for three cycles
followed by RT to 60 Gy (single daily fraction), or, to
the same induction therapy followed by surgical resection and then followed by RT to 60 Gy (single daily
Examples of large, ongoing or planned phase III
trials that test the role of RT in the induction regimen are those conducted by the SAKK group (trial
16A/2000) and the North American Intergroup. Both
trials enroll/will enroll patients with low volume N2
disease that is proven by biopsy and with resectable
primary tumors. The SAKK trial prescribes three
cycles of cisplatin plus docetaxel followed by restaging. If a response or stable disease occurs, patients
will be randomized to either surgical resection or
to daily RT (with a novel hyperfractionated imbedded boost) followed then by surgical resection. The
North American Intergroup will also test induction
cisplatin and docetaxel, but the randomization will
be to concurrent daily RT or not. Both arms then receive surgical resection, followed by additional chemotherapy in all patients. This study will also have
multiple important correlative studies, including
PET scan questions, molecular biologic predictors
and proteomics.
Many phase III trials are ongoing or planned that
address the role of induction chemotherapy in earlier stage disease versus surgery alone. At this writing, these trials are all in a state a ux, given very recent reports of large survival benets from adjuvant
chemotherapy (Arriagada et al. 2004; Winton et
al. 2004; Strauss et al. 2004; Hamada et al. 2004).
Thus, studies with a surgery-alone control group are
no longer feasible. However, the question of the sequence chemotherapy then surgery vs surgery then
chemotherapy is still a critical one to answer in
early stage NSCLC.
In summary, induction therapy is feasible and can
result in long-term survival over and above that ex-

Chemotherapy or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgical Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

pected from rst-generation, single-modality treatments. Depending on substage and disease burden,
15%49% of patients will remain free of recurrence
long-term. Clinical response to induction therapy is
not necessarily predictive of the pathologic response
after surgery, so that surgery should not be withheld in
the absence of radiographic change. Downstaging of
mediastinal nodal disease appears to be the best predictor of long-term survival across studies. However,
surgery after induction therapy is technically more
demanding with a somewhat increased risk of perioperative mortality, with more studies needed to
understand and prevent these problems. Induction
therapy programs with chemoRT do not necessarily
result in worse quality of life (Schumacher et al.
2004), but close monitoring for perioperative ARDS
is necessary. Most relapses following induction therapy/surgery are distant, with brain as the most common single site. Strategies to decrease this problem
are needed.
After this review of reported results of multiple
clinical trials, the debate regarding combined-modality therapy that involves surgery can be readdressed.
Should resection of early stage NSCLC always be preceded by neoadjuvant chemotherapy? And should
chemoradiotherapy in high-volume, advanced stage
III NSCLC always be followed by surgical resection?
The International Association for the Study of Lung
Cancer (IASLC) issued a consensus statement after
its meeting in September, 2002 (before the results of
INT 0139 and the recent adjuvant trials were known).
This consensus statement reafrmed surgical resection alone and chemoradiation alone as standards of
care for early and locally advanced NSCLC, respectively (Eberhardt et al. 2003). Another recommendation was more recently made by the National
Comprehensive Cancer Network (2004). Its current clinical practice guidelines recommend induction chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy, followed by surgery for patients with T1T2, N2
positive patients. For patients with T3N2 disease, the
NCCN-recommended treatment is chemoradiation,
although no prospective trial specically addresses
this issue.
Since the recent adjuvant therapy results were released, many experts now recommend adjuvant administration of platinum-based chemotherapy to resected patients with early stage NSCLC (Arriagada
et al. 2004; Winton et al. 2004; Strauss et al. 2004;
Hamada et al. 2004). This creates a conundrum regarding whether the same chemotherapy administered in a preoperative setting would be as or more
efcacious. Trials are planned or underway to ad-


dress this question. The IASLC consensus statement

must be revised, given that surgery alone is now considered to be inferior treatment.
The debate regarding surgery in high-volume
disease is not settled. The large North American
Intergroup trial 0139 at its rst survival analysis showed that for patients with locally advanced
NSCLC, surgical resection after induction therapy
increases disease-free survival, but this advantage is
offset by increased non-cancer mortality, ultimately
resulting in the same overall survival (Albain et al.
2003). It is possible that with longer follow-up the
advantage in disease-free survival will translate into
improvement in overall survival. Chemotherapy as
the sole induction modality in this group is problematic, given resection rates are generally lower when
the tumor burden is higher. However, until more data
are available, trimodality treatment should not be
routinely offered to this patient population outside a
clinical trial without a detailed, informed discussion
of risks versus benets. One exception appears to be
stage T4N0/1 NSCLC. Data (albeit very small subsets
or series) collectively suggest that surgical resection
markedly improves the long-term outcome for this
subgroup, with 5-year survival rates of almost 50%.
Ideally, a phase III trial to validate these observations
should be done, but most likely will not be feasible.
Thus, routine use of a published trimodality program
in this uncommon subset appears to be reasonable.

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Palliative External Beam Thoracic Radiotherapy


3.2.3 Palliative External Beam Thoracic

Jason Lester and Fergus Macbeth

Introduction 247
Treatment Effectiveness 247 How Effective Is Radiotherapy at Palliating
Thoracic Symptoms Related to NSCLC? 247 What Are the Most Effective Dose Regimens? 248 Treatment-Related Toxicity 250
The Asymptomatic Patient 251
Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy or Both? 252
Appropriate Treatment Strategies 252
Conclusion 253
References 253
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) continues to be
a major health problem in many countries. Despite
advances in diagnosis and treatment, 90% of patients
are incurable at presentation, and the overwhelming
majority will die of their disease. Most of these patients will develop thoracic symptoms at some point
during their illness, and the challenge facing heath
professionals is to provide effective palliation while
avoiding unacceptable toxicity. Management decisions involve balancing possible treatment benets
against side effects, and this is often difcult to do
because many lung cancer patients are advanced in
age and also have signicant co-morbidity.
Palliative thoracic radiotherapy can be dened as
radiotherapy given in less than radical doses to control symptoms from intrathoracic disease. It has long
been used in the management of NSCLC patients;
fractionation schedules and indications for their use
have evolved over time, based on empirical observations rather than clinical evidence. Comparative
studies of clinical practice have shown that policies
J. Lester FRCR
Velindre Hospital, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL, UK
F. Macbeth FRCR
Velindre Hospital, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL, UK

about when to employ palliative radiotherapy and

about the fractionation schedules thought appropriate differ between health care systems (Priestman
et al. 1989; Maher et al. 1992). A survey of practice
from one American radiotherapy centre (Lutz et al.
1997) reported that only 12% of lung cancer patients
received low dose palliative radiotherapy, whereas a
typical British centre would treat a greater proportion of patients in this way (Macbeth, unpublished
observation). Despite the increasing use of chemotherapy over the last decade, radiotherapy continues
to play an important role in palliating NSCLC patients, particularly those with symptoms predominantly from intrathoracic disease.
In this chapter, we will discuss the clinical evidence available to guide us on when and how to use
palliative thoracic radiotherapy in NSCLC. The studies referred to in this chapter were identied through
a search of MEDLINE up to September 2003, and
through hand-searching of relevant journals and
conference abstracts.
Treatment Eectiveness 1
How Eective Is Radiotherapy at Palliating
Thoracic Symptoms Related to NSCLC?
Despite its widespread use, there have been no randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing palliative radiotherapy with supportive care alone in
symptomatic patients. The best information we have
is from RCTs comparing different radiotherapy treatment schedules, and from a few other published nonrandomised series (Table
Symptom palliation is a difcult end point to measure accurately, because by denition, assessment of
symptom severity is subjective; it will differ between
individual patients as well as between clinicians. In
addition, evidence suggests that doctors underesti-

J. Lester and F. Macbeth


Table The effect of palliative radiotherapy


No. of
patients assessment





Simpson et al. (1985) 409







Collins et al. (1988) 96







Teo et al. (1988)



Overall symptom control 146/255(57)

MRCLCWP (1991)



206/341(60) 144/172(84)

162/208(78) 156/255(61)


MRCLCWP (1992)



114/220(52) 80/109(73)




Muers and Round









MRCLCWP (1996)



210/404(52) NR

188/289(65) 146/255(57)


Rees et al. (1997)



107/168(64) 78/81(95)









Erridge and Murray 149



Number of patients with palliation/number with symptoms (%); NR, not recorded.

mate the severity of physical symptoms (Stephens

1997) compared to patients. Some symptoms, in particular hemoptysis, may be intermittent and self-limiting, making any response to treatment difcult to
assess. Most NSCLC patients will be on medication
such as analgesics and antitussives before starting
radiotherapy. Altering a drug dose during treatment
may give misleading results when evaluating effectiveness. An increase in morphine use, for example,
may result in reduced pain, cough and dyspnea all
of which may be attributed to radiotherapy unless
any change in medication is recorded very carefully.
Consequently, there are no well validated universally
accepted methods in use to measure symptomatic response to treatment, and the studies in Table
used a variety of techniques to do this. For this reason, attempting to combine the numerical data in
Table would be inappropriate.
It can be seen, however, that palliative radiotherapy results in symptom improvement in the majority of patients. Hemoptysis and chest pain are particularly well palliated and over half of all patients in
each study had improvement in cough. The results for
dyspnea are less good, probably reecting the varied
causes of this particular symptom in patients with
What Are the Most Eective Dose Regimens?
Patients with incurable NSCLC have a poor prognosis, and the aim of any therapeutic intervention
should be to improve disease-related symptoms and

maintain quality of life. To date there have been 14

randomised trials, ten published (Table and
four in abstract form (Table comparing different palliative radiotherapy fractionation schedules
in incurable NSCLC. Overall, it seems that short radiotherapy schedules of 1 or 2 fractions are as effective
in palliating thoracic symptoms as more prolonged
treatment schedules. Only three published trials to
date have shown signicantly improved survival with
a more fractionated, higher dose regimen.
The rst is the Medical Research Council Lung
Cancer Working Party trial (MRC LCWP 1996)
which randomised 235 patients to 36 or 39 Gy in 12
or 13 daily fractions (36 Gy/12 fractions or 39 Gy/
13 fractions) or 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days to
the primary site and mediastinal lymph nodes. All
the patients in this trial were of good performance
status (WHO 0-2), and had disease too advanced for
radical radiotherapy, but no evidence of metastatic
disease outside the locoregional volume. The median
survival was signicantly greater in the 13-fraction
arm (9 months vs 7 months, p=0.003). The 2-fraction
schedule did however result in more rapid palliation
of symptoms, with signicantly less acute esophagitis.
This difference in survival may be explained by the
signicantly lower incidence of distant metastases in
the higher dose arm (64% vs 77% at 12 months). It
is reasonable to conclude that higher doses of palliative thoracic radiotherapy can delay the development
of systemic metastases if disease is conned to the
chest and can be encompassed within a single treatment eld. This translates into a small but signicant
survival advantage to patients of good performance

Palliative External Beam Thoracic Radiotherapy


Table Published randomised trials comparing different regimens of palliative radiotherapy

Patient number
and PS





Teo et al.

273, any PS

45 Gy/18 fx
31.2 Gy/4 fx/4 weeks

Better with 45 Gy

No difference

No difference

Simpson et al.

316, KPS=>60

40 Gy/20 fx
30 Gy/10 fx
40 Gy/10 fx

No difference

No difference

No difference

Abratt et al.

84, PS 02

35 Gy/10 fx
45 Gy/15 fx

No difference

No difference

Worse with 45 Gy

MRC (1991)

369, any PS

30 Gy/10 fx
17 Gy/2 fx

No difference

No difference

No difference

MRC (1992)

235, PS 24

17 Gy/2 fx
10 Gy/1 fx

No difference

No difference

Worse with 17 Gy

MRC (1996)

509, PS 01

3639 Gy/
12-13 fx
17 Gy/2 fx

No difference

Better with 39 Gy
9% vs 12% at
2 years

Worse with 39 Gy

Rees et al.

216, any PS

17 Gy/2 fx
22.5 Gy/5 fx

No difference

No difference


50 Gy/25 fx
40 Gy/10 fx
20-25 Gy/5 fx


Better with 50 Gy 2year survival

18% vs 6% vs 0%

No difference

Reinfuss et al. 240, KPS=>50

Nestle et al.

152, KPS=>50

36 Gy/15 fx(b.i.d.)
60 Gy/30 fx
17 Gy/2 fx

No difference

No difference

Worse with 60 Gy

Bezjak et al.

230, PS 03

10 Gy/1 fx
20 Gy/5 fx

Better with 20 Gy

Better with 20 Gy
MS 4.2 vs 6 months

No difference

PS, performance status; KPS Karnofsky performance status; NR, not recorded; MS, median survival, fx, fraction(s).

Table Randomised trials comparing different regimens of palliative radiotherapy abstract only

Patient number
and PS





Gaze et al.

148, PS 03

30 Gy/10 fx
10 Gy/1 fx

Better with
30 Gy

No difference

No difference

Sundstrom et al. 407, any PS


17 Gy/2 fx
42 Gy/15 fx
50 Gy/25 fx

No difference

No difference

Worse with
17 Gy at 2 weeks

Senkus-Konefka 100, any PS

et al. (2001)

16 Gy/2 fx
20 Gy/5 fx

No difference

No difference

Worse with
20 Gy

16 Gy/2 fx
30 Gy/10 fx


Mean survival
better with 30 Gy
26 vs 35.4 weeks


Kramer et al.

297, PS 2-4

NA, not available; fx, fraction(s).

status. This is supported by the randomised trial reported by Reinfuss et al. (1993), which showed a
signicant survival advantage when treating good
performance status (PS) stage III patients with more
a prolonged treatment schedule.
A National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) trial
(Bezjak et al. 2002) also showed a signicant survival

difference for a higher dose regimen. A total of 230

patients were randomised to either 20 Gy/5 fractions
over 5 days or 10 Gy/1 fraction. Both regimens were
effective in palliating symptoms, and resulted in limited toxicity, but a signicant survival advantage was
reported in the higher dose arm (median survival 6
months vs 4.2 months, p=0.0305). Subsequent sub-

J. Lester and F. Macbeth


group analysis showed this difference persisted in patients with good PS (WHO 0-1) and localised cancer
stage, but was not seen in poor PS patients or those
with metastatic disease.
The rst MRC LCWP RCT (MRC LCWP 1991)
randomised 369 patients to 17 Gy in 2 fractions over
8 days or 30 Gy in 10 fractions over 12 days (or 27 Gy
in 6 fractions over 8 days). Patients with poor PS
were included, and nearly one third had metastatic
disease at the time of randomisation. The schedules
were equivalent with respect to symptom palliation,
survival and toxicity. In an attempt to simplify treatment even further for patients with poor PS (WHO
2-4), MRC LCWP (1992) randomised 235 patients to
17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days or 10 Gy in 1 fraction.
There were no signicant differences in palliation or
survival between the two arms, although there was a
higher incidence of esophagitis with the 2-fraction
schedule. The conclusion from the MRC LCWP (1991,
1992) trials was that patients with poor PS and/or
more extensive disease can be effectively palliated
with one or two treatments; longer and higher dose
fractionation schedules are unnecessary and offer no
survival advantage.
The Norwegian Lung Cancer Study Group
(NLCSG) randomised 407 patients to one of three
palliative regimens; 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days,
42 Gy in 15 fractions over 3 weeks or 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks (Sundstrom et al. 2002, abstract
only). There were no signicant differences in symptom palliation or survival between the three arms.
In contrast to the MRC LCWP (1996) trial, subgroup
analysis did not show any survival advantage with the
higher dose regimens when looking at stage IIIa disease alone. This may be explained by the distribution
of performance status in the two trials. In the MRC
1996 trial, 76% of patients were WHO PS 01 compared to only 25% in the NLCSG trial. It is probable
that poorer performance status patients do not live
long enough to benet from a higher dose of thoracic
Gaze et al. (2001, abstract only) randomised 149
patients to 30 Gy in 10 fractions over 12 days or
10 Gy in 1 fraction. Both regimens were effective in
palliating thoracic symptoms, and there was no signicant difference in survival between the two arms.
The 10-fraction regimen resulted in a greater proportion of patients having improvement in dyspnea,
and was associated with less anxiety. But the symptoms were scored by the doctors, raising the question of bias, and results therefore should be interpreted with caution. The reduction in anxiety with
the 10-fraction regimen may simply have been due

to more contact with hospital staff over the course

of treatment.
In a Dutch RCT (Kramer et al. 2003, abstract
only) 297 patients with stage III disease and poor
PS, or stage IV disease, were randomised to 30 Gy
in 10 fractions over 12 days or 16 Gy in 2 fractions
over 8 days. Mean life expectancy was signicantly
greater in the higher dose arm (35.4 weeks vs 26
weeks, p<0.02). This is the only randomised study
to date to claim a survival advantage with a higher
dose regimen in patients of poor PS or metastatic
disease, but the statistical methods used are open to
question. Mean (or average) values are rarely used in
the analysis of survival, as a small number of long
term survivors can skew results. Median values (time
at which 50% of patients are alive) are not affected in
the same way, and are generally felt to give a more accurate estimate of survival. It is possible that a handful of long term survivors in the 10-fraction arm resulted in the apparent difference seen. In addition, if
the survival difference is a true one, what explains it?
Poor performance status patients would not live long
enough to benet from the higher dose, and it seems
unlikely that increased local control with the higher
dose would result in a survival advantage in patients
with established metastatic disease.
Overall, the evidence suggests that two principles
can be applied when treating symptomatic NSCLC
patients with palliative thoracic radiotherapy:
1. Poor PS patients and those with metastatic disease are effectively palliated with 1 or 2 fractions
of radiotherapy and do not benet from more
fractionated regimens.
2. Patients with relatively localised disease and
good PS may derive a modest survival advantage
with higher doses.
Treatment-Related Toxicity
It is well recognised that palliative thoracic radiotherapy can be associated with signicant acute and
long term toxicity. Transient anorexia and nausea
are common, as is dysphagia secondary to radiation
esophagitis. These symptoms were investigated in
detail in the three MRC LCWP trials. All three used
patient-held daily diary cards to record signicant
symptoms. Overall, the proportion of patients suffering some degree of nausea or anorexia following radiotherapy was about 20% and 35%, respectively, and
these symptoms were usually mild. The incidence, severity and duration of dysphagia depended on the ra-

Palliative External Beam Thoracic Radiotherapy

diotherapy regimen used. With 30 Gy in 10 fractions

over 12 days and 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days,
dysphagia started on day 7, peaking around day 17
when about 40% of patients reported moderate to
severe symptoms, and falling to pre-radiotherapy levels by day 28. The 10-Gy/1-fraction regimen resulted
in virtually no additional cases of dysphagia above
pre-radiotherapy levels. As expected, the higher dose
36- and 39-Gy regimens resulted in more frequent
(70% of patients) and prolonged dysphagia.
It has only relatively recently been recognised that
palliative thoracic radiotherapy can be associated
with other acute symptoms. Stevens and Begbie
(1995) noted that 5/38 patients treated with 17 Gy in
2 fractions over 8 days developed acute chest pain.
Devereux et al. (1997) asked 118 patients to complete a questionnaire within 24 h of having their rst
fraction of palliative radiotherapy to the chest. The
majority of patients were treated with 8.5- or 10-Gy
fractions Chest pain was reported by 54 (45.8%) of
patients after their rst fraction of radiotherapy. In
over 75% of cases, this was within 12 h of the treatment, and on 23 occasions lasted less than 2 h. In addition, 43 (36.4%) of patients reported one or more
systemic symptoms (rigors, sweating, fevers). In
the majority of cases, systemic symptoms occurred
within 12 h of treatment and lasted less than 2 h.
Only 49 (41.6%) reported no immediate side effects.
The timing of symptoms suggests radiotherapy
is the most likely cause, but the mechanism is not
clear. Of interest is that prophylactic steroids did
not prevent chest pain in the Stevens and Begbie
(1995) series.
Acute radiation pneumonitis consisting of cough,
shortness of breath and patchy radiological changes
is a well recognised side effect of thoracic radiation
given at radical doses. Using palliative radiotherapy
regimens, symptoms are uncommon, usually mild,
and resolve completely without long term sequelae.
The most serious late toxicities from thoracic radiotherapy are pulmonary brosis and myelopathy.
Pulmonary brosis occurs as a consequence of tissue
injury repair within a radiation eld. It becomes clinically evident 9 to 12 months after radiotherapy, and
may cause progressive shortness of breath. Pulmonary
brosis seems to depend, amongst other factors, on
the volume of lung irradiated above a threshold of
2030 Gy in 2-Gy fractions. However, large fraction
sizes cause disproportionately more late toxicity, and
certainly both 10 Gy in 1 fraction and 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days have the potential to cause signicant brosis. It is not usually a problem in this context as eld sizes are generally not too large, and most


patients do not survive long enough to develop late

complications from radiotherapy.
Radiation myelopathy (RM) is a rare but potentially disastrous late effect of thoracic radiotherapy.
Clinical experience has demonstrated that regimens
such as 30 Gy in 10 fractions over 12 days and 20 Gy in
5 fractions over 5 days are within the tolerance of the
spinal cord. Higher dose regimens, and those using
large doses per fraction have been associated with an
unacceptable risk of RM. Macbeth et al. (1996) reported on the cumulative experience from the three
MRC LCWP trials, in which ve cases of probable RM
were identied from the 1048 patients randomised.
The time of onset ranged from 8 to 42 months from
the start of treatment. Three occurred in the 524 patients treated with 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days,
and two in the 159 treated with 39 Gy in 13 fractions
over 17 days. The estimated cumulative risks for RM
at 2 years were 2.2% for the 17-Gy group, and 2.5% for
the 39-Gy group.
The Asymptomatic Patient
The majority of patients with incurable NSCLC referred for palliative radiotherapy will have symptoms
related to their tumour. A proportion of patients referred will, however, be asymptomatic, or the presenting symptom will have resolved and will no longer be
troubling them. Is immediate palliative radiotherapy
benecial in this group of patients, or should treatment be deferred until the onset of thoracic symptoms?
The MRC LCWP (2002) trial randomised 230
people with previously untreated, incurable NSCLC
and minimal thoracic symptoms to immediate radiotherapy or radiotherapy deferred until symptoms developed. The schedules used were 17 Gy in 2 fractions
over 8 days or 10 Gy in 1 fraction. In the immediate
radiotherapy group, 90% of patients received treatment, compared to 42% in the deferred arm. There
were no signicant differences in survival or quality
of life between the two arms. These ndings seem to
suggest that about half of patients with unresectable
disease and minimal thoracic symptoms will never
need palliative radiotherapy during the course of
their illness. However, 68% of patients in this trial
were PS 01, and only 12% had distant metastases.
This trial was begun before the results of the MRC
LCWP (1996) trial were known. It is probable that a
proportion of patients in this trial with good PS and


no evidence of metastases would have been suitable

for 39 Gy in 13 fractions over 17 days or 36 Gy in
12 fractions over 16 days which has been shown to
improve survival in this group. An earlier study reported by Carroll et al. (1986) looked at 48 patients
who were treated with thoracic radiotherapy only
when symptoms developed. Of 48 patients, 22 (46%)
died without needing treatment, supporting the ndings of the MRC LCWP (2002) trial.
Reinfuss et al. (1993) randomised 240 patients
of good PS with stage III, unresectable, asymptomatic NSCLC to one of three arms: 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks, 40 Gy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks
split course, or deferred radiotherapy. Median survival was signicantly greater with the 5-week regimen compared to the other two arms (12 months,
9 months and 6 months, p<0.05). The results of this
study do not support the use of deferred radiotherapy in asymptomatic patients of good PS with locally
advanced disease. The survival advantage seen with
the 50-Gy regimen supports the use of higher doses
in this group of patients, as would be expected, given
the results of the MRC LCWP (1996) trial.
The available evidence therefore indicates that
a policy of deferred radiotherapy in relatively asymptomatic, poor performance status patients is
reasonable. Patients of good performance status
with relatively localised incurable disease should be
considered for higher dose palliative thoracic radiotherapy even in the absence of symptoms, because
survival may be improved.
Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy or Both?
In the last 10 years, the use of chemotherapy in advanced and metastatic NSCLC has increased signicantly. Despite its wide use, there is very little data
about the effectiveness of chemotherapy in palliating lung cancer symptoms. A meta-analysis carried
out by the Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative
Group (NSCLCCG) using data from 11 RCTs has
shown a modest improvement in median survival
with cisplatin-based palliative chemotherapy over
supportive care alone of around 2 months (NSCLCCG
1995). To date, there are no randomised trials which
have compared palliative radiotherapy with palliative
chemotherapy. In addition, it is not known how best
to combine these treatment modalities. For example,
are the survival gains additive if good PS patients
with no evidence of metastases are treated with both

J. Lester and F. Macbeth

chemotherapy and high dose palliative radiotherapy?

Which modality should be used rst, or should they
be used together? At present, there is no evidence
supporting the use of one treatment modality over
the other.
Appropriate Treatment Strategies
The decision on how best to treat a patient with palliative intent can be complex, because the potential benets of any intervention must be carefully weighed
against the risks of toxicity. Any treatment plan must
take into account the patients performance status,
symptoms, stage of disease, and individual wishes. A
critical step in this decision making process is the assessment of performance status. The ve-point World
Health Organisation PS scale is a simple measure of
functional impairment, which has consistently been
shown to be a major prognostic factor in NSCLC.
The evidence suggests symptomatic poor PS patients and/or those with metastatic disease are effectively palliated with 1 or 2 fractions of chest radiotherapy and do not benet from more prolonged
regimens. The MRC LCWP (1992) trial showed that
the 10-Gy/1-fraction regimen is as effective, and associated with less oesophagitis than 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days. Although nausea and, rarely, vomiting can occur with 10 Gy in 1 fraction, it does not
seem to be more frequent than with other regimens,
and can be simply managed with antiemetics which
can be given prophylactically if felt necessary. With
the short fractionation regimens, there may be a
greater risk of chest pain and systemic symptoms
such as rigors occurring within 24 h of radiotherapy,
but the prophylactic use of analgesics and antipyretics is usually sufcient to control these effects. In addition, the short fractionation regimens have the advantage of reducing travelling time for patients who
are often very frail.
The MRC LCWP (1996) and NCIC (Bezjak et al.
2002) trials showed that patients with good PS may
derive a modest survival advantage with a higher
dose regimen given over a more prolonged period,
although at the expense of greater toxicity and no
better palliation. These issues should be discussed
with the patient before deciding on a particular radiotherapy regimen.
The spinal cord damage reported by Macbeth et al.
(1996) with 17 Gy in 2 fractions over 8 days and 39 Gy
in 13 fractions over 17 days means these regimens

Palliative External Beam Thoracic Radiotherapy

should be used with caution. A pragmatic approach

would be to reduce the total dose given to a safer level
based on previous experience, for example 16 Gy in
2 fractions over 8 days and 36 Gy in 12 fractions over
16 days. In some cases, it is also possible to shield the
spinal cord towards the end of treatment, minimising
the chance of RM. The use of 16 Gy in 2 fractions in a
total of 126 patients has been reported (Lupattelli
et al. 2000; Senkus-Konefka et al. 2001) and found
not be associated with myelopathy.
In addition, patients should be assessed for chemotherapy. This decision should take into account PS,
co-morbidity, bone marrow, kidney, liver and heart
function along with the treating health professionals
subjective opinion as to whether the patient is likely
to cope with chemotherapy. Patients should be counselled about the relative advantages and disadvantages of all treatment options for which they are potentially suitable, allowing an informed choice to be
made that takes into account their personal wishes.
Table broadly outlines a strategy for managing patients with incurable NSCLC, using the available evidence as outlined above. Finally, large fraction chest radiotherapy should be used cautiously
in patients with stridor and signicant tracheal obstruction. Hatton et al. (1997) have shown that palliative radiotherapy is associated with a measurable
decrease in respiratory function. This may be made
worse with large fractions, and so caution would suggest that more fractionated regimens (e.g. 20 Gy in
5 fractions or 30 Gy in 10 fractions) are preferable in
this clinical situation
Table A treatment strategy for locally advanced and
metastatic NSCLC
Poor PS

Good PS

16 Gy/2 fx or
10 Gy/1 fx

Chemotherapy or
36 Gy/12 fx (? or both)

No chest symptoms Delayed

16 Gy/2 fx or
10 Gy/1 fx

Chemotherapy or
36 Gy/12 fx (? or both)

Locally advanced:
Chest symptoms

Chest symptoms

10 Gy/1 fx

Chemotherapy or
10 Gy/1 fx

No chest symptoms Delayed

10 Gy/1 fx

Chemotherapy or
delayed 10 Gy/1 fx
With chemotherapy playing an increasing role in the
management of advanced and metastatic NSCLC, it is


important not to forget that palliative thoracic radiotherapy remains an effective treatment in this setting.
Research carried out over the last 15 years has given
us valuable information on the most appropriate
radiotherapy treatment regimens to use, has highlighted the risks of toxicity, and how best to minimise
them. There has been a tendency for recent research
to concentrate solely on the role of chemotherapy;
however there are still many important unanswered
questions. It is not clear which modality may be most
benecial for a given situation, how best to select
patients to ensure they gain the most benet, and
whether combining treatment options is useful.
Patients with this disease have a limited life expectancy, and often suffer from many disease-related
symptoms. It is the desire of all health professionals
to apply what is known to make the experience of
terminal lung cancer as symptom-free as possible.
Appropriate, coordinated research will hopefully help
us achieve this aim.

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Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer


3.2.4 Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy

in Lung Cancer
Methodology, Clinical Experience, and Long-Term Institutional Results
Javier Aristu, Leire Arbea, and Felipe A. Calvo


Introduction 255
Tissue Tolerance Studies
Mediastinal IOERT 256 Technical Considerations 257 Clinical Indications 258
International IOERT Clinical
Experiences and Results 258 NCI Series 258 Graz University Experience 259 Montpellier Series 259 The Allegheny University Hospital: 259 Graduate Hospital of
Philadelphia Experience 259 Instituto Madrileo de Oncologa
(Madrid, Spain) 259
Experience at the University Clinic
of Navarra 260 Patients and Methods 260
Results 260 Patient Characteristics 260 Treatment Characteristics 261 Pattern of Failure 262 Analysis of Local Relapse 262 Patient Outcome 264 Analysis of Survival 264 Risk Groups for Local Control and Survival 264
Summary and Final Considerations 265
References 267
The majority of patients with non-small cell lung cancer present locally advanced or metastatic disease at diagnosis and 5-year survival rates range from 5%15%
(Bulzebruck et al. 1992). A substantial percentage
of these patients will locally relapse with or without
metastatic disease. However, local failure rates as rst

J. Aristu MD, PhD; L. Arbea MD

Department of Oncology, University Clinic, University of
Navarre, Pamplona. Spain
F. A. Calvo MD, PhD
Department of Oncology, University Hospital Gregorio
Maran, University Complutense, Madrid. Spain

site of recurrence may be underestimated because in

many institutions the follow-up is based mainly upon
radiological tests. A recent RTOG study reported a lack
of information on the patterns of failure of 27%58%
of dead patients (Komaki et al. 1998). Le Chevallier
et al. (1991) observed a local persistence-relapse rate
near to 80% in a series of patients treated with induction chemotherapy and radiotherapy when they were
evaluated through bronchoscopy and biopsy.
There is a well-known dose response relationship
in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (Perez et al.
1987). Prez et al. showed that the 3-year intrathoracic
relapse was 38% for a total radiation dose of 40 Gy in
split or 50 Gy continuously, 48% for 50 Gy, and 27% for
60 Gy. It is likely that intrathoracic disease control is
associated with increased survival (Perez et al. 1986).
The potential benet of dose escalation above 60 Gy
with conventional techniques has been questioned
due to the increased risk of toxicity in the lung parenchyma, spinal cord, heart, and esophagus. On the
other hand, doses in the range of 60 Gy are inadequate
to eradicate locally advanced solid tumors.
Contemporary pattern of failure data show that
40%70% of patients with non-small cell lung cancer
stages IIIIIB are expected to relapse locally. The failure rate seems to depend more on the disease stage
than on the treatment modality used (Komaki et al.
1998; Le Chevalier et al. 1991; Perez et al. 1986;
Stanley et al. 1981; Kumar et al. 1996).
Local control in non-small cell lung cancer continues to be an unresolved issue and the introduction of
new radiation techniques to intensify the local dose is
justied. Intraoperative electron radiation (IOERT) is
a sophisticated radiation modality well explored in the
treatment of abdominopelvic tumors, but is scarcely
used in thoracic tumors .The therapeutic gain in
IOERT procedures is obtained with the displacement
of radiosensitive organs away from the electron beam
or with the shielding of xed structures with lead
sheets. Target denition is done following surgical resection jointly with the thoracic surgery team.
IOERT has been integrated into multidisciplinary
programs as a boosting modality that completes the

J. Aristu et al.


total dose given with fractionated external beam radiation therapy (ISIORT98 1998). This treatment has
the advantage of the radiobiological effects of fractionation over the primary volume that includes the
primary tumor and the draining areas while the tumor bed is boosted with single dose electrons.
This chapter describes the methodology and clinical
results of a retrospective analysis including the prognostic factors related with local control and survival in a
large institutional experience generated at the University
Clinic of Navarre (Pamplona, Spain) with non-small cell
lung cancer patients treated with an IOERT component
within a multidisciplinary treatment program.
Tissue Tolerance Studies Mediastinal IOERT
The tolerance of mediastinal structures to IOERT has
been prospectively analyzed in experimental animal
studies. In a dose-escalation study (Barnes et al. 1987)
delivering 20, 30, and 40 Gy to two separated intrathoracic IOERT elds which included collapsed right
upper lobe, esophagus, trachea, phrenic nerve, right
atrium, and blood vessels, pathologic changes were
observed at 30 Gy in the trachea and esophagus, with
severe ulceration and peribronchial and perivascular
chronic inammation in the normal lung. A dose of
20 Gy over the atrium showed medial and adventitial
brosis, obliterative endarteritis of the vasa vasorum,
and severe coagulative necrosis. Acute pneumonitis
was seen at all doses, and changes in the contralateral
lung were detected using 12-MeV electrons.
De Boer et al. (1989) studied the effects of 20, 25,
and 30 Gy in mediastinal structures. The bronchial
stump healed in all dogs. Severe tissue damage was
seen at all doses and included bronchovascular and
esophagoaortic stulas and esophageal stenosis.
At the National Cancer Institute, an experimental
program evaluated the tolerance of surgically manipulated mediastinal structures to IOERT in 49 adult foxhounds in a limited phase I clinical trial (four patients
with stage II or III NSCLC). Normal healing of the

bronchial stump was found after pneumonectomy and

IOERT doses of 20, 30, and 40 Gy, but there were late
changes with tracheobronchial irradiation damage at
all doses (510 months after treatment). Two out of
four receiving 20 Gy developed esophageal ulceration
at 6 months without late stricture. In dogs given 30 and
40 Gy, esophageal damage was severe (esophagoaortic
stula and stenosis) and one dog developed carinal
necrosis. The same institution reported the results of
ve dogs reserved for long-term studies and one stage
II NSCLC patient alive at 5 years. They conclude that
IOERT in the mediastinum may be safe at dose levels
that do not exceed 20 Gy (Tochner et al. 1992).
Additional experimental analysis of canine esophagus tolerance to IOERT has been reported by the
NCI investigators (Sindelar et al. 1992). After right
thoracotomy with mobilization of the intrathoracic
esophagus, IOERT was delivered to include a 6-cm
esophageal segment using a 9-MeV electron beam
with escalating single doses of 0, 20, and 30 Gy. Dogs
were followed clinically with endoscopic and radiologic studies and were electively sacriced at 6 weeks
or 3, 12, or 60 months after treatment. Transient mild
dysphagia and mild esophagitis was observed in all
dogs receiving 20 Gy, without major clinical or pathological sequelae except in one dog that developed
achalasia requiring a liquid diet. At a dose of 30 Gy,
changes in the esophagus were pronounced with ulcerative esophagitis and chronic ulcerative esophagitis inducing gross stenosis after 9 months.
Zhou et al. (1992) analyzed the acute responses of
the mediastinal and thoracic viscera in nine canines
sacriced after they received single IOERT doses
of 25, 35, and 45 Gy. No pathological changes were
found in the spinal cord and vertebra. Microscopic
examination of trachea, esophagus, and lung showed
mild or severe histological changes at 30 days at the
level of 25 Gy versus 3545 Gy, respectively. Severe
and unrepaired histologic changes were found in the
heart and aorta receiving 3545 Gy.
Based on these data, active clinical programs using
thoracic IOERT agree that 20 Gy is the upper singledose limit that can be safely tolerated by mediastinal and thoracic viscera (Table with IOERT

Table Clinical and pathologic ndings observed in animal experimental models

Bronchial stump

Esophageal damage


Pathologic changes in
heart and vessels

20 Gy
30 Gy
40 Gy

Normal healing
Normal healing
Normal healing

Transient mild dysphagia

Chronic ulcerative esophagitis
Esophageal perforation, esophageal stricture



Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer


alone. There are no reported experimental normaltissue tolerance studies of IOERT used in combination with EBRT.
Technical Considerations
IOERT requires the adaptation of linear accelerator
with multienergetic electron beam capability (energies recommended from 6 to 20 MeV), through
the development of specially designed applicators
for electron beam conformation (cone sizes recommended from 5 to 12 cm diameter) (Figs., The clinical program combines the efforts
of surgeons, anesthesiologists, physicists and radiation oncologists to adequately select patients for
IOERT indications, perform the surgical procedure
(tumor resection plus normal tissue protection),
transport and monitor the patient for and during
intraoperative irradiation and nally decide the radiotherapeutic parameters for treatment prescription (Fig., In general, IOERT during
lung cancer surgery involves the coordination of

Fig. Equipment used in an IOERT procedure: gantry

adapter with mirror-carrier (A); intermediate element (B);
transparent methacrylate applicator with a metric reference
(C); distal section of a beveled applicator (D)

1015 health professionals, prolongs the surgical

time approximately 3045 min (depending upon
transportation time) and induces a 2-h gap of time
availability in the linear accelerator for outpatient

Fig. Different general views of thoracic IOERT with electrons in superior
sulcus tumor (1, 2), upper mediastinum tumor (3) and left hilium tumor (4)

J. Aristu et al.


Fig. Simulation for applicator selection (size, beveled angle, positioning, and maneuvers for normal
tissue protection) after right superior
lobectomy: The IOERT target volume
includes right mediastinum and bronchial stump; the remaining normal lung
is mobilized out of the electron eld (a).
Postresection simulation for a Pancoast
tumor. The target volume includes the
tumor bed region (posterior and superior chest wall and paravertebral
space), and the remaining normal lung
is mobilized out of the intraoperative
eld (b). IOERT applicator positioning
during exploratory thoracotomy for an
unresectable right-lobe NSCLC (c)

Fig. Simulation for isodose distribution using 15-Mev

electrons and a 30 beveled applicator 7 cm in diameter to
treat a mediastinal partially resected tumor
Clinical Indications
IOERT at the time of thoracotomy for a surgical approach to lung cancer has been employed in three
different situations:
Treatment of unresectable hilar and/or mediastinal disease
Treatment of post-resected residual disease (chest
wall, mediastinum and/or bronchial stump)
Adjuvant treatment of mediastinum
Conceptual indications for IOERT in thoracic surgery have been the treatment of residual disease at
the primary site and/or nodal regions, or adjuvant
treatment of high risk of recurrence without proven

cancer residue after induction therapy and surgery.

IOERT is a superselective radiation boost component available for integration in conventional radiotherapy programs for lung cancer. Lung parenchyma
is the normal tissue that may benet the most from
Esophagus, trachea, aorta, and heart are difcult
to displace from the IOERT beam, particularly in the
treatment of mediastinal regions or left lower chest
cavity. In the case that the bronchial stump is included in the IOERT eld, tissue coverage with a vascularized pleural or pericardial ap is recommended
to promote bronchial healing.
International IOERT Clinical Experiences
and Results
The clinical experience of IOERT in lung cancer is
still limited and the available data regarding treatment of NSCLC were obtained in phase III trials in
a small series of patients. Abe and Takahashi (1981)
in the initial Japanese experience did not use IOERT
in lung neoplasms because of the early systemic dissemination of disease.
NCI Series
Based on a previous canine experimental model involving the use of pneumonectomy and IOERT doses

Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer

of 0, 20, 30, and 40 Gy, a limited phase I National

Cancer Institute (NCI) clinical trial demonstrated
considerable toxicity with 25 Gy of IOERT to two separated elds encompassing the superior and inferior
mediastinum following pneumonectomy (Pass et al.
1987). Early complications were described in three
out of four patients: one case of bronchial stump
dehiscence, one bronchopleural stula, and one case
of reversible esophagitis. Three patients with late
complications showed one case of irreversible radiation esophagitis. Only one long-term survivor is free
from disease (at more than 3 years). The retrospective analysis of toxic events detected overlapping of
the elds in one toxic case. This study recognized
the feasibility of IOERT during lung cancer surgery
and recommended a decrease in the IOERT dose to
1520 Gy.
Graz University Experience
More recently, combined IOERT (1020 Gy) and
postoperative EBRT (4656 Gy) were used in 21 inoperable tumors at the University Medical School of
Graz (Austria) (Jeuttner et al. 1990). The analysis
included 12 patients with N0 disease. The radiosensitive mediastinal structures such as the heart, spinal
cored, esophagus, and large vessels could be mobilized or protected from the IOERT beam by shielding
The response rates in 14 evaluable patients
18 weeks after they completed IOERT and EBRT was
excellent with three complete responses (21%) and
ten partial responses (71%). Ten patients are alive and
well at a range of 520 months (median 12 months).
The same institution updated the results of
this program in two consecutive studies (ArianSchad et al. 1990; Schmolle-Juettner et al.
1994). The IOERT procedure was generally well
tolerated, but fatal intrabronchial hemorrhage related to IOERT occurred in two cases with tumor
involvement of the pulmonary artery. Local failure
was seen in three patients and the 5-year overall
and recurrence-free survival rates were 15% and
53%, respectively.
Montpellier Series
The Centre Regional De Lutte Contre Le Cancer in
Montpellier (France) reported results in 17 patients:


three stage I, seven stage II, and seven stage IIIA

(personal communication). The treatment protocol
involved the use of IOERT with doses in the range
1020 Gy and 45 Gy EBRT in 2025 fractions with or
without a 3-week rest period following a complete
surgical excision. Microscopic residual disease in the
mediastinal nodes or pleura-chest wall was seen in
12 and ve patients, respectively. The median follow-up time for the entire group of patients alive
was 59 months, with follow-up ranging from 40+ to
120+ months.
Disease control and survival results were as follow. Local control was obtained in 13 out of 17 patients (76%) and central recurrence in the IOERT
eld has been demonstrated in four patients. Three
patients are alive without disease at 5.5, 8, and 11
years. A total of 14 patients are dead: seven from
distant metastases, four from loco-regional recurrence, one patient developed a second cancer, and
two patients had a local recurrence in the EBRT
eld. The median survival time for the entire group
was 36 months and the actuarial survival rate is 18%
projected at 11 years.
The Allegheny University Hospital:
Graduate Hospital of Philadelphia Experience

This unique experience in the US was preliminarily

reported in 1994 (Fisher et al. 1994a). The present update includes 21 patients treated from June
1992 to September 1997 as a part of a pilot feasibility experience for stage I (n=1), II (n=2), and
III (n=18) NSCLC patients managed by surgical
resection, IOERT (10 Gy), and EBRT (45.059.4
Gy, 16 preoperatively and five postoperatively).
Chemotherapy was administered to all patients.
The median survival time for the alive patients is
33 months. Patterns of relapse have shown three
(14%) thoracic and 12 (55%) systemic. Actuarial
5-year survival is 33%.
Instituto Madrileo de Oncologa (Madrid, Spain)

From February 1992 to July 1997, 18 patients with stage

III non-small-cell lung cancer (11 Pancoast tumors) received IOERT as a part of a multidisciplinary program
including surgical resection in all cases, chemotherapy
in 13, preoperative EBRT in seven, and postoperative

J. Aristu et al.


EBRT in seven. Tumor residue at the time of surgery

was macroscopic (gross) in eight cases. The median
survival time for the entire series is 14 months. Intra
thoracic recurrence has been identied in two patients.
Five-year actuarial survival is projected as 22% (causespecic 33%). Long-term toxicity observed included
neuropathy (two cases) and esophageal structure one
case (Calvo et al. 1999).
Experience at the University Clinic of Navarra
Patients and Methods
Patients with histologically proved non-small cell lung
cancers stages IIBIIIB were treated with IOERT during the period 19841993. Selection criteria included
CT measurable disease, Karnofsky performance status equal or greater than 60, no prior oncologic treatment, no prior diagnosis of cancer and normal hematological, hepatic, and renal prole. Patients were
initially evaluated with complete history and physical, CBC, blood electrolytes, serum creatinine, and
liver enzyme prole. Radiological tests for diagnosis
and staging work up included chest X-ray, chest CT,
upper abdominal CT, brain MRI and bone scan. The
histological diagnosis was obtained with biopsy or
cytology through bronchoscopy or ne needle aspiration depending on the location and tumor accessibility. All the patients signed an informed consent
before the initiation of the treatment. Patients were
treated according to one of the three following treatment protocols:
1. Patients treated with surgery, IOERT, and postoperative external beam radiation.
2. Patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
surgery, IOERT, and postoperative radiation therapy.
3. Patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
preoperative external beam radiation therapy, followed by surgery and IOERT.
The neoadjuvant chemotherapy consisted of cisplatin 120 mg/m2 i.v. on day 1, mitomycin C 8 mg/m2 i.v
day 1 and vindesine 3 mg/m2 (maximum dose 5 mg/
m2) i.v on days 1 and 14 (MVP) or the same treatment regimen where the cisplatin administration was
replaced by intraarterial carboplatin 150 mg/m2. The
cycles of chemotherapy were repeated every 28 days
for three to ve treatments until maximum response

was achieved (35 cycles). Patients who documented a

clinical response or with stable disease and considered
resectable were referred to surgical resection 5 weeks
after the last cycle of chemotherapy. The bronchial
stump was protected with a pleural or pericardial ap
in order to prevent anastomotic leak. After surgical resection IOERT was applied over the surgical bed and
the hilar and mediastinal regions depending on tumor
location. Total administered dose varied between 10
and 15 Gy depending on microscopic or macroscopic
residual tumor. A detailed description of the IOERT
methodology for thoracic tumors has been published
previously (Calvo et al. 1990, 1991, 1992; Aristu et al.
1997; Martnez-Monge et al. 1994). Postoperative external beam radiation therapy was started 45 weeks
after surgical resection.
Tumors that were not considered resectable after
neoadjuvant chemotherapy were treated with preoperative external beam radiation therapy using the
same total dose and fractionation than with postoperative external beam radiation therapy described
above. All patients received concurrent chemotherapy with preoperative radiation using the same chemotherapy combination used as neoadjuvant or with
cisplatinum 20 mg/m2 or carboplatinum 55 mg/m2
combined with 5-uorouracil 1000 mg/m2 (maximum daily dose 1500 mg) for 35 days over the rst
and last week of external beam radiation therapy. At
46 weeks after the completion of the preoperative
chemoradiation course the patients were referred for
surgical resection and IOERT, when feasible.
Patient Characteristics
The present analysis includes 104 patients treated
from October 1984 to December 1993. A total of 22
patients were treated with surgery, IOERT, and postoperative radiation therapy, 46 patients were treated
with neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery, IOERT,
and postoperative radiation, and 36 patients received
neoadjuvant chemotherapy, preoperative radiotherapy, surgery and IOERT (19 of the later subset of
patients had superior sulcus tumors). The median
age was 60.5 years (range 2779 years) and 97% of
the patients were male. In all, 15 patients (14%) had
a Karnofsky performance status equal to or lower
than 70% and 10% of the patients had a weight loss

Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer

at diagnosis greater than 5%. Of the patients, 66 had

squamous cell carcinoma (63.5%), 26 adenocarcinoma (25%), and 12 patients had other histologic
subtypes (11.5%) including mixed tumors, large cell
carcinoma, or undifferentiated tumors. The clinical
stage more frequently observed was IIIB with 58 patients (56%) followed by stage IIIA with 28 patients
(27%) and IIB with 18 patients (17%).
Table shows patient characteristics according to the treatment administered . No statistically
signicant differences were observed among the three
treatment groups in relation to age, Karnofsky performance status, histologic subtype, or stage. There
is a trend towards statistical signicance (p=0.052)
in patients with adenocarcinoma treated with preoperative radiation therapy.
Table Patient and tumor characteristics according to
the treatment group (University Clinic of Navarra experience
19841993; Aritus 2000)
Number of patients (%)


Number of patients












KPS >70%

15 (68)

38 (83)

27 (75)

15 (68)

35 (76)

16 (44)

3 (14)
4 (18)

7 (15)
4 (9)

16 (44)
4 (12)

Primary tumor


1 (4.5)
1 (2)
1 (4.5)
7 (15)
y8 (36)
19 (41)
12 (54.5) 19 (41)

1 (3)
16 (44)
19 (53)

Regional lymph nodes

12 (54.5) 16 (35)
2 (4)
10 (45.5) 24 (52)
4 (9)

21 (58)
1 (3)
11 (30.5)
3 (8.5)



8 (22)
6 (17)
22 (61)

5 (23)
5 (23)
12 (54)

5 (11)
17 (37)
24 (52)

S, surgery; RT, radiotherapy; CT, chemotherapy; p, statistical

signicance, Ji2 test.

Treatment Characteristics
Of the 104 patients, 89 underwent surgical resection (86%) while 15 patients (14%) were deemed
unresectable. The type of surgical procedure most
frequently performed was a lobectomy (65%) followed by segmentectomy (6%). The surgical resection was considered complete in 57 patients (54%)
and incomplete in the rest. At total of 40 patients
(38.5%) had positive resection margins. The rate of
complete resection was 89% for stage IIB, 57% for
stage IIIA, and 43% for stage IIIB (p=0.003). Within
the same treatment group and histologic subtype,
the probability of undergoing a complete resection
was 9.5 times lower in patients stage IIIB compared
with IIB and 4.36 times lower in stage IIIA compared with stage IIB. The probability of leaving gross
residual tumor was seven times higher in patients
with stage IIIB. Superior sulcus tumors had a higher
probability of complete tumor resection (p=0.025)
than non-superior sulcus tumors comparing the
same stage and histology. Of eighty-two patients, 32
(39%) that received neoadjuvant treatment had complete pathological response (pT0) or near complete
pathological response (pTmic). Patients treated with
the MVP chemotherapy combination and CMP combination had a probability of pT0-pTmic response
rate of 28% and 50%, respectively (p=0.002). Superior
sulcus tumors had a probability of pT0-pTmic response rate of 68% versus 30% for those patients
with non-superior sulcus tumors (p=0.001). There
were no differences in the pathological response rate
among the different histologic subtypes or stages.
The IOERT median dose was 10 Gy with a range from
10 Gy to 24 Gy. Patients were treated in this study
with 130 IOERT elds resulting in 78 single elds
and 26 double elds. In patients treated with two
IOERT elds an effort was made to avoid overlapping.
The majority of patients were treated with electron
beam energy ranging from 9 MeV to 12 MeV and applicator diameters ranged from 7 cm to 8 cm. IOERT
treatment regions were the hilum, mediastinum, and
thoracic wall depending on tumor location. IOERT
treatment characteristics are shown in Table
In 15 patients with unresectable tumors the IOERT
beam was placed directly over the gross tumor. The
surgical residual tumor was considered microscopic
in 34% (considered as no evidence of tumor or close
macroscopically positive margins) and gross in 64%
of the patients, respectively.

J. Aristu et al.


erative period. In 23 patients (25%) local relapse was

the only site of failure, 18 patients (20%) had local
and distant relapse, and 19 patients (21%) presented
metastatic disease. Overall, local failure was observed
in 45% of the patients with a medium time to local
progression of 22 months. Distant metastasis was observed in 41% of the patients. Local relapse within the
IOERT eld was observed in 33 patients (36%). In all,
31 patients (31%) did not show evidence of disease
progression . Table describes the patterns of
failure according to the treatment group.

Table IOERT characteristics (Aritus 2000)



Number of beams



Dose (Gy)



Electrons energy (MeV)




Applicator diameter (cm)




Treatment regiona
Chest wall
a More

Analysis of Local Relapse


than one region can be treated in the same procedure.
Pattern of Failure
A total of 13 patients were excluded from the failure
analysis due to early death (without clinical or radiological evidence of disease recurrence) or progression
of the disease during the treatment or in the postop-

Table shows the univariate analysis of different variables in relation to the IOERT local disease
free. The Cox multivariate analysis demonstrated
statistically signicant differences in local control
for stages IIB and IIIA compared to IIIB (p=0.002)
in N0/N1 patients with respect to N2 or N3 patients
(p=0.001).) and in patients undergoing complete
resection compared to patients undergoing incomplete resection (p=0.001). Patients with stage IIB or
IIIA had a probability of relapse three times slower
than patients with stage IIIB regardless of the degree of pathologic response, stage, type of resection, and presence of superior sulcus presentation.
Patients with N2/N3 stage had a probability of local
progression four times higher than patients with
N0/N1 stage for the same pathological response,
stage, type of resection or presence of superior
sulcus location. Patients with tumors completely
resected had a probability of local relapse slower
than patients with tumor incompletely resected
regardless the degree of pathological response, N
stage, overall stage, and presence of superior sulcus
location (Table

Table Patterns of failure according to the treatment group (Aritus 2000)
Number of patients (%)





Control of disease

4 (4)

12 (13)


11 (12)

28 (31)


4 (4)

13 (14)


1 (1)

23 (25)

4 (4)

19 (21)

1 (1)

18 (20)
3 (3)


5 (5)

6 (7)



4 (4)

9 (10)
1 (1)



S, surgery; RT, radiotherapy; CT, chemotherapy.

Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer


Table IOERT local disease free survival at 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 years according to the different variables (Aritus 2000)

Local control at IOERT (%)

(CI 95%)

1 year

2 years

3 years

5 years

10 years

Epidermoid carcinoma






24 (1434)


KPS 70%






15 (12-18)







18 (13-23)

Pancoast tumor






21 (12-30)

Regional Lymph Nodes







18 (12-24)

Neoadjuvant CT (NCT)







Response to (NCT)
No changes/progression






24 (345)

Postoperative RT






21 (1131)

Simultaneous CT/RT






21 (12-30)

Response to CT/RT






IOERT dose >10 Gy








Equivalent tumor dose








Pathologic response






19 (830)

Pathologic lymph nodes







21 (1329)

Surgical residue






16 (1121)

Surgical resection






14 (820)

















p, Statistical signicance between actuarial survival curves (log rank test).

J. Aristu et al.

Table Cox multivariate regression model (Aritus

Hazard Ratio

CI 95%


1 (ref)

Lymph nodes

1 (ref)


Surgical resection
1 (ref)


p value
Ratio test


logical response (Figure, and type of surgical

resection (Figure Patients who remained locally controlled had a statistically signicant survival
benet compared with patients who had local failure.
After multivariate analysis the only independent prognostic factor that remained statistically signicant is
local control. Patients undergoing local failure had
lower survival rates (Figure

Risk Groups for Local Control and Survival

The multivariate analysis was able to discriminate

three independent prognostic factors for local control: stage IIIB versus IIB or IIIA, N0/N1 versus N2/
N3 and patients with tumors incompletely resected
versus completely resected. We have identied four
Patient Outcome
Two patients were lost to follow-up and two patients
died at home with incomplete information about the
cause of death. Most of the remaining patients (62%)
died of tumor progression. In all, 11 patients (10.5%)
are alive and without evidence of disease with a median
of 97 months in surviving patients (59143 months).


% S urvi val

Analysis of Survival



With a median follow-up of 109 months, the overall

survival at 1, 2, 3 and 5 years was 62%, 37%, 25%, and
20%, respectively. Median survival time was 15 months.
Different variables evaluated in the univariate survival
analysis are statistically signicant including histologic
subtype, Karnofsky performance status, presence of
superior sulcus tumor location (Figure, patho-











Fig. Overall survival according pathologic response

(p<0.001). pT0/pTmic, complete or near complete pathologic
response; pT+, viable tumoral cells in the resected specimen
(Aristu 2000)



% S urvi val

% S urvi val



Pancoast tumors



Local control


Non-Pancoast tumors



Local failure








Fig. Overall survival in Pancoast tumors and nonPancoast tumors (p<0.009). [University Clinic of Navarra experience 19841993, Aristu (2000)])








Fig. Overall survival in patients with tumors completely or incompletely (p<0.001) (Aristu 2000)

Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer

Table Local control depending on prognostic groups
(p<0.001) (Aritus 2000) (see also Fig.


% S urvi val




Number of
prognostic Prognostic

Local control (%) MST



10 y

(CI 95%)

Very low risk




Not reached

Low risk




Not reached

High risk



14 (1117)

Very high risk


9 (711)

Local control

Local failure








Fig. Overall survival in patients who achieve local control or patients with local failure (p<0.001) (Aritus 2000)

risk groups for local relapse depending on the number of prognostic factors present in each patient.
Very low risk patients for local recurrence are those
without any unfavorable risk factor. Low risk patients
are those with one risk factor. High risk patients are
those with two risk factors and very high risk patients
are those with three risk factors. The local control
analysis for each group shows statistically signicant
differences (p<0.001) (Fig. and Table
Using the same model for the analysis of overall survival we have identied two risk groups depending
on the number of prognostic factors present. Low
risk patients for survival are those who present zero
or one prognostic factor (5-year survival 37%) and
Summary and Final Considerations
The retrospective nature of most clinical experiences
with IOERT for lung cancer patients does not enable
denitive conclusions to be drawn on the impact of
local control or survival. The analysis of local effects is extremely complex due to the simultaneous
delivery of chemotherapy, external beam radiation

Very low risk


% L ocal control

patients with high risk for survival are those who

have two or three prognostic factors (5-year survival
5%) (p<0.001).

Low risk




High risk
Very high risk









Number of
Prognostic factors

Prognostic group

% Local control
10 y



(CI 95%)

Very low risk

Low risk70


70not reached

not reached

High risk



14 (11-17)

Very high risk


9 (7-11)

Fig. Local control depending on

prognostic groups (p<0.001) (Aristu
2000) (see also Table


therapy, and surgery, which must contaminate the

potential contribution of IOERT as a local treatment
within a multidisciplinary program (Aristu et al.
1999; Fisher et al. 1994b, 1998; Rodriguez et al.
The clinical analysis reported from the University
Clinic of Navarra is the largest experience encountered in the literature on the use of IOERT in nonsmall cell lung cancer. Phase III trials confront
the data derived from experimental animal studies and suggest that 20 Gy is the threshold dose for
IOERT over mediastinal structures. When IOERT
is combined with external beam radiation therapy,
the dose should be restricted to 1015 Gy. From the
logistic point of view the previously mentioned reports conrm that IOERT can be integrated in a safe
way within multidisciplinary programs. The RTOG
(Byhardt et al. 1998) has recently reported the patterns of failure of 461 patients with medically inoperable NSCLC stage II, IIIA, and IIIB. Relapse within the
radiation eld was observed in 56% of the patients
treated with induction chemotherapy and radiation,
in 71% of the patients treated with induction chemotherapy followed by concomitant chemoradiation
and in 55% of the patients treated with concomitant
chemotherapy and hyperfractionated radiotherapy.
The local relapse rate observed in our series was 45%
and the relapse within the IOERT eld was 36%. In
view of these results we suggest that the use of IOERT
may increase local control in a percentage of patients
ranging from 10% to 15% compared with programs
combining chemotherapy and denitive radiation
without surgery. However, one must take into account
that the interpretation of the patterns of failure data
is complex due to the diversity of stage III patients
and also due to the inclusion of some cases of stage II
patients in these studies.
The analysis of the patients with stage IIIB tumors
shows that local control is very poor. The 5-year local control for these patients is only 21% and this
raises the concern of increased morbidity without
therapeutic gain in this group of patients. The 5year and 10-year overall survival was 11% and 3%,
respectively. These results are comparable with those
obtained with induction chemotherapy and denitive radiation. The use of adjuvant surgery after neoadjuvant therapy has mainly included patients with
stage IIIAN2. Although the patterns of failure have
not been systematically studied in these trials, the
overall local relapse rates is 40% for patients who undergo surgical resection and 20% for those patients
undergoing complete resections (Kumar et al. 1996;
Elias et al. 1994; Weiden and Piantadosi 1991). In

J. Aristu et al.

CALGB study (Kumar et al. 1996) 74% of patients

stage IIIAN2 were treated with two cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and vinblastine,
surgery, and postoperative radiation. Of the patients
who entered the trial, 49% developed local relapse.
In the present study, eight out of 28 patients staged
as IIIAN2 (29%) presented local relapse within the
IOERT eld. Only in one patient the chest relapse was
marginally located to the IOERT eld. Local intensication with IOERT over the primary tumor areas
seems reasonable in this group of patients to increase
local control, especially in those patients with metastatic mediastinal nodes.
Standard therapy yields local control rates around
90% in clinical stage II patients and 80% in pathological stage II patients (Baldini et al. 1999; Martini
et al. 1983; Gradishar et al. 1992). In our study 18
patients (100%) stage IIB were locally controlled at
5 and 10 years.
Overall survival at 2 and 5 years for all series
was 37% and 20% with a median survival time of
15 months. Taking into account that more than 50%
of the patients included in the study were stage IIIB
(56%) it seems that the present study compares favorably with other studies that include stage IIIB patients treated with a combination of chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, and surgery. Most published reports include a much lower percentage of stage IIIB patients
and report 2-year survival rates ranging from 20% to
30% (Weiden and Piantadosi 1991).
Multivariate analysis has identied two clinical
factors (stage and nodal disease) and one surgical
factor (type of resection) with a statistically signicant impact on local control. The presence of these
factors straties the local control probability for each
individual patient. Patients without risk factors have
a local control of 100% at 5 and 10 years and correspond to stage IIB and IIIA (N1) tumors after complete surgical resection. On the other hand, patients
who present three risk factors have a poor local control (0%) and correspond to those patients with stage
IIIB and N2N3 disease who did not undergo complete resection. Patients who present two risk factors
have local control rates at 5 and 10 years of 13% and
8%, respectively. In the light of these results it is not
justied to include patients with two or three risk factors in programs that include surgical resection and
IOERT. Patients with one risk factor have a local control at 5 and 10 years of 70% which is considered acceptable taking into account that these patients have
tumors stage IIIA (N2) and IIB (N0, N1) tumors with
complete resection and patients with IIB and IIIA
(N0, N1) tumors with incomplete resection. The rela-

Intraoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer

tionship between intrathoracic control in NSCLC and

irradiation dose have been reported since the 1980
when the RTOG published the preliminary results of
a randomized study that compared radiation doses
of 40, 50, or 60 Gy for the treatment of 378 patients
with unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (Perez
et al. 1980). Local control was superior in those patients treated with 50 or 60 Gy with a trend towards
improved survival. These results were subsequently
conrmed with longer follow-up showing slight
improvement in 3-year survival for those patients
treated with 60 Gy. This improvement disappeared at
a longer follow-up (Perez et al. 1987). Patients who
presented intrathoracic control had better survival in
spite of the very high risk of development of metastatic disease (Perez et al. 1986).
In our experience local relapse is related to decreased overall survival when groups are adjusted by
stage, location of the tumor, pathological response,
and type of resection. This relationship is close to
statistical signicance. The 5-year overall survival for
those patients with local control is 41% versus 2% for
those patients who presented local relapse (Aristu
2000). Local control is, therefore, a mandatory objective in therapeutic strategies research for non-small
cell lung cancer. The delivery of radiation doses beyond 60 Gy using conventional radiation techniques
did not increase local control due to the concerns of
increased toxicity. IOERT must be considered a highly
sophisticated radiation technique that may increase
the therapeutic window in the thoracic oncology.

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Intraluminal Radiotherapy


3.2.5 Intraluminal Radiotherapy

Ron Stout, Paul Burt, and Philip Barber

CONTENTS Introduction 269 The Technical Aspects and Practical
Application of Endobronchial Brachytherapy 270 The Efcacy of Endobronchial Brachytherapy 270 The Side-Effects of Endobronchial
Brachytherapy 271 The Role of Endobronchial Brachytherapy 272 Conclusion 273
References 273
Approximately 75% of patients with non-small cell
lung cancer present with locally advanced or metastatic disease which renders them inoperable and
virtually incurable. The aim of treatment is often
palliative and radiotherapy can give considerable
relief of troublesome symptoms, thereby improving
the quality of remaining life. A number of patients
present with thoracic symptoms which are predominantly due to the endobronchial component of their
disease such as cough, hemoptysis, breathlessness
and those of obstructive pneumonitis. Endobronchial
radiotherapy in such circumstances has its attractions because any adverse effects on normal tissues
are conned to those within the immediate vicinity of the bronchus. Endobronchial brachytherapy
holds out the prospect of similar levels of palliation
with less morbidity than external irradiation. If a
more radical approach to treatment is considered
appropriate, brachytherapy may then be combined
with external beam radiotherapy to boost the dose
to the primary tumour, since the trachea and the
main airways are relatively resistant to radiation
injury being composed largely of fully developed
R. Stout, MD; P. Burt, MD; P. Barber, MD
Department of Clinical Oncology, Christie Hospital NHS Trust,
Wilmslow Road, Withington, Manchester, M20 4BX, UK

cartilage, a post mitotic cellular system. For the same

reason, brachytherapy may be given to patients who
require further palliation having relapsed after previous external beam irradiation which was given to
tolerance for the lung parenchyma, oesophagus or
spinal cord.
Endobronchial brachytherapy was used for the
rst time more than 80 years ago (Yankauer 1922).
Radon seeds were implanted through a rigid bronchoscope directly into a tumour in 1921. Iodine125 and gold-198 have also been used for permanent interstitial transbronchial implantation. The
early techniques, which were difcult to perform
and very demanding of physicians time, never
gained widespread acceptance because of the additional risks of severe haemorrhage and oedema
and the problems of poor source distribution and
source displacement. In due course, after-loading
techniques were developed to facilitate intraluminal brachytherapy using caesium-137, cobalt-60 or
iridium-192. Although this led to the more frequent
use of this treatment, it was still of limited application because of the large size and low activity of the
radioactive sources, prolonged treatment times because of the low dose-rate and the exposure of staff
to signicant radiation doses. In addition, both
permanent interstitial implantation and temporary
intraluminal brachytherapy required general anaesthesia for insertion of the sources or their carrying applicators. Technological advances in the mid
1980s led to the development of a miniature, high
activity, iridium-192 source which could be used in
a remote after-loading system and this overcame
many of the problems previously associated with
endobronchial brachytherapy. The introduction
of high dose-rate intraluminal radiotherapy, now
an outpatient procedure using local anaesthesia
and exible bronchoscopy, offered a practical and
safe treatment alternative which was well tolerated
by patients. Several studies have since shown that
high dose-rate is just as effective and safe as low
dose-rate brachytherapy (Mehta et al. 1992; Lo et
al. 1995).

The Technical Aspects and
Practical Application of Endobronchial
The miniature iridium source (typically 1.1 mm
diameter and 3.5 mm long) can be accommodated
in a closed-end 2 mm diameter catheter which can
access upper lobe and segmental bronchi previously
beyond the scope of brachytherapy using larger
sources. The small source size also permits the
use of multiple catheters to enlarge the treatment
volume and encompass bulkier tumours involving
more than one of the bronchi. Various attempts have
been made to ensure that the treatment applicator
lies centrally within the bronchial lumen, so as to
obtain a better dose distribution and avoid localised
areas of high dose on the normal mucosa (Huber et
al. 1997; Marsiglia et al. 2000; Nomoto et al. 1997).
None of these methods have gained widespread acceptance.
The system is extremely exible. The single iridium
source can be programmed to dwell in up to 48 different positions within each catheter. If the distance
between each position is 5 mm, then lengths of up to
24 cm of the bronchi may be treated anywhere within
the last 28 cm of the closed-end catheter. The time
that the source dwells in any one position can also be
varied so that different isodose distributions can be
obtained if so desired, e.g. cylindrical, dumb-bell or
pear-shaped. The high activity of the source (nominal activity 10 Ci or 370 GBq) enables treatment delivery at high dose-rate resulting in short treatment
times of approximately 15 min which signicantly
improves patient compliance and acceptability.
Further details of the actual technique are described
by Stout (1993).
In order to facilitate the comparison of results from
different treatment regimes, it is generally accepted
that the intraluminal dose should be specied at a
depth of 1 cm from the source axis. Typical prescriptions in previously untreated patients include: (a)
radical intent: 64 Gy in 2 Gy fractions external plus 3
fractions of 5 Gy internal during weeks 1, 3 and 5; (b)
palliative intent: 37.5 Gy in 2.5 Gy fractions external
plus 3 fractions of 5 Gy internal; (c) palliative intent
using brachytherapy alone: 3 fractions of 7.5 Gy at
weekly intervals or a single fraction of 1015 Gy. For
recurrent tumours in patients who have previously
received full dose radiotherapy, 5 Gy in 14 fractions
of endobronchial brachytherapy is most commonly

R. Stout et al. The Ecacy of Endobronchial

The patients most likely to benet from endobronchial brachytherapy are those with central tumours
which are visible endoscopically in the trachea and
main stem or lobar bronchi. The results of treatment
with high dose-rate endobronchial brachytherapy in
more than 4500 patients world-wide have been published since the mid 1980s. Numerous studies, mostly
non-randomised but also supported by some phase 3
clinical trials, have documented good symptomatic,
endoscopic, radiological and physiological responses
for a range of doses given in one, or as many as six,
weekly treatments per patient.
Response rates can vary considerably with patient
selection, intention to treat (curative, palliative or relapse re-treatment) and the addition or otherwise of
external beam radiotherapy. The assessment of palliation in lung cancer is further confounded by three
other factors: (1) the imprecise nature of some of
the symptom end points, e.g. it is easier to assign a
symptom score for hemoptysis which is more likely
to be accurate than it is for cough or breathlessness;
(2) some of the tumour related symptoms under consideration are also produced by pre-existing chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease which may undergo
acute exacerbations from time to time; and (3) the
same symptoms may occur after treatment as a consequence of the early or late side-effects of brachytherapy. These problems were highlighted and addressed
by Stephens et al. (1999) in a publication from the
Medical Research Council cancer trials ofce. They
proposed that the palliation of any symptom could
be described using a four point scoring system and be
expressed in terms of: (a) improvement (a reduction
in moderate or severe symptoms to nil or mild), (b)
control (no deterioration in mild symptoms) and (c)
prevention (no deterioration in those with no symptoms), see Table
The accurate assessment of symptomatic response
to a particular treatment may also require the use of
patients self-ratings in a validated quality of life
analysis tool (Stephens et al. 1997). The disparities
that can arise between clinician and patient assessments are illustrated in Table, taken from the
rst UK trial of endobronchial brachytherapy (Stout
et al. 2000).
In spite of these difculties of assessment, individual symptom responses have been observed
and reported in numerous publications with response rates consistently in the range of 50%90%.
Hemoptysis, breathlessness and the symptoms of ob-

Intraluminal Radiotherapy


Table The denition of positive and negative endpoints for palliation

8-Week assessment



Moderate or severe
Moderate or severe

Mild, moderate, severe
None or mild
Moderate or severe
None or mild
Moderate or severe







Table Palliation expressed as the percentage of positive symptom endpoints (see Table for each treatment as recorded by clinicians at 8 weeks to
assess response and by patients at 8 weeks for comparison
Clinician Assessments

Patient Assessments

8 Weeks

8 Weeks





The number of
completed assessments





Cough (%)















Chest pain






























EBT, endobronchial brachytherapy; XRT, external beam radiotherapy.

structive pneumonitis are generally better relieved

than cough. Resolution of endobronchial tumour
has been conrmed endoscopically on many occasions with response rates (partial and complete) in
the range of 55%100%. Those reported by Spicer
and Spratling (1993a) are typical. Complete resolution is also supported by the reports of patients with
small localised tumours who have survived longterm following brachytherapy as the sole treatment
(Sutedja et al. 1994; Tredaniel et al. 1994; Gollins
et al. 1996a; Perol et al. 1997; Marsiglia et al. 2000).
Improvements in chest X-ray appearances following
brachytherapy are usually noted in 40%90% of patients depending upon the series. Signicant physiological as well as subjective, bronchoscopic and
radiological benet has been well documented in a

small but carefully investigated group of patients by

Goldman et al. (1993).
The Side-Eects of Endobronchial
The commonest early side-effect which can be attributed to intraluminal radiotherapy is a transient
exacerbation of cough which has usually settled
within 23 weeks of treatment. When endobronchial
brachytherapy is used as the sole treatment, there
is usually no signicant radiation esophagitis. This
results in less overall morbidity, an obvious gain in


favour of endobronchial brachytherapy when the aim

of treatment is palliation. The later effects of radiation bronchitis and stenosis, elegantly described by
Spicer and Spratling (1993b), and massive fatal
hemoptysis, give rise to more concern.
The grading system for radiation bronchitis and
stenosis as described by Spicer and Spratling is a useful tool to document what is seen at bronchoscopy
at various time intervals following treatment. During
the rst 3 months following treatment the reactions
on the mucosa are predominantly inammatory.
A brotic reaction with associated stenosis is more
prevalent beyond 6 months. The incidence of radiation bronchitis reported by them is highest in the
patients receiving potentially curative radiotherapy
using a combined approach of brachytherapy and
external beam radiotherapy but the only signicant
factor predicting for the severity of late response was
length of follow-up. In our own series in Manchester,
Gollins et al. (1996b) where the majority of patients
were treated with a single exposure of brachytherapy
as the sole treatment, a dose response relationship
was identied.
Massive hemoptysis is usually a fatal event
which occurs in lung cancer whether or not radiotherapy has been given. Its exact incidence in
untreated patients or in those who have received
external beam radiotherapy and or chemotherapy
is unknown but has been variously reported in the
range of 5%20%. Its occurrence following brachytherapy with or without external beam radiotherapy has been documented in the range 0%50%.
In the large retrospective series of 406 patients
reported by Gollins et al. (1996b), massive fatal
hemoptysis was 8% (32 patients). The review included 322 new cases of inoperable non-small cell
lung cancer who were treated with a single fraction
of high dose-rate brachytherapy to a total dose of
1520 Gy. Massive hemoptysis leading to death
usually occurred between 9 and 12 months after
treatment whereas deaths from other causes occurred between 3 and 6 months. Associated treatment factors increasing the likelihood of massive
fatal hemoptysis were a brachytherapy dose greater
than 15 Gy, prior laser treatment, a second or third
brachytherapy treatment at the same site and concurrent external beam radiotherapy. However, in
25 of the 32 patients whose deaths were assessable,
there was evidence of recurrent and or residual tumour in 20. The UK randomised trial reported by
Stout et al. (2000) where brachytherapy (15 Gy)
as a sole primary treatment was compared directly
with a palliative course of fractionated external

R. Stout et al.

radiotherapy (30 Gy in 8 fractions), the incidence

of massive fatal hemoptysis was the same in both
arms of the trial, occurring in only seven out of 99
patients overall.
The Role of Endobronchial Brachytherapy
No evidence has yet been found from large retrospective series or a limited number of prospective
randomised trials, that the addition of endobronchial brachytherapy to external beam radiotherapy
(radical or palliative) has produced any signicant
improvement in survival.
A trial by Huber et al. (1997) compared a planned
dose of 60 Gy external radiotherapy with an additional boost of high dose-rate brachytherapy of
4.8 Gy immediately before and after external irradiation. There was an improvement in local control
in the combined arm and a trend towards improved
survival which did not reach statistical signicance.
There was no signicant difference in the incidence
of fatal hemoptysis between the two groups.
A similar trial by Langendijk et al. (2001) included
patients who were being treated with palliative as
well as radical intent. No survival benet was found
in patients receiving external and internal treatment,
although the trial was not designed to investigate
survival. The addition of brachytherapy did provide
higher rates of re-expansion of collapsed lung resulting in a transient improvement in breathlessness. The
benecial effect was only observed among patients
with obstructing tumours in the main bronchus. The
investigators concluded that the results did not support the addition of endobronchial brachytherapy
to external radiotherapy as a standard approach but
combined treatment could be considered in patients
with severe breathlessness due to an endobronchial
tumour obstructing the main bronchus.
Two Manchester trials of palliative radiotherapy
in 200 patients have compared a fractionated course
of external radiotherapy, 30 Gy in 8 fractions, with
the same treatment plus a boost of brachytherapy of
15 Gy in 1 session. A detailed analysis of palliation
is being carried out in preparation for publication,
but neither trial has demonstrated a survival gain in
favour of the combined treatment.
In some patients it may be useful to re-expand a
collapsed lobe or lung before embarking on a course
of radical external beam radiotherapy. Re-expansion of the collapsed lung may lead to a better de-

Intraluminal Radiotherapy

nition of the gross tumour volume, a more accurate

radiotherapy treatment plan and a reduced risk of a
geographical miss. Theoretically, this could result in
better local control and improved survival for more
localised tumours.
Although endobronchial brachytherapy can provide good symptom relief, if the aim of treatment is
palliation, then external irradiation as the initial sole
treatment would seem preferable to brachytherapy
alone. That at least was the conclusion of the investigators in the rst UK trial, Stout et al. (2000), who
found that external radiotherapy gave better overall
and more sustained palliation with fewer re-treatments, a modest gain in median survival of 287 versus 250 days and a better 1-year survival of 38% versus 22%. Brachytherapy alone clearly has a useful role
where external irradiation is contra-indicated.
Endobronchial brachytherapy may also offer further palliation in patients who have symptomatic
endobronchial relapse following previous external
beam radiotherapy. In all, 60%70% of these patients
will obtain worthwhile symptom relief although the
incidence of fatal hemoptysis and bronchial stulae
may be high (Sutedja et al. 1992; Macha et al. 1995).
Care should be taken where external irradiation has
been given to tolerance and where laser treatment has
been used to clear the airway before brachytherapy.
Doses less than 10 Gy, e.g. 5 or 7.5 Gy, should be used
and a single treatment is often sufcient.
Endobronchial brachytherapy can undoubtedly
provide good palliation of hemoptysis, breathlessness, cough and obstructive pneumonitis
when used alone or with external irradiation as
described above. The optimal dose and number of
fractions to provide the best symptom relief for the
least morbidity still have to be defined. Individual
practitioners will have their own preferences based
on their experience and the evidence currently
available in the literature. Where a more radical
approach is required, it would seem that brachytherapy can improve local control without making
a significant impact on survival. As developments
in chemo-radiotherapy lead to better tumour control outside the airways, the role of brachytherapy
as an intraluminal boost may become more important. Careful assessment in clinical trials will be
required to document the potential benefits and


identify any excess morbidity when multi-modality treatment is employed.

Goldman JM, Bulman AS, Rathmell AJ et al (1993) Physiological effect of endobronchial radiotherapy in patients with
major airway occlusion by carcinoma. Thorax 48:110-114
Gollins SW, Burt PA, Barber PV et al (1996a) Long term survival and symptom palliation in small primary bronchial
carcinomas following treatment with intraluminal radiotherapy alone. Clin Oncol 8:239-246
Gollins SW, Ryder WDJ, Burt PA et al (1996b) Massive haemoptysis death and other morbidity associated with high
dose rate intraluminal radiotherapy for carcinoma of the
bronchus. Radiother Oncol 39:105-116
Huber RM, Fischer R, Hautmann H et al (1997) Does additional brachytherapy improve the effect of external irradiation? A prospective, randomised study in central lung
tumours. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 38:533-540
Langendijk H, de Jong J, Tjwa M et al (2001) External irradiation versus external irradiation plus endobronchial
brachytherapy in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer:
a prospective randomised study. Radiother Oncol 58:257268
Lo TC, Girshovich L, Healey GA et al (1995) Low dose rate
versus high dose rate intra-luminal brachytherapy for
malignant endobronchial tumours. Radiother Oncol
Macha HN, Wahlers B, Reichle C et al (1995) Endobronchial
radiation therapy for obstructing malignancies: ten years
experience with iridium 192 high-dose radiation brachytherapy afterloading technique in 365 patients. Lung
Marsiglia H, Baldeyrou P, Lartigau E et al (2000) High-dose
rate brachytherapy as sole modality for early stage endobronchial carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 47:665672
Mehta M, Petereit D, Chosy L et al (1992) Sequential comparison of low dose rate and hyperfractionated high dose rate
endobronchial radiation for malignant airway occlusion.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 23:133-139
Nomoto Y, Shouji K, Toyota S et al (1997) High dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy using a new applicator. Radiother
Oncol 45:33-37
Perol M, Caliandro R, Pommier P et al (1997) Curative irradiation of limited endobronchial carcinomas with high-dose
rate brachytherapy. Results of a pilot study. Chest 111:14171423
Speiser BL, Spratling L (1993a) Remote afterloading brachytherapy for the local control of endobronchial carcinoma.
Int J Radiat Biol Phys 25:579-587
Speiser BL, L Spratling (1993b) Radiation bronchitis and stenosis secondary to high dose rate endobronchial irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 25:589-597
Stephens RJ, Hopwood P, Girling DJ et al (1997) Randomised
trials with quality of life endpoints: are doctors ratings of
pateints physical symptoms interchangeable with patients
self-ratings? Qual Life Res 6:225-236
Stephens RJ, Hopwood P, Girling DJ (1999) Dening and ana-

lysing symptom palliation in cancer clinical trials: a deceptively difcult exercise. Br J Cancer 79:538-544
Stout R (1993) Endobronchial brachytherapy. Lung Cancer
Stout R, Barber PV, Burt PA et al (2000) Clinical and quality
of life outcomes in the rst United Kingdom randomised
trial of endobronchial brachytherapy (intraluminal radiotherapy) vs. external beam radiotherapy in the palliative
treatment of inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol 56:323-327
Sutedja G, Baris G, Schaake-Koning C et al (1992) High dose
rate brachytherapy in patients with local recurrences after

R. Stout et al.
radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 24 :551-553
Sutedja G, Baris G, van Zandwijk N et al (1994) High-dose
rate brachytherapy has a curative potential in patients
with intraluminal squamous cell lung cancer. Respiration
Tredaniel J, Hennequin C, Zalcman G et al (1994) Prolonged survival after high-dose rate endobronchial
radiation for malignant airway obstruction. Chest
Yankauer S (1922) Two cases of lung tumour treated bronchoscopically. NY Med J 115:741-742

Limited-Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer


Treatment of Small-Cell Lung Cancer


Limited-Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer


4.1 Limited-Disease of Small Cell Lung Cancer

Branislav Jeremic


Introduction 277
Treatment 278
Chemotherapy 278
Radiation Therapy 280
Conclusions 282
References 283

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a highly aggressive
carcinoma and represents approximately 20% of
all lung cancer cases (Grenlee et al. 2000). It is an
entity of lung cancer that is biologically and clinically different from non-small cell lung cancer. The
World Health Organization classification of 1988
and 1999 and the International Association for the
Study of Lung Cancer panel divide SCLC into three
subtypes: classic small cell carcinoma (combined
oat-cell and intermediate-cell), mixed small cell/
large cell carcinoma (components of small cell and
large cell carcinoma), and combined small cell carcinoma (small cell with a component of squamous
or adenocarcinoma cells) (Zakowski 2003). The
mainstay of the diagnosis is still light microscopy,
either cytologic or histologic. The addition of immunostaining and common molecular and genetic
abnormalities implicated in the pathogenesis of
SCLC amplification of c-myc oncogene, allelic
loss on the short arm of chromosome 3, deletion
and phosphorylation, altered protein expression of
retinoblastoma (Rb) gene and frequent mutations
in p53, located at chromosome 17p13.1 have in-

B. Jeremic, MD, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Ismaninger Strasse 226,
81675 Munich, Germany

creased our understanding of these lesions, but

have not yet replaced the use of routine microscopy
(Zakowski 2003).
Cigarette smoking has long been known to be
the primary risk factor for small cell lung cancer,
accounting for >90% cases (Mulshine et al. 1993;
Ihde et al. 1993). The most frequent clinical signs
and symptoms include cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, hoarseness, and dysphagia. Contrary to nonsmall cell lung cancer, the common paraneoplastic
syndromes occur frequently in a variety of presentations, including the syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), ectopic Cushings
syndrome, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
(LEMS), and rare neurologic syndromes, such as
subacute spinal or peripheral neuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, limbic encephalopathy and retinal degeneration (Curran 2001).
The Veterans Administration Lung Group proposed a two-stage system dividing all small cell
lung cancer cases into limited disease and extensive disease 35 years ago (Green et al. 1969)
and the system is still used today. The vast majority
of patients (approximately two-thirds) fall into the
extensive disease category while limited disease
occurs in approximately one-third of all small cell
lung cancer cases. Limited-disease small cell lung
cancer is defined as disease confined to the hemithorax of origin along with the involved regional
lymph nodes (hilar and mediastinal), with or without ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph nodes. It can
also be considered as a disease which can be incorporated within a single, tolerable radiotherapy
treatment field, and may include patients with contralateral mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes. Almost
15 years ago, the International Association for the
Study of Lung Cancer recommended that limiteddisease small cell lung cancer include patients with
ipsilateral hilar nodes, ipsilateral and contralateral
mediastinal and supraclavicular nodes, and ipsilateral pleural effusion (Stahel et al. 1989), which
would correspond to stages IIIIB.


Due to extreme chemosensitivity and a propensity
for early spread beyond the thorax, chemotherapy
was the mainstay of treatment several decades ago,
although chemotherapy alone led to intrathoracic
failure in up to 80% of cases, leading to a median
survival of 1014 months (Cohen et al. 1979). Since
a number of studies showed that radiation therapy
has great potential in decreasing locoregional failures
it was increasingly practised in the 1970s and 1980s,
but radiation therapy was introduced as a necessary
part of the combined modality approach owing to the
results of two meta-analyses that appeared a decade
ago (Pignon et al. 1992; Warde and Payne 1992).
They both showed a small but signicant improvement in 2-year and 3-year survival, averaging 5%7%
and an improvement in local control rates in 25% of
cases with the addition of thoracic radiation therapy.
With the widespread use of the cisplatin/etoposide
regimen, and its lower toxicity (lower than that observed with the cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin,
vincristine) when combined with thoracic radiation
therapy, concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and
platinum-based chemotherapy is now considered as
the standard treatment in limited-disease small cell
lung cancer. Recent meta-analysis (Auperin et al.
1999) conrmed the necessity for prophylactic cranial irradiation, but its timing, dose and fractionation
require further investigation.
There are, however, a number of questions which
warrant further studies into this disease such as optimisation of both chemotherapy (choice of drugs and
its schedule/timing/dosing) and thoracic radiation
therapy (timing of thoracic radiation therapy and
dose/volume/fractionation). Some of these questions
will be addressed in the following sections.
A number of chemotherapeutic agents with response
rates of >30% in small cell lung cancer include cisplatin, carboplatin, etoposide, cyclophosphamide,
doxorubicin, methotrexate and vincristine (Sandler
2003). Cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine
regimen was mostly used in earlier studies, while
studies carried out in the 1980s frequently employed
cisplatin/etoposide, the latter being not only less
toxic, but also very active (Einhorn et al. 1988). The
results of Einhorn et al. (1988) were subsequently

B. Jeremic

reconrmed by Fukuoka et al. (1991) in a trial with

alternating cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine and cisplatin/etoposide being superior to either
cisplatin/etoposide or cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine alone (median survival: 16.8 vs. 11.7
vs. 12.4 months). Since it was shown that cisplatin/
etoposide had less cardiac and lung toxicity, compared with cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine, it was preferentially used with thoracic radiation therapy, providing 2-year survival rates of >40%
(Turrisi et al. 1999; Takada et al. 2002). While cisplatin/etoposide and thoracic radiation therapy is the
mainstay of concurrent treatment today, carboplatin
was sometimes used instead of cisplatin (Kosmidis
et al. 1994; Jeremic et al. 1997), in combination with
etoposide (i.e. carboplatin/etoposide) due to a similar
response and survival as with cisplatin/etoposide but
with less nephro- and ototoxicity than cisplatin/etoposide (Kosmidis et al. 1994; Jeremic et al. 1997).
Attempts were also made to incorporate other drugs
in the treatment plan (Woo et al. 2000; Hanna et
al. 2002).
One of the frequently practised approaches in the
past was to treat patients for the duration of their
life. Of several randomised trials to test this hypothesis, frequently including both stages, only one study
could demonstrate a survival advantage for limiteddisease small cell cancer patients (Maurer et al.
1980), which is in sharp contrast to numerous studies showing either no advantage at all (Woods and
Levi 1984; Cullen et al. 1986; Bleehan et al. 1989;
Lebeau et al. 1992; Giaccone et al. 1993; Beith et al.
1996; Sculier et al. 1996) or showing even detrimental effects of continuous chemotherapy (Byrne et al.
1989). Given the lack of survival improvement and
increased toxicity in maintained treatment, this approach has no role in the treatment of limited-disease
small cell lung cancer patients nowadays. Some studies focused on the question of an optimal number of
induction chemotherapy cycles. If the option of a second line chemotherapy was offered, no survival benet was seen for eight cycles of cyclophosphamide/
etoposide/vincristine compared to four cycles (Spiro
et al. 1989). Indirectly, this was conrmed in as early
as 1996 by results of an Intergroup 0096 study which
produced convincing results with only four cycles of
cisplatin/etoposide and thoracic radiation therapy
(Johnson et al. 1996). It seems, therefore, that the
current standard chemotherapy protocol is four (to
six) cycles of a platinum-based regimen.
The dismally high recurrence rate was the impetus for investigating other approaches like rapid alternation or dose intensication, or testing the intro-

Limited-Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer

duction of third generation drugs like irinotecan,

topotecan and paclitaxel. The mathematical model of
Goldie and Coldman (1984) indicated that rapid alteration of non-cross-resistant chemotherapy should
improve survival in SCLC. It was tested (Einhorn et
al. 1988) and conrmed in practice (Fukuoka et al.
1991), to demonstrate an improvement in survival by
adding cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine
and cisplatin/etoposide in a sequential protocol.
Dose intensication was tested in randomised trials including either doxorubicin or alkylating-based
chemotherapy in limited-disease small cell lung cancer in the 1970s and 1980s (Cohen et al. 1977; Mehta
et al. 1982; Figueredo et al. 1985), or cisplatin-based
chemotherapy in the 1990s (Arriagada et al. 1993),
including granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support (Ardizzoni et al. 2002). Improved survival was
noted in the dose-intensive arm in three studies, with
two trials showing signicant improvement, but this
was accompanied with more severe toxicity, with the
result that the dose intensication did not become
standard treatment approach. An attempt to rectify
the issue of increased dose intensity is made by reducing the interval between cycles of chemotherapy.
Two trials demonstrated an improvement in survival
(Steward et al. 1998; Thatcher et al. 2000) but
again, however, due to increased toxicity it could not
be considered as standard treatment.
Of the third generation drugs, irinotecan was combined with cisplatin and compared to cisplatin/etoposide in a Japan Clinical Oncology Group phase III
study in extensive-disease small cell lung cancer only
(Noda et al. 2002). A signicant survival advantage
for the irinotecan/cisplatin arm was observed (the
median survival time, 390 versus 287 days; 1-year survival, 58% versus 38%; p=0.002). Overall responses
were also signicantly higher in the irinotecan/cisplatin arm (83% versus 63%). High-grade diarrhoea
was seen only in the irinotecan/cisplatin arm, while
high-grade haematological toxicity was seen more
frequently in the cisplatin/etoposide arm. Topotecan
was initially shown to be effective in relapsed small
cell lung cancer patients. This led to its evaluation
as maintenance after initial cisplatin/etoposide in
chemonaive extensive-disease small cell lung cancer
patients compared to no maintenance therapy. With
the addition of topotecan, progression-free survival
was improved but no impact on survival (8.7 months
versus 9.0 months, p=0.71) was observed (Schiller
et al. 2001). Although taxanes have also been increasingly used in small cell lung cancer, only paclitaxel
was tested in a phase III studies. Two recently published studies compared cisplatin/etoposide with


cisplatin/etoposide/paclitaxel. Mavroudis et al.

(2001) found no difference in response rates, median
and overall survival, but observed more treatmentrelated deaths in the cisplatin/etoposide/paclitaxel
regimen (p=0.001). Niell et al. (2002) also observed
no signicant difference in the median survival time
(10.3 vs. 9.8 months, p=0.33) while toxicity was increased in the cisplatin/etoposide/paclitaxel arm
(neutropenia: 63% vs. 44%; thrombopenia 21% vs.
11%; grade 5 toxicities: 6.4% vs. 2.7%). Gatzmeier
et al. (2000) showed no difference in toxicity between
paclitaxel, carboplatin and etoposide versus carboplatin, etoposide and vincristine in limited-disease
and extensive-disease small cell lung cancer. Finally,
a preliminary analysis of another study (Birch et
al. 2000) showed only modest improvements in the
overall response rate with a trend toward improvement in survival for paclitaxel, carboplatin and etoposide when compared to carboplatin and etoposide
in patients with extensive-disease small cell lung cancer. Data from four phase II trials in small cell lung
cancer showed only moderate success with concurrent cisplatin/etoposide/paclitaxel and thoracic radiation therapy (Levitan et al. 2000; Ettinger et
al. 2000; Sandler et al. 2000; Bremnes et al. 2001),
with complete response rates of 13%81% and median survival times of about 22 months. Finally, recent analysis of the Southwest Oncology group phase
II study 9713 provided another set of data on the use
of paclitaxel in 87 patients with limited-disease small
cell lung cancer (Edelman et al. 2004). Concurrent
cisplatin/etoposide/radiation therapy as part of the
combined modality program was followed by three
cycles of consolidation paclitaxel/carboplatin. While
the response rate was 86%, the median survival time
was 17 months and the 2-year survival rate was 33%,
while the progression-free survival at 2 years was
only 21%. This prompted authors to conclude that paclitaxel is inactive against small cell lung cancer and
suggested its further investigation be abandoned.
These results conrmed previously disappointing
results of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
in a similar study (Sandler et al. 2000). Contrary to
these results, the European Organization for research
and treatment of Cancer (Reck et al. 2003) found an
advantage in the paclitaxel-containing arm in patients with small cell lung cancer, including limiteddisease small cell lung cancer patients who achieved
the median survival time of 17.6 months in that study.
It must, however, be clearly stated that this result is
quite similar to that of the Southwest Oncology group
study cited above, as well as those achieved during the
Intergroup study (Turrisi et al. 1999), and somewhat


lower than achieved in other prospective randomised

studies which used only a cisplatin/etoposide combination (Jeremic et al. 1997; Takada et al. 2002).
To summarise the preceding part on chemotherapy in limited-disease small cell lung cancer, there is
no rm basis to recommend either dose intensication or the integration of new drugs into actual regimens, due to the risk of severe toxicity and the lack
of clearly demonstrated improvement in overall survival, and particularly due to a lack of data on chemotherapy combined with thoracic radiation therapy. It
has already become policy, however, in the testing of
new drugs and combinations in this disease and the
long-term data from the completed studies, as well as
those still underway, will help identify those drugs/
regimens which may be useful in further clinical
testing for cisplatin/etoposide and thoracic radiation
therapy to treat this disease.
Radiation Therapy
Thoracic radiation therapy issues have mainly focused on timing, dose and fractionation and treatment volumes. In relation to timing, a combination
of thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy
can be dened as either concurrent, sequential or
alternating. Regarding concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy, earlier studies used
non-platinum regimens, or mixed regimens with cisplatin/etoposide, while newer ones used exclusively
platinum-based regimens. Some studies (Perry et
al. 1987; Schultz et al. 1988; Work et al. 1997) suggested that thoracic radiation therapy delayed until
the fourth cycle of chemotherapy (Perry et al. 1987)
or until day 120 (Schultz et al. 1988) may be superior to initial radiation therapy or suggested no difference when compared to early thoracic radiation
therapy and chemotherapy (Work et al. 1997). One
possible explanation lies in the marked reduction
of chemotherapy dose in the Cancer and Leukemia
Group B (Perry et al. 1987) and the Danish trial
when thoracic radiation therapy was applied early.
Also, the Danish trial (Work et al. 1997) can not really be considered as a concurrent thoracic radiation
therapy and chemotherapy study because sequential
radiation therapy was used before and after chemotherapy. Newer studies using cisplatin/etoposide or
cisplatin/etoposide alternating with cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine (Murray et al. 1993;
Jeremic et al. 1997; Takada et al. 2002) showed clear
superiority for early (cycle one or two of chemo-

B. Jeremic

therapy) administration of thoracic radiation therapy. These studies have also reconrmed in clinical
practice an original Goldie and Coldman (1979)
theoretical consideration that early administration
of both treatment modalities leads to the best outcome on both a local and distant level (Table 4.1.1),
with only early concurrent thoracic radiation therapy
and cisplatin/etoposide being capable of achieving
5-year survival of >20%, whilst late delayed thoracic
radiation therapy usually obtained only about 10%.
Therefore, it became common practice to offer thoracic radiation therapy with curative doses worldwide (cycle one or two of chemotherapy) as early as
possible. Others have also proved this in an institutional setting. Kamath et al. (1998) showed in a small
study of 48 patients that early concurrent thoracic
radiation therapy/cisplatin/etoposide offers an advantage over sequential chemotherapy and thoracic
radiation therapy in terms of overall survival and
decreased distant metastasis in patients with limiteddisease small cell lung cancer. Most recently, Fried
et al. (2003) performed a meta-analysis evaluating
the timing of thoracic radiation therapy in combined
modality therapy for limited stage small cell lung
cancer. Seven trials with a total of 1524 patients met
inclusion criteria. A signicantly higher 2-year survival was observed in the early group and there was
a suggestion of a similar trend at 3 and 5 years. This
advantage was a consequence of signicantly better
outcome for studies employing hyperfractionated radiation therapy and platinum-based chemotherapy.
Contrary to that, once-daily regimens and doxorubicin-based chemotherapy brought no improvement
for early regimens.
With regard to thoracic radiation therapy dose and
fractionation, the doses used for small cell lung cancer were usually about 50 Gy, standard fractionation.
Even in the era of concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy one major site of recurrence
continues to be in-eld (about 30% pure and 20%
combined with systemic progression). The majority
of studies evaluating this issue are retrospective, with
one study (Choi and Carey 1989) observing a better
local control for doses of 4050 Gy than with doses
<40 Gy (>50% versus 30%). Another study indicated
excellent local control after 60 Gy, being 97% (Papac
et al. 1987). Recently, however, Choi et al. (1998) from
the Cancer and Leukemia Group B identied at least
70 Gy using standard fractionation as the maximum
tolerated dose for combination with chemotherapy.
More recently, the Cancer and Leukemia Group B
(Bogart et al. 2002) reported on the preliminary
analysis of their phase II trial in which 70 Gy thoracic

Limited-Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer


Table 4.1.1. Prospective randomised trials investigating optimal timing of concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy in limited-disease small cell lung cancer



RT timing



Perry et al. (1987)

6 CEV +

50 Gy/24 fx
(once daily)

Cycle 1
Cycle 4


Trend for improved survival for late RT


Murray et al. (1993)


40 Gy/15 fx
(once daily)

Week 3
Week 15


Improved survival for early RT


Work et al. (1997)

3 PE +

4045 Gy/22 fx Week 1

(once daily)
Week 18


No difference

Jeremic et al. (1997)

CpE with RT +
4 PE

54 Gy/36 fx

Week 1
Week 6


Improved survival for early RT


Takada et al. (2002)

4 PE

45 Gy/30 fx

Cycle 1
Cycle 4


Trend for improved survival for early RT


CHT, chemotherapy; CEV, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine; CAV, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine; PE,
cisplatin, etoposide; CpE, carboplatin, etoposide; fx, fraction; RT, radiation therapy.

radiation therapy was shown to be feasible and effective when given concurrently with an initial three
cycles of carboplatin and etoposide, following an induction with two cycles of paclitaxel and topotecan.
Median failure-free survival was 12.9 months and
the median overall survival was 19.8 months with a
1-year survival rate of 70%. Only one treatment-related death occurred during this study. Good tolerability of higher thoracic radiation therapy doses
was recently conrmed by Miller et al. (2003) who
retrospectively evaluated the data from 65 patients
from the Duke University in which 5866 Gy standard fractionation was used with either concurrent
(n=32) or sequential (n=33) chemotherapy. The
somewhat lower (30%) 2-year survival rate was explained by the fact that less than one-half of patients
received concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and
chemotherapy and only 26% received prophylactic
cranial irradiation. The toxicity was low. Similarly,
in a cohort of limited-disease small cell lung cancer
treated between 1987 and 2000 with >50 Gy, Roof et
al. (2003) observed that overall survival, local control
and disease-free survival compared favourably with
the historic controls. More recently, Komaki et al.
(2003) reported on the Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group 9712 study which was a phase I dose-escalation study of thoracic radiation therapy with concurrent cisplatin/etoposide in limited-disease small cell
lung cancer. Thoracic radiation therapy was given in
the form of 1.8 Gy daily to 36 Gy followed by small
boost elds encompassing only the gross disease

delivered with escalations of 1.8 Gy b.i.d. during the

nal days to establish the maximum tolerated dose.
Escalations of twice-daily thoracic radiation therapy
during the last 5, 7, 9 and 11 days permitted doses of
54 Gy, 57.6 Gy, 61.2 Gy and 64.8 Gy. The maximum
tolerated dose was determined to be 61.2 Gy in 34
fractions of 1.8 Gy when given concurrently with two
cycles of cisplatin/etoposide and followed by two additional cycles of cisplatin/etoposide.
While earlier studies mostly employed conventional fractionation (once a day, ve times a week),
a few of them used somewhat hypofractionated radiation therapy regimens, thought to cause more
damage to small cell lung cancer cells. A recent study
showed that shifting from hypofractionated to conventionally fractionated thoracic radiotherapy in
a single institutions 10-year experience in limited
stage small cell lung cancer did not alter outcomes
because the survival, thoracic control and toxicity
rates were statistically similar (Videtic et al. 2003).
With more pronounced interest for the altered fractionated regimens, however, accelerated hyperfractionation seemed the logical choice due to the high
sensitivity of small cell lung cancer to radiation
therapy, the sparing effect of twice-daily fractionation and the possible effect of dose acceleration to
combat rapid proliferation thought to occur in small
cell lung cancer. In the Intergroup study (Johnson
et al. 1996; Turrisi et al. 1999), 45 Gy given in 30
fractions in 3 weeks (1.5 Gy b.i.d. fractionation) was
compared with the same dose given once daily. With

B. Jeremic


survival signicantly better in the b.i.d. arm (5-year,

26% versus 19%). This, however, was achieved with a
somewhat higher incidence of acute toxicity. Another
study investigating this issue was a North Central
Cancer Treatment Group study which compared concurrent two cycles of cisplatin/etoposide and either
b.i.d., split-course thoracic radiation therapy (48 Gy
in a total of 5.5 weeks) or once-daily thoracic radiation therapy (50.4 Gy), both given after three cycles
of cisplatin/etoposide (Bonner et al. 1999). There
was no difference in a 3-year overall and locoregional
control. After 5 years (Schild et al. 2003), the median
and 5-year survival were 20.4 months and 22% for
b.i.d. versus 20.5 months and 21% for once-daily thoracic radiation therapy, respectively (p=0.7). Having
these two studies together, a possible explanation
may lie either in the inferiority of the split-course
regimen (which undermined the effect of hyperfractionation) or the effects of acceleration outweighing
those of hyperfractionation. Extending the overall
treatment time, therefore, which allows tumour cell
regeneration, may have been the reason for this nding due to a delay in thoracic radiation therapy either by long lasting induction chemotherapy or by
split-course protocol for thoracic radiation therapy.
A quality-adjusted reanalysis of a phase III trial comparing once-daily thoracic radiation vs. twice-daily
thoracic radiation in patients with limited stage small
cell lung cancer using quality time without symptoms or toxicity methodology showed no difference
in survival after adjusting for toxicity and progression (Sloan et al. 2002).
A number of groups and institutions world-wide
accepted the policy of accelerated hyperfractionated
thoracic radiation therapy, and the accumulated data
show different outcomes (Johnson et al. 1996; Ali et
al. 1998; Mennecier et al. 2000; Segawa et al. 2003)
and toxicity proles. The future studies directly comparing b.i.d. to once-daily fractionation will bring
denitive answers about optimal total dose and fractionation regimen preferentially used. While this task
is already underway, the third generation of drugs
eagerly awaits its place and time in this disease and
the data are slowly emerging (Sandler et al. 2000).
With the change of practice from sequential to
concurrent thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy, the issue of thoracic radiation therapy volumes became particularly important in the latter
case, while it is of no importance if one use early
(cycle one) concurrent thoracic radiation therapy
and chemotherapy. Several questions provide an interesting framework for further investigation, such
as whether one should treat pre-chemotherapy or

post-chemotherapy visible volumes, and what should

be the safety margin around the visible tumour and
which, if any, elective nodal coverage should be used.
There is no consensus to date, although common policy is to include the original tumour with 1.52.0 cm
safety margin. One prospective study showed no difference between large eld thoracic radiation therapy
and limited eld thoracic radiation therapy (Kies et
al. 1987), but others showed the opposite (Perez et
al. 1981; White et al. 1982). Larger thoracic radiation
therapy volumes will inevitably lead to more toxicity, but this must be carefully balanced against the
increased risk of high incidence of local recurrence.
Any appropriate solution of this question must take
the dose/fractionation regimen used into account.
It is also expected that newer diagnostic tools such
as positron emission tomography and newer, more
powerful, computer-driven radiation therapy technologies may help solve the problem of optimal thoracic radiation therapy volumes.
To further extend this, three-dimensional treatment planning and delivery using conformal techniques are increasingly used. Intensity-modulated
radiation therapy and stereotactic fractionated radiation therapy are expected to fully bloom in the near
future. It is reasonable to expect that they will be introduced in clinical practice to treat limited-disease
small cell lung cancer, as a tool for both tumour dose
increase and the dose normal tissue receives. This is
an important issue since toxicity during concurrent
thoracic radiation therapy and chemotherapy may
lead to poor compliance and may necessitate treatment interruptions to palliate existing symptoms. As
recently shown they result in poorer local control and
decreased survival (Videtic et al. 2001).

The standard treatment for the majority of patients
with limited-disease small cell lung cancer is a combination of thoracic radiation therapy and cisplatin/
etoposide, given concurrently, with thoracic radiation therapy being started early. While the majority
of institutions world-wide use four cycles of cisplatin/etoposide, numerous thoracic radiation therapy
and chemotherapy issues remain unsolved. Ongoing
studies will help clear up these important issues in
optimising the treatment approach and outcome in
this disease. The lessons we have learned from optimisation of the treatment approach in limited-dis-

Limited-Disease Small Cell Lung Cancer

ease small cell lung cancer also served as an attempt

to optimise the treatment in extensive-disease small
cell lung cancer. As we have recently shown in a prospective randomised trial, thoracic radiation therapy
can play an important role in extensive-disease small
cell lung cancer, provided that suitable patients are
identied (Jeremic et al. 1999). We have focused on
those patients who have the most favourable prognosis after induction chemotherapy, i.e. those achieving
complete response at distant sites accompanied with
either complete response or partial response intrathoracically. They were chosen as a subject of our study
because they most closely resembled limited-disease
small cell lung cancer patients. In these patients, after three initial cycles of cisplatin/etoposide, accelerated hyperfractionated thoracic radiation therapy
offered a survival advantage over that achieved with
chemotherapy alone (the median survival time: 17
vs. 11 months; 5-year survival rates: 9.1% vs. 3.7%,
respectively; p=0.041) due to an improvement in the
local recurrence-free survival (p=0.062). Patients
treated with thoracic radiation therapy achieved better results than those treated with chemotherapy only
regarding both median time to rst relapse (13 vs.
9 months, respectively) and 1-5 year rst relapse-free
survival (p=0.045). Interestingly, after initial 3 cycles
of cisplatin/etoposide, thoracic radiation therapy offered higher response rate than additional cisplatin/
etoposide. When further response was evaluated, additional cisplatin/etoposide (in both groups) offered
nothing but a few percent of additional response, an
indirect evidence of the necessity of limiting of the
number of chemotherapy cycles to 46. Results of this
study await further verication, an important task for
the future endeavours in small cell lung cancer.

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Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Small Cell Lung Cancer


4.2 Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation

in Small Cell Lung Cancer
Ccile Le Pchoux


Introduction 287
Studies Evaluating Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation 288
First Generation of Randomized Trials 288
Second Generation of Randomized Trials:
PCI in Complete Responders 289
Optimal Treatment Schedule for PCI 289 DoseResponse Relationship 289 Optimal Timing for PCI 290
Meta-analyses of Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation 290
Neurotoxicity of Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation 291
Retrospective Studies 291
Prospective Evaluation of
Neurological Functions 292
Conclusion 292
References 293

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has several features
that distinguish it from other tumor types, such as
an early propensity to disseminate and most particularly in the brain. Chemotherapy is therefore the
cornerstone treatment in both limited and extensive
disease. Radiotherapy also has a role in the therapeutic strategy used for certain patients and two
meta-analyses have contributed to establishing the
standard treatment: thoracic radiotherapy should
be combined with chemotherapy in limited disease
and prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) should
also be part of treatment among complete responders (Pignon et al. 1992; Auprin et al. 1999). Both
systemic and local control have been improved in
the past 20 years so that about two-thirds of these

C. Le Pchoux, MD
Department of Radiotherapy, Institut Gustave-Roussy, 39, Rue
Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif, France

patients, mainly those with limited disease, will be

put in complete remission. However, there is a high
risk of relapse, and brain failures have become a
signicant cause of relapse as the risk of developing
brain metastases increases with length of survival
to a cumulative risk that can be as high as 80%
(Komaki et al. 1981; Nugent et al. 1979). At the time
of initial diagnosis, up to 24% of patients may be
found to have brain metastases if MRI is used as part
of the initial work-up (Nugent et al. 1979; Hansen
1973; Hochstenbag et al. 2000). Even in patients
who achieve a complete response, the incidence of
cerebral metastasis as the sole site of initial relapse
varies between 14% and 45% at 2 years (Arriagada
et al. 1995; Ball and Matthews 1995). Historically,
chemotherapeutic agents have had a limited role in
the treatment of cerebral metastases because of the
inability of cytostatic drugs to cross the bloodbrain
barrier. However more recent studies have reported
efcacy of chemotherapy alone, with response
rates in brain metastases ranging from 40% to 76%
(Postmus et al. 1989; Kristjansen et al. 1992, 1993;
Lee et al. 1989), results equivalent to those obtained
with radiation therapy (Nugent et al. 1979; Baglan
and Marks 1981; Cox et al. 1980; Carmichael et
al. 1988; Hagerdorn et al. 1993). Chemotherapy
administered post-radiation could also be more effective (van Vulpen et al. 2002). However, even if
the symptomatic relief is of some benet, quality of
life is poor and overall survival after development of
brain metastases is low, with median survival times
ranging from 1.5 to 4.5 months (Arriagada et al.
1995; Cox et al. 1980; Hagerdorn et al. 1993; van
Hazel et al. 1983; Feletti et al. 1985).
PCI has thus been developed as a strategy to prevent dissemination to the uninvolved brain, as we
know systemic agents do not cross the bloodbrain
barrier effectively (Hansen 1973). However, even if
several retrospective and prospective studies have
shown that PCI significantly reduced the incidence
of a CNS relapse compared with patients who did
not receive PCI, the utility of PCI has been a controversial issue for several years due to the lack of

C. Le Pchoux


improvement in survival in individual trials and a

possible risk of neurotoxicity and cognitive deficits
in long-term survivors (Einhorn 1995; Wagner
1997; Turrisi 1990). PCI is now less controversial
because of the results of the meta-analysis on PCI
in SCLC complete responders, showing the benefit
of PCI not only in terms of brain control but also in
terms of survival (Auprin et al. 1999).

Studies Evaluating Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation
First Generation of Randomized Trials
PCI has been used routinely in the past 20 years,
since it was generally accepted that PCI would delay the appearance of symptomatic cerebral metastases and that it would reduce the life-time risk
of CNS relapse by 30%50% (Komaki et al. 1981;
Nugent et al. 1979). Several randomized trials

listed on Table 4.2.1 have been published showing

a significant two- to three-fold decrease in brain
metastases incidence in the PCI arm compared to
the control arm (Aroney et al. 1983; Beiler et al.
1979; Cox et al. 1978; Eagan et al. 1981; Hansen
et al. 1980; Jackson et al. 1983; Maurer et al. 1980;
Niiranen et al. 1989; Perez et al. 1981; Seydel
et al. 1985). However, they included a very heterogeneous patient population. There were trials
that included patients who were in complete remission, others that included patients who failed
to achieve a complete remission, patients with limited and extensive disease, as well as patients who
had concomitant chemotherapy and different PCI
doses and fractionations. None of these randomized studies could show an impact on the survival
rate. However, in 1983 Rosen et al. were the first
ones to report than PCI could have an impact on
survival in a sub-group of patients and, since then,
several retrospective studies have suggested that
PCI could not only reduce brain failure rates, but
also improve survival in complete responders to induction treatment (Rosen et al. 1983; Rosenstein
et al. 1992; Rubenstein et al. 1995).

Table 4.2.1. Older randomized trials evaluating PCI in small cell lung cancer patients



PCI dose
Timing of PCI

Brain metastases rate

PCI (+)

PCI ()

p Value

Median survival or
survival at X years
PCI (+)

PCI ()
58 weeks

Beiler et al. (1979)


3rd week




>104 weeks

Cox et al. (1978)






40 weeks

Eagan et al. (1981)


20th week




13.6 months 12.9 months

Hansen et al. (1980)


12th week




9.2 months

10.2 months

Jackson et al. (1983)






9.8 months

7.2 months

Maurer et al. (1980)


9th week




8.4 months

8.8 months


4th week




13 months

10 months





53 weeks

52 weeks

Niiranen et al. (1989)

Seydel et al. (1985)


CR, PCI given when patients are in complete remission; D1, PCI given on the rst day of induction treatment; NR, not
reported; LD, limited disease.

Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Optimal Treatment Schedule for PCI
Second Generation of Randomized Trials:
PCI in Complete Responders
In more recent randomized trials listed in Table 4.2.2,
that have included only patients considered in complete remission, the rates of brain failure seem higher
than in older trials probably because they are reported as actuarial and not as crude brain metastasis rates (Arriagada et al. 1995; Gregor et al.
1997; Laplanche et al. 1998; Ohonoshi et al. 1993;
Wagner et al. 1996). The overall 2-year actuarial
brain failure rates are 40% and 67%, respectively,
in the trial reported by Arriagada and colleagues
(1995), and 30% and 54% in the trial reported by
Gregor and colleagues (1997). Even if there was a
trend in favor of PCI, none of these more recent randomized trials were large enough to conrm statistically the survival benet suggested in retrospective
studies (Rosen et al. 1983; Rosenstein et al. 1992;
Rubenstein et al. 1995; Work et al. 1996). A study
reporting later results of the two French trials involving 505 patients did not show any difference in terms
of survival either (Arriagada et al. 2002). Only the
meta-analysis which will be discussed later could
help clarify this issue.
DoseResponse Relationship

Although the doseresponse relationships for PCI in

small cell lung cancer are fundamental to predicting
the optimal treatment schedule, they have not been
well established and there are no adequate prospective studies to evaluate the effects of total dose and/or
fraction size in PCI. In most studies, the prescribed
PCI dose is about 2430 Gy with fraction sizes varying between 2 and 3 Gy. Only one randomized trial
has directly addressed the issue of PCI dose (Gregor
et al. 1997). The rst part of the UKCCR-EORTC trial
was a three-arm comparison, with two PCI dosages
(24 Gy and 36 Gy) being compared to no PCI, and
the higher dose was more effective in reducing the
risk of brain metastasis. A trend for a doseresponse
relationship was also observed in the study of Work
et al. (1996) which did not address the question of
PCI dose directly.
Most importantly, a marked trend for a doseresponse relationship was observed in the meta-analysis by Auprin et al. (1999). The effect of PCI on

Table 4.2.2. Randomized trials evaluating PCI in small cell lung cancer complete responders included in the meta-analysis
and results of the meta-analysis


Aroney et al. (1983)



Arriagada et al. (1995) 300

Gregor et al. (1997)


Laplanche et al. (1998) 211

PCI dose
Timing of PCI


Brain metastases rate

PCI (+)

PCI ()



p Value

Median survival or
survival at X years
PCI (+)

PCI ()




2-Year SR

2-Year SR


2-Year rate

2-Year rate



2-Year rate

2-Year rate


3-year SR

3-year SR


4-Year rate

4-Year rate


4-year SR

4-year SR

Ohonoshi et al. (1993)








Wagner et al. (1996)








Auprin et al. (1999)



3-Year rate

3-Year rate


3-Year SR

3-Year SR

CR, PCI given when patients are in complete remission; SR, survival rate; D1, PCI given on the rst day of induction treatment; NR, not reported.
a Out of 172 patients evaluated and analyzed, only 29 patients achieving CR were randomized.

C. Le Pchoux


brain metastases increased with the total PCI dose

when four dose groups (8 Gy, 2425 Gy, 30 Gy, 36
40 Gy) were analyzed (trend p = 0.02). Hence the
relative risk of developing brain metastasis as compared to the control group was respectively 24% in
the 8 Gy group, 48% in the 2425 Gy group, 68% in
the 30 Gy group and 73% in the 3640 Gy group, but
the effect on survival did not differ signicantly according to the dose. A doseresponse relationship
was also found in a review that collected data from 12
non-randomized studies and 12 randomized studies
comparing brain relapse rates with and without PCI
(Suwinski et al. 1998). The doseresponse curve was
almost linear within the dose range of 2035 Gy.
If we have studies that have evaluated total dose
effect, we also know from retrospective evaluations
that the dose per fraction should be less than 3 Gy because of late radiation effects. The use of twice-daily
treatments with a smaller dose per fraction and an
interval between fractions of at least 6 h, could decrease the risk of late toxicity. A phase II trial has suggested recently that hyperfractionated PCI (3036 Gy
given in twice-daily 1.5-Gy fractions) was a well tolerated and effective PCI schedule (Wolfson et al.
2001). This dose schedule is being tested in a phase
II/III randomized study led by the Radiation Therapy
Oncology group (RTOG 0212).
Optimal Timing for PCI

The optimal timing for PCI in limited stage small cell

lung cancer has also not been clearly determined.
Even if PCI should be administered relatively early
in order to avoid re-seeding of the brain, it has been
recommended that it should be administered following documentation of complete remission, after
24 months but before 6 months from the start of
chemotherapy (Lee et al. 1987). In the study of Lee
et al. (1987), the overall incidence of brain metastasis
was higher in patients who received PCI after ve
or six cycles of chemotherapy than in patients who
received it after two or three courses of induction
and maintenance chemotherapy. Only one small and
rather old trial has directly addressed the issue of
PCI optimal timing but was not conclusive (Perez
et al. 1981). The incidence of brain metastases was
7% whether PCI was administered during the rst
week (early PCI group), or during the seventh week
(late PCI group) .
The meta-analysis addressed the question of optimal timing in a subgroup analysis, and there was a
trend (p=0.01) toward a greater effect of PCI on the

incidence of brain metastasis in patients randomized within 4 months after start of induction treatment than in those randomized later (Auprin et
al. 1999). The recent study by Suwinski et al. (1998)
has also made an interesting analysis of PCI dose response according to its timing. They showed that the
delay between initiation of induction treatment and
the start of PCI introduces a 20-Gy threshold in the
doseresponse curve which seems to be linear otherwise. Considering only studies where PCI was initiated less than 60 days after the rst day of induction
treatment, there was nearly a linear relationship between the given dose in 2-Gy fractions equivalent and
the percentage reduction in total brain relapse rates
within the range of 830 Gy. In the studies where
PCI was initiated later, it looked as if higher doses
were necessary to obtain the same prophylactic effect. Thus by increasing the delay between induction
treatment and PCI, one possibly increases the burden
of metastatic disease to the brain.

Meta-analyses of Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation
A meta-analysis collecting individual data from
seven trials including a total of 987 patients randomized from 1977 to 1995, comparing PCI to no PCI
in patients with small cell lung cancer in complete
remission was consecutively performed, the primary
endpoint being overall survival (Auprin et al. 1999).
The results showed that PCI led to a 5.4% increase
in the 3-year survival rate (from 15.3% observed
in the control group to 20.7%). Therefore PCI not
only decreases, signicantly, the risk of developing
brain metastases (from 58.6% to 33.3% at 3 years) as
proven in other individual trials, but also improves
overall survival and disease-free survival.
Meert et al. (2001) recently published a systematic
review of the literature with meta-analysis, including
12 published trials (1547 patients) which randomly
assigned patients to receive PCI or not. Whereas the
meta-analysis of Auperin et al. (1999) included only
trials addressing the question of PCI in complete responders, out the 12 selected trials by Meert et al.
(2001), ve included exclusively complete responders, ve included patients where PCI was eventually
administered at initiation of chemotherapy, and two
included patients given PCI as consolidation treatment whatever the response status. As expected, PCI
signicantly decreases brain metastases incidence

Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Small Cell Lung Cancer

when all studies are considered with a hazard ratio

of 0.48 (95% CI, 0.871.02). However, in the Meert et
al. (2001) study, PCI improved survival signicantly
only among complete responders; the hazard ratio
being then 0.82 (95% CI, 0.710.96). When all studies were considered, the hazard ratio was 0.94. The
authors conclude that PCI can only be recommended
in complete responders documented by a work-up
including brain CT scan.

Neurotoxicity of Prophylactic
Cranial Irradiation
Retrospective Studies
The meta-analysis by Auprin et al. (1999) showed
that PCI inuences long-term survival of patients
who achieve a complete response to therapy. However,
several studies have reported neurologic and intellectual impairment and abnormalities on brain CT scan
potentially related to PCI that could be of concern
to clinicians (Catane et al. 1981; Craig et al. 1984;
Crossen et al. 1994; Frytak et al. 1989; Johnson
et al. 1985, 1990; Laukkanen et al. 1988; Lee et al.
1986; Lishner et al. 1990; Twinjstra et al. 1987).
Neurological evaluation is difcult and some research suggests that neuropsychologic impairment
in this subset of patients may be attributable to the
disease process itself rather than treatment exclusively; furthermore, age, effects of chronic cigarette
abuse, possible paraneoplastic syndromes, and micrometastases may also contribute to neurotoxicity
(Erlington et al. 1991; Hill 1989; Komaki et al.
1995; van Oosterhout et al. 1996a). Baseline evaluations are lacking in most of these retrospective studies. Thus, PCI is probably only in part responsible for
the leukoencephalopathy that can be observed and
neurotoxicity seems dependent on total dose, dose
per fraction, timing of chemotherapy (concomitant
with PCI), and type of chemotherapy.
This contributed largely to the controversial issue of PCI, neurotoxicity being the major argument
against PCI, especially in the absence of demonstrable improvement in survival before the meta-analysis
results. Most data on late neurotoxicity are based on
small retrospective studies with variable protocols
of PCI and chemotherapy regimens: ataxia, seizures,
and even dementia have been reported (Catane et al.
1981; Craig et al. 1984; Crossen et al. 1994; Frytak


et al. 1989; Johnson et al. 1985, 1990; Laukkanen et

al. 1988; Lishner et al. 1990; Twinjstra et al. 1987).
Brain CT scan abnormalities are common: cerebral
atrophy, ventricular dilatation, periventricular and
subcortical white matter changes, which may progress after treatment is nished (Johnson et al. 1985,
1990). However these abnormalities do not always
correspond with altered neuropsychological functioning. The abnormalities observed affect indeed
white matter and it is not certain if the underlying
white matter disease is caused by a primary demyelination, an endarteritis of the microcirculation, or
both (Crossen et al. 1994). As suggested by Johnson
et al. (1985, 1990), patients who were given chemotherapy during the time of cranial irradiation or large
radiotherapy fractions (more than 3 Gy) were more
likely to have abnormal neuropsychologic tests and
have abnormal mental status examinations.
Difculty in analyzing these retrospective studies
derives from the fact that PCI has often been delivered with chemotherapeutic agents with a potential
to contribute to neurotoxicity either by synergism
with PCI or by independent mechanisms. Several
studies have reported that the combined combination
of PCI and concomitant CT has a negative impact on
neuropsychologic functioning. Van Oosterhout et
al. (1996b) reported neurological sequelae in a series
of 51 long-term SCLC survivors who were treated
with chemotherapy alone (group 1), with sequential
PCI (group 2) or with concurrent chemotherapy and
PCI (group 3). They concluded that there was no statistical evidence for additional neurotoxicity of PCI.
However, they could observe marked neuropsychometric differences between patients and matched
controls, so that cognitive impairment may be partly
related to disease, but also to deteriorated physical
condition and emotional distress (van Oosterhout
et al. 1996b). In a smaller retrospective study, Komaki
et al. (1995) evaluated thoroughly the magnitude of
neuropsychologic decits in 30 patients with small
cell lung cancer who had PCI, pointing out the importance of baseline evaluations. Almost all patients
with favorable responses to combination chemotherapy had specic cognitive decits before receiving
PCI (29 out of 30 patients). A recent study by Cull
et al. (1994), also reported neurological and cognitive
impairment in 64 long-term survivors (>2 years). By
using validated scales of toxicity and performance
status, they reported that 75% of these patients had
no signicant deterioration of neurocognitive functions, 11% had cognitive decits, and 16% had ataxia
that could be attributed to PCI . These data contrast
with those reported in older studies where up to

C. Le Pchoux


85% of patients were found to have clinically detectable neurological problems (Johnson et al. 1985).
Neurological evaluation is difcult in this subset of
patients and there may be a wide variety of conclusions as to the possible morbidity of PCI in all of
these retrospective studies or very small prospective evaluations. In some studies patients with brain
metastases would be analyzed with patients having
PCI, in others PCI would be given concomitantly to
chemotherapy; furthermore, patients often present
symptoms of depression or anxiety that may interfere with neuropsychological evaluations; age, effects
of chronic cigarette abuse, possible paraneoplastic
syndromes, and micrometastases may also contribute
to neurotoxicity (Erlington et al. 1991; Hill 1989;
Komaki et al. 1995; van Oosterhout et al. 1996a).
Prospective Evaluation of Neurological
We know from the results of all these studies the
importance of pretherapeutic assessment and that
the use of PCI alone, without concomitant chemotherapy and lower fractionation schedules (<3 Gy),
does not seem to cause signicant long-term neurotoxicity. This is conrmed by the results of two
recent prospective trials that have included a neurological assessment in their study (Arriagada et
al. 1995; Gregor et al. 1997). Several patients had an
initial neuropsychological examination (before PCI
would possibly be administered) that was abnormal
(40%60%). The results within the rst years of follow-up did not show any signicant difference in
neuropsychological modications between treated
and untreated patients in both studies. These results
have been conrmed with longer follow-up; however,
there is a non-signicant memory deterioration in
the PCI group (Le Pchoux et al. 2003). The only
prospective study that showed signicant neurocognitive deterioration was the CALGB study that used
concurrent chemotherapy and brain irradiation. This
study recently evaluated the psychologic and neuropsychologic functioning of 347 patients with limited
disease who were randomized to intensive chemotherapy, thoracic radiation, and PCI with or without
warfarin (Ahles et al. 1998). All patients had PCI
given concomitantly with chemotherapy. Emotional
distress was measured by the POMS (prole of mood
states) and cognitive functioning was assessed using
the Trail Making B Test at baseline before any treatment, after completion of intensive chemotherapy,

and after the completion a different regimen of chemotherapy administered concomitantly to PCI. POMS
scores remained stable over the course of treatment
but there was a signicant change of neurocognitive
functions over the course of treatment suggesting
that the combination of chemotherapy and PCI had a
negative impact on cognitive functioning. Therefore,
the use of PCI without concomitant chemotherapy
and lower fractionation schedules (<3 Gy) should be
considered for all patients in complete remission.

Several studies in the past 20 years have reported a
lower incidence of brain metastases with PCI, thereby
reducing the risk of the associated morbidity and
social consequences of brain failure. If recent trials have shown that brain metastases really could be
prevented and not just delayed with PCI in complete
responders, the meta-analysis has now demonstrated
that PCI leads to a 5.4% increase in the 3-year survival
rate (from 15.3% observed in the control group to
20.7%). This benet on overall survival can be added
up to the effect of thoracic radiotherapy which has
about the same value.
The selection of an optimal dose for PCI that
would lead to a further decrease in brain metastasis
incidence with minimal toxicity is one of the challenges raised by the meta-analysis as well the ideal
timing of PCI. There is an ongoing international
trial addressing the question of dose effect for the
prevention of metastases in patients with limited
disease who achieved a complete response. It compares a standard dose of 25 Gy in 10 fractions to a
higher dose of 36 Gy (36 Gy/18 fractions or 36 Gy in
24 twice-daily fractions) (Le Pchoux et al. 2000).
In order to evaluate whether dose escalation results
in higher cerebral control rates and to evaluate its
impact on neurological functions, all patients have a
baseline radiological evaluation as well as a quality
of life and clinical evaluation at baseline before PCI,
6 months after PCI, and then yearly. A phase II/III
RTOG trial has also recently been activated comparing conventional fractionation (36 Gy in 18 fractions)
to hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy (36 Gy
in 24 twice-daily fractions). All patients will have a
neurocognitive assessment in their follow-up.
Even if there are questions left concerning the
optimal dose and fractionation of PCI as well as the
optimal timing, there is level 1 evidence that prophy-

Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation in Small Cell Lung Cancer

lactic cranial irradiation is effective. It should now

be considered as part of the standard treatment of
patients with small cell lung cancer in complete remission.

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Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer


Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer

Branislav Jeremic and Michael Bamberg




Introduction 297
External Beam Radiation Therapy
for Locoregional Post-Surgical Recurrences
of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 298
External Beam Radiation Therapy
for Local/Regional Intrathoracic Recurrences
After Previous Radiation Therapy 303
Endobronchial (Endoluminal) Brachytherapy
for Locoregional Recurrent Lung Cancer 304
Conclusions 305
References 305

The treatment of choice for early stages non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is surgery (Mountain 1986,
1997; Naruke et al. 1988). This treatment modality
may also be successfully applied in selected patients
with stage IIIA (Mountain 1986, 1997; Naruke et
al. 1988). While there is an increasing possibility of
detecting early stage tumours with the use of positron emission tomography, there is also an increasing
possibility of using induction (neoadjuvant) chemotherapy and surgery in selected cases of locally advanced NSCLC (Pass et al. 1992; Rossell et al. 1994;
Roth et al. 1994). It is anticipated, therefore, that not
only will more patients be undergoing surgery alone
or combined with chemotherapy in the future than
before, but that these patients will be more likely
to have the stage of the disease dened during pretreatment investigation. Also, a number of patients
with non-metastatic lung cancer are offered either
radiation therapy alone or a combination with che-

B. Jeremic, MD, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Munich, Germany
M. Bamberg, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital,
Tbingen, Germany

motherapy. They also experience disease recurrence

in high percentage of cases.
Locoregional recurrence is a well-documented
event in the history of lung cancer. As the rst site
of failure, it was documented in surgical series in as
low as 3%9 %, but also as high as 32% or even 38%
(Holmes et al. 1986; Immerman et al. 1981; Ishida
et al. 1990; Kaiser et al. 1989; Ludwig Lung Cancer
Study Group 1987; Matthew et al. 1973; Spjut and
Mateo 1965; Thomas and Rubinstein 1990). When,
however, more intensive follow-up procedures after
an initial operation are carried out, this rate may go
as high as 52% as in one series (Westeel et al. 2000).
It is, therefore, not surprising that after curative resection, 5-year survival can be as high as 54%83%
for stage I squamous-cell carcinoma but as low as
10%21% for stage IIIA adenocarcinoma (Holmes
1988; McGovern et al. 1988). Also in non-surgical
studies, radical radiation therapy alone or combined
with chemotherapy achieved only about 15% local
control, as assessed by bronchoscopy (Arriagada et
al. 1991).
Thus recurrence is still a dominating and bitter
event after the treatment of lung cancer, irrespective
of histology (non-small cell versus small cell), stage
(early versus locally advanced versus metastatic), or
initial treatment (surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or any combination of these). While some
failures are reported to appear soon after the initial
treatment, some manifest years later. All recurrences
can be broadly divided into local (e.g. bronchial
stump recurrences only or thoracic wall), regional
(e.g. mediastinal lymph node), and distant (brain,
liver, bones or contralateral lung). Again, any combination of these may occur in a patient.
Since some recurrences may appear in lung parenchyma (ipsilateral or contralateral lung), it is important to recognise the distinct features of the second
primary metachronous primary lung cancer as opposed to lung parenchyma recurrence occurring after
the initial treatment. A second primary metachronous
lung cancer appears after an initial treatment of the
primary lung cancer and a particular set of criteria is


considered necessary to differentiate second primary

lung cancer from recurrent or metastatic lung cancer (Martini and Melamed 1975). A tumour was
considered a second primary if it: (1) had different
histology, or (2) had the same histology as the initial
lung cancer but if: (a) the disease-free interval between the occurrence of cancers was at least 2 years,
(b) the second cancer originated from a carcinoma in
situ, or (c) the second cancer was in a different lobe or
lung, but neither cancer was in lymphatics common
to both cancers, nor extrapulmonary metastases were
found at the time of diagnosis. This entity will not be
discussed in this chapter.
As recurrence may appear after any of the treatment modalities used in lung cancer (surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy) or any combination of
these, recurrences can also be treated by any of these.
Patients with isolated intrathoracic recurrence have
been treated with different approaches, including
a more aggressive surgical approach (Gabler and
Liebig 1980; Matthew et al. 1973) or endobronchial
irradiation (Hilaris et al. 1979). Photodynamic
therapy was shown to be ineffective in this patient
population, especially those with bronchial stump recurrence. In a series by Lam (1994), as many as 75%
of patients with bronchial stump recurrence re-recurred after photodynamic therapy, despite achieving
an initial response. When several large surgical series
are taken into account together (Gabler and Liebig
1980; Dartevelle and Khalif 1985; Watanabe et
al. 1992; Voltolini et al. 2000), it can be observed
that in more than 6000 patients recurring locally,
re-operation with curative intent was managed in
1%1.7% of patients. Results with re-operation were
mostly discouraging such as 23% with 2-year survival (Pairolero et al. 1984). The median survival
times (MST) ranged from 726 months (Becker et
al. 1990; Lesser et al. 1997; Voltolini et al. 2000;
Westeel et al. 2000). More recent studies reported
more promising results such as 15.5% 5-year survival
obtained, however, in a smaller patient population
(n=12) (Voltolini et al. 2000). In early stages of recurrent lung carcinoma even higher local control and
overall survival rates can be achieved by completion
pneumonectomy, with 5-year survival of about 50%
in stage I and 40% in stage II carcinoma (Regnard
et al. 1999), although patient cohorts included those
with second primary lung cancer. The poor results of
some studies clearly warrant newer strategies, which
may include more intensive follow-up procedures, as
well as alternative treatment approaches.
There are also reports (Curran et al. 1992;
Emami et al. 1997; Green and Kern 1978; Jeremic

B. Jeremic and M. Bamberg

et al. 1999b; Kagami et al. 1998; Kono et al. 1998;

Kopelson and Choi 1980; Law et al. 1982; Leung
et al. 1995) indicating the effectiveness of radiation
therapy when given as a sole treatment. Since these
reports covered long periods of time during which
great variance in the diagnostic and radiotherapeutic
approaches occurred, including a number of different recurrent tumour locations, these reports, unfortunately, suffer from a mixture of potentially different
entities frequently treated with a wide range of doses
and different fractionation patterns. Radiation therapy was sometimes also combined with chemotherapy (Itoh et al. 2002) or brachytherapy. All of these
factors contributed to a confusing picture of the use
of external beam radiation therapy in this disease, in
spite of the fact that some reports clearly indicated
the effectiveness of external beam radiation therapy
with results showing at least similar effectiveness to
those obtained with surgery.
In this chapter, we will focus on the use of radiation therapy in the treatment of locoregionally recurrent lung cancer.

External Beam Radiation Therapy
for Locoregional Post-Surgical Recurrences
of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
In contrast to surgery, which has been exclusively
used to treat post-surgical recurrences, radiation
therapy has been used to treat both those recurrences occurring after initial surgery and after previous radiation therapy. When used for post-surgical
recurrences, the aim of radiation therapy was to treat
local/regional recurrences located at various intrathoracic sites. These were usually divided into chest
wall/pleural, parenchymal, bronchial stump, and mediastinal lymph node recurrences, but could include
any combination of these.
It seems that the history of radiation therapy in
treating locoregional post-surgical recurrences of
non-small cell lung cancer starts with the rst report
by Green and Kern (1978) on 46 patients with local recurrence without documented metastasis. Low
doses were those which ranged from 25003999 cGy
and while high doses were those which ranged between 4000 and 6500 cGy. Subjective improvement
was observed in about 2/3 of patients, improvement
being dose-related. The median survival time was
11 months with a 4-year survival rate of 4%. The median survival time for patients in the high dose group

Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer

responding to radiation therapy was 19 months, which

was in sharp contrast to those radically treated with
radiation therapy and having no response (8 months),
or those treated with the low dose radiation therapy
(4 months). The impact of response to radiation
therapy on treatment outcome was also documented
by Yano et al. (1994). In their study, high local control rates and higher overall survival were achieved
if the tumour responded to radiation treatment (the
median survival time, 27 months vs. 6 months for responders and non-responders, respectively).
Also, several other reports indicated effectiveness
of radiation therapy alone in treating locoregionally
recurrent lung cancer. Kopelson and Choi (1980)
reported on 24 patients with a median survival time
of 12 months and 5-year survival of 10%. Shaw et al.
(1992) reported on a series of 37 patients, the majority of whom were treated with 40 Gy in 10 fractions
using the split-course technique. The median survival time was 13.7 months and 5-year survival was
4%. It is likely that somewhat lower local control rates
and lower 5-year survival in that study resulted from
the inclusion of patients with hilar, mediastinal and
even supraclavicular lymph node recurrence (57%
of the patients had stage IIIA and 22% had stage IIIB
disease at the time of recurrence). In the study of
Curran et al. (1992), who reported on 37 patients
treated with external beam RT to a median dose of
56 Gy, the median survival time was 12 months and
2-year survival was 22%. Also, Leung et al. (1995)
reported on 45 patients who achieved the median
survival time of 10 months and 2-year survival of
27%. The radiation dose played an important role:
there was a signicant difference between patients
treated curatively (n=17) and those treated with
palliative intent (n=28) (median survival time: 15.6
vs 4.0 months, respectively; p=0.02). Patients whose
recurrence was conned to the bronchial stump had
a better median survival time than those with other
sites of relapse (15 months vs. 9 months), and patients treated with radical intent (total dose >50 Gy)
did well with an estimated 2-year survival of 41%.
A similar effect of higher radiation disease was also
observed in the study of Emami et al. (1997) who reported on 52 patients treated with radiation therapy
doses that ranged from 16 Gy to 75 Gy with 15 (29%)
patients receiving >60 Gy. The 5-year survival was
4%, with the median survival time of 8.5 months,
when all patients were considered, with a signicantly better response obtained with increased
dose of radiation therapy (p=0.02). More recently,
Kagami et al. (1998) reported on 32 patients treated
within a hypofractionated schedule of a daily dose of


2.5 Gy, four times per week with total radiation therapy doses that ranged from 47.5 Gy to 65 Gy. There
were 25 patients who received >60 Gy. The median
survival time was 14 months, and 5-year survival
was 12.5%. More recently, Jeremic et al. (1999b) observed a 5-year survival rate of 14% with the median
survival time of 18 months in a group of patients
harbouring a variety of post-surgical locoregional
recurrences of non-small cell lung carcinoma.
Of all locoregional recurrent tumour locations,
high-dose radiation therapy proved to be particularly effective in patients with bronchial stump recurrences. In the study by Law et al. (1982), the
investigators reported on their experience with postsurgical bronchial stump recurrence only. A total of
14 patients were irradiated, three by bronchoscopic
implantation of radioactive gold grains and 11 by external beam radiation therapy. Three patients were
not irradiated (two with extension to tracheal wall
and one with extension into the contralateral main
bronchus) and they survived for 4, 8, and 10 months,
respectively. Of irradiated patients, those conned to
stump alone reported 5-year local control of 100%,
overall survival of 50%, and cause-specic survival of
83%. In contrast, in cases of more extensive tumours
(n=8) survival ranged from 11 to 46 months.
Curran et al. (1992) treated a total of 37 patients
with post-surgical recurrences with external beam radiation therapy. There were 25 nodal recurrences, four
in the chest wall/pleura, while eight patients had isolated bronchial stump recurrence. The treatment eld
encompassed all known disease, without chemotherapy or radiation sensitisers. When analysed according
to the site of recurrence, patients with bronchial stump
recurrence did better than those with either nodal or
chest wall recurrences (median survival time: 36 vs 9
vs 7 months, respectively; 2-year survival: 50% vs 18%
vs 0%, respectively). Of the eight patients with bronchial stump recurrence, four experienced no further
evidence of lung cancer. In contrast, no patient with
chest wall recurrence survived 2 years. In patients
with bronchial stump recurrences locoregional recurrence was found in 75%, while distant metastasis was
found in the remaining 25%.
In the study of Leung et al. (1995), for ten patients with bronchial stump recurrences the median survival time was only 15 months and 3-year
survival was 20%. This was not signicantly different from the results obtained in patients with recurrences elsewhere (median survival time: 9 months),
which the authors attributed to the fact that 8 (80%)
of the 10 patients with local recurrence conned to
the bronchial stump were treated with radical intent


compared with 9 (26%) of the 34 patients with local

recurrence elsewhere (p=0.007).
In the study of Kagami et al. (1998) the treatment
elds covered the clinical gross tumour with adequate
margins. Ten patients had bronchial stump recurrence
alone, 14 bronchial stump with mediastinal and/or
supraclavicular lymph node recurrence, while eight
patients had nodal recurrence only. When bronchial
stump recurrences only were considered separately,
the median survival time was 15 months and 3- and
5-year survival were both 30%. This was signicantly
better than results achieved in those with combined
stump and node recurrences (median survival time:
8 months), with patients with node recurrence only
having a prognosis similar to that of stump recurrences only (median survival time: 14 months)(CoxMantel test, p<0.05).
Kono et al. (1998) reported on 46 patients with
post-surgical intrathoracic recurrences which included 18 cases of bronchial stump recurrences. Of
the latter, ve patients had bronchial stump recurrence only, while 13 patients had combined bronchial
stump and mediastinal lymph node recurrences. The
delivered dose ranged from 45 to 80 Gy and 19 patients also underwent chemotherapy. All patients
with bronchial stump recurrence received doses of
>60 Gy. For ve patients with bronchial stump recurrence only, radiation therapy elds covered the recurrent mass and mediastinum, including the ipsilateral
hilum and subcarinal area as well as the superior mediastinum, but excluding the supraclavicular fossa
and contralateral hilum. Overall 2- and 5-year survival rates were 17% and 11%, respectively, with the
median survival time being 10 months for the whole
group. For the group with bronchial stump recurrence alone, median survival time was 20.9 months
and 3-year survival was 20%, which was very similar
to the results achieved in the stump plus node group
of patients (3-year survival: 15.9%). There was no difference between the groups of patients treated with
4560 Gy and those treated with >60 Gy, probably
due to a small patient number treated with high dose
external beam radiation therapy. Analysis of patterns of failure in ve patients with bronchial stump
recurrence only revealed that only one patient failed
within the radiation therapy eld (accompanied by
distant failure), another failed only distantly, while
two patients died of other causes. One patient was
alive and disease-free at the time of the report. No
impact of chemotherapy was observed in this study
In the study by Jeremic et al. (1999b) patients
with this location had the median survival time of

B. Jeremic and M. Bamberg

38 months, and 5-year survival of 33%. Contrary

to that, only one out of 27 patients with nodal
recurrence remains alive with no evidence of the disease for >5 years post-radiation therapy (p=0.0004).
Patients with combined stump and nodal recurrences (p=0.0020) and those with chest wall/pleura
(p=0.0054) did particularly poorly, all of them dying by the second year post-radiation therapy, conrming previous observations about their incurability (Ludwig Lung Cancer Study Group 1987;
McGovern et al. 1988).
When we pooled the data on bronchial stump available in the literature (Jeremic and Bamberg 2002),
in 54 documented cases with no other intrathoracic
component, the median survival time was estimated
to be approximately 28.5 months and the 5-year survival to be about 31.5%, results which clearly establish external beam radiation therapy as a treatment
of choice in this patient population (Table 5.1). Two
studies, however, showed somewhat inferior results
for patients with recurrences located at bronchial
stump only. In the study by Leung et al. (1995), the
median survival time of 15 months is likely to be the
effect of the fact that two out of ten such patients
were treated with 30 Gy in 10 daily fractions, with
an accompanied nding that in the whole cohort
of patients in that study, radically treated patients
achieved signicantly better survival than those
treated palliatively (p=0.02). Similarly, in the study of
Kagami et al. (1998), besides a wide range of doses
used (47.565 Gy), a total of seven out of 32 patients
received less than 60 Gy. This was an important nding in the study which observed signicantly better
response on increasing the radiation therapy dose.
Also in another study (Kono et al. 1998), this may
have well been the reason for overall poorer survival
for the whole group of patients with locoregional recurrences (1997) where doses of <50 Gy were used in
one-third of patients. Unfortunately, it is very difcult
to draw rm conclusions about the effect of dose because in some studies (Jeremic et al. 1999b; Kagami
et al. 1998; Leung et al. 1995) lower doses of radiation
therapy have been used because of tumour volume or
poor performance status, both of which might well
determine the outcome.
Further evidence of the effectiveness of external
beam radiation therapy in this patient population
relates to a small (n=7) subset of early (i.e. stage
I: /T2N0) bronchial stump recurrences in the study
of Jeremic et al. (1999b) which achieved excellent
survival (5-year: 57%) with high-dose external beam
radiation therapy (>60 Gy). Indeed, in a very small
and highly selected patient population, these results

Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer


Table 5.1. Outcome of patients with bronchial stump recurrence treated with external beam radiation therapy


Total dose
(cGy)/n of fx

Survival (%)
(months) 1-year 2-year







Law et al.

Stump only




Curran et al.

Stump only

5600 Gyd/2531


Leung et al.

Stump only









Kagami et al.

Stump only
Stump/mediastinal nodes









Kono et al.

Stump only
Stump/mediastinal nodes







Jeremic et al.

Stump only
Stump/lymph- 5








Pooled data

Stump only










RT, radiation therapy; MST, median survival time; fx, fractions.

Includes three patients not irradiated and three patients who received bronchoscopic implantation of radioactive gold
b Extensions into main bronchus, lateral tracheal wall or contralateral principal bronchus.
c Three additional patients not irradiated.
d Median delivered dose.
e Two patients treated with 30 Gy in 10 daily fractions.
f All patients with stump recurrences treated with >60 Gy.
g Data for patients treated with 5560 Gy.
h Due to small patient numbers.

are approaching those obtainable with surgery alone

in newly diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer of the
same stage (Mountain 1986; Naruke et al. 1988).
An interesting and still unexplained fact is that their
survival seems much better than that of patients with
newly diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer of a similar stage when treated with high-dose standard or
hyperfractionated radiation therapy (Ono et al. 1991;
Morita et al. 1997; Jeremic et al. 1997, 1999a; Sibley
et al. 1998; Hayakawa et al. 1999).
The ndings of the study by Law et al. (1982)
who also provided the data on such patients having
a more extensive bronchial or tracheal component
of the disease further support the effectiveness of
external beam radiation therapy in bronchial stump
recurrence. These patients achieved the median survival time of 19 months and 1- and 3-year survival
rates of 75% and 12.5%, respectively, showing that
more extensive, but still localised (no nodes present)
disease may also benet from radiation therapy. On
the other hand, three patients with more extensive
bronchial stump recurrence not treated with exter-

nal beam radiation therapy survived for only 4, 8, and

10 months, respectively. When stump recurrence was
accompanied with other sites, such as nodes, inferior
survival was clearly documented (Curran et al. 1992;
Jeremic et al. 1999b; Kagami et al. 1998; Kono et al.
1998). Taken together, these data indicate high efcacy of external beam radiation therapy which seems
to be limited to a very selected population of patients
with small recurrence, and no accompanying lesions
in the thorax and other extrathoracic sites.
There seems to be a dose-response effect in bronchial stump only recurrences as well as probably in
the whole group of patients with locoregional postsurgical recurrences. While some did not enable
such evaluation (Curran et al. 1992; Kopelson and
Choi 1980), the majority of studies unequivocally
showed that higher doses enable better response
(Kagami et al. 1998; Law et al. 1982; Leung et al.
1995) and better local control (Jeremic et al. 1999b),
leading to better survival (Jeremic et al. 1999b;
Leung et al. 1995). However, the optimal dose level
for bronchial stump recurrence remains imprecisely


dened. Available evidence in non-small cell lung

cancer seems to suggest that the dose necessary for
tumour control should be at least 60 Gy, and preferably 6570 Gy with standard fractionation. Some
of the studies reported herein, however, also used
55 Gy, described as high dose level, which may
not be high enough for permanent tumour control,
regardless of recurrent tumour stage. This particular dose may actually be one of the reasons for the
inferiority of the overall results in studies which
grouped patients receiving it with those receiving
60 Gy or more. In the study of Jeremic et al.(1999b)
patients treated with 55 Gy tended to have worse survival than those treated with 60 Gy (median survival
time: 20 vs. 13 months; 5-year survival: 16% vs. 0%;
p=0.31), which would probably have reached signicance if more than only four patients treated with
55 Gy would have been encountered. Additionally,
patients with larger tumours are usually administered palliative therapy, whereas those with less advanced disease are approached with higher doses.
The dose-effect could, therefore, be, at least in part,
a consequence of tumour size and not just of the
dose itself.
It is interesting to observe a similar incidence of
local failure after external beam radiation therapy
in the majority of these studies, when all patients
with post-surgical recurrences are considered. While
Kopelson and Choi (1980) observed local failure in
48%, both Shaw et al. (1992) and Leung et al. (1995)
in 64% and Kagami et al. (1998) in 66%, Curran
et al. (1992) observed it in 57% patients, an identical nding to that of Jeremic et al. (1999b), showing that the primary pattern of failure in this patient
population remains local. Another consistent nding
was that there was no difference between the various locations of locoregional recurrences (e.g. stump
vs. other). It is unknown which (if any) particular
biological property leads bronchial stump and other
post-surgical locoregional recurrent tumours to recur locoregionally. This nding remains to be investigated in future studies because, together with the results obtained with external beam radiation therapy
to doses >60 Gy (especially in stump recurrences), it
may indicate a possibility for dose escalation which
should nowadays be easier to achieve by using threedimensional treatment planning and conformal RT.
To further extend this, some (Yano et al. 1994) noted
that the subsequent appearance of metastatic disease
did not affect the survival time after local recurrence,
implying the crucial importance of locoregional
spread of the disease and its control, even if temporary.

B. Jeremic and M. Bamberg

Another issue not well dened is the optimal

treatment eld. Owing to the long time periods, it
frequently varied not just between institutions, but
also intra-institutionally, ranging from local elds
with wide margins to prophylactic inclusion of nodal
areas thought to be at risk. Due to the lack of knowledge of precise biological behaviour of these recurrent tumours and treatment inconsistencies, suggesting one approach or another regarding the treatment
elds remains purely speculative. However, the local nature of these recurrences, both post-surgery
and post-radiation therapy, could favour the use of
more localized radiation therapy elds, the precise
denition of which remains to be investigated in the
A number of potential factors inuencing survival were examined. Unfortunately, the results are
conicting and multivariate analysis which could
have helped to indicate if any of these factors may be
considered are lacking. Some of these factors such as
the time from initial surgery to documented recurrence or histology may indicate different biological
behaviour of these tumours, while others such as age,
performance status, weight loss, stage or presenting
symptoms may indicate that there is a need for a different approach or modication of the intent of administered radiation therapy.
While in the vast majority of studies chemotherapy
was not used (Curran et al. 1992; Emami et al. 1997;
Jeremic et al. 1999b; Kagami et al. 1998; Kopelson
and Choi 1980; Law et al. 1982; Leung et al. 1995), in
some it was given (Green and Kern 1978; Kono et al.
1998; Yano et al. 1994) and in none was it shown that
it contributes to the overall effect of radiation therapy
alone. Its role, at present, remains outside the major
focus of interests, except perhaps if given as a radioenhancing agent (e.g. low-dose, protracted administration during the radiation therapy course).
Curative, high-dose (>60 Gy) radiation therapy
can be recommended as an effective treatment in
patients with isolated locoregional recurrent nonsmall cell lung cancer, particularly if located at the
bronchial stump after curative resection. In the latter cases, it can produce the median survival time
of approximately 30 months and 5-year survival of
approximately 30%. However, further studies with
high-dose external beam radiation therapy which
may help clearly dene a subset of patients most
likely to benet from this approach, similar to newly
diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer, are warranted.
It is necessary to distinguish between these as well
as to address numerous questions in both patients
with bronchial stump and other post-surgical recur-

Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer

rences after complete resection in non-small cell lung

cancer. Then, patients not suitable for a curative approach, mostly those with other than stump or stump
plus other intrathoracic recurrence may appropriately be treated with a palliative approach. Although
prospective studies will be difcult to perform given
the small number of eligible cases, they are urgently

External Beam Radiation Therapy
for Local/Regional Intrathoracic Recurrences
After Previous Radiation Therapy
External beam radiation therapy was also used to
treat local/regional intrathoracic recurrences after
previous radiation therapy for lung cancer, mostly
non-small cell histology. Feasibility and efcacy
of re-irradiation was clearly documented in several reports on treatment of recurrent lung cancer (Green and Melbye 1982; Jackson and Ball
1987; Montebello et al. 1993; Gressen et al. 2000;
Okamoto et al. 2002). These studies were retrospective in nature with inherent bias including patients
with post-surgical relapses, postoperatively irradiated patients, those with metastasis and those with
second primary lung cancer. Doses of the initial
course of radiation therapy ranged from 25 Gy to
80 Gy, while those administered at the time of recurrence ranged from 6 Gy to 70 Gy. Therefore, cumulative doses ranged from 43 Gy to 150 Gy. Few patients
underwent even a third course of radiation therapy
(second re-irradiation). Contrary to radiation therapy treatment portals used during the initial course
of radiation therapy, which usually included more or
less uninvolved (prophylactic) nodal regions, those
used at the time of re-irradiation were obviously
limited, in general only including visible recurrence
with a safety margin of 12 cm (Green and Melbye
1982; Jackson and Ball 1987; Montebello et al.
1993; Gressen et al. 2000; Okamoto et al. 2003). Fear
of excessive toxicity, primarily that which may have
occurred in lung and spinal cord, clearly governed
the choice of both total dose and treatment eld
used during the re-irradiation. Symptom relief was
the main goal of re-irradiation. In a comprehensive
review from the year 2000 (Gressen et al. 2000),
clinical data from original articles were summarised,
indicating a control of hemoptysis in 83%, cough in
65%, dyspnea in 60% and pain in 64% of cases. Reirradiation seemed to be less hazardous than antici-


pated with a mere 5% complication rate (Green and

Melbye 1982; Jackson and Ball 1987; Montebello
et al. 1993; Gressen et al. 2000; Okamoto et al. 2003).
The most frequent event was radiation pneumonitis
appearing in 3% of cases, with radiation myelopathy
and rib fracture being a rare event. Although a higher
incidence of radiation pneumonitis was noted in the
recent study (Okamoto et al. 2002), described as
grade 2 (moderate) and occurring after cumulative
RT doses of 12150 Gy, in that study (Okamoto et
al. 2002), a somewhat different policy was instituted
resulting not only in symptomatic, but also asymptomatic patients being re-irradiated. This has given
the authors an opportunity to use higher radiation
therapy doses. Patients received a median radiation
therapy dose of 45 Gy. While symptomatic response
in earlier studies ranged from 48% to 72% with an average cumulative dose of 30 Gy (Green and Melbye
1982; Jackson and Ball 1987; Montebello et al.
1993; Gressen et al. 2000), in that study (Okamoto
et al. 2002), palliation was achieved in 75%. Again,
this may indicate that higher doses may lead to a
higher palliation rate at no cost of increased highgrade (>3) radiation pneumonitis. Indeed, whereas
earlier reports achieved the median survival time
of approximately 5 months (Green and Melbye
1982; Jackson and Ball 1987; Gressen et al. 2000),
this study (Okamoto et al. 2002), reported on the
median survival time of 8 months and a 2-year survival of 27%, being as high as 15 months and 51%,
respectively, for patients treated with curative intent
and higher radiation therapy doses. Of additional
importance was the fact that no difference in the
treatment outcome between patients <70 years and
those >70 years was observed (Gressen et al. 2000),
indicating greater applicability of external beam radiation therapy in this disease, in particular when
palliative intention is pursued and when severe late
effects become less important. Finally, the most recent study of Kramer et al. (2004) conrmed this
observation, using 2 fractions of 8 Gy given with a
1-week split, a practical and comfortable regimen
for both patients and hospitals. The median survival time was 5.6 months and 71% of patients had
partial or complete relief of one or more of their
symptoms. Relief of dyspnea, hemoptysis, and cough
was observed in 35%, 100% and 67%, respectively.
The Karnofsky performance status score improved
in 45% patients. The overall median duration of
symptom relief was 4 months.
A recent study by Wu et al. (2003) was the rst ever
to address the issue of re-irradiation of locoregionally recurrent lung cancer after previous external


beam radiation therapy through a prospective phase

III study. Of a total of 23 patients in that study (age
range, 4379 years; median age, 68 years), there were
nine patients with squamous cell carcinoma, seven
with adenocarcinoma and seven patients with smallcell carcinoma. Initial tumour staging included stage
II in seven and stage III in 16 patients. The interval
between the rst course of RT and recurrence varied from 6 to 42 months (median, 13 months). While
the median dose of the rst course of RT was 66 Gy
(range, 3078 Gy), re-irradiation was carried using
a 3D-CRT to deliver a median dose of 51 Gy (range,
4660 Gy), using standard fractionation, to a radiographically visible recurrent lesion. After re-irradiation, the median survival time was 14 months and
the 2-year survival rate was 21%, while 2-year locoregional progression-free survival was 42%. Grade
12 esophagitis occurred in 9% of patients and grade
12 pneumonitis in 225 of patients. No grade >3
toxicity was reported during the follow-up (median
15 months after the end of re-irradiation). A total of
17 (74%) patients had either grade 0 or 1 late toxicity.
Of six (26%) patients with pulmonary brosis on CT
scan, two patients were observed to be symptomatic
(grade 3). This pioneering study on the use of novel
and widely available technology, holds promise for
further use in this disease, targeting a huge number
of patients experiencing a locoregional recurrence
regardless of the initial treatment, although longer
follow-up (at least for late toxicity) is necessary for
denitive conclusions.
In cases of small cell lung cancer, radiation therapy
was not frequently used to treat locoregional recurrence. This was especially true in cases of limited
disease previously treated with a combined radiochemotherapy approach, because of the fear that it may
add only toxicity without clear benet for patients.
For extensive disease, radiation therapy at the time of
recurrence after initial chemotherapy can also be considered, but this was mostly related to a symptomatic
patient. Retrospective studies (Ihde et al. 1979; Ochs
et al. 1983; Salazar et al. 1991) used the doses ranging 2160 Gy in patients harbouring recurrences from
both limited and extensive disease small cell lung cancer. Although a response rate observed within the radiation therapy eld was seen in 52%77% of patients,
the median survival times ranged only between 3 and
4 months, which is also likely to have been the cause
of early systemic progression. Nevertheless, the wide
range of doses used gave the authors an opportunity
to speculate about higher doses (>40 Gy) producing
better palliation, an important issue in patients with
limited remaining lifetime.

B. Jeremic and M. Bamberg

Endobronchial (Endoluminal) Brachytherapy
for Locoregional Recurrent Lung Cancer
Besides external beam radiation therapy, endobronchial brachytherapy was used to treat recurrent
bronchogenic carcinoma, particularly when previous external beam radiation therapy had been given.
Here as well, the vast majority of reports included
the mixture of histologies with only a minority of
patients having small cell histology. Some reports
even included patients with primary lung carcinomas. First reports more than 20 years ago provided
different aspects of endobronchial radiation therapy
with different sources such as 137-CS 198-Au, or 192Ir combined with low-dose external beam radiation
therapy to treat recurrent bronchogenic carcinoma
(Mendiondo et al. 1983) with satisfactory palliative
results. These two decades witnessed studies with endoluminal brachytherapy using different dose rates
in this disease. The vast majority of reports included
the use of high dose rate brachytherapy (Seagren
et al. 1985; Mehta et al. 1989; Bedwinek et al. 1991;
Sutedja et al. 1992; Gauwitz et al. 1992; Gustafson
et al. 1995; Delclos et al. 1996; Hatlevoll et al.
1999; Kelly et al. 2000). In the majority of reports
previous external beam radiation therapy was used
with median doses mostly ranging between 54 and
58 Gy (Bedwinek et al. 1991; Sutedja et al. 1992;
Gauwitz et al. 1992; Gustafson et al. 1995). Only
a few studies reported on the use of a single fraction of endobronchial irradiation of either 10 Gy
(Seagren et al. 1985; Hatlevoll et al. 1999) or
2030 Gy (Mehta et al. 1989), the majority of other
reports using 23 fractions given in weekly intervals. The dose per fraction/session ranged from 6 to
15 Gy. Subjective response to treatment was observed
in 66%94%. Objective response measured during
bronchoscopy was observed in 72%100% patients,
while radiologic documentation of re-aeration was
observed in 64%88% patients. Duration of response
ranged between 4.5 and 6.5 months. Survival was
rarely reported, being approximately 25% at 1 year
(Bedwinek et al. 1991). The median survival time
ranged from 5 to 8 months (Bedwinek et al. 1991;
Gauwitz et al. 1992; Delclos et al. 1996) with two
studies reporting identical nding of the median survival time of 7 months for responders (Sutedja et
al. 1992; Kelly et al. 2000). Although a number of
different treatment-related complications have been
observed, the most feared was fatal bleeding. Whilst
initial reports (Seagren et al. 1985; Bedwinek et
al. 1991; Sutedja et al. 1992) stated an incidence

Radiation Therapy for Recurrent Lung Cancer

of severe pulmonary bleeding of 25%32%, those

reported in the last decade (Gauwitz et al. 1992;
Gustafson et al. 1995; Delclos et al. 1996; Kelly
et al. 2000) reported on signicantly lower incidence
of this complication ranging from 0% to 7%. A number of factors were investigated in relation to their
inuence on the incidence of fatal bleeding. No rm
conclusion could be drawn due to the varying nature of reporting (crude versus actuarial), and due
to frequently lacking pre-treatment patient and tumour characteristics. Regardless of these shortcomings, endobronchial brachytherapy remains one of
the cornerstones of successful palliative approaches
in patients with symptomatic endobronchial recurrences of lung cancer.

Recurrence is a frequent observation during the
course of lung cancer, regardless of its initial treatment. While the recurrences occurring after chemotherapy for metastatic disease are instantly incurable, there is still some hope for patients recurring
locoregionally after initial treatment for either early
or locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer; small
cell lung cancer has only sporadically being investigated regarding this issue, mostly in cases of extensive disease when radiation therapy had been given
to control locoregional recurrences.
It is for this reason that the search for better (earlier) recognition and more successful treatment of
locoregional recurrence must start as soon as initial
treatment has been completed. This means close follow-up, which has been shown to be rewarding in diagnosing early post-treatment recurrences and also
in detecting early metachronous second primary
lung cancer. When done properly, it results in more
early stages of recurrent/metachronous lung cancer which are more easily locally controlled, a prerequisite for treatment success. But even before the
intensive follow-up starts, mostly occurring during
prospective clinical studies, information can be gathered to identify patients more likely to experience regional intrathoracic recurrence. In such an attempt,
Sawyer et al. (1999) used the ndings of preoperative bronchoscopy, tumour size, grade and histology
from 346 patients undergoing complete resection of
early clinical stage (I/II) NSCLC to create risk groups
for N1/N2/local/regional recurrence. The risk of subclinical nodal involvement was >15.6% in the low


risk subgroup, while all other patients had >35% risk.

Increasing risk correlated with increasing size and
grade of tumour, accompanied with positive ndings
of bronchoscopy. Thus, groups with different risk
could be identied and different (risk-adapted) follow-up strategies implemented. Hopefully, this could
result in better (earlier) detection of recurrences (or
second metachronous primary lung cancer) in earlier
stages, being more suitable for curative intervention.
This must be one of the major goals of future studies, in particular those dealing with the treatment of
early stages of non-small cell lung cancer.
Also, novel technologies, such as three-dimensional treatment planning and delivery could enable
successful dose escalation and provide the necessary tools for treating those recurrences which are
presumably more local (e.g. bronchial stump) and,
therefore, need only radiation therapy. It is also not
unrealistic to expect that other technological advances in radiation therapy, such as intensity modulated radiation therapy or stereotactic fractionated
radiation therapy become indispensable tools in
treating these patients with more success. In contrast,
it became clear that other-than-stump recurrences
may require a different approach, including possible
administration of chemotherapy concurrently with
radiation therapy or chemotherapy preceding concurrent radiation therapy and concurrent chemotherapy, due to poor results obtained with radiation
therapy alone.
Finally, as became clear in other tumour entities,
the best way to ask interesting questions and get answers which may be used in a clinical setting, is to
perform prospective clinical studies. This is particularly the case for tumour entities which have previously been largely denied an adequate diagnostic and
treatment approach, a fate which should no longer
fall to locoregionally recurrent lung cancer.

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Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

Branislav Jeremic

and Michael Molls




Introduction 309
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 310
Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 310
Locally Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 311
Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 314
Small-Cell Lung Cancer 314
Conclusions 317
References 317

The Western world is rapidly ageing. The fastest-growing segment of the population being that composed
of individuals over the age of 65 years. By the year
2030, they will constitute approximately 20% of the
total population of the United States. The number of
persons of more than 75 years old will triple by 2030,
while the number of those aged more than 85 years
will double in the same period (Yancik 1997). There
is, however, no widely accepted and exact denition
of an elderly person. Cut-off age thresholds vary between 60 and 80 years and many studies use cut-offs
between 65 and 75 years of age. In contrast to xed
thresholds to dene elderly persons, geriatric oncology has often been dened operationally as when
the health status of a patient population begins to
interfere with the oncological decision making guidelines (Extermann 2000). Therefore, biological age
should be dened individually by performance status
and co-morbidities, which will inuence the decision-making, rather than an arbitrarily established
age limit.

B. Jeremic , MD, PhD, Department of Radiation Oncology,

Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische Universitt Mnchen,
Ismaninger Strasse 226, 81675 Munich, Germany
M. Molls, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of
Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische
Universitt Mnchen, Ismaninger Strasse 226, 81675 Munich,

Among many consequences, increasing age has a

particular one: it is directly associated with increasing cancer occurrence rates; there is an 11-fold increase in the cancer incidence in persons more than
65 years of age when compared with their younger
counterparts, indicating that elderly population may
well become one of the major targets in oncology in
the future, requiring specic managements for various cancers (Yancik 1997).
Lung cancer is a typical disease of the elderly
patient. It is the most lethal of the cancers in both
sexes. Treatment approaches with curative intention
are feasible in patients with localized disease, but the
evidence is based on studies which are usually performed with selected patients, the elderly patients
being underrepresented in clinical trials. A frequent
observation in daily practice is that elderly patients
are less likely to be vigorously screened and staged,
and frequently their cancers receive less-aggressive
treatment (Nugent et al. 1997).
However, when evaluated for specic features,
they did not seem to have different characteristics at
presentation, particularly related to stage of disease,
performance status and histology, when compared
with their non-elderly counterparts, although other
characteristics such as type and number of co-morbidities and organ function differ in the two groups
(Montela et al. 2002). Furthermore, although not
clinically overt and therefore undetected in many
healthy elderly persons, there may be a reduction
in functional organ capacity. With increasing age, not
only the kidneys, but also the lungs and heart and
even the immune system show a reduced function
(Balducci and Extermann 2000).
A common practice in oncology is to base patient selection on clinical judgement with performance status and organ function parameters. This,
however, may not be adequate when one considers
elderly patients, since it seems that there is a need
for a more comprehensive tool of pre-treatment assessment which would take into account potential
hazards in treating elderly patients the same way
as their non-elderly counterparts. This may help in


predicting and avoiding such hazards (Monfardini

et al. 1995). To do so, a comprehensive geriatric assessment as an adjunct to general and cancer-specic diagnostic procedures is developed and dened
as a multidimensional, interdisciplinary diagnostic
process to determine the medical, psychological and
functional capabilities of a frail elderly person in order to develop a coordinated and integrated plan for
treatment and long-term follow-up (Rubenstein
1995; Osterweil et al. 2000; Bernabei et al. 2000).
Assessment is mandatory for adequate patient selection for radiation therapy, too. This assessment
includes the medical assessment, assessment of
functioning, psychological assessment, social assessment and environmental assessment (Balducci and
Extermann 2000).
This chapter addresses important issues in radiation therapy of lung cancer in elderly patients. Widely
accepted clinical designation of non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
as two separate entities will here serve also to enable
a suitable framework for addressing these issues in
elderly patients.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer accounts for approximately 80% of all lung cancer cases, with more than
50% of all patients with non-small cell lung cancer
being older than 65 years and about one-third of all
patients being more than 70 years old at the time
of diagnosis. While curative approaches are feasible
in patients with early stage (I/II) disease and in a
proportion of patients with locally advanced disease
(stage IIIA/IIIB), palliation is the goal for the remainder of locally advanced and all metastatic (stage IV)
non-small cell lung cancer patients. This general concept should also prove to be feasible in elderly with
non-small cell lung cancer. Surgery is the treatment
of choice for patients in early stage (I/II) non-small
cell lung cancer, whereas the standard treatment for
locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer is not
well dened. Although stage IIIA non-small cell lung
cancer patients can be treated with surgery alone if
completely resectable or in combination with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, the majority of patients
with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer
are unresectable, and, with increasing tumour stage,
the outcome is inevitably limited by the distance

B. Jeremic and M. Molls

Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Besides their advanced age, elderly patients frequently are not undergoing surgery owing to existing co-morbidity and, only occasionally, owing to
refusal. In these cases, radiation therapy has been
used and has been shown to be effective. It seems
that Aristizabal and Caldwell (1976) were rst to
show that elderly patients (70 years old or more) have
signicantly better 2-year survival than non-elderly
patients (49-69 years; 35.7% versus 13.1%, p=0.044).
This is explained by high local control (70%) and
a lower incidence of distant metastasis. Coy and
Kennelly (1980) and Newaishy and Kerr (1989)
have observed a signicant trend towards better survival in older patients with non-small cell lung cancer
treated with radiation therapy alone. Noordijk et al.
(1988) have found no difference in the outcome of
elderly patients treated with radiation therapy alone
or surgery. Furthermore, when only patients treated
with radiation therapy alone are considered, elderly
patients have a similar outcome to non-elderly patients. Also, Sandler et al. (1990) and Rosenthal
et al. (1992) have found no signicant difference in
overall survival, disease-specic survival or local,
progression-free survival in elderly versus non-elderly patients. Wurschmidt et al. (1994) have used
multivariate analyses also, as have Kaskowitz et
al. (1993), to show no difference between elderly
and non-elderly patients. The same observation has
been made by Slotman et al. (1994), Gauden et al.
(1995) and Krol et al. (1996). In the two of studies
of Jeremic et al. (1997, 1999), no difference has been
observed between patients less than 60 years old and
those 60 years old or more with stage I and II nonsmall cell lung cancer, respectively, treated with hyperfractionated radiation therapy alone, with a total
dose of 69.6 Gy using 1.2 Gy b.i.d. fractionation, in
either survival or relapse-free survival. Multivariate
analyses using both survival and relapse-free survival conrms that age plays no important role in
this setting.
Hayakawa et al. (1999) treated 97 patients of 75
years old or more (elderly) and 206 patients less than
75 years old (non-elderly), with radiation therapy
doses of 60 Gy or more (up to 80 Gy) for inoperable
non-small cell lung cancer. Elderly patients were
classied into two subgroups: A, 7579 years; and B,
80 years or older. No difference was found between
the three age groups (5-year survival : 12% versus
13% versus 4% for non-elderly, elderly A and elderly
B, respectively), but a multivariate analysis disclosed

Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

a detrimental effect of the oldest age, due to 14%

treatment-related deaths in patients receiving 80 Gy.
Unfortunately, no multivariate analysis has been
done using disease-specic survival as endpoint to
give better insight into this nding.
Most recently, Gauden and Tripcony (2001) have
investigated the effect of age (less than 70 years versus 70 years or older) on treatment outcome in patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer. The
median survival times (22 versus 26 months) and
a 5-year survival (22% and 34%), respectively, for
non-elderly and elderly patients were observed. The
same held true for recurrence-free survival. Finally,
when the study group was divided into the 5-year
subgroups, both overall survival and recurrence-free
survival remained similar regarding the age groups.
The multivariate analysis excluded age as an important prognostic factor in predicting either of these
two endpoints.
In contrast, Morita et al. (1997) have found a
survival advantage for patients less than 80 years
old when compared with those 80 years old or more
(5-year survival rate: 25.2% versus 7.7%). Similarly,
Sibley et al. (1998) have documented superior outcome in younger (less than 60 years) patients with
stage I compared with older patients; this is unconrmed, however, when local progression is used as an
endpoint (p = 0.10).
Although numerous studies have attempted evaluation of toxicity, in none of these series is it specied that these toxic events happen in elderly patients.
When specically addressing elderly patients with
early stage non-small cell lung cancer, no signicant
radiation therapy-related complications are found,
and the incidence of both acute and late high-grade
toxicity is similar among all age groups (Gauden and
Tripcony 2001). When radiation therapy-related
deaths occur, again, there is no difference between elderly patients (5%) treated with the highest dose levels (80 Gy) and their non-elderly counterparts (4%)
treated the same way (Hayakawa et al. 2001).
Taken together, the data from the literature show
that conventionally planned, external beam radiation
therapy is capable of producing the median survival
times of 2027 months and 5-year survivals of 15
34% in patients of more than 70 years, and event better results are obtained when the cut-off of 60 years
is used.
Recent years have also brought attempts to address
prospectively the issue of the use of sophisticated
treatment planning and delivery in this population.
Niibe et al. (2003) have treated 22 elderly patients
who have tumours up to 5 cm with fraction size of


34 Gy, 5 fractions per week, to a mean total dose of

65.3 Gy. Local control rates at 13 years were 92%,
83% and 83%, respectively, while overall survival rates
at 13 years were 100%, 83% and 56%, respectively.
No patients experienced grade 2 or greater toxicity.
These results show that this tool, now widely available
worldwide, is feasible and effective in elderly patients.
The results hold promise for future studies in elderly
patients with small-sized tumours.
Most recently, however, there has appeared an initial study which compares surgery with continuous
hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy in
elderly patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer (Ghosh et al. 2003). One-hundred and forty-nine
patients underwent lobectomy, 47 had wedge resection, while 19 had radiation therapy alone. Non-lobectomy patients have signicantly lower pulmonary
function. Survival at 1 and 5 years was 97% and 68%
versus 98% and 74% versus 80% and 39%, respectively (p = 0.0484), but this was associated with a
2.7%, 30day operative mortality in the lobectomy
group.. The frequency of loco-regional recurrence is
similar between the groups. This study shows again
that radiation therapy alone is a reasonable treatment
option for those who are not suitable candidates for

Locally Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Some of the studies discussed in the previous section include also a proportion of patients with stage
III, while some do not specify outcome regarding
age. Nevertheless, due to poor results, early studies
prompted some to advocate prohibition of radiation
therapy in patients over 70 years of age (Aristizabal
et al. 1976; Patterson et al. 1998). Similarly, Nakano
et al. (1999) have undertaken a retrospective study
of elderly patients with stage III non-small cell lung
cancer who had been treated with radiation therapy
alone. It resulted in a median survival time (MST) of
11.5 months in the younger group and 6.3 months in
the elderly group (p = 0.0043). In multivariate analysis, good performance status (age less than 75 years)
and good response are signicant, favourable independent predictors of survival. In the elderly group
of patients, there were more frequent deaths from
respiratory infections and there were lower prognostic nutritional indexes before and after radiation
therapy. Hayakawa et al. also reports an inferior survival for the subgroup of elderly patients with stage
III disease, but only in patients more than 80 years of


age (2001). Contrary to that, Kusumoto et al. (1986)

have investigated this effect in stage III/IV non-small
cell lung cancer. Patients less than 70 years old (n=64)
and those 70 years and older (n = 36) achieve a MST
of 7 and 6 months, respectively, the difference being
Others, however, have provided data on the effectiveness of radiation therapy in elderly patients.
Zachariah et al. (1997) have reported on radiation
therapy in lung cancer in octogenarians treated with
59.4066 Gy using standard fractionation. Response
was observed in 43% patients, while only 24% had
progressive disease. Evaluation of the data on 1,208
patients enrolled on several trials conducted by the
European Organization for Research and Treatment
of Cancer (Pignon et al. 1998) has given the opportunity to investigate the inuence of age on treatment
outcome as well as acute and late toxicity of curative
thoracic radiotherapy. Survival adjusted for the primary location of the tumour is comparable in each
group. The difference in distribution over age is not
signicant for acute nausea, dyspnoea, oesophagitis, weakness and the World Health Organization
performance status alteration. The minimal time to
complication is similar in all age groups. There is
no difference between age groups regarding the patients experiencing no complications at post-treatment year 4. Among various toxicities, only grade 2
late oesophagitis demonstrates a signicant trend to
be more frequent in older patients (p=0.01), but this
difference disappears after adjustment to the study
(p = 0.32). The Italian Geriatric Radiation Oncology
Group (Gava 1999) has reported on outcome of radiation therapy alone in stage III non-small cell
lung cancer in 38 elderly patients. The 1-year survival rate approaches 44%. Another Italian study has
conrmed the effectiveness of radiation therapy in
48 patients of 75 years or older with locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer (Lonardi et al. 2000).
Radiation therapy alone was used to give a median
dose of 50 Gy. Overall survival was 10% at 24 months.
Elderly patients treated with 50 Gy or more achieved
signicantly better survival than those treated with
less than 50 Gy (the MST, 8 versus 4 months; 2-year
survival, 20% versus 4%, respectively; p = 0.03).
Tombolini et al. (2000) have also analysed patients
70 years and older in stage III treated by radiation
therapy alone with 5060 Gy (and a 10-Gy boost to
the gross tumour volume) in 1.8- to 2-Gy fractions.
Two-year overall and disease-free survival was 27%
and 14.6%, respectively. Most recently, Pergolizzi et
al. (2002) have reported on curative radiation therapy
alone in 40 elderly patients with stage IIIA. Radiation

B. Jeremic and M. Molls

therapy was directed towards gross tumour burden

with a median of 60 Gy, conventionally fractionated.
No treatment-related mortality was observed and no
clinically signicant acute morbidity was scored. The
MST was 19 months and 5-year survival was 12%.
Since radiochemotherapy is a widely used approach for non-small cell lung cancer patients with
locally advanced, non-resectable non-small cell lung
cancer and good performance status, one may wonder whether this is also true for elderly patients with
locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Some
studies provide retrospective subgroup (age) analyses of patients enrolled into radiochemotherapy trials but do not identify age as negative prognostic
factor in multivariate analyses (Schaake-Koning
et al. 1992; Jeremic et al. 1998; Clamon et al. 1999;
Furuse et al. 1999). However, the Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group has reported on a study which included 1,999 patients treated with radiation therapy
with or without chemotherapy in several prospective
studies. Using a recursive partitioning and amalgamation analysis they have found a negative inuence
of older age on survival (Werner-Wasik et al. 2000).
These results conrm earlier results from another
analysis by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
(Movsas et al. 1999), where a quality-adjusted survival was used to examine six prospective Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group trials, including 979 patients with inoperable stage II/IIIB non-small cell
lung cancer patients treated with radiation therapy
with or without chemotherapy. Elderly patients had
the best quality-adjusted survival with radiation
therapy alone, which was in sharp contrast to their
younger counterparts, who beneted mostly from
more aggressive, combined approaches. Although
these two large analyses stand unied against the
more intensive treatment approach in elderly patients, it must, however, be clearly emphasized that
they are difcult to interpret, because the compilation of patients treated on separate study protocols
implies a comparison between patients with a variety
of entry criteria used to dene eligibility and different treatment regimens administered, including a
single-modality radiation therapy in many of these
studies. Contrasting these, Rocha Lima et al. (2002)
have analysed older patients from a randomized cancer and leukaemia Group B trial of induction chemotherapy followed by either radiation therapy alone or
concurrent radiochemotherapy for locally advanced
non-small cell lung cancer. They have shown that
patients older than 70 years complete treatment to
the same extent as younger patients and attain similar response and survival, but at the expense of in-

Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

creased toxicity, especially high-grade (greater than

3) nephrotoxicity and neutropenia. Furthermore, in a
retrospective analysis of the data from the Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group 94-10 study, Langer et al.
(2001) have investigated the inuence of age on treatment outcome. Patients older than 70 years (n = 104)
were compared with those younger than 70 years
(n = 491) and it was shown that elderly patients benet from concurrent as compared to sequential radiochemotherapy in a similar way to their younger
counterparts. As with the study of Rocha Lima et al.
(2002), they suffer from an increase in toxicity, especially severe oesophagitis. Most recently, Schild et
al. (2003) have performed a secondary analysis of the
North Central Cancer Treatment Group study, which
evaluated split-course versus standard fraction radiotherapy and cisplatin/etoposide in stage III non-small
cell lung cancer. When restricted to age, the 2- and 5year survival rates are similar between the two age
groups(less than 70 versus 70 years and older), but
grade 4+ toxicity occurred in 62% patients less than
70 years of age compared with 81% in those 70 years
and older (p=0.007). Both grade 4+ haematological
toxicity and grade 4+ pneumonitis are signicantly
more frequent in the elderly group.
Besides these, some studies have provided data
on prospective approaches addressing this issue.
Between January 1988 and June 1993, Jeremic et
al. (1999) enrolled a total of 58 patients, who entered a phase II study. Carboplatin (400 mg/m2) was
given intravenously on days 1 and 29, and etoposide
(50 mg/m2) was given orally on days 121 and 2942.
Accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy was
administered starting on day 1, with a total dose of
51 Gy in 34 fractions over 3.5 weeks. In 55 evaluable
patients, the complete response rate was 27% and the
overall response rate was 65%. For the 55 patients, the
MST was 10 months, and the 1-, 2-, and 5-year survival rates were 45%, 24% and 9.1%, respectively. The
median time until relapse was 8 months, and the 1-,
2- and 5-year relapse-free survival rates were 45%,
20% and 9.1%, respectively. The median time to local recurrence was 14 months and the 5-year local
control rate was 13%; while the median time to distant metastasis was 18 months and the 5-year distant
metastasis-free rate was 15%. Haematological, oesophageal and bronchopulmonary acute grade 3 or
4 toxicities were observed in 22%, 7% and 4% of the
patients, respectively. There was no grade-5 toxicity
or late grade-3 toxicity. Jeremic et al. have concluded
that concurrent accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy and carboplatin/oral etoposide produce
relatively low and acceptable toxicity. The survival


results appear to be comparable with those obtained

in non-elderly patients with stage III non-small cell
lung cancer treated by full-dose radiation.
During a phase II study, Atagi et al. (2000) used
standard fraction radiation therapy with 5060 Gy
and concurrent, low-dose daily carboplatin (30 mg/
m2) in 38 patients with locally advanced non-small
cell lung cancer, 26 of whom were stage III. The MST
was 15.1 months and 2-year survival was 20.5%.
Finally, Nakano et al. (2003) have reported on a pilot
study in which low-dose cisplatin (6 mg/m2; days 15,
812, 2933 and 3640) was added to conventionally
fractionated radical radiation therapy (60 Gy in 20Gy daily fractions) in elderly patients with locally
advanced, unresectable non-small cell lung cancer.
Of 12 registered patients, 11 were eligible for this
analysis, 91% of whom were stage III. The overall response rate was 82% and the median overall survival
was 23 months. The 2-year survival rate was 53%.
The most common grade 3 toxicities included grade
3 leucopenia and thrombocytopenia, occurring in
20% and 9%, respectively. No other high-grade toxicity was observed during this study.
In an interesting attempt to selectively target tumour cells with cisplatin and to decrease the toxicity that concurrent radiochemotherapy can bring,
Karasawa et al. (2002) have used bronchial arterial infusion of cisplatin and concurrent radiation
therapy (dose, 50.473.2 Gy; median, 60.8 Gy) in
31 elderly, stage III non-small-cell lung cancer patients. The results were compared with those obtained in 30 elderly patients receiving no cisplatin.
Response rate was 90% in the cisplatin group and
83% in the non-cisplatin group. Two-year, local control MST and 5-year survival were all improved in
the cisplatin group (81.0%, 33.4 months and 38.3%
versus 38.1%, 9.8 months and 4.2%, respectively; local control, p<0.01; survival, p <0.00). Multivariate
analysis shows that addition of bronchial infusion
cisplatin is the strongest predictor of improved survival achieved with no increase in life-threatening
In most of these studies, the toxicity of the combined treatment is tolerable (Jeremic et al. 1999;
Lonardi et al. 2000), with both acute and late highgrade toxicity not different from that observed with
similar approaches in non-elderly patients. Contrary
to that, Atagi et al. (2000) have observed high-grade
haematological toxicity in 34.2%71.1% of patients.
Non-haematological toxicity was mild, with no patient developing grade 3 oesophagitis or higher, although two (5%) grade 4 pulmonary toxicities occurred.


Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Although radiation therapy is frequently used to treat
intrathoracic or distant spread in stage IV (metastatic) non-small cell lung cancer, there are virtually no data on the feasibility and effectiveness of
radiation therapy in this setting. In order to dene
the optimal treatment approach in these patients,
Jeremic et al. (1999) have designed and performed
a phase II study evaluating concurrent short-term
chemotherapy and palliative radiotherapy. Between
January 1988 and June 1993, a total of 502 patients
entered into a study that used 2 cycles of carboplatin, 300 mg/m2, on days 1 and 29, and oral etoposide, 50 mg/m2, on days 121 and 2942. Radiation
therapy was administered with a dose of 14 Gy, in
two fractions, given with a 1-week split, days 1 and
8. From 47 patients evaluable for the response, there
were 3 (6%) complete responses and 10 (21%) partial responses, making an overall response rate of 13
(28%). Response duration was 28 months (median,
5 months; mean, 5 months). MST for all 50 patients
was 7 months, and 1- to 3-year survival rates were
31%, 4.1% and 2%, respectively. Only 9 (19%) patients experienced haematological grade 3 toxicity, all
other chemotherapy-induced toxicity being grade 1
or 2. Of radiation therapy-induced high-grade toxicity (according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology
Group), grade 3 oesophageal toxicity was observed in
9 (19%) patients, while only 4 (9%) patients experienced grade 3 bronchopulmonary toxicity. No grade 4
or 5 toxicity occurred during this study. Short-course
chemotherapy and palliative radiation therapy in elderly patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer was well tolerated, with mild to moderate toxicity.
Together with other results obtained this way, these
ndings warrant further studies evaluating the effectiveness of this approach and possible chemotherapy
and/or radiation therapy dose escalation in elderly
patients with stage IV (metastatic) non-small cell
lung cancer.

Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Small-cell lung cancer represents 2025% of all lung
cancers cases. Its chemosensitivity and great metastatic potential make it a good candidate for chemotherapy. However, with chemotherapy alone, the
outcome of small cell lung cancer is poor. Although

B. Jeremic and M. Molls

the initial response rates are high, only 5% of patients

achieve long-term survival at 3 years. Of all small
cell lung cancer cases, only approximately 2030%
of all patients present with a tumour conned to
the hemithorax of origin, the mediastinum or the
supraclavicular lymph nodes, designated as having
limited-disease small cell lung cancer. All other patients present with disseminated, extended disease.
Since they have a dismal prognosis and are, therefore
treated mostly with palliative intention, this section
focuses on limited-disease small cell lung cancer in
Standard treatment for limited-disease small cell
lung cancer is combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy, a practice widely accepted after the survival benet of thoracic radiation therapy has been
conrmed by two meta-analyses published in 1992
(Pignon et al. 1992; Warde and Payne 1992). The
most widely used approach in limited-disease small
cell lung cancer consists of 4 cycles of cisplatin/etoposide and thoracic radiation therapy. This is nowadays
routinely followed by prophylactic cranial irradiation
in cases of complete remission, owing to ndings of
a meta-analysis demonstrated that prophylactic cranial irradiation improves survival for limited-disease
small cell lung cancer patients in complete remission
after radiochemotherapy (Auperin et al. 1999).
For the vast majority of elderly patients with limited-disease small cell lung cancer, the evidence for
the standard treatment must be derived from phase
III trials in which elderly patients are largely underrepresented. It remains unclear to what extent these
results are biased by eligibility criteria of the trials,
which restrict the entry of elderly patients, since one
of meta-analyses shows that the survival benet from
thoracic radiation therapy is restricted to younger
patients (Warde and Payne 1992), possibly because
of toxicity. Therefore careful selection of elderly patients suitable for a full dose of radiation therapy and
chemotherapy is an important issue.
Randomised phase III studies investigating various issues of radiation therapy and chemotherapy in
elderly patients with limited-disease small cell lung
cancer are lacking, and the prognostic signicance
of age in small cell lung cancer is not well dened.
While Southwest Oncology Group and Cancer and
Leukaemia Group B have demonstrated an inuence of age in limited-disease small cell lung cancer
(Spiegelman et al. 1989; Albain et al. 1990), others
do not conrm this observation (Osterlind and
Anderson 1986; Sagman et al. 1991). Among the
studies investigating the relationship between the
age and toxicity and outcome among elderly patients

Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

treated with combined thoracic radiation therapy

and chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer, Findlay
et al. (1991) have observed signicantly more toxicity
in the intensively treated group (cyclophosphamide,
doxorubicin, vincristine) than in the less-intensive
group of small cell lung cancer patients (single agents,
planned dose reductions, or radiation therapy alone),
which was accompanied by a higher response rate in
that group. However, in the limited-disease small cell
lung cancer patients, intensive treatment did not lead
to an improvement in overall survival.
The 1990s also brought a number of studies investigating the inuence of various prognostic factors
in small cell lung cancer, including age (Table 6.1)
(Siu et al. 1996; Dajczman et al. 1996; Nou 1996;
Jara et al. 1999; Yuen et al. 2000). Conicting results
were observed, probably owing to various cut-off
values used with regard to age as prognostic factor.
Regardless, in all of the studies frequent dose emissions/reduced number of chemotherapy cycles (Siu
et al. 1996; Dajczman et al. 1996; Nou 1996; Yuen et
al. 2000) or dose reductions/less intensive (Jara et al.
1999) or less frequent use of radiation therapy made
the elderly patients the group not only receiving lessintensive treatment, but also less likely to be included
in clinical trials as well. The situation remains the
same. In a retrospective analysis of 174 patients with
limited-disease small cell lung cancer, Ludbrok et
al. (2003) have recently reconrmed that, during the
1990s, elderly patients continued to be underdiagnosed and undertreated, resulting in lower median
and overall survival rates; although toxicity and pattern of failure show no difference when compared
with their non-elderly counterparts. When, however,
multivariate analysis was done, age was not shown to
be an independent prognosticator of treatment outcome. It is more than interesting, however, to observe
that none of the studies observed a signicantly inferior response rate, overall survival or event-free survival for elderly. If therapy is administered, therefore,
the outcome in elderly patients is the same as that in
younger patients. For example, Siu et al. (1996) have
observed that age inuences survival in the univariate analysis, but not in a multivariate analysis. It may
well be that factors frequently associated with age,
such as co-morbidity, performance status or less-intensive treatment seem to inuence prognosis, rather
than age itself.
Numerous studies have investigated the inuence
of age on toxicity. Some have observed fewer elderly
patients with high-grade toxicity (p=0.0001), and a
similar incidence of treatment-related deaths due
to less-intensive treatment (Dajczman et al. 1996).


Others have reported on similar toxicities in both age

groups. When a higher rate of haematological toxicity
and fatal toxicities occur in the elderly group, other
toxicities are similar compared with younger patients
(Nou 1996; Jara et al. 1999; Yuen et al. 2000).
In addition to retrospective studies, there are also
prospective studies specically addressing the issue of optimising the treatment approach in elderly
patients with limited-disease small cell lung cancer.
Jeremic et al. (1998) have tailored the combined
treatment in elderly with limited-disease small cell
lung cancer by administering concurrently only two
courses of carboplatin (400 mg/m2, days 1 and 29)
and oral etoposide (50 mg/m2, days 121 and 2949)
with accelerated hyperfractionated radiation therapy
(45 Gy in 30 fractions in 15 treatment days, using
1.5 Gy b.i.d. fractionation) in 75 patients of 70 years
or older with a Karnofsky performance status score
of greater than 60% and without major concomitant
diseases. The MST was 15 months and 5-year survival was 13%. Good pre-treatment characteristics
led to high compliance (83% received therapy on an
outpatient basis) and low toxicity. Grade 4 thrombocytopenia occurred in 1.4% of all patients, thrombocytopenia grade 3 in 11%, grade 3 leucopenia in
8.3%, grade 3 anaemia in 2.8%, infection in 4.2%, and
nausea and vomiting in 4.2% of all patients. No highgrade bronchopulmonary toxicity was observed and
grade 3 oesophagitis occurred in only 2.8% of the patients. An additional advantage of this approach was
its short duration, resulting in more time spent at
home and, therefore, a good quality of life. Murray
et al. (1998) have also used only 2 cycles of chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin/vincristine and platinum/etoposide) and radiation therapy
(20 Gy in 5 fractions or 30 Gy in 10 fractions) specically tailored for elderly, inrm or non-compliant
patients. Toxicity was low, except in the cases of three
treatment-related deaths, two of which were caused
by cardiac toxicity, with likely ischemic cause. The
median time to progression was 40 weeks and 2-year
PFS was 25%. The MST was 54 weeks and 5-year survival rate was 18%. The MST and 5-year survival were
similar for 18 patients younger than 70 years and for
the 37 patients 70 years or older.
Most recently, Matsui et al. (1998) have reported
on 16 patients of more than 70 years of age with limited-disease small cell lung cancer for whom 4 cycles
of carboplatin and oral etoposide (40 mg/m2, days 1
14) were followed by chest radiation therapy (45 Gy).
The MST was 15.1 months and a 2-year survival rate
was 21.8%. For patients 75 years or older, the MST
was 10.3 months and 2-year survival rate was 11.3%.

B. Jeremic and M. Molls


Table 6.1. Retrospective studies in patients with limited-disease small cell lung cancer treated with radiation therapy and


Age (years)/n

RR (%)




Siu et al.


<70 (n=580)
*70 (n=88)

78%; n.s.
82%; n.s.

5-year OS: 8%; n.s. Only cardiac grade

5-year OS: 11%; n.s. 3/4 toxicity increase
in *70)

All LD; CAV/PE + TI +

PCI (if CR)
Age not a prognostic
factor in multivariate
n=123 LD, n=89 ED; CAV
or PE + TI;
No separate analysis for
>70: only 23% received
optimal treatment (compared with 43%/50% in the
younger groups)

Dajczman 1996
et al.

<60 (LD n=45, 49%; n.s.

ED n=55)
52%; n.s.
60-60 (n=LD
51%: n.s.
n=48, ED n=73)
*70 (LD n=43,
ED n=57)

2 year OS: 45
2-year OS: 48
2-year OS: 43


)70 (n=243)
>70 (n=110)

5-yearOS: 5%; n.s. No difference between 50% LD 50% ED; (85%

5-yearOS: 1.3%; n.s. )70 and >70
of LD and 15% of ED


All: 72%

Fewer high-grade
toxicity and the
mean number of
toxicities in elderly

treated with CHT (various) + TI

Jara et al.


<70 (n=25)
*70 (n=12)

46%; n.s.* MST: 12.3 months

50%; n.s.* MST: 14.9 months

Yuen et al. 2000

<70 (n=271)
*70 (n=50)

80%; n.s.
88%; n.s.

5-year EFS: 19%;

5-year EFS: 16%;

Grade III/IV haemato- All LD, except* (data for

logical toxicity higher LD; n=37) + ED (n=57)
in the elderly group;
all other adverse
effects: no difference

et al.

<65 (n=55)
65-74 (n=76)
> 75 (n=43)


MST: 17 months
2-year OS: 37%
MST: 12 months
2-year OS: 22%
MST: 7 months
2-year OS: 19%

No difference in the
incidence of acute or
late grade 3/4 toxicity


No difference between only LD evaluated; PE or

)70 and >70

Age not signicant prognosticator in multivariate

analysis since elderly
patients less frequently
treated with RT/CHT,
intensive CHT and PCI

RR, response rates; n.s., not signicant; LD, limited disease; CAV, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine; PE, cisplatin,
etoposide; TI, thoracic irradiation; PCI, prophylactic cranial irradiation; CR, complete response; OS, overall survival; ED,

Grade 3 and 4 leucopenia occurred in 36% and 14%

of patients, respectively, and grade 3 and 4 thrombocytopenia occurred in 39% and 14% of the patients,
respectively. Grade 3/4 anaemia occurred in 50% of
patients. Non-haematological toxicity was rare. What
these three prospective studies have shown is that
well-tailored treatment approaches, carefully balanced between optimal thoracic radiation therapy
and chemotherapy elderly patients can tolerate and
avoid unnecessary toxicity, may lead to high treatment success and a toxicity prole not very different
to that usually observed in younger patients.
Retrospective and prospective studies have also
shown, despite elderly patients frequently receiving
less-intensive chemotherapy and/or thoracic radiation therapy, a similar outcome of elderly and nonelderly patients with limited-disease small cell lung

cancer. Furthermore, despite less compliance in elderly patients, no difference in either response rates or
survival has been detected between them and their
non-elderly counterparts (Kelly et al. 1991; Siu et
al. 1996; Dajczman et al. 1996; Tebbutt et al. 1997;
Yuen et al. 2000). While the reason for this phenomenon is still unclear, a possible explanation may lie in
a different metabolism of drugs, which may lead to a
need for lower doses of various drugs in elderly patients (Montamat et al. 1989; McKenna 1994; Joss
et al. 1995), since different biological behaviours of
tumours in elderly patients is not a very likely cause
of this observation (Matsui et al. 1998). As Yuen et
al. (2000) point out; there may be a threshold above
which a signicant benet can be realized. The modest dose reductions still may result in the delivery
of adequate enough treatment to achieve a posi-

Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Elderly Patient

tive effect. This threshold will be hard to document

and/or specify, but it seems that studies of Jeremic
et al. (1998) and Murray et al. (1998) support this
statement: Although chemotherapy was limited to
only 2 cycles given concurrently with thoracic radiation therapy, it was possible to obtain results which
are not substantially inferior to those obtained with
more intensive approaches. However, every caution
should be taken with this patient population, particularly regarding haematological toxicity.
In extensive-disease small cell lung cancer, standard treatment for patients with extensive-disease
small cell lung cancer is chemotherapy. The addition
of thoracic radiation therapy has not improved survival in the past, and thoracic radiation therapy was
applied only for palliation of local symptoms when
chemotherapy alone was not efcient (Livingston
et al. 1984). However, a recent prospective randomized trial by Jeremic et al. (1999) has shown an advantage for 3 cycles of platinum-etoposide chemotherapy followed by accelerated hyperfractionated
thoracic radiation therapy given concurrently with
low-dose, daily carboplatin/etoposide over chemotherapy with platinum/etoposide (5 cycles) alone.
During that study, survival advantage was observed
for patients more than 60 years old, a nding conrmed by the multivariate analysis, identifying the
age as an independent prognosticator of survival in
patients with extensive-disease small cell lung cancer
(unpublished observations; drawn from Jeremic et
al. 1999).


performing activities of daily living, and the cognitive and nutritional status of the patient. The decision-making of radiation therapy alone or in combination with chemotherapy in elderly patients with
lung cancer should be based on both disease- and
patient-specic criteria. Age itself is not a contraindication for applying the standard treatment, but the
individualized management of the elderly patient
must reect the results of a comprehensive geriatric
However, a major issue in this eld is the lack of
prospective clinical studies investigating optimal
treatments in this setting. This is especially so since
accumulated evidence clearly shows that t elderly
patients may tolerate the treatments, regardless of its
intensity, considerably well. They could serve as the
starting point for inclusion of more elderly patients
in clinical studies. However, every caution should be
undertaken in order not to overemphasize the results
of recent studies, which are, unfortunately, mostly
retrospective. That said, inherent biases and underlying problems, unsolved so far, may hamper future
endeavours having the same goal: enabling elderly
patients with lung cancer equal diagnostic and treatment approaches to their younger counterparts, on
or off the protocol. While this should be a continuous
reminder to all working in this eld, we need more
clinical studies in elderly patients with lung cancer
and we need them now.

Accumulated evidence identies radiation therapy as
an important treatment modality in elderly patients
with lung cancer. This is so irrespective of the consideration of cut-off age, histology or stage, as this
applies to combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Encouraging results have been obtained in
both non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung
cancer, although prospective studies are lacking.
Current evidence, unfortunately, also points out
that age alone is an uncertain prognostic criterion
when outcome is considered together with toxicity.
More important than chronological age seems to be
the biological age of each individual elderly patient,
which therefore requires a specic geriatric assessment of each individual patient, including detection
of co-morbidities and the functional capacity for

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Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients


Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for

Lung Cancer Patients
Michael J. Simoff and Paul A. Kvale


Introduction 321
Dyspnea 321
Hypoxia 322
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 322
Endobronchial Disease 322
Bronchoscopy 322
Laser Therapy 323
Endobronchial Prosthesis 324
Silastic Stents 324
Metal Stents 325
Photodynamic Therapy 326
Cryotherapy 327
Electrocautery/Argon Plasma Coagulation 327
Balloon Dilatation 328
Pleural Disease 328
Tracheoesophageal Fistula 330
Cough 330
Hemoptysis 331
Conclusion 332
References 332

The majority of patients with lung cancer will experience some symptoms (dyspnea, cough, and/or
hemoptysis) during the course of their disease. These
symptoms can greatly affect, not only the quality of
life of these patients, but may also inuence the therapeutic modalities that their physician may want to
employ to deliver further therapy.
Most physicians would dene palliation as the relief
or soothing of symptoms of a disease, but not affecting cure. Current thinking is that palliative techniques
are only for the relief of symptoms. In this chapter
a broader view of palliation will be considered, for
M. J. Simoff, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine, Henry Ford Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
48202, USA
P. A. Kvale, MD
Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Henry Ford Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan 48202, USA

instance interventional pulmonology techniques, as

adjuncts to more standard therapeutic interventions
for lung cancer. Although cure may not be effected,
many palliative techniques can increase survival of
patients as well as their quality of life. In the study by
Brutinel et al. (1987) in a patient population affected
by airways obstruction, 84%92% of their patients
had symptomatic palliation of symptoms solely with
laser resection of the endobronchial tumor. Survival at
7 months was better in the laser bronchoscopy group
(60%, n=71) than in the control group (0%, n=25).
While these modalities and techniques are often
considered of only palliative benet, they may also
effect an occasional cure. By employing some palliative techniques for symptom relief, a more aggressive therapeutic program sometimes can be used
potentially allowing a sicker population of patients
the opportunity to undergo additional therapeutic
options. This idea is an expansion on the traditional
view of palliation; with more modern tools and techniques, this broader view should be a part of all treating physicians thinking.
Symptoms patients with lung cancer may experience include: dyspnea, cough, and hemoptysis. Many
different manifestations of lung cancer (local invasion, metastasis, or paraneoplastic syndromes) may
be responsible for any or all of these. The goal of this
chapter will be to expand the treating physicians
awareness of a variety of these etiologies and a variety of possible therapeutic interventions.

Dyspnea will affect 65% of all patients with lung cancer during some time in their disease course (Jacox
et al. 1994; WHO 1990). The etiologies of dyspnea
can vary (Hoegler 1997). This section will discuss
components of the system, which may commonly
manifest as dyspnea in lung cancer patients: endobronchial disease, pleural disease, tracheoesophageal
stula, with a brief look at others.

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale


If the etiology for the dyspnea can be identied

and managed successfully with some type of palliation treatment, the patient may have a much greater
tolerance for further therapy (whether it be radiation,
chemo-, or surgical), which may be considered appropriate but was not used due to the patients limitations.

Hypoxia is a common complication in patients with
lung cancer. Some patients will have hypoxia at rest and
are more easily identied by checking their pulse oximetry readings of <88%. Other patients will maintain
adequate oxygenation while resting, but quickly desaturate with activity developing dyspnea. Supplemental
oxygen is a very common intervention to help relieve
dyspnea in patients with hypoxia both at rest and with
exertion (Escalante et al. 1996). The use of oxygen,
particularly with activity and sleep will often help relieve some of the patients symptoms of dyspnea.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Patients with lung cancer often have: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Beta-2 agonists, antibiotics, and sometimes steroids often improve the
tracheobronchitis and/or bronchospasm. By the use
of aggressive treatment regimens, of the shortness of
breath patients experience can be abated.

Endobronchial Disease
Most new cases of lung cancer in the United States
will be in an advanced stage (American Cancer
Society 2001). More than 50% of these patients
will have some involvement of the central airways
(Luomanen and Watson 1968). This can be in the
form of bulky endobronchial disease, endobronchial
extension, or extrinsic compression of the airways by
the tumor or by lymphadenopathy. These patients
may have respiratory symptoms: shortness of breath,
hemoptysis, and cough. Some of these patients may
benet from endobronchial intervention as part of
the management of their disease (American Cancer
Society 2001).

Not all endobronchial disease causes complete

obstruction of the airways. Sometimes patients have
partial obstruction, and symptoms may be less severe.
When these patients begin therapy, their limited endobronchial disease can become more complicated.
Therefore, endobronchial techniques should not only
be considered in the beginning or more commonly at
the end of the management of lung cancer patients,
but throughout (Cortese and Edell 1993).
Lastly, when all management options have been
used, end-stage patients can develop compromise
of their airways as the cancer continues to progress. In these situations, endobronchial techniques
may benet the patient in its more traditional role.
Endobronchial management options may help to relieve some of their symptoms, allowing the patient
freedom from shortness of breath in conjunction
with hospice or other palliative therapies (Cortese
and Edell 1993; Sutedja et al. 1995).
Most endobronchial techniques are performed
in the United States on an outpatient basis. Unless a
patient presents with respiratory failure, many of the
procedures performed provide immediate relief of
symptoms. This rapid symptomatic improvement allows patients to remain ambulatory with an improved
quality of life. It may also prepare them to continue
additional anticancer treatment. Although interventional procedures are not denitive therapies, they often provide partial to total relief of the severe dyspnea
produced by nearly complete airway occlusion.
Interventional pulmonary programs that include
endobronchial procedures should include an armamentarium of therapeutic modalities rather than
a single invasive approach to manage patients with
complicated lung cancer. As each patients anatomy
differs, the manner in which the patients cancer leads
to symptoms varies. Several procedures used in conjunction (i.e., laser and stenting) may be necessary to
provide the most effective treatment. Offering different modalities allows the best selection of approaches
for the patient (Cortese and Edell 1993).
The following sections discuss a variety of techniques and tools available to the interventionalist. In
many cases, no one technique is better than the others, and some combination of these techniques often
offers the greatest benet to the patient.

Since the inception of exible beroptic bronchoscopy in the late 1960s in Japan and in 1970 in the
United States, the exible bronchoscope has become

Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

the most widespread tool for evaluating and diagnosing diseases of the airways and lungs (Ikeda 1970).
The rigid bronchoscope, the exible bronchoscopes
predecessor, was in many regards forgotten as a tool
until interventional pulmonology evolved in the 1980s.
Interventional pulmonologists reevaluated this tool
and found its properties advantageous to the procedures that are currently performed. A survey in 1991
by the American College of Chest Physicians reported
that only 8% of responding pulmonologists used a
rigid bronchoscope (Prakash and Stubbs 1991).
Overall, both the exible bronchoscope and the
rigid bronchoscope are necessary for the practice of
interventional pulmonology. The rigid bronchoscope
offers many advantages to the interventional pulmonologist, one of which is superior control of the
airway. Ventilation is performed through the rigid
bronchoscope itself rather than around the exible
bronchoscope. The larger-bore rigid bronchoscopes
allow optical systems, large caliber suction catheters,
and ablative instruments to pass through the scope simultaneously. Large biopsy forceps are used through
the rigid bronchoscope, which can provide more signicant tissue biopsies as well as assist in mechanical
debulking of lesions.
The rigid bronchoscope itself can be used to debulk tumor from the airway lumen. The distal end of
the bronchoscope has a beveled end. This edge can be
used to shear large sections of endobronchial tumor
away from the airway wall in a technique often referred
to as apple-coring. In a report on 56 patients with endobronchial obstruction from the trachea to the distal main stem bronchi, Mathisen and Grillo (1989)
described improvement in 90% of their patients. Only
three of the 56 patients had more than minor bleeding with this procedure. Apple-coring combined with
the use of larger biopsy forceps allows tumor to be
quickly resected from the obstructed airway.
More and more can currently be performed via
the exible bronchoscope. It is an excellent tool for
some airways procedures. The rigid bronchoscope
is a more difcult instrument to use than a exible
bronchoscope, and the rigid bronchoscope requires
additional training beyond the typical fellowship.
Rigid bronchoscopy is most commonly performed in
the operating room with general anesthesia, limiting
its availability to some pulmonary physicians.
Laser Therapy

Lasers have many medical uses, including the endobronchial ablation of lung cancer. Several types of


lasers are currently used within the bronchi: neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG), potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP), and carbon dioxide
(CO2). The most common laser used endoscopically
is the Nd:YAG, which delivers energy at a wavelength
of 1064 nm. The laser energy can be conducted via a
quartz monolament and thus can be easily used with
either the rigid or exible bronchoscope. Normally,
Nd:YAG is used at 3060 W, but it has a wide range of
power outputs, up to 100 W. Depending on the energy
level used, the laser can penetrate tissue several millimeters in depth. The KTP laser has many of the same
properties as the Nd:YAG with a delivered wavelength
of 532 nm. The CO2 laser can be used only through a
rigid bronchoscope or suspension laryngoscope, so it
is not often used with endobronchial lesions below
the proximal trachea. Moreover, the CO2 laser is not
a good photocoagulation device, in contrast to Nd:
YAG and KTP wavelengths.
The predominant tissue effects of Nd:YAG lasers
are thermal necrosis and photocoagulation. Thermal
necrosis uses higher energy levels to destroy tissue,
causing the formation of eschar. The problem with
this approach is the signicant vascularity of most
lung cancers. In destroying tissue with laser energy,
large blood vessels can be perforated with the tissue
destruction, leading to signicant hemorrhage. This
is less likely to occur if lower power settings are used.
Photocoagulation, using lower energy levels, causes
the tumor to shrink and diminishes the blood ow
to that region. By devascularizing the tumor, more
rapid mechanical debulking can be performed with
improved control of bleeding.
Laser therapy can be performed via either exible or rigid bronchoscopy. Many interventionalists
prefer rigid bronchoscopy for laser procedures when
possible. Nd:YAG laser bers can be passed through
the working channel of most exible bronchoscopes.
An advantage of using the exible bronchoscope is
that laser energy can be delivered to areas that cannot
be reached with a rigid bronchoscope (Brutinel et
al. 1987; Mathisen and Grillo 1989; Hetzel et al.
1983; Mehta et al. 1985; McDougall and Corese
1983; Toty et al. 1981; Dumon et al. 1982; Arabian
and Spagnolo 1984; Beamis et al. 1991; Sonett
et al. 1995; Macha et al. 1994; Desai et al. 1988;
Stanopoulos et al. 1993; Cavaliere et al. 1994; Ross
et al. 1990). For this reason, a beroptic bronchoscope
can be inserted through the rigid bronchoscope
whenever necessary.
The reported success rate of symptom palliation
using laser energy in the endobronchial management of lung cancer is high. Reports of clinical im-

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale


provement rates range from 84% to 92% following

laser bronchoscopy (Dumon et al. 1982; Beamis et
al. 1991; Cavaliere et al. 1988; Kvale et al. 1985;
Eichenhorn et al. 1986). Other studies demonstrate
improved survival in patients treated with laser bronchoscopy (Brutinel et al. 1987; Desai et al. 1988;
Stanopoulos et al. 1993; Petrovich et al. 1981).
Endobronchial Prosthesis

Endobronchial prosthesis involves the use of stents,

which can be placed in response to several clinical
situations: intrinsic, extrinsic, or mixed endobronchial obstruction. Stents work well in conjunction
with other modalities such as laser and mechanical debulking of tumors. Currently, stents are
composed of Silastic rubber and metal alloys, or
hybrids. Advantages and disadvantages of each are
given in Tables 7.1 and 7.2.

permanent tracheostomy. In patients with a patent

tracheostomy, the Montgomery T-tube remains an
excellent tool for the management of endotracheal
disease (Colt and Dumon 1993; Cooper et al. 1989;
Montgomery 1965).
In 1990, Dumon reported the use of what is now
referred to as the Dumon stent (Novatech, Plan de
Grasse, France). Developed in 1987, it is a Silastic
stent with evenly spaced studs along its outside walls
(Fig. 7.1). The studs are intended to minimize migration of the stent in the airway. The studs also allow the
clearance of secretions around the walls of the stent.
Dumon stents are effective in maintaining their
structural integrity when placed endobronchially.
The solid walls of the stent prevent tumor growth
from re-obstructing airways. In the situation of a
newly diagnosed lung cancer with airways obstruction, the endobronchial tumor can be debulked and
Silastic Stents

Many of the Silastic stents now in use evolved from

the Montgomery Ttube, which was rst used in
the early 1960s. This T-shaped stent supports the
entire trachea with an arm that extends through a

Fig. 7.1. The Dumon Silastic stent

Table 7.1. Advantages/disadvantages of Silastic stents



Removable and replaceable

Potential for migration/dislodgment

No growth through stent

Rigid bronchoscopy needed for placement

Low cost

Possible secretion adherence

Low likelihood of granulation tissue formation

Table 7.2. Advantages/disadvantages of metal stents



Easy to place


Good wall/internal diameter relationship

Tumor regrowth (non-covered)

Powerful radial force

Possible migration of covered stents

Excellent conformity for irregular tracheal

or bronchial walls

Signicant granulation tissue stimulation

Good epithelialization

Epithelialization adversely affecting wall

mechanics and secretion clearance
Radial force causing necrosis of bronchial wall,
erosion, stulas, perforation

Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

then a stent placed prior to the initiation of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or both. Both external beam
radiotherapy and brachytherapy can be used with a
Dumon stent in place.
Another advantage of the Dumon stent is the ease
of its removal. This can be important when endobronchial procedures are used early in the management of cancer patients. After denitive therapies
have been used (radiation, chemotherapy), re-evaluation of the airway can be performed, at which time
the stent can be left in place, removed (if deemed
of no further clinical advantage), or replaced with
a larger stent that would further improve the caliber and stability of the airway. The disadvantages
of the Dumon stent are the potential for migration
and the need for a rigid bronchoscope for placement.
Migration occurs less often when an experienced interventional endoscopist places the stent (Colt and
Dumon 1993; Dumon 1990; Tojo et al. 1996; Dumon
et al. 1996; Diaz-Jimenez et al. 1994; Freitag et al.
1995; Clarke et al. 1994).
Another Silastic stent is the Hood stent (Hood
Laboratories, Decatur, Georgia). The Hood stent is
similar to the Dumon stent in design and use. The
Hood stent is placed in the same manner as the
Dumon stent, using a rigid bronchoscope (Fig. 7.2).
(Gaer et al. 1992) The Rsch-Y stent (Rsch, Duluth,
Georgia) is a Silastic stent with stainless steel c-rings


that articially represent the cartilage (Fig. 7.3).

The posterior wall of the stent is made of a thinner
Silastic plastic to make it more functional, similar to the membranous trachea. The three available
sizes of this stent are designed to traverse the entire
length of the trachea with branches into the right
and left main stem bronchi. The Rsch-Y stent requires rigid bronchoscopy and is difcult to place,
remaining uncommon in clinical practice. Despite
this, the Rsch-Y stent offers excellent results when
placed in the appropriate. The Polyex stent (Boston
Scientic, Boston, Massachusetts) is a woven polymer
stent made of silicon with a complete coating of the
same material. Due to its design, like the other Silastic
stents, it also does not allow growth through its wall
(Fig. 7.4).

Fig. 7.4. The Polyex stent
Metal Stents

Fig. 7.2. The Hood bronchial stent

Fig. 7.3. The Rsch-Y Hybrid stent

Metal stents, such as the Gianturco (Cook,

Bloomington, Indiana), the Palmaz (Johnson &
Johnson Interventional Systems, Warren, New
Jersey), the Wallstent (Schneider, Minneapolis,
Minnesota), and the Ultraex (Boston Scientic,
Boston, Massachusetts) have been used in the endobronchial management of lung cancer. The advantage
of metal stents is the relative ease for placement via
a exible bronchoscope with uoroscopic assistance.
This ease of placement has led some bronchoscopists
to use these stents as their only method to manage
endobronchial disease. Such a practice limits the options to patients that may otherwise be available if
all interventional modalities were offered. The wire
mesh design of many of the original metal stents
did not prevent the tumor from growing through
the stent. The Wallstent and Ultraex stents are now
available in covered versions. A wrap is applied to the
outside of the wire mesh to prevent tumor invasion
through the stent. Data that support the use of both
of these stents for the endobronchial management

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale


of lung cancer are available (Colt and Dumon 1991,

1993; Tojo et al. 1996; Boliger et al. 1993; Gelb et
al. 1992).
Wallstents are made of woven stainless steel wires
with exposed proximal and distal ends (Fig. 7.5).
These exposed ends imbed in the endobronchial mucosa to x the stent into place. Signicant stimulation of granulation tissue development at both the
proximal and distal ends of the exposed Wallstent is
a concern for long-term endobronchial management.
Studies using this stent demonstrate excellent initial
outcomes, particularly with the release of the covered
version (Tojo et al. 1996; Tsang et al. 1992).
Ultraex stents are made of nitinol, a titanium and
nickel alloy, which has little bioreactivity. This stent
has excellent inner to outer diameter and conforms
well to various airway shapes, maintaining an equal
pressure along the entire length of the stent. Ultraex
stents are available in a variety of lengths and diameters. Overall the covered version of this stent is
excellent for use in palliation of airway obstruction
(Fig. 7.6).

Fig. 7.5. The Wallstent covered

Alveolus stents (Alveolus Charlotte, North

Carolina) are another metal stent that will soon be
available for clinical use (Fig. 7.7). They have all of
the advantage of Ultraex stents, with the added benet of removability. After further studies have been
completed, this may become the stent of choice in the
future, merging the positive aspects of both metallic
and Silastic stent technology.

Fig. 7.7. The Alveolus stent

The uncovered portions of metal stents epithelialize as they remain in the airways, thereby becoming
incorporated into the wall of the bronchus. This epithelialization changes the mechanics of the airways
with time by making them stiffer, which may lead to
further airway complications (Freitag et al. 1995;
Gelb et al. 1992). This may not be a concern in situations of palliation of late stage disease, but must be
considered if long-term survival is expected. Another
consideration with metal stents is that once they are
inserted, their removal can be difcult and often
impossible. Although uncommon, another risk with
the use of metal stents is the erosion that can occur
through bronchial/tracheal walls. This was more of
a concern with the older Gianturco stents than with
newer metallic stents.
Stents are effective tools for the endobronchial management of lung cancer. Stents should be chosen carefully, weighing advantages and disadvantages of each.
Photodynamic Therapy

Fig. 7.6. The Ultraex stent covered and uncovered

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an important adjunctive modality to the management of endobronchial

disease, but it does not replace Nd:YAG lasers, stents,
and rigid bronchoscopy. PDT also can be used with
bulky disease, but most interventionalists feel that it
is of limited benet in this role (Lam 1994; Sutedja
et al. 1994). The most suitable lesions for PDT are
in situ carcinomas or those limited to 45 mm of
microinvasion (Furuse et al. 1993).

Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

A photosensitizing drug is intravenously administered to the patient 4872 h prior to the procedure. Pormer sodium (Photofrin, Axcan Pharma,
Birmingham, Alabama) is the most common agent
used. This photosensitizer penetrates all cells systemically. It is not cleared as quickly from cancer cells as
in most other cells of the body and is therefore found
in higher concentrations in cancer cells as opposed
to the endothelium surrounding the tumor at the
time of treatment (Furuse et al. 1993; Hayata et al.
1993). An argon dye laser is then used to provide the
632-nm wavelength light energy required to activate
the intracellular pormer sodium. The laser energy
is transmitted via a exible quartz ber, which can be
used through either a exible or rigid bronchoscope.
The ber tip can be placed in close proximity to the
tumor mass, or it can be imbedded into the tumor
to provide the energy needed to start the intracellular activation of the pormer sodium. This reaction
leads to cellular destruction by a variety of mechanisms. Tissue necrosis ensues as the cancer cells die
(Furuse et al. 1993; Hayata et al. 1993; Moghissi et
al. 1999).
As the neoplastic tissue becomes necrotic, it must
be removed. This requires repeated bronchoscopies.
Flexible bronchoscopy is commonly performed daily
or every other day for up to 1 week to remove the necrotic tissue produced. The necrosis of bulky tumor
can be dangerous to the patient if the necrotic tissue separates from the bronchial wall and occludes
the airway. In some programs that use only PDT, patients remain intubated following the procedure for
12 days because of this concern. If necrotic tissue is
removed over the rst 2448 h, a second laser application to the cancer can be performed, thus improving the cancer tissue destruction.
PDT is an excellent therapeutic modality for patients with early-stage cancers. It destroys neoplastic
tissue effectively and is an outstanding therapeutic
modality in carcinoma in situ and microinvasive cancers. Further discussion of this is beyond the scope
of this chapter. PDT is a necessary tool in the armamentarium of endobronchial treatments, but the
time delays and multiple steps of management make
it a more cumbersome therapy for the management
of late-stage endobronchial lung cancer (Moghissi
et al. 1999).

Cryotherapy is another method to destroy malignant

tissue that obstructs the tracheobronchial tree. Tissue


is frozen and then thawed to destroy it, instead of

the heat used in laser-based technologies. A probe
is placed onto or into an obstructing tumor mass.
Liquid nitrogen (196oC) or nitrous oxide (80oC)
cools the probe tip when performing cryotherapy.
The tissue freezing induced by cryotherapy leads to
the destruction of all cells in an area of approximately
1 cm in diameter from the probe tip. Vascular thrombosis occurs with the super-cooling of tissue, minimizing the bleeding during resection of the tumor.
The limiting factor to using cryotherapy is that the
tissues destroyed with the freezing procedure take
time to die and necrose. This requires returning to
the lesion to remove the necrosed tissue and, in some
cases, repeating treatments. Although cryotherapy is
effective at tumor destruction and management, the
necessity of repeated procedures makes this a more
time-consuming technique to perform, limiting its
usefulness in the management of bulky endobronchial disease causing severe dyspnea (Maiwand and
Homasson 1995). Another advantage of cryotherapy
is that it can be used at any level of oxygen (FiO2) a
patient may require to correct hypoxia. Laser, electrocautery, and argon plasma coagulation all must be
used in an environment with an FiO2 <40%. If the
FiO2 is greater than 40%, the risk of an airway re
become very high and places the patient at signicant
Electrocautery/Argon Plasma Coagulation

Electrocautery devices or the argon plasma coagulation (APC) catheters can be introduced through
a exible bronchoscope (one that is grounded and
designed for this therapy) and can then be used to
debulk endobronchial disease. With both devices
electrical energy is used to cauterize tissue, thus
minimizing the bleeding that occurs with tumor resection. Endobronchial electrocautery treatment can
be used similar to laser therapy and/or cryotherapy
for managing advanced endobronchial lung cancer
(Gerasin and Sharovsky 1988).
Electrocautery uses unipolar electrodes to deliver
electric current to the tissue. The delivered energy
affects the tissue in three ways: an electrolytic effect
(altering chemical bonding), a capacitance effect (affecting the electrical potential of local structures),
and a thermal effect (due to the resistance of the tissue to he ow of electrical current). Of these, the thermal effect is clinically that, which is most desired.
Argon plasma coagulation, instead of using a
unipolar contact delivery mechanism for electrical


energy, uses ionized argon gas as the conductance

medium between the electrode and tissue. This noncontact tool allows a painting of the desired area
with, in essence, a gaseous form of electrical energy
causing a similar thermal effect as electrocautery. This
delivery of energy allows large areas to be treated relatively quickly and can be an ideal tool when signicant bleeding is encountered. On the other hand, the
more dened area of contact with the electrocautery
delivery devices allows a higher energy to be delivered point specic to the tissue, creating an excellent
tool for cutting as well as coagulating.
Balloon Dilatation

Balloons used for intravascular procedures can be

used to manage endobronchial stenosis secondary
to both malignant and benign disease. At our institution, we are currently using the Guidant vascular
balloon (Guidant, Santa Clara, California) for endobronchial narrowings. The Guidant balloon comes in
a variety of diameters and lengths to help dilate areas
of bronchial compromise. Occasionally, strictures are
dilated prior to the placement of a stent or even used
to fully expand a stent already in place.
The balloon is passed endobronchially via either
a rigid or exible bronchoscope. The appropriate diameter and length of the balloon are chosen for the
particular lesion. Ideally, 520 mm of balloon should
extend beyond the lesion both proximally and distally. The treatment should be performed as a series
of dilatations with gradual increase in the balloon
diameter to minimize the risk of tracheobronchial
rupture. The balloon is inated with a uid, usually
saline. The use of uid provides a more even distribution of pressure across the entire balloon rather than
the unequal pressures seen when air is used to inate
the balloon. Once inated to the prescribed pressure,
the dilatation pressure should be maintained for 1
2 min; 2 min is preferable if the patient can tolerate
this without discomfort or hypoxia.
Balloon dilatation is an adjunctive therapy to bronchoscopy, laser, and/or stenting. When used alone, its
effects are most often temporary and lead to symptom recurrence.

Pleural Disease
Malignant pleural effusions occur in 7%15% of lung
cancer patients (Cohen and Hossain 1966; Emerson

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale

et al. 1959; Johnston 1985; Le Roux 1968), greater

than half of whom develop dyspnea (Chernow and
Sahn 1977). The mechanism of dyspnea with pleural
effusions is unclear. Mechanical factors inuencing
the chest wall, mediastinum, pleural space, and lung
itself may all contribute to the sensation of dyspnea
in the patient with a pleural effusion.
Pleural effusions in the setting of lung cancer may
be malignant or benign. Three primary techniques
are used to diagnose malignant pleural effusions:
thoracentesis, closed needle pleural biopsy, and pleuroscopy or medical thoracoscopy.
Thoracentesis is the most common technique used
in the initial evaluation of pleural effusion. Cytologic
processing of pleural uid obtained by thoracentesis
yields malignant cells in 62%90% of true malignant
pleural effusions (Johnston 1985; Hsu 1987; van de
Molengraft and Vooijs 1988; Starr and Sherman
1991; Loddenkemper et al. 1983). Closed needle
pleural biopsies remain an option for the evaluation
of a malignant pleural effusion. Pleural biopsy historically has a lower diagnostic yield than cytology from
thoracentesis, 40%75% (Starr and Sherman 1991;
Loddenkemper et al. 1983; Prakash and Reiman
1985; Poe et al. 1984; Escudero Bueno et al. 1990).
There is a 7%12% additive yield from closed needle
biopsy over cytology alone (Starr and Sherman
1991; Loddenkemper et al. 1983; Prakash and
Reiman 1985). Perhaps because of this small, added
benet, the practice of closed needle pleural biopsies
has diminished in most clinical practices.
Medical thoracoscopy is a procedure more commonly being used by non-surgeons for the diagnosis
and treatment of pleural effusions. This technique
has excellent results in the diagnosis and treatment
of malignant pleural effusions in appropriate populations. In a study of patients being evaluated for malignant effusion, all enrolled patients had cytologic
assessment by thoracentesis, closed needle pleural biopsies, followed by thoracoscopy. This representative
study demonstrated diagnostic yields of 62% for thoracentesis, 44% for closed needle pleural biopsy, with
a combined sensitivity of 74%, and a diagnostic yield
for medical thoracoscopy of 95% (Loddenkemper
1998). Other studies have demonstrated similar results (Boutin et al. 1981; Oldenburg and
Newhouse 1979; Menzies and Charbonneau 1991;
Canto et al. 1977). After medical thoracoscopy had
been performed less than 10% of effusions remain
undiagnosed (Boutin et al. 1981; Canto et al. 1977;
Loddenkemper 1981; Martensson et al. 1985),
while after thoracentesis for cytology and closed needle pleural biopsy are performed greater than 20%

Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

of effusions remain undiagnosed (Storey et al. 1976;

Hirsch et al. 1979; Lamy et al. 1980).
The major indication for treating a pleural effusion is for the relief of dyspnea. Once the diagnosis
has been made, a therapeutic plan needs to be established; remembering that the etiology of the dyspnea
is more complex than the amount of uid identied
in the pleural space (Estenne et al. 1983; Light et
al. 1986; Agusti et al. 1997; Karetzky et al. 1978;
Brown et al. 1978; Krell and Rodarte 1985), and
may be related to problems with the lung itself (lymphangitic spread of tumor, atelectasis, direct tumor
invasion, etc.). Trapped lung due to parenchymal or
pleural disease will minimize the relief of dyspnea by
the evacuation of pleural uid and/or pleurodesis.
Therefore initially, a therapeutic thoracentesis should
be performed to assess the effects upon breathlessness by uid removal and the ability of the lung to
re-expand, as well as the rate and degree of re-accumulation.
Chest radiographs should be used to assess as to
whether or not the pleural uid is free owing or loculated, as well as the mediastinal position in respect
to the volume of the pleural effusion. Contralateral
shift of the mediastinum with large effusions suggests that evacuation of the effusion should provide relief of dyspnea to the patient. Expert opinion
would suggest that no greater than 11.5 l of effusion
be removed at each thoracentesis, stopping earlier
should the patient experience dyspnea, chest pain,
or coughing. The coughing and/or pain experienced
by a patient is considered to be due to the expansion
of the lung. It is suggested that this subpopulation of
patients (those that have pain, etc.) may benet from
immediate chest tube placement with pleural evacuation or medical thoracoscopy with pleurodesis due
to the common belief that the patients lung is re-expanding (ATS Guidelines 2000).
Ipsilateral or at least no contralateral mediastinal shift identied on chest radiographs suggests
trapped lung or endobronchial obstruction, potentially limiting the relief of dyspnea a patient may
experience with evacuation of pleural uid. Limited
removal of uid (<300 ml) by thoracentesis is suggested in this sub-population to minimize reducing
the pleural pressure rapidly and increasing the risk
of re-expansion pulmonary edema in these patients
(ATS Guidelines 2000).
Pleural pressure monitoring can be performed
before, during, and after thoracentesis to determine
the amount of uid that can be removed in a physiologic manner. The use of this technique may minimize the risk of re-expansion pulmonary edema


and help assess for the presence of a trapped lung at

the time of the diagnostic/therapeutic thoracentesis
(Rodriguez-Panadero and Lopez-Mejias 1989;
Light et al. 1980; Lan et al. 1997). Pleural pressure
monitoring may be a more objective assessment for
trapped lung than chest radiograph assessment but is
complex and not regularly practiced.
Therapeutic modalities for managing malignant
pleural effusions include repeated therapeutic thoracentesis, chemical pleurodesis via chest tube or medical thoracoscopy, pleuroperitoneal shunting, pleural
drainage catheters, and systemic therapy. Repeated
therapeutic thoracocenteses are a viable option for
those patients with poor performance status or with
advanced disease. There are no studies upon which to
base repeated thoracentesis. If the malignant pleural
effusion continues to accumulate, a more denitive
procedure can be considered. A variety of new and
old agents can and are being used for pleurodesis.
Chemical pleurodesis has a reported complete
response rate of 64%. A comprehensive review of
pleurodesis further discussed response; brosing
agents as a group had a 75% complete response, with
talc specically, 93%. Antineoplastic agents had a
reported complete response at initial pleurodesis of
44% (Walker-Renard et al. 1994).
Talc is currently the sclerotic agent of choice for
pleurodesis and can be used either via chest tube
placement with pleural evacuation and talc slurry
instillation, or during medical thoracoscopy or
video-assisted thoracic surgery, with talc poudrage.
Poudrage and slurry pleurodesis methods demonstrated clinical success rates of 91% with no signicance difference in recurrence rates of effusions
(Hartman et al. 1993; Hamed et al. 1989; Fentiman
et al. 1986; Kennedy et al. 1994; Todd et al. 1980;
Fentiman et al. 1983). The greatest concern with the
use of talc is the one percent risk of developing fatal
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and the
4% risk of non-fatal ARDS reported in the literature
(Milanez Campos et al. 1997; Rehse et al. 1996).
Despite these reported risks, talc is the most commonly used pleurodesis agent.
Other pleurodesis agents used include doxycycline,
which when compared to historical controls had a
similar clinical success rate as previous studies with
tetracycline, 80%85% (Patz et al. 1998; Heffner et
al. 1994; Pulsiripunya et al. 1996). Bleomycin has
been used and compared in randomized format to
tetracycline, and found to have similar complete response rates also (Hartman et al. 1993; Moffett
and Ruckdeschel 1992; Martinez-Moragon et
al. 1997). Doxycycline when compared directly with

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale


bleomycin had a 79% complete response to bleomycins 72% (Hayata et al. 1993). When bleomycin was
compared to talc, talc demonstrated superior complete response rates in all studies (Walker-Renard
et al. 1994; Hamed et al. 1989; Zimmer et al. 1997).
The use of pleuroperitoneal shunting has been reported for the management of malignant and other
intractable pleural effusions. All of these studies are
case series rather than randomized in any fashion.
Initial data looks promising, but it has not been evaluated in head-to-head studies with more conventional
treatment methods (i.e. chest tube drainage with
chemical pleurodesis) (Ponn et al. 1991; Schulze et
al. 2001; Reich et al. 1993; Petrou et al. 1995).
Another technique, tunneled long-term catheter
drainage of the pleural space is also found in several
studies in case series formats. These studies suggest
good results for the relief of dyspnea over extended
time in patients with malignant effusions. Although
encouraging, many of these studies are retrospective
in assessment with no comparison to other treatment modalities (Chen et al. 2000; Pien et al. 2001;
Pollak et al. 2001). One device, the Pleurx catheter
(Denver Biomedical, Golden, Colorado) shows signicant promise. This device when placed into the
pleural space, allows the patient to drain a portion
of their pleural effusion on a daily basis, thereby controlling the build-up of uid and in doing so, limiting
the dyspnea patients experience due to this complication. When used daily, one study (Putnam et al. 1999)
suggests that approximately 50% of these patients
will experience pleurodesis without the use of sclerotic agents in a median of 25 days. Such techniques
should be explored further to fully understand their
possible palliative implications.
For malignant effusions due to small cell lung
cancer lung cancer the therapy of choice is systemic
chemotherapy. Often these patients will respond
with resolution of pleural effusions and dyspnea
(Livingston et al. 1982).

persistent inammation of the airways. Patients frequently lose weight and become dehydrated secondary to their intolerance of taking anything by mouth.
Even with abstinence from eating and drinking most
patients continue to have symptoms due to lack of
control of their own secretions and reux of gastric
Curative resection of the involved tracheal-bronchial and/or esophageal segments in face of a malignancy should not be considered, as most of these
patients are at the end-stage of their lung cancer
and palliative management should be emphasized.
Esophageal bypass procedures should also not be
considered, as they have very high morbidity.
The goals of therapy for tracheoesophageal stula
are to restore patency of the trachea, bronchi, and/
or esophagus, to prevent spillage of further material
into the lung, and ensure the patient receives nutrition and uid. By addressing all of these issues, the
most debilitating symptoms of this condition, the
dyspnea and coughing, are also corrected.
Double stenting of the tracheo-bronchial tree
and the esophagus appears to be the procedure that
yields the best overall results for symptomatic relief
in patients with this condition. Clinical series have
attempted either esophageal or tracheo-bronchial
stenting individually with mixed results. Most series
with higher success rates use a double-stenting technique. With limited published information, our clinical experience has been most successful with initial
bronchial stenting followed in close succession with
esophageal stenting (Freitag et al. 1996; Colt et al.
1992; Alexiou et al. 1998; Koeda et al. 1997; Spivak
et al. 1996; Cook and Dehn 1996).
Placement of a percutaneous entero-gastric (PEG)
or percutaneous entero-jejunal (PEJ) tubes can ensure proper nutrition and uid management in patients with tracheoesophageal stulas. Patients may
be able to eat once the double stenting is performed,
but maintaining adequacy of uid status and nutrition is often difcult.

Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Tracheoesophageal stulas are serious complications
of lung and esophageal cancer. The life expectancy
after the development of a tracheoesophageal stula
with no therapy is estimated at 17 weeks. Patients
have repeated aspiration of food, gastric contents,
and saliva. This persistent aspiration leads to patient
distress due to coughing and shortness of breath.
Patients can develop recurrent pneumonia with

Cough can be a debilitating symptom for some patients with lung cancer. As with dyspnea, the etiology
of the cough should be identied to best treat a patient. Cough can be a manifestation of endobronchial
disease, pleural disease, or tracheoesophageal stula
as discussed above. Cough can also originate from

Advances in Supportive and Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

something as uncommon as endobronchial irritation status post-resection, when the staples migrate
endobronchially and become foreign bodies in the
airways. Or cough may be a manifestation of something more common, such as the patients underlying
COPD with or without a tracheobronchitis. Again, the
most useful management remains that specically
suited to the patients individual problem.
Sometimes, however, the etiology of the cough is
never identied. It is in these situations where cough
suppressants like benzonate (Donna and Walsh
1998) or opiates (particularly codeine) can be used.
Occasionally beta-2 agonists are prescribed with
identied underlying COPD but are only occasionally of signicant benet (Kvale et al. 2003).

Hemoptysis will be the presenting symptom in 7%
10% of lung cancer patients. About 20% will have hemoptysis some time during their clinical course, with
3% having terminal massive hemoptysis (Miller
and McGregor 1980; Chute et al. 1985; Hyde and
Hyde 1974; Grippi 1990; Frost et al. 1984). Massive
hemoptysis, that which most commonly requires intervention, has a broad denition as expectoration of
from 100 to 600 ml of blood in 24 h. Blood clot formation obstructing airways is suggested as the most
common cause of respiratory insufciency from massive hemoptysis.
Initial evaluation of patients with known lung cancer in a specic location is somewhat different from
that of those patients without a known diagnosis.
Massive hemoptysis due to lung cancer has a much
poorer prognosis than hemoptysis of other etiologies. One retrospective review dened the mortality
of massive hemoptysis as 59% in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma (Corey and Hla 1987). In many
of these patients surgery, a more denitive therapeutic modality is not on the algorithm for intervention
in that many of these patients are already non-surgical candidates from their primary disease.
The initial priority in managing a patient with
massive hemoptysis should be, maintaining adequate
airway protection (Cahill and Ingbar 1994; JeanBaptiste 2000). This may require endotracheal intubation to maintain good control. It is suggested that
use of a single lumen endotracheal tube is of greater
benet than double-lumen endotracheal tubes
(Strange 1991).


Standard endotracheal intubation should use the

largest tube possible. Occasionally selective right or
left main stem intubations are performed to protect
the non-bleeding lung. This technique can be benecial in protecting the good lung, but the fact that
when a right sided intubation is performed, it often
occludes the right upper lobe and the difculty of selective left sided intubations need to be considered
prior to attempting this.
Optimization of oxygenation needs to then be undertaken to clinically stabilize the patient with massive hemoptysis. Next, assessment and management
of cardiovascular/hemodynamic status has to take
place for proper management of the patient with hemoptysis (Cahill and Ingbar 1994; Jean-Baptiste
2000). Reversal of any coagulation disorders should
to be considered at the time of hemodynamic management. If the bleeding site is known, the bleeding
lung should be placed in the dependent position to
help protect the non-bleeding lung. Cough suppression with a narcotic (particularly codeine) can be
used to help minimize further endobronchial bleeding in non-intubated patients.
Bronchoscopy is often used to identify the source
of bleeding. Early bronchoscopy to assess the site
of bleeding is recommended. Studies have demonstrated identication of the bleeding site 91% of the
time when performed early versus 50% when delayed (Credle et al. 1974). A more recent retrospective study had much less supportive results, with the
limitation of early being dened as less than 48 h.
Despite this, there results suggest early bronchoscopy
is indicated (Gong and Salvatierra 1981). The goal
of early bronchoscopy should be rst to lateralize the
bleeding side, secondly localization of the specic
site to a lesion, lobe or segment, and lastly identify
the lesion that is bleeding whenever possible.
In the patient with hemoptysis, several studies have
looked at the use of early high-resolution computed
tomography (HRCT). In those patients without a diagnosis, this technique appears to have benets. The
use of HRCT may help diagnose: bronchiectasis, an
aspergilloma, and possibly identify a previously undiagnosed lung cancer (Set et al. 1993; McGuiness
et al. 1994; Muller 1994; Hirschberg et al. 1997). In
the patient with the known diagnosis of lung cancer,
this technique will be of limited value, particularly
in those patients that have had previous radiation
The rst therapeutic approach, which should be
considered for the management of hemoptysis, particularly massive hemoptysis, in the patient with lung
cancer is external beam radiation (Hoegter 1997).

M. J. Simoff and P. A. Kvale


Prior to initiation of this therapy, sometime other

procedures are necessary to temporize the patient.
Endobronchial management of hemoptysis should
be subdivided into identied location of bleed (i.e.
bleeding from the anterior segment of the left upper lobe) versus bleeding from an identied source
(i.e. bleeding from an endobronchial tumor). When
the location of the bleed is identied, but no direct
source is found, endobronchial management includes: bronchoscopic tamponade of the segment,
usually recommended with continuous suctioning
to collapse the segment (Zavala 1976). The use of
vasoactive drugs (i.e., 1:10,000 epinephrine solution)
is suggested, although this is most useful on visualized lesions (Magee and Williams 1982; Worth et
al. 1987). Ice saline lavage is discussed as a temporizing technique for control of hemoptysis (Sahebjami
1976; Conlan and Hurwitz 1983). Balloon tamponade techniques, using a variety of different balloons,
can control hemoptysis and minimized risk of further aspiration of blood. It is suggested that balloons
remain in place for 2448 h to allow tamponade of
hemoptysis (Schlehe et al. 1984; Tsukamoto et al.
1989; Bense 1990).
When an endobronchial source of bleeding is identied, attempts with vasoactive drugs can be used,
but often this type of bleeding requires a more aggressive mode of management. Use of Nd:YAG photocoagulation is an efcient tool for the management
of bleeding endobronchial lesions with a reported
response rate of 60% (Hetzel and Smith 1991; Jain
et al. 1985; Clarke et al. 1994). Use of electrocautery
is also suggested in the literature but support other
than anecdotal reporting is limited for the management of hemoptysis. Use of argon plasma coagulation in one study demonstrated resolution of hemoptysis in 100% of patients with a 3-month follow-up
(Morice et al. 2001).
Bronchial artery embolization appears to be a
semi-denitive therapy for hemoptysis. Embolization
stops bleeding in greater than 85% of all patients that
it is used. This excellent success rate should be tempered with the fact that 10%20% of these patients
have rebleeding in the next 612 months (Mal et al.
1999; White 1999; Osaki et al. 2000; Eurvilaichit
et al. 2000). The management and long term followup of bronchial artery embolization is limited by the
few cases of lung cancer managed in almost all studies. Much of the information used must be extrapolated to the lung cancer population.
Surgery would appear to be the most denitive
therapeutic modality available. Retrospective studies demonstrate good long-term results with surgical

resection of the source of bleeding (Knott-Craig et

al. 1993; Bobrowitz et al. 1983). This route should
be cautioned in that limited information regarding
surgical resection of a bleeding source due to lung
cancer is available. If a lung cancer was previously
diagnosed, surgical resection should have been considered had the patient been a surgical candidate and
the tumor amenable to surgical resection. If a tumor
was previously not amenable to surgical treatment,
the addition of hemoptysis to this scenario should
not give cause to surgical intervention at the time of
this complication. In the case where a cancer is newly
diagnosed at the time of management of hemoptysis,
controlling the hemoptysis with other techniques to
allow full assessment/staging prior to acute surgical
management should be performed. Rarely, in a lifethreatening situation, surgical intervention for both
the hemoptysis and the lung cancer may be effective.

There are many symptoms associated with lung
cancer that can be palliated, to allow patients the
opportunity to maximize other more denitive treatments of their lung cancer. Consultation with a team
of experts at your facility will allow the quickest assessment of a patients complaints and the most rapid
institution of palliative measures.

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Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer


Treatment-Related Toxicity


Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer


8.1 Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer

Francesc Casas and Nria Violas


Introduction 339
Toxicity in Chemotherapy 340
Toxicity in Radiotherapy 342
Hematologic Toxicity After Combined
Chemo- and Radiotherapy 343
Preventive or Support Treatment of
Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer 345
References 348

Hematologic toxicity in non-surgical treatment of
lung cancer generally depends on the type of treatment administered, whether chemo- and/or radiotherapy. This chapter will describe the normal physiology of bone marrow followed by a synthesis of the
current knowledge of the toxicity of these two treatments either alone or in combination. Lastly, support
treatments and the management of these secondary
effects is proposed.
The toxicity of tumor cells after chemo- and radiotherapy, administered either alone or in combination is dose-dependent. Aggression to the bone marrow, which is expressed by a reduction in circulating
blood cells, is often the main dose-limiting toxicity
because of the risks of anemia, bleeding and infection. Strategies aimed at protecting the hematopoietic
cells or the stroma of the bone marrow from death
induced by the treatment, the acceleration of hematopoiesis after treatment, may theoretically allow more
intensive treatments in lung cancer without the above
mentioned associated risks. To know the true impact
of individual or combined, sequential or concurrent
treatment to thereby act accordingly, it is necessary
to know the structure and function of the bone marF. Casas, MD; N. Violas, MD
Radiation and Medical Oncology Departments (ICMHO),
Hospital Clnic i Universitari, Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona,

row as an organ. Thus, the pluripotent stem cells replicate and differentiate in lymphoid or myeloid lines
through a complex process regulated by a network of
hematopoietic growth factors as well as by cellular interactions. The cascade through myeloid differentiation leads to the erythrocytes, platelets, granulocytes
and macrophages, while the lymphoid differentiation
leads to T and B cells. Families of growth factors (or
cytokines) which control these processes of replication and differentiation have been identied. The
hematopoietic progenitor cells and their daughter
cells are enveloped in a stroma of endothelial cells,
adventitial cells, broblasts, macrophages and fat
cells in the sinus of the bone marrow. This microscopic medium is a physical support and director of
the development of the replication process. In addition, the geographic distribution of the bone marrow
is particularly relevant to know the possible local effects of radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer.
The most functional and important localizations are
the pelvis, the vertebrae (these two represent 60% of
the total of the bone marrow), as well as the ribs, the
sternum, the cranium, the scapula and the proximal
portions of the femur and humeral bones. It should
also be remembered that hematopoietic stem cells are
also found in the spleen and circulate in the blood.
Bone marrow dysfunction in neoplastic processes
may be due to different etiologies:
1 Depletion or direct lesions of the hematopoietic
stem cells
2 Functional or structural damage of the stroma or
the microcirculation
3 Lesion of other collaborator cells which have a
regulator function or hemostasis
The consequences of the aggression of cytotoxic
and radiotherapeutic treatment to the bone marrow
should, therefore, be understood within the context of
the previously described mechanisms. Nonetheless, it
may be difcult to elucidate the most important variables due to the limitations in the evaluation of both
the structure and bone marrow function. The peripheral determination of the blood cells fails to demon-


strate the true extension of bone marrow suppression

or its capacity to tolerate additional cytotoxic therapy
mainly because of the capacity of the bone marrow
to transitorily compensate the aggression. To evaluate several quantitative and functional aspects of the
bone marrow cultures of progenitor cells, histopathologic studies (bone marrow aspirate and biopsy), and
determined radioisotopes or stromal cell cultures
may be used, although to a limited extent.

Toxicity in Chemotherapy
The myelosuppression directly caused by chemotherapy depends not only on the agent used but also on
patient-dependent factors, such as age and general
status. Important factors in relation to the type of
chemotherapy administered are the doses, the interval of the doses, the route of administration or the
use of a single or several antitumoral agents. On the
other hand, the site of action of the antineoplastic
drug within the cellular cycle also appears to inuence myelosuppression (Howard and Pelc 1951).
It is known that the S phase represents DNA synthesis and M the period of mitosis. G1 and G2, respectively,
represent the gaps between mitosis and the beginning
of DNA replication and between the end of replication
and the beginning of mitosis. Some cells have very
prolonged G1 periods and may be considered as resting cells which are said to be in the G0 phase.
Most of the cells maturing in the bone marrow are
actively dividing. This means that cytostatic drugs
which act in a specic phase of the cycle, for example
in the S phase of synthesis, cause a rapid, early and
reversible reduction in the number of granulocytes.
Thus, for agents which act on the cell cycle and which
are phase-specic, the length of exposure determines
the toxicity in relation to the greater number of cells
exposed during continuous infusion compared to
bolus administration. Other classes of agents, mainly
the cell-cycle agents that are not specically phaseselective (such as anthracyclines and certain alkylators, i.e. busulfan) may cause slightly more delayed
suppression of bone marrow and longer recovery
than phase-specic agents.
On the other hand, many hematopoietic stem cells
are not in a cycle and may only be altered by agents
which act in the G0 phase. These chemotherapeutic
agents act on the DNA bridges provoking cell death.
If a particular agent predominantly affects the stem
cells rather than cells in specic phases of the cell

F. Casas and N. Violas

cycle, then all the cell lines are suppressed. Very few
cytostatics selectively depress the stem cell (i.e. nitrosoureas, streptozotocin) and none are used at present
in the treatment of lung cancer.
The damage results from a depletion in the total number of stem cells (the stem cell pool) with
a late myelosuppression pattern which takes place
when the peripheral blood cells die and cannot be
replaced. That is to say that myelotoxicity by chemotherapy agents produces a decrease in the production
of blood cells more than an immediate elimination of
the peripheral cells (Ratain et al. 1990).
Because of differences in the peripheral blood
half life, drugs that induce myelosuppression rst
result in leukopenia followed by thrombocytopenia
with the former generally being more severe than
the latter. Thus, the nadir for neutrophils and platelets is normally between 7 and 15 days after drug
administration. For most of the compounds, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are reversible and not
accumulative. In addition to the direct cytotoxicity
at the level of the progenitor cells, at an erythrocytic
level, blood cells with a more prolonged half life, the
mechanisms involved may be direct hemolysis of the
red blood cells after the administration of, for example, mitomycin (Vervey et al. 1987) or a decrease in
the production of endogenous erythropoietin due to
chronic renal insufciency by cisplatin (Pivot et al.
2000). The pluripotent stem cells are protected from
the toxic effects of chemotherapy because of their
slow proliferation.
The biological differences among different patients affects the degree of bone marrow damage for
a determined chemotherapy agent, although they
may also reect differences in bone marrow cellularity before treatment. Advanced age is associated with
a reduction in bone marrow cellularity and a lower
tolerance to chemotherapy which may be related to
pharmacokinetic alterations of drugs in the elderly
in whom drug clearing may be decreased. The nutritional status may also be an important factor in patients with a negative balance of nitrogen and weight
loss is also associated since it has been found that it
provokes lower tolerance to chemotherapy (Dewys
et al. 1980). It is also known that anything which interferes with the route of activation, metabolism or
excretion of a chemotherapy drug may exacerbate
myelosuppression. Other possible causes include effects in cell regulation (that is, an alteration in growth
factor secretion) or cell interaction. For example, it
appears that chemotherapy may affect the response
of endogenous erythropoietin to anemia causing
a dysregulation in the normal control of red blood

Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer

cells (Miller et al. 1990). One of the main factors of

toxicity for a given chemotherapy agent is the pharmacodynamic interaction between the drug and the
combination of other anticancer drugs. Thus, one of
the general principles for combining different drugs
is that they should have a different limiting toxicity,
although a sum of these effects is normally produced
in relation to myelotoxicity. There is, however, an exception to this rule in the case of the combination of
paclitaxel-carboplatin: paclitaxel decreases the platelet toxicity of carboplatin in relation to a non-pharmacokinetic mechanism (Calvert et al. 1999).
Patients who have undergone previous chemotherapy present a greater susceptibility of hematologic toxicity with new treatment. This observation
has even led to the consideration of different doses
of carboplatin in patients who have been previously
treated (Albers and Dorr 1998). Previous irradiation may also decrease the tolerance to chemotherapy
agents and vice versa. Finally, circadian variations
have been reported in the pharmacokinetics of some
drugs. Since cell division of hematopoietic cells has a
circadian variation, the time of administration may
inuence hematologic toxicity (Kerr et al. 1990).
Chemotherapy is the standard treatment in patients with stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) with pleural effusion and stage IV. The aim
of this treatment is palliative and attempts to improve
the quality of life and prolong survival. It has also
been demonstrated to have a role in stage III NSCLC
as neoadjuvant therapy to surgery in stage IIIA with
or without radiotherapy and in combination with
the latter in patients with stage IIIB and good performance status. The role of chemotherapy in early
stages as a neoadjuvant or complementary therapy to
surgery is still under study.
The most frequent schedules of chemotherapy
currently used in NSCLC include combinations of
cisplatin or carboplatin with some of the new drugs
(gemcitabine, vinorelbine, paclitaxel, docetaxel). All
have been shown to be similar in regard to efcacy in
stage IV although the toxicities observed, including
hematologic toxicity, differs (Schiller et al. 2002).
These combinations of chemotherapy cause grade
3 and 4 neutropenia which varies from 40% to 70%
with febrile neutropenia in less than 10%. Some of
the randomized studies comparing these different
schedules have shown that the combination of cisplatin and vinorelbine causes grade 3 and 4 neutropenia in a greater percentage of patients, although in
the study by Fosella et al. (2003), which compared
this schedule with docetaxel in addition to platin
drugs, did not nd differences in regard to neutro-


penia. Grade 3 and 4 platelet toxicity was observed in

1%55% of the patients, with a schedule combining
cisplatin and gemcitabine showing a greater percentage of thrombocytopenias (Cardenal et al. 1999).
No serious hemorrhagic events were reported with
these different schemes. In the study by Scagliotti
et al. (2002) in which patients were randomized to
receive three different chemotherapy schedules (cisplatin-gemcitabine, carboplatin-paclitaxel and cisplatin-vinorelbine) the percentages of patients who received platelet transfusions for each arm was 8%, 2%
and 8%, respectively, and were not consistent with the
respective percentages reported for grade 3/4 thrombocytopenia. In regard to anemia, the percentages
varied from 10% to 30%, with the schedules based on
cisplatin and gemcitabine or vinorelbine being those
producing the greater percentage of patients with
anemia (Kelly et al. 2001; Schiller 2002).
Continuous infusion of paclitaxel leads to an increase in neutropenia without greater efcacy, thus,
this drug is currently administered in shorter infusions of 1 or 3 h. The sequence of administration is
also very important since an increase in myelotoxicity has been observed when cisplatin is administered
before paclitaxel. Platelet toxicity is not of note in
schemes including paclitaxel combined with carboplatin suggesting that paclitaxel protects against the
thrombopenia associated with carboplatin.
To improve the effectiveness and/or reduce the
toxicity of chemotherapy schedules based on cisplatin, different randomized studies have been carried
out with schemes based on cisplatin and combination therapy without this drug. In a randomized
study by Georgoulias et al. (2001), patients with
advanced NSCLC received treatment with cisplatin
and docetaxel versus gemcitabine-docetaxel and although no differences were observed in the effectiveness of both schedules, a better toxicity prole was
found with the latter scheme including less neutropenia.
With respect to small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) the
most commonly used schedules which show greater
effectiveness are those based on cyclophosphamide
and adriamycin combined with vincristine (CAV) or
etoposide (CAE) or those based on a combination of
platin and etoposide derivatives. The combination of
cisplatin and etoposide produces less neutropenia
than the CAV and CAE schemes although with more
anemia (Fukuoka et al. 1991). The prole of hematologic toxicity with the combination of etoposide and
carboplatin is similar to that found with the schedule of cisplatin except with a greater percentage of
thrombocytopenia (Ettinger 1988).

F. Casas and N. Violas


The benets of palliative treatment with chemotherapy in advanced lung cancer are basically
achieved in patients with a good functional status.
It was traditionally believed that patients with performance status 2 (PS 2) presented greater toxicity
with chemotherapy, thereby reducing the possible
benecial effect. Retrospective analysis of prospective studies in patients with NSCLC receiving treatment based on cisplatin demonstrated that the subgroup of patients with PS 2 presented a much lower
median survival than patients with a better general
status. In this way the group of ECOG (Sweeney
et al. 2001) has recently published the results of
a subgroup of patients receiving chemotherapy
with cisplatin and paclitaxel versus three experimental arms (cisplatin and gemcitabine, cisplatin and docetaxel and carboplatin and docetaxel).
This study conrmed that patients with PS 2 have
a greater incidence of grades 3 and 4 hematologic
toxicity. Nonetheless, analysis of the cause of death
during treatment demonstrated that most of the
deaths were associated with the disease and that the
poor survival was due to the disease more than to
treatment-associated toxicity.
It is difcult to know whether this subgroup of
patients with a short survival and greater possibilities of treatment-associated toxicity benets from
chemotherapy treatment. The study of Billingham
and Cullen (Billingham 2001) suggested that PS
2 patients had no survival benet from chemotherapy but in contrast these patients experienced the
gratest improvement in quality of life during the
rst cycle of chemotherapy. Subgroup analysis from
several randomised trials seems to demonstrate that
several new generation cytotoxic drugs are superior to supportive care alone in patients with PS 2
(Elvis 1999; Ransom 2000). In the analysis of PS 2
patients in CALGB 9739 study comparing pladitaxel
plus carboplatin versus pladitaxel, median survival
in the combination chemotherapy was signicantly
longer than with pladitaxel alone although it should
be noted that combination produced a statistically
signicant higher incidence of several hematological and non hematological toxicities. (Lilenbaum
2002). The preliminary results of a randomized, prospective study comparing carboplatin plus paclitaxel
versus cisplatin plus gemcitabine in patients with PS
2 showed greater response for patients in the latter
group but with greater thrombopenia (Langer et al.
2003). Chemotherapy appears justied to patients
with advanced NSCLC and PS 2 although it is not
clear the best regimen taking into account the efcacy and toxicity.

In elderly patients or those with concomitant diseases, trials with monotherapy or combined therapy
without cisplatin have demonstrated to be active and
well tolerated. One clinical trial compared monotherapy with vinorelbine versus the best support treatment in patients over 70 years of age, 25% of whom
had PS 2. Greater palliation, time to progression, survival and quality of life were observed in the patients
treated with vinorelbine (ELVIS 1999). In a similar
population of patients (Frasci et al. 2000) combined
treatment with gemcitabine plus vinorelbine was
compared with monotherapy with vinorelbine and
found better survival and quality of life with the combined treatment without differences in toxicity. These
results disagree with those by Gridelli et al. (2003)
who did not nd better results and observed greater
toxicity in the patients receiving combined therapy.
The combination produced a greater percentage of
anemia and neutropenia in relation to gemcitabine
and platelet toxicity related to vinorelbine.
Isolated administration of gemcitabine has conrmed its activity as well as its tolerable toxicity prole in elderly patients with NSCLC, although with a
greater proportion of patients with grades 3 and 4
anemia (Shepherd et al. 1997).
The administration of combinations with cisplatin
and the new cytostatic drugs have not shown notable
differences between patients older or younger than
70 years of age, with a tolerable toxicity prole and the
main toxicity being hematologic (Booton et al. 2003).
Elderly patients with advanced stage NSCLC presenting an acceptable general status should receive
chemotherapy treatment (Langer et al. 2002).
To date two randomized studied have compared
standard endovenous treatment with doses at the
lower limit with oral treatment with etoposide alone
in fragile, elderly patients with SCLC. Both studies
showed that combination therapy was superior in
regard to response to treatment and survival than
monotherapy and had less hematologic toxicity
(Souhami et al. 1997; Thatcher 1996).

Toxicity in Radiotherapy
In the case of irradiation in lung cancer, acute toxicity
of the bone marrow depends on the volume irradiated, the doses of radiation and its rate. Although the
compensatory mechanisms are mainly relevant for
the knowledge of long term effects, some effects are
acute. Thus when volumes limited to the bone mar-

Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer

row are irradiated, such as, for example 10%15%, the

remaining bone marrow responds by increasing the
population of progenitor cells. This is why the bone
marrow, as an organ as a whole, is able to regenerate
the previously irradiated zone by a compensatory
process to satisfy the needs of hematopoiesis and
acute toxicity is not observed. This compensatory
phenomenon may be observed by factors (CSFs)
from the cell stroma suggesting the implication of a
humoral mechanism (Croizat et al. 1976).
It has been shown that there is a extensive communication and compensation network in the bone
marrow after aggression with radiation and this may
be summarized as follows:
1 Regeneration within the eld of irradiation
2 Hyperactivity in non-irradiated regions
3 Extension of the function of bone marrow production in previously dormant zones (Tubiana et
al. 1979)
This reparation or compensatory capacity of the
bone marrow makes the bone marrow toxicity secondary to exclusive radiotherapy treatment in lung
cancer difcult to observe clinically. Nonetheless, this
exclusive irradiation using standard fractionation
leads to subclinical, but quantiable, hematologic
toxicity which we will describe more in depth later
when we go into combined treatment (chemo- and
radiotherapy) and compare the resulting myelotoxicity using references from randomized studies related
to radiotherapy alone.

Hematologic Toxicity
After Combined Chemo- and Radiotherapy
The combined effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the bone marrow are complex (Kovacs
et al. 1988). The selective action of the chemotherapy
agents for different populations of hematopoietic
cells determine the temporary consequences of the
tolerance of the bone marrow to radiation after chemotherapy. In addition, when wide elds are used,
before chemotherapy, the tolerance expected is poor.
This may be due not only to the suppression or ablation of determined segments or portions of the
bone marrow, but also because of the increase in the
sensitivity of non exposed zones of the bone marrow
which, at that time, are in a period of hyperactivity.
This is produced in the case of sequential treatments
further complicating the question when referring to
combined treatments of radio- and chemotherapy. In


the case of SCLC, the study by Abrams et al. (1985)

is of note. These authors randomized 42 patients to
receive either chemotherapy alone or in combination
with thoracic irradiation. In the group receiving combined treatment an increase was observed in both
hematopoietic toxicity and the circulating number of
progenitor cells suggesting that the toxicity of concurrent treatment is additive. It was found that:
1 The combination of chemotherapy and thoracic
radiotherapy produces somewhat more hematologic toxicity than when chemotherapy is administered alone.
2 This increase may be explained by a generally
subclinical, although measurable, toxicity of the
thoracic radiotherapy when administered alone.
3 The potential of hematopoietic toxicity by irradiation by itself may vary in relation to the timing, the
volume of treatment, to the region irradiated and
the treatment elds used. That is, that the greater
the volume treated and the greater the quantity of
the cardiac circuit and bone marrow involved in
the irradiated elds, the greater the toxicity.
The third point of this study introduces the concepts that not only irradiation of the bone marrow
may cause hematologic toxicity but blood irradiation
within the cardiac circuit may also play a role that
should be taken into account in this toxicity. Turrisi
et al. (1993) have also shown this in the sense that
the great vessels are in the irradiated elds, the cardiac output is probably irradiated twice once from
the pulmonary circuit and then again in the systemic
In recent years the contribution of not only the importance of the timing of the administration (early
or late) in concurrent combined treatment, but also
the alterations of the fractionation (accelerated hyperfractionation versus standard fractionation) in
patients with SCLC conditioned changes in hematologic toxicity. Thus, Murray et al. (1993) randomized
a group of patients into two arms of early concurrent
irradiation (in the third week) versus late (in the fteenth week) and found that although the differences
between neutropenia and thrombocytopenia greater
than or equal to grade 3 were not statistically signicant for either of the treatment arms, they were so in
relation to grade 3 anemia which was greater in the
late administration (p<0.03).
In a study by Jeremic et al. (1997), 107 patients
were randomized to receive either chemotherapy
plus early hyperfractionated radiotherapy (weeks
14) with concurrent chemotherapy versus late administration (weeks 69) and did not nd statisti-

F. Casas and N. Violas


cally signicant differences in hematologic toxicity.

In the same year the group of the EORTC (Gregor
et al. 1997) published another randomized study in
patients with limited stage SCLC comparing sequential chemoradiotherapy versus alternating treatment
and reported that the latter schedule was as effective
as the sequential administration but caused greater
grades 3 and 4 hematologic toxicity.
Turrisi et al. (1999) carried out a randomized
study comparing concurrent chemotherapy with
hyperfractionated radiotherapy versus the same chemotherapy with standard fractionated radiotherapy
and found greater toxicity in the treatment with
hyperfractionated radiotherapy. Lastly, Takada et
al. (2002) randomized concurrent versus sequential
chemoradiotherapy and observed greater hematologic toxicity in the rst treatment arm (Table 8.1.1).
At the beginning of the 1990s a series of randomized
studies in NSCLC were performed which evaluated
both the effectiveness and the toxicity of concurrent
or sequential chemoradiotherapy versus irradiation
alone (Table 8.1.2). Firstly, the study by Le Chevalier
et al. (1991) was of note. In this study 353 patients
Table 8.1.1. Hematologic toxicity in randomized concurrent
hyperfractionated arms on SCLC






Jeremic et al. 3






Turrisi et al. 3






Takada et al. 3






were randomized to receive 65 Gy of irradiation alone

versus the same irradiation preceded by three cycles
of vindesine, lomustine, cisplatin and cyclophosphamide. The group receiving irradiation alone showed
three-fold less hematologic toxicity than the group administered combined therapy. In 1990, Dillman et al.
(1990) randomized 155 patients to receive two cycles
of cisplatin and vinblastine followed by 60 Gy of irradiation versus radiotherapy alone at the same doses.
Although the hematologic toxicity in this study was
not correctly explained, it was of note that neutropenic
infection was more prevalent in the patients receiving
chemotherapy with double the number of admissions
due to severe infections versus the patients administered irradiation alone.
In a study by Trov et al. (1992) 173 stage III patients were randomized to receive 45 Gy versus the
same irradiation administered concurrently with a
daily dose of 6 mg/m2 of cisplatin. The hematologic
toxicity of the combined treatment was only slightly
superior to that of radiotherapy alone. SchaakeKoning et al. (1992) randomized 331 patients to receive 56 Gy administered by split-course or the same
radiotherapy plus 30 mg/m2 of cisplatin administered
each week of irradiation versus the same total doses
of irradiation administered continuously with a daily
doses of 6 mg/m2 of cisplatin during irradiation. It was
found that grades 34 hematologic toxicity was fourfold greater in the group with concurrent administration with weekly cisplatin compared to radiotherapy
alone and was double in the concurrent treatment with
daily versus weekly chemotherapy.
In 1995, Sause et al. (1995) published a randomized study on whether patients receiving chemotherapy followed by irradiation showed longer survival
than hyperfractionated radiotherapy or irradiation

Table 8.1.2. Hematologic toxicity in randomized trials on NSCLC

toxic effect

RT Group

CH + RT Group
(monthly CH)

CH + RT Group
(daily CH)

Le Chevalier et al.

Grade 25



Trovo et al.

(grade 12)





Schaake-Koning et al.

(grade 34)
(grade 34)


6.6% (weekly CH)



0.9% (weekly CH)


Dillman et al.





Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer


with standard fractionation in patients with stage III

NSCLC. Hematologic toxicity greater than grade 3 in
the white cells was presented in 50% of the patients
with combined treatment and was null in the other
two treatment arms. Jeremic et al. (1995) randomized 169 patients to receive hyperfractionated radiotherapy at 1.2 Gy/twice per day up to a total dose
of 64.8 Gy versus the same doses of irradiation plus
100 mg of carboplatin on days 1 and 2 and 100 mg of
etoposide days 1 and 3 of each week of irradiation
versus a third group in which the same radiotherapy
was administered plus 200 mg of carboplatin administered days 1 and 2 and 100 mg of VP-16 on days 1
and 5 of the rst, third and fth week of irradiation.
Likewise, the toxicity was greater in the combined
treatment, especially in the second group.
On demonstration of the greater effectiveness,
but with more hematologic toxicity, of sequential
treatment versus exclusive irradiation, the next step
was to demonstrate that concurrent administration was better than sequential. This was corroborated by Furuse et al. (1999) in a study in which 320
stage III NSCLC patients were randomized to receive
concurrent treatment with cisplatin, vindesine and
mitomycin and 56 Gy administered by split-course
versus the same chemotherapy and one continuous
dose of 56 Gy. Greater immunosuppression was also
observed in the concurrent treatment arm. Another
study which demonstrated greater survival with concurrent treatment was that by RTOG 9410 published
only in abstract form and thus, the toxicity cannot by
completely presented.
A new combination of treatment has been investigated. In a randomized phase II study the effectiveness
and tolerance of two cycles of induction chemotherapy
(with the so-called new chemotherapy drugs) followed
by two additional cycles of the same chemotherapy
plus concurrent radiotherapy have been studied. The
chemotherapy used was doublets of cisplatin with gemcitabine, vinorelbine and paclitaxel (Vokes et al. 2002)

and in this study hematologic toxicity was presented

separately in the induction and also in the concurrent
treatment (Table 8.1.3). In the rst part grade 34 granulocytopenia was of note in 50% of the patients in the
three treatment arms presented, and in the arm with
gemcitabine 25% of the patients also presented grades
3 and 4 thrombocytopenia. In regard to the toxicity observed with concurrent treatment it was of note that
notable differences were found in the three treatment
arms of the study. Thus, while in the groups treated with
gemcitabine and paclitaxel grades 3 and 4 granulocytopenia were observed in 51% and 53%, respectively, in
the group receiving vinorelbine this hematologic toxicity was seen in 27% of the patients. Platelet toxicity
was also found to be greater (50%) in the group with
concurrent treatment with gemcitabine.
Finally, a new strategy used in inoperable stage III
patients is of note in which initial plus consolidation
chemotherapy was administered (Gandara et al.
2000). This strategy is also part of a phase III study
published only in abstract form (Choy et al. 2002)
which evaluates induction chemotherapy followed by
irradiation alone, induction chemotherapy followed
by concomitant chemoradiotherapy and lastly, concomitant chemoradiotherapy followed by consolidation. Denitive publication of these studies, together
with other ongoing studies such as the randomized
trial of CALGB 3981 and the Hoosier Oncology Group
will aid in determining whether complete doses of
chemotherapy before or after chemoradiotherapy
increase survival and with what toxicity.

Preventive or Support Treatment
of Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer
In the last 20 years the knowledge of the physiology
of hematopoiesis has been broadened and has led to

Table 8.1.3. Hematologic toxicity of Vokess scheme on induction chemotherapy and concurrent
chemoradiotherapy on NSCLC
toxic effect

Gemcitabine/cisplatin Paclitaxel/cisplatin


Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 3

Grade 4 Grade 3

Grade 4

Vokes et al.








Vokes et al.









the use of the so-called hematopoietic growth factors

in the treatment of bone marrow toxicity. These factors are glycoproteins which stimulate the myeloid
progenitor cells and produce mature myeloid elements. Their objective is to reduce the length and
intensity of neutropenia associated with chemotherapy, allow the administration of this treatment at the
doses initially planned, increase the doses of chemotherapy and/or reduce the time interval between each
treatment cycle. A systematic review of the literature
of 12 randomized studies including 2107 patients
evaluated the effectiveness of the colony stimulating
factors (of granulocytes or G-CSF and granulocytesmacrophages or GM-CSF), in the treatment of SCLC
with regard to survival, the rate of response, toxicity
and frequency of infection or neutropenic fever. This
review concluded that the administration of G-CSF or
GM-CSF to maintain or increase the dose intensity of
planned chemotherapy has not been demonstrated
to be effective in terms of a greater rate of response
and survival. Moreover, a harmful effect has been observed with the use of this cytokine in patients with
an intrathoracic stage who had been treated concomitantly with chemo- and radiotherapy, as well as
in extrathoracic stages treated with high dose chemotherapy (Berghmans et al. 2002). Other studies along
the same line have coincided in that more studies on
the use of CSF as a support treatment or as primary
or secondary prophylaxis in patients with SCLC are
required (Adams et al. 2002). In 1996, the American
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) recommended
that the use of CSF should be avoided in patients who
had received concomitant chemo-radiotherapy, and
4 years later specied that its use should be avoided in
patients with radiochemotherapy if the mediastinum
had been irradiated (Ozer et al. 2000) as in the case
of lung cancer.
In relation to the preventive use of antibiotics to
reduce the febrile leukopenia observed in patients
with lung cancer, a randomized study of the EORTC
on the prophylactic use of ciprooxacin and roxithromycin during chemotherapy administration is
of note (Tjan-Heijnen et al. 2001). These antibiotics
reduced the incidence of leukopenic fever, the number of infections, and the use of antibiotics and hospitalizations due to this fever by 50%, as well as death
caused by infection.
The clinical studies do not advise the routine use
of CSF as a treatment added to antibiotics in the
treatment of patients with uncomplicated febrile
The efcacy of most of the antibiotic regimens, the
good results obtained even with wide spectrum anti-

F. Casas and N. Violas

biotics in patients who may present rapid neutrophil

recovery without the administration of CSF makes
its routine use in all patients with neutropenic fever
inadvisable. Nonetheless, in certain high risk patients
with clear predictive factors of worse outcome (for
example in sepsis, pneumonia, fungal infections, etc.)
the use of CSF together with antibiotics may be justied (Bennet et al. 1999).
In relation to anemia, another known effect of
bone marrow toxicity, it should be remembered that
its etiology is multifactorial and includes an inappropriate production of erythropoietin in response to the
alteration of the normal hemoglobin levels (Miller
et al. 1990). This abnormality in the production of
erythropoietin is also exacerbated by chemotherapy
(Schapira et al. 1990). On the other hand, recombinant human erythropoietin (r-Hu-EPO) has been used
to improve the anemia observed in patients with cancer with an increase being observed in the number of
erythroid progenitors in both the bone marrow and
peripheral blood (Ludwig et al. 1990). One of the rst
studies on the possibility of achieving the prevention
or reduction of anemia by the administration of r-HuEPO in patients with lung cancer was by de Campos
et al. (1995). Later studies have shown that the use of
r-Hu-EPO in lung cancer not only does not produce
adverse effects, but also decreases both the degree of
anemia as well as the blood transfusion needs in patients who have been treated with schemes including
cisplatin (Zaragoulidis et al. 1997; Thatcher et
al. 1999). On the other hand, in addition to studying
anemia within the context of bone marrow toxicity,
it has also been correlated with the probability of tumoral control and survival in some types of cancer
(Henke et al. 1999). To this effect, a metaanalysis by
Caro et al. (2000) should be pointed out. The aim of
these authors was to determine whether anemia was
an independent prognostic factor of survival in patients with different neoplasms. In relation to anemic
patients with lung cancer it was concluded that the
relative risk of death increased by a factor of 1.9.
A study by Casas et al. (2003) also studied the
impact of the use of r-Hu-EPO in the maintenance
of Karnofsky and the hemoglobin levels in patients
with lung cancer receiving concurrent treatment of
chemoradiotherapy after induction therapy (11 limited small cell and 40 non-small cell lung cancers). In
addition to nding a benecial and signicant impact
of the administration of r-Hu-EPO at the level of general status and hemoglobin levels, it was also found to
be a signicant prognostic factor of survival on multivariate analysis, together with classical factors such
as weight loss and nal improvement in hemoglobin,

Hematologic Toxicity in Lung Cancer

the histology of SCLC and nally, hemoglobin levels

greater than 10 g/dl prior to concurrent chemoradiotherapy. MacRae et al. (2002) analyzed the impact of
the hemoglobin levels of groups of patients with lung
cancer treated with different protocol of the RTOG
and also described a relationship between hemoglobin levels and survival. Lastly, a study by Robnett
et al. (2002) showed a signicant relation between
hemoglobin levels in patients who had received concurrent treatments of induction chemoradiotherapy
and histologic response with regard to the pathological tissue.
The ASCO has made recommendations with an
evidence level of II concerning the treatment of this
anemia with r-Hu-EPO (Rizzo et al. 2002) in treatment with chemotherapy and anemia with hemoglobin concentrations close to 10 g/dl. It has also made
recommendations with the same level of evidence
II for patients with baseline hemoglobin levels between 10 and 12 g/dl based on the clinical judgment
or the premise that patients with specic comorbidity have a greater absolute probability of anemia or a
greater risk of adverse effects related to this grade of
anemia than other patients with the same hemoglobin concentrations. As an example the ASCO has indicated patients who may be considered for the use
of r-Hu-EPO in levels close to 12 g/dl, among others,
including elderly individuals with limited cardiopulmonary reserves or patients with symptomatic
coronary disease and angina. These recommendations have been made because although the patients
over the age of 70 years present similar rates of response and survival than younger patients to combined treatments for lung cancer, they show a greater
grade of hematologic toxicity, and thus, elderly patients with a good general status should probably be
selected (Yuen et al. 2000). This greater hematologic
toxicity may be due to the fact that the concentration of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells seems
to reduce with age, since a reduction has been observed in this concentration in the bone marrow of
subjects with anemia over the age of 65 years. Other
clinical ndings such as an increase in the incidence
and prevalence of anemia with age, a reduction in
reticulocyte response in elderly anemic patients, an
increase in death due to infection and a reduction in
hematopoietic tissue concentration with age, indicate
a decrease in the reserves of pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (Baraldi-Junkins et al. 2000). On the
other hand, as reported by Balducci and Hardy
(1998), anemia is considered to be an important parameter since it is associated with a decrease in the
quality of life and the levels of energy in the patient.


These levels appear to be optimum with hemoglobin

concentrations from 11 to 13 g/dl since they allow
greater autonomy for elderly patients. This is why the
use of growth factors is recommended to prevent the
early mortality observed in elderly patients who are
treated with schedules with a doses toxicity similar
to CHOP and also to maintain the hemoglobin levels
at approximately 12 g/dl with the aim of preventing
the complications of anemia and nally, to carry out
the adjustment of the doses of the cytostatic drugs
for the renal excretion of these patients (Balducci
et al. 2000).
From our point of view, objective clinical data
which patients with lung cancer present such as
smoking-related diseases and comorbid pulmonary
and cardiac disease, and concurrent or sequential
chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy should also
make up part of the group of patients in whom the
use of r-Hu-EPO with hemoglobin levels of 12 g/dl
should be considered similar to what has been recommended by ASCO.
In relation to thrombopenia, thrombopoietin, the
synthesized factor for the stimulation of this series
based on preventing hemorrhagic problems after
myelosuppressive chemotherapy is still under evaluation and clinical implementation (Vadhan-Raj
In addition to the development of specic cytokines for the production and secretion of different
hematologic cells, trials with medications such as
glutation are currently ongoing on different methods of prevention of bone marrow toxicity. Glutation
has been shown to be an effective chemoprotector
against toxicity induced by cisplatin. Although the
main experience is in ovarian cancer, randomized
studies in other types of tumors such as the lung
and the head and neck have demonstrated lower
hematologic toxicity in patients receiving glutation
compared with the control group (Schmidinger
et al. 2000). Other drugs such as amifostine, have
also shown a signicant reduction in hematologic
toxicity in randomized studies including patients
with lung cancer undergoing concurrent chemoradiotherapy (Antonadou et al. 2003; Komaki et al.
There is a new pathway to reduce bone marrow
toxicity secondary to radiotherapy alone or associated with chemotherapy. Radiotherapy modulated
by doses intensity (IMRT) in different locations have
been demonstrated to be useful to signicantly reduce the doses of radiotherapy in critical tissues.
Studies in gynecologic tumors have shown that
this type of irradiation reduces the volume of bone


marrow in the pelvis irradiated compared with conformed radiotherapy, with a probable secondary decrease in hematologic toxicity although prospective
studies are necessary to know the true clinical impact
of this partial bone marrow protection at a hematologic level (Lujan et al. 2003).
With IMRT planning it may be possible to reduce
both bone marrow volume at a thoracic level and cardiac circulation thereby avoiding blood cells to be irradiated with radiotherapy alone or in combination.
Prospective studies aimed at achieving a reduction
in hematologic toxicity by this way should be undertaken.
Finally, it is currently possible to prospectively
monitor or even predict bone marrow toxicity after
chemotherapy (Lyman et al. 1995) or radiotherapy.
A recent article demonstrated that the variations of
the cytokine called Glt-3 ligand in plasma directly
reect the damage induced by radiotherapy in the
bone marrow during fractionated radiotherapy, even
when this damage is maintained at subclinical levels
(Huchet et al. 2003). This may be very useful for the
preventive monitoring of hematologic toxicity in determined groups of patients with lung cancer receiving chemo- or radiotherapy.

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Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity


8.2 Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

Timothy D. Shafman, Xiaoli Yu, Zjelko Vujaskovic, Mitchell Anscher, Keith Miller,
Robert Prosnitz, and Lawrence Marks


Pulmonary Effects of
Thoracic Radiation Therapy 351
Clinical RT-Induced Lung Toxicity 351
Introduction 351
Early Toxicity 351
Late Toxicity 352
Radiographic Changes 352
Functional Endpoints 353
Biology of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury 354
Predictors of RT-Induced Lung Injury 355
Modiers of RT-Induced Lung Injury 356
Cardiotoxic Effects of
Thoracic Radiation Therapy 358
References 361

For many patients with lung cancer, thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) is an integral part of their treatment. The effect of TRT on normal structures is an
important consideration when optimizing treatment
plans for patients. This chapter will review radiation
therapy (RT)-induced lung and heart injury, including both the clinical and biological mechanisms for
these toxicities. It will also analyze the variety of predictors of RT-induced lung and heart damage, as well
as methods to prevent and treat these toxicities.

Pulmonary Eects of Thoracic Radiation Therapy
Clinical RT-Induced Lung Toxicity

Radiation-induced lung toxicity is a common occurrence in patients treated with curative intent for lung
T. D. Shafman, MD; X. Yu, MD; Z. Vujaskovic, MD;
M, Anscher, MD; K. Miller, MD; R. Prosnitz, MD; L. Marks
Duke University Medical Center, Department of Radiation
Oncology, Box 3085, Durham, NC 27710, USA

cancer. Approximately 520% of patients treated with

RT for lung cancer have been reported to develop
RT-induced lung injury (Table 8.2.1). Clinical symptoms range from mild shortness of breath to chronic
pulmonary dysfunction requiring oxygen therapy
and potentially leading to death. The wide range in
incidence of reported toxicity is secondary to the different methods used to measure pulmonary dysfunction. While most patients have radiographic changes,
fewer have changes in functional endpoints and even
fewer have severe clinical symptoms (Table 8.2.1).
Clinical endpoints for RT-induced lung injury
are biphasic and have traditionally been divided
into acute (early) and chronic (late) toxicity. Acute
pneumonitis typically occurs 16 months after TRT.
Chronic lung brosis usually evolves 6 months to several years after treatment.
Early Toxicity

Patients with RT-induced pneumonitis often present with shortness of breath, cough and congestion, and some may have a low-grade fever. For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), it may be difcult to distinguish COPD
from acute pneumonitis. In general, the severity of
the symptoms is related to the amount of normal
lung irradiated. Pneumonitis usually responds well
to steroids; 4060mg of prednisone each day for
several weeks, followed by a slow taper, provides
relief for most patients. It is important to consider
the possibility of infection, which can be worsened
by the use of steroids. In situations where either infection or pneumonitis appear likely, an initial trial
of empiric antibiotics, followed by steroids if there
is no response to antibiotics, may be indicated. In
patients with an unsatisfactory response to either
treatment, tumor progression and/or lymphangitic
tumor should be considered. Severe RT-induced
pneumonitis can result in serious respiratory distress, requiring hospitalization and intubation, and
it can be fatal.

T. D. Shafman et al.

Table 8.2.1. Incidence of RT-induced clinical and radiologic lung injury


Symptom rate (%)

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Favaretto et al. 1996


Segawa et al. 1997






Fu et al. 1997




Monson et al. 1998



Yamada et al. 1998



Nyman et al. 1998


Van den Brande et al. 1998


Makimoto et al. 1998


Graham et al. 1999


Incidence of
changes (%)












22 (minimum)







24 (median)

Robnett et al. 2000


Sunyach et al. 2000



Inoue et al. 2000


Hernando et al. 2002


Oetzel et al. 1995



Perry et al. 1987



Gross 1977

Simpson et al. 1985


Kwon et al. 2000


Perez et al. 1980




Martel et al. 1994





11.5 (median)

29% (LentSoma scale)



17.3 (median)







*RTOG criteria

Thoracic radiation therapy can also cause acute

irritation of the pleura, with secondary pleuritic
pain, and this can be treated with anti-inammatory
and/or narcotic pain relief medicines. Irritation of
the trachea and bronchial airways, which can lead
to a cough, may also occur and can be treated with
cough suppressant medicines.
Late Toxicity

The most prominent late consequence of TRT is pulmonary brosis. Radiological changes consistent with
brosis are seen in most patients. Symptomatic patients present with progressive chronic dyspnea and
this can occur months to years after TRT (Perez et
al. 1980; Martel et al. 1994; McDonald et al. 1995;
Morgan et al. 1995; Abid et al. 2001; Gross 1977).
Relief of symptoms is the goal of treatment, given
that the reversal of the brosis is highly unlikely.
Treatment includes anti-inammatory agents such
as corticosteroids, and, in some cases, supplemental
oxygen. Similar to acute pneumonitis, tumor progression, infection and COPD must be ruled out as exacerbating factors for symptomatic brosis and treated

appropriately. As noted earlier, radiographic evidence

of regional lung scarring is seen in almost all patients,
including those without clinical symptoms. There does
not appear to be an association between the presence
of an abnormality on CT scan and the development of
symptoms, but this has not been extensively studied
(Garipagaoglu et al. 1999). After high doses of TRT
there have been rare reports of pulmonary complications, such as bronchial stenosis, bronchomalacia and
mediastinal brosis with secondary recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (Maguire et al. 2001; Dechambre
et al. 1998).
Radiographic Changes

Radiographic ndings are common in patients following TRT, even among those who do not have
symptoms of RT-induced lung injury. The ability to
detect these changes depends on the type of radiographic assessment performed. Chest x-rays (CXR),
performed after TRT, can reveal a diffuse inltrate,
corresponding to the radiation eld. There can also
be an associated volume loss of the affected portion
of the lung, and, in late toxicity, there can be an ex-

Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

tension of the ndings outside the treated area and

deviation of the trachea towards the irradiated area.
Computed tomography (CT) scans are more sensitive than CXR and can detect abnormalities in more
than 50% of patients (Mah et al. 1987). Computed
tomography scans are very sensitive to slight changes
in lung densities and are therefore the favored diagnostic procedure for the detection of RT-induced
lung injury (Mah et al. 1987; Libshitz and Shuman
et al. 1984). There is a well-dened dose/response relationship for the patterns seen on CT scans after TRT.
These include: a homogeneous, slight increase in lung
density; patchy consolidation; discrete consolidation
and solid consolidation (Libshitz and Shuman et al.
1984; Mah et al. 1986). Chronic changes in the thorax that can be seen on the CT scan following TRT
include lung contraction, pleural thickening, tenting
of the diaphragm and deviation of the mediastinal
structures toward the treated area. These can appear
months to years after radiotherapy.
Lung perfusion and ventilation can be abnormal
following TRT (Gross 1977; Prato et al. 1997). Single
Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
perfusion and ventilation scans are more frequently
abnormal than are planar images, similar to CTs advantage over chest x-rays (CXR) (Gross 1977; Prato
et al. 1997). Perfusion appears to be more sensitive
than ventilation in the evaluation of RT-induced lung
injury, and both are more sensitive than CXR or CT
(Bell 1988; Shapiro et al. 1990). This is most apparent at modest doses, 1540Gy, where often there is no
change seen in tissue density, yet clear reductions in
both ventilation and perfusion. Perfusion and ventilation abnormalities have been seen in 5395%
and 3545% of irradiated patients, respectively. The
inconsistencies between changes in ventilation and
perfusion support the idea that, following TRT, some
areas remain ventilated, but not adequately perfused
(Bell 1988; Marks et al. 1993).
Some of the studies that have reported both clinical pneumonitis and radiographic abnormalities following TRT are summarized in Table 8.2.1. As shown,
radiographic changes occur far more frequently than
clinical symptoms.
Functional Endpoints

In general, abnormalities in pulmonary function

tests (PFTs) do not occur during the rst weeks following TRT. After this period, however, changes in
PFTs can occur, along with the signs and symptoms
of pneumonitis and/or brosis. Pulmonary function


tests measure the transfer of large volumes of air

through the conducting airways and the transfer of
gases through the alveolar surfaces. Spirometry assesses the rate of gas movement; the most commonly
measured parameter is the forced expiratory volume
in one second (FEV1). The FEV1 is a measurement
of air movement. It can be normalized to the forced
vital capacity (FVC), a measurement of useful lung
volume or FEV1% (FEV1/FVC). While the response
of the tumor to TRT may lead to an increase in the
FEV1, the FVC may decrease secondary to restrictive
disease (brosis) and thus the FEV1% (FEV1/FVC)
may increase. Reductions in FEV1 following TRT
range from 030%, but there is a wide variety of
confounding variables that limit meaningful interpretation of this data.
A variety of PFTs measure lung volume, including the
total lung capacity (TLC), vital capacity (VC), (FVC),
and residual volume (RV). The volume of air in the
lung can increase following TRT if there is an expansion of lung volume, or it can decrease secondary to
brosis. Reports in the literature describe both and
the range varies from 20% to +9.5% (Table 8.2.2).
Table 8.2.2. Percent reduction in pulmonary function parameters after thoracic radiation therapy


Sunyach et al. 2000



Van den Brande et al. 1998 10


Choi et al. 1985



Rubenstein et al 1988








Brady et al. 1965

Bonnet et al. 2001



Mattson et al. 1987


Gas exchange in the lungs is measured via the carbon monoxide (CO) diffusion capacity (DLCO), which
quanties the transfer of CO from inspired gas into
pulmonary capillary blood. Many complex factors
besides gas diffusion contribute to the DLCO, including ventilation/perfusion characteristics of alveolar
units, capillary blood volume, hemoglobin concentration and the reaction rates between CO and hemoglobin. In addition, other clinical factors such as diurnal variation, menstrual cycle, ethanol ingestion and
cigarette smoking can affect DLCO (Garipagaoglu
et al. 1999). The DLCO is frequently corrected for anemia but the other factors known to affect the DLCO are
difcult to control (Garipagaoglu et al. 1999). The
DLCO, which can be reduced from 5 to 35% following TRT, tends to be affected to a greater degree than


other variables involved (Table 8.2.2). It is difcult to

generalize changes in PFTs, given the wide variety of
pre-treatment values and the diverse amounts of lung
irradiated in each patient. Other standard measurements of pulmonary function, such as the six-minute
walk test or exercise stress tests, have not been routinely used to measure RT-induced lung injury.
Biology of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury
Radiation-induced lung injury is characterized by
progressive histological changes, linked with the
clinical syndromes and radiological ndings of pulmonary dysfunction. Acute exudative and organizing
phases are related to RT-induced pneumonitis; and
the chronic brotic phase is associated with RT-induced lung brosis (Gross 1977; Katzenstein and
Askin 1990).
Injury to both type II pneumocytes and vascular endothelial cells has been implicated in acute
pneumonitis. The initial latent period following
TRT may reect the inherent turnover time of these
cells (Gross 1977; travis et al. 1977; travis 1990).
RT-induced pneumonitis is typied by an exudate
of proteinaceous material into the alveoli, desquamation of epithelial cells from the alveolar lining,
alveolar edema and an inltration of inammatory
cells. This leads to thickening of the alveolar septa,
reduced lung compliance and eventually impairment
of gas exchange. Radiation causes the early release of
surfactant by type II pneumocytes and this results in
alterations in alveolar surface tension and low lung
compliance. (Rubin et al. 1980; Rubin et al. 1983).
Damage to vascular endothelial cells results in
changes in perfusion and permeability of capillaries (Gross 1977). The endothelial cells become pleomorphic, vacuolated, producing areas of denuded
basement membrane and occlusion of the capillary
lumen by debris and thrombi (gross 1980). Many of
these ndings are apparent well before RT-induced
pneumonitis develops and they persist throughout
the course of the illness and beyond.
Following the acute phase of damage, there is progressive brosis of alveolar septa that become thickened with bundles of elastic bers, while small vessel
walls become lled with collagen deposits (Gross 1977;
Katzenstein and Askin 1990; roswit and White
1977). The alveoli eventually collapse and become
obliterated by connective tissue. This usually occurs
46 months following TRT. The mechanism of RT-induced pulmonary brosis is poorly understood, and

T. D. Shafman et al.

while it is likely to be related to effects on vasculature endothelium and stromal cells of the lung, it has
been suggested that a cascade of proinammatory
and probrotic cytokines produced immediately after irradiation prompts collagen genes to be activated
(roswit and White 1977; Rosiello and Merrill
1990; Rubin et al. 1995).
Exposure to ionizing radiation rapidly triggers a
cascade of genetic and molecular events that proceed
in multiple cells within the lungs Rubin et al. 1995;
Hong et al. 1995; Hong et al. 1997). These events occur during a period of clinically normal lung function, but are thought to lead to lung injury that is
manifest at a later time. This is an active process and
there is evidence that it may be genetically determined ( Haston et al. 2002). Irradiation can lead to
the induction of several transcription factors that
activate genes for cytokines that are linked to RTinduced lung injury (Brach et al. 1991; Hallahan
et al. 1994; Hallahan et al. 1991). Elevated levels of
the cytokines IL-1, TNF-, PDGF and TGF- have
been reported after the exposure of tissue to irradiation (Rubin et al. 1995; Finkelstein et al. 1994;
Franko et al. 1997; Epperly et al. 1999; Hallahan
et al. 1990). In addition, the expression of the adhesion molecules, ICAM-1 and E-selectin, have been
shown to increase in mice pulmonary endothelium
following irradiation (Hallahan and virudachalam 1997). Several recent studies have also shown
that these cytokines and cell adhesion molecules
play an important role in RT-induced lung injury
(Rubin et al. 1995; Hallahan and virudachalam
1997; Johnston et al. 1995)
Radiation-induced lung brosis has recently been associated with the persistent expression of chemokines
and their receptors following irradiation (Johnston
et al. 2002). The chronic presence of the chemokines
is thought to activate a cellular immune response that
may contribute to the progression of RT-induced lung
brosis (Johnston et al. 2002).
The traditional concept of RT-induced lung toxicity asserts that the injury of critical target cells
within the lungs, and their eventual depletion, leads
to the sequence of early and late pulmonary injury.
The prolonged latent period preceding development
of sequelae has been attributed to the long cell cycle
time of target cells (Rubin and Casarett 1968). This
concept is questionable, however, in view of recent
ndings that radiation can trigger a succession of
genetic and molecular events, and that these events
occur during a period of clinically silent lung injury,
which, in due course, leads to functional lung injury
(Rubin et al. 1995).

Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity
Predictors of RT-Induced Lung Injury
Given the pitfalls of diagnosing and describing the
continuum of clinical and radiological RT-induced
lung damage, predicting its occurrence is complicated and fraught with deciencies. The quality of the
predictions is related to the endpoint chosen and the
method used to calculate the risk.
Several studies have tried to relate changes in
PFTs to the percent of functional lung irradiated
(Rubenstein et al. 1988; choi et al. 1985; Abratt et
al. 1990; Curran et al. 1992). In these investigations,
the percent of lung at risk was approximated from
planar ventilation and perfusion scans. The observed
decline in PFTs was typically less than the models
predicted (Rubenstein et al. 1988; choi et al. 1985;
Abratt et al. 1990; Curran et al. 1992). Consequently,
investigators have used newer 3D planning software
and related local RT doses to lung SPECT perfusion/
ventilation-dened regional lung injury (Woel et al.
2002; Seppenwoolde et al. 2000; Mah et al. 1994).
Clear doseresponse relationships for radiographic
lung injury have been found. However, predictions
of PFT changes and clinical symptoms based on regional doseresponse data have been inconsistent
(Fan et al. 2001; Theuws et al. 1999).
Patients with lung cancer are typically treated with
multiple beams that enter the lungs from different directions and result in a complicated 3-dimensional
(3D) dose distribution. Attempts to predict RT-induced lung injury from eld size and dose are made
difcult by an incomplete understanding of complex
dose and volume parameters. While both higher dose/
fraction and total dose were found to be correlated
with symptomatic lung injury, less consistent results
have been found with 2-dimensional (2D) eld size
(Roach et al. 1995; Robnett et al. 2000; Byhardt et
al. 1993). The use of 3D treatment planning has provided investigators with the tools to better evaluate
the risk of RT-induced lung injury. Traditionally, 3D
dose distributions are recalculated into a 2D dose
volume histogram (DVH), which is easier to interpret. The percent of lung volume receiving equal to
or greater than a specic dose can be found from a
DVH. Typically a single value of merit is derived
from the DVH, such as the percent of lung receiving
at least 20 (V20) or 30 (V30) Gy. Many studies have
demonstrated the usefulness of these dosimetric parameters in predicting the likelihood of RT-induced
lung injury (Graham et al. 1999; Hernando et al.
2001; Oetzel et al. 1995; Martel et al. 1994; Lind
et al. 2002). Another dosimetric parameter extracted


from the 3D dose distribution is the mean lung dose,

and this has also been associated with RT-induced
lung injury. While these parameters have individually
been correlated with clinically signicant lung injury,
they are highly related to each other and none has
been shown to be superior. Rather than providing an
absolute risk assessment, these data may contribute
more to providing a means of comparing treatment
plans for their relative risks.
It is clear from the wide variety of results that the
volume of irradiated lung may not be sufcient to accurately predict RT-induced lung toxicity. The data
derived from DVHs disregard all spatial information.
It is known, however, that some regions of the lung
have greater functional importance. In patients with
healthy lungs, the ventilation perfusion ratio reveals
that gas exchange is better at the lung bases than at the
apices. For lung cancer patients with COPD, emphysema preferentially affects the apical lung and therefore the lung bases may be even more important for
respiration. Finally, tumor-related lung dysfunction
is also related to lung anatomy and is not accounted
for in DVHs. Taken together, these data suggest that
the usefulness of traditional DVHs in predicting RTinduced lung injury may be suboptimal. Some recent
studies of RT-induced lung injury have utilized anatomic information and report that treatment to the
lower portion of the lung may be more toxic than
treatment of the upper lung; however, this has not
been conrmed (Graham et al. 1999; Yorke et al.
2002; Tsujino et al. 2003). A SPECT-perfusion scan is
able to dene functional areas of the lung and therefore dosefunction (i.e. perfusion) data extracted
from this test may be more predictive for RT-induced
lung injury than is the traditional DVH (Woel et al.
2002; Lind et al. 2002; Seppenwoolde et al. 2000).
Many studies have addressed the role of potential
biologic predictors of RT-induced lung injury. These
are markers found in the blood prior to or during
TRT that reect a predisposition for RT-induced
lung injury. TGF- is a multifunctional regulator of
cell growth and differentiation that stimulates connective tissue formation and decreases collagen degradation, which can result in brosis. In a series of patients receiving TRT, it was found that elevated TGF-
levels at the completion of TRT was associated with a
signicantly higher incidence of clinical pneumonitis
(Anscher et al. 1994). The dosimetric predictor, V30,
combined with the TGF- plasma concentration, has
been shown to improve the accuracy of predicting
pneumonitis (Fu et al. 2001). In patients with a V30
< 30% and stable TGF- during RT, the incidence
of symptomatic RT-induced lung injury was 6.9%.


Patients with a V30 > 30% or a TGF- increasing

during RT (but not both) had an incidence of RT-induced lung injury of 22.8%. With a rising TGF- and
V30 > 30%, the incidence was 42.9% (p = 0.02). Other
cytokines have also been implicated in RT-induced
lung injury. Elevated plasma levels of the pro-inammatory cytokines IL-1 and IL-6 are associated with
the development of pneumonitis (Chen et al. 2002).
These studies suggest that biologic markers may be
useful in identifying patients at risk for RT-induced
lung injury.
Many commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs
are associated with lung toxicity when used alone
(Abid et al. 2001). The use of combinations of chemotherapy with RT, either concurrently or sequentially,
raises the concern of added toxicity. While there is
evidence for an increased risk of pulmonary toxicity
with concurrent RT and doxorubicin, mitomycin-C,
cyclophosphamide and bleomycin, these drugs are not
commonly used in lung cancer patients (McDonald
et al. 1995). Recent trials using platinum-based regimens have not shown increased RT-induced lung toxicity. In a study comparing induction chemotherapy
with cisplatin and vinblastine, followed by thoracic
RT at the same dose as RT alone, the frequency of
severe lung toxicity was reported to be only 1 percent in each treatment group (Dllman et al. 1990).
A comparison of sequential cisplatin, vindesine and
mitomycin with RT versus concurrent treatment with
the same agents revealed a rate of grade 2 or higher
pulmonary toxicity in 2.6% and 1.9% of the concurrent and sequential treatment arms, respectively
(p=0.86) (Furuse et al. 1999). It does not appear that
the current standard of platinum-based concurrent
chemotherapy increases the risk for RT-induced lung
injury and, therefore, its use is not typically part of
the risk assessment for lung injury.
Tumor location may be a valuable component
for assessing the probability of RT-induced lung injury. Reduction in the size of an obstructing tumor
may improve respiratory status, even if some lung is
injured. As a result, the prediction of post-RT lung
function can be complicated by anatomy. It has been
shown that patients with central obstructing tumors
that result in a shift of ventilation or perfusion away
from the area to be treated are more likely to have
an improvement of lung function following TRT
(Marks et al. 2000; Choi and Kanarek et al. 1994).
Among patients with a V/Q shift of >10% to the uninvolved side of the lung by a central cancer, pulmonary function improved in 60% of patients after RT,
20% remained essentially stable and only 20% had
the reduction in PFTs that was predicted by the vol-

T. D. Shafman et al.

ume of lung irradiated (Choi and Kanarek 1994)).

A separate study demonstrated that, in patients with
central lung tumors, 8/20 (40%) with adjacent SPECT
hypoperfusion had improvements in DLCO following
radiation, while only 3/17 (18%) of patients without
hypoperfusion had improvement (p=0.10). (Marks
et al. 2000). Patients with central tumors appear to
be at greater risk for bronchial injury following highdose RT (e.g. >73Gy) than patients with more peripherally placed lesions (Miller et al. 2004).
While it is reasonable to associate cigarette smoking with an increased risk of RT-induced lung toxicity, the data are somewhat confounding. Chronic lung
disease caused by a long history of smoking make patients more susceptible to lung injury; however, some
data suggests that active smoking may have a protective effect (Johnston et al. 1995; Johnston et al. 2002;
Rubin and Casarett 1968). A retrospective review of
patients with RT-induced symptomatic pneumonitis
following treatment of esophageal and breast cancer found a lower incidence of lung injury in smokers (Johnston et al. 1995). A study of CT density after RT to the thorax for lymphoma and breast cancer
found that smokers had signicantly smaller changes
(p = 0.002); however, there were no signicant ventilation or perfusion differences (Johnston et al. 2002).
A multivariate analysis evaluated SPECT-generated
dose response curves and found an increase in radiation sensitivity in the dose range >40Gy for nonsmokers vs. smokers (Rubin and Casarett 1968). There
has been some speculation that this protective effect
may be due to a cytokine effect. These observations
are no reason for patients to continue smoking while
undergoing TRT; however, they could help researchers
develop useful pharmacological interventions.
While many of the methods presented have some
utility in predicting RT-induced lung injury, it is
likely that a combination of data from several different clinical, biological and dosimetric functions will
ultimately provide the most valuable risk assessment.
For example, as the cytokine cascade in the pathogenesis of RT-induced lung injury becomes better
understood, biologic data will be combined with dosimetric information and patient-specic lung function, which hopefully will lead to improved prognostication of RT-induced lung injury.
Modiers of RT-Induced Lung Injury
A variety of strategies have been attempted to decrease RT-induced lung toxicity, including dosimet-

Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

ric variations, pharmacologic agents and altering dose

using patient-specic biological information. There
have been several randomized trials of the cytoprotector amifostine (WR-2721) in patients receiving TRT.
Amifostine (WR-2721) is a phosphorylated amino
thiol that demonstrates cytoprotection of normal tissues when combined with RT (Wasserman 1999).
Cytoprotection is believed to result from elimination
of free radicals produced by the interaction of ionizing RT and water molecules (Capizzi 1999). There is
conicting evidence that amifostine can offer a pneumoprotective benet in patients receiving TRT. In a
randomized trial of patients with advanced stage lung
cancer who received TRT with or without amifostine,
dyspnea with minimal exertion was observed during
the rst month after TRT in 27% of the control patients
but only 12% of the patients treated with amifostine (p
= 0.058) (Antonadou et al. 2002). After three months,
the incidence of > grade 2 pneumonitis was 52% in the
control arm compared to 12% in the amifostine arm
(p < 0.001). At six months, signicantly more patients
in the control arm were found to have brosis on chest
CT scan (53% vs. 28%, p < 0.005). Of equal importance,
there was no noticeable difference in tumor response
(Antonadou et al. 2002).
A separate trial at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
randomized patients receiving concurrent chemotherapy and hyperfractionated TRT to amifostine
or no amifostine (Komaki et al. 2002). In this trial,
acute pneumonitis was signicantly reduced in patients treated with amifostine (31% vs. 7.4%, p =
0.03). There was no difference in median survival
time (Komaki et al. 1992).
The Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG
98-01) recently completed a randomized trial looking at the addition of amifostine to induction carboplatin and paclitaxel (C/P), followed by concurrent hyperfractionated TRT and C/P with or without
amifostine. In contrast to the earlier studies, this trial
demonstrated no difference in pneumonitis rates
with or without amifostine (Werner-Wasik et al.
2003). However, patients received TRT twice a day,
but amifostine only once a day, resulting in potential
protection for just half of the treatments. There was
also a high patient dropout rate in the treatment arm,
and, when the results were analyzed by intent to treat,
a large portion did not receive amifostine. Because of
these caveats, a new trial with once-a-day radiation
and subcutaneous amifostine (to decrease toxicity)
is being initiated. At the present time it is unclear
whether the use of amifostine in patients treated with
TRT will be of signicant benet in reducing RT-induced lung injury.


Assessing changes in biological markers during

the course of TRT and changing treatment plans
according to risk categories could potentially lead
to a decrease in RT-induced lung toxicity. This has
been undertaken in a series of patients treated twice
daily with TRT and, based on TGF- levels during
the course of therapy, escalated RT dose (Anscher et
al. 2001). Fourteen patients whose TGF- levels were
normal after 73.6Gy were escalated to 80Gy (n=8)
and 86.4Gy (n=6). Overall, the rate of signicant lung
toxicity was low in patients with stable or declining
TGF- levels, indicating that there is the potential to
individualize TRT according to patient-specic biological factors.
In general, patients with lung cancer are simulated
for treatment using chest CT scans and standard 3D
planning systems. Fields are arranged to treat the tumor, involved lymph nodes and elective mediastinal
(as well as, sometimes, supraclavicular) lymph nodes.
Variations of these methods could lead to a decrease
in RT-induced lung injury. For example, limiting radiation to only areas with known tumor would exclude
elective nodal treatment and potentially spare normal lung tissue (Rosenzweig et al. 2001). Treating
only positron emission tomography (PET) positive
nodal disease has been attempted with no apparent
change in tumor control and low pneumonitis rates
(Belberbos et al. 2003). Limiting elective nodal radiation is a simple method to decrease the potential for
RT-induced lung injury and should become a more
widespread technique in patients receiving TRT.
Using the information from ventilation/perfusion
scans to decrease the dose to the most functional
portion of the lung has the potential of reducing
RT-induced lung injury. While most treatment plans
are developed with this intention, it is difcult to
accomplish with present day technology. Perfusionweighted optimization using perfusion dosefunctional histograms (DFHs) has been attempted and
the results appear promising (Seppenwoolde et al.
2002). Moreover, as more sophisticated treatment
planning systems are developed, better tailoring of
dose using radiological/physiologic data is expected
to reduce RT-induced lung injury.
Several methods have been used in an attempt
to eliminate the need for larger treatment volumes
to compensate for respiratory motion. Respiratory
gating is the timing of TRT with the respiratory
cycle. The deep inspiration breathhold technique
maintains the GTV in the same position during
treatment (Ford et al. 2002; Yorke et al. 2002).
Gating, possibly together with intensity modulated
RT (IMRT), may help reduce the potential risks of


treatment. Further evaluations of these techniques

are necessary.
The use of intensity-modulated radiation therapy
(IMRT), which is becoming more widespread, has
also been used in TRT. However, the longstanding
question of whether a small dose to a large volume
of normal lung is better than a high dose to a smaller
volume of lung has not been answered. In an analysis
of this issue, a recent study compared varying doses
to the normal lung during TRT with the incidence of
pneumonitis (Willner et al. 2003). When each lung
was analyzed separately, the incidence of pneumonitis was highly correlated to the volume of ipsilateral
lung receiving > 40Gy. In contrast, the incidence of
pneumonitis decreased as the volume of lung receiving less than 10Gy increased. These results indicate
that it is reasonable to spread low doses of RT outside the target area. In this study, at any rate, reducing
the volume of lung receiving >40Gy and increasing
the volume receiving <10Gy appeared to lead to less
RT-induced lung injury (Willner et al. 2003). These
data could be the basis for DVH constraints in IMRT
(Willner et al. 2003). A separate study compared
dose escalation strategies using either 3D treatment
planning or IMRT using the same dose constraint of
MLD <24Gy (Marnitz et al. 2002). It was possible to
give higher doses to the target volume while keeping
within the MLD restriction using IMRT (Marnitz et
al. 2002). A similar study compared IMRT to 3D treatment planning, as well as to traditional treatment
planning with elective nodal irradiation (Grills et
al. 2003). When meeting all of the standard normal
tissue constraints, IMRT delivered a 2535% higher
dose to the target, compared with 3D, and a >100%
higher dose than standard treatment planning, including elective nodal irradiation (Grills et al. 2003).
In the near future, it is likely that a signicant amount
of prospective data will be available for assessing the
possible benet of IMRT planning in reducing RTinduced lung injury.

Cardiotoxic Eects of
Thoracic Radiation Therapy
Heart injury is an inherent risk in the treatment of
lung cancer arising from the use of TRT, either alone
or in combination with cardiotoxic chemotherapeutic agents. At least a portion of the heart is typically
exposed to a relatively high dose of radiation when
the mediastinum and/or primary lung tumors are

T. D. Shafman et al.

targeted. However, cardiac injury is not commonly

reported in patients who receive TRT for lung cancer.
There are two primary reasons for this. First, the life
expectancy of most patients treated with TRT for
unresectable lung cancer is short. Second, patients
treated for lung cancer typically have pre-existing
cardiopulmonary disease, and subsequent functional
deterioration is typically ascribed to pre-existing
disease, RT-induced lung dysfunction and/or tumor
progression, rather than to cardiotoxicity. As our
ability to successfully treat lung cancer and concurrent pulmonary disease/injury improves, minimizing
cardiotoxicity will become an important goal of the
thoracic radiation oncologist.
Cardiac injury in irradiated lung cancer patients
has not been well studied for the reasons described
above. However, the late effects of radiotherapy on
the heart have been extensively studied in survivors
of Hodgkins disease and breast cancer. While the radiotherapy elds and doses used in the treatment of
Hodgkins disease and breast cancer differ markedly
from those used to treat lung cancer, these studies illustrate fundamental principles of radiation-induced
cardiotoxicity, which may be applicable to patients
with lung cancer.
Incidental cardiac irradiation has been strongly
associated with the development of pericarditis and
premature coronary artery disease, and weak associations also exist for a wide range of clinical syndromes, including cardiomyopathy, valvular disease,
conduction system abnormalities and autonomic
dysfunction. When they occur following treatment of
children or adolescents, these syndromes are distinguished by their early age of onset. When older patients are irradiated, the resultant cardiac syndromes
are generally indistinguishable on clinical grounds
from the more usual forms of the disease. Although
changes in the structure and function of the intrathoracic viscera after TRT should be considered, the
manifestations of TRT-induced heart disease are essentially treated the same as the more usual forms of
heart disease (Adams et al. 2003a+b).
An increased risk of death from acute myocardial
infarction (AMI) has been observed in long-term
survivors of Hodgkins disease treated with radiotherapy elds that encompassed at least part of the
heart. Mediastinal radiation elds typically used for
Hodgkins disease deliver 2040Gy to the medial aspect of the heart and, thus, include the ostium of the
coronary arteries. Occasionally, the remainder of the
heart may receive a lesser dose. In adult patients, the
relative risk of death from AMI ranged from 2.6 to
14.9, compared with age and gender-matched con-

Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

trols (Boivin and Hutchison 1982; Boivin et al.

1982; Brierley et al. 1998; Gustavsson et al. 1990;
Hancock et al. 1993a+b; Hancock and Hoppe 1996;
Henry-Amar et al. 1990; NG et al. 2002; PohjolaSintonen et al. 1987). The RR of death from AMI
for juvenile patients was even higher (41.5), reecting the increased sensitivity of children to the cardiotoxic effects of radiation and/or the low baseline
risk of AMI in the general population below age 50
(Hancock and Hoppe 1993). Pericarditis has also
been reported following mediastinal irradiation for
Hodgkins disease, and its incidence is strongly related to the volume of the heart irradiated (Carmel
and Kaplan 1976). The results of these studies
have had a signicant impact on the management
of Hodgkins disease today. Many of the patients in
these studies were treated with radiotherapy alone
to doses in excess of 40Gy. Current treatment approaches emphasize combination chemotherapy
followed by low-dose consolidative RT, in part to reduce the expected long-term cardiac toxicity resulting from treatment.
An increased risk of cardiac death, in particular
AMI, can also been seen in older trials of post-mastectomy RT, particularly for left-sided breast cancer (Gyenes 1998; Cuzick et al. 1994; Rutqvist
and Johansson 1990; Rutqvist et al. 1992; Early
Breast Cancer Trialists collaborative
Group 1990; Early Breast Cancer Trialists
collaborative Group 1995; Early Breast
Cancer Trialists collaborative Group 2000;
Host and Brennhovd 1986; Jones and Ribeiro
1989; Paszat et al. 1998; Cuzick et al. 1987). These
older trials used RT techniques that resulted in a
larger volume of heart in the RT eld than is typically seen with modern treatment approaches. As
a result, reductions in breast cancer death in these
trials were offset by increases in cardiac death. As
a result, post-mastectomy RT had a detrimental effect on overall survival. With modern RT techniques,
cardiac toxicity appears to be reduced, resulting in
an net mortality benet following post-mastectomy
RT (Overgaard et al. 1997; Overgaard et al. 1999;
Ragaz et al. 1997; Whelan et al. 2000). Even with
modern RT approaches, however, cardiac toxicity
may result. Modern techniques typically incorporate
tangential elds that incidentally include the anterior myocardium. Furthermore, some patients are
treated with beams that are directed from the anterior direction towards the medial breast/chest wall
and internal mammary lymph nodes. Typical doses
are 4550Gy. The incidence of cardiac dysfunction
following radiation for breast cancer is related to


the volume of heart irradiated (Rutqvist et al. 1992;

Gyenes et al. 1998). Pericarditis has also been reported in these patients.
Subclinical cardiac injury is very common. Non-lethal symptomatic cardiac injury is reported to occur
in up to 50% of patients receiving incidental cardiac
irradiation during treatment for Hodgkins disease or
carcinoma of the breast, lung, esophagus or medulloblastoma (Pohjola-Sintonen et al. 1987, Carmel
and Kaplan 1976; Cosset et al. 1988; Cosset et al.
1991; Applefeld and Wiernik 1983; Jakacki et al.
1993; Yu et al. 2003). Among asymptomatic patients,
subclinical damage can be detected by electrocardiogram (EKG), echocardiogram (ECHO) or other
radiological studies in approximately 67% of all reported cases (Carmel and Kaplan, 1976; Strender
et al. 1986; costine et al. 1997; Gomez et al. 1983;
Gottdiener et al. 1983; Lagrange et al. 1992; van
Rijswijk et al. 1987; Hardenbergh et al. 2001;
Makinen et al. 1990; Watchie et al. 1995).
We, as well as others, have used SPECT cardiac perfusion imaging as a means of detecting microvascular
injury in the myocardium. In patients irradiated for
left-sided breast cancer, approximately 5075% will
develop new perfusion defects if 5% of the left ventricle is included within the radiation eld (Marks et
al. 2003;). These defects appear to be associated with
corresponding abnormalities in wall motion and
possibly subtle reductions in ejection fraction.
The reported incidence of RT-induced cardiac
toxicity varies widely depending on the endpoint
used. The reported frequency of cardiac morbidity
also depends on the population of patients considered. Studies that report on a group of patients seen
by cardiologists tend to overestimate the incidence,
since asymptomatic patients are often not included.
Conversely, retrospective studies of patients evaluated years following RT tend to underestimate the
incidence since only the survivors are included.
Nevertheless, a preponderance of the data suggests
that RT-induced cardiac damage, either clinical or
subclinical, is common.
The experience with Hodgkins disease and breast
cancer demonstrates the potential impact of TRT on
cardiac function in patients irradiated for lung cancer. As outlined above, the generally poor survival
rates and concurrent illnesses in patients irradiated
for lung cancer probably account for the low reported
incidence of radiation-associated cardiac events in
these patients. Nevertheless, there are some data that
demonstrate that this may be an important clinical
problem. In a meta-analysis, post-operative RT was
associated with a 6% increased rate of mortality in


cases where the cause of death was not specied

(Port Meta-analysis Trialists Group 1998). In
a randomized clinical trial assessing the utility of
post-operative TRT, the addition of RT increased the
rate of cardiac mortality threefold, compared with
non-irradiated controls. Five percent of the irradiated patients died of cardiac disease; non-lethal morbidity was not addressed (Dautzenberg et al. 1999).
Cardiac toxicity has not been reported in patients
treated denitively for lung cancer, but it has been reported in the post-operative setting, where survival
rates are higher (Dautzenberg et al. 1999). This
observation supports the concept that such cardiac
events may be under-reported in long-term survivors
of lung cancer.
The concern for RT-induced cardiotoxicity is
heightened by the widespread use of potentially cardiotoxic systemic therapy and the high prevalence of
cardiac risk factors in the lung cancer patient population. Paclitaxel, a widely used agent in the treatment
of lung cancer, is potentially cardiotoxic (Vogt et al.
1996; Kelly et al. 1997). A variety of clinical factors
(age, male gender, tobacco use, obesity, diabetes mellitus, family history, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension) have been associated with an increased
incidence of ischemic cardiac disease. Many of these
same factors, hypertension (Lauk and Trott 1988),
a lack of exercise (Geist et al. 1990) and a high cholesterol/fat diet (Artom et al. 1965; Amromin et al.
1964), may increase the risk of RT-induced cardiac
A clinical study from the Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center suggests that the dose to the inferior
lung is more predictive of radiation pneumonitis
than is the dose delivered to the superior aspect of
the lung (Yorke et al. 2002). A similar nding has
been reported in mice (Tucker et al. 1997; Travis et
al. 1997). It is possible that irradiation of the inferior
lung may be a barometer for incidental cardiac irradiation, as the heart is located in the inferior chest in
both mice and humans. Interestingly, in rats (where
the heart is located in the superior left hemi-thorax),
irradiation of the superior or left lung resulted in
more lung toxicity than did similar treatment to
the right or inferior lung (Jiresova et al. 2002). In
concert, these data suggest that incidental cardiac irradiation may result in subclinical injury that masquerades as, or interacts with, lung toxicity.
In light of these issues, we recommend that care
be taken to minimize incidental cardiac irradiation
during TRT for lung cancer. To this end, we often use
non-axial beams to minimize incidental cardiac irradiation. This is most useful in patients with lower

T. D. Shafman et al.

Fig 8.2.1. Non-axial beams to limit cardiac dose

lobe tumors and hilar/mediastinal nodes. In these

cases, one is often able to shadow the primary tumor
with the nodal disease, resulting in a beam aperture
that can actually be smaller with non-axial beams
than with axial beams. For example, a primary tumor
in the left lower lobe, with metastases to the left hilum and pre-carinal area, can often be treated with
oblique elds oriented from right anterior-superior
and opposed left posterior-inferior directions, resulting in irradiation of a smaller cardiac volume.
It is important to remember that incidental cardiac irradiation is a concern for tumors in both the
left and right thorax. Off-cord oblique axial boost
elds for right lung tumors usually include the anterior heart.
Given the degree of cardiac injury observed in patients irradiated for breast cancer, Hodgkins disease
and other mediastinal neoplasms, it is extremely likely
that similar events are occurring in patients irradiated
for lung cancer. To date, this has not been recognized
as an important clinical problem, due primarily to
competing morbidity/mortality. The possibility of RTassociated cardiac dysfunction should be considered
in patients who have been irradiated for lung cancer.
Additional investigations are needed to better understand the clinical importance of such injury.

Radiation-Induced Lung and Heart Toxicity

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Spinal Cord


8.3 Spinal Cord

Timothy E. Schultheiss


Introduction 367
Histopathology 367
Symptoms and Treatment 368
Dose Response 368
Hyperfractionation 368
Anatomic Level 369
Retreatment 369
Volume 370
Other Observations 370
Conclusions 371
References 371

Radiation myelopathy is one of the most dramatic
complications of radiation therapy. Consequently,
many clinical reports of this injury appeared in the
literature during the 1970s and 1980s. This period
saw a transition from the use of cobalt-60 to linear
accelerators. This was also a period when spilt course
treatments with large doses per fraction were used.
It is primarily from these reports that our current
understanding of clinical radiation myelopathy is
gleaned. However, we are also guided by many experimental studies of radiation injury to the spinal cord
in mice, rats, guinea pigs, dogs, pigs and monkeys.
Nonetheless, there are many unanswered questions
regarding the radiation response of the spinal cord.

Late radiation damage to a tissue or organ can be
diffusely distributed over a volume closely correT. E. Schultheiss, PhD, FACR
Professor, Beckman Research Institute; Director, Radiation
Physics, Radiation Oncology, City of Hope Medical Center,
1500 Duarte Rd, Duarte, CA 91010, USA

sponding to the irradiated volume, as in late brosis.

Conversely, it can be focal and occur at unpredictable locations within a uniformly irradiated organ.
The latter is the case for radiation myelopathy. The
initial lesion occurs exclusively within the white
matter of the spinal cord, but its pathogenesis is
complex and multifactorial. In its simplest form, the
pathogenesis has one of two origins either (relatively) direct damage to white matter parenchyma,
ultimately leading to a necrotic lesion via a complicated pathway, or a lesion in the white matter that
is secondary to microvascular damage. (The white
matter parenchyma is understood to include glial
cells in this case.) Lesions can appear adjacent to
areas that show no evidence of radiation damage but
were identically irradiated. Reviews of the pathology
and pathogenesis of radiation myelopathy can be
found in the works from the laboratories of van der
Kogel [van der Kogel and Barendsen (1974),
van der Kogel (1986)], Stephens [Schultheiss
et al. (1988), Stephens et al. (1989)] and Hopewell
It seems clear that in most animals, including humans, there is a vascular-based lesion and a parenchymal-based lesion. Zeman was the rst to articulate
the dual hypothesis of radiation injury of the spinal
cord [Zeman (1961)], but van der Kogel denitively
veried this hypothesis and explored it in detail in
rats [van der Kogel (1979), van der Kogel (1980)].
In his studies, the white matter lesion occurred earlier and at higher doses. Clearly, if the later lesion occurs at higher doses, it will never be seen. This may
explain why only the parenchymal-based lesion is
seen in some strains.
These same general observations have been made
in humans [Schultheiss et al. (1984), Schultheiss
et al. (1988)]. However, the data are much more difcult to interpret since autopsy reports often reect
the status of the lesions months or years after the onset of symptoms.
In humans, latencies as short as 4 months have
been observed, but these are very rare. Typically, the
onset of symptoms occurs 9 to 48 months after the

T. E. Schultheiss


completion of treatment. There is no difference between latency in the cervical and thoracic levels of
the cord. The latency in children is shorter than in the
adult, but there does not seem to be much difference
in tolerance. Nonetheless, it is customary to respect a
lower tolerance in the child.

Symptoms and Treatment
The progression of symptoms for thoracic radiation
myelopathy consists of generally altered sensation in
the lower extremities, including numbness, tingling
and reduced sensitivity to temperature. A sensory
level is sometimes seen corresponding to the irradiated spinal segment. Pain is sometimes reported,
more often associated with tingling. This progresses
to weakness, which can be manifest as changes in
gait or foot drop. Paresis, rectal and bladder incontinence, and complete paralysis may develop.
Symptoms can progress rapidly, with patients sometimes presenting with paralysis. Recovery from sensory losses may occur over time, but motor decits
are rarely recovered. Although thoracic myelopathy
does not have the morbidity associated with cervical myelopathy, it can still become life threatening
as a result of the secondary effects of incontinence
and paralysis [Schultheiss et al. (1986)]. No treatment has shown long-term effectiveness [Ang et al

Dose Response
The most widely used dose limit for the spinal cord
is 45-Gy at 1.8 to 2-Gy per fraction. Some clinicians
routinely respect an even lower dose for the spinal
cord. This policy cannot be challenged as long as the
tumor is adequately irradiated. However, it would be
imprudent to compromise the tumor dose in order
to limit the spinal cord to a dose lower than 45-Gy in
patients for whom there is no evidence of increased
radiation sensitivity.
It has been reported that the dose producing a
5% rate of radiation myelopathy is between 57 and
61-Gy in conventional dose fractions [Schultheiss
(1994)]. According to Wong et al., no case of radiation myelopathy has been found at Princess Margaret
Hospital after 50-Gy in 25 fractions [Wong et al.

(1994)], although there are literature reports of myelopathies at this dose. Although it may be an unusual
circumstance, 50-Gy (or higher) in 2-Gy fractions
should be considered if the tumor would otherwise
be underdosed. However, it is imperative that the patient be properly informed of the risk.
Factors other than the dose schedule that affect the
spinal cord tolerance, either clinically or experimentally, include irradiated volume, chemotherapeutic
agents, age, oxygenation, vascular disease, concurrent
disease processes and congenital abnormalities.
There have been numerous studies of the effect
of chemotherapy on the tolerance of the spinal cord,
but the clinical data are mostly anecdotal [Ang et al.
(1986), Bloss et al. (1991), Schultheiss (1994), van
der Kogel and Sissingh (1983), van der Kogel
and Sissingh (1985)]. With the possible exception of
chemotherapeutic agents that are known to be neurotoxic, one cannot state unequivocally that chemotherapy reduces the radiation tolerance of the spinal
cord. This is especially true for those agents causing
peripheral neuropathy, but not central neuropathy
[St Clair et al. (2003)].

The effect of hyperfractionation on the response of
the spinal cord is not fully understood. Although the
spinal cord has a high capacity for long-term repair
of radiation damage, as will be discussed later, its
interfraction repair is slower than many other tissues
[Ang et al (1992)]. Although there have not been
any published reports of unexpected myelopathies
occurring after two fractions per day, unanticipated
myelopathies have occurred after regimens of three
and four fractions per day [Dische and Saunders
(1989), Wong et al. (1991)]. In two separate publications, Jeremic has shown that 50.6-Gy in 1.1 or
50.4-Gy in 1.2Gy fractions produced no myelopathies
in either the cervical or thoracic cord, respectively
[Jeremic et al. (1998), Jeremic et al. (2001)]. In the
adult rat, Ang et al. found that the repair was described better by a bi-exponential function than by
a mono-exponential function [Ang et al. (1992)].
However, Ruifrok et al. found no evidence of this
biexponential repair in the newborn rat [Ruifrok et
al. (1992)]. In the rhesus monkey, no difference was
observed in the response at 98.4-Gy at 1.2-Gy per
fraction, compared with 84-Gy the data were 8/15
versus 6/11, respectively (unpublished data).

Spinal Cord

Anatomic Level
There is little evidence that any section of the spinal cord differs in intrinsic radiosensitivity from
any other segment. However, there may be extrinsic factors affecting spinal cord radiosensitivity
that apply more frequently to one section of the
cord than another. The thoracic cords apparent
radiosensitivity may be slightly lower (higher tolerance) simply because there is a smaller volume
of white matter in the cervical cord. However, the
spinal cords dose response is not very sensitive to
changes in volume, and this effect is unlikely to
appreciably alter the incidence of radiation myelopathy.
Dische et al. (1986) have observed a dramatic effect of hemoglobin on the tolerance of the spinal
cord. Furthermore, data from van den Brenk et al.
[van den Brenk et al. (1968)] and Coy and Dolman
(1971) indicate that the spinal cord is sensitive to extrinsic oxygen tension. Publications that report the
incidence of thoracic radiation myelopathy come
almost exclusively from studies of lung cancer. One
may reasonably infer that these patients have seriously impaired oxygenation of the spinal cord, owing
to a smoking history and to lung cancer. Therefore
it is possible that their spinal cord tolerance is increased owing to a decrease in the oxygenation of the
white matter.
It is difcult to compare the clinical response of the
cervical cord to that of the thoracic level. The radiation regimens from which crude estimates of the incidence of radiation myelopathy can be made generally
employed high doses per fraction, but the regimens
for cervical myelopathy and thoracic myelopathy are
too dissimilar to compare directly. Furthermore, the
survival of the cohort is generally much shorter in
patients with thoracic myelopathy. As a result, the
number of patient-years of exposure is very different
from what it is in cervical myelopathy.

The spinal cord appears to have a substantial capacity for long-term recovery from subclinical radiation damage. In animals, this recovery appears to
be dependent on the initial dose or level of damage
and the time between the initial course of treatment and the second course of treatment. In cancer


patients, the level of recovery is probably more variable and possibly dependent on intervening therapies as well.
Retreatment dose-response studies in rats have
been performed by a number of authors. Generally,
it appears that following a treatment of approximately 50% of the D50 for an untreated rat, 75% of
the dose is recovered in 20 weeks, and close to 100%
is recovered in a year. In guinea pigs, Knowles found
the D50 for one-year old animals who received 10-Gy
one day after birth was only 5% less than one-year
old unirradiated animals [Knowles (1983)]. Both
van der Kogel (1991), as well as Wong and Hao
[Wong et al. (1997)], have shown the dependence of
the retreatment tolerance on the initial dose and the
interval between treatments. The relative steepness
of the retreatment dose/response function, compared with the de novo dose-response function is
not certain.
Ang et al. have performed retreatment experiments on rhesus monkeys [Ang et al. (1993), Ang
et al. (2001)]. Their ndings indicate that about 75%
of 44-Gy in 20 fractions is recovered after 1 year and
nearly 100% is recovered after 3 years. Forty-four Gy
represents 57% of the initial D50 in these animals.
Thus, the primate data is in reasonable agreement
with the rodent data.
The largest number of clinical cases of radiation
myelopathy following retreatment was reported by
Wong et al. In their report on 11 cases, all but two
had equivalent doses in 2-Gy fractions of 52-Gy or
more (using an _/`=0.87 [Schultheiss and Hanks
(1999)]). In those two cases, the break between courses
was only 2 months, and little or no repair would be
expected. Thus, in all of their reported cases, either
the spinal cord tolerance could have been exceeded
by one of the treatment courses alone, or there was
insufcient time for repair between courses. The average latency following the second course of treatment was 11 months, with a range of 4 to 25 months.
It is clear that the spinal cord can tolerate a signicant retreatment dose. The clinical decision to retreat
part of the spinal cord must be based on the availability of alternative treatments, the consequences of not
treating, the initial cord dose and the interval since
the initial treatment. As always, a specic and detailed
informed consent is mandatory. For palliation or for
treatment of cord compression, 30-Gy in 15 fractions
should be given consideration if the initial treatment
did not exceed 45-Gy to the cord and was given at
least 9 months prior to the potential second course.
Care should be taken to minimize the spinal cord volume, but radiation myelopathy is still a possibility.

T. E. Schultheiss


The conventional radiation volume effect on the spinal cord is understood as a decrease in the tolerance
dose as the length of irradiated cord increases. In rats,
there is a striking volume effect at eld sizes below
1cm, but very little effect as the length of irradiated cord is increased beyond 1cm [van der Kogel
(1991)]. This volume behavior may result from the
fact that the size of the lesion is not negligible compared to 1cm. In rhesus monkeys, the volume effect is
consistent with the probability model [Schultheiss
et al. (1983)], which has been inappropriately called
the critical element model. This model is derived
using simple probability theory, where the probability of not producing a lesion in the irradiated volume
is simply the product of the probabilities of not producing lesions in all subvolumes. A consequence of
the model is that for steep dose/response functions,
there is very little volume effect. This can explain
why there is no volume effect in rats at eld sizes
above 1cm.
No unequivocal volume effect for the spinal cord
has been observed in humans. The reason for this,
perhaps, is that, for a specic dose regimen or clinical trial reported to result in radiation myelopathy
(for example, in a clinical trial for lung cancer), the
variation in eld size is not large and the sample
size is too small to see any eld size effect. In anecdotal radiation myelopathy reports, eld size
effects cannot be demonstrated because controls
(patients without myelopathy) are never included.
Nonetheless, it is reasonable to assume that a eld
size effect is operational in the radiation response
of the human spinal cord. However, the increase in
risk that accompanies an increase in eld length is
not likely to be very signicant if one is operating
within the limits of the conventional standard-ofcare for cancer patients. The risk of radiation myelopathy in patients receiving conventional doses to
the spinal cord is so low that no volume effect will
be seen clinically at these doses.
Of more immediate concern is the risk of radiation myelopathy in patients for whom the dose
varies signicantly across the spinal cord. With the
advent of IMRT, small portions of the cord can be
irradiated to doses that would be intolerably high
for the whole cord, while the remainder of the cord
receives much lower doses. The only study that addresses this issue is a paper by Debus et al., where
patients undergoing proton radiation therapy for
base-of-skull lesions had part of their brainstems ir-

radiated to high doses [Debus et al. (1997)]. Debus et

al. found a relative risk of 11.4 for patients in whom
more than 0.9cm3 of the brainstem had received 60Gy or higher (photon equivalent). Also of signicant
risk on multivariate analysis were patients having
two or more base-of-skull surgical procedures and
a diagnosis of diabetes. The maximum dose to the
brainstem was not signicant (p~0.09) in this study
of 348 patients.
Based on the study discussed above, one could
reasonably infer that a sharp dose gradient across
the spinal cord can be tolerated if the maximum
dose is less than 60-Gy. However, it is likely that one
cannot achieve as sharp a gradient with photons as
with protons. Moreover, these patients were meticulously immobilized and imaged prior to treatment.
In routine practice, some dose smearing will occur as a result of setup variations. With IMRT, this
smearing should be less problematic because of the
care that should be taken in the positioning of patients. Beyond stating that the spinal cord should be
able to tolerate a higher maximum dose, provided
there is a dose gradient across the cord, it is not currently possible to give quantitative guidance related
to the tolerance associated with small hot spots on
the spinal cord.

Other Observations
There are species-specific responses of the spinal
cord that deserve mention. In the pig, the pathology and radiation dose response is similar to that
which is observed in other animals. The difference
in the pig response is that the latent period is far
shorter than is seen in other models [Hopewel and
van den Aardweg (1992), van den Aardweg et
al. (1995)]. In the dog, there are reactions in the
meninges and the dorsal root ganglia not seen in
other animals [Powers et al (1992)]. Furthermore,
the role of the vascular response is relatively
greater in the dog [Schultheiss et al. (1992)].
In the rhesus monkey, and in some rat strains, a
primarily vascular lesion is infrequently seen. The
reason for this in the monkey may be that this
type of lesion occurs after the time during which
these animals are typically held (24 months). In
some rat strains, the reason is probably the same,
with the addition that the animals life expectancy
may be of similar duration to the latency for a
vascular lesion.

Spinal Cord

There is no indication that the thoracic and cervical
levels of the spinal cord have different intrinsic responses. Extrinsic conditions may result in apparent
differences. Differences in the survival of the cohort
population may result in fewer thoracic myelopathies
being observed. The morbidity of thoracic radiation
myelopathy is generally lower than that for cervical myelopathy. Administration of common chemotherapeutic agents for lung cancer may reduce the
radiation tolerance of the spinal cord, but no quantitative studies have demonstrated this for cisplatin,
vinblastine or gemcitabine the most commonly
used chemotherapeutic agents in lung cancer.
In this era of intensity modulated radiation therapy, techniques for concurrent boosts of the tumor
will be developed, making a cone down no longer
necessary. This will result in a lower dose per fraction to normal tissues outside the target. The effect
of this decrease in the dose per fraction will be more
signicant in tissues such as the spinal cord, whose
late effects are dose-limiting.

Ang KK, Jiang GL, Feng Y, Stephens LC, Tucker SL, Price RE
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Hopewell JW (1979) Late radiation damage to the central nervous system: a radiobiological interpretation. Neuropathol
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Hopewell JW, van den Aardweg GJMJ (1992) Radiation myelopathy in the pig: a model for assessing volume factors for
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Jeremic B, Shibamoto Y, Igrutinovic I (2001) Absence of cervical radiation myelitis after hyperfractionated radiation
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(1998) Absence of thoracic radiation myelitis after hyperfractionated radiation therapy with and without concurrent chemotherapy for stage III nonsmall-cell lung cancer.
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Knowles JF (1983) The radiosensitivity of the guinea pig spinal
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(1992) Pathology of radiation injury to the canine spinal
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treatment. Radiother Oncol 25: 295300
Schultheiss TE (1994) Spinal cord radiation tolerance. Int J
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Radiation Therapy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus


8.4 Radiation Therapy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus

Maria Werner-Wasik


Pathophysiology and Clinical Picture of

Esophagitis 373
Evaluation of Esophagitis 374
Incidence of Esophagitis and
Predisposing Factors 376
Dosimetric Factors Associated with
Esophagitis 377
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy as a
Tool of Lowering RT Dose to Esophagus 378
Strategies Used to Prevent or Treat Esophagitis
References 380


Acknowledgement: Part of this work will be published in the Hematology and Oncology Clinics of
North America, 2004.

Pathophysiology and Clinical Picture of
The esophagus is lined with a convoluted squamous
epithelium, a basal cell layer, submucosa and a layer
of striated muscle bers underneath, without surrounding serosa. In mice irradiated with a single radiation therapy (RT) fraction to the thorax (Phillips
and Ross 1974), evidence of damage to the esophagus
was observed at 20.0 Gy, three days after RT. This included vacuolization of the basal cell layer, absence of
mitosis and submucosal edema. Some regeneration
was evident by 12 weeks after RT, including proliferating basal cells, regenerating epithelium and scattered areas of complete esophageal denudation. At
three weeks, the regeneration of the esophageal lining
was complete, and after 4 weeks the appearance of the
M. Werner-Wasik, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Kimmel Cancer Center of Jefferson Medical College; Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital; Department of Radiation
Oncology; 111 South 11th Street; Philadelphia, PA 19107,

irradiated esophagus was normal. For fractionated

RT doses, the LD50/28 (or RT dose causing death in
50% of the animals over 28 days) was estimated as
57.45 Gy (in 10 fractions).
Radiologic ndings of esophageal injury were
described in 30 symptomatic patients who received
thoracic RT to 4560 Gy (Goldstein et al. 1975).
The most common ndings consisted of esophageal
dysmotility, such as failure to complete primary peristaltic waves, nonperistaltic or tertiary contractions
and failure of distal esophageal sphincter relaxation.
Smooth esophageal strictures were demonstrated in
some patients, and one frank ulceration of the irradiated site was observed.
Abnormal esophageal motility was noted to occur
within 412 weeks from RT alone and as early as one
week from concurrent chemotherapy and RT (Lepke
and Libshitz 1983). Strictures generally developed
at 68 months but were seen as early as 4 months.
The rst symptoms of acute esophagitis start usually in the second or third week of thoracic radiation
therapy, commonly at the dose of 18.021.0 Gy of
standard fractionated RT, and include a sensation of
difcult swallowing (dysphagia). This may progress
to painful swallowing of food and saliva (odynophagia) and later to constant pain not necessarily related
to swallowing. In severe cases, patients may not be
able to swallow at all and may require intravenous
hydration, feeding through the gastric tube and, in
extremely rare cases, parenteral nutrition. In patients
receiving concurrent chemotherapy and thoracic RT,
acute esophagitis symptoms peak within 30 days from
start of RT in 23% of patients and within 60 days in
36% (Werner-Wasik et al. 2002). Symptoms of acute
esophagitis commonly persist for 13 weeks after
completion of RT. Esophageal damage may develop
at 38 months from completion of RT and manifests
most often as dysphagia to solids, caused by a permanent narrowing of the esophagus (stricture). The
presence of stricture requires periodic surgical dilation of the esophagus, usually with excellent results.
Acute esophagitis may be very severe and disabling,
resulting in hospitalization, placement of a feeding

M. Werner-Wasik


tube in the stomach or intravenous feedings for a period of time. Additionally, the course of RT may need
to be halted temporarily in order to allow for healing
of the esophageal lining. Treatment breaks in turn
have been unequivocally demonstrated to decrease
survival of patients with unresectable lung cancer
(Cox et al. 1993). Therefore, a proper diagnosis, treatment and prevention of esophagitis as a dose-limiting toxicity of chemoradiotherapy may have a direct
impact on tumor control and the patients chance of
Patients with esophagitis symptoms require
steady supportive care, starting with a low-acid and
bland diet when the rst sensation of a difculty in
swallowing is reported (grade 1). Patients should be
instructed to avoid coffee, hot beverages, spicy foods,
citrus fruit and juices, tomato products, alcohol and
tobacco. In addition, a mixture of a local anesthetic
(2% viscous lidocaine), coating substance (Benadryl
elixir) and saline/baking soda (Magic Mouthwash)
is frequently prescribed and should be taken liberally
before meals to facilitate swallowing. Once symptoms
progress with more severe pain and only a soft diet
is feasible (grade 2), stronger oral analgesic agents
should be prescribed (hydrocodone with acetaminophen; liquid morphine; prolonged action opiate
preparations etc.) to control pain and allow good nutrition. High-calorie liquid oral nutritional supplements are very helpful in maintaining a satisfactory
caloric intake and minimizing weight loss and anemia. If an adequate oral intake of uids is impaired
(as determined by the dietary interview, positional
changes in blood pressure and low urinary output),
intravenous uids should be promptly initiated in
order to break the vicious cycle of dehydrationpoor
oral intakefurther dehydration. A simple initial step
is to give uids intravenously on an outpatient basis
for a day or two, while continuing thoracic RT (grade
2 in the new version 3 CTC scale; grade 3 in the older
scales). When the patient is unable to swallow despite
optimal oral analgesics, hospitalization is indicated
for intravenous hydration and intravenous pain control (grade 3). In extreme cases, placement of a gastric tube or parenteral nutrition may be necessary
(grade 4).
The speed of recovery from acute esophagitis
seems related to the recovery from neutropenia induced by concurrent delivery of chemotherapy.
Prolonged neutropenia does not allow sufcient
healing of the esophageal mucosa. This situation is a
classic indication for a temporary suspension of RT,
which allows the administration of granulocyte-stimulating factor preparation to shorten the neutropenic

period. Otherwise, thoracic RT should be continued

as dictated by clinical judgment, since RT breaks are
strongly associated with decreased chances of tumor

Evaluation of Esophagitis
Historically, various criteria have been used to grade
acute esophagitis (Tables 8.4.1, 8.4.2). Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) criteria and version 2.0 of National Cancer Institutes (NCI) Common
Toxicity Criteria (CTC) were based on the clinical assessment of patient symptoms, need to change diet,
analgesic requirements, weight loss and need for intervention (such as intravenous uids and/or feeding
tube or parenteral nutrition). However, in order to
diagnose grade 4 esophagitis, endoscopic or radiographic tests may be necessary (see Table 8.4.1a).
The next version of CTC on the NCIs Common
Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, v3.0, CTCAE
scale, introduced in October 2003 ( removed the need for
analgesics and weight loss as evaluation criteria, for
both Dysphagia and Esophagitis, and is based
nearly entirely on symptoms, altered diet and the
need for intervention. An exception exists in the case
of the asymptomatic patient who is found to have endoscopic or radiographic ndings and, consequently,
assigned a grade 1 esophagitis (Table 8.4.1b).
Hirota et al. (Hirota et al. 2001) were successful in
their attempt to correlate acute esophagitis, assessed
with endoscopy, with the RTOG grade in patients
treated with RT +/ chemotherapy. With a Spearman
coefcient 0.428 (p<0.0001), the result of their work
gives validity to the currently used clinical grading of
The grade of esophagitis describes toxicity at one
point in time, but it does not provide information
about the length of time during which the patient experiences the symptoms of esophagitis
The Esophagitis Index (Fig. 8.4.1) (Werner-Wasik
et al. 2001, 2002) is a novel measure of toxicity and
may be applied to any irradiated organ. The Index is
obtained by plotting the esophagitis grade over time
measured in weeks, and it is presented as a single numerical value, based on calculation of the area under
the curve (AUC) (Rowland and Tozer 1995). It may
be a more comprehensive measure of normal tissue
toxicity than maximum grade alone. Its calculation
requires the accumulation of prospective data points

Radiation Therapy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus


Table 8.4.1a. NCI CTC v2.0 Scale



Mild dysphagia,
but caneat regular diet

requiring predominantly
soft or liquid diet

requiring feeding tube,
IV hydration or

Complete obstruction
(cannot swallow saliva);
ulceration with bleeding,
not induced by minor trauma

Table 8.4.1b. NCI CTCAE v3.0 Scale: Acute esophagitis (dysphagia-esophageal, related to radiation)


able to eat
regular diet

Symptomatic and altered

(e.g.altered dietary habits,
oral supplements);
iv uids, indicated <24 hrs

Symptomatic and severely

altered eating/swallowing
(e.g. inadequate oral caloric
or uid intake);
iv uids, tube feedings .or
TPN indicated >24 hrs

(e.g. obstruction,


Same as above


Remark: Dysphagia requiring dilation is graded as stricture/stenosis


radiographic or
Findings only

symptomatic; altered
(e.g. altered dietary habits,
oral supplements);
iv uids indicated <24 hrs

Same as above

Table 8.4.2. RTOG/EORTC Late Esophagitis Criteria



No symptoms

Mild brosis;
slight difculty in
swallowing solids;
no pain on

Unable to take solid

food normally;
swallowing semisolid food;
dilatation may be

Severe brosis;
able to swallow
only liquids;
may have pain on
dilatation required


off Acute
An EAn
mple ofofaaPPlot
lot o
e EsophagGrade
itis GVs.
rade Vs. Time
of oEsophagitis
owing CCalculation
f Esophag
itis Index

Esophagitis Grade
Acute Esophagitis Grade

* End oof
f ththoracic


* 8 9 10
10 11
11 12
12 13
13 14
14 15
15 16
16 17
1 2 3 4 5 6 77*
1+2 1+2 2+3 2+3 3+0 3+0
0+ 1
Index (EI) = 0+1
Esophagitis Index (EI) =
x 4 = 14.5
2 + + 2 4 +x 4 + 2 + +2 + 2+ 4 = 14.5

Fig. 8.4.1. Calculation of Esophagitis Index.


of toxicity over time and, therefore, its applicability

may be limited to investigational pursuits. However,
a broader application of the Esophagitis Index may
allow a more precise denition of normal tissue toxicity, facilitate toxicity comparisons between various
treatment regimens and be a useful tool in investigations of the quality of life.
In a recently completed study performed by the
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 9801
(Movsas et al. 2003), other measures of esophagitis
were implemented, based on physician assessment
(weekly Physician Dysphagia Log), as well as on daily
patient assessments of difculty swallowing (Patient
Swallowing Diary). These measures allowed a direct
comparison of healthcare worker-based vs. patientbased esophagitis endpoints.

Incidence of Esophagitis and Predisposing
The evolution of therapeutic approaches for lung
cancer illustrates the trend for treatment intensication, with hopes that dose-intense chemotherapy
regimens and/or higher RT doses, or novel fractionation schemes, will result in the prolongation of survival. To date, the best cooperative group results of
intense chemoradiotherapy for LANSCLC report
median survival times (MST) as high as 26.0 months
(Gandara et al. 2003).
In the RTOG trial (9410)(Curran et al. 2000),
610 patients were randomized to receive induction
chemotherapy (vinblastine and cisplatin), followed
in sequence by standard thoracic radiotherapy, or
the same chemotherapy delivered concurrently with
standard RT or the same chemotherapy given concurrently with hyperfractionated RT. The results support the superiority of the concurrent approach over
the sequential approach, with best median survival
time of 17.1 months (standard RT) and 15.6 months
(hyperfractionated RT) observed in both concurrent arms of the trial, vs. 14.6 months in the sequential arm (p=0.038). Based on these data and another
phase III randomized trial from Japan (Furuse et al.
1999), the paradigm for the nonoperative treatment
of lung cancer is clearly no longer the previously-accepted standard of sequential treatment but, instead,
the use of concurrent regimens.
The incidence of severe, acute esophagitis (grade
3 or higher) in patients treated for lung cancer with
standard (once daily) radiation therapy alone is 1.3%.

M. Werner-Wasik

Induction chemotherapy increases the risk of severe

acute esophagitis slightly, compared with standard
radiotherapy alone (Werner-Wasik et al. 2000;
Byhardt et al. 1998). In contrast, the strong radiosensitizing effect of chemotherapy given concurrently with standard thoracic RT is evident from the
incidence of severe esophagitis of 614% (Byhardt
et al. 1998), as well as from values on the Esophagitis
Index that are more than twice as high for the concurrent chemotherapy/standard RT group as for the
RT-alone group (Werner-Wasik et al. 1999, 2000). It
had been reported in the literature that agents such as
Adriamycin (Boal et al. 1979; Umsawasdi et al. 1985)
cause severe primary or recall esophagitis at RT doses
as low as 20.0 Gy. Vokes et al. (Vokes et al. 2002) described an incidence of 49% of acute grade 3 or higher
esophagitis with concurrent gemcitabine and thoracic
RT. Whether the degree of esophagitis is related to the
type or scheduling of chemotherapy used (daily vs.
weekly, or every three weeks) is uncertain.
Aggressive types of RT fractionation have also
been reported to be associated with a worsening
of the esophagitis grade and the duration of the
condition. This is evident in the report of 100 patients treated in Australia (Ball et al. 1995) in a
four-arm, randomized study, as well as in our analysis (Werner-Wassik et al. 2000). The duration of
symptomatic esophagitis was 1.4 months (mo) in
the conventional RT arm, 1.6 mo in the conventional
RT arm with concurrent carboplatin, 3.2 mo in the
accelerated arm and 2.4 mo in the accelerated RT
plus carboplatin arm (Ball et al. 1995). In fact, in
the Ball et al. multivariate analysis (Ball et al. 1995),
accelerated radiotherapy (dened as fractions of
2.0 Gy delivered twice daily) was the only signicant factor inuencing the duration of esophagitis.
In our study (Werner-Wasik et al. 2002), a similar pattern was observed, with hyperfractionated
radiotherapy predicting very strongly for both the
Esophagitis Index and the worst esophagitis grade,
as well as longest time of suffering from esophagitis. Hyperfractionated RT to a total dose of 69.6 Gy
was associated with a 2434% incidence of severe
esophagitis (Byhardt et al. 1998). During the most
intense thoracic RT ever reported (used without CT
for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer),
CHART regimen (Continuous Hyperfractionated
Accelerated Radiation Therapy) resulted in 19% of
patients having severe esophagitis (Saunders et al.
1996). In addition to the studies cited above, concomitant boost technique with concurrent chemotherapy (Dubrai et al. 1995) resulted in a dose-limiting incidence of esophagitis of 33%.

Radiation Therapy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus

Current chemotherapy and the RT-intense

regimens should not be intensied further without addressing the dose-limiting toxicities, such as
esophagitis. It is important to understand factors predisposing patients to esophagitis, so that strategies to
minimize its severity can be implemented.

Dosimetric Factors Associated
with Esophagitis
It is commonly assumed in radiation oncology clinics
that the longer the length of the esophagus segment
included in the radiotherapy eld, the higher the
probability of esophageal toxicity, despite that fact
that, in the literature, different opinions have been
expressed on this topic (Werner-Wasik et al. 2000;
Ball et al. 1995; Choy et al. 1999; Langer 1999).
This assumption is based on murine observations
that doubling the length of the irradiated portion of
the esophagus leads to a decrease in the LD50 dose,
i.e. in the dose causing death in 50% of irradiated
animals (Michalowski and Hornsey 1986). The
classic elds recommended for use in radiotherapy
of lung cancer include the primary lesion, ipsilateral
hilum, bilateral mediastinum and, often, the ipsilateral supraclavicular region, establishing elective
nodal irradiation as a standard approach. The current trend is for smaller, tighter elds, frequently
encompassing only the grossly visible tumor with
a margin (such an approach is used in the RTOG
phase II studies of RT dose escalation for non-small
cell lung cancer). The benets include less irradiated lung volume and a shorter length of irradiated
esophagus. However, the evidence that esophageal
toxicity is minimized with shorter esophageal length
irradiated is inconsistent.
In two studies providing a multivariate analysis
of various treatment-related factors, the length of
the esophagus was not related to either the severity
or the duration of esophagitis. In Ball et al.s analysis (Ball et al. 1995), 100 patients were divided into
three groups based on the length of the treatment
eld (<14.0cm, 14.015.9cm and >16.0cm), which
presumably correlates with the length of the esophagus. No relationship was observed between esophageal length and the severity of esophagitis. In Choys
analysis of 120 patients (Choy et al. 1999), there was
no correlation between the esophagitis grade and the
length of esophagus in either the primary (p = 0.4) or
boost (p = 0.1) radiation elds. In contrast, after ana-


lyzing 15 patients treated with chemoradiotherapy,

Langer (Langer 1999) observed that grade 1 esophagitis occurred in ve of six patients with esophageal
exposure less than 16cm, and that grade 2 or greater
esophagitis occurred in eight of nine patients in
whom esophageal exposure exceeded 16cm.
We studied 105 patients with lung cancer receiving
concurrent chemo-radiotherapy or RT alone. These
patients had precise data on esophageal length as it
relates to the elds used for irradiation. In a multivariate analysis of acute esophagitis scored prospectively in a uniform fashion, we found two factors to
be signicantly associated with an increasing maximum esophagitis grade: concurrent chemotherapy
with once daily RT and concurrent chemotherapy
with twice daily RT (p <0.001, considered jointly)
(Werner-Wasik et al. 2002). The duration of acute
esophagitis was longest in the concurrent chemotherapy/twice daily radiotherapy group. An increased
length of esophagus in the radiation eld did not predict for the severity of acute esophagitis.
Recent advances in three-dimensional conformal
radiation therapy provide a unique opportunity for
gathering direct volumetric data pertaining to organ
damage. These data are far more meaningful than
the data from previous studies, obtained through estimates based on organ length (e.g. of the esophagus)
or organ portion (e.g. of the lung or spinal cord).
The tolerance of the normal esophagus to RT has
been studied in both animals and humans. The tolerance doses (TD) for esophageal clinical stricture
or perforation in 5% of irradiated patients at 5 years
(TD 5/5) are 60 Gy for the entire esophagus, 58 Gy for
two thirds of the organ and 55 Gy for one third of the
esophagus (Emami 1991).
Many primary lung tumors or involved mediastinal lymph nodes are centrally located and lie in close
proximity to the esophagus. Therefore, exclusion of
the entire esophageal length/volume from the high
dose radiation region is extremely difcult. However,
partial exclusion and lowering the radiation dose delivered to the entire circumference of the esophagus
may be feasible. A dosimetric study by MaGuire et
al. (Maguire et al. 1999) established a relationship
between irradiation of the entire circumference using high doses to the risk of esophagitis. In a detailed
multivariate analysis of 91 patients treated using
a median corrected dose of 78.8 Gy, MaGuire et al.
found that the percent of esophageal volume treated
by >50.0 Gy and the maximum percent of esophageal
circumference treated by >80.0 Gy were signicant
predictors of late (but, interestingly, not of acute)
esophagitis. Overall, a total of 12/91 (18%) patients

M. Werner-Wasik


developed late esophageal toxicity in their patient

population. A novel concept emerging from the data
described above is the importance of sparing a portion of the esophageal circumference to prevent or
decrease the incidence of late damage to the esophagus. A potential explanation for the benet of such
sparing may be that epithelial healing in the portion
of the esophageal circumference receiving a subcritical RT dose will be sufcient to maintain organ function even though the remainder of the wall circumference is irradiated using doses causing irreversible
late damage.
Another analysis of the three-dimensional RT dose
distributions of 26 patients with lung cancer who received 5060 Gy of thoracic RT concurrently with
carboplatin/paclitaxel chemotherapy (Hirota et al.
2001) concluded that the length of the esophagus (total circumference) treated using >45 Gy (>9.5 cm), as
well as the percentage of esophageal volume receiving >45 Gy (>40%), were predictive of severe radiation esophagitis.
Predictors of radiation-induced esophageal toxicity in 207 patients with non-small cell lung cancer
treated with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (26% with concurrent chemotherapy) were
studied by Singh et al (Singh et al. 2003). Concurrent
chemotherapy and a maximal esophageal point dose
>58.0 Gy were associated in the multivariate analysis
with a high risk of grade>3 esophagitis. In addition, all
assessable patients who developed grade 35 esophageal toxicity had a mean dose to the entire esophagus
>34.0 Gy, but this dose was not predictive on multivariate analysis.
Because RT doses of 90.0100.0 Gy are commonly
believed necessary to achieve a local control of lung
tumors measuring >3cm (Fletcher 1973), several
dose escalation trials were initiated both in the US
and in Europe. The maximum RT dose levels in these
trials were 102.9 Gy (Hayman et al. 2001) or 90.3 Gy
(Bradley et al.). The RTOG study evaluated the feasibility of dose escalation for patients with LANSCLC
treated with three-dimensional (3D) conformal RT
to the gross tumor only, without elective nodal irradiation. Maximum doses of 77.4 90.3 Gy were
prescribed, depending on the percentage of the total
lung receiving more than 20.0 Gy.
Given that such doses differ signicantly from
those used in current clinical practice (60.0
64.0 Gy), restraints had to be placed on the doses to
be delivered to the dose-limiting normal organs in
the chest, such as lung, esophagus and spinal cord.
With non-coplanar beams and 3D planning, allowing improvement of the target volume denition,

doses to critical structures can often be reduced

and esophageal toxicity less pronounced, compared
with standard RT.
The RTOG 9311 trial of thoracic RT-alone escalated the dose to the tumor for group 1 to 90.3 Gy
(<25% of both lungs receiving >20 Gy), for group 2 to
83.8 Gy (2537% of lungs receiving >20 Gy) and for
group 3 to 77.4 Gy (>37% of lung receiving >20 Gy).
The maximum dose allowed to 1/3 of esophageal
volume was 65 Gy; to 2/3 of the volume, 58 Gy; and
to the whole esophagus, 55 Gy. The clinical endpoint
for this TD 5/5 is a stricture or perforation. No severe
acute esophagitis was observed even with the highest
RT dose. However, late esophageal toxicity was manifested in 8%, 0%, 4% and 11% of group 1 and in 0%
and 10% of group 2 (Bradley et al. 2003), suggesting
a doseresponse relationship.
In the current ongoing RTOG trial (L-0117) of thoracic 3D RT dose escalation with concurrent paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy, a mean esophageal dose of <32 Gy and esophageal V55 of <28%
is mandated. V55 is dened as the percentage of
esophageal volume exceeding 55.0 Gy. If the esophageal dose exceeds the constraint of 28%, the patient
cannot be treated in this RT dose escalation and chemotherapy trial. The constraint was derived based on
data from a study of acute severe esophageal complications in patients previously treated with 3D RT
at Washington University, MO (graham et al. 1994).
Table 8.4.3 summarizes the data (RTOG, personal
In the University of Michigan trial (Hayman et
al. 2001), one-third of the esophagus was allowed to
receive 80.0 Gy (Veff, or effective volume of <0.33).
Only one patient (out of 63 evaluable) experienced
acute grade 4 esophagitis, having received a prescription dose of 63.0 Gy, and six patients experienced
acute grade 3 esophagitis. The report did not comment on any late cases of esophagitis.

Table 8.4.3. Acute Severe Esophageal Complications

Mean Dose (Gy)

% Volume >55 Gy (V55)(%)

























Radiation Therapy-Related Toxicity: Esophagus


Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
as a Tool of Lowering RT Dose to Esophagus
Up to now, standard RT techniques, even those utilizing 3D RT, have not been able to lower the maximum
RT doses to the esophagus signicantly. Intensitymodulated radiation therapy (IMRT) seems well
suited for such a purpose, with its ability to deliver
concave-shaped RT dose distributions around organs
at risk, such as the esophagus.
Work performed in European institutions
(DeGersem et al. 2000; Derycke et al. 1998) involved a comparison of 3D conventional thoracic radiation therapy vs. noncoplanar intensity-modulated
beams (BIM) in 10 patients with Stage III non-small
cell lung cancer. Within each group, normal vs. optimized plans were compared. In optimized BIM plans
vs. optimized 3D plans, the volumes of the esophagus
that was irradiated at high doses (60, 70 or 80 Gy) were
reduced by the optimization (3D: p = 0.01 at 60 Gy;
p = 0.01 at 70 Gy; p = 0.4 at 80 Gy; and BIM: p = 0.14
at 60 Gy; p = 0.2 at 70 Gy, p=0.1 at 80 Gy; where p is
the statistical signicance index). Therefore, it appears that for doses at least up to 80 Gy, a signicant
lowering of the dose to the esophagus can be accomplished with the optimization of the standard 3D
plans, and that IMRT plans, in general, are even better
than the best optimized 3D plans.
Figure 8.4.2 illustrates the concept of the conformal
avoidance of a portion of esophageal circumference
with IMRT, while at the same time allowing the delivery of high-dose RT to the neighboring lung tumor
(Xiao et al. 2002). Bending of high-dose isodose
lines with a relative sparing of part of the organ is
evident. For now, the use of IMRT for such purposes
is experimental and more work is needed before it
can be applied widely in the clinic.

Strategies Used to Prevent or
Treat Esophagitis
The complete exclusion of the esophagus from the
standard RT eld designed to treat a locally advanced
lung cancer is most often not feasible due to the central position of the esophagus in the mediastinum
(Emami et al. 1996). Therefore, the main strategies
in controlling esophagitis evolve around identifying
an effective radioprotecting agent. One such agent
is amifostine, an organic thiophosphate that is de-

Fig. 8.4.2 IMRT conformal avoidance of the portion of esophageal circumference. Esophagus is outlined with a blue-green
line. Purple line, gross tumor volume; yellow line, isodose line
= 60.0 Gy; blue line, isodose line = 45.0 Gy; red line, isodose
line = 40.0 Gy

phosphorylated to its active metabolite (WR-1065)

by alkaline phosphatase. Once inside the cell, WR1065, the free thiol, acts as a potent scavenger of the
oxygen free radicals induced by ionizing radiation. It
also provides an alternative target to DNA and RNA
for the reactive molecules of alkylating or platinum
agents. In a phase III randomized trial, amifostine
was demonstrated to have a role in xerostomia prevention in irradiated patients with head and neck
cancer, which served as the basis of the drugs FDA
approval in 1999 as the rst ever radioprotector
(Brizel et al. 2000).
In the animal model of thoracic RT, amifostine
administered to mice (400mg/kg intraperitoneally
30 minutes before irradiation) has been demonstrated
to increase mean lethal doses (LD50) of RT from approximately 38.0 Gy to 60.0 Gy, achieving an overall
protection factor (PF) of 1.51.6 for both acute and
chronic esophageal damage (Ito et al. 1986).
Encouraging results of improved esophagitis with amifostine have been reported in phase II
(Werner-Wasik et al. 2001, 2002; Koukourakis et
al. 1996; Antonadou et al. 2002) and III randomized trials performed in Greece (Antonadou et al.
2001; Antonadou et al. 2002) in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer receiving thoracic RT, with or
without concurrent chemotherapy. In the rst trial
(Antonadou et al. 2001), 146 patients with lung can-

M. Werner-Wasik


cer treated with thoracic RT received daily infusion

of amifostine (340 mg/m2) or no amifostine. Grade
2 or higher acute esophagitis occurred in 32/72 RT
patients vs. 6/72 in amifostine/RT patients (p<0.001).
Acute pneumonitis was decreased as well (p<0.001).
In a subsequent study of chemoradiotherapy for lung
cancer (Antonadou 2002), a similar signicant decrease in esophagitis or pneumonitis was observed
(88% vs. 47% and 59% vs. 21%, respectively).
The team from MD Anderson Cancer Center
(Komaki et al. 2002) recently reported a signicant attenuation of acute esophagitis (31% vs. 7.4%;
p=0.03) and pneumonitis (23% vs. 3.7%; p=0.03) in
60 patients receiving amifostine vs. no amifostine
during a combined modality therapy course for lung
A large cooperative group phase III randomized
study of amifostine for esophagitis prevention has
been completed by the RTOG (98-01) (Movsas et
al. 2003; Werner-Wasik et al. 2003). A total of 243
patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung
cancer received two courses of induction chemotherapy (carboplatin and paclitaxel), followed by
concurrent twice-daily thoracic RT and weekly lowdose carboplatin and paclitaxel. Patients were randomized to receive amifostine (500mg iv four times
weekly, preceding the afternoon dose of RT) vs. no
amifostine. In contrast to other studies, the NCI CTC
assessment criteria and weekly physician dysphagia
logs showed that amifostine did not reduce severe
esophagitis (the rate was 30% with amifostine vs.
34% without). However, based on patient diaries, the
swallowing dysfunction measured over time (equivalent Esophagitis Index) was signicantly lower with
amifostine (p=0.03). Given that only 40% of all RT
fractions were protected by amifostine infusion in
the study, and that only 29% of patients received the
medication according to the protocol, further investigation of this agent is justied, possibly with subcutaneous administration to increase compliance and
higher dose intensity.
So far, the search for other clinically important
esophageal radioprotectants has been unsuccessful.
Oral sucralfate, although applied commonly in the
clinic, turned out not to have value in decreasing
acute esophagitis in a double-blind phase III randomized trial of 97 patients receiving thoracic RT
(McGinnis et al. 1997).
An interesting approach using plasmid/liposome delivery by the human manganese superoxide dismutase
transgene has been reported successful in the prevention of radiation esophagitis in mice receiving carboplatin, paclitaxel and thoracic RT (Stickle et el. 1999).

In summary, although there has been signicant

progress in understanding the basis for esophageal
injury resulting from thoracic radiation therapy, additional effort is needed to nd effective measures for
minimizing or eliminating esophagitis.

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(suppl), abstract#262

Brain Toxicity


8.5 Brain Toxicity

Carsten Nieder and Anca-Ligia Grosu


Introduction 383
Pathogenesis of Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity 383
Acute and Subacute Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity 386
Delayed or Chronic Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity 386
Toxicity Prevention Strategies 388
Treatment of Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity 389
Aspects of Chemotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity 390
References 390

Despite considerable improvements in local and systemic therapy for lung cancer, the incidence of brain
metastases is still very high. Up to 60% of patients
with small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) will be diagnosed
with brain metastases at some time during the course
of the disease. Therefore, prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) is often administered in patients with
SCLC. The second indication for brain irradiation
in lung cancer is palliation of symptoms from brain
metastases. Depending on the number of lesions,
their size and location and prognostic factors, either
whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT), open resection or
stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) may be the preferred
option. Another indication is adjuvant radiotherapy
after resection of brain metastases, which is usually
administered by means of WBRT. This chapter will
therefore cover the normal tissue effects of both
partial brain radiotherapy and WBRT to the normal
adult brain. The issue of reduced tolerance in the
immature brain will not be discussed, due to the fact
that it is less relevant in the context of lung cancer.
C. Nieder, MD; A.-L. Grosu, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum Rechts der Isar,
Technical University of Munich, Ismaninger Strasse 22, 81675
Munich, Germany

The physical and technical developments and

renements over the last two decades in radiation
oncology have been impressive. But still, the easiest
and most effective way of avoiding side effects to the
normal brain is by minimizing its exposure to ionizing radiation. While individually-shaped, highly
conformal dose distributions can be created nowfor
example, for SRS treatmentthis does not solve the
problem of the presence of normal tissue within the
irradiated target volume (the result of diffuse microscopic spread, which escapes current imaging technology). Therefore, many patients will continue to
receive WBRT. Where a reduction of the irradiated
volume is not feasible, further progress can only be
expected from efforts directed at optimizing fractionation or widening the therapeutic window between tumor and normal tissue through modulation
of the patients responses to radiotherapy.
We will discuss the pathogenesis of radiation-induced brain toxicity, the incidence of typical side effects, risk factors, diagnostic aspects and the role of
multimodal treatment concepts in the development
of side effects. Increasing evidence can be found in
the literature about the inuence of cytotoxic drugs
and the general side effects of cancer treatment, such
as anemia, on the normal brain. Finally, pre-clinical
and clinical data on the prevention and treatment of
side effects will be reviewed.

Pathogenesis of Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity
Early evaluations of radiotherapy-induced central
nervous system (CNS) toxicity date back at least to
70 years ago. It is not the aim of this chapter to discuss
these historical data, which have been summarized
in previous reviews, for example, by van der Kogel
(Van Der Kogel 1986). When appropriate, data from
spinal cord radiotherapy will be included in the current chapter because of the similarity of radiation-


induced changes in the brain and the spinal cord. In

brief, previous experimental studies have indicated
that signs of diffuse demyelination develop in animals 2 weeks after CNS radiotherapy. After approximately 2 months, remyelination processes have been
observed. These early changes correspond to clinical
symptoms such as Lhermittes sign and somnolence
in humans. After a variable latency period, and dependent on total dose, white matter necrosis may develop. The gray matter is less sensitive. Latency time
decreases with increasing radiation dose. The most
important determinants of CNS tolerance are the volume of normal tissue exposed, dose per fraction and
total dose. Overall treatment time is less important.
With multiple fractions per day, incomplete repair
needs to be taken into account, especially when the
interfraction interval is less than 6 h.
When WBRT is being administered, the complete
intracranial vascular system is exposed to ionizing
radiation, although at relatively modest doses, in contrast to focal treatment where only limited parts of the
blood vessels might receive a signicantly higher dose.
When high focal doses are combined with lower doses
to a large surrounding volume, tolerance decreases,
compared with the same focal treatment alone.
Signicant long-term recovery has been observed
after spinal cord radiotherapy. Although not experimentally tested in the same fashion, it can be assumed
that the brain recovers, too. Especially with larger intervals of at least 12 years and when the rst treatment course was not too close to tolerance, re-irradiation is now considered as a realistic option. After
an initial course of 4060% of ED50, the tolerance of
rodent cervical spinal cord increases by a factor of
1.31.4 after 2028 weeks, compared with a single
treatment course. Thus, 5066% of occult initial damage has been forgotten by this time. Experimental
data from fractionated radiotherapy of rhesus monkeys suggest a recovery of up to 75% of the initial
damage within 23 years (Ang et al. 2001).
The past few years have witnessed a signicant
improvement as far as techniques are concerned in
cellular and molecular biology, resulting, for example, in a description of more and more radiobiologically-relevant cellular pathways. Better methods for
the identication of stem and progenitor cells have
been developed. This progress has led to a better understanding of tissue responses to ionizing radiation.
Obviously, radiation-induced reactions of the CNS
are not limited to reproductive or mitotic cell death
in mature parenchymal and vascular cell populations. Apoptosis, induced by sphingomyelinase-mediated release of ceramide, has been described as an

C. Nieder and A.-L. Grosu

early reaction in endothelial cells within the irradiated CNS (Pena et al. 2000), as well as in oligodendrocytes (Larocca et al. 1997). Besides cell death, a
large number of alterations in gene expression, transcription factor activation and functional changes
in basically every cell type examined may develop
(Raju et al. 2000). Current models of radiotherapyinduced brain alterations include a cascade of complex and dynamic interactions between parenchymal
cells (oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia), stem
and progenitor cells and vascular endothelial cells
(Tolon and Fike 2000). The latent time preceding the clinical manifestation of damage is viewed as
an active phase, where cytokines and growth factors
play important roles in intra- and intercellular communication. Clinically recognized phenomena, such
as intellectual decline, memory loss, lethargy, dysphoria, dementia and ataxia, also suggest the possible involvement of neurons in radiotherapy-induced
CNS reactions. EEG data derived from animal studies have shown that neurons can react to clinically
applied doses of radiation (Pellmar and Lepinski
1993). In vitro studies have demonstrated that neurons may undergo apoptosis after radiotherapy
(Gobbel et al.1998). Fractionated brain irradiation
inhibited the formation of new neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus in rats (Madsen et al.
2003). Animals with blocked neurogenesis performed
poorer in short-term memory tests that are related to
hippocampal function. The decit in neurogenesis is
based on both the reduced proliferative capacity of
progenitor cells and alterations in the microenvironment that regulates progenitor cell fate (disruption
of the microvascular angiogenesis, activation of microglia) (Monje et al. 2002).
CNS radiotherapy induces the production of inammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor_ (TNF-_) and interleukin-1 (IL-1), by microglia and
astrocytes (Chiang and Mc Bride 1991, Hayakawa et
al. 1997). IL-1 release leads, via autocrine mechanisms,
to further activation and proliferation of these glia
cells. As shown in vivo, this cascade results in the development of astrogliosis (Chiang et al. 1993). Already
2 h after single-fraction radiotherapy to the midbrain
of mice (25 Gy), TNF-_ and IL-1 mRNA levels have
been shown to increase (Hong et al. 1995). After 24 h,
the levels start returning to normal. Experimental
rat brain irradiation has also been shown to induce
apoptosis, which, in turn, appears to result in an increase in the number of microglial cells participating
in phagocytotic reactions. Besides the cytotoxic effects
of TNF-_ on oligodendrocytes, for example, through
induction of caspase-mediated apoptosis (Hisahara

Brain Toxicity

et al. 1997, Akassoglou et al. 1998, Gu et al. 1999),

the cytokine in vitro prevents the differentiation of
O-2A progenitor cells into oligodendrocytes. Thus,
compensation for radiation-induced cell loss can be
impaired. TNF-_ is also known to damage endothelial cells, leading to increased vascular permeability.
TNF-_ and IL-1 induce the expression of intercellular
adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in oligodendrocytes
and microvascular endothelial cells (Satoh et al. 1991,
Wong et al. 1992). Increased levels of ICAM-1 mRNA
were detectable after midbrain irradiation with 2 Gy
(Hong et al. 1995). Recent results of localized singlefraction treatment with 20 Gy conrm the presence of
an early inammatory response, an increased numbers of leukocytes, increased vascular permeability,
altered integrity of endothelial tight junctions and
increased cell adhesion (Yuan et al. 2003). Injection
of an anti-ICAM-1 monoclonal antibody signicantly
reduced leukocyte adhesion and permeability in this
model. The exact role of such cytokines and mediators
after radiotherapy with conventional fraction sizes is
not well understood yet; clearly, the cellular and molecular events during the latent phase require further
research. The role of TNF, for example, may be more
complex than initially thought. In some models, this
cytokine mediates antioxidant defense mechanisms
and is able to induce antiapoptotic proteins, such as
Bcl-2. Furthermore, TNF receptor-p75 knockout mice
were more sensitive against radiation-induced brain
damage than control mice and TNF receptor-p55
knockouts (Daigle et al. 2001).
Studies of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT)
support the view that vascular damage is one of the
crucial components of radiotherapy-induced CNS
toxicity. The choice of boron compounds that are
unable to cross the blood-brain barrier allows a
largely-selective irradiation of the vessel walls with
BNCT. Nevertheless, as with conventional non-selective radiotherapy methods, spinal cord lesions (with
a similar histological appearance) have been induced.
Latency time also is comparable between damage
induced by BNCT and conventional radiotherapy
(Morris et al. 1996). Additional evidence has been
provided by histological examinations of rat brains
after radiotherapy with 22.5 Gy or 25 Gy, resulting in
reduced numbers of blood vessels and endothelial
cells before manifestation of necrosis (Calvo et al.
1988). Theses changes are accompanied by hyperpermeability, resulting in perivascular edema and consecutive ischemic damage (Hopewell et al. 1999).
Microvascular networks, consisting of arterioles,
capillaries and venoles, which impact the delivery
of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, are


the most radiosensitive parts of the vascular system (Roth et al. 1999). Common therapeutic doses
of ionizing radiation lead to functional and, later, to
structural vascular damage, such as increased permeability and changes in shape and diameter, as
well as in brous proliferation, ultimately resulting
in reduced perfusion. Theses changes develop earlier in small versus large vessels. After lower doses,
structural changes are hardly ever seen. After WBRT
in rats (5 fractions of 4 Gy) alterations in vessel conguration, either density or diameter, were not detected (Mildenberger et al. 1990). Interestingly, a
localized signicant increase of microglia was found
after 6 months, possibly as a result of the loss of axons
in the striatal white matter. The pattern was suggestive of vascular insufciency in this region, which was
being perfused by only few small vessels. Electron
microscopy in rats 15 days after the end of conventional fractionated WBRT (40 Gy) showed increased
vascular permeability without structural changes of
the blood-brain barrier or astrocytes (Cicciarello
et al. 1996). A follow-up examination after 90 days
revealed ultrastructural changes of the microvasculature and the neuropil, as well as astrocytes with
perivascular edema.
Another study (partial brain irradiation with
40 Gy or 60 Gy, or WBRT with 25 Gy in rats) showed
a 15% reduction in the number of endothelial cells
24 h to 4 weeks after radiotherapy. A further reduction was seen with even longer intervals (Ljubimova
et al. 1991). Depending on dose, a progressive atrophy
of smooth muscle cells develops with increasing time
after radiotherapy (Hopewell et al. 1989). This could
explain the development of telangiectasia after an
initial functional reduction of the vessel diameter.
Kamiryo et al.showed how the latency to development
of vascular damage after SRS to the parietal cortex of rat
brain with a 4mm collimator decreases from 12 months
to 3 weeks with an increase in radiation dose from 50
75 Gy or 120 Gy (Kamiryo et al. 1996). The amount of
vessel dilation, increased permeability, thickening of the
vessel wall, vessel occlusion and necrosis also increased
with dose. In a different model of rat brain irradiation,
time and dose-dependent vascular alterations were also
seen (dilation, wall thickening, reactive hypertrophy
of neighboring astrocytes) before the development of
white matter necrosis (Hopewell et al. 1989). Rubin et
al. performed comprehensive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histological examinations of rat brains
after 224 weeks following high dose, single-fraction irradiation with 60 Gy (Rubin et al. 1994). After 2 weeks,
a signicant increase in bloodbrain permeability was
observed. Partial recovery occurred after 812 weeks,


followed by pronounced deterioration after 24 weeks,

when the rst sites of necrosis developed. Spinal cord
data suggest an increase in the release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a result of impaired perfusion and hypoxia signaling. Obviously, the clinically
observed latent phase is characterized by persistent and
increasing oxidative stress and active responses to this
factor. The extreme sensitivity of the myelin membrane
to oxidative damage explains the preference of radiotherapy-induced lesions for white matter.

Acute and Subacute Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity

C. Nieder and A.-L. Grosu

lopathy. Several scoring systems are available for recording and reporting late toxicity (RTOG/EORTC,
LENT/SOMA). Necrosis develops for the most
part after 13 years (Keime-Guibert et al. 1998).
Symptoms of radionecrosis depend on localization
and are comparable to tumor-related symptoms
before treatment (focal neurologic decits and seizures, speech disturbance, signs of increased intracranial pressure). CT and MRI are unable to rmly
discriminate between hypometabolic necrosis and
tumor relapse (Fig. 8.51). Dynamic susceptibility
contrast-enhanced MRI, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and functional imaging by means of
[18F]-uorodeoxyglucose(FDG)positron emission
tomography (PET) and 201Tlsingle photon emis-

As stated in the previous paragraph, acute and subacute radiotherapy-induced brain toxicity can develop
within hours from the start of treatment even if low
doses are given. It is usually characterized by increased
vascular permeability, edema and demyelination manifesting as headache, nausea, somnolence or lethargy.
However, it has been characterized as a temporary,
self-limiting reaction, which responds to corticosteroid
treatment (Schultheiss et al. 1995). Subacute reactions may develop 26 months after WBRT, resulting,
for example, in lethargy and reduced vigilance. Most
likely, such symptoms are related to a second phase
of transient demyelination and bloodbrain barrier
disturbance. Treatment with corticosteroids again is
likely to improve the patients condition. With SRS,
acute reactions are rare. They include symptomatic
edema, seizures and nausea and vomiting, especially
when doses >3.75 Gy are given to the area postrema.
Antiemetics, corticosteroids and anticonvulsant drugs
may be used to treat these symptoms. Temporary
bloodbrain disturbance may result in increased contrast enhancement in computed tomography (CT)
during the rst few months after SRS. These changes
should not be misinterpreted as tumor progression.
Usually they resolve with longer follow-up.

Delayed or Chronic Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity
Sustaining toxicity that may impair the patients
lifestyle signicantly can be observed several years
after radiotherapy in the form of radionecrosis and
cognitive dysfunction associated with leukoencepha-

Fig.8.5.1 Radionecrosis with extensive surrounding edema

after radiosurgery for solitary brain metastasis with a prescribed dose of 20 Gy: Gd contrast-enhanced T1-weighted
MRI (bottom) and 11C-methionine PET (top; unlike in active
tumor tissue, no uptake can be seen)

Brain Toxicity

sion computed tomography (SPECT) can provide

useful additional information (Munley et al. 2001).
Eventually, in many cases, only histopathological examination of resection specimens can establish the
diagnosis. The typical nding is coagulation necrosis
in the white matter, with a largely normal appearance
of the cortex. Fibrinoid necrosis and hyalinous wall
thickening of blood vessels are commonly observed.
The risk of radionecrosis amounts to approximately
5% within 5 years (ED5/5) after conventional fractionated partial brain radiotherapy (one third of the
brain) with 60 Gy or WBRT with 45 Gy. The doseresponse curves are quite steep. Thus the risk increases
to 10% within 5 years when a partial brain dose of
65 Gy is applied (according to data from the randomized U.S. intergroup low-grade glioma trial) and
50% when 75 Gy is given. Irradiated volume, dose
per fraction and total dose are the most important
risk factors. Recent series reported radionecrosis after SRS of brain metastases in 16% of cases, probably dependent on brain region and vascular supply
(Grosu et al. 2001). Commonly prescribed doses
are in the range of 1520 Gy, depending on volume,
technique of SRS and use of additional WBRT. The
risk increases when more than 10 cm3 of the normal
brain receives more than 10 Gy. The optic apparatus
should not receive more than 8 Gy (Tishler et al.
1993). Varlotto et al. reported the results of SRS in 137
patients with brain metastases who had a minimum
follow-up of 1 year after SRS (Varlotto et al. 2003).
The median marginal tumor dose was 16 Gy. NSCLC
was the underlying primary tumor in 77 patients.
Eleven patients developed serious side effects, such
as visual loss, hemorrhage and persistent steroiddependent edema or necrosis necessitating surgical
intervention. The actuarial incidence of such adverse
events was 4% after 5 years for patients with brain
metastases )2 cm3 and 16% for those with larger lesions. Age and additional use of WBRT did not inuence the complication rate. Therapeutic intervention
with corticosteroids or anticoagulants is sometimes
successful (Glantz et al. 1994). Often, surgical resection is the only way to effectively improve the
Diffuse white matter changes are frequently observed in imaging studies. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and diffusion-weighted MRI
may improve visualization of white matter abnormalities. These abnormalities are not necessarily
associated with clinical symptoms but often present
after fractionated doses of *30 Gy. 99mTc hexamethyl
propyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) SPECT has also
been used in monitoring radiation-induced brain al-


terations (Dadparvar et al. 2000). Perfusion abnormalities appear to be more readily detected with this
method than with anatomical studies. Concordance
with neurocognitive testing was approximately 80%.
Neuropsychological sequelae typically manifest
within 4 years of radiotherapy. Psychometric ndings suggest greater vulnerability of white matter and
subcortical structures, resulting in reduced processing speed, heightened distractibility and memory
impairment. Within the temporal lobe, the hippocampal formation plays a central role in short-term
memory and learning. These functions are related
to the activity of neural stem cells. The hippocampal granule cell layer undergoes continuous renewal
and restructuring. Radiotherapy can affect this sensitive cell layer leading to impaired function without overt pathological changes. Our own retrospective data from 49 patients who had received WBRT
with a median dose of 30 Gy showed that 33% of patients develop mild to moderate clinical symptoms
of brain toxicity (in one case, RTOG/EORTC grade
III, median follow-up 10 months, median dose per
fraction 3 Gy) (Nieder et al.1999). This resulted in a
Karnofsky-performance status decline in 10 patients
(20%). None of the PCI patients belonged to this subgroup. Risk factors included a biologically effective
dose (BED, _/` value 1 Gy) >120 Gy1 and medication with the anticonvulsant carbamazepine during
and after radiotherapy. Most likely, the side effects of
carbamazepine are similar to those of radiotherapy.
CT showed increasing brain atrophy and bilateral
periventricular hypodensity in most patients. The
actuarial risk of brain atrophy was 84% after 2 years.
Median time to development of this side effect was
11 months. Patients with pre-existing brain atrophy
had a higher risk of further shrinkage of the brain
parenchyma than those with normal baseline status.
White matter changes were observed in 85% of surviving patients. Nonetheless, the incidence of these
changes was signicantly higher when the BED was
>120 Gy1. Radiologic abnormalities did not correlate
with the rate of clinical symptoms. Previous studies
described such correlations for patients treated with
PCI and chemotherapy for SCLC (Laukkanen et al.
1988, Johnson et al. 1990). Whether or not clinical
symptoms and radiologic abnormalities correlate
might depend on variables such as length of followup, methods of assessment and severity of clinical
When evaluating radiotherapy-induced cognitive
impairment, it is important to consider reference values from the normal population. A Canadian Study
of Health and Aging with 9.008 randomly selected


men and women 65 years or older showed cognitive

impairment 5 years after baseline examination in
9% and dementia in an additional 6% (Laurin et al.
2001). Decline was signicantly associated with reduced physical activity. There is increasing evidence
that partial brain radiotherapy alone rarely causes
signicant neurocognitive decline (Torres et al.
2003, Duchstein et al. 2003). One of the largest comparative studies in low-grade glioma showed poorer
cognitive function in irradiated patients (KLEIN et al.
2002). However, cognitive disability was associated to
fraction doses exceeding 2 Gy. In addition, anti-epileptic drug use was strongly associated with disability in attentional and executive function. This nding
supports the results of our own group in WBRT patients (Nieder et al. 1999)
After WBRT, neuropsychological tests in 29 patients showed no signicant decrease (Penitzka
et al. 2002). In this study, patients with SCLC were
signicantly below average before PCI, but did not
deteriorate further. Patients with fewer cycles of preceding chemotherapy performed better before PCI.
These results are in accordance with earlier prospective ndings where 97% of patients with SCLC had
cognitive dysfunction prior to PCI (Komaki et al.
1995). Six to 20 months later, no further deterioration
was identied. Another group of 51 long-term survivors of SCLC showed marked neuropsychometric
differences compared to matched controls regardless
of treatment with chemotherapy only, sequential PCI
or concurrent or sandwiched PCI (Van Oosterhout
et al. 1996). However, white matter abnormalities
were more frequent after concurrent or sandwiched
PCI in this study. Obviously, cognitive impairment is
at least in part related to emotional distress, anemia
and deteriorated physical condition after treatment
of SCLC. PCI (15 fractions of 2 Gy) after combined
chemotherapy, radiochemotherapy and surgery in
NSCLC patients led to white matter abnormalities in
T2-weighted MRI (Stuschke et al. 1999). However,
some impairment in attention and visual memory
in long-term survivors was detected in both PCI and
non-PCI patients. Additional prospective data from
12 patients also failed to demonstrate signicant
short-term neurotoxicity from PCI with 10 fractions
of 3 Gy (Parageorgiou et al. 2000). Whether use of
this fraction size might cause long-term impairment
is controversial. Some authors found indications for
increased toxicity when fraction size exceeded 2 Gy
(Herskovic and Orton 1986, Twijnstra et al. 1987,
De Angelis et al. 1989). The risk of toxicity might
also increase with age (Asai et al. 1989). In patients
with manifest brain metastases, the 10x3 Gy sched-

C. Nieder and A.-L. Grosu

ule led to a slight drop of 0.50.6 in Mini Mental

Status Examination (MMSE) score in patients with
controlled brain metastases after 2 and 3 months,
respectively. Certainly, additional prospective studies of neurocognitive function and quality of life are
Neurocognitive dysfunction was reported to
stabilize spontaneously (Van De Pol et al.1997,
Armstrong et al. 2002) or to progress over time
(Johnson et al. 1990). In extreme cases, subcortical
dementia may result which often is associated with
gait disturbance and incontinence. Due to the lack
of effective treatment, most patients with this severe
complication die after several months or a few years.
Histopathologic ndings include diffuse spongiosis
and demyelination, as well as disseminated miliary
Further late complications in terms of stenosis of
blood vessels and moyamoya syndrome (multiple,
diffuse, progressive infarctions due to occlusion of
the anterior and medial cerebral arteries) have occasionally been described, mostly in patients irradiated
at a younger age. Endocrine dysfunction resulting
from damage to the pituitary gland or the hypothalamic region can result in hypothyroidism, amenorrhea, etc. Hearing loss is very uncommon after doses
typically prescribed for lung cancer metastases.
Importantly, all types of iatrogenic neurotoxicity can only be diagnosed after comprehensive
evaluation excluding other causes, for example
brain metastases, leptomeningeal spread, infections, cerebral infarction and hemorrhage. In addition, systemic metabolic disorders (hypercalcaemia, hepatic failure, diabetes, changes in osmolality
etc.), alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, WernickeKorsakoff syndrome and paraneoplastic disorders
(for example, limbic encephalitis, chorea, cerebellar degeneration and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic
syndrome in SCLC) must be considered. Besides
physical and neurologic examination, blood tests,
EEG and cerebrospinal fluid diagnostic are indicated. In addition to imaging studies for example, myelography, CT, MRI and functional imaging
factors such as time interval between radiotherapy and diagnosis, dose per fraction, number
of fractions per day, total dose and location of the
treatment fields need to be considered. In the era
of multimodal treatment regimens, injury should
not be attributed solely to one modality. Therefore,
interdisciplinary evaluation integrating the radiobiological knowledge of radiation oncologists is
mandatory when radiotherapy-induced neurotoxicity is being considered.

Brain Toxicity

Toxicity Prevention Strategies
At present, pharmacologic or biologic prevention is
not clinically available despite intriguing data from a
non-randomized trial of SRS of arteriovenous malformations, where patients treated with gamma linolenic [omega-6] acid had less permanent complications
than those who did not receive this medication (Sims
and Plowman 2001). Therefore, the most effective
way of toxicity prevention is a reduction of fraction
size and normal tissue volume, the latter, for example, by means of SRS and other techniques. However,
several rational experimental interventions based on
the pathogenetic models reviewed in 8.5.2 have been
studied or are currently under investigation. The clinical effectiveness of these putative prevention strategies has yet to be established. The prophylactic use of
dexamethasone 24 h and 1 h before radiation exposure
reduced the expression of TNF-_, IL-1 and ICAM-1
(Hong et al. 1995). In vitro, corticosteroids inuence
the function of microglial cells and inhibit their proliferation (Tanaka et al. 1997). A less pronounced effect, which was limited to TNF-_ and IL-1, was found
when pentoxifylline was given prophylactically (Hong
et al. 1995). The hyperpermeability of blood vessels
could be reduced at all time points after irradiation
by application of rh-MnSOD (manganese superoxide
dismutase), suggesting that free oxygen radicals could
be involved in the dysfunction of microvessels. Various
other compounds are also able to interact with free
radicals, for example, glutathione. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine
(NAC), a non-toxic substance increasing the intracellular cysteine levels which are necessary to produce
glutathione, protects oligodendrocytes against TNF-_
induced cell death (Noble et al. 1996). Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is also protective against TNF-_
toxicity (Louis et al. 1993). Older literature reports of
normal brain protection by application of barbiturate
in rodents (Oldeld et al. 1990) also failed to result in clinical strategies. In a single-fraction WBRT
model, intraperitoneal injection of the radioprotective
compound Gammaphos, [S-2-(3-amino-propylamino)
ethylphosphorothioate, which is comparable to WR2721 or amifostine] immediately before application of
25 Gy (ED50) led to a signicant reduction of late vascular changes and radionecrosis in rats (Plotnikova
et al. 1988). Fike et al. reported that i.v. injection of
_-diuoromethylornithine (DMFO), a polyamine synthesis inhibitor, starting 2 days before and continuing
for 14 days after 125I brachytherapy reduced the volume
of radionecrosis in irradiated dog brain (Fike et al.
1994). Kondziolka et al. irradiated rats with implanted


cerebral C6 glioma by SRS, either with or without i.v.

administration of U-74389G, a 21-aminosteroid which
is largely selective for endothelium (Kondziolka et
al. 1999). The compound reduced the development of
peritumoral edema and radiation-induced vascular
changes in the parts of the brain that were within the
region of the steep dose gradient outside the target
volume. No tumor protection was observed. In general,
normal tissue selectivity of prevention approaches is
an important issue. Protecting tumor cells against the
effects of radiation can counteract the effort of improving the therapeutic ratio.
More recent data suggest the possible role of certain
growth factors with antiapoptotic effects that also inuence the proliferation of stem cells, neurogenesis
and angiogenesis. Pena et al. showed that i.v. injections
of basic broblast growth factor (FGF-2) 5 min before,
immediately after and 1 h after total body irradiation
in mice (120 Gy or 50 Gy) signicantly reduced the
number of apoptotic vascular and glial cells in the
CNS (Pena et al. 2000). Spinal cord experiments suggest that other growth factors, such as platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF) can increase the long-term radiation tolerance by approximately 10% (two fractions
of 1620 Gy 24 h apart, PDGF given for 4 days starting
24 h before the rst fraction of radiation) (Nieder et al.
2003). Whether these effects result primarily from protection of the vascular system or from more widespread
action is presently not known. The experiments, however, demonstrate that delayed toxicity can be prevented
by early intervention at the time of radiation treatment,
and they offer new strategies of toxicity prevention.
Transplantation of stem cells or stimulation of the
endogenous stem cell compartment by growth factor application might also offer exciting prospects. In
principle, mature functional cells can be generated by
proliferation and differentiation from stem and progenitor cells or by recovery and repair of damage in
already existing cells, which then continue to survive.
Immature cells are able to migrate within the CNS for
a limited distance, possibly leading to remyelination
of small lesions from the surrounding healthy tissue
(Chari and Blakemore 2002). Different experimental
CNS damage models suggest that insulin-like growth
factor-1 (IGF-1) causes an increase in oligodendrocyte
numbers in previously damaged areas of the rat spinal
cord (Yao et al. 1995). IGF-1 reduces the permeability of
the blood-brain barrier and has been found to inuence
the restoration of neurogenesis in the adult and aging
hippocampus (Lichtenwalner et al. 2001). It has also
been shown in preliminary experiments to inuence
the radiation tolerance of rat spinal cord against high
doses per fraction (Nieder et al. 2002a and b). Finally,

C. Nieder and A.-L. Grosu


erythropoietin is benecial in different models of CNS

damage and could well be explored in conjunction with
radiotherapy (Senzer 2002).

Treatment of Radiotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity
Despite improvements in radiobiologic and neurobiologic understanding of CNS reactions, treatment options unfortunately are still limited and not yet based
sufciently on specic interventions targeting the cells
and pathways which have now been identied as major
players in the development of toxicity. Probably, preventing serious complications will remain preferable
to trying to reverse or ameliorate them. It is of course
important to exclude other causes of CNS dysfunction, to correct any metabolic abnormality and to optimize the treatment of endocrinological dysfunction,
depression and other comorbid conditions. A few case
reports have described successful treatment of late
CNS toxicity by hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO).
For example, one out of seven patients with cognitive
impairment at least 1.5 years after radiotherapy improved after 30 sessions of HBO (Hulshof et al. 2002).
In contrast, HBO during radiotherapy can cause radiosensitization. Patients with leukencephalopathy and
moderate hydrocephalus (diagnosed by intracranial
pressure monitoring) may prot from ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion (Perrini et al. 2002). Quality of
life can be improved by supportive measures (cognitive training, rehabilitation, special education etc.) and
possibly by methylphenidate medication (Meyers et
al. 1998). For radionecrosis, therapeutic intervention
with corticosteroids or anticoagulants is sometimes
successful (Glantz et al. 1994). They should be administered early before the stage of cystic liquefaction.
Often, surgical resection is the only way to effectively
improve the symptoms.

Aspects of Chemotherapy-Induced
Brain Toxicity
Chemotherapy can cause a variety of brain injuries.
Most of these changes are temporary and reversible.
Sometimes the symptoms are secondary to hyponatremia or hypomagnesemia. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome can develop after systemic

administration of cytotoxic drugs, including gemcitabine, cisplatin, 5-uorouracil (5-FU), methotrexate and paclitaxel. White matter hyperintensity from
vasogenic edema can clinically result in headache,
somnolence and seizures. Symptoms can be reversed
when the drugs are discontinued. Cerebellar toxicity of
5-FU is rare and mostly found in patients with a deciency of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase. Cisplatin
is able to induce cerebral edema and cortical blindness,
as reviewed by (Sloan et al. 2003). Mild to moderate
neurocognitive impairment can develop after systemic
chemotherapy, for example with paclitaxel (Ahles
and Saykin 2001, Herbst et al. 2002). Chronic encephalopathy also can result from chemo- or radiochemotherapy (Keime-Guibert et al. 1998).

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Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology

of Lung Cancer
Hans Langendijk and Neil Aaronson


Introduction 395
Dening Quality of Life 396
How Does One Measure Quality of Life? 396
Quality-of-Life Questionnaires 396
Compliance 399
Analysis of Quality-of-Life Studies 400
Group-Based Analysis 400
Which Differences in QoL Scores
Are Clinically Relevant? 400 Subject-Based Analysis with Response Rates 401
9.2.5 Quality-of-Life Assessment in Clinical Studies 402
9.2.6 Summary of Studies of the QoL of Lung Cancer
Patients Treated with Radiotherapy 403
9.2.7 Conclusions and Future Directions 407
References 407

In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in
the evaluation of the quality of life (QoL) of patients
suffering from lung cancer. Traditionally, the primary
goal of treatment in lung cancer patients is to achieve
prolonged survival, long-term local-regional tumor
control and/or tumor regression. However, taking
into account the relatively poor prognosis in the
majority of cases, researchers and clinicians, as well
as patients, are increasingly concerned about the impact of standard and novel treatment approaches not
only on these traditional endpoints, but also on QoL.
There are a number of reasons for this increasing
interest in QoL issues. First, more and more patients
will be treated with combined modality strategies
(e.g., chemotherapy and radiation therapy). Most of
J.A. Langendijk, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical
Center, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
N.K. Aaronson, PhD
Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

these novel approaches are associated with increased

morbidity that sometimes lasts for several months,
especially when the treatments are given concomitantly. Conversely, advances in radiotherapy (e.g., intensity-modulated radiotherapy), and the availability
of more adequate staging techniques (e.g., PET), enable radiation-oncologists to administer a high dose
to the tumor and to high-risk areas, while reducing signicantly the impact on surrounding at-risk
organs. This results in a lower probability of early
and late radiation-induced morbidity. Despite the improvements achieved with these newer approaches,
the gain in terms of life expectancy remains relatively
small. The result is that, for many patients, QoL is
an important consideration when selecting among
the available treatment options. This is especially the
case in very advanced and metastatic disease where
QoL issues are particularly salient since treatment
does not offer cure and may have a signicant impact on the patients daily functioning and sense of
well-being. In the subset of patients where cure is
possible, QoL considerations also remain important.
Most patients are willing to undergo very aggressive forms of therapies, in order to be cured of their
disease (Jansen et al. 2001). Even in the absence of
alternative treatment approaches, assessment of QoL
in these circumstances may yield unexpected and
important information for the development of future
therapeutic directions. Finally, QoL information may
help in identifying the residual psychosocial problems of long-term survivors of lung cancer, which
can be of use in the planning and development of
appropriate rehabilitation programs.
The Oncology Division of the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has advocated the inclusion
of QoL outcomes as part of the drug approval process (Johnson and Temple 1985, Beitz et al. 1996).
Similarly, organizations involved in cancer clinical research such as the European Organization for
Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the U.K.
Medical Research Council (MRC), and the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) of Canada have incorporated
QoL assessments in many of their clinical trials. The


American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has

also recommended inclusion of QoL outcomes in
technology assessment and in developing treatment
guidelines in oncology.
Given this growing interest in QoL assessment in
oncology, we believe that it is both timely and appropriate to examine the role of such measures in the
eld of lung cancer research. In this chapter, we rst
discuss a range of methodological issues surrounding the assessment of QoL. We then go on to review
the QoL results and implications of clinical studies in
which radiotherapy was part of the treatment.

Dening Quality of Life
Although many of us will have some intuitive sense
of what QoL means, a precise denition remains elusive. Often, QoL is used synonymously with the term
subjective or general well-being. Some authors have
suggested that QoL can be dened in simple, global
terms, and thus can be assessed by just one question: How would you rate your quality of life today? (Gough et al. 1983). Gough and colleagues supported this global approach to QoL assessment with
the nding that this single question correlated relatively strongly with scores derived from an extensive
battery of questionnaires. Yet, this global approach
may have only limited usefulness in that it provides
the clinician-researcher with no information about
the specic types of problems with which their patients are confronted. Moreover, more recent work
has shown that not all local symptoms or changes in
local symptoms are correlated with overall QoL ratings. More specically, among lung cancer patients,
most respiratory symptoms (with the exception of
dyspnea) have not been found to correlate highly
with more general dimensions of QoL (Langendijk
et al. 2000b). In many situations, and particularly in
palliative treatment, there may be trade-offs between
relief of tumor-related symptoms and inducement of
treatment-related side effects.
For these reasons, there is now widespread advocacy of a multidimensional approach to QoL that
includes, at a minimum, measures of patients physical functioning and physical symptom experience,
psychological well-being, and social functioning
(Aaronson 1991). More recently, and particularly in
the eld of palliative care, there have been calls for
the inclusion of more existential and spiritual issues
in the assessment of patients QoL. A major advantage of such a multidimensional approach is that it

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson

facilitates disentangling the positive and negative

effects of a given treatment (e.g., reduced pain, but
increased fatigue and cognitive complaints), and also
allows one to track changes in specic QoL domains
over time (Aaronson and Fayers 2002).

How Does One Measure Quality of Life?
Early on, performance status was often used as a
measure of QoL. In 1949, Karnofsky introduced the
Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) scale as a simple but systematic approach to assessing the physical functioning and well-being of lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (Karnofsky 1949).
The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
and the World Health Organization (WHO) performance status scales represent comparable tools. The
KPS and related performance status measures have
proven their usefulness in clinical trials in oncology.
Yet, they are limited in that they do not address issues that may be very relevant to assessing the health
and well-being of patients with cancer, including specic symptoms such as pain or fatigue, psychological
and cognitive functioning, and the ability to function
in daily work and social settings. Moreover, performance status measures rely on the judgment of physicians and other health care providers, rather than on
the reports of the patients themselves. Unfortunately,
performance status measures not only yield less than
optimal interrater reliability, but they also have been
found to correlate poorly with patients self-reports
(Hutschinson 1979; Slevin et al. 1988; Presant
1984; Langendijk et al. 2000b). For these reasons, it
is today widely accepted that the patient should be
the primary source of information about his or her
QoL, and that QoL should be assessed by means of
multidimensional questionnaires to be completed by
the patients themselves.
Quality-of-Life Questionnaires

QoL questionnaires can be organized into several

categories depending on their focus and intended
target population. At the broadest level, there are the
so-called generic questionnaires that are designed to
be used in the general population and among patients
with a wide range of diagnoses. Examples of generic
QoL measures include the Sickness Impact Prole
(SIP) (Bergner et al. 1976), the Nottingham Health
Prole (NHP) (Hunt et al. 1981), the Dartmouth

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

COOP Function Charts (Nelson et al. 1987), the

EuroQoL (EuroQol Group 1990), and the Medical
Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey
(MOS SF-36) (Ware and Shelbourne 1992). The
major advantage of such generic QoL measures is
that they facilitate comparison of results across studies, and often allow one to interpret patients QoL
levels in light of age- and gender-specic normative
data from the general population. The major disadvantage of this type of QoL measure is that it may fail
to address specic issues of particular importance to
a given population of patients.
The second category of QoL instruments includes
the so-called condition-specic measures that have
been developed for use among patients with a specic
health condition or disease (cancer, diabetes, heart
disease, etc.). Within oncology, examples of such condition-specic questionnaires include the European
Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Quality of Life Questionnaire (the EORTC QLQ-C30)
(Aaronson et al. 1993), the Cancer Rehabilitation


Evaluation System (CARES) (Ganz et al. 1992), the

Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL) (De Haes et
al. 1990), the Functional Living IndexCancer (FLIC)
(Schipper et al. 1984), and the Functional Assessment
of Cancer TherapyGeneral Scale (FACT-G) (Cella
et al. 1993).
The third category of QoL questionnaires includes
the so-called site- or treatment-specic measures.
Several such measures are currently available for use
among patients with lung cancer, including the Lung
Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS), the EORTC QLQLC13, and the FACT-L (Table 9.1). All three of these
questionnaires are widely used and are available in a
large number of languages.

The Lung Cancer Symptom Scale (LCSS) consists of

two parts (Hollen et al. 1993, 1994a, b). The rst
part is designed as a patient self-report questionnaire, while the second part, which is optional, is

Table 9.1. Attributes of the three lung cancerspecic questionnaires. EORTC combination of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and the
Characteristics and psychometric properties






Disease + sitespecic

Disease + sitespecic


Yes (+ optional observer scale)



Number of items

9 items (+ 6 items in an
optional observer scale)

34 items in the core

questionnaire +
7 items in the lung
cancer module

30 items in the core

+ 13 items in the
lung cancer module

Local symptoms

Cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis,

and pain

Dyspnea, cough, and

chest pain

Cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea,

chest pain, and pain in the

General symptoms

Appetite loss and fatigue

Weight loss and appetite Fatigue, appetite loss, pain in

other parts of the body

Treatment-related symptoms


Nausea and hair loss

Nausea and vomiting, sore

throat and mouth,
dysphagia, tingling hands
and feets, and hair loss



Other quality-of-life dimensions Very limited

Internal consistency








Content validity




Construct validity




Clinical validity










intended to be completed by health care professionals. The patient self-report questionnaire focuses on
physical and functional dimensions of health. It contains nine items, six of which are major symptoms of
lung cancer (appetite loss, fatigue, cough, dyspnea,
hemoptysis, and pain), and three of which address
more general issues of overall symptom distress, activity level, and QoL. The observer version of the
LCSS addresses the same six symptoms included in
the patient version.
Both the patient and observer versions of the LCSS
have been shown to be reliable and valid measures
(Hollen 1993). However, the LCSS has been criticized for not addressing a broader range of QoL issues
(e.g., including psychological and social functioning)
and for failing to assess important treatment-related
symptoms such as emesis, alopecia, and/or dysphagia
(Hollen and Gralla 1996). This latter issue limits
the usefulness of the LCSS in comparing treatment
modalities with differing toxicity proles.

The Functional Assessment of Cancer TherapyLung

(FACT-L) (Cella et al. 1995) is a self-report questionnaire consisting of two parts. The rst part contains
27 items measuring general health-related dimensions
including physical well-being, social/family well-being, emotional well-being, and functional well-being. The second part is specically designed for lung
cancer patients and contains 9 items concerning frequently reported symptoms in lung cancer patients
(i.e., dyspnea, weight loss, cough, appetite loss, chest
pain, and hair loss) and an item concerning smoking. Although hemoptysis is an important symptom
of lung cancer, it is not assessed with the FACT-L.
Another potential limitation of this questionnaire is
that in particular in studies involving radiotherapy
and/or chemotherapy important treatment-related
symptoms such as dysphagia are not assessed. The
FACT-L has exhibited good reliability and validity,
and is one of the most widely used lung cancerspecic QoL questionnaires, particularly in the United
States. It has subsequently been translated into a large
number of languages.

The European Organization for Research and

Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire
(EORTC QLQ-C30) (Aaronson et al. 1993) is a
cancer-specic core questionnaire addressing various aspects of QoL. It contains ve functional scales

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson

(physical, role, emotional, cognitive, and social), a

global health/quality-of-life scale, three multi-item
symptom scales (pain, fatigue, and emesis), and a
number of additional single items addressing various symptoms and perceived nancial impact. The
EORTC QLQ-LC13 (Bergman et al. 1994) is a supplemental QoL questionnaire module for lung cancer
designed specically to be used in conjunction with
the QLQ-C30. It contains 13 items addressing the
most frequently reported pulmonary symptoms (i.e.,
cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, pain in the chest, pain
in the arm/shoulder, and pain in other parts of the
body) and a number of treatment-related symptoms
(sore mouth or throat, dysphagia, tingling hands or
feet, and hair loss). Although there were some problems with patients compliance with the rst versions,
high compliance rates have been reported with later
versions (Sadura 1992). The reliability, validity, and
responsiveness of these questionnaires have been
conrmed in international studies (Aaronson et al.
1993; Bergman et al. 1994). One of the advantages of
the EORTC instrument is that it contains a number of
questions relevant to investigations of new treatment
modalities in lung cancer. Additionally, the QLQ-C30
and QLQ-LC13 were originally designed for use in
international research settings, and have been translated into a wide range of languages and validated in
international studies.
Other Frequently Used QoL Instruments in
Lung Cancer Studies

Although not lung cancerspecic, there are two other

cancer-specic QoL instruments that have been widely
used in lung cancer studies: the Rotterdam Symptom
Checklist (RSCL) and the Daily Diary Card (DDC). The
RSCL is a 38-item questionnaire assessing physical
symptoms, physical activity level, psychological symptoms, and social functioning (De Haes et al. 1990). It
yields two summary scores for physical and psychological functioning. For many years, the RSCL was the
primary QoL questionnaire used in lung cancer clinical
trials conducted by the UK Medical Research Council.
The DDC consists of two parts: a patient self-report
questionnaire containing ve items (overall condition,
physical activity, vomiting, mood and anxiety), and a
two-item questionnaire (overall condition and physical activity) to be completed by a health professional
(Fayers et al. 1991). The brevity of the DDC has facilitated its use in assessing the symptoms and condition
of patients on a daily basis. In the past, it was used
frequently by the UK Medical Research Council, often
in combination with the RSCL.

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


How Does One Select the Best QoL Instrument?

erties. Thus the question arises as to how one can

determine which questionnaire is best suited for a
given clinical study. Such choices can often be made
on relatively nontechnical grounds by examining the
specic content and wording of the questionnaire
items. For example, the LCSS, QLQ-C30, and FACT-L
differ with regard to the range of generic health issues, lung cancerspecic symptoms, and treatmentspecic side effects that they assess. The LCSS is the
briefest of the three questionnaires, but this may result in the loss of information captured by the QLQC30 and the FACT-L. In comparing the QLQ-C30 and
the FACT-L, there are clear differences in the relative
emphasis placed on disease- and treatment-related
symptoms, with the former questionnaire containing
more such items. Ultimately, the investigator needs
to decide which questionnaire is most relevant and
appropriate for use in a clinical trial. Such decisions
should be based on a careful review of the specic
content of candidate questionnaires, the amount of
patient burden involved in their completion, their
availability in requisite languages, and other relatively nontechnical, but important issues.

In general, the use of a lung cancerspecic instrument is preferable because it is likely to be better
able to detect differences in QoL between treatment groups and/or within-group changes in QoL
over time than are generic questionnaires. Table 9.1
summarizes the most important attributes and psychometric properties of the three lung-cancer specic questionnaires. In particular, in reviewing the
literature on these three questionnaires, we were
concerned with evidence regarding their reliability,
validity, and responsiveness to change over time.
Reliability refers to the extent to which an instrument
is free from random error. Two types of reliability
often assessed with QoL questionnaires are internal
consistency and test-retest. In general, reliability estimates of 0.70 or higher are considered acceptable
for questionnaires that are intended to be used at the
level of group comparisons (as is the case in clinical
trials) (Nunnaly and Bernstein 1994).
Content validity refers to whether a questionnaire assesses the full range of relevant issues or, conversely,
whether important issues have not been addressed. It
is typically examined in qualitative terms, by eliciting
feedback from patients and health care professionals
Construct validity refers to the ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure. It
is typically evaluated by examining the direction
and strength of correlations between scales that are
hypothesized to be relatively strongly related (e.g.,
physical functioning and role functioning) or, conversely, are expected to be only weakly related (e.g.,
physical and emotional functioning).
Clinical validity refers to the ability of a questionnaire to discriminate between patient groups that
are known to differ on some key sociodemographic
or clinical variables (e.g., age, gender, stage of disease,
treatment status, etc.).
Responsiveness refers to the ability of an instrument
to detect (i.e., be sensitive to) changes in patients
health over time. For example, if, over time, a given
patients disease progresses, then this should be reected in their self-reported QoL (e.g., increased pain
and dyspnea, problems in carrying out daily activities, etc.). As can be seen in Table 9.1, three QoL questionnaires exhibit very similar psychometric prop-

One of the most important and challenging problems
in many clinical trials in which QoL is assessed is
low compliance. In the past, it was not uncommon
that large amounts of QoL data were missing (upwards of 50%). This obviously raises serious concerns
regarding the integrity of the QoL component of a
trial, the possibility of results being biased, and the
generalizability of results to the larger population of
patients in which one is interested. Low compliance
rates may be due to a number of causes, including
frank refusal by patients or their inability to complete
questionnaires due to deteriorating health, lack of enthusiasm on the part of the participating clinicians,
and insufcient infrastructure and logistical support
for collecting patient-based information (Aaronson
and Fayers 2002; Ganz et al. 1989; Langendijk et
al. 2000a). Of particular concern are missing data due
to the patients poor or deteriorating health status
(so-called informative censoring). Failure to be aware
of and adequately address the missing data problem
may lead to a serious underestimation of patients
functional limitations and symptom burden, and an
overestimation of the patients QoL. Such problems
can arise in nonrandomized and randomized studies alike. In randomized studies, differences between

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson


treatment arms in selective dropout from QoL assessments due to tumor progression or death are of
particular concern. Although there are a number of
statistical methods that have been proposed to deal
with missing data, none of these (post hoc) methods provides a completely satisfying solution to the
problem. As is so often the case, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Clinical investigators
should anticipate problems in QoL data collection,
and should ensure that adequate nancial and organizational assets are available to yield relatively
high (e.g., 70% or higher) compliance rates. Steps that
can be taken to improve compliance include providing patients and participating health care providers
(physicians and nurses) with sufcient information
about the purpose and nature of the QoL assessments. Most patients are willing to complete the QoL
questionnaire when they are assured that the data will
be useful for medical research and will benet future
patients. Many patients mistakenly believe that there
is less interest in their situation as their condition
deteriorates. Thus it is particularly important that patients receiving palliative treatment understand that
it is important that we continue to obtain their selfreported QoL ratings as their condition deteriorates.
Of course, it is up to the responsible physician (and
ultimately the patient himself or herself) to determine the point at which completion of questionnaires
is no longer feasible or acceptable.
It is important to note that compliance varies
widely between institutions and between physicians. An effective strategy for improving compliance is to ensure that there is at least one individual
within each participating hospital who carries the
primary responsibility for ensuring that the QoL
data are collected in a timely manner. Often this
will be someone other than the treating physician
(e.g., a nurse or data manager). In some cases, the
QoL data collection can be centralized and carried
out by mail and/or by telephone. Studies that have
employed these kinds of strategies for QoL data collection have reported very high compliance rates,
varying from 90% to 95% (Sadura et al. 1992), even
among patients with a poor prognosis (Langendijk
et al. 2000a).

Analysis of Quality-of-Life Studies
Patients participating in clinical studies that include
QoL assessments are usually asked to complete questionnaires prior to randomization or before the start

of treatment, at several time points during the scheduled treatment period, and then periodically during follow-up (i.e., after completion of treatment).
The focus of the data analyses is to determine if
there are statistically signicant differences between
groups and/or within groups over time in self-reported QoL.
Group-Based Analysis

In most studies, the statistical analysis involves a

comparison of group changes over time in the mean
QoL scores (per QoL domain and or total scores). A
commonly used statistic for determining the signicance of (group) changes in QoL over time is repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Although
this is a robust statistical technique, one of its major
disadvantages is that it requires the use of complete
cases only (i.e., cases where all questionnaires have
been completed). As has already been discussed,
missing data are common in QoL studies and are
sometimes unavoidable (i.e., due to severe illness or
death). This is particularly the case in clinical trials of palliative treatment where the survival time
is relatively short. In such situations, the proportion
of patients who do not complete the requisite QoL
assessments is often high, and thus relatively few patients are available for a complete cases ANOVA. Not
only does this compromise the statistical power of the
study, but it can also yield misleading results based
on that subset of patients who survive the longest. A
number of advanced statistical methods have been
proposed to overcome the problem of missing data,
including simple and multiple imputation, pattern
mixture models, and random effects models (Hahn
et al. 1998; Qian et al. 2000; Ribaudo and Thompson
2002; Fairclough et al. 1998; Zee 1998; Matthews
1993). It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss the pros and cons of these various statistical
techniques. Sufce it to say that the analysis of longitudinal QoL data is complex and challenging, and
necessitates the input of experienced statisticians.
Which Dierences in QoL Scores
Are Clinically Relevant?

When sufciently large groups of patient are investigated, small differences or changes in QoL scores
may be statistically signicant. The question arises
as to whether (and to what extent) such small differences are clinically meaningful. Osoba and co-

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

workers investigated the signicance for patients

of changes in physical, emotional and social functioning, and global QoL as assessed by the EORTC
QLQ-C30 (Osoba et al. 1998). The perceived changes
in functioning and global QoL were assessed with
the Subjective Signicance Questionnaire (SSQ).
In the SSQ, patients could rate their perception of
change using a seven-category scale ranging from
much worse through no change to much better. For patients who indicated no change, the
mean change in score was not signicantly different from zero. In those who indicated a little, the
mean change in scores varied between 5 and 10, for
those who indicated moderate between 10 and 20,
and for those who indicated very much change,
greater than 20.
Cella and co-workers (Cella et al. 2002) investigated clinically meaningful change (CMC) on the
FACT-L questionnaire among patients with NSCLC
who were entered in a prospective randomized study
comparing three chemotherapy regimens. In this
study, a two- to three-point change over time for the
Lung Cancer Subscale was determined to be clinically
meaningful. For the Trial Outcome Index, in which
the scores range from 0 to 84, a change of 5 to 7 points
was clinically meaningful. The results of these types
of studies are useful in identifying the magnitude of
change in well-known QoL scale mean scores that
can be interpreted as being meaningful from the perspective of patients.
Subject-Based Analysis with Response Rates

One of the disadvantages of analyses based on

changes of mean scores is that physicians and patients may have difculty in interpreting and translating such group level data for use at the level of
the individual patient. For both physicians and patients, it is particularly important to know the probability of achieving relief for a given complaint. For
instance, for a patient with severe pain referred for
radiotherapy, knowing that there is an approximately
60% likelihood that the treatment will achieve signicant pain relief is more easily interpretable and
meaningful than being informed that, on average,
one can expect a decrease of approximately 20 points
on a zero to 100 scale. Therefore, an alternative (or
supplementary) method for analyzing and reporting
QoL changes is to perform a subject-based analysis
whereby a priori decision rules are applied to classify individual patients as being QoL responders (or
nonresponders), analogous to the type of classica-


tions used when evaluating the effect of a treatment

on tumor status.
The simplest method of conducting such a QoLresponse analysis is to determine if a patients symptoms (e.g., pain or dyspnea) have improved by a predened degree from baseline to a given point in time
(e.g., 2 months posttreatment). This basic method
can, by denition, only be applied to those patients
who are symptomatic at baseline, and who are alive
and able to complete a posttreatment questionnaire.
As suggested earlier, this can be problematic, particularly in palliative treatment trials, where there is
poor survival expectancy or where one of the goals
of treatment is to prevent the onset of symptoms.
Another disadvantage of this basic approach is that
it only provides information regarding symptom relief at a single point in time. This latter limitation can
be overcome by dening response as a decrease of
symptoms at two or more consecutive assessments
following treatment (Bleehen et al. 1991, 1992), by
providing response rates for each posttreatment assessment point separately (Speiser and Spratling
1993), by reporting the duration of response (e.g.,
pain relief) as a proportion of survival time, or with
the use of Kaplan-Meier plots to estimate the frequency of palliation of individual symptoms by specied time points (Muers and Round 1993; Medical
Research Council Lung Cancer Working Party
1996a, b).
Stephens and co-workers have proposed that
symptom palliation can be dened in terms of improvement, control, or prevention (Stephens et
al. 1999). They dene improvement as a positive
shift of at least one response category on a self-report symptom measure (e.g., from moderate to mild
pain). For those patients with mild symptoms at
baseline, no change in symptom severity over time
would be classied as control. Finally, for those
patients who are without symptoms at baseline and
who do not develop symptoms during the followup period, the term prevention could be applied.
A major advantage of this approach is that a larger
percentage of patients can be retained in the analysis (i.e., irrespective of the presence of symptoms at
Langendijk and colleagues have applied a modied version of this classication scheme, using both
single-item (Table 9.2) and multi-item QoL scales
(Table 9.3) from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQLC13, in two longitudinal studies of NSCLC patients
treated with radiotherapy (Langendijk et al. 2000b,

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson


Table 9.2 Response criteria for general and respiratory symptoms


Baseline score
Moderate or severe



Moderate or worse on two consecutive assessments

No response



Mild on two consecutive assessments



Nil on two consecutive assessments




Dead before rst assessment

Dead without palliation

Dead without palliation

Not evaluable

Dead before second assessment with mild on rst


Not evaluable

Dead without palliation

Dead without

Dead before second assessment with nil on rst


Not evaluable

Not evaluable

Not evaluable

Note 1: patients were classied as responders in case of improvement, prevention, or control

Note 2: patients were classied as nonresponders in case of no response or dead without palliation

Table 9.3 Response criteria for functioning scales and global quality of life

Baseline score



Increase of at least 5 points on two consecutive

assessments to a minimal value of 40




Decrease of at least 5 points on two consecutive





No change (i.e., < 5 points) on two consecutive


No change



Dead before rst assessment

Dead without palliation

Dead without palliation

Dead without

Dead before second assessment without an increase

of at least 5 points to a minimal value of 40 on rst

Dead without palliation

Dead without palliation

Dead without

Dead before second assessment with an increase of

at least 5 points to a minimal value of 40 on rst

Not evaluable

Not evaluable

Not evaluable

Note 1: patients were classied as responders in case of improvement, prevention, or control

Note 2: patients were classied as nonresponders in case of no change or dead without palliation

Quality-of-Life Assessment in Clinical Studies
Although some have argued that QoL should be assessed in most if not all clinical trials, we believe that
it is particularly relevant in the following types of
clinical radiotherapy trials: (1) in studies investigating treatment strategies in which the most important
goal is to palliate symptoms and/or to improve QoL.
In such studies, QoL may be the primary endpoint;
(2) in studies investigating new fractionation sched-

ules or multimodality treatments (e.g., concomitant

radiotherapy and chemotherapy) where survival
benet is expected to be only limited and there is
the risk of signicant treatment toxicity; and (3) in
equivalence studies investigating new radiotherapy
strategies that are less toxic but are not expected to
result in improved survival (e.g., short hypofractionation schedules in poor prognosis patients). In all
these settings, QoL assessments can yield important
information that may have a signicant impact on
the choice of (standard) treatments.

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

Summary of Studies of the QoL of Lung Cancer
Patients Treated with Radiotherapy
The number of studies addressing QoL issues in
the radiation treatment of patients with SCLC and
NSCLC is surprisingly low (Table 9.4), particularly
given the relatively poor prognosis of these patients
and the palliative intent of much of the treatment. To
date, the majority of randomized studies that have
incorporated QoL assessment have made use of the
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL) and/or the
Daily Diary Card (DDC), often in combination with
the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).
This reects the fact that many of these trials were
run by the UK Medical Research Council, which, in
the past, employed these questionnaires in almost all
of their QoL investigations in lung cancer. The EORTC
QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 and the FACT-L have also
been used in a number of longitudinal studies.
What is the added value of these clinical trial
based QoL studies? Do they contribute meaningfully
to the conclusions that are made regarding treatment
effectiveness and risks?
A summary of the results of all studies that incorporated QoL in their analysis is listed in Table 9.4.
In this review, only studies addressing radiotherapy
questions were included.
Gregor and co-workers (Gregor et al. 1997) reported on a prospective randomized study in which
patients with limited disease SCLC in complete response after induction chemotherapy were randomly
assigned to prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) or
no PCI. This study showed a signicant reduction of
brain metastases with PCI, but no difference in the
overall survival. Overall, patients reported signicant
declines in cognitive functioning and global QoL over
time, but this was no more pronounced in the PCI
than in the non-PCI group. The authors concluded
that patients with a complete response to induction
therapy should be offered PCI.
The Medical Research Council (MRC) performed
a number of randomized trials searching for the optimal fractionation schedules for palliatively irradiated patients (Bleehen et al. 1991, 1992; Medical
Research Council Lung Cancer Working
Party 1996a,b). In these studies, QoL issues, as assessed with either the RSCL or the DDC, played an
important role in guiding the design of consecutive
trials. In the rst of these trials (Bleehen et al. 1991),
conventional fractionation consisting of 30 Gy in ten
fractions or 27 Gy in six fractions was compared with
a two-fraction regimen, consisting of two fractions of


8.5 Gy with a 1-week interval. Patients with inoperable NSCLC were eligible for the trial if their disease
was judged to be too advanced for curative or radical
treatment. No signicant differences were observed
between the two treatment arms in survival, palliation of pulmonary symptoms, or QoL. Based on these
results, the regimen of two fractions of 8.5 Gy given
1 week (F2 regimen) apart was recommended.
In the second study (Bleehen et al. 1992), the F2
regimen from the initial study was compared with
a regimen consisting of a single fraction of 10 Gy
(F1 regimen). The eligibility criteria were similar to
those of the initial study, with the addition that patients had to have had a poor performance prior to
radiation (WHO performance status of 2 to 4) and
that the major symptoms were related to the primary
intrathoracic tumor. The QoL assessments were similar to those of the initial study. Overall survival and
the rate and duration of palliation were similar in
the two groups. However, patients treated with the
F2 regimen experienced signicantly more dysphagia than those treated with the F1 regimen. Based on
these results, the investigators recommended a single
fraction of 10 Gy for patients with inoperable NSCLC
with a poor performance status.
The third study (Macbeth et al. 1996) randomized patients with good performance between the
F2 regimen of the initial MRC study and a regimen
of 39 Gy in 13 fractions (F13 regimen). Although the
F2 regimen resulted in more rapid palliation and less
dysphagia than the F13 regimen, the overall survival
was signicantly better with the F13 regimen. Based
on these results, the investigators recommended the
F13 regimen for patients with inoperable NSCLC
with good performance status.
In another study performed by the MRC (Falk et
al. 2002), immediate versus delayed palliative radiotherapy were compared among patients with inoperable NSCLC and minimal thoracic symptoms. In the
delayed treatment group, 56% of the patients died
without receiving any radiotherapy. There was no difference in overall survival. Furthermore, no evidence
of a difference was noted in terms of level of anxiety
assessed from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale (HADS). Similarly, the median RSCL psychological distress scores were similar in both treatment
groups, while adverse effects were more common in
the immediate group. The authors concluded that in
minimally symptomatic patients, palliative radiotherapy can be prevented in the majority of cases
without compromising survival and/or QoL.
Bailey and co-workers (Bailey et al. 1998) reported on the QoL of patients with inoperable NSCLC

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson


Table 9.4 Overview of clinical studies in radiation oncology that incorporated QoL as primary or secondary endpoint

Num- QoL
Study design


QoL outcome

Small cell lung cancer




Phase III study: prophylactic Signicant reduction

cranial irradiation (PCI) vs
in brain metastases
no PCI
with PCI. No signicant improvement of

Signicant impairment of cognitive functioning and global QoL

after PCI but no difference with
no PCI

Nonsmall cell lung cancer



Questionnaire ****

Phase III study: external

irradiation (XRT) (30 Gy or
27 Gy) vs hypofractionated
XRT (2 x 8.5 Gy)

No difference in overall Similar results regarding palliasurvival

tion of pulmonary symptoms
and QoL




Phase III study: external

irradiation (XRT) (30 Gy or
27 Gy) vs hypofractionated
XRT (2 x 8.5 Gy)

No difference in overall Similar results regarding palliasurvival

tion of pulmonary symptoms
and QoL




Phase III study: hypofractionated XRT (2 x 8.5 Gy)

vs hypofractionated XRT
(1 x 10 Gy)

No difference in overall Similar results regarding palliasurvival

tion of pulmonary symptoms
and QoL; signicantly more
dysphagia with 2 x 8.5 Gy




Phase III study: hypofractionated XRT (F2) (2 x

8.5 Gy) vs extensive XRT
(F13) (13 x 3 Gy)

Median survival F2
(7 months) vs F13 (8
months) (p<0.05)

The F2 regimen gave a more

rapid palliation of symptoms
and dysphagia was more pronounced with the F13 regimen




Phase III study: conventional radiotherapy

(60 Gy) vs CHART

Signicant improvement of the overall

survival with CHART
(2 years); OS, 29% vs

Little difference between the two

regimens, except for more transient pain on swallowing and
heartburn with CHART




Phase III study: external

irradiation (XRT) (30 Gy) vs
endobronchial brachytherapy
(EBB) (1 x 15 Gy)

No difference in overall
survival. Signicantly
more retreatment after

Better palliation of pulmonary

symptoms with XRT at the cost
of more dysphagia and general




Longitudinal study: highdose palliative radiotherapy

(30 Gy in 10 fractions to
52.5 Gy in 20 fractions)

Median survival
266 days

Improvement of global QoL over

the rst 86 days; about one third
of the quality-of-life adjusted
years can be attributed to radiotherapy

Langendijk 95

Phase III study: external
QLQ-C30 + irradiation (XRT) vs XRT
QLQ-LC13 plus endobronchial brachytherapy (EBB) (2 x 7.5 Gy)

No difference in overall Lower mean scores for dyspnea

up to 3 months in favor of XRT

Langendijk 65

Longitudinal study:
QLQ-C30 + palliative radiotherapy
QLQ-LC13 (30 Gy in 10 fractions)

Median survival 4.1


Excellent response rate for

hemoptysis; good for chest wall
pain, pain arm/shoulder, and
cough; moderate for dyspnea
and minimal for fatigue and
appetite loss. 3550% response
rate for functioning and global
QoL. Tendency for better scores
in case of tumor response

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


Table 9.4 (continued) Overview of clinical studies in radiation oncology that incorporated QoL as primary or secondary endpoint

Num- QoL
Study design


QoL outcome



Not mentioned

Decrement of physical and functional QoL during radiation that

returned to baseline 4 weeks
after treatment.


Longitudinal study:
accelerated radiotherapy
(57.6 Gy in 36 fractions
in 15 days)

Langendijk 164

Longitudinal study: radical
QLQ-C30 + radiotherapy (60 Gy in 24
QLQ-LC13 fractions)

Median survival 8.5


Excellent response rates for

hemotysis; good for chest pain,
pain arm/shoulder, and appetite
loss; poor for dyspnea, cough
amd fatigue. 3555% response
rates for functioning and global


Phase III study: XRT F5
QLQ-C30 + (5 x 4 Gy) versus XRT F1
DDC*** + (1 x 10 Gy)

Survival in F5 signicantly better than in

F1 (p=0.03)

No difference in QoL during

the 1st month according to the
DDC. Better palliation with the
F5 regimen as assessed with the
difference in treatment-related

Langendijk 46

Longitudinal study:
QLQ-C30 + curative radiotherapy
QLQ-LC13 (70 Gy in 35 fractions)

Median survival 19.0


Gradual increase in dyspnea,

fatigue, and appetite loss over
time. Gradual increase of
functioning and global QoL.
Less dysphagia in case of local
radiotherapy vs locoregional

Falk (2002) 230


No difference in
overall survival

No differences in palliation and



Phase III study:

immediate vs delayed
palliative radiotherapy

* RSCL = Rotterdam Symptom Checklist

** HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
*** DDC = Daily Diary Card

randomly assigned to receive conventional fractionation radiotherapy versus continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy (CHART). The overall
survival in the CHART group was signicantly better
than that achieved with conventional fractionation,
although it resulted in more transient pain on swallowing and heartburn. No signicant differences
were observed between the two treatment arms in
any of the other QoL domains assessed. The conclusion drawn from this trial was that CHART yielded
an important overall survival benet without any
enduring negative QoL effects. More recently, in a
prospective phase II trial of hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy in NSCLC showed a decrement
in physical and functional QoL during treatment that
returned to baseline level at 4 weeks after completion
of treatment (Auchter et al. 2001). In this study, the
FACT-L was used.

Langendijk and colleagues reported on the QoL

of inoperable NSCLC patients treated with palliative (30 Gy), radical (60 Gy), or curative (70 Gy) radiotherapy (Langendijk et al. 2000a, 2001, 2002).
Selection of the different fractionation schedules was
based on WHO performance status, weight loss, and
disease stage. These prospective longitudinal studies
were the rst to describe the course of QoL using the
EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 among patients with
inoperable NSCLC treated with radiation for a period
of 2 years. The fact that more than 90% of the patients
referred for radiation were included in these studies
supports the generalizability of the ndings to the
large population of lung cancer patients referred for
radiation. The baseline QoL proles of these patients
are reported in Table 9.5. For purposes of comparison,
mean values on these measures for a large general
population sample are also presented. As expected,

H. Langendijk and N. Aaronson


patients treated with palliative intent reported more

local and general symptoms and signicantly lower
scores for the functioning scales and the global QoL
scale than did those patients treated with radical of
curative radiotherapy. The mean baseline QoL scores
of the patient samples were signicantly worse than
those of the general population, with the exception
of emotional, cognitive, and social functioning in the
curative group. In these studies, QoL changes over
time were evaluated by means of the response classication system described previously. After palliative
radiotherapy, the QoL response rates were excellent
for hemoptysis (79%); good for arm/shoulder pain
(56%), chest wall pain (53%), and cough (49%); moderate for dyspnea (39%); and minimal for the general
symptoms of fatigue (22%) and appetite loss (11%).
The QoL response rates for the functioning scales of
the QLQ-C30 varied from 35% for role functioning

to 57% for emotional functioning. Global QoL improved in 37% of the cases (Langendijk et al. 2000).
In general, there was a tendency for better palliation
of symptoms and improvement of functioning and
global QoL among those patients with objective tumor response. Similar results were observed after
radical radiotherapy (Langendijk et al. 2001b). After
curative radiotherapy, a signicant, gradual increase
over time was observed for dyspnea, fatigue, and appetite loss. A signicant, gradual deterioration was
also observed for role functioning. No signicant
changes were noted for the other symptoms or the
functioning scales of the QLQ-C30.
Two prospective, randomized studies have investigated the role of endobronchial brachytherapy in the
treatment of lung cancer. Langendijk and co-workers (Langendijk et al. 2000) compared external irradiation plus endobronchial brachytherapy versus

Table 9.5 Baseline scores of symptom and functioning scales assessed with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-LC13 among 275
patients with inoperable NSCLC referred for primary radiotherapy alone
Symptom and functioning scales

Mean scores
Palliative Radical Curative
n=164 n=46

Mean scores
in normal

Proportion of patients with

symptom (%)






Local symptoms












Chest pain







Pain arm/shoulder













































Appetite loss








Nausea and vomiting















Physical functioning





Role functioning





General symptoms

Functioning scales and global QoL

Emotional functioning





Cognitive functioning





Social functioning





Global QoL





* Health-related QoL measured by the EORTC QLQ-C30 in a large sample of the Swedish population [Michelson et al. 1999]

Quality of Life in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

external irradiation only. The primary endpoint of

this study was self-reported dyspnea, as assessed by
the EORTC questionnaires. The combined treatment
resulted in signicantly less dyspnea in the immediate 3-month posttreatment period. No statistically
signicant differences between treatment arms were
noted for any of the other endpoints, including QoL.
Stout and co-workers (Stout et al. 2000) reported
on a phase III study in which patients were randomly
assigned to external irradiation or endobronchial
brachytherapy only. QoL assessment in this study
showed better palliation of pulmonary symptoms
with external irradiation, but at the cost of more dysphagia, fatigue, and appetite loss.

Conclusions and Future Directions
Despite advances in diagnostics and treatment, lung
cancer remains one of the most common and deadly
of malignant diseases. In evaluating the effectiveness
of new treatment strategies in lung cancer, it is essential to assess not only the classical outcomes of tumor
response and survival, but also the impact of the disease and its treatment on the symptoms experienced,
functional health, and well-being of patients.
In the past several decades, major advances have
been made in the eld of QoL assessment. We currently have at our disposal a number of reliable and
valid questionnaires for assessing the QoL of cancer
patients in general and of lung cancer patients in particular. These methodological advances have facilitated the standardized assessment of patients QoL
in both clinical trials and longitudinal, observational
There are a number of steps that need to be taken
to rene the methodology of QoL assessment and
to increase the usefulness of such measures in both
clinical research and clinical practice. First, because
there are a number of questionnaires available for
assessing the QoL of patients with lung cancer, we
need to develop a better understanding of their relative strengths and weaknesses from a psychometric
perspective and, perhaps more importantly, to develop methods for comparing directly the scores derived from these different measures (i.e., calibrating
Second, QoL questionnaires for use in lung cancer
may well require modication in the future as new
treatments become available that carry with them
different side-effects proles. Input is required from
medical specialists in reviewing the content of the


currently available QoL measures and developing additional questionnaire items were necessary.
Third, we need to develop a much better understanding of the clinical signicance of QoL scores.
One way of doing so would be to generate normative or reference data for groups of patients with
different diagnoses, stages of disease, and treatment
experiences. Further renements in dening QoL
response, will increase the likelihood that such data
are well understood and will be used by clinicians
and patients alike in making treatment decisions.
Fourth, further effort is needed to ensure high
levels of compliance with QoL data collection in prospective clinical studies. The decision to include QoL
as an endpoint in a clinical study requires the commitment of additional resources, both nancial and
human, to ensure that patients complete questionnaires at the scheduled points in time. However, even
when an optimal research infrastructure is available,
it is likely, if not inevitable (e.g., in palliative treatment settings), that there will be some missing data.
One of the ongoing statistical challenges is to develop
methods that are able to deal with such informative
censoring mechanisms in the data analysis.
Finally, an exciting challenge is to develop QoL
measures and data collection methods that will facilitate monitoring the QoL of individual patients in daily
clinical practice. Recent studies have demonstrated
the feasibility of using computer touch screen technology for administering QoL questionnaires in outpatient clinic settings (Buxton et al. 1998; Wright
et al. 2003) and have documented the effectiveness of
routine QoL assessments in facilitating doctor-patient
communication, increasing physicians awareness of
their patients symptoms and functional limitations,
contributing to patient management, and ultimately
in improving the QoL of patients over time (Detmar
et al. 2002; Velikova et al. 2004).

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Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer


10 Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer

Frank B. Zimmermann


Introduction 411
NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer 412
Tumor-Related Factors 412
Tumor Stage 412
Histology 413
Serological Factors (Tumor Markers) 413
Biological and Genetic Factors 413
Patient-Related Factors 414
Performance Status
(Karnofsky and Weight Loss) 414
Gender and Age 414
Laboratory, Hematologic,
and Immunologic Factors 414
Treatment-Related Factors 415
Clinically Resectable Disease 415
Locally Advanced Disease 415
Metastatic Disease 415
Small-Cell Lung Cancer 416
Tumor-Related Factors 416
Tumor Stage 416
Histologic Subtypes 416
Serologic Factors (Tumor Markers) 416
Biological and Genetic Factors 416
Patient-Related Factors 417
Performance Status
(Karnofsky and Weight Loss) 417
Gender and Age 417
Laboratory, Hematologic,
and Immunologic Factors 417
Treatment-Related Factors 417
References 418

Lung cancer is a heterogeneous clinical entity, including small cell and nonsmall cell cancer. Both
groups share molecular and cellular origins, but
have distinct clinical behaviors and prognoses, even
F. B. Zimmermann, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Technical University Munich, Ismaningerstrasse 22, 81675
Munich, Germany

within their particular pathologic subgroups. This

chapter documents the heterogeneous nature of the
disease and explains why it is difcult therefore to
determine the prognosis for an individual patient
in part because of the clinical heterogeneity of
patients within subgroups, too.
The aficted patients present a diverse constellation of clinical symptoms and biochemical values,
in part caused by different manifestations of the
primary tumor, distinct distribution of metastatic
sites involved, and the varied extent of paraneoplastic syndromes, and even comorbidities. In spite of
the remarkable predictability of population survival
outcomes, this knowledge is of limited value to clinicians for treatment decisions in a single patient, due
to the marked heterogeneity of the clinical course
in the individual patient (Brundage et al. 2002). In
this situation, prognostic factors may play a critical role in explaining the different outcomes of the
patients, and might support treatment decisions,
research design and analysis, and health policy
development (Brundage et al. 2001; Mackillop
2001). This explains why clinical and basic science
research on prognostic factors has been increased,
including clinical characteristics of the tumor and
of the patient, numerous clinical laboratory tests,
and, most recently, investigations of the cellular and
molecular biology of lung cancer and the environment (Table 10.1) (Buccheri and Ferrigno 2004;
Feld et al. 1994; Brundage et al. 2002).
More than 900 articles have been published including a lot of reviews and describing more than
150 different prognostic factors (Table 10.2). And,
besides the large amount of literature, it must be
considered that the literature is markedly heterogeneous, with interstudy variations, patient selection bias, low numbers of patients in most trials,
and poor statistical power (Brundage et al. 2002).
Therefore, the main purpose of the following overview is to offer a view of the most important and signicant prognostic factors and a basis for treatment
decisions in clinical practice concerning patients
with small cell and nonsmall cell lung cancer.

F. B. Zimmermann

Table 10.1 Prognostic factors in non-small cell and small cell lung cancer
Non-small cell lung cancer


Tumor stage

Small cell lung cancer



Performance status Clinically

resectable disease

Tumor stage



Gender and age

Locally advanced

Histologic subtypes

Gender and age

Serologic factors
(tumor markers)



Serologic factors
(tumor markers)


Biological and
genetic factors


NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer
Tumor-Related Factors
Tumor Stage

The denition of major clinical subgroups on the basis of tumor stage (TNM staging system) (Mountain
1997) has been consistently shown to be the strongest
determinant of outcome of NSCLC patients overall.
Within this system each single parameter describing the anatomic burden of disease (T = local extent
of tumor; N = site of nodal metastases; M = number
and location of distant metastases) reects prognosis
(Buccheri and Ferrigno, 2004). Revisions to the
TNM system were made in 1997 to provide greater
specicity for patient subgroups, recognizing the
prognostically relevant difference between pT1 and
pT2, the importance of tumor-related factors (e.g.,
cN2 or cT4 disease) that estimate the likelihood of
denitive resectability within stage III, and of the
presence of intrapulmonary ipsilateral satellite tumor metastases (T4). Several reviews highlight the
role of prognostic factors such as local tumor invasion with neurologic and vertebral body involvement
in cT3 N0 M0 disease located in the superior pulmonary sulcus (i.e., Pancoast tumor) (Detterbeck
1997). Besides T category, it is known that tumor size
is the powerful predictor of survival in patients who
have disease that is amenable to resection but who are
inoperable due to medical reasons and will undergo
denite radiotherapy (Wigren et al. 1997).
In summary, the TNM system is the most accurate and reliable way to estimate a patients progno-

Biological and
genetic factors


sis. However, it can not precisely predict the 5-year

survival rate even in ctitious homogeneous early
stage tumors (mean value 67%) (Mountain 1997;
Kwiatkowski et al. 1998). This indicates that the
TNM system, based as it is on clinical, radiologic, and
even histopathologic results, is far from sufcient.
This might be explained by problems in staging procedures, but also by other prognostic factors, in part
tumor-related. One of those factors might be major
blood vessel or lymphatic inltration. Both were explored in clinical studies and proven signicant in
univariate and multivariate analysis (Kessler et al.
1996; Brechot et al. 1996). Also neoangiogenesis as
a major basis for tumor growth and metastasis has
been evaluated in surgical specimens. Microvessel
optical count was carried out in patients with stage I
to IIIA disease, and found to be a powerful independent prognostic factor (Fontanini et al. 1998). The
statistical signicance of the results of this procedure
was conrmed by a large review of several thousands
of patient records by the European Lung Cancer
Working Party in 2002 (Meert et al. 2002).

The prognostic signicance of tumor cell type (e.g.,

large cell undifferentiated, adenocarcinoma, or squamous cell) has been studied extensively. It has been
concluded from several studies that adenocarcinoma
has an independent negative impact on survival
prognosis. Other studies of comparable design have
not shown cell type to have independent prognostic
value, and in summary, the histologic subtype does
not provide additional independent prognostic information in resectable NSCLC (Quejada and Albain

Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer


Table 10.2 Prognostic factors in non-small cell and small cell lung cancer (modied from Iyengar and Tsao 2002;
Vansteenkiste et al. 2002; Brundage et al. 2002; Bremnes et al. 2003; Buccheri and Ferrigno 2004; Paesmans 2004)

Essential and proven

factors (at least in
several large or
randomized trials)

Additional but not

yet evident factors
(divergent results
and/or proven in
smaller or retrospective trials only)

Nonsmall cell lung cancer

Small cell lung cancer





Tumor stage (TNM)

including intrapulmonary metastasis
and pleural effusion

Performance status

Disease extent


Complete resection

Quality of life

Number of metastatic

Serum LDH

Pathologic response to
neoadjuvant treatment

Weight loss

Bone marrow

Cytokeratin markers
(Cyfra 21-1)

Pretreatment serum


Serum NSE

p53 tumor suppressor


Serum albumin

Tumor size or volume


Pleural effusion


Location of primary
(central vs peripheral)

Age and

Pretreatment hemoglobin value

Superior vena cava



Distribution of involved Gender

lymph nodes

Smoking history

Number of metastastic

Hemoglobin value



Leukocyte counts



Neutrophil counts


CA 125

Thrombocyte counts

Serum alkaline

Density of tumor


Serum albumin

Vessel invasion

Total serum protein

Alkaline phosphatase
Serological Factors (Tumor Markers)

The value of standard tumor markers as a predictive parameter has been tested in several clinical
trials. Cytokeratin 19 fragments (Cyfra 21-1), tissue
polypeptide antigen (TPA), cancer antigen 125, and
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) have been evaluated as prospective prognostic determinants, with

cytokeratin fragments almost certain to be significant. Unfortunately, the prognostic capability of

CEA was rather weak (Buccheri and Ferrigno
2004). Cyfra 21-1 has been evaluated in a multivariate analysis, and was proven to have a higher sensitivity to predetermine the treatment outcome than
CEA and NSE (Picardo et al. 1996). Therefore, it
is the best marker to control the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy or radiochemotherapy, but

F. B. Zimmermann


it cannot be used for treatment decisions before

initiating therapy.
Biological and Genetic Factors

Biological and genetic tumor factors have been evaluated mostly in resected specimens, therefore data on
patients with advanced disease are rare. Nevertheless,
some of those factors have been shown to have independent prognostic signicance. These include histologic features, markers of tumor proliferation, markers
of cellular adhesion, and other molecular biological
markers, which are rarely assessed in clinical routine
practice. The last group includes regulators of cellular
growth (e.g., ras oncogene or protein, retinoblastoma,
epidermal growth factor receptor, erb-b2, motility-related protein-1, and hepatocyte growth factor), regulators of the metastatic cascade (e.g., tissue polypeptide
antigen [TPA], cyclin D-1, and cathepsin), and regulators of apoptosis (p53 and bcl-2). The potential clinical
application of the factors is discussed below. Markers
of angiogenesis, p21 status, status of the serum assay
for detection of the cytokeratin 19 fragment, status
of the argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region, and
p185 status have been signicantly associated with
prognosis in about 80% of the studies, whereas Ki67 status, vascular endothelial growth factor status,
and vessel invasion were positively correlated in only
5060%. Data on mutation of the p53 suppressor gene
is also conicting, but three systematic reviews have
conrmed its prognostic impact at least in adenocarcinoma. Unfortunately, only a few reports are based on
prospectively designed studies thus decreasing their
value (Buccheri and Ferrigno 2004; Fontanini et al
1997; Mori et al. 1997). And so far none of these factors
can really be used for treatment decisions.

Patient-Related Factors
Performance Status (Karnofsky and Weight Loss)

Numerous studies have investigated patient characteristics as predictors of survival after surgical resection, denite radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy in
nonsmall cell lung cancer. Due to the fact that most
patients with early stage disease are asymptomatic,
only a few studies have systematically evaluated the
prognosis of patients as it is related to clinical symptoms in stage I cancer. They have been found to be

less powerful predictors of outcome, particularly in

stage I disease, than in the advanced disease setting,
and therefore these factors are not generally considered to be important for clinical decision making.
Nevertheless, hemoptysis, coughing, and thoracic
pain were identied as risk factors for tumor recurrence and poor survival (Harpole et al. 1995).
In locally advanced and unresectable cancer as
well as functional inoperable patients, an increasing
amount of research has addressed the use of patientreported parameters. The majority of those patients
will show signicant symptoms or other general
manifestations of illness such as weight loss or poor
performance status.
The Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) and
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance
Status (ECOG PS) scales have been examined in large
trials, and ahead of 50 other factors, KPS and weight
loss within the previous 6 months were the most
important, aside from extent of disease (Stanley
1980). Large clinical studies or reviews conrmed
KPS as well as ECOG PS as one of the two most important prognostic factors, with ECOG PS being the
more reliable and useful (Buccheri and Ferrigno
2004). In more recent trials, the role of cancer-related
symptoms, quality-of-life scores, and/or anxiety and
depression measures have been investigated more in
depth. Those studies reported the importance of quality of life as a stronger determinant than pure performance status (Langendijk et al. 2000, Buccheri and
Ferrigno 2004). Quality-of-life scores and anxiety
and depression assessments may reect the extent of
disease and also the patients inherent characteristics
or degree of emotional support, which may better
predict disease outcomes, possibly through psychophysiologic mechanisms.
Weight loss within the last 6 months before diagnosis has an important impact on survival, with total
proportional weight loss being the most signicant
factor (Buccheri and Ferrigno 2004).
Gender and Age

In several former studies, male sex was discussed

as an adverse prognostic factor. Unfortunately, the
literature is quite varied in the conclusions drawn
about the prognostic value of gender and age, and the
strength of the association with survival outcomes.
Though results of age in multivariate analysis have
been inconsistent, younger age might carry a better prognosis (Quejada and Albain 2004). Albain
and colleagues identied good performance status,

Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer

female sex, and age below 70 years as the most important factors that were predictive of favorable survival
rates overall. In 1994, a review described signicant
evidence in 7 out of 19 studies with univariate analysis, and in 9 of 23 studies with multivariate analysis,
in favor of female sex (Buccheri and Ferrigno
1994). These data were conrmed by an evaluation
in a tumor register population. Median survival was
signicantly better for women than for men, and together with extent of tumor and weight loss, gender
was the strongest independent predictor even in multivariate analysis (Palomares et al. 1996).
Laboratory, Hematologic, and Immunologic Factors

Hematologic or biochemical markers might be associated with disease extent, and were therefore evaluated in numerous trials. In a large study of 2,531
patients who were enrolled in a variety of clinical
trials, four prognostic factors for patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy were identied that had
signicantly distinct survival implications: performance status, age, and hemoglobin and serum LDH
levels. Other studies employing secondary analysis
of clinical trial information or after retrospective
evaluation of patient data outside of clinical protocols have reached similar conclusions (Paesmans
et al. 1995; Hespanhol et al. 1995; Takigawa et
al. 1996). In general, LDH is certainly the strongest
prognostic factor, whether considered alone or in
combination with weight loss, performance status,
or tumor stage (Buccheri and Ferrigno 1994).
Further independent laboratory tests are albumin,
plasmatic level of hemoglobin, and white blood cell
counts, with decreased values indicating poor prognosis. Thrombocytosis with a platelet count above
400,000/l, tested in a specically designed study,
showed a strong correlation with advanced disease
and decreased survival even after adjustment for
stage and histologic type of tumor, and sex and age
of the patient (Pedersen and Milman 1996).

Treatment-Related Factors
Clinically Resectable Disease

No modern studies exist comparing resection with

other single or combined modality treatments, since
surgery is considered to be the standard management


of patients who are medically t for thoracotomy, producing the best results both in terms of local disease
control and overall survival rates (Sabiston and
Spencer 1995). In this situation, complete resection is
essential, and lobectomy or pneumonectomy are standard approaches, with wedge resection being reserved
for patients in poor condition, due to inferior results
possibly caused by close resection margins or limited
lymph node dissection (Sabiston and Spencer 1995;
Lee et al. 1999). Tumor wedge resection, segmental or
atypical resection increases the risk of local recurrence
threefold to vefold with a reduced 5-year survival rate,
but not in very early stage NSCLC (pT12 N0) where it
gives the same results as lobectomy (Graziano 1997;
Jazieh et al. 2000).
Of fatal prognostic signicance is an incomplete
resection, either with gross disease remaining or with
positive microscopic resection margins, even when
additional postoperative therapy (radiotherapy or
chemoradiotherapy) is provided (Ginsberg et al.
1999), suggesting the poor biological characteristics
of the tumor being associated with both locoregional
extension that causes microscopic residual disease
and early systemic spread as well. Perioperative blood
transfusions, required mainly in extensive dissections,
is postulated to decrease overall survival by mediated
immunosuppression favoring proliferation, distant
spread, and migration of tumor cells. Published data
are incongruous, with shortening time to recurrence,
decreasing overall and recurrence-free survival by
30% in some publications, and no signicant inuence in others (Quejada and Albain 2004).
Primary radiotherapy with curative intent is only
recommended for patients who can not undergo resection with curative intention, although no modern randomized trials have directly compared surgery with
radiotherapy (Ginsberg et al. 1999; Zimmermann et
al. 2003b). In this situation, it is well known that treatment results depend on total dose and fractionation
schedule, with acceleration and hyperfractionation
to biologically effective doses of more than 70 Gy
producing superior outcomes (Sause 2001; Jeremic
et al. 2002, Saunders et al. 1999; Willner et al. 2002;
Choi et al. 2001; Zimmermann et al. 2003b).
Locally Advanced Disease

Patients without clinical symptoms or without radiologic signs of systemic manifestations but unresectable disease have been shown in a number of clinical
trials to have higher survival rates when they receive
induction chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy

F. B. Zimmermann


or, even better, concurrent chemoradiotherapy,

compared with radiotherapy alone (Stewart and
Pignon 1995). The same subgroup of patients has
been shown to experience higher survival rates when
treated with continuous hyperfractionated and accelerated radiotherapy compared with conventional
fractionation, and when treated with higher doses of
conventional radiation compared with lower doses
(Saunders et al. 1999; Willner et al. 2002; Choi
et al. 2001; Emami and Perez 1993). The role of
surgery in relation to induction chemotherapy and
radiotherapy is still being investigated, as is the role
of combination chemoradiotherapy in more symptomatic patients (Ginsberg et al. 1999).
Metastatic Disease

For patients without substantial systemic manifestations of illness and in good condition (Karnofsky
scale value >60), chemotherapy is known to improve
median survival time when compared with the best
supportive care alone (Stewart and Pignon 1995).
This has not been documented for patients with poor
performance status, where best supportive care is
recommended in general.

Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Tumor-Related Factors
Tumor Stage

In contrast to NSCLC, small cell lung cancer is generally classied into a two-stage system limited
and extensive disease with limited disease (dened as tumor conned to one hemithorax, by the
Veterans Administration Lung Study Group [VALG],
or as without distant metastases, by the International
Association for the Study of Lung Cancer [IASLC])
being tested as a denite and the most powerful prognostic factor in most of the published series using the
IASLC denition (Micke et al. 2002; Paesmans et al.
2000; Jorgensen et al. 1996). The median survival is
around 15 months in limited stage disease, in contrast to about 10 months in extensive stage disease
patients (Yip and Harper 2000), and this has major
implications for treatment decisions.

Besides this two-class system, a lot of other prognostic factors that describe the extent of tumor and
the number or location of metastatic sites involved
have been evaluated (vena cava syndrome, pleural effusion or nodal involvement, and involvement of different organs like the liver, brain, or bone) (Albain
et al. 1990; Wrschmidt et al. 1995; Tamura et al.
1998; Bremnes et al. 2003). Mediastinal involvement
and the inltration of several organs might worsen
the prognosis of the patient, but data are not consistent. Therefore, these factors are not generally used as
a basis for treatment decisions.
Histologic Subtypes

Small cell lung cancer can carry a mixture of different

tumor cells in up to 20% of cases, large cell carcinoma
being the most commonly combined cell type. This
led the pathologic committee of the IASLC to adopt
three new subtypes of small cell lung cancer: small
cell, mixed large and small cell, and combined small
cell carcinomas (Hirsch et al. 1988). Unfortunately,
several studies that followed this new classication
could not document a different clinical outcome for
these three subgroups, and the actual WHO classication abandoned the idea of different subgroups
(Brambilla et al. 2001). Nevertheless, the high
percentage of patients with various combinations
of small cell and nonsmall cell lung cancer might
explain the divergent responses to chemotherapy,
and support the idea of salvage resection for locally
poorly responding cancer (Sheperd et al. 1991).
Serologic Factors (Tumor Markers)

Besides the tumor extent, simple laboratory parameters like biochemical tests and serum tumor markers have their predictive value.
Serologic factors (tumor markers) produced by
tumor cells and released into the bloodstream, have
been evaluated in a lot of different studies. Due to
their low tumor specicity, only a few of them have
unquestionable prognostic value: neuron-specic
enolase (NSE) and cytokeratin 19 fragments (Cyfra
NSE has been tested in several large trials, and a
signicant correlation was found between elevated
NSE levels and poor prognosis both in univariate and multivariate analyses, making it one of the
most powerful prognostic factors (Bremnes et al.
2003; Jorgensen et al. 1996). Using NSE in a simple

Prognostic Factors in Lung Cancer

algorithm together with performance status of the

patient and tumor extent produces a clearly dened
prognostic classication that can be used for treatment decisions (Jorgensen et al. 1996).
Cyfra 21-1 has been the most commonly studied cytokeratin, and besides extensive disease and
increased levels of LDH and NSE, elevated levels to
more than 3.6 ng/ml signicantly indicated a poor
outcome for the patient (Pujol et al. 2003).
Among the many other serologic markers tested,
only serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) deserves to be mentioned: in univariate analyses its
value has been conrmed, whereas chromogranin A
(CgA), pro-gastrin-releasing peptide (ProGRP), and
creatine kinase-BB (CPK-BB) have not yet been conrmed to be signicant (Ferrigno et al. 1994; Lamy
et al. 2000; Sunaga et al. 1999).
Biological and Genetic Factors

The genetic deletion of a number of chromosomes is

discussed as the major impetus to the development
of human lung cancer, stimulating the activation of
proto-oncogenes and the loss of tumor suppressor
genes. In small cell lung cancer, the activation of
genes of the myc family (c-myc, L-myc, N-myc) seems
to be notable (Rygaard et al. 1993). Their expression depends on tissue type, and corresponds to the
maturity and development of different cell lines. The
c-myc oncogene may play an important role for the
differentiation of the cell in many cellular processes
(proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis). It is highly
amplied in SCLC cell lines in vivo, indicating its
relation to tumor progression and aggressiveness of
the tumor (Bergh 1990). In clinical studies, a high
amplication of c-myc strongly correlates with tumor progression and a poor outcome of the patient
(Salgia and Skarin 1998).
The value of p53 antibody has been evaluated in
several clinical trials. It seems possible that the presence of a high titer of p53 antibody (titer ratio >5) is
correlated with a survival advantage. Unfortunately,
in contrast to the prognostic value of p53 antibodies
in NSCLC, the results from several clinical trials are
contradictory, so that its value as a prognosticator in
small cell lung cancer has not been proven with any
certainty (Jassem et al. 2001; Murray et al. 2000).
Further genetic abnormalities connected to the
pathogenesis of small cell lung cancer are under investigation, but none has been established as a trustworthy marker for the prognosis of a patient with
small cell lung cancer.


Patient-Related Factors
Performance Status (Karnofsky and Weight Loss)

The performance status describes the patients ability

regarding self-care and the performance of normal
activities including participation in social life. There
are two different schedules in use: the Karnofsky
Performance Status scale (KPS; with 11 levels from 0
to 100) and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
Performance Status scale (ECOG PS; with 5 levels). The
value of both schedules has been tested, with the ECOG
PS being easier to apply and of better discriminatory
value for patient prognosis (Buccheri et al. 1996). In
numerous clinical trials, performance statusindependent of the schedule usedhas been conrmed
as a signicant prognostic cofactor (Paesmans et al.
2000; Buccheri and Ferrigno 1994).
Besides tumor extent and performance status,
weight loss has been identied as an important prognostic factor in small cell lung cancer, too (Stanley
1980; Tamura et al. 1998; Bremnes et al. 2003).
A more complex determinant predicting the survival of patients with small cell lung cancer is quality of life, a multifactorial concept considering all
aspects of the physical, psychological, social, and
functional status of the patient. Quality-of-life tests
have been shown to be valid in several clinical studies, but are more difcult to establish in clinical practice and are therefore rarely used outside clinical trials (Naughton et al. 2002; Montazeri et al. 2001;
Buccheri 1998).
Gender and Age

Gender was documented to be a discriminating factor of SCLC outcome, with the combination of female
sex and younger age (below 60 years) carrying the
best prognosis regarding response rates, median survival, and 2-year survival rate. This observation was
independent of any other relevant prognostic variable
(Buccheri and Ferrigno 1994; Wolf et al. 1991).
Laboratory, Hematologic, and Immunologic Factors

There is a long list of laboratory tests which have been

evaluated as indicators of possible prognostic factors in small cell lung cancer: lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), hemoglobin serum concentration (Hb), al-

F. B. Zimmermann


bumin, alkaline phosphatase (AP), sodium, calcium,

creatininemia, bicarbonates, bilirubinemia, erythrocytes, leukocytes, neutrophilia, and thrombocytes.
Elevated LDH, tested in 10 of 13 multivariate and
3 large trials with more than 500 patients each, is the
strongest hematologic prognostic factor, with high
accuracy in predicting poor outcomes. It seems to be
even more important than tumor markers (NSE), and
is recommended by different groups as the cheapest
and most signicant marker for small cell lung cancer
as a stratication criterion for clinical trials (Quoix
et al. 2000; Rawson and Peto 1990). Of all the other
factors mentioned above, the results are more or less
inhomogeneous: low serum albumin concentration,
decreased plasmatic level of hemoglobin, leukocytosis, increased alkaline phosphatase and serum bicarbonate were shown to be signicant in only some
of the trials in which they were evaluated, and can
not be integrated into clinical routine as a basis for
treatment decisions (Bremnes et al. 2003; Quoix et
al. 2000; Rawson and Peto 1990).
Treatment-Related Factors

The response to treatment has been found to be a

highly signicant indicator for survival of patients
treated with chemotherapy and radiochemotherapy.
Complete responders had better survival rates than
partial responders, who in turn had superior outcomes to nonresponders (Lebeau et al. 1995; Ray et
al. 1998; Paesmans et al. 2000).
In several randomized trials it has been documented that simultaneous radiochemotherapy,
with radiotherapy being administered early in the
treatment schedule, will improve the outcome in
patients in good condition compared with chemotherapy or radiotherapy alone, and that altered
fractionation of irradiation might further enhance
the results (Warde and Payne, 1992; Murray et al.
1993; Jeremic et al. 1997; Work et al. 1997; Lebeau
et al. 1999; Turrisi et al. 1999; Takada et al. 2002;
Zimmermann et al. 2003a). The value and the optimal timing of resection of persistent tumor at the
end of chemotherapy in sequential protocols, or
after simultaneous radiochemotherapy, has not yet
been evaluated in randomized trials, but can be recommended for patients in good condition. It might
increase local control and recurrence-free survival
as well (Lad et al. 1994). In extensive disease, radiotherapy should not be omitted in treatment responders, because local tumor control and median

survival can be improved by additional irradiation

(Jeremic et al. 1999).

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Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer


Future Strategies in Lung Cancer


Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer


11.1 Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

for Lung Cancer
Wilfried De Neve, Marie Chaltin, K. Vandecasteele, Werner De Gersem

11.1.1. Introduction 423
11.1.2 Clinical Objectives 423
11.1.3 Challenges Related to Anatomy
and Preservation of Organ Function 424
11.1.4 Selection of Beam Directions 425
11.1.5 Increasing Dose and/or Dose Intensity
Selectively to Tumour 427
11.1.6 Dose Computation for IMRT Planning 428
11.1.7 Quality Assurance for Clinical Trials 431
11.1.8 Conclusions 432
References 432

Acknowledgement: The project Conformal Radiotherapy Ghent University Hospital is supported by

the Belgische Federatie tegen Kanker and by grants
from the Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Vlaanderen (grants FWO G.0049.98, G.0039.97), the
Ghent University (GOA 12050401, BOF 01112300,
011V0497, 011B3300), and the Centrum voor Studie
en Behandeling van Gezwelziekten.

In the 1980s, Brahme (1982) demonstrated the
unique potential of intensity-modulated (IM) beams
to create homogeneous concave dose distributions.
Inside IM beams, the radiation uence (intensity)
was not equal at all sites inside the beam i.e. the beam
was not at (unmodulated) but had a value that was
function of its location across the eld (Lax and
Brahme 1982). Brahme (1988) also proposed the
concept of inverse planning as a possible strategy
to make the design of IM beams feasible. Intensitymodulated radiation therapy (IMRT) remained a reW. De Neve, M.D., Ph.D.; M. Chaltin, M.D.; K.Vandecasteele,
M.D., W. De Gersem, Ir.
Department of Radiotherapy, Ghent University Hospital, De
Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent, Belgium

search topic in physics laboratories until 1993, when

Carol et al. (1996) proposed a novel planning and
delivery system (NOMOS MiMiC) as a comprehensive solution for clinical IM tomotherapy. Since 1993,
the three major vendors of linear accelerators have
developed multileaf collimator (MLC) technology
capable of delivering IMRT, and smaller companies
have developed micro-MLCs with IMRT capability.
IMRT research is intense, and clinical results have
been published for various tumour sites, including
the prostate, head and neck, and base of the skull.
A PubMed search on 25 March 2004 using intensity modulated lung cancer as keywords yielded 45
publications, most of which were on physics issues.
None reported on the clinical outcome of IMRT in
lung cancer.
Against this background, a chapter on the use of
IMRT in lung cancer remains largely speculative. Our
aims are to formulate the clinical objectives of IMRT
to treat lung cancer; to discuss the anatomical challenges of IMRT, the choice of beam directions, and
the potential of intensity-modulated beams to spare
lung, oesophagus, and spinal cord; to describe the
potential clinical benet of biological image-guided
IMRT optimisation; to discuss specic planning issues, including the problem of heterogeneities in
tissue density for IMRT optimisation; and nally to
discuss the implementation and quality assurance
problems that have delayed clinical trials.

Clinical Objectives
In limited-disease (LD) small cell lung cancer (SCLC),
randomised trials comparing early versus late accelerated radiation therapy concurrent with chemotherapy showed a signicant increase in 5-year survival
from 13-20% for the late arm to 22-30% for the early
arm (Jeremic et al. 1997; Takada et al. 2002; Murray
et al. 1993). A large difference in survival between
early and late thoracic radiation as well as survival


rates above 20% were seen in randomised trials using a dose intensity of about 15 Gy/week (Perry et
al. 1998; Work et al. 1997) instead of the standard of
9-10 Gy/week. Using early thoracic radiation, a randomised trial (Turrisi et al. 1999) comparing 45 Gy
in 3 weeks (group 1) with 45 Gy in 5 weeks (group 2)
conrmed the advantage of a high dose intensity,
with a 26% 5-year survival rate for group 1 and 16%
for group 2 (p=0.04). A 50-66% local control rate that
was achieved with the best schedules (Knoos et al.
1995; Murray et al. 1993; Turrisi et al. 1999) using
40-54 Gy in 3-3.5 weeks indicates the existence of a
window for improvement with more efcient local
treatment. A phase I dose and dose-intensity escalation study showed that the maximum tolerated radiation dose intensity is limited by acute oesophageal
toxicity at 45 Gy in 30 fractions over 3 weeks (Choi
et al. 1998). An analysis of patients with LD-SCLC
treated with doses 50 Gy suggests further increase
of dose response above 50 Gy (Roof et al. 2003).
These results direct us to a design of IMRT studies
with further dose and dose-intensity escalation at the
tumour, respecting isotoxicity at the oesophagus by
selective underdosage. The hypothesis that such use
of IMRT can improve the therapeutic result should
be tested.
In patients with locally advanced (LA) non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC), combined treatment with
radiotherapy and second-generation chemotherapy
drugs was extensively studied over the past 20 years,
and it became the standard over radiotherapy alone
in patients with good performance status. Cisplatin
seems the drug of choice but results in signicant
increase of oesophageal toxicity. In LA-NSCLC, the
maximum dose of radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy is most often restricted by
pulmonary toxicity (radiation pneumonitis). For further improvement in survival, the two components of
the treatment need to be improved. An effective treatment of micrometastatic disease through full-dose
delivery of cytotoxic drugs could be obtained by adding at least one more active drug in conjunction with
cisplatin. To further improve loco-regional control
of the disease, radiotherapy dose escalation seems a
logical strategy. Clinical data regarding the magnitude of dose escalation that can be achieved by IMRT
are inexistent. In planning studies, the Rotterdam
Oncological Study Group (Van Sornsen de Koste
et al. 2001) showed a reduction of 20.3% in the mean
lung dose using three-dimensional (3D) missing tissue compensators, as well as a reduction in the total
lung volume exceeding 20 Gy (V20). Derycke et al.
(1997) compared a three- or four-beams conventional

W. De Neve et al.

3D technique (3D-CRT) and two techniques involving, respectively, seven and ve non-coplanar beam
incidences with intensity modulation and showed
an improvement both in tumour control probability
(TCP) and lung normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) for the IMRT plans, with a window for 2030% dose escalation. Marnitz et al. (2002) showed a
reduction of the irradiated lung volume using noncoplanar IMRT elds.
Randomised trials have shown an improved outcome of combined radiation therapy and chemotherapy over radiotherapy alone, with the concurrent radio-chemotherapy schedules being the most efcient
(Lara et al. 2002). Accelerated radiotherapy schedules were shown to be superior to schedules using
conventional fractionation (Saunders et al. 1996).
The design objectives of IMRT for LA-NSCLC seem
very similar to those of IMRT for LD-SCLC, namely
to obtain an accelerated radiation treatment that can
be delivered simultaneously with chemotherapy. For
both pathologies, IMRT needs to address at least
three objectives: limiting oesophageal toxicity, limiting the risk of radiation pneumonitis, and increasing dose and dose intensity selectively to the tumour.
Dose intensity escalation seems to be more important
than physical dose escalation for LD-SCLC, whereas
both types of dose escalation seem important for LANSCLC. As a result of improved survival and enhanced
local control, most of the present radiochemotherapy
studies show a signicant increase in the incidence
of brain metastases (Reboul 2004). Addressing the
question of prophylactic cranial irradiation might be
a 4th objective in future IMRT trials.

Challenges Related to Anatomy and
Preservation of Organ Function
Safe delivery of high doses to lung tumours is prohibited most often by risk of toxicity to lung, spinal
cord, and oesophagus. Lung can be considered as an
organ that consists of functional units organised in a
parallel architecture. The probability of life-threatening radiation pneumonitis can be estimated from the
percentage volume of lung irradiated above a critical
dose for example, 20 Gy (V20) (Graham et al. 1999)
or from the mean (biological) lung dose (MLD)
(Kwa et al. 1998; Seppenwoolde et al. 2003). With a
xed constraint on V20 or MLD, the maximum prescription dose decreases for larger planning target
volumes (PTVs) and is dependent on the location of
the PTV. For equal PTV size and doses above 50 Gy

Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer

in 2-Gy fractions, often used as the maximum dose

that can be safely delivered to the spinal cord, a PTV
with a more peripheral or more cranial location can
be planned to higher doses than can a PTV with a
more central or caudal location. The MLD was shown
to be a strong predictor of the risk of life-threatening
radiation pneumonitis. Mathematically, MLD = 1/
V.D.dV where V is the total lung volume and D the
biologically normalised dose at the volume element
dV. By synchronising irradiation with deep inspiration breath hold, V is increased (Rosenzweig et al.
2000) and the MLD decreases. Breathing control is
discussed elsewhere in this book.
The second term, D.dV, is the lung integral (biological) dose that can be lowered by decreasing beam
aperture and by applying beams with a shorter path
length through lung. Brugmans et al. (1999) and
Dirkx et al. (1997) have shown that a specic form
of intensity modulation involving the creation of
sharp intensity peaks near the beam edges allows the
application of smaller beam apertures. The inuence
of beam energy on the integral dose to lung is controversial. Some authors advocate the use of beams
of less than 10 MV (Brugmans et al. 1999). Liu et al.
(2004) compared IMRT plans using 6 MV and 18 MV
beams. The use of 18 MV beams showed no noticeable difference in the quality of the IMRT plans. In
our experience, replacement of 18 MV beams with
6 MV beams often decreases the quality of the plans
(De Gersem, unpublished).

Selection of Beam Directions
For most lung tumours, the PTV prescription dose
is limited by lung, spinal cord, and oesophagus.
Because lung tumours have a poor prognosis and
cardiac toxicity is a late event, larger volumes of
heart irradiated at high doses are usually allowed
in these patients than in patients with breast cancer or lymphomas. When lung tumours are located
close to the diaphragm, the dose-volume integral of
radiation to liver and kidneys may be of concern,
especially when set-ups with nontransverse plane
beams are used. The use of appropriate beam directions is as important in IMRT as in conventional radiation techniques, and beam directions should be
optimised. However, optimisation of the number of
beams and their orientations in three dimensions is
still a research challenge and is not routinely available in IMRT planning systems. In daily practice,


beam directions are imposed by a class solution or

are chosen by the planner.
The basic principles of choosing beam directions
are very similar for photon IMRT as for at-beam
conformal treatments. First, the best beam directions are those that feature the smallest aperture,
which is especially important if the beam trajectory passes through organs of parallel functional
unit architecture, such as lung. Second, the location and magnitude of the intended dose gradients
determine the choice of beam directions. Where
the PTV extends close to organs at risk with serial
functional unit architecture, such as spinal cord or
oesophagus, steep dose gradients are needed. The
steepness of dose gradients is limited by the penumbra width achieved by the beam collimating system.
Beam directions orthogonal to the desired gradient
vector yield the steepest dose gradients. The choice
of beam directions is, however, limited by physical
constraints imposed by the gantry in relation to the
table couch and patient, and by concerns on dosimetric uncertainty (beam entrance through the patients arms).
For the centrally (close to the midsagittal plane)
located tumour shown in Fig. 11.1.1a, beam 1 seems
the best choice to spare lung, for two reasons: 1) it
exhibits the smallest aperture, and 2) the beam axis
is aligned with the long axis of the tumour. Beam
1 irradiates the smallest area of lung, but its beam
weight and thus its contribution to the PTV prescription dose will be limited by the spinal cord tolerance.
Other beam directions will be needed to increase
the minimum PTV dose above the spinal cord tolerance, irrespective of the use of intensity modulation.
Two candidate beams (beams 2 and 3 in Fig. 11.1.1a)
have equal angular separations to beam 1 and have
the same aperture, and both can create the required
dose difference. However, beam 2 is a better choice
than beam 3 because the former irradiates less lung
volume. Fig. 11.1.1a illustrates the benets of using
parasagittal beams (i.e. beams that make small angles
with the sagittal plane) for the treatment of centrally
located tumours. Parasagittal beams can be used to
deposit entrance- and exit-dose in the mediastinum
rather than in lung. More lateral beams with gantry
angles around 90 or 270 are obviously poor choices
to spare lung.
For peripherally located tumours, tangential
beams can be used to limit the irradiated lung volume (Fig. 11.1.1b).
A centrally located PTV with its largest axis in
the laterolateral direction forms one of the biggest
planning challenges (Fig. 11.1.1c). The advantages of

W. De Neve et al.


Fig. 11.1.1 a The volume of lung irradiated by the entrance and exit
paths increases with increasing hinge angles to the sagittal plane of
the beams for a central PTV. b Tangential beams limit the volume of
irradiated lung for a peripheral PTV. c Centrally located tumour with
its long axis in the laterolateral direction. All beams in the transverse
plane irradiate large lung volumes: a parasagittal beam (beam 1) because of its wide aperture, and a lateral beam (beam 2) because of its
long path length through lung

parasagittal beams are reduced because these beams

also expose a large lung volume because of their wide
beam apertures that are needed to cover the PTV.
Lateral beams use smaller apertures and are needed
to create a dose gradient between PTV and spinal
cord or oesophagus, but they feature long trajectories through lung.
Nontransverse beams may provide additional
possibilities for creating dose gradients between the
PTV and spinal cord or oesophagus, as illustrated by
Fig. 11.1.2a. The beam set-up shown in Fig. 11.1.2b
also enables beam entrance above the heart for PTV
locations at the bottom of the lungs.
Fig. 11.1.3 shows a dose distribution of a clinical IMRT plan for lung cancer in a transverse slice.
The PTV volume was 1,101 cc. The optimisation of
segment weights and leaf positions was performed
using a biophysical objective function. All beams
used 18 MV photons. This slice demonstrates the
possibilities of a non-coplanar beam set-up to deposit exit doses in the mediastinum instead of inside the lungs. The largest part of the exit dose is
deposited outside the slice shown in the gure. With
a coplanar beam setup, it is not feasible to spare the
homolateral as well as the contralateral lung in this

slice to this amount. In this planning, 75% of the

lung volume receives less than 20 Gy. The gure also
displays the avoidance of high doses to the spinal
cord. The treatment was well tolerated, and tumour
regression was visible on portal images taken for patient setup.
Fig. 11.1.4 shows a dose distribution in a coronal
slice of a clinical IMRT planning for a treatment with
two dose levels (70/50 Gy) administered in one phase.
The close conformity of isodose lines to the PTV
in a coronal view is typical for a parasagittal beam
setup. The PTV volume for this patient was 810 cc,
and the volume of the dose grid inside the patient
was 54,049 cc. The planning for this patient was complex due to the patients obesity and to the extent of
the PTV and its location close to the spinal cord and
extending over almost the whole craniocaudal range
of the lungs. In order to respect the clinically applied
dose constraint to the lungs (V20<30%), the leaf position optimisation eroded the dose distribution at
the edge of the PTV. The gure also shows the possibility of using a beam with a long path through the
PTV with entrance through the patients left shoulder
(at the right side on the gure and tilted anteriorly
with regard to the coronal slice).


Ganthy angles

Ganthy angles

Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer

Fig. 11.1.2 a A lateral beam (1) allows the creation of a steep dose gradient in the anteroposterior direction of the patient; for
example, between the PTV and oesophagus or spinal cord at the expense of a long trajectory through lung. By isocentric rotation
of the couch (beam 2), the trajectory through lung can be shortened because the beams exit path tends to leave the thorax
through the mediastinum with or without a shorter path through the heterolateral lung. With further couch rotation (beam 3),
lung sparing improves as an increasingly large volume of the exit as well as the entrance trajectories of the beam traverse the
mediastinum instead of lung, but the risk of collision between the collimator and the patients head increases. By changing
the gantry angle, collision can be avoided at the expense of a decreased steepness of the dose gradient in the anteroposterior
direction. A compromise between lung sparing and the steepness of the anteroposterior dose gradient can be made using
beams that enter the patient through the shoulders. To use such beams, a patient position with the arms alongside the body is
suitable. A couch design with an -shaped head-end allows anterior as well as posterior beam entrance through the shoulders.
b The anterior part of the beam set that is used as a class solution at Ghent University Hospital. Planning is now started with
a set of nine beam directions using three couch isocentre rotation angles. Six of the seven anterior-side beams are shown. At
couch rotation angles of 45 and 45, the set consists of beams with gantry angles of 60, 30, and 45 and 60, 30, and
45, respectively. Not shown are the beams at couch rotation angle of 0, namely the anterior-side beam at gantry 0 and the
two posterior-side beams with gantry angles of 155 and 155

Fig. 11.1.3 Dose distribution of an IMRT

planning for lung cancer in a transverse
slice. The clinical target volume (CTV) is
drawn in purple, the PTV (5-mm expansion of the CTV) in red, the 5-mm expansion of spinal cord in green, a 10-mm
expansion of the spinal cord in light blue,
and the oesophagus in green

Increasing Dose and/or Dose Intensity
Selectively to Tumour
At the risk of oversimplication, we could state that
larger tumours need higher doses for cure (Bradley
et al. 2002). Especially in many patients with LANSCLC, the volumes are too large for a strategy of
dose escalation when the aim is a homogeneously

irradiated PTV. Dose escalation focused to small subvolumes of the PTV may be the option. The potential
of inhomogeneous dose distributions for dose escalation has been demonstrated previously (De Gersem
et al. 1999). The safety of substantial dose escalation
to small volumes is illustrated by studies conducted
at the University of Michigan (Hayman et al. 2001).
In their study design, the maximum prescription dose
was limited by the predicted risk of severe radiation


W. De Neve et al.

Fig. 11.1.4 Coronal view of the dose

distribution of an IMRT planning for
lung cancer. The PTV (CTV + 5 mm) is
red, and the purple contour delineates
the part of the PTV with a prescription
dose of 70 Gy

pneumonitis. Doses over 100 Gy could be delivered

to small PTV volumes. The maximum tolerated dose
to the structural elements of lung (bronchi, blood
vessels) had not been reached. For larger tumours,
the unwanted dose to lung becomes too large, and
such high doses could not be attempted because of
an unacceptably high risk of severe radiation pneumonitis. Considering the size of the PTV in most
patients with LA-NSCLC, it seems unlikely that escalation to doses around 100 Gy will be possible by
IMRT. Therefore, it may be preferable to direct the
foci of dose escalation to the regions inside the tumour that are supposed to be the most radiation-resistant. Novel biological imaging techniques, mostly
based on positron-emission computed tomography
(PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), may have the
potential to construct 3D maps of radiobiologically
relevant parameters (Bentzen et al. 2002; Van De
Wiele et al. 2003). These maps can be fused with
high-resolution computed tomography (CT) and MRI
for treatment design and optimisation with a strategy
of small-volume focused dose escalation. At Ghent
University Hospital, the strategy for clinical trials of
focused dose escalation involves the ow of procedures
given in Fig. 11.1.5. Anatomical (CT) information on
CT (Fig. 11.1.5a) remains the basis for conventional
PTV denition. Biological (PET) imaging (Fig. 11.1.5b)
provides radiobiological information as signal intensities (SI) to voxels, related to radiobiological parameters
such as hypoxia, proliferation, and intrinsic radiation
sensitivity. Fusing provides an image (Fig. 11.1.5c) in
which each voxel has a Hounseld value for computation of absorbed dose and an SI for intratumour guid-

ance of the dose distribution. Bioimage-guided-IMRT

optimisation requires the development of a transformation engine (Fig. 11.1.5c and Fig. 11.1.5d) that secures a spatial dose variation in the anatomical PTV
(Fig. 11.1.5e) as a function of SI in the PET imaging.
For the design of early clinical implementation studies,
we refer to Fig. 11.1.5d and Fig. 11.1.5e. The D-base in
Fig. 11.1.5d means a conventionally applied dose level
that encompasses the anatomical PTV. Dose escalation
(D+, D++, Dmax) is limited to intra-PTV regions as a
function of SI values.

Dose Computation for IMRT Planning
The low density of lung tissue (typically 0.3 g/cm3)
considerably complicates the computation of the dose
distribution in the human thorax and deteriorates the
accuracy of all conventional computation algorithms.
Especially when the beams cross inhomogeneities as
air cavities (trachea, bronchi) and tumour tissue in
lung, dose planning system calculations using analytical approximations are inadequate (Knoos et al.
1995; Mohan and Antolak 2001).
The lower attenuation of radiation in lung gives rise
to a higher dose in the tissues downstream from the
lung volume. This effect is adequately taken into account by most dose planning systems. Three counteracting effects, however, are not well modelled in conventional dose calculation algorithms. They are all due
to a loss of electron equilibrium: absorbed electrons
are not balanced in number by the produced (leaving)

Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer



Fig. 11.1.5 Biological image guided intensity modulated radiation therapy (BIG-IMRT). a CT scanning provides the anatomical
information, resulting in the anatomical PTV. b Biological images (e.g. PET) provide information on radiobiological parameters.
c Image fusion is performed to position the biological on the anatomical information. d IMRT is used to irradiate the anatomical
PTV to a minimal dose level (Dbase), and to increase the dose selectively within the PTV, dependant on the signal intensities
of the biological images (panel e).

electrons. In addition, the secondary electrons after

single and multiple scattering can deposit their energy
at a relatively large distance, i.e. their path lengths are
longer in low-density tissues such as lung (Fig. 11.1.6a).
The three particular effects are the following:
1. A local dose decrease in regions where the beam
reenters the soft tissue (rebuild-up). This rebuild-up
is caused by the higher production of secondary electrons in tissue outside the lungs and can be important
for beams that traverse lung tissue before hitting the
(soft-tissue equivalent) tumour (Fig. 11.1.6b). In the
case of small beam width, the underdosage in the rebuild-up region is deepened by the loss of secondary
electrons outside the beams boundaries (Martens
et al. 2002).
2. Lateral dose spread in lung tissue beyond the geometrically expected beam boundaries (Fig. 11.1.6c).
The reason is that even for modest photon energies,
the electron path length in lung tissue is in the order
of centimetres. This implies that the beam edges become dosimetrically blurred and that larger volumes
of lung are exposed to signicant doses (Dirkx et al.
1997; Miller et al. 1998).
3. Underdosage in regions where the tumour
anks air-like tissue at the beam edges because more
electrons leave the tumour interface zone than arrive
from the air-like tissues (Fig. 11.1.6d) (Dirkx et al.
1997; Miller et al. 1998).

The conventional dose computation algorithms

lead to deviations larger than 10% from measurements at lung tissue or bone tissue interfaces and in
build-up regions behind air cavities (Mijnheer et al.
1988; Werner et al. 1987). More recent convolution/
superposition methods using point spread functions
or kernels may provide more accurate dose distributions, dependent on the specic implementation of
tissue inhomogeneity corrections (path length corrections and adaptations of point spread functions
or kernels in regions with high electron density inhomogeneities).
In most IMRT planning systems, conventional
computation algorithms are used during the optimisation process. Inaccuracies in dose computation may
lead to erroneous adaptations of beamlet intensities
during inverse planning optimisation. The term convergence error (Jeraj and Keall 2000) has been used
to describe the error in the result of an optimisation
algorithm that was misled by inaccurate dose computation. Computer performance limits the possibility to incorporate more accurate dose computation
based on convolution-superposition or Monte Carlo
algorithms in the optimisation process. Inaccuracies
in dose computation and the subsequent convergence error in optimisation have hampered the clinical implementation of IMRT for lung tumours. Two
interesting approaches to reduce the convergence er-

W. De Neve et al.


Fig. 11.1.6 a The path length of scattered electrons is much longer in lung than
in other tissues of the thorax. b Lower density of ionisation in lung leads to
less scattered electrons which, in turn, causes rebuild-up at the lung-tumour
interface. c Degradation of the beam penumbra in lung leading to underdosage
close to the beam edges and dose deposition in lung outside the beam edges. d
Underdosage at the surface of the tumour close to the beam edge

ror have been presented, one by Hong et al. (2002),

applicable to uence optimisation-based inverse
planning, and the other by De Gersem et al. (2001b),
applicable to direct segment outline (aperture) and
weight optimisation.
The method described by Hong et al. (2002) was
devised to take into account the scattered dose component during uence optimisation for the large
elds used for whole abdominal irradiation. The
iterative process they used (only) included scatter
from within a 2-mm radius of a pencil beam kernel.
At the end of each optimisation cycle, the dose distribution was recomputed with full scatter contributions. The difference between the accurately computed dose distribution and the dose distribution
computed with restricted scatter contribution was
used as a correction in the next optimisation cycle,
and the process was iterated until further improvement became minimal. The principle the authors described could be used to account for loss of electron
equilibrium during optimisation of lung tumours.
After each optimisation cycle, leaf sequencing
should be performed and the dose distribution recomputed with an appropriate dose algorithm such
as convolution/superposition or Monte Carlo.
The method of De Gersem et al. to incorporate
accurate dose computation in direct segment outline
and weight optimisation is shown in Fig. 11.1.7.

For each chosen incidence, an anatomy-based

segmentation tool (ABST) created segments (De
Gersem et al. 2001a). By the use of ABST, a starting set of segments is created. For each segment,
a dose grid is computed. A starting set of weights is obtained using SWOT, a segment weight optimisation tool previously described
(De Gersem et al. 1999). Subsequently, the method
of direct segment aperture and weight optimisation
(SOWAT, segment outline and weight adapting tool),
was applied to optimise the plans (De Gersem et
al. 2001b). SOWAT is built to use dose grids computed by an external dose computation engine, as
shown in Fig. 11.1.7. The Philips-Pinnacle (Philips
Medical Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
convolution-superposition algorithm was used as
the external engine. This algorithm allows relatively
accurate computing of the dose delivered to lung
tissue. Both the penumbra broadening in lung and
rebuild-up downstream from lung are well reproduced (Ahnesjo and Aspradakis 1999; Martens
et al. 2002). Inside SOWAT, a predened set of MLC
leaf repositioning values is tested according to the
algorithm drawn in Fig. 11.1.7. The default set of
repositioning values spanned a range of 18-mm
(positive values indicate an opening leaf position
change; negative values indicate leaf closing). After
each leaf position adaptation cycle, monitor units
are optimised, and a new repositioning value is set

Intensity-Modulted Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer


Fig. 11.1.7 Use of a convolution-superposition dose algorithm in IMRT optimisation. Description of the algorithm can be found
in the text section 11.1.6 on dose computation for IMRT planning

to execute the next cycle. When all repositioning

values have been tested, SOWAT sends beam segments with optimised apertures and weights to the
external dose engine to compute the dose grids.
As shown in Fig. 11.1.7, the cycle with passage
through SOWAT and the external dose engine is to
be reiterated until the plan acceptance criteria are
fullled. Then, segment sequencing by the CRASH
(combine, reorder and step and shoot) tool results in
a prescription le for the linear accelerator (De Neve
et al. 1999).

Quality Assurance for Clinical Trials
Many of the difficulties regarding the implementation of IMRT in lung cancer clinical trials are
being solved. Solutions exist for accurate dose
computation in lung and across interfaces between lung and other tissues during optimisation.
Respiratory gating techniques become feasible for
clinical practice. Accurate delineation of critical
organs and pretreatment analysis of toxicity-predicting factors allow for safer application of high-

dose schedules. Considering the complexity of the

chain of procedures that involves imaging, planning, and optimisation and that finally leads to
the instruction files for the linear accelerator, a
test system to evaluate whether the execution of
the instruction files leads to the calculated dose
distribution would be welcome. Polymer gel dosimetry has been used for this purpose (Vergote
et al. 2003) and has the advantage of providing 3D
quantitative information. However, the cost of gel
dosimetry is prohibitive for testing each individual
IMRT plan before it is delivered to the patient.
More economical systems need to be developed.
In a future European Organization for Research
and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial, a multipurpose phantom that allows for studying the effects of tissue inhomogeneities on dose deposition
will be used (Swinnen et al. 2002). This phantom
allows studying key discrepancies between calculations and measurements for each individual
intensity-modulated beam. Considering the large
variability in IMRT techniques and procedures,
practical validation systems of patient-individual
treatments will be required for clinical trials of
IMRT in lung cancer patients, especially in a multicentre setting.


IMRT may become an important element of future
strategies to improve local control and survival in
lung cancer. For LD-SCLC as well as for LA-NSCLC,
concurrent dose-intensive radiation and chemotherapy seem to be the paradigm. In such schedules, safe delivery of radiation will involve multiple
technical improvements including (1) a decrease of
the internal margin of the PTV by breathing control
techniques, (2) a decrease of the external margin of
the PTV by online imaging and correction, (3) use
of dose computation algorithms during IMRT optimisation that accurately model electron nonequilibrium, (4) a decrease of the beam aperture by a
rind-boost technique, (5) a focused dose escalation
to subvolumes, determined by biological imaging,
inside the PTV, (6) a better dose prescription and
constraint denition to decrease ambiguity in clinical
protocols, (7) the development of class solutions for
routine clinical implementation, and (8) the development of quality assurance for clinical trials of IMRT
in lung cancer.

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Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy


11.2 Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy

Hiroki Shirato, Rikiya Onimaru, Masaharu Fujino, Hiroshi Onishi


Overview 435
Technical Advances 436
Stereotactic Localization 436
Gross Tumor Volume and
Clinical Target Volume 436
4D Radiotherapy 437
4D Treatment Planning 437
4D Set-up of Patients 438
4D Delivery 438
4D Verication 440
Clinical Results 440
Stereotactic Irradiation 440
Gated Radiotherapy 443
References 444

Some patients with early-stage non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC) have technically operable but medically inoperable tumors, and radiation alone is the
treatment of choice for achieving a median survival
of 30 months and a 5-year survival of up to 42% for
these patients (Zimmermann et al. 2003). However,
the local failure rate is still high with conventional
local irradiation. Stereotactic irradiation for lung
cancers has emerged as an expatiation of stereotactic irradiation for small intracranial metastasis
from lung cancers; the technique has achieved a local control rate as good as that achieved with surgical removal (Lax et al. 1994; Blomgren et al. 1995).
Extracranial stereotactic irradiation is a technique
in which a high dose is focused on an extracranial
target using many convergent small beams, with specic devices to constrain the error due to set-up of
H. Shirato, MD, Associate Professor
R. Onimaru, MD; M. Fujino, MD
Department of Radiology, Hokkaido University School of
Medicine, North 15 West 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-8638, Japan
H. Onishi, MD
Department of Radiology, Yamanashi University School of
Medicine, Yamanashi, 409-3898, Japan

the patients and internal organ motion. Many of the

stereotactic irradiation devices for body disease are
using noninvasive localization systems and a variety
of methods to reduce the uncertainty due to organ
motion. The target volume parameters should be determined by the precise measurement of systematic
error and random error for set-up and internal organ motion (Hurkmans et al. 2001), but obtaining
these values has not usually been possible in the case
of lung tumors because of the large intrafractional
organ motion. In practice, a 5-mm planning target
volume (PTV) margin in the lateral and anterodorsal
direction and a 10-mm margin in the craniocaudal
direction for clinical target volume (CTV) are used
in many institutions [Lohr et al. 1999; Wulf et al.
2000; Uematsu et al. 2000; Nakagawa et al. 2000;
Nagata et al. 2002; Onimaru et al. 2003; Hof et al.
2003; Timmerman et al. 2003).
Even though the margin seems to be large enough
in population-based studies, it is usually difcult to
verify the accuracy in each treatment in each patient. In fact, the accuracy of stereotactic irradiation
of lung tumors may not have been so different from
conventional three-dimensional (3D) conformal radiotherapy with the proper set-up (Halperin et al.
1999). If one uses advanced imaging tools, the set-up
accuracy may be better than that of irradiation with
a rigid body frame. Therefore, there are still many objections to the use of the term stereotactic irradiation for radiotherapy with only a rigid body frame in
the era of advanced image-guided radiotherapy.
Meanwhile, the promise of the concept of body
stereotactic irradiation has persuaded investigators
to develop new precision radiotherapy techniques to
reduce the uncertainty in localizing soft and moving
tumors. Imaging tools and insertion techniques of
ducial markers have made it possible to reduce interfractional set-up error for body tumors (Uematsu
et al. 2000; Takai et al. 2001; Uematsu et al. 2001;
Onishi et al. 2003; Whyte et al. 2003; Shirato et al.
1999). Respiration-gated radiotherapy has emerged
as the tool to reduce intrafractional uncertainty.
The localization of lung tumors has moved from


3D accuracy to four-dimensional (4D) accuracy to

account for interfractional and intrafractional temporal changes of anatomy (Shirato et al. 2000a).
Real-time tracking of the internal marker with pattern recognition technology and radiotherapy gated
to the motion of the marker have made it possible to
irradiate the moving lung tumor within a few millimeters of uncertainty (Shirato et al. 2000b; Shimizu
et al. 2001; Seppenwoolde et al. 2002; Shirato et al.
2003). Four-dimensional stereotactic irradiation is
now possible with real-time tracking radiotherapy
(RTRT), with an accuracy of 1.0 mm and 0.03 sec in
the frame of time and space. Focusing the irradiation
to a lung tumor in motion, as in the case of treating
static brain diseases, is now feasible because of conceptual and technological breakthroughs.

H. Shirato et al

reason. Nagata et al. (2002) have used portal verication with the stereotactic body frame. Nakagawa
et al. (2000) have proposed using CT scans with direct therapeutic megavoltage x-rays to verify tumor
location. Uematsu et al. (2000) have used diagnostic
CT in the treatment room for correcting manual setup of patients. Slow CT scanning without a breath
hold for one slice makes it possible to verify that
the tumor is grossly within the PTV. Onishi et al.
(2003) have also used the diagnostic CT scan in the
treatment room without needing to rotate the table
(Fig. 11.2.1b). Using CT scans in the treatment room
is increasing worldwide for precise patient set-up
(Fung et al. 2003).
Gross Tumor Volume and Clinical Target Volume

Technical Advances
Stereotactic Localization
The idea of using a frame with a coordinate for
extracranial stereotactic irradiation to treat static
brain diseases was proposed by investigators in
Karolinska Hospital in the mid-1990s (Lax et al.
1994; Blomgren et al. 1995), and that system became commercially available and has been used
clinically (Fig. 11.2.1a). Wulf et al. (2000), Nagata
et al. (2002), and Timmerman et al. (2003) have
published their results using the xation device for
treating lung tumors. Investigators in Heidelberg,
Germany, have also made a stereotactic xation device and used it for stereotactic single-dose radiotherapy (Lohr et al. 1999; Hof et al. 2003). Negoro
et al. (2001) have shown that these devices achieve
5 mm set-up accuracy for 75% of patients without radiographic verication, but 25% of patients
required correction.
Image-guided localization has been tested with
single or hypofractionated high-dose irradiation of
lung tumors. Arimoto et al.(1998) have used two
orthogonal high-voltage portal images to correct the
manual set-up of patients after computed tomography (CT) simulation. Vertebral bony structures can
be used as the landmark for patient set-up if they are
visible. Round peripheral tumors may be visible, but
small tumors with a ground-glass appearance cannot
be visualized. Takai et al. (2001) have used implantation of ducial markers in invisible tumors for this

Timmerman et al. (2003) have adapted the typical

method for determining gross tumor volume (GTV)
and CTV in their prospective clinical trial of stereotactic irradiation. Using 2- to 5-mm slice CT images
in the pulmonary window, both solid tumor areas
and those with ground-glass density were targeted.
The CTV was identical to the GTV, as no prophylactic
treatment was allowed (Onimaru et al. 2003). The
PTV, which included set-up uncertainty, was designated from the GTV by enlarging the volume 0.5 cm
in the axial plane and 1.0 cm in the craniocaudal
plane. The beam apertures were drawn to just encompass the PTV with no margin. Ninety-ve percent of
the PTV was covered by the 80% prescription isodose
volume. Dose constraint to the spinal cord was 18 Gy
in three fractions. Hof et al. (2003) used the maximum dose of 5 Gy for the spinal cord and 8 Gy to the
esophagus as the dose constraint in single-fraction
irradiation. A conventional 3D treatment planning
system cannot calculate the precise dose distribution
in lung tissue, so the dose is usually prescribed at the
isocenter, where the algorism does not inuence the
calculated results as much.
Determination of GTV and CTV for NSCLC has been
improved by a recent rigorous work by Giraud et al.
(2000). They have examined the relationship between
radiologic and pathologic ndings in NSCLC. Using
thin slice CT images at the lung setting (level at 700 and
window 1,000, personal communication) for peripheral
tumors and the soft-tissue setting (level at 40 and window at 400) for central tumors, they found that 95% of
the microscopic extension of the tumor is included if
one uses an 8-mm CTV margin for adenocarcinoma
and a 6-mm margin for squamous cell carcinoma.

Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy



Fig. 11.2.1ac Stereotactic and respiratory-gating devices. a

Stereotactic body frame. b CT scanner on the rail in the treatment room. c Respiratory-gating device

External beams from a linear accelerator are multiple static beams or dynamic arcs. A total of seven to ten
noncoplanar, nonopposing beams are used to deliver a
dose to the PTV. Xu (1998) has shown that 710 noncoplanar beams are equivalent to multiple arc therapy in
small-eld stereotactic irradiation of lung tumors.
4D Radiotherapy
Because the position of the lung tumor can differ
between planning and irradiation, localization of
lung tumors should take care of temporal changes
in the anatomy. The 4th dimension of accuracy, time,
is now often investigated in addition to 3D accuracy
in space. Four-dimensional stereotactic irradiation
for moving tumors can be characterized by the following four components: (1) 4D treatment planning,
(2) 4D set-up, (3) 4D treatment delivery, and (4) 4D
treatment verication. Stereotactic irradiation uses
some sort of 4D treatment planning. Respirationgated radiotherapy is an approach for adding 4D
set-up and 4D delivery to 4D planning (Fig. 11.2.1c).
Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy also adds 4D
verication (Fig. 11.2.2).
4D Treatment Planning

There are several approaches for incorporating temporal change of CTV in 4D treatment planning: (1)
slow CT scanning that takes longer than one respiratory cycle, (2) gated CT scanning at a respiratory
phase, (3) reconstruction of images at a respiratory
phase, and (4) breath-hold CT scanning at a respiratory phase. Slow CT scanning is useful for irradiation with normal breathing (Uematsu et al. 2001;
Arimoto et al. 1998; van Sornsen de Koste et al.
2003). The gated CT can reduce intra- and interfraction variability of anatomy that is due to respiratory
motion, but systematic displacements are observed
in some cases between the location of an anatomic
feature at simulation and its location during treatment due to delay between signal generation and
imaging (Ford et al. 2003). A CT image at a respiratory phase can be reconstructed from a spiral CT to
reduce the residual uncertainty in the gated CT scan
(Vedam et al. 2003). For real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy, breath-hold CT scanning or the CT scan
reconstructed at a respiratory phase is useful providing that an internal ducial marker is inserted before
the planning CT (Shirato et al. 2000a).

H. Shirato et al



Treatment room

Image intensifer

Fluoroscopic image
Planned marker


Beam on

Beam o

Actual marker

2-mm gold marker

Fig. 11.2.2 Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy system. Left upper conguration of the RTRT system, right upper the prototype RTRT system, left lower concept of the RTRT, right lower a 2-mm gold internal ducial marker
4D Set-up of Patients
4D Delivery

Recent advances in patient set-up have been

achieved based on investigations of lung tumor
motion. Seppenwoolde et al. (2002) have shown
that the trajectory of the tumor motion is unique
to each tumor and that the amplitude and hysteresis of the movement differ from one another
(Fig. 11.2.3). The baseline of the tumor position
relative to the bony structure can change every day
and every second due to the patients emotion, abdominal fullness, and other, unknown factors. The
potential for change is understandable because the
lung tissue is soft and vulnerable to the position
of the diaphragm and the tone of the intercostal
muscles, both of which can change voluntarily and
involuntarily (Shirato et al. 2004). Real-time tumor-tracking makes it possible to set up the table
position at the proper phase of the tumor motion by seeing the tumor trajectory before each
treatment (Fig. 11.2.4). Fig. 11.2.4 shows that the
trajectory of the same marker near a lung tumor
changes day by day.

There are several ways to detect one-dimensional

or two-dimensional external monitors of respiratory motion (Ohara et al. 1989; Inada et al. 1992;
Minohara et al. 2000; Tada et al. 1998; Kubo et
al. 2000; Mageras et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2003).
Following the pioneering work of Ohara et al. (1989)
on photon therapy, respiration-gated irradiation has
been used in Japan in particle therapies (Inada et
al. 1992; Minohara et al. 2000). A proton accelerator in Tsukuba was gated by the signals generated
by a strain gauge (Inada et al. 1992). This sensor is
taped on the patients ank near the umbilicus for irradiation in the supine position. The heavy ion beam
accelerator in Chiba was gated by using a light emitting diode taped to the patient in a manner similar
to that used at Tsukuba (Minohara et al. 2000). A
position-sensitive detector (PSD) rigidly mounted on
the couch tracks the position of a light-emitting diode. Mageras et al. (2001) investigated the efciency
of the PSD and found that the average patient diaphragm excursion was reduced from 1.4 cm (range

Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy


1 cm



Fig. 11.2.3 Relationship between the tumor position and the trajectory of the tumor. Tumors in the lower lobe (blue) showed a
large amplitude, whereas tumors in the upper lobe (black) showed less amplitude. Hysteresis was obvious for tumors near the
anterior chest wall. Tumors attatched to some structure did not move so much (red)

Fig. 11.2.4 Three-dimensional trajectory

of the internal gold marker near a lung
tumor in the same patient on day 1 and
day 2 of radiotherapy, detected by the
RTRT system (dots). The trajectory varied day by day. The box is the 3D gating
window of which coordinates are xed
to the isocenter of the linear accelerator

Day 1

Day 2

0.72.1 cm) without gating and without breathing

instruction and to 0.3 cm (range 0.20.5 cm) with
both gating and breathing instruction. However, they
suggest the importance of checking with uoroscopy
for possible time delays in patients with impaired
lung function. A physiological monitor such as a
spirometer should be used with careful attention to
the long-term drift of the baseline during breathing
(Zhang et al. 2003).
The shortcoming of respiration-gated radiotherapy is that the internal motion of the tumor may be
different from the motion of signals such as those
of skin and diaphragm motion. Registration of the
internal ducial marker and motion of the skin surface take place before irradiation, and the motion
of the skin surface was used as the gating signal in

several studies (Whyte et al. 2003; Kubo et al. 2000;

Mageras et al. 2001). This solution requires attention to the fact that the internal motion of lung tumors is not always consistent with the motion of the
skin surface in terms of both amplitude and phase.
Harada et al. (2002) have developed a method to
insert internal ducial markers with a diameter of
1.52.0 mm in or near a lung tumor through beroptic bronchoscopy. Using real-time pattern recognition technology, two sets of uoroscopy in the RTRT
system can detect the 3D position of the markers
relative to the isocenter of the linac 30 times a second
(Shimizu et al. 2001). A therapeutic beam is gated to
irradiate the target only when the marker is located
within a permitted dislocation (usually 13 mm)
from its planned position. The treatment beam can

H. Shirato et al


be delivered to the tumor with a delay of 0.05 seconds

after detecting the tumor position. The tumor can
be irradiated at the same phase of respiration in the
treatment planning (Seppenwoolde et al. 2002). The
system reduces the fundamental uncertainty about
temporal changes in the lung tumors position during irradiation, although there remains uncertainty
about the relationship between the tumor and the
internal ducial markers. Three markers are now inserted to reduce the uncertainty about the migration
and deformation.
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for
lung tumors using the gated radiotherapy technique is
attractive for treating relatively large lung tumors that
are not treatable with stereotactic irradiation (Hugo et
al. 2003). Dynamic IMRT (Neicu et al. 2003) or robotic
dynamic chasing irradiation (Kim et al. 2001) has been
proposed as a possible approach. These techniques
need to overcome the problem of the intra- and interfractional variation of the amplitude and the phase of
the respiratory movement before clinical application.
Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy is now combined with IMRT technology in a treatment known as
intensity synchronized radiotherapy (ISRT). With this
technique it is possible to irradiate stage III lung cancer with a smaller margin than that included in conventional IMRT. ISRT has been used for the irradiation
of a larger lung tumor with ipsilateral hilar and mediastinal involvement, giving 66 Gy in 33 fractions successfully. A prediction model of the respiratory motion
is going to be installed in the ISRT system to reduce the
amount of uoroscopic dose in the longer treatment
time of ISRT compared with that of RTRT.

Before RTRT
40 Gy / 4 Fr / 1 weekPeriod
4D Verication

Because inter- and intrafractional changes of amplitude, phase, and baseline of the lung tumor movement
are not always predicable, the internal position of the
tumor during irradiation delivery should be carefully
monitored. Internal ducial markers and diagnostic
x-ray imaging are useful for detecting the difference
in the actual position of the internal ducial marker
from its planned position. The real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy system can detect and record the
actual position of internal ducial markers with the
gating parameters 30 times a second during the irradiation. This system enabled us to verify the efciency
of gated irradiation in time and space (Fig. 11.2.5).
Intrafractional 4D verication is a key issue in performing adaptive irradiation for tumors in motion
with a small PTV margin and dose escalation.

Clinical Results
Stereotactic Irradiation
Stereotactic irradiation for lung tumors with a modest number of patients (110 lung tumors in 85 patients) was reported in 1998 by a Japanese research
group (Sakamoto and Arimoto 1998). The study
consisted of 40 lesions treated with 60 Gy (isocen-

after 23 month

Fig. 11.2.5 Non-small cell lung cancer

treated with RTRT giving 48 Gy in four
fractions at the isocenter and 90% dose
at the periphery of the gross tumor
volume. Left before radiotherapy, right
23 months after treatment

Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy


ter) in eight fractions in 35 patients from Kitami Red

Cross General Hospital and 70 lesions treated with
5060 Gy in ve to six fractions in 50 patients from
Defense Medical College. The former hospital used
orthogonal megavoltage portal images, and the latter used a CT scanner in the treatment room for the
set-up. Field size was less than 5.5 cm in all patients.
There were 48 NSCLC and 62 metastatic lesions. The
1-year local control rate was 93% (56/60) in 60 patients
who were followed more than 1 year. Eight patients
survived without relapse for more than 3 years. No
patients experienced symptomatic radiation adverse
effects, although CT scan detected localized pneumonitis in 70% of the lesions at 4.2 months on average.
The localized pneumonitis occurred at the 75% isodose volume of the isocenter dose. Pulmonary perfusion scanning was useful for detecting low-perfusion
areas in 7/9 patients who did not develop CT-detectable pneumonitis. The studys authors concluded that
stereotactic irradiation was safe for lung tumors up
to 4.5 cm in the maximum diameter by using 55-cm
noncoplanar multiple arcs.
Other published data in the literature are shown in
Table 11.2.1. Uematsu et al. (2001) have published
their results of 50 patients treated with T1-2N0M0
NSCLC at the Defense Medical College. With a median follow-up period of 36 months (range 2266),
the 3-year overall survival rate was 66% in all 50 patients and 86% in the 29 medically operable patients
(Fig. 11.2.6a). The 5-year survival rate using stereotactic irradiation reached 72% in the operable patients. No denite adverse reaction was noted except
for two patients with minor bone fractures and six
patients with temporary pleural pain. Nagata et al.
(2002) have reported that the 2-year overall survival
rate was 79% for T1N0M0 using a stereotactic body
frame giving 48 Gy/4 fractions/513 days. No local
relapse or symptomatic complications were noted.











P < 0.05
BED 100 Gy (n = 172)
BED < 100 Gy (n = 73)




Timmerman et al. (2003) have reported that the maximum tolerated dose for T1 and T2 (<7 cm) N0M0
NSCLC has been higher than 60 Gy in three fractions
from their phase I study in 37 patients. A patient with
a T1 tumor and a patient with a T2 tumor experienced grade 3 hypoxia requiring oxygen after 48 Gy/
3 Fr and 42 Gy/3 Fr, respectively, and they did not
experience grade 3 hypoxia following treatment. A
single patient experienced grade 3 radiation dermatitis with skin redness, peeling, and discomfort along
the entrance trajectory of each treatment beam. Hof
et al. (2003) at the German Cancer Research Center
reported that 8/10 patients with stage I NSCLC were
locally controlled with a median follow-up period
of 15 months. They used 1926 Gy at the isocenter
with an 80% isodose surrounding the PTV tightly in
a single fraction.
Several Japanese institutions began using stereotactic irradiation for stage I NSCLC in the late 1990s.
Although the fractionation schedule has not been
standardized, the investigators noticed that the difference in the techniques and schedule, in fact, might
not be so important as long as the treated volume is
restricted. Recently, they retrospectively studied their
experience with stage I NSCLC in a multi-institutional
survey (Onishi et al. 2003) that included 245 patients
from 13 institutions. There were 110 squamous cell
carcinomas, 109 adenocarcinomas, and 26 tumors of
other pathology for a total of 155 stage IA (T1N0M0)
and 90 stage IB (T2N0M) diseases. Age was distributed from 35 to 92 (median 76) years old. Performance
status was 0 in 94, 1 in 104, and 2 in 47 patients. One
hundred and forty-nine patients suffered from pulmonary diseases such as emphysema, and 158 tumors
were judged inoperable. Tumor diameter was 758
(median 28) mm. Vacuum pillows were used in ve
institutions, a body frame was used in four institutions, and an image-guided localization system with-

5 years

7 years

Fig. 11.2.6a,b Clinical outcome of patients with T1N0M0 non-small cell lung cancers treated with stereotactic irradiation in
Japan. a Actuarial overall survival of 29 operable patients treated by stereotactic irradiation (from Uematsu et al. 2001). b
The overall survival of 64 operable patients treated with biological effective dose (BED) >100 Gy and 23 patients treated with
BED <100 Gy. (from Onishi et al. 2003).

H. Shirato et al

Table 11.2.1.

No of

Dose /
fractionation /




local control (All


ActuAdverse events
arial 3-year (NCI-CTC

et al. (25)

40 (35)

60 Gy
/ 8 / 11





No grade 3
or more

et al. (3)

17 (13)

2368 Gy
/ 13



425, 8



Grade 3; Chronic
cough (6%)

et al. (51)

66 (45)

3076 Gy
/ 515
/ 520






No grade 3
or more

et al. (7)

22 (15)

1825 Gy



0.882, 8



No grade 3
or more

et al. (15)

50 (50)

5060 Gy
/ 510
/ 511





66% in
(86% in

minor rib
fracture (4%),
temporal chest
pain (12%)

et al. (52)

27 (27)

/ 3 / 48



233, 8



Grade 3: esophageal ulcer (4%)

Grade 5: bleeding
from pulmonary
artery (4%)

et al. (8)

43 (40)

4048 Gy
/ 4 / 513






79% at

No grade 3
or more

et al. (53)

23 (19)

2030 Gy

Min dose
to GVT





Grade 3: hypoxia
oxygen (4%)

et al. (17)

23 (23)

15 Gy





due to marker
insertion (13%)

et al. (9)

57 (45)

4860 Gy
/ 8 / 11






85% at
Grade 5: esopha2-year (T1- geal ulcer (2%)

et al. (10)

10 (10)

1926 Gy





No grade 2 or

et al. (54)

34 (28)

3040 Gy
/ 34
/ 34






No grade 2 or

et al. (11)

37 (37)

2460 Gy
/ 3 / 816





Grade 3 dermatitis (3%), Grade 3

hypoxia (5%)

out immobilization devices was used in four institutions. Devices to reduce respiratory motion by breath
hold, abdominal pressure, or gating technique were
used in seven institutions. Multiple static ports were
used in seven institutions, and a dynamic arc using
megavoltage x-ray beams was used in six institutions.
Single irradiation was used in two institutions, and

hypofractionation was used in 11 institutions. Many

fractionation schedules were used in each institution, and their biological effective dose ranged from
57 to 180 (median 108) Gy. Conventional irradiation
of 3044 Gy/1520 fractions was used additionally in
27 (11%) patients. During the follow-up of 778 (median 24) months, pulmonary complications greater

Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Gated Therapy

than NCI-CTC criteria grade 2 were noted in only

six (2.4%) patients. The local progression occurred
in 33 (14.5%) patients, and a lower local recurrence
rate was observed (8.1% vs. 26.4%, p=0.04) when the
biological effective dose (BED) was *100 Gy compared with BED <100 Gy. The 3-year overall survival
rate of medically operable patients was 88.4% vs.
69.4% (p<0.05) when BED was *100 Gy vs. <100 Gy
(Fig. 11.2.6b), respectively. The 88% 3-year overall
survival rate in operable patients treated with BED
*100 Gy was consistent with the single institutional
results, 88% in the 29 operable patients, by the
Medical Defense College, whose patients were not
included in this multi-institutional survey. Based on
these clinical results, the Japanese Clinical Oncology
Group has prompted a multi-institutional prospective single-arm phase II study of the use of 48 Gy/4 Fr
Most of the studies examined the treatment of
peripheral lung tumors. In the early Japanese study
group reported in 1998, 10 patients with centrally
located lung tumors showed no radiation injury
within the maximum follow-up period of 36 months
(Sakamoto and Arimoto 1998). However, Wulf
et al. (2001) reported that two patients with a central lung tumor experienced serious late morbidity.
One patient showed chronic ulcerous esophagitis
4 months later, occurring in the lower esophagus adjacent to the tumor, after 28 Gy in four fractions at
65% isodose. Another patient had fatal bleeding from
the right pulmonary artery after 30 Gy (65% isodose)
in three fractions for a relapsed tumor that had already received 63 Gy. Onimaru et al. (2003) reported
a fatal bleeding from an esophageal ulcer 5 months after stereotactic irradiation of 48 Gy in eight fractions
to the 3.0-cm central lung tumor, with the dose given
to 1 cc of the esophagus at 42.5 Gy in eight fractions.
These ndings are consistent with the report from
Hayakawa et al. (1996), who reported that 80 Gy in
40 fractions or more caused the development of severe stenosis of the proximal bronchus in 42% (5/12)
of patients. At present, it is not certain whether highdose stereotactic irradiation with a small PTV is safe
enough for central lung tumors.
Gated Radiotherapy
Although there have been many technical publications about gated radiotherapy, clinical reports of
gated x-ray radiotherapy for lung cancers are still
sparse. Hara et al. (2002) have used laser monitor-


ing of the chest wall for gating in 23 malignant lung

tumors <40 mm in diameter. Using a stereotactic
set-up, they obtained a local progression-free state
in 7/10 patients treated with <30 Gy minimum GTV
dose in a single fraction and in 12/13 patients treated
with 30 Gy, with a follow-up of 324 months (median 13).
Harada et al. (2002) have reported their early
experiences using RTRT for 12 lung tumors, showing the feasibility of bronchoberscopic insertion
of the ducial markers. Shirato et al. (2003) have
reported that the marker was successfully inserted
and used for RTRT in 38/41 peripheral lung tumors
without any serious complications related to marker
insertion. Fujino et al. (2003) have reported on 42 lesions in 37 patients with lung tumors who were entered into an RTRT feasibility study in 1999 and 2002
with 40 NSCLC and two metastatic adenoid-cystic
carcinomas. Giving 35 Gy (eight patients) or 40 Gy
(23 patients) in four fractions with a very tight PTV
margin (15 mm) without consideration for CTV
margin for GTV, eight local or marginal relapses were
noted in the 31 patients within a median follow-up
of 16 months (range 435). The rate of marginal/local relapse was higher than that in the experience
with non-gated stereotactic irradiation (Onimaru
et al. 2003; Fukumoto et al. 2002). However, in recent results of RTRT with a CTV margin of 8 mm for
adenocarcinoma and 6 mm for squamous cell carcinoma, there were no relapses during the median follow-up of 8 months (range 616) after RTRT (Fujino
et al. 2003). Those results suggest that precisely gated
irradiation using an RTRT system requires serious
attention to the subclinical extension of the tumor
that overlaps the margin for organ motion in nongated radiotherapy. More careful dose-nding investigation of RTRT is now underway in the other
eight Japanese hospitals that have installed the same
In conclusion, the benet of gated radiotherapy
and RTRT is not yet certain compared with that of
using non-gated stereotactic irradiation for small
peripheral tumors. The real benet of gated radiotherapy will probably be apparent for treating larger
tumors that are not candidates for non-gated stereotactic irradiation. Careful clinical studies are certainly required to estimate the benet of this exciting
technique to justify the cost and the effort. However,
because the nature of the radiotherapy is to be more
precise in time and space, 4D radiotherapy may eventually become one of the standard treatments. It is
the same as the case with 3D radiotherapy, which
has been improved without statistical conrmation


of its superiority to conventional radiotherapy (Suit

2002). Four-dimensional radiotherapy is now challenging clinicians, who must determine how to use
it properly.

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Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist


11.3 Novel Substances in the Treatment of

Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist
L. Chinsoo Cho, Hak Choy


Introduction 447
Current Strategies in Chemoradiotherapy 448
Drug-Radiation Interactions 448
Radiation-Induced Damage 448
Inhibition of Cellular Radiation Injury Repair 448
Cell Cycle Redistribution 449
Tumor Hypoxia and Radioresistance 449
Inhibition of Tumor Cell Repopulation 450
Emerging Strategies for Improvement
in Chemoradiotherapy 451
Timing of Therapy 451
Increasing Antitumor Efcacy
of Existing Chemotherapeutic Drugs 451
Incorporation of Molecular Targeting 452
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 452
Cyclooxygenase-2 454
Tumor Angiogenesis Inhibitor 454
RAS Farnesylation Inhibitors 455
Promoters of Apoptosis 455
Normal Tissue Protection 455
Topoisomerase I Inhibitors 456
Conclusion 457
References 457

Radiotherapy has been a major treatment modality
for regionally conned lung cancers. The rate of treatment failure is still high, particularly for large tumors
or advanced disease, which lowers the overall tumor
response rate to radiotherapy and the patient survival. Improvements in radiotherapy have been made
both in technological innovations, allowing delivery
of higher radiation doses to the tumor or lower doses
to normal tissues, and in the implementation of strategies that modulate the biological response of tumors
or normal tissues to radiation. The latter strategies
include altered fractionation of radiotherapy, comL. C. Cho, M.D., Associate Professor
H. Choy, M.D., Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas,
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5801 Forest Park,
Dallas, TX 75390, USA

bined modality therapy using systemic chemotherapy or biological agents, and, more recently, targeting
of molecular processes and signaling pathways that
have become dysregulated in cancer cells.
The combination of chemotherapeutic drugs with
radiation has had a signicant impact on current radiotherapy practice for non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC). This combination has been used for many
years but has now become a common treatment option for lung cancer patients. This is particularly true
for concurrent chemoradiotherapy, which in many
recent clinical trials has been shown to be superior to
radiotherapy alone in controlling local-regional disease and in improving patient survival. Combining
chemotherapeutic drugs with radiotherapy has a
strong biologic rationale. Such chemotherapeutic
agents reduce the number of tumor cells undergoing
radiotherapy by their independent cytotoxicity and
often render tumor cells more susceptible to killing by
ionizing radiation. An additional benet of combined
treatment is that chemotherapeutic drugs, by virtue
of their systemic activity, may also act on subclinical metastatic disease. Most chemotherapeutic drugs
have been chosen for combination with radiotherapy
based on their known effectiveness in lung cancer.
Alternatively, agents that are effective in overcoming
resistance mechanisms associated with radiotherapy
could be chosen. There have been improvements in
clinical outcome with concurrent chemoradiotherapy
using traditional drugs, such as cisplatin, and these
studies have led to extensive research on exploring
newer chemotherapeutic agents for their interactions
with radiation. A number of new potent chemotherapeutic agents, including taxanes, nucleoside analogs,
and topoisomerase inhibitors, have entered clinical trials or practice. Preclinical testing has shown
that they are potent enhancers of radiation response
and thus might improve the therapeutic outcome of
chemoradiotherapy. Also, rapidly emerging molecular targeting strategies are aimed at improving the efcacy of chemoradiotherapy.
This chapter reviews the biologic rationale and
principles fundamental to the use of radiotherapy

L. C. Cho and H. Choy


with systemic therapy, the knowledge of which is

essential in developing the optimal treatment strategies. It also overviews novel biologic therapy combined with radiotherapy in the treatment of NSCLC.

Current Strategies in Chemoradiotherapy
The goals of combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy in the management of lung cancer are to
increase patient survival by improving local-regional
tumor control and by reducing distant metastases.
Combined modality treatment can further improve
positive therapeutic outcome of individual treatments through a number of specic strategies, which
Steel and Peckham (1979) classied into four
groups: spatial cooperation, independent toxicity,
enhancement of tumor response, and protection of
normal tissues.
Spatial cooperation was the initial rationale for
combining chemotherapy with radiotherapy, where
the action of radiation and chemotherapeutic drugs is
directed towards different anatomical sites. Localized
tumors would be the domain of radiotherapy, as large
doses of radiation can be given. On the other hand,
chemotherapeutic drugs are likely to be more effective in eliminating disseminated micrometastases.
Thus, the cooperation between radiation and chemotherapy is achieved through the independent action
of two modalities. The concept of spatial cooperation is also applied in the treatment of hematological malignancies that have spread to sanctuary sites
such as the brain. These sites are poorly accessible to
chemotherapeutic agents, and thus they are more appropriately treated with radiotherapy.
Independent toxicity is another important strategy for increasing the therapeutic ratio of chemoradiotherapy. Normal tissue toxicity is the main
dose-limiting factor for both chemotherapy and
radiotherapy. Therefore, combinations of radiation
and chemotherapy would be better tolerated if drugs
were selected such that toxicities do not overlap
with, or minimally add to, radiation-induced toxicities. This strategy requires a thorough knowledge of
chemotherapy toxicity, underlying mechanisms, and
drug pharmacokinetics. Careful drug selection based
on these mechanisms may minimize normal tissue
damage while retaining tumoricidal efcacy when
combined with radiotherapy.
Another strategy in chemoradiotherapy is to
exploit the ability of chemotherapeutic agents to

enhance tumor response to radiotherapy. The enhancement denotes the existence of interaction between chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation at the
molecular, cellular, or metabolic level, resulting in an
antitumor effect greater than would be expected on
the basis of additive actions of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy. The enhancement must be selective or
preferential to tumors compared to critical normal
tissues in order to achieve therapeutic gain. The ability of chemotherapeutic agents to enhance tumor
radioresponse by counteracting factors associated
with tumor radioresistance is a major rationale for
concurrent radiotherapy.
An additional strategy is to protect normal tissues in order to deliver higher doses of radiation to
the tumor. This protection can be achieved through
technical improvements in radiation delivery or administration of drugs that exert increased protection
of normal tissues against the damage by radiation or

Drug-Radiation Interactions
Radiation-Induced Damage
Radiation induces many different effects on DNA,
which is the critical target for radiation damage.
The effect may include single-strand breaks, doublestrand breaks (DSBs), base damage, and DNA-DNA
and DNA-protein cross-links. DSBs and chromosome
aberrations that occur in association with or as a consequence of DSBs are generally considered to be the
principal damage that ultimately results in cell death
(Radford 1986). Any agent that makes DNA more
susceptible to radiation damage may enhance cell
killing. Certain drugs, such as halogenated pyrimidines, incorporate into DNA and make it more susceptible to radiation damage (Kinsella et al. 1987).

Inhibition of Cellular Radiation Injury Repair
Both sublethal (SLDR) (Elkind and Sutton 1959)
and potentially lethal (PLDR) (Little et al. 1973)
damages caused by radiation can be repaired. SLDR
is rapid, with a half-time of about 1 hour, and is usually complete within 6 hours after irradiation. This

Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist

time between two radiation fractions allows radiation-induced DSBs in DNA to rejoin and repair. SLDR
is expressed as the restitution of the shoulder on
the cell survival curve for the second dose. PLDR
occurs when environmental conditions prevent cells
from dividing. Preventing cells from division allows
completion of repair of DNA lesions that would have
been lethal had DNA undergone replication shortly
after irradiation. PLDR is considered to be a major
determinant responsible for radioresistance in some
tumor types, such as melanomas.
Many chemotherapeutic agents used in chemoradiotherapy interact with cellular repair mechanisms
and inhibit repair, and hence may enhance cell or tissue response to radiation. For example, halogenated
pyrimidines enhance cell radiosensitivity not only
through increasing initial radiation damage but also
by inhibiting cellular repair (Kinsella 1987; Wang
et al. 1994). Nucleoside analogs, such as gemcitabine,
are a potent in inhibitor of the repair of radiation-induced DNA and chromosome damage (Plunkett et
al. 1995; Lawrence et al. 1997; Gregoire et al. 1999;
Milas et al. 1999a).


affect tumor growth in taxane-resistant tumors, tumors do exhibit signicant transient accumulation
of cells in mitosis 612 hours after the treatment
(Milas et al. 1999b).
Elimination of the radioresistant S phase cells by
the chemotherapeutic agents may be another cellcycle redistribution strategy in chemoradiotherapy.
Nucleoside analogs, such as udarabine or gemcitabine, are good examples of the agents that become incorporated into S phase cells and eliminate
them by inducing apoptosis (Gregoire et al. 1999;
Milas et al. 1999a). In addition to purging S-phase
cells, the analogs induce the surviving cells to undergo parasynchronous movement to accumulate
in G2 and M phases of the cell cycle between 1 and
2 days after drug administration, a time when the
highest enhancement of tumor radioresponse is observed (Milas et al. 1999a).
Tumors with a high cell growth fraction are likely
to respond better to the cell-cycle redistribution
strategy in chemoradiotherapy than tumors with a
low cell growth fraction.
Tumor Hypoxia and Radioresistance

Cell Cycle Redistribution
Both chemotherapeutic agents and radiation are more
effective against proliferating than nonproliferating
cells. Their cytotoxicity further depends on the position of cells in the cell cycle. Terasima and Tolmach
(1963) reported that radiosensitivity of cells varied
widely depending on which phase of the cell cycle the
cells were in at the time of irradiation. Cells in the G2
and M cell cycle phases were about three times more
sensitive than cells in the S phase. The exact mechanism for this variability is still unknown.
The inuence of cytotoxic agents on the cell cycle can be therapeutically exploited in chemoradiotherapy by using cell cycle redistribution strategies.
For example, some chemotherapeutic drugs, such as
taxanes, can block transition of cells through mitosis.
This results in accumulation of cells in the radiosensitive G2 and M phases of the cell cycle. The enhanced
radioresponse of cells can be demonstrated in vitro
(Tishler et al. 1992; Choy et al. 1993) and of tumors
in vivo (Milas et al. 1995, 1999b). However, this cellcycle mechanism of taxane-induced enhancement
of tumor radioresponse is dominant only in tumors
that are resistant to paclitaxel or docetaxel as a single
treatment. Although the drug does not substantially

Solid malignant tumors often display abnormal vascularization, both in the number of blood vessels and
vessel function. The blood supply to tumor cells may
be inadequate, and multiple tumor microregions may
be hypoxic, acidic, and eventually necrotic. Hypoxia
occurs at distances from blood vessels >100150 m.
The hypoxic cell content in tumors varies widely and
can be more than 50%. The presence of hypoxia may
induce aggressive and virulent tumor cell variants
and stimulate metastatic spread (Brizel et al. 1996;
Brown and Giaccia 1998). Hypoxic cells are 2.53
times more resistant to radiation than well-oxygenated cells. The fact that hypoxia may be a critical
factor in radiotherapy is suggested by the ndings
that reduced hemoglobin levels (Bush et al. 1978) and
low tumor pO2 (Hockel et al. 1993; Nordsmark et
al. 1996) are associated with higher treatment failure
rates in some tumors. Also, there are reports showing that local tumor control by radiotherapy can be
improved by the use of hypoxic cell radiosensitizers (Dische 1988) or hyperbaric oxygen (Henk and
Smith 1977). With respect to the effects of chemotherapy, hypoxic regions are less accessible to chemotherapeutic drugs; in addition, hypoxic tumor cells
are either nonproliferating or proliferate poorly and
as such do not respond well to chemotherapy.


Combining chemotherapeutic agents with radiotherapy can reduce or eliminate hypoxia or its
negative inuence on tumor radioresponse. Most
chemotherapeutic drugs preferentially kill proliferating cells, which are primarily found in well-oxygenated regions of the tumor. Because these regions
are located at a close proximity to blood vessels, they
are easily accessible to chemotherapeutic agents.
Destruction of tumor cells in these areas will lead to
an increased oxygen supply to hypoxic regions and
hence reoxygenate hypoxic tumor cells. Massive loss
of cells after chemotherapy lowers the interstitial
pressure, which then allows reopening of previously
closed capillaries and reestablishment of blood supply. It also causes tumor shrinkage so that previously
hypoxic areas are closer to capillaries and thus accessible to oxygen. Finally, by eliminating oxygenated
cells, more oxygen becomes available to cells that survived chemotherapy. It was recently shown that tumor reoxygenation is a major mechanism underlying
the enhancement of tumor radioresponse induced by
taxanes in tumors sensitive to these drugs (Milas et
al. 1995).
Another approach to counteract the negative impact of hypoxia is selective killing of hypoxic cells
through bioreductive drugs, such as tirapazamine
(Brown and Giaccia 1998), which undergo reductive activation in a hypoxic milieu, rendering them
cytotoxic. A related possibility is exploiting the acidic
state (low pH) of tumors which develops as a result
of hypoxia-driven anaerobic metabolism that produces lactic acid (Vaupel et al. 1989) through the
use of drugs that selectively accumulate in acidic environments or become activated by low pH (Tannock
and Rotin 1989).
One of the newer agents to counteract tumor hypoxia is RSR13. RSR13 (efaproxiral) is a synthetic
small molecule that enhances the diffusion of oxygen
to hypoxic tumor tissues from hemoglobin. It allows
the partial pressure of oxygen to increase in tumor
tissues to enhance the efcacy of radiation therapy
and certain chemotherapeutic drugs. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that RSR13 increases normal
tissue oxygenation, reduces tumor hypoxia, and improves the efcacy of radiation therapy. Preliminary
clinical results using RSR13 have been reported for
locally advanced inoperable stage IIIA-IIIB NSCLC
(Hak Choy et al. 2001). All patients received two cycles of induction chemotherapy that consisted of paclitaxel 225 mg/m2 and carboplatin AUC 6, followed
by thoracic radiation therapy at a total dose of 64 Gy
delivered in 32 fractions with concurrent daily infusion of RSR13 at a dose of 50100 mg/kg. The over-

L. C. Cho and H. Choy

all response rate was 88.6%, with a 1-year survival

of 64.7 %. There is currently a phase III randomized
trial testing the role of RSR13 in stage III NSCLC.
Inhibition of Tumor Cell Repopulation
The constant balance between cell production and
cell loss maintains the integrity of normal tissues.
When this balance is disturbed by cytotoxic action
of chemotherapeutic drugs or radiation, the integrity of tissues is reestablished by an increased rate
of cell production. The cell loss after each fraction
of radiation during radiotherapy induces compensatory cell repopulation, the extent of which determines
tissue tolerance to radiotherapy. In contrast to normal tissues, malignant tumors are characterized by
imbalance between cell production and cell loss in
favor of cell production. And, as with normal tissues,
tumors also respond to radiation- or drug-induced
cell loss with a compensatory regenerative response.
Preclinical studies have provided evidence demonstrating that the rate of cell proliferation in tumors
treated by radiation or chemotherapeutic drugs is
higher than that in untreated tumors (Hermens and
Barendsen 1978; Stephens and Steel 1980; Milas
et al. 1994). This increased rate of treatment-induced
cell proliferation is commonly termed accelerated
repopulation. Accelerated repopulation of tumor
clonogens has been shown to occur during clinical
radiotherapy as well. Withers et al. (1988) showed
that the total dose of radiation needed to control
50% of head and neck carcinomas progressively increased with time whenever radiotherapy treatment
was prolonged beyond 1 month. This increase in radiation dose required to achieve tumor control was
greater than what would be anticipated based on the
pretreatment tumor volume doubling time of about
60 days for head and neck tumors. The increase was
attributed to accelerated repopulation, and it was estimated to average about 0.6 Gy/day (Withers et al.
1988) but may be as high as 1 Gy/day (Taylor et al.
Although accelerated cell proliferation is benecial for normal tissues because it spares them from
radiation damage, it has an adverse impact on tumor
control by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Therefore,
any approach that reduces or eliminates accelerated
clonogen repopulation in tumors would improve radiotherapy. Chemotherapeutic drugs, because of their
cytotoxic or cytostatic activity, can reduce the rate of
proliferation when given concurrently with radio-

Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist

therapy, and hence increase the treatments effectiveness. Caution must be taken to select drugs that preferentially affect rapidly proliferating cells and that
preferentially localize in malignant tumors. However,
the main limitation of concurrent chemoradiotherapy is the enhanced toxicity of rapidly dividing normal tissues because most available chemotherapeutic agents show poor tumor selectivity. Experimental
evidence suggests that drug-induced accelerated cell
repopulation can actually make the tumor more difcult to control with radiation (Stephens and Steel
1980; Milas et al. 1994).
Emerging Strategies for Improvement
in Chemoradiotherapy
Despite increasing therapeutic achievements of
chemoradiotherapy for patients with NSCLC, the use
of this form of therapy is still very much restricted by
its narrow therapeutic index. The available agents are
either insufciently effective on their own or in combination with radiation against tumors, or normal
tissue toxicity prevents the use of effective doses of
drugs or radiation. Signicant preclinical and clinical
research has been undertaken to improve chemoradiotherapy, and includes the development of more selective and more effective chemotherapeutic agents.
In addition, drugs that either protect normal tissues
from injury by drugs or radiation or that selectively
target molecular processes responsible for tumor radio- or chemoresistance have been developed.
Timing of Therapy
Induction chemotherapy has resulted in therapeutic
improvement in a number of clinical trials when
compared to radiotherapy, but in general the therapeutic benets are below expectations. A number
of factors could account for this, including accelerated repopulation of tumor cell clonogens and selection or induction of drug-resistant cells that are
cross-resistant to radiation. The preclinical ndings
provide solid evidence for the existence of accelerated repopulation in tumors treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Although development of drug
resistance is a signicant problem in chemotherapy,
a similar degree of evidence that cells that acquire
chemotherapy resistance are also resistant to radiation is lacking.


Concurrent chemoradiotherapy consists of administering chemotherapeutic agents during a course

of radiotherapy. Concurrent treatment is intended
to treat both the metastatic foci and the primary
tumor. In addition, it incorporates the advantage of
drug-radiation interactions to maximize tumor radioresponse. The drug scheduling in relation to radiation fractions is important. The selection of optimal timing of drug administration must be based
on multiple factors, including mechanisms of tumor
radioenhancement by a given drug, the drugs normal tissue toxicity, and conditions under which the
highest enhancement is achieved. The data from preclinical studies contribute to the selection of the most
optimal schedules. For example, it has been demonstrated that murine tumors sensitive to taxanes show
enhanced radioresponse when the drug treatment
precedes radiation by 13 days (Milas et al. 1999b).
A major mechanism for tumor radioenhancement
was reoxygenation of hypoxic cells. Based on this
preclinical information, one would anticipate that in
clinical protocols such tumors would best respond to
a bolus of a taxane given once or twice weekly during
radiotherapy. In contrast, tumors resistant to taxanes
may benet from daily administration of a taxane,
since they show accumulation of radiosensitive G2
and M cells 612 hours after drug administration. If
the objective is to counteract rapid repopulation of
tumor cell clonogens induced by radiation, then administration of cell-cycle-specic chemotherapeutic
agents during the second half of radiotherapy might
be more effective. Optimal scheduling is essential in
concurrent chemotherapy, not only to maximize tumor radioresponse but also to minimize toxicity to
critical normal tissues. The enhancement in normal
tissue complications remains the major limitation of
concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Nevertheless, concurrent chemoradiotherapy has provided better clinical results both in terms of local tumor control and
patient survival than have other modes of chemoradiotherapy combinations (Munro 1995; Morris et
al. 1999). (See Table 11.3.1.)
Increasing Antitumor Ecacy
of Existing Chemotherapeutic Drugs
A number of chemotherapeutic agents are effective
against lung cancer and are potent radiosensitizers.
Among these are taxanes, nucleoside analogs, and
topoisomerase inhibitors. However, normal tissue
toxicity is still a major limitation for the effective use

L. C. Cho and H. Choy

Table 11.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of different chemoradiation sequencing strategies



Sequential chemoradiation

Least toxic
Maximize systemic therapy
Smaller radiation elds if induction
shrinks tumor

Increased treatment time

Lack of local synergy

Concurrent Chemoradiation

Shorter treatment time

Radiation enhancement

Compromised systemic therapy

Increased toxicity
No cytoreduction of tumor

Concurrent chemoradiation
and posterior chemotherapy

Maximize systemic therapy

Radiation enhancement
Both local and distant therapy
delivered upfront

Increased toxicity
Increased treatment time
Difcult to complete chemotherapy
after chemoradiation

of these agents. One approach to make currently existing chemotherapeutic drugs more effective against
tumors and less toxic to normal tissues is to conjugate
them with water-soluble polymeric drugs, such as
polyglutamic acid. These conjugates accumulate in
tumors and release the active drug into the tumor in
high concentrations and for a longer time. This effect
is thought to be due to the increased permeability
and retention effect of macromolecular compounds
in solid tumors (Maeda et al. 1992; Li et al. 2000a).
The abnormal vasculature in tumors is porous to
macromolecules, but high concentrations of drug can
build up in tumors because of inadequate lymphatic
drainage, whereas polymer-drug conjugates are conned to the bloodstream in normal tissue (Maeda
et al. 1992). A recently developed polyglutamic acidpaclitaxel conjugate (CT-2103) may be less toxic and
more effective against tumors in preclinical studies
than unconjugated paclitaxel (Li et al. 2000a, 2000b).
It is undergoing phase III clinical trials in the U.S.
(Phase III Randomized Study of Polyglutamate
Another example is oxaliplatin, which is a thirdgeneration cisplatin compound. Platinum chemotherapy has been used widely in managing advanced
NSCLC. Oxaliplatin is a new diamonicyclohexane that
has a different toxicity prole than that of other platinum compounds such as cisplatin and carboplatin.
Oxaliplatin has almost no nephrotoxicity, produces
mild nausea and vomiting, and has a mild to moderate hematologic toxicity. The dose-limiting toxicity
of oxaliplatin includes dose-dependent and reversible peripheral neuropathy. Based on the favorable
toxicity prole of oxaliplatin as well as the potential
for even higher activity against NSCLC, a combined
modality therapy of oxaliplatin and thoracic radiotherapy will likely be started soon. Several studies

have reported the use of oxaliplatin in NSCLC, but

none has incorporated radiotherapy (Monnet et al.
1998, 2001, 2002; Faivre et al. 2002; Kakolyris et al.
2002; Vittorio et al. 2003; Kourousis et al. 2003)
The use of oxaliplatin has the potential advantage
of reducing cisplatin- or carboplatin-associated toxicity as well as potentiating the effects of radiation.

Incorporation of Molecular Targeting
Recent advances in molecular biology have identied
a number of molecular determinants that may be
responsible for resistance of cancer cells to radiation
or other cytotoxic agents. Among these determinants
are epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme, mutated ras, angiogenic molecules, and various other molecules that
are involved in signal transduction pathways (Mason
et al. 2001).
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
EGFR is a transmembrane glycoprotein with a tyrosine kinase activity. There are in fact four transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases in the epidermal growth factor receptor class: EGFR, HER2,
HER3, and HER4. On binding to a ligand, such as
epidermal growth factor (EGF) or transforming
growth factor-_ (TGF-_), EGFR undergoes autophosphorylation and initiates transduction signals
regulating cell division, proliferation, differentiation,
and death (see Fig. 11.3.1). EGFR plays an impor-

Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist





Cell membrane



Other enzyme
or adaptor



Gene activation,
cell cycle progression


or selected





Growth eects

Growth Arrest

Angiogenesis eects
blood vessels
recruitment, invasion,

Fig. 11.3.1 Potential benets of blocking the EGFR. Modied from Harari and Huang (2000) Copyright American Association
for Cancer Research

tant role in tumor growth and tumor response to

cytotoxic agents, including ionizing radiation. The
receptor is frequently expressed in many types of
cancers. It is often associated with aggressive tumors,
poor patient prognosis, and tumor resistance to treatment with cytotoxic agents (Mendelsohn and Fan
1997; Schmidt-Ullrich et al. 2000). In vitro studies have provided evidence linking EGFR with drug
resistance. While incorporation of EGFR into tumor
cells increases their drug resistance (Dickstein et
al. 1995), the blockade of the EGFR-mediated pathway with antibodies to EGFR enhances the sensitivity of tumor cells to chemotherapy (Mendelsohn
and Fan 1997) and radiotherapy (Huang et al. 1999).
In vivo studies have shown that blockade of EGFR
with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody, such as with
C225, or interference with its signaling processes can
improve tumor treatment with chemotherapy and
radiotherapy (Milas et al. 2000; Huang and Harari
2000). C225 (Cetuximab; Erbitux, Imclone, NJ, USA)
is a highly specic monoclonal antibody that binds
to EGFR and blocks its activation. Synergistic effects
with radiotherapy have been seen in NSCLC cell lines
that expressed EGFR (Salek et al. 1999; Raben et
al. 2002).
A phase I study of C225 and radiotherapy combination in advanced head and neck cancer was

generally well tolerated by the patients. The C225related morbidity included fever, nausea, hepatic
transaminase elevation, and skin reaction. Thirteen
of 15 evaluable patients achieved complete response
(Robert et al. 2001). A study found that EGFR levels were inversely correlated with radiation-induced
apoptosis (Akimoto et al. 1999). There are also data
to suggest that EGFR expression may be increased
as a defense mechanism against the harmful effects of ionizing radiotherapy (Schmidt-Ullrich
et al. 1997). In addition, EGFR inhibition induces
cell-cycle arrest at theG0/G1 phase of the cell cycle,
which reduces the proportion of cells in the S phase,
which are more resistant to the effects of radiation.
ZD 1839 (Iressa) is an example of an orally active
inhibitor of EGFR-tyrosine kinase (EGFR-TK).
Administration of ZD 1839 enhanced apoptosis, reduced tumor cell growth, and was synergistic with
radiation (Solomon et al. 2002; Huang et al. 2002).
The optimal combination of ZD 1839 and radiotherapy is unknown, but ongoing studies including the
Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) 0023 trial
administer ZD 1839 as a maintenance therapy for
locally advanced NSCLC after chemoradiotherapy.
The Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) is
also studying the role of ZD 1839 in the management
of stage III NSCLC. The CALGB study administers

L. C. Cho and H. Choy


ZD 1839 concurrently with chemoradiotherapy, followed by additional administration of ZD 1839. (See

Table 11.3.2.)
Table 11.3.2. Ongoing trials of ZD 1839 and radiotherapy in
ZD 1839 regimen


Study group


Unresectable stage III



Unresectable stage III

COX-2 relates to prostaglandins (PGs). PGs are metabolites of arachidonic acid that possess diverse
biologic activities, including vasoconstriction, vasodilatation, platelet aggregation, and immunomodulation. They are also implicated in the development
and growth of malignant tumors as well as in the
response of tumor and normal tissues to cytotoxic
agents, including radiation (Milas and Hanson
1995; Milas 2001; Koki et al. 1999). Two cyclooxygenase enzymes, COX-1 and COX-2, mediate production of PGs. Whereas COX-1 is ubiquitous and has
physiological roles in maintaining homeostasis, such
as the integrity of gastric mucosa, normal platelet
function, and regulation of renal blood ow, COX-2
is nonphysiological but induced by diverse inammatory stimuli, mitogens, and carcinogens. Increasing
evidence shows that COX-2 expression is upregulated
in many human tumors. This selective or preferential
expression of COX-2 in tumors makes this enzyme a
potential target for cancer therapy. Selective inhibitors of COX-2 have recently been developed for use
as anti-inammatory and analgesic agents, but the
availability of these inhibitors has provided a tool for
evaluating the role of COX-2 in cancer. Selective COX2 inhibitors are reported to enhance tumor response
to chemotherapeutic drugs or radiation (Milas 2001;
Koki et al. 1999; Milas et al. 1999c). One of the effects
of COX-2 overexpression in malignant cells is inhibition of apoptosis. Several preclinical studies have
shown that inhibition of COX-2 results in restoration
of apoptosis and increased cell death. The mechanisms of the enhancement seem to be multiple, including increases in intrinsic cell radiosensitivity and
inhibition of tumor neoangiogenesis. For example,
Kishi et al reported that inhibition of COX-2 resulted
in enhancement of radioresponse of murine sarcoma
with little effect on COX-2 protein expression (2000).

COX-2 is observed within human tumor neovasculature, suggesting that COX-2-derived prostaglandins
contribute to formation of new tumor blood vessels.
Indeed, Celecoxib, a COX-2 inhibitor, is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and has been shown to inhibit
neoplastic cells.
Tumor Angiogenesis Inhibitor
Inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis have been investigated extensively for possible tumor treatment. The
formation of tumor vasculature, which is a prerequisite for tumor growth, is initiated and sustained by
angiogenic mediators secreted by tumor cells and
cells from the surrounding tissues. Many different
angiogenic factors have been identied, including
vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF), members of the broblast
growth factor (FGF) family, platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF), interleukin-8, and PGs. In addition
to angiogenic factors, tumors secrete substances that
inhibit angiogenesis, such as angiostatin, endostatin,
thrombospondin-1, and interferons. The nal outcome of angiogenesis depends on the balance between proangiogenic and antiangiogenic activities.
Radiotherapy may induce angiogenesis by increasing the levels of angiogenesis stimulator, transforming growth factor `1(TGF `-1). Increased levels of
both VEGF and TGF `-1 have been observed after
radiotherapy (Canney and Dean 1990; Gorski et al.
1999). There are also data supporting an antiangiogenesis effect of radiotherapy, which implies a dual
effect of radiotherapy (Hartford et al. 2000). Thus
angiogenesis is a complex interaction of multiple
factors, including VEGF, TGF `-1, ionizing radiation,
and others. Angiogenesis inhibitors are undergoing
extensive testing for tumor therapy purposes, used
alone or in combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Angiogenesis inhibitors, such as angiostatin,
inhibit the growth or even cause temporary regression of established murine tumors or human tumor
xenografts in mice (OReilly et al. 1996). Angiostatin
selectively inhibits proliferation of endothelial cells
and indirectly induces tumor cell loss through apoptosis. Angiostatin has been shown to potentiate the
effects of radiotherapy in lung cancer xenograft if
given concurrently, but not when given after radiotherapy. However, other inhibitors of angiogenesis
such as SU5416 and SU 6668 exhibited no difference
in response according to the sequence of administration (Ning et al. 2002).

Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist

Because antiangiogenesis therapy inhibits formation of new blood vessels, such therapy may not result
in rapid tumoricidal response. A number of antiangiogenic agents have been shown to improve the antitumor efcacy of chemotherapeutic drugs or radiation, either by additive or synergistic effect (Teicher
et al. 1995; Mauceri et al. 1998). The mechanisms of
action include direct effect on tumor cells, rendering
them more sensitive to killing by radiation or drugs,
and indirect effect through the damage of tumor vasculature.
Antiangiogenic agents, such as TNP-470, may
enhance tumor radioresponse by increasing tumor
oxygenation (Teicher et al. 1995). It has been suggested that this increase in oxygenation could result
from decreased oxygen consumption as a result of
the reduced number of endothelial cells. In addition,
decreased tight junctions between endothelial cells
may allow more oxygen to diffuse to tumor cells more
distantly located from vasculature.
Ongoing clinical studies will investigate the role
of angiogenesis inhibitors in NSCLC. The University
of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center will lead an
investigation into the role of AE-941 (Neovastat) in
stage III NSCLC patients (MD Anderson Cancer
Center). The Eastern Cooperative Oncology
Group (ECOG) has an ongoing trial investigating
the role of thalidomide in patients with stage III
NSCLC. In addition, the Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group (RTOG) will study the role of celecoxib in patients with locally advanced NSCLC. (See
Table 11.3.3.)
Table 11.3.3. Ongoing trials of angiogenesis inhibitors and
radiotherapy in NSCLC
Angiogenesis inhibitor


Study group

AE 941(Neovastat)

Stage III
Stage III
Stage III

MD Anderson
RAS Farnesylation Inhibitors
The ras nucleotide binding proteins relay signals
from growth factor receptors such as EGFR and
regulate transcription of genes required for proliferation (Radiation Therapy Oncology Group;
Grunicke and Maly 1993). The ras oncogenes (H,


K, and N) are often mutated in many types of human

cancer, including pancreatic, lung, and head and neck
carcinomas. This mutation often causes persistent activation of ras oncogenes, alters tumor cell growth,
and makes cells resistant to radiation (Bernhard et
al. 2000). Therefore, blocking mutated ras oncogenes
may also improve chemoradiotherapy. Because ras
proteins must be farnesylated by farnesyltransferase
in order to be active, inhibition of farnesylation could
counteract the negative impact of mutated ras oncogene. A number of farnesyl transferase inhibitors
have been developed and shown to increase tumor
cell radiosensitivity in vitro and increase tumor radioresponse in vivo (Bernhard et al. 1998; CohenJonathan et al. 2001). These compounds selectively
affect tumors because the ras genes in normal tissues are not mutated and may result in an improved
therapeutic index.
Promoters of Apoptosis
Complex interactions of molecular events determine
the proliferation and death of tumor cells. Bcl-2 is an
important modulator of apoptosis. It functions to inhibit apoptosis, and studies have shown that overexpression of Bcl-2, for instance by loss of p53, results in
suppression of apoptosis induced by cytotoxic agents
(Ra et al. 2000; Eliopoulos et al. 1995). An example
of manipulation of bcl-2 is the use of G3139, which is
an antisense oligonucleotide preventing the expression of Bcl-2. It has been used to treat low-grade
non-Hodgkins lymphomas, with overexpressed Bcl2. Hematologic toxicity was not seen, but the effect
on the tumor volume was also not signicant (Kuss
and Cotter 1997). Whether an initial modulation of
Bcl-2 can lead to increased response to subsequent
cytotoxic therapy, including radiotherapy, remains to
be determined. The development of an effective proapoptosis regimen in combination with radiotherapy
will require better denition of a preclinical model
of the synergy between an apoptosis promoter and
ionizing irradiation.
Normal Tissue Protection
Normal tissue toxicity represents a major limitation of concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Preventing
or minimizing normal tissue complications is an
important strategy. This could be achieved through


incorporating radio- or chemoprotective agents

into the treatment or through improving radiation delivery. A number of chemical and biological compounds are available that in preclinical in
vivo testing exhibited either selective or preferential
protection of normal tissues (Milas and Hanson
1995; Yuhas and Storer 1969; Hahn et al. 1994).
The most commonly tested radioprotectors are
thiol compounds, such as WR2721 (amifostine).
The principal mechanisms of protection by these
agents include scavenging of free radicals generated by ionizing radiation and some chemotherapy
agents, such as alkylating agents, and donating hydrogen atoms to facilitate direct chemical repair of
DNA damage. WR-2721 must be converted in vivo
into its active metabolite WR-1065. The protector
is taken up preferentially by normal tissues, where
the entry into cells is accomplished by active transport. In contrast, the cytotoxic drugs diffuse passively into tumors, where its availability is further
reduced by decient tumor vasculature. Amifostine
has been shown to reduce normal tissue toxicity in
a number of clinical settings, including protection
of salivary glands in head and neck radiotherapy
(Brizel et al. 1999) and of the esophagus in chemoradiotherapy of lung cancer (Komaki et al. 2000),
without adversely affecting tumor response to treatment. Technical improvements in radiotherapy, such
as three-dimensional treatment planning, conformational radiotherapy, or use of protons, are other
approaches likely to minimize the toxicity, and consequently enhance the effectiveness, of chemoradiation. The use of either radioprotective compounds
or implementation of technical advances may enable administration of higher doses of radiation,
chemotherapeutic drugs, or both, which may result
in superior treatment outcome.
Topoisomerase I Inhibitors
The camptothecins are potent radiation sensitizers
that are increasingly incorporated in clinical studies. Camptothecin is a plant alkaloid obtained from
the tree Camptotheca acuminata. Its initial clinical
evaluation in the 1960s and 1970s was abandoned
because of severe and unpredictable hemorrhagic
cystitis (Moertel et al. 1972; Muggia et al. 1972).
Camptothecin and its derivatives (irinotecan, topotecan, 9-aminocamptothecin, SN-38, etc.) target
DNA topoisomerase I (Hsiang et al. 1985; Hsiang
and Liu 1988; Andoh et al. 1987). This enzyme

L. C. Cho and H. Choy

relaxes both positively and negatively supercoiled

DNA and allows processes such as replication and
transcription to proceed. In the presence of camptothecin, a camptothecin-topoisomerase I-DNA
complex becomes stabilized with the 5-phosphoryl terminus of the enzyme-catalyzed DNA singlestrand break bound covalently to a tyrosine residue of topoisomerase I. These stabilized cleavable
complexes interact with the advancing replication
fork during S phase or during unscheduled DNA
replication after genomic stress and cause the conversion of single-strand breaks into irreversible
DNA double -strand breaks, resulting in cell death
(Iliakis 1988).
Several investigators have reported that camptothecin enhances the cytotoxic effect of radiation in
vitro and in vivo (Omura et al. 1997; Chen et al.
1997). Chen et al. (1997) showed that cells exposed
to 20(S)-10,11 methylenedioxycamptothecin before
or during radiation had sensitization ratios of 1.6,
whereas those treated with the drug after radiation
had substantially less enhancement of radiation-induced DNA damage. There are several hypotheses
regarding the mechanism of interaction between
radiation and irinotecan, which is perhaps the best
studied of the camptothecin derivatives. The rst
hypothesis suggests that inhibition of topoisomerase I by irinotecan leads to inhibition of repair
of radiation-induced DNA strand breaks. The second hypothesis suggests that irinotecan causes redistribution of cells into the more radiosensitive
G2 phase of the cell cycle. The third hypothesis is
that topoisomerase I-DNA adducts are trapped by
irinotecan at the sites of radiation-induced singlestrand breaks, leading to their conversion into double-strand breaks (Amorino et al. 2000). The primary mechanism involved with radiosensitization
may depend on which camptothecin derivative is
being used; there is currently insufcient evidence
to identify the underlying mechanism with certainty. Data from in vivo experiments demonstrate
that the 9-aminocamptothecin (9-AC) and irradiation is more effective when fractionated compared
with single doses (Kirichenko and Rich 1999).
The integration of this group of drugs into clinical treatments with radiation is ongoing. Much of
the current experience with irinotecan has been
accumulated in NSCLC (Takeda et al. 1999; Choy
and MacRae 2001), whereas much of the experience with topotecan has occurred in brain tumors
(Fisher et al. 2001; Grabenbauer et al. 1999).

Novel Substances in the Treatment of Lung Cancer for the Radiation Oncologist

The combination of chemotherapy and radiation has
become a common strategic practice in the therapy
of locally advanced cancers, with recent emphasis on the concurrent delivery of both modalities.
Improvements in treatment outcome both in terms of
local control and patient survival have been achieved
with traditional chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin and 5-uorouracil. Nonetheless, the cure rates
of the majority of solid tumors remain poor, and the
addition of combined treatments is frequently associated with increased normal tissue toxicity. Therefore,
there is considerable room for improvement of the
combined treatment strategies. However, selection of
the most effective drug or the optimal treatment approach remains a signicant challenge.
Newer chemotherapies, such as the taxanes, nucleoside analogs, and topoisomerase inhibitors, which
interfere with one or more tumor radioresistance
mechanisms, are becoming increasingly available.
These agents have high potential for increasing the
therapeutic effectiveness of radiotherapy; therefore,
their evaluation in combination with radiotherapy,
both in the laboratory and in the clinic, is essential
for improving cancer treatment. Preclinical studies
provide not only a biologic rationale for the use of a
given drug with radiation but are able to generate information critical to the design of effective treatment
schedules in clinical settings. Studies of the mechanisms of chemotherapy-radiotherapy interaction at
the genetic-molecular, cellular, and tumor (or normal tissue) microenvironmental levels are essential
for obtaining clear insight into the radiomodulating
potential of chemotherapeutic agents and their ability to increase radiotherapeutic effects.
Signicant progress has been made in our understanding of the basic mechanisms of radiation injury
as well as the injury inicted by chemotherapeutic
agents and cellular processing of these injuries in
both normal and malignant cells. Recent advances in
molecular biology have exposed many potential targets for augmentation of radioresponse or chemoresponse, including EGFR, cox-2, angiogenic molecules,
and various components of the signal transduction
pathways that these molecules initiate. It has become
possible to intervene actively in some molecular
pathways in order to improve the therapeutic ratio,
and the incorporation of molecular targeting strategies into chemoradiotherapy is becoming increasingly used for therapeutic intervention in many types
of human cancer.


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PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer


11.4 PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation

of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer
Michael P. MacManus and Rodney J. Hicks

11.4.1. Introduction 461
11.4.2. PET in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer 462
11.4.3. Preoperative PET Staging in Potentially
Resectable NSCLC 462
11.4.4. Role of PET in Selecting Patients for Radiotherapy/
Chemoradiotherapy in NSCLC 463
11.4.5. Role of PET in Restaging After Denitive Radical
Radiotherapy/Chemoradiotherapy for NSCLC 465
11.4.6. Use of PET in Restaging After Induction Therapy
Prior to Surgery 466
11.4.7. The Future of PET in NSCLC 466
11.4.8. Conclusions 469
References 469

Positron emission tomography (PET) represents
the most signicant advance in lung cancer imaging since the introduction of computed tomography
(CT) (Stroobants et al. 2003) and is having an increasing impact on the management of lung cancer
patients who are candidates for radiotherapy (Hicks
and MacManus 2003). Modern PET scanners can
produce three-dimensional images of the distribution
of the positron emitting isotopes in humans and animals with a resolution previously unseen in nuclear
medicine. These images allow direct qualitative and
quantitative analyses of a range of metabolic processes in tumours and normal tissues, depending on
the positron emitting isotope chosen and the molecule (if any) to which it is attached. Coregistration
and image fusion techniques allow for powerful combinations of functional images from PET and strucM.P. MacManus, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre, St Andrews Place, East Melbourne,
Victoria 3002, Australia
R.J Hicks, MB, BS (Hons), MD, FRACP
Associate Professor of Medicine and Radiology, Centre for
Molecular Imaging, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, 12
Cathedral Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia

tural images, usually from CT, which can give precise

information on the anatomic location of structures
seen on PET (Hutton et al. 2002). Fused CT/PET
images are proving to be superior to separate CT or
PET images in cancer staging (Townsend and Beyer
2002). PET scanning is becoming an essential tool for
planning radical radiotherapy for lung cancer, which
should ideally be based on the most accurate available estimate of the true extent of gross disease. PET
has the potential to exclude patients from radical radiotherapy who cannot benet from it because they
have metastatic disease. Evidence supports the use of
PET in radiotherapy treatment planning (Erdi et al.
2002; Kiffer et al. 1998; Mah et al. 2002). By more
accurately conforming the planning target volume to
gross tumour volume, the risk of a geographic miss
can be minimised, and in some cases the unnecessary
irradiation of normal tissues can be reduced (Mah et
al. 2002; Schmucking et al. 2003). Preliminary data
indicate that the new combined PET/CT scanner may
provide the most efcient and accurate means of integrating structural and molecular information into the
treatment planning paradigm (Ciernik et al. 2003).
Most published studies of PET in lung cancer have
focused on the use of 18F-uorodeoxyglucose (FDG),
a glucose analogue that is taken up and trapped by
tumour cells in most non-small cell lung cancers
(NSCLC). The positrons emitted by the 18F atom
travel a short distance before they encounter an electron and undergo annihilation with the emission of
a pair of photons in opposite directions. When the
annihilations of millions of positrons are detected in
a PET scanner, a detailed three-dimensional image of
the distribution of FDG in normal and tumour tissue
can be produced. Although limited data are available
for small cell lung cancer that is well-imaged by FDGPET (Pandit et al. 2003), the bulk of the literature on
the value of PET scanning in lung cancer relates to
NSCLC. The role of PET in evaluating patients with
known or suspected lung cancer will be reviewed in
this chapter, with particular emphasis on information of value for managing patients who are planned
to receive radical radiotherapy.


PET in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
PET is signicantly more accurate than structural imaging methods such as CT scanning for determining
whether pulmonary nodules are benign or malignant
(Gould et al. 2001), and it has been shown to be superior to CT in all published studies. High levels of
FDG uptake are strongly correlated with malignancy,
although false positive results may rarely be seen with
conditions such as histoplasmosis (Croft et al. 2002)
and tuberculosis (Goo et al. 2000). Conversely, lesions
with low FDG uptake are benign in the great majority of cases (Abou-Zied et al. 2000). PET is highly
accurate in characterising pulmonary mass lesions
that are either unsuitable for, or that have failed, histopathological characterisation (Pitman et al. 2001).
In malignant lung tumours, uptake of FDG is strongly
associated with proliferation as assessed by immunohistochemistry for Ki-67 (Vesselle et al. 2000). False
negative PET scans may occur when lesions are too
small to be accurately imaged (<1 cm) (Pitman et
al. 2002) or that are of low-grade malignancy such as
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, although many bronchioloalveolar carcinomas can still be imaged by PET.
There is evidence that tumours with low FDG avidity
have an indolent natural history and that an observation period does not lead to adverse prognosis in
these cases. In the rare instance when lung cancer
is suspected on the basis of conventional imaging
but histologic conrmation is impossible to obtain
without surgery, but surgery is contraindicated because of severe comorbidities, a positive PET scan
may be sufcient evidence to proceed to treatment
with radiotherapy without histology.

Preoperative PET Staging in Potentially
Resectable NSCLC
Intrathoracic Lymph Node Evaluation

CT scanning has long been the most commonly used

non-invasive method for detecting intrathoracic
lymph node metastasis in NSCLC. Lymph node size
is the only signicant parameter used, and an arbitrary cut-off point is used to distinguish positive from
negative nodes; a short axis diameter of 1 cm or more
commonly indicates malignancy. Because reactive
lymphadenopathy is common and because tumour is
often present in nodes smaller than 1 cm, CT has low

M. Mac Manus and R. J. Hicks

sensitivity and specicity for detecting lymph nodes

involved by tumour (Toloza et al. 2003). Although
increasing the diameter required for diagnosis of malignancy to greater than 1.5 cm improves CTs specicity, the sensitivity becomes unacceptably low. The
accuracy of FDG-PET in staging the intrathoracic
lymph nodes has been directly estimated in numerous clinicopathological studies. In all of these studies
(Bury et al. 1996; Farrell et al. 2000; Poncelet et al.
2001; Vansteenkiste et al. 1997), including a metaanalysis (Dwamena et al. 1999), PET has been shown
to be more accurate than CT for staging the mediastinum. The best non-invasive results have been obtained
by correlating the results of both PET and CT images
(Hicks and MacManus 2003; Wahl et al. 1994). The
results of these clinicopathological staging studies are
of great importance for radiation oncologists. They
conclusively prove that when PET is used in addition
to CT to evaluate intrathoracic nodes for malignancy,
the accuracy of the assessment is signicantly greater
than for CT alone.
Survival in NSCLC is powerfully correlated with
lymph node staging, and it drops precipitously when
mediastinal nodes contain tumour (Mountain et al.
1987). Dunagan and colleagues (2001) reported that
survival was more strongly correlated with PET stage
than CT-based stage in a large group of patients who
were mostly surgical candidates.
Evaluation for Distant Metastasis

PET can typically detect unsuspected distant metastasis in 510% of patients with potentially-resectable stage III disease. PET is capable of detecting disease in adrenal glands (Yun et al. 2001), liver
(Timms 2000), and other organs that may appear
normal on CT (Marom et al. 1999; Valk et al. 1995).
PET is also more specic than radionuclide bone
scanning for detecting bone metastasis in lung cancer (Bury et al. 1998), but it may not be as sensitive
(Gayed et al. 2003) and therefore should not necessarily replace bone scans. The limited axial extent
of PET scans previously performed for the staging
of lung cancer that often included only the thorax
and upper abdomen may account for some of the
apparently lower sensitivity. Accordingly, this statement may not necessarily be true of newer instrumentation that allows more rapid scanning, making
more comprehensive body surveys practical. Few
data exist on the prognostic signicance of PETdetected distant metastasis in patients who would
otherwise have been considered to have potentially
curable disease. In a study from Peter MacCallum

PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer

Cancer Institute of 42 patients with PET-detected

distant metastasis before planned surgery (n=7)
or radical radiotherapy (RT)/chemoradiotherapy
(n=35) for NSCLC, survival was investigated as the
principal endpoint (MacManus et al. 2003a). The
inuence of metastasis number and other prognostic factors was investigated using Cox regression
analysis. All but four patients had died by the last
follow-up. Median survival was 9 months overall,
12 months for 27 patients with single PET-detected
metastasis, and 5 months for 15 patients with more
than one metastasis (p=0.009). ECOG performance
status (p=0.027) but not pre-PET stage, weight loss,
or metastasis site correlated with survival. PETdetected metastatic tumour burden appeared to
inuence survival and should be evaluated further
as a potential prognostic factor in NSCLC. It is
clear that PET evidence of distant metastasis, even
if unsupported by other evidence, is powerfully associated with subsequent progression of metastatic
disease and death. In a recent study, the use of
dual modality PET/CT staging was shown to be
more accurate for detecting distant metastasis in
NSCLC than either PET or CT as single modalities
(Antoch et al. 2003). Accurate localisation of FDGavid regions on fused CT/PET images reduces the
risk of false positive interpretations of physiologic
phenomena such as uptake in bowel (Vesselle and
Miraldi 1998) or metabolically active brown fat
(Hany et al. 2002).
Impact of PET on Overall Patient Management

Early detection by PET of disease that is too advanced for surgery or other radical treatments
has been shown to profoundly influence patient
management in a prospective trial (Kalff et al.
2001). In the Dutch randomised trial of PET-assisted staging versus conventional staging in patients undergoing evaluation for surgery for lung
cancer, PET was associated with a significant
reduction in the futile thoracotomy rate (Van
Tinteren et al. 2002). Patients with advanced intrathoracic disease, distant metastasis, or without
lung cancer were less likely to receive an unnecessary thoracotomy if PET was part of the staging
workup. Consequently, those patients with truly
localised NSCLC formed a higher proportion of
those subjected to surgical resection in the PET
group compared with the non-PET group. In addition, PET appeared to be highly cost-effective in
the health care environment in which the study was
performed (Verboom et al. 2003).


Role of PET in Selecting Patients for
Radiotherapy/Chemoradiotherapy in NSCLC
Radical radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy is offered predominantly to suitable patients who have
stage IIIA or IIIB disease. Patients with stage III disease who cannot undergo resection because of signicant comorbidity may also be treated with radical
radiotherapy. The factors that make these patients
unsuitable for surgery (advanced disease or signicant comorbidities) militate against conrmation of
their intrathoracic lymph node status at thoracotomy and therefore necessitate accurate non-invasive
methods of staging. The PET literature has focused
on staging prior to surgery in cohorts of patients with
predominantly stage III disease. However, there is
no reason to suppose that PET is any less reliable
in stage III disease, and as the most reliable noninvasive staging test, FDG-PET should certainly be
used in the staging of patients who are candidates
for radical radiotherapy.
Results of a staging investigation should correlate
with outcome. The better the staging test, the stronger the correlation between survival and apparent
disease extent should be. At Peter MacCallum Cancer
Centre, a prospective study was instituted in 1996
in which 153 consecutive patients with NSCLC who
were candidates for radical radiotherapy in most
cases given with concurrent chemotherapy underwent both conventional staging and FDG-PET
prior to therapy (MacManus et al. 2001a). Patients
were eligible for radical treatment on the basis of
their pre-PET stage and included those patients with
stage IIIA and IIIB disease with disease that could
be encompassed within an acceptable radiation target volume, as well as a smaller number of medically
inoperable patients with stage III disease. Each patient was assigned a conventional stage based on the
results of non-PET investigations, including CT and
radionuclear bone scans and a PET-stage based on
conventional imaging plus PET. Early in the study,
unsupported PET ndings of extensive disease were
not judged to be sufcient reason to deny a patient
an attempt at radical therapy, but it soon became
clear that early progression occurred at all untreated
metastatic sites detected by PET. Accordingly, unsupported PET evidence of advanced disease was subsequently considered sufcient to change therapy from
radical to palliative. After PET, 30% of patients were
denied radical radiotherapy because of unexpected
distant metastasis (Fig. 11.4.1) or because of PET-detected intrathoracic disease that was too extensive for


M. Mac Manus and R. J. Hicks

Fig. 11.4.1 PET in staging. Staging

PET scan for radical radiotherapy
candidate thought to have stage IIIA
NSCLC of the right upper lobe. PET
showed disease in the right supraclavicular lymph node, shoulder
girdle, and thoracic spine. He received palliative therapy only

safe radical irradiation. In ve patients who became

candidates for surgery after PET showed less extensive disease than suspected, complete resections were
performed. Patients who were denied radical therapy
on the basis of PET ndings had very poor survival
compared with those who proceeded to radical therapies, conrming that PET-based selection for radical
treatment had been appropriate.
After PET, 107 patients actually underwent radical therapies. In these patients, PET stage correlated
powerfully with survival (p=0.0041), whereas conventional stage correlated rather poorly with survival
(p=0.19). The major effect of PET was to appropriately allocate N and M stages. In a separate study from
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, it was reported that
conventional T and N stage assessment in patients
treated with radical radiotherapy is a relatively poor
predictor of outcome in contrast to the situation of
surgically-treated patients who are well served by the
current staging system (Ball et al. 2002).
The high rate of detection of unexpected distant
metastasis by PET (18%) in this group of radiotherapy candidates, many with stage III disease, led to an
investigation of the effect of pre-PET clinical stage
on the probability that PET would upstage a patient
to stage IV (MacManus et al. 2001b). In a cohort
of 167 patients, the rate of PET-detected metastasis
increased signicantly (p=0.016) with increasing
pre-PET stage from I (7.5%) through II (18%) to
III (24%), and, in particular was signicantly higher
in stage III (p=0.039) than in III. A similarly high
rate of detection of distant metastases in apparent
stage III disease was reported by Eschmann and colleagues (2002).

The effect of PET selection on survival of patients treated with radical radiotherapy was illustrated by a further study from Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre in which two prospective cohorts
were compared. Cohort 1 consisted of all participants from 1989 to 1995 in an Australian randomised trial from our centre given 60 Gy conventionally fractionated radical radiotherapy with or
without concurrent carboplatin. Eligible patients
had stage IIII, Eastern Cooperative Oncology
Group status 0 or 1, <10% weight loss, and had
not undergone PET. Cohort 2 included all radical
radiotherapy candidates between November 1996
and April 1999 who received RRT after PET staging and fulfilled the same criteria for stage, Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group status, and weight
loss. Eighty and 77 eligible patients comprised the
PET and non-PET groups, respectively. The median survival was 31 months for PET patients and
16 months for non-PET patients. Mortality from
NSCLC and other causes in the first year was 17%
and 8% for PET patients and 32% and 4% for nonPET patients, respectively. The hazard ratio for
NSCLC mortality for PET vs. non-PET patients was
0.49 (p=0.0016) on unifactorial analysis and was
0.55 (p=0.0075) after adjusting for chemotherapy,
which significantly improved survival. This study
suggests that, by using PET to exclude unsuitable
patients with advanced disease and by integrating
it within the radiotherapy treatment planning process, previously unattainable survival results can
be obtained. These results also confirm the value of
radiotherapy as a highly active treatment modality
in appropriately selected patients.

PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer

Role of PET in Restaging After Denitive
Radical Radiotherapy/Chemoradiotherapy
Response to therapy could potentially determine the
further management of patients with lung cancer,
including consideration for salvage or consolidation therapies in incomplete or complete responders. Three-dimensional structural imaging modalities, such as CT and MRI, have long been the most
important investigations for assessing response to
nonsurgical therapies such as radiation therapy
or chemotherapy. World Health Organization or
RECIST criteria are applied to measurements of tumour dimensions made before and after therapy, and
responses are categorised as complete response (CR),
partial response (PR), no response (NR), or progressive disease (Green and Weiss 1992). However, CT
and MRI scanning have signicant limitations in the
assessment of tumour response in solid tumours in
general and in NSCLC in particular. Tumours may be
obscured by atelectasis before or after therapy and
may be obscured by radiation pneumonitis or brosis
in the post-treatment period (Lever et al. 1984). As
discussed above, lymph node size measured on CT is
an unreliable measure of lymph node involvement by
tumour. Tumours often regress gradually over several
months, mandating serial measurements to assess
response (Werner-Wasik et al. 2001). Lesions may
never regress radiologically despite having been controlled by treatment. FDG-PET may facilitate more
accurate early assessment of response to treatment
of NSCLC than structural imaging. There is accumulating evidence that PET scanning may be useful
after radiation therapy (Bury et al. 1999; Erdi et al.
2000), and it is probably superior to CT for detecting
both the presence and the extent of recurrent disease
(Hicks et al. 2001).
Prospective data from Peter MacCallum Cancer
Institute (MacManus et al. 2003b) show that a visually-read PET response is much more powerfully
correlated with survival than response measured by
CT scanning. Seventy-three patients with NSCLC underwent PET and CT scans before and after radical
radiotherapy (n=10) or chemoradiotherapy (n=63).
Follow-up PET scans were performed at a median
of 70 days post-radiotherapy. Each patient had prospective determinations of response to therapy made
with PET and CT. In this study a visual assessment
was made to determine PET-response, while WHO
criteria were used for CT response. PET response categories were dened as follows:


1. CR (or CMR, complete metabolic response): No

abnormal tumour FDG uptake; activity in the
tumour absent or similar to mediastinum
2. PR (or PMR, partial metabolic response): Any
appreciable reduction in intensity of tumour FDG
uptake or tumour volume. No disease progression
at other sites
3. SD (or SMR, stable metabolic disease): No appreciable change in intensity of tumour FDG uptake
or tumour volume; no new sites of disease
4. PD (or PMD, progressive metabolic disease):
Appreciable increase in tumour FDG uptake or
volume of known tumour sites and/or evidence
of disease progression at other intrathoracic or
distant metastatic sites
Responses were correlated with subsequent survival. Median survival after follow-up PET was
24 months. There was poor agreement between PET
and CT responses (weighted kappa =0.35), which
were identical in only 40% of patients. An example
of discordant CT and PET responses is shown in Fig.
11.4.2. There were signicantly more complete responders on PET (n=34) than CT (n=10), while fewer
patients were judged to be non-responders (12 vs. 20)
or non-evaluable (0 vs. 6) by PET. Both CT and PET
responses were individually signicantly associated
with survival duration, but on multifactor analysis,
including the known prognostic factors of CT response, performance status, weight loss, and stage,
only PET metabolic response was signicantly associated with survival duration (p<0.0001).
The best method for response assessment after
therapy has not yet been determined, whether visual, as used at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, or
semiquantitative, using standardised uptake values
(SUV) or similar approaches (Hoekstra et al. 2002).
Changes in SUV have been shown to have prognostic
signicance after neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior
to surgery (Vansteenkiste et al. 1998) and after palliative chemotherapy for incurable NSCLC (Weber
et al. 2003). Use of SUV-based assessment following
radiotherapy may be compromised by a number of
factors, including the commonly observed and sometimes intense inammatory reaction to radiotherapy
in normal tissues. These changes may have a measured
value of FDG uptake in the malignant range. This is
not a signicant problem with the visual assessment
method, which takes account of the distribution of
normal tissue reactions. Post-radiotherapy changes
conform to the volume of aerated lung in the radiation treatment volume, are of a geographic rather
than segmental or anatomical distribution, and are


M. Mac Manus and R. J. Hicks

Fig. 11.4.2 PET in radiotherapy planning. These images are all from a single
patient with NSCLC planned for radical radiotherapy. left PET scan superimposed on digitally reconstructed
radiograph, right upper planning CT
scan with target volume marked, right
middle PET scan, right lower coregistered PET and planning CT scans

non-congruent with the biodistribution of uptake in

tumoral sites on baseline scanning. Residual disease,
on the other hand, conforms to the position of initial
tumour allowing for anatomical distortion relating to
further collapse or re-expansion of lung parenchyma
and tends to maintain a lobular shape. Similarly, tumoral uptake tends to respect and follow natural tissue barriers such as the pleura of the oblique ssure,
whereas radiation changes are not inuenced by such
boundaries. Although there is scientic appeal in the
absolute evaluation of glucose metabolic rate in tumours, fully quantitative approaches using arterial
blood analysis are probably too invasive and complex
for routine clinical use.
Thus, PET appears to be far superior to CT scanning for predicting survival after radical radiation
therapy. The powerful prognostic information available from post-treatment PET may encourage the
development of investigational response-adapted
therapeutic approaches. It is possible that patients
with localised residual disease could benet from
surgery or further conformal radiotherapy.

Use of PET in Restaging After
Induction Therapy Prior to Surgery
Several groups have investigated the use of PET
scanning after induction therapy prior to surgery
(Vansteenkiste et al. 1998; Akhurst et al. 2002).

These studies have most often used quantitative or

semiquantitative methods rather than direct visual
methods to assess response. Choi and colleagues
found that the residual metabolic rate of glucose
(MRglc) as measured using FDG-PET was strongly
correlated with response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced NSCLC as assessed by
pathological examination of tumour obtained at thoracotomy (Choi et al. 2002). Vansteenkiste and colleagues investigated the use of FDG-PET scans after
induction chemotherapy in surgically staged IIIaN2
NSCLC. They reported that survival was signicantly
better in patients with mediastinal clearance (p=0.01)
or with a greater than 50% decrease in the SUV of the
primary tumour (p=0.03).

The Future of PET in NSCLC
Use of PET Tracers Other Than FDG in Staging and
Treatment Response Assessment in Lung Cancer

One of the theoretical limitations of FDG as a tracer

for evaluating lung cancer is the presence of false
positives related to inammatory conditions. The
excellent clinical performance of FDG-PET suggests
that this is not a major practical limitation. The
combination of the intensity and pattern of uptake,
combined with consideration of the pre-test probability of disease, enables many potential false posi-

PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer

tive results based on the intensity of uptake (SUV) to

be prospectively identied, and most conditions that
cause false positive results benet from diagnosis and
specic therapy. Nevertheless, there has been interest
in developing alternative tracers for tumour imaging
that may be less prone to uptake in inammatory
diseases. Comparison has been made between FDG
PET and 201Tl, a tumour imaging agent commonly
used in conventional nuclear medicine. The hope that
201Tl SPECT might prove more specic than FDG has
not been realised (Higashi et al. 2001; MacManus
2001c). The lower spatial and contrast resolution generally achieved with SPECT limits its ability to detect
disease in non-enlarged mediastinal nodes and beyond the thorax, which, as shown above, accounts for
the major incremental value of FDG-PET compared
with CT and for much of its clinical impact.
Recognising the instrumentation advantages of
PET, comparison with other PET tracers is probably
more important. One of the rst PET agents to be
compared was the amino acid tracer, 11C-methionine. In a small series from Sweden, all primary tumours were equally well visualised by both tracers,
and because there were no false positive FDG results,
the possibility that amino acid imaging may have a
lower propensity for false positive results could not
be evaluated (Nettelbladt et al. 1998). A larger
study from Japan found that the performance of both
tracers was similar, with a marginally higher specicity and accuracy with 11C-methionine, but did not
reach statistical signicance of the lung (Sasaki et
al. 2001). In the restaging setting, in which inammatory changes may pose difculties in determining the
nature of increased FDG activity, the MD Anderson
Cancer Center group found that 11C-methionine and
FDG had similar diagnostic performance although
FDG yielded signicantly higher SUVs than 11C-methionine. In a study looking at the accuracy of 11Cmethionine for mediastinal nodal staging, superior
accuracy compared with CT was demonstrated using
histopathological validation, with results comparable
to those reported using FDG-PET (Yasukawa et al.
2000). However, this study did not directly compare
the 11C-methionine results with those from FDGPET.
Enhanced production of cell membranes in cancer cells requires uptake of choline to form phosphatidylcholine. Accordingly, radiolabeled choline
analogues have been investigated as potential cancer imaging agents. Initial studies focussed on 11Ccholine and involved comparison with FDG-PET in
29 patients with biopsy-proven NSCLC (Hara et al.
2000). This study demonstrated superior sensitivity


of 11C-choline for detecting mediastinal nodes. These

results were not, however, conrmed by a subsequent
study from The Netherlands (Pieterman et al. 2002).
Fluorinated choline analogues have recently been described (DeGrado et al. 2002), but these have not yet
been validated as tracers in lung cancer.
Another potential imaging target of lung cancer
cells is their high proliferation. Proliferative rate may
also provide insights into the biological activity and
prognosis of lung cancers. Although there does appear to be a relationship between FDG uptake and
proliferation in NSCLC (Higashi et al. 2000), there
are factors other than proliferation that potentially
drive FDG uptake in cancer cells. One of these factors is hypoxia, which increases expression of glucose
transporters and glycolytic enzymes but decreases
cell proliferation. Hence, tracers that more directly
reect cell proliferation, such as tracers of DNA synthesis, are attractive. Thymidine analogues have been
developed for PET imaging. These include 11C-thymidine (Mankoff et al. 1999) and, more recently,
the uorinated analogue FLT (Shields et al. 1998).
Studies in lung tumours have demonstrated the feasibility of FLT for evaluating cell proliferation (Buck
et al. 2003), but demonstration that this tracer will be
superior to staging or therapeutic monitoring are not
yet available.
Use of Hybrid CT/PET Images in Staging

As a surrogate for survival, characterisation of tumour, nodal, and metastatic (TNM) stage has become
a major focus of the pretreatment evaluation of lung
cancer patients. T-stage is generally related to characteristics of tumour size and penetration of tissue
boundaries. Neither of these parameters is easily or
necessarily precisely determined from PET images.
However, peripheral lung collapse can make denition of tumour boundaries difcult on CT. The limitations of CT for dening N-stage and M-stage have
been detailed above. Nevertheless, despite the higher
sensitivity of PET than CT for detecting occult disease, knowledge of the precise location of nodal and
systemic metastases may be crucial for therapeutic
decision-making, including the modality and intent
of treatment; therefore, CT or other anatomical techniques remain essential for treatment planning.
Recognition of the complementary strengths and
limitations of structural and functional imaging has
underpinned the concept of correlative imaging. The
traditional method for performing correlative imaging has been to visually compare the qualitative appearances of the structural and functional imaging


result. This cognitive integration of information by

direct visual comparison is an inexpensive and useful technique that benets from the great facility of
the human brain to conceptualise three-dimensional
space. Alternative methods have been developed to
integrate the different data volumes into a matrix
common to both. These approaches generally involve image-processing software that allows translation, scaling, and, sometimes, warping of one imaging data set to match the other. This process can be
based on mutual information points, i.e. structures
that are visualised well within both data sets, or by
providing reference ducial markers that can be located independently on each study (Ackerly et al.
2002). These software fusion algorithms can work
very well, but many are labour-intensive and require
particular attention to patient positioning to minimise the effects of posture on structural relations of
organs that are deformable. Even this does not overcome the issue of structures that are independently
mobile, such as the large bowel, and that, therefore,
may move in relationship to other structures over
time. An elegant approach to these difculties was
the development of hybrid imaging devices that allow
hardware fusion to occur. By contemporaneously
acquiring both data sets in a known geometry with
the patient positioned identically for both studies,
the data sets can be merged with minimal and xed
software manipulation. Coregistration of the CT and
PET images (Hutton et al. 2002) enables physiological uptake to be more condently assigned to nor-

M. Mac Manus and R. J. Hicks

mal structures and enables pathological uptake to

be both recognised and localised (Bar-Shalom et
al. 2003). Examples of the coregistered CT and PET
images used in radiotherapy treatment planning are
given in Fig. 11.4.3.
Once patients have been shown by PET staging to
be suitable candidates for radical radiation therapy,
targeting of this therapy can also be improved by
more accurate determination of the gross tumour
volume by PET. Preliminary studies have suggested
that PET/CT is an ideal technique for this purpose
(Ciernik et al. 2003).
Respiratory Gating of PET Data

The acquisition of the emission data used to reconstruct PET images occurs over several minutes and
therefore integrates the effect of respiratory movement. This has the effect of increasing the apparent
supero-inferior size of lesions near the base of the
lungs that move predominantly in the coronal plane
during respiration, as well as the anteroposterior dimensions of lesions in the anterior aspect of the lungs
that move mainly in the axial plane. In both circumstances, apparent activity is slightly reduced by this
movement due to partial volume effects. CT scanning,
however, is acquired very rapidly, and multislice scanners can acquire images sufciently fast to effectively
freeze respiratory motion. Alternatively, CT scan
images can be acquired during breath holding at a
given phase of respiration. As derived from instanta-

Fig. 11.4.3 PET in restaging after chemoradiation. Upper panels show pretreatment CT and PET scans. Lower panels
show post-treatment scans. Post-treatment PET shows CR. Post-treatment CT
shows PR. Patient is free from progression after more than 3 years. Reprinted
with permission from the American
Society of Clinical Oncology

PET Scanning in Staging and Evaluation of Response to Treatment in Lung Cancer

neous images of the relative position of organs, the

location of lesions on CT planning images does not
necessarily correspond to the averaged or integrated
position of lesions detected by emission scanning. It
is clear that respiratory movement can lead to misregistration of PET and CT lesions on fused PET
and CT images, whether acquired on stand-alone or
combined devices. Although this is not a particularly
frequent diagnostic problem, it may pose difculties
when determining the GTV and PTV for radiotherapy. The approach at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
has been to assume that, since the PET data represent
the integrated position throughout the respiratory
cycle, PET should be used to plan the GTV. This is
because radiotherapy is generally delivered during
normal breathing. An alternative approach would be
to perform respiratory gating of both the PET, CT and
radiotherapy delivery. This is an extremely complex
undertaking. Efforts to develop methodology for respiratory gated PET have been reported (Nehmeh et
al. 2003) and offer the potential for highly sophisticated treatment planning and delivery. Whether the
resource implications of such an approach make it
practical and affordable for routine clinical application remains to be seen, but for patients in whom lung
function is marginal for radical therapy, these highly
targeted approaches may be critical to outcome.

PET scanning is vastly superior to conventional
methods used in staging and restaging lung cancer.
It provides more accurate information on the extent of NSCLC and can give an early assessment of
response to treatment that correlates more powerfully with survival than do assessments made using
other non-invasive imaging studies. The use of PET
to exclude patients with incurable extensive disease
from potentially toxic radical radiotherapy will signicantly improve the overall results of treatment
with this modality, and early diagnosis of limited
recurrent disease could potentially facilitate salvage
therapies. Furthermore, by decreasing futile attempts
at curative treatment, expensive radical radiotherapy
resources can be more effectively used.
However, despite the clear benets of PET, the uniformly positive PET literature should be interpreted
with caution. Most reports describe large series of patients managed at centres with extensive experience
in PET imaging and treating lung cancer. The best


results are obtained when scans are read by an experienced nuclear medicine physician with all available
clinical information and with close liaison with the
treating physician. There has been a rapid proliferation of smaller PET centres, and it is possible that not
all of these will have the experience or expertise to
produce the best possible images and interpret them
appropriately. The learning curve is steep, so PET
scans should be viewed with considerable caution
until both the PET physician and the treating oncologist have experience and expertise in their use.

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CT or MRI. J Nucl Med 42:17951799


Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer


11.5 Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer

David A. Bush


Introduction 473
Dose Distribution 473
Biological Effects 474
Clinical Results 475
Summary 479
References 479

Lung cancer remains a major medical problem
worldwide, with a clear need for more effective
treatments. Unfortunately, the inadequacies in lung
cancer treatment are well seen by reviewing the history of lung cancer treatment with radiation therapy. In patients with unresectable lung cancer, radiation therapy is the main modality used to attempt
to eradicate gross disease from within the thorax.
Early work in lung cancer used chest radiography
to evaluate local tumor control and led to a conclusion that local disease control was reasonably good
while systemic failure was responsible for excessive
mortality. With advances in imaging techniques and
use of more aggressive follow-up evaluations, it is
clear that local tumor control is not as good as initially thought. Local failure rates following radical
thoracic radiotherapy have been reported to be as
high as 6080%. Clearly, if radiation therapy is going to play a signicant role in improving cure rates
in lung cancer patients, local disease eradication
within the chest will need to be substantially increased. Virtually all local relapses following radiation therapy can be traced back to either poor targeting of the primary tumor site and/or delivery of
an inadequate dose of radiation treatment. It would
David A. Bush, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Medicine, Loma
Linda University Medical Center, 11234 Anderson Street, Loma
Linda, California, USA

seem reasonable that simply increasing the dose

delivered would confer an increased incidence of
tumor control; however, serious treatment-related
side effects such as pneumonitis and esophagitis
would likely also increase. Thus, there appears to
be a need to deliver accurate, high-dose radiation
treatment without excessive doses given to sensitive
normal tissues for patients with lung cancer.
Before discussing the role of heavy particles in
treating lung cancer, it is important to understand
some denitions and basic physical and biological
differences of this treatment compared with X-ray
(photon) treatment. As the name implies, particles
have size and mass; hence, they are subject to the
laws of momentum, in contrast to electromagnetic
radiation (photons). Particles may be charged (protons and heavy ions) or uncharged (neutrons), which
has a profound effect on how they deposit energy
(dose) in tissues. The term heavy implies that these
particles are heavier than electrons; however, there
is a large variation in the size (i.e., atomic weight) of
particles used for therapy, which dictates the biological effect of these beams. Particle beams differ from
photon beams in two important ways: dose distribution and biological effectiveness.

Dose Distribution
It is rst important to understand how photons deposit their energy in human tissues. As a photon
beam enters tissues of the body, the deposited dose
quickly builds up and reaches a maximum only a few
centimeters below the skins surface. From there, the
dose declines exponentially as it traverses through
the body until the beam exits. Most lung tumors lie
deep within the body, generally within a range of
520 cm from the skins surface. Thus, when a photon
beam reaches the depth within the body where the
tumor lies, it generally is delivering approximately
6080% of the maximum dose administered. Once


the photon beam traverses the tumors full thickness, it continues to deliver radiation treatment to
tissues distal to the targeted region until the beam
exits the body.
Charged particles deposit their energy in tissues
with a distinctly different distribution when compared with X-rays. Charged particles have a nite
range in tissue and deposit most of their energy just
before stopping. This is known as the Bragg peak effect. For a collimated proton beam of a given energy,
the dose delivered upon entering the body proximal
to the intended target is approximately 5060% of
the maximum dose delivered. By varying the beam
energy, the high dose or Bragg peak region can be
made to cover the full thickness of the intended target region, thus delivering the maximal dose of each
beam to the intended target instead of just the below
the skin, as X-rays do. Once a charged particle beam
has reached the distal edge of the targeted region,
the beam stops, and no further dose is delivered to
distal tissues. Thus, when charged particle beams are
compared with X-ray beams, it can be easily shown
that a higher proportion of the dose is delivered to
the intended target while minimizing the dose delivered outside the targeted region, reducing normal
tissue exposure. While avoiding a larger portion of
normal tissue, charged particle beams may safely deliver higher doses to targets within the thorax than
is possible with conventional X-ray beams. A graphic
representation of the dose delivered per depth in tissue for photons and charged particles (i.e., protons)
is shown in Fig. 11.5.1.
Neutrons are also considered heavy particles;
however, they differ from other particles in that they
possess no charge. This lack of charge has a signicant effect in the way neutrons deposit their dose in
tissues. In fact, dose distributions for collimated neutron beams are very similar to those of low-energy
X-ray beams (Raju 1980). Thus, neutrons do not possess the normal tissue-sparing properties described
above for charged particle beams.

Biological Eects
Throughout the history of radiation therapy, the vast
majority of clinical outcomes have been generated
through the use of X-rays or photons. This information was gathered clinically over many years of
radiotherapy practice. Through this trial-and-error
process, normal tissue tolerance levels have been es-

D. A. Bush

Fig. 11.5.1 Percent dose deposited per depth in tissue for photon and charged particle beams

tablished for vital organs such as the spinal cord and

bowel. This information is vital to the safe application
of radiotherapy to patients with various malignancies. These guidelines, however, cannot be applied
to all radiation types. Photons are known to be a
sparsely ionizing type of radiation treatment. Some
heavy particles, though, are known as densely ionizing radiation. This means that many more ionizations
will occur per path length for a heavy particle as compared with an X-ray; therefore, certain heavy particle
radiation beams can produce different biological responses even if the physical dose is the same.
This has led to the concept known as relative biological equivalents (RBE). The RBE for a particular
type of radiation is a factor that is determined experimentally or clinically and that, when multiplied
by the physical dose, results in an equivalent biological effect when compared to the same dose given
with photons from a cobalt-60 source (Hall 2000).
For example, if a type of radiation was found to have
an RBE of 2 for spinal cord injury, a dose of 25 Gy
of that type of radiation would be expected to cause
the same injury to the spinal cord as would 50 Gy of
cobalt-60 photons.
RBE, however, has proven to be a difcult parameter to measure. Even for a given radiation type, a
number of factors can alter the RBE, such as radiation
dose, the number of fractions, and dose rate, as well
as the tissue and endpoint being studied. Thus, there
may not be a single RBE value that is appropriate for
a radiation type in all situations. Densely ionizing
heavy particle beams that have clinically signicant
associated RBEs are neutrons and heavy charged ions
such as carbon and iron. These radiation types may
have considerable uncertainties as to the appropriate
dose to administer for tumor eradication, as well as

Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer

for normal tissue complications. Hence, a need exists

to collect a large body of clinical data to determine
the safe and effective radiation doses when administering these types of radiations. Protons, however,
have a linear energy transfer (LET) and RBE that
differ little from that of cobalt-60 X-rays. Thus, it is
easier to extrapolate safe and effective dose levels
from the long history of X-ray therapy to help guide
treatment plans when proton beams are used.

Clinical Results
Neutron Therapy

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) frequently presents with large volume disease within the chest. Large
tumors generally have areas of hypoxia that are relatively radioresistant. Because the biological effect of
neutron therapy is less dependent on oxygenation
than is X-ray therapy, neutrons were thought to be
valuable in treating patients with large lung tumors.
In the 1970s, Eichorn (1982) began using neutron
therapy in patients with lung cancer. He treated patients with various combinations of photon and neutron therapy and used autopsy information to assess
the results in terms of local tumor eradication. He
found that complete pathologic tumor response with
photon treatment was 33%, compared with 4851%
in patients receiving various proportions of neutron
therapy. This was felt to be a strongly positive result
and led to a number of prospective trials.
Based on these early encouraging results, the
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group initiated the rst
of two randomized trials evaluating neutron therapy
in lung cancer (Laramore et al. 1986). The rst trial
began in 1979 and enrolled 113 patients with unresectable NSCLC. Subjects were randomized to three
treatment arms. The control arm received 60 Gy in
30 fractions over 67 weeks with conventional X-ray
therapy. There were two experimental arms, with one
receiving neutron radiation alone to a total dose of
18 neutron Gy in 1224 fractions over 67 weeks.
The second arm received mixed beam irradiation
in which patients received two neutron treatments
and three photon treatments per week. The study was
designed so that the biological effective dose was essentially equivalent in all three treatment arms. The
overall local control and long-term survival rates
showed no differences in the three treatments, but a
higher number of life-threatening and fatal side ef-


fects were noted in patients treated with increasing

neutron dosages. These toxicities mainly consisted
of pulmonary complications, subcutaneous brosis,
and myelitis. The severe toxicity rate was 5% in the
photon arm, 14% in the mixed-beam arm, and 31%
in the neutron-alone arm. Five complications were
fatal, occurring only in the neutron-treated patients
and related to pulmonary complications and myelitis. Reasons given for this increased complication rate
include low-energy neutron generators, poor beam
shaping and port verication techniques, and inadequate understanding of the RBE values used in dose
In the mid-1980s, modern neutron treatment facilities became available in the United States. These
facilities were equipped with hospital-based cyclotrons that could produce high-energy neutron beams
with isocentric beam delivery systems. Prospective
trials were developed to determine the optimal neutron dose for lung cancer, and it was determined that
20 Gy in 12 fractions over 4 weeks would be used in
a subsequent randomized trial. In 1986, the Neutron
Therapy Collaborative Working Group 8524 was initiated. A total of 200 patients were enrolled and were
randomized to receive denitive thoracic irradiation
with either photons or neutrons (Koh et al. 1983).
Patients receiving photon treatment completed 66 Gy
in 33 fractions over 7 weeks. Patients randomized
to receive neutron therapy received a total of 20.4
neutron Gy in 12 fractions over 4 weeks, with spinal cord being limited to 10 neutron Gy. All patients
were required to undergo treatment simulation, CTbased treatment planning, and port lm verication.
Statistical analysis revealed no observed difference in
overall survival, with a median survival in neutrontreated patients of 9.7 months. A subset analysis was
performed, which revealed that patients with squamous carcinoma had improved 2-year survival of
16% vs. 3% in the photon arm (p=0.02). Treatment
toxicities were described as similar in both treatment
groups; however, three treatment-related deaths occurred in the neutron arm.
In 1987, Livingston et al. (1987) reported on a
prospective trial combining chemotherapy and neutron therapy in patients with advanced lung cancer.
Seventy-three patients were enrolled in this trial and
received induction chemotherapy with vinblastine,
mitomycin C, and cisplatin. Patients then received
neutron therapy to areas of gross disease within
the chest of 1722 neutron Gy in 12 fractions over
4 weeks. During neutron therapy, patients also received elective brain radiation of 36 Gy. Following
neutron therapy, chemotherapy was again given to

D. A. Bush


Proton Beam Therapy

Proton therapy differs from neutron therapy in two

important ways. First, the RBE of proton beams is
quite similar to that of photon beams, so knowledge of normal tissue tolerance is more accurately
known. Proton beams also have a favorable dose
distribution prole because of the Bragg peak effect
of charged particle beams. Proton therapy has been
in clinical use since the late 1950s at the Harvard
Cyclotron Laboratory and at the Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory in Berkeley, California. Although initial
work in proton therapy established a clinical role
for this treatment in patients with tumors in the eye
and the base of the skull, little work was done in
lung cancer.
In 1991, the rst hospital-based proton treatment
center became operational at Loma Linda University
Medical Center (LLUMC), with a goal of applying
this form of treatment to tumors in other parts of
the body (Slater 1992). It was believed that patients
with localized NSCLC could benet from the normal
tissue-sparing effects of proton beam therapy by allowing the safe application of signicant dose escalation. The potential gain with dose escalation with
proton beams is well described in a publication by
Fowler (2003), who predicted signicant gains in local tumor control by using this modality.
The rst clinical trial in patients with NSCLC initiated at LLUMC targeted patients with stage I, medically inoperable lung cancer. Eligible patients were
staged with a contrast-enhanced CT scan, with the
addition of PET scanning when it became available.
The region targeted for treatment included the gross
tumor volume within the lung, with added margin for
respiratory motion. No treatment was given to hilar

or mediastinal lymph nodes. Initially, the dose delivered was 51 CGE in 10 equally divided fractions. Once
the safety prole of this treatment was established,
the dose was increased to 60 CGE in 10 fractions. This
fractionation schedule is approximately equivalent to
80 Gy given in standard fraction sizes.
A recent analysis of 68 patients treated in this
trial has been performed. The median patient age
was 72 years, with an average primary tumor size
of 3.3 cm. Most patients were medically inoperable
because of smoking-induced chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease that was reected by an average
pretreatment FEV1 of 1.15 liters. There were no enrollment restrictions based on tumor size, performance status, or pulmonary function. Median followup time was 30 months. Acute or subacute pulmonary
toxicity was not observed in this group of patients.
No cases of symptomatic radiation pneumonitis occurred. Likewise, no esophageal or cardiac toxicity
was identied. All patients completed the prescribed
treatment without difculty. The 3-year local control
rate was found to be 74%, and the disease-specic
survival was 72% (Fig. 11.5.2). The majority of deaths
seen in this cohort were from intercurrent disease.
There was a signicant improvement in local control
for tumors <3 cm compared with tumors that were
larger (87% vs. 49%), with a trend towards improved
survival. Proton treatment and radiographic outcome
for one patient in this trial are shown in Fig. 11.5.3
and Fig. 11.5.4.
Pulmonary toxicities were closely monitored in
this trial. Initially, all patients underwent high-resolution CT scans to access radiographic lung injury. It
was found that when local eld proton beam therapy
was used, considerably less lung injury was identied when compared with a similar group of patients
treated with a combination of protons and X-ray ther100

% Surviving

complete a total of four cycles. Survival at 2 years of

all patients treated in this trial was approximately
12%. Twelve (16%) patients died of treatment-related
causes. It was believed that at least some of the deaths
were in part due to the use of physics-based neutron
generators with limited treatment delivery systems.
In light of these clinical results, it is difcult to foresee a signicant role for neutron therapy in the future
NSCLC treatment. Because of the poor dose distribution characteristics of neutron beams combined with
an increased RBE, treatment-related toxicities seem
to be increased compared with the current literature
reports on conformal photon therapy. Many neutron
facilities are no longer clinically active, and little clinical research is currently being conducted on the use
of neutron therapy in lung cancer.




30 36





Fig. 11.5.2 Disease-specic survival of stage I lung cancer patients treated with proton beam

Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer


Fig. 11.5.3 a, b Isodose plan for stage I

lung cancer patient treated with proton
beam. c Dose-volume histogram showing the percentage of total lung volume
receiving a given dose

Fig. 11.5.4ad CT images showing lung tumor before and after treatment. a, b Pretreatment. c, d Six months after proton therapy

D. A. Bush


apy to a larger volume (Bush et al. 1999). This nding

underscores the close correlation between volume of
lung irradiated and the degree of pulmonary injury
observed. Pulmonary function both before and after
treatment was also evaluated. An assessment of these
results demonstrated no decrement in pulmonary
function following treatment (Bonnet et al. 2001).
Based on the lack of observed morbidity or pulmonary toxicity, and increased in-eld failure in patients
with larger tumors, a dose escalation is planned.
After this initial work in early-stage lung cancer, a
new study was initiated for patients with locally advanced NSCLC that also incorporated chemotherapy.
The concept in this trial, which continues to enroll
patients, is to implement treatment modalities that
have demonstrated improved outcomes in this group
of patients. This trial incorporates treatment paradigms such as induction chemotherapy, concurrent
chemoradiotherapy, and high dose radiation delivered in an accelerated fractionation schedule. Each of
these concepts has been shown to improve outcomes
in lung cancer patients in prior randomized trials.
Patients enrolled in this trial have stage II-IIIB NSCLC
without evidence of systemic disease. Subjects receive
two cycles of induction chemotherapy with Taxol and
carboplatin. Proton beam therapy is administered to
include the mediastinum and primary lung tumor. A
proton beam boost is delivered to the region of gross
disease as a second daily fraction in a twice-daily
fashion. The total dose delivered to subclinical disease is 46 Gy in 23 fractions, whereas gross disease
receives a total of 76 Gy in 38 fractions over 5 weeks.
Weekly chemotherapy with Taxol and carboplatin is
given during proton treatment. Fifteen patients have
completed this treatment with follow-up adequate to
assess acute side effects. No severe hematologic complications or esophageal or pulmonary injuries have
Proton beam therapy is also available in Japan at
the University of Tsukuba, and Shioyama et al. (2003)
have reported their experience in treating lung cancer patients. The report describes 51 patients with
NSCLC who were treated with proton beam therapy;
however, the majority (28) had clinical stage I disease.
A range of doses and fractionation schedules were
used, but most patients received a hypofractionated
treatment schedule with an average biological equivalent dose of approximately 80 Gy. The results were
strikingly similar to those produced at Loma Linda.
The overall and cause-specic survival rates were 60%
and 66%, respectively, for stage I patients. The overall
local control rate was 57% at 5 years. Improved local
tumor control and survival were noted for T1 tumors

vs. T2 lesions. Observed pulmonary side effects were

reported to be minimal. Further study on using hypofractionated proton beam radiotherapy for earlystage lung cancer is being conducted at this institution.
These results seem to indicate a role for proton
beam radiotherapy in patients with early-stage lung
cancer. Pulmonary complication rates are remarkably
low, while local tumor control and disease-specic
survival rates seem improved over those reported
with conventional radiotherapy techniques. Dose
escalations are currently under further evaluation.
Clinical trials using proton therapy in conjunction
with chemotherapy for locally advanced lung cancer
are currently underway.
Heavy Ion Radiotherapy

Heavy ion beams have also been used to treat patients with lung cancer. These beams have dosimetric properties that are virtually identical to those
of proton beams. They exhibit a Bragg peak effect
wherein the maximal dose deposited is delivered
just before the beam stops. Thus, highly conformal
dose distributions can be delivered to localize targets within the lung, as with protons. The biological
effectiveness of these beams, however, differs substantially from that of protons. The most frequently
used heavy ion in clinical use is carbon. The RBE
used in most settings for carbon ions is 3, similar
to that in neutron therapy. This increased biological effect may be useful in increasing the chance of
complete tumor eradication, but it may be harmful
if the dose is deposited in normal tissue regions.
It would be expected that heavy charged particles
may produce substantially less normal tissue damage compared with neutron therapy because of the
improved physical dose deposition.
A facility capable of delivering high-energy carbon ion radiotherapy has been constructed in Chiba,
Japan. Treatment for lung cancer began in 1994 and
has been reported on by Miyamoto et al. (2003). As
with proton therapy, the researchers elected to begin
their studies with early-stage NSCLC patients who
are medically inoperable or refused surgery. Their
report summarizes outcomes of 81 patients with
clinical stage I lung cancer treated with carbon ion
therapy using doses ranging from 59.4 to 95.4 Gy
equivalence in a dose escalation trial. They reported
three cases of grade 3 radiation pneumonitis that
resolved after therapy and was not felt to be a doselimiting factor. Local tumor control was seen in 76%
of patients after 5 years. Improved tumor control was

Heavy Particles in Lung Cancer

identied in patients with smaller tumors as well as

the use of higher doses. Cause-specic survival and
overall survival at 5 years was 60% and 42%, respectively. A signicant correlation between tumor size
and survival was found, similar to that reported with
proton therapy.
Kadono et al. (2002) reported on the pulmonary
function following heavy ion treatment in this group
of patients. They detected the signicant decrease in
FEV1 and total lung capacity; however, this decrease
was relatively small6% and 4%, respectively. Other
parameters such as DLCO and PAO2 showed no signicant changes. The authors concluded that no severe loss of pulmonary function occurred following
this form of treatment.
Heavy ion radiotherapy with carbon ions appears
to produce a good expectation of local tumor control
and disease-specic survival in patients with earlystage lung cancer. The rate of signicant pulmonary
toxicity appears low. As with proton beam therapy,
this may represent an improvement compared with
conventional photon therapy. To avoid severe normal tissue complications, as seen with other high
RBE beams (neutrons), carbon ion radiation therapy
should be used cautiously if it is applied to patients
with locally advanced tumors that require mediastinal treatment.

A strong scientic rationale exists for using heavy
particle beams in lung cancer patients. Neutron radiotherapy failed to show a signicant advantage
compared with X-ray therapy, and normal tissue
complications were considerable. A poor understanding of the biological effectiveness of these beams as
well as poor quality of treatment delivery probably
contributed to this outcome. Emerging evidence
from two facilities using proton beam radiotherapy
suggests that this type of treatment may provide a
signicant advantage for patients in early-stage lung
cancer. Proton therapy likely represents the most
clinic-ready particle for treatment because of the


superior dose distribution provided by charged particle beams, with a well-established biological effect
after years of clinical use. Heavy charged particles
such as carbon ions represent an exciting area of
research that needs to be pursued; however, the increased biological effect of these beams needs to be
carefully evaluated in the clinical setting.

Bonnet R, Bush D, Cheek G, Slater JD, Panossian D, Franke C,
Slater JM (2001) Effects of proton and combined proton/
photon beam radiation on pulmonary function in patients
with resectable but medically inoperable non-small cell
lung cancer. Chest 120:18031810
Bush D, Dunbar R, Bonnet R, Slater JD, Cheek G, Slater JM
(1999) Pulmonary injury from proton and conventional
radiotherapy as revealed by CT. Am J Roentgenol 172:735
Eichhorn H (1982) Results of a pilot study on neutron therapy
with 600 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8:156165
Fowler JF (2003) What can we expect from dose escalation
using proton beams? Clin Oncol 15: S10S15
Hall EJ (2000) Radiobiology for the radiologist, 5th edn. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
Kadono K, Homma T, Kamahara K, et al. (2002) Effect of
heavy-ion radiotherapy on pulmonary function in stage I
non-small cell lung cancer patients. Chest 122:192532
Koh W, Krall, John M, Peters L, et al. (1993) Neutron vs. photon
radiation therapy for inoperable regional non-small cell
lung cancer: results of a multicenter randomized trial. Int
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 27:499505
Laramore G, Bauer M, Grifn T, et al. (1986) Fast neutron and
mixed beam radiotherapy for inoperable non-small cell
carcinoma of the lung. Am J Clin Oncol 9:233243
Livingston R, Grifn B, Higano C, et al. (1987) Combined
treatment with chemotherapy and neutron irradiation for
limited non-small cell lung cancer: a Southwest Oncology
Group study. J Clin Oncol 5:17161724
Miyamoto T, Yanamoto N, Nishimura H, et al. (2003) Carbon
ion radiotherapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer.
Radiother Oncol 66:127140
Raju MR (1980) Heavy particle radiotherapy. Academic Press,
New York
Shioyama Y, Tokuuye K, Okumura T, et al. (2003) Clinical
evaluation of proton radiotherapy for non-small cell lung
cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 56:713
Slater JM, Archambeau JO, Miller DW (1992) The proton treatment center at Loma Linda University Medical Center:
rationale for and description of its development. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 22:383389


Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


11.6 Translational Research in Radiation Oncology

of Lung Cancer
Yuhchyau Chen


Introduction 481
Optimizing Paclitaxel Chemoradiation
Sensitizing Strategy in Stage III
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase I/II
Study Based on Pre-Clinical Research 481
Paclitaxel Chemoradiation for NSCLC 482
Pharmacokinetic Consideration
of Paclitaxel for Radiosensitization 483
Paclitaxel Cell Cycle Effect on Human
Cancer Cell Lines 484
Paclitaxel Apoptotic Effect 484
Schedule-Dependent Radiosensitizing
Effect In Vitro 484
Clinical Protocol of Pulsed Paclitaxel
and Radiation 485
Tumor Response, In-Field Tumor Control,
and Survival 485
Toxicity 486
Future Directions in Chemopotentiation
of Radiotherapy for Stage III NSCLC 487
Cytokine Markers for Radiation
Pulmonary Injury 487
Radiation Lung Injury 487
Cytokine and Radiation Lung Injury 488
Inammatory Cytokines IL-1 and IL-6 488
Chemokines and Cell Adhesion Molecules 489
Fibrotic Cytokine: Transforming
Growth Factor 490
Conclusions 490
References 491

11.6.1 Introduction
Although radiation is an essential modality for cancer therapy because of its powerful DNA-damaging
effects, those same effects unfortunately cause simultaneous injury to patients normal tissues. Thus
the success of radiotherapy relies on the ne balance between eradicating cancer cells and minimizY. Chen, PhD, MD
Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Investigation,
Department of Radiation Oncology, 601 Elmwood Ave., Box
647, Rochester, NY 14642, USA

ing injury to normal tissues. In lung cancer research

and treatment, basic biomedical research and clinical studies have ourished in the past two decades,
but lung cancer remains the most deadly cancer of
all types. Despite the explosion of discoveries that
have elucidated our understanding of the molecular
mechanisms and regulatory signals involved in cancer progression, transferring knowledge into practical advances for treating lung cancer and preventing
side effects from cytotoxic therapy has been a more
deliberate process. The translation of knowledge
gained from the laboratory into improving treatment
outcomes will serve as the vital bridge between scientic discovery and the welfare of patients and will
offer hope for further improvement of lung cancer
Because the scope of this chapter is limited, it
will focus on two areas of translational research in
radiation oncology for lung cancer treatment: 1) the
attempt to potentiate radiation effects by a unique
radiosensitizing strategy that optimally integrates
paclitaxel and radiation to enhance radiations local
effects in treating locally advanced non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC), and 2) the cytokines involved
in radiation lung injury that lead to radiation pneumonitis and progressive brosis.

Optimizing Paclitaxel Chemoradiation
Sensitizing Strategy in Stage III Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase I/II Study
Based on Pre-Clinical Research
The treatment of locally advanced, stage III NSCLC
remains a challenging task for oncologists because of
lack of local disease control and high rates of distant
disease failures. Although aggressive combination
chemoradiation therapy is now the new standard of
treatment for stage III NSCLC, 5-year survival rates
are only in the range of 5%25%, and local failure
rates have been as high as 55%85% (Dillman et


al. 1990; Sause et al. 2000; Schaake-Koning et al.

1992; Arriagada et al. 1991; Morton et al. 1991).
In addition, due to aggravated toxicity from therapy,
combined modality treatment is offered to a limited
population of patients in good clinical performance
status only. Both the optimal regimen and sequence
of chemoradiation therapy for stage III NSCLC remain unclear.
At least two randomized studies have demonstrated that concurrent chemoradiation is more effective than sequential chemotherapy followed by
radiation for the treatment of stage III NSCLC, supporting the radiosensitization mechanism in improving survival of lung cancer patients (Furuse
et al. 1999; Curran et al. 2000). The phase III randomized study conducted by the Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group (RTOG) for stage III NSCLC represents a good example of the dilemma in trading toxicity for efcacy. RTOG 9410 compared three arms
of chemoradiation treatments: sequential chemoradiation vs. concurrent chemotherapy and once-daily
(QD) radiation vs. concurrent chemotherapy and
twice-daily (BID) radiation. The combined chemoradiation strategy resulted in a modest survival gain in
the concurrent chemoradiation arm, with a median
survival of 17 months for the concurrent QD arm vs.
14.6 months for the sequential chemoradiation arm
(P=.038), and a median survival of 15.6 months for
the concurrent BID arm. Most notable was a dramatic increase in grade 3/4 acute nonhematologic
toxicities such as esophagitis, pneumonitis, and others, observed in 48% of the concurrent QD arm, 30%
of the sequential arm, and 62% of the concurrent BID
arm (Curran et al. 2000). The observed increase in
normal tissue toxicity in concurrent chemoradiation
treatment supports the notion that while concurrent
chemoradiation enhances radiation tumoricidal effects, it simultaneously enhances injuries to normal
tissues. As cancer therapy continues to explore newer
agents in combination with radiation, balancing the
therapeutic effect and treatment-related toxicity will
also continue to challenge oncologists.
Paclitaxel Chemoradiation for NSCLC
Despite the convincing evidence from randomized
studies of stage III NSCLC that chemoradiation is superior to radiation alone, the optimal chemotherapeutic agent(s), dosing schedule, sequence, and timing of
chemoradiation to achieve the best therapeutic gain
remain unknown. Because of lack of effective therapy

Y. Chen

for stage III NSCLC, newer agents including the 3rdgeneration chemotherapeutic agents have been tested
with the intent to improve the efcacy of combination
chemoradiation for stage III NSCLC over cisplatinbased chemoradiation (Chen and Okunieff 2004).
Among the 3rd-generation chemotherapeutic agents,
paclitaxel has been the favorite chemotherapeutic
agent investigated in many phase I/II clinical studies
due to its putative radiosensitizing effect. Paclitaxel,
as a single agent, has demonstrated response rates of
2124% in the metastatic setting (stage IV) of NSCLC
(Murphy et al. 1993). It is theoretically the ideal radiosensitizer due to its cytokinetic stabilization of
the spindle microtubule resulting in arresting cells in
the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, which is the most
radiosensitive phase of the cell cycle (Sinclair and
Morton 1966; Schiff and Horwitz 1980; Parness
and Horwitz 1981; Manfredi et al. 1982; Kumar
1981; Rowinsky et al. 1988). The cytotoxic effect is attributed to tumor apoptosis after treatment with paclitaxel (Milas et al. 1995, Milross et al. 1996; Jordan et
al. 1996; Pukkinen et al. 1996). For the interaction with
radiation treatment, in vitro studies have also demonstrated the radiosensitizing effects of paclitaxel in a
variety of cancer cell lines, including cervical cancer,
ovarian cancer, astrocytoma, melanoma, pancreatic
carcinoma, breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer,
prostate adenocarcinoma, and others (Tishler et al.
1992; Steren et al. 1993; Geard et al. 1993; Rodriguez
et al. 1995; Lokeshwar et al. 1995; Elomaa et al. 1995;
Choy et al. 1993; Jordan et al. 1996; Pukkinen et al.
1996; Hornback et al. 1994). In addition to cell cycle
and apoptotic effects, paclitaxel offers antineoplastic
potential through other mechanisms such as enhancing tumor reoxygenation, thereby reducing the resistance of hypoxic cells to radiation and chemotherapy
(Milas et al. 1995a). Furthermore, paclitaxel exhibits
antiangiogenic effects on tumor vasculature by causing apoptosis of endothelial cells as well (Grant et al.
2003). In the clinical setting, there have been several
different dose schedules of paclitaxel-based chemoradiation regimens reported for treating stage III NSCLC
(Choy et al. 1994; Lau et al. 1997; Chen et al. 2003;
Rathmann et al. 1999; Kirkbride et al. 1999; Brodin
et al. 2000; Havemann et al. 1995; Rosenthal et al.
2000), but the optimal dosing schedule in integrating
paclitaxel with radiation remains to be dened.
Because paclitaxel is a cell-cycle-specic agent, its
effect can theoretically be optimized by timing radiation to allow for radiation injury at the G2/M phase of
cancer cells. Because normal tissue and cancer cells
have different growth kinetics, minimizing normal
tissue injury is also possible if information from pre-

Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


clinical research and pharmacokinetics are taken into

consideration in the design of a clinical study. Here a
phase I/II clinical study will be presented to illustrate
the application of preclinical research on lung cancer
cell lines and the pharmacokinetic characteristics of
paclitaxel infusions to the design of the clinical study.
The hypothesis is that maximum tumor control and
minimal normal tissue injury can be achieved by
strategically optimizing the timing of daily irradiation and low-dose paclitaxel treatment.

pared the nonlinear disposition of paclitaxel with

different drug concentrations and infusion times.
As demonstrated in Fig. 11.6.1a, the shorter infusion
time of 3 h resulted in a fairly rapid increase to a high
peak plasma level at 23 h after infusion, which was
followed by a rapid decline of plasma concentrations.
The longer infusion time of 24 h was associated with
a rise in plasma level to a moderately high plateau
level for 24 h, followed by a slower decline of the drug
As described by the same investigators, the decrease of absolute neutrophil counts from paclitaxel
treatment was directly associated with the duration of plasma drug concentration above 0.05 M
(Fig. 11.6.1b). Thus, the long plateau of plasma concentration 0.05 M from a 24-h infusion was associated with more myelotoxicity, and the shorter
infusion time of 3 h was associated with less myelotoxicity despite the higher initial peak plasma level.
In the design of a clinical study when neutropenia is
a concern and when radiosensitization is the primary
interest, the choice of the shorter infusion time will
be the logical one.
Pharmacokinetic Consideration of Paclitaxel for
Paclitaxel Cell Cycle Eect
on Human Cancer Cell Lines
The cell cycle effect of paclitaxel on human cancer
cell lines was investigated in cell lines A431, A549, and

% Decrease in ANC


Understanding the pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel

is essential for optimizing the timing of paclitaxel
chemotherapy and radiation treatments to enhance
radiation effects and reduce normal tissue side effects. The pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel infusion are
unique in that not only does the drug concentration
inuence the pharmacokinetics of the drug, but also
the infusion time signicantly inuences the pharmacokinetics of plasma concentration. Furthermore,
bone marrow toxicity is directly related to the infusion time and drug concentration. Pharmacokinetic
studies have reported a nonlinear disposition of paclitaxel in humans. In the reported clinical trials, the
infusion time of paclitaxel has varied signicantly:
1 h, 3 h, 24 h, or continuous. Gianni et al. (1995) com-

Time (h)

Time plasma [PACLITAXEL] 0.05 M (h)

Fig. 11.6.1 a Plasma paclitaxel concentration vs. time proles of representative patients who received the drug at various indicated doses and infusion durations. Symbols represent actual measured plasma paclitaxel concentrations and lines represent
model t curves. b Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationship between duration spent at a plasma paclitaxel concentration 0.05M/l and percentage reduction in absolute neutrophil count in the rst course of therapy. Symbols represent individuals treated at different doses and schedules. Curve depicts the sigmoid Emax model t to the data. The broken portion of the
curve represents that region for which data were not available. Adapted from Gianni et al. (1995). Reprinted with permission
from the American Society of Clinical Oncology


NCI-H520. A431 is a human epidermoid cancer cell

line; A549 and NCI-H520 are both human lung cancer cell lines. Fig. 11.6.2a demonstrates the cell cycle
progression of cell line A431 after a 3 h treatment
with 1M paclitaxel. G2/M accumulation was appreciated at approximately 4 h after drug treatment.
Further cell cycle progression to the G2/M phase was
observed and was followed by a dynamic redistribution of cell cycle to return to the baseline by 48 h.
In an attempt to sustain the G2/M cell cycle arrest
for maximal radiosensitizing effect, an in vitro study
was conducted by pulsing paclitaxel every 48 h and
analyzing the cell cycle effect 24 h later. Fig. 11.6.2b
shows that by pulsing paclitaxel on alternate days
using one-third of the concentration (0.33 M), there
was sustained cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase for
6 days. Sustained G2/M cell cycle arrest by pulsing
paclitaxel at lower doses was observed in all three
cancer cell lines and supported the application of
this schedule to the design of a clinical trial (Chen
et al. 2003a).
Paclitaxel Apoptotic Eect
In the current study, cells were treated with paclitaxel
for 3 h and assayed by the Tunnel assay for apoptosis. As shown in Fig. 11.6.3, although the percent-

Y. Chen

age of apoptotic cells varied among these three cell

lines, common observations were made in that higher
doses (600 nM and 2 M) of paclitaxel caused more
apoptosis than the lowest dose (200 nM). It was also
observed that more apoptosis occurred at 48 h after
drug treatment than at 24 h. The timing of maximal
paclitaxel apoptotic effect also supports pulsing paclitaxel treatment every 48 h (Chen et al. 2003a).
Schedule-Dependent Radiosensitizing Eect In
In preliminary studies, Keng et al. (2000) and Chen
et al. (2001) investigated the schedule dependence
of paclitaxel interaction with radiation in three
lung cancer cell lines. Cells were treated in the culture with either 50 nM or 100 nM of paclitaxel for
3 h. The control received no paclitaxel. Radiation
at various doses was delivered either immediately
after the 3-h drug treatment (labeled as 3 h) or 21 h
after drug treatment (labeled as 24 h). The clonogenic survival was assayed 2 weeks after radiation.
The survival curves showed that delaying radiation resulted in fewer survival clones. When other
cell lines were tested, it appeared that paclitaxel
chemopotentiation of radiation was often through
the sub-additive mechanism rather than an addi-

Fig. 11.6.2 a Human epidermoid cell line A431

culture was exposed to 1.0 M paclitaxel for 3 h.
After 3 h the drug-containing medium was removed and replaced with fresh culture medium.
At different time intervals, cells were analyzed
for cell cycle progression. Data show that treatment with paclitaxel caused G2/M arrest at
approximately 4 h posttreatment, maximizing
at 24 h. This was followed by a timely reversal
of G2/M arrest to the baseline level by 48 h. b
Cells were treated with paclitaxel for 3 h using
pulsed dose schedules: Drug treatment with
0.33 M on day 1 (B3); or day 1 and day 3 (B4);
or day 1, day 3, and day 5 (B5). Drug-containing
culture medium was removed after treatment
and replaced with fresh maintenance medium.
The cells were analyzed for cell cycle distribution at 24 h after drug removal. B1 shows the
cell cycle distribution of baseline without drug
treatment. B2 shows the maximal arrest of G2/
M 24 hours after treatment with 1.0 M paclitaxel. B3B5 show that treatment with pulsed
paclitaxel three times a week using one-third
of the initial dose sustained the G2/M cell cycle
effect. Adapted from Chen et al. (2003a), and
used with permission

Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


calation in 5 mg/m2 increments. The average XRT

dose was 6065 Gy to gross disease and 4558 Gy
to microscopic disease, given at 1.8 Gy daily fractions over 67.5 weeks. Forty-one patients were
enrolled (23 for the phase I study and 18 for the
phase II study), and 33 completed treatment. Eight
patients did not complete protocol treatments due
to acute allergic reactions in three, distant disease
spread during therapy in three, and two intercurrent deaths unrelated to therapy. Stage distribution
of patients with NSCLC was two in stage I, one in
stage IIB, 15 in stage IIIA, and 22 in stage IIIB. One
patient had stage II mesothelioma.

Fig. 11.6.3 Human cancer cell lines A431, A549, and NCI-H520
were treated with paclitaxel at 200 nM, 600 nM, or 2 M concentrations. Cells were analyzed for apoptosis using Tunnel
assay at 24 h as well as 48 h after drug treatment. Data showed
that apoptosis was more prominent at a higher drug concentration and was observed primarily at 48 h after drug treatment.
Adapted from Chen et al. (2003a), and used with permission

tive or synergistic mechanism. Even in the subadditive situation, delaying radiation resulted in fewer
surviving clones than immediate irradiation after
drug treatment.
Clinical Protocol of Pulsed Paclitaxel
and Radiation
A phase I/II clinical study for stage III NSCLC was
designed taking into account the pharmacokinetic
information, the timing of radiosensitization, and
the cell cycle and apoptotic effect of paclitaxel
from the preclinical studies. A 1 h infusion time
was chosen to allow for a short exposure time to the
drug for sensitization, followed by a rapid clearing
of plasma drug concentration to avoid sensitizing
normal tissues and to allow for less cytotoxicity
to bone marrow. The clinical trial design dictated
low-dose paclitaxel infusion in the morning on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thoracic radiation (XRT) was given after 4:00 PM on the days
when patients received paclitaxel, to allow for a
minimum of a 4 h interval for cell cycle progression. On Tuesday and Thursday, when there was
no paclitaxel treatment, XRT was given any time
after 11:00 AM. For the phase I study, the starting
dose of paclitaxel was 15 mg/m2 with a dose es-
Tumor Response, In-Field Tumor Control,
and Survival
Almost all tumors had a remarkable and durable response to therapy using this regimen. Table 11.6.1
demonstrates the tumor response in the phase I study.
Mean tumor shrinkage was 82%14%, 84%16%,
and 84%27% for dose levels I, II, and III, respectively, with an average primary tumor shrinkage at
46 weeks posttherapy of 83%7% (95% condence
interval). The overall locoregional tumor response
rate in the phase I study was 100% (2/17 [12%] complete response and 15/17 [88%] partial response).
Fig. 11.6.4 demonstrates an example of radiographic
tumor shrinkage 4 weeks after treatment in a patient
with stage III NSCLC. Local control for those patients
who completed radiotherapy in both phase I and II
was 98%, with a median follow-up of 11 months. For
patients who did not complete the 7.5-week protocol
treatment, the survival was dismal. For those who
completed the protocol treatment, the survival estimate was 52% at 1 year, 40% at 2 years, and 21%
at 3 years, and survival for all patients enrolled was
46% at 1 year, 33% at 2 years, and 18 % at 3 years
(Table 11.6.2). The in-eld local control was durable
up to the last day of follow-up for most patients,
which has been demonstrated by the PET scans obtained 3 years later in some patients (Chen et al.
As anticipated, low-dose pulsed paclitaxel chemoradiation was associated with low toxicity. There
was no treatment interruption from side effects of

Y. Chen

Table 11.6.1 Tumor response 46 weeks after pulsed low-dose
paclitaxel chemoradiation. Adapted from Chen et al. (2003a)
with permission. (CR complete response [disappearance of
tumor], PR partial response [>50% volume reduction])

Table 11.6.2 Survival and local tumor control comparisons

for stage III NSCLC treated with combination chemoradiation. Adapted from Chen et al. (2003a) with permission (RT

Pulsed paclitaxel
dose level


Response rate

Chemoradiation trials



I, 15 mg/m2 (n=6)


II, 20 mg/m (n=6)


III, 25 mg/m2 (n=4)



83%7% (95% CI)




2-year 3-year
survival survival control

Chen et al.: Pulsed Taxol and RT

All patients
Patients completing therapy 40%



Schaake-Koning et al. (EORTC)

Chemoradiation arm
RT arm



Furuse et al. (Japanese)

Concurrent chemo arm
Sequential chemo arm




Dillman et al. (CALGB)

Chemoradiation arm
RT arm




Arriagada et al. (French)

Chemoradiation arm
RT arm




Sause et al. (RTOG8808)

Chemoradiation arm
RT arm




Morton et al. (NCCT)

Chemoradiation arm
RT arm




Actuarial local control at 2 years

control at 1 year
c Local control at time of rst relapse
b Local

therapy. Toxicity was assessed for all patients in

the phase I study, including one patient who received only two-thirds of the total radiation dose.
There were no patients who experienced grade 3
or 4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, neuropathy,
or cardiac arrhythmia. Three of 18 patients (17%)
experienced grade 3 pneumonitis, and 3/18 (17%)
experienced grade 3 esophagitis. No patients experienced grade 4 pneumonitis or esophagitis (Chen
et al. 2001).

1 month post-treatment
Fig. 11.6.4 Tumor response by CT scans. A large lesion of
non-small cell lung cancer presented with superior vena cava
compression in the right upper lobe of the lung. The lesion
had completely disappeared 4 weeks after pulsed paclitaxel
chemoradiation. Adapted from Chen et al. (2003), and used
with permission
Future Directions in Chemopotentiation of
Radiotherapy for Stage III NSCLC
At least eight different dosing schedules for paclitaxel chemoradiation have been employed in clinical
trials for treating stage III NSCLC; as a whole, they

Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


have shown both mixed response rates and toxicity proles. These schedules include concurrent radiation with continuous infusion of paclitaxel, daily
paclitaxel, twice-weekly paclitaxel, thrice-weekly paclitaxel, weekly paclitaxel, and once-every-34-weeks
paclitaxel as a single agent or in combination with a
second chemotherapeutic agent. The overall response
rates have been in the range of 65100%, but generally treatment toxicities also have been high, particularly in neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, esophagitis,
and pneumonitis (Chen and Okunieff 2004). These
effects are attributed to the radiosensitizing effect of
paclitaxel on normal tissues as well.
Stage III NSCLC often presents with large tumor
volume for the primary and the regional nodal disease. If the primary and regional tumors are not controlled, distant metastasis cannot be prevented. The
lack of effective local therapy for inoperable NSCLC
has been well recognized. Biopsy of tumors after therapy for locally advanced NSCLC resulted in only 17%
local tumor control after chemoradiation therapy
and only 15% after radiotherapy alone (Arriagada
et al. 1991). Although chemoradiation is the current
standard of care for stage III NSCLC, improvements
in local disease control and survival have been modest, despite aggressive clinical investigations using
numerous chemotherapeutic agents in conjunction
with radiation in many phase I/II studies (Chen and
Okunieff 2004). Among these dose schedules, the
pulsed paclitaxel chemoradiation schedule, which
was based on the preclinical research model, yielded
superior primary tumor response and ultimate local
control. These results support the idea that preclinical studies using cancer cell lines or animal models
to address the sequence and timing of treatment
modalities may prove more fruitful in gaining favorable clinical outcomes than those regimens built on
an empirical basis. The superior local tumor control
produced by pulsed paclitaxel chemoradiation for
stage III NSCLC has provided new information in
the understanding of cancer biology for this tumor
stage. This regimen has overcome the local failure of
stage III NSCLC for primary chest tumors as large as
1012 cm at the time of presentation. The differential
between the signicant gain of local disease control
(98% by pulsed paclitaxel vs. historical control of large
randomized studies of 46% at best) vs. the modest
survival gain (3-year survival of 21% vs. 15% of large
studies of historical control) emphasizes that future
therapy should aim not only for chemopotentiation
for chest disease control, but also for more effective
prevention and treatment of distant micrometastasis
(Table 11.6.2). Antiangiogenic therapy, molecularly

targeted therapy, gene therapy, hypoxic cell-targeted

therapy, or other innovative therapeutic approaches
may help prevent distant metastasis.

Cytokine Markers for Radiation
Pulmonary Injury
Radiation Lung Injury
Due to normal tissue constraints, high-dose radiation to the tumoricidal dose for chest tumors has
not been feasible using standard external beam radiation therapy. For standard radiation treatment to
the chest, radiation dose has been limited to 6065 Gy
in order to avoid serious pneumonitis, esophageal
stricture, stula, or cardiac damage. Indeed, normal
tissue injury from combined modality treatment for
lung cancer has been the major dose-limiting factor
for aggressive chemoradiation treatment. Through
clinical experience using chemoradiation combined
modality therapy for lung cancer, higher rates of both
esophagitis and pneumonitis have been consistently
observed (Chen and Okunieff 2004). Although
interstitial pneumonitis has been recognized as a
distinct clinical complication of cancer therapy, no
routine diagnostic testing has been established as a
simple way to assess the risk of pneumonitis prior to
cancer treatment. Although most interstitial pneumonitis from cancer therapy is self-limiting, serious and potentially lethal incidences have been observed following all treatment modalities, including
radiation therapy (Yorke et al. 2002; Jenkins et al.
2003; Ash-Bernal et al. 2002; Reckzeh et al. 1996),
chemotherapy (Thomas et al. 2000; Sleijfer 2001;
Wang et al. 2001), and even some of the more recently
developed molecularly-targeted therapies (Rosado
et al. 2003; Burton et al. 2003).
Among all types of interstitial pneumonitis caused
by different agents, radiation-induced pneumonitis
has been the most widely investigated, both in clinical and in laboratory research. The peak incidence
of radiation pneumonitis is between 6 weeks and
3 months after completion of radiation treatments.
However, it can also occur unexpectedly, with little or
no warning; therefore, many attempts have been made
to identify clinical risk factors for its onset. Clinical
studies have reported a number of clinical factors,
including total radiation dose, irradiated lung volume exceeding 20 Gy, mean lung dose, fractionation,

Y. Chen


daily fraction size, performance status, pretreatment

pulmonary function, gender, low pretreatment blood
oxygen, high C-reactive protein, and others (Roach
et al. 1995; Kwa et al. 1998; Graham et al. 1999;
Inoue et al. 2001; Segawa et al. 1997; Robnett et al.
2000; Hernando et al. 2001). However, despite the
identication of these clinical contributing factors,
clinical research has not led to the development of
a reliable and simple diagnostic laboratory test that
could predict the risk of postradiation pneumonitis
and, in particular, one that could be administered before starting therapy. The development of such a test
using patient blood specimens or lavage uid from
bronchial washing is highly desirable because of the
unpredictable nature of serious adverse events, which
occur sporadically and without reliable clinical warning signs; its use prior to or during the early phase
of therapy would allow clinicians to customize and
modify therapy intensity for those patients at higher
risk for serious interstitial pneumonitis.
Cytokine and Radiation Lung Injury
Progress made in recent years has increased our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in radiation lung injury. We have come
to appreciate the complexity of radiation pneumonitis, now seen as a process involving active interaction
among resident cells of the lung parenchyma and
circulatory immune and inammatory cells. There
is increasing evidence of immune cells augmenting
pneumonitis through complex autocrine, paracrine,
and systemic regulatory mechanisms critically orchestrated by cytokines. Early studies suggested that
radiation-induced lung injury was characterized by
alveolar inltrates of mononuclear cells, primarily
CD4+ T cells and macrophages/monocytes (mononuclear alveolitis), while exhibiting a relative lack of
neutrophils (Fryer et al. 1978; Roberts et al. 1993), a
common marker for infectious processes. In addition,
several studies using bronchoscopy have conrmed
this nding in patients with active pneumonitis, demonstrating the presence of mononuclear cells without signicant numbers of neutrophils in the lavage
uids (Maasilta et al. 1993; Nakayama et al. 1996).
Ultimately, mononuclear alveolitis is followed by progressive brosis of the lung as well as the deposition
and accumulation of collagen bers and extracellular
matrix. Clinically, a decline in lung volume, compliance, and diffusion capacity is an unavoidable longterm consequence of lung brosis.

Animal research has induced multiple humoral

factors (cytokines) in the lung by ionizing radiation
(Rubin et al. 1995; Johnston et al. 1998; Hallahan
et al. 1997, 2002). Rubin et al. (1995) reported a cascade of cytokine induction including interleukin 1
(IL-1), transforming growth factor 1 (TGF-1),
and TGF-2 in lung tissue after radiation in animal
research models. Because most animal research has
been conducted in large single fractions of radiation,
the relevance to cancer patients receiving fractionated
daily low-dose radiation remains unclear. However,
based on data from animal research models, it is hypothesized that when normal lung tissue is exposed
to chemotherapy, radiation, oxygen, tumor necrosis
factor (TNF-), or other foreign insult such as lipopolysaccharide, a cascade of cellular and humoral
events occurs as a tissue response to injury (Chen
et al. 2003). There is interaction among alveolar epithelium (type I and type II pneumocytes), vascular
endothelium, broblasts, lymphocytes, and macrophages through the humoral factors such as adhesion molecules, chemokines, inammatory cytokines
(TNF-, IL-6, and IL-1), and brotic cytokines (basic
broblast growth factor [bFGF], TGF-, and platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF]). Chemokines and
adhesion molecules mediate leukocyte trafcking,
extravasation from the vascular compartment, and
homing to sites of inammation (Kaseda et al. 2000;
Butcher et al. 1996; Hallahan et al. 1997; Ding et
al. 2000). Macrophages and lymphocytes are further
recruited from the bone marrow to the chest, causing
alveolar inltrates during the pneumonitic phase.
At least three different classes of cytokines have
been reported to correlate with the risk of radiation
pneumonitis in patients: the inammatory cytokines
IL-1 and IL-6, the probrotic cytokine TGF-1, and
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). These
cytokines will be discussed in further detail.
Inammatory Cytokines IL-1 and IL-6
Radiation pneumonitis can be regarded as an aberrant inammatory response to radiation injuries.
Both IL-1 and IL-6 are cytokines central to regulation of immunity and inammatory responses. These
cytokines are important immunoregulatory moieties
and share some common immune functions. Both
cytokines are pleiotropic inammatory cytokines,
recognized as "acute phase response" proteins. They
are chemotactic for mononuclear cells, and they activate lymphocytes, regulate fevers, and precipitate a

Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer

brovascular response. While the source of IL-1 is

primarily from monocytes and alveolar macrophages
(Elias et al. 1985; OBrien-Lander et al. 1993), IL6 is synthesized by a variety of cells, including the
alveolar macrophages, endothelium, type II pneumocytes, T lymphocytes, and lung broblasts (Kelley
1990; Cromwell et al. 1992; Crestani et al. 1994).
In vitro experiments have shown that alveolar
macrophages exposed to radiation release increased
quantities of IL-1 and IL-1 (OBrien-Lander et
al. 1993). It has also been shown that IL-1 stimulates human lung broblasts to produce IL-6 and stabilizes IL-6 messenger RNA production (Elias and
Lentz 1990). Others have reported IL-1 induction of
IL-6 in a variety of cells, including thymocytes, and
have suggested that IL-6 is involved in many of the
pleiotropic effects of IL-1 (Helle et al. 1988). Such
in vitro work indeed suggests a regulatory relationship between the two inammatory cytokines. Chen
et al. (2001a, 2002) analyzed a panel of cytokines in
serial blood samples of cancer patients receiving
thoracic radiation. Radiation pneumonitis was diagnosed using the National Cancer Institute common
toxicity criteria. Cytokine analysis was assayed for
IL-1, IL-6, MCP-1, E-selectin, L-selectin, P-selectin,
TGF-1, and basic bFGF, using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Among all these cytokines
analyzed, only the two inammatory cytokines, IL-6
and IL-1, were persistently higher in patients who
subsequently developed pneumonitis after radiation.
Additionally, patients with high pretreatment circulating IL-6 and IL-1 levels had a greater chance of
developing subsequent pneumonitis after therapy
(Fig. 11.6.5), suggesting the possibility of using pretreatment IL-1 and IL-6 levels to predict patients at
risk for radiation pneumonitis.
Chemokines and Cell Adhesion Molecules
Tissue inammation requires leukocytes to undergo
transendothelial migration and extravasation of the
vascular compartment into sites of inammation.
Chemokines and adhesion molecules are key cytokines in facilitating leukocyte recruitment to the site
of inammation (Kaseda et al. 2000; Butcher et
al. 1996; Hallahan et al. 1997; Ding et al. 2000).
Johnston et al. (1998) investigated a panel of chemokines including monocyte chemotactic protein
(MCP)-1, lymphotactin (Ltn), RANTES, eotaxin,
macrophage inammatory protein (MIP-1, -1,
and -2), and interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10)


Fig. 11.6.5 a Circulating IL-1 (in pg/ml) before radiation,
weekly during radiation, and after completing radiation treatments. b Circulating IL-6 (in pg/ml) before radiation, weekly
during radiation, and after completing radiation treatments.
Adapted from Chen et al. (2001a) and from Chen et al. (2002);
used with permission from both publishers

in brosis-prone mice (C57BL/6) and brosis-resistant mice (C3H/HeJ). In these studies, local MCP-1
and IP-10 expressions did not increase 8 weeks after lung radiation, but a signicantly higher level
of expression was found only in the brosis-prone
mice 26 weeks after lung radiation. Hallahan et al.
(1997) investigated the role of adhesion molecules in
animal lungs after radiation. They found an increase
of ICAM-1 and E-selectin expression in vascular
endothelium after radiation. In the animal model,
they found that anti-ICAM-1 blocking antibody attenuated the inammatory cell inltration to the
lungs of mice after radiation exposure. In addition,
using ICAM-1 knockout mice, which were decient
in expressing ICAM-1 after radiation, radiation-induced pulmonary inammatory cell inltration was
abrogated (Hallahan et al. 1997a, 2002). Research
in chemokine and adhesion molecules in cancer
patients produced some correlated ndings. Ishii
and Kitamura (1999) reported that patients with
an increase of ICAM-1 in circulating cytokine levels during radiation had a higher risk of radiation


pneumonitis. Chen et al. (2002) investigated the role

of other chemokine and adhesion molecules in the
blood of cancer patients, including MCP-1, E-selectin,
L-selectin, and P-selectin, but they found no correlation with the risk of radiation lung injury.
Fibrotic Cytokine: Transforming Growth Factor
TGF- is a key modulator in the induction of brosis,
alterations in collagen metabolism, and increase in
extracellular matrix formation following radiation
therapy (Burger et al. 1998; Barcelloss-Hoff
1998; Randall and Coggle 1995; Rodemann
and Bamberg 1995). TGF- has been shown to be
a growth factor regulating broblast proliferation,
differentiation, and matrix production under physiological as well as pathophysiological conditions
(Kovacs 1991; Fine and Goldstein 1987; Sigel
et al. 1996; Zhang and Jacobberger 1996). It was
found to be a primary cytokine for radiation-induced
brosis (Rodemann and Bamberg 1995). In animal
research models, different investigators have found
that TGF- expression is induced after lung radiation and is the major mediator for postradiation lung
brosis (Finkelstein et al. 1994; Rubin et al. 1992;
Franko et al. 1997). The search for TGF- as a marker
for radiation lung injury in patients has been complicated by the fact that lung cancers may produce
TGF-. Nonetheless, Anscher et al. (1998) found a
correlation between higher risk of radiation lung injury in patients with high circulating levels of TGF-
near the end of radiotherapy. This observation was
signicant for the patients with normal pretreatment
TGF- levels but not signicant for those with higher
than normal pretreatment TGF- levels.

For decades, radiobiologists and radiation oncologists have searched for ways to enhance radiation
effects on human solid tumors. Fletcher (1973) reported the clinical dose-response curves of human
malignant epithelial tumors based on clinical experiences at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
In this report, the volume effect on tumor control
probability was explored, and the concept of larger
tumors requiring higher radiation doses to effectively control the tumor by radiation was introduced.

Y. Chen

Oncologists at the University of Florida also reported

a similar nding for squamous cell carcinoma of the
head and neck region. The dose required to eradicate
solid tumors is proportional to the tumor volume:
6065 Gy for tumors smaller than 1.0 cm in diameter, 6570 Gy for tumors 1.52.0 cm, 7075 Gy for tumors 2.53.0 cm, and 7580 Gy for tumors 3.56.0 cm
(Million et al. 1994). If one extrapolates Fletchers
estimate, it would require an 80100 Gy radiation
dose to eradicate large epithelial tumors of stage III
NSCLC. Such a high dose to the chest has not been
possible in the clinical setting due to potential fatal
pneumonitis. Clinical practice in treating stage III
NSCLC in general has kept radiation doses below
65 Gy and has therefore produced unsatisfactory local regional disease control for patients in this stage.
If gross tumors in the chest cannot be eradicated,
distant failures are denite sequelae.
Thus, optimization of chemotherapy and radiation
continues to deserve preclinical studies aimed at
maximizing the primary tumor control while keeping
the toxicity low. For enhancing local tumor control,
more frequent but lower doses of drug appear particularly promising in maximizing tumor response
and minimizing toxicity. An interesting observation
was made in this phase I study of pulsed paclitaxel
chemoradiation: The lack of dose response with increasing paclitaxel doses beyond 15 mg/m2 supports
that when low-dose chemotherapy is used as a radiation-sensitizing agent, escalating chemotherapy
doses may not further potentiate radiation but rather
may increase the toxicity of therapy. The concept of a
minimally effective dose for radiation potentiation
by chemotherapy is contradictory to the traditional
strategy of systemic chemotherapy when achieving a
maximally tolerated dose is the primary goal. The superior tumor response and the durable tumor control
achieved by pulsed low dose paclitaxel chemoradiation are intriguing. This dramatic local tumor effect
cannot be explained by cell cycle and apoptotic effects of pulsed paclitaxel alone. More recently, small
and frequent dosing of chemotherapeutic agents has
been shown to suppress tumor growth through the
mechanism of antiangiogenesis in animal tumor
models (Boehm et al. 1997; Browder et al. 2000).
Other potential mechanisms that may contribute to
the effectiveness of the small frequent dosing schedule of paclitaxel and radiation should be further investigated in animals.
Recent discoveries in translational research using
specimens from lung cancer patients have allowed a
major breakthrough in our understanding of the somatic mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor

Translational Research in Radiation Oncology of Lung Cancer


(EGFR) in relation to tumor response to treatments

by getinib (Iressa). Clinically, getinib offers an
overall 10% response rate for patients with NSCLC.
Examinations of the EGFR genes have revealed that
mutations at the tyrosine kinase domain not only specically predicted responders to getinib treatments
but also showed a striking correlation with patient
characteristics: Mutations were more frequent in adenocarcinomas than in other NSCLC, more frequent
in women than in men, and more frequent in patients
from Japan than in those from the U.S. (Lynch et al.
2004; Paez et al. 2004). Serious lung injury was infrequently observed in large studies of patients treated
with getinib for NSCLC, and included rare but fatal
interstitial pneumonitis occurring with higher incidence in the Japanese patients (1.87%) than in patients outside Japan (0.35%).
Such ndings support endeavors in identifying
gene and molecular markers, not only for the efcacy of therapy but also for identifying markers for
normal tissue injury. Simultaneous measurement of
normal tissue consequences in translational research
is critical, as the ultimate goal of treatment must include minimizing the acute and long-term toxicity
to normal tissues. Cancer therapy has evolved towards a multiagent and multitarget approach, with
the inclusion of gene therapy, antiangiogenic therapy,
inhibition of epidermal growth factor pathways, inhibition of oncogene pathways, inhibition of other
signal transduction pathways, hypoxic cell targeting therapy, and others (Chen et al. 2003). Balancing
therapeutic effects versus normal tissue effects will
become more complex and more challenging to oncologists in the future.

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Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials


12 Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis

of Randomised Clinical Trials
Richard Stephens


Introduction 495
Trial Design 496
Choice of Control Therapy 497
Eligibility 497
Choice of Endpoints 497
Trial Conduct 499
Monitoring 499
Follow-up 499
Trial Analysis 499
Patient Population 499
Pre-treatment Patient Characteristics
Conclusions 501
References 502


We are in the era of evidence-based medicine, and
the building blocks for this evidence are randomised
clinical trials. Therefore the importance of highquality randomised trials cannot be understated. In
theory randomised clinical trials are very simple.
Half of the patients receive standard treatment, half
receive the new treatment, and the two groups are
compared in terms of efcacy. What could go wrong?
Well, in practice, many things! The design, conduct
and analysis of randomised clinical trials can actually
be very complex. This paper aims to highlight some
of the common pitfalls, giving examples from recent
publications, and to suggest ways of avoiding them.
It is rst important to describe what we are trying to do in a randomised trial as without this understanding, the implications of the pitfalls discussed
cannot be fully appreciated.
Classically a randomised trial compares a new
experimental therapy with the current standard
therapy, in an attempt to nd out whether the new
R. Stephens
Research Scientist, Cancer Division, MRC Clinical Trials Unit,
222 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DA, UK

treatment is better and, if so, to estimate how much

better. Usually, in cancer, the primary endpoint of
interest is survival, but in addition response, toxicity, quality of life and cost-effectiveness may also be
important factors in deciding whether the new treatment is better.
If we had access to every patient with the disease
under scrutiny and could randomise them all, we
could obtain a fairly accurate measure of whether the
new treatment is better than the standard, and if so
by how much. However, of course, we dont. We only
have access to a sample of these patients, and all the
results of our randomised trial can do is give an estimation of the true difference. It stands to reason,
therefore, that the larger the number of patients we
study, the better the estimation.
The beauty of randomisation is that it ensures that
a sample of patients is divided into groups that are as
comparable as possible. Given sufcient patients, the
groups will not only be automatically matched on obvious characteristics (for example, age and sex), but
most importantly, in every other aspect. It is the latter
point that makes the act of randomisation so crucial,
and the use of historical controls so risky, as we are
still unable to predict with any great accuracy which
patients will do well, which badly, and what factors
inuence outcome. Randomisation thus ensures that
the only difference between the groups will be the
treatment they receive. Nevertheless, it is also important to remember that the sample of patients we are
studying may be drawn from anywhere within the
full population, and thus groups of patients receiving the same treatment in different trials may have
different outcomes.
There are a number of statistical terms that are basically used to describe how close the estimated result
from a trial is likely to be to the true result:
The power of a trial relates to the chances of identifying a difference if it exists. Trials that are underpowered (i.e. do not include enough patients to reliably detect the difference) may therefore result in a
false-negative result (also referred to as a type II error). Generally trials are powered at 90% but this still

R. Stephens


means that 10 out of every 100 trials so powered will

be a false-negative (i.e. although a difference exists
between the groups, the trial suggests no difference).
Unfortunately, of course, we never know which negative results are false-negatives!
The p value indicates how likely it is that an observed difference has been found purely by chance.
Thus a p value of 0.05 indicates that this result would
have occurred by chance 5 times in every 100. It is
generally considered that a difference with a p value
of )0.05 is a true and positive result. However, it is vital to remember that this actually means that 5 out of
every 100 positive results will be false-positives (also
referred to as a type I error), found purely by chance.
Again, the trouble is we never know which!
Whilst we need to be aware that a proportion of
positive trial results may in fact be false-positives
(and a proportion of negatives false-negatives),
the problem of type I and type II errors also affects analyses within a trial, as the more tests that
are performed, the more likely it is that these will
be contaminated with false results. To reduce this
risk, the number of statistical tests performed in a
trial should be limited. A good way of doing this is
to consider that within a trial there is only a certain
amount of p value spending. So, if one test is performed and the result is p)0.05, then the result can
be considered signicant. If two tests are performed
then perhaps they should only be considered signicant if p)0.025 or, as is often used to accommodate
interim analyses, the rst is only considered signicant if p)0.001 so that the second can be considered
signicant if p)0.049. Consider, for example, one
table relating to the assessment of quality of life in
the paper by Sundstrom et al. (2002) where 84 p values were calculated, although the authors recognised
the problem and indicated that only p<0.01 would be
considered signicant.
The hazard ratio (HR) is usually used to indicate
the overall survival difference, with, conventionally,
a value of <1 indicating that the new treatment is
better, and >1 indicating that the new treatment is
worse. Thus an HR for a survival difference of 0.85
indicates that the new treatment results in a 15% better survival, and an HR of 1.02 indicates that the new
treatment is actually 2% worse. A ballpark method
of converting the HR into real time is that HR is approximately equal to the median survival of patients
on the standard treatment divided by the median
survival of patients on the new treatment. In addition the HR is approximately equal to the natural
log of the proportion of patients surviving at a particular timepoint on the standard treatment, divided

by the natural log of the proportion of patients surviving at the same timepoint on the new treatment.
Thus, for example, if the median and 1-year survival
of patients on a standard treatment are 9 months and
20% respectively, and the HR from a trial is 0.85, the
estimated median and 1-year survival for patients on
the new treatment are approximately 10.6 months
and 25.5% respectively.
However, probably the most important statistical
term is the 95% condence interval (CI). This indicates the range in which we are 95% sure that the
true value lies. Thus, for example, in a survival comparison, an HR of 0.85 with a 95% CI of 0.65-1.05
indicates that our best estimate of the survival difference is that the new treatment is 15% better, but we
are 95% condent that it is somewhere between 35%
better and 5% worse. This surprisingly wide range,
however, is the sort of range commonly obtained
from randomised trials with a sample size of about
250 patients. Thousands of patients are required to
obtain condence intervals of only about 5% around
the HR. Even in a trial of more than 1,000 patients,
comparing surgery with or without adjuvant chemotherapy, Scagliotti et al. (2003) reported an HR
of 0.96 with a 95% CI of 0.81-1.31, indicating that
compared to the median survival of 48 months with
surgery alone, adjuvant chemotherapy could have
resulted in a detriment of 5.5 months or a benet of
11 months.
There are numerous pitfalls that can occur in a
randomised trial, although sometimes pitfalls is the
wrong word, as trials can, of course, be deliberately
designed, or analyses deliberately performed, to
weigh the scales in favour of one treatment or another. Nevertheless, the aim of this chapter is to alert
readers to the major deciencies that can occur in
trial design and trial reporting which may prevent
the trial from being a true and unbiased comparison
of the treatments.

Trial Design
Whilst most randomised trials are designed to test
a new treatment against a standard treatment, trials may also be designed to assess whether a new
treatment is equivalent to a standard treatment (for
example, the new treatment may have preferable attributes, such as being given orally rather than intravenously, or be less costly) or to establish which of
two standard treatments is better.

Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials

What should guide trial design is equipoise, or

the uncertainty principle, which perhaps might
be judged by the willingness of clinicians to be enrolled themselves should they develop that condition.
Unfortunately, often the trials that are the easiest to
accrue to (for example, chemotherapy A vs chemotherapy B) are the ones least likely to change practice,
whereas the opposite applies to difcult trials (for
example, surgery vs no surgery).
Trials should also always aim to answer only one
clear question. Thus a logical trial design in chemotherapy would be to add or replace one drug in the
standard treatment combination. Results from trials
that change two drugs (or schedules or doses) often
leave the question unanswered as to the relative value
of each changed factor. For example, Kelly et al.
(2001) compared paclitaxel and carboplatin given in
4-weekly cycles with vinorelbine and cisplatin given
in 3-weekly cycles, and Souquet et al. (2002) compared vinorelbine 30 mg/m2 on days 1, 8 and 15 and
cisplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1 with vinorelbine 25 mg/
m2 on days 1 and 8, cisplatin 75 mg/m2 on day 1 and
ifosfamide 3 g/m2 on day 1.
It is important that all the decisions regarding design issues are clearly stated and justied in the protocol, and also that a detailed analysis plan is written.

Choice of Control Therapy
In a randomised trial the choice of control treatment is paramount. Logically it should always be
the current best standard treatment for the condition, although often knowing what is acknowledged
as best is difcult. Indeed, there may be situations
where the local, national and international best are
all different because of, for example, differences in
facilities, expertise or access to drugs. The choice of
control treatment will depend on several factors, including whether the trial result is aimed at affecting
local, national or international practice, how pragmatic the trial is (for example, if the question is does
the addition of drug A to chemotherapy improve
survival?, the chemotherapy used may not need to
be stated) or how a non-local control treatment will
affect accrual. It is not difcult to see that the choice
of the control treatment can signicantly inuence
the way the trial result is interpreted, as unfortunately much more attention is paid to trials with a
positive result. Thus in order to increase the chances
of seeing a positive outcome, trials can be designed


to compare the new treatment with a poor or inappropriate control. A common trick is to compare
the new treatment alone with the new treatment in
combination with a standard treatment. Thus in lung
cancer there are examples of trials comparing new
drug versus new drug plus cisplatin; for example,
Splinter et al. (1996) compared teniposide with or
without cisplatin in advanced NSCLC. Cisplatin is
a very effective drug and thus the chances are that
the combination will appear effective and can be
claimed as an effective standard treatment, irrespective of whether the new drug actually has any useful
effect or not. Because of the difculty, due to the
huge numbers of patients required, of showing that a
new treatment is equivalent to a standard treatment,
a course of action sometimes taken is to show that
the new treatment is better than a previous standard
to the same degree as the current standard. Thus
if treatment B is 5% better than treatment A, the
options for new treatment C are either to try and
show that C is equivalent to B, or that C is also 5%
better than treatment A. However, it could be argued
that the latter is unethical as patients are not being
offered the current standard of care. Nevertheless,
this is a commonly used strategy. For example, given
that in the NSCLC meta-analysis (Non-small Cell
Lung Cancer Collaborative Group 1995) the
survival benet seen with cisplatin-based chemotherapy in the supportive care setting was highly signicant (p<0.0001), should Anderson et al. (2000)
and Roszkowski et al. (2000) have compared gemcitabine and docetaxel respectively against supportive care or cisplatin-based chemotherapy?

The results of trials will inuence the way future
patients are treated. It is therefore important that the
eligibility criteria reect this population of patients,
as it is unlikely that all the eligibility criteria will be
remembered and adhered to outwith the trial. Thus,
results from trials with strict eligibility criteria are
often not reproducible when the treatment in question is adopted in general practice.

Choice of Endpoints
Usually the choice of endpoint will be straightforward, commonly survival, response, toxicity and


quality of life, but the detail of each will be all-important and must be dened.
Survival. Treatments need to be compared on their
overall survival as choosing a landmark timepoint,
be it median or 1-year survival, may bias the results.
For instance, in a trial of surgery versus a non-surgical intervention, the expectation may well be that the
surgery group is likely to experience high early postoperative mortality but better longer-term survival.
Thus comparing survival at, say, 1 month or 5 years
might give an inaccurate picture of the true betweentreatment difference. Although the expected median
survival or proportion of patients surviving at key
timepoints is often quoted in protocols, these are simply snapshots of the likely survivals and the likely
survival difference, and are also used to calculate a
sample size. For example, the shape of the survival
curves seen in the trials reported by Fossella et al.
(2000) and Takada et al. (2002) overlap for a considerable time before splitting.
All too often sample sizes are based on what is
feasible rather than what is realistic. For instance, we
know that, in lung cancer, the addition of a new modality, be it radiotherapy or chemotherapy, to surgery
(or supportive care) will probably improve survival
by only about 5% (Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Collaborative Group 1995). Therefore it is unrealistic to consider that as a result of tinkering with
the drugs, dosages or schedules, we are suddenly going to see advantages of a further 10% or 15%. Yet
the vast majority of lung cancer trials are based on
seeing differences of about 15%, which will generally require around 400 patients. Some even aim
for larger effects. For example, Ranson et al. (2000)
powered their trial to look for a 100% improvement
(from 20% survival at 1 year with supportive care to
40% with paclitaxel), and Sculier et al. (2001), in a
three-arm trial, considered that a 75% increase might
be possible with the addition of G-CSF or antibiotics
to standard chemotherapy. The sort of target accrual
resulting from such over-optimistic expectations is
considered feasible, whereas aiming for around 1,500
patients to see a 10% difference, or 4,000 patients
to see a 5% difference, which is probably the sort of
target most trials should now be aiming at, is simply
considered an impossible task. Maybe this explains
why progress in lung cancer has been so slow, as we
have had to wait for meta-analyses to combine data
from a number of trials in order to accumulate the
thousands of patients required to conrm these small
differences. A question then arises as to whether it
is ethical to run any trial of less than perhaps 1,000,

R. Stephens

patients given the high probability of an inconclusive

result. An even greater dilemma occurs with equivalence trials. Taking the same example that the addition of a modality (chemotherapy) improves survival over surgery alone or supportive care by about
5%, what happens when we want to show that a new
chemotherapy treatment is as effective as standard?
If we compare the new chemotherapy to standard
chemotherapy with a trial of 400 patients we may nish up with an HR of around 1.00 but with a 95% CI of
about 15%. So all we could conclude is that the new
treatment is somewhere between 15% better and 15%
worse than standard and thus could actually be 10%
worse than no chemotherapy. Nevertheless, some
papers, for example Gatzemeier et al. (2000), claim
survival is comparable even though a 20% benet or
detriment cannot be ruled out.
Response. To compare tumour response and/or progression it is of course important that patients in each
group undergo the same investigations, undertaken
(as far as possible) by the same staff, using the same
equipment at baseline and at the same predened
timepoints [in relation to the time from randomisation (the one common timepoint for all patients)]
throughout the trial. It is important to choose
equivalent follow-up timepoints because if patients
in one group are assessed more often, progression
will be picked up earlier in that group, and any
analysis of progression-free survival will be biased.
Complications also arise when patients have nonprotocol or second-line treatment. Great care must
be taken to dene whether response rates reported
are purely those related to the protocol treatment
or are as a result of the policy of giving a particular
Toxicity. The same considerations (consistency of investigations and follow-up) need to be applied to the
assessment of toxicity. In addition, in cancer the sideeffects of treatment can sometimes be very difcult
to distinguish from the symptoms of the disease (for
example, anorexia and breathlessness). It is perhaps
unrealistic, therefore, to ask clinicians to distinguish
between these and report just on treatment-related
toxicity. Thus it is always preferable to collect information on all symptoms irrespective of the cause and
assume that any differences seen will be due to the
difference in treatment.
Quality of Life. Numerous issues surround the design of the assessment of quality of life (QL). Few trials actually estimate the number of patients required

Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials

for the QL aspects, and consequently many trials

include only a small subset of patients. This seldom
provides sufcient data. For example, a calculation
of the number of patients required to show a 10%
difference in, say, shortness of breath at 3 months
yields a sample size of about 400 patients. A recent
review (Stephens et al. 2004) indicates that only
ve trials in NSCLC have collected QL data on 200300 patients at follow-up, and only one more than
300. The solution to many of the QL design issues
is to pre-dene the primary and secondary QL endpoints. This may involve discussing with doctors and
patients how the standard and new treatments are
likely to impact on QL and when. Such information
will certainly guide the choice of QL questionnaire,
the timing of administration and the calculation of
sample size, and in addition will focus the analyses.
However, very few trials have so far fully embraced
this way of working.

Trial Conduct
To ensure patient safety it is imperative that the accumulating data are reviewed at regular intervals
throughout the trial. Whether regular means annually, when accrual reaches certain targets or when
certain numbers of events have occurred, will depend
on the trial. It is also important that the interim data
are reviewed completely independently by clinicians
and a statistician not involved with any other aspect
of the trial. Rules for when the trial should close
early must also be agreed and there are a number of
options, from xed p values to Bayesian statements
such as the evidence must convince sceptics. It is important that among the Data Monitoring and Ethics
Committee (DMEC) members there is knowledge
of the disease and treatments and previous DMEC
experience, as often DMECs will be called upon to
make very difcult decisions. There are numerous
examples where trials have stopped early, but the results have been unconvincing and new trials have
had to be set up to clarify the situation. For example,
two trials of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for NSCLC
(Rosell et al. 1994; Roth et al. 1994) both stopped
early after accruing 60 patients, but subsequently several large trials have been set up to clarify whether
any benet exists.


A major consequence of needing to review the interim data and make important decisions is that the
data must always be as up to date as possible as it is
vitally important that DMECs make decisions based
on all the available data. However, follow-up may be
difcult if different modalities are being compared,
especially if this requires the patients to be seen at different times by different clinicians (for example, when
chemotherapy is being compared to radiotherapy, or
surgery to best supportive care). Whenever possible,
follow-up should revert to a common time schedule
and within each participating centre patients should
be assessed by the same clinical team.
To ensure an unbiased comparison of survival, the
duration of follow-up in the groups must be similar. If follow-up is different this can subtly affect the
Kaplan-Meier curves, as surviving patients are assumed to follow the same survival patterns as those
known to have died. A reverse Kaplan-Meier plot,
nominating the time last seen for those alive as the
event and censoring at the date of death, is a good
way of comparing follow-up in the groups, and the
resulting p value of the log-rank test can be quoted.
Some papers report median follow-up of survivors,
although this is rarely split by group, and other papers simply report median follow-up, though it is far
from obvious what this latter gure actually represents.

Trial Analysis
A good policy is to account for every patient in every
analysis. Thus including categories such as not assessed or died in tables and reporting the numbers
of patients (not just the proportions) makes all analyses completely transparent to the reader.

Patient Population
The easiest and most logical group to analyse is everyone who has been randomised. This is the strict
denition of intent to treat. At the time of randomisation all patients should have been considered suitable for the treatments being studied and thus posttrial reect the population who are likely to be offered


the treatment. Papers often list subgroups of patients

who are excluded from analyses, such as those shown
to be ineligible by post-randomisation investigations
or independent review, those who do not receive any
or all of their protocol treatment or those not assessed
for an endpoint. However, removing patients for any
of the above reasons has the potential to bias the
analysis sample. For example, although the primary
endpoint of the trial was response, Georgoulias et
al. (2001) excluded 35 of the 441 patients randomised
and all analyses (which were claimed to be intention-to-treat) were then performed on the remaining
406 patients, and Schiller et al. (2002) excluded
52 patients who were found to be ineligible postrandomisation in their trial of four chemotherapy

Pre-treatment Patient Characteristics
It is, of course, logical to list the pre-treatment characteristics and to highlight balance (or imbalance) between groups. However, it is illogical to apply statistical tests to show balance or imbalance. Statistical tests
are used to estimate the likelihood that an observed
difference has not occurred by chance. However, differences in pre-treatment characteristics can only
have occurred by chance, and it is thus an inappropriate use of a statistical test and a wasteful use of p value
spending. If imbalances in pre-treatment characteristics are observed, the analysis of the key endpoints
should be adjusted accordingly. Recent examples of
this unnecessary testing can be found in papers by
Tada et al. (2004) and Langendijk et al. (2001).
Survival. Survival should always include all patients
randomised, be calculated from the date of randomisation and include all causes of death. It should be
measured by constructing Kaplan-Meier curves and
comparing them using the log-rank test, and overall
survival should be reported using the hazard ratio
and 95% condence interval. Taking the start date
as anything other than randomisation (which is the
one common timepoint for all patients) will have the
potential to bias the result. For example, the date of
diagnosis may not be accurate for all patients, the
date of start of treatment may include different delays
for different groups, and what do you do with patients
who dont start treatment?
Although the cause of death may be of interest to
the trialists, to indicate how the treatment is working,
in a sense this may be much less important to the pa-

R. Stephens

tient. Thus survival analyses that only report deaths

from cancer may be interesting but very misleading.
For example, a treatment that causes many early treatment-related deaths may, in a cancer-specic survival
analysis, appear to be the better treatment.
Sundstrom et al. (2002) reported the disease-specic survival rates in their trial of chemotherapy regimens, and Shepherd et al. (2002) censored patients
who died from causes unrelated to disease or treatment in their analysis of progression-free survival.
Subgroup Analysis. Subgroup analyses are only reliable if they are predened, which will usually mean
they are hypothesis driven, and take account of sample size and multiple statistical testing. Unless the
above rules are respected, subgroup analyses should
always be considered with caution and treated as
only hypothesis generating. All too often when clear
overall results are not seen, the data are trawled for
interesting subgroup results and, when found, hypotheses built around them. Reporting such ndings
as denitive results is irresponsible.
It is, of course, often interesting to explore whether
any overall survival difference observed is consistent across all subgroups, and analyses stratied for
pre-treatment characteristics are therefore useful;
whilst Sause et al. (2000) did just that, the subgroup
analyses did not appear to have been pre-dened,
accounted for in the sample size or considered only
as exploratory or hypothesis generating. Whilst exploratory analyses are acceptable, analysis by postrandomisation factors (such as treatment received,
or response) are totally unacceptable, as the groups
being compared may be dened by the outcome being tested. Thus, for example, comparing the survival
of responders versus non-responders is awed because the responders have to survive long enough to
respond. Therefore analyses such as those presented
by Fukuoka et al. (2003), comparing survival by responders, and Socinski et al. (2002), showing survival by number of cycles of chemotherapy received,
must be viewed with great caution. Prognostic factor
analyses are sometimes run to try and identify the
factors most related to survival, but usually there are
far too few patients in a single trial to draw any rm
conclusions. For example, in a trial reported by Pujol
et al. (2001) multivariate analyses were performed on
226 patients.
Response. Although the RECIST criteria (Therasse
et al. 2000) are now the standard method of assessing
response, there are still complications. For example,
it is unclear what to do with multiple lesions, disease

Pitfalls in the Design, Conduct and Analysis of Randomised Clinical Trials

present but not measurable, or measurement schedules that are not every 4 weeks. It is important to
report the response rate as the proportion of patients
who achieve complete or partial response out of the
total number of patients in the group. Quoting the
response rate as just the proportion of patients who
have been assessed at a certain timepoint may mask
the fact that patients may have had to stop the treatment due to toxicity or death.
Many papers purport to show differences between
treatments in terms of time to progression with the
use of a Kaplan-Meier plot, taking progression as
the event and censoring those alive (or dead) without progression. This sort of analysis can be very
misleading as patients who fail from a competing
risk (for example, an early treatment-related death)
that precludes the possibility of achieving the event
are treated the same as censored patients who still
have the potential for progression. Recent examples
of this can be found in papers by Sunstrom et al.
(2002), Ranson et al. (2000) and Pujol et al. (2001).
Progression-free survival, which takes into account
deaths without progression, should always be the
preferred analysis.


and inevitably much is missing. There are therefore

no agreed methods of presenting QL results, and care
must be taken to be conservative in making strong
claims. Major problems can arise from starting with
inadequate sample sizes, multiple statistical testing,
imputing missing data, comparing the treatments at
timepoints that favour one group and/or summarising
the data inappropriately. Non-standard analyses such
as those used by Ranson et al. (2000), estimating separate slopes for dropouts and completers, or Sandler et
al. (2000), calculating the change in score from baseline
to last observation, should be avoided.
Many of these problems can be mitigated by predening QL hypotheses which have the effect of guiding the choice of questionnaire, the choice of administration timepoints, the sample size calculation and
the analyses to be performed. However, there are few
examples of this actually being carried out in practice, and consequently the results from QL aspects of
trials are often disregarded and distrusted by clinicians and patients.
Daily diary cards can be very useful to highlight
transient changes. Plots of the proportions of patients
reporting dyspnoea post radiotherapy, for instance,
can be very illuminating, but potentially misleading
unless it is made clear how many patients are contributing to the curves at each timepoint.

Toxicity. Standard denitions of toxicity, such as the

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
developed by the NCI Cancer Therapy Evaluation
Programme (2003), should always be used, but there
are a number of ways of reporting toxicity. Perhaps
the most logical and widely used method is to report
the proportion of patients with grade 3 or 4 for each
key symptom within a dened time period from randomisation. Such an analysis will inevitably include
some noise, as patients will have had symptoms pretreatment and some patients will have toxicity as a
result of non-protocol treatment, but understanding
and applying the concept of intent to treat is important, as the trial should be trying to record the
experiences of a group of patients chosen to receive
a certain treatment. If some patients dont actually
receive the protocol treatment and have to receive
different treatment, perhaps with different side-effects, that is a key message. In virtually all analyses
it is much better to report the proportion of patients
with a good or bad experience rather than the mean
or median score. The mean or median can mask or
dilute the fact that a small proportion of patients had
good or bad experiences.


Quality of Life. Patient self-assessed quality of life

(QL) data are especially difcult to report reliably
because the data are multidimensional, longitudinal

There are numerous pitfalls in the design, conduct

and analysis of randomised trials. Some are subtle,
some less so. What in particular should a trialist try

Interpretation. Trials are rarely islands. Results need

to be presented and discussed in the context of the totality of previous work. However, Clarke et al. (1998)
reviewed the discussion sections of reports of trials
published in ve major journals during one month
in 1997 and found that only two (of 26) placed their
results in the context of an up-to-date systematic review. Repeating this exercise in 2001, they reported
no improvement, with only three (of 30) trials being
so reported (Clarke et al. 2002). Such ndings are
disappointing and suggest that there is a general lack
of awareness that individual trials are only part of
the whole picture. We must never lose sight of the
fact that lung cancer is a global problem and without global collaboration progress will continue to be
painfully slow.


to ensure, and what should cause a reader to cast

doubt on the results in a publication? Here are ten
questions to keep in mind:
What is the control treatment? Is it a widely used
standard treatment given in an acceptable schedule?
Has the trial been designed to answer a clear, unconfounded question?
Are there pre-dened hypotheses for all key endpoints?
Do the eligibility criteria cover all the patients
who are likely to be treated this way outwith the
Is the sample size based on information that is
sensible and feasible?
Are the details of the interim analyses and stopping rules clearly laid out?
Are all randomised patients included and
accounted for in all analyses?
Are the number of statistical tests limited, and
if not, have the signicance levels been adjusted
Have the hazard ratio and especially the 95%
condence interval of the primary endpoint been
Has the result been put into the context of previous work in the area?
All trials and all trial results are important as
they all in some way advance the progress of human
knowledge. Our ultimate aim as trialists is to improve
the treatment of future patients and it is therefore
important that we are as rigorous and honest in our
work as we can be.

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R. Stephens
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al. (2002) Cisplatin and etoposide regimen is superior to
cyclophosphamide, epirubicin and vincristine regimen in
small cell lung cancer: results from a randomized phase III
trial with 5 years follow-up. J Clin Oncol 20:4665-4672
Tada H, Tsuchiya R, Ichinose Y, Koike T, Nishizawa N, Nagai
K, Kato H (2004) A randomized trial comparing adjuvant
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Takada M, Fukuoka M, Kawahara M, Sugiura T, Yokoyama A,
et al. (2002) Phase III study of concurrent versus sequential
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Therasse P, Arbuck SG, Eisenhauer EA, Wanders J, Kaplan RS,
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treatment in sold tumours. J Natl Cancer Inst 92:205-216


New Directions in the Evaluation and Presentation of Clinical Research in Lung Cancer


13 New Directions in the Evaluation and

Presentation of Clinical Research in Lung Cancer
Elinor Thompson and Fergus Macbeth


Introduction 505
What the Evidence Does and Does Not Tell Us 505
A Plethora of Information but
Hardly Any Knowledge 506
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 507
Independent Ad Hoc Reviews 508
Cochrane Reviews 508
The Cochrane Lung Cancer Collaborative
Review Group 509
A Specialised Trials Register for Lung Cancer? 510
What Is a Specialised Trials Register? 510
Reference-Based Registers and
Study-Based Registers 510
What Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Can (and Cannot) Do 511
Conclusion 511
References 512

Anyone working in oncology is only too familiar with
the depressing list of statistics that is inevitably reeled
off at the beginning of articles on almost any aspect
of lung cancer. Globally lung cancer is the most common cancer in terms of both incidence and mortality, with more than 58% of new cases occurring in
developed countries (Parkin et al. 1999). And since
time trends in lung cancer reect past exposure to
cigarette smoking, the disease is likely to increase
in other parts of the world over the next 20 years as
rates of cigarette smoking continue to rise in many
countries in the developing world and newly industrialised countries (Stewart and Kleihues 2003).
Equally well recognised is the fact that despite important technological developments in surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy over the last 20 years
or more and many hundreds of clinical trials, there
E. Thompson, MD
Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Hospital de la Santa Creu i
Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
F. Macbeth, MD, FRCR
Velindre Hospital, Whitchurch, Cardiff, CF14 2TL, UK

has been very little overall improvement in survival

in people with lung cancer. Population-based 5-year
survival rates still range from about 5% to, at best,
15%. But importantly, all too little is known and published about any changes (for either better or worse)
in the quality of that survival.
In this chapter we will reect on what the published
research evidence has actually told us and what its
limitations are. We will then make some suggestions
about how we might improve the quality, reliability
and accessibility of that evidence.

What the Evidence Does and Does Not Tell Us
There are a few accepted truths in the prevention
and treatment of lung cancer. Some of these truths
derive from years of accepted clinical practice and
some from well-conducted randomised trials. But
such is the contestable nature of clinical science and
clinical practice that not everyone will agree with
even these few truths.
The following are, we believe, more or less rmly
accepted in the management of patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC):
Radical surgery (lobectomy or pneumonectomy)
is an effective, potentially curative treatment for
early stage disease.
A combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
is effective for patients with unresectable stage
III disease, but there is uncertainty about which
drugs and radiotherapy regimens are the best.
Postoperative radiotherapy, using older technologies, is harmful to patients who have had successful surgery. But there is uncertainty whether this
also applies to radiotherapy with modern techniques.
Cisplatin-based chemotherapy has a modest effect
on survival in patients with locally advanced and
metastatic disease but it is uncertain how much
overall benet there is in terms of quality of life.

E. Thompson and F. Macbeth


And these are the more or less rmly accepted

truths in the management of patients with small cell
lung cancer (SCLC):
Combination chemotherapy improves survival in
all patients.
A combination of chemotherapy and thoracic
radiotherapy in those with limited stage disease
improves survival and results in the cure of a few
Prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) for those
with limited disease in complete remission is
likely to be benecial.
But it is very clear that a number of important
questions remain, such as:
Does screening with helical CT scanning reduce
mortality in high-risk populations?
How much benefit do patients with stage III
NSCLC derive from neoadjuvant chemotherapy?
How much more effective is hyperfractionated
and/or accelerated radiotherapy than conventional radical radiotherapy?
Are the newer chemotherapy drugs more effective for both NSCLC and SCLC than the older ones
either singly or in combination?
Does dose intensication improve outcomes from
chemotherapy in both SCLC and NSCLC?
More, and more precise, information is also
needed on other important issues such as the effects
of age, sex, tumour histology, patient genetic prole
and co-morbidities on the relative effectiveness and
morbidity of interventions. We also need a far better
understanding of the effects of patient preferences,
perspectives and knowledge on both cure and palliation. And given that so few patients with lung can-

cer are cured, we must increase our knowledge about

some important and difcult end-of-life issues such
as the effectiveness and desirability of second-line
chemotherapy, when to stop active treatment and
how best to palliate important symptoms such as

A Plethora of Information
but Hardly Any Knowledge
There has been a huge and accelerating growth in
scientic publications on lung cancer over the last
30 years. Searching Medline, from 1966 to the present, for Lung Neoplasms/dt, rt, su, th [Drug Therapy,
Radiotherapy, Surgery, Therapy] gave more than
31,000 hits. A quick search of PubMed using only the
search terms lung cancer, limited for randomised
controlled trials, revealed only one trial published in
1970 compared with 89 in 2002 (Fig. 13.1).
A search of the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Clinical Trials identied around 1,575
trials and a search of PubMed for any clinical trial
in lung cancer brought up more than 5,000 study reports. It is therefore surprising that the number of
accepted facts listed above is relatively short. There
seems to be a lot of information but a shortage of real
This inevitably leads both clinician and researcher
to pose a number of questions:
Which trials are of good quality and can be trusted
to provide valid and robust information?
How do I know whether the ndings from a small
study can be generalised more widely?
Which trials asked the question that I am interested in?

Number of RCTs in lung cancer published

annually since 1970

















Fig. 13.1. Number of randomised controlled trials in lung cancer published

annually since 1970

New Directions in the Evaluation and Presentation of Clinical Research in Lung Cancer

Which trials looked at the effects of the treatment I am interested in, in the kinds of patients I
How do I know whether I have found all the relevant trials on this topic?
In order to be able to answer these questions we
need to nd better ways of clearing a path through
the jungle of papers so that we can nd the information we need quickly and easily and then do what we
want to do make better clinical and research decisions.
To be able to nd our way to the information we
need, every time that we need it, we must develop a
very effective and exible sorting system for managing all the data. A good sorting system of the medical
literature needs to be able to do the following:
Search through all the data quickly, nding
everything relevant and only the relevant that
is, we need sensitive and specic literature search
strategies. Good search strategies will search all
the literature, published and unpublished, in all
languages and will maximise relevant nds while
minimising irrelevant ones.
Decide which studies are of good quality and
which are of lower or poorer quality. Decisions as
to study quality need the development and application of a number of valid criteria for assessing
the design of a study.
Undertake sound combinations of data from
similar trials so that results (estimates of benets
and harm) from a larger number of people can
be evaluated than have been obtained from individual trials alone these are meta-analyses.
Repeat the sorts and collations regularly so that
the information is up-to-date.
There are two important tools which can help us to
construct this sorting system:
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Specialised trials registers

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Over the past 15 years or so the pitfalls of traditional
expert reviews have been clearly identied and well
described. They are subject to a variety of biases
which are usually not explicit, and the status of the
authors may confer a spurious authority and validity
to the conclusions. As the problems with these tradi-


tional reviews became more widely recognised, the

science of systematic reviews, so-called secondary research (research on the research literature) and metaanalyses has developed and achieved widespread recognition and credibility (Mulrow 1994).
Although a literature review may advertise itself
as systematic, the use of this term does not guarantee either a high-quality or indeed a comprehensive
approach to the retrieval of all relevant articles and
a systematic assessment of their quality. This may
serve to confuse the general reader who is not familiar with the methodology of systematic reviews and
therefore may have difculty distinguishing the good
from the bad.
Another area of confusion among general readers
is with the term meta-analysis. The term meta-analysis refers to the statistical combination (or pooling) of
quantitative data from more than one original study.
The reason for doing a meta-analysis is to amalgamate results from a larger sample of patients than was
available in any of the individual original studies. A
meta-analysis should therefore have greater statistical power to assess the relative risks and benets of
interventions than the individual studies. There are
drawbacks associated with pooling data from different studies, which include differences in the populations of patients in the studies, differences in the interventions given and other differences in the studies
Meta-analyses may be undertaken in one of two
ways: either by combining the data as presented in
the published reports, or by combining the original
data on the individual patients included in each of the
original trials an individual patient data analysis.
Most published meta-analyses are reports of pooled
data from published reports as these are much quicker
and easier to do, although their ndings are less robust. An individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis
is a long and time-consuming process which requires
contact with the authors of all the original studies to
gain access to the original datasets. The data must
then be cleaned and re-analysed on all the patients in
the included trials a process which often involves
many hundreds if not thousands of patient records.
IPD analyses are therefore more robust and reliable
than meta-analyses of published data. Three examples
of IPD meta-analyses in lung cancer research looked
at the role of postoperative radiotherapy for NSCLC
(PORT Meta-Analysis Trialists Group 2003), at
chemotherapy for NSCLC (Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer Collaborative Group 2003) and at the
effectiveness of prophylactic cranial irradiation for
SCLC (The Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation


Overview Collaborative Group 2003). All three

of these reviews have been very inuential in shaping
clinical practice and the research agenda.
A systematic review does not always contain a
meta-analysis; in fact many very good systematic reviews do not, because the pooling of quantitative data
from studies included in the review would be impossible as a result of differences in either the data itself or the way that data was collected, analysed and
presented. Systematic reviews may be either (a) independent or ad hoc reviews or (b) Cochrane reviews.

Independent Ad Hoc Reviews
Independent research teams may carry out systematic reviews and meta-analyses for a variety of
reasons. They are often context dependent and the
context may be:
To inform the development of clinical practice
To inform health policy decisions
To inform research strategy decisions within
either public or private research organisations.
Depending on the reason for doing the review, different degrees of precision may be used. The search
of the literature may be more or less exhaustive, with
date, language or journal restrictions. The assessment
of the quality of the source studies and the accuracy
of data extraction can be variable. There may be no
need for updating, and given the often long timescales for publication, the results may be rendered out
of date by signicant new papers even before they
make it into the public arena. Nevertheless, these reviews usually provide some valuable insights.

Cochrane Reviews
The Cochrane Collaboration was set up in 1993 with
the intention of meeting the global need to collect,
collate, analyse and disseminate the available scientic evidence in clinical medicine. An international,
not-for-prot organisation, the Collaboration consists of a network of researchers, health professionals,
consumers and others around the world who work together to prepare, maintain and promote systematic
reviews of healthcare interventions. These reviews, all
written in a standardised format, each provide recommendations on both research and practice that can be

E. Thompson and F. Macbeth

accessed by anyone interested in the topic, be they clinician, health care consumer, manager, health policy
maker or researcher. Working together in collaborative topic-focussed Review Groups, of which there
are currently 51, Cochrane reviewers use a rigorous
methodology for undertaking extensive searches of
published and unpublished research, critically appraising abstracts and articles found, and conducting
qualitative and quantitative analyses of the ndings.
Cochrane reviews are published in electronic format
(online and on a CD Rom issued quarterly) as part
of the Cochrane Library and according to a recently
agreed policy of co-publication, versions of reviews
may also be published in a peer-reviewed journal
(Clarke and Horton 2001).
The main focus of the Collaboration is on conducting reviews of randomised, controlled trials because
as the accepted gold standard of scientic investigation (Cochrane 1972), trials designed in this way
are more likely to provide reliable therapeutic results
than those using other designs (Mulrow and Oxman
1997). But the fact that a trial is randomised and controlled does not guarantee the validity of its results.
Cochrane reviewers are careful to apply criteria that
assess the likelihood and strength of potential biases,
both internal and external, and to make their recommendations with this quality assessment in mind.
Weighing up the strength of the evidence for a particular intervention requires detailed and meticulous
consideration of several points. Nevertheless, while
Cochrane Reviews attempt to present the evidence
as objectively as possible, and, where relevant, give
data on biological and cultural variation as well as
on variations in compliance and baseline risks, the
applicability of the recommendations to particular
and individual circumstances must be decided by
the reader. In other words, Cochrane reviews do not
provide recipe-book medicine but rather facilitate a
process in which health care decisions can be based
on the best available evidence.
Cochrane reviews are based on specic guidelines
as set out in the Cochrane handbook, and in general
have been found to use higher quality methods than
those used by other systematic reviews. A quality assessment of 53 reviews published in the Cochrane
library in 1998 (Olsen et al. 2001) showed that although there was a generally high standard, there
was still room for improvement, with a tendency for
reviewers to over-rate the benets of new interventions. As a result of this assessment, the Cochrane
Collaboration has taken further steps to improve the
quality of its reviews. The advantage to the general
reader of a Cochrane review is that they know that

New Directions in the Evaluation and Presentation of Clinical Research in Lung Cancer

the review has followed a pre-set procedure, including the publishing of a peer-reviewed protocol and
peer reviewing by experts in both the relevant clinical
eld and the methodology of systematic reviews.
In addition to the topic-focussed Cochrane
Collaborative Review Groups (CRGs) of which the
Lung Cancer Collaborative Review Group is one,
there are also Methods Working Groups, Fields, the
Consumer Network and Cochrane Centres co-ordinated by a steering group (Fig. 13.2).

Cochrane Collaboration






Fig. 13.2. Cochrane collaboration entities


The Cochrane Lung Cancer Collaborative
Review Group
The Lung Cancer Group (LCG) was formed in 1997
following an exploratory meeting held in Sabadell
(Barcelona), Spain. The organisational structure of
the LCG, in common with all other CRGs, includes
an international, coordinating editorial team which
is supported by reviewers, translators and consumers.
The LCG editorial team keeps a list that it has developed in consultation with members of the review
group in which are detailed the titles registered for
future systematic reviews, published review protocols and completed reviews. A list of the completed
systematic reviews and published protocols, as of
January 2004, is shown in Table 13.1. A further six
titles have also been registered (see http//
The scope of the LCG covers all aspects of primary
and secondary prevention, therapy, supportive care,
psychological interventions, biological therapy and
complementary therapy for lung cancer, other intrathoracic tumours (if not addressed by other review
groups) and metastatic lung disease. Although the
remit of the group covers prevention, smoking is not
covered because there is a separate Cochrane Review
Group addressing tobacco addiction.

Table 13.1. Cochrane Lung Cancer Collaborative Review Group: systematic reviews and protocols published in the Cochrane
Library (January 2004)


Chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma

Chemotherapy versus best supportive care for extensive SCLC
Cranial irradiation for preventing brain metastases of NSCLC in patients at high risk of cerebral metastases
Gemcitabine for NSCLC
Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for NSCLC
Non-invasive interventions for improving well-being and quality of life in patients with lung cancer
Palliative endobronchial brachytherapy for NSCLC
Radiotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma
Synchronous chemoradiotherapy for NSCLC
Taxanes for advanced (metastatic and locally advanced) NSCLC
Chemotherapy for NSCLC
Cranial irradiation for preventing brain metastases of SCLC in patients in complete remission
Drugs for preventing lung cancer in healthy people
Palliative radiotherapy regimens for NSCLC
Postoperative radiotherapy for NSCLC
Radical radiotherapy for stage I/II NSCLC in patients not sufciently t for or declining surgery
Screening for lung cancer
Second-line chemotherapy for NSCLC
Steroids, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and stents for superior vena caval obstruction in carcinoma
of the bronchus
Surgical sealant for preventing air leaks after pulmonary resections in patients with lung cancer



As mentioned above, the process of undertaking

a Cochrane review is rigorous and structured. First,
the title must be registered with the LCG to ensure
that no other group is working on the same topic.
Then a detailed, peer-reviewed protocol is published
in the Cochrane Library in which are outlined the research methods, including the types of study to be
reviewed, the outcomes of interest and the strategy
for searching the literature and selecting studies. This
allows time for others to comment on and improve
the protocol. Once the protocol has been published,
work starts on the full systematic review. The nished review is then fully peer reviewed before being
published in the Cochrane Library with an obligation
that it should be updated every 2 years.
The Cochrane Lung Cancer Group has laid the
foundation stones and made signicant progress in
the development of an evidence-based, global information resource in lung cancer care.

A Specialised Trials Register for Lung Cancer?
What Is a Specialised Trials Register?
Another key resource for both investigators and clinicians who wish to nd their way quickly and efciently through a huge bank of research evidence in
a single clinical eld is a specialised trials register. A
specialised trials register is a database of randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) in any particular area of
health care. A specialised register can be a useful resource for both clinicians and researchers because it
offers a comprehensive and specic source of clinical
trials for any one particular health problem.
A general search of any of the major electronic databases (Medline, Embase etc.) to identify trials for
lung cancer will turn up a large number of references
depending on the search terms used. Searches of the
general databases may be highly sensitive, in which
case a lot of unnecessary and irrelevant material must
be weeded out, or highly specic but run the risk of
important references being missed. The aim of a specialised register is to collate the references of all RCTs
published, by means of specially designed, exhaustive
searches repeated at regular intervals. In addition to
searches of the worlds major electronic databases
Contents, Biosis and Index to UK Theses), a specialised register includes references to reports of tri-

E. Thompson and F. Macbeth

als (both on-going and completed) that have not been

indexed, or that have been published in non-indexed
journals, as well as trials found by hand searching of
conference proceedings and unpublished trials.

Reference-Based Registers and Study-Based
In its most simple form a specialised register is a
reference-based database of citations of RCTs in
which any one trial may have several references,
one for each article published, whether a primary
report, a secondary report, a review article or a letter. A reference-based register is the easiest and least
resource-intensive register to assemble. To construct
the register, electronic searches are undertaken using specially developed search strategies, and citations and/or abstracts of all references identied are
then downloaded and reviewed by an information
specialist to ensure that they meet the criteria of the
register. For a lung cancer specialised register this
would be all study reports of lung cancer trials that
are possibly or denitely randomised (or quasi-randomised). All identied references meeting the criteria of the specialised register are then downloaded
into the specialised register, which is searchable by
author, journal, year and any of the key terms included in the abstract or the key words. In addition
to those references found by electronic searching, a
complementary hand search of relevant conference
proceedings and journals is also undertaken to ensure that relevant references are identied. The electronic searching is repeated at 3-monthly intervals
to ensure that it is up-to-date. Within the Cochrane
Collaboration, all review groups are expected to develop and maintain their specialised trials register
and to download their contents at regular intervals
into the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
Clinical Trials (CENTRAL). The specialised register
is used by Cochrane review groups as a fundamental
resource to support reviewers in the preparation and
maintenance of reviews.
A study-based register is a more sophisticated
form of register which, though more resource intensive to assemble and update, is inherently more useful than a reference-based register in that it is more
exible and can be developed to support many potential research projects. A study-based register can also
be used to provide the essential background data to
inform the development of a clinical research strategy. A study-based register uses each individual trial

New Directions in the Evaluation and Presentation of Clinical Research in Lung Cancer

as the basic record, rather than every reference published. Consequently each trial will have one record,
regardless of the number of publications associated
with it. The record of each trial holds the same information as a reference-based register, but in this case
all the identied associated publications are linked
to the main trial record. If a trial has 100 identied
publications, these will be linked to the one record
relating to the main trial report. Assembling a studybased register requires a more intensive input at the
level of the reference identication in that someone
must review the abstracts in detail (and sometimes
the whole article) to see whether a reference is a primary report and, if not, to identify and link it appropriately to the primary trial report. Depending on the
level of sophistication of the register, other types of
information about the trial can also be extracted at
this stage and entered into separate elds. Extra data
might include: precise condition and disease stage,
number, age and sex of participants, interventions
used (including agents in each arm) and outcome
measures assessed. In this way an investigator consulting the register would be able to undertake very
precise searches - examples of which might include:
Trials of chemotherapy in extensive SCLC in which
cisplatin was included in one arm
Trials of people over 75 in whom quality of life was
Using a specialised study-based trials register, the
investigator could be condent that she or he was
consulting the most comprehensive and specic database of randomised trials in the eld of lung cancer
in the world. A further possible renement of this
kind of register, possibly within the process of undertaking a systematic review, would be to develop
specic sub-registers containing particular groups
of trials, for example trials of chemotherapy for stage
IIIB NSCLC. Such sub-registers could contain highly
detailed and specic extracted data such as quality of
the randomisation process, presence of follow-up reporting, doses and schedules of agents administered,
and study power.
The establishment of a specialised register of
lung cancer clinical trials, once fully assembled and
with adequate processes established for ensuring
its maintenance and regular updating, could be an
invaluable global resource for anyone undertaking
research in lung cancer. Such a register, if adequately
resourced, would only need to be established once,
but if adequately updated and maintained could be
used by all. Just as is the case with the village common, which is owned by no-one but used by all


(Hardin 1968), a trials register, once established,

could be used by all but belong to no-one. In contrast to physical common resources, however, a
common information resource would not be at risk
of degradation and eventual loss to all, but would
more likely be enriched by overuse!

What Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Can (and Cannot) Do
Good systematic reviews can identify relevant research studies, classify them by quality, combine the
data from them where appropriate and draw reasonable conclusions. These conclusions may have
implications for clinical practice where there are
signicant ndings but also, importantly implications for new research. One important conclusion
from the reviews already published in the Cochrane
Library is the need to improve not only the quality
of individual trials (their design and reporting) but
also the world-wide co-ordination of research in lung
cancer so that the important questions outlined at
the start of this chapter can be addressed in a more
systematic way.
Systematic reviews of the type promoted and
published by the Cochrane Collaboration should be
an essential tool for clinicians, researchers, research
funders, health policy makers and anyone with an
interest in lung cancer prevention, treatment and
care. They are tools to improve the quality of clinical
practice and clinical research, to inform a strategic
research agenda and to help streamline a more effective and efcient use of research funding. But systematic reviews are only as good as the original research
from which they are derived and they can never compensate for poor quality professional education, poor
quality clinical practice, absent research, poor quality research or a disorganised research direction and

Both health care professionals and clinical researchers in the eld need access to the reliable and up-todate information on clinical effectiveness that can
be provided by systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Researchers would also undoubtedly nd a spe-


cialised trial register extremely helpful, especially if

it were study based.
Huge challenges must be overcome in clinical research in lung cancer before we are able to solve the
many unanswered questions that remain in the prevention, treatment and care of this disease. Resources
are increasingly scarce, but innovations in information technology could facilitate a much more organised, strategic and global approach to wider recruitment to soundly designed trials. The means are
already at our disposal: if we really want to increase
our understanding of the biggest cancer killer of our
time, we must have the will to invest in a single common information management resource.

Clarke M, Horton R (2001) Bringing it all together: LancetCochrane collaborate on systematic reviews. Lancet
Cochrane AL (1972) Effectiveness and efciency. Random
reections on health services. Nufeld Provincial Hospitals Trust, London

E. Thompson and F. Macbeth

Hardin G (1968) The tragedy of the commons. Science
Mulrow CD (1994) Systematic reviews: rationale for systematic
reviews. BMJ 309:597-599
Mulrow CD, Oxman AD (eds) Cochrane Collaboration
Handbook [updated 9 December 1996]. Available in The
Cochrane Library [database on disk and CDROM]. The
Cochrane Collaboration; Issue 1. Oxford: Update Software;
1997. Updated quarterly
Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative Group (2003).
Chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (Cochrane
Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4. Wiley, Chichester, UK
Olsen O, Middleton P, Ezzo J, Gtzsche P et al. (2001) Quality
of Cochrane reviews: assessment of sample from 1998. BMJ
Parkin DM, Pisani P, Ferlay J (1999) Global cancer statistics.
CA Cancer J Clin 49:33-64
PORT Meta-analysis Trialists Group (2003). Postoperative
radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer (Cochrane
Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 4. Wiley, Chichester, UK
Stewart BW. Kleihues P (eds) (2003) World Cancer Report.
WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon
The Cochrane Collaboration Lung Cancer Group website:
The Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Overview Collaborative Group (2003) Cranial irradiation for preventing brain
metastases of small cell lung cancer in patients in complete
remission (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library,
Issue 4. Wiley, Chichester, UK

Subject Index


Subject Index

3D 78, 80, 8486, 8890, 93, 97, 99, 101, 102, 304, 355, 357, 358,
378, 379, 424, 428, 431, 435437, 439, 443
4D 102105, 435, 437, 438, 440, 443

Acceleration 69, 208, 281, 282, 339, 415
ACE 130, 131
Akt 5, 6, 9
Anemia 149, 339344, 346, 347, 353, 375, 383, 388
Angiogenesis 1323, 161, 162, 201, 384, 414, 453455
Anorexia 150, 248, 250, 271, 498
Apoptosis 14, 21, 22, 40, 61, 62, 129, 158, 159, 161163, 384,
414, 417, 453455, 482, 484, 485
Bcl-2 4, 5, 8, 9, 150, 159, 385, 414, 455
BED 387, 441, 443
BEV 85, 86, 88
Biopsy 31, 34, 3640, 48, 50, 61, 112, 225, 227, 229, 230, 235,
237240, 242, 255, 260, 323, 328, 340, 467, 487
Brachytherapy 269273, 297, 298, 304, 305, 325, 389, 404, 406,
407, 509
Brain toxicity 383, 386, 387
Bronchial stump recurrence 298301
CALGB 139, 143, 195, 209, 210, 224229, 232234, 453, 454,
Carbon ions 478, 479
Carboplatin 19, 21, 126, 128, 136141, 143, 146, 148, 157159,
163, 183, 196, 211, 212, 214217, 227, 229, 239, 240, 242, 260,
278, 279, 281, 313315, 317, 341, 342, 344, 357, 376, 378, 380,
450, 452, 464, 478, 497
Carcinogenesis 4, 6, 7, 40, 162, 201
Cardiotoxicity 358, 360
CAV 148150, 316, 341
Cell kill 159, 174, 207, 211, 213
Chemoradiation, concurrent 452, 482
8, 9, 13, 15, 1922, 50, 55, 61, 6973, 89, 99, 101, 106, 111113,
115120, 123, 124, 126128, 132, 135, 137147, 149, 150,
155157, 159161, 163, 182, 183, 191, 196, 207217, 223227,
229, 230, 232243, 247, 252, 253, 260262, 265, 266, 272,
278283, 287, 288, 290292, 297300, 302, 304, 305, 310, 312,
314317, 340348, 356, 359, 368, 373, 374, 376380, 387, 388,
390, 395, 396, 398, 402, 403, 413, 415, 416, 418, 423, 424, 432,
447453, 456, 457, 464466, 469, 475, 478, 482, 483, 487, 488,
490, 496500, 502, 505, 506, 509, 511, 512
induction 20, 69, 71, 72, 99, 113, 117, 119, 126, 155, 159, 182,

209, 210, 211, 213, 215217, 226, 227, 229, 230, 233240, 24,
243, 266, 278, 282, 283, 312, 345, 356, 376, 380, 403, 415, 416,
450, 451, 466, 475, 478
preoperative 196, 218, 225,234, 236, 239
Cisplatin 9, 19, 23, 7073, 111, 112, 115117, 123, 126128,
136141, 143, 145149, 158, 160, 209216, 225227, 229, 233,
235240, 242, 252, 260, 266, 278283, 313, 314, 316, 340342,
344347, 356, 371, 376, 390, 415, 424, 452, 457, 475, 482, 497,
505, 511
c-Kit 5, 6, 9, 19, 150
CODE 149
Comorbidity 51, 169, 173, 180, 240, 347, 463
Consolidation chemotherapy 214, 215, 238, 345
Continuous infusion 17, 225, 226, 340, 341, 487
Cough 47, 112, 248, 251, 269271, 273, 277, 303, 330, 331, 351,
352, 397, 398, 404406, 442
COX-2 5, 8, 128, 129, 162, 163, 452, 454, 457
Cryotherapy 200203, 327
Cyclophosphamide 72, 115117, 137, 147, 148, 210, 225, 235,
278281, 315, 316, 341, 344, 356
Cytokines 354, 356, 384, 385, 481, 488, 489

DF 6163
DNA 3, 4, 68, 64, 123, 124, 126, 155, 157159, 161, 340, 379,
448, 449, 453, 456, 467, 481, 484
Docetaxel 20, 136, 138142, 150, 157, 159, 209, 214, 239, 242,
341, 342, 449, 497
Dose response 136, 173, 255, 272, 290, 301, 469, 490
Doxorubicin 72, 115, 137, 149, 225, 278281, 315, 316, 356
DRR 79, 84, 88, 114
DVH 86, 89, 102, 355, 358
Dyspnea 47, 150, 182, 201, 248, 250, 277, 303, 321, 322, 327
330, 352, 357, 396

EGFR 5, 6, 9, 20, 144, 145, 161, 452, 453, 455, 457, 491
Elderly 54, 143, 147, 149, 169, 170, 171, 179, 180, 309317, 340,
342, 347
ENI 85, 101, 102
EORTC 140, 239, 240, 242, 289, 343, 346, 375, 386, 387, 395,
397, 398, 401, 403407, 486
EP 148, 149, 225, 227, 229, 235
Erythropoietin 163, 390, 340, 346
Etoposide 19, 7173, 112, 126, 128, 136138, 145150, 158,
160, 212215, 225, 227, 229, 235, 237, 238, 278283, 313317,
341, 342, 344


Subject Index

51, 353, 476, 479

Gating, respiratory 104, 197, 357, 431, 437, 468, 469
Gemcitabine 19, 128, 136141, 143, 150, 157159, 163, 209,
211, 233, 239, 240, 341, 342, 345, 371, 376, 390, 449, 497
Gene 4, 6, 79, 14, 28, 59, 60, 131, 144, 161, 232, 277, 384, 413,
414, 453, 487, 491
Growth factors 46, 14, 18, 21, 129, 132, 156, 162, 339, 346,
347, 384, 389
signals 3, 5, 6
GTV 79, 8185, 87, 89, 90, 91, 97, 98, 101, 103, 112, 124, 424
429, 432, 435437, 440, 441, 443, 469
Hemoptysis 19, 47, 192, 201, 248, 269272, 303, 321, 322, 331,
Her2/Neu 5, 6, 9
Hyperfractionation 68, 215, 229, 230, 281, 282, 343, 368, 415
Hypofractionation 68, 402, 442
Ifosfamide 137, 139, 140, 142, 146, 147, 210, 229, 235, 497
IGF 5, 6, 389
Immobilization 70, 78, 82, 442
IMRT 70, 74, 88, 347, 357, 358, 370, 371, 379, 423432, 440
IOERT 255263, 265267
Irradiation, prophylactic cranial 71, 111, 228231, 278, 281,
287, 314, 316,
383, 403, 404, 424, 506, 508
Irinotecan 19, 136, 138, 139, 148, 209, 279, 456
ITV 97, 102, 103, 104



5155, 176, 192, 195, 241, 2651, 311, 415, 505

Mediastinoscopy 3740, 50, 100, 229, 230, 232234
Meta-analysis 5, 8, 34, 36, 38, 50, 71, 106, 145, 191, 192, 214,
252, 278, 280, 288 292, 314, 359, 360, 497, 507, 508
Mitomycin 140, 141, 146, 210, 213, 225, 226, 235237, 240,
260, 340, 345, 356, 475
MLC 85, 423, 429, 430
MN 6063
Motion, respiratory
82, 97, 104, 357, 437, 438, 4490, 442, 468,
MVD 15, 16, 18, 52
MVP 225, 226, 236, 237, 260, 261
Myc 5, 6, 7, 9, 277, 417
Myelotoxicity 340, 341, 343, 483
Neutrons 124, 473475, 479
Neutropenia 214, 279, 313, 340344, 346, 483, 486, 487

Non-small cell lung cancer, early stage 23, 169, 170, 173,
179183, 311, 435
locally advanced 182, 207211, 214217, 310, 312, 313, 380,
NSCLC 59, 13, 1517, 1923, 3133, 38, 39, 62, 63, 6769, 71,
77, 8082, 91, 97, 98, 100102, 105, 106, 116, 119, 123, 126
128, 130, 135147, 157, 158, 163, 170, 189, 190, 191196, 206,
208, 214, 223, 231, 233, 235240, 242, 243, 247, 248, 250253,
255, 256, 258, 259, 266, 267, 297, 305, 310, 341, 342, 344, 345,
376, 378, 387, 388, 401, 403, 405, 406, 412, 415417, 424, 428,
432, 435, 436, 441443, 447, 448, 450, 456, 461469, 475, 476,
478, 481, 482, 485487, 490, 491, 497, 499, 505507, 509, 511
NTCP 77, 89, 101, 124

p53 5, 7, 8, 40, 144, 157, 159, 232, 277
Paclitaxel 19, 21, 112, 126, 128, 136143, 146, 157, 159, 160, 163,
196, 209, 211, 214, 215217, 227, 239, 240, 242, 279, 341, 342,
345, 357, 360, 378, 380, 390, 449, 450, 452, 481487, 490, 497,
Pain 22, 47, 55, 68, 112, 192, 241, 248, 251, 252, 271, 303, 352,
368, 373375, 396399, 401, 404406, 414, 441, 442
PDGF 14, 15, 20, 354, 454, 488
PDT 200202, 326, 327
Performance status 139, 142, 143, 179, 182, 183, 209, 210, 238,
240, 249, 250, 252, 260, 264, 300, 302, 303, 309, 311, 312, 315,
PET 37, 39, 41, 4850, 63, 8082, 98, 100, 101, 106, 195, 199,
201, 232, 242, 357, 386, 395, 428, 461469, 476, 485
PGE2 128, 129
Photofrin 200, 202, 327
Pleural efsion 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 48, 54, 207, 277, 328330,
341, 413, 416
Pneumonectomy 5154, 169, 191, 192, 224, 236, 238, 241, 242,
256, 258, 298, 415, 505
PORT 105, 106, 116, 189196, 507
Protons 124, 370, 456, 474476, 478
PTV 7987, 90, 91, 97, 98, 101, 103, 112, 424429, 432, 435
437, 440, 441, 443, 469

Quality of life 31, 39, 124, 135, 138, 143, 147, 169, 181183,
192, 199, 202, 243, 248, 251, 270, 287, 292, 315, 321, 322, 341,
342, 347, 376, 388, 390, 395399, 402, 404, 413, 414, 417, 495,
496, 498, 501, 506, 509, 511

Radiation myelopathy 251, 303, 367371
pneumonitis 59, 60, 64, 89, 115, 131, 180, 192, 195, 241, 242,
251, 303, 360, 424, 425, 428, 465, 476, 478, 481, 487490
therapy 21, 55, 60, 63, 64, 6773, 77, 78, 88, 90, 123, 124, 126,
128, 147, 160, 169176, 178183, 189, 197, 207217, 223, 237,
241, 243, 260, 261, 266, 278283, 287, 290, 297305, 310317,
351353, 357, 358, 370, 371, 375377, 379, 380, 423, 424, 450,
465, 466, 468, 473475, 479, 481, 482, 487
Radiochemotherapy, concurrent 182, 209, 211, 213217, 312,
Radionecrosis 386, 387, 389, 390
Radioprotection 125, 127, 129132
Radiosensitivity 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 157, 163, 369, 449, 454, 455

Subject Index
Radiosurgery 182, 216, 217, 383, 386
8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 23, 55, 60, 63, 64, 72, 77, 78, 97, 98, 100102,
105, 106, 111, 112, 113, 115119, 123132, 135, 145, 146, 163,
176, 182, 183, 189197, 208, 212, 213, 215217, 223227, 229,
230, 235238, 240243, 247251, 253, 255, 257261, 266,
269273, 277, 281, 287, 291, 292, 310, 312314, 325, 339, 341
348, 353, 358, 359, 374378, 380, 383390, 396, 398, 401406,
414, 416, 418, 424, 435440, 443, 444, 447457, 461469, 474,
478, 479, 481, 485487, 490, 498, 499
conformal 78, 97, 176, 242, 378, 435, 466
105, 435, 439, 440, 443
intraluminal 269, 271, 273
palliative 208, 247249, 251253, 272, 314, 403406, 509
preoperative 55, 224, 226, 236, 260
stereotactic 78
105, 437, 438, 440
Rb 57, 40, 277
Reason for not undergoing surgery 171, 181
Recurrence 10, 40, 50, 5254, 62, 63, 71, 101, 105, 106, 111,
116118 , 145, 146, 174176, 178, 181, 189191, 194196, 199,
228, 231, 243, 255, 258260, 262, 265, 278, 280, 282, 283, 297,
298305, 311, 324, 329, 414, 415, 418, 443
Re-irradiation 303, 304, 384
Relapse 21, 62, 130, 142, 147, 149, 150, 175, 179, 182, 183,
192, 214, 223, 224, 228, 230, 231, 233, 235, 238, 255, 259, 262,
265257, 270, 273, 283, 287, 288, 290, 299, 310, 313, 386, 441,
443, 473, 486
Resection 31, 36, 39, 40, 47, 48, 5055, 105, 135, 145, 146, 178,
189, 192, 195, 196, 200202, 217, 223233, 235243, 255, 257,
259262, 264, 266, 302, 303, 305, 321, 327, 330332, 383, 387,
390, 412416, 418, 463, 487, 509
RNA 3, 18, 379, 489
RTOG 68, 69, 7173, 77, 90, 101, 126, 131, 159, 163, 194, 196,
237, 238, 255, 266, 267, 290, 292, 345, 347, 352, 374378, 380,
386, 387, 455, 482

SCLC 59, 13, 15, 16, 1922, 67, 7173, 135, 147149, 153, 158,
277, 279, 287, 288, 291, 310, 342344, 346, 347, 383, 387, 388,
403, 417, 423, 424, 432, 506, 508, 509, 511
Segmentectomy 51, 52, 195, 201, 261
Simulation 79, 82, 83, 85, 114, 117, 258, 436, 437, 475
Small-cell lung cancer, extensive disease 279, 283, 304, 317
Small-cell lung cancer, limited disease 277283, 314316
Small-cell lung cancer, limited stage 111, 280282
SOD 131
SPECT 353, 355, 356, 359, 386, 387, 467
Staging 3140, 4850, 55, 67, 100, 106, 112, 116, 119, 169171,
173, 174, 176178, 183, 199, 201203, 207, 208, 217, 224, 225,
232234, 260, 304, 332, 395, 412, 461464, 466469
Stent 199, 200, 321, 322, 324, 325, 328

Superior sulcus tumors 47, 55, 260, 261
Surgery 15, 34, 3638, 43, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54, 62, 81, 101, 145
147, 169171, 176, 178, 181, 189, 190, 194196, 199202, 208,
223243, 257262, 266, 297, 298, 301, 302, 310, 311, 329, 331,
332, 341, 388, 415, 462466, 478, 496499, 505, 506, 509
SUV 64, 81, 82, 465467
SWOG 115, 138, 145, 146, 227229, 231234, 453, 454
Symptom palliation 247, 250, 323, 401

Target volume 70, 7785, 88, 93, 97, 99, 102, 105, 106, 112,
118120, 176, 193, 194, 216, 242, 358, 378, 383, 389, 427, 435,
436, 461, 463, 466
Telomerase 4, 5, 8, 9
TGF 60, 354357, 452, 454, 488490
Thoractotomy 50, 5355, 224, 227, 230, 233, 238240, 256,
258, 415, 463, 466
Thrombocytopenia 20, 136, 139, 140, 146, 149, 240, 313, 315,
316, 340, 341, 343345, 486, 489
Tirapazamine 137, 157, 160, 450
TNF 14, 15, 20, 23, 128, 130, 354, 384, 385, 389, 488
Topotecan 112, 149, 150, 209, 279, 281, 456
bone marrow 343, 345348, 483
CNS 383, 385, 390
esophagus 69, 126, 127, 377, 378
haematological 137, 142, 143, 148
lung 69, 77, 89, 101, 180, 278, 351, 354357, 360
Tpot 6163
Trial, clinical 116, 124, 127, 130, 131, 137, 139141, 143, 145,
146, 148, 150, 163, 243, 256, 259, 342, 360, 370, 399, 403, 415,
436, 476, 484, 485, 506
Tumor hypoxia 15, 129, 157, 159, 160, 163, 450
motion 70, 82, 83, 438
volume 70, 71, 7981, 84, 85, 9799, 111, 112, 117119, 225,
379, 436, 440, 450, 455, 476

V20 69, 70, 8991, 101, 113, 118, 194, 241, 355, 424, 426
VATS 38, 39, 54, 55
VEGF 5, 8, 10, 1420, 22, 144, 161, 162, 386, 454
VEGFR 19, 20, 162
Vinblastine 137, 141, 146, 209211, 225227, 229, 233, 235
237, 266, 344, 356, 371, 376, 475
Vincristine 71, 72, 115, 117, 147149, 278281, 315, 316, 341
Vindesine 136138, 145, 146, 208, 210, 213, 225, 229, 235, 260,
344, 345, 356
Vinorelbine 136140, 142, 143, 146, 150, 157, 209, 211, 242,
341, 342, 345, 497


List of Contributors


List of Contributors

Neil K. Aaronson, PhD

Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology
The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Kathy S. Albain, MD
Loyola University Medical Center
Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center
Department of Medical Oncology
2160 s 1st Avenue, Room 109
Maywood, IL 60153
Mitchell Anscher, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Javier Aristu, MD, PhD
Department of Oncology
Clinica Universitaria
Avenida Pio XII s/n
31008 Pamplona
Leire Arbea, MD
Department of Oncology
Clinica Universitaria
Avenida Pio XII s/n
31008 Pamplona
Michael Bamberg, MD
Professor and Director
Department of Radiation Oncology
University Hospital
Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3
72076 Tbingen
Philip V. Barber, MD
Department of Clinical Oncology
Christie Hospital NHS Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester, M20 4BX

Chandra P. Belani, MD
Professor of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Co-Director, Lung and Thoracic Cancer Program
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
UPMC Cancer Pavillion
5150 Centre Avenue, 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
A. William Blackstock, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology / Radiation Biology
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University
Winston Salem, NC 27157
James A. Bonner, MD
Merle M. Salter Professor and Chairman
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Radiation Oncology
Wallace Tumor Institute - Suite 105
1824 6th Avenue, South
Birmingham, AL 35233
Paul A. Burt, MD
Department of Clinical Oncology
Christie Hospital NHS Trust
Wilmslow Road, Withington
Manchester, M20 4BX
David Bush, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Medicine
Loma Linda University Medical Center
11234 Anderson Street
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Felipe A. Calvo, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Oncology
University Hospital Gregorio Maran
DR Esquerdo 46
Madrid, 28007
Francesc Casas, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Hospital Clinic i Universitari de Barcelona
Villarroel 170
08036 Barcelona

List of Contributors

Marie Chaltin, MD
Department of Radiotherapy
Ghent University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Ghent

Wilfried De Neve, MD, PhD

Professor, Department of Radiotherapy
Ghent University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Ghent

Joe Chang, MD, PhD

Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 96
Houston, TX 77030-4009

Masaharu Fujino, MD
Department of Radiology
Hokkaido University School of Medicine
North-15 West-7, Kita-ku
Sapporo, 060-8638

Yuhchyau Chen, PhD, MD

Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Rochester School of Medicine
601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 647
Rochester, NY 14642

Susan M. Galbraith, MD
Medical Director
Clinical Discovery
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Princeton, NJ 08543-4000

L. Chinsoo Cho, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5801 Forest Park
Dallas, TX 75390

Sidhu P. Gangadharan, MD
Chief Resident in Thoracic Surgery
Brigham & Womens Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115-6195

Hak Choy, MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
5801 Forest Park
Dallas, TX 75390
James D. Cox, MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 96
Houston, TX 77030-4009
Aleksandar Dagovic, MD, MSc
Department of Oncology
University Hospital
Zmaj Jovina 30
34000 Kragujevac
Werner De Gersem, Ir
Department of Radiotherapy
Ghent University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Ghent

Yolanda Garces, MD
Mayo Clinic
Department of Radiation Oncology
Charlton Building
200 1st Street, S.W.
Rochester, MN 55905
Anca Ligia Grosu, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Mnchen
Stephen M. Hahn, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
3400 Spruce Street
2 Donner
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Masaki Hara, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
Nagoya City University
Graduate School of Medical Sciences
1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku
Nagoya, 467-8601

List of Contributors
Jeffrey C. Haynes, BA, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
3400 Spruce Street
2 Donner
Philadelphia PA 19104-4174
Rodney J. Hicks, MB, BS (Hons), MD, FRACP
Associate Professor of Medicine and Radiology
The University of Melbourne
Director, Centre for Molecular Imaging
Head, Nuclear Medicine and P.E.T.
The Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute
12 Cathedral Place
East Melbourne, VIC 3002
Branislav Jeremic, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 226
81675 Mnchen
Melenda Jeter, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology, Box 97
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard
Houston, TX 77030
Ritsuko Komaki, MD, FACR
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Gloria Lupton Tennison
Endowed Professor for Lung Cancer Research
Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 96
Houston, TX 77030-4009
Paul A. Kvale, MD
Professor of Medicine
Pulmonary and Critical CareMedicine
Henry Ford Medical Center
2799 West Grand Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48202
Frank J. Lagerwaard, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
VU University Medical Center
de Boelelaan 1117
1007 MB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Hans Langendijk, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology
VU University Medical Center
De Boelelaan 1117
1007 MB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Ccile Le Pchoux, MD
Institut Gustave Roussy
Department of Radiotherapy
39, Rue Camille Deesmoulins
94805 Villejuif
Jason Lester, MD
Velindre NHS Trust
Cardiff, CF14 2TL, Wales
Zhongxing Liao, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 96
Houston, TX 77030-4009
Philip A. Linden, MD
Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School and
Associate Surgeon, Brigham & Womens Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115-6195
Fergus R. Macbeth, MD, FRCR
Velindre NHS Trust Whitchurch
Cardiff CF14 2TL, Wales
Mitchell Machtay, MD, FACR
Associate Professor and Vice-Chair
Department of Radiation Oncology
Kimmel Cancer Center
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
111 Sourn 11th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Michael P. MacManus, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
St Andrews Place
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002
Lawrence B. Marks, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
P.O.Box 3085
Durham, ND 27710
Mary K. Martel, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology
University of Chicago Medical Center
5758 C South Maryland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637


Subject Index

Neil E. Martin, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology,
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
3400 Spruce St.
2 Donner
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Carsten Nieder, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Mnchen

K.A. Mason, MSc

Department of Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 96
Houston, TX 77030-4009

Rikiya Onimaru, MD
Department of Radiology
Hokkaido University School of Medicine
North-15 West-7, Kita-ku
Sapporo, 060-8638

W. Gillies McKenna, MD, PhD

Chairman and Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
3400 Spruce Street
2 Donner
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4274
Kevin P. McMullen, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University
Winston Salem, North Carolina 27157
Luka Milas, MD, PhD
Department of Experimental Radiation Oncolog
The University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 66
Houston, TX 77030-4009
Keith Miller, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Nena Mirkovic, MD
Assistant Professor on Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Loyola University Medical Center
Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center
2160 S 1st Avenue
Maywood, IL 60153
Michael Molls, MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Mnchen

Hiroki Onishi, MD
Department of Radiology
Yamanashi University School of Medicine
Yamanashi, 409-3898
Robert Prosnitz, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Suresh Ramalingam, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
UPMC Cancer Pavillion
5150 Centre Avenue, 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Timothy E. Schultheiss, PhD, FACR
Professor, Beckman Research Institute
Director, Radiation Physics, Radiation Oncology
City of Hope Medical Center
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010-3000
Suresh Senan, MRCP,FRCR,PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology
VU University Medical Center
de Boelelaan 1117
1007 MB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Timothy D. Shafman, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Wenyin Shi, MD, PhD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Shands Cancer Center
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32610

Subject Index
Yuta Shibamoto, MD, DMSc
Professor and Chairman
Department of Radiology
Nagoya City University
Graduate School of Medical Sciences
1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya, 467-8601
Hiroki Shirato, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
Hokkaido University School of Medicine
North-15 West-7, Kita-ku
Sapporo, 060-8638
Dietmar W. Siemann, PhD
Professor and Associate Chair for Research
Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Florida
Shands Cancer Center
P.O.Box 100385
2000 SW Archer Road
Gainsville, FL 32610
Michael J. Simoff, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Henry Ford Hospital & Medical Centers
2799 West Grand Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48202-2689
Richard Stephens
Research Scientist
Cancer Division
MRC Clinical Trials Unit
222 Euston Road
London, NW1 2DA
Ron Stout, MD
Department of Clinical Oncology
Christie Hospital NHS Trust
Wilmslow Road
Manchester, M20 4BX
David J. Sugarbaker, MD
Professor of Surgical Oncology,
Harvard Medical School
Brigham & Womens Hospital
Department of Thoracic Surgery
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115-6195

Tom G. Sutedja, MD
Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Vrije Universiteit Medical Center
P.O.Box 7057,
1007 MB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Elinor Thompson, MD
Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre
Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau
Casa de Convalescencia
Sant Antoni M. Claret 171
08041 Barcelona
K. Vandecasteele, MD
Department of Radiotherapy
Ghent University Hospital
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Ghent
Nria Violas, MD
Hospital Clinic i Universitari de Barcelona
Department of Medical Oncology
Villarroel 170
08036 Barcelona
Zjelko Vujaskovic, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Maria Werner-Wasik, MD, FACR
Associate Professor
Department of Radiation Oncology
Kimmel Cancer Center of Jefferson Medical College
11 South 11th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Xiaoli Yu, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Duke University Medical Center
PO Box 3085
Durham, NC 27710
Frank B. Zimmermann, MD
Department of Radiation Oncology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Mnchen

Subject Index


Medical Radiology

Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Titles in the series already published

Radiation Oncology

Lung Cancer
Edited by C.W. Scarantino
Innovations in Radiation Oncology
Edited by H. R. Withers
and L. J. Peters
Radiation Therapy
of Head and Neck Cancer
Edited by G. E. Laramore
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Radiation Therapy
Edited by R.R. Dobelbower, Jr.
Radiation Exposure
and Occupational Risks
Edited by E. Scherer, C. Streffer,
and K.-R. Trott
Radiation Therapy of Benign Diseases
A Clinical Guide
S. E. Order and S. S. Donaldson
Interventional Radiation
Therapy Techniques Brachytherapy
Edited by R. Sauer
Radiopathology of Organs and Tissues
Edited by E. Scherer, C. Streffer,
and K.-R. Trott
Concomitant Continuous Infusion
Chemotherapy and Radiation
Edited by M. Rotman
and C. J. Rosenthal
Intraoperative Radiotherapy
Clinical Experiences and Results
Edited by F. A. Calvo, M. Santos,
and L.W. Brady
Radiotherapy of Intraocular
and Orbital Tumors
Edited by W. E. Alberti and
R. H. Sagerman
Interstitial and Intracavitary
Edited by M. H. Seegenschmiedt
and R. Sauer

Non-Disseminated Breast Cancer

Controversial Issues in Management
Edited by G. H. Fletcher and
S.H. Levitt

Radiation Therapy of Benign Diseases

A Clinical Guide
2nd Revised Edition
S. E. Order and S. S. Donaldson

Current Topics in
Clinical Radiobiology of Tumors
Edited by H.-P. Beck-Bornholdt

Carcinoma of the Kidney and Testis, and

Rare Urologic Malignancies
Innovations in Management
Edited by Z. Petrovich, L. Baert,
and L.W. Brady

Practical Approaches to
Cancer Invasion and Metastases
A Compendium of Radiation
Oncologists Responses to 40 Histories
Edited by A. R. Kagan with the
Assistance of R. J. Steckel
Radiation Therapy in Pediatric Oncology
Edited by J. R. Cassady
Radiation Therapy Physics
Edited by A. R. Smith
Late Sequelae in Oncology
Edited by J. Dunst and R. Sauer
Mediastinal Tumors. Update 1995
Edited by D. E. Wood
and C. R. Thomas, Jr.
and Thermochemotherapy
Volume 1:
Biology, Physiology, and Physics
Volume 2:
Clinical Applications
Edited by M.H. Seegenschmiedt,
P. Fessenden, and C.C. Vernon
Carcinoma of the Prostate
Innovations in Management
Edited by Z. Petrovich, L. Baert,
and L.W. Brady
Radiation Oncology
of Gynecological Cancers
Edited by H.W. Vahrson
Carcinoma of the Bladder
Innovations in Management
Edited by Z. Petrovich, L. Baert,
and L.W. Brady
Blood Perfusion and
Microenvironment of Human Tumors
Implications for
Clinical Radiooncology
Edited by M. Molls and P. Vaupel

Progress and Perspectives in the

Treatment of Lung Cancer
Edited by P. Van Houtte,
J. Klastersky, and P. Rocmans
Combined Modality Therapy of
Central Nervous System Tumors
Edited by Z. Petrovich, L. W. Brady,
M. L. Apuzzo, and M. Bamberg
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Current Treatment Concepts
Edited by W. A. Alberti, G. Richard,
and R. H. Sagerman
Radiotherapy of Intraocular
and Orbital Tumors
2nd Revised Edition
Edited by R. H. Sagerman,
and W. E. Alberti
Modication of Radiation Response
Cytokines, Growth Factors,
and Other Biolgical Targets
Edited by C. Nieder, L. Milas,
and K. K. Ang
Radiation Oncology for Cure and Palliation
R. G. Parker, N. A. Janjan,
and M. T. Selch
Clinical Target Volumes in
Conformal and Intensity Modulated
Radiation Therapy
A Clinical Guide to Cancer
Edited by V. Grgoire, P. Scalliet,
and K. K. Ang
Advances in Radiation Oncology
in Lung Cancer
Edited by Branislav Jeremic



Subject Index

Medical Radiology

Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Titles in the series already published

Diagnostic Imaging

Innovations in Diagnostic Imaging

Edited by J. H. Anderson
Radiology of the Upper Urinary Tract
Edited by E. K. Lang
The Thymus - Diagnostic Imaging,
Functions, and Pathologic Anatomy
Edited by E. Walter, E. Willich,
and W. R. Webb
Interventional Neuroradiology
Edited by A. Valavanis
Radiology of the Pancreas
Edited by A. L. Baert,
co-edited by G. Delorme
Radiology of the Lower Urinary Tract
Edited by E. K. Lang
Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Edited by I. P. Arlart, G. M. Bongartz,
and G. Marchal
Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Breast
S. Heywang-Kbrunner and R. Beck
Spiral CT of the Chest
Edited by M. Rmy-Jardin and J. Rmy
Radiological Diagnosis of Breast Diseases
Edited by M. Friedrich
and E.A. Sickles
Radiology of the Trauma
Edited by M. Heller and A. Fink
Biliary Tract Radiology
Edited by P. Rossi,
co-edited by M. Brezi
Radiological Imaging of Sports Injuries
Edited by C. Masciocchi

Interventional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Edited by J.F. Debatin and G. Adam
Abdominal and Pelvic MRI
Edited by A. Heuck and M. Reiser
Orthopedic Imaging
Techniques and Applications
Edited by A. M. Davies
and H. Pettersson
Radiology of the
Female Pelvic Organs
Edited by E. K.Lang
Magnetic Resonance of the Heart
and Great Vessels
Clinical Applications
Edited by J. Bogaert, A.J. Duerinckx,
and F. E. Rademakers

Liver Malignancies
Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology
Edited by C. Bartolozzi
and R. Lencioni
Medical Imaging of the Spleen
Edited by A. M. De Schepper
and F. Vanhoenacker
Radiology of Peripheral Vascular Diseases
Edited by E. Zeitler
Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
Edited by C. Schiepers
Radiology of Blunt Trauma of the Chest
P. Schnyder and M. Wintermark
Portal Hypertension
Diagnostic Imaging-Guided Therapy
Edited by P. Rossi
Co-edited by P. Ricci and L. Broglia

Modern Head and Neck Imaging

Edited by S. K. Mukherji
and J. A. Castelijns

Recent Advances in
Diagnostic Neuroradiology
Edited by Ph. Demaerel

Radiological Imaging
of Endocrine Diseases
Edited by J. N. Bruneton
in collaboration with B. Padovani
and M.-Y. Mourou

Virtual Endoscopy
and Related 3D Techniques
Edited by P. Rogalla, J. Terwisscha
Van Scheltinga, and B. Hamm

Trends in Contrast Media

Edited by H. S. Thomsen,
R. N. Muller, and R. F. Mattrey
Functional MRI
Edited by C. T. W. Moonen
and P. A. Bandettini
Radiology of the Pancreas
2nd Revised Edition
Edited by A. L. Baert
Co-edited by G. Delorme
and L. Van Hoe

Modern Imaging of the Alimentary Tube

Edited by A. R. Margulis

Emergency Pediatric Radiology

Edited by H. Carty

Diagnosis and Therapy of Spinal Tumors

Edited by P. R. Algra, J. Valk,
and J. J. Heimans

Spiral CT of the Abdomen

Edited by F. Terrier, M. Grossholz,
and C. D. Becker

Multislice CT
Edited by M. F. Reiser, M. Takahashi,
M. Modic, and R. Bruening
Pediatric Uroradiology
Edited by R. Fotter
Transfontanellar Doppler Imaging
in Neonates
A. Couture and C. Veyrac
Radiology of AIDS
A Practical Approach
Edited by J.W.A.J. Reeders
and P.C. Goodman
CT of the Peritoneum
Armando Rossi and Giorgio Rossi
Magnetic Resonance Angiography
2nd Revised Edition
Edited by I. P. Arlart,
G. M. Bongratz, and G. Marchal

List of Contributors


Medical Radiology

Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Titles in the series already published

Pediatric Chest Imaging

Edited by Javier Lucaya
and Janet L. Strife
Applications of Sonography
in Head and Neck Pathology
Edited by J. N. Bruneton
in collaboration with C. Raffaelli
and O. Dassonville
Imaging of the Larynx
Edited by R. Hermans
3D Image Processing
Techniques and
Clinical Applications
Edited by D. Caramella
and C. Bartolozzi
Imaging of Orbital and
Visual Pathway Pathology
Edited by W. S. Mller-Forell
Pediatric ENT Radiology
Edited by S. J. King
and A. E. Boothroyd
Radiological Imaging
of the Small Intestine
Edited by N. C. Gourtsoyiannis
Imaging of the Knee
Techniques and Applications
Edited by A. M. Davies
and V. N. Cassar-Pullicino
Perinatal Imaging
From Ultrasound
to MR Imaging
Edited by Fred E. Avni
Radiological Imaging
of the Neonatal Chest
Edited by V. Donoghue
Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology in Liver Transplantation
Edited by E. Bcheler, V. Nicolas,
C. E. Broelsch, X. Rogiers,
and G. Krupski

Radiology of Osteoporosis
Edited by S. Grampp
Imaging Pelvic Floor Disorders
Edited by C. I. Bartram
and J. O. L. DeLancey
Associate Editors: S. Halligan,
F. M. Kelvin, and J. Stoker
Imaging of the Pancreas
Cystic and Rare Tumors
Edited by C. Procacci
and A. J. Megibow
High Resolution Sonography
of the Peripheral Nervous System
Edited by S. Peer and G. Bodner

Radiological Imaging
in Hematological Malignancies
Edited by A. Guermazi
Imaging and Intervention in
Abdominal Trauma
Edited by R. F. Dondelinger
Multislice CT
2nd Revised Edition
Edited by M. F. Reiser, M. Takahashi,
M. Modic, and C. R. Becker
Intracranial Vascular Malformations
and Aneurysms
From Diagnostic Work-Up
to Endovascular Therapy
Edited by M. Forsting

Imaging of the Foot and Ankle

Techniques and Applications
Edited by A. M. Davies,
R. W. Whitehouse,
and J. P. R. Jenkins

Radiology and Imaing of the Colon

Edited by A. H. Chapman

Radiology Imaging of the Ureter

Edited by F. Joffre, Ph. Otal,
and M. Soulie

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic

Resonance Imaging in Oncology
Edited by A. Jackson, D. L. Buckley,
and G. J. M. Parker

Imaging of the Shoulder

Techniques and Applications
Edited by A. M. Davies and J. Hodler

Coronary Radiology
Edited by M. Oudkerk

Imaging in Treatment Planing

for Sinonasal Diseases
Edited by R. Maroldi and P. Nicolai

Radiology of the Petrous Bone

Edited by M. Lemmerling
and S. S. Kollias
Interventional Radiology in Cancer
Edited by A. Adam, R. F. Dondelinger,
and P. R. Mueller
Duplex and Color Doppler Imaging
of the Venous System
Edited by G. H. Mostbeck
Multidetector-Row CT of the Thorax
Edited by U. J. Schoepf
Functional Imaging of the Chest
Edited by H.-U. Kauczor
Radiology of the Pharynx
and the Esophagus
Edited by O. Ekberg


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