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282- Seala la frase correcta; Estamos preparados ?

a- We are ready ?
b- we have ready ?
c- are we ready ?
d- have we ready ?
283- Seala la frase correcta; has terminado?
a- are you finished ?
b- have you finished ?
c- you are finished ?
d- you have finished ?
284- Seala la frase correcta; vendrn ellos ?
a- They wil come ?
b- will they come ?
c- come they wil ?
d- they come wil ?
285- Seala la frase correcta; puedes hacerlo ?
a- do you can it ?
b- you do can it ?
c- you can do it ?
d- can you do it ?
286- Seala la frase correcta; No estamos preparados.
a- We are not ready
b- not are we ready
c- Are we not ready
d- ready not we are
287- Ella no puede hacerlo.
a- She can't do it
b- can't she do it
c- do not can she it
d- not can do she it
288- Necesitas un abrigo ?
a- you need a coat ?
b- you do need a coat ?
c- do you need a coat ?
d- need you a coat ?

289- No necesitas un abrigo.

a- Does you not need a coat
b- You do not need a coat
c- not need you a coat
d- not you need a coat
290- Necesita l un abrigo ?
a- Does he need a coat ?
b- She does need a coat ?
b- Does she need a coat ?
d- a y b son correctas.
291- Se hace chocolate en Suiza
a- Chocolate be made in Suiza
b- Chocolate is made in Suiza
c- Chocolate does made in Suiza
d- Chocolate are made in Suiza
292- Dnde ibas cuando te telefone ?
a- Where did you going when I telephoned ?
b- Where was you going when I telephoned ?
c- Where have you going when I telephoned ?
d- Where were you going when I telephoned ?
293- Sales todas las noches ?
a- Do you go out every night ?
b- Did you go out every night ?
c- Where do you go every night ?
d- What are you doing every night ?
294- No tiene tiempo.
a- He didn't had time
b- He doesn't have time
c- He don't have time
d- He has have time
295- Qu hiciste ayer?
a- What do you do yesterday ?
b- What will you do yesterdy ?
c- What did you do yesterday ?
d- What would you do yesterday ?

296- Has estado alguna vez en Pars ?

a- Had you ever been to Pars ?
b- Have you ever been to Pars ?
c- Have you ever been in Pars ?
d- Has you ever been to Pars ?
297- Juan ha hecho la compra.
a- Juan had done the shopping
b- Juan has done shopping
c- Juan has done the shopping
d- Juan have done the shopping
298- Mara va a hacer la compra.
a- Mara is going to do the shopping
b- Mara are going to do the shopping
c- Mara will go to do the shopping
d- Mara would go to do the shopping
299- Qu vas a hacer esta noche ?
a- What would you do at night ?
b- What will you do at night ?
c- What do you go to do at night ?
d- What are you going to do at night ?
300- Yo no necesitaba so.
a- I don't need that
b- I didn't need that
c- I won't need that
d- I want that
301- Echamos la carta al correo ?
a- We don't past the letter ?
b- We did the letter post ?
c- Did we post the letter ?
d- We didn't post the letter
302- Te puede ayudar/he ____ help you.
a- can
b- might
c- could
d- must

303- No puedes salir/you ____ go out.

a- could
b- can not
c- can't
d- b y c son correctas.
304- Me puedes abrir la puerta ?/ ____ you open the door for me ?
a- shall
b- can
c- myght
d- could
305- No poda entender por qu estaba enfadado/he ____ understand
a- couldn't
b- mihgt not
c- musn't
d- can not
306- Podramos ir en tren/we ____ go by train.
a- could
b- shall
c- has to
d- must
307- Puedo usar el telfono/ ____ I use the phone
a- shall
b- may
c- can
d- could
308- Puede que decida quedarse/she ____ decide to stay.
a- may
b- myght
c- might
d- could
309- Podra pedirle un favor ? ____ I ask you a favour ?
a- may
b- mine
c- shall

why he was

d- might
310- Ir a Londres/ I ____ go to London
a- will
b- would
c- could
d- will be able to
311- LLegar maana/ he ____ arrive tomorrow.
a- be able to
b- will
c- would
d- could
312- No quiere hacer lo que le pide/ He ____ do what he asks.
a- couldn't
b- might not
c- wouldn't
d- cloesrit want to
313- Le encantara ir a China/ he ____ love to go to China.
a- would
b- could
c- might
d- may
314- Quieres un caramelo ?/ ____ you like a sweet ?.
a- shall
b- them
c- have to
d- would
315- Estaremos all a las seis/ We ____ be there at six
a- can
b- will
c- shall
d- be able to
316- Nos sentamos aqu ?/ ____ we sit here ?.
a- will
b- be able to
c- might

d- shall
317- Por qu debo hacerle caso ?/ Why ____ I listen to her ?
a- should
b- would
c- will
d- can
318- No deberas hablarle as/ You ____ speak to her like that.
a- couldn't
b- mighdn't
c- shouldn't
d- can't
319- Deberas escribirle/ You ____ to write to her
a- ought
b- can't
c- cought
d- musn't
320- Debes decrselo/ You ____ tell her.
a- could
b- might
c- would
d- must
321- Dijo que no deba tocarlo/ She told him he ____ touch it.
a- have
b- has to
c- must not
d- can
347-Do you know the man ____ did the research on illegal aliens ?
a- which
b- where
c- that
d- who

348- The Rock of Gibraltar, ____ is at the southern tip ofs spain, was the end of the world
for ancient navigators.
a- which
b- that
c- who
d- when

349- My cousin Andrs, ____ works at home, has recently hooked up to internet.
a- who
b- that
c- whom
d- How

350- It was early in the morning ____ I heard someone knock on the door.
a- where
b- when
c- whose
d- whom

351- Conchita Martnez, ____ name has been in the news recently, is world famous.
a- whom
b- whose
c- who
d- how

352- The library ____ I found this information lets you access books on a computer.
a- who
b- whose
c- that
d- where

353- Internet is a computer network ____ isn't controlled or owned by any company.
a- where
b- when
c- that

d- whom

354- The internet, ____ has 25 million users, is the world's largest computer network.
a- who
b- that
c- which
d- whose

355- Do you remenber the time ____ we on the beach ?

a- which
b- whose
c- where
d- when

356- This woman, ____ hair is green, is quite a celebrity in Spain.

a- whose
b- which
c- that
d- who
444- Puedo usar el bao ?/ ____ I use the bathroom ?
a- may
b- can
c- must
d- shall

445- Debers escribirle/You ____ to write to her.

a- must
b- can
c- ought
d- may

446- Alguna vez te han robado ?

a- has you ever been robbed ?
b- had you ever been robbed ?

c- have you been robbed ?

d- have you ever been robbed ?

447- Ellos estn comiendo/They are ____.

a- eaten
b- eats
c- eating
d- eat

448- Estaba haciendo una hamburguesa/I ____ ____ a burguer.

a- were making
b- have made
c- was making
d- made

449- Se quitaron los pantalones/they took off ____ trousers.

a- them
b- their
c- they
d- the

450- You're clowning around,

____ ?

a- haven't you
b- doesn't you
c- aren't you
d- hadn't you

451- Si t hubieras comido, you hubiese ido a la playa/If you ____ ____ , I ____ ____ to
the beach.
a- had eaten/would has gone
b- has eaten /have gone will have gone
c- had eaten/would have gone
d- has eaten/would have gone

452- Pasa a pasiva: Sam must finish all the reports today.

a- The reports must be finish today

b- All the reports must be finish today
c- All the reports must be finished today
d- Today must be all the reports finished

453- El hombre cuyo coche fue robado, llam a la polica/the man ____ car was stolen
has called the police.
a- whose
b- that
c- where
d- which

454- Estaban jugando al baloncesto/they were playing ____ basketball.

a- at
b- no hay preposicin
c- to
d- to/at

455- El caballo est entre estos rboles/The horse is ____ these trees.
a- into
b- under
c- in front
d- between

456- Mira estos lpices/ look at ____ pencils

a- those
b- you
c- these
d- this

457- Con qu frecuencia vas a Salobrea ?/ ____ do you go to Salobrea ?

a- Where
b- How often
c- Wow many time
d- When

458- Cul de estos libros es tuyo ?/ ____ of these books is yours ?

a- what
b- how
c- which
d- who

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