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Faith for All of Life

September/October 2005

Publisher & Chalcedon President

Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony
Chalcedon Vice-President Chalcedon Report No. 5 .........................................................................2
Martin Selbrede R.J. Rushdoony
Rev. Christopher J. Ortiz My Recollection of Chalcedon’s First Forty Years ...................................4
Mark R. Rushdoony
Managing Editor
Susan Burns
The Story of an Idea ...............................................................................6
Contributing Editors Christopher J. Ortiz
Lee Duigon
Walter & Megan Lindsay
A Daughter’s Memories.........................................................................12
Chalcedon Founder Rebecca Rushdoony Rouse
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony
(1916-2001) How Rushdoony Changed My Family..................................................14
was the founder of Chalcedon Andrea Schwartz
and a leading theologian, church/
state expert, and author of numer-
A Great Reformed Defender of the Faith..............................................15
ous works on the application of
Biblical Law to society. Chris Strevel

Receiving Faith for All of Life: This mag- Rushdoony as Prophet...........................................................................16

azine will be sent to those who request Lee Duigon
it. At least once a year we ask that you
return a response card if you wish to
remain on the mailing list. Contributors Examining the Agenda of Secularism....................................................17
are kept on our mailing list. Suggested Martin Selbrede
Donation: $35 per year ($45 for all
foreign — U.S. funds only). Tax-deduct-
ible contributions may be made out to Remembrances of Rushdoony ...............................................................26
Chalcedon and mailed to P.O. Box 158, Various
Vallecito, CA 95251 USA.

Chalcedon may want to contact its Product Catalog.....................................................................................33

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If you have an e-mail address, please
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For circulation and data management forum for views in accord with a relevant, active, historic Christianity, though those views may on occasion differ somewhat
contact Rebecca Rouse. from Chalcedon’s and from each other. Chalcedon depends on the contributions of its readers, and all gifts to Chalcedon are
Contact her at (209) 736-4365 ext. 10 tax-deductible. ©2005 Chalcedon. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint granted on written request only. Editorial Board:
Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony, President/Editor-in-Chief; Chris Ortiz, Editor; Susan Burns, Managing Editor and Executive Assistant.
or Chalcedon, P.O. Box 158, Vallecito, CA 95251, Telephone Circulation (8a.m. - 4p.m., Pacific): (209)736-4365 or Fax (209)
736-0536; email:;; Circulation:Rebecca Rouse.
Founder’s Column
R.J. Rushdoony

Chalcedon Report No. 5

February 1, 1966
(Reprinted from The Roots of Reconstruction [Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1991], 550-553).

O ne of the unhappy facts of our

day is the gap between evangeli-
cal Christianity and political action. We
not be encouraged to interfere.
He went on to condemn the idea
that “master minds” or a brain-trust
intercourse with foreign States,” 3) the
issue of money and its protection from
counterfeiting, regulation of weights
have, on the one hand, those whose re- could be trusted with the powers of and measures, foreign commerce, pro-
ligion is politics; they expect more than decision or regulation: tection of patents and copyrights, postal
justice from the political order: they ex- The doctrine of regulation and leg- offices, and minor Federal tribunals in
pect salvation. A political cause becomes islation by “master minds” in whose the states, and 4) the power to collect
their religion. On the other hand, we judgment and will all the people may taxes, duties and imposts, to pay the
have those who say that, because Christ gladly and quietly acquiesce, has been debts for the common defense and gen-
is their Savior, they are not interested too glaringly apparent at Washington eral welfare of the U. S. The Governor
in the “dirty business” of politics. Both during these past years. Were it possible added:
attitudes are clearly wrong and danger- to find “master minds” so unselfish, so On such a small foundation have we
willing to decide unhesitatingly against erected the whole enormous fabric of
ous as well. For the Christian to sepa-
their own personal interests or private Federal Government which costs us
rate himself from political action is to
prejudices, men almost god-like in $3,500,000,000 every year, and if we
separate himself from responsibility, and their ability to hold the scales of Justice do not hold this steady process of build-
to separate himself from responsibility is with an even hand, such a govern- ing commissions and regulatory bodies
to separate himself from God. ment might be to the interest of the and special legislation like huge inverted
country, but there are none such in our pyramids over every one of the simple
political horizon, and we cannot expect Constitutional provisions, we shall soon be
a complete reversal of all the teachings of spending many billions of dollars more.
history. Now to bring about government
by oligarchy masquerading as democ-
What was absolutely necessary, the
racy, it is fundamentally essential that Governor declared, was a return to basic
practically all authority and control be principles:
centralized in our National Govern- But what are the underlying principles
ment. The individual sovereignty of our on which this Government is founded?
States must first be destroyed, except in There is, first and foremost, the new
Cornelius Van Til and R. J. Rushdoony thought that every citizen is entitled to
mere minor matters of legislation. We
are safe from the danger of any such live his own life in his own way as long
What we have seen in U.S. politics
departure from the principles on which as his conduct does not injure any of his
is a departure from Christian American fellowmen.
this country was founded just so long as
constitutionalism. In a very important the individual home rule of the States is Who was this speaker? It was
speech, delivered on March 2, 1930, a scrupulously preserved and fought for Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt of
prominent American declared that the whenever it seems in danger. New York, criticizing the leftward drift
Constitution gave the federal govern- The Governor went on to cite the of the Hoover administration!
ment no right to interfere in the conduct limited “powers delegated to the United Let us glance briefly at another
of public utilities, of banks, of insurance, States by the Constitution.” They speech, delivered in Austin, Texas, on
of business, of agriculture, of education, of are, briefly, 1) the military power for May 22, 1948, by Lyndon B. Johnson:
social welfare, and of a dozen other impor- the purposes of defense, 2) the treaty- The civil rights program, about which
tant features. In these, Washington must making power, “and the sole right of you have heard so much, is a farce and a

2 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
sham…an effort to set up a police state political decay and collapse. Christianity
in the guise of liberty. I am opposed has an obligation to train a people in the
to that program. I fought it in the fundamentals of God’s grace and law,
Congress. It is the province of the state and to make them active and able cham-
to run its own elections. pions of true political liberty and order.
Both men were right the first time. In 1776, in a letter to John Scollay,
They sinned with knowledge against Samuel Adams wrote, “I have long been
knowledge. And this is not surpris- convinced that our Enemies have made
ing. When men are without Christian it an Object, to eradicate from the Minds
character, they will choose the way of of the People in general a Sense of the
power rather than of truth and integrity. Dorothy Rushdoony true Religion and Virtue, in hopes there-
Where there is a moral disintegration, There is thus little assurance that an by the more easily to carry their Point of
there is no assurance that an elected election will gain any results, if there enslaving them.” How much more true
candidate will maintain a professed is no assured faith and character in the this is now of every subversive agency,
position. The number of elected con- elected man. And politics cannot produce and how tragic and desperately wicked
servatives who have switched sides is character: Christianity must. The decline that the churches are themselves a major
legion; they crumbled under pressure of faith is a decline of character and a force in working for this eradication of
and under the temptations of power. decline of character is the forerunner of continued on page 30

Reclaiming America some foreign power or catastrophic disaster,” edge God as the true source of law and civil
In the Courtroom Moore said, “but by the most sinister and government,” Judge Moore said. “I serve
destructive of all enemies — our own courts. as chairman of the foundation, which files
Public display of the Ten Command- For nearly half a century our federal courts amicus curae [friend of the court] briefs in
ments. Protection of marriage. Individual have consistently and tirelessly denied various state and federal cases involving
religious liberty in the workplace. people the right to publicly acknowledge the religious liberty, and teaches the true source
The right to form free associations based God upon whom our country was founded of our liberty in seminars and classes given to
on Christian belief, from the Boy Scouts of and by whom our rights and liberties are pastors, legislators, lawyers, and judges.”
America to your local high school Bible club. made secure.” “We feel that one of the best ways to
These are all under fire today, all subject Today there are many Christian legal reclaim our communities for Christ is to
to abolition in the courtrooms of America foundations battling in courtrooms all over practice what is preached in the ‘red letters’
— and, for the most part, being defended by America to preserve our country’s Christian of the Bible,” said Richard Ackerman of Lively
lawyers working for Christian legal founda- heritage. Just to name a few, large and small: and Ackerman, San Diego (Pro-Family Law
tions that didn’t yet exist when R. J. Rush- the Alliance Defense Fund, the American Center). “Given the prominent role that law-
doony founded Chalcedon in 1965. Center for Law and Justice, the Christian Law yers and judges play in shaping the culture,
“Dr. Rushdoony has been very influential Association, the Christian Legal Fellowship, it is critically important that we let the light
on not only the legal community but how the Thomas More Law Center, the Pro-Family of Christ’s promises and Person shine in all
the wider Christian Right responds to various Law Center, and the Foundation for Moral that we do. If Christ does not play a role in
social and legal issues,” said John Whitehead, Law, founded by Roy Moore in 2004. The how we argue even mundane matters, we
president and founder of the Rutherford names of their founders, patrons, and top at- lose the faith and trust of all who rely on us to
Institute, a legal foundation which has torneys — James Dobson, D. James Kennedy, make the world a less contentious place.”
argued many cases involving religious liberty Jay Sekulow, David Gibbs, Thomas Finnery Constitutional lawyer Herb Titus — once
in the workplace. “In fact, the Christian Right’s — are frequently featured in top news stories an ACLU attorney, now a saved Christian
clamoring over judicial activism and the Ten involving controversial legal cases from Terri — remarked on the apparent lawlessness of
Commandments can be directly traced back Schiavo to homosexual “marriage.” activist courts and judges today.
to R. J. Rushdoony.” None of these organizations existed in “Don’t judge by outward appearances,”
Judge Roy Moore, who lost his position 1965 when Rushdoony founded the Chalce- he said. “There’s always hope in the Lord: the
as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme don Foundation, which proclaimed the lord- One Who is in control of everything is going
Court when he refused to obey a federal ship of Christ over every sphere of human to win. Don’t be cowed by the ungodly. All
judge’s order to remove a Ten Command- activity — including the courtroom. they have is the courts. That’s why they’re so
ments monument from his courthouse, took What do the foundations do? frantic.”
aim at judicial activism. “The Foundation for Moral Law in
“Today America is threatened not by Montgomery, Alabama, exists to acknowl-

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 3

Faith for All of Life

My Recollection
of Chalcedon’s First Forty years
By Mark R. Rushdoony

M y father, Rousas
John Rushdoony,
formally launched Chal-
tion (1963), were more academically
oriented, as was The One and the Many
(1971) which was then already exten-
cedon in the summer of sively researched. When he lectured, he
1965. I was eleven years always asked for questions. His interac-
old at the time and our tion with these live audiences made
move from Palo Alto to Woodland Hills his written works increasingly geared
(in the suburbs of Los Angeles) was a towards the reading layman, rather than
memorable event. the academic.
The name Chalcedon was already Many of the early supporters of
familiar to me. For several years my Chalcedon were conservative Republi-
father had talked of starting Chalcedon, cans discouraged by the landslide loss of
but in those years his plans were more Barry Goldwater in the 1964 Presiden-
focused on a college. That idea persisted tial contest. Those were heady days for
for several years, but as my father’s liberalism. President Lyndon B. Johnson
writing grant expired, he decided not to threw massive amounts of money into
delay the start of his “educational insti- his “Great Society,” and those enamored
tution,” but to begin it by other means. with the cult of science claimed it was
Newsletter soon became less of a report
Over the New Year’s holiday of poised to find the solutions to many of
on activities than a monthly essay.
1965 we traveled to southern Califor- man’s problems.
Nevertheless, the name stuck and the
nia, where my father spoke and met My father consciously avoided
Chalcedon Newsletter became the Chal-
with potential sponsors. (We also made making Chalcedon into a conservative
cedon Report, a name it held long after
memorable family trips to Disneyland mouthpiece, because he saw the quest
and the Rose Parade.) The results of that it became a magazine in November of
for political answers as symptomatic of
trip were sufficiently encouraging that 1987. In January 2005, we changed the modern man’s problems. He believed
my father committed to move to Los magazine’s name to Faith for All of Life that the essential government was the
Angeles that summer. and the Chalcedon Report became what self-government of man under God.
To keep his supporters informed of it originally started out to be, a report Chalcedon thus avoided being evan-
his activities, my father began what was on Chalcedon and its ministry. gelistic. Its purpose was not to convert
simply called the Newsletter. It included The support provided by those early non-believers, but to teach believers. Its
an essay and a report on his activities, so contributors allowed my father to give purpose was always to train Christians
that the end of each Newsletter reported his full attention to his writing. It also, to be faithful to the law-word of God.
on the number of talks given, chapters I believe, changed his style of writing. Chalcedon was self-consciously estab-
written, and his travels. We came to re- Some of his earlier work was more lished to fill a large void in Christianity.
fer to it as “the report.” Because he saw scholarly. By What Standard? (1958), In- The church was so busy focusing on the
his supporters so frequently at meetings tellectual Schizophrenia (1961), and the “fundamentals” and the “simple gospel”
throughout southern California, the Messianic Character of American Educa- that it tended not to go beyond preach-

4 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
ing the gospel and baptizing. Chalcedon foothills of the Sierra Nevada Moun-
was to be a ministry about faithful obe- tains. The property was subdivided to
dience, about the other half of the Great provide a home for Chalcedon. There
Commission: teaching men to observe Chalcedon’s first office building was
all things Christ commanded. built in 1977.
Chalcedon’s ministry was future-ori- In 1976 my father started another
ented, whereas politics is very present or organization, Ross House Books (Ross
even past-bound. Many suggested Dad was Mother’s maiden name). This
could raise more money if he stressed allowed him to publish his increas-
an anti-communist message, but he was ing number of titles and channel the
never interested in merely condemning proceeds into further publications.
sin. Chalcedon was not a message of Many earlier titles were brought back
negation, but one of affirmation of the into print. Today Ross House Books
truth and wisdom of God’s way. has more Rushdoony titles (as well as
The problem with ministries of ne- works by other authors) in print than
gation is that they do not see the extent ever before. In 2004 Ross House Books
of man’s evil. They see the essential evil merged with Chalcedon.
as a particular vice, a liberal congress, In the late 1970s, under the presi-
hundreds of thousands of dollars to men
president, or court, or a particular dency of Jimmy Carter, the government
who, my father believed, would further
ideology (like communism), or military made a concerted effort to bring private
the Kingdom of God by their work,
education under the central control of
threat (like the USSR). My father did some far removed from the United
the states. Numerous cases around the
not start with present evils, but with the States. country were brought against schools,
root of evil, man’s sin, man’s rebellion Chalcedon was twelve years old churches, and individuals. Home-
against God. He traced man’s present before it ever had an office of its own. schools, independent Christian schools,
manifestations of evil to man’s first sin Until then, it operated exclusively out and churches that operated schools were
and his desire to “be as gods, knowing of my father’s home. Volunteers or brought up on charges by government
good and evil” (Gen. 3:5) on his own, conscripted labor, like my sisters and officials. School administrators, pastors,
independently and autonomously. To me, collated and stapled the original and parents were often charged. In more
defeat present evils would only mean mimeographed Newsletters on our din- than a few instances, officials removed
their replacement by new evils, he ing room table. Meetings with Gary children from homes under charges
would say. North, Greg Bahnsen, David Chilton, of truancy (defined as not being in a
His answer was a more systemic and other young scholars were in my government school). There was a full
approach, that of rebuilding Christian parents’ home, sometimes at the kitchen frontal assault on the right of indepen-
society, beginning with the individual table. Few photographs of such Chalce- dent private education in America, and
and his faithful adherence to the Word don history exist. Chalcedon’s ministry ultimately on the free exercise of religion
of God. In his second Chalcedon News- was in the realm of ideas, and true to itself.
letter (Oct. 31, 1965), my father called the parable, its influence has been like Chalcedon took part in these trials.
his readers to “undertake even now the leaven, unseen until its effect is suddenly My father traveled extensively in these
task of reconstruction.” The term Chris- apparent. years, serving as an expert witness on
tian Reconstruction would stick. Property values and correspond- church-state and education matters for
Chalcedon began as a ministry of ing taxes started to escalate rapidly in the defense. These court cases ultimately
ideas. It did not try to build organiza- Los Angeles in the early 1970s and my resulted in a defeat of statist control
tionally. In fact, much of its work was parents began searching for a more rural over private education. As a result of
in support of individuals and groups home for Chalcedon and my father’s these cases, my father and Chalcedon
outside its scope. We helped some with extensive library. Unable to find an af- became better known. Years later,
grants, others with seminary tuition. fordable developed facility in 1975, they when the name of R. J. Rushdoony
Many had their first real exposure in purchased a home on some property
the Chalcedon Report. Chalcedon gave in Calaveras County, California, in the continued on page 30

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 5

Faith for All of Life
The Story of an Idea
By Christopher J. Ortiz

Celebrating the
history of the
Chalcedon Foundation
what’s important. Rushdoony would
consider it irrelevant. The proper start-
ing point is the birth of the ideas.
with time spent on bare necessities,
not penetrating the lofty ideas found
in books. Theirs was an oral tradition
and the work of R. J. animated by story and legend. Rousas,
Rushdoony (“Rush”) is Theonomy or Autonomy on the other hand, was a man of written
a difficult thing to do. He was a long way from his last words and rigorous thinking. In this
Rush would frown on any attempts to home in Santa Cruz, California, in environment the studious young mis-
cover or acknowledge the history of an 1946 when the thirty-year-old Rousas sionary was as out of place as a Cadillac
institution — he was about ideas not or- experienced the great transformation on the Moon.
ganizations. Because of this, the history to his thinking. Isolated within the 400 He didn’t seem to need many sup-
and people involved are scattered and square miles of the Duck Valley Indian plies on the reservation — only books.
diffused. In terms of the organization Reservation in Owyhee, Nevada, this The Shoshones would watch with
there is no clear line of growth. The only contemplative missionary-pastor had interest as Rousas frequently received
measurable growth is the ever-increasing already spent a year and a half carving a delivery of books to his mailbox. He
influence of the message. That’s what out the Kingdom of God among the seemed oblivious to his onlookers as
Rush was working towards. Western Shoshone Indians. he tore open each package and began
But it is practical to share a particu- Rousas was of medium height with reading as he walked back to his home
lar angle of the story of Chalcedon, espe- dark hair, olive skin, and a silent look — never lifting his head.
cially for those who are unfamiliar with that left one wondering what was trans- Rushdoony received numerous
the history of Christian Reconstruction.1 piring behind his deep eyes and pro- books during his stint on the reserva-
Typically, most historical accounts nounced brow. He sparked the curiosity tion, but one volume in particular
begin with the date and location of the of the Duck Valley residents. Like most affected him deeply. The New Modern-
birth of the founder. When discussing Native Americans, their culture was not ism by Dr. Cornelius Van Til was a new
Christian Reconstruction this is not noted for its scholarship. Life was basic, release in 1946 and promised An Ap-
praisal of the Theology of Barth and Brun-
ner — something the young Rousas was
much interested in due to the widening
influence of modernism in Protestant
circles. Dr. Van Til was a sober but hu-
morous Dutchman whose slender frame
and thick glasses disguised his long
history as a trenchant defender of the
Christian faith. He was the professor of
apologetics at Westminster Theological
Seminary and from that single location
launched a sustained campaign against
humanism, modernity, and their Chris-
tian cousin, neo-orthodoxy.
Despite the theological strength of
such establishments as Westminster,
modernism continued its determined
march into the Second World War.
Rushdoony in younger years sporting an indian headress Its influence was felt in many spheres

6 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
but only the intellectually astute were
aware of its harmful chemistry. The
lone pastor on the Duck Valley Indian
Reservation was one such watchman
who viewed modernity and humanism
as great threats to the historic faith and
America’s Christian heritage.
By reading Van Til, Rushdoony
encountered a single man’s uncompro-
mising approach to defending the faith.
This appealed to Rush, who had been
reared in a home adhering to the verac-
ity of the Scriptures, and his keen sense
of logic would not allow him any shades
of grey when considering the starting
point for all thought.

Van Til’s War

Humanism, along with modern-
ism, made man the starting point for
all thought. Modern humanism bore
the reeking grave clothes of 19th century
Rushdoony was always a diligent reader and writer
rationalism. Autonomous man could
creatively construct his own knowledge Much of contemporary Protestant- In addressing the issue of ethics Van
to interpret the raw stuff of human ism reacted negatively to Van Til’s thesis. Til concluded that every ethical deci-
experience. Man’s knowledge was not Rushdoony would later describe the sion is either an expression of God’s law
reflective of God; it was completely his public reaction to Van Til’s New Modern- (theonomy) or man’s (autonomy). There
own doing. Man therefore claimed an ism as “an unspeakable offense, an out- was no middle ground. How could there
ultimacy only reserved for God Himself. rage, a desecration of all philosophy and be? There were no other authoritative
Neo-orthodoxy revised this theme theology.”2 Strong words indeed. Van Til sources remaining. This was the conflict
and declared God as both “wholly was speaking in a language Rushdoony
hidden and wholly revealed.” This in the Garden of Eden and remains the
understood. A faithful Christian must essential conflict today. Who will deter-
dense language has a basic idea. Since begin and end with the self-attesting
man, as Kant indicated, cannot say mine right and wrong, God or man?
Christ revealed in Scripture. For many From the current state of society we
anything factual about things outside years Rushdoony would hold up Van
of his experience (viz. “things in them- can easily see the fruit of a world ruled
Til’s New Modernism as “the definitive
selves” apart from experience), then the by the law of man. Tyranny, perversion,
work in its field, often abused and slan-
orthodox view of God is false — the and theft permeate human civilization
dered but never answered.”3
view that true things can be said about in the guise of man’s divine legislation.
a God who is beyond experience. The Van Tilian Ethics Man then heaps on even more laws
neo-orthodox agreed. They saw God as Rushdoony continued devouring until something like the tax code is
“wholly hidden” and beyond reason’s Van Til’s works while thinking of Bibli- unreadable and bureaucracy overwhelms
ability to grasp. In an effort to preserve cal ways to apply the philosophy. In Van basic categories like food, education,
Christianity they still argued that God Til’s classic Christian Theistic Ethics a and transportation. There is no end to
was “wholly revealed” in Christ; but that single sentence set Rushdoony on a path man’s futile efforts to establish domin-
revelation was existential, and Van Til to outlining the Christian world and life ion upon the dictates of his sinful mind.
radically opposed this modernistic for- view as revealed in the Bible: “There is His thoughts are evil continually.
mulation as a denial and not a defense no alternative but that of theonomy or But what would a world governed
of the Christian faith. autonomy.”4 by God’s law look like? That was the

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 7

Faith for All of Life
a neutral sphere devoid of any particu- The Reader and the Writer
lar philosophy. As in every area of life, During the early ‘60s Rushdoony
education is inherently religious. adopted a prudent method for writing
Just three years after the publica- books. He frequently lectured on vari-
tion of his first book, By What Stan- ous subjects, and this output was due
dard?, Rushdoony released a thoughtful primarily to his passion for learning.
volume in 1961 on applied presupposi- Being a systematic thinker and bril-
tionalism — the subject was educational liant topical organizer, he multiplied his
theory, and the book was Intellectual efforts by transforming his lectures into
Schizophrenia. It was a stinging exposé books, essays, and articles. For the rest of
of the contradictory philosophy of his ministry years he utilized this same
Rushdoony in Canoga Park, CA in 1974
public education. His early lectures on method for producing most of his work.
question affecting Rushdoony after his this topic were central to launching the His had a simple process of diligent
reading of Van Til. Dr. Van Til had not awakening of Christian education. reading on a wide range of topics. An
explored those possibilities; he had only These books further positioned insatiable interest in the multi-faceted
identified the core issue and demon- Rushdoony as a cogent thinker and world God had made inspired him to
strated the weakness of autonomous writer of the Christian worldview and inquire how God’s law might apply
man’s ethical presuppositions. The task its implications for society. There were to every sphere of life. He consumed
of developing the theonomic approach many more books to write, yet finan- anything he could get his hands on.
to ethics became Rushdoony’s and he Journals, newspapers, magazines, and
cial support was needed to address the
exercised a ceaseless discipline in launch- books would pile up in his home as he
issues properly. The funding for further
ing one of the most significant ideas in gathered the resources for his work. His
research came from the William Volker
modern Christendom. personal collection of newspaper clip-
Fund — a charitable organization
pings was enormous.
espousing free market economics and
Educational Emphasis He also carried books wherever he
From an early age Rush was a vora- libertarian political ideas. Started in
went. He would read in the checkout
cious and independent reader. He con- 1932 by William Volker, this fund was
line at a grocery store or in the waiting
sumed the standard lot of fiction and integral to steering and influencing the room at a doctor’s office. He would take
history, but also read the entire Bible primary figures in Austrian economics a suitcase of books when he traveled and
through many times while still a teen- (e.g., Hayek, Rothbard, Friedman). shop for more books while abroad. He’d
ager. Although thoroughly Armenian, The research grants from the Volker often have to use additional baggage to
Rush was enthralled with American Fund also financed Rush’s work at get new finds back home, or have his
history and occupied much of his tire- Stanford University where he produced host ship them after he left.
less reading gleaning the tale of a nation the still dynamic Messianic Character However, he didn’t simply read
established upon the Christian faith. of American Education. These early the books as one might read a novel.
It was no surprise then that the volumes, still used today, would become Once he received a new book he would
young Rousas pursued higher academ- the intellectual foundation of the Chris- generally spend a couple of hours just
ics. He attended the University of tian education movement. perusing it. He would read the table
California at Berkeley and eventually of contents and index. He would skim
earned a graduate degree in literature. each page and randomly dip into a few
However, the ivory halls of academia paragraphs here and there. His goal was
disillusioned the erudite Rushdoony. simply to get the flavor of the book and
He considered it a degenerate institu- decide if it warranted a more careful
tion whose purpose was to cultivate reading. If it did, he would put it aside
universal humanism. Yet he had a pas- for proper reading at a later date. If it did
sion for education, and like the human- not demand a more careful reading he
ist elite, saw education as the primary would simply place it on the shelf. He
tool for making the “whole man.” As a would not get rid of it. Books were his
Van Tilian he did not view education as Rushdoony in his library with Samuel L. Blumenfeld treasure whether they were good or bad.

8 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
Once it came time to read a book philosophical knot that long perplexed
thoroughly, he was already familiar with Western thinkers. This underwritten
its basic content. This let him increase research produced The One and the
the speed of his inspectional reading. Many. Even though it made few ripples
When you’re reading an academic work in mainstream academic waters, today it
outside of your field of expertise it helps is still a penetrating display that only the
to know the basic argument before you triune God can make reality intelligible.
start on it! This was wise of Rushdoony, It was finally published in 1971.
since with this method he consumed Soon after his leaving the Volker
an average of one book per day for the Fund in 1965 a small number of com-
remainder of his life. Rushdoony recording an Easy Chair episode mitted supporters requested that he
It wasn’t enough simply to read a hold regular Bible studies in Southern
lecture series would eventually become
book. Since writing was a major part California. Rushdoony agreed and his
books or portions of a book.
of Rushdoony’s labor, it was necessary family relocated. Donations from these
for him carefully to glean information Gary North supporters helped to underwrite his
out of each book that was useful to Rushdoony’s books have impacted continued research and writing. By this
his work. This demonstrates a unique countless lives, both layman and leader. time Rushdoony was clear on the direc-
quality about Rushdoony’s scholarship: Rare is the author that can captivate tion of his work and felt it necessary to
he worked in terms of a life thesis. He such a wide audience, but Rushdoony incorporate his own organization — in
did not take a journalistic approach, was especially attractive to astute young 1965 the Chalcedon Foundation was
waiting for a story of interest to come scholars. formed.
along. For Rushdoony scholarship was One young student in the early ‘60s Choosing the name from the inte-
a method to his calling and not the had his interest piqued by Rushdoony’s gral Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451,
calling itself. His calling, or life thesis, work — Gary North. While still in Rushdoony saw the council’s definition
was to apply God’s Word to every facet college when they met, North began a of the true nature of Christ as “truly
of life and thought. That’s why he read correspondence with Rushdoony that God and truly man” as crucial to placing
so broadly. He was driven to examine would develop into a working relation- a limitation upon all human authority.
what God’s Word had to say about every ship. In these early years Rushdoony Only the God-man Jesus Christ had
sphere of life. took interest in North and provided him supreme authority within the confines
To better retain the gleaned por- with a list of recommended reading that of history. No institution could exalt
tions of a book, he consistently marked included a healthy dose of Van Til. See- itself above Him.
or highlighted important passages with ing obvious skill in the budding scholar, On October 1, 1965, a single-page
a straight rule and pencil. He noted im- Rushdoony later hired North part-time mimeographed report was sent out to
portant highlights by listing them in his at the Volker Fund to help subsidize this fledgling group of supporters. This
own index written in the back pages of his continued education at Westmin- was the first installment of what would
each book. He also wrote down the date ster Theological Seminary. Rushdoony one day become the Chalcedon Report.
he started and finished a book. wanted North to study directly under It was in his second newsletter (October
From these extensive readings he Van Til. There were other advantages to 31, 1965) that he first used the phrase
penned streams of essay-like lectures on North being at Westminster. Professor Christian Reconstruction in print.
various subjects, often citing the numer- John Murray’s lectures on Romans 11
ous sources he’d read on each subject. convinced North to adopt a postmillen-
Why the Term
And this is all in addition to his long- nial eschatology. “Christian Reconstruction”?
time commitment to spend 3 to 4 hours It is often speculated that Christian
per day in intensive Bible study. When Chalcedon’s Foundation Reconstruction parrots the reconstruc-
he then presented the lectures in a pub- Rushdoony continued his subsi- tion of the South after the Civil War.
lic forum, he would pause at the end for dized research at the Volker Fund until There is a sense in which that is true,
questions. He made note of important 1965 when the Fund was shut down. but Rushdoony’s definition carried
insights and reworked his written lecture Volker still paid Rushdoony a retainer major philosophical nuances.
in terms of the questions asked. These to apply a Van Tilian approach to a Understanding the roots of Chris-

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 9

Faith for All of Life
tian Reconstruction begins with consideration of that law which must
Rushdoony’s father in the faith, Dr. govern society, and which shall govern
Cornelius Van Til. Van Til spent much society under God. (p.2)
of his philosophical work criticizing Critics often refer to Rushdoony’s
the epistemological errors of human- Institutes as the seminal work that
istic thought while establishing the launched Christian Reconstruction.
foundations of a Christian epistemol- There is no doubt that the book was
ogy. Essentially, Van Til argued for two pivotal to the expansion of the idea in
approaches to knowledge: the first being the ‘70s, but the work of Christian Re-
the constructive approach to knowledge Rushdoony at a Seattle Conference in 1980s construction was several years old when
where autonomous man constructs his the book was published.
Westminster Theological Seminary and
knowledge from his experience — this Despite his solid writing up to this
was pursuing his doctorate in philoso-
leads to his godhood (Gen. 3:5); the time there was a virtual blackout for
phy at USC while he worked at Chal-
second approach to knowledge is the Rushdoony’s books. The Institutes of
cedon. Anyone who is familiar with the
Christian view which is reconstructive. Biblical Law was not reviewed for three
work and ministries of Dr. Gary North
In this sense Christians reconstruct their years until Professor John Frame insisted
and Dr. Greg Bahnsen can appreciate
knowledge after the revelation of God the Westminster Theological Journal pub-
the unique moment this was in modern
— they are thinking God’s thoughts lish his review of the neglected volume.
church history. The intellectual capital
after Him. The Institutes received harsh criti-
of Rushdoony, North, and Bahnsen
When the apostle Paul presents cisms within and without contemporary
produced a synergy that escalated the
the Christian warfare in 2 Corinthians Christendom. Much of this criticism
influence of Christian Reconstruction in
10:3-5, he describes it as “bringing into remains today, as anti-God pundits
the early ‘70s.
captivity every thought to the obedience continually rehash overworked argu-
of Christ.” That is the central work of The Institutes of Biblical Law ments against Rushdoony’s presentation
Christian Reconstruction: to bring all Like most of his books, the Institutes of the death penalty, inter-racial mar-
things in subjection to Christ. We are to were originally given as lectures and riage, theocracy, and religious toleration.
reconstruct all areas of life along Bibli- reworked for publication. Rushdoony Rushdoony marveled that his critics
cal lines by reorienting man’s thinking delivered these lectures over a three-year spent so much time on subjects he
to reflect the thoughts of God. God’s period to a myriad of groups ranging covered in passing. His purpose was to
thinking is contained in His Word. from students to civil officials. It was exposit God’s law, and the law was filled
revolutionary in that it put the brakes with references to capital punishment
The First Few Years and interaction with false religions.
on the ever-changing views of God and
The work at Chalcedon increased What was he to do, ignore the exposi-
Christian ethics:
steadily over the next few years and tion of these passages in favor of being
It is a modern heresy that holds that
more demands were placed on Rush- politically correct?
the law of God has no meaning nor
doony’s time. In 1971, Rush hired his any binding force for man today. It
protégé Gary North on a part-time ba- is an aspect of the influence of hu- The Journal of
sis. This again brought needed financial manistic and evolutionary thought on Christian Reconstruction
assistance to North’s education as he was the church, and it posits an evolving, In 1974 Rushdoony, North, and
completing a Ph.D. in history. Although developing God. This “dispensational” Bahnsen discussed the launching of a
North ended up joining the senior staff god expressed himself in law in an serious publication “aimed at intelligent
at the Foundation for Economic Educa- earlier age, then later expressed himself laymen, working pastors, and others who
tion in that same year, he still found his by grace alone, and is now perhaps to are interested in the reconstruction of all
express himself in still another way.…
way back to Rushdoony in 1973 when spheres of human existence in terms of
The Institutes of Biblical Law has as its
he joined the Chalcedon staff full-time. purpose a reversal of the present trend. the standards of the Old and New Testa-
Also in 1973, a young, ambitious It is called “Institutes” in the older ments.”5 It was to fill the gap between
seminarian named Greg Bahnsen joined meaning of that word, i.e., fundamental academic journals too distant from the
the staff of Chalcedon. Bahnsen had principles, here of law, because it is in- reading churchgoer and the plethora of
recently finished his graduate work at tended as a beginning, as an instituting popular Christian magazines.

10 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
Gary North served for six years as But things were changing politically Tank” there was only one listing: the
the editor of The Journal of Christian for Christians with the 1973 Supreme Chalcedon Foundation.
Reconstruction. His editorial skills, work Court decision of Roe v. Wade. A grow- It was the writings of R. J. Rush-
ethic, and networking abilities produced ing tension between mainstream funda- doony that provided the theological
lasting journals that are still referenced mentalism and the secularists spawned a framework for Christian social respon-
thirty years later. The journal was pub- groundswell of political activism within sibility. Since the time of Prohibition
lished twice a year and was served by a the Christian community. These same the church had been virtually silent
handful of editors in its 25-year history. Christians were disappointed with the politically; but increasing immoral-
(Chalcedon is currently creating digital so-called “born again” President Jimmy ity, a burgeoning Federal government,
versions of the entire library of journals Carter, and in 1980 helped to elect and secular opposition provoked many
that should be accessible in 2006.) President Ronald Reagan in a landslide Christian leaders to political activism.
victory. Rushdoony provided them with the
The Dispersion Biblical theology of the state and the
By 1976 God began to stir the nest proper role of the Christian in society.
at Chalcedon and both Gary North and
Greg Bahnsen left Chalcedon to pursue Marching On
their callings elsewhere. Bahnsen took a Chalcedon continued its growth
teaching position at Reformed Theo- and influence throughout the ‘80s
logical Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, and ‘90s. It was during the 1980s that
and Gary North joined the research staff Christian Reconstruction made a signifi-
of Congressman Ron Paul. North made cant impact on the massive Charismatic
several moves across the United States movement. It was during that time that
and ultimately landed in Tyler, Texas, my own worldview was turned upside
where he continued his Institute for down by Christian Reconstruction, and
Christian Economics and a productive I labored for years working to bring
newsletter publishing business. more Charismatics like myself to the
It was during the 1970s that solidity of the Reformed faith, an opti-
Rushdoony gained stature as an expert mistic eschatology, and the application
witness in numerous court cases across of God’s law.
America involving homeschooling Numerous writers, lawyers, politi-
families and Christian private schools. Rushdoony greatly influenced the Moral Majority cians, professors, entertainers, and
The early days of Christian education in pastors gave credit to Rushdoony’s work
America were difficult, as a number of Garnering these millions of Chris- as a catalyst to their own development.
church leaders and families faced pros- tian voters were Moral Majority leaders This is a testimony to the comprehen-
ecution for keeping their children out of such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, sive nature of Rushdoony’s thought.
and Paul Weyrich. This huge evangeli- He did not appeal to just one group
the public school system. Rushdoony’s
cal contingency secured two terms for or individual because his worldview
expert testimony greatly assisted Chris-
Ronald Reagan and stamped conserva- was all-inclusive and embraced every
tians from diverse denominations.
tive Christianity on the landscape of area of life. This was the great appeal of
The Religious Right American politics. Christian Reconstruction. It was as if he
By the late ‘70s America was a Many of these Christian political had made everyone’s vocation a calling.
disillusioned nation. Reeling from the insiders gave credit to the work of R. J. This was nothing new. The Puritans had
Vietnam War, the Watergate scandal, Rushdoony. This was early recognized written similar things. That’s why Chris-
feminism, and an ongoing energy crisis, in a February, 1981, issue of Newsweek, tian Reconstruction is often referred to
it seemed American culture was splitting which examined who’s who in the Reli- as neo-Puritanism — it makes glorious
in numerous directions. During this gious Right after the surprising victory the vocation of every man or woman
time the church was all but quiet except of Ronald Reagan. Many personalities and shows that all things must glorify
for the “Jesus movement” and the cor- and publishers were mentioned, but God.
responding Charismatic movement. when it came to the category of “Think continued on page 31

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 11

Faith for All of Life
A Daughter’s Memories
By Rebecca Rushdoony Rouse

I now live in the home

my father, Rousas
John Rushdoony, lived
His stories were full of family
history, the pride he felt in his family,
people he’d met, and the many he called
in for the last 26 years friends. His stories revealed aspects of
of his life. It is a photo his life and many showed us the hand
album of days shared of God working in his life and the lives
with a remarkable father and it holds of our grandparents. One picture gave
many physical remnants of his life. us the story of a beautiful Armenian girl
His father’s desk still sits in one cor- who would become our grandmother
ner and his mother’s dining room table and her betrothal to a handsome and
is in another corner. An old photograph intelligent orphan. Their engagement
of Cornelius Van Til still hangs by the was arranged to guarantee my grand-
front door next to shelves containing father would return to Armenia from
many of my father’s books. The last Edinburgh, Scotland, when he finished
Hagar the Horrible my father clipped his education.
from the Sunday comics and taped An old faded rug in the living room
to the refrigerator is now framed and Rushdoony during his pastoral years in Santa Cruz, CA
recalled the story of his mother and
hanging in my hallway. The corners of father’s escape from Armenia and the
my home are filled with many of his be- corners in my father’s house. Books and genocide committed by the Turks. The
longings, reminding me daily of his love papers were piled in seemingly unorga- rug was one of the few possessions my
and devotion to his family and keeping nized heaps, and yet my father until al- grandparents brought to this country.
him alive in the stories I now tell my most the end of his life could locate any It had been hastily thrown on the back
granddaughters. given book, item, or article even among of a partially lame mule a soldier gave
We are a family of collectors. It the thousands of books in his library. them when the Russians began to retreat
seems to be an inherited Rushdoony There were photographs everywhere of from Armenia, forcing them to flee.
trait. The house once overflowed with friends, supporters, and family mem- This same mule helped save their lives
my father’s countless treasures: gifts bers. His house echoed his past and yet and the lives of other Armenians when
from all over the world, from supporters the faces of the future were there too in my grandfather used it to ferry many
and friends, finds from garage sales, nu- his grandchildren, his growing number across a swift river before the Turks
merous piles of books and scraps of pa- of great-grandchildren, and in the faces descended on them and killed those he
per (many containing bits and pieces of of Chalcedon’s supporters and those was unable to get across. Each step of
poetry my father had written) or folders who came to visit him. Dad enjoyed the way they faced peril, but God had
with notes and articles written on them. his possessions because of the memories a future purpose for them and their
Artists who knew Dad gave him a trea- they evoked. It took my brother, Mark, yet unborn son. Their suffering and
sury of paintings and artwork; years on over a year to sort, move, and distribute trials led them to the United States of
the Reservation left wonderful Indian this lifetime of collections. America where my father could learn
artifacts and others bequeathed to him My father’s house held a wealth of and write freely the things God laid on
oriental pieces. There were furniture and memories and snapshots of our history his heart.
knickknacks from his parents’ home and as a family. A simple question about My father loved large, noisy fam-
from our home in Santa Cruz as well as someone or something could lead to ily gatherings where he spent hours
many souvenirs from his travels. a long and wonderful retelling of a sharing his stories and wisdom with us.
There were no empty shelves or memory or even a joke. He loved the noise of his children and

12 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
grandchildren talking, laughing and would have been lost are now mine
sharing, and would often sit back listen- again to share with my granddaughters.
ing to their chatter, smiling. “Very good, They are time capsules of a father’s love.
very good,” he would repeat. He under- He was not a man who sought wealth,
stood that his legacy would continue in but he did leave behind for his children
their lives. The first few family dinners a record written and physical of the life
after he passed from this world were God had blessed him with.
very quiet in comparison, and I can During the 1950s and early 1960s
remember sitting there wanting so badly Dad would take us to San Francisco
to hear one more story, one more joke. each year. He would take us through
My father’s library was also a store- the De Young Museum, pointing out
house. It held a wealth of unpublished things he found of interest and teach-
articles, books, and small treasures that In his library in Vallecito, CA ing us what was art and what was not.
we, his children, took great pleasure in He treated us to tea at the Japanese Tea
finding. We each claimed one of the and would help me hide between the Gardens and shared stories of his life
pens we had so often seen him dip into rows of bookcases with a book to read. in San Francisco. Our last stop would
the inkwell as he began to write. We It was there, hidden in his library, I be dinner in Chinatown at a restaurant
were delighted to find he kept a file for read Moby Dick, David Copperfield, and owned by the family of someone he
each of his children that contained cards many other classics from his library knew when he worked at a local church
we had sent him over the years, draw- shelves with Dad sitting just a few feet during his college days. Our excursions
ings we had done as children, along away sharing my secret. It was there too as children revolved around my father
with papers we had written for school. that I learned one of Dad’s sweetest and sharing his history and teaching us what
He kept letters and cards from fam- most endearing habits. Often as he sat to value in our lives.
ily members who had long since passed writing he would absentmindedly repeat
Old friends were never forgotten
into heaven. Many of these letters held the names of those he loved. What a joy
and my father stayed in touch with even
stories and events from our childhood it was for me to hear him softly repeat
friends from his childhood. Some of
that would have otherwise been lost. My “Rebecca, Rebecca” as he worked.
their children came to visit him. The
father wrote his parents almost daily and When my siblings and I were small,
daughter of an old girlfriend got in
his father too wrote frequently. These Dad would often borrow small toys that
touch with my father some years before
letters are some of my most valued we found special and set them on his
his death and related how she had often
possessions because they are literally a desk. They would sit there for a time
heard her mother speak of him in glow-
record of our childhood written by two and be returned or disappear into the
ing terms. Her visiting sister noticed a
loving, proud, and godly fathers. niches in his library. Many of them were
book that was written by an R. J. Rush-
My father’s libraries were always a packed away and moved from house to
doony and commented to her sister that
special place we entered with the rever- house, finally finding a place in a drawer
the book had to have been written by
ence of church. In Santa Cruz, Dad’s or tucked away on a shelf in his library
Johnny Rushdoony from Kingsburg.
library was at the back of the house in a here in Vallecito, California.
She had, without realizing who the au-
beautiful room with parquet floors and What a joy it was to find these
thor was, purchased the book. That led
a large bay window that had a window small remembrances of our childhood
to a visit and many letters and phone
seat. There were rows and rows of book- in his library. For me, finding several of
calls back and forth over the years
cases with aisles just narrow enough to the tiny wooden Chinese and porce-
lain figures I loved as a child brought a between my father and this family. Dad
walk through. It was a place of refuge
flood of memories of happy times spent thought of them as an extension of his
for me. As the oldest daughter I spent
a lot of time helping and watching my with my father and the joy of finding a family. There were many he included in
little brother, Mark (a handful, I might childhood treasure. With each treasure his life this way.
add), and three little sisters, Joanna, we relived the memories, laughed, and My father’s generous and warm
Sharon, and Martha. shed tears of joy and thanksgiving for spirit appealed to children as well as
Dad understood that I sometimes the loving record he had kept for each adults. One year on the day after
needed to have time away from them of us. Small treasures and letters which continued on page 31

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 13

Faith for All of Life
How Rushdoony Changed My Family
By Andrea Schwartz
Reprinted from A Comprehensive Faith, edited by Andrew Sandlin (San Jose, CA: Friends of Chalcedon, 1996) 33-34.
The teacher who does not grow in his knowledge of his subject, in methodology and content,
is a very limited teacher, and his pupils are “under-privileged” learners.
The teacher as student is, above all else, a student of God’s Word. To be a student means to advance and grow.
Our growth in teaching requires our growth through and under the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
We must become good learners as a step towards becoming good teachers. Our profession is a very great one
in Scripture: our Lord was a Teacher, and the Holy Spirit is our continuing Teacher.
We cannot treat our calling lightly, nor grieve the Spirit by abusing our calling.
R. J. Rushdoony, The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum

T he Bible accurately
identifies the fact
that without vision,
listen to me I would abandon him along
the side of the road to the care of robbers
and thieves.
did paved the way for me to be able to
homeschool without significant incident
or opposition.
the people perish. For Rush’s works do more than sound Additionally, there were the many
many of us, our original a warning. His Institutes of Biblical Law people who had read his work and heard
reasons for homeschool- and Systematic Theology give home- him speak and began to take dominion
ing pale in comparison to the strong schooling parents the “seminary-like” in the area of homeschooling support
motivations we now have. education that equips them to teach groups, magazines, legal assistance, and
Too few of us really knew what every subject from a godly, orthodox writing and designing curriculums, etc.
was at stake. We began with the Spirit’s perspective. His experience and exper- In other words, others built on his work;
prompting — in many cases living tise have often led me along paths that as a result, there are myriads of good
quite above our stated theology. But would reap tremendous rewards for me resources available to homeschoolers
without a strong theological, intellectual and my children. Thanks to his teaching everywhere.
base, well-meaning friends and family, that every area of life and thought is sub- Rush didn’t stop there. He contin-
an intrusive school board, or political ject to the law of God, from the time my ued to write and challenge Christians to
legislators answering to strong and well- children were very little, discussions on cast their bread upon the waters. He was
funded lobbies would have knocked us daily problems or situations were viewed not interested in becoming a celebrity-
down and knocked some of us out. from the perspective of where (not if) guru with followers who follow him
The writings of R. J. Rushdoony God’s law addressed it. Many times our blindly. Far from it. He lived humbly,
(specifically his books on public educa- dinner table has been the place of impor- took time to answer questions (even
tion, Christian education, and the strug- tant theological discussions undergirded from children), and challenged people
gle between Christianity and humanism) by a solid orthodox base. to begin a work in their own area and
provided guidelines to keep us on track. But these are personal encounters re-take ground for the kingdom of God.
When my son was young, I would often with a writer and his work. The ground- The quality of the people he drew to
threaten to send him to “public school” work Rush laid by spearheading the him over the years is astounding. Their
when he repeatedly failed to adhere to Christian and homeschool movements, books fill my bookshelves as do the
my instruction. But after Rushdoony and his participation in landmark cases works of many great men he referenced
taught me to understand the extent of involving the rights of Christians to and on whose work he expanded.
the assault on Christianity and God’s law educate their children as directed by Over the years, I have spoken to
in state schools, I never threatened again. God, helped me even before I had the many home educators who have known
I realized that my threats would be com- blessing of knowing him. For the work Rushdoony, the work of the Chalcedon
parable to telling him that if he failed to he and those who worked with him continued on page 32

14 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
A Great Reformed Defender of the Faith
by Rev. Christopher B. Strevel

T hough he was
a controversial
figure in many circles,
a specific cultural climate and expects
him to live out and defend his faith in
it. When the response of evangelicalism
Scriptura, which Rush, among many
others historically, continually taught.
It was this great principle that drew the
many defenders of the to the ongoing moral collapse of our ire of his enemies and the thanksgiv-
orthodox Reformed culture was defeatist eschatology (“Wait ing of his students. For if Scripture is
faith affectionately for the Rapture”), ethical pietism, and not relevant, authoritative, and binding
looked to Dr. Rushdoony as a father and cultural compromise, he showed us our everywhere, it is not so anywhere. Its
teacher. He was one of the men whom duty to stand for the truth of the entire claims are comprehensive, and so must
God raised up in the latter half of the Bible at exactly the place where it is be our obedience if we would be Christ’s
20th century to emphasize neglected under the fiercest attack. This included disciples.
aspects of Biblical Christianity, espe- advocating the Bible’s principles of Critics of Dr. Rushdoony might
cially its societal implications, awaken social, judicial, and economic justice, object to high praise of him on the
the church to engage in the cultural even when these were largely abandoned grounds that he had many enemies or
battle for Christ’s Kingdom, and reject by the church and violently ridiculed in that his teachings were divisive. Great
theological, philosophical, and personal academic circles. men, however, whom God raises up
compromise. While we mourn his loss Dr. Rushdoony was a defender of to lead the church out of a period of
in 2001, we thank Jesus Christ for giv- the faith; this cannot be denied. His life darkness and into the blessed realm of
ing us this precious gift, and rejoice with demonstrates the abiding duty of every greater conformity to His Word, are
Dr. Rushdoony, as he is now part of the Christian to know the Bible, understand not cheerleaders. Their message is not
Church Triumphant, enjoying the pres- the culture, and issue a direct challenge usually universally received, for they
ence of the triune God to whose Word to unbelief, autonomy, and rebellion. must go against popular sentiment and
and doctrine he devoted his entire life. Dr. Rushdoony’s message spawned tradition to redirect the church toward
Dr. Rushdoony’s writings have a movement. Movements are always dif- the Kingdom of God.
made a tremendous impact on my own ficult to define, but it must be said that All praise must go to our great God
thinking. I will never forget the first his writings and preaching have created for the life, teaching, and legacy of Dr.
time I read through his Institutes. His a groundswell of affirmation that Bibli- Rushdoony. He was one of Christ’s
ability to show the application of God’s cal law and order, personal obedience wonderful love-gifts to the church. It
law to every area of faith and life was to God’s law, and the reformation of is my prayer that even though he is
invigorating and challenging. I began to society in terms of submission to Jesus now dead, he will continue to speak
understand what David meant when he Christ and His law are every Christian’s to generations to come, calling them
wrote: “I have seen an end of all perfec- calling. to total obedience to Christ, cultural
tion; your commandments are exceed- This is Dr. Rushdoony’s greatest discipleship, and liberty in submission
ingly broad.” Given the shallow and contribution to the revival of Biblical to Messiah the Prince.
truncated version of the Bible espoused Christianity in the late 20th century. He
by the majority of evangelical churches, encouraged Christians to be renewed Rev. Christopher B. Strevel currently
pastors Covenant Presbyterian Church
his works are revolutionary, demanding and purified in their minds by the
(RPCUS) in Buford, Georgia. He also
an entire reorientation of the Christian authority of God’s holy Word. Even
oversees students in Bahnsen Theological
mind toward Christ, law, and liberty. those in Reformed circles who cannot Seminary specializing in Calvin’s Institutes of
Dr. Rushdoony’s life exemplified call themselves “Reconstructionists,” the Christian Religion. He currently resides
how Christian theologians and pastors or who take issue with some of Dr. in Dacula, Georgia, with his wife of twelve
ought to engage the culture in which Rushdoony’s principles, are forced to years, Elizabeth, and his three children,
they live. God places each believer in clarify their positions in terms of sola Christopher, Caroline, and Claire.

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 15

Faith for All of Life
Rushdoony as Prophet
by Lee Duigon

“When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
“And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering.
O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky: but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” Matthew 16:2-3

R .J. Rushdoony pub-

lished 33 books in
his life. It’s almost impos-
militarily defeated by Eastern Rome in
a ruinous war that went on for centu-
ries, had no spirit left to resist its rapid
elites. There are all still with us — but
the scope of social self-destruction has
widened since then.
sible to read very far into conquest by Islam. In our own time, Whether it’s the plummeting birth
any one of them without we have seen the Soviet Union and its rates in Western Europe and Japan, the
discovering a comment, communist satellites in Eastern Europe global spread of AIDS, or the increase
a paragraph, or even a whole chapter that collapse and pass away without a war. in personal bankruptcies here at home,
seems decades ahead of its time. The Western world today flirts with behavioral “weapons of mass self-de-
Here was a man well able to discern ideas which undermine the urge to self- struction” seem clearly to be dramati-
the signs of the times, and to predict preservation — moral relativism, moral cally on the rise. Rushdoony would not
— sometimes with unnerving accu- equivalency, and multiculturalism. If have been surprised.
racy — the “cultural weather” years in all moral standards are subjective, if no 3. Writing in 1967 in The Mythol-
advance. one’s actions and motivations are any ogy of Science (pg. 28), Rushdoony
We have hundreds, perhaps thou- better or any worse than anyone else’s, observed, “man is thus the prime labora-
sands, of examples to illustrate how and if no culture is superior to another, tory test animal. Experimentation with
keenly he read the signs of the times. there can be no philosophical basis for man is already in process.”
But for those unfamiliar with Rush- self-defense. This applies to today’s race to be the
doony’s work, we offer five brief ex- These notions are vastly more first to perfect human cloning, and to
amples as an inducement to read more. prevalent in our culture today than they the push for experiments on embryonic
1. In Intellectual Schizophrenia were in 1961. Those who have em- human stem cells as the great white
(1961), Rushdoony wrote (pg. 107) braced them have no reason to defend hope of medicine (meanwhile destroy-
that “the absence of meaning results in their civilization. ing thousands of human embryos). But
an absence of coherency of action and 2. In Politics of Guilt and Pity (pg. civilization has also suffered from count-
incapacity for self-defense. A culture not 5), Rushdoony wrote in 1970: “Many less failed “social experiments” such as
convinced of its own value is incapable of persons do not reveal their personal no-fault divorce, radical feminism, and
its own defense [italics added].” masochism, but they do participate in abortion on demand. And there are
In his foreword to the 2002 edition, mass masochism through political and more such experiments in the works,
Samuel Blumenfeld called Intellectual economic views and activities calculated such as the legalization of “polyamory”
Schizophrenia “this brilliant and pro- to fulfill the urge to mass destruction [ital- (a “marriage” of many partners).
phetic book,” an assessment even more ics original].” 4. Rushdoony devoted a whole
apparent in 2005. In 1970, Rushdoony focused on prescient chapter to the United Nations
History is littered with the wreck- topical aspects of self-destructive public in The Nature of the American System
age of civilizations whose citizens didn’t policies: high taxation to support a (1965). After describing the inherent
think they were worth defending. The welfare state, which punishes success contradictions underlying the whole
Western Roman Empire fell in the fifth and fosters failure and personal irre- U.N. enterprise, he remarked, “the U.N.
century: it had only a small corps of sponsibility; protecting the criminal at is not only incompetent to deal with sin
foreign mercenaries to defend it. In the the expense of the law-abiding citizen; but also especially prone to it.”
seventh century, the Persian Empire, the growing influence of tyrannical continued on page 32

16 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
Examining the Agenda of Secularism
by Martin Selbrede

O n April 29-30,
2005, Chalcedon’s
The first of Rushdoony’s Chalcedon
Position Papers, the 1979 essay “Con-
flict with the State,” affirmed the same
Director, Chris Ortiz, theme:
and I attended Examin- In recent years, under the influences
ing The Real Agenda Of of humanism on the one hand and
The Religious Far Right at the CUNY pietism on the other, the church has
Graduate Center in New York. The withdrawn from many of its historic
speakers hailed from very diverse ideo- and basic functions. As the church
begins to revive and resume its required
logical backgrounds and institutions,
ministry, the result is conflict with the
yet all found common cause in decrying
humanistic state. (The Roots of Recon-
the “danger” posed by Christians who conform themselves to the new faith struction, p. 1)
mount any challenge to the secular- and the new morality. There has been
ism entrenched in modern politics deception on the part of the courts, by The key elements of Rushdoony’s
and culture. This event was funded their profession of religious neutrality, analyses are these: (1) the theological
solely through conference fees. It didn’t as they have substituted one religion collapse of the churches paralleled a
promote an agenda per se so much as a for another, humanism for Christianity. concomitant infiltration of humanism
reactionary anti-agenda set in opposi- The basic reason, however, has been and pietism into their midst; (2) the
the theological collapse of the churches, progressive exclusion of Christianity
tion to growing Christian effectiveness
and this has been true of all of them. from modern life marginalized it into
in the sociopolitical arena.
As I sat and listened, I repeatedly This theological collapse led to the irrelevance; (3) Christian weakness and
asked myself, “How was R. J. Rush-
untenable belief in religious neutral- irrelevance had rendered opposition to
ism and to the surrender of Christian it superfluous and pointless, especially
doony able to see across the decades and schools for statist education. As a result,
so accurately predict that things would where the church had effectively become
humanism became the established an ally of humanism; and (4) any rever-
come to this?” As to content, mode, religion of state and school, and, by
and strategy, Rushdoony had described, sal of these trends would be treated as a
infiltration, of the churches as well.
in disturbing detail, how and why the dangerous threat.
Christianity is quite logically progres-
opposition to Biblical Christianity sively excluded from state, school, and The “T word”
would unfold in our time. In particu- church and has a weak and scarcely Just as the term “fundamentalism”
lar, his 1986 book, Christianity and the tenable position in modern life. It has become the new “F-word,” so too
State, characterizes the issues raised at probably lacks extensive and organized “theocracy” has become the new “T-
this 2005 conference with near-journal- persecution in most countries because
word.” Of course, conspicuously absent
istic precision. orthodox Christianity has become
from the conference was any citation
To return to the basic problem today, progressively weaker and less and less
relevant. of Rushdoony’s that actually touched
the real issue is not between church on the topic of theocracy proper in any
and state, but simply this: the state as a Any revival of Christian strength will
pertinent way. A quick referral to the
religious establishment has progressively thus precipitate major conflict, in that it
disestablished Christianity as its law will constitute a threat to the human-
first three sentences of Rushdoony’s
foundation, and, while professing neu- istic establishment. In recent years, few “Chalcedon Position Paper No. 15: The
trality, has in fact established human- have feared the church, because the Meaning of Theocracy” would have
ism as the religion of the state. When church has been impotent and itself an corrected (and rendered irrelevant) 85%
the religion of a people changes, its ally of humanism. There are evidences of what passed for “concerned scholar-
laws inevitably reflect that change and that this may change. (p. 7-8) ship” at the conference. In Rushdoony’s

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 17

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introductory statement, note how discussions must be inherently heinous
resoundingly the wrong definition of in nature, gauging from the loud hiss
theocracy was hammered into the heads rising from the audience when Bokaer
of attendees at the conference: showed Tim LaHaye’s picture on the
Few things are more commonly misun- screen. Ralph Reed and James Dobson
derstood than the nature and meaning were the next pariahs paraded through
of theocracy. It is commonly assumed the Powerpoint perp walk.
to be a dictatorial rule by self-appointed Back of all this is Bokaer’s assertion
men who claim to rule for God. In of what this was all initially about: “ma-
reality, theocracy in Biblical law is the nipulation of people of a certain faith.”
closest thing to a radical libertarianism
She re-invoked the “secrecy motif ”
that can be had. (Roots of Reconstruction, Conference attendees pick up literature on dominionism
p. 63)
(Pat Robertson counseled stealth, while
the rhetorical landscape over the two-day Ralph Reed mirrored this sentiment,
Demonizing Others span of this conference — and that was etc.). Rev. Tommy Ice was quoted
Can Trigger a Backlash when the speakers were being nice. favorably by Bokaer by virtue of his
The increasing popularity of the Let us examine each conference explicitly anti-dominionist stance. (Bo-
quasi-media (e.g., fake news), fed by presentation in more detail. kaer, in effect, turned supposed com-
a profound dissatisfaction with main- patriots LaHaye and Ice into estranged
Joan Bokaer bedfellows. Gentlemen?)
stream journalism, has launched a
on the Rise of Dominionism Astonishingly, she held that “conser-
new breed of protagonist who openly
disdains the drawing of the battle lines in the U.S. Government vative” is synonymous with pro-statist.
in such an extremist form. Jon Stewart, Joan Bokaer, associated with The- Not astonishingly, she dramatically
adopting a “pox on both your houses” ocracy Watch ( and brandished the spectre of the Taliban.
perspective, savages not only the kind of Cornell University’s Center For Reli- Quote that her audience took to
thinking later expressed at the confer- gion, Ethics and Social Policy, was the heart: “We cannot let them succeed!”
ence, but also its partisan counterpart first speaker following the introductory Quote that Chalcedon supporters
across the aisle: formalities. Bokaer’s misapplied defini- should take to heart: “Education is criti-
tion of theocracy (“a form of govern- cally important.”
So much of what is out there is polem-
ics. Once you write your diatribe about ment ruled by religion”) grounded Quote receiving enthusiastic ap-
how liberal America is ruining the her antipathy toward Christians being plause that Bokaer seemed to think will
country, or how conservative America effective in the public sphere. Bokaer cause God to stand down: “We’re quite
is turning us into a theocracy, where do delighted in quoting Maureen Dowd’s powerful, and we’re the majority!”
you go from there? The next book has outcry, “Oh my God. We’re living in
to be that Joe McCarthy was a decent a theocracy!” thereby setting up her Chip Berlet
guy or that George Bush is a Saudi op- punch-line: in a theocracy, Dowd’s first on Millennialist and Apocalyptic
erative. (Entertainment Weekly No. 784, three words would have violated the Influences on Dominionism
September 17, 2004, p. 11) Third Commandment, bringing judg- Chip Berlet is Senior Analyst of Political
Comedians like Jon Stewart revel in ment down on her head. Research Associates (
deflating targets like today’s exaggerated Bokaer’s tracing of history starts To be honest, this poor guy had his
rhetoric. Had Mr. Stewart attended the with Paul Weyrich in the Goldwater era, work cut out for him. Pastors have a
conference, he’d have learned the answer marking milestones like the Heritage hard time getting a flock to sit through
to “where do you go from there?” (He’d Foundation (1973), the term “moral ma- “tedious” theological distinctions. How
realize that he got the big picture right jority” (1979) and the Council for Na- do you pull off this stunt in less than an
— theocracy was looming large on the tional Policy (1981), whose meetings are hour with a lay audience? Mr. Berlet did
horizon — but the finer details were “highly secretive.” Not just “secretive,” what most pastors do to keep the flock’s
slightly off: Bush is seen more as an insti- mind you. I’m guessing the primary of- attention: ratchet up the rhetoric.
gator of a future American Taliban than fense is that, unlike modern presidential Now, I’ve taught through the book
a Saudi operative.) Allusions to the Tal- administrations, this group doesn’t leak of Revelation, and I don’t ever remem-
iban, and Iran under the mullahs, dotted information to the press. Such private ber beginning my classes with Berlet’s

18 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

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unique characterization of the author: “a described it: humanism and pietism
guy named John of Patmos who lived in infiltrating the church, causing it to
a cave….” Hard to believe, but it actu- become an ally of humanism. Clearly,
ally went downhill from there with re- such declension from orthodoxy marked
spect to accurate exposition of Scripture. the nineteenth century church, and was
Still, Berlet hit some points on target. nothing new: E. W. Hengstenberg and
Setting aside his irresponsible char- B. B. Warfield had battled it in their
acterization of postmillennialism as a prime. What’s different today? Simply
scenario where “Christians seize control this: the political implications have
of government,” he does see something completely changed. Edgar’s species of
potent and highly influential about the thinking has effectively inverted the
work of postmillennial Christian Re- Information table for the promise of Zechariah 4:6 as if it actually
constructionists. Then he adds, “Here’s Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
read, “Not by My Spirit, but by might
the catch: there aren’t that many of Berlet redefines dualism as being the and power!”
them out there.” Influential, but small “us good, them bad” mentality, which Two thousand years ago, the theo-
in numbers. We didn’t say it — our op- he regards as “profoundly antidemocrat- logically liberal wing was the Sadducee
ponents did. ic.” Like other speakers, he pits democ- contingent. They were the “sensible” co-
Berlet describes the far more numer- racy against Christian political activism, gnoscenti that jettisoned “unreasonable,
ous premillennial dispensationalists implicitly upholding the former as alone unenlightened” sections of Scripture
(pretribulationists) as those looking for inherently legitimate. (e.g., the doctrine of the resurrection of
the signs of the end times (“plagues, the dead) and continued to maintain
tsunamis, immorality…”). He asks Robert W. Edgar a measure of respect and credibility
(quite logically, we might add) that if on the Gospel According among the people. Modern Christen-
you’re pre-trib, why bother voting? Why to a Religious Progressive dom evidently has its Sadducees as
bother with political action? You need a “Where’s the religious left? Where well, who stand in the shadow of their
Biblical justification for political partici- have we been?” asks Bob Edgar of the liberal-minded forebears. Sadducees use
pation. Berlet holds that Rushdoony’s National Council of Churches (NCC), Scripture when convenient, even pitting
polemics provided the kind of justifica- who proudly regards his zero rating Scripture against Scripture (Mt. 22:
tion being sought. According to Berlet, with the Moral Majority as “a badge of 23-33). The contemporary mechanism
Christian Reconstructionism powered honor.” It appears that the “NCC was is more convoluted: Edgar pointed out
the conversion of a passive premil popu- fiscally bankrupt. Ideologically it was that royalties proceeding from the sale
lation into the largest bloc supporting OK.” Edgar then counseled the religious of the Revised Standard Version Bible
the Republican party. left that it was important “not just to had held the NCC together. Hearing
No sooner had Berlet denounced the speak against the religious right, but to this, one begins to sympathize with
use of derisive labels like “religious politi- speak to what I call the middle church,” Rushdoony’s expanded view of the
cal extremist” (on the grounds that you all the while upholding the banner of meaning of boiling a calf in its mother’s
can’t reach people if you insult them), he religious pluralism. milk (Ex. 23:19).
described Christian Reconstructionism The implicitly perceived Gospel So, what does a group so thoroughly
as “Calvinism on crack,” and later asked of Inclusivism couldn’t keep its candle infiltrated with humanism propose as
“How do we rein in the loony left while lit for very long before a question from its strategy? That’s right: more infiltra-
reining in the vile right?” I’m guessing the audience blew it out. An atheist put tion. According to Edgar, “we need to
that being called “vile” and a Calvinist Edgar on the spot about not being as infiltrate our seminaries” to promote
“on crack” is part of the outreach pro- inclusive as he let on, given his promo- different packaging, e.g., homiletics
gram intended to “reach me,” since Chip tion of pluralism. His response assured based on the Web, or TV sound bite
couldn’t have meant them as insults. Re- the atheist that she wasn’t being unfairly techniques, rather than dated “nine-
member, he just as pointedly distanced singled out: “We don’t even have Uni- teenth century preparation” of sermon
himself from what he called “the loony tarians! We’re not inclusive! We’re just form and content.
left.” Perhaps there is such a thing as an eclectic. We’re all Trinitarian.” Dr. Rushdoony pinpointed precisely
extreme centrist. Here it was as Rushdoony had this mechanism of infiltration as the key

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 19

Faith for All of Life
to neutering the church to keep it in a John Jay College, CUNY, New York. los, which broaches the idea of a “vac-
quadraplegic condition, permitting the Here we are, back to the imputed uum eschatology” bringing our world
power state/welfare state to rush in and idea of Christians seizing power again, to a sudden end without the agency of
fulfill all useful societal functions (given expressed in even more dramatic terms God or nuclear weapons. Such theo-
that nature abhors a vacuum). than those found in Chip Berlet’s ries — which are God-free — appear
Brace yourselves. jeremiad. Strozier relished rhetoric like to comfort those who embrace them,
“The Right began to lick its chops” blocking out the ominous dread with
Hugh Urban and “neocons chomping at the bit for which mortal man regards the specter of
on America Left Behind: power.” Strozier embodies the emotional ultimate justice. Perhaps in their heart
Bush, the Neoconservatives, and depths of the antipathy marking today’s of hearts, humanity recognizes that “it is
Christian Evangelical Fiction partisan politics when he effectively a terrible thing to fall into the hands of
Hugh Urban is associate professor excuses hatred for George W. Bush. the living God” (Heb. 10:31). Death is
of religion at Ohio State Univesity. (Strozier describes a Bush opponent “so no safe haven from Him with whom we
Hugh Urban alluded to Max blinded by his hatred for Bush — an have to do
Weber’s concept of “elective affinity” to understandable error — etc.”) His aside (Is. 28:15-18).
describe the “mutually beneficial and re- obviously played to a delighted crowd. The statement, “nuclear weap-
inforcing” relationship between neocon- Strozier’s theological diagnosis ons represent the religion of our age,”
servative foreign policy and the best-sell- of current events is inexplicable. He is a confession of idolatry. It reverts
ing Left Behind volumes. In this, he has pinpoints a shift in emphasis “from the sovereign control over mankind’s fate
probably come close to a general truth Sermon on the Mount to the Book of back into man’s hands. As Rushdoony
(with notable exceptions). Of course, Revelation.” Strozier comments that pointed out in “Chalcedon Position
the political implications stemming the latter block of Scripture describes Paper No. 15: The Meaning of The-
from various theological views of Israel’s those who “swim forever in the Lake ocracy,” Isaiah 9:6-7 declares that “the
ultimate destiny run the gamut of op- of Fire — and there are no lifeguards.” government shall be upon His shoul-
tions: Urban has chosen to focus on the He apparently regards the Sermon on ders, and of the increase of His govern-
one currently enjoying bestseller status. the Mount as far more irenic. Really? ment and of peace, there shall be no
Christians who reject the eschatology of “Every tree that bringeth not forth good end….” In The Roots of Reconstruction,
the Left Behind series simply don’t fall fruit is hewn down, and cast into the he continues:
anywhere on Urban’s radar screen. Since fire” (Mt. 7:19). “Whosoever shall say, The essence of humanism, from Francis
Urban has a specific axe to grind, he Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell Bacon to the present, has been this
doesn’t mention that other eschatologies fire” (Mt. 5:22c). And in two places creed: to be human, man must be in
(such as Rushdoony’s) would void his (Mt. 5:29 & 30), the verse concludes control (Jeremy Rifkin with Ted How-
glittering generalizations. “…for it is profitable for thee that one ard: The Emerging Order, p. 27.). This
Urban, to his credit, provides com- of thy members should perish, and not is an indirect way of saying that man is
that thy whole body should be cast into not man unless the government of all
pelling evidence that one’s eschatology
hell.” In other words, pitting Scripture things is upon his shoulders, unless he
has consequences ranging all the way up
is himself god.” (p. 66)
to the domains of international diplo- against Scripture (which presupposes
macy and realpolitik. His implicit thesis, their non-authorship by a sovereign, In short, man fully intends to shift
that works of fiction written by pretrib omnipotent, omniscient God) is an the government from Christ’s shoulders
Christians may have an impact on empty exercise. onto his own. The Infiltrated Church
international politics, causes Christian Waxing apocalyptic in his own (shot through with pietism and hu-
Reconstructionists to shudder as much right, Strozier pointed out that “we manism) is willing to help switch out
as Urban does. He just doesn’t choose to don’t need God to bring about the Christ’s iron scepter for a limp reed.
notice the Reconstructionists’ aversion. end.” In his view, nuclear weapons have The Lord Jesus Christ is Alpha and
shifted this to human agency. Therefore, Omega (Rev. 1:8). In contrast, mod-
Charles Strozier “nuclear weapons represent the religion ern cosmology has proposed that the
on the Psychology and of our age.” His view competes with formula “In the beginning, Hydrogen”
Theocracy of George W. Bush one enunciated in The Early Universe, replace the obsolete statement, “In the
Charles Strozier is professor of history at edited by Hawking, Gibbons, and Sik- beginning, God.” Nuclear weapons,

20 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
which detonate a hydrogen fusion pro- function of the coercive sector of society ionists’ dream is within their grasp.”
cess, have made men their own potential (civil government) in Yurica’s “reading” “Dominionism is the fastest-growing
exterminator. The humanists’ mantra of Scripture. political force in America today.” “To
would appear to have come full circle: A guest I invited to the conference make their plan work, they had to take
Hydrogen is the Alpha and Omega. glanced knowingly at me when Yurica Jim Jones mainstream.”
This, too, is idolatry. made such points, because I had person- Yurica alleges that dominionists (her
ally issued a “poor tithe” check for over preferred term) have studied Machia-
Katherine Yurica: “Is an Unholy four thousand dollars to a young single velli and Hitler. The “Hitler” gambit
American Theocracy Here?” mother just three weeks earlier. (Think is the big hammer (Ueberhammer?)
Many conference speakers invoked I just lost my reward in heaven by in Yurica’s toolbox, so allusions, cita-
religion, even Christianity and the Bible, mentioning it? The Deuteronomic poor tions, and quotes by and about Hitler
in their “principled” assaults on (among tithe isn’t anonymous. Matthew 6:1-4 are legion: “To be a leader means being
other things) Christian Reconstruction. warns against ostentation in voluntary able to move the masses.” Yurica freely
Katherine Yurica (former reporter for gifts — alms — above and beyond the interchanges Hitler with “dominionist”
Christianity Today, and an investigative poor tithe, a distinction which Paul also Christians, holding that the latter have
journalist whose essay, “The Despoiling makes at 2 Cor. 8:8.) The poor tithe is learned manipulation from the former.
of America,” was published in Toward a a large, eye-to-eye personal one-lump “Hitler learned the value of spiritual
New Political Humanism) believes that disbursement that meaningfully elevates terror.” “The new individual who ap-
the Bible endorses a pro-statist ethic: the recipient out of poverty and creates peared in Germany” was “the uncritical
that righteousness in a nation involves an opportunity for financial indepen- recipient of orders.” “Who wins: them
adoption of a liberal/progressive social dence. The impersonal state dribbles or us? Let’s look at a Hitlerian tech-
program by the state. As an observer, out subsistence-level checks over time nique....” “As dominionists continue to
one becomes torn: surely we do want to that keep the recipient dependent and resurrect the words of Hitler, we invoke
see the Bible applied to cultural ques- beholden. Obedient Christians can, Churchill: we will never never never
tions! But Yurica’s Herculean effort to and do, falsify Yurica’s claims. The give up. Ladies and gentlemen, we will
stand the Bible on its head to conform claim that a “privately administered” prevail, we will prevail, we will prevail.”
to a humanistic, statist ethos falls flat. poor tithe isn’t realistic or effective was You’d think yoking your opponent
Here is an object lesson from a simply slammed lifeless to the floor in to Hitler would be the ultimate strat-
Yurica breakout session I attended. Dur- the eyes of my guest, who knew differ- egy (Jon Stewart, call your office!), but
ing her main lecture, Yurica contended ent. Yurica doesn’t need to be generous Yurica anticlimactically conjures up
that the “Old Testament supports relief with other people’s money when people images of poisoned Kool-Aid by as-
of poverty through taxation.” In the obey God (the actual enforcer of the sociating “dominionists” with Jim Jones.
breakout session, she shared an experi- poor tithe, who judged Israel continu- (Interestingly, Rushdoony pointed out
ence she had debating this point, during ally for “grinding the faces of the poor,” that Jim Jones had every license and
which her opponent argued that Yurica an indictment directed at the general credential the state could ask of him: his
“had not proved that the king institutes populace and not at the kings). papers were in perfect order, but his to-
[the poor tithe].” Her opponent had Substantively, Yurica sees lurking tal compliance with all state certification
apparently argued for private, personal in the shadows “a plan to take over the requirements guaranteed nothing con-
charity, perhaps as analyzed in compel- government of the United States,” to cerning his behavior or performance!)
ling detail in Rushdoony and Powell’s be done step by step, day by day: first “The obsession with power never
Tithing and Dominion. Yurica didn’t the Republican Party, then Congress, left [Jim] Jones…. He showed how the
just reject that reading of Scripture: she etc., to revamp the balance of power (by power of the churches could be used
claimed that her opponents “are adding weakening the judiciary, permanently politically…. Pat Robertson borrowed
something” to the Biblical text to de-in- gaining the power to control domestic pages from the Jim Jones playbook.” If
stitute the state from its God-chartered morality, to break individuals and orga- so, you’d better have the deacons test the
task of tithe collection for the poor. nizations like the National Education Gatorade.
Moreover, nobody offers such private Association). She raises the spectre of Yurica provides five reasons why the
assistance to the needy as mandated in “the fascism of a religious cult.” Worse “dominionist” agenda will not prevail.
Scripture. This presumably is the proper yet, she says, is that “today, the domin- (1) Historically, despotic rulers fall

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 21

Faith for All of Life
due to pride. (2) “We are dealing with accurate to say, “I take my Scriptures ists back. They see each other across “a
psychological aberrations, if not outright from some things that Jesus said, because chasm of incomprehension” (perhaps
evil.” (3) A dominionist government they’re compassionate. Other things He the single most insightful comment I
owes its success to an “edifice of lies,” said don’t fly with me, though.” She heard over two days of lectures).
and such a “house built on sand will picks up fewer items from her already- Regrettably, she defined “antinomi-
fall.” (4) “The American spirit” — and downsized smorgasbord than she lets on. anism” as the breaking of humanistic
more specifically “Yankee culture” — is Yurica appears not to recognize civil law, not the deprecating of God’s
“not so easily subjugated.” (5) Humility that she indulges in will-worship. God’s law (which was the entire raison d’etre of
is stronger than power. She challenged will be done, when it coincides with my this conference). From a Biblical point
the audience, “Choose truth or power. will is not Biblical Christianity, it’s pure of view, the conference was precisely
Our opponents have chosen power. We humanism with a veneer of Christ-Lite geared toward promoting antinomi-
have chosen truth.” She also said that dabbed onto it. Sadly, she labels ortho- anism as that term has been histori-
by recognizing the value of humility, dox views of the Scriptures as distor- cally understood. Turning the tables on
“all the power will shift to our side!” tions, and her distorted views are offered Christian Reconstructionists and calling
Well, which is it? Looks like her self- up in their place. I asked her if she them antinomian signals a deliberate
confessed goal is power after all, which had ever attempted a dialogue “across hijacking of meaning.
she says “will shift to our side!” Pay no the aisle” with those on the other side In any event, Armstrong believes
attention to the man behind the curtain (thinking that I might just attempt one (correctly) that modernity is on one side
of humility and truth. with her), but her answer (that went on of the conflict, but she characterizes its
“We live for something bigger than and on about some incident evidently foe (incorrectly) as a yearning for a “pre-
our self [sic].” “We bow down to truth, involving members of a South American modern era.” Modernity and religion are
to reality, the very heart and soul of country’s Mafia) didn’t give me hope pitted against each other over the issue
mental health.” (Can you detect a New that I was being understood very well. of certainty: religion allegedly provides
Age component to that last statement?) The speaker after Yurica, Karen Arm- it while modernity delivers us from its
Bottom line for Yurica: “The dominion- strong, spoke about “a chasm of incom- stifling grip. Armstrong favors moder-
ists have brought our nation to ruin.” prehension,” and I had to confess that nity’s uncertainty and contingency,
But “we must snatch it back,” she I had surely stood at its brink at the tail because “things must be left open-ended
said at the later breakout session. “We end of the breakout session with Yurica. so we can progress.” This “open-ended”
need public forum guardians.” Why? component of philosophy has had many
“Lest our nation fall.” Maybe it’s not Karen Armstrong hundreds of pages accorded to it in the
totally ruined. on Fundamentalism: writings of Cornelius Van Til, Greg
Yurica’s approach to Scripture The Fear and the Rage Bahnsen, and R. J. Rushdoony, and it
is, unsurprisingly, half-orbed. “I take Karen Armstrong is a former nun has been comprehensively shown to be
my Scriptures from Jesus, because it’s and author of 12 books, including an utterly futile dead-end, and hardly the
compassionate.” She cites John 8:11 for Islam, a Short History.
harbinger of progress as was claimed.
her position on crime (at least that of Karen Armstrong, too, has specific Armstrong concludes that the rise of
adultery): “Neither do I condemn you.” ideas about the Bible. She holds that modernity entailed the political subjuga-
Since Christ does not condemn in this infallibility is “a new doctrine.” (As- tion and humiliation of fundamental-
instance (where the Old Testament laws suming that to be true, which it’s not, ists, which created the current “chasm of
concerning witnesses with clean hands how would newness affect its validity?) incomprehension” while paralleling the
could not be satisfied), Yurica makes a Postmodern relativism as applied to the ensuing disturbance of social norms.
leap to her view that “stoning for Bibli- Bible comes easily to her: since the Word
cal capital crimes is evil.” One cringes at of God was infinite, it couldn’t be con- Frederick Clarkson:
the thought of how she’d handle Matt. tained (restricted) to one interpretation. Learning About the
5:17-19, or Matt. 23:3, where Jesus On other points, she was a more re- Christian Right and
endorses the application of Old Testa- liable guide. She noted that we’re seeing What in the World To Do
ment law (as comprehensively exposited “a clash of sacred values.” The secular- Frederick Clarkson is an author and
by Rushdoony, Bahnsen, Warfield, et ists had threatened the fundamentalists, blogger (
al.). Truth be told, she’d have been more and they were threatening the secular- and frequent guest on NPR.

22 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
Frederick Clarkson brought the using language to fit the occasion, and divisive Christian exclusivism… this is
“T-word” back to center stage, quoting to use language carefully. “In fact, it is not in the spirit of Jesus Christ.” Hough
the New York Times to the effect that necessary [to do so].” finds this kind of divisive, exclusiv-
“This is Christian theocracy breaking ist Christian arrogance in the words
out.” This isn’t good news, says he, but Joseph C. Hough on of Christ Himself: “I am the Way, the
is evidence of a “gathering darkness,” re- Faith, Ethics and Politics Truth, and the Life.” He counseled the
plete with “religious supremacism” and Joseph C. Hough is the president of Union removal of this text from the church lec-
Theological Seminary in New York.
“religious bigotry.” But Clarkson holds tionary declaring the text is destructive
out hope: some lights are coming on. Dr. Joseph C. Hough claimed that and led to the Holocaust, not to men-
Clarkson proposes a three-pronged fundamentalist control destroyed the tion the murder of millions of Muslims
reclamation project: Reclaim faith (but Southern Baptist Convention. He’s not and Christians. Put another way, these
not in the religious sense); Reclaim high on Christian fundamentalism, but words of Jesus Christ apparently are
history (American history sans any ele- probably not for the same reasons as his “not in the spirit of Jesus Christ.”
ments of alleged Christian revisionism); father: “My father was a [Biblical] lit- Hough then pointed out that
and Reclaim citizenship. eralist, but not a fundamentalist. There homosexuality is not mentioned at all
Clarkson challenged the audience is a difference.” Not one to complain by Jesus. Ask yourself this: if Jesus had
with some bitter concessions: “We have about something without having a solu- mentioned it, what would stop someone
abandoned the playing field in electoral tion in hand, he proposed a simple way who is already willing to throw out John
politics to the best-organized faction, to “cure people of fundamentalism”: 14:6 from rejecting Christ’s position
which is the Christian right.” “They “Send them to Yale Divinity School!” on homosexuality just as contemptu-
won fair and square: they used the elec- Hough likes the label “liberal.” ously? Moreover, this whole approach is
toral system.” “If we don’t know how “Liberal means tolerant. It means open- inverted: throw out what Christ said at
to elect officials, we’re ceding the turf to minded.” They just don’t happen to John 14:6, but build arguments on ho-
those that do.” be open-minded about Biblical law, or mosexuality where no written record of
Were the thirteen original colonies particularly tolerant of those who are the Lord’s words supposedly exist. (Of
theocracies? Clarkson says that they favorably disposed toward it. The crowd course, Christ’s endorsement of Mosaic
were, but adds that the framers of the was hostile enough that Chalcedon’s law, so well-defended by Bahnsen, Warf-
Constitution specifically overthrew Chris Ortiz, in a moment of levity, ap- ield, Rushdoony, and others, doesn’t
150 years of theocracy, replacing it proached me during a break, shook my merit consideration in Hough’s view.
with a much-to-be-preferred substitute: hand, and pointedly introduced himself Although Christ mentions homosexuals
religious equality. “The religious right with the words, “Hi, I’m Chris Ortiz at Revelation 22:15, Hough has, for all
of the eighteenth century didn’t like with TheocracyWatch.” intents and purposes, already lumped
the Constitution, and they don’t like it The Book of Revelation was the contents of that precious book in
now.” Clarkson might consider boning exhumed for another autopsy at its with the works of Carlos Castaneda and
up on the Journal of Christian Recon- author’s expense (you remember: the Timothy Leary.)
struction, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1988: Sympo- guy who lived in a cave). Hough said I think I’d have gotten along better
sium on the Constitution and Political of Revelation, “I don’t know what John with Dr. Hough’s father.
Theology to see how far his statements was smoking when he wrote it.” Hough
deviate from the truth. impugned it on other grounds (the date John F. Sugg on
To his credit, Clarkson urged cau- it entered the canon; Cyril’s disdain for America the Theocracy
tion and restraint in polemic discourse. it, etc.), thereby crafting a very one- John Slugg is senior editor of The Weekly
Although he said that democracy is sided hit-and-run argument that anyone Planet and senior editor of Creative Loafing.
tough, and some labels are necessarily conversant with Warfield’s defense John Sugg was unable to deliver his
harsh, terms like “radical religious right” of canonicity could have reduced to lecture in person, but the content of his
or “radical religious extremists” essen- rubble. Hough brought up the Book of intended speech was made available to
tially “mean nothing.” He regards such a Revelation because “preoccupation with the audience. The distortions, inaccura-
loaded term as “radical religious extrem- the end times cuts the nerve for any cies, smears, and baseless associations
ist” as “just a mean epithet to score kind of social action.” that mar Sugg’s essay are “as the sands
cheap political points.” He counseled “Christian arrogance creates a of the sea in number, and as the stars of

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 23

Faith for All of Life
heaven.” and anti-Semitism (picking out quotes Never mind that Rushdoony op-
The “T-word” is back, stitched like denuded of their context) to round out posed anti-Semitism and racism (note
bolts on the neck of the Frankenstein his rhetorical package. his powerful exposition of Numbers 12,
monster, embedded in a wordy torrent Where to begin? As to denunciation where God struck Miriam with leprosy
that warns about “secretive groups” of “all government social programs,” for having criticized Moses’s marriage
that act as “an invisible black hole” Rushdoony has made it explicit that to an Ethiopian woman). As regards
that “pulls the religious debate toward so long as Christians abdicate their re- anti-Semitism, it’s significant that the
a theocracy with its closest parallel in sponsibility regarding societal needs, the charge doesn’t have to actually be true to
Iran’s government-by-mullahs.” Chris- state must fill that function, since those be effective, since it’s so serious a charge.
tian Reconstructists are deemed “revo- needs cannot go unmet. Here we have Never mind that Rushdoony repeatedly
lutionaries” who’ve “burrowed deep Rush defending the state and indicting and consistently taught from Isaiah 19:
into the religious right,” whose “tactics his fellow Christians. There’s no need 18-25, which he regarded as the paradig-
for growth are stealthy.” Are we talking to defend Rush’s advocacy of Christian matic Old Testament passage concern-
about Biblical Christianity or some kind schooling to Chalcedon’s readership, but ing Israel’s destiny, upon which Paul
of parasitic infestation here? Sugg is strangely silent about govern- expands in Romans 11:25-26.
One wonders: do men like Sugg ment attacks on Christian schooling. The record has long ago been cor-
know these demonizations to be utterly Not one speaker at this conference who rected on the other distortions, which
false, or do they sincerely believe them? bemoaned the Reconstructionist’s view have circulated for decades. Although
Sugg is a journalist who’s received “more that government regulations should we were disappointed looking for
than three dozen national and regional be lifted ever once mentioned in my journalistic integrity with regard to
awards for investigative reporting” who hearing that limited liability laws would Chalcedon’s work, we harbor hope that
“has been reporting on the ultra-right also be abolished. If the corporation you someone in the secular press will get
religious movement in America for more own does something harmful, you’d be- the story right for once. We know of a
than a decade.” Perhaps Karen Arm- come personally liable under Biblical law. noted writer who may just be the first to
strong’s “chasm of incomprehension” Modern limited liability laws enthrone nail it. It wouldn’t be hard to do: you’d
yawns far wider than expected — else irresponsibility by wedging a massive just have to want to do it is all.
how could Sugg misrepresent something disconnect between actions and con-
he’s been studying for a decade? sequences: I can do something wrong Final Assessment
Factual errors abound. Sugg writes: corporately, but not pay any price for The indictments against Christian
“And, Rousas John (R.J.) Rushdoony, it personally. But deregulation accord- activism mirrored the centuries-old
his brother Mark, Gary North, and ing to Christian Reconstruction entails plaint of King Ahab against Elijah at
Gary DeMar are names unlikely to greater responsibility and accountability 1 Kings 18:17: “And it came to pass,
spark widespread recognition.” They than currently exists. To mention the when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to
apparently don’t all spark recognition one without the other is a despicable him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?”
with Sugg, either: Mark is the son of distortion. Sugg’s claim as stated doesn’t Ahab felt the situation under his reign
R.J. Rushdoony, not his brother (that’d even embody an actual criticism of was perfectly fine without this theocratic
be Haig Rushdoony). Christian Reconstruction — there’d extremist’s intrusion into the nation’s
The “investigative reporter” delivers have to have been some basis in reduced public life.
the alleged “goods” when he describes accountability to complain about, but Elijah answered Ahab: “I have
Christian Reconstruction as a theology the opposite is actually true. not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy
“that denounced all government social Practically speaking, Sugg’s list is father’s house, in that ye have forsaken
programs, public schools, environmental intended to function as a sequence of the commandments of the Lord, and
protections — a religion that promoted sound bites: throw the ideas out there thou hast followed Baalim.” The con-
mass executions for sins as minor as and lean on your credibility as a jour- ceptual battle lines are drawn equally
swearing at parents, decried democracy nalist to secure the desired effect. Use sharply today, around the same issue:
as heretical, relegated women to subser- enough quotes to assure your readers the law of God.
vience, or that endorsed segregation and you’ve gotten the dirt on the bad guys The lecturers at Examining the Real
even the return of slavery to the United straight from their own mouths and Agenda of the Religious Far Right saw
States.” Sugg mixes in charges of racism pens. Christians who take the Bible seri-

24 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
ously in pretty much the same way that think that Christian Reconstructionists reacted to his critics, we wouldn’t be in
Amaziah saw the prophet Amos: “Then are a threat to them and the nation, but the position today of having a concep-
Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to that God Himself is not. tual foundation upon which to continue
Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos The reverse is true. building (namely, Rush’s written legacy).
hath conspired against thee in the midst Instead, we’d have just another dated
of the house of Israel: the land is not Stewardship and Mission blog that, eventually, wouldn’t even be
able to bear all his words” (Am. 7:10). Although I attended the conference worth archiving (because the Rush who
The order to muzzle the man of God to as a representative of Chalcedon, I subsi- actually had an impact was the Rush
protect the governmental and cultural dized everything out of my own pocket. who, putting his hand to the plow,
status quo was quickly issued thereafter Why did I come to feel so strongly refused to look back). Rush understood
(Amos 7:13): “But prophesy not again about not dipping into donations made far better than we do today: chit-chat
any more at Bethel: for it is the king’s to Chalcedon to fund my trip? with Sanballat and Geshem prevents
chapel, and it is the king’s court.” Chris- Here is the answer. I once asked Dr. Jerusalem from being built. Remember:
tian activists who “prophesy against the Rushdoony why he didn’t respond to in the movie Chariots of Fire, sprinter
king’s court” will encounter its ardent critical attacks on his work. His short Harold Abrahams lost a race by merely
defenders: priests like Amaziah of answer revised my entire outlook on glancing over his shoulder at the other
Bethel, dressed in modernist garb. After Chalcedon’s proper task: “I don’t let the runners.
all, if the sandal fits…. enemy determine my agenda for me.” “Moreover, it is required in stew-
Rushdoony was right: the status Rushdoony, in effect, was constitution- ards, that a man be found faithful” (I
quo recognizes no more serious threat ally unsuited to reacting to things like Cor. 4:2). Dr. Rushdoony was such
than the effective Christian. Remember external criticism: he could only act in a man, and those who now share the
how Queen Mary regarded the founder terms of his mission. He set aside every mantle he has passed down must be
of Presbyterianism, John Knox. She weight and pressed toward the mark. equally faithful stewards. As far as this
affirmed that she feared no man, except He mirrored Nehemiah’s response when conference was concerned, I can make
John Knox on his knees. called to engage his opponents, Sanbal- no claim that anything even remotely
That ultimately is the key: “Un- lat and Geshem, in dialogue: “And I edifying came of my attendance. Your
less the Lord build the house, those sent messengers unto them, saying, I donations to Chalcedon were intended
that build it labor in vain” (Ps. 127:1). am doing a great work, so that I cannot by Rush to extend the Kingdom of
Gamaliel laid it out centuries ago (Acts come down: why should the work cease, God, not to take a reconnaissance party
5:34-39): if God isn’t with us, our goals whilst I leave it, and come down to out to survey the enemy’s quite predict-
will go up in smoke. The conference you?” (Neh. 6:2-3) Rushdoony sum- able reaction to that Kingdom’s inexora-
lecturers have nothing to worry about. marily rejected anything that dissipated ble growth. I accordingly spent my own
But if God is with us, Gamaliel would the work of Chalcedon (the work of money to get to New York and attend
have dutifully informed the attendees the re-excavating and re-erecting of the the conference, and after having heard
in New York that “ye cannot overthrow foundations of applied Biblical think- what I did, I’m grateful I didn’t spend
it; lest haply ye be found even to fight ing) as a worthless distraction. Rush was the money brought to His storehouse,
against God.” a man of encyclopedic insights and the in any form, on it.
The God of Scripture was con- broadest imaginable learning, but God, Martin G. Selbrede, Vice President of
spicuously absent from nearly all of the in an act of divine irony, placed blind- Chalcedon, lives in Woodlands, Texas.
conference, just as He was absent from ers on his head so that he could only Martin is the Chief Scientist at Uni-Pixel
Amaziah’s complaint. The focus in both look forward to the goal. Displays, Inc. He has been an advocate for
instances was “the king’s court” and Do you imagine that Chalcedon the Chalcedon Foundation for a quarter
maintaining its sanctity against per- would have had the impact the confer- century, and is set to take over the scholarly
ceived threats. That’s how Bethel — the ence speakers lamented had Rushdoony responsibilities of R. J. Rushdoony in
research and writing.
altar in Israel that God didn’t sanction spent his energy elsewhere (e.g., in
— always operates: it names God’s responding to critics, participating in
name (Bethel = house of God) and then debates, etc.) rather than laboring to
pretty much does its own thing. take every thought captive to the obedi-
The conference speakers seemed to ence of Christ? Had he lost focus and

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 25

Faith for All of Life
Remembering Dr. Rushdoony my thinking, living, and preaching as cedon Presbyterian Church. We de-
By Greg Uttinger you have, and I do praise God for that. liberately and consciously stand in the
Most particularly have I devoured and tradition of both the Council of Chal-

I first met Dr. Rushdoony when he

spoke at my high school graduation.
Since I was the only graduating senior, it
digested your Institutes of Biblical Law,
which I have read many times. In my
opinion it is one of the most impor-
cedon, 451 A.D., and in the Reformed
perspective of the Chalcedon Founda-
tion. Many of our people, including
was an especially great honor. That was tant books of the twentieth century. young people in their early teens, read
in 1976. During the next two or three (However, I still heartily recommend your books because in them they hear
years I spoke with Dr. Rushdoony a few the Westminster Larger Catechism on truth, vital Scripturalness, practical
Sabbath-keeping and still enjoy pork victory-orientation, and power absent
more times, but never for very long.
and shrimp [Mk. 7:19]!) from emasculated forms of Calvinism
I found it odd that he remembered and non-reformed evangelicalism.
me years and years later and even spoke The first time I came into contact with
you personally was when you wrote Lastly, your influence on American
well of me when one of my friends
me a letter after the publication of my Christianity is obvious to me as well.
asked him for an autograph or an God has used your influence to awaken
article, “Why I Don’t Give Invitations:
interview. After all, there was no reason the charismatic and fundamentalist
The Failure of the Invitation System to
he should remember me; I was no one Uphold the Free Offer of the Gos- movements to political and cultural
special. But I am certain that Dr. Rush- pel of Free Grace” in The Sword and awareness, and to their responsibility
doony remembered most of the people Trowel several years ago. You gave me to stand for Christ and the application
he met and that he said a good word some advice in that letter which, at the of His Word in all the political, social,
about them whenever he could. time, I thought to be a little extreme, moral and economic crises of our day.
I think this, his appreciation for but which since then I have come to More and more people from across the
everyday saints, was an important part appreciate. You advised me not to ask range of denominations are realizing
people to join our church normally, but that the choice today is between the
of Dr. Rushdoony’s greatness. Yes, his
to allow them to be compelled by the reconstruction of America by the Law
writings shaped the thinking of thou-
Holy Spirit to come, since God blessed and Gospel or chaos. I praise God for
sands, including mine, but there are this method in your previous ministries. this renewed vision and hope of victory
more important things in the Kingdom I have followed that advice and God has through faith that God is working in the
of God. Dr. Rushdoony saw the image blessed our church through the years hearts and lives of the nation and world.
of God in every believer; for him there with many members. I pray that God will raise up more
were no “little people.” Although you began ministering to me and more people to support, carry on
through your writings in 1971, I never and expand what you have pioneered.
Appreciation for met you until spring 1979 at the Atlanta You have not dug new wells, you have
Rousas John Rushdoony Christian Training Seminar on “Christ, cleaned out the old wells dug by our
Politics and Morality.” Seeing and talk- fathers (Gen. 26:18).
By Joe Morecraft, III
ing with you in person was important to I also pray that God would keep on

I wrote “An Open Letter to Rousas

John Rushdoony” twenty-five years
ago for The Counsel of Chalcedon (May
me, because I saw clearly manifested in
your life the patriarchal (Gen. 18:3-8)
and apostolic (Ac. 16:15,34) qualities of
reforming us by His powerful Word
and Spirit until that day “when the
earth will be full of the knowledge of
graciousness, charm, warmth, hospital-
1980). My appreciation for him remains the Lord as the waters cover the sea”
ity, gentlemanliness and personal piety
unchanged. What follows is an abbrevi- (Is.11:9).
which are essential to our task of world
ated version of that letter: conquest. It was important for me to see
My heart is overwhelmed with grati- these things in you because too often Remembering Rushdoony
tude to the living God for what He has intellectualization robs of warmth and Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.
done in my life through you. “I thank graciousness. Contrary to your critics,
my God every time I remember you”
(Phil. 1:3).
this sad fact is not produced by your
perspective, but by the indwelling sin
that remains in us all.
I was converted in a dispensational
church and secured a B.A. in Bible
from a dispensational college (Tennes-
I was introduced to your writings in
1971. Since that time I have studied no Besides your influence on me person- see Temple College). My first two years
non-inspired books as intensely, thor- ally, I am greatly aware of the Spirit’s of seminary were spent studying at a
oughly and continually as your books. influence through you on our church, dispensational seminary (Grace Theo-
As a result no one man has influenced which is not accidentally named Chal- logical Seminary). Yet, by the grace of

26 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
God, while studying at Grace Seminary platform with him at conferences. I Calvinist. Rush had read the book and
I began to detect disturbing incon- am thankful also that he was willing to praised it highly. It was quite a thrill for
sistences between the dispensational answer questions from this neophyte me to become acquainted with one of
system (which greatly de-emphasizes the theologian whenever I would write to modernity’s leading Calvinist theolo-
Old Testament and God’s law) and a him about something. His ministry to gians.
truly Biblical theology. Consequently, in me was not just third-party and aca- Rush, who was always quick to
1975 I transferred to Reformed Theo- demic, it was personal and practical. praise others, told me that he was greatly
logical Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, Rushdoony is rightly deemed the impressed with the work I had done
where I could pursue a more serious and “Father of Christian Reconstruction.” to promote the teaching of reading by
potent theology. He was the first to crystallize its theo- way of intensive phonics. He was deeply
At Reformed Seminary I studied logical concepts in a coherent worldview concerned with growing illiteracy in
under Greg L. Bahnsen. I soon became format. His combining of presupposi- America, and so he made me a member
enthralled with his postmillennial and tional apologetics, Calvinistic soteriol- of Chalcedon’s staff.
theonomic distinctives. And though this ogy, postmillennial eschatology, theo- My conversion to Calvinism came
was all new to me, I soon learned that nomic ethics, and covenantal theology about through the research I had done
what he was teaching was not unique. — all elements that focus the believer’s on the genesis of the public school
He frequently referred to R. J. Rush- attention on the supreme sovereignty movement. Its prime movers were the
doony, encouraging students to read of God over every aspect of Creation Harvard Unitarians, who wanted to get
his writings. Though Greg Bahnsen — provided a potent mix for a world- Calvinism out of education. They took
brought me to a theonomic and post- challenging, history-changing paradigm. over Harvard in 1805 and expelled the
millennial perspective, proclaiming the When he passed away I not only Calvinists. And so I wanted to know
supremacy of God’s law and the king- felt the loss of a mentor and a friend, what it was they objected to in Calvin-
ship of Christ today, R. J. Rushdoony but I feared the decline of a Chalcedon ism. That required reading Calvin’s
provided abundant historical and theo- now bereft of its irreplaceable founder. Institutes of the Christian Religion. I was
logical material filling out this intensely By the grace of God, though, it appears so impressed by Calvin’s wonderfully
Reformed worldview. that Mark Rushdoony and family and intellectual view of religion, that I also
I had learned much of basic Bible associates are up to the task, not only for read the New Testament.
knowledge at Temple and Grace, yet it continuing to reproduce and enhance The question I had to answer was
was through studying Rushdoony and Rushdoony materials, but also to charge posed by what I had read: Was Jesus
his disciples that I became aflame with confidently into the future with new what He said He was or not? If He was,
a zeal for the Reformed faith and a full- educational products expanding and then He was the Messiah. If not, then
orbed Christian worldview. applying his views. he was an imposter. I decided that He
My wife, Melissa, was a staff librar- Though Rush is gone, he is not was what He said He was. And so, I be-
ian at RTS while I was there. She had forgotten. And with God’s blessings came a believer in Jesus Christ, the Mes-
the task of cataloging their enormous upon Chalcedon and Rush’s prodigious siah. No imposter could have imposed
collection of Rushdoony tapes. And I output of materials, I believe we are in on millions of followers a religion based
had the joy of listening to them after she for continued promotion of his views on false premises and false teachings.
cataloged them. I am thankful for both for the historical long haul. And that is Mohammed could do it by the sword:
the audio technology and the future- just what we should expect as Biblical submit or die. But Christianity spread
oriented foresight that recorded Rush- postmillennialists! by the word not the sword. It had to be
doony’s many lectures. I am also thank- believed by the inquiring mind.
ful that many of these have ended up in I considered Rush to be my men-
Remembering Rush
polished form in articles and books. His tor, and visiting him in California was
By Samuel L. Blumenfeld
books and lectures still provide a wealth always a most exhilarating experience.
of resource materials for deep worldview
reflection. And my library is filled with
Rushdoony materials.
I first met Rev. Rousas John Rush-
doony in 1984 at a Christian confer-
ence in Denver after I had written Is
We agreed on just about everything. He
was very much interested in my work
promoting Christian homeschooling,
I count it a joy to have known Public Education Necessary? Believe it or which he defended in courts around the
Rush, and to have spoken on the same not, writing that book turned me into a country. He knew that there could not

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 27

Faith for All of Life
be a true Christian revival without good ogy, law and economics constitute the ism, Law, and Economics,” Journal of Chris-
Christian education. I had the privilege foundations of order in a society, and tian Reconstruction, Vol. II, No. 1, Summer,
of speaking with him at many home- what men think of law and economics 1975, p. 5.
school conventions, urging Christian depends on their theology.1
parents to provide their children with a Rushdoony’s writings are a gold Rushdoony
solid Christian education. mine of economic thought. Books like By Roger Schultz
He saw, before any of us did, that Roots of Inflation are still important
America was involved in a cultural and
religious war between Humanism and
today, while the massive collection of
his short articles, Roots of Reconstruction,
I first encountered Rushdoony in
1979. I had recently graduated from
Bible college and was majoring in his-
Christianity. My book, NEA: Trojan contains numerous essays on economics
tory and philosophy at a state university.
Horse in American Education, cov- that surprised me with their depth.
Though I was a committed Christian,
ered much of the same territory of his For example, an essay from 1971
I had never been exposed to Reformed
seminal book, The Messianic Character on the “fallacy of simplicity” shows
teaching and I lacked a coherent Bibli-
of American Education. I emphasized that he understood the importance of
the political aspects of the struggle cal worldview. When a friend gave me
decentralization in society. He under-
while Rush saw the war in philosophical Rushdoony’s A Biblical Philosophy of
stood from Scripture that it was impos-
terms. Our two books complemented History, it transformed my view of his-
sible for anyone, however intelligent, to
each other. tory and theology. Rushdoony offered
organize society according to a central
For me, the loss of Rush was the a compelling explanation of God’s
plan. I expect that Rushdoony had also
end of a very special friendship — a sovereign control of all things and His
read enough of the work of Ludwig von
meeting of minds — that can never be purposes that govern history.
Mises and F.A. Hayek to be familiar
duplicated. His memory will be with me My second encounter with Rush-
with their arguments against socialism,
until the end of my days. doony was in 1981 in seminary. A
which went along similar lines. But
charismatic magazine, New Wine,
Rushdoony had the ability to establish
interviewed Rushdoony and made
Rushdoony and a logical link between Biblical prin-
reference to The Institutes of Biblical
His Impact on Economics ciples and these concepts. This means
Law. I was fascinated with the book
By Timothy D. Terrell that Christians wanting to construct a
and Rushdoony’s ability to reveal the
Biblical economics could be assured that
R .J. Rushdoony’s thought extends
over an incredible range of topics,
but his thought on law and econom-
their Bibles were relevant, indeed vital,
in countering statism. At a time when
richness of the God’s Word and show
its practical lessons. For the first time,
I found a writer who didn’t make fun
many Christians were being enticed
ics has been the most helpful to me. To of the Old Testament law, but treated
by socialist ideas, Rushdoony provided
Rushdoony, law and economics were it with respect and saw it as relevant.
Bible-based counter-arguments.
extensions of theology, so that a nation Reading during the wee hours of the
The kind of work Rushdoony did is
losing its theological roots would also morning while working as a security
critical to the building of a Biblical soci-
reject those legal and economic institu- guard, I found Rushdoony far more
ety. It is meaty, practical, and fascinating
tions that encouraged growth. Although interesting and profitable than the grim
to read. It remains relevant to this day,
law schools and economics departments stuff typically assigned by the seminary
and my hope is that funds will always
had long ago rejected the authority professors.
be available for the books to be pub-
of Biblical law, Rushdoony wanted to It was at seminary that I learned
lished and put online. Christians cannot
reestablish the connection: Rushdoony had enemies. In a church
Law and economics are necessary as-
remain content with the self-help books
history paper, I made a passing refer-
pects of man’s daily life: it is impossible and pop psychology increasingly filling
ence to Rushdoony’s The Foundations of
to live without them. The more a sound Christian bookstores (which are turning
Social Order. The professor erupted with
knowledge of law and economics de- into gift and trinket shops). People who
nasty comments: “What does he know
clines in a society, the more radical will can build on what Rushdoony did, and
the decay of that society be. A decadent about this, anyway!?!” “Would you trust
communicate it to a wider audience, are
and dying society is one in which law a man like that?!?!?” The professor, who
desperately needed.
and economics are in a state of radical was a disagreeable lefty, made no other
decay or collapse. Together with theol- 1. Rousas John Rushdoony, “Manichaean- comments — not even about the liberal

28 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
historians and theologians I quoted in prayed that God would sovereignly and by God’s grace providence has, through
the paper. Rushdoony, it seemed to me, graciously bring him to faith in Jesus the ages, given us men who engaged the
had made all the right enemies. Christ. It was the same prayer that Rush- enemy armed with the truth of God’s
Over the years I had a chance to doony had already given, over a decade Word.
visit with Rushoony, to invite him to before, for my grandson. Using the weapons of a keen mind
speak at conferences, and to interview and a sharp pen, R. J. Rushdoony
1. For the interview dealing with Rush-
him.1 But most memorable were the battled with the enemies of Christianity
doony’s life and influences, see Contra Mun-
times we broke bread together. On one dum 13 (Fall, 1994), 33-38. It is available for decades, warring tirelessly for years
occasion I had dinner with Dr. and Mrs. online at in relative obscurity. Yet, his quest for
Rushdoony. Dorothy was blind and had journals.html. truth and his effort to share what he
trouble feeding herself. It was humbling discovered with others will be noted for
to see a great theologian and Biblical generations. Personally, Rush’s writings
Rushdoony the Warrior
scholar lovingly and dutifully help his caused me to question many common
By Rick Williams
wife eat. On another occasion, in 1994, antinomian notions of modern Christi-
Rush had dinner at our home along with
a bunch of friends and a large number
of children. Rush had just finished
S tonewall Jackson once inquired of a
companion, “Did you ever think, sir,
what an opportunity a battlefield affords
anity. His work in the field of Christian
education and his subsequent influence
there is immeasurable. I incorporated
describing his family’s Christian heritage liars?” In a world of religious hucksters many of the principles he espoused into
— which goes back for centuries in and imposters, our spiritual battlefield homeschooling my own children. While
Armenia. As he gave thanks for the meal, today presents quite an opportunity for he is missed, his influence will live on
he prayed: “May these children, and such deceivers. The exploding shells of and he has left us with many weapons to
their children’s children, be Christians revised history and emasculated Chris- continue the fight. May we righteously
until the end of time!” It was a touching tianity have taken the spiritual lives of use those weapons on the battlefield
prayer that revealed the essence of his many of the church’s soldiers. Others where God has placed each of us.
message. Two weeks ago, while holding wander on the battlefield, their souls
my new grandson for the first time, I wounded by a pervasive deception. Yet,

Rushdoony Inspires wasn’t easy. “I still keep Rushdoony’s Institutes of

Media Preachers “As I was moving away from my Biblical Law on my desk where I work,”
heritage of theological liberalism,” he re- he said. And a lot of work gets done on
Two of the more popular and called, “R.J. Rushdoony was a light for this that desk — show prep, books, a weekly
distinctive voices in Christian radio have confused young pastor who thought column for, and sermons.
acknowledged their debt to Chalcedon’s that all orthodox Christians were, at best, It’s a good place for the Institutes.
founder. obscurantist, and, at worst, crazy. “I’ve been learning to think like
Steve Brown, “the foghorn voice” “When I read Rushdoony for the first Rushdoony, in terms of hundreds of
of Key Life Ministries (, time, I found a brilliant intellect whose years,” Giles said. “Rushdoony knew you
heard on hundreds of radio stations insights enabled me to start thinking can’t bring the world to Christ overnight.
throughout North America, builds on about the world through Biblical and “The thing I like about Rushdoony,
a foundation of Biblical inerrancy to Christian eyes. He shattered every ste- and others like him — they know we’re
preach his message of “getting you reotype I had, and pointed to a sover- gonna win this thing. They know this
Home with freedom, joy, and faithful- eign God to whom I could give my heart world isn’t a sinking ship: that Christ in-
ness.” He’s also a Professor of Preaching and mind. I’m so thankful for his life, and tended for souls to be saved and culture
at Reformed Theological Seminary, his faithfulness to God and His Word.” to be leavened. They know our labors
Orlando, FL. Doug Giles, the host of the innova- are not in vain.”
He’s Biblically faithful now, but as tive Internet radio show, Clash Radio With the wry humor of Steve Brown
he often mentions in his broadcasts, (, and pastor of Clash and the high-voltage energy of Doug
he wasn’t always so. Brown came out Christian Church in Miami, FL, hails Giles’ broadcasts, Rushdoony’s message
of seminary as a theological liberal, and Rushdoony as a formative influence on continues to inspire orthodox Christian
making the transition to orthodoxy his ministry. preaching and teaching.

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 29

Faith for All of Life
Rushdoony, Report No.5 … cont. from page 3 us; it stands as the righteousness of God, Bible, not only on doctrines or social
which we must uphold. Every aspect issues of interest to us but on all that the
faith and character. And this eradication
of the Old Testament law still stands, Bible teaches.
is basic to man’s enslavement.
except those aspects of the ceremonial
Am I advocating political preaching Rushdoony, Recollections … cont. from page 5
and priestly law specifically fulfilled by
by the clergy, and is not this position
the coming of Christ, and those laws was mentioned to President and Mrs.
too close to the social gospel attitude of
specifically re-interpreted in the New Clinton, they both recognized the name
political involvement? The answer on Testament. We are saved from the law as and knew him for his involvement in
both counts is no. an indictment but not to break the law education.
Two similar questions have been freely. Is the law done away with and the I joined the staff of Chalcedon in
received: What is the relation of clergy Christian “free” to kill, commit adultery, 1978 after teaching school for three
and politics? Should men in the pulpit or steal? Rather the Christian is saved to years. I served in several capacities; I
speak out on social and political ques- be able to live in and under God’s law was, at first, even again given my old
tions, and if so, under what circum- and the law now is written on the tables job of collating the materials for the
stances? Answer: The clergy cannot of his heart. Chalcedon Report and inserting them
faithfully expound the Word of God We are used to talking about the into envelopes. I suppose you could say
without dealing with virtually every apostasy of the modernist clergy. Equal- I started in the “mail room,” but back
social and political question. The Bible ly serious, if not more so, is the apostasy then that was in my parents’ home or
speaks not only about salvation but of the clergy who claim to believe the mine. My wife, Darlene, my mother,
about God’s law with respect to the Bible but surrender the world to the Dorothy, and I, as well as other volun-
state, money, land, natural resources, devil, who refuse to proclaim the whole teers, would mail the Chalcedon Report
just weights and measures, criminal counsel of God to man. out each month. It was only in the mid
law, and a variety of other subjects. The The Bible is totally relevant to our 1980s that we began using the services
clergy are not to intermeddle in poli- world, and it must be so preached. Men of a mailing house.
tics, but they must proclaim the Word are not given grace to despise the law Economy has always been a by-
of God. There is a difference: political but to enable them to keep the law. We word at Chalcedon. The foundation
intermeddling is a concern over partisan have a lawless land because we have law- could have built several elegant build-
issues: preaching should be concerned less preachers. The Bible speaks plainly ings for the cost of what it gave to other
with Biblical doctrines irrespective of in many passages on debt, theft (by Kingdom-builders. I have no doubt this
persons and parties. individuals or by the state), on justice, is part of the reason it has been blessed.
Too many clergymen are operat- and other matters. Is it not contempt Chalcedon has sought to promote the
ing with a “shorter Bible,” one limited of God’s word to neglect these passages? Kingdom of God, not an organizational
to a fairly few passages and pages. One Salvation must be the starting point of structure.
class of “shorter Bible” preachers are the all preaching, but, if our preaching be The legacy of Chalcedon is its mes-
modernists, who refuse to believe most limited to this only, we are doing two sage and the writings of R. J. Rush-
of the Bible and limit themselves mainly things. First, we are, like the modernists, doony. He looked at a culture and a
to a few chapters, such as those that talk tossing out more of the Bible. Second, church and saw its errors as deeper and
about love. The other class of “shorter we are limiting God’s word only to what more systemic than others.
Bible” preachers claim to believe all the concerns our own souls, a very human- Before my father founded Chalce-
Bible but they drop almost everything istic emphasis. don, a wealthy man offered him a nice
except passages dealing with the saving An interesting aspect of colonial home and a good salary if he would
of souls. These men are too spiritually Puritan preaching was the election work toward reversing the drift of his
minded to be of much earthly good. sermon, sermons on fundamental moral denomination toward modernism. My
The excuse of this second group, issues preached before every election to father refused. He did not want to re-
who are Pietists, is that the law has been instruct people in the Biblical mandate. verse a failing institution, but to call all
done away with by grace, and so there Modernistic social gospel preaching is believers to Christian Reconstruction, a
is no reason to preach the law of God. relevant to our world, but it is anti-Bib- rebuilding of themselves, their families,
This is a false doctrine. The law is done lical in its perspective. What we need is their callings, and all else in terms of
away with only as an indictment against relevant Biblical preaching of the whole their faith. In this sense he was truly

30 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Faith for All of Life
prophetic, not in the sense of foretell- and which Chalcedon, by the grace of 5. Taken from the inside cover of the first
ing but in the sense of forth telling. He God, will continue to proclaim for years issue
proclaimed the all-encompassing claims to come.
Rouse, Memories … cont. from page 13
of God and the total power given to His
Christ. He called modern believers to Ortiz, Story of an Idea … cont. from page 11 Christmas he had a houseful of visitors.
act in terms of the faith they professed It had been a busy Christmas season,
R. J. Rushdoony passed away on
and the certainty of its victory in time with family and numerous visitors in
February 8, 2001, surrounded by his
and eternity. and out all week, and as he was prone to
family in the comfort of his own home.
His dying words to his gathered do, Dad drifted off to sleep in a chair as
Included in some of his final words was
family were, “We have an ordination to those around him chatted and children
the restatement of his calling to victory:
victory in this battle. Oh, my God, have played at his feet. Dad was in a bright
“The victory is ours and we must fight. red vest Mother had made him which
mercy upon us. Oh my Lord! Oh, my May He give you all strength to fight
God, we thank thee for this great calling looked wonderful with his white hair
the battle. We have a battle to fight and
to victory. Oh, my God, bless us in this an obligation to win. We have a certain
and beard. One of the children, a boy
battle.” victory. We are ordained to victory.” named James, leaned over and whis-
The strength of Chalcedon’s mes- pered to me, “I know who your father
This is the sum of all things — vic- is!” Bewildered, I asked what he meant.
sage is its confidence in the certainty tory in Christ and for His Kingdom. “He’s Santa Claus,” was the answer.
of victory. This victory was not in my This is why institutions are meaningless “That’s why he is so tired.” In some
father’s lifetime and it may not be in emblems. Men make movements to glo- ways he was right. In my life and in that
mine or yours. But it is certain. Any rify man’s efforts. Rushdoony glorified of many others, my father’s life, writings,
uncertainty involved is not in God, but the idea of victory and the victory of the and generous heart have been immea-
in our faithfulness to the promise He idea. He looked for the expression of the surable gifts that still continue to bless
has given us. idea to be manifest in every sphere, not and teach.
In preparing for this fortieth an- only in the Chalcedon Foundation. This My father taught us a verse when
niversary issue of the magazine, it is why Christian Reconstruction thrives we were very small which we repeat at
was hard to find any photographs of to this day. It cannot be subverted each of the many family birthdays we
Chalcedon’s history. Our history was because it is not contained in a board celebrate each year and part of which
poorly documented in that sense, but in of trustees or the coffers of a founda- was written on his 80th birthday cake:
another sense is readily accessible. Read tion. The idea is in you and me, and “Many happy returns of the day of
dozens of books by R. J. Rushdoony our proper response is to pass it along to thy birth, may sunshine and gladness be
and others. They are both the history those we know and love and to as many given. May our Heavenly Father prepare
and legacy of Chalcedon’s first forty as the Lord our God shall call. you on earth for a wonderful birthday
years. If you want to know Chalcedon’s
in heaven.”
history, look at the freedom of Chris- 1. For more detailed information on
the history of Chalcedon and the life
This verse speaks to the essence of
tian and homeschools in this country, my father’s work. His goal was to help
and the enduring legacy of the scores of of R. J. Rushdoony see A Comprehen-
sive Faith: An International Festschrift for us understand our earthly responsibili-
thousands of students who have been ties by teaching us what God expected
Rousas John Rushdoony (available at
trained therein. and required of us. His books remind; and the Chalce-
Defeat for the Christian is to quit don Report, Issue 429, April 2001. You can us of the importance of God’s law, its
the battle to which he has been called. obtain a copy of this back issue by calling purpose, our obedience to it, so that we
Victory is certain, only our fidelity 209-736-4365 ext. 12. might one day be prepared for the work
in the conflict is in question. When 2. Rousas John Rushdoony, By What Stan- God has for us in His Eternal Kingdom
Adoniram Judson’s 19th century mission dard? An Analysis of the Philosophy of Cor- and for our “wonderful birthday in
to Burma was destroyed and he was put nelius Van Til (Vallecito, CA: Ross House heaven.”
in a wretched prison, his jailer mocked Books, 1958), 20. Rebecca Rouse is the Donations and Data
him by asking how his prospects then 3. Ibid., 155. Input Manager at Chalcedon. She is the
looked. “As bright as the promises of 4. Cornelius Van Til, Christian Theistic mother of four children; a son and three
God,” Judson replied. This is the con- Ethics (Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian and daughters. Two of her daughters, Emily and
fidence of faith to which we are called Reformed, 1940, 1947), 134. Jill, also work in the Chalcedon offices.

September/October 2005 Faith for All of Life 31

Faith for All of Life
Schwartz, Changed … cont. from page 14 32 years ago, in The Institutes of Biblical This issue defines the front lines of
Foundation, and read his books. They Law, Vol. I (pg. 420). the Culture War today. While writing
agree with me that he has served as a As incredible as this statement must the three volumes of his Institutes, Rush-
prophet and mentor in the arena of have seemed in 1973, in 2005 it seems doony clearly saw it coming.
homeschooling. Often, when our family an understatement. Has the Western Perhaps nothing else testifies so
meets another that has had the benefit world capitulated to the assault by orga- tellingly to Rushdoony’s stature as a
of Rush’s teachings, there is an instant nized sodomy? Certainly much of it has, prophet as the numbers of his critics
camaraderie and depth of understand- including portions of the church itself. and the vitriol with which they attack
ing that is not always present with those Today we have a constitutional right to him. As a Bible scholar, he would have
who don’t have the same grounding. sodomy, as laid down by the Supreme expected this, too.
R. J. Rushdoony, the Christian, the Court in Lawrence v. Texas; homosexual “And he said, Verily I say unto you,
man, the theologian, the advocate, has “marriage” imposed by the state court No prophet is accepted in his own country”
had an impact that grows yearly. God in Massachusetts; a homosexual bishop; (Luke 4:24).
has been gracious to us by giving us one and public schools teaching sexual Lee Duigon is a Christian free-lance writer
who could help us understand our times technique to children as young as six and contributing editor for the Chalcedon
and be prepared to apply His law-word years old (see the “David Parker” article Report. He has been a newspaper editor and
to every area of life and thought. This at reporter and a published novelist.
good and faithful servant, we believe,
will be remembered alongside other
greats of our Faith such as Augustine, Homeschooling’s
Calvin, and Knox. How blessed we were Debt to Rushdoony
to be given a chance to walk alongside “When there was so much litigation
Two leaders of today’s homeschooling
him as he did the work God called him movement have acknowledged their debt against homeschool families, Dr.
to do! to Chalcedon’s founder, R.J. Rushdoony. Rushdoony testified at numerous trials
“Today there are over 1.8 million as an expert witness. While many other
Andrea Schwartz is co-director of Friends homeschooled children in the U.S.A.,” said evangelical Christian leaders and pastors
of Chalcedon. She has been homeschooling E. Ray Moore Jr., founder and director ignored — and some even hindered
her own children since 1983 and has had of Exodus Mandate, an organization — this small, new homeschool movement
a number of articles on homeschooling that promotes homeschooling through among Christians, Dr. Rushdoony invested
published in various magazines. She networking and the dissemination of his time, counsel, and intellectual acuity [in
continues to advise other homeschooling information and resources. “While the support of it].
nation’s culture seems to spin wildly out of “Rushdoony understood that most
families in areas of philosophy and
control, homeschooling shines as one of homeschool families taught their children
curriculum. a solid Biblical worldview.… He knew
the bright spots to give credible hope for
revival in the future. they were training their children to be
Duigon, Prophet … cont. from page 16 leaders of tomorrow, who would apply
“I counted it a privilege to know
Today, while the U.N. enthrones R. J. and listen to his lectures and study God’s principles to every area of life. In
his books,” said Christopher Klicka, many ways, the homeschoolers have
genocidal powers like Sudan, Zimba- senior counsel and director of the legal implemented what Rushdoony so tirelessly
bwe, and China on its Human Rights department at the Home School Legal taught — reclaiming our culture and
Commission, it also stands exposed as Defense Association (HSLDA). “Originally society under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.”
he was a voice crying in the wilderness Moore cited Rushdoony’s books on
the perpetrator of the most expansive fi- education as the intellectual foundation
— but gradually his works helped shape
nancial scandal in human history — the the evangelical movement in America, of homeschooling and a legacy to the
Oil for Food program, in which U.N. helping it become an effective force in our present day: Intellectual Schizophrenia
culture. Homeschooling is indebted for his (1961), The Messianic Character of American
operatives stole tens of billions of dollars Education (1963), and The Philosophy of the
that were intended to provide food and “When the modern Christian Christian Curriculum (1981). “These helped
medical supplies for the suffering people homeschool movement was born in the give theological form and substance to
of Iraq. 1970s,” Moore said, “Rushdoony was among the Christian homeschool movement,” he
the first theologians and Biblical scholars to said, “just as they had done earlier for the
5. “We are in the midst of a homo- private Christian day school movement.”
understand its potential impact for renewal
sexual revolution aimed against Biblical of the family.
faith and morality,” Rushdoony wrote,

32 Faith for All of Life September/October 2005

Larceny in the Heart: The Economics of To Be As God: A Study of
Satan and the Inflationary State Modern Thought Since the
By R.J. Rushdoony. In this study, first published Marquis De Sade
under the title Roots of Inflation, the reader sees By R.J. Rushdoony. This monumental work is
why envy often causes the most successful and a series of essays on the influential thinkers
advanced members of society to be deemed and ideas in modern times. The author begins
criminals. The reader is shown how envious with De Sade, who self-consciously broke
man finds any superiority in others intolerable with any Christian basis for morality and law.
and how this leads to a desire for a leveling. Enlightenment thinking began with nature as
The author uncovers the larceny in the heart of the only reality, and Christianity was reduced
man and its results. See how class warfare and a social order based to one option among many. It was then, in
on conflict lead to disaster. This book is essential reading for an turn, attacked as anti-democratic and anti-freedom for its dogmatic
understanding of the moral crisis of modern economics and the only assertion of the supernatural. Literary figures such as Shelly, Byron,
certain long-term cure. Whitman, and more are also examined, for the Enlightenment
presented both the intellectual and the artist as replacement for the
Paperback, 144 pages, indices, $18.00
theologian and his church. Ideas, such as “the spirit of the age,” truth,
reason, Romanticism, persona, and Gnosticism are related to the
A Conquering Faith desire to negate God and Christian ethics. Reading this book will
By William O. Einwechter. This monograph help you understand the need to avoid the syncretistic blending of
takes on the doctrinal defection of today’s humanistic philosophy with the Christian faith.
church by providing Christians with an
introductory treatment of six vital areas of Paperback, 230 pages, indices, $21.00
Christian doctrine: God’s sovereignty, Christ’s
Lordship, God’s law, the authority of Scripture, Predestination in Light of the Cross
the dominion mandate, and the victory of By John B. King, Jr. This book is a thorough
Christ and His church in history. This easy- presentation of the Biblical doctrine of
to-read booklet is a welcome antidote to the absolute predestination from both the
humanistic theology of the 21st century church. dogmatic and systematic perspectives.
The author defends predestination from
Booklet, 44 pages, $8.00
the perspective of Martin Luther, showing
he was as vigorously predestinarian
The Word of Flux: Modern Man and the as John Calvin. At the same time,
Problem of Knowledge the author provides a compellingly
By R.J. Rushdoony. Modern man has a systematic theological understanding of
problem with knowledge. He cannot accept predestination. This book will give the reader a fuller understanding
God’s Word about the world or anything of the sovereignty of God.
else, so anything which points to God
must be called into question. Man, once he Paperback, 314 pages, $24.00
makes himself ultimate, is unable to know
anything but himself. Because of this impass,
modern thinking has become progressively
pragmatic. This book will lead the reader to understand that this
problem of knowledge underlies the isolation and self-torment of
modern man. Can you know anything if you reject God and His
revelation? This book takes the reader into the heart of modern man’s
intellectual dilemma.
Paperback, 127 pages, indices, $19.00

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Ten Commandments for Today
biblical law DVD Series. Ethics remains at the center
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The Institute of Biblical Law politics and education as our culture
(In three volumes, by R.J. Rushdoony) searches for a comprehensive standard to
Volume I guide itself through the darkness of the
Biblical Law is a plan for dominion under God, modern age. Very few consider the Bible
whereas its rejection is to claim dominion on man’s as the rule of conduct, and God has been
terms. The general principles (commandments) marginalized by the pluralism of our
of the law are discussed as well as their specific society.
applications (case law) in Scripture. Many consider
This 12-part DVD collection contains an
this to be the author’s most important work.
in-depth interview with the late Dr. R.J. Rushdoony on the application
Hardback, 890 pages, indices, $45.00 of God’s law to our modern world. Each commandment is covered in
detail as Dr. Rushdoony challenges the humanistic remedies that have
obviously failed. Only through God’s revealed will, as laid down in
the Bible, can the standard for righteous living be found. Rushdoony
Volume II, Law and Society
silences the critics of Christianity by outlining the rewards of
The relationship of Biblical Law to communion
obedience as well as the consequences of disobedience to God’s Word.
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Volume III, The Intent of the Law

“God’s law is much more than a legal code; it Law and Liberty
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relationship between God and man.” The first of life from a Biblical perspective. Every area of life
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tenderly illustrates how the law is for our good, and government of God’s Word.
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Paperback, 152 pages, $5.00
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vividly shows the practical implications of the law.
The examples catch the reader’s attention; the author clearly has had
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would-be challengers to God’s law produce only poison and death. By Edward J. Murphy. The implications of God’s law
Only God’s law can claim to express God’s “covenant grace in over the life of man and society.
helping us.” Booklet, 36 pages, $2.00
Hardback, 252 pages, indices, $25.00

Or, buy Volumes 1 and 2 and receive Volume 3 for FREE! The World Under God’s Law
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the home, the church, government, economics,
and the school.
5 cassette tapes, RR418ST-5, $15.00

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The Messianic Character of American
education Education
By R.J. Rushdoony. Rushdoony’s study tells us
The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum an important part of American history: exactly
By R.J. Rushdoony. The Christian School what has public education been trying to
represents a break with humanistic education, but, accomplish? Before the 1830s and Horace Mann,
too often, in leaving the state school, the Christian no schools in the U.S. were state supported or
educator has carried the state’s humanism with state controlled. They were local, parent-teacher
him. A curriculum is not neutral: it is either a enterprises, supported without taxes, and taking
course in humanism or training in a God-centered care of all children. They were remarkably high in standard and were
faith and life. The liberal arts curriculum means Christian. From Mann to the present, the state has used education to
literally that course which trains students in socialize the child. The school’s basic purpose, according to its own
the arts of freedom. This raises the key question: is freedom in philosophers, is not education in the traditional sense of the 3 R’s.
and of man or Christ? The Christian art of freedom, that is, the Instead, it is to promote “democracy” and “equality,” not in their legal
Christian liberal arts curriculum, is emphatically not the same as the or civic sense, but in terms of the engineering of a socialized citizenry.
humanistic one. It is urgently necessary for Christian educators to Public education became the means of creating a social order of
rethink the meaning and nature of the curriculum. the educator’s design. Such men saw themselves and the school
in messianic terms. This book was instrumental in launching the
Paperback, 190 pages, index, $16.00
Christian school and homeschool movements.

Intellectual Schizophrenia Hardback, 410 pages, index, $20.00

By R.J. Rushdoony. When this brilliant and
prophetic book was first published in 1961, the Mathematics: Is God Silent?
Christian homeschool movement was years By James Nickel. This book revolutionizes the
away and even Christian day schools were hardly prevailing understanding and teaching of math.
considered a viable educational alternative. The addition of this book is a must for all upper-
But this book and the author’s later Messianic level Christian school curricula and for college
Character of American Education were a students and adults interested in math or related
resolute call to arms for Christian’s to get their fields of science and religion. It will serve as a
children out of the pagan public schools and solid refutation for the claim, often made in court,
provide them with a genuine Christian education. Dr. Rushdoony that mathematics is one subject, which cannot be
had predicted that the humanist system, based on anti-Christian taught from a distinctively Biblical perspective.
premises of the Enlightenment, could only get worse. Rushdoony was
Revised and enlarged 2001 edition,
indeed a prophet. He knew that education divorced from God and
Paperback, 408 pages, $22.00
from all transcendental standards would produce the educational
disaster and moral barbarism we have today. The title of this book
is particularly significant in that Dr. Rushdoony was able to identify The Foundations of Christian Scholarship
the basic contradiction that pervades a secular society that rejects Edited by Gary North. These are essays developing
God’s sovereignty but still needs law and order, justice, science, and the implications and meaning of the philosophy
meaning to life. As Dr. Rushdoony writes, “there is no law, no society, of Dr. Cornelius Van Til for every area of life. The
no justice, no structure, no design, no meaning apart from God.” And chapters explore the implications of Biblical faith
so, modern man has become schizophrenic because of his rebellion for a variety of disciplines.
against God. Paperback, 355 pages, indices, $24.00
Paperback, 150 pages, index, $17.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Tape 16 31. The Coming of the Civil War
american history & the constitution 32. De Toqueville on the Family
Tape 17 33. De Toqueville on Democracy & Power
American History to 1865 34. The Interpretation of History, I
Tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. These Tape 18 35. The Interpretation of History, II
tapes are the most theologically complete
assessment of early American history This Independent Republic
available, yet retain a clarity and vividness By Rousas John Rushdoony. First published in 1964,
of expression that make them ideal this series of essays gives important insight into
for students. Rev. Rushdoony reveals American history by one who could trace American
a foundation of American History of development in terms of the Christian ideas which
philosophical and theological substance. gave it direction.
He describes not just the facts of history, These essays will greatly alter your understanding
but the leading motives and movements of, and appreciation for, American history. Topics
in terms of the thinking of the day. Though this series does not extend discussed include: the legal issues behind the War
beyond 1865, that year marked the beginning of the secular attempts of Independence; sovereignty as a theological
to rewrite history. There can be no understanding of American tenet foreign to colonial political thought and the Constitution; the
History without an understanding of the ideas which undergirded its desire for land as a consequence of the belief in “inheriting the land”
founding and growth. Set includes 18 tapes, student questions, and as a future blessing, not an immediate economic asset; federalism’s
teacher’s answer key in album. localism as an inheritance of feudalism; the local control of property
18 tapes in album, RR144ST-18, as a guarantee of liberty; why federal elections were long considered
Set of “American History to 1865”, $90.00 of less importance than local politics; how early American ideas
attributed to democratic thought were based on religious ideals of
Tape 1 1. Motives of Discovery & Exploration I communion and community; and the absurdity of a mathematical
2. Motives of Discovery & Exploration II
concept of equality being applied to people.
Tape 2 3. Mercantilism
4. Feudalism, Monarchy & Colonies/The Fairfax Resolves 1-8 Paperback, 163 pages, index, $17.00
Tape 3 5. The Fairfax Resolves 9-24
6. The Declaration of Independence &
The Nature of the American System
Articles of Confederation
Tape 4 7. George Washington: A Biographical Sketch By R.J. Rushdoony. Originally published in 1965,
8. The U. S. Constitution, I these essays were a continuation of the author’s
Tape 5 9. The U. S. Constitution, II previous work, This Independent Republic, and
10. De Toqueville on Inheritance & Society examine the interpretations and concepts which
Tape 6 11. Voluntary Associations & the Tithe have attempted to remake and rewrite America’s
12. Eschatology & History past and present. “The writing of history then,
Tape 7 13. Postmillennialism & the War of Independence because man is neither autonomous, objective
14. The Tyranny of the Majority nor ultimately creative, is always in terms of a
Tape 8 15. De Toqueville on Race Relations in America
framework, a philosophical and ultimately religious framework in
16. The Federalist Administrations
Tape 9 17. The Voluntary Church, I the mind of the historian…. To the orthodox Christian, the shabby
18. The Voluntary Church, II incarnations of the reigning historiographies are both absurd and
Tape 10 19. The Jefferson Administration, offensive. They are idols, and he is forbidden to bow down to them
the Tripolitan War & the War of 1812 and must indeed wage war against them.”
20. Religious Voluntarism on the Frontier, I
Tape 11 21. Religious Voluntarism on the Frontier, II Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00
22. The Monroe & Polk Doctrines
Tape 12 23. Voluntarism & Social Reform Retreat From Liberty
24. Voluntarism & Politics A tape set by R.J. Rushdoony. 3 lessons on
Tape 13 25. Chief Justice John Marshall: Problems of “The American Indian,”“A Return to Slavery,”
Political Voluntarism and “The United Nations – A Religious
26. Andrew Jackson: His Monetary Policy
Tape 14 27. The Mexican War of 1846 / Calhoun’s Disquisition
28. De Toqueville on Democratic Culture 3 cassette tapes, RR251ST-3, $9.00
Tape 15 29. De Toqueville on Equality & Individualism
30. Manifest Destiny

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

The Influence of Historic Christianity on
Early America world history
By Archie P. Jones. Early America was founded
upon the deep, extensive influence of Christianity A Christian Survey of World
inherited from the medieval period and the History
Protestant Reformation. That priceless heritage 12 cassettes with notes, questions,
was not limited to the narrow confines of and answer key
the personal life of the individual, nor to the in an attractive album
ecclesiastical structure. Christianity positively By R.J. Rushdoony. From tape 3:
and predominately (though not perfectly) shaped culture, education, “Can you see why a knowledge
science, literature, legal thought, legal education, political thought, law, of history is important—so that
politics, charity, and missions. we can see the issues as our Lord
Booklet, 88 pages, $6.00 presented them against the whole
backboard of history and to see the
The Future of the Conservative Movement battle as it is again lining up? Because again we have the tragic view
Edited by Andrew Sandlin. The Future of the of ancient Greece; again we have the Persian view—tolerate both
Conservative Movement explores the history, good and evil; again we have the Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian
accomplishments and decline of the conservative view of chaos as the source of regeneration. And we must therefore
movement, and lays the foundation for a viable again find our personal and societal regeneration in Jesus Christ and
substitute to today’s compromising, floundering His Word—all things must be made new in terms of His Word.”
conservatism. Twelve taped lessons give an overview of history from ancient times
to the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could. Text includes
Because the conservative movement, despite its fifteen chapters of class notes covering ancient history through the
many sound features (including anti-statism and anti-Communism), Reformation. Text also includes review questions covering the tapes
was not anchored in an unchangeable standard, it eventually was and questions for thought and discussion. Album includes 12 tapes,
hijacked from within and transformed into a scaled-down version of notes, and answer key.
the very liberalism it was originally calculated to combat.
12 tapes in album, RR160ST-12, Set of “A Christian Survey of
Booklet, 67 pages, $6.00 World History”, $75.00
Tape 1 1. Time and History: Why History is Important
The United States: A Christian Republic Tape 2 2. Israel, Egypt, and the Ancient Near East
By R.J. Rushdoony. The author demolishes the modern myth that the Tape 3 3. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Jesus Christ
United States was founded by deists or humanists bent on creating a Tape 4 4. The Roman Republic and Empire
secular republic. Tape 5 5. The Early Church
6. Byzantium
Pamphlet, 7 pages, $1.00 Tape 6 7. Islam
8. The Frontier Age
Biblical Faith and American History Tape 7 9. New Humanism or Medieval Period
By R.J. Rushdoony. America was a break with the neoplatonic view of Tape 8 10. The Reformation
religion that dominated the medieval church. The Puritans and other Tape 9 11. Wars of Religion – So Called
groups saw Scripture as guidance for every area of life because they 12. The Thirty Years War
Tape 10 13. France: Louis XIV through Napoleon
viewed its author as the infallible Sovereign over every area. America’s
Tape 11 14. England: The Puritans through Queen Victoria
fall into Arminianism and revivalism, however, was a return to the Tape 12 15. 20th Century: The Intellectual – Scientific Elite
neoplatonic error that transferred the world from Christ’s shoulders to
man’s. The author saw a revival ahead in Biblical faith.
Pamphlet, 12 pages, $1.00

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The Biblical Philosophy of History The Foundations of Social Order: Studies in
By R.J. Rushdoony. For the orthodox Christian who the Creeds and Councils of the Early Church
grounds his philosophy of history on the doctrine By R.J. Rushdoony. Every social order rests on a
of creation, the mainspring of history is God. Time creed, on a concept of life and law, and represents
rests on the foundation of eternity, on the eternal a religion in action. The basic faith of a society
decree of God. Time and history therefore have means growth in terms of that faith. Now the
meaning because they were created in terms of creeds and councils of the early church, in
God’s perfect and totally comprehensive plan. The hammering out definitions of doctrines, were also
humanist faces a meaningless world in which he laying down the foundations of Christendom with
must strive to create and establish meaning. The Christian accepts them. The life of a society is its creed; a dying creed faces desertion
a world which is totally meaningful and in which every event moves or subversion readily. Because of its indifference to its creedal basis in
in terms of God’s purpose; he submits to God’s meaning and finds Biblical Christianity, western civilization is today facing death and is
his life therein. This is an excellent introduction to Rushdoony. Once in a life and death struggle with humanism.
the reader sees Rushdoony’s emphasis on God’s sovereignty over
Paperback, 197 pages, index, $16.00
all of time and creation, he will understand his application of this
presupposition in various spheres of life and thought.
Paperback, 138 pages, $22.00

James I: The Fool as King The Death of Meaning

By Otto Scott. In this study, Otto Scott writes about By Rousas John Rushdoony. For centuries on end,
one of the “holy” fools of humanism who worked humanistic philosophers have produced endless
against the faith from within. This is a major books and treatises which attempt to explain
historical work and marvelous reading. reality without God or the mediatory work of His
Son, Jesus Christ. Modern philosophy has sought
Hardback, 472 pages, $20.00
to explain man and his thought process without
acknowledging God, His Revelation, or man’s sin.
Christian Reconstruction in England God holds all such efforts in derision and subjects
A cassette tape series by R.J. Rushdoony, their authors and adherents to futility. Philosophers who rebel
previously released as English History examines against God are compelled to abandon meaning itself, for they possess
the impact of John Wycliffe, Richard III, Oliver neither the tools nor the place to anchor it. The works of darkness
Cromwell, and John Milton on English history. championed by philosophers past and present need to be exposed
5 cassette tapes, RR135ST-5, $15.00 and reproved.
In this volume, Dr. Rushdoony clearly enunciates each major
philosopher’s position and its implications, identifies the intellectual
church history and moral consequences of each school of thought, and traces the
dead-end to which each naturally leads. There is only one foundation.
The “Atheism” of the Early Church Without Christ, meaning and morality are anchored to shifting sand,
By Rousas John Rushdoony. Early Christians were and a counsel of despair prevails. This penetrating yet brief volume
called “heretics” and “atheists” when they denied provides clear guidance, even for laymen unfamiliar with philosophy.
the gods of Rome, in particular the divinity of Paperback, 180 pages, index, $18.00
the emperor and the statism he embodied in his
personality cult. These Christians knew that Jesus
Christ, not the state, was their Lord and that this
faith required a different kind of relationship to
the state than the state demanded. Because Jesus
Christ was their acknowledged Sovereign, they consciously denied
such esteem to all other claimants. Today the church must take a
similar stand before the modern state.
Paperback, 64 pages, $12.00

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By What Standard? Humanism, the Deadly Deception
By R.J. Rushdoony. An introduction into the A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Six lessons
problems of Christian philosophy. It focuses on present humanism as a religious faith of sinful
the philosophical system of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, men. Humanistic views of morality and law are
which in turn is founded upon the presuppositions contrasted with the Christian view of faith and
of an infallible revelation in the Bible and the providence.
necessity of Christian theology for all philosophy.
3 cassette tapes, RR137ST-3, $9.00
This is Rushdoony’s foundational work on
Epistemology: How Do We Know?
Hardback, 212 pages, index, $14.00 A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Eleven
lessons on the discipline largely ignored by
The One and the Many the modern thinker. Learn how philosophers
By R.J. Rushdoony. Subtitled Studies in the such as Descartes and Camus changed
Philosophy of Order and Ultimacy, this work modern thought. See how circular reasoning
discusses the problem of understanding unity is an unavoidable fact of man’s creaturehood. Understand how
vs. particularity, oneness vs. individuality. modern man is increasingly irrational, as witness the “death of god”
“Whether recognized or not, every argument and movement. This is a good companion set to the author’s book, The
every theological, philosophical, political, or any Word of Flux.
other exposition is based on a presupposition
4 cassette tapes, RR101ST-4, $12.00
about man, God, and society—about reality.
This presupposition rules and determines the
conclusion; the effect is the result of a cause. And one such basic A History of Modern Philosophy
presupposition is with reference to the one and the many.” The author A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. Nine lessons
finds the answer in the Biblical doctrine of the Trinity. trace modern thought. Hear a Christian critique
of Descartes, Berkeley, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Sade,
Paperback, 375 pages, index, $15.00 and Genet. Learn how modern philosophy has
been used to deny a Christian world-view and
The Flight from Humanity propose a new order, a new morality, and a new man.
By R.J. Rushdoony. Subtitled A Study of the Effect of
8 cassette tapes, RR261ST-8, $21.00
Neoplatonism on Christianity.
Neoplatonism is a Greek philosophical assumption
about the world. It views that which is form or psychology
spirit (such as mind) as good and that which is
physical (flesh) as evil. But Scripture says all of
man fell into sin, not just his flesh. The first sin was Politics of Guilt and Pity
the desire to be as god, determining good and evil By R.J. Rushdoony. From the foreword by Steve
apart from God (Gen. 3:5). Neoplatonism presents Schlissel: “Rushdoony sounds the clarion call of
man’s dilemma as a metaphysical one, whereas Scripture presents it liberty for all who remain oppressed by Christian
as a moral problem. Basing Christianity on this false Neoplatonic idea leaders who wrongfully lord it over the souls of
will always shift the faith from the Biblical perspective. The ascetic God’s righteous ones.… I pray that the entire
quest sought to take refuge from sins of the flesh but failed to address book will not only instruct you in the method
the reality of sins of the heart and mind. In the name of humility, and content of a Biblical worldview, but actually
the ascetics manifested arrogance and pride. This pagan idea of bring you further into the glorious freedom of
spirituality entered the church and is the basis of some chronic the children of God. Those who walk in wisdom’s
problems in Western civilization. ways become immune to the politics of guilt and pity.”

Paperback, 66 pages, $5.00 Hardback, 371 pages, index, $20.00

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Revolt Against Maturity Creation According to the Scriptures
By. R.J. Rushdoony. This is a study of the Biblical Edited by P. Andrew Sandlin. Subtitled: A
doctrine of psychology. The Biblical view sees Presuppositional Defense of Literal Six-Day
psychology as a branch of theology dealing Creation, this symposium by thirteen authors
with man as a fallen creature marked by a revolt is a direct frontal assault on all waffling views
against maturity. of Biblical creation. It explodes the “Framework
Hypothesis,” so dear to the hearts of many
Hardback, 334 pages, index, $18.00
respectability-hungry Calvinists, and it throws
down the gauntlet to all who believe they can
maintain a consistent view of Biblical infallibility while abandoning
science literal, six-day creation. It is a must reading for all who are observing
closely the gradual defection of many allegedly conservative churches
The Mythology of Science and denominations, or who simply want a greater grasp of an
By R.J. Rushdoony. This book points out the orthodox, God-honoring view of the Bible.
fraud of the empirical claims of much modern Paperback, 159 pages, $18.00
science since Charles Darwin. This book is about
the religious nature of evolutionary thought,
how these religious presuppositions underlie economics
our modern intellectual paradigm, and how
they are deferred to as sacrosanct by institutions
and disciplines far removed from the empirical Making Sense of Your Dollars:
sciences. The “mythology” of modern science is its religious devotion A Biblical Approach to Wealth
to the myth of evolution. Evolution “so expresses or coincides By Ian Hodge. The author puts the creation and
with the contemporary spirit that its often radical contradictions use of wealth in their Biblical context. Debt has
and absurdities are never apparent, in that they express the basic put the economies of nations and individuals
presuppositions, however untenable, of everyday life and thought.” In in dangerous straits. This book discusses why
evolution, man is the highest expression of intelligence and reason, a business is the best investment, as well as the
and such thinking will not yield itself to submission to a God it views issues of debt avoidance and insurance. Wealth
as a human cultural creation, useful, if at all, only in a cultural context. is a tool for dominion men to use as faithful
The basis of science and all other thought will ultimately be found in stewards.
a higher ethical and philosophical context; whether or not this is seen Paperback, 192 pages, index, $12.00
as religious does not change the nature of that context. “Part of the
mythology of modern evolutionary science is its failure to admit that Christianity and Capitalism
it is a faith-based paradigm.” By R.J. Rushdoony. In a simple, straightforward style, the Christian
Paperback, 134 pages, $17.00 case for capitalism is presented. Capital, in the form of individual and
family property, is protected in Scripture and is necessary for liberty.
Alive: An Enquiry into the Origin and Pamphlet, 8 pages, $1.00
Meaning of Life
By Dr. Magnus Verbrugge, M.D. This study is of A Christian View of Vocation:
major importance as a critique of scientific theory, The Glory of the Mundane
evolution, and contemporary nihilism in scientific By Terry Applegate. To many Christians, business
thought. Dr. Verbrugge, son-in-law of the late is a “dirty” occupation fit only for greedy,
Dr. H. Dooyeweerd and head of the Dooyeweerd manipulative unbelievers. The author, a successful
Foundation, applies the insights of Dooyeweerd’s Christian businessman, explodes this myth in this
thinking to the realm of science. Animism and hard-hitting title.
humanism in scientific theory are brilliantly discussed.
Pamphlet, 12 pages, $1.00
Paperback, 159 pages, $14.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Companion tape series to The Gospel of John
biblical studies A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. Seventy
sermons cover John’s entire gospel and parallel
Genesis, Volume I of Commentaries on the the chapters in the author’s commentary, The
Pentateuch Gospel of John, making this a valuable group
By Rousas John Rushdoony. Genesis begins the Bible study series.
Bible, and is foundational to it. In recent years, it 39 cassette tapes, RR197ST-39, $108.00
has become commonplace for both humanists and
churchmen to sneer at anyone who takes Genesis
Romans and Galatians
1-11 as historical. Yet to believe in the myth of
By R.J. Rushdoony. From the author’s
evolution is to accept trillions of miracles to
introduction: “I do not disagree with
account for our cosmos. Spontaneous generation,
the liberating power of the Reformation
the development of something out of nothing, and the blind belief
interpretation, but I believe that it provides
in the miraculous powers of chance, require tremendous faith.
simply the beginning of our understanding of
Darwinism is irrationality and insanity compounded. Theology
Romans, not its conclusion....
without literal six-day creationism becomes alien to the God of
The great problem in the church’s interpretation
Scripture because it turns from the God Who acts and Whose Word
of Scripture has been its ecclesiastical
is the creative word and the word of power, to a belief in process as
orientation, as though God speaks only to the
god. The god of the non-creationists is the creation of man and a
church, and commands only the church. The Lord God speaks in
figment of their imagination. They must play games with the Bible
and through His Word to the whole man, to every man, and to every
to vindicate their position. Evolution is both naive and irrational. Its
area of life and thought…. To assume that the Triune Creator of all
adherents violate the scientific canons they profess by their fanatical
things is in His word and person only relevant to the church is to
and intolerant belief. The entire book of Genesis is basic to Biblical
deny His Lordship or sovereignty.
theology. The church needs to re-study it to recognize its centrality.
If we turn loose the whole Word of God onto the church and the
Hardback, 297 pages, indices, $45.00 world, we shall see with joy its power and glory. This is the purpose of
my brief comments on Romans.”
The Gospel of John Hardback, 446 pages, indices, $24.00
By R.J. Rushdoony. In this commentary the
author maps out the glorious gospel of John,
Companion tape series to Romans and Galatians
starting from the obvious parallel to Genesis 1
Romans - “Living by Faith”
(“In the beginning was the Word”) and through
A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. Sixty-three
to the glorious conclusion of Christ’s death
sermons on Paul’s epistle. Use as group Bible
and resurrection. Nothing more clearly reveals
study with Romans and Galatians.
the gospel than Christ’s atoning death and His
resurrection. They tell us that Jesus Christ has 32 cassette tapes, RR414 ST-32, $96.00
destroyed the power of sin and death. John
therefore deliberately limits the number of miracles he reports Galatians - “Living by Faith”
in order to point to and concentrate on our Lord’s death and A cassette series by R.J. Rushdoony. These nineteen sermons
resurrection. The Jesus of history is He who made atonement for completed his study and commentary.
us, died, and was resurrected. His life cannot be understood apart
from this, nor can we know His history in any other light. This is why 10 cassette tapes, RR415ST-10, $30.00
John’s “testimony is true,” and, while books filling the earth could not
contain all that could be said, the testimony given by John is “faithful.”
Hardback, 320 pages, indices, $26.00

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Hebrews, James and Jude 25 lessons. 13 cassette tapes, RR416ST-13, $39.00
By R.J. Rushdoony. There is a resounding call
I John
in Hebrews, which we cannot forget without
15 lessons on the first epistle of John, plus a bonus lesson on the
going astray: “Let us go forth therefore unto him
incarnation. Rev. Rushdoony passed away before he could complete
without the camp, bearing his reproach” (13:13).
this, his last sermon series.
This is a summons to serve Christ the Redeemer-
16 lessons. 8 cassette tapes, RR419ST-8, $24.00
King fully and faithfully, without compromise.
When James, in his epistle, says that faith without Exegetical Sermon Series by Rev. Mark R. Rushdoony
works is dead, he tells us that faith is not a mere matter of words,
but it is of necessity a matter of life. “Pure religion and undefiled” Galatians - “Heresy in Galatia”
requires Christian charity and action. Anything short of this 10 lessons. 5 cassette tapes, MR100ST-5, $15.00
is a self-delusion. James’s letter is a corrective the church
needs badly. Ephesians – “Partakers of God’s Promise”
24 lessons. 12 cassette tapes, MR108ST-12, $36.00
Jude similarly recalls us to Jesus Christ’s apostolic commission,
“Remember ye the words which have been spoken before by the Colossians - “The Sufficiency of Christ”
apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ” (v. 17). Jude’s letter reminds us 10 lessons. 5 cassette tapes, MR101ST-5, $15.00
of the necessity for a new creation beginning with us, and of the
I Timothy – “Right Doctrine and Practice”
inescapable triumph of the Kingdom of God.
27 lessons. 14 cassette tapes, MR102ST-14, $42.00
Hardback, 260 pages, $30.00
II Timothy – “Faithfulness and Diligence”
14 lessons. 7 cassette tapes, MR106ST-7, $21.00
Companion tape series to Hebrews, James and Jude
Titus – “Speak with All Authority”
Hebrew and James - “The True Mediator” 11 lessons. 6 cassette tapes, MR105ST-6, $18.00
A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 48 lessons
Hebrews and James. Philemon – “For My Son, Onesimus”
4 lessons. 2 cassette tapes, MR107ST-2, $6.00
26 cassette tapes, RR198ST-26, $75.00
“Doers of the Word” - Sermons in James
Jude - “Enemies in the Church” 7 lessons. 4 cassette tapes, MR104ST-4, $12.00
A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 4 lessons on Jude by R.J. Rushdoony.
2 cassette tapes, RR400ST-2, $9.00 theology
More Exegetical Tape Series by Rev. R.J. Rushdoony
Systematic Theology
Exodus - “Unity of Law and Grace” (in two volumes)
125 lessons. 70 cassette tapes, RR171ST-70, $195.00 By R. J. Rushdoony. Theology belongs
in the pulpit, the school, the workplace,
Leviticus - “The Law of Holiness and Grace”
the family and everywhere. Society as
79 lessons. 40 cassette tapes, RR172ST-40, $120.00
a whole is weakened when theology
Numbers - “Faith, Law and History” is neglected. Without a systematic
63 lessons. 38 cassette tapes, RR181ST-38, $102.00 application of theology, too often people
approach the Bible with a smorgasbord
Deuteronomy - “The Law and the Family” mentality, picking and choosing that which pleases
110 lessons. 63 cassette tapes, RR187ST-63, $168.00 them. This two-volume set addresses this subject in order to assist in
The Sermon on the Mount the application of the Word of God to every area of life and thought.
25 lessons. 13 cassette tapes, RR412ST-13, $39.00 Hardback, 1301 pages, indices, $70.00 per set
I Corinthians - “Godly Social Order”
47 lessons. 25 cassette tapes, RR417ST-25, $75.00
II Corinthians - “Godly Social Order”

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Companion tape series to R. J. Rushdoony’s The Lordship of Christ
Systematic Theology By Arend ten Pas. The author shows that to limit Christ’s
These tape series represent just a few of the work in history to salvation and not to include lordship
many topics represented in the above work. is destructive of the faith and leads to false doctrine.
They are useful for Bible study groups, Sunday
Booklet, 29 pages, $2.50
Schools, etc. All are by Rev. R. J. Rushdoony.
Creation and Providence The Church Is Israel Now
17 lessons. 9 cassette tapes, RR407ST-9, $27.00 By Charles D. Provan. For the last century,
The Doctrine of the Covenant Christians have been told that God has an
22 lessons. 11 cassette tapes, RR406ST-11, $33.00 unconditional love for persons racially descended
from Abraham. Membership in Israel is said to be
The Doctrine of Sin a matter of race, not faith. This book repudiates
22 lessons. 11 cassette tapes, RR409ST-11, $33.00 such a racialist viewpoint and abounds in
Scripture references which show that the blessings
The Doctrine of Salvation of Israel were transferred to all those who accept
20 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR408ST-10, $30.00 Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Doctrine of the Church Paperback, 74 pages, $12.00
30 lessons. 17 cassette tapes, RR401ST-17, $45.00
The Theology of the Land The Guise of Every Graceless Heart
20 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR403ST-10, $30.00 By Terrill Irwin Elniff. An extremely important
and fresh study of Puritan thought in early
The Theology of Work America. On Biblical and theological grounds,
19 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR404ST-10, $30.00 Puritan preachers and writers challenged the
The Doctrine of Authority autonomy of man, though not always consistently.
19 lessons. 10 cassette tapes, RR402ST-10, $30.00 Hardback, 120 pages, $7.00

Infallibility and Interpretation The Great Christian Revolution

By Rousas John Rushdoony & P. Andrew Sandlin. By Otto Scott, Mark R. Rushdoony, R.J. Rushdoony,
The authors argue for infallibility from a distinctly John Lofton, and Martin Selbrede. A major
presuppositional perspective. That is, their work on the impact of Reformed thinking on
arguments are unapologetically circular because our civilization. Some of the studies, historical
they believe all ultimate claims are based on and theological, break new ground and provide
one’s beginning assumptions. The question of perspectives previously unknown or neglected.
Biblical infallibility rests ultimately in one’s belief
about the character of God. They believe man is a Hardback, 327 pages, $22.00
creature of faith, not, following the Enlightenment’s
humanism, of reason. They affirm Biblical infallibility because The Necessity for Systematic Theology
the God Whom the Bible reveals could speak in no other way than By R.J. Rushdoony. Scripture gives us as its underlying unity a unified
infallibly, and because the Bible in which God is revealed asserts doctrine of God and His order. Theology must be systematic to be
that God alone speaks infallibly. Men deny infallibility to God not true to the God of Scripture.
for intellectual reasons, but for ethical reasons—they are sinners Booklet (now part of the author’s Systematic Theology),
in rebellion against God and His authority in favor of their own. 74 pages, $2.00
The authors wrote convinced that only by a recovery of faith in an
infallible Bible and obedience to its every command can Christians
hope to turn back evil both in today’s church and culture.
Paperback, 100 pages, $6.00

Save 15% on Orders of $50.00 or More

Keeping Our Sacred Trust
Edited by Andrew Sandlin. The Bible and the taking dominion
Christian Faith have been under attack in one way
or another throughout much of the history of the Salvation and Godly Rule
church, but only in recent times have these attacks By R.J. Rushdoony. Salvation in Scripture includes
been perceived within the church as a healthy in its meaning “health” and “victory.” By limiting
alternative to orthodoxy. This book is a trumpet the meaning of salvation, men have limited the
blast heralding a full-orbed, Biblical, orthodox power of God and the meaning of the Gospel.
Christianity. The hope of the modern world is not
Paperback, 512 pages, indices, $35.00
a passive compromise with passing heterodox fads, but aggressive
devotion to the time-honored Faith “once delivered to the saints.”
Tithing and Dominion
Paperback, 167 pages, $19.00 By Edward A. Powell and R.J. Rushdoony. God’s Kingdom covers all
things in its scope, and its immediate ministry includes, according
Infallibility: An Inescapable Concept to Scripture, the ministry of grace (the church), instruction (the
By R.J. Rushdoony. “The doctrine of the infallibility of Scripture can Christian and homeschool), help to the needy (the diaconate), and
be denied, but the concept of infallibility as such cannot be logically many other things. God’s appointed means for financing His Kingdom
denied. Infallibility is an inescapable concept. If men refuse to ascribe activities is centrally the tithe. This work affirms that the Biblical
infallibility to Scripture, it is because the concept has been transferred requirement of tithing is a continuing aspect of God’s law-word and
to something else. The word infallibility is not normally used in these cannot be neglected. This book is “must reading” as Christians work
transfers; the concept is disguised and veiled, but in a variety of ways, to take dominion in the Lord’s name.
infallibility is ascribed to concepts, things, men and institutions.”
Hardback, 146 pages, index, $12.00
Booklet (now part of the author’s Systematic Theology),
69 pages, $2.00 Christianity and the State
By R.J. Rushdoony. This book develops a Biblical
The Incredible Scofield and His Book view of the state against the modern state’s
By Joseph M. Canfield. This powerful and fully documented study humanism and its attempts to govern all spheres
exposes the questionable background and faulty theology of the of life.
man responsible for the popular Scofield Reference Bible, which did
Hardback, 192 pages, indices, $18.00
much to promote the dispensational system. The story is disturbing
in its historical account of the illusive personality canonized as a
dispensational saint and calls into question the seriousness of his Towards a Christian Marriage
motives and scholarship. Edited by Elizabeth Fellerson. The law of God makes clear how
important and how central marriage is. God the Son came into the
Hardback, 314 pages, $20.00 world neither through church nor state but through a family. This
tells us that marriage, although nonexistent in heaven, is, all the
The Will of God of the Will of Man same, central to this world. We are to live here under God as physical
By Mark R. Rushdoony. God’s will and man’s will are both involved in creatures whose lives are given their great training-ground in terms
man’s salvation, but the church has split in answering the question, of the Kingdom of God by marriage. Our Lord stresses the fact that
“Whose will is determinative?” marriage is our normal calling. This book consists of essays on the
importance of a proper Christian perspective on marriage.
Pamphlet, 5 pages, $1.00
Hardback, 43 pages, $8.00

The Theology of the State

A tape series by R.J. Rushdoony. 37 lessons that
are also from a portion of Rev. Rushdoony’s
2-volume Systematic Theology.
14 cassette tapes, RR405ST-14, $42.00

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Roots of Reconstruction Dominion-oriented tape series by
By R.J. Rushdoony. This large volume provides all of Rushdoony’s Rev. R.J. Rushdoony
Chalcedon Report articles from the beginning in 1965 to mid-1989.
These articles were, with his books, responsible for the Christian The Doctrine of the Family
Reconstruction and theonomy movements. 10 lessons that also form part of the author’s
2-volume Systematic Theology.
Hardback, 1124 pages, $20.00 5 cassette tapes, RR410ST-5, $15.00

A Comprehensive Faith Christian Ethics

Edited by Andrew Sandlin. This is the surprise 8 lessons on ethics, change, freedom, the Kingdom of God,
Festschrift presented to R.J. Rushdoony at his dominion, and understanding the future.
80th birthday celebration in April, 1996. These 8 cassette tapes, RR132ST-8, $24.00
essays are in gratitude to Rush’s influence and
elucidate the importance of his theological and The Total Crown Rights of Christ the King
philosophical contributions in numerous fields. 6 lessons on victory and dominion.
Contributors include Theodore Letis, Brian 3 cassette tapes, CN103ST-3, $9.00
Abshire, Steve Schlissel, Joe Morecraft III, Jean-
Marc Berthoud, Byron Snapp, Samuel Blumenfeld, Christine and Tape series by Rev. Douglas F. Kelly
Thomas Schirrmacher, Herbert W. Titus, Owen Fourie, Ellsworth
Reclaiming God’s World
McIntyre, Howard Phillips, Joseph McAuliffe, Andrea Schwartz, David
3 lessons on secularism vs. Christianity, restoration in the church,
Estrada-Herrero, Stephen Perks, Ian Hodge, and Colonel V. Doner. Also
and revival.
included is a forward by John Frame and a brief biographical sketch
3 cassette tapes, DK106ST-3, $9.00
of R. J. Rushdoony’s life by Mark Rushdoony. This book was produced
as a “top-secret” project by Friends of Chalcedon and donated to Ross
House Books. It is sure to be a collector’s item one day.
Hardback, 244 pages, $23.00

Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel

The Church as God’s Armory
and Revelation
By Brian Abshire. What if they gave a war and
By R.J. Rushdoony. First published in 1970,
nobody came? In the great spiritual battles of the
this book helped spur the modern rise of
last century, with the soul of an entire culture at
postmillennialism. Revelation’s details are
stake, a large segment of the evangelical church
often perplexing, even baffling, and yet its main
went AWOL. Christians retreated into a religious
meaning is clear—it is a book about victory. It
ghetto, conceding the world to the Devil and
tells us that our faith can only result in victory.
hoping anxiously that the rapture would come
“This is the victory that overcomes the world,
soon and solve all their problems. But the rapture
even our faith” (1 John 5:4). This is why knowing Revelation is so
did not come, and our nation only slid further into sin.
important. It assures us of our victory and celebrates it. Genesis 3
God’s people must be taught how to fight and win the battles ahead. In tells us of the fall of man into sin and death. Revelation gives us man’s
this small volume, you will discover how the church is God’s armory, victory in Christ over sin and death. The vast and total victory, in
designed by Him to equip and train His people for spiritual war and time and eternity, set forth by John in Revelation is too important
prepare them for victory. to bypass. This victory is celebrated in Daniel and elsewhere, in
Booklet, 83 pages, $6.00 the entire Bible. We are not given a Messiah who is a loser. These
eschatological texts make clear that the essential good news of the
entire Bible is victory, total victory.
Paperback, 271 pages, $19.00

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God’s Plan for Victory
By R.J. Rushdoony. An entire generation of journals
victory-minded Christians, spurred by the
victorious postmillennial vision of Chalcedon, The Journal of Christian Reconstruction
has emerged to press what the Puritan Fathers The purpose of the Journal is to rethink every area
called “the Crown Rights of Christ the King” in of life and thought and to do so in the clearest
all areas of modern life. Central to that optimistic possible terms. The Journal strives to recover
generation is Rousas John Rushdoony’s jewel of a the great intellectual heritage of the Christian
study, God’s Plan for Victory (originally published Faith and is a leading dispenser of Christian
in 1977). The founder of the Christian Reconstruction movement scholarship. Each issue provides in-depth studies
set forth in potent, cogent terms the older Puritan vision of the on how the Christian Faith applies in modern life.
irrepressible advancement of Christ’s kingdom by His faithful saints A collection of the Journal constitutes a reference
employing the entire law-Word of God as the program for earthly library of seminal issues of our day.
Volume Discounts: You may deduct 25% if ordering six or
Booklet, 41 pages, $6.00 more issues (see order form).
Vol. 1, No. 1: Symposium on Creation
Geological, mathematical, philosophical, biological, theological and
A 32-lesson tape series by Rev. R.J. Rushdoony.
other approaches to the subject of creation. $13.00
Learn about the meaning of eschatology for
everyday life, the covenant and eschatology, Vol. 1, No. 2: Symposium on Satanism
the restoration of God’s order, the resurrection, Occultism from the days of the early church to the present, its
the last judgment, paradise, hell, the second meaning, and the Christian perspective. $13.00
coming, the new creation, and the relationship Vol. 2, No. 1: Symposium on Christian Economics
of eschatology to man’s duty. Medieval, Reformation, and contemporary developments, the causes
16 cassette tapes, RR411ST-16, $48.00 of inflation, Manichaenism, law and economics, and much more.

biography Vol. 2, No. 2: Symposium on Biblical Law

What Scripture tells us about law, the coming crisis in criminal
investigation, pornography, community, the function of law, and
Back Again Mr. Begbie much more. $13.00
The Life Story of Rev. Lt. Col. R.J.G. Begbie
Vol. 3, No. 1: Symposium on Christianity and the American
This biography is more than a story of the three
The Christian root, the religious liberty issue, the Franklin legends,
careers of one remarkable man. It is a chronicle of
myths and realities of 1776. $13.00
a son of old Christendom as a leader of Christian
revival in the twentieth century. Personal history Vol. 5, No. 1: Symposium on Politics
shows the greater story of what the Holy Spirit can Modern politics is highly religious, but its religion is humanism.
and does do in the evangelization of the world. This journal examines the Christian alternative. $13.00
Paperback, 357 pages, $24.00 Vol. 5, No. 2: Symposium on Puritanism and Law
The Puritans believed in law and the grace of law. They were not
antinomians. Both Continental and American Puritanism are studied.
Vol. 7, No. 1: Symposium on Inflation
Inflation is not only an economic concern but at root a moral
problem. Any analysis of economics must deal also with the
theological and moral aspects as well. $13.00

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Vol. 8, No. 1: Symposium on Social Action Vol. 13, No. 1: Symposium on Change in the Social Order
The Christian mission is to every area of life, including the social This volume explores the various means of bringing change to a
structures, and hence all areas are to be brought under Christ’s social order: revolution, education and economics. It also examines
domain. $13.00 how Christianity, historically and doctrinally, impacts the social
order and provides practical answers to man’s search from meaning
Vol. 8, No. 2: Symposium on the Atonement
and order in life. It concludes with a special report on reconstruction
At the heart of our Faith is the doctrine of the atonement. This has
in action, which highlights the work of Reconstructionists at the
tremendous implications for all of life. This is more than a church
grassroots level. $13.00
doctrine; it is impossible for man to live without atonement, but all
too often the atonement we seek is a false one. $13.00 Vol. 13, No. 2: Symposium on the Decline and Fall of the West and
the Return of Christendom
Vol. 9, No. 1 & 2: Symposium on Christian Reconstruction in the
In addition to discussing the decline and fall of the West and the
Western World Today
return of Christendom, this volume describes the current crisis,
(Special Double Issue) Christian Reconstruction is under way today
constitutional law, covenant religion vs. legalism, and the implications
in the church, in politics, in science, the arts, daily living, and many
of a Christian world and life view. $13.00
other areas. In this issue, there are reports on what is happening, as
well as on critical issues which face us and require reconstruction. Vol. 14, No. 1: Symposium on Reconstruction in the Church
$19.00 and State
The re-emergence of Christian political involvement today is
Vol. 10, No. 1: Symposium on the Media and the Arts
spurred by the recognition not only that the Bible and Christian
Christian reconstruction cannot be accomplished without expanding
Faith have something to say about politics and the state, but that
the Christian presence and influence in all branches of the media and
they are the only unmoveable anchor of the state. The articles in this
the arts. $13.00
symposium deal with the following subjects: the reconstructive task,
Vol. 10, No. 2: Symposium on Business reconstruction in the church and state, economics, theology, and
This issue deals with the relationship of the Christian Faith to the philosophy. $13.00
world of business. $13.00
Vol. 14, No. 2: Symposium on the Reformation
Vol. 11, No. 1: Symposium on the Reformation in the Arts This symposium highlights the Reformation, not out of any
and Media polite antiquarian interest, but to assist our readers in the re-
Christians must learn to exercise dominion in the area of the arts and Christianization of modern life using the law of God as their
media in order to fulfill their mandate from the Lord. Also included in instrument. This symposium contains articles dealing with history,
this issue is a long and very important study of the Russian Orthodox theology, exegesis, philosophy, and culture. $13.00
Church before the Revolution. $13.00
Vol. XV: Symposium on Eschatology
Vol. 11, No. 2: Symposium on the Education of the Core Group Eschatology is not just about the future, but about God’s working in
Christians and their children must again become a vital, history. Its relevance is inescapable. $19.00
determinative core group in the world. Education is an essential
Vol. XVI: The 25th Anniversary Issue
prerequisite and duty if this is to be accomplished. $13.00
Selected articles from 25 years of the Journal by R.J. Rushdoony,
Vol. 12, No. 1: Symposium on the Constitution and Cornelius Van Til, Otto Scott, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Gary North,
Political Theology Greg Bahnsen, and others. $19.00
To understand the intent and meaning of the Constitution it is
necessary to recognize its presuppositions. $13.00
Vol. 12, No. 2: Symposium on the Biblical Text and Literature
The God of the Bible has chosen to express Himself by both oral and
written means. Together these means represent the sum total of His
revelation. This symposium is about the preservation of original,
infallible truth as handed down through generations in the words
and texts of the human language. We have both God’s perseverance
and man’s stewarding responsibility at issue when considering the
preservation of truth in the text and words of the human language.
This symposium examines the implications of this for both sacred
and secular writings. $13.00

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