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GRADUATE TEACHING ASSOCIATES (GTAs) from all engineering majors are employed to assist with
the sequence for beginning engineering students, offered as a Standard sequence or as an Honors
sequence. Each sequence has classroom and lab components. The classroom includes engineering
graphics and the use of computer tools such as EXCEL, MATLAB, Word, PowerPoint, and CAD software.
In the labs, students collect, analyze and interpret experimental data, and each sequence culminates with
a design-build project to solve a real-world problem. Developing teamwork and communication skills is
an essential part of all courses.
GTAs assist in all components of the course and attend all sessions; work directly with the students;
assist faculty members with course and lab materials, assignments, and exams; ensure a safe and
effective laboratory environment; and grade homework, lab reports, and exams. GTAs often work closely
with the undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs) assigned to them, and are responsible for overseeing
any work that they assign to the UTAs.
To be successful, it is essential that a GTA to be proficient in all course material and to prepare for labs
by working through the student assignments. Attendance is required at weekly team meetings and
training sessions. As a co-worker with other graduate students, undergraduates, and faculty, a spirit of
teamwork and leadership is essential.
In addition, GTAs maintain office hours (three to four hours per week) to assist their own students, refer
students to appropriate resources, and attend training and education classes as scheduled (e.g., the
UCAT Conference prior to Autumn Semester). GTAs maintain class records on a central server, assist in
the evaluation of student performance, and participate in ongoing efforts to improve this program. Faculty
and staff from the EEIC sequence may assign other duties.
GTAs are required to have strong written and verbal communication skills; strong interpersonal skills;
acceptance as a graduate student in Engineering or a related program at The Ohio State University. A
desire to teach is essential. The applicant may be requested to give an oral presentation as part of the
interview process. International applicants are required to have the appropriate language certification
from the University to teach in the classroom. The successful applicant must be truly interested in helping
beginning students succeed in their first year and in developing the skills necessary for success in future
courses. Competence in engineering graphics, SolidWorks, EXCEL, PowerPoint, Word, and MATLAB
are required (other commentaries may be required depending on the class assigned). The applicant must
be in good academic standing and be able to provide a current transcript and a letter of recommendation
from an advisor, professor, or employer.
Twenty (20) hours per week per semester, which is a 50% appointment; must commit to work two
academic semesters; consecutive semesters entitles the GTA to a summer term tuition & fee waiver.
Salary: $1700 per month plus tuition and fees (current for 2014-2015)
Please follow consult the following web address for more detailed instructions on how to apply:
If you have any general questions about the GTA application or GTA application process, please email



Administrative and Curricular Responsibilities:

Attends curriculum meetings

Contributes to ongoing development of course materials
May manage quiz dates in Carmen
Organizes students into teams
May assist in exam question preparations
Supervises UTAs assigned to their section
Participates in exam review sessions
Reviews journals

Classroom Responsibilities:

Assists with presentations/lectures as needed

Assists students with course work
Ensures that UTAs are prepared for class & lab
Grades daily work and/or lab reports and/or exam questions
Holds office hours
Maintains current electronic grade book
Monitors student attendance & participation
Informs Program Director and faculty of at-risk students

Lab Responsibilities:
Assists in evaluation of student lab teams as needed
Gives lab lecture and conducts lab session
Is knowledgeable and proficient in lab procedures, equipment, materials, and safety procedures
Grades and returns lab reports per schedule
Meetings/Professional Development/Service:
Attends annual training workshop(s)and orientation held in August prior to the start of classes
Attends additional training as needed for new software releases
Participates in professional development activities under the direction of the Lead GTA(s) and
Program Director
Participates in ongoing service throughout the year, such as outreach programs and Open Houses
sponsored by the College, EEIC, and/or or the First-Year Program.
o Note: The degree of activity is shared among all GTAs
Attends weekly instructional team meetings as scheduled
o Training is held weekly for 1.5-2 hours (ALL GTAs are expected to attend each week)
o GTAs need to be prepared to assist with training in support of their instructional team when
scheduled to do so.

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