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Sometime i am unable to concentrate on my work

1. How would you handle a conflict with a colleague or

and i don't follow my own strategies that i established.


Best Answer
I will try to explain the situation and solve the

My worst qualities are iam not at aware of cuurent

affairs,, it is my biggest worest quality.......

problem smoothly.


By listening problems of both the parties & look for

Being friendly with sub-ordinates sometimes may

create a problem if they take things a bit casually.

one solution.


Qualities are never worst.

Keep cool and try to think in his/her perspectives,

find common ground and explain.

2. If you could have only one financial statement, which

one would you choose?
Top Answer
Cash Flow Statement

4. Tell me about a time when you were in a

disagreement with your teammates?
Top Answer
Till date i didn't get in to this kind of situation but if
there is any of this then suerly i will try to sort it out with
my teammate as without them i will not grow.

Second Best
Cash flow statement.

Second Best
When their working procedure calls for company's

I would choose balance sheet as it will provide
presice overview of all a/c balances
By using the CFS, you get the most accurate D and
A numbers.

When they do not listen.
Business professionals will always have differences
of opinion and that is actually a positive thing b/c it yields

Statement of Cash Flows.

discussions and thinking outside the box. That could

definitely be a formula for growth and quality ideas.
Einstein, for example, spent years to prove his relativism

3. What would you say your worst qualities are?

Top Answer
Never say something which is related to finance or
the job you are applying for, say you are bad at sales or
something which is not related to the position you are
interviewing for.

theory, while other physicists refuted his findings. That

only led to Einstein changing the world of science.
I used to lock heads with a fellow nurse in the INCU
ward. We disagreed over a lot of things from the care
of patients to who got what shifts to how to speak with a

Second Best

Top Answer

childs family. Our personalities just didnt mesh. After

three months of arguing, I pulled her aside and asked
her to lunch. At lunch, we talked about our differences
and why we werent getting along. It turns out, it was
all about communication. We communicated differently

dese are records of financial activities of a business,

person or an entity. basically the Trading and Profit and
loss account and balance sheet is called as financial
statements of a company
Second Best

and onc

The financial statements consist of; the income

5. Tell me about a time when you presented an oral
report on a specific industry or corporation.
Top Answer
I have presented a report on financial analysis of a
Pharmeceutical company- Cipla when
Second Best

statement, the balance sheet, the statement of retained

earnings, cashflow statement and, notes to the account
The statements which shows periodic health and
performance of the business is known as financial
statement,it include Income statement, balance sheet,
statement of cashflows.

I have never presented a financial report pertaining

to an actual company, however during my man last year
it was a requirement for a group to visit a brewery,
review their.

Financial statements are the Annual report of the
company at the end of the financial year,showing
balance sheet,which are linked to Income statment and


cash flow statements.

Our workshop was running in loss due to non

availability of revenue for breakeven. In this time an
additional investment in to this location which results an

Income statement, balance sheet, statement of

additional depreciation per month is not recommendable.

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Did not report about the specific industry in the
company but about the function I work in to all the new

7. What do you think you could do better as a financial

joiners seniors or juniors.

I just gave a oral report on capital structure of a
bank it was well use full to me I just learned how the

Top Answer
Try to improve myself as days go by in the field of

process of bank take places and I learned about the

capital structure of the bank and it was quite use full.
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Second Best
I would rather do my best in guiding the people as to
where and when to buy or sell stocks by doing various

6. What are the financial statements?


I can contribute to top and bottom line of the

9. Tell me of a situation where you felt your time could be


spent elsewhere?

I like to work with numbers and dig into them and

Top Answer

see the outcome and how it can help the company make

I always feel like I could be doing more important

things than when doing small tedious work, but hey it


needs to get done and thats why I am here.

Second Best

I am very new for this so I need a opportunity to

learn then I can give my 100% to the job to improve.
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Sometimes in the midst of things, we tend to do a lot

of hard work than smart work and end up doing a lot of
work which essentially could have been avoided.

8. Describe the attribute you possess that will make you

during my graduation i waste my time with the wrong


successful in this position?

Top Answer
1Fit Both Physically and Mentally . 2 Approach Their

When i do not have any work to do.

Work as a Career Rather than as a Job. 3 Dedicated to

Excellence 4Has Written Goals and is Focused on Their
Achievement. 5Demonstrates a Positive Attitude

During my CAT examination i have distributed time
in other competitive exams like government jobs.


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Second Best
I see my current experience with budgeting and
planning as a valuable skill set that I can immediately put
to good use in this position.

10. Do you have experience in annual planning


Financial and analytical skills.
Excellent analytical and organizational skills.
Analytical mind with Professional skepticism.
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Top Answer
Yes, from last three years, I was continuously the
part of annual planning team in my previous employer.
We planned about the Product wise sales and the
measures to boost up these sales and decide the time,
when to launch that scheme. We analyzed the cost of
such schemes and Campaign. We also planned about
Material Management, when to purchase, either import
or local. For imports, what would be the benefit and cost
of early purchasing etc.
Second Best

Annual planning processes are entirely dependent

on two factors that are past trend activities and new
project. One should know the possible outcomes of the

12. How is the current monetary policy affecting your

decision making?
Top Answer

new project and reflect it in the planning reports in a

rationale way. pro-active approach is required for

The WACC is the minimum return that a company

coordination between interdepartmental teams to plan

must earn on an existing asset base to satisfy its

the financials accordingly. (Nabeel Qureshi)

creditors, owners, and other providers of capital, or they

Yes, actively participated in budgeting process.

will invest elsewhere n general, the WACC can be

calculated with the following formula[2]:where N is the
number of sources of capital (securities, types of
liabilities); ri is the required rate of return for security i;

yes i have experience


MVi is the market value of all outstanding securities i.

Second Best

Yes, iam involved in monthly budgets regularly.. Also

plan for annually on approximaiton.
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It was boom market.

Sometimes we end up doing hard work rather than
smart work. Thats when time gets wasted. I would want

11. Tell me about a time when you had to inspire people?

Top Answer
During a time of turnover, I encouraged associates
to focus on developmental goals and objectives.
Second Best
while getting a job.

to be the smart ones around.

Finance is the key for running any business from
planning stage to performance stage. I would like myself
to be one among the best finance persons in the

For getting a good job from a right place.
when the result of ca announced

First of all find out cash inflow after that discounting
it by discounted factor. whatever value we got is present
value tnan deduct investment frm it.


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During our ERP implementation, my team worked

hard and long hours, performing their daily duties and
working on the implementation. I had to inspire them to
go on and perform at their best.
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13. How do you calculate NPV?

Top Answer
All future cash Flows (either out or inflow)
discounted at WACC.NPV = PV OF INFLOWS - PV OF

Second Best
Cash inflow - Cash outflow = Net cash flowNet Cash
flow * Discount factor = PV Cash flowSum of all PV Cash

Most turbulent period in the history of Financial
market.US stock market crash.

Flow = NPV


Strong accounting knowledge and sound on Excel.

Rt / (1+i)t where Rt = the net cash flow (the amount

of cash, inflow minus outflow) at time t. For educational
purposes, R0 is commonly placed to the left of the sum
to emphasize its role as (minus) the investment., i - the
discount rate (the rate of return that could be earned on

I am good at grasping financial concepts and have
necessary skills to implement it in the form of reports.
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an investment in the financial markets with similar risk.);

the opportunity cost of capital, and t= time
It is discounted cash inflows minus discounted cash

15. Looking five years into the future, what does your
dream financial analyst position look like?
Top Answer
Financial manager.

By finding the differences between the present value
of future cash inflows and present value of future cash

Second Best
To become a qualified management accountant,
with greater responsbilities.

out flows.

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I would hope that I have been a strength to the

company and that my role has grown and that I have
grown as an employee and person.

14. What technical skills do you possess to be qualified

My position as a financial analyst should be well

for this position?

Top Answer

settled and smooth handle of work I expect.

I have sound knowledge in financial concepts and its

implications, Also I have proficiency in MS- office suites,
especially Excel & Access. As we use Excel the most for
reports, technically i guess its the best qualification you

I would like to be the managre.
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would look for in a candidate.

Second Best
I have good analytically skills, good overall skill
management accounts both from the educational
training and from working experience. I am also
competent in all MS excel to advance level.

16. When did you start following the stock market?

Top Answer
I started back in 2007 and 2008 when the market
was crashing. I heard it on the news and started doing
my own research after that.
Second Best

I first found an interest in the stock market 1 year

ago. Before then, I had even bought shares in a

1. Time value of money 2. Accrual vs cash basis3.

Cost of capital. Equity vs debtCopse one and explain

prestigious company and I was shocked to see the share

price drop after the IPO! That's when I knew that there's

I would like to talk about asset allocation. Its an

more to stocks than the hype that is created. That was

investment technique which balances risk and diversifies

not when I took a deep interest in following stocks

assets by dividing among major categories like bonds,

though. I focused on my interest last year when I

stocks, real estate

enrolled in a business course and learned the language

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of stock.
I am not good with stock market. but i have more
knowledge than ordinary people. it is my hobby to invest
in stock market

18. How do you calculate WACC?

Top Answer
its the overall cost of capital of company. it is the
weighted average of component cost of debt and equity .

When I was in college I had a project to follow
certain stocks that piqued my interest.

Second Best
Weighted Average Cost of Capital - To calculate
WACC - [{Equity/(Equity Debt)}*Cost of Equity] [{Debt/
(Equity Debt)}*Cost of Debt*(1-Tax rate)]

Few months back I started to learn about the stock

market and I still do it.

cost of Equity * % of Financed Equity cost of Debt *

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% of Financed Debt * (1 income tax Rate)


17. Pick one financial concept and explain it to me.

Top Answer
Cash flow- Cash flow is the single best determining

Where: Re = cost of equity Rd = cost of debt E =

market value of the firm's equity D = market value of the
firm's debt V = E + D E/V = percentage of financing that

factor that one can use to figure out how a company

is equity D/V = percentage of financing that is debt Tc =

operates and if it works.

corporate tax rate

Second Best
Asset allocation means diversifying your money

A companies assets are financed by either debt or

among different types of investment categories, such as

equity. Therefore WACC is the min. expected return in

stocks, bonds and cash. The goal is to help reduce risk

order to satisfy the creditors and investors. WACC = E/V

and enhance returns.

* Re D/V * Rd * (1-TC)where Re = Cost of equityRd =


dont no

Cost of debt.E = Mkt. value of firm's equityD = Mkt. value

of firm's debt.V = E DE/V = % of financing, i.e. equityD/V


= % of financing, i.e. debtTC = Corp. tax rate.

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Nothing actually frustrate me, when my financial
analysis does not go down well, I exploit all technicalities

19. Are you familiar with creating daily sales reports?

Top Answer

to arrive at convincing analysis.

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Yes, I currently sell jobs and must create a daily

sales report to know what we have to do and where we
need to be.

21. Provide me an example of how your honesty and

Second Best

Yes I am,
Yes, evryday I have create the invoices and the
send bills to the customers with proper document.
Not completely but if I get opportunity to learn I
make sure I give my best in making reports.
Yus at easy execl level data.
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integrity led to a positive outcome?

Top Answer
When I was an RA in the freshman dorm, I was very
honest with my residents and kept my role very
consistent for the whole year. This led to high
expectations for the community I was trying to build. It
only worked because of how I presented myself, and
how I held myself accountable.
Second Best
People like to deal with someone who is honest and
full of integrity because it allows them to build a sense of
trust with that person. As a financial analyst, trust is

20. What frustrates you?

Top Answer

crucial because they are trusting you to provide them

with accurate information to make a decision.

Getting the job delayed for no reason

Second Best
Its when the certain task deadline has approched

Once I reported the same number twice for the
consecutive months though nobody realized but

and there are complications which are above my level of

submitted again the revised version accepting the

expertise, and the person who requires to fix it at that


particular stage doesnt care about time management.

When I am in full pace and face any hurdle in my

I have maintained petty cash in current company,
there is no issue while auditing.

work like power break down, internet or server

issue.Secondly, when employer does not fulfill his
commitment regarding the employees benefits.
What frustrates you?

Inspiration effect on others to have contribution with
maximum effecient work.
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Choose the project which has the best NPV.

22. Which is more beneficial, increase price by a
percent, or increase customer base by a percent?
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Second Best
Most percentage margin maker will ne in best rank.
There are many ways that one can ranks a project,

23. Why do you have an interest in finance?

Top Answer
Finance is Finance rest all are nonsense ehehehe
Second Best
I enjoy finance because it is a very challenging field,

you could rank based on payback periods.

The projects are ranked based economic benefit
provide to the organisation. The first rank for the project
which is more profitable/reduce cost.

and core aspect of the business. It has been a passion

of mine for as long as I can remember. I personally
believe that finance is a very rewarding field to build a

1) Analyse Cost of Financing the Project, Overhead

costs and ROI 2)Verify NPV and WACC

career in.

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finance is the core thing in any industry, to set
targets budgets and planning for using them is done by
finance and i want myself to be the best finance person
as life around finanacing

25. Why do you want to leave your current company?

Top Answer
After completing 6 successful years in the
organisation I wish to come out of my comfort zone and

Finance is my passion ever since childhood.

learn more and new things and face a challenging


Finance is the key ingredient to all industries, right from

planning to performance. So I would like to be one

Second Best
Completely bored and looking for a new lead$

among the key factors contributing to success of any


I would like to workin MNC company, before I didnt

Finance is related to fund and their allocation.
without it a corporates can't expect a progress from
begining till end.

get opportunity.
Now im a graduate student and the pay what I was
getting in my past company was no so efficient for my

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and it was not so a learning environment so I decided to

quite and look for the best companies like yours.

24. Walk me through the decision process of ranking

Top Answer


Since the present job occupies more of my time in

preparing basic reports, which can be cut down through
other intermediary products.
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27. What profitability models do you find most accurate

for forecasting?
Top Answer
It depends on your nature of operation and past
years results. When we analyze together we gets a

26. Tell me about a time when you were in a group that

failed and why it failed.
Top Answer
This is Ramanjaneyulu, working as a research

reliable result.
Second Best
Financial and trend based model to capture the
finances in case of changing environment and also for

analyst since 2006. my work is relating to anasysis of

certain areas where it is difficult to forecast trend will

Debt, Preferred and Equity analysis. we are providng

provide a better insight.

separate data set for debt , preferred & equity of

entity.To capturing each and every componet of debt

Healthy working capital.

credit facilities, letter of credit interest rate, maturity, with

recore. For preferred shares are redeemable or not,

Case to case basis- Historical A stable market and

cummlative or not participating any further profits and

financial results that are changing slowly and predictably

voting rights. comin

lets me use historical data to forecast profitability.

Second Best

Like to talk about the BS program. Planning, no

rush, last minute addition.

Financials We can calculate interest charges or

increasing material costs and add them to expenditures
while projecting increasing revenue due to higher sales.


Trends and Analytical model.

The top management favour in other group.

During school I did a number of group projects and o

I would use profitability models such as graphs and

noticed a trend all of the successful groups I was in had

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committed people, maybe not the most intelligent but we

all shared and pursued a common goal.
I never failed in any group but as an individual I
failed in doing a cube and left handed writing.
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28. Can you relate some basic business, finance, and

economic theories?
Best Answer
Just like because of dollar to rupee price is
increasing that will directly effected the some business
which do import and export.

Demand rises for USD, and Rupee depreciates

30. How do you interpret data concerning investment

against USD.

Top Answer

IRR and breakeven analysis.

Simple logic its demand and supply and fore casting

I would look at the data for a specific time range to

determine where it has been and where it is heading.
Second Best

the future demand and supply.

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How do you interpret data concerning investment


29. What process do you use to create reports?

Top Answer

I am sorry I need to learn about this.


I always prefer excel to create Financial Analysis

reports. Also I will see how your previous reports were

WIth experience and due deligence.


published and customise the the new report accordingly.

Second Best

Based on historical data.

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First i will see the previous yours reportthen i will

what document he require for creating that reportafter
that i will gather all that documentthen i will create a

31. What was the most complex assignment you've had?

layout and fill the data into that layout and show to my
seniors if they agree than i will do other stuff like

What was your role?

Best Answer

formatting (proper font, space, etc).

i will used ms excel to create report.
From book of accounts, there we can have enough
data to create report, then use excel for that task.
What type of report recruiters want according to the
demand of recruiters there is different reporting tools like
ms excel, spss, etc we will generate the report.
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I was new to a training and development team that

was in the process of documenting business operational
procedures for conversion to a new SAP system. I was
assigned to create a presentation on the benefits of
converting to the new system for the deployment
Director. I was given little information on what the
Director actually wanted and minimal direction on who to
contact to capture details on the system. Action:I created
an outline of what.
I was new to a training and development team that
was in the process of documenting business operational
procedures for conversion to a new SAP system. I was
assigned to create a presentation on the benefits of


converting to the new system for the deployment

Director. I was given little information on what the

As I said im very new I need to learn about this.

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Director actually wanted and minimal direction on who to

contact to capture details on the system. Action:I created
an outline of what.

33. Name one current financial figure released recently.


I was new to a training and development team that

was in the process of documenting business operational
procedures for conversion to a new SAP system. I was
assigned to create a presentation on the benefits of
converting to the new system for the deployment

How did that impact the market?

Best Answer
Cyprus would sell its gold reserves amid country
facing lot of debts has lead to drop in the gold
prices in various countries.

Director. I was given little information on what the

Director actually wanted and minimal direction on who to
contact to capture details on the system. Action:I created

Acquisition of I gate by capgemini has stengthened

its position in US market.

an outline of what
Research assignment for new market. I was

HCL Tech Q4 net slips 2.8% to Rs 1,783 crore,

shares fall.
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analysing them. GEtting data itself was challenge for

new market to enter altogether.
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34. How does A/R and inventory fluctuations affect the

income statement?
Top Answer

32. What software programs have you used for financial

he A/R affects the income statement only if A/R

Best Answer
I think using Microsoft Excel coupled with Microsoft
Access. They allow you to sort or create reports, which

on A/R do not affect the Income statement, but does

affect the balance sheet increasing cash and decreasing
A/R. Inventory effects the Income Statement through the

aids in looking for trends.

I have used both Microsoft Excel and SAS for
coding. I have more experience using the excel system.
In the past I have used Peachtree and I am currently
using QuickBooks. I am always willing to learn a new
software package.

increases, thereby also increasing revenue. Collections

cost of goods sold calculation. Your beginning inventory

minus ending inventory equals your cost of goods sold,
which is subtracted from Revenue to arrive at gross
Second Best

Accounts receivable is money payable for goods or

services that have not yet been used. When this
fluctuates either there is new income or new expenses.

35. What are your thoughts on the recent mortgage

Best Answer

While buy the material from the customers, the

Its sucks..... it sucks the big one.


credit period is 30 days & 60days, p&l hows affects.


more u lend liniently earlier you will be bankrupt


A/R & inventory fluctuation affect the income

statement by either increasing or decreasing Sales &

It has happened because of the gross negligence of

cogs on the income statement having larger amounts of

the financial institutions and regulatory bodies, it could

A/R recorded increases both sales and COGS on the

have been avoided.


income statements.
Accounts Receivable Impact Since accounts

Aggressive financing, high speculations, Faulty

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receivable and inventory are balance sheet items, they

do not directly affect your companys income statement.
Fluctuations or changes in these two current assets
always appear on the balance sheet and on the cash
flow statement. Revenues on the income statement

36. In your spare time, what magazines, newspapers,

journals, do you read?
Top Answer

show up as A/Rs or cash on the balance sheet and cash

flow statement. The payment of A/Rs by customers
converts A/Rs to cash, which in no way impacts the

Investopedia. It give complete glossary about

Second Best

income statement. Inventory Impact As your company

sells products, it reflects its inventory costs in the cost of
goods sold line item on the income statement.

Investopedia which has very useful information

about finance topics.

Therefore, any fluctuations or modifications to the cost

basis of that inventory will impact the income statement

Times of india.

via the cost of goods sold. However, as with A/Rs, the

cost of goods sold on the income statement already

I read business times of different news paper to

reflects inventory valuations on the balance sheet, so

understand the current economic trend and money

inventory-level fluctuations do not affect the income

market trent.


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In my spare time, I like to read articles on how to

make myself more efficient. And I spend time reading the

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investment whereas shareholders get shares on

profit2)Debenture holders gets 1st priority in case when

37. Where have you gained business knowledge outside

co is liquidated
Second Best

of a classroom?
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An investor is one who can only invest in varios

portfolios whereas the shareholder can not only buy or
sell the shares but he is also the owner of that company.

38. What other factors should you consider besides NPV

A shareholder is an investor is not a

when selecting a project?
Top Answer
benefit cost ratio is another option

shareholder. An investor can hold many other assets

besides shares.

Second Best
We consider the project at more than npv.

Investor invests and shareholders has their share.


Period of project, incoming fund flow and cash out
flow, market condition, work certification procedure and
payment period, client reputation, forex flatuation

Investor invests for better returns than prevailing

market rate, Shareholder owns the business.
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chances, etc.

40. How do you see Greece's economy unfolding in the

Detailed study about the project.

ROI, IRR, Cost benefit analysis and ratio .
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next few years due to their recent financial crisis?

Best Answer
If the political scenario in greece get stabilized with
the structural reforms there is possibility of coming out of
the crisis after the bail out is provided otherwise it seems

39. What is the difference between an investor and a

difficult at the moment.


Top Answer
All Shareholders are investors but all investors are
not shareholders:hence, holding share is one of the
means to invest. Whereas investor refers to debenture
holders as well as shareholders. If you are asking about
the difference between shareholders and debenture
holders,1)Debenture holders earns int from their

Its gonna go further down due to heavily imposed

taxes etc. Investors may loose likings to go there.
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41. Give an example of when you had multiple projects

Handle both the project as per their importance.

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due with a limited amount of time available. How did you

budget your time between the two projects?
Top Answer
At the end of every semester there are finals and
final projects. I typically just made sure that I took care of
what needed to get done first. Based on due date, I

42. Give me a time when you influenced management to

change an important decision?
Best Answer
Management was looking to make a change in the

would work on that respective project first. Another thing

company they were using for their uniforms. Upon

that was important was the difficulty or most important

analyzing the new potential contract it was going to cost

task to complete. I would make sure to leave enough

us more in the long run by changing companies so they

time to get everything done.

decided to stay with the current uniform company.

Second Best


I would determine how long each project will take

Making pricing decision for one of molecules we

me and break them up into manageable pieces in an

sale. They overpriced it, I concentrated on Contribution

effort to get each project done by the deadline.


I first tried to prioritize the projects followed by the

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ground work or help needed to finish the basic task

delegation and than focus on completing things.
Prioritize the work and time management.

43. Describe the current American monetary policy, and

how it affects your decision making.

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