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Lineament Mapping for Groundwater Exploration Using Remotely Sensed Imagery in Different Terrains

Carla Alonso Contes1, Miriam Rios-Sanchez2, Jill N. Bruning2, John S. Gierke2

1 University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
2 Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931

Lineament Mapping n Volcanic Terrain, Boaco (Nicaragua)
(Jill Bruning,2008)


Lineament Mapping in the Northern Karst Terrains of Puerto Rico

Developing methods for analyzing remote sensing data to

delineate fractures and discontinuities in hard-rock terrains could
be used to improve well-siting strategies in regions where the
primary sources of groundwater are bedrock wells. Groundwater
recharge/discharge zones might also be detectable using remote
sensing techniques that are sensitive to temperature, vegetation,
and water content differences.

A new approach for imageprocessing/synthesis was

developed to identify successful
satellite imagery types for
lineament analysis in non-ideal

The Northern Karst is a series of mogotes (hills),

underlain by a network of cavities connecting sinkholes
the main supply of water for inhabitants and contributes
to base flow of water bodies. Aquifers in Karst areas are
more susceptible to drought, subsidence, and

Fracture networks and discontinuities are difficult to characterize

because of inadequate information available from drilling records
and conventional mapping. Most features, such as bedding planes,
foliations, and faults, occur as linear features called lineaments and
these are sometimes visible in aerial photos and remotely sensed
imagery. Bruning (2008) demonstrated how lineaments could be
mapped using remotely sensed imagery by identifying patterns
based on color, tone, and texture, and demonstrated a suite of
digital image processing techniques, such as principal component
analysis and various indexing methods, to enhance the visibility of
features from different data sources.

A variety of digital image

processing techniques were
employed and lineament
interpretations were performed to
obtain 12 complementary image
products that were evaluated
subjectively to identify
lineaments. The 12 lineament
interpretations were synthesized
to create a raster image of
lineament zone coincidence that
shows the level of agreement
among the 12 interpretations.

Lineament mapping of karstic formations will help to

understand flow systems because the cavernous
conduits tend to be oriented along the structural strike;
bedding-plane partings provide favorable conditions of
cave development. Besides , faults and fractured zones
can act as paths of high permeability and concentrated
groundwater flow or act as barriers to flow (Meijerink,

This approach was developed for a relatively small volcanic area

(4 km by 16 km) in Nicaragua. We are adapting this approach to
study a regional system of multiple aquifers and created a
lineament map of the Quito aquifer system in Ecuador using
ASTER, RADARSAT, and Landsat images together with a Digital
Elevation Model. The normalized difference vegetation index was
used to detect fractures and faults that affect the occurrence of
vegetation associated with proximity of groundwater. The
normalized difference water index is sensitive to water content in
vegetated areas. In addition to applying the approach to a new and
larger volcanic region, this method was used in an attempt to
identify the cavity network in a karst terrain in a Northern area of
Puerto Rico where groundwater is the main supply of drinking
water for inhabitants and also contributes to base flow for surface
water bodies.
A comparison was made between mapping lineaments in volcanic
and karst terrains. Drainage patterns in karst are not as linear as in
volcanic terrain and connections are not as apparent in comparison
to lineaments in volcanic terrains. Nevertheless, the analysis of the
imagery provides additional insights into the subsurface structure
that complements topographic information.

A composite lineament
interpretation was made using the
coincidence raster to restrict
lineament observations to areas
where multiple interpretations (at
least 4) agree.
Nine of the 11 previously mapped
faults were identified from the
coincidence raster. An additional
26 lineaments were identified
from the coincidence raster, and
the locations of 10 were
confirmed by field observation.
Four manual pumping tests
suggest that well productivity is
higher for wells proximal to
lineament features.

Lineament Mapping in Volcanic Terrain, for Regional Aquifer Systems, Quito Metropolitan Area (Ecuador)

PCA, from Landsat ETM+

Thermal Band, LANDSAT

Lineaments were mapped in Radar, ASTER and

LANDSAT Images as well as in a DEM. This mapping
included the analysis of thermal bands from ASTER and
LANDSAT as for Quito, Ecuador. Lineaments from
RADAR Image reflect the regional structure of the area.
In ASTER images we were able to map lineaments within
the karstic areas and observe possible discharge areas.

LANDSAT ETM+, Band,S 6.5.4




Radarsat Image``





ASTER, Band 5 (Swir)

A comparison can be made between volcanic terrains

with soft rock terrain. In large scale images lineaments
and discontinuities related to karstic features are not as
clear as in volcanic terrains. Small scale satellite images
are needed and correlation needs to be done with the
regional structural geology. Karstic terrain need further
analysis due to its complicated topography.


NDVI and NDWI indices are being calculated to evaluate

the potential of those lineaments as recharge or
discharge areas.

Detail of lineament and karst

features in an ASTER
0 0.15 0.3




0.1 0.2

-Several types of images are necessary to make a more accurate lineament mapping, there are features that
appear in one type of image and that would not appear in another type. The spatial resolution of the image
influences the ability to identify lineaments, especially in karst terrains.

Lineament Map

-Radar image is the most useful in terrains with high degree of antropic influence and tropical climates.







-Thermal images as well as NDVI and NDWI indices have shown potential to support lineaments mapped
using single band analysis, also they have potential to correlate lineaments to recharge and discharge areas.



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For the analysis of the Quito Aquifer System (QAS), thermal imagery from LANDSAT and ASTER are being include additional to the ones used for
Boaco Nicaragua. Thermal bands are very useful to map lineaments in this area since there are high contrasts of elevation and of temperature,
due to the active tectonism and volcanism. Products from Digital Image Processes such as the principal component analysis (PCA) are being
used as well.
Lineament Mapping in QAS is one of the relevant tools to develop and test a remote-sensing based protocol for characterizing fracture networks in
regional systems, discontinuities and boundaries of local and regional aquifer systems, and evaluate their control on natural hydrological behavior
and well yields in volcanic aquifers. Also will contribute to test and enhance the protocols for characterizing fracture networks, discontinuities and
boundaries of aquifer systems using geophysical data, geochemistry, structural geology and hydrogeological data.

-Bruning, J.N. A digital processing data compilation approach for using remotely sensed imagery to identify geological lineaments in
hard-rock terrains: an application for groundwater exploration in Nicaragua, in Department of Geological/Mining Engineering &
Sciences. 2008, Michigan Technological University: Houghton.
-Cook, P.G., A guide to regional groundwater flow in fractured rock aquifers. 2003, Adelaide: CSIRO Australia.
-Custodio, E., Groundwater studies: an international guide for hydrogeological investigations in Groundwater studies: an international
guide for hydrogeological investigations, V.S. Kovalevsky, G.P. Kruseman, and K.R. Rushton, Editors. 2004, UNESCO: Paris. p. 430.
-Meijerink, A.M.J., et al., Remote sensing applications to groundwater. IHP-VI series on groundwater; 16. 2007, Paris: UNESCO. 311.
-Rios Sanchez M. et al, Workshop on Application of Remote Sensing to Exploration And Evaluation of Groundwater Resources. IX
Latin American Congress of Hydrogeology. July 7-12, 2008 Quito, Ecuador
- Supported in part by the Michigan Space Grant Consortium

-This research is supported by the US National Science Foundation through OISE and PIRE 0530109.
-Global Landcover Faciltity (LANDSAT Images and Digita;l Elevation Models EMs)
-LP DAAC. NASA Land Processes distributed active archive center (ASTER Images).
-Alaska Satellite Facility (Radarsat Images).

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