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Alprazolam is contraindicated in patients with

A. a psychotic disorder
B. congestive heart failure
C. diabetes
D. hypertension
2. The three types of psychotherapeutic drugs include
A. antianxiety drugs, tranquilizers, and anxiolytics
B. antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, and
C. antipsychotic drugs, benzodiazepines, and
D. antianxiety drugs, antidepressants, and
antipsychotic drugs
3. Which antianxiety drug must be taken regularly and
is not effective on a PRN basis?
A. lorazepam
B. buspirone
C. oxazepam
D. hydroxyzine
4. The benzodiazepines are pregnancy category
drugs that should not be taken while lactating because
the infant may .
A. B; seizure
B. C; develop the floppy infant syndrome
C. D; become lethargic and lose weight
D. X; become hypoglycemic

Antidepressant Drugs

1. When administering an antidepressant to a patient

contemplating suicide, it is most important for the
nurse to .
A. have the patient remain upright for at least 30
minutes after taking the antidepressant
B. assess the patient in 30 minutes for a therapeu-
tic response to the drug
C. monitor the patient for an occipital headache
D. inspect the patient’s oral cavity to be sure the
drug was swallowed
2. Which of the following adverse reactions would the
nurse expect to find in a patient taking amitriptyline?
A. constipation and abdominal cramps
B. bradycardia and double vision
C. sedation and dry mouth
D. polyuria and hypotension
3. The nurse instructs the patient taking a monoamine
oxidase inhibitor not to eat foods containing .
A. glutamine
B. sugar
C. tyramine
D. large amounts of iron
4. Which of the following antidepressants would be
most likely to cause the patient to have a seizure?
A. amitriptyline
B. bupropion
C. sertraline
D. venlafaxine

1. A patient taking chlorpromazine (Thorazine) for

schizophrenia is also prescribed the antiparkinson
drug benztropine. What is the best explanation for
adding an antiparkinson drug to the drug regimen?
A. Antiparkinson drugs prevent symptoms of tar-
dive diskinesia, such as involuntary movements
of the face and tongue.
B. Antiparkinson drugs promote the effects of
C. Antiparkinson drugs are given to reduce the pos-
sibility of symptoms such as fine tremors, mus-
cle rigidity, and slow movement.
D. Antiparkinson drugs help to decrease hallucina-
tions and delusions in patients with schizophrenia.
2. Which of the following reactions would the nurse
expect to see in a patient experiencing tardive dyski-
A. Muscle rigidity, dry mouth, insomnia
B. Rhythmic, involuntary movements of the tongue,
face, mouth, or jaw
C. Muscle weakness, paralysis of the eyelids, diarrhea
D. Dyspnea, somnolence, muscle spasms
3. Which of the following symptoms would indicate to
the nurse that a patient taking lithium is experienc-
ing toxicity?
A. Constipation, abdominal cramps, rash
B. Stupor, oliguria, hypertension
C. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
D. Dry mouth, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing
4. In giving discharge instructions to a patient taking
lithium the nurse stresses that the patient should
A. eat a diet high in carbohydrates and low in pro-
B. increase oral fluid intake to approximately 3000
C. have blood drawn before each dose of lithium is
D. avoid eating foods high in amines

1. The most serious adverse reactions seen with lev-

odopa include .
A. choreiform and dystonic movements
B. depression
C. suicidal tendencies
D. paranoia
2. Elderly patients prescribed one of the dopamine
receptor agonists are monitored closely for which of
the following adverse reactions?
A. occipital headache
B. hallucinations
C. paralytic ileus
D. cardiac arrhythmias

3. When taking an anticholinergic drug for parkinson-

ism, the patient would mostly experience which of
the following adverse reactions?
A. constipation, urinary frequency
B. muscle spasm, convulsions
C. diarrhea, hypertension
D. dry mouth, dizziness
4. The patient taking tolcapone for Parkinson’s disease
is monitored closely for .
A. kidney dysfunction
B. liver dysfunction
C. agranulocytosis
D. the development of an autoimmune disease

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