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Ifaz Chowdhury

Production Brief
Project name:
Create an opening sequence of an action genre film
Opening sequence of an action film
3-4 min
13th October 2015
Group members:
Ifaz Chowdhury, Conor Daly and Barry Turi
Brief overview of content:
The dogs are a heist group that had just done the biggest heist in English history
which was stealing 10,000,000. Chief, Billy and Robert perform the heists, and Hal
and Joe are the men behind them. Another heist group called the ballers try to steal
the money but they failed. After that the dogs want to take revenge on the ballers. So
they went to their safe house and broke in to steal the money. They find out that the
leader of the ballers is Chiefs brother. After Chiefs brother is killed and Billy and
Robert are wounded the police arrest all three of them. They are put in prison where
they secretly organise a prison break.

Target audience:
15-40 years of age male and female
Possible scheduling/publishing suggestion:
Posters will be released in local areas also we will use social media such as
facebook and YouTube. We will also be handing out flyers to our target audience.
What comparable products have you researched:
We have researched the genre as well as watching few clips of action films. Such as
the movies taken and the dark knight
What is the rationale behind this text:

Ifaz Chowdhury

Ifaz Chowdhury

We use spine chilling back ground music to create tension which will enhance the
viewers interest and we also used fast paced music to also create tension.

What representation will be operating in your text and are they justified:
We have represented music as way to create tension in the film by not knowing what
will happen next and this will frighten the viewer. This is justified because it is an
action genre. The use music is to create tension and to create and effect on the
How will you test whether the product is successful and how will you check that it
accomplishes the intend effect on the audience:
We will hand out a post questionnaire to our target audience after waiting the
opening sequence to get their reactions and for them to judge if it is a success as a
thriller film.
We will check if it has accomplished the intended effect by putting a group of people
from your target audience to watch our opening sequence and after they had
watched and if we had received the intended response from the view then we can
call it a success.
What generic codes and convention will be operating in your text.
We used a variety of different codes and conventions such as props (guns) to
represent danger as well as fear. Also the use of dark colours connotes darkness as
well as corruption.
What are the obvious messages incorporated into the text:
Hal and Joe are the more vulnerable, and Chief, Billy and Robert are the more
remorseless characters.

Are there any hidden messages incorporated in your text:

Identify any resource constraints (time, money equipment, human resources) that
might affect the production and your hopes for your product:
The time limited our ability to relax and repeat the shots so we could pick the best
one. Money limited our ability to use better editing softwares to produce the film.
Also equipment affected the quality of our work because of the money limiting the
quality of the equipment.
Ifaz Chowdhury

Ifaz Chowdhury

Ifaz Chowdhury

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