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Impact Evaluation Course:

How to Design and Conduct Impact Evaluations
Deadline: December 7, 2015
Date: January 4-15, 2016 (ten-day training)
Philippine Institute for Development Studies
18th Floor, Three Cyberpod Centris-North Tower,
EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
This technical course introduces impact evaluation as a key instrument for determining
project/program effectiveness, informing policy development and improving program
designs. It covers commonly used econometric and statistical methods to evaluate the
impacts of social and other programs in developing countries. The course includes both
randomized and non-randomized methods.
Delivery of the course consists of lectures, class exercises, and group work. Many of the
exercises will involve case studies using data from actual programs that are discussed in
the lectures. Participants will also have an opportunity to determine options for
evaluations for their own programs.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:

Understand what impact evaluation is and the different techniques used for
impact evaluations

Make judgments about the situations (and/or interventions) when impact

evaluation is and is not appropriate to use

Know which kind of evaluation or decision-making questions that impact

evaluation is best suited to answer

Review the parameters of interest (ATE-average treatment effect, ATT-average

impact of treatment on the treated, ITT-intention-to-treat, etc.)

Describe in detail how randomized trials can estimate parameters of interest

Explain how to use regression methods that do not require randomized data
(Difference-in-differences and within estimators, Instrumental variable methods,
Regression discontinuity methods, Matching methods)

Present recommendations for designing high quality questionnaires

Provide advice on how to choose the sample size and attain statistical power
Discuss the main issues concerning data collection and data management

1. Priority will be given to participants or teams (2 or more individuals) that have
impact evaluations underway, recently completed and/or are considering,

designing, or implementing impact evaluations. Members of the team may include

technical staff, as well as policymakers, policy analysts, and program and
evaluation managers who have the required technical skills to benefit from the
course. Each individual will have to apply separately, but should reference the
team in the application form.
2. Participants may be young researchers, professors, and graduate students
interested in impact evaluation research; and individuals who are considering,
designing, or implementing impact evaluations.
a. Participants from regional universities are preferred. Regional distribution will
be considered in selecting the participants. A total of sixteen (16) participants
from the regional universities (including Metro Manila) shall be selected. Out of
the 16, ten (10) participants will be awarded bursaries.
b. Two participants shall come from each of the following agencies: DSWD, DOLE,
OPAPP, Supreme Court of the Philippines, DepED, DBM, and NEDA. A total of
fourteen (14) participants shall be selected from these agencies.
3. Participants must be people who are directly involved in, and/or responsible for,
conducting impact evaluation studies.

All participants applying for the course need to fill in the Pre Course Survey and

To fully benefit from the course, some knowledge or familiarity of the participants
with statistics, multiple regression analysis and a statistical software package
(e.g., STATA, SAS, SPSS, or R) is desirable.

All participants must be proficient in English.

PIDS will provide the participants with desktop computers installed with Stata 14
version throughout the duration of the training.

We regret that only a limited number of scholarships will be available and will be
assigned competitively.
The selection process will be determined through the
application process and will be based on the following criteria:

potential benefit to you/your team in participating and applying the lessons to

ongoing or planned impact evaluations, and
regional priorities of our scholarship funders.

The 3ie and PIDS shall cover the course fee of all selected applicants. For 10 participants
coming from the regional universities (outside of Metro Manila) who shall be awarded
bursaries, included in the fee are:

Roundtrip airfare tickets as necessary
Training kits
Breakfast, AM snack, lunch, PM snack, and dinner each day

Accommodation at a hostel close to the training venue from January 3 to January

16, 2016.
Transportation to and from the training venue daily

For the rest of the 20 participants, included in the fee are:

Training kits
AM snack, lunch and PM snack each day

The following items are NOT included in the fee:

Transportation from your home to airport or bus terminal (public transportation,

train, taxi, etc)
Transportation within Metro Manila
Per diem
Travel insurance (for airfare, etc.)
Other miscellaneous costs (shopping, telephone charges, etc.)

Scholarship applicants must provide a CV and a letter of recommendation from

their employers or relevant government agencies.

Application Form and Pre-course Survey and Quiz may be accessed at:
User must input the following credentials to download the file:
username: pids3ieguest
password: pidsguest
OR at this link:

All Applicants are kindly requested to complete the Application Form and
return it with CV and Pre-Course Survey and any other additional materials if
available to coordinators below via email no later than December 7, 2015.

The coordinators of this course are:

Ms. Christine Salazar
Tel: (63 2) 8939585 local 4042
local 4043
Fax: (63 2) 8161091

Mr. Jan Michael Oseo

Tel: (63 2) 8939585
Fax: (63 2) 8161091


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