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Jana Rosinski

WRT 104
Summer 2014
Due: August 7
Details: 500 words + source network + 2 minute video visualization
Show videos in class on August 7

Reach-Search: Nothing is Neutral. Everything is a

Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Leonardo Da Vinci
We have been discussing the complexity in creating,
reading, and caring for visual texts (images, photographs,
graphics, symbols) through material concerns with citation
(crediting a source), moving beyond a superficial emotional
reaction (language of seeing), and understanding the
rhetorical capacities of visuals. This has required the
adoption of terms created for looking closely at
alphanumeric texts, some of which afford us ways of seeing
images, while others dont help us to see. We are working
with visual rhetoric concepts as we labor to make the
networks of research visible.
everything is connected Maren Bruin

Written Text
You will undertake a sustained reach-search (a riff on research) project that deliberately urges
you to push past common conceptions you hold about research methods and processes. You
will pursuit inquiry (read as exploration and emergent focusnot pre-determined) into and
beyond an object. You will make visible the rhetorical agency of an object through primary
and/or secondary methods, creating a way of looking at the object. The focus of inquiry for your
object should be emergent from reach-searchingcoming into contact with materials (finding
and dismissing) and letting the materials interact to form ideas.
Source Network
Annotated List + Network Map

As you work on your project, you will keep track of all of the materials that you pursuit, stumble
across, make use of, or drop as an annotated list. With each material, you should provide an
account of why you were making the choices to use/not use as well as how the material is
shaping your project.
You will also construct a network map that provides a way of seeing your project. This map will
show how the bodies of information you collect socializethe ways they interact or associate
with multiple ideas in multiple media at multiple moments (from Jeff Rices Networks and New
Video Visualization
You will create a 2 minute video that visualizes (makes visible) your reach-search findings. Just
like in creating your infographic, you will be making a visual handle (a way of grabbing
information) to your reach-search. This video will use a combination of images, video clips, text,
and audio/sound to allow a way of seeing your research and/or your network. You will use your
written text to help you create this video but be mindful of your medium (i.e. you should not
just be reading your written text set to images).

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