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Global Perspective.

Innovative Research.
Superior Results.





DATE: APRIL 23, 2010

The following memo summarizes the results of a poll conducted by Wilson Research
Strategies for the Allen West for Congress campaign on April 18-19, 2010.

The results indicate that Allen West is well-positioned in his challenge to Congressman Ron
Klein in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District this fall.

Key Observations
1) Allen West has made significant inroads with 22nd district voters
 Nearly half (49%) of voters in the 22nd district say they have heard of Allen West

 Voters who know Allen West like him. Nearly a quarter (23%) of voters view Allen
West favorably, while fewer than one in ten (8%) view him unfavorably.
o This gives West a favorable to unfavorable ratio of nearly 3 to 1.

2) While Ron Klein remains better known than Allen West, he is a controversial figure in the
22nd district and is very vulnerable to a challenge.
 While nearly all (93%) of 22nd district voters have heard of Ron Klein, just over four in
ten (43%) voters view him favorably, while nearly one in three (31%) view him
o This gives Ron Klein a favorable to unfavorable ratio of less than 1.4/1

 Ron Klein’s “hard reelect,” the percentage of voters saying they would vote to reelect
him no matter who his opponent was, is an abysmal 21%. More voters (23%) say
they would definitely vote to replace Ron Klein.

3) Allen West presently leads Ron Klein on a ballot test despite being far less well known
than the incumbent.
 Allen West leads Ron Klein 44% to 42% on the ballot.

 For the incumbent to be trailing a candidate who fewer than half the district’s
population has heard of shows incredible weakness.

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Ron Klein is in deep trouble as he runs for reelection to a third term in Congress. His
personal image is very weak with district voters, his “hard reelect” is low, and his vote for the
health care legislation is likely to weigh him down as he tries to convince voters to send him
back to Congress for another term.

Allen West continues to build support for his campaign, and leads the incumbent on a ballot
test despite still being far less well-known in the district. If he continues to campaign hard,
Allen West is well positioned to knock off the incumbent and be elected to Congress this fall.

Wilson Research Strategies conducted a study of likely general election voters in Florida’s
22nd Congressional District. Respondents were contacted by phone via a live telephone
operator interview on April 18-19, 2010. The study had a sample size of n=400 general
election voters. The margin of error is equal to +4.9% in 95 out of 100 cases.

About Wilson Research Strategies

Since 1998, WRS has been a leading provider of political polling for campaigns from Mayor
and City Council to Governor and U.S. Senate in 47 states and several foreign countries. In
2007-2008 alone, WRS conducted polling in 252 races for campaigns, caucuses and
independent expenditures efforts.

In addition to our political and policy research, WRS provides donor research to Christian and
other not-for-profits and alumni research to colleges and universities. More than 200
Christian and other not-for-profit organizations around the country and dozens of large and
small colleges and universities have relied on WRS’s data and analysis.

WRS’s corporate research arm has provided market research to more than 100 of the
Fortune 500 and to hundreds of small and medium businesses nationwide.

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