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33 Rules To Optimum Success

By Gin Ng Khin Wee


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Lets play our part to save Mother Earth. =)

My parents, Ng Soon Nam and Soo Lee Ling, both show me the power of
unconditional love no matter how many hard times we've been through.
My brother, Ng Shen Wee who designed my book cover with superb quality.
My soul mate, Gan Mei Xin who accepted me and love me for whom I am.
My lovely baby girl, my life is awesome because you've arrive. You've added
so much joy into my family and because of you, my family bonding become
My friend, Mukarramah who's involve in publishing this eBook. I wouldn't be
able to complete my project without your support.
And most importantly,
YOU. Yes! YOU have downloaded 33 Rules To Optimum Success because
you are committed to your own success. I'm ready to add massive value to
your success as long as you promise to take action after reading my book.

Believe in yourself, you are worthy and you are capable of success.
You are enough, stop asking for permission.
IQ and EQ are overrated, DQ is what you really need to success.
Hunger is the single most important ingredient for success.
Be crystal clear on what you want, the Universe will delivers exactly
what you asked for.
Be loyal to your dreams and they will stay loyal to you.
You'll never have a perfect timing and perfect opportunity to
pursue your dreams, just do it.
Take the red pill, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.
Burn that bridge, walk away and don't look back.
Commitment is what transform DREAMS into reality, not interest.
Give the world the best you have, the best will come back to you.
Work hard in silence, let success make all the noise.
Stay consistent, because success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying what you've learned.
Ask for help, you can do anything but not everything.
Time is more precious than money.
Get a mentor, you don't have enough time in the world to make
every single mistake.
Apply what you learn, no matter how much you know, your destiny
depends on the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you
Keep it simple because simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Stay laser focused, and it means saying no to 100 other good

Be in the moment, you need to understand that present moment is
all you have.
Be patient, most people overestimate what they can do in a year
and underestimate what they can do in ten years.
Stay positive, even if everything goes wrong.
Build a solid wall to protect your mind for negative thought.
Failure is the stepping stone to success, losers quit when they fail.
Winner fail until they succeed.
Be water, my friend.
Focus on the process and results will follow.
Celebrate your success from time to time.
The practice of self refection leads to greater success.
The moment you think you know everything, you know nothing.
Stay foolish, empty your cup.
Surround yourself with positive people. Because you will become
like the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Be yourself, if you end up with a boring miserable life because you
listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some
guy on television telling you how to do your shit, then you deserve
Always add value to someones life. You might not always get paid
for doing this but the real rewards are always greater than the value
you provide.
Count Your Blessings, be grateful for what you have right now
because the things you take for granted, someone else is praying

Rule # 1

Because every successful person was once an amateur like me and you. What makes the
difference between a successful person and a not successful person is their belief.
A successful person believe that they can attain success. They believe that with the correct
mindset , strategy and handwork they can make success happen. They understand that
intelligent can be develop.
A not successful person dont believe they can succeed. They dont believe that anyone
would want the value that they have to offer. They dont believe that theyre worth very
much.Even if they could do something that would make them successful, they dont believe
they can do it. And that self-limiting belief is enough to stop them from taking those critical
first steps for success.
Is it very important for you to believe in yourself wholeheartedly because this belief actually
helps you overcome obstacle and struggle which you will eventually face along the way.
Otherwise any sane person would have give up once they face any hardship.
if you don't believe in yourself, who else will?
None of the rules will work if you don't believe in yourself.Your beliefs will determine the
success you have in life. There are many ways to overcome limiting beliefs and negative
expectations, but nothing happens until you believe in yourself. So repeat after me.

I believe in myself. I am worthy and I am capable of success.

Rule # 2

How often do you tell yourself that `one day youll start on that project, launch that
initiative or produce that book, product or service, only to wonder why it never
actually happens?
Have you ever thought it might be because youre waiting for permission? the green
light that says `go for it? Or you are afraid that you're not good enough , you don't
have what it takes to do it? If that sounds like you, let me tell you this .

You Are Enough! Stop Asking For Permission ! It's not who you are
that hold you back, It's who you think you're not.
And if you try to seek the approval of others, it will just make you miserable. The
only person that needs to approve of you is you.You can only be you, and it is not
until you reclaim your unique self that you can be truly great.
You have what it takes to succeed. The thought of thinking you're not enough is the
No. 1 limiting belief you need to erase from your vocabulary now. It doesn't do any
help to you and yet its sabotaging you from succeeding in life. Like I mention in rule
#1, successful people are once amateur like you and me. Most of them started their
journey to success with the will and desire to succeed in their life. Skill, mindset and
resources will come once you're ready to go after what you want in life. Everything
doesn't need to be perfect in the first time. Keep going my friend.

Rule # 3

It is ok if you did not receive the best education from a top school. A person with
great EQ can be far more successful than a person with high IQ but cant manage
their EQ. But ultimately, even a person with good EQ cant beat a person who are
desperate for success, they will do what ever it takes to beat out competition , roar
their way to success.
Yes, it is certainly good to be an intelligent, and have a high IQ; this is an important
asset. But you must realize that it is not enough. Your IQ and EQ will help you
personally, but DQ(Desperation Quote) it what going help you to succeed in
whatever you pursue. If you can understand this underrated form of intelligence, you
will achieve greater success.
Let me share with you a story about a blindman ..
John was walking on the road he saw a blind man trying to cross the road. He
quickly ran to the blind man and held his hand and made him cross the road. The
Blind man thanked him and asked John to ask for something in return of his favor.
John replied Nothing Sir. I am in search of a job and I want to become a very
successful man.
Blind man replied, I live close to Orange Beach. Meet me at the beach tomorrow at
4 AM.

Next morning John got up early, dressed properly and went to the beach where the
blind man was waiting for him.
The blind man asked John Are you desperate for success? John nodded his head
in agreement.
Blind man asked John to hold his hand and walk. He took him into the water. The
water reached their waist. Amazed, John said I dont want to learn swimming , I
want to be successful.
Blind man laughed and kept on walking till the water reached their neck. John asked
What now? The blind man held Johns neck and inserted it in water. After two
minutes, when John was half numb, he raised his head.
John was sneezing and taking very deep breath.
The Blind man asked when you were in water, what was the thing you wanted the
Out of breath John replied I wanted to breathe.
Blind man took him out of water. Once John was calm he explained When you will
want to succeed , as bad as you wanted to breathe inside water, you will be
He further said when you were inside the water , you didnt care about the luxuries
you have or the things that life provides you. All you wanted was to breathe , same
is the case with success.

Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating

anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point, you ain't
interesting. Jim Carey.

Rule # 4

This rule exist because of rule #3. What causes people to become desperate?
Hunger. When we are hungry we need to eat, but if there isnt any food on the table
we need to look for food. And now food become our priority, all of a sudden we
develop a sense of urgency to hunt for food now because we would die of hunger if
we dont feed ourself.
Urgency- According to life coach Tony Robbins, is the difference that separates
successful individual from unsuccessful ones. So its pretty self explanatory, if your
success isnt urgent to you, you wont be successful as youre not hungry for
success. If you're not hungry for success, you will only do what it takes when you're
free, in other words you'll only do it when you're comfortable.
I've met many smart people who live a mediocre life. They have what it takes to do
something great. But when you talk to them, they'll tell you why it's not the time yet,
or they aren't good enough, and so on. They're not hungry for success, if they're
hungry for success they will do what it takes to win despite of all the limiting belief
they have in their mind.
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of
strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Vince Lombardi

Rule # 5

One big reason why most people are not successful because they dont de fine what
success means to them. When you ask them what does success means to them,
they would say
Have a nice car?
Have a nice body.
Have a lots of money. etc
Different people measure success differently. Yes i know that, but the keyword is
measure. For example Have a lots of money. How much money exactly is a lot to
you? $100 million, $100 billion? Have a speci fic answer for your measurement of
For example,
Have a nice car 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4
Have a nice body killer athlete body shape ,weight 260 lib and 25% body fat.
Have lots of money $10 Million dollar in savings, $1 million-dollar in rental

Its ok even if your de finition of success got to do with material possession. Well at
least de fine it as clear as possible so that the universe know what youre after. Do
you feel excited after knowing what you really want after seeing the example I set
above? I bet you do.
For the longest time I didnt understand this rule , because I thought it was
It wasnt until recently that I discovered that once I know what I want, it can not only
make me more productive, it can also dramatically increase the clarity I have.
Heres a quote by Cheshire Cat from Alice in the wonderland which really resonate
with this rule.
Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, What road do I
The cat asked, Where do you want to go?
I dont know, Alice answered.
Then, said the cat, it really doesnt matter, does it?
Therefore If you want to be successful in life , or start a business around your
passion, you first have to know what you want.

Rule # 6

"This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue
pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to
believe. You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland and I show you how
deep the rabbit hole goes." - Morpheus, The Matrix
The Matrix is one of my favorite movies of all time. And this scene about the choice
of taking blue pill or red pill strike me hard when i first watch it.
This is about the choice between a dif ficult path and blissful ignorance. You can
make clear parallels between the red pill and a tough undertaking, such as
embarking on a dif ficult squat program. You know it will be hard work, and that it will
likely take you to some dark places, but remain steadfast in the knowledge that it will
be worth it.
Alternatively, you could take the path of least resistance, the blue pill, and never
know. We are faced with these choices daily. Working on our weaknesses, eating
more vegetables, doing our mobility work
- these are all things we can either grab by the horns and attack wholeheartedly (is
there any other way?), or ignore and live in a state of supposedly blissful denial.

Take the red pill, magic happen outside your comfort zone.
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in
broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out,
and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride! Hunter S Thompson

Rule # 7

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, youll never get it done. Bruce
Dont over analyze and over think. Take massive action even if things arent perfect
before you start.
Most people that try to get things perfect never get started at all.
Let me introduce you a new way of thinking..
1st let me share with you about archery. How do we start archery?
1.We get a bow READY, place the arrow,
2. We AIM carefully at the target,
3. We FIRE the arrow.
Now, it seems like common sense to all of us. You must be thinking who doesn't
know this stuff? Wait, let me ask you. How many times when you wanna do

something but you're afraid that it doesn't work out according to plan , you think and
think and think again and yet you never take any action at all. Sound familiar ? We
all wanna get the perfect shot , we keep aiming but never fire because we over
analyze. You have to FIRE first , only then you'll be able to learn from your first shot.
It's ok you don't get the perfect shot for the first try. And by right archery took many
years of training to get perfect shot. You're not suppose to hit it right at the 1st shot.
This concept was introduce by Michael Masterson in his book Ready, Fire, Aim.
I used to be a perfectionist, but I realized that by taking action, I could get much
more done and make much more progress.
You can make all the excuses in the world, but nothing happens until you stop
blaming your circumstances or people in your life, and take control of your life.
It is up to you to take responsibility for your life and create your own opportunities.
You may not be able to do exactly what you want right now, but you have the
opportunity to take steps toward it.
No one will create the dream life for you. You have to do it yourself.

Rule # 8

Dont be self-conscious about dreaming, or about people thinking youre too

idealistic, and not serious enough. Dont allow your self talk to be judgmental. Look
at the world with wide-eyed enthusiasm, believe you are more powerful than the
problems that confront you, and dream big. In a world without dream, there would be
no smart phones, no adventure, no space travel, what a boring world it will be?
Dont betray your dreams for the sake of fitting in. Dreaming is one of humanitys
greatest gifts it champions aspiration, spurs innovation, leads to change, and
propels the world forward. ~Richard Branson.
While you pursue your dreams. There'll be hardship,there'll be challenges and
there'll be obstacles that will tear you down. But hey, all this happened to you
because god know that you can handle this. Don't give up just yet, giving up means
you're betraying your dreams. Instead , find alternative ways to reach your dream.
Like Zig Ziglar once said. 'When obstacles arise, you change your direction to
reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there.' The next rule will
show you why most people betray their dreams.

Rule # 9

One of my weaknesses is my impatience. However, Ive learned to channel my

impatience into getting more done and being productive. Its also important to
realize that most of the things that are truly valuable in life take time.
For example, I discovered that creating an online business usually takes anywhere
from 3 to 5 years, if your goal is a full-time income. Whatever you do, keep taking
small steps each day toward your primary goal, and you will be surprised at how
much you can accomplish in just a few years.
People overestimate what they can accomplish in one year and underestimate what
they can achieve in ten years. They set unrealistic goal and force themselves to
achieve it in 1 month, once they failed to achieve the goal they set a new goal and
the cycle repeat it self. What a waste...
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in
the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put
that passing time to the best possible use.
Earl Nightingale

Rule # 10

What does it mean exactly to burn a bridge? The Urban Dictionary defines burning a
bridge as cutting off all ties in a relationship; to burn a bridge means to be
completely done with something.
This is extremely important if you want to speed up your success
When I 1st saw this quotes , it reminds me of a scene from Extreme Make Over
(Weight loss edition) where my favorite coach Chris Powell get his client Dana to
carry his own addiction (50 pound of soft drink and raw beef) and walk across the
longest pedestrian bridge in the world. Chris wanted Dana to walk to the end of the
bridge and throw his addiction away. And so he did it. Man I dunno how to describe
this. The moment Dana throw his addiction away. that moment was so uplifting and
Dana's expression was like "I'm totally done with this, I've conquered my own
addiction and there's no turning back." I think that's the most appropriate scene to
describe the meaning of this.

There's no reason to have a plan B because it will

distract your Plan A. Will Smith.
Why Plan B sets you up for failure.
The mentality behind having a Plan B is solely based on the idea that it's ok for
you to fail as you have a plan B, therefore it is fundamentally flawed. By having a
back up plan you already accept the idea that there is a possibility that Plan A will
fail. I like to think of Plan B as this soft place to land called your comfort zone. It is
one of the biggest contributors as to why our drive goes out the window. A comfort
zone is so much more appealing than taking a chance at something scary and new,
especially when things dont work out as soon as you want them to or according to
plan. People back out once they hit a few speed bumps and baby, there will always
be speed bumps.

Rule #11

I have never seen anyone who achieved great success by simply being interested in
what they do. The road to success is filled with people who are interested in
achieving something, but only few who do whatever it takes to success. And that's
why more than 80% of the people failed. The road to success takes more than
interest, or even passion, it takes commitment to succeed in life.
This concept apply to all areas of life,
Especially in todays microwave society, instant grati fication is what people are
looking for. People want success now, and few are willing to be patient. However, if
you can train yourself to stay committed, you can build momentum and ultimately
achieve great things for yourself.

Rule #12

Another thing successful people have in common is that they always give their best,
no matter what. They do not make half hearted efforts and they play full out. There a
reason why you should do that too. When you continuously do your best and any
given moment, you'll leave a good impression to others. Others will see you as
enthusiastic and passionate person, they'll like you for who you are .
Have you ever noticed that successful people who have their lives in order are also
more active, involved, and generous with charity, church, and volunteer
organizations? They find time to make giving a top priority in their lives. The fact is
your success is an outcome of how much you do for others. Your deeds have lasting
impact, not your stuff, power, position or busy schedule. Successful people make
more time to serve others. Becoming a success is directly proportional to what you
give. Its a fine linesome people give to getbut that wont work for most.
What you get is a RESULT of what you give!

Giving is the outward expression of your inner commitment, character, and

dedication. A banker once told me that the first line he looks at on a loan applicants
tax return is contributions. He tells me he can usually judge a persons true
integrity and sincerity by looking at that one single entry. People who donate money
generously and on a regular basis can be trusted. People who dont find time or
money to give to others are self centered and cant get everything in life they want.
People who dont give are the only ones who complain about giving. Give giving a
try. you will get more in return than you ever give.

Rule # 13

Do not EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY yourself, is the choice of a wise one. we often want
to explain something to justify our ideas and thought.
However, explanation doesn't always help and worst still it become completely
different from what we explained .
Hill did not explain their height and it does not affect its magnificent;
Ocean doesn't explain it's depth and it does not change the fact that she contain all
streams and rivers;
Mother earth do not explain their presence, but no one can replace her status as
the bearer of all things .......
Life is not about impressing other people. If you try to show off, it will backfire.
Nowadays,many people talk more than they do. Because its easier to complain, lay
blame and justify something. But know that all the talking will not last..the only thing

that has residual consequences is your actions..actions are worth more than
thousands of words..
When you focus on what you need to do regardless of a fast result or not of your
actions, sooner or later you will succeed..Believe in doing the right actions toward
your goals, the more you do, the more chances that you will succeed. The more you
work in silence, the more successful you will become.

Rule # 14

Lots of people have ideas. If you ask people how to lose weight. You'll probably
notice that many of them can provide you many great idea on how to lose weight.
But in reality, how many of them actually make those idea happen? Having an idea
is just the start. Idea alone is not enough to make you succeed. You need to do the
work to make it happen...
That's why you'll see many nutritionist who's in bad shape, they probably know more
on what's the bad food to avoid and what's the best food to eat because thats their
job scope. Whether or not they apply what they've learn is a total different thing. It's
hard work. It's effort. It's backing up your talk with real action.
The idea is just the start. Consistency is the key!
That's why focus on practical execution and results. There is little to no benefit to
learning new information but do nothing about it.

Rule # 15

The first step to accomplishing all your goals and making your dreams come true
starts with this simple realization that you are human: you are not perfect and you
cant do everything alone. Always keep things realistic.
Ask for help, because asking for help is a form of intelligent. Asking for help doesn't
mean that you're weak, it's actually a form of leverage.
Let me share with you a story that's well known in China .
Straw Boats Borrow Arrow
Once upon a time in China here's a wise man called Zhuge Liang. His rival Zhou Yu
try to think of ways to kill Zhuge Liang because he foresees that he will become a
threat to his country, so he asks Zhuge Liang to help him produce 100,000 arrows
within 10 days, if Zhuge Liang fails to produce 100,000 arrows in three days, he will
be executed. When Zhuge Liang agrees and takes the pledge, Zhou Yu secretly

feels delighted because he thinks that Zhuge cannot complete the task in time. On
the third day, with help from Lu Su, Zhuge Liang prepares 20 large boats, each
manned by a few soldiers and filled with human-like figures made of straw and hay.
In the hours before dawn, when there is a great fog, Zhuge Liang deploys the boats
and sails towards Cao Cao's camp across the river. Cao Cao's troops rush out to
engage the enemy but they are unsure of the enemy force's size because their
vision is obscured by the fog. They fire volleys of arrows in the direction of the
noises and the arrows become stuck in the straw figures. By the time they returned
to base, Zhuge Liang has acquired more than 100,000 arrows, so Zhou Yu cannot
execute him.
This is a beautiful example of leveraging on other people's resources. I'm sharing
this story with you in hope that you realize asking for help is a form of strength, not

Rule # 16

If you love life, dont waste time, for time is what life is made up
of. Bruce Lee
Successful people choose to save time than money , let me give you an example:
Let's say you wanna travel to Thailand from Singapore, you have 3 choices,


Mode of Travel





3 weeks


$ 50++

10-13 hours



2-3 hours

I choose C because I value my time, even if I pay slightly higher than coach I save
at least 4-5 hours of my time. I have more freedom and joy to explore the land of
wonder , have good rest for my body and soul .
Let's imagine if I choose A. How much time and energy I've lost just to figure out
which direction leads to Thailand, furthermore I have to walk across different street
and use money to buy food,water and shelter along the way before I actually reach
my destination. Even if I reach my destination 3 weeks later I don't think I would
enjoy my holiday.
I hope you can see the difference between saving time and saving money by the
example I've shown above. You can make more money, but you can't make more
time. When you waste your time, you are wasting a portion of your life that you'll
never get back. Your time is your life. Many people don't understand this concept of
saving time over money , in the end they lose both time and money. This shall leads
to the next rule.

Rule # 17

Mentors are invaluable for so many reasons, the most important reason to get a
mentor is because mentor had already been through what you experience and able
to reach the top. Cut all learning curve that you might need to spend decade to
learn. and if you understand the value of time on rule 16 . you wont waste it.
Can you think back into your life to someone who you admire? Perhaps this is
someone who is very successful in their career, their family life, or even socially? In
our lives there are dozens of people who have managed to be very successful at
what they do, and these people are a wealth of information, as long as we are able
to tap into that wealth. That is why it's very important to find someone that you can
learn from - a mentor.
A good mentor will help you stay accountable to your goals, they will help you pay
attention and stay on track. When you get frustrated and want to give up they will
push you harder and keep you going. A mentor can be invaluable to ask you the
hard questions and challenge you to come up with the answers.

If you can't find a mentor by yourself, read books. Like what you're doing right now,
book has wealth of information you need to get started.
The consequence for not getting a mentor is huge. Just imagine what if you get bad
information from someone? How much would it hold you back from succeeding in
life?And it would cost you a lot of time to research. Remember this, you don't have
enough time in the world to make every single mistake. Why spend years figuring
out something, that's available for $10 in a book?

Rule # 18

There's a huge difference between super ficial knowledge and wisdom.

How many people do you personally know that read a lot of books and spend time
attending seminars, but never apply the knowledge they learn? I call them seminar
junkies. The truth is , you can attain the best knowledge from the best school in the
world, but nothing happen until you apply what you've learn. This refer back to rule
no 3.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not

enough, we must do. - Bruce Lee

Rule # 19

Simplicity is the key to brilliance.

If you can simplify your life, your goals, and your tasks, you will not only be happier,
you will also get more done and be more successful. If youre trying to go after
multiple things at once, you will end up accomplishing none of them.
The beauty about focusing on one goal is that it seems that youre neglecting all the
others aspects of your life, but when you focus on one goal, the other aspects of
your life tend to improve as well.
Simple is beautiful. Complex is ugly. The more you have, the more you want and the
more complex things get. People believe that big business needs to be complicated
but it doesnt. We make it complicated ourselves because we think that this is
what is needed for success. Big doesnt have to be complex. Often, small and
simple is more powerful than big and complex. I am always running into this trap of
complexity and I forget how beautiful simple can be. How hard it is to achieve too

Rule #20

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the
man who has practiced one kick 10000 times." - Bruce Lee
Being focused is one of the most important you must do to succeed in life. It
requires cutting off unnecessary distractions. You need to stay away from SOS.
Shiny Object Syndrome is defined as the attraction to objects that exhibit a
glassy, polished, gleaming or otherwise shiny appearance. Something as simple as
a reflection in your peripheral vision may easily distract your attention.
The reason why many people are unable to succeed in life is because they fall for
Shiny Object Syndrome. Especially now information are overloaded, information is
accessible at your fingertip. Just type in success into your mobile you'll be
overwhelmed by the amount of information you'll get. Do not get distracted, stay
focus and eliminate all the unnecessary distraction.

Rule # 21

Stop thinking about what happened in the past, or worry about what might happen in
the future. Live in the moment and learn to savor each one. Because the past and
future is something that you have no control over it. The only moment we have
absolute control is now, the present moment is all we have.
Let me share with a an amazing facts that will help you understand this concept.
The Golden Gate Bridge It is known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern
World. It was built to withstand a huge traf fic load. But if you were to put the annual
load of 40 million vehicles on the bridge at the same time, it would collapse
immediately. If you were to put the entire monthly load of 3.9 million vehicles on the
bridge at the same time, it would collapse as well.So what does that mean? Just like
us, the bridge was designed to handle one day at a time. If we worry too much about
the past which we have no control over it, we would breakdown in stress and
anxiety. If we worry too much about the future which is yet too happen, we would
collapse as well. Therefore it is crucial for us to be at present moment at all time, it
will enable you to stay focus , make better decision and learn faster.

Rule # 22

No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place. Zen

Snow flake only falls in winter because snow is composed of small ice particles. In
order for water to freeze and change into ice, it must be cooled to its freezing point.
So it means that there are no "wrong" places for a snow flake to fall. In Buddhism,
there is the saying that suggest we shouldn't resist everything that's happening right
now. It's better to let everything fall in its place, and not get attached to a certain
outcome. When you want the snow flake to fall at a certain place (i.e. when you wish
for a certain thing to happen), you become attached to that outcome and it can
make you sad when it doesn't fall at that place. This quote says that no snow flake
ever falls at the wrong place (i.e. "Whatever happens, is right"), meaning that you
should just accept everything for what it is.

If something happen that is going against you will, accept it as it is. Don't form any
positive or negative thought around it. Because If you have nothing but negative
thoughts racing through your ahead, then thats what you are going to get, so try
shifting to a more positive outlook on life. You will be surprised to see that whatever
you wished for will start to manifest itself around positivity, rather than letting
negativity use you.
There may not be an obvious reason to be positive today, but you dont need a
reason. Being positive is a strategy, not a response. The most powerful time to be
positive is precisely when everything around you is not so positive.

Rule # 23

Robin Sharma said your mind is like a garden. Protect your mind from negative
thought because your mind is a magni ficent garden.
The mind is like a fertile garden and for it to flourish, you must nurture it daily. Never
let the weeds of impure thought and action take the garden of your mind. Keep it
healthy and strong it will work miracles in your life.
Self-mastery and the consistent care of ones mind, body and soul are essential to
finding ones highest self and living the life of ones dreams.

As you think, so shall you become.

What you think about, you draw into your life. If youre constantly being negative,
you will draw more negativity into your life.
Instead of focusing on the negative, think about what you want to get out of life and
focus on the positive.
This is another way of telling you that you have to set goals and focus on those
goals as often as possible. The results you will get by doing this will be dramatic.
Most people sit around whining about their miserable life, and then they wonder why
nothing good ever happens to them.

Rule # 24

Living a successful life is all about experimenting and trying new things. The more
things you try, the closer you will get to true success.
Most people are not successful because they are afraid of making mistakes. But
they do not understand that each mistake act as a stepping stone to success.
Like what Thomas Edison said in his quote.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
The essence of this quote is keep trying, when you discover what doesnt work, you
simply discard it and keep going. When you keep moving forward, you will create
your own path. Its good to learn from others, but its not until you take action that
you discover what works and doesnt.
Tadashi Yanai, the founder and president of Fast Retailing. He is routinely ranked
as one of the richest men in Japan. He's well known for owning the most famous

clothing brand Uniqlo in Japan. He speaks softly about his passion for business but
also about his firm belief that successful people will inevitably make mistakes, and
then learn from them. He won't be able to reach the top without all the mistakes he
made in the past.

I might look successful but I've made many mistakes. People

take their failures too seriously. You have to be positive and
believe you will find success next time. Tadashi Yanai

Rule # 25

This is the famous quote from Bruce Lee on the Adaptability of Water.
Adapt like water: Be like water; water has no form. It is the softest element on
earth, yet it penetrates the hardest rock. It has no shape of its own, yet it can
take any shape in which it is placed. In a cup, it becomes the shape of the cup.
In a vase, it takes the shape of the vase and curls about the stems of flowers.
Put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can adapt to any situation due to its nature, it will take the shape and
properties of its surroundings. This is the adaptability of water.
Water changes it shape accepts each situation it finds itself in.If it has to flow a
longer distance to get around an obstacle, it does so. Water will flow wherever
it needs to flow to get to where it wants to go. Water accepts a situation so that
it can focus on getting through it. It will do what it has to do to achieve its goal.
Be water, my friend.

Rule # 26

Successful people focus on the process, not on the result.

Its important to set goal but we need to understand that goal is something that
we aim to achieve, the process is what lead us to the result.
When you focus on the process instead of the results, you can enjoy the
present moment and improve at the same time. In a contrary, if you focus on
the result instead of process, you create unnecessary stress to burden
yourself. You won't be able to do your best because every now and then
you're focusing on the result, you reduce your current happiness. This actually
sabotage you from getting the result you wanted because you don't allow
yourself to be happy until you get result.
Therefore focus on the process, enjoy what you do and result will follow.

Rule # 27

IT'S CRITICAL to take a moment to STOP and CELEBRATE your SUCCESS

from time to time.
It's easy to recognize areas in your life that could use improvement, but people
often overlook the pieces of their lives they can currently be proud of. While it
feels wonderfully productive to set goals with the aim of bettering yourself, it is
equally uplifting to celebrate the things in your life in which you have already
found success. Instead of getting perpetually bogged down trying to achieve
bigger and better things, it's a good idea to give your self-con fidence an
occasional boost by acknowledging the things you are doing or have done well
up until this moment.
Give yourself a pat on the back for each of your successes and take a
moment to really appreciate how each of your accomplishments has improved
your life or someone else's.Keeping in mind the things you have accomplished
sets a positive groundwork for the creation of new goals. Plus, if you recognize
how many things you've already done well, it will give you more con fidence in
your ability.

Rule # 28

The practice of self re flection is like aligning yourself with truth.

It's an opportunity for you to understand yourself better. This is very important
for anyone who wanna improve themselves, whenever we do something,
there's no way we can tell if we've done it right unless we practice self
re flection. Self re flection offers a different view point, for example a close
encounter might help us to realize what really matters to us and what isnt
worth the stress. Similarly, self re flection can help us see where we may be
wasting time or opportunities and how we can improve on that. This actually
helps you to realign yourself to greater success.

Rule # 29

Be a life-long learner.The most successful people are the ones who take an
interest in life and never let go of the beginners mind. They discover learning
opportunities and continue to grow, both personally and professionally.
Success isnt an entitlement. It cannot be taken for granted. Successful people
cannot afford to be complacent because good times do not last forever,
especially in a rapidly changing world.
Thats why complacency is dangerous. People who are complacent with their
achievement fail to catch up with the rest of the world and are left behind.

Rule # 30

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said that we are the average of the five people
we spend the most time with.We are heavily in fluenced by our network. We
tend to subconsciously calibrate ourselves to the energy of those who we are
around regardless of whether they are a positive person or not. Secondly it's
the standards that we hold for ourselves, such as determination, integrity and
self management.
When I did a self re flection at my life over the past few years, I can see that I
grew as my circle of friends grew. If there was a negative in fluence in the
group, it was the rest of us who were held captive. That is until one of us drew
the line and distanced ourselves from their in fluence. When we surrounded
ourselves with peers and mentors, we were constantly challenged and
inspired to grow and learn.Who are the people you spend time with? It really
doesnt matter how smart you are, or how talented. All that counts, if you want
to be successful, surround yourself with people who are more successful than

Rule # 31

When you be yourself, and that includes the weird things about you, you will
find that the most amazing and interesting people start showing up in your life.
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out
and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. Bruce Lee
I believe that being the real you will work better. Because there the genuine
you is shining through. You will attract the right people in your life. It helps you
a lot with personal branding, you don't need to fake yourself just to fit in.
Successful people always stay truthful to who they are because you'll have
your own voice ,you'll stand out in a crowd that try their best just to fit in.
People can feel your sincerity and from there it's easier for you to built trust
with them, when people trust you they'll do business with you. I bet you
wouldn't wanna hang out with a hypocrite who always lies just to make people
happy. It's better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you
are not.

Rule # 32

Real living is living for others.

It wasnt until I found my passion and started contributing to the world with my
writing that I started feeling ful filled.
We all have our unique gifts that we can use to make the world a better place.
These are usually talents and skills you have that you are very good at, and
that you like to do.
You are here to make a difference with the talents you have. The reward is
bigger when you add significance to others. Pursuing success is rewarding,but
the reward gets even bigger when we help others become successful. Its a
law of the universe.

So ask yourself: are you adding value to others in what youre doing? Is the
end result something that will benefit you alone?
When you add value to others, awesome things start to happen in your own
world. And you simply cant measure the value being added back to you, it's
usually multiple time larger than the value you provide to others.
Be generous, always give more than you receive. You'll see your life started to
change =)

Rule # 33

Let me ask you, will successful people feel unhappy even though they have
pretty much everything in life?
Well you'll be surprise that the answer is a resounding yes. Speaking of my
personal experience, my wife is about to deliver my lovely baby girl back in
April this year. I'm supposed to be the happiest person in the world waiting for
my baby to be born , but in fact I'm not. I was in the delivery room quietly
browsing on Facebook. I kept thinking to myself why I'm not as successful as I
wanna be? At that point of time I faced many challenges in my online business
so I'm really don't feel excited about my newborn baby up till the moment she's

I have to admit what a bastard I'm. But like I shared in rule no #22 no
snow flakes ever falls on the wrong place. I learn a very important lesson in life
is that you need to be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
Everything changes when I attended Tony Robbins Total Success Seminar in
Singapore during May 2015. He share with us that he has a client who is a
very successful person but he aren't happy. He has more than enough money
to last for a few generation but yet he's still piss off. And so what Tony do to
help him was that he wanted him to count his blessing, Tony want him to feel
the moment where he feel thankful. Tony get all of the audience including me
to do the same, so we close our eyes, breath deeply and recall the moment
where we feel thankful. And you know what? I was in tears , the 1 st moment
that flash into my mind was my new born baby. I was so angry with myself that
I didn't express my gratitude to my wife for bringing us a healthy baby girl. I
understand it now, the reason why people aren't happy with their life is the
lack of gratitude. No matter how successful you become, you won't be happy if
you don't count your blessing.
Gratitude makes us happier. That's what many spiritual traditions maintain.
Now scienti fic research backs such claims. And that's what we can easily
observe in our own life and that of others.

If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever
have enough. -- Oprah Winfrey

Did you Find my 33 Rules To Optimum Success add value to you?

I have given my best to put up this essence which Im using it every
day, Im sure I added value to you ; ) ... and youre probably
Where do I go from here?
Well, this is just the beginning.
Ill post regular update on my side , feel free to check out the update
I share as I will go more in depth into each aspect to help you more.

To Your Optimum Success!

Gin Ng
Founder and Growth Excellence Of ficer of

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