Linear Algebra Tutorial - Vector Norm

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Linear Algebra tutorial: Vector Norm

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Vector Norm
By Kardi Teknomo, PhD.

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Based on Pythagorean Theorem, the vector from the origin to the point (3, 4) in 2D Euclidean plane

and the vector from the origin to the point

has length
Matrix Size & Validation has length of
Vector Algebra
. The length of a vector with two elements is the square root of the sum of each element
What is Vector?
Vector Norm
Unit Vector
The magnitude of a vector is sometimes called the length of a vector, or norm of a vector.
Vector Addition
Vector Subtraction
Basically, norm of a vector is a measure of distance, symbolized by double vertical bar
Vector Scalar Multiple
Vector Multiplication
Vector Inner Product
Vector Outer Product
Vector Cross Product
Vector Triple Cross
The vector length is called Euclidean length or Euclidean norm. Mathematician often used term
norm instead of length. Vector norm is defined as any function that associated a scalar with a
Vector Triple Dot Product
vector and obeys the three rules below
Scalar Triple Product
Orthogonal &
Orthonormal Vector
1. Norm of a vector is always positive or zero
. The norm of a vector is zero if and only if
Cos Angle of Vectors
the vector is a zero vector
Scalar and Vector
2. A scalar multiple to a norm is equal to the product of the absolute value of the scalar and the
Matrix Algebra
What is a matrix?
3. Norm of a vector obeys triangular inequality that the norm of a sum of two vectors is less
Special Matrices
Matrix One
than or equal to the sum of the norms
Null Matrix
Matrix Diagonal Is
There are many common norms:
Diagonal Matrix?
Identity Matrix
1-norm is defined by the sum of absolute value of the vector elements
Matrix Determinant
Matrix Sum
Matrix Trace
2-norm is the most often used vector norm, sometimes called Euclidean norm. When the
Matrix Basic Operation
subscript index of the vector norm is not specified, you may think that it is a Euclidean norm
Is Equal Matrix?
Matrix Transpose
Matrix Addition
Matrix Subtraction
p-norm is sometimes called Minskowski norm is defined as
Matrix Multiplication
p-norm is generalized norm with a parameter
Matrix Scalar Multiple
max-norm is also called Chebyshev norm is the largest absolute element in the vector
Hadamard Product
Horizontal Concatenation
Vertical Concatenation
Elementary Row
Use the interactive program below to experiment with your own vector input. The program will give
you the norm of vector for p=1, 2, 3 and max. The vector input will be redrawn to give you
Matrix RREF

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Linear Algebra tutorial: Vector Norm

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Finding inverse using

feedback on what you type. Click Random Example button to generate random vector.
RREF (Gauss-Jordan)
Finding Matrix Rank
using RREF
Matrix Inverse
Is Singular Matrix?
Linear Transformation
Matrix Generalized
Solving System of Linear
Linear combination,
Span & Basis Vector
Linearly Dependent &
Linearly Independent
Change of basis
Matrix Rank
Matrix Range
Matrix Nullity & Null
Eigen System
Matrix Eigen Value &
Eigen Vector
Symmetric Matrix
Some important properties of vector norm are
Matrix Eigen Value &
Eigen Vector for
Symmetric Matrix
Square of Euclidean norm is equal to the sum of square
Similarity Transformation
Pythagorean Theorem is hold if and only if the two vectors are orthogonal
and Matrix
Matrix Power
Orthogonal Matrix
The law of cosine
Spectral Decomposition
Singular Value
Norm of the dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of their norms
Relationship to vector inner products
Resources on Linear
Square of Euclidean norm of a vector is equal to the inner product to itself

is the angle between the two vectors

Norm of addition or subtraction follow the law of cosine

Addition of two square of norm of vectors follow parallelogram law

p-norm is greater than the max-norm but less than

times the max-norm, that is

The norm ratio satisfies the inequality

. As

tends to infinity, the

approaches and
Cauchy-Schwartz inequality stated that the absolute value of vector dot product is always
less than or equal to the product of their norms
holds if and only if the vectors are linearly dependent.
Relationship of norm of cross product and dot product is

. The equality

See Also: Similarity tutorial, Minskowski distance, Chebyshev distance, Euclidean distance, City

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Linear Algebra tutorial: Vector Norm

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Block distance, Resources on Linear Algebra

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This tutorial is copyrighted.

Preferable reference for this tutorial is
Teknomo, Kardi (2011) Linear Algebra tutorial. http:\\\kardi\

2007 Kardi Teknomo. All Rights Reserved.

Designed by CNV Media

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