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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (The Sith Lords)

Introduction & Advice:

Walkthrough Legend:
Light Map Marker = Exit or Elevator to another map.
Dark Map Marker = Event or Encounter within a map.
(LS/DS Points) = Light Side/Dark Side Points opportunity.
Note about Dark Side points: they're very easy to come by and usually obvious, so
you won't see as many (DS Points) in the walkthrough. (LS Points) are not as
obvious, and sometimes doing good deeds will get you nothing except satisfaction, if
even that. Therefore, we have included more of these opportunities.
You can play KotOR any way you want: good, balanced or evil. At any point in the
game your main character will sit somewhere on that light/dark continuum, and it
will influence most everything you do, from Force Point cost (mana consumption) to
NPC disposition towards your party. Sometimes you might even feel guilty about a
choice you made: help where you shouldn't have, hinder where you should have.
The beauty of KotOR is that at almost any point in the game, you are not beyond
redemption (for good or for evil), though in the sequel, you may find it more difficult
to move to the dark side than in the first.
If you liked Knights of the Old Republic, you're sure to enjoy The Sith Lords as well
but I would strongly recommend playing the discounted original first. Generally
speaking, the gameplay and game engine of KotOR II remain almost identical with a
few changes and additions, and it's another lengthy adventure. Character
development offers a few more choices this time around, with new powers and lots
of new items, and the inventory system has been slightly reworked for the better,
especially weapon switching. For all intents and purposes, the game takes away the
level cap, so you can become as powerful as there are enemies and quests in the
game. A reasonable level to expect in The Sith Lords while doing all quests and
taking on all creatures is somewhere in the upper 20's.

The easiest way to play through the game is to choose a side and in general, stick
with it. The most powerful force powers have made that choice, falling either on the
light or dark side. Your choice will determine how much those powers cost to use.
Sticking somewhere in the middle will give you no bonus deductions for either the
light or dark side force powers, but no negatives either - making it too something to
consider if you dare. Choose your force powers to suit your play style.
Throughout the game, there are countless opportunities to gain light and dark side
points. In the first game, it was far, far easier to become evil than to become good. In
this one, you'll find it more difficult to go either way, though will have no problem if
you remain on one path.
There are four main areas to explore after you leave Telos for the first time.
Dantooine and Korriban were in the first game but will be different now, and the
two new ones, Onderon and Nar Shaddaa, are all of your choices on the Galaxy
Map. You can visit these planets in any order, but I've found that Nar Shaddaa is
overall the most difficult, so in the walkthrough, I put that third... for a continuity
reason I won't waste your time with here. Still, many people prefer to do them in
their own order and it's perfectly acceptable and playable, even for newcomers, so
refer to the appropriate section of the walkthrough and you'll be alright.
Money, Items, Combat:
Your choice of weapon can get you through a lot, but when you're in trouble,
combat can be much easier if you use grenades, stims and judicious use of force
powers. If you're playing the light side or a balanced character, the Stun, Stun
Droid and Heal series of force powers can be invaluable. If you're playing the Dark
Side, the Drain Life, Wound and especially Shock series can be just as handy. As for
universal powers, Force Push (and eventually Wave), Battle Meditation and Speed
are highly recommended. When you're picking Force Powers later in the game, try
and focus on a few sets of them, rather than spreading them around. You'll have a
more powerful character that way.
KotOR II is different than the first in that most of the best items are randomly
generated in containers. By the end of the game, you may have several of a really
good item but have never found another. Save most of your money for items that are
expensive to buy rather than medpacs and stims. Search everywhere and in every
container. This walkthrough strives to cover all the minor and significant events or
encounters, as well as any above average yet items you come upon that are static. It

obviously cannot cover, nor would we want to spend the time, writing down the
contents of every container since they are random now - life is important too.
Remember to "bash" open locked footlockers and doors if your party does not have
a high enough Security skill. The Plasma Torch you receive at the beginning of the
game is ideal for this, so remember that. Unlike the first game, some doors
absolutely cannot be bashed, so must be either unlocked by a console or destroyed
using a mine.
Most of all, have fun and play any way you want... there really is no wrong choice.
On with the Walkthrough...
Ebon Hawk Adrift

1) Bridge:
Welcome to KotOR II's tutorial. It's a brief mission that will be extremely easy for all, especially for those familiar with
the first game. You begin as T3-M4, a droid, on the bridge of the damaged and drifting Ebon Hawk spaceship. To skip
the tutorial, do a 180 in the bridge and activate the console, but I'd recommend going through it to get a piece of the
story and a head start on the hundreds of items you'll accrue.

After you've repaired the hyperdrive:

Also in the Bridge is the Galaxy Map, the panel on the wall that you'll be able to select your destination once you
finish the mission. Through the tutorial intro, you know that the hyperdrive at #8 is damaged, so when that is fixed,
simply activate the Galaxy Map and choose Peragus II - the Peragus Mining Facility. Congratulations, you're done
with the tutorial.
2) Communications Room:
Take T3-M4 into the room, open the container and use the computer spike to slice into the terminal there. Open the
main hold door, and proceed to #3.

3) Main Hold:
Search the area for a dead body for a "locker key", a broken droid, and the footlocker against the wall. You'll learn
how to bash the footlocker open. Leave the console alone in the room for now, as you'll be coming back to it shortly.

After you've been to the Outer Hull:

Take T3-M4 or 3C-FD and turn on "solo" mode. Use either droid to enter the space between the Garage at #7 and the
south corridor. Use the other droid to access the console in the Main Hold, slice the computer with 2 spikes, and
close the outer door. Then have the same droid open the inner door for the now-trapped droid. Switch characters and
read #7 below.
4) Medical Bay:
Here's where your main character is lying unconscious. Have your droid open the container near the bed and take the
medpac. Use it on your main character to treat his or her injury.
5) Cargo Hold:
T3-M4, meet 3D-FD. Optionally invite 3D-FD to your party (recommended), and open the nearby metal container
for a weapon. This will begin the sensor droid combat tutorial. Equip the weapon and attack the hostile (though
harmless) sensor droids. Nearer the back of the hold, open the unlocked right container, take the security tunneler
out, and use it on the high security container next to it. You may also open the locker in the room with the locker key
you received from #3.
6) EXIT:
to Outer Hull (#1). Visiting the Outer Hull is required, and if you're following the walkthrough, now is a great time
to go there.
7) Garage:
You've been to the Outer Hull and have read #3 above. You have one droid inside the Garage. Use it to exit through
the north door and take a right into the now-open Starboard Dormitory. Take all the items including an armor plating
for your droid and some more parts (not that you need them now) for the hyperdrive.
Proceed back into the garage and use the workbench. I'd suggest taking the time to learn about it while you're there,
and then use it to create an item. Create a repair kit, and exit the workbench. You will no longer need this character
in the tutorial (not even to join up with the other). Switch characters and take the droid who is waiting by the console
down to the door to #8. Time to repair the Hyperdrive and get to Peragus.
8) Engine Room:
Use your droid to place a mine you received from the Outer Hull next to the door (just highlight the door and select
the mine from the quickbar at the bottom). Back away and watch as the blast blows open the door. Enter the room
and use the hyperdrive at the back. By now you should have ample parts enough for the job (only 5 are required), so
use them to "rig the hyperdrive" and you're done! See #1, "after you've repaired the hyperdrive."

Outer Hull

1) EXIT:
to Ebon Hawk (#6).
2) Open Hatches:
Search all these containers for parts.
3) Exposed Wiring:
Use up one of your parts (you'll have plenty) to repair the exposed wiring and open the inside Starboard Dormitory
4) Mines & Missile:
Use your droid to recover the minor frag mines, and/or search the guarded missile turret for another mine, used for
accessing the Engine Room inside the 'Hawk. When you're through exploring the area, return to the Ebon Hawk via the
#1 exit, and continue with Ebon Hawk Adrift (#3).

Administration Level

Your main goal on the Administration Level is to first open the prison at #11, and ultimately open the Emergency

Hatch Door at #5. A quick word of advice. The entire mining facility (and in fact, much of the game) is droid heavy. If
you're playing a Light Side character, I'd highly recommend the Stun Droid line of force powers first.
1) Medical Bay:
If you played the prologue, it's nice to finally get control of the character you made. After a cut scene, you awaken in a
sparse Medical Bay of the Administration Level on the Peragus Mining Facility with only clothing and naught else. You
can return to the Kolto Tank at any time to heal yourself, however since your wounds gradually regenerate anyway, it's
likely best waiting it out rather than running back here.
2) Med Lab & Lab Station:
Head here to use the Lab Station, open the Morgue across the hall and storage room from the nearby console, and
search the containers for some equipment. If you have a high enough Treat Injury you can learn a little about your Kolto
Tank experience using the logs on the console.
3) Morgue & Kreia, Party Member:
After you've been to #2 and opened the Morgue door, head inside and search the body in the back for a plasma torch.
The plasma torch is your key item to bash open difficult-to-open locked doors, so remember that. Any time you come
across a door you can bash, equip your torch and watch the door quickly open. That goes for the door just south of this
room, your first opportunity.
As soon as you grab the torch, Kreia wakes up and you'll have a cut-scene with her. At this point you can begin gaining
Dark Side Points (DS Points) or Light Side Points (LS Points).
The bonus is that while you can receive a change in your own alignment right now, you still are unable to influence
your party members (until you reach the Harbinger and get a short tutorial on the matter). This means that you can act
as cruel or nice as you want, and not have it influence their alignment yet. Why is this good? Because if you wish to
play the Dark Side and want quick (DS Points), you don't yet risk losing their influence by being cruel to them
personally. It's best gaining (DS Points) later in the game by trusting your allies, but being cruel to everyone else. Thus,
though it is a bit slower for yourself since you're not being cruel to everyone (in most cases), you direct your party's
alignment much faster toward the Dark Side (if that is what you want).
4) EXIT:
to Dormitories (#10). The door is locked until you pass through it on the other side.
a) After entering here from the dormatories:
Kreia will be waiting on the other side of the door in the main corridor. Continue with all three party members to
5) Security Room:
Use the console here and check the logs to learn about the hostile droids on the level and a way of shutting them all
6) EXIT:
to Mining Tunnels (#1). The emergency hatch at #5, the only way to this exit, is one of your main objectives, and
will remain locked until T3-M4 comes to the rescue.
7) Security Room:
Use the console here and check the logs to learn about the hostile droids on the level and a way of shutting them all
down. These particular logs are required later in the Fuel Depot if you aren't putting any points into your Persuade
8) Droid Attack:

Before entering this room, Kreia helps you regain your force sensitivity, a bonus of 40 force points, which helps alert
you to the three droids in the room. When you level up your character, if you're playing light side, I would definitely
recommend the Stun Droid series as you progress. It helps tremendously in Peragus, especially for the physically
"weaker" consular. Snatch the stealth field generator in the room and equip it on your character (providing you have
the Stealth skill) if you want to avoid the several droids in the next large room at #9. You can shut them all down
using the console in the large room at #10.
9) Droids Squared:
Several mining droids inhabit this large area, and if you opted for using the stealth generator, you can shut them all
down using the console at #10. They're easy, so whichever way you prefer won't likely alter the outcome.

a) After returning from the dormitories:

You've been through the dormitories and have both Kreia and Atton with you. Here is where you'll encounter the
lone assassination droid that's been stalking you, HK-50. When combat begins he'll have 4 droid mines floating
nearby, so focus on them first and then concentrate on HK. He's fairly easy so you probably won't have too much
trouble, but use your vibroblade up close and have another character or two stay back and fire (and/or use the force,
especially stun droid if you have it). When the battle's over, search the remains for a Droid Self-Sustaining Unit, an
Advanced Mining Laser and the important HK Vocabulator, which will be one of the four parts necessary to restore
the HK droid on the Ebon Hawk once you reach it.
Continue now through the exit at #13.
10) Console:
Use the console to shut down the droids on the level if you haven't already destroyed them all, and likewise open the
prison door at #11, which is where you should go now if you're here for the first time.

a) After finding Atton:

Use the comm on the console to get in touch with T3-M4, and after the session, you'll once again (if you played the
prologue) get to navigate the droid around to help out. Proceed to Hangar Bay (#1).
11) Atton, Party Member:
After using the console at #10 to open the prison door, find this room and you'll be introduced to Atton. It's another
good spot to gain (LS Points) or (DS Points), depending on your choices. Remember, there's no influence yet, so if
you're a Dark Sider, you can be cruel here without any influence loss later. Next use the console at #10. See #10a
12) EXIT:
to Fuel Depot (#9). You can access this exit from the other side, from within the Fuel Depot.
13) EXIT:
to the Harbinger Command Deck (#1). This exit will be unavailable until you defeat HK-50, at which point, you'll
want to come here and use it.

Hangar Bay

Your first main goal is to get T3-M4 to the Fuel Depot twice - once to a dead end, then back to the Hangar, and then
again to the Depot... to another "dead end" as it happens. Much later, you'll enter the hangar to find the Ebon Hawk
with your main party. As usual, the numbers generally correspond with the chronological order of events and
1) Enter T3-M4, Party Member:
Taking control of the droid once more (counting the Prologue), scour the room for items and exit through the western
door; you're on your way for universal repair parts. Equip all of your best equipment, and when you encounter droids,
make sure to use your Shock Arm as it completely annihilates them and has unlimited uses! Make your way up the
ramp toward #2 and you'll see what I mean.
2) Enemy Droids:
If you want an easy time with these droids, use your Shock Arm.
3) EXIT:
to Fuel Depot (#1). Take this exit your first time as T3-M4.
4) Locked Storage:
Use a mine on the door to this cave storage area to find some items.
5) Console:
This control terminal is damaged the first time you get to it, and you'll need the parts found in the Fuel Depot, through
exit #3. Use the parts you received from the Fuel Depot to repair, then slice into the system and open the Fuel Depot
door at exit #6. Then, as T3-M4, exit back into the Fuel Depot at #6.
a) After the Harbinger and the Fuel Depot:
When you come back this way after having been on the Harbinger with your main party, and you have the Hangar 25
Control Conduit, use this console to replace the conduit and give yourself Hangar access. Then proceed through the
nearby door on the east side of the room. Be prepared for a fairly large droid battle coming up, but nothing your party
cannot handle.
6) EXIT:
to Fuel Depot (#3). The first time here, use this exit as T3-M4 after you've opened the door from the console at #5.
Later, you'll come through the exit from the Fuel Depot again with your main party on your way to the Ebon Hawk.
Be prepared for Mark II droids all along these corridors.

7) Mark II Droids:
From here until you reach the actual hangar, you'll encounter many Mark II mining droids.
8) Large Droid Battle:
Simply another droid battle, but with more droids this time. Don't forget to continue to the dead end and open the
footlocker before going through the door here.
9) Console:
I'd recommend saving your spikes or parts and destroy the console to open the containment door, even though
poisonous gas spills in the room. The cost of shutting off the contamination is too high. Continue through the gas at
#10 (using a rebreather if you're worried) into the next room and you'll be safe.
10) Poisonous Gas:
This corridor is filled with poisonous gas, as you've gathered. You can shut it off using the console at #9, but I'd
recommend just running through it, using a rebreather if you're concerned.
11) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1). Congratulations, you've finally made it to your ship. Before entering, there are some
containers strewn around the perimeter of the room if you're interested in a few more items.
As soon as you try and board the Ebon Hawk, you'll be attacked by a swarm of Sith. No worries, though, as you'll be
firing the ship's gun turret in a new mini-game I like to call, Sith Wipeout. Essentially, move the turret left and right,
rapidly pressing the fire button, and try and eliminate as many sith approaching the ship as possible. The more you
let enter, the more you'll have to battle with inside when you've finished outside.
My first time without help, I had to battle 4 Sith troopers once I enter the Ebon Hawk, which wasn't difficult. The
next time it was just one. Maybe you can eliminate the threat entirely.
Once again, another congratulations for making it off of Peragus. To continue, head to The Ebon Hawk.

Fuel Depot

Ultimately, you'll enter the Fuel Depot four times and explore different areas. The first two times, as T3-M4, they'll be
short trips through the #1 and #3 entrance/exits, and later as your main character, only moderately longer. The first
time with your PC (player character), you'll enter at #5 and then again at #12 for your final trip through. With T3,
your goal is explained in the first four map numbers.

1) EXIT:
to Hangar Bay (#3). The only time you'll come through this door is with T3-M4 on his first trip. Continue to #2.
2) Parts:
Search the broken droid and corpse (which I'll give the label "containers" often in the walkthrough) thoroughly for the
parts you need to repair the console back in the Hangar Bay, and then make your way to Hangar Bay (#4).
3) EXIT:
to Hangar Bay (#6). The first time here, you'll be T3-M4. Continue down the corridor and take a left to #4.
Later, with your main party, after you take down the force field on the left wall of the corridor, you'll take this exit back
to the Hangar Bay and your final push for the Ebon Hawk.
4) Console:
Using T3-M4, open the Emergency Hatch at Administration Level (#5) for your main character. Then watch a small
cut-scene... and continue with your main character to enter the Mining Tunnels.
5) EXIT:
to Mining Tunnels (#9). When you enter here, you'll need to solve a puzzle to proceed, involving a curious droid in the
room on your left. Go there now.
6) Arrogant HK Droid:
Talk to the droid for an amusing if also irritating conversation, and ask it about the body on the floor. You'll learn that it
can mimic voices. Hmm. Continue to #7 and search the containers in the room for a sonic imprint sensor. Bring it back
to the HK droid and again ask about the body on the floor. If you have a high enough Persuade skill, eventually you'll
get him to speak the code you need into the sensor. Otherwise, you'll need to put together the code from the holologs of
two consoles (see #10) as well as the miner's dying screams in order to access the airlock at #11, which is your current
7) Workbench & Sonic Imprint Sensor:
Search the containers for a sonic imprint sensor you can use on the HK Droid at #6 to record its playback of the miner's
screams, or easier, to get it to play back the airlock code in the miner's own voice. Also, you can use the workbench
here to upgrade, create or breakdown items.
8) Droid Ambush:
As you pass this locked door, two Mark II droids bust out of the room and attack. They're tougher than what you've
faced up to this point, with potentially lethal ranged attacks. Get up close.
9) EXIT:
to Administration Level (#12). There is no need to use this exit unless you both could not get HK to play back the codes
and did not listen to the holologs at the Administration Level (#7) security terminal. I'd recommend trying to put
together the code first at #10, and if that fails, listen to the logs.
10) Console:
Play back the code you recorded from HK at #6, or put together the correct code from the holologs on the terminal as
well as the one from the Administration Level (#7) terminal and the miner's dying screams from the HK droid at #6.
Unlock the airlock seal and proceed to #11. Watch out for the floating mines on your way there, and make sure to shoot
them from a distance.
11) EXIT:
to Asteroid Exterior (#1). Once you have access from the console at #10, grab a space suit from the nearby locker and

take this exit. You'll automatically don your space suit.

12) EXIT:
to Engine Deck (#6). You've just stepped off the Harbinger and are now here for the last time, on your way to the
Hangar Bay. Continue to #13.
13) T3-M4 & Stash:
Check the stash container for the Hangar 25 Control Conduit and rouse T3-M4 nearby to reclaim the expert droid. In
the next short section, you'll do battle with numerous spider droids and mines. Clear them all out before proceeding to
the console at #14.
14) Console:
Use the console here to shut down the field at the top of the ramp. Then proceed out the exit at #3 to Hangar Bay (#6).
Mining Tunnels

Your main goal here is simply to make it through the tunnels to the only exit at #9. You'll fight many droids on the way.
1) EXIT:
to Administration Level (#6).
2) Atton & Container:
Check the container here for your first real outfit and other equipment. Atton comlinks you give you the lowdown on
the level.
3) Repairable Droid:
If you want a little help, repair this droid for some easy xp.
4) Large Droid Battle:
Several droids are here along with the maintenance droid remotes and their pesky healing ability. Whenever you
encounter these, take out the maintenance droids first to avoid needless frustration.
5) Superheated Blast Tunnel:
Quickly run through this short but damaging area.
6) Console & Droids:

When you first arrive in the large chamber, there are two excavation droids in the area, one on each side. At the central
console, you can use it to open the nearby locked bin, then shut down the four containment fields. Behind each
containment field is a set of spider droids you can defeat for experience.
7) Junction:
First take the southwest exit. The door will be locked, so use your plasma torch to open it. Continue until you reach #8.
After you explore the area and get the items, head back to this junction and take the southeast exit, fighting more droids
on your way to the #9 exit.
8) Corpse & Mines:
You should find a Basic Ionite Edge upgrade item here on the corpse after disarming, sneaking past or blowing up the
mines. When finished in the area, head back to #7 and take the southeast exit toward #9.
9) EXIT:
to Fuel Depot (#5). Take this exit to complete the Mining Tunnels.
Asteroid Exterior

This is probably the nicest looking area in the entire game, so enjoy. Just make your way to the other side, it's
1) EXIT:
to Mining Tunnels (#9).
2) Atton & Harbinger:
When you get to the midpoint of the catwalk, Atton comlinks you from inside. Turn to the right and you can see him
there. Shortly after, you'll witness a rather nice in-game cinematic. Continue on when finished to the exit at #3.
3) EXIT:
to Dormitories (#1). Take this exit when done with the view.

Your main goal here is to escape through the locked exit at #10. In order to accomplish that, you'll need to put together
a puzzle from datapad snippets, and when ready, use the console at #9 to solve the puzzle. Or, simply blow up the
console to open the door for less xp.
1) EXIT:
to Asteroid Exterior (#3).
2) Workbench:
Use your plasma torch if need be on the locked door to utilize this workbench. Install any Ion upgrades to your
vibroblade if you have them.
3) Fire Turrets:
One on each side. Use Stun Droid series or your vibroblade if possible to take them out. On the opposite side of the
level, before #5, there are two more fire turrets just like these.
4) Console:
Stop and utilize this console, then continue on to #5 before entering the east and west dormitories on the north side.
5) Containers & Droids:
Search all containers here and destroy the droids for a miner's datapad with information about a hidden cache of
weapons. Now backtrack and take the east dormitory to the #6 console.
6) Console:
You can shut down the ventilation system with enough computer spikes, or simply use a breath mask to avoid the
poison from the gas. Even if you are poisoned, it does not do very much damage, so you should be safe regardless.
Search all of the bodies on the floor for their datapads - you'll need them later - and every room for items.
7) Hidden Cache:
The door to this room is locked tight. You'll need demolitions skill and a mine to open it up. If you manage to get it
open and have found the miner's datapad at #5, you can search the hidden cache for items.
8) Console:
Search the entire west wing of the dormitory here, including bodies on the floor and rooms as you did in the east wing,
then use this console. Examine all of the datapads you received to begin to put together a sequence of numbers required
for the override code to the turbolift at #9. With enough Intelligence, the code is automatically given to you, or at least a
hint. The correct code is 7, 5, 13, 17, 3. Each dot represents a 1 in Roman Numeral notation, each dash a 10, and each X

a 5. When finished with the logs, head to the console at #9.

9) Console & Bodies:
After relieving the bodies of their items, including Coorta's, use the console. Either destroy it or enter the code above
for more experience and access to the turbolift back to Administration.
10) EXIT:
to Administration Level (#4). See #4a.
Harbinger: Command Deck

Your main goal here is to make it to the Crew Quarters through exit #5. However, you must first stop at the bridge and
download the orbital drift charts to the Ebon Hawk. Throughout the level you'll get attacked by several groups of
camoflauged Sith Assassins. However, they are no match for your party. Again, check every room and container for
1) EXIT:
to Administration Level (#13). When you enter, your group will have a conversation. Its conclusion marks the first time
you can begin to influence your other party members. From this point, if you want them to be of the same alignment,
generally happier and tell you more of their story, then cater to them. Atton wants you to agree with his plans generally,
Kreia wants you to take the middle road and take her advice (though she is more difficult), and many others generally
want you to be considerate.
2) Bridge Console:
Download the Orbital Drift Charts from here to the Ebon Hawk.
3) Escape Pods:
These are not functional, and this is a dead end, but if you wanted to see the whole game, you'd have missed this area if
you simply went to the exit and missed out on the two Assassin attacks for xp.
4) Briefing Room:
Use the console here to view holologs and for the first time, meet one of the members of the original game. You can
also learn more about your history for a bonus quest objective.
5) EXIT:
to Crew Quarters (#1).

Harbinger: Crew Quarters

Your main goal here is to make it to the Engine Deck through the exit at #6. I've numbered the important stops along
the way. Several more ambushes await you on this level.
1) EXIT:
to Command Deck (#5).
2) Your Room:
When you pass the door to this room, you sense that it was yours, and feel the need to go on in. Open the door and open
a footlocker to discover an armband of your name, which is a handy item throughout much of the game.
3) Med Lab Console:
Welcome to the large med lab. Search all the containers along the walls, hop in a Kolto Tank if you want, and review
the data on the console. There's a divider on the south side of the room that you may mistake for a wall (as I did my first
time), but you can go around it to the southern half of the lab to #4, a similar setting.
4) Medical Droid & Containers:
Search the remaining containers and fix the Medical Droid to follow you around if you wish.
5) Droid Storage:
Open this door to find several droids, and one in particular that had a small part to play in HK-50's reign of the Mining
Facility. Interesting.
6) EXIT:
to Engine Deck (#1).
Harbinger: Engine Deck

Your main goal on this rather small and quick level is to make it through the exit at #6 back to the Fuel Depot, and
from there, escape to the Hangar and eventually to the Ebon Hawk. You're almost out!
1) EXIT:
to Crew Quarters (#6).
2) Sion Sighting:
As soon as you step across the threshold of this door, an event will trigger. Kreia will meet the impending doom and
thus remove herself from your party for a brief time.
3) Workbench:
This workbench may come in handy. You still have many droids to destroy on your way out, so consider upgrading
with ion enhancements.
4) Console:
From this console, you must open the maintenance doors to the Ion Engines to proceed to the next waypoint.
5) Console:
Use this console to activate the engine maintenance procedure, and thus unlock the door to the fuel depot ahead.
6) EXIT:
to Fuel Depot (#12). As soon as you step through the previous door, you'll see another cutscene with Kreia and Sion.
On the other side of the exit is the Fuel Depot and a lost friend. Your time on the Harbinger is at an end.
The Ebon Hawk

Once you depart from the Secret Academy in Telos for the first time, the galaxy opens up and you'll have four planets
to choose from using the galaxy map at #2: Onderon, Nar Shaddaa, Dantooine and Korriban.
If you're male, the first time boarding after the Secret Academy, you'll find the Handmaiden onboard. Your party will
react strongly to her presence, but you can score some influence with her by supporting her.
When you re-enter the Ebon Hawk and your alignment is strongly toward the Light or Dark side, you'll do battle with
Visas Marr. After you defeat her (which is not overly difficult), she will become another party member.
Several on board have the capability of creating items for you, if you've found them of course:
T3-M4 creates programming spikes if you are low
Mira creates grenades, and if persuaded, can create more powerful grenades if low.
Mandalore creates stimulants if low.
G0-T0 creates security tunnelers if low.
Disciple creates healing pacs if low.
There is only one quest-related event here. In Nar Shaddaa, if you're doing battle with the Red Eclipse, see #3a.
1) EXIT:

Telos, Dock Module (#11)

Dxun (by selecting Onderon on the map), Jungle Landing (#1)
Nar Shaddaa, Refugee Landing Pad (#1)
Dantooine, Khoonda Plains (#1)
Korriban, Valley of Dark Lords (#1)
2) Atton & Galaxy Map:
From the Galaxy Map after Telos, you can choose either Citadel Station on Telos, Onderon (Dxun), Nar Shaddaa,
Dantooine and Korriban. You can also talk to Atton.
3) Console & Red Disciple Leader:
You can use the console here to check the cameras positioned in different areas of the Ebon Hawk.

a) During the Red Eclipse Attack:

You're goal will be to find Cahhmakt, the leader of the Red Eclipse, in this room. He is strong and can be difficult

with all the other slavers nearby, but as soon as you get near him, he'll open up dialogue with you. If you can
persuade him to obey, he'll leave and the battle will be over. Afterward, you can visit the cantina and collect an
occasional sum of money from the Red Eclipse slaver. However, if you choose to fight, throw all you can at him
including force powers, grenades, etc. if possible.
4) Mira & HK-47:
After Mira (from Nar Shaddaa) becomes a party member, you'll find her here. She can create grenades for the party
and if persuaded, more powerful grenades. Before you fix up HK-47, he'll be here waiting for the new parts.
5) G0-T0 & Mandalore:
When you've got G0-T0 (from Nar Shaddaa) and Mandalore (from Onderon) in your party, you can find them here.
G0-T0 can make security tunnelers and Mandalore creates stimulants.
6) Disciple:
If you're main character is female and you recruited Disciple on Dantooine, you'll find him here. He can provide
healing pacs.
7) Kreia:
You'll find Kreia here in the port dormitory.
8) Handmaiden:
If you're a male character, this is where you'll find the Handmaiden after departing Telos for the first time, despite
any other offer you give her. If you ask her to teach you her Echani technique, and win the fight, she'll teach you
Battle Precognition, which allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to your defense.
9) Engine Room:
You'll most often find T3-M4 here. If not, try the communications room at #3. The droid can make programming
spikes if you're low.
10) Workbench, Bao-Dur & HK-47:
Using the Workbench here, you can upgrade any of your items (regardless of which character they are equipped on),
as opposed to anywhere else, where you will only see what items are in your current party. You'll also find Bao-Dur
(with Remote) and HK-47 if you've fixed him.
11) Visas:
This is where Visas will be, after you've shifted strongly to one side of the force or the other. After your battle, she'll
join the party.


Residential 082 East

After Peragus, you're thrown into a Telos holding cell, stripped of your belongings and told to wait out sentencing for
the destruction of the Mining Facility. Shortly after, you must do battle with an Assassin who claims to be Batu Rem, a
member of the TSF (Telos Security Force). After Lt. Dol Grenn arrives, you are taken to Residential 082 East,
Apartment C3 and are told to wait here at Citadel Station until a Republic ship comes to fetch you.
Your main goal on Telos is to first get your equipment (in Entertainment 081), and ultimately, find the Ebon Hawk.
Along the way, you are required to choose sides with either the Czerka Corporation (Dark Side) or the Ithorians (Light
Side) in order to accomplish your main goal.
1) You Begin Here:
After your detainment, you are accompanied here by Lt. Dol Grenn and his retinue. As you try and get some rest, the
comm console rings twice. The first time is Mozo, a representative for the Ithorian leader Chodo Habat. He asks that
you visit their compound in Residential 082 West and speak with Chodo about the Telos restoration project. This
represents the Light Side path.
Next time the console rings, and you answer, you're asked to visit the Czerka Offices here in Residential 082 East and
speak with Jana Lorso about their business here on Telos. This represents the Dark Side path
When the cut-scenes are over, you have a few objectives. Speak with Jana Lorso in Czerka and/or Chodo Habat at the
Ithorian Compound, and find your equipment in Entertainment 081. That's where I recommend going first (even before
Czerka) after a little reconnaissance here in 082 East.
2) Info Console:
Use this console and download a map of the area. Now, whenever you find another info console (in any section of
Citadel Station), you can use another info console and automatically return to this point and vice versa.
3) EXIT:
to Entertainment 081 (#1). When you begin, all of your equipment can be found there in the TSF office.
4) EXIT:
to Czerka Offices (#1). Czerka represents the Dark Side path but Light Side players will need to come here eventually if
they want to complete all the quests, including the main one.
5) EXIT:
to Bumani Exchange (#1). You cannot enter until you've completed one or more quests from either Czerka or the
Ithorians and have met with Luxa in the Cantina.

6) EXIT:
to Residential 082 West (#1). You'll probably want to come here after visiting Entertainment 081 and first retreiving
your gear. The Ithorian compound is here.
7) Harra in Debt:
Enter this apartment and you'll find Harra. He lost his girl, Ramana, while betting in a Pazaak game. In order to get her
back, you'll need to see Doton Het at the Cantina (#6) and negotiate for her release. When she's returned, you can either
force her to continue dancing or let her go for (LS Points).
8) Thieving Test:
Take the contents from the footlocker in the room, and the owner will catch you on your way out. You can keep them
by pleading ignorance or go so far as to kill him for obvious (DS Points) and a possible scolding from Kreia for your
9) Opo Chano, Droid Parts Merchant:
Along with being a merchant for droid parts, Opo is an integral part of both the Dark Side and Light Side paths but you
cannot initiate any quests with him. Return when you're on the particular quest.
a) For the Ithorians (Light Side):
You've spoken with the contact in the Cantina and need credentials to borrow B-4D4. Opo has these for 2,500
credits: expensive, but if you don't feel like spending that kind of money, head back now to Chodo and he will give
you the money you need. Once you have them, you can go to the Czerka Offices (#2) and speak with B-4D4.

b) For Luxa (Dark Side):

One of Luxa's requirements to set up a meeting with Slusk is to get back Opo Chano's debt. She tells you to rough
him up a little if he cannot pay. Well, he cannot pay... and your only option if you want to avoid Light Side points is
to kill him, which naturally give you (DS Points). Return to Luxa for the arrangement with Slusk.
10) Arms Deal:
The only way in here is to have a quest from Luxa in the Cantina, which pre-requires you to be sided with Czerka.
After going to the medical unit and listening to the message on the console, you're told to come here alone. "Alone"
in this case means going to the party selection screen and removing all other party members, not simply going solo
as it won't work. When you "knock" on the door, you're let in. After looking around, the door closes and you're
confronted by two thugs headed by a Rodian. The deal will be completed regardless of what you say, and they'll turn
on you. When they are dead, return to Luxa at the Cantina (#5) for your next quest.
11) Batono:
There is no entering this door until you find out where he is from the Ithorian Chodo Habat. The quest originates
from Lt. Grenn in Entertainment 081.

a) If Light Side:
Enter the room and offer to escort him to Lt. Grenn for a reward and (LS Points). On your way out of the apartment
complex, you're confronted by two Czerka mercs. Kill them and he'll be returned to Grenn for a reward.

b) If Dark Side:
Once you've learned of his location, first tell Jana Lorso in Czerka Offices. Agree to fetch him, and enter this room.
You can threaten to take him to Czerka for a 500 credit pay off for your silence, and if you refuse, kill him. Or, after
Jana Lorso, talk to him and lie that you're taking him to Grenn. On the way out, two Czerka mercs appear. For extra
(DS Points), tell them "he's all yours" and watch or join in the attack on Batono.

Entertainment 081

Entertainment 081 houses the Cantina, in which you can play Pazaak, Swoop Race and meet up with your contact at
the Exchange, after you get the quest. It's also the home to the TSF office, where your main source of bonus quests
comes from, Lt. Grenn. At the beginning, be sure to pick up your gear from the TSF office at #10.
1) EXIT:
to Residential 082 East (#3).
2) Dendis, Moral Merchant:
Dendis has a rivalry with his brother across the room, Samhan. He sells healing items and Pazaak cards.
3) Samhan Dobo, Immoral Merchant:
Dendis' brother Samhan deals in fine weapons and armor, and does a bit of illegal smuggling on the side. In fact, come
see him after you get the modified blaster from escorting the Droid to either Czerka or the Ithorians, and he'll ask if you
want to be a part of the business.

a) Light Side characters with the modified weapon from the Escort Droid quest:
See Samhan and ask to be a part of his business. Then go tell Lt. Grenn in the TSF office about the smuggling
operation to end the illicit activity and receive a reward. You can tell Lt. Grenn at any point, even should you decide
to take on some of the quests, but beware that they contain Dark Side points.

b) Dark Side characters with the modified weapon from the Escort Droid quest:
See Samhan and ask to be a part of his business. His first task is taking a sample from the rare Bachani plant located
in the Ithorians' Vivarium at their compound, at Residential 082 West (#5). When entering the Vivarium, you can
use the console to deactivate the security system for a spike cost, or you can simply take it from the plant. When the
Ithorian protests, you can persuade/lie that Grenn authorized it, or simply take it. The Ithorian may threaten to call
the authorities but it's only talk; he does nothing. When you've got the sample, return to Samhan for a reward, and
your next assignment, #3c below.

c) Smuggling Mission 2:
Samhan wants a Prototype Shield from Hangar Bay 2 storage area at Dock Module (#8). When you persuade the
Ithorian at the entrance to Hangar #2 to let you in, enter the storage area. Another Ithorian will try and prevent you
from taking the shield. You can persuade him to allow you to take it, or kill him. After taking the shield from the
locker and returning to Samhan, and you'll get to look at his special reserve items, a selection of higher priced goods,
as well as a small reward. You can now move on to your next mission, #3d.

d) Smuggling Mission 3:
Samhan wants you to grab medical supplies from the med lab at Residential 082 West (#8). Use the console near the
suppy container to break the seal (if not already previously broken by you). Search the container for the suplies, and
exit the room. A TSF guard will attempt to stop you, but you'll be forced to kill him. After returning to Samhan,
you'll be rewarded and he'll ask one final favor. See #3e below.

e) Final Smuggling Mission:

Samhan's final favor requests that you escort him during a trade. When you accept, the deal will go sour when a few
TSF officers arrive. When they're out of the picture, you'll get a discount on Samhan's wares, or you can still turn
him in to Lt. Grenn, in which case you'll need to fight Samhan when he resists.
4) Merc Bullies:
Your first time here, a couple of mercenaries are bullying a Sullustan. Hear his side and help him against the thugs,
and you'll get (LS Points). If instead you choose to kill the Sullustan, you'll obviously get (DS Points).
5) EXIT:
to Cantina (#1). You won't need to visit the Cantina until you have your gear from the TSF office and a few
objectives that take you here.
6) Info Console:
Use this console and download a map of the area. Now, whenever you find another info console (in any section of
Citadel Station), you can use another info console and automatically return to this point and vice versa.
7) EXIT:
to Cantina (#8).
8) EXIT:
to Dock Module (#1). After getting your gear and some quests from Lt. Grenn, it's advisable to head through this exit
to the Dock Module.
9) TSF Protocol Droid:
Talk to the droid to find out what happened to the Ebon Hawk. Unfortunately, the TSF cannot do anything to help
you at this point. However, ask the droid about your equipment, and he'll open up the room to the right. Also ask the
droid what you are supposed to do now. He'll mention the Exchange and tell you a little about them.
10) All Your Equipment:
After talking to the droid in the other room, grab your equipment from the long row of lockers in this room. Take
some time to re-equip your characters and then go see Lt. Grenn at #11.
11) Lt. Dol Grenn:
Grenn has five bonus quests for you, should you wish to take them. Three of them are bounties, the next is a
smuggler's quest, and ultimately, a quest to solve the Telos fuel shortage by finding an alternate source of fuel. Talk
to Grenn about all three bounties, going through the entire conversation to get a lead on each. Also ask him about the
fuel problem. The smuggler's quest arises once you perform the first Czerka or Ithorian quest.

a) Bounty Quest, Batu Rem:

Your only objective is to find out what happened to Batu Rem. This one is simple. Head to Dock Module (#4)
through the exit at #8, and speak with the Duros there. Ask for info on a passenger coming through the area, Batu
Rem, and pay him 25 credits for his trouble. You'll learn he came through Nar Shaddaa. You can now report back to
Lt. Grenn and solve the this bounty.

b) Bounty Quest, Batono:

Your first lead is again the Dock Module, so proceed to Dock Module (#5) through the exit at #8 and speak with the
Czerka Officer by the Hangar door. He'll give you another lead: Jana Lorso of Czerka, which also conveniently ties
into the Escaped Criminals bounty quest below. When you ask Jana about Batono, be careful not to mention Grenn's
name as the reason for the investigation. She'll then point you to Chodo Habat in the Ithorian compound. Only after
talking to Lorso will Chodo give you any information about Batono. Tell him what Jana said and he'll give you the
key to Batono's apartment in Residential 082 East (#11), Apt. C1. You can escort him back to Grenn after fighting a
couple of mercenaries on the way out, or you can turn him into Jana at Czerka.

c) Bounty Quest, Escaped Criminals:

After getting this quest, the first time you see Jana Lorso at Czerka Offices (#3), you'll overhear these two criminals
conversing with her. No matter how you approach the situation, they'll flee to the Telos Restoration zone. You can
then come back to Grenn and lie to him that you killed them for a reward, though it will not gain you any (DS
Points). When you visit the Restoration Zone a little later, you'll encounter them and do battle, effectively allowing
the truth to catch up to the lie, but still solving the quest a little early.

d) Smuggling Quest:
After escorting the droid from Hangar 2 to either Czerka or the Ithorians, you'll have a modified pistol in your
possession. You can first show it to Lt. Grenn, or go straight to Samhan Dobo at #3 above, it makes no difference.
Talk to Samhan and ask to become part of his smuggling operation. At any point in the operation, you can tell Lt.
Grenn about it and bust it up, gaining a reward.

e) Telos Fuel Shortage:

Ask Grenn about the Fuel problem, and you'll receive a quest to find a new source of fuel. You can set this up by
talking to Vogga the Hutt at the Nar Shaddaa Docks (#1) and solving the Goto problem. After effectively completing
Nar Shaddaa, you can make arrangements with Vogga and then come back to tell Grenn about the new fuel source.

Dock Module

Your main goal here is to take either the shuttle at #9 (Light Side) or #10 (Dark Side) to the Telos Restoration zone,
after completing the Ithorian or Czerka quests. There are three people of interest. The Ithorian at #2 will let you into
Hangar Bay 2 once you have any quest that takes you there. The Duros at #4 will tell you about Batu Rem, a side quest
for Lt. Grenn. And the Czerka Officer at #5 can tell you about Batono, another Lt. Grenn side quest.
1) EXIT:

to Entertainment 081 (#8). After you use this exit once, you can then use the Info Console at #2 from then on.
2) Ithorian, Hangar 2 Guard:
Whenever you have business in Hangar 2, talk to this Ithorian and he'll let you enter. You must first have a quest to do
3) Info Console:
Use this console and download a map of the area. Now, whenever you find another info console (in any section of
Citadel Station), you can use another info console and automatically return to this point and vice versa.
4) Duros, Port Authority:
This Duros can tell you about Batu Rem's origination point if you have Lt. Grenn's side quest from Entertainment 081
(#11a). First, you must pay him 25 credits however.
5) Czerka Officer:
The twi'lek can give you information on Batono if you have Lt. Grenn's side quest from Entertainment 081 (#11b).
6) Console, Hangar Door control:
Simply use this console every time you wish to enter Hangar 2. The consoles for other hangars work in a similar
7) Ithorian Droid Encounter:
Once you have the first quest from either Czerka or the Ithorians, this is your destination. You will begin conversation
and be promptly interrupted by a group of five thugs. Defeat them and you'll notice an illegally modified weapon, which
you then take. This weapon can be used to initiate Samhan Dobo's smuggling quests at Entertainment 081 (#3). After
the battle talk to the Ithorian droid and see below for your choices.

a) Talking to the Ithorian Droid:

You're presented with a couple of choices, and this is ultimately where you decide who you'll support. You may lie
and escort him back to Czerka, or to take him to Chodo and the Ithorian compound, his original destination. If you
choose to take it back to Czerka (Dark Side quests), see Czerka Offices (#2b). If you choose the Ithorians, see
Residential 082 West (#2a).
8) Storage Room, Prototype Shield:
You'll need to visit this room if you're doing Samhan Dobo's 2nd smuggling quest, at Entertainment 081 (#3c).
9) EXIT:
to Restoration Zone (#1). If you've followed the Ithorian quests, you'll take this shuttle to the restoration zone.
10) EXIT:
to Restoration Zone (#1). If you've followed the Czerka quests, you'll take this shuttle to the restoration zone.
11) EXIT:
The Ebon Hawk (#1). Once you've found the Ebon Hawk, you'll land here upon returning to Citadel Station.

Czerka Offices

Your contact here will almost exclusively be Jana Lorso at #3. If you're playing a Dark Side character, you'll want to
take on her quests, which eventually lead you to the Restoration Zone en route to the Ebon Hawk, your ultimate goal.
1) EXIT:
to Residential 082 East (#4).
2) B-4D4, Receptionist:
As soon as you enter for the first time, B-4D4 greets you. You may tell him anything. If you're playing the Light Side
and siding with the Ithorians, their last quest relates to him.

a) After you've got the credentials from Opo Chano:

Tell B-4D4 to come with you to the Ithorian compound and show him the credentials. You'll appear in front of
Chodo Habat in Residential 082 West. After Chodo reprograms you with the ability to lie, head back here to speak
with Jana Lorso, and continue with #3e below.

b) After killing Slusk for Jana and Czerka:

Ask B-4D4 what is going on and he'll let you know about the mercenary attack here, although that's hardly necessary
as they're in the same room. Prepare to fight through three groups of them at #5, 6 and 7 before you make it to Jana.
3) Jana Lorso:
Meet the leader of the Czerka operation here on Telos. If you're playing the Dark Side, you will naturally want to do
a little work for her. Her first quest (if you haven't already taken the Ithorian path) is the same as the Ithorian first
quest, to escort (steal in this case) a droid from Hangar 2 in the Dock Module back to her. Head to Dock Module

a) After talking with Lt. Grenn about the Escaped Criminal bounty:
When you arrive at her desk, you'll witness the two criminals talking with her. After your confrontation, regardless
what you say, they'll take off for the restoration zone. Report back to Lt. Grenn and lie about killing them for a
reward. You will not receive any DS points for this. You will see these two again...

b) After returning with the droid from the Dock Module:

Along with the (DS Points), you will be offered another, more dangerous quest, that of killing the leader of the
Exchange, Loppak Slusk. You can get to him by first talking with Luxa in the Cantina (#5). This will set you on a
couple of side quests for Luxa before she will actually arrange a meeting.

c) When continuing Lt. Grenn's Batono bounty quest:

You've learned of Batono's connection with Czerka from the Czerka officer at the Dock Module. Ask Jana about
Batono and do not tell her about Lt. Grenn. She will then point you to Chodo Habat in the Ithorian compound at
Residential 082 West (#4).

d) If you killed Batono for Czerka after first telling Jana Lorso about his location:
Return to Jana for your reward.

e) As B-4D4:
Talk to her as the droid and use your ability to lie to gain access to the mainframe at #4. Continue to #4.

f) After killing Slusk for Czerka:

After plowing through the mercenary attack here in the office, talk to her for a reward and ask about your ship. She
will finally make arrangements for you to get to the Telos Restoration zone aboard a shuttle waiting for you at Dock
Module (#10). First see the Duros at Dock Module (#4) for an extra little som'n som'n and access to your shuttle.
4) Mainframe & T1-N1:
The only way to access this room is to side with the Ithorians and complete their first two quests. B-4D4, meet your
R2-D2-esque sidekick, T1-N1. During your conversation, you'll convince him to let you download the incriminating
data you need while he goes postal on the Czerka guards. Use the console here to optionally erase your connection to
Czerka, and not-optionally download the files. Exit and return to Chodo at Residential 082 West (#4d) for the
completion of the Ithorian quests... well, almost.
5) Mercs:
You'll face several mercenaries here after you've killed Loppak Slusk for Jana and return to speak with her.
6) Mercs:
You'll face several fairly tough mercenaries here after you've killed Loppak Slusk for Jana and return to speak with
7) Mercs:
You'll face the final set of mercenaries here after you've killed Loppak Slusk for Jana and return to speak with her.

Residential 082 West

Your contact here will almost exclusively be Chodo Habat at #4. If you're playing a Light Side character, you'll want to
take on his quests, which eventually lead you to the Restoration Zone en route to the Ebon Hawk, your ultimate goal.
1) EXIT:
to Residential 082 East (#6).
2) Info Console:
Use this console and download a map of the area. Now, whenever you find another info console (in any section of
Citadel Station), you can use another info console and automatically return to this point and vice versa.
3) Greeter:
Tell the greeter anything, and he'll direct you to Chodo Habat.
4) Chodo Habat, Ithorian Priest:
Habat is connected to the Force and felt your presence here. If you haven't yet taken any quests for Czerka, he offers to
help "heal" you after you've helped them. Thus begins a series of three main Light Side quests to eventually find the
Ebon Hawk. He can also tell you the location of Batono for Lt. Grenn if you've got that bounty quest. See Entertainment
081 (#11b)
for details.

a) Chodo's 1st Quest, Ithorian Droid:

Like with Czerka if you've already been there, Chodo asks that you escort their droid from Hangar Bay 2 at the Dock
Module. You'll need to first go to Dock Module (#2a) and speak with the Ithorian guarding the door. After
returning, he'll give you another quest, that of negotiating with the Exchange.

b) Chodo's 2nd Quest, Exchange:

Chodo now asks that you convince Loppak Slusk, the Exchange Boss here to leave the Ithorian restoration project
alone. That will require a meeting of course, and he'll point you to Luxa, Slusk's second in command, over at the
Cantina (#5a) in order to arrange it. When returning from the Exchange, Chodo will give you the much needed
Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture, one the four parts required to build your own lightsaber. You would also get one
after completing the Czerka quests from Jana Lorso. Chodo asks one final favor.

c) Chodo's Final Quest, Czerka Corruption:

Chodo will ask that you complete one final task. He plans to use Czerka's droid B-4D4 to access the mainframe at
the Czerka Offices and download any incriminating evidence against them. In order to gain control of the droid, you
would have to have the proper credentials. During your conversation, he'll point you to the Czerka employee Corrun
Falt in the Cantina (#7) as a possible bribe target.

d) When returning with the incriminating evidence as B-4D4:

Your quests for the Ithorians are done, and as a reward, you receive a permanent +5 to maximum force points when
he heals you. Additionally, he'll arrange your transport to the Telos Restoration zone to meet with Bao-Dur, who can
hopefully help you find your ship. To get there, take the shuttle exit at Dock Module (#9). However... after you leave
Residential 082 West, your next attempt at an exit, whether it's into the shuttle or another zone, will begin a final
bonus quest, to save the Ithorians from Attack. See #4e below.

e) Ithorians under attack:

After completing all the Ithorian quests, Mozo will eventually contact you from the Ithorian Vivarium, at Residential
082 West (#5b). He's trapped and there has been a mercenary attack on the compound. He also has the key to
Chodo's office, so you must get to him quickly.

Head back to the compound, and be prepared for four skirmishes. In the first room just after the greeter at #3, you'll
fight several mercenaries. The largest battle is next, in the main room to the south. Afterward head to #5, the
Vivarium. After defeating the mercs there, talk to Mozo, who will give you the key to Chodo's office at #4. Once you
open the door, you'll do battle with very tough mercs as soon as you enter. Be prepared, as this one noticeably more
difficult. When it's over, you'll have Chodo's thanks, and much more experience thanks to the mercenaries.
Finally, you can head to the Shuttle, or stay here to complete any side quests you missed.
5) Vivarium, Bachani Plant:
There are two times you may wish to come here. One is for Samhan Dobo's first smuggling quest at Entertainment
081 (#3). The other time is after completing all of the Ithorian quests and receiving a distress call from Mozo. He's
in here. After defeating the mercenaries, talk to him to get his key to Chodo's office at #4 and then proceed there. See
#4e for details.
6) Lab Station:
A handy Lab Station to create or breakdown items.
7) Console:
This console is only used in the Czerka side quest from Luxa at the Cantina (#5b).
8) Console & Supply Container:
If you come here before taking on Samhan Dobo's 2nd smuggling quest at Entertainment 081 (#3d), you can use the
console to open the seal and take the contents.


You'll find the Swoop Race master here at #2, and a Pazaak player at #3, but your main reason for coming here will be
Luxa, the Exchange second in command at #5, only after completing the first Czerka or Ithorian quest. Corrun Falt at
#7 relates to the last Ithorian quest, and Doton Het at #6 is the person to speak to regarding a bonus quest in
Residential 082 East.
1) EXIT:
to Entertainment 081 (#5).
2) Swoop Race Master:
For extra credits, you can win a few swoop races here, and also take practice runs by talking to the race master.

3) Mebla Dule, Pazaak Shark & Merchant:

Buy Pazaak cards or play her for cold hard credits.
4) Benok Encounter:
You'll encounter Benok here by the bar. Just a brief foreshadowing of colliding destinies - yours and his.
5) Luxa, Exchange Second:
After escorting the droid for either Czerka or the Ithorians, you'll be asked by Jana or Chodo to either kill Slusk
(Czerka) or negotiate with Slusk (Ithorians). The way into the Exchange is through Luxa and you won't get any of these
choices until you first side with Czerka or the Ithorians.

a) If you're coming on behalf of the Ithorians:

She'll bargain with you about killing or "getting Slusk out of the picture" in order to see him. You'll have no choice
but to accept, and can then go directly to the Exchange entrance at Residential 082 East (#5). Tell the thug there that
Luxa sent you and he'll open the door.

b) If you're coming on behalf of Czerka:

She'll have a couple of quests for you before she arranges the meeting. The first is to pick up some goods on her
behalf in the medical unit in Residential 082 West (#7). Go there, and answer the communication console when it
rings. You'll then be directed to Residential 082 East (#10), apartment B3. They say to come alone. When finished,
she'll give you another quest. You can also collect a 500 credit "hazard pay" allowance if you ask.

c) Luxa's second quest on behalf of Czerka:

She asks that you shake out the debt Opo Chano owes the Exchange, over in Residential 082 East (#9b). When
that's taken care of, she'll reluctantly arrange the meeting with Slusk and ask that you kill him for her. When you
agree, go to the Exchange entrance at Residential 082 East (#5). Tell the thug there that Luxa sent you and he'll open
the door. Alternately, Dark Siders can kill the thug and use the console there to page the receptionist and tell her
Luxa sent you.
6) Doton Het:
Once you've spoken to Harra in Residential 082 East (#7) about Ramana, you can negotiate for her release in two
ways. You can play high stakes Pazaak with him at 1000 credits per game, or can pay him 2000 credits up front
(1500 with persuade).
7) Corrun Falt:
This man has a chip on his shoulder aimed at Jana Lorso. Once you're on the Ithorian's last quest to get some dirt on
Czerka, come here and speak with him. You can persuade him to point you to Opo Chano in Residential 082 East
(#9a), who can then get you the credentials you will need. Tell him that it will likely make Jana Lorso look bad, and
with persuade you can get him to do it for free. Otherwise you may need to pay up to 500 credits for the Opo Chano

Bumani Exchange

Your main goal of course is the confrontation with Loppak Slusk, Exchange Boss, on behalf of either Czerka or the
Ithorians. Whether you let him live or not is up to you and your objectives.
1) EXIT:
to Residential 082 East (#5).
2) Vula, Receptionist:
Your first time, here, she'll ask you what you intent is. You can persuade/lie to her that there must be some glitch with
the system to avoid a fight, otherwise, she will deftly alert the several Gamorrean Thugs & Boss at #3 of your presence.
When you open the door, they will then attack.
3) Gamorrean Thugs & Boss:
If you persuaded the receptionist at #2 (see above), they'll leave you alone and disappear after your confrontation with
Slusk. However, you'll do battle with them if this is not the case. Concentrate your party on one thug at a time.
4) Captive Ithorian:
Talk to the Ithorian through the Force Cage, and he'll mention a console that can free him. It's at #8 below. Releasing
him will not gain you any (LS Points), though it should.
5) Benok:
When you open the door, Benok will have a few words and then attack along with his companions. Concentrate all your
party on him first, as he's very annoying when left alone. Then take out the remaining thugs. Benok leaves behind
Benok's Blaster, a decent firearm and probably better than what you currently have. When you're through, use the Lab
Station to prepare for a possible very difficult battle coming up, depending on how you play it.
6) Gamorrean Boss:
Talk to the (surprisingly) non-hostile Boss to initiate an attack from two war droids that Slusk sends in immediately
afterward. After this battle, you'll be immediately escorted into the next room and begin conversation. See below.
7) Loppak Slusk, Exchange Boss:
When conversation begins, you of course will be already aligned with either Czerka or the Ithorians. Luxa will then
enter the room and you'll be presented with some choices. Even should you side with her, Luxa will turn on you, so in
order to avoid battle with everyone at once, the safe thing to do would be not to mention killing them both.

a) If you're Light Side, or supporting the Ithorians:

Tell Luxa you refuse to kill Slusk. She will turn on you and you'll do battle. It's a difficult battle with the

Gamorreans, their Boss and Luxa, but shouldn't pose too much a problem. Focus all your power on one enemy at a
time for the safest route to killing them all. When it's over, Loppak will try and shrug your request off, but can be
persuaded to see what happened to Luxa. This will keep him alive, but he'll end with a threat. You can choose to kill
him as well. When you're finished, search all the bodies and containers in the room for items, optionally release the
Ithorian using the console at #8, and if you've sided with the Ithorians, head back to Chodo at Residential 082 West
(#4b) to continue his quests.

b) If you're Dark Side, or supporting Czerka:

You can threaten to Luxa that both of them will die, in which case the whole room will be against you, and you'll
have the toughest battle you've yet fought. Or, you can kill Slusk for Luxa and then watch as she turns on you and
you're forced to kill her. Of course, you can also refuse to kill Slusk as I recommended for Light Side players, do
battle with Luxa and then kill Slusk. Either way, when it's over, search the bodies and containers for items, release
the captive Ithorian from the console at #8 if you wish (probably not I'm guessing), and if you're working for Czerka,
prepare for a surprise attack when you get to the offices. See Czerka Offices (#2b) to continue.

Restoration Zone

Your main goal is to acquire Bao-Dur, and find the Czerka Site entrance at #10. Along the way, you'll do battle with
Cannoks and Mercenary camps.
1) Shuttle Crash Site:
After your landing, you awaken to the face of Bao-Dur, a trooper who served under you in the Mandalorian Wars. He'll
be a required member of your party for awhile, and he's great with his bare hands and feet, so give him the best armor
you have and talk to him a bit for some influence if you're considerate. He's also the best tech member of the entire
game, thanks to his allotment of skill points. Any time you want another member who's both good in combat and great
at computers, security and repairs, Bao-Dur is probably the best jack of all trades. After you choose your other party
member, continue to #2 for some experience.
2) Cannoks:
This is the main wild animal of Telos, and they're not overly difficult. You'll come across many packs of them on your
3) Hidden Cache, 1 of 2:
Surrounded by mines, this is the first hidden cache you'll come across. The other is at #7.
4) Mercenary Pack:
Near their landspeeder and swoop bike is a gathering of mercs and droids. Defeat them all and search any remains.

5) Mines, Mercs & Droid:

If you give Bao-Dur a stealth field and put any points into stealth, you can enter Solo mode and disable these mines
before attacking the mercenaries and droid.
6) Large Merc Encampment:
The toughest battle in the area, you'll find several mercs and droids here. Grenades work very well to spread the damage
before entering melee. The Veteran Mercenary is the most robust, naturally. You can also avoid this encounter (as BaoDur suggests) if you skirt around the perimeter.
7) Hidden Cache, 2 of 2:
This is the second hidden cache, surrounded by several mines. Usually these caches have decent items, so it's advisable
to check.
8) Containers:
Don't miss these containers if you want to find everything.
9) Mines & Turrets:
The easiest approach is to take Bao-Dur into Solo mode, and put him in Stealth mode to disarm the mines, if he has any
skill in Stealth. Alternatively, take your best character in Solo mode, keep him/her away from the others and run
through the mines, then bring your others up for support, going back to heal when needed.
10) EXIT:
to Czerka Site (#1).
Czerka Site

Your main goal is to make it to #4 and use the console, then decide to head into the Underground Base at #5. There are
several battles before that can happen, however, beginning with the one at #2.
1) EXIT:
to Restoration Zone (#10).
2) Twi'lek Mercenary Droidmaster & War Bots:
Before you reach this point, you'll see many mines lined up in rows. The easiest approach is to take Bao-Dur into Solo
mode, and put him in Stealth mode to disarm the mines, if he has any skill in Stealth. Alternatively, take your best
character in Solo mode, and run through the mines, then bring your others up for support. It's easiest I found if you first

take out the two War Bots, then concentrate solely on the twi'lek.
3) Mercenary Attack:
All around this area you'll find several groups of mercenaries, all hostile. The first is here at #3 but you'll find them also
between this and the raised platform at #4. Try and keep your party together by focusing on the same enemy, so that you
stay grouped and are around one another for healing. It can be a long battle if you fight them all at once, or separated if
you managed to stay together and prevent yourself from straying. Try to kill all of them on the ground before heading
up the ramp to the platform at #4.
4) Platform, Turrets & Console:
Defeat the two turrets at the top of the ramp, then your enemies on the platform. Afterward, use the console to scratch
out any alternative plans you may have, and decide that it's best to enter the Underground base at #5.
5) EXIT:
to Underground Base (#1). Watch out for the mines guarding the entrance.
Underground Base

Your main goal here is to use the shuttle at #5. To do that you'll need to go first all the way to the reactor and turn it on
at #10, take the ignition codes at #12, open the hangar doors at #13 and defeat the Tank Droid at #5.
1) EXIT:
to Czerka Site (#5).
2) Turrets & Force Field:
Once inside, you can turn off the turrets using the console, but you may find it easier to destroy them. After the battle,
have Bao-Dur "bash" the Force Field to bring it down [where was he on Peragus?]. Do this with all the many force
fields on this level. Avoid the poison vents as much as possible. When you get to the console at #6 you'll be able to turn
them all off.
3) Droids & Backpack:
Defeat the droids in the corridor and you can find the Administrative ID Card from this backpack, though I'm not sure
what function it served.
4) Workbench & Lab Station:
Beware of the gas vents near the workbench.

5) Shuttle & Tank Droid:

This is where you find the shuttle, but as Bao-Dur points out, it needs ignition codes and the hangar doors open. To
open the hangar doors, you need to turn on the reactor at #10 and then open them at #13. You can grab the ignition
codes after the reactor is turned on, at #12.

a) When you return after the reactor is turned on:

You'll find a giant Tank Droid here. Equip your characters with Ion weapons and use any force powers that may
help, such as the stun droid series or speed. Also equip an energy shield on each character to be safe. Begin by
throwing grenades, Ion preferably. It's not overly difficult but has a stun attack so beware. When its defeated, search
out the newly opened droid bay just to the north of #5 for a lot of items. Then come back to the Shuttle and take it to
the Polar Plateau (#1).
6) Console:
Use this security terminal to turn off the gas vents and breath a sigh of relief.
7) Czerka Salvage Crew Member:
This lone Twi'lek wants an escort back to the entrance. For (LS Points) you can agree to take him, and for (DS
Points) you can be unconscionably cruel.
8) Droid Charging Room & Console:
Defeat the three droids here, then use the southern console here to overload the droid recharging stations, effectively
taking out several more before the reactor comes online and their door opens.
9) Damaged HK Droid:
You can repair this droid and have it follow you, but if you get too close to the fake exit your first right after heading
back north, it will self destruct. No real loss though.
10) Reactor:
Use the console in this room to start the reactor back up. As soon as you do, the turrets in the room just south of you
at #11 also activate.
11) Turrets:
As soon as you activate the reactor, you also activate these turrets. Take them out one at a time quickly to avoid too
much damage.
12) Ignition Codes:
When you start the reactor, the door opens that allows access to this small room. Search the footlocker here for a
datapad with the Ignition Codes you need, then head to #13 to open the Hangar Bay doors.
13) Console:
Use this console to open the Hangar Bay doors once the reactor is started. Before you head back to the shuttle, see
#5a above.

Polar Plateau

Your main goal here couldn't be simpler. Defeat the impending HK-50 attack, search their remains and head to the exit
at #3.
1) Crash Site:
After the second consecutive complete destruction of your transportation, you awake to find three HK-50 droids waiting
to kill you. Bao-Dur is unconscious. See #2.
2) HK-50 Attack:
Time to face off against three HK-50 droids. I especially like the line about them possibly making you break a sweat. I
like to open by tossing in a grenade or three, since you're fairly far away anyway. Then, close in an take them down one
at a time. As with all droids, the Stun Droid line works very well if you're Light Side or have given it to Kreia. When
they're defeated, search the remains for the HK Control Cluster, another piece you need to reassemble HK-47 aboard
the Ebon Hawk. Afterward, head to the exit at #3
3) EXIT:
to Secret Academy (#1).
Secret Academy

Finally, you're almost off this rock. All that's left is to rescue T3-M4 at #2, fetch your party members who are being
held prisoner at #3, spar a little with the Handmaidens at #4, and fly away in the Ebon Hawk at #5. What's #6 you ask?
Why, you'll be coming back before the end to have a few words with Atris.

1) You Begin Here:

After taking the elevator down from the Polar Plateau, you arrive to speak with Atris. When the reveling in your past is
finished, you are left here to speak with a Handmaiden (as opposed to "the" Handmaiden), who can fill you in on your
surroundings. You'll not need to worry about any battles here that you do not ask for, so relax and head up toward #2 to
rescue T3-M4.
2) T3-M4, Workbench & Lab Station:
An opportunity to gain influence with T3-M4 presents itself here, if you're nice. When the conversation is finished, I'd
recommend taking this opportunity to upgrade your personal weapons as much as possible, since you're two steps away
from deciding whether you want to do a fun non-lethal side quest for experience.
3) Your Party:
Another opportunity to gain influence with Bao-Dur is here, if you're kind to him. Release them from the force cages
and continue to #4.
4) Training Room:
After searching every side room here for fairly good random items, talk to the nearby Handmaiden. In dialogue, say that
you wish to fight her. She'll accept the offer to "teach" you, and you'll end up here in the middle of the room, ready to
take her on in hand-to-hand. In any battle, do not step off the mat or you are disqualified and have to ask for a re-match.
The best reason for having your party members here at this point is that Kreia can help heal you faster in between
matches if she has that skill.

a) Handmaiden 1st Battle:

You'll fight alone vs. one Handmaiden. No weapons, body armor, force powers or items can be used. Feats,
however, can be, so if you have Master Flurry by now, I would recommend using it. I always found these hand-tohand battles very tough with a consular. A guardian is more likely to win. Heal up and talk to her again after your
victory to begin the next challenge.

b) Handmaiden 2nd Battle:

To me, this battle is easier, and still vs. one Handmaiden. You're allowed to use weapons, but no armor, powers or
items. Again, after a victory, heal up then talk to her again for another challenge.

c) Handmaiden 3rd Battle:

Finally, you're allowed to use all your powers, items and armor vs. one Handmaiden. Win, heal up and ask for yet
another challenge.

d) Handmaiden 4th Battle:

It's now getting a little tougher (for me because I wanted to conserve on medpacs). It's you and all your powers vs.
two Handmaidens. Win, heal and ask for the final challenge. You'll have to goad her into it by attacking their pride,
but she'll finally accept.

e) Handmaiden Final Battle:

You and all your powers vs. five Handmaidens. This one can be tough, especially if you lack a multi-affecting
offensive spell like the Dark Side Lightning. If you have one, it's much, much easier. Begin by using all three
stimulant types to increase your stats. Next turn on your melee shield if you have one. Then use your grenades for an
easier time since they affect more than one person. Finally follow up with your powers and attack. After victory,
you're awarded 750xp. Not quite what I had hoped for either, but at least it was fun.

5) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1). If you're following the walkthrough, make your next selection from the galaxy map the
planet Onderon.
6) Atris of the Jedi Council:
On your first visit, you won't be allowed access to her room. On your second, after the Jedi Enclave near the end of
the game, you'll be teleported back to the Secret Academy to face her. No matter your choices at first, you and her
will do battle. She can hit for quite a lot but also goes down easily as well. When it's over, you'll have the chance to
try and save her (or finish her) and ask her all about Kreia. Saving her surprisingly does not gain you (LS Points),
but it is the Light Side thing to do.
After the conclusion, you'll find yourself at Res 082 West Redux (#1) talking with Lt. Dol Grenn about the Sith
attack on the station.


Jungle Landing

Welcome to Onderon's moon. You'll have to complete a series of events here before actually making it to Onderon.
First is making it to the exit at #6 to the Jungle. Kreia recommends exploring the area and to get to Onderon, you'll
have to do just that. However, this Jungle Landing is pretty straight forward.
There are several types of animals here on Dxun. They include the abundant boarish cannoks, the cougar-like
maalraas, and the tougher boma beasts (in two varieties - young and adult). You'll find several of these here in the
Jungle Landing as you make your way to #6.
1) EXIT:
to Ebon Hawk (#1).
2) Mandalorian Guide:
The guide will be here only after you've used him to travel from the Mandalorian camp back here to your ship. He'll
also remain here to take you back to camp any time you wish.
3) Atton Interrupts:
You'll get a message here from Atton about an unknown ship coming to the moon, likely to search for you.
4) Crash Site & Console:
Search inside the bunker made by this crashed ship to find a console. Repair it and view the camera on each of three

droids. Two of them can be overloaded for experience.

5) Dezanti, Bounty Hunter:
Along with Dezanti, there will be two more thugs ready to collect on your head. Whichever conversation choices you
use, it will result in a fight. When they're gone, search the remains and head to the exit at #6.
6) EXIT:
to Jungle (#1).

The first time here, you'll be escorted to the Mandalorian Ruins once you make it to #3. Afterward, you'll be able to
come back and complete several quests in order to prove to Mandalore that you're worthy of his help. Not every quest
is necessary, only a few, but for experience it's recommended that you explore the area and attempt all the quests.
1) EXIT:
to Jungle Landing (#6).
2) Cache:
You'll need high-grade explosives to enter this small cache full of items. The only thing capable of doing the job is
Thorium Charges, which you can find on Korriban, specifically Sith Academy (#4). Once inside, you'll find a small
room full of containers and items.
3) Small Mandalorian Camp:
When you first get to this area, the Mandalorians will attempt to take you to their leader, Mandalore. You can resist and
begin battle but you'll be overwhelmed and forced to go anyway, and then find yourself at Mandalorian Ruins (#1)
facing Mandalore.

a) If you've faced Davrel at the Mandalorian Battle Circle:

He will attempt and regain his honor here. If you've heard about the Zakkeg from the Mandalorian Guard Captain
inside the ruins, you can first refuse to fight him, then suggest to Davrel that honor can be gained by both of you
joining to defeat the beast. He will run off and meet you just before #9, where he joins you to defeat the creature.
After the battle, you'll have his thanks and gain further honor with Mandalore. Your other option is to kill him when
he challenges you.
4) EXIT:

to Mandalorian Ruins (#5).

5) Cannok with Phase Piece #1:
If you have the quest from Zuka at the Mandalorian Ruins to find the pieces to the phase pulse converter, defeat a
cannok here and search its remains for the first piece: the phase pulse converter core. The other pieces are at #8 and
6) Boma Beast & New Force Power:
When you approach the area, Kreia will teach you a new force power, Beast Trick, which works exactly like Mind
Trick does, only on beasts. You can test it out on this boma beast.
7) Kumas on a Ledge:
If you have the quest from Xarga back at the Mandalorian Ruins, you'll be searching for the missing Mandalorian
Kumas. He's here trapped on a ledge, with a nearby permacrete detonator device. Light Siders will likely want to
release him by first killing the three young bomas just around the corner at the back. When accomplished, Kumas
will come down, offer you gratitude and ask that you keep his secret. Dark Siders will probably want to let him rot
for (DS Points), and for more points, press the button on the detonator to blow Kumas to smithereens.
8) Cannok with Phase Piece #2:
If you have the quest from Zuka at the Mandalorian Ruins to find the pieces to the phase pulse converter, defeat a
cannok here and search its remains for the second piece: the phase pulse converter assembly. The other pieces are at
#5 and #15.
9) Zakkeg:
Here is the beast the Mandalorian Guard Captain was speaking of back at the ruins. If you first joined with Davrel at
#3 to kill the Zakkeg, you'll have joined up just before this area. Attack the Zakkeg with all your might, and you'll
find a mediocre challenge if this is your first planet. A melee shield can help if you're having difficulty. When it has
fallen, search the remains for its ear, and when you report back to the Captain, you'll have more honor with
Mandalore. If you're following the walkthrough, #10 is on the opposite part of the map.
10) Kelborn, Battle Circle Champion:
If you've been trying your hand in the Battle Circle at the Mandalorian Camp and winning, you'll eventually come to
a point where you need a sponsor. Teaming up with Kelborn here can get you that chance, since its him you'll have
to fight next. Whether or not you've completed any of the Battle Circle, you can still take on this quest and fight
Kelborn later.
He's searching for scouts from a recently landed ship and wants your help in securing the area from the threat. Agree
to help and head to #11 for the first two. The next are at #12. When you accept the quest, Kelborn will be at #14.
11) Two Scouts:
Defeat these two patrolling scouts if you took on Kelborn's quest above. Search their remains and head to #12 for the
next, larger group.
12) Group of Scouts & Animals:
When you approach the area, and after accepting Kelborn's quest at #11, you'll find a group of scouts begin battle
with the local beasts. Join in and kill the several hostile scouts, search their remains and continue to #13.
13) Cannok with Lightsaber Emitter Fixture:
By killing a cannok here and searching its remains, if you've yet to find the second piece required to make your
lightsaber, this animal will have it: the lightsaber emitter fixture.
14) Kelborn, After Quest:

If you agreed to help Kelborn with his quest, he'll now be standing here. Speak to him after you've picked off the two
groups of scouts at #11 and #12 and you'll gain more honor with Mandalore and a chance to fight Kelborn in the
Battle Circle when you're ready.
15) Cannok with Phase Piece #3:
If you have the quest from Zuka at the Mandalorian Ruins to find the pieces to the phase pulse converter, defeat a
cannok here and search its remains for the third and final piece: the phase pulse converter power. The other pieces
are at #5 and #8. You can return to Zuka at the Mandalorian Ruins after finding all three pieces for more honor with
Mandalore, and more experience.
16) Permacrete Detonator:
This one is linked to the Mandalorian Cache ahead at #17. Press the button and watch the door blast open. The only
consequence is that a herd of boma and other animals hear the explosion and attack. Once they're taken care of, enter
the cache at #17.
17) Mandalorian Cache:
This is the cache Mandalore was talking about if you asked him whether there was anything else you could do. Be
careful when you enter, and if possible, take someone with a high demolitions skill like Bao-Dur and a Jedi with the
stun droid line of powers.
As soon as you enter, you're surrounded by damaged droids and a circle of deadly and devastating mines. Put the
character you want dealing with them in solo mode and disarm, disable or run through them if unable. Next, either
search the droid foreman for a datapad that allows you to give commands to them, or prepare for a rather large battle
by turning on your energy shields and buffing the party. Attempt to activate a droid and "bash" it. The whole room
will come alive as all the droids attack at once, also bogging down the framerate as well. Concentrate on mass
affecting force powers if you have them, such as the stun droid line of powers or force lightning. Otherwise, use your
best melee and ion attacks to take them down as quickly as possible.
When the battle is over, search every container along the perimeter of the room for a massive amount of items. There
will be two containers that are impossible to open with security skill. Set a minor mine on them to get to their
contents. When finished, you can now report back to the Mandalorian Ruins to receive your rewards, further fight in
the Battle Circle and tell Mandalore you wish to go to Onderon.

Mandalorian Ruins

When first taken here, ask Mandalore if there's anything else you can do, for an additional quest; gaining honor with
him is your only way off Dxun. You can find several quests here that can help you gain honor. Talk to the

Mandalorians at #2, 3, 4 and 9 for further honor quests, including the fun Battle Circle. Kex at #7 can sell you items
and supplies. After you've gained enough respect from Mandalore, he'll take you to Onderon in his shuttle at #10.
1) Mandalore & Lab Station:
Mandalore will agree to help your party if you first gain his trust and respect. Ask him if there's anything else you can
do to receive the Mandalorian Cache quest, the last thing you'll do back in the Jungle if you follow the walkthrough.
Every quest you complete will gain you further honor with Mandalore and eventually, he'll take you to Onderon. You
do not have to complete every quest, but it's recommended if you want the most experience.
On the eastern portion of this area, you'll find a ramp leading up to a door. Every time you try and ascend it, Mandalore
will stop you. To get to the top, equip one of your characters with a stealth generator, put them in Solo mode, sneak up
to the door, and use security on it to gain entrance. Bao-Dur usually works well for this. Inside the room are several
containers with very high-quality random items for your level.
You will also find a Lab Station here.

a) After gaining enough honor to please Mandalore:

Return to Mandalore and he'll tell you that you've earned yourself a ride to Onderon. Unfortunately, the Sith have
caught up to you at this point. All throughout the ruins you'll find groups of Sith Assassins fighting Mandalorians.
It's to your benefit to help the Mandalorians here, since though you can simply watch from afar, the battle takes
much less time with your help. Eventually, after several Assassins are slain, Mandalore will figure it is best to get
you out of here, and lead you to #10, where you'll make your escape to Onderon. See Iziz Spaceport (#1).
2) Xarga:
Speak with him to learn of a missing Mandalorian by the name of Kumas. To complete his quest, find Kumas' body
in the Jungle and bring word back to Xarga to receive honor with Mandalore. You can find Kumas at Jungle (#7).
3) Zuka, Technician:
Zuka, as a Mandalorian, is not suprisingly having problems with the maintenance around the ruins. He has three
things you can do. One is to repair the broken wires a short distance to his left. Use a person with some degree of
repair to best accomplish this. Another is to fix the telemetry computer at #8. To do this you'll need programming
spikes and use computer skill. Bao-Dur or T3-M4 work perfectly. Finally, you're to find the scattered pieces of the
phase pulse converter in the Jungle, likely in the stomachs of the insatiable cannoks. You can find these three pieces
at Jungle (#5, #8 and #15). When you have all three, bring them back to Zuka and you will receive a super-sized
helping of honor with Mandalore.
4) Mandalorian Guard Captain:
Ask him all about the Jungle and you'll find out about the Zakkeg, a ferocious beast that is a match even for
Mandalorians. If you defeat it, you can gain honor with Mandalore. You'll find the Zakkeg at Jungle (#9). Return to
the Captain with its ear to complete the quest.
5) EXIT:
to Jungle (#4).
6) EXIT via Mandalorian Guide:
Talk to the guide here and he will take you directly to your ship at Jungle Landing (#1), at any time. You can also
use him in reverse, to come back here at any time.
7) Kex, Reluctant Quartermaster:
Kex is a merchant that can sell you items, and will also be your second adversary in the Battle Circle.

8) Workbench & Telemetry Computer:

If you have Zuka's quest from #3, you can fix the telemetry computer with programming spikes to solve one of his
three tasks. Then report your success to Zuka. Alternately, use the workbench to upgrade, breakdown or create items.
Fortunately you can freely switch in and out party members here at the Ruins.
9) Mandalorian Battle Circle:
Here is a chance both to gain honor and to have a little fun. If you're a consular-type character, these battles will be a
little more difficult for you, but are still doable. As a guardian-type, they should prove to be a piece of cake, with the
right gear.
First talk with the Mandalorian Sergeant and tell him you want to fight in the Battle Circle. There are a total of five
matches, the first three against lesser opponents, and the last two only possible after you have met with Kelborn in
the Jungle. The best tip I have is to equip the right gear for the job. If you are fighting fist and feet only, you will still
be allowed to wear all your armor pieces.
Equip any damage resistance gear you have for these if possible (such as the immunity belt), as they can help more
than anything else. Additionally, equip the best armor, even if you are a consular. Since you are not allowed to use
your force powers in three of the matches, it's to your best advantage to have a high defense. Finally, the best tactic if
you're losing some of the difficult melee battles (though I consider it a bug of the combat system) is to hit and run,
but remain careful of staying in the circle. For some reason, if you run away, quickly turn around and hit your
opponent, then run again, they cannot get an attack in.

a) Battle Circle, 1st Fight, Davrel:

This is a straight fist and feet fight with no powers, weapons or items. The higher defense and better melee feats you
have, the better you will do. Return to the Sergeant after the fight to begin your second battle. Your vitality is
completely replenished at the beginning of each fight.

b) Battle Circle, 2nd Fight, Kex:

Time to fight Kex, but the rules are yours to choose. If you're a guardian-type and manhandled the first opponent,
you may as well continue to do fist and feet with Kex. However, a consular-type will probably want to choose
having no restrictions. Return to the Sergeant after the fight to begin your third battle.

c) Battle Circle, 3rd Fight, Tagren:

Again, you must fight fist and feet only, no force powers, weapons or items, but you may use feats. Use the same
tactics as the first, but for a consular-type, this may be the toughest battle of the entire circle.
Return to the Sergeant after the fight and he'll tell you that the remaining two contenders are champions and you
must be sponsored by one of them to participate. If you haven't already completed Kelborn's quest in the Jungle
(#10), you will need to do so before continuing in the Battle Circle. Once you have, he will be pleased to fight with
you for your fourth battle.

d) Battle Circle, 4th Fight, Kelborn:

With Kelborn, you will get a plain longsword and cannot use your force powers or other items. Hence, it should be a
little easier than the last fight. Return to the Sergeant after it's finished to battle the final champion, Bralor.

e) Battle Circle, 5th Fight, Bralor:

Bralor is a fair sport and allows you full access to any item or power you want. He's a fairly tough combatant, but
without restrictions, this fight is clearly in your favor. When it's over, you've gained much honor and receive both
experience and a Ryyk Blade.

10) EXIT:
When you've gained enough honor, Mandalore will take you to Onderon and back via this shuttle after the Sith
Assassin battle. If you've come here before hand (or later) there are several containers here with items.
11) EXIT:
After visiting Dxun's Jungle and Sith Tombs later in the game, under the "Loose Ends" section, you will be flying
the ship in this building to Onderon.


Iziz Spaceport

Onderon is rife with a struggle between Queen Talia (Light Side) and General Vaklu (Dark Side), and you will be
caught in the middle. Your ultimate goal on Onderon is to find Jedi Master Kavar. Mandalore has a contact named
Dhagon Ghent who may be able to get you an audience, but as it turns out, Ghent is wanted for murder and it's up to
you to first solve the mystery and free Ghent.
Once Mandalore flies you to Onderon, there is no going back to the Ebon Hawk until you find Kavar, which means
you're stuck here for the time being. One of the main themes you'll come across here is that of escaping the planet, and
you'll come across several people who will want the two Starport Visas that you acquire here.
1) EXIT:
to Mandalorian Ruins (#10). As mentioned above, you will only be able to leave after your business here of meeting
Kavar has been settled.
2) Port Master:
This man will stop you briefly and offer you your own coveted open Starport Visa. He reminds you to keep it safe.
During your travels here you'll come across two more and it will be up to you to choose who to give them to for either
Light Side or Dark Side points and perhaps credits or other types of payment.
3) News Hologram:
Repeatedly activate this terminal to catch up on the latest news around the area.
4) Margar, Merchant:
Here is a typical merchant of general goods and necessities.
5) Beast-Rider:
You can learn a little lore about Onderon from this man. After your conversation, as you try and leave one of the beasts

breaks loose from its cage and attacks. When you defeat it, the beast-rider offers his apologies and a reward (that turns
out to be 1,000 credits if you threaten him). You can refuse the reward for (LS Points) and likewise take it and threaten
him for (DS Points).
6) Checkpoint Guard:
This guard stops you to inquire about your business. You can tell him anything, it does not matter. Even the truth that
you are a Jedi has no consequence, as regardless of your response, you will later get attacked by a Rodian bounty hunter
at Western Square (#2).
7) EXIT:
to Merchant Quarter (#1).
Merchant Quarter

Aside from a couple people looking for Starport Visas on the south side, you can find Captain Riiken at #7, who will be
an integral part of solving the mystery you're about to face. Other notables include a political preaching Ponlar at #9,
Anda at #10 who will have missions for the Dark Side player, and Captain Bostuco at #12 who guards the entrance to
the Sky Ramp, an eventual destination of yours much later in the game. Your first goal (I'm recommending) is to simply
talk to the people to get a feel for the local politics, and then travel to the Western Square at #13 in search of Dhagon
Ghent, Mandalore's contact.
1) EXIT:
to Iziz Spaceport (#7).
2) Captain Gelesi:
Gelesi will ask to see your Starport Visa before you head back to the Iziz Spaceport area. If you are a Dark Side player
and take Anda's mission to get rid of the captains, you'll find Gelesi in the Iziz Cantina.
3) Harassed Iziz Citizen:
As you approach the area, several of Vaklu's soldiers will be attempting to take this man into custody. When you enter
into it, you can ask what's going on, and then persuade the soldiers to let the man go for (LS Points). Alternately, you
can cruelly have them arrest the man for (DS Points).
4) Terlyn & Kids:
This is the first person you will come across who desperately wants a Starport Visa. In her case she wants to escape
Onderon with her kids. For (LS Points), give her one of your two extra open Starport Visas once you find them.

5) Tolas:
This man will pay you 2k credits (3k with persuade) if you give him your extra Starport Visa. You won't receive either
Dark or Light points for the act.
6) News Hologram:
Here is another terminal, allowing you to catch up on recent events.
7) Captain Riiken:
The Captain happens to be guarding Dhagon Ghent, but you won't find that out until searching around Dhagon's
residence in the Western Square. You can talk to Riiken for info about local politics for now, and later, if you're playing
the Dark Side, you'll have a chance to get him in the Western Square, but only after you finally square things up with
Dhagon Ghent. If you incite him about leadership and later receive Anda's quest, it will come back to haunt him (which
is what you'd want if playing Dark Side).

a) After learning of Dhagon's custody:

Your first goal will be to talk to Riiken and find out what you can do to release him. Riiken mentions that people in
the Cantina might be able to help. Go now to the Iziz Cantina (#4a) just off the Western Square and speak with Kiph
about the murder.

b) After showing the serving droid's evidence to Nikko:

Your party and Nikko will be sent here to convince Riiken that Ghent should be released. The Major then shows up
and attempts to refute any evidence, but regardless of your conversation choices, Ghent is released and you suddenly
find yourself back at his residence at Western Square (#9).

c) For Anda's Dark Side quest:

Persuade or Force Persuade him to talk about his misgivings about local authority and the guard next to him will
overhear, eventually leading to Riiken's dismissal. Thus you can complete this quest without killing Riiken.
8) Gegorran, Merchant:
This bandwagoneer will sell you goods until you have finally met with Master Kavar, at which point your reputation
preceeds you and he politely refuses to have anything to do with you.
9) Ponlar, Political Heretic:
When you approach Ponlar before settling the Ghent situation, he's speaking to a group of Vaklu supporters and
you'll be invited to share your views.

a) After finding Kavar:

Polar incites the citizens into a riot, and you'll be forced to choose to help the Onderon soldiers or the side with
Ponlar and fight against them. There are only several nearby soldiers you would have to defeat if this were the case;
the rest of them simply glare at you.
10) Anda, Vaklu Conspirator:
Dark Side players can get Anda to send you on an important mission for Vaklu. She wants three captains removed
from duty in any way you see fit. The captains are Bostuco at #12, Riiken at #7 and Gelesi who can now be found in
the Iziz Cantina (#3). She also gives you a military security card that you can use to access computer terminals. Her
reward is 2,500 credits for each captain you remove from duty, and your further reward is massive (DS Points).

a) Captain Bostuco:
This captain can be taken care of quickly. Head over to the nearby console at #11, use it to view the Sky Ramp

camera, and then overload the terminal. Bostuco will perish and you'll have two left. Return to Anda for your 2,500
credit reward.

b) Captain Gelesi:
He can be found at the Iziz Cantina (#3). When you find him, simply Persuade/Force Persuade or Persuade/Threaten
him and his family, and he'll gladly leave Iziz. One to go. Return to Anda for a 2,500 credit reward when you're in
the area.

c) Captain Riiken:
You can deal with Riiken in two ways. Incite him to talk about local politics in which a guard will overhear and later
he'll be removed (after the main quest - see #7c above) or later, you can find him in the Western Square. After you
deal with Dhagon Ghent for the first time and he sends you to battle Bakkel in the Cantina, you will notice Riiken
patrolling the Western Square. If you decide to take him down during his patrol, your goal will be to follow him
while waiting for him to wander out of eyesight from the crowd. When he's near the Western Square exit to the
Merchant Quarter, confront him and then kill him. If anyone manages to see you, they will run toward your party and
ask what's going on. You can Persuade/Force Persuade them that they didn't see anything, or they run away and
Anda is displeased. Regardless, you will still get your reward.
11) Security Console:
Use this console if you are a Dark Side player and received the quest from Anda at #10 above. See #10a.
12) Captain Bostuco & Guards:
Talk to Captain Bostuco to learn about the Sky Ramp, a place you will be visiting again before the end of your
adventure. It is not open to you now.
13) EXIT:
to Western Square (#1).

Western Square

You've reached the area where Dhagon Ghent lives, which you can find at #9. Your main goal will be to solve Suulio's
murder, the one in which Ghent will be the prime suspect. You're to clear his name and then have him arrange a
meeting with Master Kavar for you. Other notable interest points include the area between #2 and #3 where you do a
lot of the fighting here, the trash heap at #8, 1B-8D, the Droid Merchant at #4, and of course the Iziz Cantina via exit
#7. You will be doing a lot of traveling to and from the Cantina in an effort to solve the murder.
1) EXIT:

to Merchant Quarter (#13).

2) RodianThugs:
Your first time here, a group of Rodian thugs will attempt to collect on your expensive bounty, but will be no match for
your party.
3) Twi'lek Bounty Hunter:
After visiting Ghent's residence at #4, this is where you will battle a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter and seven of his pals. It can
be quite a battle actually if you manage to separate your party, which is not too difficult considering how spread out the
attackers will be. Equip energy shields for each party member if it gets rough and pay attention to their vitality. After
the battle, be sure to search the Twi'lek's remains for a Starport Visa. You'll need to see Kiph in the Cantina about
making it an "open visa" before being able to give it to anyone, however.
4) 1B-8D, Droid Merchant:
First, use your Repair skill to eventually reset the market values, thereby getting yourself a better deal from his items.
Next, buy the HK Droid Processor he has for sale, fairly cheap. Finally, this droid is a key part of the murder
investigation you're about to embark on, at #5.

a) After talking to Panar about the serving droid's missing head:

Ask 1B-8D about the serving droid and he'll allow you to buy the remaining parts for 25 credits. It is then suggested
to you that you show them to Kiph in the Cantina. See Iziz Cantina (#4b).
5) Thug:
Talk to this thug to learn that Dhagon Ghent is being held at the tower in the Merchant Quarter (#7). After exploring
Ghent's apartment, you should go there and speak with Riiken.
6) Lab Station:
Actually, there isn't much in his apartment except this Lab Station. Well, he does claim to be a doctor of sorts so it
makes sense.
7) EXIT:
to Iziz Cantina (#1). I would suggest waiting to come here until you've been to #5 above and then spoken to Riiken,
as you'll be sent here soon anyway.
8) Trash Heap & Broken Droid:
After learning of Suulio's murder out by this trash heap from Nikko inside the Cantina, you can come here, search
the Broken Droid and find that its head has gone missing. Now it is time to seek out Panar at Iziz Cantina (#9a).
9) Dhagon Ghent:
When you finally release Ghent from custody, you will return here to speak with him. After asking a few questions,
mention your desire to meet with Kavar. He'll arrange it on one condition: that you first get his encrypted holodisks
from Bakkel's gang in the Iziz Cantina (#9b).

a) Dark Side Players with Anda's Captain quests:

On your way to the Cantina you will notice Riiken walking a patrol route here in the Western Square. See Merchant
Quarter (#10c) for details.

b) After retrieving the holodisks from Bakkel:

He'll finalize the meeting with Master Kavar and you'll suddenly find yourself in the Cantina talking to him. After
the ensuing conversation is cut short by Colonel Tobin, you will be faced with a small battle in the Cantina with

Vaklu's thugs. If you are a Dark Side player, Tobin will appear afterwards and conspire with you to support Vaklu,
giving you the reason for the thugs as "keeping up appearances." Whether you are Dark or Light Side, Tobin sends
several troops after you once you exit the Cantina, mostly at #10.
After the battle at #10 and entering back into the Merchant Quarter, you'll have the defense turrets on the southern
end of the quarter to contend with. You can simply run past them back to the Iziz Spaceport, or attack them for extra
When back at Iziz Spaceport, find your shuttle and hightail it back to Dxun. The next time you come to Onderon, it
will be after you have visited all of the other planets and found all of the other Jedi Masters. Once back, you will
settle the Vaklu vs. Talia power struggle once and for all, as well as finalizing your stance on Master Kavar.
Congratulations on finishing Dxun and Onderon (well, for now).
10) Vaklu Troopers:
After meeting with Kavar and exiting the Cantina, you'll find a large squad of troops in this area to head you off.
Don't let the numbers scare you, as they are fairly easy to pick off.

Iziz Cantina

Your main goal here is to solve the murder of Suulio. Dhagon Ghent is the prime suspect, and you'll be dealing with
Kiph at #4, Nikko at #7 and Panar at #9 to try and clear his name and release him from custody. You can also enjoy
Swoop Racing at #8 and Pazaak with Nikko at #4. Several people here are also asking for open Starport Visas, namely
at #2, #5 and #6.
1) EXIT:
to Western Square (#7).
2) Gormo:
This Captain needs a Starport Visa and can give you 500 credits for one.
3) Captain Gelesi:
The Captain will only be here if you are a Dark Side character on Anda's quest from the Merchant Quarter. See
Merchant Quarter (#10b) for more details.
4) Kiph, Slicer:
If you've found the Twi'lek Bounty Hunter's Starport Visa in the Western Square on your way to Riiken, tilt the
conversation toward his slicing abilities, and for 500 credits, he'll make yours into an Open one. Kiph is also a witness

in the Suulio murder and is the first person you'll want to talk to about it.

a) Investigating Suulio's murder, looking for clues:

Ask Kiph about Suulio's murder, and he'll mention they were having an argument the night of, thereby establishing a
motive. Now you'll want to pay a visit to Nikko at #7a for the next step in the investigation.

b) After 1B-8D sells you the serving droid's missing parts:

Show them to Kiph to fix, and you'll witness what actually happened near the trash heap outside. It looks like the
murderer came from the Merchant Quarter. Now show the evidence to Nikko at #7b.
5) Sakarie:
For Dark Siders, sell Sakarie one of your open Starport Visas. You will receive the high quality Dark Side only
Qixoni Crystal, a weapon or 5,000 credits, your choice. This will net you substantial (DS Points).
6) Xaart, Rebel Spy:
Xaart is a rebel spy who needs a Starport Visa. Giving him one results in significant (LS Points).
7) Nikko, Ghent's Friend & Pazaak Shark:
Along with playing Pazaak for 250 credits per game, Nikko is another major witness in the Ghent/Suulio murder
mystery. You'll want to talk to him about the murder only after first seeing Kiph.

a) After establishing Ghent's motive with Kiph:

Ask Nikko about the Suulio murder and tell him what Ghent said, that they were arguing. He'll tell you that they
were friends and that it was common enough for them to do. He'll then mention that Suulio died near the trash heap
outside. Mandalore suggests that it may be worth investigating. Proceed to Western Square (#8) and search the
Broken Droid there.

b) After Kiph repairs the parts from 1B-8D:

Show Nikko the new evidence and you'll find yourself at Merchant Square with both Riiken and Nikko to present
your case for Ghent's release. See Merchant Quarter (#7b) for the conclusion of the quest.
8) Qimtiq, Swoop Race Coordinator:
Each race costs 100 credits, but winning can get you 500, 2,000 or 5,000 credits depending on which heat you win.
You can also persuade him to give you 500 additional credits on each race that you win.
9) Panar & Bakkel:
At first, Panar stands here, and later, after releasing Ghent and agreeing to find his holodisks, this is where you'll find

After searching the trash heap outside:

Speak with Panar about the droid's missing head and he'll refer you to 1B-8D at Western Square (#4a), your next

After freeing Ghent and agreeing to retrieve his encrypted holodisks:

You will find Bakkel and several thugs here. Regardless of your conversation choices, you'll end up battling them
all. It's not a particularly tough battle, but be careful of Bakkel. Search her remains for an open Starport Visa (no
need to pay Kiph to slice it), and the encrypted holodisks.
Now would be a good opportunity to give one of your open Starport Visas away to someone in the Cantina before

returning to Ghent. Dark Side players will probably want Sakarie at #5 and Light Side players can't go wrong with
Xaart at #6. The other opportunities are of course back at the Merchant Quarter. Return to Dhagon Ghent when
finished. See Western Square (#9b) for the details.

Nar Shaddaa

Refugee Landing Pad

Your main goal in Nar Shaddaa is to find Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, but in order to find him, you have to first get
noticed by the Exchange. In fact, once you've earned enough recognition (positive or negative or both) with the
Exchange by doing quests around Nar Shaddaa, events will trigger that eventually lead to the Jedi Master. The
important part, however, is completing quests and thoroughly exploring areas. Though you certainly do not have to
complete or take on all of them - Dark Siders will likely turn down as many as possible and still earn enough
recognition - I'd recommend taking on or solving as many as possible for your alignment simply for the xp.
Nar Shaddaa is separated into four main areas. The Refugee Landing Pad is where you begin. The Docks are to the
north and the Refugee Quad is to the south. To the east is the small Entertainment Promenade. To the north of the
Docks is an exit to the Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina, and is where you'll spend your time after finally earning recognition
from the Exchange. By following the walkthrough, you'll be assured of every opportunity for experience and quality
Important Note: At some point, after earning enough notoriety and entering the Landing Pad from any other area, you
will witness a cut scene with Quello the dock master and the Red Eclipse gang, who will take control of your ship. This
is your cue that you can return to your ship and fight the Red Eclipse, setting the final part of Nar Shaddaa in motion.
When this happens, see #20 below. Additionally, you can speed things up by not only paying Kallah-Nah at
Entertainment Promenade (#2) 2000 credits to gain significant notoriety, but can also ask her what your current
standing is with the Exchange. When she says that they are after your head and will do anything to get at you, you are
pretty much good to go.
1) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1). Quello will stop you after you take a few steps and attempt to ask for compensation. You can
easily persuade or threaten him to leave you alone.
2) Exhange Thugs:
Your first taste of the Exchange here, a couple of thugs will be threatening a refugee. You can save his life for (LS
Points) or you can let them play with the poor man for (DS Points).
3) Refugees:

The refugee standing against the western wall will ask for a few credits. If you give five to him, and tell him you're a
Jedi, he'll promise to help you out with any info he gets later. He never hears anything.
The refugee standing further to the south and east of the room, after seeing what you've done so far, asks for more
credits from you. Whatever your choice, you will receive a lesson from Kreia and a chance to gain influence with her if
you agree with her.
4) Workbench & Container:
Use the workbench here if you like, and search the nearby container to its north for the Airspeeder Navigation Interface,
an item required if you want to put together a broken Airspeeder for faster travel later.
5) TT-32 & Tienn Tubb:
The droid TT-32 has a favor to ask you. Its friend IT-31 was sold to Kodin at #7 but in its memory core has the plans
for a new type of shield. He asks if you can get the droid back. See #7 for details. When you bring it back you'll get a
very nice renewable droid shield, a very useful shield with unlimited uses, and if you're a Dark Sider, can further ask for
components from his own body.
Tienn Tubb is the man who can add the transponder codes you need for the Ebon Hawk to a blank transponder card.
However, this will happen automatically near the very end of your experience here on Nar Shaddaa, after finding a
blank card with T3-M4. Therefore, there is no need to ever come back to him.
6) Vossk, Ex Bounty Hunter:
Talk to Vossk to learn all about the different factions of Bounty Hunters: the Red Eclipse, the Twin Suns and Mira and
7) Kodin, Droid Parts Merchant:
If you're coming from TT-32 at #5, you can negotiate to buy the IT-31 droid for 500, 300 or 150 credits with persuade,
or threaten him for (DS Points) but receive the droid for free. Afterward, talk with IT-31 and send it back to TT-32 at
#5, then head back yourself for your reward.
8) Borna Lys, Conspirer:
This twi'lek sees a way you can both profit from the sabotage of Lupo's unbeatable swoop racing droid, C9-T9 and
offers you a cut of her profits. All you need to do is use the access codes she can be persuaded to give you to sabotage
the droid at #10 using the interface computer nearby. You can also use someone with Repair or Computer. See #10 for
details. When the deed is done, return to Borna for your share of the profits, 2000 credits and an easier time at the
swoop track.
9) Modo, Swoop Race Coordinator:
Talk to him to enter into the local swoop race competition, after having dealt with C9-T9. See #8 above.
10) C9-T9, Swoop Champ & Interface Computer:
This is the droid that has everyone around the Swoop Race arena frustrated. Borna Lys at #8 can be persuaded to give
you the access codes to the Interface Computer. Use a party member with either Repair or Computers (that you may
switch in just for this quest if necessary), access the console, use your Awareness to check the droid for oddities, and
then overload the terminal, blowing up C9-T9. When Lupo races over, you can essentially tell him anything and he'll go
to Borna Lys to sell the joint. Head back to Borna at #8 for your cut.
11) EXIT:
to Docks (#1). After seeing everything there is to see on the Landing Pad, I'd advise heading up to the Docks for a few
quests, then going to the Entertainment Promenade.

a) As your main character heading to Jekk Jekk Tarr:

A concerned Atton will stop you on your way up to the Docks and, if you're nice, give you some healing items.
12) Rutum in Debt:
As you sidle through this area, a man named Rutum will tell the Exchange Thugs that you can pay them the money
he owes. You can persuade the Exchange to leave him alone for (LS Points), or attempt to Persuade/Force Persuade
them to jump in a pit for (DS Points) Either way, this will gain you notoriety with the Exchange.
13) Geeda the Good Merchant:
Though this rodian has only below average items for sale, once you talk with Oondar at #16, you will find out that
these two are competing for business, and further, that she is trying to establish trade routes to both Dantooine and
Onderon. You can eventually side with either Oondar and tell Geeda to get lost, or do the same with Oondar for
I'd recommend first taking a look at Oondar's merchandise and buying what you need before telling him off, as his
stock is excellent. The bonus to sticking with Geeda? She sells a few excellent items near the end of the game after
you've finished both Dantooine and Onderon. Simply come back to her after both planets are finished completely
(meaning you've met Kavar at the Royal Palace), and she will sell you her finest wares.
14) Nar Shaddaa's Energy:
Kreia teaches you about feeling the Nar Shaddaa energy through the force. Your maximum force points increase.
15) EXIT:
to Entertainment Prom. (#1). Before coming here, I'd recommend going to the Docks via exit #11 first, so that you
can have a chance at Vogga's hoard later. Also make sure to be either playing a female or have the Handmaiden in
your party, a requirement for the Hoard quest. Finally, take Atton with you as well for an easier time in the
Promenade Pazaak Den.
16) Oondar the Bad Merchant:
Talk to him to see his excellent wares. If you've also spoken with Geeda at #13, it appears the Landing Pad is not big
enough for the two of them and he asks that you take her out of the picture. You can side with Oondar, however near
the end of the game, you can complete another of Geeda's quests, which results in better items than she has now,
including at least a couple rare/unique ones.
17) Exchange Thugs & Boss:
As you enter the room, you'll interrupt a deal that went sour with the Exchange. The thugs and boss will turn on you,
and after their death, you will gain further notoriety with the Exchange... which is exactly what you want.
18) Ratrin Vhek, Ebon Hawk's Owner:
This man claims he's the rightful owner of the Ebon Hawk, able to identify its quirks and history when you ask. If
you hand the ship over to him (which doesn't make a difference), you'll gain (LS Points) and if you kill him, you'll
get (DS Points).
19) EXIT:
to Refugee Quad (#1). I'd recommend first heading to the Docks, then Entertainment Promenade to complete those
quests before coming here, though it really doesn't matter... it just means more backtracking.
20) Red Eclipse Invasion:
As mentioned above in the prologue to this page, as soon as you have enough notoriety and enter the Landing Pad,
you'll witness a cut scene showing their leader Cahhmakt taking over the Ebon Hawk and landing pad from Quello.
When that happens and you reach this point, you'll begin the taking back of the Ebon Hawk by fighting these Red
Eclipse Slavers. They are fairly tough but even if this is your second planet (as in the walkthrough), you should have

at least one mass-affecting Force Power able to easily take them out.
Your goal is to clear the landing pad of slavers, enter your ship and clear out the many slavers on board en route to
the communications room where their leader Cahhmakt is. As soon as you get close enough to Cahhmakt, he'll enter
into dialogue and you can either threaten him into obedience, whereas he'll leave a slaver contact in the Cantina here
that you can come to now and then for money, or you can kill him. This battle is also explained at The Ebon Hawk
When you've defeated Cahhmakt, before you exit the ship, use the workbench and equip Atton with the best gear you
can find, as he'll be facing two tough opponents soon. Exit the 'Hawk and you'll receive a comlink message from
Visquis, Goto's second in command. He'll invite you to come to the Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina off the Docks area, and
says to come alone. At this point, your party members will split up for a while as you take control of several of them
in different areas to complete small sections of Nar Shaddaa, and you will also meet either Hanharr or Mira very
After the Visquis invitation, with your main character head to the exit at #11 to the Docks (see #11a), and then
continue reading Docks (#10). Before you enter Jekk Jekk Tarr, the scene will shift to Atton in the Cantina, where
you'll take control of him in a battle against the Twin Suns at Entertainment Promenade (#12). After that battle,
you'll gain control of Mira at Jekk Jekk Tarr (#1).


I've recommended that this be your next destination after the Refugee Landing Pad for two reasons. One is that you
can get the Vogga's Hoard quest at #3, and secondly, you can meet Fassa at #2 and perform a few quests here,
preparing him for the completion of several more in the Refugee Quad.
After your battle with the Red Eclipse back at the Landing Pad and subsequent invitation by Visquis in Jekk Jekk Tarr,
you'll be coming this way and meet up with either Hanharr or Mira depending on your alignment. See #10 for details.
Ultimately, after you gain notoriety by the Exchange and events are put into motion that bring you to Jekk Jekk Tarr,
you'll be well on your way to finishing Nar Shaddaa. Some of the quests here can help.
Finally, I would recommend against going to #9, which is Vogga the Hutt from the Docks area. Instead, work on the
Vogga's Hoard quest at #3 and you'll eventually be taken to him through the Cantina in the Entertainment Promenade.
1) EXIT:
to Refugee Landing Pad (#11). Shortly after walking onto the Docks your first time from here, you'll see a cut scene

with Hanharr and Vogga the Hutt.

2) Fassa, Dock Manager:
Fassa is a key figure in Nar Shaddaa, simply for the number of quests that depend on him. By himself, he can offer only
one, however he is the key to solving three additional quests, one at #6 here, and two in the Refugee Sector (if you are
Light Side and care about the fates of the refugees). If you solve his own quest, he will be very kind and help you with
all the others without the need for any payment.

a) Fassa's Freighters:
Ask Fassa how business is going, and then about the pylons to receive this quest. You are to assign priority to three
incoming freighters that are awaiting their orders. Each freighter has a specific id code, and Fassa gives you
instructions on how to order them. Now, you could go to all three Pylons after toggling power to each using the
nearby console, and then figure out which frieghter goes first, but for simplicity's sake, I'm going to forego that
explanation and give you the quick instructions and solution. First, use the nearby console and toggle the power to
Pylon 2. Continue straight down the middle dock into pylon 2 and use the console there. Assign the priorities as
follows: Silver Zephyr, Alakandor, Toorna's Profits. After this, your journal will update and you can return to Fassa
for a reward and what passes for his thanks.
Keep in mind that if you do this for him, you can talk to him about any of the other quests and he will gladly help
you out.

b) Lassavou's Debt:
If you've agreed to help Lassavou at #4 here and have completed Fassa's first quest above, Fassa will gladly let
Lassavou off the hook for his debt and you'll get another required piece to the Airspeeder in the Refugee Quad.

c) Kahranna's Transport:
If you've agreed to help Kahranna from the Refugee Docks, who's seeking passage off Nar Shaddaa, you can speak
with Fassa after having been to Goto's Yacht and he will accept her on one of his freighters. Any time before Goto's
Yacht and Fassa will complain that the situation with Goto needs to be resolved.

d) Odis' Pilot Work:

If you've agreed to help Odis from the Refugee Docks, who's looking for pilot work, you can speak with Fassa after
having been to Goto's Yacht and he will accept him as a pilot. Any time before Goto's Yacht and Fassa will
complain that the situation with Goto needs to be resolved.
3) Aqualish Thugs & Vogga's Hoard:
Only if you have yet to have one of your party members dance for Vogga at #9, you can get this quest. Open the door
to this room and approach the thugs. They'll essentially say, "nice try." Now move back and enter in Stealth mode.
You'll overhear them planning to break into Vogga's hoard by sedating the Kath Hounds with Juma Juice. That's
essentially all you need to know.
When ready, you can head to the bartender at Entertainment Promenade (#10) and ask for enough Juma Juice to
knock out a Kath Hound. With the juice, you can then walk over to Domo (with either Handmaiden or yourself as a
female) in the party and agree to dance for Vogga at #9. After Vogga inevitably falls asleep, you can use the
Watering Urn at #9 and slip the juma juice into it, putting the Kath Hounds asleep and allowing you entrance into the
Hoard at the back of the room.
4) Lunar Shadow Crewman:
Talk to these gentleman to learn they are trying to get back their Captain who's hanging out at Jekk Jekk Tarr (#3).
There are two ways to complete the quest. First is to use one of your characters in a breath mask or with a high

regenerative ability to enter Jekk Jekk Tarr... or best, as Mira when the story takes you there, find the captain and
persuade him to return to his men to complete the quest. You won't be able to talk to the captain as your main
character, however, so it's best to act with Mira, or before if you feel up to it.
Alternatively, for (LS Points), if you've talked with Odis at the Refugee Quad (#8), you can tell the crewmen about
his looking for work and you'll be rewarded.
5) Bith Scientist:
Inquire about this Bith's business and he'll ask you to do a favor: meet a contact at Pylon 3, give him the 500 credits
the Bith gives you, and return with the goods. Head over to #8 and check the twi'lek corpse just inside the door to the
left. As soon as you read the datapad, the door will close and the "cleaning droid" inside will attack. Defeat the droid
and return to find the Bith is no longer here; only a datapad remains. You've still got his 500 credits, your reward
other than the xp.
6) Lassavou in Debt:
As a Dark Sider, you'll have the option to pretend you're here to collect on his debth, in which case you get 200
credits and no Cryogenic Power Cell, one of three pieces required for the Airspeeder in the Refugee Quad. Better
would be to tell him who you are and agree to help him with his debt by talking with Fassa. Go to Fassa now at #2,
complete his first quest if you haven't yet, and then ask him to release Lassavou of the debt. Return to Lassavou and
ask for your reward, which is the Cryogenic Power Cell.
7) Lootra, Aaida's Husband:
Stuck here at the Docks, Lootra is looking for his wife Aaida, who happens to be in the Refugee Quad (#4). You can
kill Lootra as a Dark Side act, or proceed to the Refugee Quad (#2), kill the two Exchange Thugs there to clear the
way for Aaida, and then tell her that she is free to go see her husband, for xp and (LS Points). Return to Lootra &
Aaida here for another reward. I received a Short Lightsaber.
8) Container & Twi'lek Corpse:
Search the container here for the Maneuvering Flaps, the final piece required to fix the Airspeeder in the Refugee
Quad. If you've taken on the Bith Scientist's quest at #5, you'll find a twi'lek corpse here. Search it and the cleaning
droid will attack. Defeat it and return to the scientist.
9) Vogga the Hutt:
The recommended way to first approach Vogga is by dancing for him, initiated at Entertainment Promenade (#11)
after you've already overheard the thugs at #3. Vogga will fall asleep. When you regain control of your characters,
fill the Watering Urn nearby with juma juice (if you took on the Hoard quest), and the Kath Hounds will fall asleep.
Open the locked door to the north of Vogga and raid his Hoard for a chance at some high quality items including a
Afterward, talk to Vogga again to learn of his troubles with Goto. Furthermore, you can negotiate a supply of fuel to
Telos if you help him solve his problem with Goto.

a) After returning from Goto's Yacht:

Talk to Vogga for a reward or the salvation to Telos' fuel shortage. See Lt. Grenn at Entertainment 081 (#11) on
Telos before the End Game and you'll have done the planet a huge favor.
10) Mira & Hanharr:
After fighting the Red Eclipse aboard the Ebon Hawk and receiving the invitation from Visquis to visit him at Jekk
Jekk Tarr, you will encounter either Mira or Hanharr somewhere along the docks on your way up to the #13 exit.
Only if you are strongly Dark Side aligned, however, will you meet Hanharr.

a) If you meet with Mira:

She will take you to her private room at #11 and slip you a mickey. At this point, the game will shift to Atton in the
cantina at Entertainment Promenade (#12).

b) If you meet with Hanharr:

If you meet with Hanharr, this powerful wookie will become a member of your party later. First however, he'll
conspire with you against Visquis and you'll once again be on your way to the exit at #13. Just before that, at #12,
Mira will tranquilize you and go in herself. At this point, the game will shift to Atton in the cantina at Entertainment
Promenade (#12).
11) Mira's Room, Master Zez-Kai Ell:
This room is locked until you meet with Mira later in the game. Once you've met with Mira (see #10 above) on your
way to Jekk Jekk Tarr, she will take you here to knock you out before heading into Jekk Jekk herself. After her
meeting with Visquis, you'll wake up here when it's time to revisit Jekk Jekk Tarr with your main character. When
you do, simply head back to Jekk Jekk Tarr and enter at #13. Later, after Goto's Yacht, you will meet Zez-Kai Ell

a) Zez-Kai Ell:
Both Light and Dark Siders will have the chance to ask him questions. Both Light and Dark characters will also
learn a technique, whether during battle or conversation. If you are the Light Side, he'll promise to meet at the Jedi
Enclave at the conclusion of your conversation.
Dark Siders will do battle with him. In these confined quarters, it is a little more difficult to maneuver and likely
you'll end up crossing lightsabers quickly. To prepare, use every type of stimulant you have from your inventory
screen, activate one of your strongest energy shields, and cast any buffing spells like Master Speed or Battle
Meditation. Watch your vitality, using medpacs if necessary. When the battle is over, you'll have learned a new
When you reboard the Ebon Hawk, you'll find both G0-T0 and either Mira or Hanharr, depending on your alignment.
Congratulations on finishing Nar Shaddaa! Be sure to mop up any remaining quests before you leave, and come back
to Geeda on the Landing Pad after you've finished all the planets if you decided to help her.
12) Mira Interrupts:
If you're a Dark Side character and met with Hanharr (see #10) on your way to Jekk Jekk Tarr, this is where Mira
will intercept you, tranquilize you and go in herself.
13) EXIT:
to Jekk Jekk Tarr (#1). Though you can enter wearing a breath mask or with a high regen, you'll be required to come
here eventually anyway as both Mira and your main character. As your main character, only venture in here once
you've been invited to Jekk Jekk Tarr by Visquis and after awakening from Mira's deception.
14) B-5D8 & T3-M4:
After your confrontation with Goto in Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels, T3-M4 is sold by the "Champ" to B-5D8, and you'll
take control of the expert droid. Your goal will be to get to #16 and receive a blank transponder card. Begin by
entering the door to the west and on your way to #15, search every container. Also equip the best armor and items
you have for T3-M4, including the renewable shield you may have been rewarded by TT-32 back at the Landing Pad.
As for a weapon, his best in this scenario is still the Shock Arm that he came with at the beginning of the game.
15) C7-E3 & HK-50's:
When you first get here, talk to C7-E3 who's at the console, then backtrack just around the corner to chat with C6E3. You'll conspire to disable C7-E3 so that you can proceed through the now-locked door just past C7. Head back

to C7 and through droid conversation, you attack. Defeat him with your Shock Arm and you'll gain access to the
western part of the maze. On your way back, expect a little HK resistance at this point.

a) HK-50's Intercept:
After you've received the transponder card from #16, you'll encounter three HK-50 droids, actively pursuing your
demise. Activate your best shield and aggressively use your Shock Arm on one HK at a time, whittling them down to
scrap. Search their remains for the HK Chassis, one of four parts that can be used to restore HK-47 back at the Ebon
Hawk. After collecting the items, return to B-5D8 and exit out the door onto the docks.
After Tienn Tubb helps you with the transponder codes automatically, you will be aboard the Ebon Hawk on your
way to Goto's Yacht. Select two party members and pickup at Goto's Yacht (#1).
16) Door Puzzle & B-4R5 Droid:
Use the door controls to the right side of the door for an interesting puzzle. The answers are as follows, in this order:
1. Rotate the center block counter-clockwise
2. Rotate the rightmost block clockwise
3. Rotate the leftmost block counter-clockwise
And the door will open. Speak with B-4R5 inside to receive your blank transponder code card, precisely the item
Tienn Tubb needs back at the Landing Pad to allow you to be caught by Goto's Yacht - which, by the way, happens
automatically after you leave. As you make your way back to the docks, you'll encounter three HK-50's waiting for
you at #15a. See above for details.

Entertainment Promenade

The Entertainment Promenade is an optional area except when it comes to Atton's battle at #12. However, it is highly
recommended you deal with Kallah-Nah at #2 and pay her the 2k credits to be recognized by the Exhange, as well as
doing a little dancing for Vogga the Hutt at #11. Before you come here, I'll recommend you head to the Docks to pick
up Vogga's Hoard quest if you haven't already done so.
1) EXIT:
to Refugee Landing Pad (#15).
2) Kallah-Nah:
Talking to Kallah-Nah has three benefits. One is that you can gain the password to the Pazaak Den after you've been to
the #4 Door Guard to find out there indeed is a password. Two is that you can find out your current standing with the

Exchange. Since your ultimate goal is to gain notoriety with them, this can be valuable information. Third, talk to her
about your standing and offer to pay her 2000 credits to increase it significantly (either for or against them, it makes no
difference). This will reduce the amount of quests or events you'll need to participate in before the Red Eclipse takes
over your ship and Nar Shaddaa's ending is put into motion.
3) Twik'gar the Hoodlum:
He'll ask you to tell Geredi in the Pazaak Den at #5 that his friends are outside waiting for him. While you can be mean
to Twik'gar, you cannot provoke a fight as a Dark Sider. Telling Geredi about these "friends" results in (DS Points) but
is a good way for a Dark Sider to get rid of Geredi, one of the three people you'll need to beat in Pazaak to play the
4) Door Guard:
He won't let you into the Pazaak Den unless you know the password. Afterward, talk to Kallah-Nah at #2, ask her about
the area, and then the password to learn it.
5) Geredi:
There are three Pazaak players preventing you from bringing the "Champ" out of retirement with your amazing play,
and winning her ultimate Pazaak card. One of them is Geredi. You can either beat him three times legitimately or tell
him about his friends at #3. Either way, he will be out of the picture, leaving only two others you'll need to take care of.
6) Dahnis:
If Atton is in your party, he will play a game of Pazaak vs. Dahnis and by virtue of his charm, she will lose to him in
order to flirt. If you choose to play her in Pazaak, you will need to win a few games before she concedes you are the
better and gives up. Two down, one to go, at #7.
7) S4-C8:
Using a party member with the Computer skill, you can convince the droid to let you have a look, then alter its
programming so that it is no longer addicted to the game. It will then decide it's time to quit, and if you've already
defeated or taken out the two other competitors, the Champ will come out of retirement at #8 to challenge you.
Otherwise, you'll have to beat S4-C8 traditionally.
8) The Champ:
The Champ will meet you here only if you've taken out the three contenders here at #5, 6 and 7. The Champ, if defeated
or otherwise convinced to lose, has the best Pazaak card in the game, the "Tiebreaker" +/- 1. You can either beat the
Champ three times legitimately (which is incredibly difficult) or persuade the Champ that winning everytime must be
boring. She will counter that it is not, but you'll have to respond with "Really?" a few times. She will eventually admit
that it is less fun and will agree to lose, handing her Tiebreaker card over to you as well. Beating the Champ gains you
significant notoriety with the Exchange.
In fact, it is possible to gain enough notice to begin the Red Eclipse attack without ever setting foot in the Refugee
Quad, if you pay Kallah-Nah her 2k as well and explore elsewhere as much as you can.
9) Vogga Thugs:
If you use Stealth and walk up to these characters, you'll overhear them talking about Goto, which will update your
journal that mentioning Goto to Vogga is a good way to get his attention. As it happens, Vogga mentions Goto
automatically, and it is therefore not needed to do this.
10) Bartender:
He will sell you the juma juice you need for the Vogga's Hoard quest, provided you picked it up (recommended) at the
Docks. You can persuade him to give it to you for free.
11) Domo, Dancer Trainer:

Before you approach him, it's recommended you have already been to the Docks (#3) to pick up Vogga's Hoard quest,
as once you dance for Vogga, that opportunity will pass. As you approach him, you'll hear him complaining of his
dancers and that he needs a replacement. If you are playing a female character, or if the Handmaiden is in your party
(Visas will not oblidge), you can offer your services and find yourself in Vogga the Hutt's room at Docks (#9).
12) Atton vs. Twin Suns:
After receiving the invitation from Visquis to come to Jekk Jekk Tarr, and being made temporarily unconscious by
Mira, the scene will shift here, to Atton about to relax at the cantina. Unfortunately, his plans are cut short when the
Twin Suns' Twi'lek's appear and attack.
This battle is perhaps the most difficult in the game if you play it straight and don't run away. However, Atton's
specialty is with ranged weapons, and so make sure to have your best equipped at the beginning of the battle. Also
equip and activate a melee shield and all three types of stimulants. The easiest place to hide is behind the table in the
corner in the southernmost part of the room. If you press yourself all the way back, the Twin Suns will not attempt to
get at you and will instead stand on the opposite side, watching you as you shoot them until they finally fall.
If you're doing this the straight way, run from one end to the other in the cantina, tossing an adhesive grenade if able,
and waiting until they both draw their own ranged weapons and fire on you. At least now, you're on better than even
ground; you likely didn't stand a chance toe to toe. Activate an energy shield and go to town on them with your superior
ranged capabilities.
After the battle is over, you won't have the chance to loot their bodies, and will take control of Mira at Jekk Jekk Tarr
Refugee Quad

Your main goal here is essentially to gain notoriety with the Exchange if you need it, and gain some experience with
the various quests. No part of the Refugee Quad has anything to do with the main quest, however as mentioned before,
many of these can help you gain notice, especially taking out or helping out Saquesh at #11.
There are two rival groups here. The Sorrocos on the east side, and the Exchange on the west side. If you break into
any container while in eyesight of Exchange Thugs or Serroco's gang, they will attack. In the case of the Exchange,
only the immediate witnesses will attack. In Serroco's case, the entire gang will be hostile toward you. In the middle of
the quad is the refugee camp where most of the quests are and where I recommend beginning.
1) EXIT:

to Refugee Landing Pad (#19).

2) Exchange Thugs:
Both Light Siders and Dark will want to take these two thugs out eventually. When you enter conversation, if you don't
have a super high persuade skill, Intimidate them to "draw your weapons and let's do this." After these two are taken
out, it will clear the way for Aaida at #4a to reach Lootra, her husband at the docks. If your Intimidate is too high and
they let you through, you'll need to kill Visquis later so that all of them become hostile toward you and then take them
3) Geriel, "Plague" Victim:
This man has symptoms of the plague and if you use your Treat Injury skill on him, you can heal him for (LS Points)
and a reward. Alternatively you can cruelly persuade him to give up and die for (DS Points).
4) Hussef & Aaida:
Talk with Hussef first, and you'll learn of the refugee's ongoing problems with the Serroco Gang and the Exchange.
Offer to help out and you'll get the quest to take care of either or both to greatly aid the refugees. As a Dark Side act,
you can try to Persuade Hussef that they're all doomed, greatly helping the Exchange and for a chance at a very nice
reward from Visquis at #11. I found that it was easiest to do this once you took out the Serroco gang and helped Visquis
with Naddaa at #5 and her daughter Adana.

a) Aaida & Lootra:

Near Hussef is Aaida. Talk to her and if you killed the two Exchange Thugs at #2 and have spoken with Lootra at
Docks (#7), you can tell her that Lootra lives and that the path is clear for xp and (LS Points).
5) Naddaa:
The Exchange has taken her daughter Adana captive, and is holding her in a cell at #10. Dark Siders with the quest
from Saquesh (at #11) to collect her credits and who have not yet rescued Adana can persuade her to sell herself
along with her daughter to the Exchange for obvious (DS Points) and Visquis' thanks.
Light Siders will want to hear her story and tell her that you'll try to help. Open the door to #10, fight the Gamorrean
guards (if you haven't yet negotiated her release with Visquis), and then talk to Adara. Tell her that you're here to
rescue her, and to go back to her mother. When she protests, tell her that you'll take care of Visquis. Then head to
Visquis (if you haven't already) and you can Force Persuade or Intimidate him to release Adara... or kill him. That
will complete the quest and give you (LS Points).
6) Kaul:
For 20 credits, he'll tell you to enter Stealth mode when looting the containers the Exchange has lying around, in
order not to alert the guards.
7) Kahranna:
She's seeking passage off Nar Shaddaa. Dark Siders can pretend you are the spacer she's looking for and collect her
credits (persuade for 800, settle on 600), then essentially tell her off for (DS Points). Light Siders can offer to help,
and after having been to Goto's Yacht, can see Fassa at Docks (#2) to ask him about passage for Kahranna, to which
he will agree, completing the quest.
8) Odis, Pilot:
He's looking for Pilot Work. After you've been to Goto's Yacht, you can talk to Fassa at Docks (#2) on Odis' behalf
and he'll agree to help find him a freighter. Alternatively, if you've talked with the Lunar Shadow Crewmen at Docks
(#4) but have not yet completed the quest, you can recommend Odis to them, and they'll ditch their captain for (LS

9) Twi'lek Warning:
These two twi'leks will pull you aside to give you a warning about Atton, telling you he's not who he appears. Only if
you are able to delve real deep with Atton's troubled past (e.g. having lots of influence with him), will you be able to
find more out about this.
10) Adana:
This is where you can find Adana, daughter of Naddaa at #5. If you break in without first talking with Visquis, you
will have to fight the nearby Gamorreans. However, the rest of the Exchange will still be non hostile toward you.
When you speak with Adana, you can tell her that you are here to rescue her, and subsequently, that you will deal
with Visquis if you haven't yet. Tell her to return to her mother. When dealing with Visquis on her behalf at #11, you
can Force Persuade or Intimidate him for Adana's release, or kill him.
11) Visquis:
As the local Exchange boss in this sector, you'll have a few Light Side and Dark Side options with him.

a) Naddaa & Adana:

Dark Siders may wish to ask him if he can use your help, and he'll tell you about the 600 Naddaa owes the Exchange.
If you head back to Naddaa and haven't yet released her daughter Adana, you can convince her to sell herself and
daughter for (DS Points). Alternatively, if you are looking to help Adana, you can Force Persuade or Intimidate him
for her release, or kill him. Killing him will also solve the refugee's Exchange problem, but will make all the
remaining Gamorrean thugs hostile to you.

b) The Refugee Problem:

Light Siders will want to Intimidate him to ease up on the Refugees. This will end in a fight, and you'll have all the
remaining Exchange thugs on your back as well, which is nothing you cannot easily handle. It will however, earn
you (LS Points) and Hussef's thanks. Dark Siders can convince Hussef that they are doomed, come back to Visquis
and when he thanks you, receive a high quality reward. I got perhaps the best blaster rifle in the game, Charric.
12) Serroco Thug:
There's a similar thug on the opposite symmetrical entrance to their territory. He'll stop you and question your reason
for being here. You can Force Persuade or Persuade him to let you in, or force your way in, at which point the whole
Serroco gang will become hostile toward you. Remember, if you open a container in their territory, they all become
13) Serroco Thugs & Leader:
When you talk to their leader, you can try to Persuade him to ease up on the refugees but it will not work. When they
are all dead, check out the nearby airspeeder.
14) Airspeeder:
This hunk o' junk can be yours if you found all the necessary pieces and have the required skills. If you manage to
repair it, you can have fast transport to any part of Nar Shaddaa, though in reality, it isn't much faster than running,
as there are few areas and you'd have to come back to it anyway. But it's kind of cool. You must find these three
pieces first and meet the following requirement:
1. Airspeeder Navigation Interface: found at Refugee Landing Pad (#4). Installing it requires the Computer skill.
2. Maneuvering Flaps: found at Docks (#8). Installing it requires the Repair skill.
3. Cryogenic Power Cells: found at Docks (#6). You must complete Lassavou's quest first, and receive them as a
reward. Installing them requires the Demolition skill.

4. Finally, you must unlock the Airspeeder controls. This requires the Security skill.
When all requirements are met, you will have your own Airspeeder to putt around in.

Jekk Jekk Tarr

On your way to meet Visquis, you were intercepted by either Hanharr or Mira. Regardless of who, Mira is the one that
knocks you unconscious and intends to come here to meet with Visquis herself. Therefore, the first time you enter, you
should see Mira in a Space Suit at #1 unless you decided to take another character in with a breath mask or high
regenerate before.
Your first main goal, as Mira, is simply to make it to #5 where she meets with Visquis. Secondly, as your main
character, it will be the same goal, only Visquis will escape to the lower levels and you'll have no choice but to follow,
so you'll want to head to the exit at #6.
1) EXIT:
to Docks (#13). The first time you enter will be as Mira, and the next time, as your main character.

a) As Mira:
First, level her up. Concentrate on any ranged skills such as Master Two-Weapon Fighting, Master Rapid Shot,
Close Combat, etc. Give her Master Toughness as well if she has enough feats left over.
There will be only three possible things you can do before meeting with Visquis:
1. Head to every corner of every room and take the chemicals from the chemical dispensers, but I recommend doing
this with your main character as it will be faster. For some amusing responses, try talking to the patrons.
2. Speak with the Bartender at #2 who tells you a little about the place.
3. If you picked up the Lunar Shadow Crewman quest at Docks (#4), you'll find their captain at #3. This is the last
time you can finish the quest, so you'll want to head over there if it is still active.
After choosing which of these, simply proceed to #5 to meet with Visquis.

b) As your main character:

As soon as you enter Jekk Jekk, you'll learn the force power Breath Control from Kreia, which allows you to throw a
bubble of breathable air around you. Activate it as soon as you can and enter the first room. Every patron in every
room will be hostile towards you and it is a good chance to rack up the experience by taking them out. You will not

be able to complete the Lunar Shadow Crewman quest as your main character, but enter the room, clear it out and
move on until you reach #5. Mass-affecting force powers are best here, but if you're a melee-oriented character, I
found slicing and dicing to be just as effective, with Master Speed activated.
2) Bartender:
As Mira, speak with this Bartender to gain a little background information about the place.
3) Lunar Shadow Captain:
As Mira, you can talk to him to convince him to rejoin the Lunar Shadow Crewman at the Docks (#4), completing
the quest. It's not difficult as Mira doesn't actually have the Persuade skill. This is one of two ways to complete the
quest. The other is to recommend Odis from the Refugee Docks.
4) Visquis & Hanharr Descend:
As your main character, when you reach this point, Visquis and Hanharr retreat to the Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels.
5) Visquis & Twi'lek Attendents:
As Mira, when you reach this point, you'll take off your Space Suit and see a cut scene where things don't end well
for her. Next, your main character awakens in her private room at Docks (#4). At this point, take your main character
and bring him/her back up to Jekk Jekk Tarr. See #1b above.

a) As your main character:

Speak with a Twi'lek Attendant in the room and persuade her for information about Visquis and the traps that lay
ahead. For (DS Points) you can threaten to kill her. Proceed through the exit at #6 when finished here.
6) EXIT:
to Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels (#1).

Jekk Jekk Tarr Tunnels

As your main character, your main goal will first be to get to #2 through the darkened maze (your map fails to work for
this part). It's very simple if you know where you're going. Hang the first left, then proceed straight all the way to the
end, avoiding, disabling or recovering the mines on your path, open the door to your right, and keep to the left until
you find the last door. At this point, you will take control of either Hanharr or Mira in a battle against the other, at #3.
After the battle, your goal will be to open the door for your main character, which can be done at #6 after first finding
the key at #4. Once that's done, use your main character to walk down to #3 and that will be the end. Be very cautious
of the Ubese Bounty Hunters, especially as Mira, as they can be very tough to defeat. Hanharr or your main character

should have little to no problem.

1) EXIT:
to Jekk Jekk Tarr (#6).
2) Sealed Door:
When your main character reaches this door, the scene will shift to either Mira or Hanharr at #3, depending on whom
you met at the Docks earlier. After Mira or Hanharr open up the door for you at #6, you'll be free to explore the area and
eventually head back down to #3 again for a showdown with Visquis. See #3a for details.
3) Mira vs. Hanharr, then Kath Hounds:
Whichever character you take control of, level them up if need be. As Mira, if you didn't level her up at Jekk Jekk Tarr,
give her the best ranged feats such as Master Rapid Shot and Close Combat. As Hanharr, concentrate purely on Melee
feats such as Master Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting, Master Flurry, etc.
Hanharr is by far the toughest, most robust tank character you can have in the game. Without using Force Powers, a
fully leveled Hanharr would be likely to be a very tough match for even your fully leveled Jedi Weapon Master/Sith
Marauder, if not come out on top. Fortunately, as Mira against him, the AI is not as smart or clever, and you can both
outrun and outrange him to death.
As Mira, after equipping the very best ranged weapons you have and activating your melee shield, just keep your
distance, running in a circle and stop every 6 or so seconds to fire off a short flurry. You will eventually wear Hanharr
down and defeat him. As Hanharr, the battle is almost over before it begins. Mira is no match for your weapon skills
and she will go down quickly, especially if you use your Wookie Rage ability.
When it's over, you'll be faced with another challenge. Visquis will release several Kath Hounds into the arena. As
Mira, toss a grenade at them, then run and fire. As Hanharr, plow them down using Rage.
After defeating the dogs, head to #4 to retrieve the keycard you need for the locked door.

a) As your main character:

When you make it to the door leading to the arena, a cut scene will play out with Visquis and then Goto. Essentially,
your character is captured by Goto and taken to his Yacht. Cue T3-M4 at Docks (#14).
4) Old Beast Tender Corpse:
Grab the keycard off this corpse to unlock the door to the north of the arena.
5) Ubese Bounty Hunters:
As Mira, approach every Ubese Bounty Hunter with care. They are extremely powerful melee fighters and can kill
you quickly if they get too close. Run away as much as you can from them, stopping to fire off a blaster flurry every
6 or so seconds, until they are dead. It will take longer, but you are likely no match for them, even with a shield.
However, activate a melee shield regardless. Do not explore the area and instead proceed straight to #6, so you won't
be dealing with as many bounty hunters. You can take them down with your main character after he/she enters.
As Hanharr, even the bounty hunters pose no threat, especially after turning on your Wookie Rage. Nevertheless, I'd
recommend heading to #6 without exploring much, and leaving that to your main character.
6) Emergency Tunnel Control:
Use this console to "access all available escape routes" and you will again take control of your main character at #2.
Explore all rooms with your main character before proceeding to #3a.

7) Workbench & Ventilation Control Console:

Use the console to cause chaos with the bounty hunters in the various rooms, download a map of the area, and open
all doors. Use the workbench here as well if you need to.

Goto's Yacht

This yacht can at first appear very confusing. I'll make it simple, however. Each security function of the ship (turrets,
containment cells, power distribution, etc.) is controlled by normal looking "command consoles" located in various
places throughout the ship. Each one of these security functions is at first "restricted" and the only way to gain control
of them is to gain its corresponding access code. Why would you want to gain control of them? How does overloading
the turret system at #5 so that a difficult battle is made much easier sound? How about shutting down the deadly mine
fields at #13?
There's only one other thing you need to know. In order to perform any "actions" on these security functions of the
ship, you need the proper program, such as the "shut down" program, "overload" program and a "reset" program.
How do you get the access codes and programs? By defeating various enemies and downloading them from various
terminals. Then you simply find a command console (not a security terminal), upload the programs you've found,
unlock the restricted security function (using its access code), and then Run the program of your choice.
Your main objective here is to first find your main character at #6, acquire the "power distribution" access code, along
with the "shut down" program, and head to #15 where you can "shut down" the power distribution, and escape the
ship. Simple right? It actually is.
1) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1). You won't be able to reboard the 'Hawk until after you shut down Goto's power distribution
2) Console & Utility Droid:
Using a character with the computer skill, slice into the console and download the "overload" program. If you fail to do
this, in order to get the optional "overload" program, you will need to defeat Goto Guard Droids, witness their final
transmission binary code, which has three bits labeled something like: ZERO ONE ONE (which is 3). You must then
keep a current count, meaning the total of the final transmissions you've seen, and enter it into this console in order to
get the "overload" program. If you ask me, it's too much trouble and you are better off simply fighting your way past the
turrets at #5, which is one of two places you'd want to use the program. Here is a list of binary numbers, in case you
need to do it the hard way:
zero zero zero = 0

zero zero one = 1

zero one zero = 2
zero one one = 3
one zero zero = 4
one zero one = 5
one one zero = 6
one one one = 7
Also check the Utility Droid and receive the "shut down" program.
3) Goto Starboard Commander & Command Console:
Execute your own shut down program on this defense droid, and then check its remains for the access code to the
Containment Cells. It's likely you'll also have to defeat a few curious Goto Guard Droids here as well.
Now use the command console, upload the programs you currently have (shut down and possibly overload), unlock the
restricted system: containment cells (using the access code you just got), access system control for containment cells,
and run the program shut down. Now you have access to #4 and #7. Proceed to #4, taking out any droid resistance along
the way.
4) Damaged Droid:
After shutting down the containment cell shields, scavenge this droid to acquire the Turret Defense access code. Head
back to the command console you were recently at, at #3, and unlock the Turret Defense system. Now select system
control for Turret Defense and run both overload and shut down (or at least shut down). The turrets at #5 will then turn
on one another and the droids in the room will be destroyed, making this difficult battle virtually harmless.
5) Droids & Turrets:
If you didn't run any programs on the turret defense (see above), then you'll be facing a tough battle. Activate your
energy shields and your force power Energy Resistance if you have it, and use your most potent mass-affecting force
powers on the droids and turrets. When you open the door to #6, you'll be reunited with your main character, finally.
6) Main Character & Console:
After you find your main character, access the console here to acquire the crucial Power Distribution access code. This
code is required in order to escape the ship. Map points #7, 8 and 9 are completely optional. All you need to do now is
head straight toward #15, however I'd recommend exploring anyway for experience.
7) Damage Droid:
Scavenge this droid to acquire the Reset Program.
8) Lab Station:
Aside from the hostile droids here, you can access the possibly handy Lab Station.
9) Workbench:
Another useful utility, the workbench.
10) Defense Turrets & Twin Suns:
On your way to the bridge at #15, you'll encounter several turrets around the perimeter of the room. Concentrate on one
at a time to defeat them quickly. On the way back from the bridge, you'll have your second and final encounter with the
Twin Suns (who apparently didn't die). They are actually much easier this time around, and when they've fallen, search
the remains for a pair of Twi'lek Spinning Blades.
11) Deadly Mines & Goto Central Commander:
The easiest way past these deadly mines is simply running over them (preferably in solo) and healing, however you can

also enter Stealth mode and disable or recover them too. Just past the mines are a few droids you'll have to fight
including the Goto Central Commander. Search its remains for the Minefield access code, which can come in handy
just ahead at #12.
12) Command Console:
Use this command console once you acquired the Minefield access codes at #11. Unlock the restricted system:
Minefield, and then under system control for Minefield, run either the overload or shut down program. The overload
keeps the mines active but will destroy most of the droids who rush at you at #13... very handy. The shut down program
will deactivate all the deadly mines at #13 plus more at the entrance to the bridge. You'll still have to battle the multiple
droids at #13 however.
13) Deadly Mines & Droids:
Just past the rows of deadly mines are the droids, waiting to get at you. In Stealth mode you can disable or recover them
before having at the droids, or use the console at #12 to take down the mines, or shoot the droids from afar using one of
your characters in Solo mode. The possibilities are many. When the area is clear, head to the right, pass up the mines
and open the door to the bridge area.
14) Container:
Suprisingly, you'll find among some other good items the Droid Controller access code, not that it will do any good
15) Primary Command Console:
Use this central command console to run the shut down program on the power distribution system. Remember, the
access code for the system was at #6.
After this is accomplished, you will meet heavy resistance on your way back to #1 and the Ebon Hawk including Duros
Bounty Hunters and the Twin Suns at #10. Continue fighting your way to #1 and the next time you regain control over
your character, you will be face to face with Zez-Kai Ell at Docks (#11a).

Khoonda Plains

Your main goal on Dantooine is of course to find the Jedi Master Vrook, his name given to you by T3-M4. To do that,
you'll need to first get permission from Administrator Adare inside Khoonda (the old Matale Estate from the first
game) to venture into the Enclave Sublevel as a salvager and see what you can find. While there, you'll meet the

Disciple who will give you details about Master Vrook and when you finally find him, learn of the immenent mercenary
attack on Khoonda. You can then help the mercs (Dark Side) or defend Khoonda (Light Side) as the last thing you do
on Dantooine.
1) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1). As soon as you step off from the Ebon Hawk, Dillan gives you a heads up on the happenings
of the area, if you inquire. After your conversation, she leaves the landing pad area and you can then find her near the
exit/entrance to Khoonda at #4.
2) Pato Ado, Pazaak Shark & Merchant:
You can buy cards from him or play a game of high stakes Pazaak for 250+ credtis a game. Win enough games from
him, and he'll offer you a random rare armor upgrade on subsequent wins.
3) Akkere, Droid Merchant:
Apart from being a droid merchant, he also sells the HK Control Cluster, useful to restore HK-47 if you did not already
pick it up on Telos. Later, when preparing for an attack on Khoonda, if you search one of the defense droids in the droid
station at Khoonda (#10), you'll come across a hydrospanner belonging to him. Return it, confront him about stripping
the parts for resale, and you can ask him to join the militia as payment. You may also blackmail and/or turn him in.
Akkere also has Thorium Charges, useful for two spots in the game, one on Dxun and one on Korriban. After finding
his hydrospanner and confronting him, you can either kill him for them, or buy them when asking him to join the militia
(not worth it IMO).
4) EXIT:
to Khoonda (#1). Standing next to the door is Dillan, who you can recruit if you're trying to get others to join the local
militia later.
to Khoonda (#12) by using the north door, and to to Khoonda (#9) by using the eastern garage door... from the inside.

a) If defending Khoonda from the mercs prior to the attack:

After accepting the quest from Zherron, head to the northern security door and lock it down tight to complete
Zherron's objective. You can also open it using programming spikes to loot the massive amounts of items inside at
Khoonda (#13). Opening it is my advice, regardless whether you are playing Light or Dark.

b) If siding with the mercs prior to the attack:

After siding with Azkul, head to the northern security door, open it, enter and loot the huge array of items and
weapons inside at Khoonda (#13). This will allow the mercs better access to Khoonda.
6) Saedhe & Crash Site:
He's looking for lost atmospheric sensors. Head into the Crystal Cave at Crystal Cave (#2) and search the rubble near
the entrance. You'll find three sensors. If Bao-Dur is in your party, he will open them and you'll learn of the
surveillance by Zherron.

a) After you have the atmospheric sensors:

If you previously talked with Berun Modrul, Zherron's second in command in Khoonda, he's looking for evidence
against Zherron. You can either turn these into Administrator Adare and have Zherron replaced, or give them to
Saedhe for a sizeable reward of 3,000 credits, 4,000 with persuade. Whether you're light or dark side I'd recommend
selling them to Saedhe, as it turns out Zherron's got good reason for surveillance and Berun Modrul is actually wrong
about him.

7) EXIT:
to Crystal Cave (#1). I'd recommend against coming here until you speak with Zherron inside Khoonda for a quest,
and Saedhe at #6.
8) EXIT:
to Jedi Courtyard (#1). If you've been roughly following the walkthrough's order, then after the Crystal Cave and
returning to Saedhe for a reward, you can take this exit to the Courtyard on your way to the Enclave.
9) EXIT:
Jedi Courtyard (#3).
10) Azkul, Mercenary Leader:
Azkul will only be here after you've been to the Jedi Enclave and subsequently, the Crystal Cave.

a) After Vrook:
As soon as you exit, Azkul will be waiting here with a group of mercenaries. For influence with Kreia and a good
option for both Dark & Light Side players, lie that you'll be back after helping him prepare for his attack. Beware if
this is your first planet. If you do not lie and go against Azkul, you'll face your toughest battle yet, that of six tough
mercenaries at once. If on the other hand this is not your first planet after Telos, you likely have nothing to worry
about from them, but be cautious.
If you bluntly say you aren't helping him, save your game the moment battle starts and then equip melee shields and
stimulants on all your party members. Toss a few grenades at the mercs and enter melee. Use every combat option
that will help in the battle, as you'll likely need it if fresh from Telos.

b) Helping Azkul (Dark Side):

Note: after sabotaging the Khoonda defenses, if you come back to Azkul and tell him to begin the invasion, you will
immediately fight Jedi Master Vrook. If this is your first planet, he can be extremely difficult without a way to sipher
his energy bit by bit. Fortunately, when you fight him there are ways to stop, heal and recover. Also, if you want to
help Azkul but not fight Master Vrook right now, simply sabotage the area and then talk to Zherron in Khoonda,
who's now standing by Adare. Tell him you're ready to finalize battle plans, and subsequently, when battle begins,
tell Azkul it doesn't matter whether Adare lives or dies. Then you will not have a battle with Vrook, unless of course
you already did in the Crystal Cave. In that case it makes no difference; you're fighting Vrook regardless of who you
side with. Now on with his quests.
He'll want a couple things done before the invasion: sabotage the defense turrets and disarm the mines. You can find
the defense turret control console inside Khoonda at Khoonda (#8). Simply program it to fire on the militia (or
deactivate it if already activated) and your goal is complete. Second, disarm the mines at #11 and #12. This will
make it easier for more mercenaries to break through the defense. Additionally, you can reprogram the droids using
the console in the Khoonda (#10) droid storage area to support the mercenaries.
When preparations are made, as mentioned above, either return to Azkul and tell him he can begin his invasion or
tell Zherron. If you return to Azkul, you'll find yourself at Khoonda (#15) battling Jedi Master Vrook. And if you
tell Zherron, see Khoonda (#4c).
11) Mines:
These will only be here after you've met with Vrook. If you're Light Side and helping the militia against the mercs,
add a few mines to the others here when you are preparing Khoonda's defense. If you're Dark Side, disarm them for
the mercenaries.

12) Mines:
These will only be here after you've met with Vrook. If you're Light Side and helping the militia against the mercs,
add a few mines to the others here when you are preparing Khoonda's defense. If you're Dark Side, disarm them for
the mercenaries.


Several events take place here in Khoonda. Your first main goal is to get permission from Adare at #4 to enter the
Enclave Sublevel. Then you should speak with Zherron at #7 for a Crystal Cave quest. Also speak with Suulru at #2 for
a side quest. When you're busy defending or sabotaging Khoonda from/for the invaders, Adare gives you a passkey that
lets you into the locked rooms for additional events and quests. Khoonda is also the place you'll have the final
confrontation, either at #14 or #15 depending on your choices.
1) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#4).
2) Suulru, Disgruntled Farmer:
Have a chat with him to learn of his stolen moisture vaporators. Jorran is the man responsible, and he's currently doing
some salvaging at the Enclave Sublevel (#3). Once found, Jorran will return to the Jedi Courtyart (#4), where you can
confront him on the matter. When you have them, take them back here to Suulru and he'll give you a reward, along with
Once you solve his quest, Suulru can also be recruited into the local militia for Zherron later.
3) Gerevick the Mighty:
This man is too important to talk to you. You'll see him again in the Enclave Sublevel and I doubt he'll like the
4) Administrator Terena Adare & Zherron (after finding Vrook):
Speak with her for some news about the area, and to get permission to enter the Enclave Sublevel to find a connection
with Master Vrook, whom she knows.

a) After finding the atmospheric sensors for Saedhe in the Crystal Cave:
If you've spoken with Berun Modrul at #5, who believes Zherron is up to no good, you can show the sensors to
Adare and have Zherron temporarily demoted from his position. Later, Zherron's motives were found to be just, and
he is reinstated. My recommendation therefore, is to sell the sensors to Saedhe for a nice profit.

b) In Defense of Khoonda, after meeting with Vrook:

If you've met with Vrook, speak with Adare to get a special passkey that allows you access into the previously
locked rooms at #8, 10 & 11. Talk with Zherron who's now standing beside her to receive a number of small
protection quests related to the defense of Khoonda. See #3c below.

c) Khoonda's Defense, Zherron's Quests:

After you've met with Vrook, Zherron is now standing here beside Adare. Talk to him to find out how you can aid in
Khoonda's defense. He offers a total of six easy mini-quests, which, if you successfully handle all of them, will make
the end battle with Azkul easier. Note: some of these quests will not actually trigger as completed until you talk to
Zherron and tell him you are ready to commence with the battle.
One more note. If you do not go back to Azkul and tell him you're on his side, but instead finalize battle plans with
Zherron when ready, you will sill be able to side with Azkul for (DS Points) at the beginning of the battle at #14. By
telling Zherron to begin instead of Azkul, you will not fight Master Vrook at the end, regardless of your dialogue
choices, unless you've already fought him in the cave. The only way to fight him is by telling Azkul on the Khoonda
Plains to begin the assault or to have already fought him in the crystal cave. Therefore, if Dantooine is your first
planet, it's recommended you tell Zherron to begin battle, even if you sabotaged all the defenses in Azkul's favor,
because you'll likely avoid a tremendously difficult fight with Vrook but still side with Azkul.
1. Reactivate the Defense Droids: At #10, reactivate all three defense droids and then use the console to reprogram
them to fire on the mercenary enemies. Alternatively, if you're working for Azkul, you can use the console and
sabotage them to fire on friendly militia.
2. Reinforce the Mines Outside: At Khoonda Plains (#11 & #12), lay a few mines to the empty areas at each of these
locations to complete this quest.
3. Recruitment for Militia: This one is a little more time consuming. First, recruit those you can here in Khoonda.
This first includes the wounded militia at #11, whom you have to first either treat their injuries or have the medical
droid do it, at which point they will automatically enlist. Secondly, Suulru at #2 will join if you've completed his
quest. Thirdly, while reactivating the Defense Droids above, you found the hydrospanner for Akkere. After returning
it to him at Khoonda Plains (#3), he'll join as payment if you keep his secret. Fourthly, Dillan just outside near the
entrance at Khoonda Plains (#4) will join willingly. Finally, in the Jedi Courtyard, Jorran at Jedi Courtyard (#4) will
join if you found him at the Jedi Enclave.
4. Optimize the Gun Turrets: At #8, use the console to optimize the targeting to fire on the hostile mercenaries.
Alternatively, if you're working for Azkul, you can sabotage them to fire on friendly militia or simply deactivate
5. Wounded Militia: At #11, use your own Treat Injury on the several militia for (LS Points) with each, or program
the medical droid to tend to their wounds. They will automatically join the militia after they're healed.
6. Security Door: At the north door at Khoonda Plains (#5), simply lock it down to prevent access. Of course, I think
it's worth a little extra danger if you break in and take the items inside at #13.
Once you have as many of these accomplished as you feel might be needed, talk to Zherron again and tell him to
finalize the battle plans. Next you will be outside. At this point, you can tell him that you want a word with the
troops before battle. When talking to the troops, you can either increase their moral for (LS Points) or, if you're on
Azkul's side, decrease it by telling of their impending doom for (DS Points). Continue reading #14 below.

d) As Light Side, after saving Khoonda:

You can refuse Adare's 4,000 credit reward for more (LS Points).
5) Berun Modrul, Assistant:
As Zherron's assistant, he believes his superior is up to no good, and is fairly convincing as well with his innocent
earnestness. You can help him by finding the atmospheric sensors at Crystal Cave (#2), finding out that they are
outfitted by Zherron for surveillance, and delivering them to Adare at #4. However, you can sell these same sensors
to Saedhe outside on the Khoonda Plains for 3 or 4k, and in the end it turns out his suspicions against Zherron are
unjustified, so I'd recommend earning a little money.
You can also persuade him to tell others that Jedi aren't as bad as they seem, since currently on Dantooine Jedi have
a notorious reputation.
6) Adum Larp, Merchant:
You may recognize this Rodian from the first game. He's back, and you'll again be able to access his fine wares for
7) Zherron:
Before meeting with Vrook, Zherron is here. Talk to him for a quest to clear out the Crystal Cave of the Kinrath
problem. It requires that you defeat the Matriarch at Crystal Cave (#4). When accomplished, return for a 2,000 credit
reward. After Vrook, Zherron will be at #4 next to Adare.

If you found both dead salvagers in the Enclave Sublevel:

You can return their items for credits and (LS Points), or if you forged the will, you can return for their items and
(DS Points).
8) Console:
After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, you can program the gun turrets outside to fire on the hostile
mercenaries (Light Side) or friendly militia (Dark Side).
9) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#5). This exit is only available with the passkey you get from Adare after meeting with Vrook.
10) Defense Droid Station & Workbench:
After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, first activate the droids and optimize them if you wish. Then use
the console in the room to either program them to fire on the hostile mercenaries (Light Side) or friendly militia
(Dark Side). On one of the defense droids, you'll find a Hydrospanner if you look. This belongs to Akkere at
Khoonda Plains (#3) and when you confront him with it, you can either blackmail him and/or turn him in, or accept
his apologies and ask him to join the militia to protect Khoonda, in return for your keeping his business a secret.
The workbench here can come in handy before the final battle.
11) Medical Lab:
After Vrook, and during the defense of Khoonda, you can use your Treat Injury skill on these wounded soldiers to
receive (LS Points), or you can also program the medical droid to do it. They will automatically be a part of
Khoonda's defense if you heal them.
12) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#5), north side door. You can only use this exit from outside, and only after meeting with Vrook.
13) The Vault:
It's not eally a vault, but it holds a massive amount of containers with all sorts of random items. After meeting with
Vrook, you can enter this room from the outside security door, but while also compromising Khooda's security a

little. Is it worth the risk? You decide.

14) Final Battle:
After you've initiated the final battle with Zherron, this is where it happens. If you didn't already tell Azkul you were
against him, he'll ask if you are still with him.

For Dark Side players wanting to side with Azkul:

Simply say you could care less whether Administrator Adare lives or dies. A cut scene will play and there will be no
real battle. Afterward, you'll find yourself at #15 with Jedi Master Vrook, who tells you some things cannot be
avoided. He'll allow you to ask questions, then teach you the technique Force Affinity and if you have yet to
assemble your lightsaber, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture, the final piece you need to assemble your
lightsaber. Head back to Administrator Adare for your thanks or 4,000 credit reward if you ask or 5,000 if you
complain. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!

For Light Side players who fight the final battle against Azkul:
It can be a fairly difficult fight if you didn't prepare Khoonda. However, allow yourself to slip into the western
hallway if it gets too rough. Sooner or later Master Vrook will help you against Azkul - making it much easier - and
shortly after he falls the battle will end. Afterward, you'll find yourself at #15 with Jedi Master Vrook, who tells you
some things cannot be avoided. He'll allow you to ask questions, then teach you the technique Force Affinity and if
you have yet to assemble your lightsaber, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture, the final piece you need to
assemble your lightsaber. Head back to Administrator Adare for your thanks or 4,000 credit reward if you ask or
5,000 if you complain. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!
15) Jedi Master Vrook:
You'll only fight Vrook if you told Azkul to begin the invasion or if you first fought him in the cave. If you told
Zherron, you appear instead at #14 regardless of your alliance with Azkul. If you've already fought or won at #14
(for Azkul or Adare), Vrook will answer your questions, give you a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture and teach you
the technique Force Affinity.

a) Fighting Master Vrook:

If you have yet to assemble your lightsaber, you will get a Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture at the beginning of the
battle. Prepare for an intense and long battle. Fortunately, you have the plants and other obstacles at the back that
you can run around at any time and likely confuse Vrook, so that you can simply stand there and heal. At any time.
Unfortunately, all it takes from Vrook is one good hit with your energy down even slightly to kill you. Therefore,
here are some tips, especially useful for the first planet player.
Use your energy shields. At all times, have one of them activated. Use all of your stimulant types, and keep them up
when they deplete. Buff yourself and if possible, use any force powers you have that damage him even a little.
Continue damaging him, running away, replenishing your force powers and coming back for more. If you have none
that can do damage, head in for the attack. Run away if you are damaged and wait until you can heal.
If you simply cannot hit him, here is another method. Turn on your energy shield, quickly run up to Vrook and toss
your best grenade. It will damage him and he'll likely damage you, so run away, heal, reactivate your shield and
repeat until you are out of grenades. If you have demolition skill you can also plant mines in a line at the back, once
you've eluded him. Then catch his attention and he'll run across them and get significantly damaged.
A fairly safe way of battling him, though the longest, is to equip your best ranged weapon and run behind the back
obstacles until you have some distance between you or he stops, sneak up on him and fire off an attack. Likely it will
miss but it may penetrate... rarely. Keep doing this until he's expended. When the battle is finally over, you'll find
Azkul standing in Administrator Adare's former spot. Congratulations on beating Dantooine!

Crystal Cave

Your main goal is twofold. First, once you have the cave quest from Zherron in Khoonda, head to #4 and defeat the
Matriarch. Search the remains and all crystal formations for your named crystal, the most powerful crystal in the
game. Next, after having been to the Enclave Sublevel, head to #5 where you'll deal with the several mercenaries
holding Vrook prisoner. Afterwards, it's a matter of siding with Khoonda or the mercenaries.
1) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#7).

a) If you've met with Vrook:

Save your game before the exit, as you'll have a decision to make on the other side at Khoonda Plains (#10). Fight
for or against Khoonda, or tell Azkul (the man waiting on the other side) what he wants to hear and take more time
to decide.
2) Rubble:
Check the nearby rubble for the atmospheric sensors that Saedhe wants at Khoonda Plains (#6).
3) Ahrnell, Wandering Twi'lek:
You'll find Ahrnell moving through this section of the tunnels. For (DS Points) you can persuade him to give you his
kinrath gland, or simply kill him for it. He'll also tell you a little about the mercenary camp at #5, which you won't be
coming to until you learn of Vrook's location in the Jedi Enclave.
4) Hive Matriarch:
If you've spoken with Zherron in Khoonda about the cave problem, this is the area you'll want to explore. As soon as
you disturb a crystal formation here, the Matriarch appears and all the kinrath hatchlings from the eggs in the area
attack at once. To make the battle slightly easier you can bash every kinrath egg before touching the crystals.
However, when the Matriarch appears, concentrate every party member on its demise and use mass affecting force
powers to get rid of the hatchlings if they attack; they're weak anyway and go down quite easy. When the Matriarch
is dead, search the remains and every crystal formation here. Along with all the other crystals you acquire, you will
pick up the most powerful crystal in the game, the crystal in your name, in which its the power grows as you do.
5) Mercenary Camp:
If you come here before the Enclave Sublevel, the area will be empty. After finding a clue to Vrook's location, come
back here and you'll find him and the several hostile mercs plus captain that are holding him captive. If you tell them
you want Vrook dead, he'll do battle with you after you defeat them. When he's severely hurt, he'll flee the fight, but

you'll end up fighting him later regardless of your choices from here on. Side with Azkul and the mercs or Zherron, it
makes no difference.
If you're light side, simply defeat the mercs here, and Vrook surprisingly admonishes you for your stupidity. He'll
leave and you'll have no choice but to head to the exit and follow him. Make sure you take the items off the remains
and in the containers here after the battle.
Before you use the exit at #1, save your game, as Azkul will be on the other side waiting.

Jedi Courtyard

An area formerly inhabited by Kath Hounds in the first game, you'll find Kinraths here now. Your main goal is to
optionally deal with the several salvagers at #4 on their side quests, and then enter the Enclave Sublevel at #7. There's
also a mercenary camp at #2, who's leader can tell you all about Azkul and eventually, the impending attack on
If you're coming here after having found all the Jedi Masters on all the planets, your goal is to enter the rebuilt Jedi
Enclave at #8. Until then, the exit is sealed.
1) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#8).
2) Mercenary Camp:
If Mandalore happens to be in your party - not likely if you're following this walkthrough - he'll receive a challenge
from Esok for his helm.
Speak with Dopak, the leader of this small band, and he'll fill you in on the mercenary agenda. Nallek will attempt to
goad you into a fight. You can either persuade him to calm down or fight him for no penalty.
3) EXIT:
to Khoonda Plains (#9).
4) Salvager Camp:
This camp has several people you'll want to talk with for side quests and gear.

a) Davaala, Merchant:

Your first time here, speak with her on the right side of the camp. She's a merchant with several nice Jedi related
items and also tells you about two dead bodies and their gear in the Sublevel. You can find the bodies at Enclave
Sublevel (#4 & #9), and when you find the second, it will be accompanied with a will. At that point, you can attempt
to tamper with the will by forging it in your own name and return to Zherron in Khoonda for (DS Points) but yet
keep their belongings. Or you can return the gear to Davaala, complete the quest and let her claim the items.
Probably best to return them to Zherron yourself for either LS or DS points.

b) Ralon, Will Work for Food:

When you talk to Ralon, he'll attempt to sell you a fake holocron. Use your inductive reasoning to determine that it's
fake, and then he'll tell you about his wife and children. While it may sound suspicious, believing him instead of
calling him on it and giving him 500 credits will net you (LS Points) and his good will. You'll also get a free fake

c) Jorran, Greedy Salvager:

Jorran will only be here after you've released him from Enclave Sublevel (#3). After the Sublevel, return here to
square up the Suulru quest from Khoonda. You can either Persuade or Force Persuade him to give you the vaporators
that Suulru needs, and subsequently you'll learn about some high quality merchandise he has for sale, including the
second piece you need for your lightsaber if you have yet to find one: the Lightsaber Emitter Fixture. Not only that,
he has an Adegan Lens and Red Crystal for sale as well.
If after finding Vrook, you are defending Khoonda from the mercenary attack, you can return and ask Jorran to join
the militia and he will.
5) Kath Hound Attack:
Five of them including two tough Horn Kath Hounds and three normal versions. When you're fighting a large group
of enemies, sometimes it's easier to destroy the easy ones first and then concentrate on the hard. In this case, quickly
take out the normal Kath Hounds and then work on the Horn.
6) Tac Palae Encounter:
When you reach this point, Tac Palae will come running out of the Sublevel and tell you of Jorran's stupidity inside.
7) EXIT:
to Enclave Sublevel (#1).
8) EXIT:
to Rebuilt Jedi Enclave (#1). You can only use this exit once you've found all the Jedi Masters on the remaining
planets: Dantooine, Korriban, Nar Shaddaa and Onderon.

Enclave Sublevel

Your main goal here is to find out what happened to Vrook at #7. There you'll meet the disciple and find some evidence
of Vrook's whereabouts from a datapad in the statue there. At #3 you can rescue Jorran for Suulru's quest in Khoonda,
and also if you have yet to find all the pieces for your lightsaber, to eventually buy the needed Lightsaber Emitter
Fixture. After release, he appears back at the salvage camp before you can question him. Other notables include the
dead salvagers at #4 and #9, and a storage area at #8.
Beware of Laigreks all throughout the sublevel. The deadly variety hit hard, but even if this is your first planet, none
will prove too much for you to handle.
1) EXIT:
to Jedi Courtyard (#7).
2) Mines & Not Much Else:
Explore this area if you wish, but you won't find much of note other than a couple containers.
3) Jorran, Trapped Salvager:
Afraid of the laigreks, Jorran has locked himself in this room. Tell him the coast is clear and he'll head on off to the
salvager camp at Jedi Courtyard (#4c), where you can talk to him about Suulru's quest and buy a few items from him.
Best to do that after you're finished here, however, to avoid backtracking.
4) Dead Salvager:
Guarded by deadly laigrek, the fiercest kind, you'll find the body of this dead salvager. Search the remains and you'll
only have one left, at #9. When you have both, either tamper with the will to forge your own name and return to
Zherron for (DS Points), or simply return to Zherron for a reward and (LS Points). You can also bring their contents
back to Davaala back at the salvager camp in the Jedi Courtyard to end the quest but the recommended course is to go
back to Zherron.
5) Droid Bay & Workbench:
Activate the several droids in this room, and send them in patrol mode to help with the laigrek problem, and use the
workbench here to upgrade or create items.
6) Many Deadly Laigreks:
This area is particularly challenging because of the several deadly laigreks you encounter. Nothing you're not capable of
handling however, even if this is your first planet.
7) Disciple & Statue:
Open the doors and talk to Disciple to find out much about the lost Jedi, Vrook and galactic history. If you're female, he

will join the party. If you are male, he won't join but will return to Khoonda where you can talk to him there if you
wish. After the conversation, visit the statue in the room and read the datapad, which tells you exactly where Vrook is
likely to be held captive by Azkul's mercenaries: the Crystal Cave (#5). After exiting the Enclave, head there and you'll
find him.
8) Storage Bay Console:
In the preceeding room, you'll find a datapad which lets you know about the storage room within the door to the west.
Use the console here, overload the terminal, give yourself about 10 seconds and retreat to the southern room to watch
the explosion. The storage door will now be blasted open and you can pick up quite a few items there. I found a couple
crystals as well.
9) Dead Salvager:
Here you'll find the body of a dead salvager. Search the remains and if this is your second, either tamper with the will to
forge your own name and return to Zherron for (DS Points), or simply return to Zherron for a reward and (LS Points).
You can also bring their contents back to Davaala back at the salvager camp in the Jedi Courtyard to end the quest but
the recommended course is to go back to Zherron.
10) Gerevick, Pompous Fool:
Well, well, well, Hans. He returns here with many thugs to show you he's the salvage king. Regardless of your
response, you'll need to fight this battle. When they're dead, search the remains and head out, then to the Crystal Cave
(#5) to find Vrook, assuming you've already been to #7 here.

Valley of Dark Lords

Unlike the Korriban of the first game, this trip on the planet is quite short. Your main goal of course is to find Master
Vash, and you'll have to do it without Kreia's help. You'll find Vash within the Sith Academy, at exit #3. After (or before
- your choice though I recommend after) you're finished with the academy, you can optionally enter the Shyrack Cave
at #4, then the Secret Tomb to do battle with past events.
1) EXIT:
to The Ebon Hawk (#1).
Before searching any of the skeletal corpses laying all around the area, see #2.

2) Skeletal Corpses:
Laying all around the area are corpses, which if disturbed, bring about two cloaked Hssiss beasts to attack. They hit
fairly hard but are not highly resistant to force powers. It's actually a very good opportunity for experience so I do
recommend finding and rummaging through every one. When through, I recommend heading into the Sith Academy at
#3, then taking on the Shyrack Cave at #4 when you return.
3) EXIT:
to Sith Academy (#1).
4) EXIT:
to Shyrack Cave (#1). Two shyracks coax you to do battle as you approach.
Sith Academy

Shortly after entering, Darth Sion will greet you and then send his cloaked Sith Assassin squads after your party. You'll
do battle with small groups of them in several places, just as you did back on the space ship Harbinger at Peragus. You
will also fight several Tuk'ata, more four legged beasts. Your main goal is to find Master Lonna Vash, at #7, but to get
there you'll need to pass a few tests, administered at the computer at #3. With preparation for your tests at the library
at #4, however, and with this walkthrough, you'll do just fine. Before you leave, you will encounter Darth Sion again,
this time in a battle.
I'd also advise exploring every area not numbered for containers, items and skirmishes with Sith Assassins before
taking on the quests.
1) EXIT:
to Valley of Dark Lords (#3). The exit will be sealed shut as soon as you enter, and you'll do battle with three Tuk'ata in
the room.
2) Footlocker:
Check this footlocker for a datapad with instructions on how to use the training computer at #3, then go and use it.
3) Training Console:
Once you've found the datapad at #2, use this computer to create an ID, then for training library access, enter your ID:
3401726-B853S5O0X001. This will open the locked library door at #4. Proceed to the library at #4, explore the area
there and use the console to "study" for your test. When you get back, use this console again to take the Level One Test.
Skip #3a below if you want to figure them out for yourself.

a) Level One Test:

The answers to the questions in order are as follows:
1: Freedon Nadd
2: 20
3: Gizka
4: "I always lie"
5: Passion, strength, power, victory.
After you successfully answer four of five, you automatically are granted level two training access, at #6. This will
be the last time you need to use the training computer here.
4) Library & Thorium Charges:
After gaining access to this section at #3 (and battling the Sith Assassins), you'll find a datapad and thorium charges
inside of a bag in the room. You can either use the thorium charges here at #5, but I recommend saving them and
using them once you inevitably get to Dxun, for more items. See #5 below for more.
5) Locked Door, Uthar's Old Room:
In the first game, this was Uthar Wynn's old room, and it was also difficult to get into. This time, you need powerful
explosives. You can find them at #4. Depending on whether you chose Revan to be Light or Dark Side near the
beginning of the game, you have a chance of damaging the holocron inside the room. If Revan was Dark Side, the
holocron will be preserved, and if Light, it will be destroyed. As mentioned above however, you will find more items
at Dxun by using the charges, so if you don't currently have two sets of them (one from Dantooine's droid merchant
Akkere), perhaps save your game, see what happens and reload to save the charges for Dxun. [Thanks to all who
wrote in about this door and the extra Thorium Charges on Dantooine.]
6) Level Two Training Console:
Use the console here to take the level two test, and suprisingly, a higher level test will be administered instead: four
starving tuk'ata race out of their cages to battle. Defeat them, which isn't very hard, and check back with the console
for your report card. Unfortunately you failed the test in the allotted time limit (which always happens) and you're
sent to detention, at #7. Head there now.
7) Lonna Vash & Console:
In detention, you'll find the remains of Lonna Vash in a cage, a former Jedi Master who was held captive. Check the
remains for a double-bladed lightsaber, and then use the console here. Log in with Lonna Vash's ID and open the
front doors. Your only objective now is to head back out and optionally take on short detour of the Shyrack Cave.
However, there is one more obstacle at #8: Darth Sion. Before you reach the central chamber save your game, and
see below.
8) Darth Sion:
After finding the remains of Lonna Vash, you'll encounter this Sith Master here with two assassins accompanying
him. When the battle begins, make sure you're using an advantageous technique, and use a few stimulants. Then
throw on an energy shield and concentrate everyone's attack on Sion. When his vitality is mostly depleted, Kreia will
telepathically connect with you and tell you to escape, which is exactly what happens.
You'll find yourself at the entrance to the academy. If you are fairly strongly aligned with either the light or dark side
of the force, now would be a good time to head into the Shyrack Cave and then the Secret Tomb, which only allows
access to strongly aligned characters. If you are not, wait and come back later.

Shyrack Cave

If you're not yet strongly aligned with the light or dark side, you still may wish to clear out the cave and leave
Korriban, even though you won't be admitted to the optional Secret Tomb at #5. You can expect to find many groups of
shyracks, shyrack wyrms and deadly tuk'ata here in the caves, especially at #3. Explore the area, gain experience from
the creatures and collect the few items off corpses and in containers on your way to the Secret Tomb.
1) EXIT:
to Valley of Dark Lords (#4).
2) Ceramic Jar:
Search the jar in this area for a potentially nice lightsaber upgrade, or not since the items in the game are random.
3) Many Shyrack Wyrms & Deadly Tuk'ata:
All along this vertical area you'll find the beasts. Be careful but have fun as the intensity rises.
4) Bridge, Sith Assassins:
When you reach #4, you'll be ambushed by several cloaked Sith Assassins.
5) EXIT:
to Secret Tomb (#1). Once again, you can only enter the tomb if you've established a clear dominance on either the light
or dark side of the force, and when you do, you leave your companions here at the entrance. If you're unable, simply
come back at a later time when you are.
Secret Tomb

Unless you are heavily Light or Dark Side aligned, you won't be able to access this optional tomb. Conserve your force
energy while here if you're playing a Light Side character, as it will not recharge. Your main goal is to make it to #7
and see what awaits you. On the way, you'll encounter three sets of past events that test you in some way. During these
tests, you cannot actually die even if they slay you, however your alignment will lower if that happens. However, if you
die while fighting the shyrack broods & wyrms, such as at #3, you'll need to reload. In all, it is a short trip through
memory lane, and the only drawback is the potential alignment shift. Fortunately, if you have been following the
walkthrough, you'll have plenty of time to fix any possible alignment change.
1) EXIT:
to Shyrack Cave (#5). After making past #7, you'll take a shortcut to find yourself at the tomb's entrance back in the
Shyrack Cave.
2) Darth Malak:
After an interactive conversation with the dark lord, you battle him along with his other companions, some of which
you may remember. Focus only on Malak, since as soon as he's vanquished, the others will disappear as well. Continue
on to #3.
3) Shyrack Broods & Wyrms:
Be careful to conserve your force energy here if you're a Light Side player, and only take on a couple at a time, as there
are swarms of them here. If you find yourself overmatched, backtrack into the hall and fight off one or two at a time.
4) Mandalorian War:
Here you relive a decision that you made during the Mandalorian Wars a long time ago. Do you disarm (or run through)
the mines before the troops for the Light Side response, or do you send them over the bridge before you, for the Dark
Side response? If this is your second planet, you may find this an especially tough encounter, especially if you have a
low or no demolitions skill. When you cross the bridge, defeat the Mandalorians and it will be over. Continue to #5.
5) Fallen Jedi:
As with the corpses in the Valley of Dark Lords, if you disturb this Jedi's remains, you'll spawn the Hssiss.
6) Kreia:
Talk with Kreia and your party members. In your conversation, attempt to get them to work together for (LS Points),
and if you brush them off, you'll get (DS Points). Whichever choices you make, you'll then battle the group of them, and
Kreia all at once. I found them to be easy, even as my second planet. However, focus on Kreia as it is only her that
matters. When she's gone, this event comes to a conclusion.
7) Darth Revan:
After much talk about Revan, now you get to do battle. It's really a fairly easy battle, but remain alert. When Revan
dies, search the remains and then the mummified Ludo Kresh for his armband and warsword. Take the eastern door for
a shortcut back to Shyrack Cave (#5) and your party members.
If you've been to the Sith Academy, congratulations on beating Korriban! Now head back to the Ebon Hawk.

Loose Ends
Ruined Merchant Quarter

Back at the Mandalorian Ruins, you'll now need to select one more party member to join both yourself and Kreia to
head to Onderon and settle the Vaklu vs. Talia struggle once and for all. Which party member you select doesn't matter
as much, as there are really no opportunities to use your skills here and the battles that your party members are
involved in are not nearly as tough as those you've just faced.
After you decide, you'll take the Basilisk War Droid from the Ruins to this Ruined Merchant Quarter. As soon as you
land, you'll battle either Vaklu's Troops as a Light Side character, or Royalist Soldiers as a Dark Side character. Your
main goal is to head up through the exit at #3, then follow the Sky Ramp, defeating its many enemies to the Royal
Palace, where you will ultimately face either General Vaklu (Light Side) or Master Kavar and optionally Queen Talia
as Dark Side.
1) You Begin Here:
After stepping off your Basilisk War Droid, prepare for battle.
2) Vaklu's or Talia's troops:
As a Light Side character, face off against the numerous troops in support of Vaklu on your way to the exit at #3. Dark
Siders will fight the Royalists.
3) EXIT:
to Sky Ramp (#1).
Jungle Tomb

The requirement for beginning these non-optional "Loose End" areas is simply beating one more planet after finishing
Onderon. In the walkthrough, that planet would be Nar Shaddaa. After this requirement is fulfilled, you will receive an
urgent message back at the Ebon Hawk from Kelborn on Dxun asking you to meet with him as soon as possible.
Take the Ebon Hawk to Dxun, and then the Mandalorian Guide at Jungle Landing (#2) back to the Mandalorian Ruins
to speak with Kelborn. You will automatically begin conversation and subsequently have to break your party up into
two teams, each taking on a different objective.
The first objective is the Jungle Tomb and Sith Tomb on Dxun. You'll get to pick one "leader" and I recommend Visas
for the role, and an additional two party members. Other than Visas, I'd recommend picking your two strongest
characters of the ones you are allowed. If you are a Dark Side character, I strongly recommend Hanharr, as he's easily
the toughest party member you have and the upcoming battle is the most challenging (and fun) multi-opponent battle of
the game. Mandalore is also a great choice. Your character and Kreia are saved for the next part, which will be
explained after the Sith Tomb.
Your main goal is simple yet challenging to complete: enter the Sith Tomb at #9. There are three possible ways you can
make the huge battle at #7 and beyond easier. One is to rewire (using Repair) the Turret Power Generator at #4 to
explode. The big one is to activate the "foothold" scenario at the console at #5, which turns the six turrets at #7 onto
the Sith, provided you have enough computer spikes. You can do one or the other, but not both. Finally, preferably
while in Stealth, rewire the Droid Power Generator at #6 to explode. This will disable the droids at the top of the ramp
past #7. If any of these three are done, you should have an easier time. If not (like in my first game), you may start
getting flashbacks to the Star Forge in the first game, as it will be be pretty intense but also very fun and challenging.
1) You Begin Here:
Ahead, expect some Boma.
2) Three Boma Beasts:
This should be a fairly short battle.
3) Mines & Perimeter Sensor:
Here you can set someone (other than Bao Dur due to his remote droid) in Solo and Stealth mode to make it past the
mines (disarming or disabling on the way if you have Demolitions), and then use Repair (or enter the codes Bao Dur
gives you on) the perimeter sensor to disable it, thus preventing more Sith from seeing you at #4. Don't worry if you
want to simply charge ahead, as after the first battle at #4, you will be able to rest to recovery.
4) Turret Power Generator & Sith Troops:
If you set of the mines or the Perimeter Sensor, there will be a few Sith Elite Troops here for you to deal with first.
Afterward, you can pick a party member with the Repair skill and rewire the Turret Power Generator to explode, thus
preventing any turrets at #7 and beyond from joining the battle against your party. Optionally, if you have many
programming spikes, you can access the console at #5 and use the turrets at #7 to attack the Sith instead... which will
make the battle much easier.
5) Sith Camp:
Fight off the Sith, loot the containers and check the console here. Provided you have enough programming spikes, you
can activate the "foothold" scenario, which turns the turrets (if not already offline at #4) on to the Sith instead. This is
the best option for making the battle easier, if that is what you want. You may simply want to charge in for a good
challenge, however, as these types of battles are few in the game.
Before heading to #7, optionally put a character in Stealth mode and sneak past #7 to the #6 Droid Power Generator.
6) Droid Power Generator:

Like at #4, you can rewire this generator to explode using your Repair skill. Once done, the war droids at the top of the
ramp will offer you no resistance.
7) Sith Battle Extraordinaire:
This is one of the few opportunities to see how powerful your characters really are. Massive amounts of all types of Sith
are guarding this ramp and are waiting at the top of the ramp, along with war droids, defense turrets and even Dark Jedi
Apprentices. Keep your characters together, focusing on nearby enemies before moving too far from one another. This
helps especially with healing and spreading out the damage. Your most resilient character should ideally be the first to
plow forward.
If one character gets too far away, those opponents that are closest will gang up and the character will probably be over
matched. Great Force Powers to use here are Battle Meditation, Speed of course, Energy Resistance, and any mass
damaging power such as Force Wave or Storm. Activate your characters' energy shields and if any character is in
trouble, use stimulants as well.
If you utilized any of the support measures described earlier, the battle will prove less difficult. When finished, loot the
containers in the alcoves on either side at the top of the ramp, and then enter the door. Two Lieutenants await past the
first door, and at #8, another surprise.
8) Two Sith Lords:
This will be your first encounter with the Sith Lord, but not your last! Concentrate on one at a time and then finally exit
at #9.
9) EXIT:
to Sith Tomb (#1).
Sith Tomb

As you will learn, the Sith are preparing a ritual at #7 and it is up to you to stop them. A difficult battle is coming up
but nothing like the one you recently came from. I'd advise exploring every circular dead-end room and grabbing the
container contents or experience to be had there. At first you will not be able to open the door leading to #7, so will
have to either venture to #5 or #6 to open it. Again, I'd recommend both for at least the experience.
In the long corridors, expect to encounter a few Sith and/or Apprentices every now and again, and a slightly more
concentrated number of them at each circular dead-end.

1) EXIT:
to Jungle Tomb (#9). Although listed as an exit, you won't actually have to come back here when you are finished.
2) Sith & Ancient Terminal:
This room's entrance is guarded by four Sith and a droid. Defeat them and you can have access to the broken medical
droid to their right. Repair it and it will follow you around, attempting to heal your wounds. Use the Ancient Terminal
in the center of the room for a puzzle that unlocks the nearby Ancient Box. The correct response is "C" (eba). Grab the
contents and head back around to #3.
3) Droids, Workbench, Dark Energy & Ancient Terminal:
Defeat the four droids guarding this room's entrance, collect the items from the containers and use the workbench if you
like. Now is a good time, especially if you received a good crystal from #2's Ancient Box.
Activate the Dark Energy near the back of the room. If you're a Light Side character, choose to "control your emotions".
You will make a Will save and if you succeed, will gain a temporary +4 to both Strength and Constitution along with
(LS Points). If you're a Dark Side character, bask in the power to receive the Force Power "Slow" if you do not already
have it, plus (DS Points).
Activate the Ancient Terminal for a puzzle that unlocks the nearby Ancient Box. The answer is: multiply, subtract, add,
multiply. (6 * 2) - 8 + 9 * 1. Grab the contents of the box and head on up to #4.
4) Dark Apprentices & Locked Door:
After you defeat the three Apprentices, you'll need a way of unlocking this giant door. Either path to the left or right can
do this, but I'd recommend doing both for experience, or at least #6 since it has more.
5) Trained Boma & Ancient Terminal:
Guarding this room are a couple Boma beasts and their masters. When you activate the Ancient Terminal, lower the
lever to open the locked door at #4. The Ancient Terminal at #6 can do the same thing.
6) Dark Energy & Ancient Terminal:
Defeat this room's guardians, and activate the Dark Energy at the back of the room. Light Side players should choose to
"control your emotions," and gain (LS Points) along with a temporary +4 gain to both Strength and Constitution. Dark
Siders should choose to bask in the power to gain the Force Power "Affliction" if you already basked in the Dark
Energy at #3 and do not yet have it. You'll also get more (DS Points)
7) Sith Master & Two Dark Jedi Masters:
As you enter, the Sith Master you interrupted will speak to you. If you deny the Dark Side, you'll receive (LS Points),
and if you embrace it during the conversation you'll get (DS Points). Either way results in a tough battle. You may wish
to defeat the two Dark Jedi Masters one at a time, first. Concentrate all your power on one at a time for the most
effective route to victory.
When the fight is over, search the Sith Master's remains for a random high quality crystal, a double-bladed lightsaber &
Sith Power Gauntlets. Before you leave, search the back of the room for a sarcophagus. Open it and search the
mummified corpse for Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber and more.
Xarga will be waiting at the room's south end to take you back to the Ruins. The next part of your quest lies on
Onderon, beginning at the Ruined Merchant Quarter in Iziz.
Sky Ramp

Again, here you'll be facing off against Vaklu's troops or Talia's Royalists en masse until you reach the exit to the
Royal Palace at #6. There are a few obstacles however, such as the force shield at #5 and the numerous mines and
turrets on the slim ramps before #2 and after #5. Expect heavy resistance and keep your party together if things get
rough. You will need to disable #5's force shield with the console at #4, and if you're Light Side, can enlist
reinforcements in the barracks at #3. Another turret mini-game is possible at #4 as well.
By now you likely have several options for taking out dozens of opponents at a time, such as Force Wave, Stasis Field
or Force Storm. Use them and watch the fireworks.
1) EXIT:
to Ruined Merchant Quarter (#3).
2) Heavy Resistance:
Of course, you'll find it a bit before this and much afterwards, but the concentration is in this open area. Defeat them
and open the door to the barracks at #3.
3) Barracks & Workbench:
Light Siders will receive a few reinforcements here, and Dark Siders will eat a few more troops for lunch. There is a
handy workbench on the right side wall as you enter, and lockers with random items.
4) Control Station:
You'll want to use the console in this circular room to deactivate the force shield at #5 and allow you access to the exit.
Alternately you can of course use Bao-Dur's special power. Optionally at this console, you can also access the turret for
a new mini-game. Whether you are fighting for Talia or Vaklu, simply defeat 8 flying ships to complete it and earn xp.
Use the radar for help.
5) Force Shield:
Bao-Dur can take this down, or you can use the console at #4. Expect more resistance from troops beyond, as well as
mines and defense turrets. It can be quite hectic to the top, but persistance will prevail. When you make it to the top,
defeat the turrets and enemies there, and proceed to the exit at #6.
6) EXIT:
to Royal Palace (#1).
Royal Palace

Whether you are Light or Dark Side, your general objective will be the same: unlock the giant door just to the east of
#2 using both the north and south consoles, at #6 and #10. Once unlocked, you can finally enter the room at #11 and
eventually #12 to the final confrontation. As a Light Sider, expect more of Vaklu's troops, and as a Dark Sider, you can
of course expect more Royalist soldiers of all types. Most of the resistance will be in the giant corridors but expect
some inside rooms.
When you see either the Royalist Corporal or Vaklu Officer, they can take you quickly back and forth from #2 to either
the north or south areas.
1) EXIT:
to Sky Ramp (#6).
2) Locked Door & Mission Objective:
As either Light or Dark Side, you will get your primary mission here. Dark Siders will have a more specific mission
from Tobin to disable both the north and south consoles, while Light Siders are left wondering what to do. Either way,
both paths are essentially the same. For now, head north to #3.
3) Console & Museum:
Using the console outside this door causes it to overload and explode, courtesy of an anonymous "fan". Instead, enter
the Museum, defeat its occupants and take the high-quality items from the four containers in the room. Hopefully you'll
get something valuable.
4) Gas Room:
There are enemies here for Light Siders, as well as a container, but you'll have to be quick about opening it, as even if
you have "Breath Control" from Nar Shaddaa, it doesn't save you from being stunned by the gas.
5) Master Kavar:
Light Siders entering this room will be greeted by Kavar, but he will have no time to chat until you complete your
objective and tells you to speak with Captain Kadron in the nearby room, at #6.
6) Captain Kadron or Royalist Soldiers, and Console:
Depending on your alignment, this room will have different occupants:

a) As a Light Side character:

Speak with Captain Kadron. He'll tell you that you'll need to transfer the primary functions from the south console,
currently occupied by a slicer, to this secondary console. You can use the console for a map of the area and talk to

the Royalist Corporal at any time for a shortcut to #2. However, you may first want to raid the armory at #7 before
doing so.

b) As a Dark Side character:

Simply defeat the soldiers here, use the console and disable it to complete your first objective. Now all that remains
is the southern console, but don't forget to raid the armory at #7 first.
7) Console & Armory:
Use the console at the entrance to this room, and you'll be faced with three puzzles. The answers are as follows:
1. 66
2. 45
3. 39
Enter the room and take the random quality items from the containers.
8) Console:
This console contains another anonymous present: it overloads and explodes, causing your party damage if you use
9) Several Enemies:
After you defeat the enemies in this room, Kiph, the slicer who is at the console at #10, has another present for you.
When you enter the next room, the four droids activate and attack.
10) Several Enemies, Kiph & Console:
Defeat the enemies and you'll have different options depending on your alignment:

a) As a Light Side character:

You can talk to Captain Riiken held captive in the Force Cage if you like. Then, have a chat with Kiph, who was
working for Vaklu. You can kill him for obvious (DS Points) or allow him to leave. Use the console, then transfer its
primary functions to the secondary terminal and shut it down to both open the door at #2 and release Riiken from his
cage. Talk to him to take you immediately to #2, where you can then proceed to #11.

b) As a Dark Side character:

Talk to Kiph, and then kill him after he tires of groveling. Use the console, disable it and you will then be able to
enter the large door at #2. Talk to the Vaklu Officer in the corridor to quickly return to #2 where you can then
proceed to #11.
11) Drexl Larva Beast:
Whether you are Light or Dark Side, you will end up battling a large Drexl Larva Beast. Though having a lot of hit
points and able to cause massive damage, the beast can be easily taken down by your far more powerful party. When
it dies, proceed to the room at #12 for the final confrontation.
12) Talia, Vaklu & Master Kavar:
When you first enter, you'll witness a battle taking place between the two factions. You'll then have the choice to use
your Battle Meditation (if you have the Force Power) to rally your faction's troops, thereby avoiding much of the

a) As a Light Side character:

While supporting Talia, you will see Kavar come in to mop up the remaining troops, and then you will face off
against Vaklu and his couple of troopers. This is an easy battle compared with fighting Kavar as a Dark Side

character. After he's defeated, you'll have the choice to allow him to live, allow the Queen to make the decision, or
sentence him to death. Subsequently, Kavar will answer questions and teach you a new technique, and Talia will
reward you.
Afterward, you will take a shuttle back to Dxun and reunite with your party. Further, after you have found all of the
Jedi Masters and have completed these "loose ends", you are ready to talk to Kreia and enter the Ruined Jedi Enclave
for the End Game.

b) As a Dark Side character:

While supporting Vaklu, mop up the remaining troops and watch as Master Kavar enters the room and both
challenges you yet allows you to ask questions. This battle is really no different than any other very tough single
battle. Sith Marauders should have little trouble with him, however Sith Lords may have more difficulty. Use your
stimulants and best buffing Force Powers, and then enter melee. When Kavar's vitality is over halfway depleted,
Kreia will interrupt and allow you to learn Kavar's technique.
After the short conversation, deprive him of his remaining vitality and proceed north to where Vaklu and Talia are
crossing swords. When the battle breaks, Vaklu will claim triumph and ask whether you want to kill Talia yourself.
You can either do battle with her or sentence her to death. She has a surprisingly high amount of vitality and is quite
resilient, providing for a nice challenge. When it is over, Vaklu thanks you and you will shuttle back to Dxun to
reunite with your party.
Further, after you have found all of the Jedi Masters and have completed these "loose ends", you are ready to talk to
Kreia and enter the Ruined Jedi Enclave for the End Game.

End Game

Rebuilt Jedi Enclave

After having finished all of the planets and tying up the "Loose Ends" in Onderon as in the walkthrough, you can then
talk to Kreia and get the quest to come to the Ruined Jedi Enclave. The entrance is at Jedi Courtyard (#8) on
Dantooine, which will now become open to you.
If you have any other quests to finish, such as the fuel situation on Telos, or the merchant Geeda's trade routes on Nar
Shaddaa, then now is the time to get those done. I'd recommend solving Geeda's at Refugee Landing Pad (#13), as she
then has high quality items for sale and you may benefit.
Once here at the Ruined Jedi Enclave, your goal is simple. Whether you are Light or Dark Side, proceed to the open

area at #2 and your End Game Path will be set.

1) EXIT:
to Jedi Courtyard (#8).
2) Your Destiny:
Enter this area and the End Game will be triggered.

a) Light Side players:

You will once again face members of the Jedi Council, and will have to eventually succumb to their punishment.
Fortunately, Kreia interrupts on your behalf. Light Siders will then get the power " Force Enlightenment", which is
wonderful because it combines most of your buffing powers into one single power. Obviously, Consulars/Jedi
Masters will get the most benefit from this as they'll likely have all of their buffing powers maxed out, such as
Master Valor, Master Battle Meditation and Master Speed.
When the cut scene is over, you will travel to the Secret Academy on Telos, and must face Atris at Secret Academy

b) Dark Side players:

You'll likely find this area noticeably void of Jedi Masters, unlike Light Siders. However, since it is possible to be
Dark Side and leave Jedi Masters alive, it is possible you'll have to confront whoever is left over. Whether or not you
fight, Kreia will come to you and after your conversation, you will gain the power "Force Crush", an immensely
powerful single victim spell.
When the cut scene is over, you will travel to the Secret Academy on Telos, and must face Atris at Secret Academy

Res 082 West Redux

Citadel Station is under attack by the Sith. Your main goal is to clear the station of Sith until you reach Entertainment
081's TSF station, then reach that same section's exit to the Docking Module, where you will meet up with your party
and find the Ravager. You will encounter many groups of Sith on your way, whether you play the Light or Dark Side.
These areas will be different than when you last were here; almost every side path or room is already destroyed by the
Sith, and your path to the Entertainment 081 Module is very linear. Again, expect heavy Sith resistance all throughout
the trip.

1) You Begin Here:

You'll get your mission briefing from Lt. Dol Green. It's simple really. Make your way back to Residential 082 East by
using exit #4, then into Entertainment 081 and to its TSF station to clear out the remaining Sith, then finally back to Ent
081's exit to the docking module.
2) Captain Riiken:
If you spared him on Onderon, he's here and can offer you the additional quest to block Sith attempts to sabotage the
fuel station. Simply defeat the Sith on your way to the TSF station in Ent 081 and your goal will be complete.
3) First Sith Resistance:
Several Sith Assassins and more will meet you here. When they are finished, proceed to the exit at #4.
4) EXIT:
to Res 082 East Redux (#1).
Res 082 East Redux

Your goal here is to continue to plow through the Sith resistance until you reach the exit at #3. All of the other side
doors and rooms are unvailable.
1) EXIT:
to Res 082 West Redux (#4).
2) Sith Resistance:
Multiple Heavy Turrets and Sith Commandos meet you out here on your way to the exit. Any mass-affecting Force
Powers should easily make short work of them, however.
3) EXIT:
to Ent 081 Redux (#1).
Entertainment 081 Redux

Your goal is to make it to the TSF station at #3 to clear out the remaining Sith, with heavy resistance on the way there,
then head to the Dock Module exit at #4 to meet up with your party. Along the way, you can stop at the still-available
workbench at #2 final time. The cantina is "closed."
1) EXIT:
to Res 082 East Redux (#3).
2) Sith Resistance & Workbench:
Defeat the Sith in here for more experience, and utilize the workbench for any item creation or upgrades before your
trip to the Ravager.
3) TSF Station, Sith Commandos & Dark Jedi Apprentice:
When you reach this room, defeat the rather large force of Sith gathered here, and your goal of blocking the Sith
attempts to sabotage the fuel station will be complete.
4) Mandalore & Transport to Ravager:
When you reach this point, Mandalore (and Kelborn) will be waiting with further instructions about boarding Nihilus'
ship the Ravager. Visas will strongly wish to be a part of your team and I would recommend taking her for important
story elements (and for additional power). You will have the choice to select two additional party members. One, as I
mentioned, should be Visas, but it is not required. When you next take control, you will be on the to Ravager Command
Deck (#1).
Ravager Command Deck

Shortly after you board at #1, Mandalore takes control over another party member. If Visas is in your party, he'll take
over for the other party member you previously chose. Your goal here is, with the help of the Mandalorians, to place
four proton cores in key structural weak points somewhere on the ship (at #2, 4, 5 and 9) to be detonated later, and
then escape to the Bridge at #10 to contend with Darth Nihilus.
It sounds easy but you'll be battling through lots of Sith forces, along with having an accident along the way. After you
place the third charge, the remaining proton core detonates, leaving you to find another one. Fortunately, you can find
another at #6. After this, proceed to the last weak point (in the walkthrough, #9), place the core, and head to the
Bridge. Simply beware of heavy Sith Resistance along the way, and check all rooms for items and more Sith for
1) You Begin Here:
As mentioned above, shortly after you land, Mandalore will take over for one of your party members. The eventual exit
that you need to backtrack to once you defeat Nihilus is above at #11. For now, take the western corridor south to #2,
checking all rooms and defeating the Sith along the way.
2) Place Proton Core:
In this room, place the first of your four proton cores.
3) Heavy Resistance:
In this room is a particularly large number of concentrated Sith. The solution is easy: mass-affecting Force Powers.
Afterward, instead of heading up towards #6, continue straight then take the south route to #4, as you'll be coming back
to #6 eventually anyway.
4) Place Proton Core:
At the dead end of this corridor, place another of your four proton cores. The room just before #5 holds another large
number of Sith.
5) Place Proton Core:
At the dead end of this corridor, place another of your four proton cores. If this is the third proton core, a cut scene will
take place where the fourth will prematurely detonate. It's now up to you to find another. Head now to #6 to find the
replacement proton core.
6) Missile Bay Control Console & Workbench:
Use this workbench for a last time before Nihilus, and check the console. Retrieve its proton core to continue with your
mission. Instead of heading directly to #9 by way of #8, if you have Visas in your party, instead head south to #7 first
for a nice bonus.

7) Visas Meditates:
As you approach the door, Visas will split from the party for a short time to meditate. At the end, she will gain a bonus
to her maximum force points. Search the nearby rooms for items afterward.
8) Colonel Tobin:
This is where you meet with him one last time. Light Siders can spare his life by using the preservation of Onderon as
persuasion, and may even give him the chance to set off the proton cores when ready, though no cut scene depicting
that will play out. The other option is of course to kill him. A little more difficult than a regular trooper, he won't last
long against your party.
9) Place Proton Core:
After you've retrieved the replacement proton core at #6 (if this is your fourth), place it here and then continue to the
exit at #10.
10) EXIT:
to Ravager Bridge (#1).
11) EXIT:
You will only be able to access this after you defeat Nihilus on Bridge. After you backtrack to this point and escape
from the Ravager's destruction, you'll end up on Telos facing a familiar face from the first game. He'll tell you about
Malachor V, and it's there, its Surface (#1) where you will land the Ebon Hawk, alone, a step closer to your final
Ravager Bridge

Your destiny is set: Darth Nihilus awaits at #3 after you make your way through the snake-like pattern of eerily large
rooms and massive walkway. The main resistance will be at #2 where you'll face a couple of Dark Jedi and several
Sith, but I would recommend searching every room on your way there.
1) EXIT:
to Ravager Command Deck (#10).
2) Dark Jedi & Sith Resistance:
Consider this large battle the pre-game warmup. Before you reach the door leading to #3, Visas (if in your party) will
tell you to make sure you're prepared.

3) Darth Nihilus:
As you approach him, you'll enter into conversation. You can use your Wisdom or Intelligence to tell him that Kreia has
lied to him, and weaken him before battle.
Prepare for him like any other tough opponent but at least you will have the additional support of your other party
members this time. Stimulants, buffs (including speed) and sheilds to begin are always helpful, and for Light Siders, use
Force Enlightenment.
When Nihilus reaches roughly 50% of his vitality, Visas will interrupt. To further stun Nihilus, tell Visas that she is the
link and ask her if she can break it somehow.
After his defeat, Visas will attempt to remove his mask and you're able to ask for it. If you do, it cannot be equipped but
you will receive additional force points. It's now time to head back to the command deck and exit the Ravager at
Ravager Command Deck (#11).
After your escape from the Ravager's destruction, you'll end up on Telos facing a familiar face from the first game. He'll
tell you about Malachor V, and it's there, its Surface (#1) where you will land the Ebon Hawk, alone, a step closer to
your final confrontation.

There must be more crash landings in this game than any game in current memory. When you reach the area, the Ebon
Hawk is badly damaged. Your goal on Malachor V is to find Kreia, ultimately at Trayus Core in the academy. To do
that, you're first goal is to make it to the exit at #6 leading to the Depths. Fortunately, there are not very many
creatures to battle in this area and the adventure to the exit your first time is almost non eventful; you'll find a few
storm beasts at #3 and another few beyond. They can hit hard but are also fairly easy to hit themselves, making them
easier than they might be otherwise. From the next area you can enter the academy and eventually find Kreia.
1) You Begin Here:
a) After Mira's Battle, as the Remote:
You begin surprisingly as the remote at this location. Bao-Dur tells you to find the four active engine cores and
activate the mass shadow generator using the codes you're given. To complete the mission, all you must do is visit
each crashed republic ship, two in this area at #2 and #5, and two in the Depths at Depths (#3) and Depths (#4), and
use each console to raise the shadow generator. Until you are the remote, these consoles do nothing as your main
character. When it's completed, you'll be visited by G0-T0 for a final word, before again taking control of your main

2) Republic Crash Site:
As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator.
3) Storm Beasts:
Likely your first encounter with storm beasts. They're large bi-pedal animals that hit for a lot of damage, but are also
fairly easy to take down as well. Beware of the occasional storm beast or two as you travel throughout the rest of the
surface and depths, though there are not many.
4) Cut-Scene:
Mira will awaken and Kreia is sending a large beast your way....
5) Republic Crash Site:
As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator.
6) EXIT:
to Depths (#1).


Your goal here, as your main character, is to head through the exit at #8 to the Trayus Academy. On your way, you'll
do battle at #5 with a large beast before you can continue. As the remote, your only goal is to make it to the two
republic crash sites at #3 and #4, and use the consoles there to partially restore the mass shadow generator. When
your work is done, you'll take control again of your main character.
1) EXIT:
to Surface (#6).
2) Storm Beasts:
More brutes.
3) Republic Crash Site:
As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator.
4) Republic Crash Site:
As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator. If this is your last console, expect a

visit from G0-T0 before regaining control of your main character at #6 and entering the academy.
5) Greater Storm Beast:
As soon as you reach this area, gates will close and you'll be forced to battle this giant beast. On my first battle, I was
critically hit for an absolutely amazing 267 points of damage, with damage resistance from Toughness and the
Immortality Belt. Okay, so he hits hard. Now what can you do? As a consular, I was able to stasis field him with my
high modifiers, which made the battle very easy afterward. However, if that's not possible, activate speed, run away and
throw grenades or use ranged weapons occasionally.
By this stage of the game, however, you may have an easier time if you're not also critically hit and the beast itself is not
too difficult to land attacks. Regardless, activate your best melee shield to absorb even more damage, add any helpful
force powers and he shouldn't pose much of a problem.
6) Trigger:
When you reach this point, if you're playing the Light Side, you'll gain control of Mira at #7 in a final battle against
Hanharr. See below for details.
7) Mira vs. Hanharr:
At the end of this battle, you may choose to kill him or allow him to live. Thus ends their struggle for the time being. If
you allow Hanharr to live, he promises to hunt you down, and you promise to be ready.
This battle can be fairly difficult. Keep your distance, activate any stimulants and whittle away his health with bursts
from your ranged weapons and/or grenades.
8) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#1).
Enter here for the final conflict.
Trayus Academy

Your goal here is to first enter either the Trayus Crescent via an exit on the west side, or the Trayus Proving Grounds
via an exit on the eastern side. Once there, you'll enter back into the Academy at either #6 or #8 and wage your second
to last battle at #7. To avoid backtracking, it's advisable to do Trayus Crescent first, head back here to defeat your
opponent at #7, and then clear out the Proving Grounds, stopping by the workbench there, before finally coming back
and exiting up to Trayus Core at #10 for your final battle. I'd recommend going to both the Crescent and Proving
Grounds for additional experience, even though only one side is required.

Trayus Academy is literally littered with Sith. If you have the Immortality Belt, with damage resistance, it is immensely
helpful here. You'll have to battle Sith Assassins, Apprentices, and eventually Sith Lords, Marauders and Dark Jedi
before it's done. If you played the first KotOR, however, this is absolutely nothing compared to its final stages, so rest
easier. You are easily powerful enough to take on anything the academy throws at you, almost in fact mowing down the
competition by this point, regardless of their title.
1) EXIT:
to Depths (#8). As soon as you enter, you'll do battle at #2. See below.
2) Elite Sith Assassin:
This Elite Assassin is slightly tougher than most, but probably not quite so much as the Greater Storm Beast you
recently fought.
3) EXIT:
to Trayus Crescent (#1).
4) EXIT:
to Trayus Crescent (#2).
5) EXIT:
to Trayus Crescent (#3).
6) EXIT:
to Trayus Crescent (#9).
7) Darth Sion:
When you reach this point, Darth Sion confronts you. This battle takes place in three phases. Each conversation with
him has a chance of reducing his Will Saving throws, Constitution and Wisdom modifiers. In the first conversation, you
can lie/persuade by saying you do not have to do battle. In the second conversation, persuade him that Kreia is just
using him to again reduce his stats.
If you are a consular with very high wisdom, even Sion cannot resist your force attacks such as Stasis Field. In an
example, as a Light Side Jedi Master with Enlightenment, Sion had to go against my DC of 60 with his maximum 57
(Base 37 + 20); there was no way he could stop it and it of course made the battle incredibly easy. If you do not have
high wisdom, simply use your Verpine Prototype Shield(s) for protection and hit him with your best melee feats.
Energy Resistance can help as well.
8) EXIT:
to Trayus Proving Grounds (#1).
9) EXIT:
to Trayus Proving Grounds (#2).
10) EXIT:
to Trayus Core (#1). If you haven't yet been to the Workbench in the Proving Grounds, going there now will be your
last chance before you enter into the final battle.
Trayus Crescent

Your goal here is "simply" to make it to the exit at #9 back to Trayus Academy to fight Darth Sion (if you haven't
already). On the way, expect a couple tougher battles with Lords and Marauders. It makes little difference where you
enter the Crescent from the Academy, whether through exit #1, 2 or 3; the route is still the same.
1) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#3).
2) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#4).
3) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#5).
4) Sith Marauder:
If Trayus Crescent is your first destination from the Academy, this will be your first challenge. These Marauders really
know how to do physical battle. If you are a Consular, don't take them lightly... unless of course you have a very high
Wisdom, where they have absolutely no chance against your powers.
5) Sith Lord & Two Apprentice:
The Lord is the opposite of the Marauder, preferring to do much of their damage through dark force powers. Force
Resistance or Immunity can help here.
6) Sith Marauder:
Another notable foe.
7) Six Sith:
A combination of troops that should prove none too effective against your superior powers.
8) Sith Marauder & Lord:
Here we have a combination. If you focus on one at a time, attack the easiest first, depending on your force alignment
and class. If you're a guardian type, take out the Lord first, and if you're a consular type, take out the Marauder first, as
he can do the most damage.
9) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#6).
Trayus Proving Grounds

If you're coming here first from the Academy, be prepared to battle a variety of powerful enemies including several
Marauders and Lords, just as there are in the Crescent. There's a workbench to the south at #5, and it's advisable to go
there and perform your last creations/upgrades before your final battle in Trayus Core. Your main goal is to exit
through #1 into the Academy, fight Darth Sion if you haven't yet, and then enter Trayus Core.
1) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#8).
2) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#9).
3) Four Sith & Turrets:
Notable but not likely to cause you to break a sweat.
4) Two Sith Marauders:
More difficult are these two Marauders, masters of melee. Be careful to act fast.
5) Workbench:
This is the last workbench until KotOR III. Take the time to make sure you're at your best before entering Trayus Core
for your final battle.
6) Two Sith Marauders:
In pairs, they can be deadly.
Trayus Core

At last, when you enter this room, you have until near the end of the first bridge to prepare yourself for battle. Of
course, with the inevitable introductions, you're probably best waiting until combat begins to utilize any of your
stimulants or other force powers.
This battle, though fairly challenging, should be over quickly compared to that with Malak in the first KotOR.
1) EXIT:
to Trayus Academy (#10).
2) Darth Traya:
When battle begins, quickly use your best stimulants and throw on the Verpine Prototype Shield the Sith were fond of
dropping or leaving in containers. Use your best buffing power and Force Resistance/Immunity if you have it, and equip
yourself with items that make you immune to fear/stun/horror, etc. Then consider yourself prepared.
There are two battles with Traya.

a) Round 1:
The first is only against her and you should have no problem with the above advice. Master Critical Strike or Flurry
can help considerably as well. If your health begins to get low, use a life support pack or escape up the bridge either
at #3 or #4 and you should be safe enough to recuperate.
After the first time Traya is drained of health - according to my data, she has roughly 1000-1100 vitality - you will
enter into conversation. Regardless of whether you attempt to save her or kill her, you will enter into round two.

b) Round 2:
It's you vs. three floating lightsabers and Traya. One of the best force powers to have here is Force Wave if available.
If the floating lightsabers are stunned or in stasis, you can concentrate on Traya, who is a little less powerful than
before. Once their stun or stasis wears off, fire off another power and repeat. Of course, as a consular-type, this is
perhaps the easiest route to victory.
As a guardian or sentinel-type character, you may simply want to take out the floating lightsabers one at a time. In
this case, run away so that you're only facing one or two at a time rather than all four opponents. Whittle one down to
zero vitality and your battle becomes much easier. You can still use the bridge at #3 or #4 to temporarily escape and
recover before heading back.

The constant is that when Traya has fallen, so to will any remaining floating lightsabers.

c) Epilogue:
After the battle, if you remain composed, you will have a final chance to learn the fate of the planets you've touched
and of the party members who've traveled with you. Depending on the side you ultimately chose, you will learn of a
different set of events. Congratulations on beating the sequel! Here's to a number III!

Lightsaber Upgrade Guide

Welcome to the KotOR II Lightsaber Upgrade Guide, a handy table including statistics on every Lightsaber upgrade in
the game, in an easy-to-read format so that you can plot out your best combination.
Unlike the original KotOR's two possible upgrade slots that were only for crystals, The Sith Lords has those same two
crystal slots plus three additional upgrade slots. One of these can hold a Cell, one an Emitter and another a Lens.
Crystals, Cells, Emitters and Lenses all have unique upgrade statistics, making KotOR II's possibilities nearly endless.
The only catch in The Sith Lords is that most items are random, including upgrades.
Fortunately, although you cannot create crystals and must instead find them, you can create every Cell, Emitter and
Lens in the game using your skills. The higher your party member's skill, the better quality item you can create.
See the tips at the bottom for building up components and good lightsaber combinations.
Lightsaber Upgrade Guide
Atk: +2 = Attack Bonus: +2 - (gives a +2 to every attack roll)
Dam: +4 = Damage Bonus: +4, Energy - (without a damage type - Cold for example - it is always Energy)
BBD: +4 = Blaster Bolt Deflection: +4 - (Blaster Deflections are cumulative and stack)
Def: -1 = Defense: -1 - (Gives your character a -1 to Defense)
OH: Slow 25%/3R/DC14 = On Hit: Slow 25% for 3 Rounds with a DC of 14
MC: 1-6 = Massive Criticals: 1-6 - (On a critical hit, your character does an extra 1-6 points of damage)
DEX: +1 = Dexterity: +1 - (Gives your character a +1 to Dexterity)
Regen: +3 = Regeneration: +3 - (Character regenerates vitality quicker)
FRegen: +1 = Force Regeneration: +1 - (Character regenerates force points quicker)
Keen = Critical Threat range is doubled. Example: if the base CT range is 19-20, meaning two chances out of 20 for a
critical hit, it becomes 17-20, meaning four chances to have a critical hit.
Name of Crystal


Name of Crystal



Dam: +2

Ankarres Sapphire

STR: +2, DEX: +1,

Regen: +2, Keen

Barab Ore Ingot

Dam: +2-16 Fire


OH: Stun 25%/6sec/DC10


Atk: +3


Dam: +1 Sonic, CON: +1


Dam: +2, Atk: +2


Dam: +2-12 vs. Droid, Atk: +2


Dam: +2, BBD: +5


WIS: +3, CON: +3, Regen: +3


Atk: +1, WIS: +2

Lorrdian Gemstone

BBD: +3


Dam: +1, Keen


Dam: +3, MC: 2-12


Dam: +1-6 Physical


Dam: +1-10 Cold, CHA: +2


Dam: +5, FRegen: +1,

(Dark Jedi Only)


Dam: +1, Atk: +1


WIS: +1, CHA: +1


Dam: +3, Atk: +2


Dam: +1-6, Atk: +1


Dam: +3, Dam: +1-8 vs. Dark

Side, Atk: +3


Atk: +1, Dex: +1, Stealth: +4


Dam: +2, Atk: +3, MC: 1-6


Dam: +1-8, Atk: +3


Keen, DEX: +1

Name of Cell

Skill Req'd to Make


Diatium Energy Cell

Computer Use (7)

Dam: +1

Improved Diatium Energy Cell

Computer Use (15)

Dam: +2

Superior Diatium Energy Cell

Computer Use (23)

Dam: +4

Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell

Computer Use (29)

Dam: +5

Discharge Energy Cell

Demolitions (5)

MC: 1-3

Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I

Demolitions (11)

Dam: +1-3 Electrical

Improved Discharge Energy Cell

Demolitions (13)

MC: 1-6

Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II

Demolitions (19)

Dam: +1-4 Electrical

Superior Discharge Energy Cell

Demolitions (21)

MC: 1-8

Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III

Demolitions (27)

Dam: +1-8 Electrical

Ion Energy Cell

Security (9)

Dam: +1-4 Ion vs. Droid, MC: 1-4

Improved Ion Energy Cell

Security (17)

Dam: +1 Ion vs. Droid, Dam: +1-8 Ion,

MC: 1-3

Superior Ion Energy Cell

Security (25)

Dam: +2 Ion vs. Droid, Dam: +1-12 Ion,

MC: 1-6

Name of Emitter

Skill Req'd to Make


Deflection Emitter

Repair (5)

BBD: +1

Disrupting Emitter

Repair (7)

OH: Slow 25%/2R/DC10, Def: -1

Crude Phobium Emitter

Repair (9)

OH: Slow 25%/2R/DC14, Def: -3

Fencing Emitter

Repair (11)

Dam: +1, Def: +1, BBD: -2

Improved Deflection Emitter

Repair (13)

BBD: +2, Def: +1

Advanced Disrupting Emitter

Repair (15)

OH: Stun 25%/2R/DC10, Def: -1

Synthesized Phobium Emitter

Repair (17)

OH: Stun 25%/2R/DC14, Def: -3

Improved Fencing Emitter

Repair (19)

Dam: +2, Def: +2, BBD: -2

Expert Deflection Emitter

Repair (21)

BBD: +4, Def: +1

Superior Disrupting Emitter

Repair (23)

OH: Stun 25%/3R/DC14, Def: -1

Phobium Alloy Emitter

Repair (25)

OH: Stun 25%/3R/DC18, Def: -3

Expert Fencing Emitter

Repair (27)

Dam: +3, Def: +2, BBD: -2

Refined Phobium Emitter

Repair (29)

OH: Slow 50%/3R/DC18, Def: -1

Name of Lens

Skill Req'd to Make


Dragite Lens

Awareness (7)

Dam: +2

Synthesized Byrothsis Lens

Awareness (9)

Dam: +1, Atk: +1, BBD: -2

Adegan Lens

Awareness (17)

Dam: +1-12

Pure Byrothsis Lens

Awareness (19)

Dam: +2, Atk: +2, BBD: -3

Pontite Lens

Awareness (27)

Dam: +2-12, Atk: +1

Enhanced Byrothsis Lens

Awareness (29)

Dam: +4, Atk: +3, BBD: -4

Beam Gem Lens

Computer Use (11)

Dam: +1, Keen

Vibration Lens

Computer Use (13)

Dam: +1-8, Atk: -1, Def: -1

Improved Beam Gem Lens

Computer Use (21)

Dam: +2, Atk: +1, BBD: -3, Keen

Improved Vibration Lens

Computer Use (23)

Dam: +2-12, Atk: -1, Def: -1

Synthesized Kunda Lens

Treat Injury (5)

BBD: +1

Pure Kunda Lens

Treat Injury (15)

Atk: +1, BBD: +2

Ossus Dueling Lens

Treat Injury (25)

Atk: +2, BBD: +3

How to get the most components & credits:

Component cost is not listed here, mainly because it is not important. For more components (and credits), follow these

Do not break down your found items, but instead sell them to merchants for credits. You will have much more
money and components this way.
Since the most expensive items to create normally cost from 400-500 components, figure around 800-1000

components will get you two of the best upgrades in the game. Listed here are only Lightsaber Upgrades but it goes
for all other Workbench upgrades as well.
When at the merchant, look for "infinite" Advanced Medpacs, at 80 credits apiece. Each Advanced Medpac breaks
down into 4 components, the cheapest and most practical component-to-cost ratio I've found.
To get 1000 components, you'd need 250 Advanced Medpacs, or 250 x 80 = 20,000 credits. Near the end of the
game, by keeping and selling the items you do not use (rather than breaking them down), you should very easily have
over 100,000 credits (or much more if you search everywhere). With that much money, you can create at least 10 of
the very best upgrades in the game (Lightsaber, Melee, Ranged, etc.) assuming one party member has the skills.
General Recommendations:

Highly recommended that each lightsaber (and generally, any weapon) you use have at least one Keen upgrade if

At least one of your equipped lightsabers have one Ion damage crystal or upgrade. There are a lot of droids in this
game... guessing at least half of your battles are with them, so Ion damage comes in handy.

The Attack Bonus is as important as the Damage Bonus, so don't ignore that number.
The Best Combinations:

Pure Damage (not including your personal crystal or special lightsabers):

Crystal 1: Barab Ore Ingot (2-16 Fire)
Crystal 2: Upari (1-8) - Solari works well too for light siders
Cell: Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell (5)
Emitter: Expert Fencing Emitter (3)
Lens: Pontite Lens (2-12)
Total for normal Lightsaber: 13-48 Energy & 2-16 Fire

Pure Blaster Bolt Deflection (not including your personal crystal or special lightsabers):
Crystal 1: Jenraux (BBD: +5)
Crystal 2: Lorrdian (BBD: +3)
Cell: Your choice, none offer BBD.
Emitter: Expert Deflection Emitter (BBD: +4)
Lens: Ossus Dueling Lens (BBD: +3)
Total: BBD: +15

Pure Damage vs. Droids (not including your personal crystal or special lightsabers):
Crystal 1: Barab Ore Ingot (2-16 Fire)
Crystal 2: Firkrann (2-12 vs. Droid)
Cell: Superior Ion Energy Cell (2 vs. Droid, 1-12 Ion)
Emitter: Your choice
Lens: Your choice
Total extra droid damage: 5-26 Ion, 2-16 Fire

Personal Favorite on one normal Lightsaber/Double-Bladed with Personal Crystal:

Crystal 1: Personal Crystal
Crystal 2: Upari (Dam: +1-8, Atk: +3)
Cell: Ultimate Diatium Energy Cell (Dam: +5)
Emitter: Expert Fencing Emitter (Dam: +3, Def: +2, BBD: -2)
Lens: Improved Beam Gem Lens (Dam: +2, Atk: +1, BBD: -3, Keen)
Totals for normal Lightsaber (not including personal crystal): Dam: 13-39, Atk: +4, Def: +2, BBD: -5, Keen

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