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1/12 Creature of Flame


Ancient Tunnels (Act 2: Lost City)
Horazon the Summoner summoned a powerful demonlord
that was too strong and overwhelmed him. He managed to
trap it in his arcane sanctuary, but could not defeat it and it
almost killed him. To save his own life, Horazon split off
the prison zone from the rest of his sanctuary and
banished it to earth where it now sits in a subterranean
dimension. Breaking in and defeating the demon may
yield great rewards.

Hatred : 60
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Heed the familiar's holographic warning. The Creature of
Flame ignores a percentage of all attacks and strikes with
the force of a collapsing mountain, killing the unwary
adventurer instantly. Luckily, the enemy of your enemy is
nearby. The Astral Guardians protecting the area will
defend it from the likes of you, but their magical attack
phases you into the astral plane, weakening you to
subsequent magical damage but also granting immunity to
physical damage. This is exactly what you need to protect
you from the Creature of Flame's physical death touch.
Defeat the Creature of Flame on Destruction difficulty to
get Horazon's Focus.

Horazon's Focus
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 40
(3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
(3 to 5)% Mana stolen per Hit
-50 Defense
+(21 to 25) to all Attributes

2/12 Infernal Machine


The Pit Level 2 (Act 1: Tamoe Highland)
Who knew the fallen clans were technologically adept?
This rickety contraption contains wooden clockwork
mechanisms and the necessary runes to open a gateway
to any location in the Burning Hells and protect itself
against any attackers. This enables it to summon hellish
creatures at a rapid rate and strike enemies down with
powerful rune magic upon being attacked. Move quickly,
because time is against you.

Hatred : 65
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The tower summons a selection of dangerous elite
monsters. Try to reach it as quickly as possible, avoiding
or teleporting past elites. Beware the elites with a slowing
attack: Marbled Frog, Basilisk and Unseelie Dame.
Constantly change positions when attacking it, because it
will retalliate with deathstrike.

Defeat the Infernal Machine on Destruction difficulty to get
the Optical Detector.

Optical Detector
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
+200 Crafting Points
+(5 to 15) to all Attributes
All Resists +(10 to 15)%
+2 to Light Radius

3/12 Death Projector


Swampy Pit Level 3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Once you enter, you cannot go back trough the stairs.
The Swampy Pit serves as testing grounds for Mephisto's
latest siege weapon. The Death Projector slowly rotates,
firing a devastating energy beam in a full circle,
annihilating anything in its path.

Hatred : 70
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The siege tower is tended to by trained Zakarumite
techpriests. Its magitech shield is impenetrable to all
weapons, but when it senses a Mechanic nearby, it lowers
its shield to enable maintenance. In this state, the Death
Projector can be damaged, though its fortified outer shell
still harmlessly deflects a percentage of all incoming
attacks. The Mechanics themselves carry portable gap
generators and are impossible to hit or kill. Damage the
Death Projector while avoiding Mechanics until the
devilish device finally falls.
Defeat the Death Projector on Destruction difficulty to get
the Laser Focus Crystal.

Laser Focus Crystal

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 80
Increase Maximum Life 10%
Increase Maximum Mana 10%
+(6 to 15)% to Experience Gained

4/12 Azmodan

Forgotten Reliquary (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
The Lord of Sin walks the earth. In his weakened state, he
hides in the catacombs of Kurast, feasting on the dark
rituals of Mephisto's chosen. Destroy him before he
becomes a threat.

Azmodan is accompanied by a legion of elites and emits a

black magic aura that grants unholy invulnerability to
nearby demons and 50% all resistances to himself. The
tight confines of the temple area make it hard to get past
the immortal monsters blocking your way and reach
Azmodan himself. He should be easy to kill in his
weakened state, but beware his powerful Pentagram
attack which may require maximum fire resistance to

Hatred : 75
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Defeat Azmodan on Destruction difficulty to
get Azmodan's Heart.

Azmodan's Heart
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
All Resists +(31 to 40)%
+5% to All Maximum Resistances
Reduces Vendor Prices 10%
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Azmodan Trophy
Cube with the Azmodan's Heart...
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana

5/12 Rathma Square


Ruined Fane (Act 3: Kurast Causeway)
Back in the days when Kurast was the centre of civilisation
and black magic was not yet frowned upon, this was
where the priests of Rathma - the necromancers practiced their art. The place was abandoned when the
religion of Zakarum took over the city and banned pagan
magic, making it the perfect hiding place for an ancient
evil bent on taking out the Church from within. Primus, son
of Mephisto, was the leader of the Cult of the Triune in
ages past before its destruction. His efforts to rebuild the
Triune were shut down by the crusaders of Zakarum, but
he remains a formidable foe, doubly so in the home city of
the Zakarum.

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Primus himself is not particularly hard, despite his
powerful ranged Bladestorm attack. The blades track your
position, but do less damage than his normal attack and
can be avoided, blocked and dodged. His guard dogs are
the real challenge. After several millennia in and around
Rathma Square, his Gore Crawlers can raise themselves
from the dead. Shattering the corpse does not stop this,
but the resurrection takes 10 seconds, during which you
can attempt to run away and ditch them.
On Destruction difficulty, Primus drops the Spirit Trance

Herb (1/6 chance).

Spirit Trance Herb

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
10% Increased Attack Speed
10% Faster Cast Rate
(21 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
Regenerate Life +(11 to 40)
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Rathma Square Trophy

Cube with the Spirit Trance Herb...
10% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack

6/12 Cathedral of Vanity


Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Underground Passage Level 2 (Act 1: Stony Fields & Dark
According to religious myth, the mortal plane Sanctuary
was created by the fallen angel Inarius and the demon
Lilith to serve as a refuge from the Eternal War. The two
created a race of servants from the earth which were to
worship them for all eternity. However, humanity broke
free from its shackles when a small group of farmers
rediscovered their birthright and ancient powers inherited
from their supernatural parents. As the edyrem army grew,
Inarius descended into megalomanic madness and was
eventually destroyed along with his golden cathedral of
vanity. It is whispered that the ghosts of Inarius and his
closest worshippers still roam the cathedral.
The Crystal Ball is the last of the cathedrals magical
defences. The tower exudes a holy invulnerability shield to
protect nearby revelers and casts a searing beam of
angelic lightning that destroys anything it touches. Destroy
the Crystal Ball to dispel the immortality from the other
Defeat Inarius on Destruction difficulty to get the Idol of

Idol of Vanity
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
15% Increased Overall Speed
Cannot Be Frozen
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Cathedral of Vanity Trophy

Cube with the Idol of Vanity...
+10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life
+10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage
Bonus quest
Inarius' cathedral of vanity was ultimately destroyed by
Mephisto, and Inarius and his followers were captured,
mutilated and deformed to grotesque Overlords to serve
the forces of Hell. One may be able to summon the
tormented ghost of Inarius, defeat him and steal his
See THIS PAGE for more information about Inarius'

7/12 Toraja

Abaddon (Act 5: Frigid Highlands)
Now nothing more than overgrown ruins, Toraja once stood proud as a
medium-sized city in ancient times, and has become legendary as the city
where the nephalem Uldyssian recruited most of his edyrem to
spearhead the uprising against the infernal Cult of the Triune. This battle
is where the time portal leads you. Aid the edyrem in their battle against
Lilith and the Triunes minions.

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Because you are not directly allowed to interfere with the flow of time, you
cannot damage the enemies at all. Bring theCrystalline Flame
Medaillion which you acquired during the Judgment Day uberquest and
use its special ability to summon a batallion of edyrem, fighter-mages
who have the ability to dispel the immortality wards off the enemies.
Although they are vulnerable to the supernatural onslaught of the Triune,
they have the power to cast an invulnerability shield of their own, allowing
them to close in and remove the immunities. Defend them well and lead
your army of edyrem to victory!
Reward (requires the Crystalline Flame Medaillion)
On Destruction difficulty, when you kill Lilith, you have 30 seconds to
cube the Crystalline Flame Medaillion with an Arcane Crystal to upgrade
Crystalline Flame Medaillion + Arcane Crystal returns Crystalline Flame
Medaillion with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
All Resists +10%
Regenerate Life +100
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Crystalline Flame
Toraja (and Yshari Sanctum) on Destruction difficulty is the only place in
the game where you can find the following three Great Runes. These
runes are required for the most powerful runewords and their chance to
drop ratio is 3:2:1, from first to last.


Weapons : Target Takes Additional Damage of 100

Armor : Target Takes Additional Damage of 25
Shields : Target Takes Additional Damage of 25


Weapons : Regenerate Mana +15%

Armor : Regenerate Mana +5%
Shields : Regenerate Mana +5%

Weapons : +30% Enhanced Damage

Sha'a Level
Armor : +30% Enhanced Defense
Shields : +30% Enhanced Defense
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Yshari Sanctum.

8/12 Kabraxis

Disused Reliquary (Act 3: Kurast Causeway)
The Thief of Hope and the Banisher of Light is a demon
lord summoned by a very powerful Vizjerei magi, long ago.
He used his intelligence and power to form his cult and
rule the lands. People followed his philosophy, 'walked' the
Black Road he created, and soon his power grew so
much, that even the Prime Evils feared him, so they
imprisoned him within the portal he came from, between
the Sanctuary and the Burning Hells. It is whispered
among his remaining followers that there is a way to
release him from his centuries-long prison...

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Pillar of Skulls seals Kabraxis. It has a Heroic shield
and fires Punishers when hit. Once you kill it, Kabraxis will
be released. He has a heroic shield as well, and will
pounce on you with various attacks, cast bone prison on
you to trap you, summon his skeleton army of followers
and cast broadside when hit.Your best hope is to keep
running and killing the bone prison and skeletons as fast
as you can, and not stand close to Kabraxis all the time.
Defeat Kabraxis, Thief of Hope on Destruction difficulty to
get the Soul of Kabraxis.

Soul of Kabraxis
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+1 to All Skills
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Kabraxis Trophy
Cube with the Soul of Kabraxis...
2% Reanimate as: Random monster (including Elites)

See THIS PAGE for the list of reanimates.

Elemental seals
If you're feeling like releasing more powerful beings, there
are also 5 orb seals which used to seal Kabraxis once.
Each seal is for one element: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Magic
and Physical. When one is destroyed, it will unseal an
Ultra Elemental, along with some normal elementals. The
Ultra Elemental spawns new elementals, fires a powerful
spell and takes damage only from it's own element - so be
prepared to have a source of damage for every one of the
elements. Once defeated, each element will drop a Great
Gem. Transmute all 5 Gems with the Kabraxis' Soul to get
additional bonuses.
Soul of Kabraxis + 5x Great Gems (different) Soul of Kabraxis
with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
50% Chance to cast level 49 Trinity Nova when you Die
+(0 to 5)% to Maximum Fire Resist
+(0 to 5)% to Maximum Cold Resist
+(0 to 5)% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+(0 to 5)% to Maximum Poison Resist
+20 Required Level

9/12 Vizjun

Disused Fane (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar)
Vizjun, the mechanised home city of the Viz-Jaq'Taar buit
on the ruins of a magical war, recently ran into a major
system error. The artificial intelligence, the Master Control
System seems to have developed evil sentience as Diablo
approached. The computer then constructed a large army
of robots to take over the city, its missile silos and from
there the world. Those seeking to retake the compound
will have to contend with its arsenal of combat drones,
minefields and electro-pulse generators.

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Vizjun features melee robots, laser robots and machinebolter robots. You should know what to do by now. But
watch your step: Vizjun's automated defences will
periodically deploy additional robots, chaingun sentries,
minefields and even nuclear MIRV strikes when you enter
the protected zone. The computer voice warns you of any
incoming attack. The level boss, MCS has plasma
interference shields and is invulnerable to normal damage.
To destroy it, use the handy Purify skill you acquired in
Duncraig. A few shots should be enough.
Defeat the MCS on Destruction difficulty to get the Cold
Fusion Schematics.

Cold Fusion Schematics

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
5% Chance to cast level 10 Time Strike on striking
100% Chance to cast level 59 Blast Wave when you Die
+(11 to 50) to Strength
+(11 to 50) to Dexterity

+(11 to 50) to Vitality

+(11 to 50) to Energy
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

MCS Trophy
Cube with the Cold Fusion Schematics...
+(1 to 20) to Strength
+(1 to 20) to Dexterity
+(1 to 20) to Vitality
+(1 to 20) to Energy
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop jewels.

10/12 Uldyssian

Act 2: Duriel's Lair
Uldyssian ul-Diomed, son of Diomedes, was once a
simple farmer who had a younger brother and some good
friends and they all lived their life in a very small village
named Seram. After some time and manipulation from
Lilith, discovers that he is gaining strange powers that he
is trying to manipulate in a positive way, but some of his
deeds become evil because of Lilith.

Hatred : N/A
Terror : N/A
Destruction : 120

Uldyssian has Nephalem ancestry within him and has

some of their powers. He can do almost anything from
changing weather, causing people to explode, creating
shields or simply creating a simple ball of light to see
through the dark with. He can also teleport himself and
others among amping his strength and healing powers as
well as transmuting objects. These powers are based on
his will, the more desperate and angry he gets the more
powerful his abilities are.
To stop Demons and Angels from taking over Sanctuary,
Uldyssian created the Edyrem, made up of Nephalem
descendants. These Edyrem consisted of citizens of
Partha, Toraja, and some from Hashiri and Istani.
Uldyssian's main purpose was to relinquish the existence
of the two major sects in Sanctuary, the Temple of the
Triune and the Cathedral of Light.
Uldyssian moves through Sanctuary, gathering followers
and ravaging temples of the Cathedral of Light and the
Triune. In the end, when the battle between the forces of
Hell and Heaven reaches its climax, Uldyssian utilizes his
superiorly developed powers to sacrifice himself and save
You have to go through many stages before fighting the
real Uldyssian, Dark Edyrem King.
Defeat Uldyssian's Legion and then Uldyssian, Dark
Edyrem King himself, on Destruction difficulty, to get
the Uldyssian's Sword.

Uldyssian's Sword
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
5% Chance to cast level 1 Uldyssian's Time Freeze when Struck
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
All Resists +(11 to 30)%
Level 1 Purify (100/100 Charges)
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Uldyssian's Trophy
Cube with Uldyssian's Sword...
(1 to 5)% Deadly Strike
Drop Bias
Uldyssian will drop 2 to 3 Unique items.

11/12 Startled

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Flayer Dungeon Level 3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
A violent death often leaves a spirit or poltergeist behind. Most spirits are
weak, manifesting only as a sobbing on the wind or dancing ghost lights at
night. Some grow stronger in death and guard their final resting place with
unholy fury.
To get to the Startled Witch, you will first have to pass trough two upper levels
which are no walk in the park themselves. You can distinguish between three
types of different monsters there.
First and most basic of all: Zealots. They are immune to fire, cold and
lightning. They are not a big threat, however other type of enemies will aid
them. There are two advanced structures with different functions: nests and
Nests will, obviously, spawn more zealots. However these nests are not so
easy to take down, they are immune to physical/magic damage and have
considerable regeneration.
On the other side, we have the Traps. These will spam inoffensive bolts while
they are bored. However, if a Zealot perishes, they will resurrect him. So,
unless you want to fight the Zealots forever, you better try to take these
statues down first of all. The statues are immune to all elements, but they will
die from 1 Purify. Notice that no monster is immune to Magic.
After you enter the third level, you will find yourself in a small room. There is a
corridor, so follow it, but be careful. Even though this level has no randomly
spawned monsters, there are stationary witches over all the map. Unlike other
witches, these don't move, and will cast a timered deathstrike - this is easier
to avoid than Pounce, because its a delayed 1-hit KO.
Okay, avoiding them is not hard at all. The first large corridor is simply
walkable while you avoid the witches. The second large corridos is a bit more
narrow, so you need to dodge while your teleport timer cools down. You might
want to use a town portal just in case something happens!
Now, once you finished the second large corridor, you will be in a big room.
This room is basically a room inside another one, around five times. You can
teleport, but it is recommend you walk so you become familiar with the
witches' locations. This is a small maze, because each room has a door in a

different location.
Eventually, you will arrive to the central room. Take a deep breath, and walk a
bit closely (action music here). There... there she is. Upon startling her, she
will wake up. She spawns more Nests at a rapid rate, casts deadly spells,
attacks and teleports. She requires Purify to kill.
Defeat the Startled Witch on Destruction difficulty to get the The Sleep.

The Sleep
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
This empty charm allows you to add a powerful enchantment to it by
transmuting it with any one of the 17 existing trophies (except the Triune
trophy). Each trophy adds an unique bonus, but only one trophy can be
applied, only once, so choose carefully.
The Sleep + Trophy (any except Triune) The Sleep with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

Akarat Trophy:
50% Faster Run/Walk
(6 to 10)% Mana stolen per Hit
(6 to 10)% Life stolen per Hit
+(1 to 3) to Light Radius

Kingdom of Shadow Trophy

50% Faster Run/Walk
50% Faster Block Rate
Adds 25-50 damage
Regenerate Mana +(11 to 15)%

Astrogha Trophy:
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
(41 to 50)% Chance of Open Wounds
Slows Target by (6 to 10)%
(21 to 30)% Curse Length Reduction

Legacy of Blood Trophy

+(21 to 30) to Strenght
+(21 to 30) to Dexterity
+(21 to 30) to Vitality
+(21 to 30) to Energy

Azmodan Trophy:
(41 to 50)% Bonus to Buff/Debuff/Cold Skill
+(51 to 100) to Life
Replenish Life +(51 to 100)
+(51 to 100) to Mana
Half Freeze Duration

Lord Aldric Jitan Trophy

+(201 to 250) Crafting Points
(1 to 5)% Deadly Strike
(21 to 30)% Chance of Uninterruptable Attack
Poison Length Reduced by 25%

Brother Laz Trophy:

50% Increased Attack Speed
50% Faster Cast Rate
Increase Maximum Life (6 to 15)%
+(1 to 2)% to All Maximum Resistance
Cathedral of Vanity Trophy:
+(21 to 30) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
+(1 to 5)% Bonus to Energy Factor
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
Increase Maximum Mana (6 to 10)%

MCS Trophy:
(41 to 50)% Faster Hit Recovery
+(101 to 500) Defense
Damage Reduced by (1 to 5)%
Total Character Defense Plus (41 to 50)%
Quov Tsin Trophy
All Resists +(15 to 20)%
+(1 to 5) Cold Absorb
+(1 to 5) Lightning Absorb
+(1 to 5) Fire Absorb
Rathma Square Trophy

Duncraig Trophy:
+(101 to 150)% Damage to Demons
+(101 to 150)% Damage to Undead
+(101 to 150) to Life
+(41 to 50) Life on Striking in Melee
Judgement Day Trophy:
+(6 to 10) Enhanced Stance Radius
+(11 to 20)% Bonus to Summoned Minion
+(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion
+(41 to 50)% Bonus to Summoned Minion
Kabraxis Trophy:
-(1 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
-(1 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
-(1 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
-(1 to 15)% to Enemy Fire Resistance

12/12 The Void


(101 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating

(11 to 20)% Chance of Crushing Blow
(1 to 5)% Bonus to All Attributes
Reduces all Vendor Prices (11 to 20)%
Tran Athulua Trophy
Adds Strength Damage Bonus: (50/256 per
Adds Dexterity Damage Bonus: (50/256 per
(201 to 250)% Extra Gold from Monsters
(41 to 50)% Better Chance of Getting Magic
Uldyssian Trophy
Adds 200-300 fire damage
Adds 200-300 cold damage
Adds 200-300 lightning damage
(0 to 1)% Reanimate as: Destroyer Shaman

Forgotten Temple (Act 3: Upper Kurast)
There are more than one variant of this level, each
required to finish it. Re-roll the map to have a chance of
getting another one. You can do so by, for example,
changing difficulty.

Hatred : 110
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

With the creation of the Sanctuary by the angel Inarius
and demoness Lilith, the demons and angels who wanted
to avoid the Great Conflict between the High Heavens and
Pits of the Burning Hells came with them and settled it.
The first humans were created as their offspring by mixing
the demonic and angelic the Nephalem. At first they
seemed to be nothing like their parent, but quickly it
became evident that they wield latent magical powers
possibly even greater than their ancestors. Finding this
out, Inarius decided to kill them all, but Lilith wanted to
make an army to fight the Heaven and Hell. They began
fighting, and Lilith, defeated, was banished into the Void
an utterly empty and black space, a prison for various
beings to be eternally trapped there.
Rathma, their son, had avoided the slaughter that
followed, and became the servant and student of a
mystical dragon-guardianof the Sanctuary Trag'Oul.
After a thousand years, Lilith escaped the Void in the
middle of the Sin War events, faming Uldyssian and
making him fight the Triune and various related demons
with his companions - one of them being Mendeln, his
brother. Rathma took in Mendeln, and trained him as his

apprentice the two of them being the first Necromancers,

following the teachings of Trag'Oul.
Eventually, Rathma was found and sent to the Void by
Inarius, but Trag'Oul sent Mendeln to retrieve Rathma at a
great risk. Before the end of the Sin War, Lilith, too, was
sent to the Void again, by Inarius. Uldyssian, defeating
Inarius, now literallystopped and banished the angels and
demons single-handedly finishing the Sin War. Trying to
restore the Sanctuary to it's previous state, he took in all
the destruction and damage it suffered during this war,
and was guided by Trag'Oul to the Void to release it.
After these events, Rathma and others pleaded with the
Heavens and Hells to spare Sanctuary and the humans.
Finally a deal was struck to keep Sanctuary and humanity
in existance with no war on either side allowed there.
Darkness melee. Eternal Ghost long ranged missiles
that curse you and rapidly drain your life to one. Dark
Chest follows you and releases Darknesses upon
reaching you and opening. Invisible curses that might
damage you seemingly randomly.
The Sin Innerspace
In this deep nothingness, look within and explore your very
existance until you come to your soul. Being so bare out
here, take a voyage in your mind and fight your 7 deadly
sins in unfamiliar locations, each conjured anew every
time you visit them with your though.
Once you have beaten them all, cube their remnants to
get the Sigil of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Sigil of the 7 Deadly Sins

Quest Ring
Required Level: 120
+1 to Mage Rage
+(26 to 50) to All Attributes
+200 to Life
+200 to Mana
+(6 to 15) to Light Radius
Then use your Mage Rage to release your inner rage and
clear yourself from sins, expunging them to nothingness.
With enough power, it is possible to, in this way,
temporarily create small figmets of reality or summon a
similar powerful moment now long gone.
Doing so, you might come upon Rathma, disciple of
Trag'Oul and Mendeln, Apprentice of Rathma the first
Defeat Rathma, Apprentice of Trag'Oul on Destruction
difficulty to get Rathma's Supremacy.

Rathma's Supremacy
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(5 to 10) to Light Radius
Bonus quest
It seems this item has the markings of a powerful
necromantic container. If only you knew how to trap a soul
in it, like the first necromancer, Mendeln, did first so long
To upgrade it, cube it while you have swirlies from having
killed both Rathma and Mendeln at the same time.
Rathma's Supremacy Rathma's Supremacy with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
+2 to All Skills
+50 to All Attributes
+(3 to 7) to Teleport
Enchanting Crystal
While dispatching monsters from existence, you might
come by Enchanting Crystals, which drop only in this level.
You can use them to re-roll Sacred Unique items:
Sacred Unique item + Oil of Enchantment + Enchanting Crystal
reroll to SU/SSU/SSSU (same item type and rarity ratio)
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop shrines.


For a hunter like you, the demons infesting Sanctuary may seem easy to destroy. If you want to test your skill against the mighty
beings of ancient times, cast a summoning spell to pull them back from the dead.
As any sorcerer knows, in order to summon a creature you need a Book of Summoning.

Book of Summoning
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 7
+1 to Dark Summoning
Create one by cubing three Sacrifical Hearts and three Meditation Candles.
Meditation Candle x3 + Sacrifical Heart x3 Book of Summoning
The Book grants you a new skill icon. Select the icon and cast the skill in the right area to summon the boss.

1/11 The Butcher

Summon at


The Hole Level 2 (Act 1: Black Marsh)

Slain in his hellhole beneath Tristram, the
Butcher rises from the dead at the call of your
summoning spell and the smell of fresh
blood. It is said the Butcher cannot be
summoned without an acceptable human
sacrifice, and if none is provided, he will take

Hatred : 60
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Butcher is the ultimate melee fighter. His
tainted cleaver hits hard and if he catches
you, you are dead meat. His flabs of fat
negate a large percentage of your attacks,
which would be a problem if he wasn't
invulnerable to mortal weapons and spells in
the first place. Like a Hellcat playing with a
mouse, the Butcher may reveal his one
weakness if you can take enough pain to
convince him you are no threat... let him hit
you and there is a chance (20% on attack) a
glowing bright red pentragram will appear.
Lure him on it to kill him.
Defeat the Butcher on Destruction difficulty
to get The Butcher's Tooth.

The Butcher's Tooth

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 40
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+10 to all Attributes
100% Extra Gold from Monsters
40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
The Black Road Challenge
Defeat The Butcher on Terror difficulty to be
able to do a part of this challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the
Black Road Challenge.

2/11 The Binding of Baal

Summon at


Act 2: Valley of Snakes

Reenact the capture and imprisonment of
Baal by Tal Rasha and his Horadrim, with
you playing the role of Baal. To protect their
leader, the Horadrim weave warding spells
that make Tal Rasha immortal until the last of
his soldiers has died and their spirits have

Hatred : 65
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

During this uberquest, you morph into Baal
when you are near Tal Rasha. The archmage
himself is immune to all damage until you
get rid of all Horadric Mages. Even then, Tal
Rasha has a phasing spell that negates a
percentage of incoming attacks and their
elemental affinity grants all mages 50%
resistance to all. Being magical in nature, the
shield aura is vulnerable to resistance
breaking spells, offering the hero another
way to deal with Tal Rasha. Beware the
Horadrim's fire and lightning spells,
empowered with ancient metamagic to
bypass up to 250% of your resistances.
Defeat Tal Rasha on Destruction difficulty to
get the Scroll of Kings.

Scroll of Kings
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
+(16 to 20)% to Spell Damage
(16 to 20)% Bonus to all Attributes
Level Challenge 2
Defeat Tal Rasha on Terror difficulty, while
your character is under level 90, to be able to
do this challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about
Level Challenge 2.

3/11 Assault on Mount Arreat

Summon at


Act 5: Arreat Summit

In ages past, Diablo himself attempted to
invade Mount Arreat to destroy the
Worldstone and was repelled by the Bear
tribe defenders and their king, the shaman
Koth. This is a reenaction of that battle on the
peak of Mount Arreat, with you as Diablo.

Hatred : 70
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The powers of the Bear Shamans protect
King Koth with an ancient invulnerability
shield until the last of the defenders has
fallen. Even when the shield is down, the
King's spirits deflect a percentage of
incoming attacks. Thanks to their connection
to the primal forces, all shamans have an
innate 50% resistance to all. In many aspects
this is the physical version of the Tal Rasha
Defeat King Koth on Destruction difficulty to
get the Sacred Worldstone Key.

Sacred Worldstone Key

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 80
Enhanced Weapon Damage +(41 to 50)%
Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 30)%
The Black Road Challenge
Defeat King Koth on Terror difficulty to be
able to do a part of this challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the
Black Road Challenge.

4/11 Akarat

Summon at
Act 3: Kurast Causeway
The church of Zakarum is highly ritualistic.
One of the grand Zakarumite ceremonies
involves the summoning and ritual

crucifixion of the living spirit of the prophet

Akarat by the church fathers of Travincal,
four times a year or in times of trouble. These
are certainly troubled times, but there is no
telling if the ritual may be affected by the
corruption that has tainted the temple city...

Hatred : 75
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The corrupted spirit of Akarat is protected by
heavenly invulnerability and is impossible to
attack directly. Remember that a religion is
nothing without followers and attack his
twelve apostles first. The death of one of his
apostles unleashes a wave of holy energy,
reducing all resistances of other apostles to
-100% and breaking the immunity shield of
Akarat himself, reducing all resistances to
0% for a few precious seconds. This does
however enrage them and they will attack
you with renewed vigour. Killing an apostle
may be difficult due to the mass healing spell
they cast when low on health, as well as the
storm of magical hammers with which they
pummel you from a distance and their ability
to heal when they slay a minion or hero. If
you have access to Nightmare or a Void
Archon, use it to shut down their healing.
Akarat himself is blessed in another way as
well: the spirits of the Light repel a
percentage of all incoming attacks.
Defeat Akarat on Destruction difficulty to get
the Visions of Akarat.

Visions of Akarat
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+(201 to 250) Defense
+(21 to 25) to all Attributes
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Akarat Trophy
Cube with the Visions of Akarat...
Increase Maximum Life and Mana 5%

5/11 Lord Aldric Jitan


Summon at
Nihlathak's Temple (Act 4: Harrogath)
Driven mad by nightmares, the Western
aristocrat Lord Aldric Jitan hopes to summon
a terrible demon and plunge the land into
darkness. Stop him before he does.

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Lord Aldric Jitan linked his lifeforce to his
Royal Guards, granting him unholy
immortality until all of his guardsmen are
dead. The demonic powers guiding his
actions also imbue him and his guardsmen
with 50% all resistances and the ability to
harmlessly deflect a percentage of incoming
attacks. The guardsmen are tougher than
anything that came before and will heal
themselves, inflict tri-elemental damage and
summon guard towers that will pummel the
living daylights out of you if you stand still
for too long. Keep moving and the towers
will vanish behind you. When any of the
enemies dies, the dark forces reclaim his
spirit, creating a vortex of magic that should
be given wide berth.
Defeat Lord Aldric Jitan on Destruction
difficulty to get the Moon of the Spider (1/6

Moon of the Spider

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+1 to Jitans Gate
Half Freeze Duration
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for

a small bonus.

Lord Aldric Jitan Trophy

Cube with the Moon of the Spider...
Enhanced Weapon Damage +25%

6/11 Legacy of Blood


Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Summon at
Tower Cellar (Act 1: Black Marsh)
Bartuc, the Warlord of Blood, was once
Horazon's brother in the Vizjerei mage clan.
Whereas Horazon wanted to summon
demons to enslave them, Bartuc chose to
worship them and traded his soul for demonic
power. Their conflict eventually led to a civil
war that shattered the mage clan. Although
Bartuc was eventually destroyed by the very
powers he sought to control, his soul and
power have been claimed by the forces of
Hell. It may be possible to summon Bartuc's
spirit in the crypt where his cursed armour
was buried...
Bartuc and his summoned Blood Golems
have ranged attacks and can hurt a lot in this
tiny room. Protected by the power of his
cursed armour, Bartuc and his golems are
invulnerable to damage. However, his
Wychwind blade throw requires him to
concentrate on the spell and drop his
resistances for a brief time, and his dimwitted
golems may briefly forget to shield
themselves when they successfully hit you
and are distracted by your suffering.
Defeat Bartuc on Destruction difficulty to get
the Legacy of Blood.

Legacy of Blood
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100

(2 to 4)% Life Stolen per Hit

(2 to 4)% Mana Stolen per Hit
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 2
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Legacy of Blood Trophy

Cube with the Legacy of Blood...
Total Character Defense Plus 15%

7/11 Judgment Day


Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Summon at
Act 1: Inner Cloister
When Uldyssian sacrificed his life at the
Cathedral of Vanity in the battle between
angels and demons, his soul was thought to
be blown to the far reaches of the universe.
But a malicious spirit in the High Heavens,
watching over the battle from afar, snatched
Uldyssian and his edyrem on their way to
oblivion. Imperius, archangel and high
warlord of the Crystal Arch, had his own
opinions about Sanctuary and the human
vermin inhabiting it. This taint on creation
had to be eradicated. But his side of the
argument, despite the support of Malthael,
lost out in the Angiris Council due to the
intervention of Tyrael, and the ensuing blood
pact with Mephisto prevented him from
intervening on the mortal plane at all. A
puppet had to be found, and Uldyssian was
just what he sought. After a thorough
brainwashing, Imperius sent his harbinger
Dark Uldyssian to Sanctuary with the mission
to exact divine justice and destroy the
Dark Uldyssian and his Fallen Edyrem exist
only partially on the mortal plane and cannot
be hit by mortals. When Dark Uldyssian hits
a player or minion, an avatar of Imperius or
Malthael may be summoned (1% chance) to
interfere directly with the battle and this

avatar is vulnerable to attack. The Fallen

Edyrem do not have this power, but you can
tell apart Dark Uldyssian by his heavy
armour. Both Avatars can throw alchemical
holy hand grenades packing the power of
creation itself, summon homing magical bolts
and summon more Fallen Edyrem at a rapid
Defeat Imperius or Malthael on Destruction
difficulty to get the Crystalline Flame

Crystalline Flame Medallion

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+1 to Summon Edyrem
Fire Absorb 10%
Cold Absorb 10%
Lightning Absorb 10%
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Judgement Day Trophy

Cube with the Crystalline Flame Medallion...
5% Bonus to All Attributes
Bonus quest
If you are exceptionally daring or suicidal,
distract Dark Uldyssian until both the Avatar
of Imperius and the Avatar of Malthael are
summoned. Destroy them both within 30
seconds, then transmute the Medallion in the
cube to upgrade it. Make sure you kill both
Avatars, not the same one twice or the recipe
will not work.
Crystalline Flame Medallion Crystalline Flame
Medallion with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following

100% Chance to cast level 62 Apocalypse when you

+3 to All Skills
+50 to All Attributes

8/11 Secret: Chrysaor


Summon at
The Sewers Level 2 (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar &
Upper Kurast)
Once you enter, you cannot go back trough
the stairs.

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Not much is known about Chrysaor (Secret
Boss)' resurgent form, except that his gigantic
appearance dwarfs even the Goliaths. It is
said he can be summoned from his own
beheaded neck.
See THIS PAGE for more information about
He has a Heroic Shield, but it will not be so
easy to drop it. Every 10 seconds he will
summon a statue, that will render him and all
nearby monsters immune to all incoming
The statues are fairly easy to take down, but
for that, your spells or weapon attacks won't
work. What you have to do is simply purify
them. When you purify one to destruction,
Chrysaor will become vulnerable. After 10
seconds, he'll summon another one. The
statues have 25% avoid, so every 4 purifies,
one will miss. However, purifying these
statues might be a bit harder than this. They
spawn with big Yetis that are so big that you
might need to lure them a bit before you can
purify the statue.
Yetis themfelves are no big threat. They have
decent life, not very strong attack, and their
only purpose is being meatshields.
Defeat Chrysaor (Secret Boss) on Destruction
difficulty to get the Unknown Skull 2.

The Unknown Skull 2 can be used for a few

powerful recipes.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the
first recipe.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the
second recipe.
Drop Bias
Chrysaor (Secret Boss) has an increased
chance to drop many Unique items.

9/11 Secret: MarcoNecroX


Summon at
Act 5: The Worldstone Chamber
MarcoNecroX, as the right hand of Brother
Laz, and the Prime God of his cult after his
disappearance, possesses the Ultimate power
of creation and destruction on all known
planes. He keeps watch over the Worldstone
in secret, ready to appear in a mortal form to
strike down anyone who opposes his will.

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Not much is known except that he is very
powerful indeed...
Defeat MarcoNecroX on Destruction
difficulty to get the Soulkeeper.

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
Adds Strength Damage Bonus: (25/256 per Strength)
Increase Maximum Life and Mana (6 to 10)%
-5 to Light Radius

This Thunderfury is slightly different than

the normal one.

10/11 Brother Laz


Summon at
Swampy Pit Level 3 (Act 3: Flayer Jungle)
Once you enter, you cannot go back trough
the stairs.

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

There are many religions in Sanctuary.
Although they all tell very different stories,
loremasters agree that since most of them
seem to be effective and enable their faithful
to work miracles, there has to be a common
truth between them. One particular element
found in most religions is the creation of the
world by a God or other deity, whether it be
Anu, the Earthfather and Skymother or even
Tiarna Dulra. Some even believe that the
world as we know it was shaped by an
individual human on another plane, one
'Brother Laz' with a calculation engine
powered by lightning. According to this cult,
when humanity complains too much about
the difficult living conditions in Sanctuary
and the scarcity of divine weaponry, he may
send his avatar to the mortal plane to deal
with those who annoy him in person...
The Groupies are just your average frenzied
fanbois with throwing knives and should not
be too hard to dispatch despite their trielemental attack. The boss, Brother Laz, is at
a whole different level. Do not stand still in
his crosshairs or he will cast either
Deathstrike or Singularity on you and
annihilate you. If you keep moving, he will
attempt an offensive teleport, summon more
minions and may cast totems that kill you if
you go near them. Do not destroy the totems:
they will unleash wild magic that renders you
brittle as glass and heals Brother Laz and his
Groupies. Using his leet hax0r powers,
Brother Laz is invulnerable to any damage
and this time there is no loophole or
weakness. Use the Purify skill you acquired
in Duncraig and keep hitting the power
tripping modmaker with it until he dies.
Defeat Brother Laz on Destruction difficulty

to get the Glorious Book of Median.

Glorious Book of Median

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+1 to All Skills
(51 to 75)% Damage to Demons
+50 Damage
All Resists +(11 to 15)%
(0 to 5)% Reanimate as: Groupie
(201 to 250)% Extra Gold from Monsters
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Brother Laz Trophy

Cube with the Glorious Book of Median...
+1 to All Skills
To invest further power into the Glorious
Book of Median, and to try to attain the
wisdom and power of Brother Laz and
MarcoNecroX, you can use these expensive
and powerful recipes to first create the Book
of Ultimative and then add it to theGlorious
Book of Median.
Book of the Wise + Tokens of Pain, Suffering,
Hatred, Terror, Destruction & Lies Book of
Glorious Book of Median + Book of Ultimative
Glorious Book of Median with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following
+2 to All Skills
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+25 to All Attributes
See THIS PAGE for more information about
the Book of the Wise and the 6 Tokens.

11/11 Inarius' Revenge


Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Summon at
Underground Passage Level 2 (Act 1: Stony
Fields & Dark Wood)
In his vanity, fallen angel Inarius made the
fatal mistake of raiding one of Mephisto's
black temples on mortal soil and killing the
dark monks there. The Prime Evils had
previously ignored this rebellious angel, but
this was an insult they could not leave
unpunished. Mephisto invaded Inarius'
cathedral of vanity, burned it to the ground
and captured Inarius and his followers,
warping and mutating them into flabby and
horrible creatures - the Overlords - instilling
them with eternal hatred for the still beautiful
creations of Zakarum, humans. You may be
able to summon Inarius' ghost at a place of
great significance for the fallen angel...
Even in their weakened state, Inarius' ghost
and his minions hit very hard and almost
always hit. Even in death, Inarius' followers
protect him with their own spirits, granting
Inarius invulnerability until the last of the
followers are dead. Keep moving because his
minions will attack you with Deathstrike with
their dying breath. The tough Overlords have
50% all resistances, and Inarius' angelic
heritage additionally grants him the ability to
ignore a percentage of all attacks. Despite all
this, the battle should be easy, a fitting end to
Inarius' wretched existence.
Defeat Inarius' ghost on Destruction
difficulty to get the Spirit of Damnation.

Spirit of Damnation
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
Cube with your Idol of Vanity
Cube this charm with your Idol of Vanity to
unleash the full power of the Spirit of

Damnation onto it.

Idol of Vanity + Spirit of Damnation Idol of
Vanity with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following
Already upgraded!
1% Chance to cast level 20 Death Spiral when Struck
See THIS PAGE for more information about
the Idol of Vanity.


The ultimate challenge of Median XL: Ultimative, these levels are much harderthan any regular level and will challenge even the
strongest heroes. Yourreward on Destruction difficulty is a unique charm!

1/12 Kurast 3000 BA


Arachnid Lair (Act 3: Spider Forest)
This uberlevel is a recreation of the city of Kurast located
at the Kehjistani frontier, 3000 years before the birth of the
prophet Akarat and during the Mage Clan Wars between
the Ennead, Annuit and Vizjerei clans. Kurast, a neutral
town allied with the Taan, was seized by the Ennead and
used as a necromantic military outpost. Can you destroy
the magical fortifications and liberate the town?

Hatred : 60
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The town is well defended by armies of skeletons undead.
Around the town square you will find the Ennead
shadowgate totems, which periodically raise additional
skeletons and emit a magical field that grants
invulnerability to nearby units. The necromantic army is
tended to by a contingent of Ennead Necromancers.
Your targets are the Ennead Necromancers spread out
around town. They summon more skeletons and cast the
powerful Nightmare curse, slowing you down and
disabling magical healing.
On any difficulty, the Ennead Necromancers drop a
random Class Charm in addition to their regular drop.
There are 7 differentClass Charms, one for each character
class. You need your Class Charm for other challenges
and uberquests.

[Class Charm]

(Class Challenge Item)

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
(Class Only)
Required Level: 90
Can be Upgraded with Ennead Challenge
Can be Upgraded with Black Road Challenge
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+2 to Light Radius
Defeat the Ennead Necromancers on Destruction difficulty
to get the Hammer of the Taan Judges (1/12 chance).

Hammer of the Taan Judges

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 40
+50 Crafting Points
+(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
Total Character Damage Plus (0.25 per level)% (Based on
Character Level)
Ennead Challenge
Defeat the Ennead Necromancers on any difficulty to get
the Class Charm for your character, while under level 80,
to be able to do this challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Ennead
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop set items.

2/12 Island of the Sunless Sea


Drifter Cavern (Act 5: Glacial Trail)
The place where angels watch, once the staging ground of
the heavenly host for their crusades into the abyss, is an
underground cave miraculously illuminated by sunlight.
When the holy legions were defeated and forced out of the
dimension by the forces of Hell, a few human worshippers
remained behind to stand vigil. But heavenly magic is too
powerful for mortals to tolerate for long. The mutated,
wretched remains of the human defenders were found and
embraced by the mighty Lucion, son of Mephisto.

Hatred : 65
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Island is defended by the demented priests and their
escorts of warrior nuns. The nuns wield holy weapons
which grant them divine invulnerability if they keep
attacking, while the priests conjure the holy spirit in the
form of a slow moving wraith projectile which should be
avoided at all costs. Near them are Lucion's overseers,
the Feyrs, and their unholy Nightmare curse.
A short distance from the entrance is Lucion's high priest,
Malic, wielding fire spells and a deadly homing chaos bolt.
Lucion himself has a powerful poison attack, 50%
resistance to all damage and emits an unholy aura that
makes nearby enemies invulnerable.

Defeat Malic on Destruction difficulty to get the Six Angel

Six Angel Bag

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Fire Damage
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Lightning Damage
Adds (101 to 150)-(151 to 250) Cold Damage
Fire Resist +(21 to 25)%
Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)%
Cold Resist +(21 to 25)%
Defeat Lucion on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunless
Crystal Bird.

Sunless Crystal Bird

Cube this item with
your Six Angel Bag
Enchant your Six Angel Bag with this charm and gain
fabulous powers!
Six Angel Bag + Sunless Crystal Bird Six Angel Bag with added
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Already upgraded!
-(6 to 15)% to All Enemy Resistances
5% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(-5 to 5) to Light Radius
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop gold.

3/12 Khalimgrad

Infernal Pit (Act 5: Frozen Tundra)
Heaven. Nirvana. Celestia. Call it what you will. Home of
the heavenly host, which almost destroyed the taint on
creation that is the mortal plane twice and allowed it to get
overrun by the forces of Hell. Far from being the beings of
love they are believed to be by the common folk, the
angels of the High Heavens present a clear and present
danger to Sanctuary. It may be better to strike first.

Hatred : 70
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Ethereals are the physical manifestations of common
angels. They attack furiously, but when you kill one of
them, it shatters, reducing all resistances of other nearby
enemies to -100% but inspiring them with righteous zeal.
The glowing Orbitals and the Lightwell gargoyles with their
deadly poison bolts are impossible for mortals to destroy

and should best be avoided. Keep a close eye on the

health of your minions: the death of a minion releases its
soul to heaven, healing all Ethereals and Avatars. Casting
Nightmare or deploying a Void Archon nearby will stop this
Zakarum's Avatars watch over the battle on wings of light.
They are divine and immortal, but when an Ethereal dies
nearby, the backlash temporarily makes them vulnerable,
reducing all resistances to 0%. Strike while it lasts, and
strike several times, because their divine grace enable
them to ignore a percentage of all incoming attacks.
Defeat Zakarum's Avatars on Destruction difficulty to get
the Zakarum's Ear (1/12 chance).

Zakarum's Ear
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 80
+(16 to 25)% to Experience Gained
(6 to 10)% Bonus to All Attributes
+2 to Light Radius
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop rare items.

4/12 Tran Athulua


Halls of the Dead Level 3 (Act 2: Dry Hills)
The jungle capital of the Amazon nation, Tran Athulua, is
almost impossible to take by land or sea. After a
humiliating defeat, a band of pirates hired you to
assassinate the high priestesses and plunder the treetop
city during the confusion.

Hatred : 60 (location of a Hatred
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Tran Athulua is heavily guarded by bow-wielding Amazon
warriors, whose numbers and seeking arrows may
overwhelm a weaker hero. Beware the jungle snakes:
while seldom directly lethal, their debilitating poison will
burden you for a long time, slowing you to a crawl.
The priestesses of the three elements, Philios, Skovos
and Lycander watch over the city and can be distinguished
by their heavy armour. They are dangerous targets due to
their Phalanx spell and the ability to call an earthquake
which deals magic damage based on a percentage of your
current health and is therefore nearly impossible to
mitigate. Expect to spend most of the fight at a fraction of
your health.
Destroy the Orb at the entrance on Hatred difficulty to get
the Sunstone of the Elements.

Sunstone of the Elements

Cube this Charm with your Upgraded Sunstones!
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
Adds 15-20 Fire Damage
Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage
Adds 15-20 Cold Damage
Defeat the elemental priestesses on Hatred difficulty to get
the Sunstone of Fire, Sunstone of Ice and Sunstone of
Thunder. They do not provide a great boon by themselves,
but they can be used for the Level Challenge 1 listed
Defeat the elemental priestesses on Destruction difficulty
to get the Sunstone of the Gods (1/6 chance from each

Sunstone of the Gods

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) fire Damage
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) lightning Damage
Adds (51 to 100)-(101 to 150) cold Damage
Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)%
Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 15)%
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Tran Athulua Trophy

Cube with the Sunstone of the Gods...
Damage Reduced by 5%
Scroll of Resistances
Since everyone knows the quest reward for rescuing
Anya, Scrolls of Resistances, are lost upon death (for the
rest of the game), these recipes allow you to keep these
resistances, even when you die.
Sunstone of the Elements + Scroll of Resistances Sunstone of
the Elements with added bonuses
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
All Resists +10%
NOTE: This recipe can be used 3 times, once per each
Level Challenge 1
Kill all three priestesses and steal their Sunstones while
under level 50 on Hatred difficulty to invest powers into
them for a great boon!
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Level
Challenge 1.
The Black Road Challenge
If you think the Amazons are no match for you and you
wish to showcase your power, defeat TWO of their

priestesses at the same time on Terror difficulty to do a

part of this challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black
Road Challenge.
Additional quest
It is said Athulua herself will defend Tran Athulua in dire
situations if you pray at her shrine enough times...
See THIS PAGE for more information about Athulua.
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop unique items.

5/12 Fauztinville

Stony Tomb Level 2 (Act 2: Rocky Waste)
After the destruction of the Prime Evils, a new era of peace and
prosperity began, eventually evolving into what we call the modern age.
Humanity has all but forgotten how to deal with demons. Until out of
nowhere an evil force beneath the metropolis of Fauztinville begins to
corrupt the machinery and pets, turning them against their masters.
Overwhelmed by the assault, the army employs its new experimental time
machine to request help from the heroes of the past. Will you answer the

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Fauztinville has fallen under an onslaught of demonically twisted robots
and demons bursting from the city's neon signs. Each battle should be
straightforward, but beware their various immunities, notably the trielemental immunities of Neon Fiends. Summoners should eliminate
Harpylisks first to prevent their bouncing blade attack from ravaging their
The invasion is led by five warped robots, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta
and Epsilon. Find them in the back alleys of Fauztinville and terminate
them. If you have trouble finding them, look for dead-end streets and
hidden passages through buildings. One of the five requires a teleport
skill to access; if you do not have a teleportation spell, use an item with
charges of Blink or Jitans Gate, like the runeword Pax Mystica or the
reward charm for the Lord Aldric Jitan uberquest.
Fauztinville (and Yshari Sanctum) on Destruction difficulty is the only
place where you can find the following three Great Runes. These runes
are required for the most powerful runewords and their chance to drop
ratio is 3:2:1, from first to last.


Level Weapons : +40 to Maximum Damage

Armor : +20 to Maximum Damage
100 Shields : +20 to Maximum Damage


Level Weapons : +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage

Armor : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
100 Shields : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage

Qor Level Weapons : Requirements -12%

Armor : Requirements -12%


Shields : Requirements -12%

See BELOW for more information about the Yshari Sanctum.

The Black Road Challenge
On Terror difficulty, the Robot Bosses drop their electronic Brains. These
are required for the Black Road Challenge.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Black Road Challenge.
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop runes and shrines.

6/12 The Triune


The Triune (Act 1: Cathedral)
The Triune is a religion opposing the Cathedral of Light. It features
the number three troughout the architecture of it's temples, as well
as it's priest ranks. There is the Primus, Lucion, who rules the
three smaller cults within the Triune, each devoted to one of it's
guiding spirits: Dialon, Bala and Mefis. In truth, the religion
worshipped the three Prime Evils under disguise, but only the
highest and trusted priests were aware of that, slowly corrupting
other priests and worshippers. Each Prime Evil had one demon
representative in the Triune: Lucion son of Mephisto, Gulag a
minion of Baal, and Diablo had his favored servant Astrogha.

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

After Uldyssian appeared, Lucion wanted to get a hold of him for

his immense powers, so he sent the High Priest Malic to capture
him. Malic was easily dispatched by Uldyssian and his allies twice,
but not before he could reveal that one of Uldyssian's companions
is Lilith, daughter of Mephisto, under the guise of Lylia. Lucion
went personally to try to convince Uldyssian to join him, but ended
up fighting Uldyssian and his allies, killing Achilios. Seeing his
friend die, Uldyssian's true powers awoke and he overpowered
After the strange disappearance of the Primus, Astrogha took that
guise and sent High Priest Arihan, with a troop of morlu and Peace
Warders, to dispatch of Uldyssian who was destroying temples of
the Triune. When Arihan failed, Astrogha killed him by using his
head as a conduit for an audience with his master, Diablo. At that
point Lilith came pretending to be the real Primus and took over
the Triune from Astrogha.
The Triune is defended by a host of powerful monsters: the ghastly
Impaler Archons, the cold Kraken Guards which will haunt you
even after thier deaths, the rock weilding Primal Clays, and the
flaming-but-static Temple Sires which rain down destruction all
around them.
To defeat Arihan, High Priest of the Triune, you must find a way to
convince him to fight Primus' Messenger sent by Astrogha, who is
under the guise of Primus. There are rumors of a strange creature,
possessed by the demon Lilith, that might hold the key.
The Triune on Destruction difficulty is the only place where you can
find Cycles. There are 9 different Cycles and most of them come in
three sizes, with each larger size being more powerful. You can

keep more than one of the same kind of Cycles in your inventory.

Cycle of


Small Charm

(-5 to 20)%
Magic Find

(-25 to 45)%
Magic Find

(-40 to 75)%
Magic Find

(1 to 10)%
Overall Speed

(1 to 25)%
Overall Speed

+(-1 to -5) to
Light Radius

+1 to [Random
Character] Skill
+(-5 to 0) to All

+(1 to 15) to

+(5 to 20) to
(1 to 5)%
Bonus to

+(10 to 25) to
(1 to 10)%
Bonus to



Large Charm

(-10 to 50)% (-30 to 150)% (-100 to 300)%

Extra Gold
Extra Gold
Extra Gold
from Monsters from Monsters from Monsters

(1 to 4)%
Overall Speed


(1 to 2)%
(1 to 5)%
(1 to 10)%
Chance of
Chance of
Chance of
Uninterruptable Uninterruptable Uninterruptable
Strength (10 to 20)%
(25 to 50)%
(50 to 100)%
Bonus to
Bonus to
Bonus to
Attack Rating Attack Rating Attack Rating
Adds 1-5
Adds 3-8
Adds 6-12
Wealth +(-10 to 30) to +(-20 to 50) to +(-50 to 100) to
+(-10 to 30) to +(-20 to 50) to +(-50 to 100) to
Maximum Life Maximum Life

Cycle of
Small Charm
Large Charm
(0 to 3)%
(0 to 5)%
Mana (0 to 3)% Mana (0 to 5)%

-(1 to 6)% to
+(1 to 5)% to
Enemy Fire
Fire Spell
-(1 to 6)% to
+(1 to 5)% to
Enemy Cold
Cold Spell
-(1 to 6)% to
+(1 to 5)% to
Lightning Spell
+(1 to 5)% to
-(1 to 6)% to
Poison Spell
Enemy Poison

Fire Resist +(5

to 20)%
Cold Resist +(5
to 20)%
Resist +(5 to
Poison Resist
+(5 to 20)%
+(-1 to 2) to
Maximum Fire
+(-1 to 2) to
Maximum Cold
+(-1 to 2) to
+(-1 to 2) to
Poison Resist

Only one Cycle of Wisdom can be kept in the inventory.

Defeat Arihan, High Priest of the Triune on Destruction difficulty to
get the Lucion's Soulstone charm.

Lucion's Soulstone
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+50 Crafting Points
+1 Extra Totems
+(2 to 5) to Paladin Skill Levels
+50 to Maximum Damage
Slows Target by 10%
Reduces all Vendor Prices 50%
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the

trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Triune Trophy
Cube with the Lucion's Soulstone...
50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items

7/12 Ghosts of Old


Pit of Acheron (Act 5: Arreat Plateau)


You ended the demon invasion of Fauztinville... fast forward another few
hundred years. Following a global demon apocalypse, the city is in ruins.
Lilith, once banished to the Plane of the Dead, broke free and corrupted
the sons of the cosmic dragon Trang-Oul. Weakened by his battle against
the angelic and demonic legions at the end of time in the far future, the
draconic death god was unable to stop Lilith from capturing and
possessing his young. There is no hope for humanitys resistance
forces unless these creatures are eliminated. The old time machine was
put into action once again... Will you help out Fauztinville a second time?

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The Howling Spirits materialise directly on top of you when you approach
their hiding spots. You have no choice but to take some hits unless you
have inhuman reflexes. Defence is very important.
The shadowy Dark Star Dragon is one of Trang-Oul's young, twisted and
bent to evil. It summons additional Howling Spirits and has a double
rotating death beam that will make short work of you unless you seek
cover as the beams pass by.
Reward (requires your class charm)
Bring the appropriate Class Charm you found in Kurast 3000 BA. Defeat
the Dark Star Dragon on Destruction difficulty within 3 minutes after
entering the level and without dying. If you succeed, a single use cube
recipe is available to upgrade your Class Charm. You only have 30
seconds after killing the Dark Star Dragon to use the recipe.
[Class Charm] + Arcane Crystal [Class Charm] with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

Amazon: uses Sacred Sunstone

+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+500 to Life
Assassin: uses Shadow Vortex
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+500 to Mana
Barbarian: uses Worldstone Orb
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
Enhanced Weapon Damage +50%

Druid: uses Caoi Dulra Fruit

+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+1000 Defense
Necromancer: uses Soulstone Shard
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+15% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances
Paladin: uses Eye of Divinity
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
Sorceress: uses Nexus Crystal
+500 Crafting Points
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+50 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Class Charm.
NOTE: Do not enter Bremmtown with minions or you might not be able to
get the reward. Summon minons once you're inside. Also keep in mind
that in-game time and real time might differ because of lag and other

8/12 Chrysaor's

Sewers (Act 3: Kurast Bazaar & Upper Kurast)


Once you enter, you cannot go back trough the stairs.

It is said that Chrysaor and his brother were born by springing out of the
neck of his beheaded medusa mother. He was the king of an ancient
region but has since disappeared, so not much is known about him.
The first level of the sewers is full of ancient elementals that have a
ranged attack that does damage in their element, eventually they'll come
to melee range. Stay away from big clearing or keep moving!

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The second level is infested with unkillable Ratfinks. That is not all there
is there, there are also Goliaths - these giantic creatures will curse you
and deal heavy damage. They can't be killed swiftly, but they are not a
huge threat. They are just guarding the area until you reach the king,
Chrysaor. After you follow one of the two corridors, you will find a small
spot where he is located. Chrysaor is pretty simple, and it's meant to be
that way. He is simply poison immune, and despite his high regeneration,
killing him is fairly easy.
Secret Elemental Runes
On Destruction difficulty, The Sewers Level 1, you will come by
the Elemental Stones and Unknown Skulls 1 by killing the elementals
there. They all have the same change to drop. You can cube them to get
the Elemental Runes and Kabraxis' Stonerune.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Elemental
Runes and Kabraxis' Stone rune.

See THIS PAGE for more information about the other use of Unknown
Skulls 1.
Defeat Chrysaor on The Sewers Level 2, Destruction difficulty, to get
the Trader's Chest charm (1/4 chance).

Trader's Chest
This mighty chest allows you to increase certain
stats but it will lower other stats in exchange!
Cube the chest with a skull to reset stats!
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+1 to Light Radius
Various bonuses can be added on the Trader's Chest when you gamble
with gems.
Trader's Chest + any Gem (any quality) Trader's Chest with added bonuses +
Chipped Gem (same type)
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

Gem +(0 to 4) to

(-3 to +1) to
Dexterity, Vitality
Diamond Strength
and Energy
Strength, Vitality
Amethyst Dexterity
and Energy
Ruby Vitality
Dexterity and
Topaz Energy
Dexterity and
+(0 to 4)%
(-3 to +1)%
Cold, Lightning
and Poison
Fire, Lightning
and Poison
Fire, Cold and
Amber Lightning
Fire, Cold and
Turquoise Poison

Resets Traders Chest to 0


You can do so 50 times before reaching the gambling limit:

Trader's Chest (limit) + any Gem (any quality) Trader's Chest (limit & note) +
Chipped Gem (same type) + Chipped Skull

This recipe has adds the following bonuses:

You have reached the gambling limit. Please reset your Trader's Chest!
Ultimate Gamble upgrade
When you reach the gambling limit and the Trader's Chest has not been
reset before, you can use these recipes for the Ultimate Gamble:
Unknown Skull 1 + Unknown Skull 2 Mystic Shard
Trader's Chest + Mystic Shard Trader's Chest with added bonuses
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
Already upgraded!
+(0 to 2) to All Skills
+(1 to 25) to all Attributes
-1 to Light Radius
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Unknown Skull 2.
Warning! If you cube the Trader's Chest with a Mystic Shard when not
at 50 gambles and/or if it has been reset before, you will lose them both.
Bonus quest
It is said that by beheading Chrysaor one can free his true self, as he will
spring from his neck, live anew, upon summoning.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Chrysaor (Secret Boss).
Drop Bias
Chrysaor can drop 2 Unique items.

9/12 Yshari

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Spider Cavern (Act 3: Spider Forest)
Valthek, a powerful mage of the Vizjerei Brotherhood has built a giant Empire,
to reign for the rest of the days, and to serve him as a strong defense for
anyone trying to steal the Ancient Repositories, which shall never be obtained
by mortals. For this, he built his own Reign, the Yshari Sanctum. This gigantic
maze is split in several stages with different powerful creatures. This
subterranean dimension is guarded by the Prime Evils: You will need to face
each one of them before you can destroy the Seal of the Gods, where
Valthek is being protected, in order to keep the Ancient Repositories safe.
Accessing them will reward any warrior greatly by enchanting his abilities.
There are numerous powerful monsters throughout the maze that will test
your battle prowess and running speed to the limit. You must be well versed
in the various deadly arts and damage types to even think of venturing far
into the maze.
Each stage will have a special boss, protected by several smaller bosses that
also appear on the specific stage. You have to find them, they are located in
special 'boss areas' hidden in the maze. Each boss might drop a set piece of
the Brotherhood of the Vizjerei. Their fellow guardians will also have a bias to
drop set parts of the Horadrim set. This means, you will need to obtain the 5
set pieces of each boss, and the 5 set pieces of their guardians, in order to
be able to fight the last boss, Valthek. Each boss and minion has a chance to
drop only their own set piece. While wearing the two sets simultaneously, you
will be granted with new very powerful skills which are required to defeat

Valthek, the Vizjerei Sorcerer.

NOTE: Sometimes you will have to move about and wait longer for Valthek to
be summoned. Applying Open Wounds and then releasing the seal will
always make him summon quickly. Additionally, he may sometimes appear
twice, so beware!

Brotherhood of the Vizjerei

Boss Item Name Item Type


Duriel Mage's Plate

Mana Belt
Al'Diabalos Divine Guard

4/5 chance to


Brotherhood of the Horadrim

Earth Fiend

See THIS PAGE for more information about the two sets' items and attribute
Defeat Valthek, the Vizjerei Sorcerer on Destruction difficulty to get The
Ancient Repositories.

The Ancient Repositories

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(0 to 1) to All Skills
(101 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
+(21 to 30)% to Spell Damage
(11 to 20)% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(5 to 25) to Strength
+(5 to 25) to Dexterity
+(5 to 25) to Vitality
+(5 to 25) to Energy
Increase Maximum Life (6 to 10)%
Fire Resist +(5 to 20)%
Lightning Resist +(5 to 20)%
Cold Resist +(5 to 20)%
Drop Bias
Valthek will always drop an Unique jewel.
Increased chance to drop Rare, Set and Unique items.
Increased chance to drop Runes and any Great Rune.
See ABOVE and THIS PAGE for more information about the Great Runes.

10/12 Kingdom of Shadow



Crypt (Act 1: Blood Raven's Graveyard)

The mythical city of Ureh, where Diablo took the form of
an angel and deceived the city wizards, tricking them into
casting a spell that doomed the city. Ureh and everyone
within are now trapped between the mortal plane and the
Burning Hells, appearing in this world only once every two
thousand years, when the shadow of Mount Nymyr falls
upon the ruins. Be there.

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The ghostly citizens are impossible to kill, but they are
more than capable of killing you. Keep moving at all costs
to avoid the undead hordes.
The plazas of Ureh are huge, there is no minimap, the
lighting is very dim and the mad King Juris Khan is located
at the end of a precarious bridge to oblivion. Please run
around like a damsel in a zombie film until you find the
narrow ledge leading to the king. Juris Khan casts a
powerful spell on death, so be careful.
Defeat Juris Khan on Destruction difficulty to get
the Eternal Bone Pile.

Eternal Bone Pile

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
+500 Maximum Stamina
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Kingdom of Shadow Trophy

Cube with the Eternal Bone Pile...
+1 to All Skills

11/12 Brachyceran's Lair


Maggot Lair (Act 2: Far Oasis)
Travelers say that humongous insect monsters lie in this
lair, infused with ancient magic present in these desolated
lands, drawn by the small oasis in the desert. It is said that
at the end of the lair, a terrible magical abomination has
made it's nest.
On the first level, there are two types of monsters. Sand

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Maggot Eggs will spawn young Ghost Worms which are

untargetable and will use a deadly poison attack, while the
Eggs will prevent your heal. In other words, you just have
to run like crazy and avoid dying, and get high poison
resistances, because you cannot use potions.
The second level features no untargetable worms. You will
be fighting Mothers, Eggs, Young Worms and Snakes.
Once again, defense and poison resistances will be very
handy here. You also need to have a decent kill-speed,
because these worms will reproduce very fast.
The third level is a headache. It has a mix of all the
previous mentioned monsters, except the ones that
prevent your heal. In other words, this is like level 2, but
there will always be some Ghost Worms left, meaning you
need both huge killspeed and defense. Before fighting the
boss, you might want to lure those Ghost Worms away so
they don't bother you much.
Brachyceran will used ranged attacks and magic to try to
kill you or drive you away. He has five different attacks.
A nova of barrels that explode on impact dealing high fire
A Burning Orb (nova), but with red punishers dealing fire
damage. It's Deadly at close range, with timered casts.
He will throw poison seeds that leave behind a cloud of
poison for a short while.
The last attack is 6 Lorenados, dealing poison damage.
He will try to turn you into a young worm, lowering your
max fire resistances and slowing you, making you highly
vulnerable to Barrel Nova or Burning Orb - it lasts 2
seconds, and is timered as well.
Defeat Brachyceran on Destruction difficulty to
get Brachyceran's Token charm and a Cursed Crystal.

Brachyceran's Token
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(0 to 1) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Druid Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(0 to 1) to Sorceress Skill Levels
(11 to 15)% Faster Run/Walk
Replenish Life +(100 to 250)
+100 Maximum Stamina
Poison Resist +(26 to 50)%
The Cursed Crystal is needed as reagent for powerful
See THIS PAGE for more information about the recipe.

12/12 Duncraig

Cave Level 2 (Act 1: Cold Plains)
There are two variants of this level. Re-roll the map to
have a chance of getting another one. You can do so by,

for example, changing difficulty.

The powerful demonlord Assur is on the move, burning a
wake of destruction across the Western Kingdoms and
turning the inhabitants of the towns he razes into mindless
minions on his side. All efforts to stop him so far have
failed thanks to Assur's powerful invulnerability rune. Find
a way to kill him before he takes over the world.

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

The possessed citizens and their Necromorb overseers
are straightforward battles, but beware the ones that rush
at you with lit powder kegs! They can throw the kegs over
large distances and then light the fuse, which will burn
down towards the keg and cause a devastating explosion
that is almost always fatal to nearby adventurers.
Assur wields powerful fire magic, but his main threat is the
invulnerability shield. It is impossible to damage Assur
directly. You will have to wrestle the secret to destroy
Assur from his henchmen.
The secret
Retrieve the five demon seals from Assur's lieutenants:
Skinrender, Spinecracker, Eyegouger, Fleshcutter and
Bonehexer. On Destruction difficulty, each lieutenant drops
his own seal. To reach some of them, you might have to
use a teleporting skill. When you have the five Seals, kill
Lost Souls and Necromorbs until a Ring of the Five drops.

Ring of the Five

Required Level: 100
Adds 25-50 damage
+50% Damage to Undead
-250 Defense
Increase Maximum Life 5%
+2 to Light Radius
Cube it with all five seals to create Assur's Bane.

Assur's Bane
Required Level: 100
+1 to All Skills
Adds 25-50 damage
+150% Damage to Undead
+1 to Purify
Increase Maximum Life and Mana 10%
+2 to Light Radius
Go back to Assur, then select your ring's Purify spell. This
spell bypasses Assur's invulnerability and will take him out
in a few hits.
Defeat Assur on Destruction difficulty to get Demonsbane.

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+(0 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
+(0 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
Replenish Life +50
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube
the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

Duncraig Trophy
Cube with the Demonsbane...
10% Increased Overall Speed
Drop Bias
Increased chance to drop sacred items.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Similar to ordinary demons but much stronger and more intelligent, heroic demons are more
than a match for the toughest heroes.

Median XL features four heroic areas:

Act 1 Mausoleum (Burial Grounds)
Act 2 Stony Tomb Level 1 (Rocky Waste)
Act 5 Icy Cellar (Ancients' Way)
Each of the three areas contains the same 20 heroic monster types. You may want to choose the area that suits your character build
the most.
Act 1 Cow Level (Rogue Encampment)
Meet invisible cow ninjas, bovine summoners and other figments of your fever dreams after a bad case of food poisoning in the Cow

Each heroic area is protected by its own guardian and one appears only when its shrine is disturbed. The area's heroic boss may
randomly appear in the area, or he may not... Beware, heroic bosses are among the hardest encounters in Median XL.
All heroic bosses are protected by an invulnerability shield. This shield is nearly impossible to break with mortal magic but will
occasionally fail and drop a random immunity, though this still leaves the boss with high resistance to this element. Use these rare
opportunities well.

1/5 Athulua

Destroy Volcanic Shrine (Act 2: Halls of the Dead Level 3 -


Hatred : N/A
Terror : N/A
Destruction :

Dry Hills)
Destruction difficulty only (1/10 chance)
Athulua is the prime deity of the Amazon people. With her
consort, Kethryes, she rules over the seasons and the
weather. The Amazon capital, Tran Athulua, is named so in
her honour. Athulua is responsible for some of the most
mysterious powers in an Amazon's arsenal. When a warrior
has proven her devotion to Athulua through her brave deeds
and exceptional skill in battle, the Goddess shows her favour
by granting a spiritual emissary to aid the Amazon. These
emissaries of Athulua are called Valkyrie, and they are the
spirits of the greatest heroes from the Amazon people. The
power to summon a Valkyrie is the greatest honour that an
Amazon warrior can receive. It is believed this gift is a sign
that your place beside the Goddess is assured when you pass
from this world-perhaps even as a Valkyrie.
You can try to summon Athulua, the Amazonian Godess by
destroying the Volcanic Shrine on the north-west part of the
Tran Athulua with a 1/10 chance she will appear to punish
you for this atrocity. After appearing and shaping into a
mage, she will lose some of her bow strength, which means
her attacks do almost no damage, however her skills are
enchanted with high amounts of Crushing Blow. She will
summon killable Rats when you're low on health, to take you
down. Her other attacks include Meteor Shower, various
skills that send out a flurry of arrows flying at you and she
can even teleport at your location creating a small cloud that
deals high damage. The only way to damage her is to attack
her when her powerful magical shielding aura weakens from
time to time.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Tran Athulua.
Defeat Athulua, the Amazonian Godess on Destruction
difficulty to get the Deity's Bow.

Deity's Bow
This blessed bow might be used for
unique recipes to unleash Divine Power

Athulua's Blessing
You can use the Deity's Bow to possibly grant a powerful
blessing upon your bow. This can be tried once per bow,
even if Lucky/Lottery recipe has been tried.
Any Unique Bow + Deity's Bow Unique Bow, may add blessing
This recipe has 25% chance to add the following blessing:
Ignore Target's Defense
Valkyrie's Prime
The other use of the Deity's Bow is to possibly assemble it
into a mighty bow - Valkayrie's Prime. This process is very
expensive because of all the rare reagents required to make
the needed Tokens.
Cursed Crystal + Unknown Skull 1 Blessed Crystal
Blessed Crystal + Unknown Skull 2 Book of the Wise
Unknown Skull 1 + Unknown Skull 2 Mystic Shard
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Cursed Crystal.
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Unknown Skull
See THIS PAGE for more information about the Unknown Skull
Using these 3 reagents and other listed in this table, and
transmuting them with the appropriate character, you can get
all theTokens.
Token Character
Pain Amazon Class Charms (all 7 different)
Lies Sorceress Kabraxis' Stone rune + Elemental Runes
Terror Barbarian Marksman's Eye (Unique Mystic Orb) + Arcane Crystals x6
Necromancer Great Runes (all 6 different) + Healing Potion
Signet of Gold* + Greater Signet of Gold + Signet of
Experience + Greater Signet of Experience + Signet of
Leraning + Greater Signet of Learning (25) + Signet of
Cursed Crystal + Blessed Crystal
Hatred Assassin
Wise + Unknown skull2 + Mystic Shard
Starting Signets of Gold cannot be used for this recipe.
Once you've gathered all 6 Tokens and the Deity's Bow you
can use this recipe.
Deity's Bow + Tokens of Pain, Suffering, Hatred, Terror, Destruction
& Lies Valkayrie's Prime

It assembles the mighty Amazon bow invested with powers

from Athulua herself.

Valkayrie's Prime
Sacred Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 850 to 1540
Required Dexterity: 666
Required Strenght: 666
Required Level: 120
100% Chance to Cast level 1 Athulua's Wrath when you Die
15% Chance to cast level 15 Time Wave when you Kill an Enemy
+1 to All Skills
+200% Enhanced Damage
Adds 400-1000 Damage
Adds 111-666 Magic Damage
Adds 111-666 Fire Damage
Adds 111-666 Lightning Damage
Adds 111-666 Cold Damage
+10 to Sky Siege
NOTE: Valkayrie's Prime cannot be socketed, but is otherwise like a
fairly normal sacred unique bow.

2/5 Belial

Icy Cellar (Act 5: Ancients' Way)
Once you enter, you cannot go back trough
the stairs.

Hatred : 80
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

After his defeat in the civil war in Hell, the
Lord of Lies and infernal King of Rats was
banished to Sanctuary where he plots his
return. The icy caves under Harrogath offered
him both proximity to the powerful
Worldstone and a dark moist breeding ground
for his rodent servants.
As the Lord of Lies, Belial prefers to cheat in
battle. His main offence consists of his
Henchmen who use the Punisher spell to
poison heroes to death. If one gets through
this line of defence, his tiny rat familiars go

on the attack. Being so small and fast, they

cannot be hit or even aimed at. Belial himself
wields a spell that spits out punishers in
random directions, as well as an area effect
spell that slowly siphons the victim's life
away and the ability to summon more rats
from the ground to swarm the unwary hero.
According to witnesses, Belial does attack
recklessly from time to time, chasing his
enemy around by teleportation, but
demonologists believe that this is just to
impress his underlings and his main intention
is to get close to summon another batch of
Henchmen. Defensively, Belial is protected
by a warding spell that makes him
invulnerable to all attacks. Occasionally he
may drop this shield for a few moments to
entice a foolish hero to attack him; this is
usually met with a fierce counterattack, but it
is the only way to kill him.
Defeat Belial on Destruction difficulty to get
the Book of Lies.

Book of Lies
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 60
+(51 to 500) to Life
+(51 to 500) to Mana

3/5 Bull Prince Rodeo


Cow Level (Act 1: Rogue Encampment)
See THIS PAGE for more information on how to
enter the Cow Level.
The moolicious heir to the Cow King's
throne, Bull Prince Rodeo is out to exact his
indiscriminate revenge for all the cattle killed
by humans.

Hatred : 85
Terror : 115

Rodeo is very aggressive and has a stunning
Hoof Stomp and the Blink spell, making it

Destruction : 120

difficult to put some distance between you

and him. He can also summon more cows or
call upon a Stampeding Herd of exploding
cows that ploughs across the screen,
trampling all in their path. This ability is
unblockable, unresistable and will destroy
you if you don't get out of the way in time.
But his most common spell, in cooperation
with another victim of cruel farming
practices, is a wave of chickens that will
pursue their victim relentlessly, inflicting
devastating hurt with their beaks if they
connect. The chickens can be dodged by
staying mobile. Being a sacred cow, Rodeo is
invulnerable to damage. Warding shields are
not an exact science, however, and the spell
may occasionally fail, allowing you to hit
him with one or more elements until the spell
is restored.
NOTE: Killing Rodeo does not prevent you from
entering the Cow Level again.
Defeat Bull Prince Rodeo on Destruction
difficulty to get the Fool's Gold.

Fool's Gold
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 100
+(-10 to 38) to all Attributes
Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)%
3% Reanimate as: Random monster
(including Elites)
-75% Less Gold from Monsters
(31 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
See THIS PAGE for the list of reanimates.
Drop Bias
On Destruction difficulty, Bull Prince Rodeo
has a 1/30 chance to drop an Unique Mystic
Orb on death.
See THIS PAGE for more information about
the Unique Mystic Orbs.

4/5 Quov Tsin


Stony Tomb Level 1 (Act 2: Rocky Waste)
Hungry for power and misled by Diablo, the
Vizjerei mage Quov Tsin almost succeeded in
sacrificing the city of Ureh to the forces of
Hell. He was defeated at the last moment, but
his spirit still roams the burial tombs looking
for a mortal vessel to come back to life...

Hatred : 90
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

As a former Vizjerei in life, Quov Tsin wields
the elements. His most devastating attack is a
streaming blast of fire, cold and lightning
bolts powerful enough to annihilate any hero
in a moment. In melee combat, he may use a
fire, cold and lightning nova combo that
causes massive destruction at close range.
Prepare for this battle by equipping resistance
items to counter his ability to pierce
resistances, and try to find some absorb items
to further cut the damage. His contingency
spells protect him by teleporting him to
safety when struck by any attack. Stay near
cover in case he appears too close for
comfort. Quov Tsin is protected by a mystical
shield that makes him invulnerable to all
damage, but thankfully for you, anger is not a
good state of mind to maintain a difficult
invulnerability spell. It may occasionally fail,
leaving him vulnerable to one or more
elements. Seize the moment.
Defeat Quov Tsin on Destruction difficulty to
get the Silver Seal of Ureh.

Silver Seal of Ureh

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+(21 to 30) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
+1 to All Skills
+(41 to 50) to Strength
+(41 to 50) to Dexterity
+(41 to 50) to Vitality
+(41 to 50) to Energy
(21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage

(11 to 15)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances

2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Quov Tsin Trophy

Cube with the Silver Seal of Ureh...
+15% to Spell Damage

5/5 Astrogha

Mausoleum (Act 1: Burial Grounds)
One of Hell's greatest, the scheming spider
demon Astrogha has surfaced after the fall of
Andariel to continue his reign of terror. He is
not the most powerful demon in close
combat, but the spider king is never alone.

Hatred : 95
Terror : 115
Destruction : 120

Astrogha does not usually fight his foes
directly, but he does not need to. His
summoned Spider Statues serve as gateways
for his personal swarm, belching waves of
crawling Darklings from the depths of the
void. Deal with them quickly, but do not
touch the statues! They are protected by one
of Astrogha's devious tricks: when destroyed,
they will both rejuvenate Astrogha and
unleash a curse that cripples the assailant
causing a swift death. If left alone, they will
eventually collapse on their own. Astrogha
also possesses a very powerful but close
ranged Frozen Orb attack and has warding
spells that teleport him away when damaged,
courtesy of Quov Tsin's mages. Another
dweomer copied from Quov Tsin during
centuries of fighting side by side at the head
of their respective legions is the warding
spell that renders Astrogha immune to all
attacks. This is cutting edge magic and
therefore still fails from time to time,
allowing you to get some hits in.
Defeat Astrogha on Destruction difficulty to

get Astrogha's Venom Stinger.

Astrogha's Venom Stinger

Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 120
+1 to All Skills
+(100 to 500) to Life
Poison Length Reduced by 50%
2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction
difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for
a small bonus.

Astrogha Trophy
Cube with the Astrogha's Venom Stinger...
-5% to All Enemy Resistances
Transmute Astrogha's Venom Stinger with
your Book of Summoning to add to it the
power of Dark Summoning.
Astrogha's Venom Stinger + Book of Summoning
Astrogha's Venom Stinger with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following
+1 to Dark Summoning
See THIS PAGE for more information about
the Book of Summoning.
Warning! Due to a bug with the way Diablo
II handles champions, there is a chance
Astrogha may spawn as a boss pack with
several copies of himself as minions. When
you see a mass of doom spiders, run for your
life and restart the game.

Bored of the repetitive easy beginning with your characters? Want some early bonus to get you started faster? The Level Challenge 0
rewards you for beating a specific monster at a low character level.

Killing a Boss
This challenge requires you to 'kill' a boss. This means that you need to be physically present at the battle and near the boss when it
dies before you can use the cube recipe that grants you the reward.
If you succeed in killing the target monster, you get a whirling red overlay that looks like three rotating bolts:

You now have 30 seconds to perform the cube recipe. If you are too slow and the red overlay vanishes, you have to do it again!
Warning: This does not work if the monster is killed by reflected damage, due to a Diablo II engine limitation. Please use different
means of killing the target.



To do this challenge, read the Median Statue carefully:

Median XL - Ultimative XIV
Thanks for playing!
MedianXL-U XIV by MarcoNecroX & BrotherLaz
- Horadric Staff now drops in
the Claw Viper Temple Level 2
- Khalims Will now drops from
Lachdanan in Travincal.
[put in the cube and click transmute]
And then do as it says and cube it.
Median Statue Level Challenge 0 Charm

Level Challenge 0
Use the summon quest skill to
summon Volrath the vile.
You need to take down his
traps, and kill him afterwards,
without dying!
Max. Level: 5
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 5
+1 to Level Challenge 0 Quest Skill
Use the +1 to Level Challenge 0 Quest Skill to summon Volrath on an wide open area. He is invulnerable to any damage until you
destroy all his traps. Avoid his deadly beam while destroying them.

Defeat Volrath the Vile to get the Harkon Crystal Gem and a Chipped Gem.

Harkon Crystal
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
You have 30 seconds to cube the Harkon Crystal Gem with any Gem after killing Volrath, so prepare it in advance and keep your
cube empty!
If you are level 5 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Harkon Crystal Gem + any Gem (any quality) Harkon Crystal Gem with added bonuses
This recipe has adds the following bonuses:
10% Increased Overall Speed*
+(6 to 10) to All Attributes
1% Reanimate as: random (non-elite) Monster
+(201 to 250)% Extra Gold from Monsters
See THIS PAGE for the list of reanimates.
This is:
10% Faster Run/Walk
10% Increased Attack Speed
10% Faster Cast Rate
10% Faster Hit Recovery
10% Faster Block Rate

Btw. You gain no experience by killing Volrath or his Traps on Hatred difficulty. Keep trying until you succeed!



Go to the Tran Athulua uberlevel on Hatred difficulty, destroy the Orb at the entrance to get the Sunstone of the Elements.

Find and defeat any of the three Priestesses. She will drop her Sunstone. Cube it immediately while you have the red swirls on you.
This will upgrade your Sunstone, if your level is low enough.
You have 30 seconds to cube the Sunstone after killing the Priestess, so keep your cube empty!
You can then cube it with the Sunstone of the Elements to apply the bonuses.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Tran Athulua.

Level Challenge 1A: Fire

(Max Level 70)
Kill Philios, Priestess of Hefaetrus. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Fire.

Sunstone of Fire
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
+1 to Light Radius
If you are level 70 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Sunstone of Fire + town portal scroll + identify scroll Sunstone of Fire (Upgraded)
Requires: level 70 or below

Level Challenge 1B: Ice

(Max Level 60)
Kill Skovos, Priestess of Karcheus. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Ice.

Sunstone of Ice
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
+1 to Light Radius
If you are level 60 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Sunstone of Ice + town portal scroll + identify scroll Sunstone of Ice (Upgraded)
Requires: level 60 or below

Level Challenge 1C: Thunder

(Max Level 50)
Kill Lycander, Priestess of Zerae. On Hatred difficulty she will drop a Sunstone of Thunder.

Sunstone of Thunder
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
+1 to Light Radius
If you are level 50 or below, cube it while the red whirls are on your character to invest power into it.
Sunstone of Thunder + town portal scroll + identify scroll Sunstone of Thunder (Upgraded)
Requires: level 50 or below

Level Challenge 1: Completition

Get the Sunstone of the Elements by destroying the Orb at the entrance on Hatred difficulty.

Sunstone of the Elements

Cube this Charm with your Upgraded Sunstones!
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
Required Level: 50
Adds 15-20 Fire Damage
Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage
Adds 15-20 Cold Damage
You can add the power of each upgraded Sunstone to the Sunstone of the Elements for a great bonus.
Sunstone of the Elements + Sunstone (Upgraded) Sunstone of the Elements with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Sunstone of Fire:
-10% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+10 Defense
All Resists +20%
Sunstone of Ice:
+2 to All Skills
-10% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+10 Defense
Sunstone of Thunder:
20% Increased Attack Speed
20% Faster Cast Rate
20% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Faster Block Rate
20% Faster Run/Walk
-10% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
15% Bonus to all Attributes
+10 Defense

Btw. You gain no experience on Hatred difficulty in Tran Athulua itself. Keep trying until you succeed!
Btw. Although all three Priestesses give you the same looking red whirls, you need to kill the right Priestess to cube the right charm.



Do the Binding of Baal uberquest on Terror difficulty and defeat Tal Rasha.
This will trigger the whirly effect. Cube your Class Charm with a perfect gem to receive additional bonuses if your characterlevel is
low enough.

You have 30 seconds to cube the Class Charm after killing Tal Rasha, so keep your cube empty!
See THIS PAGE for more information about Binding of Baal.

[Class Charm] + perfect gem returns [Class Charm] with added bonuses
Requires: level 90 or below
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Increase Maximum Life 5%
Replenish Life +25
Curse Length Reduced by 25%
5% Chance to Avoid Damage
5% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life
+1% to Defense per Socketed Rune
Total Character Defense Plus 25%
All Resists +5%
+1 Extra Totems
10% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage
Damage Reduced by 5%
Total Character Defense Plus 10%
+15% Bonus to Energy Factor
+5% to Spell Damage

Btw. You gain no experience on Terror difficulty from Binding of Baal itself. Keep trying until you succeed!


A low level challenge that rewards you with a new skill and other useful midgame perks.
Your Class Charm
As part of this challenge, you will need to collect your 'Class Charm'. This charm is also used in later uberquests and challenges.
There are 7 class charms, one for each character class.
Sacred Sunstone : Amazon class charm
Shadow Vortex : Assassin class charm
Worldstone Orb : Barbarian class charm
Caoi Dulra Fruit : Druid class charm
Soulstone Shard : Necromancer class charm
Eye of Divinity : Paladin class charm
Nexus Crystal : Sorceress class charm

When found, each class charm spawns with the following bonuses.
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+2 to Light Radius
More bonuses can be added with the Horadric Cube after completing further challenges.



Go to the Kurast 3000 BA uberlevel on any difficulty and kill the Ennead Necromancer bosses until your Class Charm drops.

[Class Charm]
(Class Challenge Item)
Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus
(Class Only)
Required Level: 90
Can be Upgraded with Ennead Challenge
Can be Upgraded with Black Road Challenge
Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
+2 to Light Radius
Each Necromancer drops a random charm, so if you are unlucky, just restart the game and try again.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Kurast 3000 BA.

If you are level 80 or below, cube the charm with a jewel to add extra bonuses and unlock your Ennead Challenge skill.
[Class Charm] + any jewel returns [Class Charm] with added bonuses
Requires: level 80 or below
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
Amazon: uses Sacred Sunstone
+2 to Amazon Skills
Increase Maximum Life 15%
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Assassin: uses Shadow Vortex
+2 to Assassin Skills
50% Curse Length Reduction
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Barbarian: uses Worldstone Orb
+2 to Barbarian Skills
20% Bonus to Summoned Minion Life
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Druid: uses Caoi Dulra Fruit
+2 to Druid Skills
All Resists +25%
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Necromancer: uses Soulstone Shard
+2 to Necromancer Skills
40% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage

Poison Length Reduced by 33%

Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Paladin: uses Eye of Divinity
+2 to Paladin Skills
Total Character Defense Plus 20%
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill
Sorceress: uses Nexus Crystal
+2 to Sorceress Skills
+25% to Spell Damage
Poison Length Reduced by 33%
Unlocks your Ennead Challenge skill

Your free bonus skill

This skill can be found at the bottom right of your third skill tab. When you complete the Ennead Challenge, upgrade your Class
Charm and keep it into your inventory. This allows you to put skill points into the skill.




The basilisk snake of Skartara is a devious creature whose bite turns flesh to
stone. A skilled amazon warrior may carry a few to the battlefield in a leather
bag for an unexpected surprise.
Effect: throws snakes that turn enemies to stone


An assassin knows very well that most mages are male and many spend their
life in seclusion without seeing a woman. Some who have trained in these
particular arts can also employ this strategy on the battlefield.
Effect: burns an unholy female sign on the ground in life stealing flames


Running away is for the weak. A barbarian warrior who runs is easy prey. One
who stands his ground in the face of death may survive, for he is the one the
ancestral spirits will favour.
Passive effect: avoids damage when standing still and improves hit recovery


The fruits of the Glor-An-Fhaidha, the mystical tree of life, can bring back
mortals from the brink of death. Wise druids look for large red berries growing
on plants that ordinary do not bear fruit.
Passive effect: create a Goodberry in the Horadric Cube that boosts life


The dragon god of death Trang-Oul takes his faithful under his wings, turning
aside blades and arrows. This powerful spell requires total concentration and
is easily broken when the caster is disturbed.
Effect: press and hold to protect self and nearby minions


Like a deus ex machina, the paladin of Zakarum descends upon the

battlefield, his mere appearance chilling his heathen enemies to the bone.
Effect: teleport to target location and freeze enemies


The symbol of the ancient witch queen is a specially crafted conductive

adamantine moon crescent that accumulates ambient energy from the magic
in the environment, releasing it as a healing pulse when broken.
Effect: create a symbol in the cube that instantly heals life and mana


The Black Road challenge is the hardest challenge in Median XL. It consists of five trials, ranging from easy to very difficult.
Killing a Boss
This challenge requires you to 'kill' a boss. This means that you need to be physically present at the battle and near the boss when it
dies before you can use the cube recipe that grants you the reward.
If you succeed in killing the target monster, this overlay appears:

You now have 30 seconds to perform the cube recipe. If you are too slow and the red overlay goes away, you have to do it again!
Warningi This does not work if the monster is killed by reflected damage, due to a Diablo II engine limitation. Please use different
means of killing the target.
You need your Class Charm
This challenge requires you to have your Class Charm. This is a charm that drops in the Kurast 3000 BA uberlevel. If you did the
Ennead Challenge, you already have one.
If not, see THIS PAGE for more information about Kurast 3000 BA.


It is said that the demon Kabraxis rewards his followers with infernal powers: the ability to heal, cast apocalyptic spells or fight like no
mere human ever could.
To obtain Kabraxis' favour, you will need to pass his tests of faith first. These tests are based on the human weaknesses Kabraxis
exploits to corrupt mortals. Thankfully, you are well above being corrupted... right?
The Black Road Challenge consists of five parts. You can do them in any order, but you need to do all of them if you want the reward.

1. Trial of Fear
Overcome your fear of demons by tackling the Butcher in Terror difficulty. Go to The Hole Level 2 and summon him, then kill him.
Cube the charm while the red swirls are on your character.
See THIS PAGE for more information on the Butcher.
[Class Charm] returns [Class Charm] with note of completion (Fear)

2. Trial of Greed
Material wealth is a sign of demonic corruption. To pass this trial, keep 666,666 gold or more on your character (not your stash), then
use the recipe to complete the trial.
[Class Charm] returns [Class Charm] with note of completion (Greed)

3. Trial of Contrition
Kabraxis is almost impressed with your combat prowess against demons. But how about other humans? To complete this Trial,
summon and kill Shaman King Koth on Terror difficulty. Cube the charm while the red swirls are on your character.
See THIS PAGE for more information about King Koth.
[Class Charm] returns [Class Charm] with note of completion (Contrition)

4. Trial of Knowledge
Obtain untold wisdom by collecting the positronic brains of the five Robot Bosses in Fauztinville in Terror difficulty. Kill the Robot
Bosses and snap up their Brains.
See THIS PAGE for more information about Fauztinville.
[Class Charm] + Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta/Epsilon Brain returns [Class Charm] with note of completion (Knowledge)
Fauztinville is a huge level, and the Robot Bosses are fairly well hidden. You may need to explore the whole level. One of the bosses
requires a teleportation ability to access; if you cannot teleport, use an item with charges of a teleportation skill, like the runeword Pax
Mystica or the ubercharm Moon of the Spider. A second boss is at the end of a hidden passage, but can be accessed through
teleportation as well.

5. Trial of Blood
Kabraxis' element is Fire. Try and sway the Amazon Islands to your cause by eliminating the Priestesses of the amazon gods of Ice
and Lightning. But do it quickly. Kabraxis has no time to waste on bumbling humans like you.
Your targets are Skovos, Priestess of Karcheus and Lycander, Priestess of Zerae. Both can be found in the Tran Athulua uberlevel.
Go kill them on Terror difficulty.
The catch is that after you kill either one, you now have only 30 seconds to kill the other and then cube the charm. The timer starts to
tick down after your first kill. You can only complete this Trial if you lead them to the same area and kill them quickly, one after the
See THIS PAGE for more information about Tran Athulua.
[Class Charm] returns [Class Charm] with note of completion (Blood)
There is a third Priestess on the level, Philios, Priestess of Hefaetrus. Make sure you kill the correct Priestesses.

Black Road Completion

You did all five Challenges above? Great! Buy four Sacrifical Hearts (sold by magic item vendors) and cube them with your class
charm. If you completed all five Challenges, this will add a number of bonuses and unlock the Level Challenge Skill in your skill tree.
[Class Charm] + Sacrifical Heart x4 returns [Class Charm] with added bonuses
This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses to your Class Charm:

Amazon : uses Sacred Sunstone

+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Assassin : uses Shadow Vortex
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Barbarian : uses Worldstone Orb
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Druid : uses Caoi Dulra Fruit
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Necromancer : uses Soulstone Shard
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Paladin : uses Eye of Divinity
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill
Sorceress : uses Nexus Crystal
+150 to Life
+150 to Mana
Unlocks your Black Road Challenge skill

Your free bonus skill

This skill can be found at the bottom right of your third skill tab. When you complete the Black Road Challenge, upgrade yourClass
Charm and keep it into your inventory. This allows you to put skill points into the skill.




Many of the amazon deities represent an aspect of war. The deity's spirits,
summoned by an amazon high priestess or warrior queen, protect her in battle by
striking down her enemies, seemingly out of nowhere.
Effect: periodically emits spike novas that deal weapon damage


There are two schools in psychic training. The most common school promotes
balance of mind and peace of thoughts. This is a creation of the other school: a
primal scream that overwhelms weaker minds with pain and confusion.
Effect: short ranged shockwave that forces enemies to flee


A warrior who has his eyes on the throne of his tribe is sent to the summit of Mt.
Sescheron to await the next thunderstorm. If he survives, he may have learned
something valuable about the forces of nature.
Effect: adds stun damage and periodically emits stun novas


Aside from their healing effect on humans and other animals, the juice of the GlorAn-Fhaidha's fruits can be applied to armour, making it as hard as the bark of a
thousand year tree.
Passive effect: consuming a Goodberry also increases defence


The deathspeaker establishes an aura powered by the emanations of a demon's

wicked thoughts, conjuring torture equipment and striking the demon with the
punishments it desires most to inflict upon humanity.
Effect: when activated, periodically shoots deadly spiked balls at enemies


A life of worshipteaches the warrior of Zakarum the futility ofevil. The denizens
of hell are but vermin to an emissary of the Light.
Passive effect: reduces damage taken and speeds up healing apples


The witch's voice coalesces into a wall of force and slams into the enemy ranks. The
shockwave does not harm flesh or bones, but the shellshocked enemies may well
be so confused they forget how to fight.
Effect: wave of force that knocks back enemies and lowers damage

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