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Tangent cam:

When the flanks between the nose and base circles are of straight and tangential to both the
circles, then, the cams are called tangent cams.

These are usually symmetric about the centre line of the cam. Generally, the following
combinations of cam and follower are used.
(a) Circular arc cam with flat faced follower
(b) Tangent cam with reciprocating roller follower
The Fig. 3 represents various main dimensions of circular arc cam.


(a) Expression for determining the displacement, velocity and acceleration of

the follower when flat face of the follower has contact on the circular flank

r1=OB=Least base circle radius
r2=Nose circle radius
R=QD= Flank circle radius
d=Distance between the centres of cam and nose circles
= Angle of ascent
=Angle of contact on circular flank
X = BC = OC OB = DE - r1
= (QD-QE) r1
= (R - OQ cos ) r1
= R-(R - r1) cos r1


= (R-r1) (sin )

From this equation, it is evident that, at the beginning of the ascent, the velocity is zero
(when =0 ) and it increases with . It will be maximum when the follower is just shift from circular
flank to circular nose.
Vmax = (R-r1) sin
a= 2 ( R- r1) cos
It is obvious from the above equation that, at the beginning of the ascent when =0,
acceleration is maximum and it goes on decreasing and is maximum when =

(b)Expression for determining the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the

follower when flat face of the follower has contact on the nose


r1=OB=Least base circle radius
r2=Nose circle radius
R=QD= Flank circle radius
d=Distance between centers of cam and nose circles
= Angle of ascent
=Angle of contact on circular flank
x = BC = OC OB = DE - r1
= (DP+PE) r1
= r2+OP cos ( - ) r1


The velocity is minimum when = or ( - )=0. This happens when follower is at the apex
of circular nose and it is maximum when ( - ) is maximum and it is so when the contact changes
from circular flank to circular nose ie., ( - ) =
a= - d cos ( - )
a= - 2d cos ( - )
Negative sign indicates retardation. It is maximum when ( - ) = 0 i.e., when the follower is
at the apex of the nose and minimum ( - ) is maximum i.e., when the follower changes contact
from circular flank to circular nose.

It may be noted that, as the contact between cam and follower passes through point D, the
acceleration of the follower suddenly changes from 2 ( R- r1) cos to - 2d cos i.e., a sudden
change from positive acceleration to negative acceleration (retardation).

Note: Cosine rule

Fig. 6
Consider the triangle POQ in Fig. 7,
OQ = R-r1, QP = R-r2, OP = d
and apply cosine rule

Fig. 7
(R-r2)2 = (R-r1)2+d2-2(R-r1)(d) cos (180-)
= (R-r1)2+d2+2(R-r1) d cos
R2-2Rr2+r22 = R2+r12-2Rr1+d2+2Rdcos -2r1dcos
2Rr1-2Rr2-2Rdcos = r12-r22+d2-2r1dcos

Acceleration of the follower at the beginning of lift/flank, =0

Acceleration of the follower at the end of contact with flank, =

Acceleration of the follower at the beginning of nose, ( - ) =

Acceleration of the follower at the apex of nose, ( - ) = 0

Example 1
A symmetrical circular arc cam operating a flat faced follower has the following particulars.
Least radius of cam = 30 mm; lift = 20 mm; Angle of lift = 75o; Nose radius = 5 mm; speed = 600
Find, (i) The principal dimensions of cam
(ii) The acceleration of the follower at the beginning of lift, at the end of contact with the
circular flank, at the beginning of contact with nose and at the apex of nose.
r 1 = 15 mm, r 2 = 5 mm , 2 = 150o, = 75o, N = 600 rpm

Fig. 8
We have,
Total lift + r1 = PO + r2
20 + 30 = d 5
d = 45 mm
we have,

R = 82.42 mm
PQ = R-r2 = 82.41-5 = 77.41 mm
QO = R-r1 = 82.41 30 = 52.41 mm
To determine angle , consider triangle PQO,

= Sin 105x45/ (84.42 5)

= 34.2o
At the beginning of the lift, when = 0
Acceleration, a = 2 ( R- r1) cos

x cos0


= 206.86 m/s
At the end of the contract with flank, when = = 24o.33
Acceleration, a = 2 ( R- r1) cos


= 171.09 m/s2
At the beginning of contact with nose,
Acceleration, a = - 2d cos

= - 146.92 m/s2

At the apex of nose,

Acceleration, a = - 2d

= - 177.7 m/s2
The following particulars relate to a symmetrical circular cam operating a flat faced
Least radius = 16 mm; Nose radius = 3.2 mm; Distance between cam shaft centre and nose centre
= 25 mm; Angle of action of cam = 150o and cam shaft speed = 600 rpm.
Assuming that, there is no dwell between the ascent and descent, determine the lift of the valve, the
flank radius and the acceleration and retardation of the follower at a point where circular nose
merges into circular flank.
Solution :
r 1 = 16 mm, r 2 = 3.2 mm , OP = d = 25mm, 2 = 150o, = 75o, N = 600 rpm

Fig. 9
We know, (i)Lift = BT = OT- OB
= d + r2 - r1
= 25 + 3.2 -16
Lift =x = 12.2 mm
(ii) Flank radius, R,

(iii) Flank angle,

We have, from triangle OQP,

= 29o.6
( iv) Acceleration at the end of the contract with flank, when =
a = 2 ( R- r1) cos

= 129.39 m/s2
(v)Retardation at the beginning of contact with nose,
Acceleration, a = - 2d cos

= - 85.81 m/s2

= 29o.6

Example 3,
A symmetrical arc cam using flat faced follower has the following particulars,
Total lift
= 25 mm
Least radius = 35mm
Angle of lift = 90o
Flank radius = 105 mm
= 1200 rpm
Calculate (i) main dimensions of the cam
(ii) Acceleration of the follower at the beginning of the lift, at the end of contact
with flank, at the beginning of contact with nose and at the apex of nose.
X= 25 mm, r 1 = 35 mm, = 90o , R= 105 mm, N = 1200 rpm

Fig. 10
Referring to Fig. 10, we have,
OQ = Flank radius Least radius
OQ = R- r1 = 105 35 = 70 mm
OP = d = OR RP = Least radius +lift nose radius
OP = 35+25- r2 = 60 - r2 mm
PQ = Flank radius nose radius
PQ = 105 - r2 mm
From triangle OPQ,
PQ2 = OP2 + OQ2 2 OP x OQ x cos (180 a)
( 105 - r2)2 = (60 - r2)2 + 702 2 (60 - r2) x 70 cos (180 90)
1052 + r22 210 r2 = 3600 + r22 -120 r2 + 4900
90 r2 = 2525
r2 = 28 mm
OP = d = ( 60 r2) = ( 60 28) = 32 mm
PQ = 105 - r2 = 105 28 = 77 mm
From triangle OPQ,

OP/ sin = PQ/ sin (180 a)

sin = OP/PQ sin (180 a)
= 32.sin (180 90)/77
= 0.4156
= 24 33

At the beginning of the lift, when = 0

Acceleration, a= 2 ( R- r1) cos



x cos0

= 1105.44 m/s2
At the end of the contract with flank, when = = 24o.33
Acceleration, a= 2 ( R- r1) cos

= 1007.26 m/s2
At the beginning of contact with nose,
Acceleration, a= - 2d cos

= - 460.44 m/s2

At the apex of nose,

Acceleration, a = - 2d

= - 505.32 m/s2

Example 4,
A suction valve of a 4 stroke petrol engine is operated by a symmetrical circular cam with flat faced
follower. The details are as follows.
Lift = 10 mm; Least radius = 20 mm; Nose radius = 2.5 mm; Crank angle when suction valve opens
after TDC = 4o; Crank angle when suction valves closes after BDC = 50o; Cam shaft speed = 600
Determine maximum velocity of the valve and its maximum acceleration and retardation.
r 1 = 20 mm, r 2 = 2.5 mm , Lift =x= 10 mm, N = 600 rpm

Fig. 11 Valve timing diagram

Angular displacement of cam when suction valve is open = 180 4+50 = 226o
For four stroke engine, the speed of cam shaft is half the speed of crank shaft
= 2

Anglular displacement of cam shaft during opening of the valve =

Since the cam is a symmetrical, angle of ascent = angle of decent,

= 56.5o

Fig. 12
From the above diagram,
OP + r2 = Lift + r1
OP = 20+10-2.5 = 27.5 mm = d
Flank radius,

R = 116.87 mm
Flank angle,
From triangle OQP,

= 11o.45
Velocity is maximum when = ,
Vmax = ( R r1) sin
= 1.22 m/s

Maximum acceleration of valve when = 0,

Acceleration, a= 2 ( R- r1)

= 382.42 m/s2
Retardation is maximum, when - =0,
a = - 2 d

= - 108.57 m/s2
Example 5
The following particulars refers to a symmetrical circular arc cam used to operate suction valve
mechanism of a four stroke petrol engine
Total lift
= 10 mm
Least radius
= 25mm
Nose radius
= 5 mm
Suction valve opens 6 after TDC
Suction valve closes 40o after BDC
Engine Speed
= 2000 rpm
Find (i) Maximum velocity of the valve
(ii) Maximum acceleration and retardation
(iii) Minimum force to be exerted by the spring to overcome inertia of the valve parts of mass 0.28
r 1 = 25 mm, r 2 = 5 mm , Lift =x= 10 mm, N = 2000 rpm
For four stroke engine, the cam shaft speed is half of engine crank shaft speed
Cam shaft speed = c Engine speed= x2000= 1000 rpm= N

Fig. 13 Crank angle diagram

Angular displacement of cam when suction valve is open = 180 6+40 = 214o
For four stroke engine, the speed of cam shaft is half the speed of crank shaft
Anglular displacement of cam shaft during opening of the valve
= 2a
Since the cam is a symmetrical, angle of ascent = angle of decent,

Fig. 14
From the above diagram,
OP + r2 = Lift + r1
OP = 25+10- 5 = 30 mm = d
Flank radius,

R = 140. 95 mm
Flank angle,
From triangle OQP,

= 10o.22
(i) Maximum Velocity when follower leaves the flank = ,
Vmax = ( R r1) sin
= 2.15 m/s
(ii) Maximum acceleration of valve when = 0,
Acceleration, a= 2 ( R- r1)

= 1271 m/s2
Retardation is maximum, when - =0,

a = - 2 d

= - 328.98 m/s2
(iii) Minimum force to be exerted by the spring to overcome inertia of the valve parts,
Minimum force = Mass x retardation
= 0.28 x 328.98
= 82.24 N

Example 6,
A flat faced valve is operated by a symmetrical circular arc cam. The straight line path of the tappet
passes through the cam axis. Total angle of action = 150o, lift = 6 mm, base circle diameter = 30
mm, Period of acceleration is half the period of retardation during the lift. The cam rotates at
1250 rpm. Determine the flank and nose radii and maximum acceleration and retardation during the
r 1 = 15 mm, Lift =x= 6 mm, N = 1250 rpm, = 75o

Acceleration period angle =
and Retardation period angle = b
Acceleration = Retardation
Consider triangle POQ,
+ (180-a) + = 180
1.5 = 75o
= 500
= 25 0

We have,

Lift + r1 = d + r2
d = Lift + r1 - r2
d = 6 + 15 - r2
d = 21- r2

Again, consider triangle POQ,

OQ/Sinb = OP/sinf = PQ/sin (180- a)
OQ/Sin50 = 21- r2/Sin25 = PQ/Sin (180- 75)
OQ = (21- r2) Sin50/Sin25 = 38 1.8 r2 -----(1)
OQ = (PQ) Sin50 / Sin(180-75)
But, from above Fig.,
= QO + r1 r2
OQ = (QO + r1 r2) Sin50 / Sin(180-75)
OQ = 0.793 QO + 11.9 0.793 r2
0.207 OQ = 11.9 0.793 r2
OQ = 57.5 0.793 r2 ---------(ii)
From equations (i) and (ii)
38 1.8 r2 = 57.5 0.793 r2
Threrefore, nose radius, r2 = 9.6 mm,
OQ = 38 1.8 x 9.6 = 20.7 mm
Distance between cetres of nose and base circles, d = 21- r2
d = 21- 9.6
d = 11.4 mm
Flank radius,

R = 35.7 mm
Maximum acceleration of valve ,
a= 2 ( R- r1)
a = 447.55 m/s2
Maximum retardation ,
a = - 2 d
a = - 195.33 m/s2


Tangent cams are made with straight flanks. A tangent cam is shown in Fig.16. The flanks AB
and IH are straight lines and tangent to the base circle at A and I and tangent to nose at B and I. The
centre of the circular nose is P. The path of the centre of roller follower is shown by dotted line.


a. Expression for determination of displacement, velocity and acceleration of the

roller follower when in contact on the straight flank

Fig. 17

r1= Least base circle radius
r2= Roller radius
r3=Nose circle radius
d=Distance between the cam and nose circles
L= (r1 + r3)
= Angle of ascent
=Angle of contact of cam with straight flank
x = OG - OB
= OB (

- 1)

x = (r1 + r3) (

- 1)


= (r1 + r3) (
v = (r1 + r3) (
From this equation, it is evident that, as

- 0) x


also increases where as

decreases. With that, the velocity increases. Velocity will be maximum when
happens when point of contact is just leaving the straight flank i.e., when
vmax = (r1 + r3) (

is maximum. It

a= (r1 + r3)
a= 2 (r1 + r3)
a= 2 (r1 + r3)
a= 2 (r1 + r3)
Acceleration is minimum when
minimum and

is minimum. This is possible when


is maximum. It is so, when =0 or the roller at the beginning of its lift along

the straight flank. Acceleration is maximum when the roller shifts from flank to nose circle i.e.,
amin= 2 (r1 + r3)
amax= 2 (r1 + r3)

(b) Expression for determination of displacement, velocity and acceleration of

the roller follower when in contact with nose
r1= Least base circle radius
r2= Roller radius
r3=Nose circle radius
d=Distance between the cam and nose circles
L= (r1 + r3)
= Angle of ascent
=Angle of contact of cam with straight flank

Fig. 18

x = OJ OG
x = (OP+PJ) ( OE+EG)
= ( d+L) (OP cos1+PG cos)
= ( d+L) (d cos1 + L cos)
= L +d d cos1 - L cos -----(i)
From right angled triangles, OEP and GEP
EP = GP sin = OP sin 1
= L sin = d sin 1
Squaring on both sides,
L2 sin2 = d2 sin2 1
L (1- cos2 ) = d2 sin2 1
L2- L2 cos2 = d2 sin2 1
L2 cos2 = L2- d2 sin2 1
L cos = (L2- d2 sin2 1)1/2
Substituting the above value in equation (i)
X = L +d d cos1- (L2- d2 sin2 1)1/2

- (L2- d2 sin2 1) -1/2 ( -d2 2sin 1.cos 1)

= -d .-sin 1.
= d sin 1.

- (L2- d2 sin2 1) -1/2 ( d2 sin 21)

v= d

Multiply numerator and denominator by

Example 7
In a symmetrical tangent cam operating a roller follower, the least radius of cam is 30 mm and roller
radius is 17.5 mm. The angle of ascent is 75o , lift is 17.5 mm and the speed of cam is 600 rpm.
1.Principal dimensions of cam
2.The acceleration of the follower at the beginning of lift, where straight flank merges into the
circular nose and at the apex of the circular nose. Assume that, there is no dwell between ascent and
r 1 = 30 mm, r 3 = 17.5 mm, Lift =x= 17.5 mm, N = 600 rpm, = 75o
w = 2p600/60 = 62.83 rad/s
From Fig. 17,

OP + PT = OC + CT
OP = OC + CT- PT
OP = r 1 + x - r 2
OP = 47.5 - r 2 -------------( i )

Fig. 19

From the above Fig. 19,

OQ + QA = OA
OQ = OA - QA
= r1-r2
OQ = 30 - r 2 ---------(ii)
Consider a triangle QOP,
Cos a = OQ/OP
Substitute OQ & OP from equations (i) and (ii)


Fig. 21
Cos 75 = 30 - r 2/ 47.5 - r 2
r 2 = 23.8 mm
OP = d = 30 + 17.5 -23.8 = 23.7 mm

From the triangles, GOB and POQ,

tan = GB/OB = PQ/OB
= OP Sina/ OB
= d Sin 75/ r1 + r3
= 23.7 Sin 75/ 30 + 17.5
= 25.6
Acceleration of the follower,
At the beginning of the lift, i.e., when = 0
a = 2 (r1 + r3)
= (62.83)2 (30 + 17.5) (2-1)
= 187.5 m/s2

At the end of flank, i.e., when = = 25.6

a = 2 (r1 + r3)
a = (62.83)2 (30 + 17.5) (2- cos2 25.6/ cos3 25.6)

a = 303.38 m/s2
(iii) Acceleration when in contact with nose, when 1= a- = 75 - 25.6 = 49.4

a = 57.6 m/s2

Example 8
A tangent cam with 70 mm base circle diameter operates a roller follower of 30 mm diameter. The
angle between the tangential faces of the cam is 90o and these faces are joined by a nose circle of
8 mm radius The speed of the cam is 120 rpm . Calculate the acceleration of the roller centre, when
the roller leaves the straight flank and at the apex of cam.
r 1 = 35 mm, r 3 = 15 mm, r2 = 8 mm N = 120 rpm, w = 2p120/60 = 12.56 rad/s
a = 180 -90-45 = 45o

Fig. 22
From the above Fig.
OQ + QA = OA
OQ = OA - QA
= r1-r2
OQ = 35 - 8

OQ = 27 mm
Also , OP = d
Consider a triangle QOP,
Cos a = OQ/OP
Cos 45 = 27/OP
OP = 38.18 mm = d
From the triangles, GOB and POQ,
tan = GB/OB = PQ/OB
= OP Sina/ OB
= d Sin 75/ r1 + r3
= 38.18 Sin 75/ 35 + 15
= 28.37o
Acceleration of the roller follower
(i) At the end of flank, i.e., when = = 28.37
a = 2 (r1 + r3)
a = (12.56)2 (35 + 15) (2- cos2 28.37/ cos3 28.37)
a = 14.19 m/s2
(ii) Roller at the apex,
a = - 2 r (1+1/n)
= -16 m/s2

where, n= r2+r1/d =0.602

1.3 Under Cutting of Cam

Generally, prime circle of a cam is proportioned to give a satisfactory pressure angle.
However, some times the follower may not be completing the desired motion. This happens if the
curvature of the pitch curve is too sharp. Fig 32 (a) represents the pitch curve of a cam, while (b)
shows generation the curve by roller follower.


Fig. 23


Fig. 24
Fig.24 represents, a roller follower trying to generating pitch curve. It is seen that, the cam profile
loops over itself in order to realize the profile of the pitch curve. Since it is impossible to produce
such a cam profile, the result is that, the cam will be undercut and become a pointed cam. Now
when the roller follower will be made to move over this cam, it will not be producing the desired
It is seen that, the cam will be pointed if the radius of the roller is equal to the radius of curvature of
the pitch curve. Therefore, to have minimum radius of curvature of the cam profile , the radius of
curvature of the prime circle must always be greater than that of the radius of the roller.

1.S.S.Rathan(2009),Theory of Machines,3rd edition, Tata MC Graw Hill Education, New
2.SadhuSingh(2012),Theory of Machines,3rdedition,Pearson, New Delhi.
3.Ballaneys(1988),Theory of Machines,16thedition,Khanna Publications, Delhi.
4.Sharma,C.S, Kamalesh Purohit(2006),Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Prentice-Hall of
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5.Malhotra and Guptha (2006),TheTheory of Machines,3rd edition Sathy Prakashan, New Delhi.

6.Ashok A.G(2009), Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 2nd edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
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