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Learning Goal A.8.2 Read, interpret, and critically analyze literature.

(DPI Content
 Identify the defining features and structure of literary texts,
Standard) such as conflict, representation of character, and point of view
 Analyze the effect of characters, plot, setting, language, topic,
style, purpose, and point of view on the overall impact of

B.8.1 Create or produce writing to communicate with different

audiences for a variety of purposes.

 Write clear and pertinent responses to verbal or visual material

that communicate, explain, and interpret the reading or viewing
experience to a specific audience
 Write creative fiction that includes major and minor characters,
a coherent plot, effective imagery, descriptive language, and
concrete detail
 Write in a variety of situations (during an exam, in a computer
lab) and adapt strategies, such as revision, technology, and the
use of reference materials, to the situation
 Use a variety of writing technologies including pen and paper as
well as computers

Instructional By using a round robin short story session to introduce creative writing
and implement the use of technology in the classroom, the students will
Objective(s) be able to approach the formalist framework in a less intimidating
manner and will be able to perform a close reading and analysis of the
created story.

Assessment In order to determine that the students have met the goal, they will
create a wiki with their group that covers a specific element of the
(Criteria/ Look formalist framework (i.e. characters, plot, setting, etc). Groups will be
Fors) asked to describe those elements and use examples from their short
story. I will be looking for whether or not the students can successfully
articulate meanings and use examples that are relevant to their
designated element.
Materials Overhead transparencies, copies of created short story, formalist
framework handout/guide, and handout for how to work a wiki

Time Three hours- One hour each day for three days
Day One: Creating the short story
(Total and Group assignment
Specific) Formalist framework introduction
Assign framework elements to groups
Introduction to a wiki
Group work
Creating the wiki
Progress check
Day Two: Rough draft approval for wiki
Computer work
Day Three: Final approval for publishing
Last minute adjustments to wikis
Instructional Introduction: The students will be informed that they will have chance
to create the best story using ideas from each person in the classroom.
Procedures Their only limitations would be to make sure the story has a clear plot,
at least three characters and a well established setting.

Development: Once the story is created, students will be placed in

groups. Each group will be given a piece of paper that covers one of the
Introduction elements of the formalist framework. I will then give them a handout
that gives an overview of each and examples from a familiar text. We
will read it together and discuss any questions the students might have.
When all questions are answered, I will then talk about creating a wiki.
Using the overhead print outs of an example wiki, I will go over why the
Developing the groups will use a wiki and how they will use it. For day two, the groups
Lesson will receive a handout of their short story, as well as a sample template
Demonstration, of a wiki. The groups will begin to analyze their short story and figure
out how they would like to arrange their wiki using the sample
template on paper. During the last fifteen minutes, all groups will have
Practice to do a progress check up with me to see if they are on the right track
and to answer any questions. On day three, rough drafts will need to be
completed and approved. Once they have been approved, students will
be able to begin their work on the computer for their wiki. Day four
will be for any last minute adjustments. Groups will be given ten
minutes to fix up their wikis and then I will come around to make sure
things are set. After, there will be forty minutes for group presentations
Closure of their analyzed element of the formalist framework.
Closure: A brief discussion will take place once groups have presented
to go over how their experience was.
Student Should the students have difficulty with their project, we can always
work together as a group to ease confusion.

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