11GR2 Grid Infrastructure For Standalone Server Installation

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Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server Installation

1 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com

Click on Stamp Disk button then select all Candidate devices. If there is no disk shown here,
one of issues might be that you create volumes on the Dynamic disk instead of the Basic disk.

The names of the stamped disk will follow this format ORCLDISK + Specified Prefix (e.g.,
DATA in this case) + incremental number.

2 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com

We will go back to step 3, choose External redundancy (since this is just a sandbox system) and
check the 1-GB candidate disk.

3 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com

4 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com
5 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com
6 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com
7 By Ittichai Chammavanijakul | oraexplorer.com

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