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Georgia Institute of Technology/University of Florida/Clemson University

Personal Statement
Technology, especially in the world of computers, has always fascinated me. However, my
ambition is to learn the workings of computer software and computer hardware. This was
reinforced by the computer science AP class I took while in high school. Hence, when I was
admitted into Claflin University (CU), I chose Computer Engineering as my major. I took
interest in various research fields such as bioinformatics, computer vision, and computer
graphics. I have also had the privilege of conducting research in two of the above mentioned
My first research experience was in the area of bioinformatics, at CU under Mr. Ananda Mondal,
Assistant Professor of Computer Science. The purpose of this research was to create a
classification model that would accurately classify or group unknown viral genome sequences
using criteria that we had developed prior to creating the final model. During this period, I was
able to learn about the characteristics of viruses specific to their genomes and family
classifications. Data was collected from the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI), which was used in the research. I also was able to gain experience using a new
programming language known as PERL, which was used to create the classification criteria and
model respectively.
My second research experience, also my honors thesis project, was conducted at Brown
University under Dr. Joseph Mundy, Professor of Engineering (Research) as a Leadership
Alliance scholar. The goal of this research project was to create a 3-D model visualization tool,
to validate the recognition of an object in a specified region. The key idea was to identify the
object by its features. A histogram was produced to help validate that the object and its features
were actually there in the 3-D model. This tool, works in conjunction with a 3-D volume
software program called Drishti. C++ was the language I used to create the visualization tool.
Although I had prior knowledge of the language, as a result of this research experience I became
more proficient with it.
In addition to the previously mentioned experiences I completed an independent project where I
created a user-friendly, simulated banking system using C# and databases.
I am also a member of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), where I am currently
serving as President. I have also had the privilege of, holding the Chapter Executive Board
positions of Program’s Chair, Senator, and Vice President respectively.
I have served on the Student Information technology Council, a board of students who make
decisions to make the technology available to the students better.
I have done various community service projects such as tutoring at Middle/High schools, Meals
on Wheels, Adopt-A-Highway, Kidney Walk, and much more. As well as work with the
Salvation Army, Boys and Girls Club and American Red Cross.
My goal is to get involved in the computer mo*deling and simulation field and conduct research
at Georgia Institute of Technology/University of Florida/Clemson University. Computer models
and simulations are used in a variety of fields and industries to assess possible results of
research, inventions, ideas, and current model systems and so on. Academically, I do want to
obtain my masters degree in Computational Science and Engineering. After that, I intend to
pursue a doctorate in Computer Engineering. I have always hoped to be at the forefront of
today’s cutting edge technology working with equally talented men and women and using
specialized skills to improve the societies that we live in. Since I am passionate about problem
solving, I hope to work specifically in the modeling and simulation department, where I know I
will get the opportunity to contribute to the technological advancements in the industry and
possibly create something new and innovative.

The above research and educational goals, also double as the reasons for choosing the
Computational Science and Engineering Program at Georgia Institute of Technology/University
of Florida/Clemson University. I believe that with the excellent educational system the
institution has to offer and with the high level of education I hope to receive, I can acquire and
refine the skills I need to meet some if not all of the above mentioned goals. I know that Georgia
Institute of Technology/University of Florida/Clemson University offers a very challenging
curriculum and the journey ahead if I am offered the opportunity will be no easy one. Although,
I am hungry for knowledge and I am always ready to take on a challenge. I know that your
university will adequately prepare me for the world of Computational Science and Engineering.

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