Case Study Jeffrey Dahmer

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Case Study Analysis and Findings

The final assignment for this course is a Case Study Analysis and Findings. The
purpose of the Case Study Analysis and Findings is for you to utilize the knowle
dge and skills developed in this course to evaluate the psychological methods an
d theoretical models of criminal behavior as well as the police psychology and t
he psychological aspects of all participants in the criminal justice process rel
ative to a specific criminal episode. An overview of forensic psychology as it r
elates to the criminal justice process should be included.
This course has addressed issues of psychological theory and practice relative t
o the functioning of the criminal justice system. These impacts range from the o
ffender, to law enforcement and investigations, to practices and legalities of l
aw in the courtroom, to the participation and impact of victims and witnesses, a
nd to treatment and sentencing rendered in the correctional environment. Researc
h continues regarding the biological, genetic, psychological, and social impacts
on mental health and resulting behavior. These findings will continue to find t
heir way into the legal implications of the psychological influences on behavior
The focus of your Case Study Analysis and Findings paper will be based, in large
part, on the weekly assignments you completed throughout the course. In each of
the weekly assignments, you address a particular aspect of the overall criminal
case and offender that you selected in Week One.
In the Week One Literature Review assignment, you provide the resources necessar
y for each phase of your final analysis and findings.
In the Week Two Case Summary and Offender Profile assignment, you provide an ana
lysis of the behavior of the offender relative to the psychological history and
evaluation of the offender.
In the Week Three Investigative Psychology assignment, you provide an analysis o
f the behavior of the investigators including the analysis of the crime scene. T
his assignment also describes the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and
cognitive factors that influence the investigation, including intervention strat
egies to reduce the impact of stress on law enforcement.
In the Week Four Legal Psychology and Victimization assignment, you provide a di
scussion on the role of the psychological profile of the offender and the victim
s have on the presentation of evidence in court, including the analysis of legal
psychology as it is implemented in the criminal justice process.
Finally, in the Week Five Psychological Treatment in Correctional Settings assig
nment, you provide a discussion on the impacts the psychological makeup of offend
ers have on the functional responsibilities of incarceration facilities and how
the biases and assumptions of correctional service providers influence their ass
essment of and interaction with these offenders.
Utilizing your research and analyses completed for the Weeks One through Five as
signments, consider the psychological methods and theoretical models of criminal
behavior as well as the police psychology and the psychological aspects of all
participants in the criminal justice process relative to the specific criminal e
pisode selected in Week One. Present your findings within the continuing context
of the endogenous and exogenous theories of criminal behavior and the analysis
of how our biases and assumptions influence our assessments of individuals. Corr
elate these to the cultural-based behavior patterns that may be specific to cert
ain segments of the population with an evaluation of the potential impact and in
tervention strategies that may be utilized to reduce the impact of stress on law
enforcement personnel.
In your Final Research Paper
Evaluate the theory of criminal behavior related to the selected case.

Analyze the biases and assumptions that influenced participants in the case proc
Address each of these participants:
Defense attorney(s)
Analyze the role the psychological profile of the offender played in how the inv
estigation was conducted and in any subsequent court proceedings.
Discuss the impact of this case on future actions and ideology of the criminal j
ustice system relative to the psychological issues presented (or denied) in this
The Final Research Paper
Must be seven doublespaced pages in length (not including title and references pa
ges) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Cen
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must use at least eight reliable and scholarly sources in addition to the course
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evalua
te your assignment.
Assignment Submission

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