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Section 1. Main object and general enabling provisions. This Act to be known as the Radio Broasting Law, which
shall have for its main object the extension of the benefits of radio broasting so as to make them, as far as it is
practicable to do so, equally available to the people throughout the Philippine, Islands, shall be administered by the
Secretary of Commerce and Communications, who, in order to carry out in the most effective manner its provisions
and purposes, is hereby empowered to promulgate in the form of administrative orders such rules and regulations as
may be advisable, and to create such committee or committees as may be necessary, and, with the permission of the
respective Department Heads; concerned, to use the services of such officers or employees of the Insular, provincial
and municipal governments as may be convenient especially in the collection of fees.
Sec. 2. Exemption of the Governments of the United States and the Philippine Islands. The Government of the
United States shall be exempt from all requirements of this Act. The Government of the Philippine Islands shall be
exempt likewise for all radio receiving sets owned or operated by it for communication purposes: Provided, however,
That dealers or persons selling receivers to the said governments shall comply with the provisions of section three of
this Act and the regulations which may be issued thereunder by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications as
regards submission of reports on sale of receiving sets.
Sec. 3. Registration of radio receiving sets; notice of sale or change in ownership or location of each set. The
Secretary of Commerce and Communications shall prescribe rules and regulations for the registration of radio
receiving sets and for the submission of reports on sale of receivers or on change of ownership thereof. He may
require that all receiving sets be registered annually if he deems it advisable in addition to the owners obligation to
pay the annual fees as provided in section four. Subject to such rules and regulations, every person, firm, company,
association, corporation or any other entity having in his or in its possession or control a radio receiving set, shall
register the same with the Radio Regulation Office created or designated under section eight of Act Numbered Thirtyeight hundred and forty-six within thirty days after coming into possession or control of such set, and it shall be the
duty of the owner thereof to advise the Radio Regulation Office of any change in his or its address within thirty days
after such change takes place. And whenever any radio receiving set is sold, or any change in ownership takes place,
the dealer or former owner thereof shall comply with the regulations issued by the Secretary of Commerce and
Communications under the provisions of this section.
Sec. 4. Annual fees to be paid. Except as otherwise provided in section six hereof, there shall be paid and collected
a registration fee of two pesos per annum for every crystal receiving set and ten pesos per annum for every receiving
set that uses a vacuum tube or tubes for amplification or for detection: Provided however, That if the Secretary of
Commerce and Communications shall deem it advisable he may establish zones and fix a graduated scale of zone
fees, the maximum of which shall not exceed the fees herein-above above specified: Provided, further, That the
Secretary of Commerce and Communications may establish rules and regulations for the reduction of fees payable
by the same owner for the same set after one years fee has been paid.
The annual fees above specified shall be understood to be for a period of twelve months counting from the date of
acquisition of a radio receiver, and, wherever quarterly, semi-annual or annual fees are specified in this Act, the same

shall be understood to be for a period of three months, six months and twelve months, respectively, counting from the
date of acquisition of the radio set.
Sec. 5. When to pay fees; surcharge to be paid for late payment. Upon the initial registration of a radio receiving
set, as provided in section three hereof, the fee for at least three months shall be paid in advance. Thereafter, fees
shall be payable in not less than quarterly installments, each of which shall be paid in advance during the first thirty
days of the quarter in which such fees are due. Any fee not paid within the time fixed shall be increased by a
surcharge of twenty per centum thereof: Provided, however, That the Secretary of Commerce and Communications
may prescribe rules and regulations changing the time of payment of fees from quarterly to semi-annually or
annually: Provided, further, That he may also prescribe such rules and regulations as may be advisable to assure the
prompt or immediate registration and advance payment or collection of fees on receiving sets sold by dealers and on
sets entering the country through the mails or the custom-house and those brought by persons coming from abroad,
notwithstanding the provisions of section three of this Act regarding thirty days tune allowed for registration.
Sec. 6. Receiving sets for specified uses to be registered but exempt from payment of fees. Subject to such rules
and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, owners of receiving sets
covered by this section shall comply with the requirements of section three of this Act as regards registration but shall
be exempt from payment of the fees as required by section four:
(a) Sets in storage or out of service;
(b) Sets kept for sale or used for demonstration by those engaged in the manufacture or sale of radio apparatus;
(c) Sets owned or operated by the Philippine Government and used for purposes other than communications;
(d) Sets installed on airplanes and ships licensed under Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred and forty-six;
(e) Sets operated by owners of broasting stations if such sets are used for the purpose of monitoring or checking the
quality or efficiency of the broasting stations;
(f) Sets owned and operated by lighthouse-keepers at their official stations;
(g) In cases where an amateur radio operator, who is licensed under Act Numbered Thirty-eight hundred and fortysix, or the owner of a licensed amateur radio station has more than one receiver in his immediate household, all such
receivers shall be registered but the fee need be paid on one receiver only.
Sec. 7. National Radio Broasting Fund and purposes for which it may be used. All collections made under this Act,
as well as those which may be collected under section nine hereof, shall constitute a special fund to be known as the
National Radio Broasting Fund to be expended, with the concurrence of the Insular Auditor, exclusively for the
following purposes by authority of the Secretary of Commerce and Communications, who shall determine what
portion of this fund shall be expended for each item subject to the limitations hereinbelow stated:
(a) Receiving sets for municipalities, barrios, etc. Purchase, installation and/or operation of radio receiving sets for
general public benefit in distant and isolated municipalities, municipal districts, barrios and selected Government
institutions, under such rules and conditions as the Secretary of Commerce and Communications may prescribe.

(b) Payment to broasting stations for broasting matters of interest to people. Payment to the owners of any duly
authorized radio broasting station or stations of sufficient power and with satisfactory facilities and apparatus to
render reasonably satisfactory service, under normal conditions, throughout the Philippine Islands, for the radio
broasting of a minimum of six hours daily of governmental news, information and education, and/or any other
information or programs of interest or entertainment to the people if the type and general character of the programs
broasted are deemed to be of general interest or entertainment to the public by a committee created for the purpose
by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications: Provided, That the sum authorized for any station shall not
exceed the actual value of the services rendered in accordance with this subsection: Provided, further, That if, for any
fortuitous cause or force majeure or other unavoidable reason, a minimum of six hours broasting shall not be made in
any one day, such failure shall not be considered as a violation of this section.
(c) Administrative expenses. Employment of such personnel and payment of such expenses as may be necessary
in carrying out the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations prescribed thereunder. The Secretary of
Commerce and Communications may authorize the payment to each member of any committee or committees
created by him under section one of this Act a per diem of not to exceed ten pesos for each meeting attended:
Provided, That no committee member shall be entitled to receive more than twenty pesos in any one month for
meetings attended during the month.
(d) Promotion and development of or assistance to radio broasting. Any unexpended balance of the National Radio
Broasting Fund in any year shall be available exclusively for the purposes stated in this section for any succeeding
year and for the promotion and development of radio broasting in the Philippine Islands and, if necessary or
advisable for general public interest, for aid to radio broasting stations.
Sec. 8. Annual report to Legislature. During the first thirty days of each regular session of the Philippine Legislature,
the Secretary of Commerce and Communications shall submit a full report thereto on the work accomplished by his
Department under this Act, such report to be accompanied with a detailed statement of all receipts and
disbursements and with such recommendations as he may desire to bring to the attention of the Legislature.
Sec. 9. Repeal of Act Numbered Thirty-three hundred and thirty-eight. Act Numbered Thirty-three hundred and
thirty-eight, approved December seven, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, is hereby repealed: Provided, That all
registration made and all fees paid thereunder shall apply under this Act for the period covered: Provided, further,
That such repeal shall not affect any act done, or any right accrued, or any suit or proceedings had or commenced in
any criminal or civil cause, prior to said repeal: Provided, furthermore, That all surcharges and all unpaid fees due
and payable under Act Numbered Thirty-three hundred and thirty-eight, as well as all fines that may be assessed
thereunder, shall, when collected, be credited as provided for in section seven of this Act: Provided, still furthermore,
That any unexpended balance of the Radio Broasting Fund accumulated under section twelve (d) of Act Numbered
Thirty-three hundred and thirty-eight shall be and hereby is made available as part of the National Radio Broasting
Fund under this Act: Provided, finally, That no provision of this Act shall be construed as vesting any person, firm or
corporation with any right which cannot be made the subject of further legislation by the Philippine Legislature.
Sec. 10. Penalty for violations of this Act. Any person who shall willfully violate any mandatory or prohibitory
provision of this Act, or any mandatory or prohibitory provision of the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
Commerce and Communications under this Act, upon conviction thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be
punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five pesos no more than two hundred pesos for each and every offense.
And any firm, company, corporation or association willfully failing or refusing to observe or willfully violating any
provision of this Act, or any provision of the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and

Communications under this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred pesos nor more than one
thousand pesos for each and every offense.
Sec. 11. This Act shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and thirty-three.
Approved: December 5, 1932.

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