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System unit/cpu*Sebuah kotak empat segi yang mempunyai
pelbagai komponen elektronik. Terdapat satu
litar yang dipanggil mother board yang
dijalankan oleh komputer. Juga dikenali
sebagai otak komputer.

Screen*Screen is a device
information to user.




*Memaparkan maklumat yang telah diproses

oleh komputer kepada pengguna computer.
Speaker*Hear a sound played by a computer.
dimainkan oleh computer.



Mouse* It points and click on icons, menus,

command buttons or activates something on
a computer
*Ianya digunakan untuk menunjukkan dan klik
pada ikon, menu, butang arahan atau
mengaktifkan sesuatu pada computer

KeyboardUsed to enter commands, text, numerical

data and other types of data by pressing the
keys on the keyboard.
Digunakan untuk memasukkan arahan, teks,
nombor, data dan lain-lain dengan menekan
kunci pada papan kekunci.


Data Processing Unit

1. User will input the data to be processed by the processor.
*Pengguna akan memasukkan data untuk diproses oleh
2. The storage holds databases, files and programs. The output
devices present the processed data as useful information
products for user.
*Storan akan memegang data, fail dan program. Perkakasan
pengeluaran akan memaparkan data yang diproses kepada data
yang berguna kepada pengguna.

- Input is any data or instructions that we enter into the computer system
for processing.
* Kemasukan ialah data atau arahan yang kita masukkan ke dalam system
komputer untuk diproses.
- There are some common ways of feeding input data into the system,
which are:
*Ada beberapa cara untuk memasukkan data ke dalam system komputer:
typing on a keyboard
pointing with a mouse
- CPU accepts instruction from the user and translates the instruction into
readable information (decode).
* CPU akan menerima arahan daripada pengguna dan terjemahkan arahan
kepada maklumat yang boleh dibaca.

- The processing unit controls all activities within the system. For every
instruction, the control unit repeats a set of four basic operations called
the machine cycle:

*Unit pemprosesan akan mengawal semua aktiviti yang berlaku dalam

system. Setiap arahan, unit pengawal akan mengulangi empat operasi
yang asas yang dipanggil :

- Storage is a location which data, instruction and information are held for future
use. Every computer uses storage to hold system software and application
- When we issue a command to start the application software, the operating
system locates the program in storage and loads it into memory.
- A storage medium, also called secondary storage is the physical material in the
computer that keeps data, instruction and information.
- A storage device is the computer hardware that records or retrieves items to and
from storage media.

- Output is data that has been processed into a useful form, called information.
There are four types of output, which are texts, graphics, audio and video.
- The text consists of characters that are used to create texts, sentences and
- Graphics are digital representations of non text information such as drawings,
charts and photographs.
- Audio is music, speech or any other sound. Video consists of images that provide
the appearance of full motion

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