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Page of Pentacles

Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC
C. A. 5-10282 132nd Street
B. C. Surrey, British Columbia
V3T 3T7 #43 May 2010 c.e.

CWA Religious Retreat -Starfall Paganfest

2nd to 4th of July
At this special time and place, deep in the woods accordingly.
of British Columbia, celebrants call the gods to join If there are enough children registered, we will also
them in their festivities here on earth . . .and the assign formal childcare by having each parent take a
gods answer! shift, but for the moment, assume that children are the
The CWABC invites you to join us for our first adult’s responsibility. We will provide some children’s
Pagan festival, Starfall PaganFest! This event will activities, however.
happen on the Canada Day weekend in the beautiful We assume that most of our workshops will be
Okanagan Valley in Cherryville, the perfect place to offered by CWA members but we invite anyone who
bring together Northern and Southern BC, the wants to organize something to do so! A space to detail
Interior and the Coast, the Kootenays and even what you’d like to offer will be provided in the
Alberta. Our site is 45 minutes from Vernon along registration package.
Highway 6, in the woods along a winding road; there Site is discreetly wet; it is also used as a treatment
is no cell phone service and not even any internet centre.
access; imagine that! The scenic terrain lends itself Our hosts, The Lodge Inn in Cherryville, BC, are
to lovely hikes, beautiful camping, and clear open to some of our more controversial Pagan
mountain views. practices, including plans for an Aphrodite’s Temple
We can accommodate about 30-40 people in and clothing optional.
indoor spaces, and the rest will be tenting space; For more information, and for our registration
priority on indoor spaces given to those with package, please check out our website, http://
disabilities and families with small children. Please Please make cheques out
select according to your needs in the registration to the “Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC.”
sheet. Our overall capacity is 60.
Priority registration will be offered to CWABC
and CWAA members, starting immediately at $125.
Early bird registration opens May 1 at $150 per Page of Pentacles Deadlines:
person; last minute registration starts June 1 at more
or less $200 and will be on a first postmarked, first If you would like to contribute something to the
served basis. Children 6 and under free; children 7 - Page, please send it into the editor at
15 and elders over 65 will be offered a discounted three weeks prior to each
rate ($90 up until June 1, then $125.) ALL PRICES Sabbat.
That is: MAY 31st, JULY 10th, AUGUST 31st,
Registration forms are up and available at our OCTOBER 10th, and NOVEMBER 30th.
website! Anything except poetry is generally acceptable -
In the model of the Gathering for Life on Earth, theology, history, reviews of books, music or
each person will be expected to volunteer for one 2 Tarot cards, rituals, and NEWS. Babies born,
hour duty over the course of the weekend, setup weddings, deaths, all count as news.
and/or takedown. You will be offered first, second
and third choices for jobs and will be assigned

Temple Reports
Vernon: Mirth and Reverence
the class and I’ve heard a lot of very positive
You’re going to notice as you read through that feedback! The second of the Eight Paths of Power
most of our events seem to be taking place at my Workshops – Trance, will start at noon on Saturday,
shop. Well guys, the fact is that the Temple kitty was April 24, and go to about 4 – 5 pm, at my store. The
bankrupted at Yule due to low turnout and donations store will be CLOSED that day to facilitate the
not matching the hall rental, and my store is set up for workshop! Please bring pillows, chairs or whatever
events and I donate the space for free. I don’t see you need to be comfortable, as much of the class will
this as a bad thing; our community seems to be be spent in trance and meditation. CWABC members
growing because it’s starting to build around the hub free, or $25 per person, and please preregister!
of my little store, which is really the only Pagan store I’m also participating in an event at the store that
in the Okanagan Valley, and it’s bringing us together isn’t officially a Temple event, but might still be of
quite well! Vernon is an excellent nexus point; an hour interest to the membership of the Temple. On the
and a half from Kamloops, 45 minutes from Salmon third Wednesday night of each month, “The Medium,
Arm and Cherryville, 30 minutes from Lumby, 20 the Witch and the Shaman” meet for a discussion
minutes from Winfield, 45 minutes from Kelowna, and panel, featuring a variety of metaphysical and spiritual
an hour and a half from Penticton. Holding events topics. This month’s topic is “Opening to Channel
there leaves almost no one out; it makes it a realistic (a.k.a. Drawing Down the Moon)” and that will be on
trip to make, no matter what side of the Valley you’re April 21 at 6 pm. Admission is by donation.
on. I even have people coming out from Edgewood I’m also continuing my Practical Magick classes
on Highway 6; 2 hours down a winding road! The on alternate Wednesday nights. This month we’re
only drawback is that we can’t do things outside, but meeting on the 7th for “Practical Earth Magick,” and
one of the community members has a lovely home in April 28th for “Moon Magick” (in honour of the full
Winfield, which isn’t that far out of the way either, moon.) There are some prerequisites for the Earth
and she often offers up her home for outdoor events! Magick class so please come talk to me SOON if you
This might be the plan for Beltane. wish to attend! $5 – $20 sliding scale per class; the
We had a really great turnout at our Ostara ritual, Earth Magick class requires a $5 materials fee as
bringing together old friends and new faces from as well. I will be updating our Temple website calendar
far away as Kelowna and Kamloops! Plans haven’t today to add all the upcoming events, including a
really materialized for Beltane yet, though there was complete Practical Magick curriculum for 2010.
some talk of a camping event; but I’m likely to be out On April 22, my store will be holding our 3rd
of town, having promised my friends that I would annual Earth Day “Reduce Reuse Recycle Sale”.
come to their Beltane gathering on the Coast back at We’re asking people to bring us their recycling in
Samhain. I will keep you posted of what transpires return for great savings! All pop cans and bottles
here in the area, however! The idea at Ostara was to donated will be used to fund Okanagan Pagan Pride
combine the efforts of the local CWA Temples, the Day (August 21.) See my store website for the
Druid’s Hearth, and the Women’s Circle that meets at details.
the Unitarian church in Kelowna, to create a Pagan For those who may not know, our Temple also has
Beltane for everyone in the Valley! I hope this will a Facebook group! Look for “CWA North Okanagan
still come to fruition and will be working to facilitate Temple of Mirth and Reverence”.
it. Last but not least, plans are actively underway for
Our Witches’ FAQ night is tonight, at my shop, the CWABC’s first Pagan festival, “Starfall
The Threads That Bind Us, 3004 B 31st St., starting PaganFest!” This will be in Cherryville, BC, from July
at 6 pm. Come on out to chat about Wicca and 2 – 4. This is the first Pagan festival in our area and
Wtichcraft, and ask whatever questions you feel the we really hope you’ll come on out and support our
need to ask! efforts! Contact me for details via email or phone
We’re considering starting up a new women’s 250-540-0341. That pretty much goes for any event
group, since several people have been asking me we’re doing. I’m really excited and I just can’t wait!
about it. If you are interested, please contact me via I guess that’s it for now. I will update you all as to
email or phone. We would likely meet about once the Beltane plans when I know for sure what they
every two weeks on Monday nights at the store. are.
My first workshop in the Eight Paths of Power Happy Spring,
(The Eightfold Way of Wiccan Magick) on Intent was Sable
very successful; we had eight students turn out for

Due to popular request we will be doing the
occasional full moon esbat..with the first one being
Nanaimo: Green Cauldron May 27th. Details will be posted on our website.
These will be similar to what we have done in the
Thank you Ryan, Jacqueline and Nancy for past with a formal esbat being done once per year,
sponsoring Beltane this year. Our sponsorship more than likely in the fall when we move back
program is going very well, a sponsorship covers inside.
rental of a hall or park, supplies etc. . The donation Meredith is planning on starting the Moon school
by sponsorship is greatly appreciated and allows us to up again, it will be parent participation, anyone
make our rituals all they can be. interested should contact Meredith.
We celebrated the Ordination of Ivannia Halls, Pagan Pride is in the beginning stages of this years
which was written by Clergy Roxanne and was well planning, we are beginning to do paperwork and such
attended. Ivannia was one of the original members of to get the ball rolling.
the temple to go through CIT, it was an honour for
Sally to present her with her stole and it was
emotional. Ivannia and Jon will be moving to the
Interior and have plans to start a temple once they
are settled.
A Blessingway was held for Kat and James, it
was written by Meredith. Their daughter is due May
1st and we are all ecstatic for Lyric’s arrival. Kat is in
the process of having a belly casting done in honour
of this little jewel.
The Introduction to Wicca class has now
completed, of the 18 students, 12 will be taking part in
the graduation ritual being held on April 21st. A list
has already been started for the starting of the next
Ostara had more people than expected, a
whopping 42 people attended. The fundraiser was the
finishing of remaining books in our donation library.
Sally wrote the ritual and there was much singing and
merriment. The following day Sally, Meredith and
Kam went to Courtenay for an Ostara ritual there.
The Courtenay group is growing and we were
delighted to welcome some local entertainment…we
had a young Christian couple attend the ritual and
express their concern for our souls in tongues. After
much yelling on their end and chanting on ours…they
were given a police escort from the building. It was a
great help having members of the ATC present and
holding the energies and chanting with us. We will be
returning for Beltane, it will be interesting to see the
response and we will report on how it works out.
There has been a Meet and Greet Learning Circle
started in Ladysmith, it is hosted by Heatherly and
attendance is growing and seems to be very accepted
in the community. The last circle covered grounding
and centring. April’s meeting will be about Living a Photos by Kam Abbott, from his
Pagan Life. Facebook files
Nanaimo coffee nights..we have continued to
show movies with coffee and meeting after. We have
completed the Burning Times series, and many people
expressed that The Full Circle movie was the best.
We will continue in this vein and show new movies
each meeting.

Vancouver-Burnaby Temple Board of Directors Minutes
Dear sisters and brothers, 23rd March 2010
Congregationalist Wiccan Association of BC
Our Temple continues along in a low-key fashion. Provincial Board Meeting
The Pagans for Peace coven run by the clergy is 1. Call to order 7:20 pm all present – Sally Kimber
very active, largely due to the great energy and substituting for Heatherly as Nanaimo Temple
enthusiasm of the Temple Maiden Hecate’s Wolf, representative.
who has offered up her home and her energy for a 2. Opening Blessing – Diane Morrison called upon
women’s circle as well as Outer Court meet-ups. the Mother and Father to grant us calm heads and
Some of this energy will spill over into our public acceptance.
work with the Temple as well. 3. Minutes of last meeting, as amended by Chair,
moved to accept Wagar/MacRoy, passed
The Pagan Singles group has been closed down as
there just wasn’t the energy or organization to make it 4. Reports of Officers:
work. The lesson is very clear from our activities of Chair : nothing to report
the past year or two – we need a solid core of com- Vice-Chair : Carrot and Stick met and Starfall
mitted members doing the few things that we do well, Festival is a go!
before we bud off these other initiatives. Treasurer / Secretary : paperwork filing with
Income Tax continues slow but should be completed
Other communities around the country experience by this weekend, latest issue of Page of Pentacles
the same ebbs and flows of activity. The Canadian out. Treasurer still not on bank account.
National Pagan Conference / Gaia Gathering for 2010 Communications: 423 unique visitors to website in
in Guelph, Ontario, has been cancelled this year for February and 220 by this point in March. Will tweak
lack of registration and involvement, as one worthy the site so that Page and other reports can be added
initiative. directly
Memberships: a couple of renewals but
There are several weddings in the works for this information needs to get to her from Secretary. Also
summer, the possibility of some activities out on the some discussion of value of membership cards.
Gulf Islands, and the Starfall Festival in July. Temple representatives:
Van-B : Still small numbers, with enthusiastic new
The pre-Beltaine Craft Fair at the Lion’s Den in Temple Maiden getting things happening, meetings on
Vancouver had a much smaller turnout than expected. Full Moons. Four weddings in the works.
This is a pity because the wares were very nice and North OK : Small but quality turnout for Ostara
the venders were pleasant people. So there was including some from Kelowna and a couple of ex-
much singing and conversation and hanging around CWAA people from Kamloops roused out by the
with the venders. poster in metaphysical bookstore there. 9 people in
first class on 8 Wiccan Ways of Power. No Wicca
Our next Open Circle is at the community meeting 101 takers. Looking forward to presenting workshop
room in Metrotown on the 30th of April, 7 pm. in Vancouver – need schedule clarified.
Nanaimo : 35 at Ostara in Nanaimo, 30 in
Blessed Be Courtney – experienced strange visit from
fundamentalists in Courtney – to be dealt with later
Sam Wagar Moved to accept reports MacRoy / Morrison.
Priest, Vancouver-Burnaby
5. Carrot and Stick Committee:
a) Site booked for Starfall Festival July 2nd-4th
and needed approval of various details. Pricing
approved as circulated. After some discussion the
committee’s recommendation of a dry event was
overturned and the original “discretely damp” wording
was adopted. It was emphasized that establishing the
right tone this year – lots of workshops and rituals, a

spiritual tone rather than a wild party, will prevent
problems and establish the tone for years to come. After talking with the clergy that were present when
Publicity to go out! Registration cash to go to Diane these guests decided to sing for the congregation
Morrison. about the experience the Board decided that we
b) Membership Cards – to be circulated and would not lay an information. They appear to be
approved, generally no strong opinions independent of any local church and known as
c) Board Accountability Policy – heated discussion religious fanatics and an embarrassment to the
but no resolution at committee meeting so referred to evangelical communities. The clergy were also not
later this meeting. interested in considering a “restorative justice” or
d) Polyamory and marriage position – no policy to negotiating path, to try to make a respectful
present as yet. Need to consult lawyer first. connection to them. Our Board congratulated the
Suggested that Polyamory Association legal opinion Nanaimo clergy for their cool and reasoned response
might be good for us and Kam Abbott provided under trying circumstances and passed the following
contact information for Sam Wagar to follow up on motion:
and report back to the C&S Committee with.
”In the event that there is another disruption in our
6. Clergy in Training Approval Process for religious services, the Board authorizes the Nanaimo
Cameron Locke can now finally begin as she has her clergy to press charges” (lay an information with the
Criminal Record Check completed. Board approved RCMP - in Canada, it is the Crown that lays charges
Meredith Kimber and Diane Morrison to be the or not). Wagar/MacRoy passed.
evaluation committee and they will contact her as per
policy and speedily evaluate her fitness to commence Let us hope that the next Courtney Sabbat, Beltane,
training. passes without incident

7. Meredith Kimber’s 2 years after ordination is 10. Starfall Festival Budget back to committee.
April 29th and so the time has come for her first 11. Closing Prayer Erin MacRoy
evaluation. Sam Wagar was appointed to do the 12. Adjourned 9:05 until 20th of April at 7 pm.
review, prior to the next Annual General Meeting.
The next meeting of the Board should address
timelines of reviews
Ritual Theory Course
8. Policy Re Board Accountability:
a) Proposed policy read and adopted as circulated. Master Class In Ritual Theory offered by Sam
Will be added to Policy and Procedures Manual and Wagar (3rd degree, MA)
circulated to all clergy.
b) After some discussion of who is authorized to Mid-June to end of 2010
say what to whom, It was decided that “Everyone
must make a disclaimer of some sort to the effect of This course is pretty similar to what a graduate
“I am not speaking for the CWA-BC here” when school level course in Ritual Theory would look like.
talking about any issue that might be seen as a It will involve a substantial amount of reading, a bi-
concern of ours, that they must refer people to the weekly discussion meeting and several pieces of
appropriate spokesperson around their issues – i.e. writing. It is recommended (but not required) that
Treasurer can speak to our finances, Chair for the potential students have a background in theory –
organization as a whole, Vice-Chair is our Festival Bourdieu, Foucault, Marx – and experience in ritual
Co-ordinator and so on. But otherwise people can work.
speak freely. It was recognized that some people Students will read and discuss a book every two
have enemies that will use whatever is said against weeks (occasionally more), write reviews of three of
them and against CWA-BC but that those enemies them and one larger essay as well as a collaborative
cannot shape our free speech.” graduation ritual. Each bi-weekly meeting will, in
addition to discussing the reading for the week,
9. The Incident in Courtney engage in exploration of one significant aspect of
While performing an Ostara ritual in Courtney on ritual practice.
the 21st, our clergy and friends present were The ritual practices explored will not be
interrupted by two fundamentalist Christians who exclusively religious, but will be elements that can be
began to speak in tongues and refused to remove used in secular rituals as well.
themselves. The RCMP was called and removed Yes, I’ll charge money for my time and expertise
them from the premises and the ritual continued.

here. I’ll do the grading, produce a short lecture for components to make something that works.
each week, facilitate discussion and be available for
assistance or to suggest supplemental reading. Money:
I don’t want to produce something that is
unreasonably difficult,but at the same time I expect Enrolment in the class will cost $200, $100 for
I’m not the only person looking for something CWABC or CWAA members. The books to be
substantial to do with my brain. purchased will likely set you back about $250
although some copies will be available second-hand
Writing Required: through, or
Three reviews of books on the reading list - a
minimum of 750 words and maximum 1000 words I will require payment by the third week of class
each (3 to 4 pages double spaced), exclusive of notes. (cheque, cash, money order made out to Samuel
Students who wish to review other books can do so Wagar) and will refund half if you withdraw by the
only with my approval. The review is due the day 6th week of class, nothing after that.
prior to the class in which the book will be discussed,
submitted by email. The books to be reviewed must
be chosen before the second class and the readings
for the first class cannot be reviewed. I will get the
review marked and back to the student within two
Eightfold Ways of Wiccan Magick
weeks. (Sable’s Course)
Major essay due the day prior to the last class.
Topic selected by the student and approved by me. So I’m teaching a series of eight workshops here
Pretty well any aspect of ritual theory, meaning,
in Vernon on the Eightfold Ways of Wiccan magick as
performance, analysis. Ritual scripts are not
accepted, but close exegesis and analysis of ritual detailed in Gardner’s Book of Shadows. It’s
scripts would work. The point is to take some of this foundational type stuff about the techniques of
theory and use it. Length is up to you but less than 10 performing magick and how to be better at it, as
pages is unlikely to produce much insight. opposed to Wiccan theology per se, though I’m sure
Graduation ritual - no particular deadline (I doubt the workshops are coloured by my theology. Anyway,
we’ll all be able to get together in person to do it here’s a list of the classes and dates; the first one on
although that would be neat). Say, by Imbolg 2011? “Intent” has already passed. I was thinking that it
would be necessary to do the first one as a
Discussion Required: prerequisite for the others, but I’ve reconsidered that
and I think it can work regardless. I’ll put them in the
There will be a bi-weekly meeting via Skype over
the Internet. It will be two and a half hours long. Calendar of events too individually.
Ideally we would meet in person, because the
discussion would be more fluid, but we’re limited by Eight Paths of Power Workshops
the distances between interested people. Participation
is obligatory, unless there is a compelling family Witchcraft recognizes 8 Paths of Power, or 8
emergency or health reason not to participate. ways in which magick is created. Lady Sable Aradia
If possible, I encourage all students to sit down offers you 8 workshop intensives throughout the year
with friends in your areas and talk about this stuff, go in each of the 8 Paths!
through the readings together, because that greatly
enriches the experience.
The First Path: Intent - March 20 preceding
Aspects of Ritual Practice to be explored: CWABC Ostara Ritual

I would prefer to not try to take things out of their 1) Meditation or Concentration. This in practice
cultural context, but to do ritual components and means forming a mental image of what is desired, and
elements – creating sacred space / consecration, forcing yourself to see that it is fulfilled, with the
grounding, blessing, evocation, invocation, sacred fierce belief and knowledge that it can and will be
geography, sacred theatre, the sacred meal, rites of fulfilled, and that you will go on willing till you force it
passage in non-culture-specific forms, ritual dance to be fulfilled. Called for short, “Intent”
and mudras, sacred language. Plus to give people a – from Gardner’s Book of Shadows
template into which they could plug various ritual

The first and most important element in creating
magick is forming your Intent. This clearly focuses This is the most familiar form of Witch’s magick;
your magickal efforts towards a specific goal. All what people usually think of when they hear the word
magick (Power of Intention, Law of Attraction, or “Witchcraft.” Lady Sable Aradia will instruct you in
whatever name you want to call it) flows from the an intensive workshop in The Craft, including:
essential ability to focus your Intent. • Basic elements of ritual writing
Lady Sable Aradia will instruct you in an intensive • The art of spell construction
workshop in Intent, including: • The Witches’ Rune and its meaning
• Visualization skills • Magickal correspondence tables to aid in your
• Concentration exercises spellcraft
• Meditation exercises • How to use time to aid your magickal Work
• How to learn your True Will • Commonly used chants in group ritual
• How to beat the “I Can’ts” and “That’s • The bardic art of memorization
Impossibles!” • Archetypes and their relevance to magic
• How to clearly request what you actually want • A study of symbolism and metaphor
from the Universe - and get it! • Accessing your creative abilities to create rituals,
chants, songs, charms and spells
The Second Path: Trance- April 24 (starts at noon)
The Fourth Path: Intoxicants- July 24
1. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state. Belladonna and aconite
2. Detachment from one’s physical surroundings, Give to me the gift of flight
as in contemplation or daydreaming. Take me up, airborne in the night . . .
3. A semiconscious state, as between sleeping and Hemlock, henbane, aconite, belladonna,
waking; a daze.– from The American Heritage Opium, thornapple, cinquefoil, mandragora . . .–
Dictionary of the English Language from “Belladonna and Aconite” by Inkubus Sukkubus
Inducing a trance state, an altered state of
consciousness, is where most major experiences of Intoxicants have been used throughout history to
magick, mysticism, and psychic ability begin. Lady induce trance and create magick. Lady Sable Aradia
Sable Aradia will instruct you in an intensive will instruct you in an intensive workshop in the safe
workshop in Trance, including: use of these substances, including:
• Definition of a trance state and how it works • The safe use of incense in magick
• Examination of altered states of consciousness • Particular uses for particular incenses
• Examination of levels of trance • The safe use of herbs and spices to induce
• How to induce trance states altered states, psychic abilities, and certain physical
• How to access psychic ability from a trance effects (such as aphrodisiacs)
state • The effect of various commonly-used drugs
• Lucid dreaming and shamanic work (marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine) on your spirit,
• Preparation for mediumship and Drawing Down aura, and psychic senses
the Moon or Sun • How drug abuse can harm your ability to create
• Accessing different levels of reality and astral magick or use your psychic senses
projection • The effect of various prescription drugs on
The Third Path: Rites, Chants, Spells, Runes & • Safe recipes for magickally-oriented Intoxicants
Charms - June 19 preceding CWABC Litha Ritual
Darksome night and shining moon,
East and South and West and North, The Fifth Path: Dance and Sacred Movement -
Harken to the Witches’ Rune, August 14
Here we come to call ye forth!
– from The Witches’ Rune by Doreen Valiente Dance, dance, wherever you may be!

I am the Lord of the Dance, said He,
I live in you, and you live in Me, The Seventh Path: The Scourge - December 18
And I’ll lead you all in the dance, said He!– from preceding CWABC Yule Ritual
“Lord of the Dance” by Aidan Kelly, C. Taliesin
Edwards, and Ann Cass Art thou willing to suffer in order to learn?– from
Gardner’s Book of Shadows
Dancing is among the most ancient methods by
which power was raised and gods were worshipped. The Scourge is the most misunderstood and
Lady Sable Aradia will instruct you in an intensive controversial magickal technique used in Wicca.
workshop in Dance and Sacred Movement, including: More than just a tool, it is a symbol of suffering as a
• Basic yoga poses and movements for meditation path to enlightenment. Lady Sable Aradia will instruct
• The Five Tibetans or Five Rites you in an intensive workshop in the symbolism and
• How to use dancing to raise and direct energy safe application of the technique, including:
• Symbolic dance to represent forces of nature, • A discussion and debate as to the necessity of
totems and spirits pain and suffering
• Basic belly dancing as sacred art • A discussion of near death experiences, disability
• Ecstatic dance as worship of the Divine and Rites of Passage, and how they awaken
• Circle dances commonly used in Wiccan ritual shamanic power
• How to perform (and lead) a Spiral Dance • Examining how your times of suffering have
improved your character and personal power
There will be a lot of exercise and movement in • Ritual to release limiting attachments
this class, but all levels of physical ability are • Guided meditation to meet and come to terms
welcome! Please wear loose and comfortable with your Shadow Self
clothing. • Creating minor discomfort to induce trance
The Sixth Path: Blood Control and Breath Control • The traditional, proper technique of Scourging in
-October 23 Wicca and why it works.

When the breath wanders the mind also is NO MINORS PLEASE.

unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too
will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, The Eighth Path: The Great Rite - January 29
one should learn to control the breath.– from “Hatha preceding CWABC Imbolc Ritual
Yoga Pradipika” by Svatmarama
Assist me to erect the Ancient Altar, at which in
Mystics from ancient times have used the breath days past all worshipped, the Great Altar of all things.
and blood flow to induce meditative states. Lady For in the old times a woman was the Altar.– from
Sable Aradia will instruct you in an intensive Gardner’s Book of Shadows
workshop in the use of these techniques, including:
• The importance of proper breathing The Great Rite, or Sacred Marriage, is an ancient
• Basic Pranayama and Yogic Breathing and powerful magickal technique to commune with
• Introduction to the chakras and chakra breathing the Divine. Lady Sable Aradia will instruct you in an
exercises intensive workshop on all aspects of the Great Rite,
• Postures to alter blood flow including:
• Basic biofeedback techniques • The theory behind the Great Rite
• Binding and sensory deprivation as meditation • Balancing polarities of yin and yang energy
methods • Sex magick theory and a discussion of how to
• The Breath of Fire to raise energy practice it
• A moving meditation to honour the Divine forces
No one will be asked to participate in anything that of Creation
makes her uncomfortable or puts her at risk. Minors • Tantric breathing exercises
will not be permitted to take part in the Binding or • Drawing Down the Moon and Sun
Sensory Deprivation exercises.

• Performing a Symbolic Great Rite and how to d/ that we generally shape our liturgy and theology
perform an actual Great Rite around the worship of the Goddess or the Goddess
and the Old Gods,
Due to the mature nature of the themes discussed e/ that the divine is ever-present and ever-active in
the world,
in this class, we request NO MINORS PLEASE
f/ that we can through petition, action, and ritual,
without written parental consent. cause change in the world in accord with our Wills.
Local cost is $25 per person per workshop, Every woman and every man is an embodiment of
CWABC members free. I’ll skip the bio because you divinity.
guys already know me in passing anyway.
All acts of love and pleasure are acts of praise of
Blessed be, the Goddess. This specifically includes all non-
Sable coercive sexual orientations.

An ye harm none, do what ye will.

CWA Membership Info:
Statement of Ethics:
Membership requirements: All members of this Society must bind themselves
by agreement with the following:
CWA is not a coven or an association of covens Although there are many Goddesses and Gods and
and so we do not require training or Initiation of many Paths to their worship, our path does not
people who wish to be members. We do not expect involve;
“perfect love and perfect trust” but a much more a/ animal sacrifice,
normal level of trust and mutual respect of our b/ any coercive activities,
potential members. c/ charging fees for teaching the Craft beyond the
recovery of costs, or for Initiation. (Members of
Potential members must be legal adults, must groups may reasonably be expected to share in the
attend at least three of our Open Circles over the expenses of events sponsored by the group, or agreed
course of a year, sign the attendance book at each of to as part of its obligations as members of this
them, signify in writing that they agree with our Society, and voluntary donations will be accepted).
statement of beliefs and our ethic statement (below) d/ malfeasance,
and pay our annual membership fee (currently $25). e/ breaking Priestly confidentiality, subject to the
This membership is a joint membership with the law,
national Congregationalist Witchcraft Association. f/ oath-breaking.
Only voting members may vote or be elected to People who wish to become further involved in
congregational councils or the provincial council, may our church need not be members to volunteer for
vote to confirm a clergy person for ordination, or train committees (although nonmembers cannot vote) or to
for our clergy. attend basic Religious Education classes (which will
be taught by members and clergy). Just contact the
Clergy training takes a minimum of one further Secretary of CWA as a whole or your local
year, regardless of the amount of previous training or congregation’s lay clergy or congregation council
experience which a person may have. Summoner.
CWA Statement of Beliefs:
The members of this Society believe: The Secretary of CWABC for 2009-10 is Sam
a/ that the divine is multifaceted and that it is Wagar and he’s at
appropriate to Name and worship a variety of
Goddesses and Gods in a variety of different ways,
b/ that the divine is primarily immanent,
c/ that there are a variety of guardian spirits and
levels of divinity,

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