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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
8:30 pm, Business School 100

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approve Minutes
a. Present (36): Alexander Mieure, Alexander Simpson, Allison Shearer, Anuraag Tripathi, Ben
Blair, Caitlin Ursini, Chi Hoong Ng, Christian Hines, Christopher Lenz, Daniel Hinrichs, Danielle
Loewenthal, Darian Stahl, David Huber, Erik Kiser, Forrest Fowler, Hannah Bennett, Holly Clark,
Jack Diamond, Jordan Abrams, Joshua Davis, Julie Singer, Laura Wyman, Leonardo Martinez,
Lynn Hughes, Mark Shadiow, Mikaela Shaw, Mike Coleman, Neil Bansal, Olivia GiaQuinta,
Omair Ali, Ryan Granholm, Sheila Ellis, Skylar Edwards, Suzi Worsham, Valerie Vandenberg,
William Miller
b. Absent with Proxy (2): Ashley Reller, Megan Busam
c. Absent without Proxy (15): Andrew Conley, Eric Weigel, Evan Sweeney, Jim Snaza,
John O'Hara, Katie Lambert, Michael Albert, Mike Powell, Nicole Hakes, Shelley
Harriman, Shona Lee, Thomas Little, Veral Patel, William French, William Yu
IV. Executive Reports
a. Luke Fields—IUSA President
b. Dan Sloat—IUSA Vice President
c. Andrew Hahn—IUSA Vice President for Congress
i. Setting up meetings with deans of COAS, Kelley, Jacobs. Sorry about
clickers, but we don’t have a way to project it on screen, so we’ll get that
part and do it at the next meeting on March 24.
d. Robin Featherston—IUSA Treasurer
i. CFR will be increasing the fee for IUSA. We should be getting 1.31 for
2010 and 1.31 for 2011. Finance Committee will be meeting after the
V. Director Reports
a. Abby Schwimmer—IUSA Director for Sustainability
i. Resolution to encourage Michael. We haven’t looked at grants or
revolving funds. Signatories to this Commitment get funds from Clinton
foundation, but there are no repercussions for failing to meet goals of
reducing carbon footprint, except for losing face with peer institutions.
Students care about sustainable campuses, and sustainability will be
economically beneficial in the long wrong.
VI. Committee Reports
a. Rules, Membership, Internal IUSA Affairs Committee
i. Greek North Jordan seat will probably be last one we fill because near end
of year.
b. Health and Safety Committee
i. Brainstorming ideas for orientation workshop. Ex: let’s have a small card
for people’s wallets. Making progress with grip strips on bridges,
contacted Architect’s Office—will be considering it in next meeting.
c. Student Rights and Concerns Committee
d. Finance Committee
e. Educational Affairs Committee
VII. New Business
a. Resolution 09-3-10—Approve New Congress Members
i. Passes Unanimously
b. Resolution 09-3-11—Support IU President Signing Climate Commitment
i. Mikaela Shaw, Julie Singer Sponsors
1. Darian Stahl: Why hasn’t President signed this yet?
a. Abby: It was forced upon him, even if he doesn’t want to
sign this particular structured commitment, we want to
show student support for this initiative.
2. Skylar Edwards: Is this going to be expensive? I can see this
costing a lot of money, and that may be why President didn’t sign
a. Abby: In long term, it’s beneficial. In short run, capital
projects are going to be difficult, especially with credit
crunch. But there is grant money and seed money available
that has been discussed and that could be used to fund a
capital project. The biggest commitment on our part is to
put the brain power into it to see how it would work at IU.
ii. Passes Unanimously
VIII. Adjourn

***The next scheduled IUSA Congress meeting will be Tuesday, March 24, at 8:30
pm in BU-100.***

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