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Piroxicam is a NSAID,

belonging to the
oxicam group. It
Brand Name: Feldene
inhibits prostaglandin
synthesis, reduces
fever by acting on the
heat-regulating center
of the hypothalamus,
inhibits plateletaggregating substance
thromboxane A2 and
reduces pain receptor
sensitivity. It also
exerts antiinflammatory effect by
lysosomal stabilisation,
kinin and leukotriene
production, alteration
of chemotactic factors
and neutrophil
activation inhibition.
Generic Name:

Side effects:
Advise patient to take this
Management of
Less serious side effects may include:
medication with a full glass of
upset stomach, mild heartburn or
water and to remain in an
disorders, including:
stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation;
upright position for 1530 min
Rheumatoid arthritis,
bloating, gas; dizziness, headache,
after administration.
nervousness; skin itching or rash; blurred Instruct patient to take
vision; or ringing in your ears
medication as directed. Take
Contraindicated in:
serious side effects: chest pain,
missed doses as soon as
weakness, shortness of breath, slurred
remembered but not if almost
speech, problems with vision or balance; time for the next dose. Do not
may exist with other
black, bloody, or tarry stools; coughing
double doses.
NSAIDs, including
up blood or vomit that looks like coffee
May cause drowsiness or
grounds; swelling or rapid weight gain;
dizziness. Advise patient to avoid
Active GI bleeding or
urinating less than usual or not at all;
driving or other activities
ulcer disease
nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of
requiring alertness until response
Perioperative pain
appetite, dark urine, clay-colored stools,
to the medication is known.
from coronary artery
jaundice; fever, sore throat, and
Caution patient to avoid the
bypass graft (CABG)
headache with a severe blistering,
concurrent use of alcohol, aspirin,
peeling, and red skin rash; bruising,
acetaminophen, or other OTC or
severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle
herbal products without
weakness; or fever, headache, neck
consulting health care
stiffness, chills, increased sensitivity to
light, purple spots on the skin, and/or
Advise patient to inform
health care professional of
Adverse effects:
medication regimen prior to
treatment or surgery.
CNS: drowsiness, headache, dizziness
Caution patient to use
EENT: blurred vision, tinnitus
CV: edema
sunscreen and protective
GI: drug-induced hepatitis, GI bleeding,
clothing to prevent
discomfort, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity reaction.

anorexia, constipation, diarrhea,

GU: renal failure
Derm: exfoliative dermatitis, stevensjohnson syndrome, toxic epidermal
necrolysis, rashes
Hemat: blood dyscrasias, prolonged
bleeding time
Misc: allergic reactions including

Advise patient to consult

health care professional if rash,
itching, visual disturbances,
tinnitus, weight gain, edema,
black stools, persistent
headache, or influenza-like
syndrome (chills, fever, muscle
aches, pain) occurs.

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