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Information Sheet

H2 Living and Working Together in Communities
Use historical thinking to understand the past.
2 – H2.0.4 Describe changes in the local community over time (e.g., types of
businesses, architecture and landscape, jobs, transportation, population).

Grade: 2nd
Subject:Social Studies
- Class of 24 students

Topic: Changes in the Detroit Community from 1950-2010

Language skills: Share information with group and class,research information, make
timeline and presentation

Content Skills: The students will learn the changes Detroit has experienced as a

Thinking/Study Skills -Working with others

Learning a new technology
Researching with books
Research on the Computer
Presenting information
Public speaking

Technology Integration: In this lesson plan I am assuming I have a limited amount of

technology available. The only technology used in this lesson is one computer and a
projector. We will be using Google Earth to explore what Detroit looks like in present
day. By using and showing how to use Google Earth, the students are able to have this
great technology at their disposal. I feel that Google Earth comes second to actually
being able to go to the location.

Detroit Community Lesson Plan

Literature: Forgotten Detroit(Images of American) by Paul Vachon, other books they
use as resources that they find in the library different for each group

Motivation: 20 minutes(day 1)
-Put 10 pictures of Detroit on the board ask the students to help me put them in the
correct order according to date ( oldest to most recent)
-Ask students to explain why they think the pictures would go in this order
-Ask them to write down on a piece of paper I give them all the information they know
about Detroit
-I will collect the piece of paper

Presentation:20 minutes(day 1)
-I will have go through the book Forgotten Detroit on the pages I have previously marked

and read some historical background to the class

- I will use show the students how to use Google Earth my computer will be hooked up
to a projector
- I will show what Detroit looks like in present day using Google Earth
- We will talk about the correct order of the pictures from the motivation and what is
going on in the pictures

Google Earth

Practice/Application: total research time 2 hours( over 2 days)(flexible on time)

-Students will be divides into predetermined groups of 4
-Each group will have to have to do a timeline on Detroit they can present in any
medium they would like
-We will go to the Library were they can use books I will pick out books for them to use
as resources before we go
-We will have one computer so each group will get 30 minute to use the computer
-Each group member is responsible for finding at least one different resource
-They will have class time to work on their project

-Presentations(day 3)( take about 45 min of class time)
-Give them a blank time line to fill out, I will ask them to fill in their time line as they
watch their peers presentation
-Will give them back their sheets of paper from the first day so they can see how much
they learned

Extension-Five questions in textbook,video on Detroit (may or may not use depending

on time)

- The group project graded (informal) graded on effort not correctness, will look for

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