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Space-charge effects in high brightness electron beam emittance measurements

S. G. Anderson and J. B. Rosenzweig

UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90095

G. P. LeSage and J. K. Crane

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550
(Received 21 September 2001; published 10 January 2002)
The measurement of emittance in space-charge dominated, high brightness beam systems is investi-
gated from conceptual, computational, and experimental viewpoints. As the self-field-induced collective
motion in the low energy, high brightness beams emitted from photoinjector rf guns are more important in
determining the macroscopic beam evolution than thermal spreads in transverse velocity; traditional meth-
ods for phase space diagnosis fail in these systems. We discuss the role of space charge forces in a tradi-
tional measurement of transverse emittance, the quadrupole scan. The mitigation of these effects by use
of multislit- or pepper-pot-based techniques is explained. The results of a direct experimental comparison
between quadrupole scanning and slit-based determination of the emittance of a 5 MeV high brightness
electron beam are presented. These data are interpreted with the aid of both envelope and multiparticle
simulation codes. It is shown that the ratio of the beam’s b function to its transverse plasma wavelength
plays a central role in the quadrupole scan results. Methods of determining the presence of systematic
errors in quadrupole scan data are discussed.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.5.014201 PACS numbers: 05.45.– a, 29.27.Bd, 41.75.Ht, 41.85.Ja

I. INTRODUCTION to take into account the space-charge forces in the beam,

as these forces usually control the beam’s behavior. In
There exists an emerging class of very high brightness addition, space charge can change the property one is at-
electron beams, which are created through photo- tempting to measure in the region of measurement. For
emission from cathodes embedded in high field radio example, the emittance compensation process relies on the
frequency guns, and driven by picosecond lasers. These fact that the emittance changes (oscillates) in a drift re-
systems, termed rf photoinjectors [1,2], produce high gion after a solenoid. Another issue in the measurement
brightness beams by creating high charge beams with the of photoinjector beams is the stability of the photocath-
time structure of the driving laser, and preserving both the ode drive laser. Fluctuations in the energy and size of the
temporal extent and the transverse phase space quality, drive laser cause shot-to-shot fluctuations in the beam size
despite the presence of extremely large space-charge and emittance both directly and indirectly (by changing the
forces. The preservation of the electron beam pulse length space-charge forces and the emittance compensation pro-
is accomplished by application of large amplitude rf accel- cess.) For this reason, in photoinjectors single shot mea-
erating fields, while the transverse phase space quality is surements are preferable to those requiring many shots.
controlled and optimized by judicious balancing of space In the remainder of this paper, we review and examine
charge defocusing and externally applied focusing forces. the effects of space charge in two different emittance mea-
Perhaps one of the more remarkable aspects of the beam’s surement techniques — the multislit-based and quadrupole
evolution is that the transverse emittance can be greatly (quad) scan systems. This paper builds on previous work
expanded and subsequently diminished during one plasma on the subject of emittance measurement systems [8] and
oscillation occurring under optimized beam transport measuring the emittance of photoinjector beams [9]. We
conditions. This process, termed space charge emittance discuss here some of the relevant issues in Refs. [8] and
compensation, has been studied in detail in theoretical, [9] and clarify some key differences between this work
computational, and experimental investigations [3–6]. and those. We then describe an experiment performed
As a result of the advancement in the understanding at the LLNL Thomson source photoinjector where these
of the emittance compensation process in these beams, two techniques were used to measure the emittance of a
new photoinjectors are designed specifically to use exter- highly space-charge dominated beam. The results of this
nal focusing and acceleration to balance the extreme space- experiment, which show that the emittance found with
charge forces in the bunch [7]. The same care must be the quadrupole scan is in disagreement with that mea-
taken in the implementation of diagnostics for photoinjec- sured with the multislits (the quad scan results are consis-
tor beams. In particular, measurement schemes that deduce tently higher), are compared with simulation and analytical
a beam’s properties from its behavior in a drift region need models.

1098-4402兾02兾5(1)兾014201(12)$15.00 © 2002 The American Physical Society 014201-1

PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

II. MULTISLIT-BASED EMITTANCE and the rms spreads in divergence

The first purpose of a phase space measurement system sm0 苷 具xm 2 典兾L2 2 共x 0 兲2 ,
m,c (2)
based on multislit collimation [10] is to slice up the beam
into physically separated linelike sources, or beamlets, as where the average 具 典 is performed over the distribution
shown in Fig. 1. This slicing combined with a drift, which in the mth beamlet. Here we have assumed that the final
reveals the spread in velocities as spatial information at spread in detected beamlet size is much greater than the slit
an intensity-sensitive detector, allows a full reconstruction width. Once these parameters are extracted from the data,
of one of the beam's transverse phase planes, e.g., 共x, px 兲. a graphical trace space distribution can be constructed, as
This technique is especially useful when implemented as illustrated in Fig. 2.
a single-shot diagnostic in photoinjectors, where shot-by- Note that the trace space distribution is centered in both
shot beam parameter fluctuations may dominate multishot x and x 0 , by subtracting off the overall value of the cen-
measurements. Multishot variants of the slit-based method troids,
involving one or two slits, as well as the pepper-pot method PN
m苷1 Im mw
(the 2D analog of the multislit system, which can give the xm,c 苷 共xm,c 2 xc 兲jold 苷 mw 2 P N ,
four-dimensional transverse phase space), are discussed in m苷1 Im
detail in Ref. [8]. (3)
The method of determining the phase space from the
multislit technique is reviewed below. After introduction
of the technique, we discuss the use of the multislit ar-
ray to mitigate collective effects in space-charge dominated 2
beams which can be large enough to invalidate the mea-
surement. While these effects have been mentioned in pre-
vious analyses [8–10], in this paper they are the focus of 1
our concern. They are therefore examined in depth, not 0.5
only in the context of the multislit method, but also in the
x' [mrad]

quadrupole scan measurement.
The beamlets are created by the multislit mask at a con- -0.5
stant spacing w, which is much larger than the slit width -1
d. The beamlet distribution is then detected downstream of
the multislit mask, and the beamlets resolved. The width -1.5 (a)
of each beamlet gives a measure of the width of the trans- -2
verse momentum distribution at each slit, and the centroid -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
x [mm]
of the beamlets gives the correlated offset of the momen-
tum distribution at each slit. Assuming a drift length L
between the multislit mask and the detecting plane, the 2
measured trace space distribution is approximated by a
series (m 苷 1, . . . , N) of distinct angular distributions at
regularly spaced spatial (we take this dimension to be x)
intervals. The beamlets yield the correlated beam diver-
x’ [mrad]

0 0
xm,c 苷 具xm 2 xm,c 典兾L 苷 具xm 2 mw典兾L , (1)

Emittance Dominated
Beamlets Beamlet Intensity
Space-charge Slits Profile
Dominated Beam
-4 0 4
x [mm]

FIG. 2. (Color) (a) Beam trace space constructed from the beam-
let intensity profile illustrated in Fig. 1. Each point represents
x’m σ’m the position of a beamlet in trace space and the error bars in-
dicate the thermal spread of the beamlets. (b) Contour plot
FIG. 1. (Color) Illustration of the multislit-based emittance mea- representation of the same data. Here the relative weights of the
surement scheme. beamlets are resolved.

014201-2 014201-2

and ratio in terms of the plasma wave numberp associated with

PN 0 the beam density nb , kp 苷 vp 兾c ⬵ 4pre nb 兾g 3 , and
0 0 m苷1 Im xm,c
xm,c 苷 共xm,c 2 xc0 兲jold 苷 共xm,c
兲jold 2 PN , the rms beta function bx .
m苷1 Im As an example, we take parameters typical of the present
(4) experiments: a 5 MeV electron beam with current of
where Im is the integrated detected intensity of the mth 100 A, rms beam size of 1 mm, and normalized rms emit-
beamlet. tance of 4 mm mrad. This yields a ratio of R0 ⬵ 75, and
The second moments of the trace space distribution are one can see that this beam cannot be emittance dominated
obtained from the above determined parameters as until it is focused down to small sizes, s0 , 100 mm.
PN 2 Thus linear transport theory cannot be used to measure
m苷1 Im xm,c the emittance with this type of beam, as we will discuss in
具x 典 苷 PN
, (5)
m苷1 Im detail in our evaluation of the quadrupole scanning tech-
PN nique. Collimation with slits mitigates this situation, how-
m苷1 Im 共xm,c 1 sm 兲
02 02
具x 0 2 典 苷 PN , (6) ever, by creating low current, small sx beamlets that have
m苷1 Im the same uncorrelated transverse momentum spread as the
and original beam. Noting that the rms size of a uniform beam-
PN 0 let created by a vertical slit of width d is sx 苷 d兾 12,
0 m苷1 Im xm,c xm,c
具xx 典 苷 PN , (7) and assuming sx ¿ sy , we have a space-charge domi-
m苷1 Im nance ratio for the beamlets,
where in obtaining the moment 具x 0 2 典 we have assumed s µ ∂2
that the beamlet distributions are symmetric about their 2 I d
Rb 苷 . (12)
centroids. From the second moments, we can construct 3p gI0 ´n
the rms emittance
q For the beam parameters of our example, and the choice
´x ⬅ 具x 2 典 具x 0 2 典 2 具xx 0 典2 , (8) in our experiments of d 苷 50 mm, we see that Rb 苷
as well as the other rms Twiss parameters [11], 0.042 ø 1, implying that the beamlets which pass out of
the slits are emittance dominated. This process can also be
具x 2 典 具xx 0 典 understood in terms of the plasma frequency of the beam
bx ⬅ , ax ⬅ 2 ,
´x ´x and the beta function. Since the beamlets have the same
具x 0 2 典 1 1 ax2 density as the beam before the slits, kp is unchanged by
gx ⬅ 苷 . collimation. On the other hand, the beta function of each
´x bx beamlet is much smaller than that
p of the beam before colli-
The slits serve a secondary purpose which is of cen- mation, bx ⬵ sx 兾sx 0 ) 共d兾 12 兲兾sx 0 , and for the beam-
tral importance in the discussion of beams emitted from lets the ratio Rb 苷 2kp2 bx,b can therefore be made much
rf photocathode guns since these beams are space-charge less than unity.
dominated for almost all relevant energies and beam sizes. There are many further technical and physical con-
The notion of space-charge dominated flow is quantified siderations which must be taken into account in order
by comparing the space charge and emittance terms in the to arrive at an optimized design for a slit-based phase
rms beam envelope equation for an ultrarelativistic beam space measurement system. Since the main point of this
(g ¿ 1, b 苷 n兾c 艐 1) in a drift space [12] article is the overall effect of space charge on the results
´2n I of emittance measurements, these ancillary concerns are
sx00 苷 1 3 , (10) discussed in the Appendix, which is specific to the multi-
g 2 sx3 g I0 共sx 1 sy 兲
slit system implemented in these experiments. Further,
where I is the peak beam current, I0 苷 ec兾re is the charac- more general material on the optimization of this type
teristic current, ´n 苷 bg´x ⬵ g´x is the normalized rms of instrument is found in the comprehensive review of
emittance, and, of course, an analogous equation exists for emittance measurement techniques given in Ref. [8].
sy . Now, taking the ratio of the second to the first terms on
the right-hand side of the envelope equation, and assuming III. QUADRUPOLE SCANNING EMITTANCE
a round beam (sx 苷 sy ⬅ s0 ), we have a measure of the MEASUREMENTS
degree of space-charge dominance over emittance in driv-
ing the evolution of the beam envelope, The quadrupole scanning technique for measuring emit-
tance is well known and widely used in the accelerator
R0 苷 苷 2kp2 bx2 . (11) physics community [13]. A brief description of the pro-
2I0 g´2n cess is given here in order to show its limitations when
In order to illustrate the relationship between the two ef- applied to space-charge dominated beams. One can under-
fects driving the beam envelope, we have rewritten this stand the measurement by considering the evolution of the

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PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

beam’s rms Twiss parameters by differentiating Eqs. (9) in work expands on that of Ref. [9], which points out that the
a drift length after a thin focusing lens (of focal length f ) assumption of a Gaussian transverse profile and measure-
具xx 0 典 ment of full width at half maximum (FWHM) spot sizes
bx0 苷 2 苷 22ax , is incorrect for nonthermalized, photoinjector beams. For
these reasons, all experimental spot sizes quoted in this
具x 0 2 典 1 具xx 00 典 paper are determined using rms measurements of the dis-
ax0 苷 2 苷 2gx , (13) tribution, thus avoiding potential problems Gaussian fitting
and FWHM-based analyses of the data.
具x 0 x 00 典 We can now examine how a quadrupole scan behaves in
gx0 苷 2 苷 0,
´x the other extreme, namely the one where we assume the
where we used the fact that there are no external forces beam has space charge but no emittance. In that case, the
and ignored the space charge force to set x 00 苷 0. Using envelope equations in x and y become
Eqs. (13) and applying the thin lens (ax0 becomes ax0 1 I
bx0 兾f ) gives sx00 苷 3 ,
µ ∂ g I0 共sx 1 sy 兲
bx0 (18)
bx 共z兲 苷 bx0 2 2 ax0 1 共z 2 z0 兲 I
f sy00 苷 3 .
∑ b ∏ g I0 共sy 1 sx 兲
1 1 共ax0 1 fx0 兲2 These equations have no exact solution, but we may
1 共z 2 z0 兲2 . (14)
bx0 do an approximate analysis by making the assumption
We notice that the b function is quadratic in z as ex- sx 1 sy 艐 const. This approximation is acceptable
pected. Upon rearranging this equation in terms of 1兾f while kp Ld , 1. In that case we get, through a change of
and multiplying it by the emittance, we obtain an equation variables (S 苷 sx 1 sy , D 苷 sx 2 sy ),
for the square of the beam size as a function of the focus- 2I
ing strength of the lens, S00 苷 3 艐 2kp2 Si 艐 const ,
g I0 S
sx2 共z兲 苷 关sx0
2 2ax0 ´x 共z 2 z0 兲 1 gx0 共z 2 z0 兲2 兴 D00 艐 0 .
2 ∑ ∏
2sx0 ax0 This set of equations is easily solvable and we find
1 共z 2 z0 兲2 2 共z 2 z0 兲
f bx0
Sf 苷 Si 1 Si0 z 1 kp2 Si z 2 ,
s2 (20)
1 x0 共z 2 z0 兲2 . (15) Df 苷 D0i z .
If we then identify the coefficients of 共 f 兲i with the letters Using sx 苷 2 共S 1 D兲, and assuming an initially axisym-
mi , the emittance can be extracted as metric beam (sx,i 苷 sy,i ), allows a solution of the x en-
velope equation,
m2 µ ∂
´2x 共z 2 z0 兲4 苷 m0 m2 2 1 . (16) 0 sx,i
4 sx,f 苷 sx,i 1 sx,i 2 z 1 kp2 z 2 sx,i . (21)
With this analysis in mind, the emittance can be obtained
by measuring the beam size at a given drift length 共Ld 兲 We see from this that the rms beam size is linear with the
after a quadrupole magnet, scanning through a range of focusing strength of the lens, and so the square is quadratic
focusing strengths. The same result could have been de- in 1兾f, just as in the case where space charge is ignored.
rived by solving the envelope equation for a drifting beam If one attempts to compute the emittance using the coef-
without space charge: ficients of powers of 1兾f, as in the emittance dominated
case, the result is zero. This is understandable in the sense
sx00 苷 x3 . (17) that one would expect the beam size to remain linear with
sx 1兾f all the way down to zero thickness for a beam with no
It is important to stress here that the quad scan formal- emittance.
ism is based on rms quantities. That is, Eq. (15) holds For the measurements described below, neither of these
(without space charge) for arbitrary, evolving beam distri- limiting cases is applicable as both the emittance and space
butions provided that we are measuring the rms value of charge terms are important in the evolution of the rms beam
the beam size. When considering the effect of space charge size. What we have shown here, however, is that one can
in the remainder of this paper, we are looking for gross dif- expect the qualitative outcome of the quadrupole scan to
ferences in the rms beam size. This point is seen also in be the same in either regime. In particular, it is notable
the envelope equations including space charge. In these that, even in the case of space-charge dominated beam dy-
equations the space-charge term is derived assuming lin- namics, the algorithm used to extract the emittance from a
ear self-fields, but extends to other distributions in the rms quadrupole scan [based on Eq. (16)] gives a well-behaved
sense using the concept of equivalent beams [14,15]. This result, and there is no a priori reason that data from these

014201-4 014201-4

scans would be rejected as unphysical. The experimen- TABLE 1. Electron beam parameter range used for emittance
tal data shown below demonstrate quad scans that indeed measurements.
yield good fits to Eq. (16), but which have systematic er- Parameter Range
rors in the resulting calculated emittance. The basis for
these errors, which is dependent on the interplay between Electron beam charge 50–300 pC
space charge and emittance forcing of the beam envelope, rms laser spot size 0.5–2 mm
rms laser pulse length 2.5– 6 psec
is discussed below, in the context of the experimental data
and modeling.


(regen) of the photoinjector system via single-mode,
The quadrupole scan and multislit-based emittance mea- polarization-preserving fiber that runs from the Falcon
surement techniques were compared using the Thomson stretcher output to the basement laboratory containing the
scattering photoinjector at Lawrence Livermore National PLS. The timing for the Falcon, linac, and PLS derive
Laboratory. The beam line configuration used for these from the Falcon master oscillator. In addition to the light
measurements is shown in Fig. 3. The accelerator in this pulse, timing signals from the Falcon timing rack are
setup was a 1.6 cell, S band, BNL-SLAC-UCLA-LLNL rf sent to the PLS to trigger the yttrium-aluminum-garnet
photocathode gun [16]. The gun produced a 5 MeV beam (YAG) pump laser and regenerative amplifier Q switch.
whose charge, transverse, and longitudinal spot sizes var- The PLS consists of a fiber-seeded regenerative amplifier,
ied as given in Table I and described below. An emit- a multipass power amplifier, a pulse compressor, and
tance compensating solenoid after the gun was used to frequency conversion crystals for frequency tripling the
control the rf defocusing at the gun exit and allowed us 800 nm laser pulse. The two laser amplifiers, regen and
to select a reasonable beam size at the emittance slits and multipass, are pumped by a single, frequency-doubled,
quadrupole. The magnetic field at the cathode was nulled Q switched YAG laser that puts out 300 mJ of 532 nm
with an identical bucking solenoid placed upstream of the light in an 8 nsec pulse. The output beam of the multipass
cathode. The charge was measured using an integrating amplifier is expanded and sent to the grating compressor.
current transformer. The laser injection phase was mon- We measured the pulse width at the output of the grating
itored during the experiments by mixing the low level rf compressor using a single-shot autocorrelator. The desired
derived from the laser oscillator with that from a probe in pulse length of the UV pulse is a few psec, which can be
the gun full cell. Long time scale drifts in the rf phase obtained by varying the distance between the gratings in
were corrected for all measurements with a manual phase the compressor. We attempted to directly measure pulse
shifter. width vs grating separation but found that the autocorrela-
A Ti:sapphire-based laser system was used to produce tor gives good results for only pulses ⬃1 psec or less. Con-
the UV pulses necessary for photoelectron emission in the sequently, we estimate the pulse width for DT . 1 psec
gun. As the injector is intended for integration with an using various techniques. For pulse lengths ,1 psec the
rf linear accelerator (linac) and a multi-Joule short-pulse autocorrelator appears to give accurate results. The short-
laser system [17,18], the beam produced by the photo- est pulse we measured was 150 fsec, which corresponds to
injector must be synchronized with the high power laser a time-bandwidth-limited pulse.
pulses. The photoinjector laser system (PLS) is seeded by By varying the difference in grating separation from the
stretched pulses from the Falcon laser system so that the minimum pulse length position Db between the gratings in
linac can be synchronized to the Falcon master oscillator. the pulse compressor we can continuously adjust the pulse
The seed light is introduced into the regenerative amplifier length in the IR from 184 psec to 150 fsec. This variation


YAG Screen


FIG. 3. (Color) Schematic of the LLNL Thomson scattering beam line used in the emittance measurements.

014201-5 014201-5
PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

was used to change the beam intensity as it was launched at

the photocathode, thus also varying the plasma frequency
of the beam. Three separate methods of modeling the com-
pressor all give the same result, which is that the grating
separation tuning DT 兾Db ⬃ 0.2 psec兾mm, at 1v. The
3v intensity is proportional to the 1v intensity cubed,
and, as a result, a Gaussian-shaped pulse narrows up in
time, i.e.,
DT3v 苷 p . (22)
Based on this calculation, we expect the pulse width of
8.46 mm
the 3v light to be given by

DT3v 苷 共0.11 psec兾mm兲 3 Db 共mm兲 . (23)

For the multislit-based emittance measurements we Y = M0 + M1*x + ... M8*x 8 + M9*x9

chose, based on the arguments given above and in the 1 M0 8.3828
M1 -6.4227
Appendix, a set of stainless steel collimating slits with a M2 1.238
50 mm slit width, 0.75 mm separation, and 5 mm depth. 0.8 R 0.98945

The drift length from the slits to the measurement screen

was approximately 50 cm. For a beam size of 1– 2 mm 0.6

σ [mm ]
on the slits and at 5 MeV, this allowed us to measure a
maximum normalized emittance of 12 mm mrad using the x 0.4
slits. The slits were mounted on an insertable, rotatable
actuator powered by stepper motors. This allowed us 0.2 (b)
to align the slits to the beam, insuring the proper angle
for maximum acceptance of the slits. A 0.5 mm thick 0
YAG:Ce crystal was used as the intercepting screen for 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
1/f [1/m]
both types of measurements. The beam images produced
at the crystal were captured by a video camera and FIG. 4. (Color) (a) False color image of a beam image used
digitized by a computer controlled frame grabber. Once in a quadrupole scan. (b) Result of one quad scan. The
captured, the beam images were analyzed on-line in the normalized horizontal emittance found from the curve fit is
9.6 6 1.1 mm mrad.
case of the multislit measurements, and saved for latter
analysis in the case of the quadrupole scan.
Given the apparatus described above, the experimental
procedure was to set the compressor gratings to a given
separation distance and measure the dimensions of the data found using the slits for the same grating separation
laser and electron beams as well as the charge and in- as used in Fig. 4. The emittance calculated via the quad
jection phase. This was important because it allowed us scan measurement is higher than with the emittance slits.
to calculate the plasma frequency of the beam in order This pattern was repeated in all of the measurements we
to compare our measurements with simulation and ana- performed.
lytical models. Once these parameters were known, the As we argued above, we expect the result of a
beam emittance was measured using both the multislit and quadrupole scan to depend not only on the emittance but
the quad scanning techniques. Table I lists the range in also the strength of the space-charge defocusing forces
beam parameters over which the emittance measurements encountered by the beam through the drift region. For this
were done. reason we plot in Fig. 6 the results of the measurements
as a function of the plasma wave number of the beam
at the quadrupole multiplied by the drift length between
the quadrupole and the screen. The plasma wave number
The quad scan and multislit measurements were per- is determined through simulation, using the measured
formed for seven different electron beam pulse lengths. properties of the laser and the total charge launched, as
Figure 4 shows one image of a beam horizontally focused discussed further in the following section [5]. For this
by the quadrupole. The horizontal rms size of the beam range of beam parameters, the quad scan gives consis-
is 140 mm. The figure also shows a representative re- tently higher values for the emittance than the multislit
sult of one of the quadrupole scans. Figure 5 shows the measurement.

014201-6 014201-6

The recording of laser spot size, length, and energy for
each set of emittance measurements allowed us to accu-
rately simulate the acceleration and focusing of the beam
through the 1.625 cell gun. These simulations were done
using PARMELA [19], a multiparticle code which includes
collective (space-charge) forces. In these simulations, a
beam derived from injection of a Gaussian longitudinal
and transverse laser pulse shape was used. The purpose
of these simulations was both to get a base line expec-
(a) tation value for the emittance of the beam and to find
11.0 mm the spatial dimensions of the beam at the position of the
quadrupole. The results of the PARMELA simulations are
shown in Fig. 7. We see from the figure that the emittance
45 predicted by PARMELA is generally slightly lower than that
of the multislit measurements, but follows the same trend
from measurement to measurement. This indicates that the
35 small variation in the multislit emittance values at differ-
ent beam densities is due, at least in part, to changes in the
Relative Intensity

emittance compensation process caused by different beam
25 densities at the cathode, as could be expected.
At this point we simulated the quadrupole scan proce-
dure with space charge included in the simulation. This
15 (b)
was done in three different ways. The first was to use the
PARMELA beam distributions from the previous simulations
0 2 4 6 8 10
at the position of the quadrupole and iteratively simulate
x [mm] their propagation in the drift region between the quad and
the measurement screen for different quad strengths. In
FIG. 5. (Color) (a) False color image of the beam passing
through the collimating slits. (b) Intensity graph found by
these PARMELA runs, we changed the space-charge routine
summing the vertical pixel values at a given horizontal position. to a point-to-point Coulomb method, which is much less
The normalized horizontal emittance calculated from this plot accurate than the standard radial mesh algorithm, but was
is 6.9 6 0.7 mm mrad. needed to model the beam when it becomes highly asym-
metric after quad focusing. In order to avoid the noise
inherent in the point-to-point calculations, we also em-
ployed HOMDYN, which is an envelope code that has been
successfully benchmarked against multiparticle codes [20].
Finally, we also simulated the quad scans by numerically

Slit Emittance
Quad Scan Emittance 20
Emittance [mm mrad]

Quad Scan Emittance
Slit Emittance
Emittance [mm mrad]



0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
k L 0
p d
0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
FIG. 6. (Color) Plot comparing the different emittance measure- k L
p d
ment techniques for varying beam intensities. The strength of
the space-charge forces is parameterized in the scan by the prod- FIG. 7. (Color) PARMELA simulations of the emittance at the
uct of the drift length between the quadrupole and detector and quadrupole and the measured emittance using both measurement
the plasma wave number at the quad. methods.

014201-7 014201-7
PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

integrating the 2D rms envelope equations for the beam pensation process), kp Ld 兾2p would be the number of
including space charge, plasma oscillations that the beam undergoes. However,
´2n I in the case of the quad scan, the beam’s size at the end
sx00 苷 1 3 , of the drift is also affected by emittance, especially at
g sx 3 g I0 共sx 1 sy 兲
(24) points where the beam has gone through a tight waist. In
´2 I that case, the relative strength of the emittance and space-
sy00 苷 2n 3 1 3 . charge terms (R0 ) in the envelope equation are of interest.
g sy g I0 共sx 1 sy 兲
The ratio of these forcing terms can be characterized by the
In the case of both the HOMDYN and envelope equation beta function times q the plasma wave number, and Eq. (11)
simulations, the emittances ´n [cf. Eq. (24)] were taken R
to be that measured by the slits, the initial beam sizes were shows that kp b 苷 20 . In Fig. 9 we plot the path of the
taken from PARMELA, and the beam currents taken from experimental data in the plane defined by kp b and kp Ld .
measurement data. In all three cases the simulations gave The background of the plane is a contour plot of simu-
similar results, and the less noisy (but still three dimen- lated quad scan emittances using the envelope integration
sional, and sensitive to differential slice dynamics [4,5]) model, with a constant thermal emittance for each point in
HOMDYN results are shown in Fig. 8. In order to avoid con- the plane. We see from the figure that some data points
fusion about the meaning of the emittance term in Eq. (24), that happen to be close together in kp Ld have significantly
we specify at this point that the symbol ´n will indicate the different values of kp b. This effect explains in part the
normalized thermal emittance. The thermal component drastic difference in emittance between close data points
to a full measured emittance is due to uncorrelated mo- in Fig. 8. Note also that the lower right-hand corner of the
tion, as opposed to the apparent emittance observed from graph has values of emittance that are lower than the value
residual correlations between longitudinal and transverse that was used to integrate the envelope equations. This
phase space in poorly compensated beams. Thus we are point will be discussed further below.
assuming in the integration of Eq. (23) that the measured It is instructive at this point to look again at the quad
multislit emittance is roughly equal to the so-called slice scan procedure to see why the data shows and simulations
emittance. This point is physically meaningful, as an emit- predict erroneous numbers for the emittance. In particular,
tance which was entirely based on longitudinal-transverse we can see both in the data and in simulations that there is
phase space correlations, with vanishing slice emittance, an asymmetry in the curves about their minima. In Fig. 10
would not give rise to effects we have observed. the quad scan data from Fig. 4 is replotted, and the data
As we see from Fig. 8, the emittances derived from the points on either side of the minimum are fitted to different
simulated quad scans are indeed higher than the actual curves. We see from the figure that the points before the
emittances used in the simulations, as expected. In ad- minimum spot size follow a path with less curvature than
dition, they agree reasonably well with the results of the the points occurring after the focus. The second part of
quad scan measurements. the figure shows this effect more dramatically. In that case
The parameter kp Ld was chosen to plot against the emit- the plot points come from a simulation of a quad scan
tance results because it describes the degree to which the assuming conditions similar to the experiment, but with
plasma nature of the beam influences its motion in the ex- a higher beam current of several hundred amps.
periments. In cases where the beam evolves in a purely
space-charge dominated way (such as the emittance com- 20 12

Slit Emittance
Simulated Quad Scan Emittance 10
Emittance [mm mrad]

Quad Scan Emittance 15


Emittance [mm mrad]




5 4
0.6 0.8 1

0 FIG. 9. (Color) Contour plot of the simulated quad scan emit-

0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 tance over a range of both kp Ld and kp b. The white plot
k L
p d
points locate the positions of the experimental data. The normal-
ized emittance used as input to the simulations was 5 mm mrad,
FIG. 8. (Color) Simulation of the quadrupole scan plotted with while the output emittance values range from 4 (deep blue) to
the PARMELA simulations and the measured emittance data. 12 mm mrad (red).

014201-8 014201-8

1 2.5
Emittance Included

0.8 2 Space-Charge Only


σ [mm ]
σ [mm ]





2 3 4 5 6 7
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
1/f [1/m]
1/f [1/m]
FIG. 11. (Color) Simulations of a quad scan with and without
emittance. The solid line represents a simulation without the
emittance forces, while the data points show a simulation of the
full envelope equations.

0.8 simulation with space charge alone predicts even though

σ [mm ]

the beam is space-charge dominated over most, but not all,


of its trajectory.

0.4 It is interesting to note that both a purely thermal emit-

tance dominated and a purely space-charge dominated scan
would produce a 共sx2 , 1兾f兲 curve which is symmetric about
the minimum sx . The asymmetry observed in the mostly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
space-charge dominated quadrupole scan is a result of both
1/f [1/m] space-charge and thermal emittance effects asserting them-
selves in the measurement.
FIG. 10. (Color) (a) Quad scan data as shown in Fig. 4(b). Here Given this problem, in which points on one side of the
we apply different fits to the data before and after the focus.
(b) Simulation of a quad scan with an extremely space-charge curve are space-charge dominated, while on the other side
dominated beam. Again, we show the two fits on either side they are affected by emittance, it is certainly no surprise
of the beam waist to illustrate the asymmetry in the simulation that the emittance computed from these curves is not cor-
points. rect. In addition, the asymmetry of the curve introduces a
problem in the consistency of the result. That is, since the
This asymmetry in the data about the minimum spot size computation of the emittance requires us to fit a parabola
is a manifestation of the fact that the evolution of the beam to a curve that is of higher order, the fit parameters will
through the drift is very different for data points on oppo- depend on the portion of the curve used for the fit. To il-
site sides of the minimum. For points on the right-hand lustrate this point, consider a single quad scan simulation
side of the curve (weaker focusing) the beam size is de- as shown in Fig. 12(a). The range of focal lengths we use
flected appreciably only by space charge. For points in for the fit is in principle arbitrary; however, it is reason-
the curve at and to the left of the waist (stronger focusing) able to impose the conditions that the simulation points are
there occurred at some position a thermal emittance domi- equally spaced in 1兾f and that the end points give the same
nated beam waist. In the region of that waist, the emittance beam size, which is about 1 mm. These are the conditions
force “turns on” and applies an extra kick to the beam size we used for simulations in this paper. We can see how the
that deflects it away from the path it would take due only to computed emittance varies when we change the start and
space charge. The stronger the quadrupole focuses (larger stop point of the fit. Figure 12(b) shows the emittances
1兾f ), the stronger this thermal emittance kick will be and calculated from the simulation data of Fig. 12(a) with the
the further upstream of the measurement screen it occurs. horizontal and vertical axes representing the starting and
Figure 11 illustrates this behavior, by showing the results stopping points of the fit, respectively.
of a simulation with and without the emittance term in- There are two noteworthy features in Fig. 12(b). The
cluded in the envelope equations. We see here that for first is that it shows both regions above and below the in-
points on the left-hand side of the minimum, the simula- put value of the emittance. In fact, the violet regions in the
tions with and without emittance agree very well, indicat- upper half of the plot represent points where the computed
ing that the integrated motion of the beam is indeed purely emittance is imaginary [this happens if the right-hand side
dominated by space charge. However, the points at and as determined from the scan parameters of Eq. (16) is
after the minimum diverge rapidly from the path that the negative]. The other point is that the upper left corner of

014201-9 014201-9
PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

3.5 periment preformed at the Thomson source photoinjector

at LLNL, we found that the emittances measured with the
multislit system were reasonably independent of the beam
2.5 intensity, and agreed well with the PARMELA simulations.
In contrast, we found that the quadrupole scanning pro-
σ [mm ]

cedure was ill-suited to measuring the emittance of these

1.5 beams. In addition to the issues associated with multishot


measurements in systems with notable shot-to-shot charge
fluctuations, the fundamental problem with the quadrupole
scan is that the beam evolves under the influence of both
0 space-charge and emittance effects. In the Livermore ex-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 periments we found that the emittance measured with the
1/f [1/m] quad scan was consistently higher than the multislit mea-
surements and PARMELA predictions. In addition, simu-
lations of the quad scan for the beam parameters of the
measurements also show higher values for the emittance,
1/f [1/m] (ending point)

Emittance [mm mrad]

and reproduce the systematic dependence of the measured
6 emittance on the quantity kp Ld .
Simulations show that when kp Ld is of the order of
4 unity or greater, space-charge forces are large enough to
significantly alter the evolution of the beam in the drift
2 region of the scan. Further, when the quantity kp b is
(b) larger than unity (indicating the degree to which the space-
1 2 3 4 5
charge forces are dominant over the emittance effects), the
1/f [1/m] (starting point) Leg
quadrupole measurement of the emittance will have no-
table errors. For kp b ¿ 1, the emittance measurement is
FIG. 12. (Color) (a) Quad scan simulation used to perform the no longer valid at all, but is really only a measure of the
fitting in (b). The emittance used in the simulation is 4 mm mrad.
(b) Contour plot of the emittance calculated by fitting the data in intricate interplay between the space-charge and emittance
(a). The portion of the graph below the diagonal is unused (this effects during the focused trajectory. Thus the conditions
half would be the mirror image of the upper half.) Here, red kp Ld . 1 and kp b . 1 are theoretical tools for determin-
represents an emittance of 10 mm mrad and violet is imaginary ing the range of parameters over which the validity of the
(the square of the derived emittance is negative). quadrupole scan is no longer guaranteed. Perhaps an even
more useful method that can test for possible problems in a
the graph is the region where the gradient in emittance val- quadrupole scan is the examination of the scan data itself.
ues is the steepest. This is also the region that we initially When the 共sx2 , 1兾f兲 curve is no longer symmetric in 1兾f
assumed to be the most reasonable. The lower left-hand about the minimum in sx2 , this is a clear signature that the
corner of the plot seems to be a stable region, but it is not combined space-charge/emittance dominated beam evolu-
an accurate solution. Points in this corner fit only the first tion produces an unreliable emittance measurement. It is
part of the curve, and that part gives only information about both inaccurate and imprecise, as the exact value of the
space charge, as shown in Fig. 11. This strict dependence emittance derived from the 共sx2 , 1兾f兲 curve depends on the
of the computed emittance on the range of fit points is number of points on either side of the minimum that are
another factor that may help to explain the inconsistency used in the fit.
in the quad scan measurements. This effect was not con- It may be noted that, as experimental progress is made in
sidered at the time the measurements were performed, and lowering the beam emittance obtained from rf photoinjec-
for the majority of them slightly more data points were tors, the problems noted here with quadrupole scans will
taken before the minimum of the curve than after. be exacerbated. In recognition of such difficulties, most
laboratories use slit-based measurements for low energy
共,10 MeV兲 emittance diagnosis. The present results im-
ply that quadrupole scans may be problematic at energies
Two different emittance measurement techniques were much higher than 10 MeV.
discussed in this paper: the multislit-based measurement
and the quadrupole scan. For the highly space-charge
dominated beams of interest here, we reviewed how the slit
collimation of the beam into beamlets reduces the quantity This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S.
kp b sufficiently to allow the beamlets to expand under the Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore Na-
influence of emittance and not space charge. In the ex- tional Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.

014201-10 014201-10

APPENDIX which must be chosen to be less than one-fourth the angu-

lar aperture of the slits, f , d兾4L, and preferably even
We survey in this Appendix a series of design consider-
ations which impact the choice of slit parameters one de-
The slit separation w is chosen to be much larger than
ploys in the phase space measurement system, and which
the slit width d and smaller than the beam size to ensure
dictate the resolution of the device. Many of the issues
that we can resolve the beam. In our case, the slit width is
discussed here are also examined in Ref. [8], but since
taken to be 0.75 mm. This width must also be consistent
Lejeune and Aubert do not analyze the slit array in par-
with not allowing the beamlets to overlap at the detection
ticular, a review of the technical considerations one needs
plane, a condition that depends on the distance of the drift
to implement the slit-based system is given here. We be-
to the screen Ld . The ratio to the beamlet widths to their
gin by examining those parameters that have to do with the
separation, which should be smaller than unity, is
angular acceptance of the slits. The depth of the material
used to intercept the beam is dictated by our desire to ei- Ld f
Rws 苷 2 , (A5)
ther stop the beam or scatter it sufficiently so that it does w
not affect the measurement of the nonintercepted beamlets.
while the ratio of the beamlet rms size at the phosphor to
The stopping distance of the beam is approximately
its size at the slit, which should be larger than 1 to achieve
E E 共MeV兲 resolution of the uncorrelated angular spread in the beam,
Ls 苷 艐 (A1) is
1.5 共MeV cm2 g21 兲r 共g cm23 兲
p Ld f
for an initially minimum ionizing particle. It is straightfor- Rsp 苷 12 . (A6)
ward to stop a 5 MeV beam, such as is encountered in this
paper, but with an energy much above 10 MeV, the length Since one of these ratios should be small and the other large
of the slits for total stopping may become impractical. In compared to unity, if we set their geometric average equal
order to deal with this we rely on multiple scattering ef- to unity (Rsp Rws 苷 1), we can optimize the drift length
fects in the slit material. The beam scatters off of nuclei to be
as it slows down from ionization losses, and the final rms dw
angle associated with the beam after propagating a distance Ld ⬵ 1兾4 , (A7)
3 2f
L in the stopping material is approximately
s µ which for the example parameters given above yields Ld 艐
∂ 50 cm. This optimum is of course quite broad, so one is
21 Ls 1
usc ⬵ 21 free to choose a more convenient value if one desires to
E 共MeV兲 Lr Ls 2 L
s measure larger or smaller emittances, as discussed below.
21 L Once the drift length is specified, there is another cri-
⬵ , (A2) terion which should be examined for the diagnostic to
E 共MeV兲 Lr
give unambiguous results: the contribution to the mea-
where Lr is the radiation length in the material, and we sured emittance from the residual space-charge forces be-
assumed the stopping distance is much larger than the ma- tween beamlets is smaller than that due to the true uncorre-
terial thickness. In order to reduce the background signal lated angular distribution at the slits. Again assuming the
from scattered (but not stopped) electrons, it is useful to slits are at a waist (this gives the highest estimate of the
conservatively require a multiple scattering angle in excess space-charge effect), we have
of 0.5, or approximately,
µ ∂ 2I dLd
E 共MeV兲 2 Rb0 苷 . (A8)
L s ⬵ Lr . (A3) g 2 I0 w´n
Again, this quantity must be much smaller than 1. For our
Once the slit depth L has been chosen, one can examine present design it is about 0.25, but it should be noted that
the angular acceptance of the slits. The first step is to for Hartman’s measurements it was in fact greater than 1.
specify an rms beam angle associated with the finite beam The subject of slit scattering is a bit complicated, but a
emittance which, assuming we place the slits at a waist, is detailed calculation using EGS [21] is not necessary if esti-
´n mates that the signal-to-noise due to slit scatter is not of the
f苷 . (A4) order of 100 or less. Theoretical guidelines in this calcula-
tion have been developed by Courant [22] and Burge and
The assumption of a beam waist is invariably a good ap- Smith [23]. Modifying Courant’s criterion for energy dis-
proximation, as one must be careful not to introduce a large crimination, we pick the effective depth of the maximum
correlated beam angle in order to make sure that all off- of the relevant slit scattered flux to occur when the mul-
sets x in the beam pass the slit aperture well. Thus we are tiple scattering angle is equal to the acceptance half-angle
left to consider the uncorrelated angles given by Eq. (A4), of the slits,

014201-11 014201-11
PRST-AB 5 S. G. ANDERSON et al. 014201 (2002)

µ ∂2 steps per rotation) actuator which is driven by a stepping

21d motor. This level of precision is needed to eliminate un-
leff 苷 Lr (A9)
E 共MeV兲2l wanted angles between the beam centroid propagation and
the slit normal directions.
and the increase in effective slit width is given by
2 leff
deff 苷 p , (A10)
3p wc [1] J. S. Fraser and R. L. Sheffield, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.
23, 1489 (1987).
where [2] K. J. Kim, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 275,
µ ∂ 201 (1989).
A E 2 [3] B. E. Carlsten, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A
wc2 苷 ln共181Z 1兾3 兲21 , (A11) 285, 313 (1989).
Z 2 pNA r 2e2
[4] Luca Serafini and J. B. Rosenzweig, Phys. Rev. E 55, 7565
and NA is Avogadro’s number. The minimum signal-to- (1997).
noise for the detected beam intensity at the phosphor is [5] S. G. Anderson and J. B. Rosenzweig, Phys. Rev. ST Accel.
Beams 3, 094201 (2000).
[6] X. Qiu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3723 (1996).
p [7] J. B. Rosenzweig et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.,
S 3p dwc
$ . (A12) Sect. A 410, 437 (1998).
N 3兾2
2deff leff [8] Claude Lejeune and Jean Aubert, Adv. Electron. Electron
Phys., Suppl. 13A, 159 (1980).
For most cases of interest, Eq. (A12) gives a value much [9] B. E. Carlsten et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.,
in excess of unity. It should be noted, however, that a Sect. A 331, 791 (1993).
misalignment of the slits can generate anomalously large [10] S. Hartman et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect.
slit scattering effects, and thus care must be taken to avoid A 340, 219 (1994); J. Rosenzweig et al., Nucl. Instrum.
this situation. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 341, 379 (1994).
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resolvable emittances in the measurement device. The [12] Martin Reiser, Theory and Design of Charged Particle
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maximum emittance one may measure is obtained in the
[13] Helmut Wiedemann, Particle Accelerator Physics: Basic
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filled (assuming that the requirement of the ratio Rsp , 1 New York, 1993).
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gs0 w [16] D. T. Palmer, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1998.
´n,max 苷 p . (A13)
12 Ls [17] G. P. LeSage et al., in Advanced Accelerator Concepts:
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beam size, and thus the total number of slits in the mask [18] G. R. Hays et al., in Proceedings of the Conference on
Ns . On the other hand, the minimum emittance which can Lasers and Electro-optics, San Francisco, 2000 (Optical
be resolved is given by Society of America, Washington, DC, 2000), p. 293.
[19] L. Young and J. Billen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
gs0 d Report No. LA-UR-96-1835, 1996.
´n,min 苷 p . (A14) [20] M. Ferrario et al., in Proceedings of the ICFA Advanced
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