Resident Arts' 2015 Annual Report

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annual report

1023 E. Walnut St., CoMO

our story
our programs
our impact

Ar ts
development oppor tunities and resources
for ar tists at ever y level of their career to
cultivate the ar ts locally and broaden the
horizons of local ar tists, nationally.
Our programs engage young, emerging,
and professional ar tists in educational
activities which bolster Mid-Missouris
creative workforce, encourage innovative
critical think ing, and introduce work ing
ar tists to available resources.
We aim to help ar tists create sustainable
careers right here in Mid-Missouri.

our story

Resident Ar ts was founded in July 2014 and received
its 501 (c) 3 status as a tax exempt nonprofit in May
2015. Located in the Nor th Village Ar ts District in
Columbia, MO, Resident Ar ts provides programming
to help young, emerging, and professional ar tists
build careers in Mid-Missouri.
Our programs achieve that goal by : providing
mentoring and ar t-mak ing oppor tunities for teens in
our After-school Teen Ar tist Residenc y ; offering a
unique three month Emerging Ar tist Residenc y for
local emerging ar tists that aids the ar tist in the
creation of a large -scale work or body of small works
and by providing a stipend and materials; offering
workshops as par t of our Professional Development
Workshop Series that are designed to help ar tists
solve practical problems relating to running their ar ts
practice as a business; providing affordable,
cooperative workspace for ar tists on a budget; and by
coordinating exhibitions of and ar tist talks by local
ar tists.

our story

letter from the director

We are extremely pleased to have accomplished so
much in 2015. Operating out of Orr Street Studios for
our first year helped us to establish our work in the
hear t of Columbias ar ts district.
In addition to our regular programming, we
par ticipated in a free monthly ar t walk, First Fridays,
where we were able to connect with a larger public
through demonstrations and exhibitions. As a result,
our work touched the lives of over 2,000 individuals
in 2015.
To continue the legac y of this work, we have moved
to a larger space, and are expanding our
programming. We have added offerings that fur ther
suppor t local ar tists such as cooperative workspaces
and an exhibition and ar tist talk series.
In 2016, we aim to fur ther establish Resident Ar ts as
an organization dedicated to the growth of local
young, emerging, and professional ar tists. We hope
youll join us in this endeavor by par ticipating in our
programs, donating cash or in-k ind goods, or giving
your time.
Madeleine LeMieux
Founder and Director

our story

after-school teen
artist residency
A twelve week after-school
program for high-school aged
teens in which par ticipants
ar tists,
learn about their careers and
specialized techniques, and
produce work for a public

Frank Stack teaches teens ink drawing

In 2015 this program was

piloted in Spring with 3
students and ran at full
capacity (10 students) in Fall.
More than one half of the
students were from families
pover ty line.
Financial assistance for this
project has been provided by
the City of Columbia O ffice of
Cultural Affairs.
Total Ser ved: 143
3 teens in Spring
10 teens in Fall
130 attendees at
public receptions

our programs

Sarah Goodnow Riley-Lands Urban Shrine

emerging artist residency

This program is a three month residenc y in which ar tists
undergo one - on- one career consulting, par ticipate in
professional development workshops, have 24/7 access
to studio space, and are expected to research and
produce one large -scale work or series of smaller works
for presentation to the public. Resident Ar ts staff act as
suppor t for professional guidance and marketing of the
project through the course of the residenc y. There is a
modest stipend and materials budget.
In Spring 2015, we piloted this program. Sarah Goodnow
Riley-Land was our first resident, and produced a
large -scale triptych that explored and celebrated
Columbias smokestacks titled Urban Shrine.
Total Ser ved: 31
1 ar tist, 30 attendees at
public reception

our programs

the professional development

workshop series
The series consists of five workshops that rotate new
offerings each Spring and Fall. Each workshop is three
hours long and is taught by a local professional.
2015 Workshops:
Marketing 101 for Ar tists
Grant Writing for Ar tists
Legal Issues for Ar tists
The Ar tist Website
Concept Development
Break ing Into New Markets
Documenting Your Work
Total Ser ved: 18
3 teaching ar tists
15 par ticipants

our programs

free programs and

community outreach
Career Coaching: 7 ar tists ser ved

Resident Ar ts offers free career coaching by appointment.

Consultations are an hour long and ar tists leave the
meeting with an actionable plan to help them fur ther their
professional goals.

Critique Night: 3 ar tists ser ved

Ar tists are invited to par ticipate in a friendly, yet critical

discussion about their in-progress work .

First Fridays Events: approx. 1,420 ser ved

Live painting, mini- exhibitions, demonstrations, and other

free events and activities held during monthly First Friday
ar t walks.

O ther outreach ac tivities: approx. 440 ser ved

Resident Ar ts hosted monthly booths at the local farmers

market, led community painting events, and par ticipated in
other community demonstrations held throughout

Total Ser ved: 1,870

our programs

who we serve
High-school aged teens between 14-19 years old
par ticipate in our After-school Teen Ar tist
Residenc y.
Teens in our programs hail from
throughout Columbia and mid-Missouri. Resident
Ar ts is also a primar y collaborator in the newly
established Ar ts@ction: Youth-led ar ts activism
group for teens.
Emerging and Professional Ar tists
We ser ve work ing ar tists through our Emerging
Ar tist Residenc y, as well as through our Professional
Development Workshop series, our affordable
Cooperative Studio Access (introduced in 2016) and
we offer an open proposal for exhibitions and ar tist
talks available to ar tists at any level.
Ar ts Organizations and Other Businesses
Resident Ar ts par tners with other agencies to
synchronize the effor ts of our community towards
achieving our mission and improving the cultural
character of mid-Missouri.
Suppor ters of the Ar ts
At Resident Ar ts we offer ar tistic ser vices for ar tists
as well as meaningful ar ts experiences for
non-ar tists through
exhibitions, and other
outreach activities.


$1000 +
Boone County Community Trust
William & Melody Daily
Madeleine LeMieux &
Camden Daily
$500 - 999
Columbias O ffice O f Cultural
Shannon & Dan Stokes
$100 - 499
James Ir win & Peggy Maleck i
Norman E. Land Jr.
Scott Ger witz & Mick i LeMieux
Marc y LeMieux & Gar y Miller
Darleen & Rober t Mitchell
Matthew Norris
Timothy Solon
Deb Sperling
Lisa Strite & Keith Jedlick a
Fran Raucher & Sean Hinton
Sarah Riley
Up to $99
David Bar tlett
Jamila Batchelder
Elizabeth Braaten Palmieri
Dick & Rita Branstetter
Jill Casteel & Jody Colmer
Erin Daily & Brian Weissman
Trac y Eichorn
Stephen Fabroni
David Gabriel

Megan & Brent Geissinger

Kelsey Hammond
Monica Hand
Meili Hollingswor th
Cecilia Juan & Scott Swinford
Meta & Scott Lack land
Lisa Lewin & Daniel Ilundain
Hannah Malyn & Matt Albrecht
Susan McCullaugh
Ashley Phillips
K ari Ir win & Scott Footer
O tteburn
Virginia Reinhar t
Henr y Riley
Eva & Brant Sankey
Les & Joyce Sears
K aren Stoysich
Michael Travis-Shuler
Alyssa & Mike Venere Braun
Paul & Barb Vossler
Allison Wade & Justin Bland
Susan R. Wilson
Al Yu
Thank you to all of our
incredible donors!
Your suppor t of our work is
what makes it possible.


Donations: $7,888
Grants: $2,500
Earned Revenue: $859
Total revenue: $11,247
Rent: $4,259
Ar t Supplies: $1,288
Ar tist Honoraria and Fees: $1,035
Outreach and Marketing: $848
Administrative Expenses: $693
Total Expenses: $8,123


Madeleine LeMieux, President
Resident Arts
Camden Daily, Vice President & Treasurer
Pearson Education
Shannon Stokes, Secretary
One Hope United
Meili Hollingsworth, Board Member
MU School of Health Professions

our impact

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