Inquiry Letter

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Inquiry Letter for Scholarship

Resume Cover Letters Sample Letters Inquiry Letters Inquiry Letter for
For many capable students, affording higher education seems to be an
impossible dream. That is precisely the reason why many educational institutions
offer generous scholarships to needy students. There are many private
organizations too that grant educational funds to capable and aspiring students
who wish to pursue higher education.
Most scholarship providers have an online application process but there are quite
a few that also accept scholarship inquiry letters. As your letter would be your
very first medium of interaction with the authorities, you need to frame it really
well in order to create a positive impression of you. A sincere letter reflecting a
genuine desire to pursue higher education would surely tip the scales in your
Here are some cover letter guidelines that you could refer to before beginning to
write your inquiry letter for scholarship.

Do a bit of research on the organization offering the scholarship, their

vision and purpose. Your letter should clearly explain how the scholarship
would enable you to further the aims of that organization

Find out whom you should address your letter to, who is the source of the
scholarship. It is important that your letter reaches the right authority else
it might not get any attention at all

Begin your letter by going straight to the point and avoid getting into
irrelevant details that might distract the reader into putting away your
letter. You must keep in mind that the people who decide on
grantingscholarships will be hard pressed for time as they would probably
have hundreds of applications to go through

Mention your educational background in brief and include your academic

achievements so far. If you have any projects or voluntary work to your
credit, mention that as well. You need to convey how the scholarship that
you aspire for fits in perfectly with your background so far

The letter should end by clearly stating how you would like to get the
information you seek, - by post, email or by a telephone call

Last but not the least, write a neat and clear letter using a simple
professional font and proof read for any grammatical errors.

You could refer to the sample below to get a clear idea about how to write an
inquiry letter for scholarship
Inquiry Letter for Scholarship

Dec 21 2011
Dear Ms Newbury,






I came across an article about your esteemed research organisation in the

newspaper where I also read aboutscholarships granted by you to needy
students. I would like to request for more information about thescholarships and
would like to know the eligibility criteria for the same. I have just completed my
degree in general medicine and aspire to do my post graduation in oncology.
This field has always been of interest to me and has inspired me to contribute in
some way towards a breakthrough for this seemingly invincible disease. I have
been inclined towards medicine right from the time I was in high school and
have always excelled in academics. My thesis "Stem cells to fight Leukaemia"
was adjudged the best student project for the year 2011. I have also had a few
of my papers published in leading medical journals. If I get a chance to obtain
my masters in oncology, I would certainly direct my efforts to further the
research in this very challenging field.
I have big ambitions and am willing to work hard in order to achieve them.
However I do have financial constraints which may prevent me from realising my
dreams. I would therefore request you to send at the earliest, me all information
regarding the eligibility criteria for the scholarship and the procedure to apply for
it, either by post or by email. Eagerly waiting a reply from you.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours respectfully.
Tammy M. Ford

The above sample inquiry letter for scholarship is a fine example of how you
need to draft a letter of this type. Ensure that you do not simply copy paste the
same but use it just as a reference or guideline for your own. Also, you can
look sample of Inquiry Letter For Business and example of Inquiry Letter For

Getting Started

When writing a scholarship letter, you always want to put your best foot forward. The
idea is to construct a letter that informs the scholarship organization of your existence
and qualifications. You also want to be as concise as possible.

To begin, the format is very important. You must adhere to a business style
format. In other words, put the recipient's name, organization name, street
address and city/state/zip code up top. Space a few lines and put the date. Then
space a few more lines and write your greeting.
For the greeting, it is best to write "Dear Mr./Mr./Ms." Find out the person's name.
This shows you care enough to take the time to research a little. Address the
recipient as "Dear Mr. Smith" not "Dear Mr. Thomas Smith." Dear plus the last
name is business style.

The Body of the Letter

In the first paragraph, state why you are writing to the organization. What are
you intentions? State the type of scholarship you wish to apply for if there is
more than one option.
In the second paragraph, mention the most important qualities that make you
relevant for the scholarship. Do so in a concise and humble way -- blatant
bragging will not work. This is your opportunity for the organization to see why
you are eligible. For example, writing "I'm the best musician in my school" will
get you nowhere. However, constructing your qualifications with concrete facts is
the right way to go. So write this instead: "I am the first chair for saxophone in
my school's jazz band. I perform two solos in every concert and I have started
my own jazz band on weekends." A statement like this shows the straight facts,
but not in a boastful way.
Also, include relevant information to the scholarship. If it is a music scholarship,
talk about your music qualifications. It doesn't matter that you play shortstop on
your high school baseball team. If it is a general scholarship, for example, a
scholarship awarding money for community service then list all of your
significant community service activities. You can write: "I am a candy striper at
the local hospital for ten hours a week, working in the pediatric ward. I also
volunteer at a local homeless shelter for another ten hours a week serving dinner
and reading to homeless children."

In Closing

In the last paragraph, simply ask for the letter recipient to send you the
scholarship application and materials. End by saying thank you and how you look
forward to hearing from her/him. Close the letter with "Sincerely, Your Name" and
underneath type your contact information such as address, phone number and
The letter must be concise and to the point. Paragraphs must be short,
highlighting the most relevant information. Remember that the recipient will only
take ten seconds or so to browse your letter. So be upfront and straightforward.
At the same time, remember your goal is to obtain scholarship money from the
organization, so always write in a polite and courteous tone.
Below is a sample letter you can use as a model.

Sample Letter
Jane Smith
Deer Scholarship Organization
200 Deer Drive
Sterling, MI 55555
June 20, 2010
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am very interested in applying for the Deer Scholarship for Women or any other
financial assistance opportunities available to high school seniors who are
entering college in the fall.
I feel I am a qualified candidate for this scholarship because I have a 3.5 GPA and
I am captain of the women's softball and tennis teams at my school. I also
founded a local organization called Teaching Women to Read. I pair illiterate
women in the community with high school tutors, oversee and maintain the
organization's website and I tutor two women for ten hours a week.
Please send me the scholarship application and other necessary information to
apply for the Deer Scholarship for Women.
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

Leslie Rutherford
1500 Lake Road
Woonton, MI 00000
Now that you have a model sample letter to apply for scholarships, go ahead and
write one yourself. As long as the letter is short and sweet and conveys your
eligibility and overall politeness then the organization should send you all the
information you need. Stick to the above model and you'll be on your way to
receiving scholarship money.

Free Scholarship Templates --
Photo by Graur Razvan Ionut /

Inquiry Letter for Product

Resume Cover Letters Sample Letters Inquiry Letters Inquiry Letter for
Inquiry letter for product is usually written in response to an advertisement in
the newspaper about a new product that may be of interest to a potential buyer.
This kind of letter seeks to obtain more information about the product, its range
and specifications. The company's response to this letter would facilitate the
decision of the reader about whether or not to buy the product.
An inquiry letter needs to be clear, precise and polite. You need to go straight to
the point state your query about the product you are interested in. If you are not
familiar with the technical jargon and therefore would not be able to understand
the specifications, mention your requirements and expectations from the
product. This will enable the manufacturing company to understand your needs
and explain whether the product would be suitable to you or suggest some

Ensure that the letter is worded well and would not be misconstrued as the
placing of an order. You only need to convey your interest in the product and
state your expectations and requirements from it. It should be clearly mentioned
that you would be able to make any decision about buying the product only after
getting a suitable reply from the company.
The samples of inquiry letter of product given below will give you a firm idea
about drafting a suitable one for yourself.

Inquiry Letter for Product

Dec 20 2011
Green Bay, WI 54303






Dear Mr Prosser,
Your recent advertisement in the Daily Mirror caught my eye as you have just
manufactured an entire new range of home decor products, including modular
kitchens. I am looking for a living room cabinet which can accommodate my LCD
TV, home theatre system and a small compact bookshelf or two. In addition, I
wish to refurbish my kitchen and give it a completely new look by opting for a
modern modular kitchen. However as we do have some space constraints, I
would like to know the specifications of the same to decide whether or not we
would be able to go for it.
I would therefore like to request you to send me a catalogue of your home decor
furniture which would enable me to get a peak at your latest collection along
with the size, specifications and cost estimate. I would be able to arrive at a
decision only after receiving a reply from you. Would be in eager anticipation of
a prompt response.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Candice Bellamy

Inquiry Letter for Product (sample 2)

Dec 20 2011


Baltimore, MD 21223



Dear Mr Land,
This is in response to your recent advertisement about a series of new children's
publications comprising of children's writing by children. This is of great interest
to us as it would make an ideal addition to our school library. However before
deciding on placing an order, we would like to get a feel of the writing, a
synopsis of the content and an overview of the child authors. Based on the
information received, we would arrive at our decision about placing an order.
We therefore request you to send us a brochure about this latest publication,
with some sample excerpts from the books and a summary about the authors.
We would also like to know the cost of the entire collection which would
determine the placing of our order.
We hope to get an early reply so that, if it matches our requirements, we would
be able to place an order and procure the books at the earliest for library to give
our students the pleasure of reading them.
Thanking you for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely.
Kathy T. Carney
Your street address
Your city, state, and zip code
September 1, 2013
Executive Women International Scholarship Program (EWISP)
Executive Women International
515 South 700 East, Suite 2E
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
To whom it may concern:
I would like to receive more information about the scholarship(s) and/or award(s), listed for your
organization in various resource materials. I would also like to receive an application as well as

notification of special guidelines, deadlines, or other pertinent information, if any. Please send this
information as soon as possible. I have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope for your use.
If you need additional information from me, I can be reached by calling (703) 555-1212. Or, you can email me at
Thank you for your assistance,
Your signature
Your name, typed

Writing an Application Letter for

Scholarship (with Sample)
There are many companies and organizations that donate
scholarships each year to college students. To apply for this money for
school, an application letter needs to be sent. The purpose of this letter is
to convince the powers that be who they should award the money too. The
content of this letter should be centered on academic accomplishments and
stress leadership abilities and initiative. This letter must be correctly
formatted with proper spelling and grammar. Any errors could be cause for
an immediate rejection of the request.
Before writing anything, make sure to gather specifics that will be needed
for the letter. Some scholarships have specific applications requirements
and if these guidelines are not followed, they application can be instantly
rejected. Because of the importance of this letter, create an initial draft and
look for any errors. The letter should begin with an introductory statement
and the paragraphs following should also address the detailed reasons why
this scholarship should be awarded.

Focus on the Educational and Career Goals

The first paragraph should talk and focus on the educational and career
goals of the applicant. It is appropriate to discuss interests and the chosen
field of study. Give them all the reasons they want why they should invest in
helping this person to further their education. It is always great to show a bit
of passion in the area of course work. Organizations want to give their
money to a student that is considered to be worthy, not give their money to

someone who is going to drop out a few months later.

The second paragraph needs to focus on strengths. If there are any
extracurricular actives or if this person has done any community work, it
should be stated here. Any academic awards also need to be listed in this
paragraph. If a person was valedictorian or graduated with honors, be sure
to highlight this in the second paragraph. This paragraph is all about selling
the person and their abilities a bit. Think that extracurricular stuff doesnt
matter, think again? The more a person is involved in school and the extra
activities, the likelihood of them staying increases.
A third paragraph targets why this person needs to be considered for the
application. This should be spoken directly to the person/company that is
handling out the money. It is necessary to be professional, but always be
direct. Never act desperate for money, rather desperate for education and
the money will help fund this. It is acceptable to talk about housing, books,
food and all the costs associated with college.
There may be room for a fourth paragraph, depending on how much a
person has to write. Make the reviewer feel confident that the application
they are looking at is a sure thing. Highlight any talents and let them feel
some confidence that the program will be completed. Since this will
probably be the closing paragraph, be sure to restate the goals including
both carrier and educational. The letter should be around 1-2 pages and
never go over the two page mark. Make the font 12 and use double
spacing to make it easy to read. Always use resume or appropriate
stationary paper so that it stands out from other letters. Check and recheck
for clerical errors and make sure the letter is perfect.

Sample 1 - Application Letter for Scholarship

Haley Thompson
1290 Simpson Ct.
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
November 18, 2015
Accurate Heating and Cooling
3000 River Ridge Rd.
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Re: Scholarship Fund

Dear Mr. White,

I was excited to read about the $10,000 scholarship that Accurate was
giving to one lucky college student. My goal is to go to OU in Chillicothe
and to peruse a nursing degree. It has always been my passion to be a
nurse ever since I was a little girl. My mother was a nurse before her tragic
passing, and she loved her patients and took care of them so well. By
completing my nursing degree, I feel that I will not only further my career,
but I will also pay tribute to my mother who gave her life for her calling.
Being a nurse means everything to me.
I graduated from Reynoldsburg High School in 2014 with honors. I took a
year off to travel and see the world, but now I am ready to get back into
school. I was an active student at my high school. I served on the debate
team and also ran for class president. I was class valedictorian and like to
get involved in any extracurricular activities that the school offered. I
believe in not just attending school but also getting involved in it.
Mr. White, I know that you will receive numerous applications for this
scholarship fund. I am hoping that you will consider my application and
allow me to fulfill my dream of being a nurse. The medical field is
challenging and one that has difficult classes; however, I feel that I will
have no problem arising to this challenge. To be a nurse means everything
to me, but with the cost of room and board, books and all the other
charges, it is going to be tight. I appreciate your consideration.
Haley Thompson

Scholarship Letter
Sample Scholarship
A scholar is a hardworking, brainy and intelligent student or
adult. A scholarship is an honor given to her/him. A

scholarship is usually in the form of financial support either

only towards education fee or towards education fee cum
travel or a 100% scholarship. A 100% scholarship is where
the entire program is free for the person who is getting the
A Scholarship Letter is the medium of informing a student
that s/he has been found eligible for the scholarship based on
certain criteria. But this letter is given only to a chosen few.
The criteria of selecting someone or finding someone eligible
for a scholarship could be:
1. Excellent marks in the school board or university
2. Performance at the entrance exams for the school or
college giving out the scholarship
A Scholarship Letter should be handed over to the
deserving candidate after a careful evaluation or
scrutiny of the applications received the lives of one or
only a few is at stake
It should be short and precise
A Scholarship Letter should give details of the criteria for
selection to keep the channel of communication
absolutely transparent
It should be typed and not hand written

The tone of the letter should be encouraging and

It should only talk about the scholarship and the reasons
for giving it to the reader
If the letter talks about the results of the concerned
individual it is good because it really is a feather in the
A copy of the letter should always be posted on the
school or college student notice board so that other
students also derive inspiration from it
Always check for any grammatical or punctuation errors
A Scholarship Letter should be given well in time so that
the student who is receiving it can plan her/his future
course of action
The program for which the scholarship can be used
should also form an integral part of the letter
______________ (Name and address of the student)
_____________ (Date)
Subject: 100% Scholarship for ________ (details of
Dear __________ (name)
Our hunt for the perfect scholarship-deserving candidate is
over. Yes we are extremely delighted to inform you that you

have been chosen for the 100% scholarship for ____________

(details of program) for this year.
Your candidature was found the most eligible amongst all
applicants. The rigorous selection process included
elimination on the basis of marks secured in class 12. The
next level of elimination came at the stage of applications.
Then came the group discussions. And finally two rounds of
interview clinched the decision.
The scholarship entails you to free education, stay, food and
books for this program for its entire duration. Please find
enclosed a payment towards the total payment for the
Kindly note that the payment mode is valid only for 15 days
within which you will have to deposit it with the college to
avail of your scholarship offer. We hope you appreciate that
this gives you enough time to send the payment across. After
15 days the offer stands null and void.
We wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.
Best regards,
(Name of signing authority)

Engineering Scholarship
Summary: A good student deserves to have a scholarship
especially if he/she comes from a family who have just
enough. By, writing a letter to the school registrar to appeal
for a scholarship grant will be a good way to start a bright
future. If you are planning to write one, the letter below is
just made for you.
August 7th 2010
The Registrar,
Adamson University,
Concerning your letter, I would like to apply as a TATA
Foundation scholar for me to pursue my B. Tech in
Mechanical Engineering and to pursue higher studies in IIT. I
have always been an academic achiever as a student since I
was able to maintain an average of not less than 85%. I am
enclosing with this letter the copies of all my academic
certificates for you if you may which to review it.

I came from a poor family and the annual income of my

father falls within the eligibility criterion of the scholarship. I
am also enclosing his annual income certificate for you
perusal. I will strive to maintain an average of more that 90%
during this B. Tech course and this scholarship will be a big
help in realizing my dream of becoming an IITian someday. I
am aware that I have to work hard for me to be able to meet
your expectations and I will prove to you that I will be able to
make it and bring much pride to our institution.
Thank you
Daniel Smith,
Rank No. 24.


University of Berlin
Faculty of mathematics
Admission office
Subject: Motivation letter for scholarship
Dear Sirs, Madams,
I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I
would like to express my gratitude to the Alumni Foundation of UoB for this

program. I am an graduate of a University of Sarajevo holding BSc degree

in mathematics with honors.
Since I have a quite strong academic background in mathematics I believe
that Master course in advanced mathematics perfectly suits my profile and
career prospects. My ultimate goal is to work with research based groups in
applied mathematics sector as well as in local universities in order to
improve research and human resource capacity building through training.
Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my
country or abroad, since I am not in a position to finance my studies.
Therefore, I will be very grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve
my education and incent my career prospects. Knowledge gained on the
studies at University of Berlin I plan to transfer to my home country, where I
intend to work in public sector or at the University.
This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to
interact with students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural
backgrounds coming from all the World. This type of networking is very
important for integration of different ideas and perspectives pertaining to
diverse global issues.
At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most
out of the scholarship program. I believe that being a student in your
department would not only empower my career development, but would
give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that as a
Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous
challenging career opportunities.
Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward
to a favorable reply.
Name Surname

Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this particular opportunity to apply for a Master
program in Mechanical Engineering and with this letter I would like to
express my strong motivation for this master course. I am a graduate of the
University Of Szeged, Hungary holding BSc degree in Mechanical

I have graduated with honors at University of Szeged where I was able to

get a solid knowledge in the field. At the moment I am doing my internship
in XXX Corp, where I am learning in practice how to apply methods for
advanced component and structure dimensioning, which was the topic of
my Bachelor thesis. Thanks to this particular experience I was able to
perceive the complexity of this field, and to realize that I would like to
develop my career in this area. Beside application of structure
dimensioning, I hold especial interest in the digital design both Computer
aided design and computer aided engineering, and I would like to do
specialization in this particular area.

After careful overview of the master program you are offering with at your
University, I believe that curricula fully suits my intentions, and therefore I
would like to get an opportunity to attend this program.

Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my

country or abroad, since I am not in a position to finance my studies.
Therefore, I will be very grateful to be provided with scholarship to improve
my education and incent my career prospects. Knowledge gained on the
studies at your University I see as an extraordinary career opportunity, and
therefore I would be very glad if you could support my education with
scholarship and to further inform me about any scholarship opportunity that
may appear.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most
of this opportunity. I believe that being a student in your department would

not only empower my career development, but would give me the

framework to utilize my full potentials. Moreover I feel that as a Masters
student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous challenging
career opportunities.

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward

to a favorable reply.


Name Surname

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