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1. Biostatistics: its branches and groups of studied questions. Laws of probability as

fundamental ones in statistical science.
1) Biostatistics as a methodological discipline of Public health: definition, branches, use
for biomedical research and health care practice.
Definition Quantitative measurement of some event. It studies the quantity in
connection with the quality of events.
Branches: 1.general theory
2. public health statistics- demographic indications, morbidity, disability,
Physical development
3. statistical of health care establishment
Use- it is used widely in statistical investigation of public health condition and health care
2) Probability as an essential term in statistical reasoning. Illustrate the use of
probabilities for studying medical questions.
- probability termed that an event will happen under given circumstances which defined
as the proportion of repetition of those circumstances in which the event would occur in
the long run.
3) Classification of events in biostatistics. Give examples.
4) Multiplicative rule. Additive rule.
Multiplicative rule- suppose two events are independent. For example, knowing that one
event has happened and dont know anything about the other event.
Addictive rule- suppose two events are mutually exclusive. For example, when one event
happens the other event cannot happen.
5) Conditional probability. Odds of events.
Conditional probability- is probability of the event under certain condition.
2. Chronic non-communicable diseases and their characteristics, their place in
morbidity and mortality structure in different countries. Risk factors of chronic
pathology. Difficulties in etiological investigation of chronic diseases.
1) Chronic non-communicable disease: kinds of pathology, their place in morbidity and
mortality structure in different countries.
Kinds of pathology- cancer, DM, CVD, alcoholism, smoking, accidents, trauma
Cancer- most problem in developed countries. Developing countries and countries
involved in war also exposed to this problem.
DM- most problem in developed countries especially in asia.

CVD- 50% of all death in developed countries and 15% of all death in developing
Alcoholism- most problem in western and European countries.
Smoking and traumas- occur almost in all countries and territories of world. Pandemic
2) Pattern of pathology: meaning
3) Major risk factors of chronic pathology.
- hereditary deposition
- mechanical trauma
- chemical abuse
- nutritional disbalance
- biological disorder
- obesity, HT,
- environmental factors- climate, exposure to radiation, atmospheric pollution
4) Difficulties in etiological investigation of chronic diseases.
- absence of a known causative agent
- multifactorial nature of etiology
- long latent period
- indefinite onset which makes difficult to collect data
- differential effect of factors on incidence and course of disease.
5) Peculiarities of prevention of non-communicable diseases.
- avoid exposure to causative agents
- manage nutrition
- use drug or chemical under physicians advice
- education on safety measures

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