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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 365 (19951255-259


Coherent transition radiation diagnosis

of electron beam microbunching
J. Rosenzweig *, G. Travish, A. Tremaine
Department of Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA

Received 10 April 1995

The action of the free-electron laser instability (FEL) on an electron beam produces a longitudinal density modulation
with a periodicity near the resonant radiation wavelength. This modulation, which can produce femtosecond or shorter
microbunches inside of a macroscopic picosecond electron pulse, has been proposed for use as a prebunching injector for
both higher harmonic FELs and short wavelength accelerators. Standard methods involving streak cameras or beam
sweeping with dipole mode cavities will certainly fail to provide information about this longitudinal microstructure,
however. In this paper we explore the use of coherent transition radiation generated from a foil at the exit of an FEL
undulator to diagnose both the longitudinal and transverse electron microbunch structure.

1. Introduction herent transition radiation from a microbunched electron

beam, and (iv) comparison to the FEL spectrum.
Coherent transition radiation has been recently intro-
duced into the array of beam diagnostics [l-2] available
for measuring the properties of picosecond or greater 2. Transition radiation
electron pulses. In this paper, we show how this technique
may be extended to shorter time scales appropriate to the The theory of single particle transition radiation (TR),
microbunches emerging from the exit of a free-electron as well as its history of application in particle beam
laser undulator. This microbunching diagnostic provides diagnosis, is well developed [1,2,7]. For a highly relativis-
information about the longitudinal dynamics of the elec- tic electron, the differential emission spectrum (energy per
tron beam in the FEL, which is critical to understanding unit solid angle per unit frequency) is given by
the physics of high gain FEL systems. There are other
applications of microbunched beams, e.g. the generation of d2U e2 sin’( 0)
short wavelength radiation using the harmonics of the do = 4rr*c (1 - p cos( 0))’
microbunching is a popular feature in proposals for XUV
and X-ray FELs [3]. Additionally, progress in short wave- e2 8’
length acceleration schemes, such as the plasma beatwave lr*c (02 + Y-2)2’
accelerator [4], the inverse Cherenkov accelerator [5], and
the resonant dielectric structure accelerator [6] demand that where ym2 = l-P2,and /I=v/c.
this microbunching process be reliably quantified. It is often remarked that this distribution is peaked
In order to understand the expected photon spectrum off-axis at the approximate angle y-l. This is a bit mis-
from coherent transition radiation due to a microbunched leading, however, since the angular distribution is weighted
beam passing through a metal-vacuum boundary, we break by an additional factor of sin(f3). The expected number of
down the analysis as follows: (i) transition radiation from a photons per unit angle within a 1% bandwidth derived
single electron, (ii) coherent transition radiation, (iii) co- from this expression for a 12.5 MeV beam, such as we
expect for the initial IR FEL experiments at UCLA [8], is
shown in Fig. 1.
Note that there are not many photons (- 10m4) per
electron in a 1% bandwidth, they have a very large angular
* Corresponding author. spread, and to collect even half of them one must have a

Elsevier Science B.V.

SSDI 0168-9002(95)00484-X
256 J. Rosenzweig et al. / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 365 (I 995) 255-259

where Nb is the number of electrons per bunch and k, is

the wave number of the fundamental FEL radiation. The
bunching factors b,, are in general near unity only when
the FEL is near saturation, and when this is not the case,
only the bunching on the fundamental is significant. Distri-
butions of this sort may or may not be found in present
day advanced accelerator experiments [4-51, but they must
be found in a high gain free-electron laser experiment [8].
We therefore concentrate on the FEL case from this point
5.0 lW5 on in this paper.
0.0 lo0 n Coherent transition radiation (CTR) can be calculated
U 10 20 30 40 50 60 in a straightforward manner, following the treatment by
0 (degrees) Shibata et al. [2] and Wartski et al. [7]. The differential
Fig. 1. Number of transition radiation photons per electron in 1% radiation energy spectrum due to multiparticle coherence
bandwidth per unit angle for UCLA IR FEL energy, y = 25. effects is represented by

1.5” acceptance. It will be seen below that the coherent & eN$( w)-
portion of the TR spectrum displays the opposite character- dw dR singlee-’
istics: narrow bandwidth and angular spread, and, poten-
where F(w, 0) = 1f(w, O)]’ = 1///g(r)h(z) exp(-ik
tially, a much larger number of emitted photons.
. x> d3x 12, and we have ignored the divergence of the
beam, as it is generally small with respect to the emission
3. Coherent transition radiation angles of the CTR. This modified Fourier spectrum of the
bunch can then be divided into two components, transverse
The transition radiation from a bunched distribution of
and longitudinal, as F( o, 0) = FT FL. The transverse inte-
charges displays collective effects which can enhance the
gral is given by
total number of photons radiated, as well as affecting the
frequency and angular spectrum. This effect is due to the
possibility of the emitted radiation from separate electrons FT= //g(r)exp(-&rsin(B)cos(4))r drdrpZ
being in phase with each other. To quantify this statement
crudely before attempting a rigorous analysis, the number
= exp( - (ka; sin(O))‘), (3)
of electrons located within a longitudinal half-wavelength
and a transverse half-wavelength divided by the Lorentz where k is the radiation wave number. This factor serves
factor of each other, N,, can radiate coherently, multiply- to peak the coherent radiation in the forward direction at
ing the emitted TR power by approximately N,. shorter wavelength, by phase differences simply related to
Before introducing the mathematical machinery needed the transverse geometry.
to analyze this problem, we should discuss the electron The longitudinal spectral factor gives, integrating over
distribution expected at the exit of the undulator. This the microbunched distribution given in Eq. (l),
subject will be amplified further in Section 4. We assume a
beam which is initially a smooth bi-Gaussian in r and z,
and then forms microbunches under the action of the FL= /h(z) exp( -ikz cos(0)) dz 2
free-electron laser instability. These assumptions yield a
modulated electron distribution which has the form
=iexp[-qj + i,bn[ex:[- (Ir-nir)z5
f(r, z) =N,g(r)h(z)

+exp -

This distribution displays peaks at all of the Fourier com-

ponents of the bunch current. The peaks are narrow com-
pared to their separation (k, Z+ CT;‘), and so the sum in
Eq. (4) can be approximately squared as follows,

F,G 5 b~[exp(-(k-nk,)2m~)].
J. Rosennveig et al. / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 365 (1995) 255-259 251

1.6 lo* / “” I “” I “’ I “‘.

1.4 106

1.2 lo6
1.0 106
8.0 lo5 ~(W42 Y 4
6.0 10’ = 4fik,uz (-1k,u, ’
4.0 lo5
The dependence of the radiation on the geometric factors
2.0 10” is somewhat stronger than one might have anticipated. The
0.0 loo expected dependence on the number of electrons which
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
can radiate coherently is proportional to Nbbl y2/k~uzur2,
0 (degrees)
but this must also be multiplied by the factor arising from
Fig. 2. Angular distribution of coherent transition radiation spec- the integral over the inherent angular dependence of the
trum for UCLA IR FEL parameters: Nb = 6 X 109, a, = 700 Km TR itself, which is approximately -y2/k~ur2.In the case of
and a, = 300 pm, b, = 0.02 and y = 25. the UCLA IR FEL, this is a number on the order of lo-‘.
It should be noted that this number has in fact been
For now, let us concentrate on the radiation component assumed to be small in the series expansion of the expo-
at the FEL fundamental frequency, n = 1. We would like nential integral above, and that care must be taken to
to know how many CTR photons are in the narrow band ensure that this series converges numerically.
around this frequency, and in order to do so, we must
integrate the differential spectrum
d2N aNb’ sin3( 6) 4. Estimation of microbunching in a SASE FEL
dk d6 - 2nk (1 -p cos(e))’
In the limit that the one-dimensional theory of the FEL
Xbz[exp(-(kg, sin(t7))2)] is valid, the bunching factor is simply related to the FEL

The integral over the narrow (approximately 1%) fre-

b, = 4-7 (9)
quency band is trivial, where P, = eN,ym,c3/&uz is the electron beam
dN a(N,,b$ sin3( 6) power, and the dimensionless gain parameter is [9]
d6 &k,a, (I -p cos(e))* P= [a,&/%] 2’3> (IO)
x [exp( - (kcr, sin(e))“)] .
with k, = {4rrr,n,/y3, the relativistically correct beam
This distribution is much more peaked in the forward plasma wave number. The FEL SASE power in this limit
direction for the parameters of the UCLA IR FEL than the is given by the expression
incoherent TR, as is shown in Fig. 2, where Nb = 6 X 109,
a, = 700 p,rn, or = 300 pm and we have taken the bunch-
P FEL=P~ exp(WL,- I), (11)
ing factor to be b, = 0.02 (estimation of the bunching where L, is the undulator length, the gain length is given
factor will be discussed in Section 4). The angular distribu-
tion of CIR photons at this wavelength is now cut off
approximately at the angle &a,)-’ 5: 0.005, which is L, = h,/4r&P, (12)
much smaller than the nominal incoherent TR peak at
0= y-1. and the startup power is approximated as the spontaneous
The integral of Eq. (7) over the angular distribution can emission power within the FEL gain bandwidth and angu-
be obtained with good approximation in this limit, where lar acceptance emitted with the first gain length [lo]
es 2(k,uz)-l c y-l e I;


This model does not contain the two-or three-dimensional

effects [ll] such as diffraction, and lack of transverse
spatial coherence, which generally increase the gain length
and lower the bunching as well as causing more transverse
258 .I. Rosenzweiget al./ Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys.Res. A 365 (1995) 255-259

Window/Cold filter

n Actuator

h - IR Mirror


Vacuum/lR window
Electron Beam Path

Fig. 3. An illustration of the optical and electron beamlines including the undulator, electron beam dump and photon diagnostics A TR foil
following the undulator is inserted into the electron beam path by an actuator, allowing simple alternation of FEL and CTR operation.

Fourier structure in the bunch current. As an example of (fik,a,_)-’ = 9 mrad) is also nearly the same as the
the lowered bunching factor, in the UCLA IR FEL, with diffraction limited FEL beam (eFEL = (2k,a,)-’ = 6
undulator wavelength A, = 1.5 cm, n, = eB,A,/ mrad). Thus, one needs only insert a metal foil in the path
2nm,c2 = 1, and length L, = 60 cm, the bunching factor of the beam which blocks the path of the FEL radiation, as
is calculated to be b, = 0.007, while three-dimensional shown in Fig. 3, in order to measure the CIX. A simple
TDA simulations give a more modest b, = 0.0018. Use of arrangement of collecting optics and a detector which is
the TDA estimate gives NE 2 X 10’ CI’R photons within sufficient for initial measurements of the FEL output will
the fundamental band of the FEL (k z k,). This can be also be adequate for observation of CIR.
easily compared to the FEL photon number, as It should be emphasized that this estimate of the angu-
- lar spread in the CTR radiation ignores the effects of
\/2vp b:p
N - -Nbymec2, (14) transverse spatial incoherence of the FEL radiation and, by
FEN- fik,c= FEN-fik,c extension, the bunching. In fact, the coherence of the FEL
radiation should never be complete (basically only the
and so the ratio of the CTR to FEL photon number is
fundamental Gaussian mode contributing to the FEL out-
N r,Nb Y3 put) for LgeFEL I a,, as the radiation in transversely adja-
-=- (15)
N FEL cent portions of the beam cannot diffract out in sufficient
4J;Tpa, (k,a,j4 ’
time to affect the gain across the entire beam. In the
This ratio would appear to favor higher energies, but since UCLA case at 12 MeV, we expect nearly single transverse
the factor k,q a y 3/2 due to the energy dependence of mode operation L, 6,, = Us,, while at higher energy, other
the beam emittance and the FEL resonant wavelength, the transverse modes will enter into consideration. This effect
opposite is in fact true. The CTR and FEL power will be should be observable through the angular distribution of
roughly equal in the UCLA IR FEL for an energy of the CTR.
approximately 10.5 MeV (34 pm radiation).

6. Discussion
5. Experimental plans
While the bunching factor b, on the radiation funda-
Because the coherent enhancement of the TR spectrum mental is important for advanced accelerator microbunch
at the exit of an FEL favors low energy operation, this injectors, the bunching factor of the higher harmonics is
effect should be straightforward to observe after the UCLA more important for short wavelength FEL applications.
IR FEL undulator, given that (i) the number of photons to The CIX scaling given above is not encouraging as far as
detect is nearly the same for the CTR and the FEL, and (ii) measuring these parameters, however, since the number of
the angular spread of the CTR photons (0, = photons N hi/n’. In addition, much of the interest in
J. Rosenzweig et al. / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 365 (1995) 255-259 259

harmonic generation is at short wavelength (high energy), FG03-92ER40693, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
where the CTR flux is low even at the fundamental. Thus grant BR-3225.
one should consider this a good tool only for diagnosing
FEL bunching at scaled low energy, long wavelength
experiments, such as the UCLA IR FEL. The quadratic
dependence on b, of CTR signal means that small bunch-
ing will be difficult to measure. This signal can be en- References
hanced, of course, by taking advantage of the phase space
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chicane after the undulator, the bunching can in principle
be enhanced, and the CTR signal raised. This method can
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141 C.E. Clayton et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) 37.
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This work was performed with partial support from US WI R. Bonifacio, R. Corsini and P. Pierini, Phys. Rev. A 45
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