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Julian R Moreno.

Cod 20091155048

English III G. 825


The theory of everything (Summary)

This dramatic and romantic film, tells the story about the famous and
recognized scientist Stephen William Hawking; this movie shows the
sensitivity and the straggle of Stephen hawking not only against Amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (AMS) but with all the challenges of physics and the
scientifically thinking of his time.
Jane Wilde his beloved wife and his must confident and unconditionally
friend; have to face the weight of a family alone by herself when the sickness
of his husband keep him away from all the experiences and special moments
of his kids. Eventually Jane meet a new friend in the church, J onathan Hellyer.
who seems very interested in Hawkings wife and her family and he want to
help her in every single way.
This fantastic movie shows the brightness and knowledge of this English
theoretical physicist and cosmologist who impress all kind of scientist of
every country and open the gate to a whole new way to see the universe and
understand the role of the human being and off course the possibility to find
the answers of the questions of the origin and the future of the universe.
Personal comment.
I Believe is a really good movie, I didnt like the romantic emphasis of the
film but I understand that is an unknown part of Stephen Hawkings life, so
probably this is the best way to show something about his personal life, I
really respect the strength of Hawking and the perseverance of his wife, right
now I have though challenges in my life and this film make me think about
some things related to will, illness and greatness.
Stephen Hawking (Short Biography)
Stephen Hawking is and English cosmologist, he was born January 8 1942.
Maybe one of the most impressive qualities of him is the wish of fight and
live against the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AMS), illness diagnosed when
he was young and began his studies of PHD in Cambridge University. In this
college Hawking met Jane Wilde his first wife and star the development of his
theory about time and space and the origin of the universe.
In 1995 he got divorced from Jane and married Mason in September of the
same year. In the last year some scandals show up in his life related to
physical abuse and other similar situations but Hawking himself stop the
police investigations, this situation stop in a second Divorce and a little
reconciliation with his old family.

Hawking has a lot of articles and cosmology books published, the most
important probably are The Singularities of Gravitational Collapse and Cosmology",
Gravitational Radiation from Colliding Black Holes". Physical Review Letters. "The development of
irregularities in a single bubble inflationary universe and the last one Information loss in black holes
published in 2005 but is not all about science in Hawkings life he also writes other kind of book like
personal histories and Childrens fictions books, the last ones came very popular in the last years

Stephen Hawking is the most famous scientist of 21th century
Galileo was the most persecuted scientist of 16th century
Stephen Hawking the least old man
Galileo had to live his live in the exile and that made him the must lonely
scientist of the 16th century
Stephen Hawking is weaker than Galileo when he lived at 1564
Galileo create his theory without any computer or electronical machine, in
fact he creates the telescope and other great instruments for astronomy.
Galileo is smarter than Hawking if we only took the material inventions
Hawking create a lot of theory and new questions and equations but he dont
need his body for that.
If we look to this situation Hawking is more intelligent than Galileo-

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