Individual Research Report On Global Warming and Climate Change

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Individual Research Report on

Global Warming and Climate Change

Sir Robert Green
Chairman and Executive
Green Industries

Dear Sir,
I would like to submit the report that you have requested regrading the issues of
Global Warming and Climate Change. It also explains the contribution of Green
Industries to Global Warming like greenhouse gases and some suggestions to reduce
the emission. I have also included the references for you to check.

Yours sincerely,

Sanesh Kumar
Head of Scientific Research and Development
Green Industies Plc.
Table Of Contents


Relation between Global Warming and Climate Change

Global Warming and Green house effect

Effects of Global Warming

Global Warming and Politics

How to Control Global Warming


Global warming is nothing but an increasing average global temperature and this
global temperature directly related to atmosheric Carbon Dioxide levels and also other
green house gases.The level of Carbon Dioxide have raised from 275 to 346
ppm(parts per million)between 1860 and 1986,and is also expected to reach at
550ppm by the end of twenty first century.Since all Industries have a great role in
promoting green house gases,our Green Industry is also a part of them.At Present,
nations and governments are looking forward for reducing the expulsion of green
house gases and to control the global temperature.Conferences like Copenhagen are
showing governments alertness about the upcoming disaster and thus we should also
be alert about the government actions against industrialism.

Relation between Global Warming and Climate Change

Global warming is nothing but an increasing average global temperature.Media and

people often use these words interchangably, where as there have much differences
between these two terms.Global warming can be recognized as the consequence of
global pollutions ,especially atmospheric pollution and at the same time Climate
Change can be considered as the outcome of Global warming.But Climate Change is
not only a change in temperature but also changes in humidity,rainfall,wind and
severe weather events.In such a sense there is a hidden relationship between these two
and the major factors influencing these two are international problems like CFC
production,the generation of green house gas and deforestation.As the name indicate
Global warming and Climate Change would be the main threaten of the upcoming
Global Warming and Green House Effect

The major cause of Global warming is Green house effect. Green house effect is
nothing but the green house gases like Carbon Dioxide,Methane,Water vapour and
small amount of CFC,Ozone and Nitrous oxide prevent some of sun’s infrared
radiation from escaping from earth,that means acting like a green house.This is a
necessary process for existing life in a planet and green house gases play a great role
to keep earth as a liveable one.Eventhough the green house gases are
unavoidable,their excess amount will causes catastrophic problems like Global
warming and Climate Change .Human activities cause an increase in global
temperature by exposing huge amount of green house gases to the atmosphere by
burning fossil fuels.Deforestation of rainforests also plays its own role to promote
green house effect,and is very fast,approximately 27 million acres a year of forest is
being lost(World Resources Institute) statement of Jonathan Lash,May
Besides all these, Solar fluctuations also effect the warming of atmosphere slightly
bad. Eventhough the natural cause of Climate Change is not negotiatable they are
relatively insignificant compared to the impact of gases produced by humans( James
E. Hansen). Journal of Geographical Research1988

Effects Of Global warming

1.Wildfire in western United states

In western united states warmer temperatures appear to be increasing the duration and
intensity of the wildfire season.Since 1986,long,warmer summers are resulted in a
sixfold increase in the area of forest burned a fourfold increase of major wildfires,
compared to the period from 1970 to 1986.there the life of the active wildfire season
Has increased by 78 days,and that the average burn duration of large fires has
increased from 7.5 to 37.1 days(Science).

2.Melting Of Glaciers:

Ice is melting worldwide,especially at earth poles.This include the melting of

Greenland ice,West Antarctica and Arctic sea ice.Melting of glaciers and ice sheets
are the main global issues and which causes a relative increase in sea level and have
some scientific evidences are also there like Himalayan glacier melting.Over the Last
100 Years global sea level has risen by 0.10-0.20m,and is expected to rise to 0.38m
by 2080(Nicholls 1999) global environmental changes 9,569-587 .The
probability of Himalayan glaciers "disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner
is very high." (IPCC) W.G. Dunlop (AFP) – Jan 19, 2010

Role of Green Industries in Global warming:

England burns 3% of the worlds annual production of fossil fuels(B.W.Clapp),and

we have a great role in this 3%.To the upcomig days the rules would be very strict and
thus the industrialism should have some alterations.Our Green Industry also should
take part to keep social interests as an eco friendly one.I have some suggestions for
the future endeavour.

Cambridge Engine Division: bio

Energy sources are very necessary things in this industrial world,and the main source
of energy is fossil fuels.Since these are unavoidable,the better way to reduce pollution
is energy conservation and alternative sources of energy.From all fossil fuels, Coal is
more dangerous,since it emit 2.75% of sulpher dioxide out of the whole emission of
4.99% by all fuels(Roy .M.Harrison)130 pollution,royal society of chemistry.Our
first aim here is find the replacement for these fossil fuels,especially for Coal.

Manchester Cold Products:

Replacement of CFC by HCFC holds out the promise of a return to pre-ozone hole
amounts of statospheric chlorine,on a time scale of decades( scientific assessment of
atmospheric ozone:1989)1990,vol.2,chapter 9,381-404.Hence our primary aim is
replace CFC by HCFC as coolant in refrigerators.

Telford Aerosols Division

Aerosol is a suspension of very fine particles of a solid, or of droplets of a liquid, in a

gaseous medium.Some natural aerosoles are there like Fog, smoke,sea salt and
volcanic dust. UW professor Robert J. Charlson and colleagues suggests that forcing
by sulfate aerosol is not evenly distributed over the globe it can vary by roughly a
factor of five from region to region. As a result, the world might expect to see
dramatic changes in regional weather patterns in the future, not just an increase in
average global temperature.(Robert.J.Charson) . "Sulfate Aerosol and Climatic Change,"
Robert J. Charlson and Tom M. L. Wigley, Scientific American, 270 (2), 48-57, February 1994.

Oxidation of sulfur dioxide produced in the combustion of fossil fuels provide most of
the sulfate aerosol in the atmosphere.The only possible way to reduce sulfate aerosole
in the atmoshere is develop an alternative solution for the fossil fuels and also that
should be ecofriendly.


There had many disasters in the past by the effect of Global warming and those
indicate the wild face of this catastrophic problem. Somany scientific evidences are
also there exposing this global truth.People should wake up and take actions against
the environmental pollutions before experiencing the truth.Each Citizen and every
Organizations should have the responsibility to behave ecofriendly.Otherwise there is
no matter by being optimistic.


1. World Resources Institute. statement of Jonathan Lash,May 16,20

2. James E. Hansen. Journal of Geographical Research1988
3. Science .science vol 313 18 August 2006,published by AAAS
4. Nicholls 1999. global environmental changes 9,569-587
5. IPCC W.G. Dunlop (AFP) – Jan 19, 2010
6. B.W.Clapp, Environmental history of Britain,59
7. Roy .M.Harrison, pollution causes,effects&control,Royal society of
8. scientific assessment of atmospheric ozone:1989,1990,vol.2,chapter9,381-
9. Aerosol and Climatic Change," Robert J. Cha.(Robert.J.Charson) . " osulfate
Aerosole and Climate Change,”Sulfate rlson and Tom M. L. Wigley,
Scientific American, 270 (2), 48-57, February 1994.

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