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Instructions to Build Android on Mac

Setup the mac to build android by following instructions here
1) Mount the Android Volume on Mac Pro:
On a Terminal or New Screen:
a) Import bash_profiles:
source ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bash_profile
b) Mount the Android Volume:
2) Switch to the Android Volume:
cd /Volumes/android/uiuc_android_lollipop
3) Environment Setup:

go to running builds

getNexus 6 (Mobile) binaries for Android 5.1.0 (LMY47I) binaries from here


go to /Volumes/android/uiuc_android_lollipop and copy the unzipped versions of these scripts

run the three scripts

make clobber

go to forrests folder


go back to/Volumes/android/uiuc_android_lollipop and domake -j8

End Addendum
Enter the following commands:
source build/

ulimit -S -n 1024
4) Configure the build:
Enter the following command (for Nexus 6):
lunch aosp_shamu-eng
5) Build!
make -j16
6) Then, to flash a device, connect the device to the macpro, then reboot the machine to the
adb reboot bootloader
Then, (under the same directory you have built android), flash the images with the following command:
fastboot flashall [-w](-w option ifyou wish to erase all existing data on the
adb -s XZFGHJGJH reboot bootloader
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot reboot
fastboot flashall -w
7) Push uiautomator testing scripts onto the device:
Under the older mobileinteraction repo, find the scripts atmobileinteraction/uitracesexplorer/
Push all the files onto the android system by doing pushes individually:
adb push HomeTestCase.jar /sdcard/
Repeat this for all 4 .jar files
8) Install Google Apps and play services:
First, Download Google apps:
For our modified version of Android 5.1.1, download this: file is also available under /Volumes/android/
Then, push it onto the device by entering:

adb push

Then, flash the TWRP recovery image to the device:
Download the twrp image:
Then enter bootloader with the same command (adb reboot bootloader)
Flash the recovery image by:
fastboot flash recovery twrp-
Then, boot into recovery by entering:
adb reboot recovery
This wont work with the new images.

Afer doing adb reboot bootloader

Use the volume key to toggle to Recovery Mode, then use the Power button to confirm your

Then, under the TWRP recovery mode on the phone(you may have to swipe right to allow
modifications if this is your first time accessing TWRP on the phone), click oninstall.

Then under the file directories, find /sdcard/ , click on the file

Swipe Right to confirm flash, then clickReboot System after flash.

Now you should have a fresh modified Android system ready to go with Google Play Service
and the testing scripts.

To update google play services:

1) Launch the Play Store app
2) SearchGoogle Play Services by clicking on the top right button
3) Update Google Play Services on the app page by clicking on the Google Play Services Result and
theUpdate Button on the result page
Installing GApps

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