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Interview Questions

1. How would you describe the flow of communication within your company?
Overall, the Company has instituted several communication mediums (LCDs, Emails, Notice Boards, monthly magazines etc.). I consider these to be quite effective.
2. How would you describe the flow of communication between the company and its
Generally effective. There is direct and continuous communication using Radios,
Telephones and E-mails from our Control Room to the consumers.
3. What methods of communication do you use? Which is your preferred method?
Verbal, written and electronic.
All three has its strength in the workplace. Written is traceable as there is permanent
record. E-mails facilitate real-time communication and are as good as written. Verbal
is quickest, but only becomes a record if confirmed with written letter or E-mail.
4. What are some personal strategies that are utilized to attain effective communication?
Inter- Office Communications: Request confirmation of E-mail correspondence.
Follow up verbal with written. Regularly scheduled meetings.
Verbal: Be a good listener, your posture, eyes, position of your arms should reflect
eagerness to listen. Avoid being judgmental. Do not disturb the other person whilst
they are speaking. Make a note of any points you need to clarify.
5. What are some barriers to communication? Can you give an example of when this
occurred? How was the matter resolved?
Barriers: Differing personalities, varying levels of education, Prejudice, Demotivated
staff. Corridor talk and gossip.
6. Do you utilize written communication? On a scale of one to ten, with one being the
least and ten being the best, how good in written communication would you rate
yourself? Yes, quite frequently. 8
7. Have you ever had to present an idea to coworkers? How did you do so and how was
it received? Yes. Most often it was delivered quite effectively. Typically, the best
method to get buy-in is to let the other persons help with developing or
implementation of the idea. This sense of ownership motivates these persons to
influence others. Having facts and historical data to demonstrate pros/cons of the idea
readily available gives people confidence that you have done your due diligence. With
respect to actual delivery, PowerPoint presentations and graphical displays add flair to
any presentation. However, only put the main points on the slides and have your notes
to guide your discussion to avoid persons having to read excessively from the slides.
Preparation is the key, you must know upfront what you want to say, as each slide is
displayed. Always leave time for questions and let your audience know if you prefer
to answer them afterwards or during your presentation.

8. How did you know that the persons you communicated with were satisfied with what
was said/happy they were informed?
Based on the questions/comments and feedback after the meeting, one can get a good
idea of effectiveness. As a presenter, you must be prepared for negativity, as not
everyone will agree with you.
9. How often do you receive feedback?
10. Have you ever written a memo/report recommending a specific course of action only
to find out that the reader didnt adopt your recommendations?
In the working environment, Letters/Memos must be concise. Recommendations must
not be confused with Instructions, Policies and Procedures. Recommendations allow
for user discretion. Yes, there have been instances where employees did not adhere to
instructions. These were dealt with in accordance to Company guidelines.
11. Were you previously employed at a different organization? Can you give a
comparison of the communication at your previous area of employment to now?
This was almost eighteen years ago. Technology to facilitate communication was not
as readily available as today. Typically Notice Boards were the main method used.
12. Have you ever had to deliver a presentation to your department? How was it planned
and delivered? How was it received?
Similar to answer for Question 7.
13. Describe a situation where you stood your ground and influenced others to your way
of thinking
A critical project was overdue and I was being pressed to move forward and complete
same. I was able to do simulations and present result showing the safety concerns
which must be addressed first. Everyone was in agreement afterwards.
14. On a scale of one to ten, with one being the least and ten being the most successful,
how successful are you in getting others to see your point of view? 8
15. Have you ever encountered gender issues during communication? If yes, what was
the situation? How was it resolved?
No I have not.
16. Have you encountered cultural issues during communication? If yes, what was the
situation? How was it resolved?
Not really.
17. Have you ever had to deal with a sensitive problem (bad news, etc.)? How did you go
about it? What was the result?
On a few occasions, I had to deliver termination letters to contract employees. These
meetings are typically kept short and guided by Company procedures i.e. security
escorts, return of company property, badges/access cards etc.
18. Describe a suggestion you made that was accepted by your manager. How was it

I proposed organizational restructuring of the manpower within one section of the

Department. This was presented using statistical data on the man-hours required to
achieve objectives in comparison to current manpower available. The Organizational
Structure was subsequently approved and implemented.
19. Describe a suggestion you made that was rejected by your manager? Why was it
I identified a piece of equipment for purchasing for use by the Department. This item
was approx. 500K. This was rejected as another department has already purchased a
piece of equipment at approximately half the price, with similar capabilities. I agreed
with this decision.
20. In your opinion, how does effective communication contribute to a successful
Effective communication is critical to success of the organization.

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