I Am Love, Walking

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4:37 am, Monday, 4/26/2010 1st, Mayan day 9 Oc/Dog

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I have just realized, this early morning, that I, too, have been but talking about
Love, up to now. Love, Itself, has just the more deeply incarnated into this form,
until I can truly say, “I am Love, walking.” This is not about Love; this is Love,

There is little or no understanding that comes with this; nor do I

require it, for it is superfluous. Love is; that is sufficient. I am Love,

This is that same Love of the greatest love stories; I am Love, walking.
This is Love, Itself, present here, in, through, and abiding as this dear
form, this body being. I am Love, walking.

Love itself, incarnates, centralizes focus in/as this one who inhabits
this form, Theresa-Ann. I am Love, walking. Love, in adoration of the
beloved, must make the form, all the surroundings, into love’s
paradise, beautiful, healthy, and pure, in honor of Love, abiding, of
Love, walking. Everything must be perfect, must love, grow, and exist
to serve the beloved; must be Love in service to Love. I am Love,

These words, these lines will make no outer sense to many — to those
in mind, not in heart — but this matters not, for I am Love, walking;
Love, incarnate. I enfold all within that radiance of Love, of
tenderness and gentle regard. I am Love, walking.

Love has the more deeply descended to Earth, this day, for I am Love,
walking. Love has the more deeply incarnated into this flesh form,
magnetized by the flower of Love blooming there, for I am Love,

Love prepares, here, the garden, the Eden for the beloved, washing
and flushing each cell, each atom as white flowing water-light courses
amongst and between them. I am Love, walking.

Tears caress, flow, and bathe the dear form, as tenderness flows for
sweet, thoughtless affection of purring cat and sweet, adoring pup, for
I am Love, walking. Love walking tends to each one with tender
caresses, flowing streams of love energy exchanging. I am Love,

Love descends the more deeply into this form, caressing it from
within, right down to sweet, tender feet; container and lamp of Love,
walking. As Love walking enters, consciousness merges and
amplifies, increasing Presence here ‘below,’ in third dimension. I am
Love, walking.

Richest ‘man’ in the world am I, held in tenderest regard of Love. All

of my needs are met before they arise; all is provided for Love,
walking. No thing is lacking, all blessings abound, for I am Love,
walking. I am Love and I am loved, supremely. I am the dear Father’s
tenderest child. I am Love, walking.

Love, incarnate I am, as Greater Self, God, Herself, incarnates, here,

more of Self flowing into the form. I am Love, walking. Where once,
before, it was written that “I Am 1% of Me (or Playing Peek-A-Boo with
Source),” now I am 2%, and 3. I am Love, walking.

Gentle, graceful garments of Love light flowing, as Spirit I descend

more into this form. I am Love, abiding; I am Love, walking. As I take
up my abode, here, I look around me and realize that all is changed in
my presence, all greets me with delight, for I am Love, walking, and
all would lovingly serve and partake of love’s banquet, whose table I
set, whose table I am. I am Love, walking, and Love delights in Love,
in tender, thoughtful, almost worshipful regard.

Why has Love, walking graced the Earth in Her fuller Presence this
day? It matters not, yet Love responds unto Love, so as Love is
experienced, expressed, what else could Love above do? Descend as
Love, walking, of course.

The mind has been all but silenced in the presence of this; I am Love,
walking. Dear mind is quite stunned, and amazed at this; amazed in
the presence of Love, walking; for mind would serve, too, bowing low
before Love, walking.

Love’s gardens, blooming, love’s flowers strewn in the path, round

about Love, walking, refreshing her way as she moves, scenting the
air with their tender bouquet. All Life would serve here, fall in tender
regard, enter the dancing, celebrating Love, walking as she passes
through. Though on outside, things appear the same, yet
energetically, all life flows to and bows before beautiful Love (as she
walks) [walking] through.

Love, walking incarnates here, now, and I am amazed. No longer

knowing, nor caring, saying, “Who am I, now?”, I, too, bow before
Love, walking into me, now. I give way for Love at her best, as Love
before Love; Love between Love intertwines, and I am Love, walking.

On outside this form looks the same, but I am Love, walking now, so
everything’s changed from the within. Love’s energy, though present,
before, was not flowing, as now, as this power descends, enters in,
flows and glows. I am Love, walking.

What changes wrought? It matters not, for now Love, walking’s in

charge; all is well. Love, walking looks tenderly out through these
eyes. Everywhere her inner or outer gaze rest gets the blessing, the
benefits of Love. I am Love, walking. All’s held in tender regard. All
is quite blessed.


I wrote the above after a very special, 4 am experience I had upon

finishing a chapter in Anastasia book 8.1, The New Civilization. I
hesitate to put any words to this, it is so precious, so special, so
tender. Words are not made to contain the likes of this flow.

Nonetheless, as a communicator, which I am, I take this on, for such is

what Love, walking does; share and express. Tender readers, loyal
listeners, please deeply consider getting these books, and reading the
Ringing Cedars series; nine books in all. You’ll be changed by each
one, guaranteed. They’re that different.

I don’t use such words lightly. “Promise” and “guarantee” are not
words getting much use, before now; not by me. Yet, as I watch them
appear, taking form as I type, lately, I know their worth... and their
meaning. They are preciously meant.

You’ll hear more words on this experience, no doubt, but you don’t
need them. Just reach out and feel; you can sense it, the change
taking place, for it abides here, now. Yes, I am Love, walking.

Why am I blessed this way? Rather, why are not all like this blessed,
for all could be? All are Love, walking who choose this. Though
something’s not immediately present, fully manifest, once it’s chosen,
once the full intent is set, it’s created. All are Love, walking,

For Love would incarnate you all. Love’s dearest desire is full
flowingness; full interaction with all, barring none, no not one is
excluded in this. All are Love, walking; in her dream, her desire, all
are blest.

I am drunk with it, now, write as fool, fool for Love, fool for Love,
walking, as she enters, as she hallows this space. Love has long
hovered over all, drawing close as can be by their desire, by their
caring for life, for each other, for the flowers and pets. Love’s tender
kisses have caressed each cheek, each furry pelt, tender leaf; all are
constantly blessed...

But only to the extent each one lets. Love must allow; will not force.
Yet, to any who open door full, She enters in, becomes Love, walking,
through that one. Light upon Light, delight flowing in, enters Love,
walking, loving to incarnate in Earth.

Already full flowing in each flower, each child, in each dear loving pet
enters Love, walking, yet light and delight, she shines brightly when
new doors open wide. I am Love, walking; so are you. We just need
open eyes, and will see with surprise how we’re Love, walking. None’s
left out. Even now Love’s tenderness heats this heart. All is Love,

When She enters, new eyes we receive,

Comes in Love, walking
Let’s us see how she is everything
That there is, that is Love, walking
Enters in, there to gain
Tender glance, Love’s regard
She is Love, walking... in our midst
Though we see not, she cares not

For she’s Love, walking throughout Life

When with new sight we see her,
Amazement shines bright
Through our eyes, seeing Love, walking

All around, gifts abound, tender ‘gard

Can be found, everywhere Love’s walking
In among all the people she flows,
‘Midst us all she is Love, walking around

In and through, under too, is dear Love,

Walking, e’en midst you, tender heart
Makes a start, lets her in to be Love,
Walking through one and through all

With blessings abounding she flows

Through each heart, ‘waiting soul’s awakening
To her Presence, her flow, her regard,
Tender blows struck for Love as she goes

Blowing kisses, delicate, carried on breezes

Of love’s blossoming abounding, here
Present there, flowing where Love
Can be found, midst the ground of our heart

We impart tender gesture, ‘tis Love’s flowing

Vesture passing by, touch the sky
Soul soars high, Spirit flies into bliss
On that kiss, kiss of Love, walking by

I am me, I am you, I am Love

Flowing through, I am Love, walking
Touch the ground and you’ll find me
The sky and you’ll sight me fly by

And alight where my tenderest feelings

Take flight, I am Love, walking, flying
Soaring heights, taking wing on the flight
Through the night, bringing light; Love goes by.

Enter in, let’s begin to refresh

In the chest, to be Love singing song
Midst the throng, each heart longs for the flow,
Each one knows as She goes, I am Love

Of each one

6:06 am


9:56 am, 4/26 2nd - A STEP ABOVE MIND

10:46 am, 4/26 3rd - SHORT-CUT TO PRESENCE ?

11:18 am, 4/26 4th - OPEN MIND; UP-END; SHAKE WELL

12:09 pm, 4/26 5th - WE’RE NOT LITTLE CHILDREN


journal, mystical
sion,blessed,Greater Self,delight,mind,riches,Anastasia,Ringing
Cedars,Vladimir Megre,drunk,fool,feelings,emotions,song

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