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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
March 18, 2010
6:00pm, Pathway

 March 18th 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:00pm
II. Call to order at 6:30pm
Roll call – Rebecca Wilson, Terri Shaffer, Chad Clark, Grant Long, Curtis
Carr, Tim Lawson, Tara Breeden
In attendance: Marguerite Goodhart, Jerry Hall, Paul Haynes, Mr. Shelor,
Diana Johnston, Reda Quesenberry, Sharon Heller, Andrea Kirk, Jim
Korb, Mike Vest, Jeanette Jones
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Motion made to approve
minutes, seconded and all approved
IV. Executive Session
V. Open Issues:
a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
 Review Financials for February, March and April
 Donation Update
o $36,000 committed
 March - $17,688
 April - $5,300 ($13,000 Prowl for funds)
 May - $4,800 ($13,000 Golf Marathon)
 June - $4,000
 July - $4,000
o $3,600 short to make payroll tomorrow
o Motion made for Mark Bordwine to meet with everyone
that handles money for the school and make a procedure
manual, seconded, all in favor
 Enrollment update for 2011-12
o Summer camp – 6 enrolled
o Enrollment for next year
 16 total (10 re-enrolled and 6 new enrollment)
 Vendor Status, Dental Insurance
o Mark Bordwine to send out vendor list
o Dental Insurance – New dental insurance will start April 1st
with Assurant Insurance Company
 Budget planning
o Discuss teacher benefits
o Scholarship/Financial Aid
b) Facilities & Transportation (Chad)
 Overflow Softball practice agreement/s
o Chad Clark to follow up with the Diamonds on agreement
 Sell of the Building on Flanagan will be completed next week
 Shah is getting ready to put out cones at the entrance of the parking lot
 Shah is getting ready to re-arrow and re-stripe the parking lot
 Shah is putting a stop sign out at the corner of Tractor supply
c) Fund Raising Report (Grant)
 Chick-Fil-A
o We have not received the check on this fundraiser. Grant Long
to follow up with this
 CiCi’s Pizza 3/16/10
o Cici said they would drop off the check when they came up and
deliver pizza’s to the school for lunch
 Golf Marathon
o Information will be coming out on Monday of next week
 Prowler for Funds
o Working on letters to go out next week
o Need parents to donate stamps for mailing
 Jim Korb, an Elementary parent
o Bluegrass concert update
 Has confirmed 2 bands
 Still waiting on dates that are available at CHS
 Terri Shaffer will be checking on dates available
 How many people will CHS hold
 Yard Sale
o Stacey Clark to set a date for the yard sale
 Texas Steakhouse fundraiser is set for April 20th
d) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
 Open House
o Set for the week of March 22nd – March 26th during the school
day and Thursday, March 25th – 6pm-8pm
 Scholarship fund cards have been mailed out to grandparents and other
people that are in our database list.
 Spirit FM is going to do a free advertisement for Pathway in lieu of
Lucie Monroe catering 2 days of meeting for Spirit FM
 Need to send out flyers on Open house to parents and daycare centers
e) Communications (Mark)
 Selling the land on Flanagan Drive
o Recommended 3 realtors
 Desi Sowers
 Barbara Cumbee
 Ed Gallamore
o Realtor commission
 We may find a realtor to sell it for 6%-8% commission
o Realtors saying that they expect a selling price of $10,000/acre
f) Vision & Strategy (Tim)
 Progress for selling property
g) Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
 Nothing to report
h) Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
 SAT’s – bill has not been paid
o Mike Vest is looking to try to raise some money to pay this bill
o Parents want to pay to take the SAT’s if the school can’t pay
this bill and get the SAT books for the testing
 Another letter and email needs to be sent home
concerning this
i) Capital Campaign (Terri)
 Establish Pathway Foundation Committee/Task force
o Jonn Harlow is interested in helping with this
j) Personnel Report (Curtis)
 Previous staff member’s use of overflow
o Diamonds are asking that we allow a teacher that we dismissed
from teaching at Pathway to be allowed in the overflow area so
she can coach a Diamonds Softball team
o Motion made to leave vote as is and not allow her to use the
overflow, seconded, 2 in favor and 4 not in favor
o Motion made to meet with teachers to see how they would
feel about her being in the overflow area, seconded, 4 in
favor and 2 not in favor
 Teachers paying for tuition
o Had Personnel meeting and spoke with the teachers concerning
the issue of teachers paying tuition.
o Teachers really want us to keep it the way it currently is.
o If we charge, teachers feel that they would have to go
somewhere else to be able to pay for their kids to attend school
o Motion made to offer the teachers free tuition next school
year, seconded all in favor
o Next Personnel meeting is set for March 25th

VI. New Business:

a) Other issues: Discuss March board agenda

VII. Prayer
VIII. Adjournment – 11:10pm
Pathway Foundation committee
Golf Marathon packet mailings
Need 30 golfers with $2,000 in sponsors
Help hand out Open House flyers in the community
Need people to help with food the day of the Golf Marathon

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