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| Will Follow Him ‘Aus dem Film Sister Ae" Text und Musik: Mare Salman c c Em > = SS SS = [= SSS 3S = ve — Twill fol low him, fol- low him wher-ev er he may go—__ Am Em F — and near him 1 al- ways willbe for noth-ing can keep me a - Am N.C. c = =] veer es Sa T will fol-tow him, ‘ev er since he touched my Em feat 1 knew, Thee is- nt an ocean wo do, a F om7 °G cfm Be ‘moun- tain ®, 0 high it can keep, keep me a= way" a. way fom his love love him and where he goes I'll fol-low, ll. fol- low, TI follow. 1 will fol-low him, fol-low him wher-ev-er he — may go. There is- n't an 0-cean 100 Em F 6 c Cooe ——— * 7 St === = 5 =F ee Sr 2 deep, ‘a moun-tain so high it can keep, Keep me a= way. To-geth-e, > O- os Ss 2 fol - low him, fol- low him wher ev - er Am Em — Thee is-n't* an o-cean 100 deep, a moun- tain so high it’ can keep, keep us a= way, a- way from his love. t (Solo-freely) cane Sao Onoham Gel love him, (oh yes 1 love him) TIL fol - low, (im_ gon - na c Quo 5 — Cac fol low) true love (ell al = ways be my true love) for Sols Quote ev er, (from now un til for = ev - e)—— 1 love him, 1 love him, 1 love him and where he goes I'll fol-low, Ill fol-low, ll fol- low He'll al- ways be my Am c my true love from now un- til for = ev- er, for-ev-e, for = true love, my true lve, an o-cean to deep, a moun-tain so high it can keep, keep usa way, away from his love sg Style: 8-Beat Ballade (A) + 74 Originaltonart: (A) und (B): Bb = 146 ©. @®c © 1992 by Touchstone Pictures Fir Ostereich; Warmer Chappell Music ingrichtt von: Rud Ostermann

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