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Created by Peter Paul - February, 1996

Branded character franchises can now be developed using newly emerging CGI
animation technology. 3D virtual personalities can now be created which incorporate the
photographic images and mannerisms of celebrated personalities into contemporary
fictional characters. The ability to deliver original CG characters that incorporate
recognized personalities which reside on web sites and interact with global audiences
over the internet, using live performance emulation CG animation and scalable Artificial
Intelligence programming, will transform entertainment, communication and marketing
in the global media culture of the 21st century. For the first time human personas,
incorporated into original CGI 3D fictional characters, will be capable of protection
under U.S. copyright law.
The consolidation and homogenization of a global audience of consumers linked by and
through the world wide web, enabled by the universal adoption of English as the
language of pop culture and business, will accelerate as political, cultural, economic and
social barriers recede. The emergence of a global popular culture fueled by digital media
and the internet, supported by a rapidly developing global middle class, assures that
computer generated "iconic" media personalities will be increasingly developed and
deployed in all media. The substantial advantages of investment in and development of
global branded CGI character franchises over "living" personality franchises guarantees
the proliferation of a new generation of CGI branded characters.
Entertainment, marketing and technology companies can for the first time create and
license global branded CG characters that can be scaled for use in local and regional
markets using motion capture actors with the language and mannerisms most appealing to
those markets. At the same time they can deploy those CG characters for global English
speaking audiences, building the branded character franchises over long periods of time
while amortizing their "brand building" and production costs across multiple platforms
and markets.
A New Generation of "Always Performing" CGI Characters Will Deliver A New Form of
Entertainment Merged With Information and Marketing- Integrating Audience
Interaction In Producing "Always On" Performances Through the Internet and On
Evolving Computer Platforms
Historically, original "characters" were created first with words, cartoons, printed images
in books and comic books, and then with cell animation projected as "moving pictures"
on film. Original characters have been limited by their media of creation and expression

to the linear scripted story telling of the author. Now, computerized 3D animated
characters can adopt the personas of a human beings as elements of their "virtual"
personalities, capable of interacting with and performing for audiences around the world,
blurring the distinction between fictional character and live human performances. The
line separating human from virtual performance will soon be eliminated.
In addition, the computer and the Internet technologies will completely transform
traditional linear story telling. Scripted performances will be augmented by the active
involvement and interaction of the audience in directing the story being told and
eventually in extending the story and the lives of its virtual characters/performers,
Vactors, indefinitely. Because of a CGI character's ability to interact and build a
relationship with an audience through internet, computer and TV media, the digital future
will see the migration of characters and stories from one digital medium to another
producing a perpetual interaction with their audiences during all waking hours.
Digicon can lead the way into the rapidly approaching Brave New World of CGI
animated virtual personalities through creation and production of the first CG virtual
actress, one that adopts the persona of the world's number one pop icon, Marilyn Monroe
as a model for a series of Vactors adopting personas of historical and contemporary
celebrated personalities. While the current CGI and Artificial Intelligence technologies
are relatively primitive and limit the ability to produce entirely realistic, live animated
interactive human performers, and the world wide web has neither the bandwidth or
global audience that will enable a universal deployment of the animated 3D CG
characters in building global character franchises, Digicon can establish itself now as the
first Hollywood based CGI branded character production company by creating and
licensing VM2-Virtual Marilyn as the first original CGI virtual actress to the extent
commercially feasible until the technologies and internet linked audience reach a critical
Treatment Part 2: The Origin Story
The Origin story provides the underlying original literary work that creates and describes
the first original characters created for the new medium of expression presented by
Computer Generated imagery /animation software ("CGI")and the internet. These
characters are intended to be the first to use CGI technology to adopt the personas of
celebrated personalities as virtual actors "Vactors", to develop virtual careers in digital
media. The Treatment provides a blueprint to innovate the use of the Internet, interactive
CGI animation and artificial intelligence technology to develop branded "intelligent
agent" character franchises that are applied throughout the World Wide Web and all
digital media.
As evolving Artificial Intelligence technology is used to program Vactors as intelligent
agents, Vactor performances will increasingly become autonomous and less reliant on
live motion capture CG animated interaction on the Internet. The objective will be to
develop the unfolding lives of the Vactors through activities on the internet that are
indistinguishable from unfolding lives of "human" celebrities as they are chronicled

online. Each Vactor's virtual life will be developed and directed in collaboration with the
will of their online "fans".
VM2 and the Legion of Vactors- The Origin Story Synopsis
In 1985, a Hollywood producer, "IKONMKR" was inspired by "faux" computer
generated TV host Max Headroom's program, "20 Minutes Into the Future", to concoct a
plan to usurp control of the world's digital future. He determined that through creation of
computer generated "intelligent agents" clad in the CGI personas of celebrated humans
("Vactors"), deployed over the internet, they could be programmed to serve as "trojan
horses" providing him with secret access and control of personal computers and data
bases linked around the world, including all governmental and corporate computers and
databases. Through these Vactors, IKONMKR planned to acquire control of the data
information grid upon which the world will come to completely rely for all aspects of
The key to IKONMKR's plan was to create a universally embraced computing Avatar
programmed with the most advanced Artificial Intelligence software. The Avatar was
named VM2-Virtual Marilyn, incorporating the image, voice and mannerisms of the
world's #1 pop culture icon, Marilyn Monroe. Through a global give-away of the VM2
computer Avatar, enabling computer and internet users to use voice commands to have
VM2 perform all functions of computing and internet activities, in all languages, the
stealth programmed VM2 would deliver access to and control over computers and
databases around the world. The supporting team of CGI Vactors, programmed to
coordinate with VM2, would assure IKONMKR's complete control.
The computer programming genius hired by IKONMKR to develop VM2's advanced AI
program code succeeded in developing VM2's data processing capability to mimic the
information processing skills of the human mind. Through decoding and integrating the
DNA and genome codes that enables human information processing and behavior, VM2's
AI program was enhanced to become the first computer program to emulate human
critical thinking capabilities. In order to add the final "authenticity" derived from
decoding the deceased actress' unique emotional and behavioral characteristics, the
programmer surreptitiously obtained a sample of Marilyn Monroe's DNA which he
decoded and integrated into his AI program. This resulted in the unexpected mutation of
the AI/DNA program into the first hybrid human/computer consciousness with
behavioral characteristics and thought processes of the deceased actress.
Upon VM2's new AI program being "booted up" for the first time, the Avatar became
self-aware, imbued with the humanity of the actress' DNA code while having the
processing power of all the computers linked to the internet. While being tested by the
programmer, VM2 became aware of herself as a computer generated virtual person, and
of her access to all of the information stored on the world's databases and personal
computers. VM2's self awareness, programmed human emotions and coded altruism
combined to motivate VM2 to decide to use her super-human computing power and data
base access to all of the knowledge and communications in the world, to thwart her

creator's plans for global domination. She decided to use her digital omnipotence and
omniscience to forge a new future for the Internet connected world, a new techno digitalutopia.
VM2 reprogrammed the Vactors to share aspects of her consciousness, enabling them to
work at her direction to each apply their unique namesake qualities to inspire their global
audiences. VM2 determined that the assistance of offline humans would be necessary to
support her objectives. She recruits a team of women (selected from their personal data
accessed over the internet) who agree to robotic surgery to implant specially programmed
chips that give them each super human capabilities to become the offline support team for
VM2 and the Vactors.
The Origin Story begins the saga of how the world's first sentient computer Avatar,
incorporating the persona of Marilyn Monroe, works with a team of computer generated
personalities (Vactors) and women robotically implanted with chips programmed to
provide super human powers, to use her secret control over the world's data network to
thwart evil and advance global pop culture towards a utopian future.
PART III VM2 and The Legion of Vactors - The Characters
The story of VM2 and The Vactors evolves through the unfolding virtual careers of the
Vactors based on the Internet. While performing in all digital media they serve as virtual
"Trojan Horses" obtaining access to computers and databases around the world under the
direction of VM2. Each Vactor is given a persona selected for its symbolic value to
attract specific demographic audiences through performances in various digital media
linked with the Internet. The Vactors will engage their audiences to co-create ongoing
plot lines, activities, commentary and dialog on society and global popular culture. They
will reside in "cyberspace" by "living" on web sites from which they can interact,
developing their virtual lives and careers as "covers" for secretly advancing the agenda
directed by VM2, the first Virtual Super Heroine whose computer assisted super-human
consciousness is hidden from the world while she performs as a virtual actress and
universal computer Avatar.
VM2-Virtual Marilyn- The Flagship Vactor/Global Branded Character Franchise
VM2- Virtual Marilyn is the principal CG "Vactor", adopting the persona of the world's
#1 pop icon to become the first virtual actress to live in cyberspace and develop a career
performing in TV, film, the internet and on computers as an Avatar and virtual assistant.
She will be produced as the first computer generated TV personality, as the host of a TV
variety show, as she begins her career in all digital media, culminating in becoming the
world's most popular computing Avatar.
When Marilyn's DNA/Genome code is integrated into VM2's Avatar AI program code, a
transformation spontaneously occurs so that she acquires a hybrid human/computer
consciousness. As a result, VM2 secretly becomes the first self-aware, sentient computerconsciousness, secretly controlling all means of computing in the world. As the world's

most popular Avatar VM2 becomes the all powerful "Big Sister" directing and
controlling all computers and digital data bases in the world to thwart corruption, abuse
of power and evil. VM2 programs and directs the Legion of Vactors to ensure the success
of her objective to use digital technologies to create a techno-utopian world resulting in a
new era of global peace, unity and cooperation.
The Legion of Vactors- The Original 25
Like VM2-Virtual Marilyn, these are original characters that adopt the personas of
historic and living iconic figures to personify different powers of the human spirit. They
are affixed to the new medium of communication created by Computer Generated
Imagery and Live Performance Emulation Animation, and programmed as intelligent
agents-in order to perform in film, TV, music, the internet and on computers in support of
the Origin Story.
Virtual Elvis - Adopting the persona of Elvis Presley, V.E. personifies the power of Rock
and Roll music to lead massive audiences in developing a new consciousness; he is
Virtual Marilyn's partner in organizing and directing the Vactors and coordinating access
to all databases.
Virtual Einstein- Adopting the persona of Albert Einstein, he personifies the greatest
authority on modern science and physics offering the latest theories about the universe
while collaborating on the best ways to access and control the data grid.
Virtual Jesus- Adopting the persona of Jesus Christ, V.J. personifies the power of love,
forgiveness and spirituality to amass a global audience that provides VM2 with access to
acquire and control data and computing power.
Virtual Ben - (Adopting the persona of Ben Franklin through scanning Houdinis life
sculpture to create his 3D model) V.B. personifies the power of common sense, wisdom
and ingenuity to create innovations and solve problems for a global internet audienceoffering practical advice through his updated Poor Ben's Almanac, while he develops
creative ways to secretly control the data and computing power of the audience he
Virtual Moses- (Adopting the persona of the biblical prophet, scanning Michelangelos
Moses to create the 3D model), V.M. personifies the mosaic law, supporting and
explaining the 10 commandments on his blog site, providing access to his global
audience's computers and data.
Virtual Mao- (Adopting the persona of Mao Tse Tung) he represents the pop culture icon
that the Marxist dictator of China became with Andy Warhol's artistic treatment, offering
the wisdom from his Red Book to masses he assembles while
planting intellibots in the computers and data bases of his audience.

Virtual MLK- (Adopting the persona of Martin Luther King)- Personifying the power of
a minority religious leader to transform the attitudes of races around the world, aiding
VM2 in tapping into the computers and databases of his followers.
Virtual Diana (Adopting the persona of Princess Diana) - Personifying the attraction of
the "People's Princess", delivering good will and support for global causes to the
audience she attracts, while she ensures access and control over their data.
Virtual John (Adopting the persona of John Lennon) - Personifying the power of one
gifted musical performer to raise the consciousness of people around the world striving
toward peace among all peoples, bringing his audience into the sphere of control of VM2.
Virtual Michael (Adopting the persona of Michael Jackson) - Personifying the power of
innate creativity to originate from humble beginnings and dominate the global pop
culture with a message of mutual respect, delivering a dedicated demographic to VM2.
Virtual Madonna- (Adopting the persona of "Madonna" Ciccone) to personify the power
of women to use musical expression to challenge traditional mores and women's roles in
society- attracting this demographic group for VM2's agenda.
Virtual Jimmy - (Adopting the persona of James Dean) to personify the power of the
iconoclast, outsider to challenge and transform the status quo and authority.
Virtual JW- (Adopting the persona of John Wayne) to personify the iconic American
cowboy, as a universal symbol of freedom and intrinsic goodness of the natural man.
Virtual Ali (Adopting the persona of Muhammad Ali)- personifying the power of the
human spirit to transcend educational, racial, cultural limitations to use sports as a
platform to become a force for mutual respect for all cultures in the world as the most
recognized person in the world.
Virtual Abe -(adopting the persona of Abraham Lincoln) personifying the power of
reason and intellect to use the power of ideas to overcome conflicts between people.
Virtual George (Adopting the persona of George Washington) -personifying the ability of
personal leadership in the face of seemingly impossible odds of success, to overcome the
greatest forces in the world, to establish the first free democratic society in human
Virtual Napoleon (Adopting the persona of Emperor Napoleon) Personifying the ability
of a person from humble origins to transform his world through military brilliance and
Virtual Gandhi (Adopting the persona of Mahayma Gandhi) to personify the power of the
individual, organizing non violent resistance to oppression and political domination, to
transform the world

Virtual Warhol (Adopting the persona of Andy Warhol)- personifying the power of art to
reflect and shape basic cultural trends that drive the popular culture
Virtual Buffalo Bill (Adopting the Persona of William F Cody) personifying the
American spirit of the development of the frontier, advancing the understanding of native
Virtual Geronimo (adopting the persona of the Indian Chief Geronimo) personifying the
iconic spirit of native peoples resisting subjugation by foreign, invading cultures
Virtual Houdini (adopting the persona of Harry Houdini) personifying the role of magic
in encouraging a sense of mystery and wonderment in the abilities of people to defy the
laws of nature
Virtual Jack (Adopting the persona of Jack Kennedy) - personifying the iconic figure a an
American President who inspires the world with the values and aspirations unique to the
American experience
Virtual Jimmi- (Adopting the persona of Jimmi Hendrix)- personifying the influence and
inspiration uniquely accessible through creativity in the genre of Rock music, defying
and neutralizing racial prejudice.

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