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1-bit ALU Design

Figure 1.1: 1-bit ALU block diagram

The figure 1.1 illustrates the 1-bit ALU block diagram. The ALU block
has two different input signal which is A0 and B0. S0 and S1 act as the
control signal of the block. The output of the ALU block is F0. When the
ALU block is acting as the adder and perform addition and subtraction
operation, only the Cout and Cin will be used. As it is a 1-bit ALU diagram
shows in Figure 1.2, we can clearly see that the ALU of 1 bit is made up of
AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, multiplexer and adder. The ability of an ALU
of performing different arithmetic and logic operation is depending on the
different composition of gates or transistors of an ALU slice. In this ALU
block, the operation will be carried out is the OR, AND, NOT logic
functions, and addition and subtraction arithmetic operation. The 1-bit
ALU slice diagram is illustrated in the figure 1.2 as shown below.

Figure 1.2: 1-bit ALU slice diagram

The figure 1.2 above illustrate the 1-bit ALU slice diagram that has
been drawn in Digital Schematic Editor & Simulator (DSCH) software.
Every single logic gates and elements are put and connected into
appropriate places referring from the question that has been assigned to
form a 1-bit ALU. The 1-bit ALU is then simulated and checked whether it
is operating with correct order of calculation or not. If there is some miss
calculated or the 1-bit ALU is giving wrong output, some adjustment
regarding the connection is made to meet it criteria as a 1 bit-ALU. After
that, the Verilog code is taken from the DSCH drawing of 1-bit ALU. This
step is to transfer the Verilog code of 1-bit ALU to the Microwind software.
The Microwind software is capable of compiling and converting the Verilog
code into a layout of a 1-bit ALU in its interface. The reason is that to
make sure that the building of 8-bit ALU can be done in this software. The
result of compiling of Verilog code is illustrated in Figure 1.3 as shown

Figure 1.3: 1-bit ALU Verilog compiled from DSCH software

The figure 1.3 illustrated the 1-bit ALU Verilog compiled from DSCH
software transferred in the Microwind software. The Microwind software
allows us to simulate and design an integrated circuit at physical
description level. Microwind unifies schematic entry, pattern based
simulator, SPICE extraction of schematic, and Verilog extractor. The
package contains a library of common logic and analog ICs to view and
simulate. Microwind3 includes all the commands for a mask editor as well
as, gaining access to Circuit Simulation by pressing just one single key.
The electric extraction of the circuit is automatically performed and the
analog simulator produces voltage and current curves immediately.
However, this layout needed to be connected with the other 1-bit ALU to
form 2-bit ALU, 4-bit ALU and finally 8-bit ALU. The final result is subjected
to have 8-bit value of ALU. After the connection is being connected, the
result however need to be checked and analysed to make sure that the
ALU is calculating perfectly. The figure 1.4 below illustrates the 2-bit
Verilog design in Microwind software.

Figure 1.4: 2-bit Verilog design

As can be seen in the figure above, 2-bit Verilog design that has
been in the Microwind software, the connection is made by connecting the
output of the first 1-bit ALU to the input of second 1-bit ALU. Besides that,
the others connection of the ALU must not connected if it not necessary
by using different types of metal. This step will ensure that there is no
connection of certain output and input ports. After the connection of
between the first 1-bit ALU and second 1-bit ALU, the output result of 2-bit
ALU is checked as shown in figure 1.5 below.

Figure 1.5: Output result of 2-bit ALU

According to simulation results, in Figure 1.5, as we seen the output
of ALU This result shows the outputs are same as truth table of ALU shown
in Table 1. The proposed system works well as per the truth table.

Table 1: Truth table of 2-bit ALU

Figure 1.6: 2-bit for a+b a-b

According to simulation results, in Figure 1.6 which is the 2-bit for

a+b and a-b, as we can see the output of ALU This result shows the
outputs are same as truth table of ALU shown in Table 2. The proposed
system works well as per the truth table.

Table 2: Addition of 2 bits A & B

Figure?: 8 bit and gate and adder addition and subtraction

For A+B operation of 8-bit ALU, the same concept will applied. A+B
operation will be carried out by the ALU block. Input A and B expand to
8bit which are A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 and B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2,
B1, B0 respectively. At the first block, A0 will perform add operation with
B0. If the result between A0 and B0 produce a carry out, it will bring
forward to the next carry in second block, then it will give a result either 1
or 0 on F0 based on the equation. The same flow is getting to the next
blocks and will repeat itself all over again until the final bit.


8-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) has been designed using DSCH and
Microwind Software. Schematic for different operations like NOT, OR, XOR,
addition subtraction has been designed by using DSCH and layout and
analysis has been observed by using Microwind software. ALU (Arithmetic
Logic Unit) is a critical component of a microprocessor and the core
component of central processing unit. However, in the process of making
the 8-bit ALU, the connection between the ports available are need to be
make sure that there are no inter conncetion between unnecessary line.
This is done by using other metal to pass thru the other conncetions.
ALU's comprise the combinational logic that implements logic operations,
such as AND, OR, EXOR and NOT and arithmetic operations, such as add

and subtract. This design is the 8-bit input and produces 9-bit output.
Control units of Cin, S1 and S0 are connected together in order to have
some input signals for all blocks. The Cout of ALU will conncet to Cin of
next ALU in general and the Cout of ALU 1 will go to Cin of ALU 2, and so

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