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Defined as;
Any natural or man made event that causes destruction that
cannot be compensated without assistance.
A. Natural:--1. Related to extreme weather events;
floods, cyclones, draughts, smog, cold spells,
heat waves
2. Related to extreme earth geology;
earthquakes, volcano eruption, landslides
B. Man made:-1. Technological;
a. Associated with industrial process or its byproducts------------------------------------explosions, fires, accidental or deliberate
chemicals/radiological releases into
b. Failure of structures-----------------------Collapse of dams, tunnels , buildings

c. Loss of ------ Electrical power

Water supply
3. Conflict related;
result of interrelated social, economic &
& political problems & almost always involve
armed confrontation leading to humanitarian
------------- crisis in Bosnia, Afghanistan
------------- refugees,
------------- terrorist activity, sectarian violence
1. loss/damage of to human & animal life.
2. Disruption of community services;
electricity, gas, water supply, food supply,
sewerage system, communication.
3. Spread of communicable diseases.
4. Disruption of normal activities
5. Destruction/damage to private & public properties
6. Post disaster social reactions;

panic with helplessness

disorganized individual work
rumors about deaths/damages
non-compliance to advice of authorities
looting & killing by opportunistic



It is a discipline that involves preparing, supporting and rebuilding

society when disaster occur.
Objectives:--1. Prevent un-necessary morbidity, mortality & economic loss
resulting directly from disaster.
2. Eliminate morbidity, mortality & economic loss directly
attributable to mismanagement of disaster relief efforts.
Phases of Disaster Management :---


Measures taken in advance to reduce the impact of disaster

Example: Earthquake Mitigation Strategies
Identify safe places
in each house
Locate safe places

If indoor: Take cover
under a piece of
heavy furniture
If outdoor: Move
into open, away
from building,
streets lights and

Be prepare after
Help injured or
trapped persons and
give first aid where

electrical wires and

remain there until
shaking stops
Teach children when If in a moving
Listen to radio or TV
and how call help
vehicle: Stop
for emergency
quickly, move to
clear area away from
building, trees and
electrical wires
Develop an
Stay out of damaged
buildings and return
communication plan
home only when
in case of separation
authority say it is
During the
Ask an out-of city
relative or friend to
serve as the family
Development of plans of action for when disaster strikes
---------------- Pre-Disaster Administration
Disaster can be managed by coordinated activities of different
disciplines and sectors.
A. Planning:----Steps in disaster planning;
1. Information regarding use of resources:------public, private, military, voluntary agencies, national,

2. Information on area & population:-------geography, population(number & density)

transportation & communication
3. Personnel:-----quantity, quality
4. Material:------available, possible
5. Information on health services:-----normal capacity(quantity, quality)
emergency capacity(quantity, quality)
6. Information on previous disaster:-----numbers of deaths, injured, people evacuated,
physical damage
B. Organization:----Formation of disaster management unit/body
with------------------highest local administration
Administrator trained in disaster management
Assistants in different disciplines;
communication, transportation, sanitation,
electricity, food
The job description & task definition of staff must be clear.
C. Staffing:----Staff to be used, must be selected from among people who
perform similar work during their normal life.
warning information to community-------------- newsman
evacuation & rescue---------------------------fireman, civil defense
public health & sanitation---------------------health personnel
disposal of dead bodies------------------------ graveyard man

D. Directions:------ Each team member, responsible for disaster control, has to be

trained in leadership.
Training must be practical & repetitive.
Training Subjects-------------command & control structure
authorities & responsibilities limits
duties & lines of communication
operation detail
E. Coordination:------Train together, train to work together,
adapt themselves to communicate & coordinate
F. Reporting:-----Correct information is needed in order to make
mid-evaluation changes------- thus deciding future operations
as moving the team from one place to another or allocating more
G.Budgeting:-----Necessary regulations have to be passed to
remove difficulties for allocating funds on emergency basis from
bureaucratic procedures.

An effective response plan should have 2 major activities;
A. Situation analysis/Rapid need assessment
B. Relief
A. Situation Analysis;
Immediately following a disaster, a
comprehensive approach should be adopted to assess the
population need.
Basic principles for effective assessment:---------The information must cover 3 main areas;
1. Quality of life of victims:

geographical region affected

population affected
access areas
modes of transportation/communication system
availability of basic services
availability of food
2. Scope of damage:

number of deaths, injured, disappeared, displaced

status of health facilities in the area
capacity to deal with urgent needs in health facilities
human/material resources in the area

3. Secondary health hazards for population:

Identification of potential health hazards---------like----spread of communicable diseases, water pollution.

B. Relief
a. Immediate relief
b. Sustained relief
Immediate Relief ;
1. Declaration of Emergency:------community, hospital, forces
2. Efficient Ambulance Service:-----helicopter, ambulance vehicle
3. Care of injured:-----on scene-----first aid,traffic diversion,law & order maintenance
during transportation----clear airways,breathing care,
cardiac resuscitation,IV line
in hospital------blood donations, surgical/medical treatment

Sustained Relief ;

Rescue of victims
Evacuation of population
Elimination of physical factors( fires,gas leaks)
Provision of safe water, food, clothings, shelter
Disposal of waste
Burial of human & animal dead bodies
Management of post disaster social reactions

1. Repair of infrastructures( health facilities, communication,
2. Rebuilding of houses
3. Re-employment of people

Main Duties of Health Team;


First aid
Emergency care
Ambulatory service
Patient referral
Public Education-------people must at least know;
-------how & when to inform authority
-------how to do first aid
This education should be carried out in collaboration with civil
security organization.

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