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S.G. Anderson∗ , W.J. Brown, A.M. Tremaine, LLNL, Livermore, CA 94550, USA
P. Musumeci, J.B. Rosenzweig, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA

Abstract Thomson X-ray source photoinjector [12]. In addition, we

examine the beam dynamics in the compression process
We report the compression of a high brightness, relativis-
with PARMELA simulations and find the emittance behavior
tic electron beam to rms lengths below 300 femtoseconds
consistent with that predicted by emittance compensation
using the velocity compression technique in the LLNL
Thomson X-ray source photoinjector. The results are con-
sistent with analytical and computational models of this
process. The emittance evolution of the beam during com- VELOCITY BUNCHING
pression is investigated in simulation and found to be con- For compression with velocity bunching, the required
trollable with solenoid focusing. time of flight difference between the beam head and tail,
∆t/t = ∆L/L − ∆v/v, is provided solely by the veloc-
INTRODUCTION ity difference, ∆v/v, imparted by the time dependent rf
fields in the accelerating structure. This method, therefore,
Fourth generation light sources [1] and future high en-
is more easily applied at lower energies, since ∆v/v =
ergy physics accelerators [2] will require beams with both 1
very low emittance, and sub-picosecond rms lengths. The γ 2 (∆p/p), and the imparted momentum spread required
for compression is lower, and may be more easily reduced
need for high brightness motivates the use of radio fre-
by acceleration.
quency (rf) photoinjectors, the highest brightness electron
To understand the basic mechanism of velocity compres-
sources. However, the brightness of these sources results
sion, consider the interaction of an electron with the sinu-
in space-charge forces which are large enough to domi-
soidal, accelerating rf wave given by E z = E0 sin (Ψ) ,
nate the transverse beam dynamics. The method of main-
where Ψ = ωt − kz + φ0 is the particle phase with respect
taining the low emittance of photoinjector beams, termed
to the wave, and E0 is the peak accelerating electric field of
emittance compensation [3, 4], balances the defocusing
the wave. With a field of this form, the particle equations
space-charge forces with external focusing and accelerat-
of motion are given (as in Ref. [11]) by
ing forces. This process defines the optimal dimensions
of the beam and typically limits the minimum rms bunch dγ
length to a few picoseconds. = αk sin Ψ (1)
This limit coupled with the needs of advanced beam
dΨ γ
applications has produced much interest in the topic of = k  −1 , (2)
pulse compression of high brightness beams. Specifically, dz γ2 − 1
magnetic compression schemes [5], in which a longitudi-
nal position/momentum correlation is created by running where α = eE0 /me c2 k is the dimensionless vector poten-
off-crest in an rf accelerator and then removed by path- tial amplitude of the wave. These equations can be used
length/momentum correlation in a magnet system, have to plot electron trajectories in (Ψ, γ) phase space, as il-
been studied extensively [6, 7]. These studies have re- lustrated in Fig. 1b. In this space particles follow lines of
vealed distortions, and corresponding emittance growth, in constant Hamiltonian and, as the figure illustrates, a beam
both the longitudinal and transverse phase space arising injected near the rf zero crossing (Ψ = 0) will initially
from magnetic compression. At moderate to high energy slip back in phase as a strong Ψ-γ correlation is produced.
(≥ 40 MeV) coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is the As the beam slips in phase, it samples a stronger electric
most significant source of emittance growth [7], while at field and accelerates as the phase space correlation begins
lower energies space-charge forces can play an important to bunch the beam. At the end of this process the beam
role [8]. has slipped into a strongly accelerating phase and the phase
To avoid the effects of magnetic compression on the space orientation of the beam has rotated by 90 ◦ from that
transverse beam quality, a new rectilinear compression of the injected beam.
technique, termed velocity bunching, has been proposed
[9], and recently studied experimentally [10, 11]. In this EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENTS
paper we review the velocity bunching mechanism and
The LLNL Thomson X-ray source photoinjector and
present data produced by its implementation at the LLNL
linac consists of a BNL/SLAC/UCLA/LLNL 1.625 cell
∗ photo-cathode rf gun [13] followed by four SLAC style 2.5
Longitudinal Phase Space
Exit 14
vt 10

Time 6

(a) vh
Head (b)
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
vt > vh Ψ [radians] Injected
Lines of constant

Figure 1: Phase space particle trajectories illustrate the velocity compression mechanism.

Bunch Length Energy Spread Michelson interferometer which analyzes coherent transi-
4 6
tion radiation (CTR) emitted from the electron beam’s im-
σ φ (degrees)

4 pact on a metal foil [15]. The device uses 100 µm spaced
σ γ/γ (%)

2 wire grids to polarize the coherent THz radiation, which

2 limits the highest frequencies that can be measured and
1 (a) (b)
therefore, limits the shortest measurable pulses to 300
0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10 femtoseconds, rms.
z (meters) z (meters)
The first traveling wave section was phased as indicated
above to perform the velocity bunching measurement. The
phase was adjusted to maximize the CTR detector signal
Figure 2: Simulation of the (a) pulse length, and (b) energy
at the end of the linac and thus, minimize the pulse length,
spread in the compression experiment.
since the radiated energy, ECT R ∝ Q2 /σt [16]. The in-
terferometer was then used to obtain the autocorrelation of
the electron pulse, shown in Fig 3. Analysis of the inter-
meter, S-band traveling wave sections. The linac is capa-
ferometer data is complicated somewhat by the fact that
ble of producing 100 MeV electrons, and is typically run
longer wavelengths (λ >1 mm) are not adequately mea-
in an energy range of 20-70 MeV for Thomson scattering
sured due to diffraction and finite apertures in the device.
X-ray production [14]. The gun and each of the accelerator
The measured data is in fact the filtered autocorrelation of
sections are independently powered and phased, allowing
the beam temporal profile. The pulse length was extracted
us to study velocity compression. The beam charge for this
study was 250 pC, again the typical amount produced in
X-ray production experiments.
A simulation of longitudinal beam dynamics is shown in
Fig. 2. Here the initial phase space configuration is taken
1. 2
from a PARMELA simulation of the rf gun and injected into
Autocorrelation Signal (normalized)

the first linac section at a phase of −17◦ (107◦ ahead of 1

crest). The next two sections are phased in this simula-

0. 8
tion for on-crest acceleration of the beam up to a final en-
ergy of 50 MeV. As the figure shows, the bunch length 0. 6
decreases in the first accelerator section reaching a mini-
0. 4
mum rms value of 160 femtoseconds. Simultaneously, the σ < 0.3 psec
energy spread increases to a peak rms value of ∼4%. As 0. 2

the beam begins to accelerate at the end of the first section

and in the following sections the relative energy spread de- 0 5 10 15 20
creases to a final value of 0.5%. Note also that these simu- Delay Arm Position (psec)
lations predict a final energy of 57 MeV and energy spread
of 0.2% when the beam is injected into the first accelerator
section at 70◦, consistent with experimental measurements Figure 3: Autocorrelated CTR data for a fully compressed
performed with a spectrometer magnet. bunch. The measured bunch length is limited by the wave-
The bunch length diagnostic we employed is a polarizing lengths detectable by the diagnostic.
from the data through the use of a time domain fitting algo- 0.3 6

Norm. RMS Emittance (mm mrad)

rithm which takes into account the loss of low frequencies,
as described in Ref. [15]. 0.25 5
The shortest measured pulse length was 300 femtosec-
onds, rms. This number is consistent with the wire grid 0.2 4
spacing limit of the diagnostic and as simulations indicate,

σ (cm)
the actual bunch length may be significantly shorter. In 0.15 3
addition, space-charge inclusive PARMELA and HOMDYN

simulations of this system give minimum pulse lengths be-
0.1 2
low 200 fsec.

0.05 1
As mentioned above, velocity bunching has the potential 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
to compress while avoiding the emittance growth observed
in bending systems. The possibility for emittance growth Z (cm)
in this case comes from space-charge forces. Because the
bunch is compressing — increasing in current, in this mea-
surement approaching 1 kA — at relatively low energy, the Figure 4: PARMELA simulation of the RMS beam size
normal emittance compensation process must be altered to (solid line) and emittance (dashed line) evolution for the
control the emittance. compressing scenario.
The nominal emittance compensation process in the case
of a split injector [17] is to focus the beam out of the gun
[2] International Study Group, Tech. Rep. SLAC-R-559, Stan-
to a waist, and matched onto the invariant envelope [4],
ford Linear Accelerator Center (2000).

[3] B. E. Carlsten, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A
2 I
σIE =  , (3) 285, 313 (1989).
γ (1 + η/2) I0 γ
[4] L. Serafini and J. B. Rosenzweig, Phys. Rev. E 55, 7565
at the entrance of the accelerator section. Here γ is the nor-
malized accelerating gradient, γ the energy, I0 = 17kA the [5] M. James et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-30, 2992 (1983).
characteristic current, and η is a unitless function of the ex- [6] H. Braun, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 658 (2000).
ternal focusing forces. In the case of velocity compression, H. Braun, et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 3, 124402
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the beam to and equilibrium size, σ eq (σ  = σ  = 0), [7] ICFA Beam Dynamics mini workshop (2002), see
2 2I (z) workshop_2002_index.html.
σeq =  (4) [8] S. G. Anderson, Ph. D. thesis, University of California, Los
γ (z) η (z) γ (z) I0
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If we make the approximation that I (z) /γ (z) is con- [9] L. Serafini, A. Bacci, and M. Ferrario, in Proceedings of
stant, then it is clear that the applied external focusing must the PAC 2001, Chicago, (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2001), pp.
increase as γ increases. This process is shown in Fig. 4, 2242-2244.
where the beam envelope is kept roughly matched by in- [10] P. Musumeci et al., these proceedings.
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[12] G. P. LeSage et al., in Advanced Accelerator Concepts:
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ACKNOLEDGEMENTS [13] D. T. Palmer, Ph. D. thesis, Stanford University (1998).
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. [14] W. J. Brown et al., these proceedings.
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REFERENCES [17] L. Serafini and J.B. Rosenzweig, in Proceedings of the PAC
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[1] The LCLS Design Study Group, Tech. Rep. SLAC-R-0521,
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