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ENG 4020 Professional Engineering Practice in Manitoba

ASSIGNMENTS for 2015/2016

Summary of Assignments


Due Date:

Relates to:

Two-minute & ten-minute papers



All modules

Active Participation



All modules

Profile statement & Resume



Attend in-class
Workshop in Sept.
17, 2015
Month of
September: Revise
with Kathleen as
September 30:
Profile statements
and updated
resumes due
Due Date
Chapter Tuesdays
Sept. 22
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 20

Module 3 and
co-op term

Module 1

Chapter summaries and discussions

(Laroche text)


Elevator Speech


November 26

Module 1, 3 and
co-op term

Oral report on engineering in your

home country


January 12 or 14,

Module 2

APEGM Act / Bylaws / Code of Ethics

test (ABC test)


January 31

Module 2

WorkSmartCampus on-line tutorial


February 28

Module 3

Reflection on learning


March 26

All modules

Five hours with Communications



Continuous until
April 7

All modules

Professional Branding requirements


April 7

All modules




ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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Two-minute papers and Ten-minute papers:

Several times during the course year, you will be assigned a two-minute paper or a ten-minute
These are very informal assignments and do not require any advance preparation. Two-minute
papers are completed in class, and ten-minute papers generally have a one-week deadline.
A two-minute paper will be given at the beginning of class and will be used to evaluate your
understanding of the weeks reading assignment. An example of a two-minute paper is, Tell
me the two ideas that you found most interesting in this weeks reading assignment. The
assignment is completed immediately in about 2 to 3 minutes and handed to the instructor.
A ten-minute paper will be given via email or through a course website. It is used to encourage
you to reflect more deeply on the ideas discussed in class. An example of a ten-minute paper
is, Tell me how you have noticed Laroches concept of power distance in your life in Canada.
The assignment usually has a one-week deadline and is completed on your own time. You are
encouraged to spend only 10-20 minutes on it. It is then submitted to the instructor.
In both cases, you are not graded on your English language spelling or grammar. You are
encouraged to write genuinely from your experience, and you are graded on the basis that the
assignment shows an attempt at genuine reflection and thought.

Profile Statement and Resume Review & Revision:

See cover page for due dates
A critical task in the IEEQ Program is to develop resumes that you will be distributing to
employers for the co-op work term, and that the IEEQ Program will also use on your behalf. It is
important to do this early in the year, as co-op recruiting begins in fall already.
Sept. 17, 2015: A consultant from the Faculty of Engineering Cooperative Education and
Industrial Internship Program will discuss professional resumes in engineering and give
guidance on the best way for you, as experienced internationally-educated engineers, to market
your skills in entering the professional job market. Bring the latest version of your resume to
this class.
On or before Sept. 30, 2015: Please make any necessary revisions and submit a revised copy
of your resume and your profile statement to Kathleen Clarke electronically (.doc or .rtf
format, not .pdf format). This is the resume that we will use in recruiting employers for the coop work term, and it is the resume that you should use in your co-op job search, even if your coop search will only take place in one year from now.

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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Chapter summaries and discussions (Laroche text)

See cover page for due dates
In September and October, we will be discussing the textbook Managing Cultural Diversity in
Technical Professions, by Lionel Laroche. The book is divided into five main chapters: (1)
Culture and cultural differences; (2) Management styles; (3) Teamwork styles; (4)
Communication styles; and (5) Career progression issues.
You are to write a summary of each chapter, due each Tuesday as noted on the cover page. In
addition, through a random selection every Tuesday, students will be assigned to lead small
group discussions of that weeks chapter.
The purpose of the summaries and discussions is to encourage deeper engagement with the
concepts in the book, to practice leadership and teamwork skills in group facilitation and
participation, and to practice oral and written English language communication.
You will submit one page for each chapter. The page will have two parts as follows:
Part 1: A brief summary of the key points in the chapter (one paragraph maximum).
Guidance on writing the summary will be provided in class before the Chapter 1 due
Part 2: Your reactions to the material and concepts in the chapter (approx. half page). It
is your opportunity to state your opinion about what you have read and support your
opinion with a thoughtful analysis or argument. The reactions will be written in point
form (bullets or numbers).
To compose your reactions, ask yourself these kinds of questions: What did I
agree with? What did Laroche write that I can relate to first-hand? What do I
disagree with, and why? Did Laroche cover the issues completely, or did he miss
something important? How can this material be applied in my everyday life? I
encourage you to think of additional questions to ask yourself and add points that
reflect your personal reaction to the material and concepts in the chapter.
If you wish, you can use the template on the next page for your summaries and reactions.
These can be hand-written or typed.
Group discussions will be based on Part 2, your reactions, and the reactions of others in your
group. Guidance on group facilitation and participation, and English language issues will be
provided in class.

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Chapter Summary & Reactions TEMPLATE See cover page for due dates
Part 1: Summary (one paragraph maximum, complete sentences)

Part 2: Reactions (point form)


ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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Oral presentation on the organization and regulation of professional engineering in your

home country vs. Canada
See cover page for presentation dates
One objective of this course is to help participants understand the way the engineering
profession is organized and regulated in Canada, and to identify differences and similarities to
the profession of engineering in your home country. In this oral report, you are asked to
compare and contrast the regulation and organization of engineering in Canada to engineering
in your home country. Another objective of this assignment is to practice making a formal
presentation in English.
This presentation is not a factual summary of engineering in your home country. This
presentation includes comparison, contrast, and evaluation of similarities and
differences between the profession in your home country, and the profession in Canada.
The presentation should address the following issues (relevant readings are highlighted in
parentheses below):

Legal foundations of the profession (Andrews, pp. 31-39). If the profession is not legally
regulated in your home country, you may wish to compare and contrast educational and / or
historical foundations of the profession.
The presence & function of regulatory bodies such as APEGM (Andrews, pp. 40)
The process of achieving a professional license (P.Eng., or the right to use the title
engineer, and the right to practice professional engineering) (Andrews, pp. 41-52)
Code of Ethics and the professions relationship to the public (Andrews, pp. 52-53, 231-236)

You may also want to address the following issues:

The Engineers Seal (Andrews, p. 51)

Professional misconduct (Andrews, pp. 52-53, 65)
Maintaining Professional Competence (Andrews, pp. 63-65)

When you discuss these areas, do not re-state how things are done in Canada. You can
assume that we already know that part. Please highlight the aspects of the engineering
profession in your home country that are either similar to or different from Canada, and how
they are similar or different.
Be aware of the Universitys policies on plagiarism (See the Undergraduate Calendar for full
details). It is natural that you may refer to websites or other print material to get details on the
organization of the engineering profession in Canada or your home country. However, it is not
acceptable to duplicate or use directly from websites or other sources word for word. In
general, please remember two rules:
1. The majority of the presentation must be in your own words: paraphrases of things
you have read elsewhere, but organized in your own way.
2. Sources of information must be clearly identified.

(continued on next page)

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In order to accommodate everyone in the class, the presentation should be a

maximum of 7 minutes.
You may also choose to work in groups of two or three people. A group of two
people will have 14 minutes and a group of three people will have 21 minutes
maximum for the presentation. Each person in the group must have an
approximately equal speaking time.
A sign-up sheet will be given in class in October.
You will be given feedback on the format of the presentation, including timing, voice, body
language, and visual aids (if you decide to use any, like overhead transparencies or
PowerPoint). You will not be graded on this portion. The feedback will be for your information
You will be graded on the content of the presentation, in the same way that a written report
would be graded.
Tips for oral presentations:

Practice ahead of time to be sure you are within the time limits given. Seven minutes
can go by very quickly. Practicing is required to ensure you are aware of how long it
takes to go through your material.
Make notes of what you wish to say, but do not read from them word-for-word.
Be aware of body language: eye contact, posture, hand gestures, nervous habits (for
example, shuffling objects or paper, rocking back and forth on your feet, etc.)
Use examples and/or stories to illustrate your main points, if appropriate.
Decide whether your presentation needs any visual aids, like an overhead
transparencies, PowerPoint, or handouts for the audience.

If you decide to use PowerPoint, your slides MUST be sent to Kathleen Clarke a minimum
of two days prior to your presentation date.

Elevator Speech
- See cover page for due dates
An elevator speech is a short description of what you do, or the point you want to make,
presented in the time it takes an elevator to go from the top floor to the first floor or vice versa. It
is a prepared presentation that grabs attention and says a lot in a few words. The purpose for
preparing and practicing an effective elevator speech is to help you to develop English language
and communication skills to make a great first impression and build credibility in networking
situations and job interviews.
Throughout the IEEQ Program, you will have several opportunities to practice your elevator
speech and one opportunity in term 1 for formal observation and feedback. You will be
observed marked on content, sentence structure, grammar, pronunciation, and body language.

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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APEGM ABC Test (Act / Bylaws / Code of Ethics)

See cover page for due dates
The Act / Bylaws / Code of Ethics test (ABC test) was created by APEGM, and is a requirement
for all persons who wish to register with APEGM (Canadian-educated and internationallyeducated engineers as well). By completing the test in this course, you do not need to repeat it
later when you apply for registration to APEGM.
The ABC is an open-book test that tests your familiarity with three documents:
The Engineering & Geoscientific Professions Act (Act),
The APEGM By-Laws (By-Laws), and
The Code of Ethics for the Practice of Professional Engineering & Professional
Geoscience (Code of Ethics).
You will find these three documents on-line at
The test will be written on-line, through the APEGM website: The next
page shows login information.
The test will be available in mid-October and then it will remain available until the due date.

The test is made up of 50 questions, each worth 2 points (100 possible points in total). The
on-line system makes up the test by randomly selecting 50 questions from a database of
approximately 300 questions. This means that the test you write will be different from that of
your classmates.
The test is made up of 50 True/False questions. To get full marks for each question, you
must correctly answer the true/false portion, and also correctly state which of the three
documents (and which section of the document) the answer is found in.
There is no time limit in performing the test.
You may use any books, documents, or other reference material as you write the test. You
may also consult with classmates.
Upon completion of a test, a mark will be displayed. APEGM has set the pass mark for this
test as 90%. If you want the test to count for the APEGM registration requirement, you will
need to achieve 90% or higher. However, for the purposes of your grade in this course
(ENG 4020), I will take your highest mark on the test, even if it is not 90%.
If you submit a test and receive a mark under 90%, you can begin a new test.

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

Page 8

To acces
ss the APEG
GM ABC testt,
1. Go
G to
2. Click
on the Login

at the
e top left corrner of the sccreen.

3. On
O the next screen,
enter your 5-digit APEGM nu
umber. Thiss is the number that is lissted
near your nam
me on the le
etter from AP
PEGM with t he results off your Assesssment of
redentials. Iff you have never
d in before, the system w
will prompt you to
choose a pas

4. Once
you hav
ve logged in
n, your home
e screen sho
ould display tthe ABC tesst with

ENG 4020
nments 2015 / 2016

Page 9

WorkSmartCampus on-line safety & health tutorial

See cover page for due date
WorkSmartCampus is an online occupational health and safety tutorial. At the completion of the
various modules, you will be asked to complete a Passport to Safety test. Complete the test
and print your certificate. Submit the certificate to the course instructors as confirmation that
you have completed the assignment.
You can begin the test at any time during the first or second term. One two-hour tutorial session
will be provided in Term 2 to work on this online tutorial; however, you will also need to plan to
spend time on your own to work on this.

1. Go to
2. Click on First Time? Enrol here first to set up your profile.
a. For Campus ID, use MEVT2747
b. For Password, use your e-mail address.
3. Return to the main page. Enter the Campus ID and the e-mail address you registered
as your password.
4. Work through the tutorial from HS101 to Passport to Safety.
5. Print the certificate when you complete all elements.

Important Hints

The tutorial works best with Internet Explorer.

Be sure to enable pop-ups (i.e., turn off any pop-up blockers).

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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Reflection on Learning over the past year

See cover page for due date
Reflecting on the ongoing process of integration into and understanding of the culture
and practice of professional engineering in Canada:
Areas where my integration and/or understanding is complete/nearly complete and successful:

This page will be provided to you in Word format, to complete the assignment.
This sheet is a sample only.

Areas where my integration and/or understanding is ongoing:

Areas where my integration and/or understanding is just beginning:

My biggest difficulties will be:

My plan to address these challenges or difficulties is: (specific things you can do to further
develop yourself)

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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One-on-one sessions with Kathleen Clarke, Communications Instructor

- Continuous until April 7
Research indicates that for internationally-educated engineers, your English language abilities
(reading, writing, listening, and speaking) are some of the most important factors in determining
your employability. In the IEEQ program, employers who review IEEQ participants resumes for
a co-op position often ask us, how is this persons English as one of the first things they want
to know about the candidate. In Canada, engineers even junior engineers are expected to
communicate with colleagues, management, suppliers, contractors, and clients every day.
The IEEQ Communications Instructor is available to help you to continue to develop your
English skills and communication skills.
Course requirement: As part of the course requirements, you are required to spend a
minimum of five (5) hours with Campbell Martin anytime between September 2015 and April 9,
2016, to receive one-on-one and group guidance and tutoring in writing and communication.
You are encouraged to use this time to review written assignments (from any course, not just
this course) with Kathleen before you hand them in, to review written assignments after the
instructor has marked them and handed them back to you, and to develop a plan that you can
work on after the IEEQ program to continue to develop your language skills.
This assignment is marked Pass / Fail. You cannot pass the course if you have not completed
the five (5) hours with Kathleen Clarke.

Professional Branding
See cover page for due date
The professional branding requirement component of the IEEQ Program, including its purpose,
is outlined in detail in your Passport. You are required to complete the Professional Branding
requirements in each term.

There is no final exam in this course.

ENG 4020 Assignments 2015 / 2016

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