Agreement of Leave and Licence

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ULHASNAGAR, on this 22ND of, March 2016, BETWEEN M/S.JANKI SHRI
KISHANCHAND LAKHWANI, Indian, residing at Bk No 75,Room No 3,Baba Basantram
Chowk Kamal Kunj 2nd Floor,Ulhasnagar 421001. Phone Number: 2701520, hereinafter
called the OWNER/LICENSOR of the party of the FIRST PART

Shri SACHIN SHIRKISHANCHAND LAKHWANI, Aged 35 years, Indian, having

residence at Bk No 75,Room No 3,Baba Basantram Chowk Kamal Kunj 2 nd
Floor,Ulhasnagar 421001. Working At TITAN INDUSTRIES LTD (TANISHQ),bearing
Emp no 921585, of the party of the SECOND PART,

WHEREAS the Licensor is the absolute owner of the residential premises bearing Bk No
75,Room No 3,Baba Basantram Chowk Kamal Kunj 2 nd Floor,Ulhasnagar 421001, The said
premises are hereinafter referred to as the said premises.

AND WHEREAS the licensee approached the Licensor and requested him to allow the
Licensee to use the said premises on leave and license basis for a period of 3 years for
residential use.

And whereas relying upon the declaration made by; the licensee to observe and perform the
terms and conditions of the leave and license agreement imposed by the Licensor, he has
agreed to allow the licensee to use and occupy said Bk No 75,Room No 3,Baba Basantram
Chowk Kamal Kunj 2nd Floor,Ulhasnagar 421001,

NOW THIS AGREEMENT OF LEAVE AND LICENCE WITNESSTH AS FOLLOWS:1. The licensor do hereby grants license to licensee to occupy and use the Bk No
75,Room No 3,Baba Basantram Chowk Kamal Kunj 2nd Floor,Ulhasnagar 421001, It
is hereby agreed to land understood that the use and occupation of the said premises
herein allowed to the license is made on leave and license basis. And the licensee
hereby accepts from the Licensor for the period of 3 years commencing from 0104-2015 to 22-03-2018.

2. The licensee accordingly shall not be entitled to claim any tenancy sub-tenancy, or
assignment or encumbrances or assignment or otherwise deal with the premises in;
any manner which besides subjecting him to other legal penalties would make him
liable to summary eviction without any recourse to the court of law.

3. That the consideration of the said premises and hire charges for furniture and
articles; the licensee shall pay to the licensor every month as and by way of
compensation/licensee fee of Rs.8500=00 [Rupees Eight Thousand Five Hundred
only] per month for 3 years. The Licensee fee will be increase of Rs.500/- every
closed of one year from the date the end of 12 months. The Licensee shall pay the
said fee on the 5th day of each and every calendar month in advance. The Licensee
has deposited a sum of Rs.50,000=00 [Rupees Fifty Thousand only] as SECURITY
DEPOSIT without interest.

4. That the licensee shall use and occupy the said premises for residential purpose only
and shall not use for any other purpose. In case of prosecution is launched or action
is taken either by Municipality or by Govt. THE LICENSEE shall alone be liable and
responsible and as such the licensee hereby agree and undertake to indemnify the
licensor against any such eventuality.

5. That the licensee shall use and occupy the said premises as a person of ordinary
prudence as if the same was his own and in case of any loss/damage to the said
premises in his occupation as same shall be indemnified from the same.

6. That the licensee shall be bound to vacate the said premises in the expiry of the said
period of 3 years from the date of commencement of the license i.e., 01/04/2015 to
31/03/2018 (both days inclusive) and/or immediately after the licensor revoke the
license, In case of failure on the part of the licensee to vacate the said premises the
licensor shall have the right to remove all the goods of the licensee lying in the
premises at the cost and expenses of the licensee and it is hereby agreed to that the
licensor shall be liable for any loss/damage to said goods by reason thereof.

7. That the licensee shall not effect any addition or alteration to the said premises in his
occupation under this leave and license agreement. The licensee shall not do or
commit any act or thing or matter by any means of whatsoever whereby the said
premises will be liable to be sealed or liable to any legal process. The licensee shall
not store any hazardous or combustible and inflammable materials or goods. The
licensee shall be responsible for making goods of any damage to the said premises
due to the willful negligence of his part.

8. It is specifically agreed to and clearly understood by and between the licensor and
licensee and that license hereby granted and conferred does not confer upon the
licensee any right, title or interest at tenant or sub-tenant in the said premises in any
manner whatsoever.
9. That if the compensation hereby granted to be paid or a part there of shall be in
arrears for a period of 2 months from the date of its becoming due whether formally
demanded by the owner or not, not if any of the terms and conditions on the part of
license herein contained shall not performed and/or observed, then in that event it
shall be lawful for the licensor at any time thereafter to determine this agreement and
the licensee hereby granted shall stand revoked and the licensor shall be entitled to
remain in exclusive possession of the licensed premises. In the event if the licensee
fails to vacate the said premises on expiry or revocation then in that event the
licensor shall be entitled to claim the compensation at the rate of Rs.15000=00 per
month till he remain in possession. This does not however mean the said licensee
shall be entitled to continue to remain in possession.

10. It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto that not with standing anything
contained herein, during the subsistence of this Agreement the Licensor and the
Licensee shall have the option to terminate this Agreement by giving to the Licensor
(One) month notice in writing.

11. The legal possession of the said premises shall be always with the licensor and it is
agreed that as the revocation or soon determination of the leave and license
agreement the licensor shall be entitled to put up their lock on the said premises.

12. The licensee hereby agrees to observe all the terms and conditions of this agreement
and preserve carefully the articles of the licensor.

13. Towards the faithful performance and observance of the terms and conditions of this










Rs.50, 000=00[Rupees Sixty Thousand only] under this leave and license agreement
and the same therefore shall being as the security deposit shall not carry any interest
and the licensee shall be entitled to get back the same from the licensor on his
handing over the peaceful possession of the said premises to the licensor as stated
hereinabove. The licensee shall be entitled to continue to remain in possession
without payment of compensation in the event if the licensor fails to return the
security deposit on expiry of the period herein above mentioned.

14. That the party of the FIRST PART/LICENSOR is solely liable to pay the
maintenance charges and Electric charges, Cable charges if any and other charges to
be paid by the SECOND PART/LICENSEE.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective hands
on the day and year first hereinabove written.





) __________________________

Respectively in the presence of .






) ___________________________

In the presence of


RECEIVED a sum of Rs.50,000=00 [Rupees Fifty Thousand only] from the LICENSEE
i.e., ANIL BHAGCHANDANIw being the security deposit amount in the respect of said
premises as mentioned in the agreement.

Date: March 13, 2013

I say received.
[Rupees Fifty Thousand only]




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