Chinese Massage

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Chinese Style Massage By David Hatfield D.Ac L.

Hand Out #1 Upper Body Prone.
I was taught this style from Traditional Chinese practitioners in Chicago.
This style was developed around the practitioner and not around the client ( like other
systems). The style uses proper body mechanics and emphasizes elbow, forearm and
palm for high pressure applications and wrist and finger techniques for lower ones. This
way you can reduce burnout, muscle fatigue and injury. Use a massage stool when
Traditionally Chinese massage uses medicated oils. These will be presented in class but
not often used in class as they are quite pungent. Also hot moist towels are used to
remove oils and rub down the client after massage. This way the client is revived and
energized and not sent out the door drowsy. Oil is also mess and stains clothes- clients
must me informed of this if they want an oil treatment. Use massage cream as a
The techniques presented will allow the practitioner to safely perform high pressure
massage that can penetrate strongly in to the deeper muscles.
The Chinese have many different ways to view nature- the simplest is Yin / Yang.
Correspondences would be Moon/ Sun Dark/ Light- Cold /Hot- Raised up/ hollowed
out and on the body white or Blue/ Red skin color and Sharp pain / Dull achy pain.
The system can easily address Yin /Yang imbalances in a therapeutic situation or just be
used as a routine as Swedish massage is. It is very dynamic complete form of Manual
Therapy and can include stretching, traction, joint distraction, acupressure and in its
fullest version joint manipulations. JOINT MANIPULATIONS CAN ONLY BE
SCHOOL. In Asia hospitals will have on staff doctors of Manual Therapy ( Tui Na).
There is flow to the the massage as in Swedish. Traditionally it is performed on clients
that are unclothed and only towels are used for draping. This is because sheet draping is
restrictive and does not allow full body length strokes. Also the sheets get oily and
stains. We will always practice with sheet draping but you will be shown how to drape
with a towel.
Follow all policies/ laws for draping at work or in clinic.

Opening- Prone- Set your intent to be focused and do a good job.

Reveal the backApply Lotion neck and back
Starting on the Right side move the right arm to the side
place a knee on the table close to the clients side but not touching them.
Palm-Compress/glide the Left para spinals laterally- starting at the superior part. Cover
the shoulders. Overlap your hands on on top of the other.
Keep moving inferior in to the glutes. Do not press on the spine.
From the Glutes move back up to the shoulders- Repeat at least 3x
In Western medicine the para spinals contain the Chapman reflexes that correspond to all
the internal organs. The same is true of the acupuncture Shu points that correspond to
internal organs and other systems. This simple movement helps balance all internal
organs and in time you can learn to feel and asses the state on the internal organs. The
rhythmic rocking also help clients relax and move in to parasympathetic- the state in
which healing takes place. Gently warms the tissue and disperses buildups of stagnation.
Next place the right arm back to its neutral position. Move to the left side and repeat
the same process that will now massage the same muscles the same way on the right of
the client.
To complete the movement restore the clients arm to neutral.
Next confirm with the client that you are going to massage deep in to the Glute Max
area. And confirm that you will be undraping the Glute- If they don't want that don't do
Reveal the Left Glute Max appropriately. Apply cream to that area and the same side
upper shoulder Trapezius area. Apply lotion to your elbows and forearms.
Align the Left arm close to their body. With proper stance Glide your left elbow down
the para spinal and in to the Glute Max. Stay off the spine and adjust so not to hit bony
areas. To return to the start point wipe the side of the body with your left forearm. Now
readjust your position and repeat 2X.
On the last repetition switch elbows so now the Right elbow gently accesses the Glute.
Now glide up and down the para spinals in a similar fashion as before.
On the last pass over the shoulder just glide down the Triceps of the arm and gently
break away.

Repeat the other side.

Just these two techniques provide at least a 10-20 minute back massage- you can vary
the number of passes to suite your time frame. Pressure can range from light to very
deep with the elbow glide. Practice a slower pace at first and note your timing. Practice
control of the elbow it is easy to clunk bones. Keep the focus of your eyes on the spine
and the location of your elbow point- keep a good posture as this will help stabilize your
elbow point
Next relocate draping to inferior angle of the scapula leaving the shoulders ready to
work on. Sit on your chair at the head of the client. Apply lotion to the clients upper
Trapezius area, neck, deltoids and areas with in arms length. Apply lotion to your arms.
Double palm-compress to sides of the neck 3x
finish by gliding over the Traps to Delts/ Triceps
Work their left upper Traps with your right elbow. 3x
Repeat the other side.
Double palm-compress to neck again.
Thumb glides through Left Sub Occipitals- over lap your thumbs for protection.
Repeat right side.
Move your chair to position to clients left side for gliding thumb through the upper trap.
Glide through the traps do not over extend yourself.
Double thumb glides along paraspials starting at the level of the lower angle of the
scapula moving superior with you thumb tips facing you. Left side first followed by
right. Move superiorily as far as comfortable.
One Double palm-compress to the neck.
Gently massage area corresponding to Transverse processes of C1-C7
Scalp Massage with finger tips.
Move to left hand side of client to prepare for arm massage. Apply lotion to their left
arm and to both your arms.
With your forearm glide all over the clients upper arm using switching both your

forearms as necessary. Use your finger tips and fingers to massage their biceps. Use
finger tips and fingers to massage lower arms with up and down /rotational traction
Massage fingers lightly and traction lightly.
Finish by wiping off oil / lotion with warm moist towel.
Revive client with cupping hands/ light whisking/ finger chops etc
Bow out and release connection with your client. End the session mentally.
Wash your hands /arms run cold water over them . Apply a healing balm, Essential
Oils etc.
Stretch your arms and body- Massage out any aches/ pain in your arms or hands.

Lower Body Massage

Starting on left leg adjust draping.
Using the principles learned in the upper body.
Start on the left leg. Lubricate the whole leg and both your arms.
Start at the foot gently and lightly massage from the ankle up to the Glutes. Wipe back
Palm press up the leg using butterfly palms or palm-compress. Wipe back down to the
Place your left hand on the ankle and gently press the ankle a little in to the table.
Adjust your position so you can easily glide your right elbow/ forearm up the lateral side
of the lower leg. Cover the peronials/ Soleus. Use more of your forearm flexors.
Move carefully over the knee and glide deeper along the line of the IT band and up in to
the TFL and Glute Medius/Max.
Wipe back down the leg with the soft forearm in the circular motion as before.
Repeat 2 or 3 x move slightly more medial each repetition.
Switch to your other arm and glide up the medial side of the leg and cover the medial
side of the hamstrings. Repeat, glide through the thigh moving more medial. On the next
pass, work in to the adductors and Glute Max.
If there are any areas that were not properly covered or were difficult to reach use
leopard paw.
Switch sides and use the same principles.
To lengthen the time of the massage you can move from the glutes through the
hamstrings with the elbow once or twice and then glide down the calf muscles. Also you
can spend time gently but deeply working the Glutes.
To fininsh palm press up then wipe down the legs and massage the feet.

Assesment on ( 20 points)
Accuracy of Technique
Rythm and Flow
Body mechanics
Knowledge of theory

Upper back protocol

Opening- Prone- Set your intenet to be focused and do a good job.
Reveal the backStarting on the Right side move the right arm to the side

place a knee on the table close to the clients side but not touching them.
Palm-Compress/glide the Left para spinals laterally- starting at the superior part. Cover
the shoulders. Overlap your hands on on top of the other.
Keep moving inferior in to the glutes.
From the Glutes move back up to the shoulders- Repeat at least 3x
Next place the right arm back to its neutral position. Repeat the same process on the
right of the client.
To complete the movement restore the clients arm to neutral.
Reveal the Left Glute Max appropriately. Glide your left elbow down the para spinal and
in to the Glute Max. Repeat 2X.
On the last repetition switch elbows so now the Right elbow gently accesses the Glute.
Now glide up and down the para spinals in a similar fashion as before.
On the last pass over the shoulder just glide down the Triceps of the arm and gently
break away.
Repeat the other side.
Next relocate draping to inferior angle of the scapula
Double palm-compress to sides of the neck 3x
finish by gliding over the Traps to Delts/ Triceps
Work their left upper Traps with your right elbow. 3x
Repeat the other side.
Double palm-compress to neck again.
Thumb glides through Left Sub Occipitals- over lap your thumbs for protection.
Repeat right side.
Move your chair to position to clients left side for gliding thumb through the upper trap.
Glide through the traps
Double thumb glides along paraspials starting at the level of the lower angle of the
One Double palm-compress to the neck.
Gently massage area corresponding to Transverse processes of C1-C7

Scalp Massage with finger tips.

Move to left hand side of client to prepare for arm massage.
With your forearm glide all over the clients upper arm using switching both your
forearms as necessary. Use your finger tips and fingers to massage their biceps. Use
finger tips and fingers to massage lower arms with up and down /rotational traction
Massage fingers lightly and traction lightly.
Finish by wiping off oil / lotion with warm moist towel.
Revive client with cupping hands/ light whisking/ finger chops etc

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