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Congratulations on

One Year of Marriage

Dear Friends,

On behalf of One Iowa, I’d like to wish you congratulations on the upcoming one-year
anniversary of your Iowa wedding! After a year of marriage equality, I can say with con-
fidence that Iowa is a better place where all loving committed couples are respected.

As a couple that has married across the state in the past year, you have been an inspira-
tion to me, our organization, the state, and the country. By sharing your wedding and
your own special story with friends, family, and loved ones, you are changing the hearts
and minds of Americans about the freedom to marry.

Iowans now have a special opportunity to look past the talking points of political pun-
dits and to the loving married couple down the street. This is about them, but also about
the character of our communities, state, and country. Iowa has always been a leader in
regards to equal rights, and we’re proud to lead the way again.

In celebration of the one-year anniversary of marriage equality in Iowa, we solicited

messages of congratulations from supporters across the country. Please enjoy reading
them with your loved one.

I’d be remiss not to recognize Angela, my love of over ten years. We married on Sep-
tember 11, 2009. And while we had previously had a commitment ceremony, this meant
so much more. To not only be surrounded by family and friends again, but to also be
accepted by the state of Iowa as a legally married couple was phenomenal. It’s a feeling
I can’t describe in words, but I know you can relate.

On behalf of One Iowa, congratulations! Happy One-Year Anniversary!

Carolyn Jenison,
One Iowa Executive Director Carolyn & Angela
Married September 11, 2009
A Huge CONGRATULATIONS! to all of you who have made this historic event such a wonderful thing in IOWA. The Love and Bliss of it all is a
“Blessing to behold” right here, in our lifetime, in our home state ! Best of Wishes to you all and may you have the rest of your lives and the hereafter
together in Happiness. Love and Peace to you all, Ron and Dan Low June 12, 2009 Ron Low, Strawberry Point, IA
Happy Anniversary to you all. I support you. Lorayne Embretson, Anchorage, AK
Congratulations on your “legal” civil marriage! May you celebrate many, many more years of marriage! Louis Cook, Cave Creek, AZ
Congratulations to all of you! I hope that your marriages are happy, healthy, and filled with love! I will never forget waking up to this headline one year
ago today: “Iowa Strikes Gay Marriage Ban.” I am so proud of my home state. Thank you all for your courage and for keeping Iowa at the forefront of
the civil rights movement. And celebrate! -Karly Karly Rossiter, Tempe, AZ
Congratulations to you all! Keep fighting the good fight. Diane Hansen-Johnson, Phoenix, AZ
All you need is LOVE........ Congratulations to all the beautiful and handsome couples. Wishing you all a lifetime of love,joy and happiness. Tracy
Nadeau, Los Angeles, CA
As a gay son of Iowa who dearly loves his home state, let me say how much joy it gives me to see the pictures of all the beautiful couples here and also
how very proud it makes me of the Great State of Iowa. Perhaps, someday, California will be as enlightened as the very heart of the Heartland. My
sincerest best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness for all the couples. Drew Poling, San Francisco, CA
Congrats! David Link, Sierra Madre, CA
Congrats!!! We envy you... but we are SO SO happy for you. Curt Lemieux, Los Angeles, CA
Congratulations for keeping marriage legal in Iowa for a whole year! As a Californian, I’m grateful to be celebrating my own 2 year (legal, same-sex)
anniversary this summer, however I am heartbroken that my friends who missed the short window cannot marry. We look to Iowa as a state with Equality
that we can aspire to. Toby Adams, Davis, CA
Congratulations on your ability to marry! May marriage be happy and you have a long and wonderful life together! I wish you all the best in love and
happiness! Jon Finley, Napa, CA
Congratulations on your anniversary and on your right to marry! Leanne Leanne Kirk, Santa Monica, CA
Congratulations on your marriage! Hopefully California will follow suit soon and provide equal marriage rights... in the meantime we know that our love
is just as strong, if not stronger. I wish you a long and happy life together. God bless! Justin Hope, Hayward, CA
Congratulations to all my gay brothers and sisters in Iowa! After the defeat of marriage equality here in California, it warms my heart to see that you
are still able to celebrate and cement your relationships by marrying one another. As you know, marriage for law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans
strengthens our nation. God bless you all! John Heath, Clayton, CA
Congratulations to all recently married same-sex residents of Iowa. My husband and I look forward to attending our nephew’s wedding to his long-time
companion on July 17 - not quite 2 years after we took advantage of of California’s brief opportunity to marry. Dean Schuler, The Sea Ranch, CA
Congratulations! I hope you live a wonderful loving life with your partner! Candace Maish, Baldwin Park, CA
Congratulations! To all of you have been married in the last year and those are planning to wed, I wish you all the best in happiness and love! Now, we
just need to get the rest of the U.S. to open it’s eyes. Maura Donnelly, Valencia, CA
Congratulations................ Mr. Robin L. Greiner, Jr., , CA
happy anniversary Dinda Evans, San Diego, CA
Happy Anniversary to all married gay Iowa Couples! You all have a right that was taken away after over 18,000 gay couples were legally married here in
California? The equality fight is not any where near over!... Love, from San Diego, James S Bustamante James Bustamante, Lakeside, CA
Happy for you and your family! Keep your love and marriage strong! Love, Rev. Carole in California Carole Vincent, Cupertino, CA
I’m so happy to see Iowa GLBT marriages reaching the 1st year mark. Congratulations to all of you and may you all live very happy long lives. Keith
Chambers, Sacramento, CA
It made my heart glad to see the One Iowa slide show of so many Just-Married Iowa couples. I’m glad you are one of these couples that looks so happy.
Best Wishes from a long-time California couple Scott Sexton, Vista, CA
It’s wonderful to see how positive steps forward, bring happiness to so many! Rex Toltschin, Palm Desert, CA
Many congratulations on getting married! My fiance and will be tying the knot in Iowa (his home state) this fall. All the best. -David David Mckeag, Long
Beach, CA
May you be well and happy. May you be peace. Much love to you all. Shalom and gassho! Renee and Kay Renee Potik, Fresno, CA
Such a joyous anniversary! Congratulations! Kathleen Matz, Oakland, CA
As a native Iowan, I congratulate all of you on starting a new chapter in your lives--and making history in Iowa. Jim Guttau, Denver, CO
Best Wishes Always! Glen Pittman, Vail, CO
Congratulations! We celebrate your marriage and the right to be married at the same time! Yahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Lynn Murphy, Fort Collins, CO
Happy Day for you all,, Congrats =D Matthew Martincroft, Denver, CO
I am so proud of my native state of Iowa for showing its basic good midwestern morality and doing the right thing by upholding the rights of gays and
lesbians to marry. Having moved to Colorado many years ago, I hope that my chosen place to live will get a clue of what real justice and equality is all
about. Congratulations, and hurrah for Iowa!! Brent Berry, Denver, CO
Wonderful! Best Wishes for continued happiness. Dennis Manning, Colorado Springs, CO
Congrats! Liz Nugent, Trumbull, CT
Congratulations Iowans on your One Year Anniversary of Legal Marriage. You have now joined the ranks of CT & MA......And to think that the sky
hasn’t fallen! Congratulations Again! Rachel Kogan, Bethel, CT
Congratulations on one year of marriage equality! I’m as proud of Iowa as I am of my State of Connecticut. Brad Kleinerman, Avon, CT
Congratulations on your marriage from a CT couple who get married after 33 years together. I hope you all have many happy years of marriage and that
DOMA will soon be repealed so our marriages will be recognized and we will be treated equally under the law. Janet Peck, Colchester, CT
Best Wishes to all Iowa Married Gay and Lesbian Couples. As two Iowa natives, together since 1979, now in DC, we couldn’t wait and have one of those
unfortunatly rare California Same-Sex Marriage Licenses. So Happy and Proud for Iowa! And now our home state and our current non-federal gov’t
recognize our being married! Thanks for all your work in Iowa! Bill Crews Steve Kehoe, Washington, DC
Congratulations! I’m so glad that you’ve been able to “make it official” in the great state of Iowa. May you find happiness in each other! Amy Phillips
Bursch, Washington, DC
Hey! Feliz Aniversario de Casamento, as we say back in Brazil. Wish you all the best, Andre Bezerra Andre Bezerra, Washington, DC
I am so proud of you. Through the work that you did, couples like me and my partner of 9 years were able to share in the same equality. So from licensed
couple #8 in DC to ALL of those in Iowa - happy anniversary and may you continue to have a long and happy, some might say, "gay" life. Allen Pittinger,
Washington, DC
An important step for the couple, an enormous step for mankind. Wishing all of you many years of rewarding happiness. Jorge Juver, Miami, FL
Congrats, all of you! Lets hope that everyone can one day be as happy as you all are right now. Megan Rivera, Kissimmee, FL
Congratulations to all. Wish you many years of happiness together. You did it!! Jose Juver, Hialeah, FL
Congratulations to of you guys and may God bless your marriage always. Barbara Calderon, Miami, FL
Congratulations! Carlos Melendez, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Happy Anniversary Nick Nelson, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Happy Anniversary!!! May your victory bring hope to others fighting the fight for equality! A long life in love to you all!!! Stephanie Clay, Tallahassee, FL
I am 73 years old and never thought I would live to see this day. Now I am hoping to live long enough to see it at the Federal Level. I am glad to have
contributed whatever I could to make this happen and I thank you for your part in it. Spencer Wulwick, Savannah, GA
May all your marriages be blessed and happy, warm and fulfilling, days of laughter, nights of compassion. I am so glad (at 65) to have lived in a time
where, in Iowa, each is free to choose to marry whomever they want. God bless you all. Rachel Vogelsang, Marietta, GA
Congratulations to every couple joined LEGALLY in Iowa! I hope all of your marriages are as happy as mine has been for 35 years! Lee Garrow, Lahai-
na, HI
A toast and best wishes to all! Lowell and John - Wish I could have been there yesterday to celebrate with you. Ben sent photos :) - Cheers!! Peggy Fitch,
Des Moines, IA
A very special congratulations to my sisters Tammy and Mel who were married Sept 5th, 2009. Thank you Mel for bringing out the best in Tammy. I also
wish much peace and happiness to all couples. True love has no boundries Karen Rote, Waterloo, IA
A very, very happy anniversary to you all! I'm SO happy for you! It's wonderful that you can finally exchange vows. (And I vow that I will continue to
stand up for gay rights, so no one can take this away from you again.) Tiffany Cox, Des Moines, IA
All People Equal as it was always meant to be... Thank You, Iowa! Mary Mccann, North Liberty, IA
Although my brother's now husband was always part of the family regardless if what the law said about them being married. I am so please to live in a
state where they can be married. Congrats to everyone who fought for this right, so proud to be an Iowan! Heidi Williams, Des Moines, IA
And to a lifetime more of happy years! Cheers & with Love, Lisa Lisa Amabile, Marion, IA
As a heterosexual who failed at opposite sex marriage I wish you all personal happiness and thank you for contributing to a stable functioning society that
benefits us all. William Hopkins, Des Moines, IA
As my husband and I celebrate our 25th anniversary this month, we also celebrate the anniversary of the landmark ruling allowing same-sex couples to
marry in Iowa. Congratulations on your wedding, and best wishes for many happy years together! Jane Robinette, Urbandale, IA
At last! Recognition. Freedom. Rights. Support. Maryellen Knowles, Des Moines, IA
AWESOME! Wow - It's been a whole year. Congratulations to all - be out & proud! Rev. Rich Hendricks, Davenport, IA
Best wishes to you all ! Marcia Pothoven, Pella, IA
Best wishes, long life, and every happiness to you. Your courage, love, and your commitment are what make marriage an institution that needs to be open
and accessible to all. Richard Fischer, Bernard, IA
Blessings and Joy, and thanks for sharing so publically. The public and politicians need to see how many of us there are, how long some of us have been
together, and how happy we are and that we are not busily breaking up heterosexual couples. Elsie Gauley Vega, Iowa City, IA
Blessings to all of you on your marriage. Yeah!!!! You look so happy and beautiful. You'll love marriage,my husband and I have been married for 26 years.
Love Julie Julie Grau, Elkader, IA
Blessings to each of you and may each day be a day of peace, love, joy and greater acceptance of the love that you share~ Maureen Doherty, Cedar Falls,,
Congrats to all the couples lucky enough to tie the knot. I was married myself on October 20th! I'm so thrilled to share this bond with my soulmate and I'm
sure we will spend many happy years together. I wish the same for you all as well! Eric Knight, West Des Moines, IA
Congrats to all the great couples. My partner Randy Arand and I will become Randolph and Timothy Arand-McIlrath on May 15, 2010. Timothy J Mcil-
rath, Okoboji, IA
Congrats to all who could finally marry after so many years of discrimination. It is about time!! Keri Neblett, Iowa City, IA
Congrats to all! Live long and prosper! Ann Distelhorst, Burlington, IA
Congrats to everyone in Iowa for this great civil rights victory on behalf of friends everywhere. Love and Peace, Greg Jerrett Ally since 1986 Greg
Jerrett, Council Bluffs, IA
Congrats to everyone! It's great to live in a state where maybe I too can marry someday soon. Dan Warren, Des Moines, IA
Congrats to you all! I know how meaningful it is to finally have this dream come true. My husband and I married on August 22, 2009 and still think it is a
dream! Christopher Otterbeck, Cedar Rapids, IA
Congrats! Katie Imborek, Iowa City, IA
Congrats! Frederick Ochs, Cedar Rapids, IA
Congrats! I'm so happy to live in a state that promotes marriage equality and SO happy that you were able to make your marriage official! Steven Smith,
Des Moines, IA
Congrats! My wife and I got married on April 27th, in dubuque iowa under the same sex marriage act. We home all of you are happy. Nicole Kiebler,
Dubuque, IA
Congrats!!! I wish you all the happiness that you so deeply deserve!!! Chris Hockley, Ames, IA
Congrats!!!!! Love conquers all! Heather Miller-Rodriguez, Fairfield, IA
Congratulations & Best wishes! I wish you every happiness! Melissa Savage, Williamsburg, IA
Congratulations all, and I believe my own marriage has never been less threatened than it is today. Funny how that turned out... Chris Forbes, Iowa City,
Congratulations and best wishes for a lifetime of love and devotion! Janet Clark, Fort Dodge, IA
Congratulations and best wishes to all! Dick Clark, Cedar Falls, IA
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to all! Peace and many blessings, Janet and Denise Janet Jones, Clive, IA
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to Iowa's loving couples. Louise Alcorn, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations and many blessings to all of you! May you know many years of great happiness in your life together, and may God richly bless your days
with peace, justice, and joy. Rev. Elizabeth Dilley, Red Oak, IA
Congratulations and many happy years to come to all of you. We are so proud of you all. Gloria Dusenberry-Yoke, Davenport, Ia, IA
Congratulations and many, many more. Kayt Humbert, Iowa City, IA
Congratulations and may your love and commitment to each other help to show the world that marriage, between committed, loving couples,helps
strengthen our society. Kathleen Shaddty, Pacific Junction, IA
Congratulations and thank you for making your relationships visible. By doing so, we establish new models for health, happiness, and love in our com-
munity. Jordan Selha, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations and thanks for leading the way! Carl Johnson, Urbandale, IA
Congratulations as we celebrate one year of marriage equality with you! You are brave trailblazers and we appreciate you letting others know how impor-
tant this Civil Marriage Equality is for everyone. Dean Genth, Mason City, IA
Congratulations everyone. You all deserve this long overdue honor. I wish each of you many years of happiness. Gerald Carpenter, Indianola, IA
Congratulations from Waterloo! Dc Larson, Waterloo, IA
Congratulations on the first anniversary of your wedding. May you have many many more happy years together and may all other couples who desire it
have the same opportunity for marriage equality! Kathy Schnell, Belmond, IA
Congratulations on your happy event and on serving as a beacon for many more couples in the future! And the sky has not fallen! Kris & Bryan Davis,
Cedar Rapids, IA
Congratulations on your love and commitment! Your marriage is a dream come true for many. Natalie Hinchcliffe, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations on your marriage! Love Iowa. Sharon Huber, Decorah, IA
Congratulations on your marriage! Thanks for sharing your love together and for showing your deep commitment to that love. Best wishes in your mar-
riage! Erin Pederson, Ames, IA
Congratulations on your marriage. So proud. I'm so proud to be an Iowan. Thanks be to you. Wishes for PEACE ... Christine Gaunt, Grinnell, IA
Congratulations on your marriages! It is great to be able to say that Iowa recognizes the love of two people.. without discrimination! Cheers to you all!
Jim Young, Cedar Falls, IA
Congratulations on your right to be with the one you love...legally.... as well as morally. May you set an example for all who doubt. Show them that we
are no different...we also put on one shoe at a time. Love should not have boundries. Cindy Schlichte, Merrill, IA
Congratulations to all of you and many blessings for all the wonderful years to come in your marriages!! Two dear friends of mine are getting married on
April 10th and have given me the honor of inviting me to be part of their wedding party. I'm so proud to live in a state that recognizes that EVERYONE
has the right to marry! Anne Fredrickson, Windsor Heights, IA
Congratulations to all of you and many blessings for your future togather. A special couple Jordan and Myke, my son and now legal son in law, hugs
Sherri Selin, Indianola, IA
Congratulations to all of you! We're so happy to be Iowans and to have been involved with such a historic decision. We hope our son, Gregory, will be
married in Iowa some day also. Joseph Gross, Donahue, IA
Congratulations to all of you! Your happiness and contentment will resonate will make this world a better place. Susan Kuyper, Pella, IA
Congratulations to all of you!Wishing you the best life ever! Linda Mckinney, Sioux City, IA
Congratulations to all of you. Now we can all hold our heads up high hand in hand with our spouses. What a wonderful state we live in. Jeremy Nelson,
Coralville, IA
Congratulations to all the couples and thank you Iowa for doing the right thing. I continue to believe that love is the answer. Kim Jones, Urbandale, IA
Congratulations to all the happy couples! I'm very happy & proud of the state of Iowa to finally grant equal rights in marriage to you all. It will be a great
day when it is open to all gay & lesbian couples across the country. All my best wishes to you now & always. Brenda Barter, Waterloo,, IA
Congratulations to all the married couples in Iowa! I'm so proud to be an Iowan! Justin Uebelhor, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations to all those brave men and women who worked tirelessly to ensure Iowa became a state where equal rights for all are ensured. Because
of you and your actions I wad able to make what was formerly a pipe dream and reality. This paves the way for viewpoints and opinions regarding gays
and lesbians being modified so that all can understand love and committment across all races, genders and orientations without taking away anything from
our straight peers. David Theobald, Dubuque, IA
Congratulations to all weddings , especially those same sex marraiges out there! You people are pioneers! Richard Stockstad, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations to all! I wish you a happy life. Never prouder to be a Hawkeye. By the way, you may have noticed that the sky hasn't fallen. Mike
Mike Townsend, Iowa City, IA
Congratulations to each and every one of you. My wife and I were married on May 3, 2009 and are happy to call Iowa our home. Erin Mckinney, Daven-
port, IA
Congratulations to each of you on your marriage this past year! I am so proud to live in a state that supports marriage equality for all! Jane Brower, West
Des Moines, IA
Congratulations to everyone on the one year anniversary of the Iowa Supreme Court decision granting the freedom to marry! May you have many more
happy anniversaries!! Heidi Reyes, Ames, IA
Congratulations to the happy couples. James H Jorgensen, Ames, IA
Congratulations to you all. I am so happy that you have been able to cement your relationship under the new law. Jeanmarie Hall, Elkader, IA
Congratulations with all my best wishes for your continued happiness. May peace through justice reign... Marilyn Long, Urbandale, IA
Congratulations, friends, neighbors and loved ones!!! I am so proud to live in Iowa where we honor the dignity of all of our citizens. Cathy Bolkcom, Le
Claire, IA
Congratulations, I applaud you. Let's hope the legislature holds firm. Susan Mcintyre, Grinnell, IA
Congratulations, pioneers! My partner and I will proudly join your ranks this summer. May we all have many happy and healthy years together. Bob
Baskerville, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations, Pioneers. Your struggle for equality is an inspiration to all Iowans. Your success encourages us to continue to work for fuller equality
and justice in Iowa and America. Thomas Carsner, Iowa City, IA
Congratulations! Craig Leabhart, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! Amy Luebbert, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! (Apparently the heterosexual marriages have not been harmed a bit.) Ruth Walker, Cedar Falls, IA
Congratulations! I am delighted to be an Iowan and that so many have chosen to marry in our state. I'm going to send this to my friends in New York and
Hawaii. Charles Collins, Bettendorf, IA
Congratulations! I wish you all a long and happy life together. I have been married for 43 years myself. Some great, some not so great. Such is the
journey of life. But we value the committment, work through the difficulities, and find joy in belonging to each other. I am thrilled that you can openly
enjoy the same. I pray you will love always, no matter what, no matter when, no matter where. God's blessings to you and yours - elma Elma Ingamells,
Hudson, IA
Congratulations! I wish you all the best! Blessings of light and love! Rosalie Shultz, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! For once, I'm incredibly proud to live in Iowa and only wish that the opportunity for you to marry your sweetheart
had come sooner. Here's to many more! -Gina Gina Lorenz, Ames, IA
Congratulations! I've been so proud of our state this year. Have a wonderful life together and know that Iowans are supporting you! Lindsey Jungman,
Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! John and I hope your marriage is your greatest source of joy, as it is for us. Thank you for strengthening marriage for all of us! Carrie
Buzzoni, Polk City, IA
Congratulations! May you now find peace and feel free to live and love openly! Michelle Lange, West Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! My partner & I will be joining you in marriage on July 10, 2010! If you have not gotten your wedding picture framed yet - check us out
- Tom Perrine, Johnston, IA
Congratulations! Such great smiles and, finally, a chance to be a couple in the eyes of the law. May all your days be happy ones. Donna Hoadley, Shel-
don, IA
Congratulations! We love you and are proud of you! Pr. Mike Blevins, Decorah, IA
Congratulations! Wishing each and every one of you continued years of happiness and love! Krista Lindemann, Cedar Rapids, IA
Congratulations! Your love and commitment are an inspiration to me. May God bless your lives together. Brian Jones, Waverly, IA
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and so proud to be an Iowan. I hope I can be as lucky and dedicated in love as you all. Best wishes! Alexandra
Nassif, Des Moines, IA
Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful life together. Nancy Whitlow, Dubuque, IA
Congratulations! It still amazes me that our phenomenal State of Iowa has stood strong on civil rights...may you love one another well!...... Robin Org-
eron, Bettendorf, IA
Congratulations! We are so lucky to have families like yours in Iowa. Rita Waggoner, Waterloo, IA
Congratulations! You are God's beloved children. May you continue to love and be loved for who you are. Michael Dack, Newton, IA
Congratulations!! And, Best Wishes!! Ron Nelson, Ames, IA
Congratulations!!! I am glad Iowa was first to recognize this as a right under the constitution. I was at a beautiful wedding in Kent Park in Johnson
County and was thrilled to be there. Arron Wings, Iowa City, IA
Congratulations!!! It's unfortunate that you had to wait so long to realize the joy of the Ceremony, and the public acknowledgement of your love for each
other, but you can at last cherish that joy and look forward to 48 years together like my wife and I have experienced. Gene Graham, Cedar Falls, IA
Congratz to ALL that got to FINALLY marry their LOVED one! And i hope you ALL the best in YEARS to come! Tranquillity Makedonski, Roland, IA
Dan and I wish you the best. We've had 42 years together... and still lovin' it. Joel Leenaars, Danbury, IA
Dear Friends, We rejoice with you on this anniversary day of the Supreme Court Marriage Equality ruling. We will do all we can to ensure that this basic
right to marry continues to be upheld in Iowa, so that many others may share the joy you have experienced during this year. Best wishes, Ron and Ruth
Anne Petrak Ron & Ruth Anne Petrak, Des Moines, IA
For your bravery, passion, and love, I offer you my congratulations on this anniversary. I am one Iowan who is extremely proud of all of you. Leah Cole,
Clive, IA
God's Blessings and best wishes! Rev. Christopher Clarkson, Nora Springs`, IA
Happy Anniversary and Congratulations to all. Marion Lorr, Ames, IA
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY from a happily married couple: Paul Johnson and David Llewelyn to all the other same-sex married couples in Iowa! Paul
Johnson, West Des Moines, IA
AND GAY!!!!! Another great reason to LOVE Iowa! Shirley Vermac, Decorah, IA
Happy anniversary to all the couples able to marry here in Iowa this past year. Phyllis and I are a straight couple very happily married 56+ years and we
want to wish each of you the joy we have known all these years. Best wishes to you all. Keith And Phyllis Bridson, Clive, IA
Happy anniversary to Jen & Linda, Staci & Ruth, Janice & Lura and all the rest of the happy couples! Mike Knapp, Waterloo, IA
Happy anniversary to one and all. Lynda Smith, Muscatine, IA
Happy Anniversary to you all. =) Christie Johnson, Des Moines, IA

Happy Anniversary to you from Joy Smith and David Rust! David Rust, Iowa City, IA

Happy Anniversary--May your marriage and the love you share always be blessed! Congrats, ~Jackie and Jess Jacqueline Allen, Des Moines, IA

Happy anniversary, congratulations, and thank you for being out of the closet! F. Joseph Wilson, Arnolds Park, IA

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, especially to Kate and Trish, who were brave enough to stand up to the discrimination and help so many couples achieve equal-
ity! XXOO, Karla Karla Goettel, Cedar Rapids, IA

Happy Anniversary, I Hope You Have Many More Wonderful Years To Come Brandy Sherbon, Cedar Falls, IA

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Laurel Zmolek-Smith, Cedaar Rapids, IA

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on finally being able to have your relationship recognized! Judy Goldberg, Cedar Rapids, IA

Happy Anniversary! Great job One Iowa for fighting for equal rights! Jessica Zopf, Des Moines, IA

Happy Anniversary!! James Duke, Iowa City, IA

Happy Anniversary!!! I hope the rest of the country will soon follow your lead, Iowa! I'm so glad that my friends will have the same rights as I do to
marry their true love. Congrats to all and to all of your beautiful families! Jayne Coulter, Muscatine, IA

Happy Anniversary!!! To many more years of celebrations! Deborah Hampton, North Liberty, IA

Happy Anniversary. We are all very proud of you and wish you a bright future. God bless, - Tylor Tylor Long, Perry, IA

Happy one year anniversary! Lasting Impressions Tatttoo And Piercing Studio, Des Moines, IA

Happy one year of marriage equality! Ted Kasha, Council Bluffs, IA

I am happy for you and I hope that Iowa will be able to see that we do not need a constitutional amendment to forbid gay marriages. I have a gay son who
lives in AZ, and he also sends his congratulations and hopes. Marjorie Pyner, Corydon, IA

I am proud to live in the state where you were able to get married. I wish you all the best. Adriana Reyes, Ames, IA

I am so happy for all of you! This is one of the reasons I'm proud to say I'm from Iowa. May you all have peace and happiness in your lives ahead of you!
Heidi Hamand, Des Moines, IA

I am so happy for all of you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Jess Hamm, Coralville, IA

I am so happy for you all. Thank you for the ones that have fought so hard and long to get marriage recongized in Iowa!! I wish you all long and happy
lives together! Sincerely, Jill Jasperson, PA-S Jill Jasperson Pa-S, Des Moines, IA
I am so happy for you and all other couples in Iowa for finally being able to have your relationship recognized and legalized through marriage. Congrat-
ulations! Marilynn Bartels, Davenport, IA
I am so pleased for all of you who are now able to enjoy what my husband and I have enjoyed for the past 30 years. Keep the faith for the rest of the
country. We have family in Illinois who deserve the same ability to marry. Marty Dailey, Cedar Rapids, IA
I am so pleased we have equal rights in Iowa. Congratulations on your marriage. Linda Lemons, Waukee, IA
I am so proud that my birth state is one of the more progressive states, to have a Supreme Court brave enough to do the right thing. Do not sit back and
relax. There are people waiting in the wings to overturn this, by putting it to a vote where money can change the outcome. June Mcgowan, Rockwell City,
I am so proud to live in a state that embraces people's rights to love one another. Congratulations to all the happy couples pictured and hopefully there
will be many more to come! Cheri Miehe, Davenport, IA
I am very proud of Iowa for giving so many couples and families equal status and legal recognition that so many of us take for granted. I think it is wrong
for anyone use religion or politics as an excuse for discrimination. I hope all of you enjoy many happy and healthy years together. Deb Vandergaast, Tip-
ton, IA
I hope your first year has been one filled with awesome blessings! I admire your courage and committment to one and other and the rights of all couples
to be wed and enjoy the benefits there of!! I will continue to support those who wish to keep marriage available to ALL and will fight those who wish to
write discrimination into Iowa's constitution. Well done and God bless you all! Margaret Flint Suter, Hampton, IA
I want to congratulate all the couples Carey Cunningham Erbst, Ottumwa, IA
I want to congratulate every single happy couple on their weddings. I hope you have long and very happy lives together. I wish you all the best. :) Joni
Vanvoltenburg, Riverside, IA
I'm a straight resident of Iowa and my wife and I are proud to live in a state where all individuals are respected and we all share the benefits of marriage
equally. I hope your own marriage in Iowa is happy and fulfilling and I'm proud of our state for recognizing the equality of us all. Jon Backstrom, Indi-
anola, IA
I'm happy for you today and always. Vayla Renfrow, Dubuque, IA
I'm just thrilled that you are all finally able to seal the bonds that you have made with each other through marriage. I have watched so many friends who
have wanted to commit to each other through marriage finally achieve their wishes this past year, and I couldn't be happier. I wish you every joy and
blessing and for a long and happy union! Alison Jepsen, Urbandale, IA
I'm so happy for you. Suzi Alexander, Des Moines, IA
I'm so proud of you all, and of Iowa! Keep smiling, and much love to you all! Samuel Pottebaum, Winterset, IA
I'm sorry this is late, but congratulations on the year you've spent together as married couples. It's just the first of many. May your happiness increase
with each passing year. Philip Beck, Iowa City, IA
Iowans believe in love; Congratulations all around! The Dutchers, Coralville, IA
It has been a great pleasure to have performed several of these weddings during the past year. As a celebration, I performed one today, Easter Morning, on
the banks of the Mississippi River at Ice beautiful! I congratulate this state on being forward thinking and granting this blessing and oppor-
tunity for all to enjoy the right to be married to the person they love! Thanks...Rev Lori Herrera Lori Herrera, Des Moines, IA
Joy and blessings to you on this anniversary! Rene Martin, Iowa City, IA
Let me add my congratulations to the daily celebrations you continue to enjoy by being together, MARRIED! I have recently moved back to Iowa and am
so happy my gay brothers and sisters here are EQUAL! Regards and best wishes, always. Todd. Todd Snyder, Burlington, IA
Live long and prosper. Erich Riesenberg, Des Moines, IA
Many congratulations to you, lovebirds! I hope this first year of marriage has been an adventure full of laughs, snuggles, and intimate communion. Thank
you for being an example to the rest of the country of what love in all forms can look like. Here's to many happy years ahead! Nina b, Fairfield, IA
May you have a LifeTime of Happiness! Felicia Woods, Toledo, IA
May you have happiness, health and good luck for you and your families forever. Dawn Walko, Cedar Rapids, IA
MAZEL TOV! Elyse Weiss, Des Moines, IA
My heart felt best wishes to all couples that married last year,and to those that are looking forward to it in the future. Congratulations John Casey John
Casey, Lime Springs, IA
My husband of 40 years, Al,and I send you the very best wishes and hopes for many happy and rewarding years of marriage. We thoroughly recommend
the institution and are so glad that it is now possible for all Iowans. Pam Hays Pam Hays, Cedar Falls, IA
My sincerest congratulations to all of you! I'm so proud to live in a state that allows all people the right to live and love as they choose. I hope by the
time my children are my age, they will look back at the battles you have fought and wonder why it was ever considered controversial for two consenting
adults to be married. Steven Kaiser, Ankeny, IA
My very best wishes! Joan Middleton, Des Moines, IA
My warmest and most sincere best wishes go out to all the couples who were brave enough to commemorate their love with such a special occasion. As a
future bride and ally, I am thrilled that my same sex friends are now able to share in the joys, benefits, and responsibilities of an officially recognized mar-
riage. Here's to the movement! Let's protect marriage equality in Iowa and advocate for the other states to follow suite! Jessica Perry, Ames, IA
Peter and I will be getting married in June! Super Excited to join the club!! :) David Wilkinson, Cedar Falls, IA
So happy for all of you and so proud to be an Iowan. The institute of marriage and my own marriage both feel more, not less, respected, strengthened,
and validated by Iowa's upholding of ALL people's right to marry. I wish you all many, many long years of happiness together! Lauryn Shapter, Fairfield,
So many happy faces! Blessings and wishes for a happy future to all of you. Carol Leach, Des Moines, IA
Thank you for being such beautiful couples with such beautiful smiles. Congratulations on one happy, world-changing year, and here's to the many more
lovely anniversaries in store for you. Katherine Walsh, Des Moines, IA
Thank you for being true pioneers in our path to equality. We're so much closer thanks to you! Ryan Brodersen, Des Moines, IA
Thank you, Iowa One for sharing all the pictures of the happy nuptials. Congratulations to all the couples, I am happy for you and happy to be in a state
that supports civil rights. I intend to be vigilante and see that it continues to. Once again, congratulations and may you have long and happy lives together.
Sally Thurman, Denver, IA
The more weddings and committed couples we have in our state the better our quality of life! So happy for you and your loved ones! Bev Witwer, Iowa
City, IA
The past year has been the best in my life as a clergyman, for the joy and the privilege of being a part of so many of your weddings. I wish you all long
and happy lives together, filled with blessing and grace. Rev. John Harper, Iowa City, IA
This is so beautiful! Thank you to all the Iowa couples for sharing your day with all of us! CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! Jean Gallmeyer, Hazleton, IA
to all the happy couples who married in iowa over the last year myself included congratulations and i hope that you all have a wonderful life together shar-
ing, laughing, and loving. CONGRATS!!! TO ALL OF US. Brandy Sabin, Council Bluffs, IA
Very happy for you all, from the proud straight son of a gay man Kurt Friese, Iowa City, IA
We are so happy to congratulate all of you on your marriages. It's such a great step forward to equality!! Lynne & Richard Van Valin, Ames, IA
We are so happy you were finally able to marry the past year! Charlie & Gretel Winterwood, Dubuque, IA
We are soon to join your ranks. Congratulations everyone. Kelly Gassman, Cedar Rapids, IA
We are very happy for you and delighted to be citizens of Iowa where the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that your marriage is valid. Barbara And Jim
Dale, Decorah, IA
We rejoice in your happiness! Wishing you many wonderful years together! Myrna Frantz, Haverhill, IA
What a great, truly Christian-consistent state we live in that all human beings are granted equal rights! As the wag said, now, non-herero's have the same
right to misery as straights. Steve Rose, Indianola, IA
When love won last year and same sex couples could marry it was a victory for all of humanity. Congrats on being legally joined! May you both be
blessed and full of joy during your journey through life wife and wife or husband and husband! Kimberly Kelley, Des Moines, IA
You make me SMILE- blessings to all! Mary Wilber, Waterloo, IA
Your commitment to one another strengthens families around the state. Congratulations to you all! Paula Yalpani, Johnston, IA
Your love is inspring, your joy contagious! Congratulations to you, o' brave pioneers! Rhonda Chittenden, Des Moines, IA
Happy Anniversary! Cindy Gross, Boise, ID
Congrats! My Wife and I were married in Provincetown MA in 2005, I understand what a glorious feeling it is to be allowed the right to marry! KEEP IT
UP IOWA. Val Jones, Mchenry, IL
Congrats! We are soooo happy for you all! :) Lea Davis, Chicago, IL
Congratulations and God Bless all of you now and in the future. I am so happy that Iowa allows all of its citizens to enjoy the joy (and trials) of marriage
to the person of their choice. Diane Mccarthy, Rock Island, IL
Congratulations and may you all have many happy years ahead!!!!! Jessica Dauscher, Moline, IL
Congratulations and THANK YOU for helping make it happen! Robert Castillo, , IL
Congratulations on marrying in Iowa this year! I saw wedding photos of several couples, and they were lovely! I hope all the states see the beauty in
Iowa's stance on Same Sex Marriage and follow its example. I'm happy for you! Barb Noon, Forsyth, IL
Congratulations to all! We all hope it is only the beginning. We have been together 10 years- and will keep waiting for the real thing to get to Illinois!
Barb Mcmillan, Roselle, IL
Congratulations to my son and his spouse and all of the other couples married in Iowa and thanks for leading the way. Cliff Douglas, Wheaton, IL
Congratulations! We are hoping to have this same right in Illinois soon and then in the whole country. Iowa rocks! I love watching all the beautiful pic-
tures of couples in love roll by on the website. Ross Shanley-Roberts, Waukegan, IL
I could not be happier for you, what a blessing to see all your radiant faces. I hope someday my son will be able to wed his love Sabastian in New York
City, NY. Way to go Iowa!!!!! Peggy Whitmer, Champaign, IL
I grew up in Iowa, and nothing makes me more proud of that than this. Congratulations, and may this prove once and for all that allowing same sex
marriages changes absolutely nothing about straight lives. Except perhaps make them a bit more open minded, and who can argue with that? Michael
Kuhl, Chicago, IL
It took us long enough! We share in your joy as we continue to fight for marriage equality across the United States. Congratulations. David Calder, Chi-
cago, IL
Just beautiful. These photos are the perfect thing to look at on a joyous spring day! Congratulations to you all, I can't wait to join the party in June 2011.
Thank you Iowa! Rachel Miller, Chicago, IL
We are very happy for you, proud of you, and a little JEALOUS ;-)))) Congrats Abdallah Karam, Chicago, IL
Best wishes and many congratulations from not-too-far-away Indiana! I hope one day my state will be as fortunate as yours to celebrate same-sex mar-
riages. Best of luck with your new family :) David Bobay, Fort Wayne, IN
Congratulations on the first-year anniversary of your wedding! Looking through the photos and information I see that many of you have been together far
longer than one year, and I am delighted that you were able to finally have your love legally recognized as the equal union that it is. So to those of you
who have been together for decades and to those of you who met more recently, best wishes for continuing happiness! Karisha Kirk, Bloomington, IN
Congratulations to ALL of you! You are an inspiration to "family" everywhere! (Michael and Donald, you married on my birthday. I am honored). Ben
Richardson, Rushville, IN
Congratulations, all of you, and thanks for showing our heartland neighbors what love looks like. Paula Sites, New Whiteland, IN
Congratulations! Freedom to marry!A great change in our country. Many Happy years! James A Clark Jr, Indianapolis, IN
Congratulations. We'll be there on July 15th to get married. Love Iowa Ruth Robins, Louisville, IN
Congratulations on you marriage! Let's not rest until ALL couples can marry in these United States! Cathy Jambrosic, Overland Park, KS
I'm a closeted, 19 year old guy in KY. It means a great, great deal to see a Midwest state be able to allow us to marry. It gives me hope, and I'm glad our
rights are coming around. Simon, KY
Jim and I traveled to Davenport on July 30, 2009 to make our 41 years together, legal. We were married and wish we could have made this commitment
here in Kentucky. Luke Barlowe, Bardstown, KY
So Very happy for all I hope it comes Kentucky's way Beth Anders, Nicholasville, KY
I once had a boyfriend from Iowa who was very proud of his state, so I learned a lot from my visits there. Then I discovered the Des Moines Opera Fest
and learned even more. Then Iowa made gay marriage legal and I was surprised, but not shocked: I'd learned already that the people of your state are
well-educated, well-read, and well-intentioned. Congratulations to you all on your good luck in being Iowans, and on your finding each other. Jerry Zach-
ary, New Orleans, LA
I am so proud of my country's progression toward justice and your union! Congrats! Sean Mccarthy, Boston, MA
Mazel tov on one year of being legally married! Maybe next year it'll be federally legal! Sarah , , MA
Nothing feels as good as being legally married does. Congratulations from Massachusetts and all of our wonderful same sex married couples. Mitch Sie-
gel, Stoughton, MA
Equal Rights are Human Rights... Thank you for being trendsetters and Congratulations!!!! Don Gillin, N. Bethesda, MD
Happy Anniversary! Lauren Schmidt, Columbia, MD
Thank you for standing up for yourselves as well as everyone in the alternative community ~ may your marriages be long and prosperous. Heather Schwa-
beland, Baltimore, MD
Blessings and Good Karma to Iowa and all the same sex couples who were married in the Great State of Iowa since April 2009. Jon and I made the jour-
ney from Michigan and were married in Dubuque on November 7, 2009. James Stafford, Plainwell, MI
Happy Anniversary! So happy for all of you! Jen Lawson-Steeves, Allegan, MI
Congratulations and many happy returns! Lou Hoffman, Minneapolis, MN
Congratulations to all the couples, especially my sister Joan and sister in law Maureen! Peter Farstad, Minneapolis, MN
Dear Friends, Happy Anniversary to you all! What an amazing and wonderful thing to see you be able to marry the one you love so deeply. I pray that
when my son meets someone he too can share his life with that he will be able to get married as well. Blessings to you all! Susan Schoon, Shoreview, MN
Enjoy each second and take time each day to be thankful for one another. Mara Brettner, St. Paul, MN
Happy Anniversary, and happy Marriage Equality. Becky Schultz, Golden Valley, MN
Hello, I just wanted to say congratulations! I am so happy for everyone who is able to be married in a same sex relationship. One of my best friends is
not allowed to marry his boyfriend and I think that is such a travesty. I support the GLBT community 100%! Go Gay Marriage! Karla Johnson, , MN
Here we are just after reciting our wedding vows - In Dubuque, Iowa - June 18th, 2009. What a day!!! James Lawrence, Minneapolis, MN
My 21 year old son is gay. It's never been a big deal in our family. No one really cared! We just wanted him to be himself and be happy! Thanks Iowa
and newlyweds for making it a little easier for people to be themselves! Carrie Carrie Lunser, Minneapolis, MN
Congrats on your marriage!! Kristina Kersting, St. Louis, MO
Congratulations to you all! Aj Lenox, Saint Louis, MO
Congratulations! Iowa shows the nation what equality looks like! Aaron Bos-Wahl, St. Louis, MO
I retired from a General Motors assemgly plant in 2006 and moved to my wife's property in Gowrie, Iowa (webster county) and was fortunate to experi-
ence the unanimous ruling of Iowa Supreme Court that resulted in gay marriages for so many couples for across the USA since Iowa has no residency
requirements. Joy to all of you and many congratulations to all your supporters for their long efforts. Willard Bolinger, Kansas City, MO
I would like to congratulate every couple on this big step towards equality for all. My wife and I traveled to Pacific Junction to get married July 4, 2009.
Even though its not recognized where we live in the state of Missouri, we felt this was still a big deal for us to do and shows people that no matter what we
will do things to be equal. So I wish everyone joy and happiness for many years to come and one day it will be legal in all 50 states. Candice Moncado,
Springfield, MO
My most heartfelt congratulations to you all! I can only hope other states will soon be as progressive as Iowa! I hope you all have a lifetime of happiness
and joy! Alexis Young, St. Louis, MO
On behalf of Kenneth & I, we wish the best of luck to all the married couples. I can't express the gratitude to the Iowa Supreme Court and EVERYONE
that made equality possible. I work for an Active Rock station in St. Louis. and the afternoon show supports you to NO END. They support our marraige
and are so accepting in this region, hopefully, like Iowa, Missouri will jump on-board. We wish we could be there for the gala but we will be there for our
anniversay in August! Have Fun and congrats to Iowa on behalf of the new Jay & Kenneth Lambert-VanMeter! Jay Lambert, St. Louis, MO
Thank-you Iowa and congrates to all the couples that have married so far! Bobby and I got married on october 22 of last year in Iowa we were so happy
we didn't have to go too far to do so! Walt Frampus-Frye, Kansas City, MO
Congratulations! Thanks for all the lovely photos- I'm so happy for the couples, and for the state of Iowa in leading our nation in the right direction! Va-
lena Beety, Oxford, MS
I am so happy you have been able to marry your partner. I hope the ceremony has enriched and made your commitment even deeper. I also hope to marry
in Iowa, so if anyone wants to give me "tips" about coming from another state to do it, I'd appreciate it. I'm easily overwhelmed by details! But, enough
about my problems, this email is to wish YOU a happy anniversary!!! Lance Phillips, New Albany, MS
Congratulations to all of Iowa's married LGBT couples, and my hat is off to your state and the hard-working equality activists who made this possible. I
lived for years in Boston and San Francisco, but am now in a "marriage is between a man and a woman" state (such nonsense still washed here in Mon-
tana). I have not been to Iowa since 1963(!) but I am planning to vacation there in a few weeks. Why? Because you folks in Iowa just knock my socks off!
Happy anniversary! Lynn Weaver Lynn Weaver, Livingston, MT
Congrats on being married and showing the world that different does not equal bad! Carson Rhodes, Tarboro, NC
Congratulations everyone! Special congratulations to Sara and Erika R. and Krista J. and Steph T.!! And congratulations to my step-brother whenever he
decides to get married! Erika Earp, Fayetteville, NC
Congratulations happy couples! Loan Tran, Charlotte, NC
Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy and wonderful years together! Ann Vollmer, Durham, NC
I want to thank you for taking a stand in the heartland!! You have made true progress possible. Congrats on making it one year strong!! Keep enjoying
equality in Iowa! Stacie Cubbies, Greensboro, NC
I'm currently at school at Duke in Durham (native of Dubuque, IA) and was so happy last year when I found out about the decision by the Iowa Supreme
Court! It gives Iowa a lot of credibility in the rest of the country and will hopefully set a precedent for other states to follow to end discrimination. Eric
Wilson, Durham, NC
Blessings and joy to you in your lives as couples in love, recognized (finally) in public ways. Trisha Deboer, Steele, ND
Congrats to you all!!!!! Ingrid and Reva, you are an inspiration to the world!! Happy Anniversary! Love, Joni Joni Stacy, Omaha, NE
Congratulations and my wishes for ongoing health happiness and joy. Melissa Grant, Omaha, NE
Happy Anniversary to all the happy Couples in Iowa and across the country!! Phyllis Holman, Fremont, NE
Jake and Mike Holman, It pleases me to see two people so in love!I'm so grateful that you have allowed me to celebrate your love for each other and in
your fight for equal rights for gays. You two have so many reasons to celebrate. With all my love, Jackie Jackie Hillebran, Omaha, NE
Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy years of marriage to all the couples. Equality rocks... glad you have been able to achieve your
dream. Janie , , NJ
Happy Anniversary to every LGBTQAI couple that married this year in Iowa. Wishing you peace, happiness and joy in your newly created families and
hoping the rest of the United States will catch up to your equal rights soon. I am so happy for you!!! Janice Urbsaitis, Jackson, NJ
Happy Anniversary, guys. I'm so proud of all of you, and hopefully it will become federal law soon so I can marry my UK girl like god intended :) Lisa
Greening, Manville, NJ
I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations. If you had asked me some years back if Iowa was cooler than my state of New Jersey, I would've looked at you
funny. But now I know, Iowa rocks! Let love and equality reign supreme! Jack Silbert, Hoboken, NJ
May you be happy together FOREVER. I only wish that I lived in a state with fewer HATE and VIOLENCE MONGERING Bigots but, as you show by
example, GOOD/LOVE ultimately ALWAYS wins over EVIL/HATRED... John D'Ambra, Butler, NJ
Commending your courage to commit to matrimony and celebrating your right to do so. Wishing you all happiness, joy, and love. Kathrynn Drahn, Santa
Fe, NM
Congratulations on the first anniversary of marriage equality in Iowa. We native Iowans living abroad (New Mexico) are so proud that our home state is a
shining example of how things should be! Truly something to celebrate. Steven Jenison, Dixon, NM
Congrats on your marriages and for being the first Midwestern state to legalize Marriage Equality!! Loyal Dodson, Schenectady, NY
Congratulations of your first year anniversary. May love continue to prevail in this country and across the globe!
watch/3789670/10386880 Stephen Mead, Albany, NY
Congratulations to all of the Iowa couples who not only affirmed their love for one another; but who also made history! True trailblazing takes courage
and faith. Bonne Anniversaire Mes Amis! Josh Tjaden, Astoria, NY
Congratulations! Eric Arevalo, New York, NY
Congratulations! Jennifer Mcelroy, Middletown, NY
Ecstatic that you are able to openly celebrate your love and commitment to the world. keep doing it for all of us who have not yet reached that milestone.
Boa Osborne-Aranha, Brooklyn, NY
Happy 1st Anniversary! Congrats & Thanks for standing up for love and equality. We New Yorkers are determined to join you some day soon. Sincerely,
James New York City James Ferguson, New York, NY
Congratulations on getting married! I too hope to share the same joy with my partner. I love him so much, and I hope we can be wed in equality as you
have been. Congrats! Daniel Zak, Parma, OH
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! My own one year wedding anniversary is coming up in about two months and the whole time I was en-
gaged I felt the unfairness of my being able to marry when so many couples in love are not. Hopefully though, we've made a good early step and more
states will follow so that others can experience the joy that you and I share. Congratulations! Joni , Cincinnati, OH
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all those who married, kind of saying all others should be able to also. I'm really happy for you. love, auty Autumn Polans,
Chillicothe, OH
Congratulations!!! I am so very happy for you all! The video brought tears of joy to my eyes :) It's great to see so many happy couples in love and being
able to express that love in marriage! Best Wishes to all!!! Sincerely, Misty Satterlee Misty Satterlee, Moore, OK
Congratulations to all of you with the courage to stand for what is right and good. Tim Daily, Portland, OR
Congratulations! We know how much it means to be married. We went from our home state on the west coast all the way to Massachusetts to be married
ourselves. May God bless your lives together! Lucinda Hughes, Florence, OR
Happy One year anniversary!! Randy Harrison, Eugene, OR
I am so very happy for you & overjoyed that you've been allowed to be ordinary & happy in your love, just like everyone else. Bless you. Cherish each
other for life is short & we all don't know the true value of what we have until it's lost. Warmly, Diana - just another person you don't know that is rooting
for your goals. Diana Cornelius, Lakeside, OR
Apparently the world hasn't come to an end :) Congratulations. Continued happiness! Alan Lapayover, Philadelphia, PA
CONGRATS!!! Not only is Iowa making a statement for GLBTQ in Iowa; but making a difference for the world. Each step is one step closer to complete
equality. Do not be afraid to show your love for each other!!! Keep fighting until all states are included. :) You all are an inspiration to me to keep fight-
ing. Beca Rebeca Smith, Lehighton, PA
Congratulations on your lives as fully recognized married couples in the State of Iowa!! It is truly wonderful that you are able to celebrate your love and
your life fully protected under the law. Many blessings upon you! Rich Mccarty, Erie, PA
Congratulations to everyone for one great year! I hope that Pennsylvania and the rest of the country can follow in Iowa's footsteps! Courtney Haney, Mor-
risville, PA

Congratulations, beautiful couples! You make all of us around the country proud. Thank you for sharing your love with us which shines through each one
of these pictures. Your public committment will pave the way towards equality for ALL of us! Eric Rhodes, State College, PA

May your marriage be blessed with happiness and love! Gloria Czapnik, Lakewood, PA

Thrilled you have been granted equal rights that should be afforded to every American citizen. God Bless and Congratulations!! Erin Mcdermott, Philadel-
phia, PA

Congratulations! Mark Martin, Andrews, SC

Congratulations to the people of Iowa for proving that marriage equality is possible in America's heartland. I hope you guys enjoy many, many years of
wedded bliss, and that other states follow in your footsteps in the near future. Keith Anthis, Lubbock, TX

Congratulations. So happy for you. We're proud of the work you've done, and we continue to work for the rest of the nation. Again, happy for you in
your love and gentleness to each other. Martha Eberle, Dripping Springs, TX

Happy Anniversary Everyone!! Thanks for sharing your great state with us for our wedding. God bless each of you and your families! Mari and Robin
Mari Taylor, Fort Worth, TX

Happy Anniversary, my lovelies! It has indeed been a great year for all of us. You may be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, questioning, or a straight
ally, but you are all equal! May the rest of our country come to that realization, and may the discrimination cease! Enjoy your marriages, and I'm so proud
of you all for taking that step! Seeing same-sex wedding photos just makes my heart swell with love for every last one of you! I wish you a lifetime of
happiness, love, and equality! One love! Carrie Murff, Dallas, TX

I am so happy and proud that the good citizens of Iowa know that all people should be able to live and love freely. I celebrate the beginning of your lives
together and hope that one day Texas citizens may be able to experience that same happiness. So let's keep our fingers crossed that all 50 states will one
day be united in support for gay marriage! Jessica Martinez, Austin, TX
Congratulations and best wishes for a long and loving life together!! It's been too long coming!! Lori Lacy, Richmond, VA

Congratulations! Equal rights for everyone! Kenneth Williams, Hampton, VA

Dearest Loving Friends, Tears flow freely as this fellow-midwesterner watches the video and sees your faces filled with so much love and joy. I cel-
ebrate that love and share your joy. I am filled with such pride and gratitude for your courage, your commitment and your willingness to witness to the
power of grace in your respective places and times. At this time of Passover and Easter, I am reminded resurrection is not only possible, but is happen-
ing in our midst. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy Anniversary Iowa! Rev. Tim Agar Associate Pastor MCC of Northern Virginia Tim Agar,
Fairfax, VA


I am overwhelmed with happiness and loving wishes to all the couples who have married. May your lives be filled with joy and fulfillment. Betsy Corrie,
Vienna, VA

I would like to express my most sincere congratulations and joy to you for your decision to marry in Iowa. I know this must be a very happy time for you
and indeed it is a happy time for all Gay people in America and a happy time for all freedom loving Americas. Please know that you marriage serves as a
beacon of hope for all Americans who believe in full marriage equality and that even for someone like me who lives many states away from Iowa, Iowa’s
decision for full equality and your decision to get married has significance and importance. Best wishes and happy Easter. Bill Bill Johnson, Ashburn, VA

On behalf of your straight allies, congratulations on your marriage! I am so glad you're able to marry the one you love and I will continue to join efforts to
ensure same-sex couples everywhere are given this fundamental right! Jenn Forbes, Norfolk, VA

Congratulations to the beautiful couples! I wish you all happy lives together and hope that there will be more tolerance and acceptance in the future.
Omalene Colburn, Tunbridge, VT

way to go and good luck and many years of happyness Jerold Snyder, Seattle, WA

Congratulations!! I'm proud to be an Iowan native!! Dione Gisch, Sheboygan, WI

Happy Anniversary From a happy married gay couple from Belgium Rudy Welvaert, Europe

I have never been happier to be from Iowa. I wish you all love, laughter and long life. :) Emily Balf

I want to congratulate all of you for your great love, committment, and role model for all of the rest of us throughout the nation. I honestly pray that some
day soon, the rest of the nations will be able to share that freedom that you all enjoy. Congratulations, again! :-) Thomas Schlueb

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