Test 1 Advanced Level

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Gerunds and infinitive

p. 2(a), MEL 5

1. Harry and Sally have decided to share a flat in the centre of the city.
I do not approve.
I don t approve
2. I dont like it when Peter comes home late.
I dont
3. Sorry Im late, said Jane.
Jane apologised
4. Annas mother was annoyed when Anna dopped the plate.
Annas mother was
5. Its always expensive to buy a new house.
__________________________________________ is always expensive.
6. Andrew, Ive just heard that youve won the competition.
7. Amelia is proud that she passed her driving test first time.
Amelia is proud
8. This area produces excellent beef.
This area is wellknown_________________________________________________
2. Prepositions and gerunds p.9, MEL 5
1. It is no use ________(cry) over spilt milk.
2. Please foregive me ______ (arrive) so late.
3. He prides himself_______(be) an excellent cook.
4. Shes quite capble_________(look) after herself.
5. I insist________(help) you.

3. Word building p.32, MEL 5

Nowadays, a great____________(vary) of different foods is available from
large supermarkets. There are rarely any__________(short) of fresh food,
and there is far less_______(likely) of our having to rely on
________________(freeze) products. Does this mean that supermarkets
have become the most _______________(success) shops of all time?

Certainly they seem to have made some kinds of food less

_________(expense) and most people enjoy shopping in them.
4. Comprehensive test (articles) p. 27, MEL 6
1. Between Italy and Greece lies___ Adriatic Sea.
2. Coffee in this restaurant is only 25 cents____ cup.
3. ___ Tokyo is one of the most populous cities in the world.
4. _____University of Greenville is a good place to study.
5. I cant take summer vacation right now, but____ next year I will.
6. _____Chinese have a long history.
5. Relative clauses p. 8, MEL 2
1. This watch keeps perfect time. I was given it for Christmas.
2. Thats the man! I sold my car to him!
3. I bought a load of apples. Three quarters of them were bad
_______________________________________________________________4. I met a woman in the bank. The woman turned out to be my sisters
friend. ( mock exam)

5. We interviewed fourteen students for the research. We realized

none of the students knew the correct answers. (mock exam)

6. Modals in past p. 91 MEL 1

1. Im sure that David took your books by mistake.
2. It was a mistake to park outside the police station.
3. Its possible that left my wallet at home.

7. Passive voice p. 9, MEL 2

1. We shall offer a high salary to a really suitable applicant.
2. They have been discussing the proposals for a week.

________________________________________________________3. Everyone thought that Government had shown little regard for
public opinion.
4. The Government is planning a new road near my house.
5. He had written three books before 1867.
6. The traffic might have delayed Jimmy.
7. At six oclock someone was telling a story.
8. James might cook dinner.
9. By next year the students will have studied the passive.

I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.

8. Conditional clauses
1. If I ________(be) stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
2. If we'd seen you, we _________ (stop).
3. If we _______(meet) him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he _______ (have) the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it _____ (break).
6. If I hadn't studied, I ____________ (pass) the exam.
7. If she ______(see) him every day, she'd be lovesick.
9. Mixed tenses
Tom Wilson 1._____(be) an explorer. He 2._______(be) to nearly every country in
the world, but the most exciting time he 3.________(ever/have) was when he
4._____(go) to the Congo jungle. A magazine 5._______(ask) him to retrace the
route of a famous explorer who 6.__________(disappear) in the 1920s. As he
7._________(follow) a small river he got separated from his guides. He 8._________
(go on) alone, hoping he 9.________(find) them, but instead he

10._________(encounter) a group of natives. He 11._______ (stay) with them for

several days and 12._________(find out) that a very old woman
13.___________(actually/meet) the famous explorer. She 14._____(know) how he
_______(die). Tom 16._______(become) very friendly with the natives and now he
17._________(plan) to go back and see them again. He is sure they
18._______(welcome) him back.
Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, scientists, politicians and
theologians 1._____________(discuss) the question of whether or not the cloning of
human beings 2.____________ (should/allow). If cloning does become a reality one
day, it 3._________(raise) many questions. Many scientists want cloning
4._________ ( be) legalized. They believe that if it 5.____(be) to clone human
beings, it 6._______(be) possible to create a superior race. Many childless couples
also wish the government 7._______(allow) cloning. If this 8._______(be) the only
way for you to have a child, you might agree with them too.

10. Lexical cloze

In the novel Dune by Frank Herbert, which is set hundreds of years______ the
future, it is forbidden to build computers. This is because thinking machines
have become so powerful
they almost took over the world. Instead,

there are Mentats - humans trained to perform the kinds of calculations and
analysis that you
normally expect a computer to carry


Mentats are a fictional creation, human computers are something

real. The word "computer" was first used

referred to a person

than 300 years ago and

job was to perform mathematical calculations. In

the middle of the 18th century, Clairault, a French mathematician wanted to

calculate the date when Hailey's Comet would return. Although he


to do this, the calculations were very complex, so he shared the

work with several computers who helped him arrive at the correct answer.
In the 19th century an Indian mathematician was employed as a computer
by a team of British explorers, and was the first person to calculate the
height of the highest mountain

Mount Everest. During the

of human computers

the world ,

was later named

World Wars of the 20th century, huge teams

employed to work on maps, codes and countless

other military and engineering projects. It was not

about 1950 that

mechanical computers began to take over, and the days of the human
computer were finally numbered.

Exam Tips
When the day comes give yourself plenty of time (0) . .. do everything: have breakfast
but don't drink (1) ... much; go to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too early or you will
find yourself getting more and more nervous while you wait to start.
In the exam, calm (2) ... down by breathing deeply and thinking positively. Read the
exam questions carefully and underline all of the key instruction words (3) ... indicate
how the questions should be answered. If possible start with the ones (4) ... can do
easily to give you confidence. Remember what you've learnt from practising questions
and doing mock exams previously and plan your use of time. Don't panic (5) ...
everyone around you seems to start writing furiously straight away and don't be tempted
to follow their example.
Finally, after the exam, don't join in a discussion about (6) ... everyone else did, (7) ...
you want to frighten yourself, and drain your self-confidence for the next exam.
Above (8) ..., remember that exams are not designed to catch you out, but to find out
what you know, what you understand and what you can do.

11. Causative exercises ( have, get sth done)

1. The students stopped sleeping in class. (get)

2. My husband looked after our children. (get)

3. The teacher checked my writing. (get)

Have + object + past participle (have something done)

4. We are painting our house at the moment. (have)

5. I typed the documents. (have)

6. I have delivered the furniture. (have)

7. We ask Anna to check the accounts every month.

Have + inanimate object + past participle of the main verb

Get + animate object + past participle of the main verb
Subject + have/get something done.
Have + object + past participle (have something done)

We usually use 'have something done' when we are talking about paying someone to do
something for us. It's often used for services. The form is 'subject + have + object + past

Have someone do something (have + person + infinitive)

We can also use the construction 'subject + have + person + infinitive'. This has a
very similar meaning to 'have something done', which we've already talked about,
but this time we say who did the thing - we talk about the person who we asked to
do the thing for us.
Get someone to do something (get + person + to + infinitive)
Finally, we can also use the construction 'get + someone + to + infinitive'. Again,
this means that you cause the other person to do the action, maybe by paying them
to do it, or by asking them to do it, or by persuading them to do it.

Tense have/get something done

Present Simple

I have/get my hair cut.

Past Simple

I had/got my hair cut.

Present Continuous

I'm having/getting my hair cut.

Past Continuous

I was having/getting my hair cut.

Present Perfect

I have had my hair cut.

Past Perfect

I had had my hair cut.


I will have my hair cut.


I must have my hair cut.

be going to

I'm going to have my hair cut.

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